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THE USBORNE BEGINNER'S SPANISH DICTIONARY BEGINNER'S | SPANISH — DICTIONARY Helen Davies Illustrated by John Shackell | Designed by Brian Robertson Edited by Nicole Irving Language consultants: Jane Straker and Gloria Brass Handlettering by Jack Potter Additional designs by Kim Blundell Editorial help from Anita Ganeri -Contents Using this book Meeting people Families Appearance and personality Your body Houses and homes Dining room and living room In the kitchen In the garden Pets Getting up Clothes Going to bed Eating and drinking Buying food Pastimes Going out At the zoo and in the park In the city Shopping At the post office and bank Phonecalls and letters Out and about Driving Travelling by train Travelling by plane and boat Vacations In the countryside On the farm At work Illness and health School and education Shapes and sizes Numbers Sport Celebrations Days and dates Time Weather and seasons World and universe Politics Describing things Colors In, on, under ... Action words Grammar hints Phrase explainer English-Spanish word list Using this book This book contains over 2,000 useful Spanish words, with pictures to help you remember them. To help you identify words, nouns (naming words) are printed in roman lettering (el libro , book) and verbs (doing words), adjectives (describing words) and phrases in italics ( grande , big). Nouns Spanish nouns are either masculine or feminine (this is called their gender). The Spanish word for “the” shows which gender a noun is. “The” is el when the word is masculine and la when it is feminine. In the plural el becomes los and la becomes las. Sometimes the following abbreviations are also used: (f) feminine, (m) masculine, (s) singular and (pl) plural. In Spanish, nouns that describe what people do or what they are (e.g. dancer) often have a masculine and a feminine form. When they appear in the illustrated section of the book only the form which matches the picture is given, but both masculine and feminine forms are given in the alphabetical word list at the back. Spanish words often have a mark over one of the vowels (e.g. el balcén). This is called a stress mark and shows that you should emphasize that part of the word. You can find out more about pronouncing Spanish words at the beginning of the word list on page 109. Adjectives Adjectives in Spanish change their ending depending on whether the noun they are describing is masculine or feminine. Most adjectives end in o in the masculine and the ochanges toa in the feminine. In the pictures the adjective matches the noun illustrated. However it is useful to learn both masculine and feminine forms, so both are given in the word box. When you see only one form, it means the masculine and feminine are the same. Verbs Throughout the book verbs appear in the infinitive (“to hide, to look for’ in English). In Spanish, infinitives end in either ar, er or ir, You can find out how to use verbs on page 98 and there is a list of irregular verbs on page 103. Meeting people iHola! el hombre iAdiés! Goodbye la mujer woman jHasta pronto! * See you later. el bebé baby dar la mano to shake hands elnino boy dar un beso to kiss la nina Muy bien, Igracias! [la omiga | presentar to introduce 2Qué tal? How are you? la amiga friend (f) Muy bien, jgracias! Very well, thank ei amigo friend (m) you encontrarse con to meet *You can find the literal meaning of phrases and expressions in the Phrase explainer section on pages 106-9. charlar Si No De acuerdo. decir echarse a reir to burst out laughing Bec el nombre ai el nombre de pila first name Pilar RUlz © ; el apellido surname UIZ | sComo te llamas? What's your name? | Me llamo... My name i el apellido : His ame av | diecinueve atios. = lam (a i eee H age 3Cuadntos afios tienes? How old are you? mayor que older than Tengo diecinueve aiios. I’m nineteen. més pequefio(a) que younger than pequefio(a) young la misma edad the same age Families r fa. #4 _!a abuela la familia family grandmother el padre father la tia aunt la madre mother el tio uncle el hermano brother la prima cousin (f) Ja hermana sister el primo cousin (m) el abuelo grandfather oe ye el sobrino & i [EN cu aH D2, =] a ct , tenerle carifio a la sobrina to be related la nieta granddaughter son tenerle carifioa to be fond of daughter el sobrino nephew to bring up la sobrina niece