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Analysis of a Tech Infused Lesson

This task requires that you analyze a technology infused lesson that is anchored in the TIP,
SAMR, and Blooms Digital Taxonomy framework. To complete the project, you must first reflect
upon, or observe, a technologically integrated lesson in any grade level and then fill out each
question below. Upon completing the template, nhjkjjksubmit this Google Doc into the
respective area on Blackboard.
Lesson Template
Name: Scott Ericksen
Grade: 8th
Subject: U.S. History
Topic: Federalism
Tech Information
Discuss the type of tech that is used in the lesson that was observed or reflected upon: The
tech I observed was a power point and a primary source document via computer.

Provide a shortened link to the tech that can help someone better understand the tech
Provide a brief summary of the lesson, and pay attention to how, and where, the tech fits into
the lesson: The technology was used right away. It was in a form of a powerpoint that
reinstated the daily objectives. After that students read in book and off of the powerpoint. One
teacher explain the basics of Federalism and Antifederalism. He used the online version of the
school textbook. However he used a resource from the online site, not the text itself. It allowed
him to use visuals throughout the powerpoint and present a primary source document
(federalist papers) to the whole class to analyze. He also showed a picture of the bill of right
ar the end of the lesson- which led to the next day's lesson.

Technology Integration Planning (TIP) Model

Step 1: (TIP) Determine the relative advantage
Identify a problem/issue that could be addressed with the lesson: Maybe not all students
would read the text when asked. Powerpoint also helped put visuals to ideas.

Discuss how the tech youve identified can address the problem/issue above: It allowed all
kids to read it on the screen or get access to primary source documents that would not have
been accessible on a large scale.
Step 2: (TIP) Access the required resources and skills
Explain the types of equipment, software, media, materials a teacher would need to complete
the lesson: The teacher would need a computer, google slides or microsoft words. Also he
needed an account for the online history book.- A teacher's account.

Discuss how comfortable you are with using the tech, and any other types of equipment
discussed, and explain how you might plan to become more fluent with these resources if you
were to teach the lesson: I am very comfortable with these types of programs. I actually
helped create the powerpoint and came up with the idea of the primary source document. I
just didnt have access to the document as easy as Mr. Ericksen.

Step 3: (TIP) Decide on the lessons objectives and assessments

Write clear and concise learning objectives/outcomes (aligned to CCSS, NGSS, or State
Standards) that you expect from using the new methods: Students will know the differences
between Federalist and Anti Federalists by getting all check for understanding correct.

Write clear and concise learning objectives/outcomes (aligned to the ISTE student standards)
that you expect from using the new methods: Students will analyze the Federalist papers to
better understand their point of view and gain further knowledge on the debate for the

Students break problems into component parts, extract key information, and develop
descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-solving.
Discuss how you will asses the objectives/outcomes above: Formative assessments like
checking for understanding during the lesson and at the end. As well as on summative
assessments like unit tests.

Step 4: (TIP) Designing instructional strategies

Provide a step-by-step lesson outline that identifies the approach youd take if you were to
teach this lesson:
Warmup- post it on the powerpoint so it's nice and bright and easy for all kids to see. I can
also give them instant feedback on the powerpoint, by using animations.

Federalist: Explaining the federalist- I would have put more quotes and book passages from
the text on the powerpoint and then break them apart with the class, exploring Inquiry based
Anti-Federalst: Same idea as before just more compare and contrast with graphic
Federalist Papers: Easy to explain the debate for the U.S. Constitution with access to these
essays. It would have been a hard lesson to get across to the students without access to
Checking for understanding: I think I would have done a few quizlet or kahoot questions at
the end of the lesson that Mr. Ericksen did not.
Discuss how youd prepare students to use the type of technology (app) discussed in this
lesson: Powerpoint is very common nowadays. The primary source knowledge takes time.
The more access they have to these the easier it gets. Kahoot and quizlet just takes a time or
two to get use too. They also need access to the Internet.
Step 5: (TIP) Preparing the instructional environment
Discuss how you would arrange the resources/technology in your classroom for this particular
lesson: I would have used it just like Mr. Ericksen. Maybe some checking for understanding
question during the middle of the powerpoint. It was arrange very well otherwise.

Explain what steps youd need to take to make sure that the technology works: I would go
through the powerpoint in present mode to make sure all animations are on as well as all links
go to the right place. Getting access to the primary source would take you time to figure out.
You would just have to prepare correctly.

Step 6: (SAMR)
When thinking about how the tech is used in your lesson, Identify the SAMR level that best
demonstrates how the tech is utilized: Mr. ericksen used the SAMR model in terms of
substitution and augmentation. Instead of having all text from the book he had it on the
computer. WOuld could have possible got copies of the Federalist papers, but it would have
taken weeks of planning and lots of time. Where the internet made it instantaneously.
Provide a rationale that explains why youve chosen the SAMR level above and think (write)
about how you might utilize tech differently at a higher SARM level: I explained above. I would
maybe create a copy of the Federalist Paper we were looking at and allow students to
comment on the actual document.

Step 7: Blooms Digital Taxonomy

Discuss the Blooms Taxonomy level that is utilized through the technology and provide a
rationale: Analyze was a big aspect of the lesson which is also important in Bloom's
Taxonomy. To be able to analyze a primary document you must be able to see it, read it and
think about it. Technology allowed for this to happen. You could even create groups and have
the students create their own Federalist Papers.


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