Grammar-Parts of Speech Lesson Plan

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LESSON PLAN- Grammar (Parts of Speech)

LESSON FOCUS: Consolodation of learning from previous weeks in relation to parts of

i.e. verb, noun, adjective, determiner, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjuction & interjection

LENGTH: 30 minutes

Understand how texts are made cohesive through the use of linking devices including pronoun reference
and text connectives (ACELA1491)
Understand that the meaning of sentences can be enriched through the use of noun groups/phrases and verb groups/phrases
and prepositional phrases(ACELA1493)
Understand how adverb groups/phrases andprepositional phrases work in different ways to provide circumstantial details about an
By the end of Level 4 students should demonstrate understanding of grammar.
Children are able to participate in class discussion on what the parts of speech are as well as suggest examples.
Children are able to participate successfully in Grammar Bingo



(5 minutes)

Read the Parts of Speech Poem.What is the poem talking about?
Introduce that the lesson is on Parts of Speech if they hadnt already guessed. They have
been learning all about it recently


What do you know about it/what have you learnt?
What are the different parts of speech?
What are some examples?


(20 minutes)

Grammar Bingo

Children to work individually or in pairs

Grammar bingo sheets


Learning Intention: To build on childrens overall understanding of the words that are
associated with the different parts of speech
Early Finish Plan: If finished early play this as a class:
Its an online build your own story game.

(5 minutes)
5 minute warning until the end of lesson
Children to come to carpet & share what they have learnt
Conclude activity
Children to pack away ready for next lesson

Lesson Evaluation:

Bingo Word List


absentmindedly, adoringly, awkwardlym , beautifully, briskly, brutally, carefully, cheerfully,competitively, eagerly, effortlessly,
extravagantly, girlishly, gracefully, grimly, lazily, lifelessly,loyally, quietly, quickly, quizzically, really, recklessly, remorsefully, ruthlessly,
savagely, sloppily,so, stylishly, unabashedly, unevenly, urgently, well, wishfully, worriedly, after, afterwards,annually, before, daily, never,
now, soon, still, then, today, tomorrow, weekly, when, yesterday,abroad, anywhere, away, everywhere, here, home, in, inside, out, outside,
somewhere, there,underground, upstairs, extremely, not (this includes n't), quite, rather, really, terribly, too, very

ah, aha, alleluia, amen, attaboy, aw, aye, bah, boo, bravo, bye, cheerio, cheers, crikey, dear, doh,duh, eh, eureka, gee, goodness, gosh, great,
hah, ha-ha, ,hallelujah, hello, hey, hey , hi, hmm, hotdog, huh, hurray, man, my word, now, ooh, oops, ouch, phew, phooey, pooh, rats, shoo,
shoot,so long, tut-tut, ugh, uh-huh, uh-oh, uh-uh, voila, wahoo, well, what, whoa, whoopee, whoops,whoosh, wow, yay, yes, yikes, yippee,
yo, yoo-hoo, yuk, yummy, zap

For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So, ; therefore,; consequently, ; thus, ; furthermore, ; however, ; still, ;also, ; besides, ; moreover, ; nevertheless, ;
otherwise, ; then, Because, Unless, When, Where,Why, Wherever, Who, That, How, Since, Whether, Unless, Until, As, If, As if, While,
Before, After,Although, Provided that, As long as, As though, In order that, So that, Than, Though, Whenever

about. above, across, after, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath,beside, between, by, down, during, except, for,
from, in, in front of, inside, instead of, into, like,near, of, off, on, onto, on top of, out of, outside, over, past, since, through, to,toward, under,
underneath, until, up, upon, with, within, without

called, cleans, looking, talk, ended, waiting, kissing, washed, lives, loving, begs, sinned, played,cries, studying, died, ties, cut, hitting, quits,
upsets, burst, cost, spreading, knit, sat, began,swims, rung, singing, swings, hang, shrunk, brings, buying, fights, taught, kept, sweeping,
bleeds,feeding, fled, met, lending, felt, kneels, dreamt, spilling, burns, told, grind, choose, spoken,weave, driving, written, hides, got,
forgetting, give, swelled, flew, knows, thrown, withdrawing,beats, shakes, wear, bear, understood, became, went, had, pays, lies, lost,
proving, saw, sews,shown, won, was/were

absent, average, afraid, adorable, bad, beautiful, bizarre, boring, bright, changeable, chilly,hchubby, colossal, cowardly, crabby, curly,
dashing, delightful, devilish, dramatic, dusty, early,elderly, evil, enchanting, exotic, fabulous, fancy, fat, festive, finicky, funny, gaping,
gentle, giant,grumpy, gruesome, handsom, happy, healthy, high, humorous, hysterical, idiotic, illegal,immense, itchy, invincible, jazzy, jolly,
joyous, jumpy, kind, knotty, knowledgeable, large, late,lavish, lean, likable, lovely, lush, macabre, magical, malicious, mature, mighty,
moldy,mysterious, narrow, nasty, nice, noisy, noxious, nutritious, obedient, old, organic, overconfident,painful, perfect, petitie, pleasant,
prickly, psychedelic, quaint, quick, quiet, rainy, righteous,romantic, royal, sassy, scary, secretive, spooky, successful, strange, tacky, talented,
tall, tiny,toothsome, ugly, unusual, upset, various, venomous, vivacious, wacky, warm, watchful, weak,wise, wonderful, young, yummy,
zany, zippy

all, another, any, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, each other, either, everybody,everyone, everything, few, he, her, hers, herself, him,
himself, his, I, it, its, itself, little, many, me,mine, more, most, much, my, myself, neither, no one, nobody, none, nothing, one,
one another,other, others, our, ours, ourselves, several, she, some, somebody, someone, something, that,their, theirs, them, themselves, these,
they, this, those, us, we, what, whatever, which,whichever, who, whoever, whom, whomever, whose, you, your, yours, yourself, yourselves

area, body, book, business car, case, change, child, city, community, company, council, country,court, day, development, door, effect, end,
eye, face, fact, family, figure, form, friend,government, group, hand, head, home, hour, house, idea, information, interest, job, law, level,life,
line, man, market, member, million, minister, money, month, mother, name, need, night,number, office, other, part, party, people, percent,
period, person, place, point, police, policy,power, problem, question, rate, reason, report, result, right, road, room, school, servic e, side,state,
study, system, term, thing, time, use, view, war, water, way, woman, word, work, world,year

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