grandson el nacimiento nacer la nifiez el casamiento casarse Ses birth to be born childhood marriage to get married la mujer el marido los padres querer a los hijos los gemelos el hijo nico 4 la nifez trabajar la vejez la muerte morirse el entierro wife husband parents to love children twin brothers only son el casamiento Lh el entierro wedding to work old age death to die funeral i Appearance and personality bonito(a) pretty guapo(a) handsome fuerte strong débil weak flaco(a) delgado(a) do(a) triste bien educado(a) polite mal educado(a) rude generoso(a) generous tonto(a) silly retraido(a) shy amistoso(a) friendly gracioso(a) funny alegre cheerful triste miserable Zaz fruncir Be llorar | ax” la tez complexion tener barba to have a beard tener el pelo rubio to have blond hair _ el pelo rizado curly hair | moreno(a) dark llevar gafas to wear glasses el pelo castafio brown hair flequillo bangs blanco(a) fair fruncir el cefio. to frown el pelo rojo red hair trenzas braids las pecas freckles to smile el pelo laso straight hair ser calvo to be bald tener bigote to have a to laugh moustache Morar to cry Your body ser alto(a) to be tall ser bajo(a) to be short pesarse to weigh yourself ser ligero(a) to be light ser pesado(a) to be heavy la cabeza el pelo hair la cara face la piel skin el ojo eye la mejilla cheek la nariz nose la oreja ear la boca mouth el diente tooth la lengua tongue el labio lip el cuello neck la barbilla “| derecho elladoizquierdo _left side el lado derecho right side (estar erhad AZ, (A Py - a el pecho a ; el pulgar of K el brazo el estémago| | el cuerpo body el hombro shoulder el pecho chest el brazo arm el codo elbow la mano hand el dedo finger el pulgar thumb la munieca wrist la espalda back el estémago stomach la pierna leg la rodilla knee eldedodelos pies toe el pie foot el tobillo ankle el talén heel el codo andar descalzo(a) to walk barefoot ponerse de pie to stand up estar de pie to be standing arrodillarse to kneel down estar de rodillas to be kneeling tumbarse to lie down estar echado(a) to be lying down sentarse to sitdown estar sentado(a) to be sitting down 10 Houses and homes hi | eS - la casa de pisos h la casa de pisos block of apartments| iz a | el piso apartment il | i RC Es mi casa. This is where | live. segundo piso(m) second floor la puerta de entrada front door el timbre doorbell a tocar el timbre to ring the bell el buzén letter box d el felpudo doormat el balcén balcony primer piso first floor el portero caretaker (m) venirse a vivir to move in 4 piso bajo vivir en ulla casa af) Ds D la casa house vivir en una casa to live in a house la vecina neighbor (f) la patrona landlady mudarse to move out el huésped tenant (m/f) el sétano basement el humo. el tejado la chimenea el desvan la ventana la pared la puerta el retrete el dormitorio el cuarto de bano la cocina el comedor el garaje arriba subir bajar la escalera abajo la sala de estar el sdtano smoke roof chimney attic window wall door toilet bedroom bathroom kitchen dining room [a ail garage upstairs to go upstairs to go downstairs staircase, stairs downstairs living room basement os" Dining room and living room In the kitchen el comedor dining room la cocina kitchen la luz light la alacena cupboard el radiador radiator la lavadora washing machine la mesa table lavar la ropa to do the washing lasilla chair la nevera fridge el suelo floor la alfombra carpet, rug la sala de estar Ta alfombrahes cacerol, a aes la sala de estar living room ver la television to watch television pasar la aspiradora to vacuum el reloj clock el sofa sofa guisar to cook fregar to do the dishes la cortina curtain la moqueta wall-to-wall carpet la cacerola saucepan sucio(a) dirty el fuego fire la television television el gas gas el fregadero sink la chimenea fireplace el video VCR (video cassette lalatadelabasura —_ waste basket secar to dry el sillén armchair recorder) planchar toiron el pafio de cocina tea towel sentarse al fuego to sitbythe fire la radio radio el enchufe plug limpiota) clean leer un libro to read a book la electricidad electricity In the garden cuidar el jardin cl cuidar el jardin el césped el sendero el macizo el jardinero el cortacésped cortar el césped la parcela de verduras la tierra la hierba 1 ss el cortacés Q és ay FPR Fy pe pel Pb Se LS Sit NON te ; SS 3 el invernadero 3 Bi Iz | lees La 3 el invernadero greenhouse la cuerda de la ropa _ clothes line “Cie . la pinza clothes pin | si + el arbol tree a sombra el pajaro el nido el arbusto la sombra bird nest bush shade ado R. la hierba ret arbusto to do the gardening lawn path flowerbed gardener (m) lawnmower to mow the lawn vegetable patch soil grass i : é ‘ Me « & a — la tierra [° la abeja la mariposa la avispa picar la rosa oler bien bonito(a) el crisantemo, el geraneo bee butterfly wasp to sting rose to smell sweet pretty, lovely chrysanthemum geranium el tulipan la nomeolvides el clavel las semillas plantar el bulbo quitar los hierbajos el hierbajo tulip forget-nie-not carnation seeds to plant bulb to weed weed Ll la carretilla la caseta de jardin ; po garden shed » a desp la carretilla wheelbarrow i res el desplantador trowel Z ot —— rs, el rastrillo rake | j . aS la pala spade = ’ la horquilla fork el rastrillo la regadera watering can Sz Pets me aa “1 el perro dog el canario canary el conejo rabbit | la perrera kennel posarse to perch la tortuga turtle el cachorro puppy " elala wing la jaula cage el pelo fur ¢ el pico beak dar de comer to feed la pata paw Ja pluma feather elpezdecolores _goldfish juguetén playful el hamster hamster el ratén. mouse ladrar to bark , el erizo hedgehog el cuenco de cristal bow! jATENCION AL BEWARE OF THE af — el conejillo de Indias guinea pig PERRO! DOG perseguir to chase — traer to fetch yee Bh abo tall la pata || yugueton g mover el rabo to wag its tail = [a - o eS = grufir to growl See ge. | ladrar cy I sacar a paseo to take for a walk = [ ere NY sacar a paseo el gato el cesto basket ronronear to purr —_ i ie el gatito kitten fie ronronear Fe maullar to mew ig estirar to stretch el conejo SOOO | ee la garra claw suave soft encantador(a) sweet 5 b oh Getting up % despertarse | ae, / 4 despertarse to wake up a L nae iBuenos dias! Good-morning s eee frotarse los ojos to rub your eyes el espejo . Snr ad Gestesar leva la afeitadora eléctrica electric shaver el despertador alarm clock | la maquinilla de afeitar razor la espuma de afeitar shaving foam frotarse los ojos ae bostezar ee = 3 e| despertador | Z =a ee o — : | el agua caliente | fria_| [el grifo | ll levantarse to get up. descorrer las cortinas to open the curtains el grifo h tap la bata robe el agua(f)* caliente hot water el agua fria cold water & la pasta de dientes toothpaste el cepillo de dientes toothbrush limpiarse los dientes to clean your teeth secarse el pelo la secadora eléct: i linpiarse ke Tos “dientes | 5 la ducha shower ducharse to have a shower lavarse el pelo to wash your hair secarse el pelo to dry your hair la secadora eléctrica_hairdrier el champu shampoo el cepillo brush lavarse to wash, to have a el peine comb wash peinarse to comb your hair Ma el jabén soap cepillarse el pelo to brush your hair ® el panto dela cara washcloth secarse to dry yourself la toalla towel — desnudo(a) naked maguillarse rw ra y] cepillarse an toalla a 7 a to = on make-up el rimel mascara AZ la crema base foundation cream el perfume labarra de labios lipstick | el perfume perfume | ig because ebis samietimes used 21 ormha”. Clothes el leotardo tights el sostén bra las bragas panties las enaguas half slip - los calcetines socks la camiseta undershirt la combinacién petticoat, slip los calzoncillos underpants las joyas jewelry los pendientes earrings eS el prendedor brooch 4 2 la pulsera bracelet Z| j cl reloj de pulsera watch Vhs see la sortija ring CG los pendientes el anillo wedding ring abi : ay el collar necklace > [Ta gorra Ff el impermeabie | ‘er [Ta bufanda | | : la camiseta los vaqueros vestirse to get dressed la corbata la blusa blouse el jersey sweater la falda skirt de lana woollen el vestido dress los pantalones trousers llevar to wear la camiseta T-shirt la chaqueta de punto cardigan de algodén cotton, made of los vaqueros jeans cotton la camisa shirt el mono dungarees el abrigo la gorra cap el sombrero el impermeable raincoat el bolsillo la bufanda scarf los guantes fa chaqueta jacket el cinturon la cremallera zipper el botén los zapatos shoes las botas las sandalias sandals Going to bed la hora de acostarse bedtime encender la luz to switch the light on estar cansado(a) to be sleepy poner orden to tidy up quitarse la ropa to get undressed poner orden ~ ——. Fa | albornoz 2 z a poner el bano bafarse el bano el tapén de baiio el albornoz salpicar la esterita de bafio la bascula to run the bath to have a bath bathtub plug bathrobe to splash bathmat scales eA SAW ’ el camison la cancién de cuna leer un cuento la cuna dormirse iHasta manana! iQué duermas bien! sonar dormir apagar Ja lampara lullaby to read a story crib to fall asleep Good-night. Sleep well. to dream to sleep to switch the light off lamp acostarse to go to bed el pijama pajamas el camison nightgown las zapatillas slippers leer un cuento = dormirse ee . es oe | é' KS EN la colcha LAL lamesillade noche bedside table el duvé quilt la cama bed roncar to snore la almohada pillow la sabana sheet la colcha bedspread Eating and drinking poner la mesa Ya esta. la cafetera fa tetera la servilleta el vaso el tazon el plato la taza el platillo el mantel el jarro fa cuchara el cuchillo el tenedor 26 to set the table It's ready coffee-pot poner la mesa teapot napkin : glass bowl b =| la cafetera plate cup saucer fe — “ tablecloth Ge = itcher Eicon a knife la tetera a 4 servilleta la cuchara oa ed el iSirvete! Help yourself. iQué aproveche! Enjoy your meal. tener sed to be thirsty beber to drink tener hambre to be hungry comer to eat Esta muy rico. It tastes good. haber comido bien to have eaten well el almuerzo la ensalada el queso fa fruta la cerveza el agua mineral el almuerzo el desayuno el jugo de frutas el café elté la mantequilla el pan salad cheese fruit beer mineral water aN ee. ==) la comida la sopa la carne el vino las verduras el postre | = breakfast fruit juice coffee tea butter bread la carne me rs Kx dinner, main meal soup meat wine vegetables dessert Buying food lacarne | la carne meat | L $$$ | ¢ chorizo spicy cooked el chorizo sausage | el salchichén salami el pescado el besugo los mariscos Ja merluza fish sea bream shellfish hake [el saichichén| la pierna de cordero leg of lamb ! lachuleta de cerdo pork chop el bacalao el pollo chicken el filete steak el jamon ham la ternera veal la salchicha sausage oe | Se. fr = el jamon Se la ternera 4 I Ate el albaricoque ig & Sr. : =f u ay i Dies verduras) Fa EY el platano fe : ' la zanahoria BS las espinacas Bag el'tomate 1 re Ad LAA EEE i 5) [cotter Ela ja verae f Z MA"e \ e iis aces , (gc Dagon ranja Qe] la cebolla § ee la col de Bruselas Coe meee . — ! [GS assem lary > are AY la fruta fruit agriota) bitter, sharp Via 2s verduras vegetables la coliflor cauliflower lauva grape el melén melon u fresco(a) fresh la col de Bruselas Brussels sprout la frambuesa raspberry la cereza cherry la col cabbage la ensalada salad la fresa strawberry el albaricoque apricot ye) clajo garlic crudo(a) raw dulce sweet la ciruela plum | Dey) lacebolla onion el tomate tomato el platano banana la manzana apple | Sy) el guisante pea la judia verde green bean el melocotén peach la pera pear la zanahoria carrot la patata potato maduro(a) ripe la naranja orange las espinacas spinach ellimén. lemon 29 Buying food los fideos pasta | el chocolate chocolate los garbanzos chick peas = la galleta cookie las judias kidney beans la tarta tart la nata cream el bufiuelo doughnut la leche milk | 7 * la torta cake J la margarina margarine — el helado ice-cream el yogur yogurt | y ea el pastel pastry, small tart la miel honey : 5 los huevos eggs la mermelada jam el azticar sugar la harina flour ZZ la miel |ageeal 2 ( = 2 ee E ei el vinagre > Boe la mermelada f Cas | al especias : ae | SSS Se el aceite el vinagre vinegar B sal salt =z — la pimienta pepper "4 el condimento seasoning cA la mostaza mustard Senta: los congelados frozen food pee tpcoal ot pal bread el ingrediente ieeeaitent “ las especias condiments 8 Bre : mezclar to mix | sate ee robar to taste los productos en lata. canned food P | al panecillé all el sabor flavor, taste | Py iRiquisimo! Delicious! | = 31 32 Pastimes mirar la television to watch television hacer punto to knit lacadena éannel las agujas knitting needles el programa program el patron pattern escuchar la radio to listen to the yarn radio los auriculares headphones zapatear to tap your feet latela las tijeras scissors el hilo thread el alfiler pin la aguja needle la cinta elastica elastic 5 a oo 4 en a escuchar m (a aroboccra ea =e Pane SB, Ss el cassette — escuchar musica to listen to music la grabadora cassette recorder el cassette cassette “| el tocadiscos record player el dis record la misica pop pop music la misica clasica classical music el tornillo SS —--— woodwork la novela la carpinteria habil skillful, good with leer to read la novela novel your hands la heroina heroine BF lasierra saw el héroe hero hacer to make el periddico newspaper ah ‘ el martillo hammer la revista magazine y “WY ees reparar to mend el tebeo comic = el tornillo screw la poesia poetry el tebeo el atornillador screwdriver Pastimes la fotografia photography tomar una foto to take a photograph la maquina fotografica camera la maquina de video video camera la pelicula film la foto photograph en foco in focus fuera de foco out of focus Vy la maquina de video (aca la galeria de arte art gallery pintar to paint el pintor painter (m) el pincel brush el cuadro painting la pintura paint la exposicién exhibition ordenar to sort, to arrange pegar to stick coleccionar sellos to collect stamps fa coleccién collection la misico musician (f) tocar los tambores to play the drums el instrumento instrument tocar la trompeta to play the trumpet tocar el violin to play the violin tocar el violoncelo to play the cello tocar el piano to play the piano la orquesta orchestra tocar la guitarra to play the guitar el director de orquesta conductor (m) la misico J el instrumento tocar la guitarra \f GEIL 6 BA CY ; Q)Sy me tocar /a trompeta a 2 = cantar to sing fa melodia tune el coro choir cantar desafinado to sing out of tune cantar desatinado Genes ae es jugar a las cartas to play cards BE: jugar a las damas to play checkers Jugar alas danas jugar al ajedrez to play chess los juegos de tablero board games aS == los juegos de tablero be — Going out _ el cine movie(s) el cine ir al cine to go to the - ——w movies ral cine la pelicula film = la butaca seat la acomodadora usherette la taquilla box-offige i Sea me oF 2 pe a Ap Af la acomodadora iam) r y el cantante (je 4 : ES 7 AS _famoso el bailarin AE | el ballet ballet la 6pera opera la butaca el bailarin ballet dancer (m) el cantante singer (m) l actuar to perform famoso(a) famous El servicio 1 esta incluido. ir a.una sala de togotoa fiestas nightclub el dise jockey disc jockey bailar to dance la pista de baile dance floor el teatro_ _ et la pista de baile la obra de teatro : - a == | [aE el actor el teatro theatre la obra de teatro play — i el decorado de escena scenery el restorén restaurant el postre dessert, pudding el foco spotlight % el camarero waiter la cuenta bill Z la actriz actress el ment menu 2Esta incluido el Is service 3 el actor actor | Qué van a tomar? = What would you servicio? included? la escena stage like? El servicio no esta Service is not 2G el pablico audience pedir to order i ‘ included. aplaudir to clap servir to serve la propit ti gustarle gustarle a uno to enjoy, to like para empezar* starter la nee ay @ Ufa iBravo! Bravo! Splendid! el primer plato main course *Para empezar literally means “to start with”. el zoologico 700 = ‘el mono monkey el animal animal a SS | el canguro kangaroo la cebra zebra Pel canguro 4 a el avestruz ostrich la jirafa iraffe ! = 1 3 el camello camel al eeaiBlances paler best = ion el avestruz |} la giba hump el elefante elephant e|_camello \\ | —__< | al aguila(t eagle la trompa trunk a ase | la giba } el pingiiino penguin el colmillo tusk AS he giba g el hipopdtamo hippopotamus el gorila gorilla = 3 ') a jaula cage salvaje wild D el leén lion manso(a) tame rugir to roar dar de comer to feed el tigre tiger g el guardian keeper la serpiente snake At the zoo Back Ssereey a jel pinguino | salvaje i y = Ts Se Zs Ss inn 3 : anso el guardian el hipopatamo j i el vigilante |y = = ~~ VT UT ve el parque park Fi —_ el vigilante park keeper el estanque pond OO ae el columpio swing labarcade remo —_ rowing boat el columpio | \ vigilar to keep an eye on remar to row oe trepar to climb el remo oar \4 ey to dig P] la merienda picnic b el tobogan slide =| elbanco bench el tiovivo merry-go-round descansar to rest colgarse a to hang on to = el remo 4 ee ol remo A - la barca de remo f= a e- Se | tob y er ee, eos i) la merienda ‘a ” tes Soe Ge large town, city la capital i (also capital city) las afueras suburb la ciudad town el rascacielos skyscraper 7 la catedral cathedral (| dlrio river > J el puente bridge y j + | eldistrito district mp er | el edificio building | i laiglesia hitch FS el cementerio | el cementerio cemetery f a1 TH os Fe = el parque el ayuntamientof! {a comisaria =; de bomberos \ “ yoy | hat is = el bloque de oficinas _ Zs beros me! coche de bom - } el coche 1 aaa de policia . \ la fabrica ae ‘ re la biblioteca 4 iV \\ \ ~ . el parque de bomberos fire station el bloque de oficinas office block el coche de bomberos fire engine la comisaria police station la fabrica factory el coche de policia police car el ayuntamiento town hall la biblioteca library TT \ rN" VAY \ WY ‘ \ \N\ \ \ \\ mh el centro town square | la calle street estrechota) narrow ancho(a) broad la esquina corner atravesar la calle to cross the street el cruce de peatones pedestrian crossing el peatén pedestrian la plaza square la estatua statue el cruce el poste de la luz street light & de peatones el mercado abierto street market ca ” el cruce subterréneo subway Lg “es de yf a a oo a Ay ee el peaton = f t co pytebhy, Ss2.7g) ~& el poste de la luz ea al el quiosco de newspaper stand - 4 ae periédicos ae he la paloma pigeon | (el quiosco def el grupo de gente crowd BBs periddicos yendo y viniendo bustling M “ 3 la papelera de calle trash can la acera pavement darse prisa to hurry el anuncio advertisement a _ Oe o de gente a’ viniendo bee a = yendo ¥ R10 papelera Ry mmer=x de calle at a hacer una lista to make a list la bolsa de compras shopping bag Mista las tiendas © ae, las tiendas shops la farmacia pharmacy ir de tiendas to go shopping la libreria bookshop el carnicero butcher la merceria needlecraft shop la fiambreria delicatessen la floristeria florist ultramarinos grocery shop la peluqueria hairdresser el panadero bakery la tienda de discos record shop la pasteleria cake shop latienda de modas —_ boutique la pescaderia fish market 42 ye binions _ hacer las *cornpras ¢ Cuanto es todo? [ir alsupermercado la cesta la carretilla el altavoz el mostrador la nave | cl bote el paquete fa botella ‘9 laentrada | la salida la salida de caja la bolsita 7 la cajera to go to the supermarket basket shopping cart loudspeaker counter aisle can packet bottle entrance exit checkout bag cashier (f) = bai a . hacer las compras to do the shopping el puesto market stall hacer cola to line up How much do | owe you? Todo es... That will be... pesar to weigh Un kilo de... Akilo of... Medio kilo de... Half a kilo of... 4 4 = a Shopping ir de escaparates to go window- una ganga(f) a bargain la libreria y la bookshop and la tarjeta postal postcard shopping la clienta customer (f) papeleria stationer’s el boligrafo ball-point pen el escaparate shop window comprar to buy el libro book el lapiz pencil No es caro. H's good value. la dependienta shop assistant (f) | la edicion de bolsillo paperback el papel de cartas writing paper Es algo caro. It’s expensive. vender to sell | el sobre envelope SALDOS( SALE a ir de escaparates } —<— 4x |_laclienta |. ae | comprar ] el escaparate_ 5 ees TE “la tarjeta postal Ras SS a [la dependienta | vender ms ME & la edicion de bolsillo F Ei | los grandes almacenes a } 1 A; a | SS ER] : _ |el departamento 3 ie Rs Lyf ie to spend money gastar dinero pequefio small el precio price mediano medium el recibo receipt grande large los grandes almacenes department store — juguetes( toys 3Qué desea? Can | help you? 3Cuanto cuesta...? How much is...? el departamento department muebles( furniture Querria... I'd like... Cuesta... It costs... la escalera movil escalator equipo de deporte(m) sports equipment #Qué tamaiio es esto? What size is this? el ascensor elevator ropa(f) clothing, clothes At the post office and bank correos( post office el telegrama telegram , el buzén mailbox el formulario form echar al correo to mail el sello stamp la carta letter por avion airmail el paquete package las seas address las horas de recogida collection times _ el distrito postal zip code mandar to send | a el formulario |@ la carta elias horas de Tecogida = el sello —i Z las sefias _— el cartero postman el correo mail entregar to deliver 46 H i i oe || el tipo de cambio E el gerente del banco a meter dinero la cartera as el banco el dinero cambiar dinero el tipo de cambio el gerente del banco el cajero iTiene cambio? la moneda el billete \ sacar dinero | = i a [= cambiar dinero el billete “) ad | Monedero a, és z a bank money to change money exchange rate bank manager cashier (m) Have you any change? coin Paper money la tarjeta de crédito meter dinero en el banco sacar dinero del banco la chequera hacer un cheque la cartera el monedero el bolso ‘a = hacer un cheque | el cajero credit card to put money in the bank to take money out check-book to write a check wallet purse handbag Phonecalls and letters s AHenzy z = g “ Fi . ; 7 escribir una carta to write a letter Adjunto... l enclose... descolgar i Muy sefior mio:/ Dear Sir/Madam, a vueltade correo _by return mail = tel ridrcar e lane Estimada sefiora: Le saluda Yours faithfully, SERA a, | ines tarde: - Gracias por su carta Thank you for your __atentamente, ET del... letter of... la cifra | el nimero regional |} é ~ eed de teléfono : abu da la guia de teléfonos 7 hacer una llamada to make a la guia de teléfonos _ telephone directory telephone call sonar to ring el teléfono telephone contestar al teléfono to answer the el auricular receiver telephone descolgar to pick up the ;Digame! Hello! receiver iQuién habla Who's speaking? marcar el nimero to dial the number Soy Juanita. It’s Juanita. abrir una carta to open a letter Te mando por 1am sending... el numero de telephone number Te llamo mas tarde. I'll call you back. Querida Juanita: Dear Juanita, separado... separately. teléfono iAdiés! Goodbye. Me encanto tener It was lovely to Un abrazo de... Love from... la cifra regional area code colgar to hang up noticias tuyas. hear from you. CQO ae mandar una postal tosenda postcard — mandar un telegrama_ to send a telegram la cabina de teléfono telephone box Pasdndolo muy bien, Having a lovely Recado urgente stop Urgent message la urgencia emergency time. telefonea a casa stop telephone la llamada de 9H call Deseando verte Look forward to home urgencia . pronto. seeing you soon. Out and about ira pie { Por donae , esta...? © y/ correr SS A & é egies ie We 2 [el camino es QI jae as hey elcamion = as be conductor cA qué distancia X esta... ? ae el cochecito de nifios |; ira pie to walk el mapa map correr torun el poste indicador signpost el cochecito de nifios stroller 3A qué distancia How far t8...2 , apis Za sPor donde esté...2 Which wayis...? esta? 4 la motocicleta preguntar el camino to ask the way ‘i Vi SAS) ae a , fe eniealonien A aah - p TFS (cinasieo Daley el trafico traffic el ciclomotor moped AH] PT. el camién truck ir en bicicleta to ride a bicycle = € Pt la furgoneta van la bicicleta bicycle bajars j > el autocar tour bus. lento(a) slow see él A el conductor driver (m) la motocicleta motorbike ] | ns ton! elpille conducir to drive rapido(a) fast Wf HIF rr | el auto car elembotellamiento traffic jam i Wes | | | rs Bg - . la estacion de metro LL sUbITSE Ms 7 ec bus || TOSS | | | irs | }] a parada de autobuses I oe coger el bus to take the bus el pasajero passenger (m) la parada de autobuses bus stop q la parada de taxis taxi stand bajarse to get off la estacin de metro subway eltaxi taxi subirse togetan ation parar un taxi to hail a taxi el billete ticket el metro subway el precio del viaje fare aE 50 vi 6:5 Pree ae = — — me ia autopista woe [ arrancar Pl adelontar Mee ors aaa) | idee collision A 75 ; = >; el volante steering wheel é P a ee las luces jaf el parabrisas windshield P : (Ce W ie de trafico el cinturén de safety belt ie seguridad el indicador indicator el volante | el faro headlight el capé hood el maletero trunk 4 la matiicula license plate torcer a la ; la rueda wheel y derecha > S el neumatico tire e % < la bocina arrancar to start off acelerar to gather speed seguir todo SSE Bare EEE adelantar to pass derecho 5 aT el indi “2 @ el cinturon reducir velocidad to slow down elindicador Pie de seguridad la autopista motorway la bocacalle Ean Ibe ? las luces de tréfico _ traffic lights { a2 > te la carretera main road ‘S) “TW torcer a la izquierda to turn left i cet. torceraladerecha to turn right seguir todo derecho to go straight on direction uiica \% la bocacalle side street : ia direcci6n unica one way direccion prohibida direccién prohibida no entry = basi! cener una rueda deshiuchada — = ; SEAT R parte 2 oes : ; So AY ~ a "ey "i } NE os z —A js i IProhibido el aie aa\ ~ A estacionamiento! 6 = z el! mecanico la gasolinera _— ca tener una rueda to have a flat tire deshinchada ™ Ia gasolina tener una averia to have a eri Pa el mecanico mechanic (m) ay el aceite oil i e la gasolinera gas station iProhibido el No parking! aparcar to park ) TEBE : llenar de gasolina to fill up with estacionamiento! hacia atras backwards — gas el aparcamiento car-park hacia adelante forwards : la gasolina gas llenar de \ gal = | la estacion Oe as To = reservar un astento la estacion station ‘el mozo porter la consigna left luggage office el revisor ticket collector lasalade espera waiting-room la barrera barrier el viajero traveller (m) el horario timetable ys El tren para... The train to... a 3 el billete de ida y vuelta la consigna el revisor ce El tren desde... a taquilla el billete el billete de ida y vuelta el billete de abono la maquina de billetes el billete de andén reservar un asiento The train from... ticket office ticket return ticket season ticket ticket machine platform ticket to reserve a seat Hf el ferrocarril fu el 5 carta Fr el ferrocarril el coche-restaurante el tren TALGO + el tren de mercancias elasiento asiento reservado la rejilla Prohibido fumar 1 aa | ee (evar Fa. Ws retraso fe el tren train coger el tren to catch the train primera clase first class perder el tren to miss the train segunda clase second class la maquina engine llevar retraso to be late la via track llegar a la hora to be on time el andén platform el coche-cama sleeping-car el interventor guard i | Negara Eg ee | wR ae = a coche- cm railway el vagén rail car buffet car ; 3 | asiento reservado inter-city train Sees freight train seey i 7 Ls 4 la areile reserved seat luggage-rack No smoking Travelling by plane and boat ee ae volar to fly Legadas Arrivals la pista de aterrizaje runway aterrizar to land despegar to take off nada que declarar la aduana customs | el aduanero customs officer nada que declarar nothing to declare el pasaporte Passport [Lele [al “el puerto ([ ir en barco eA, a , 3 ‘ enor ZZ AS —— eee! camar as ia porta ae a port el ancla(f) anchor ir en barco to travel by boat, _ el camarote cabin to sail la cubierta deck el barco ship la chimenea smoke stack el trasatlantico liner el capitan captain la bandera flag la pasarela gangway la portilla porthole Salidas Departures la tienda libre de impuestos duty-free shop la recepcién check-in el billete ticket la etiqueta label la carretilla luggage cart jAbrocharse el Fasten your cinturén! seatbelts. el piloto pilot la tripulacion crew la azafata stewardess abordar el avién to board the plane la maleta suitcase el equipaje de mano hand luggage Mee, [0 tienda libre ey. de impuestos Saat we wre} el billete iy I la “Ia etiqueta =e el ferry la travesia crossing marearse to be seasick los muelles docks la carga cargo cargar to load descargar to unload la bodega hold el marinero sailor 4 Abrocharse el cinturon! je a | el piloto Yee ay ys la tripulacio n Ae ae 4 Vacations ; —_— pecan ms 5 ir de vacaciones la turista | 5 . I a 7 = a aa = _— ty hacer la ir de vacaciones To go on vacation - la a neha motora |_maleta| hacer la maleta to pack a = el Vigilante de. ee playa a A air 2S en la playa on/at the beach la gaviota seagull el vigilante de playa lifeguard la ola wave la lancha motora powerboat hacer esqui acuatico to waterski hacer tabla hawaiana_ to windsurf nadar to swim, to have a swim chapotear to paddle el mar la arena la playa las gafas de sol sunglasses la turista tourist (f) visitar los lugares de to sightsee _ interés ny el aceite para el sol suntan oil el aceite | para als sol 5 (oe to sunbathe bronceado(a) tanned el parasol sunshade el castillo de arena sandcastle el cubito bucket al castillo | _ de arena | asa ee =e “J el Ae hotel reservar una to reserve a quedarseenunhotel to stay ina hotel habitacion room la recepcion reception estar completo to be fully booked el mozo porter con ducha with shower la charca de playa rock pool la habitacion individual single room con balcén with balcony fae algas martial saswuad a habitaci6n doble double room la pension guest house, el cangrejo Fa boarding house la concha shell 58 Vacations hacer el alpinismo to go ir de camping to go camping mountaineering el camping campsite aa la montafia mountain la caravana camper el camping Y la cima summit la tienda de campafia_ tent - 7 la vista view montar la tiendade to pitch a tent empinado(a) steep campaiia escalar to climb el infiernillo camping stove el alpinista climber (m) elsacode dormir —_sleeping bag la mochila rucksack, backpack hacer el alpinismo So mn =" - gel infiernillo 7 el saco de dormir | 3 — a 1 Wy way = = Pesta Ci escalar Sea el alpinista é Ra empinado esquiar to go skiing - oe elcentrodeesqui. ski resort el lago lake coger un pez to catch a fish lasillade ascenso chairlift el junco reed la canoa canoe el instructor de esqui ski instructor (m) Ma E de pesca to go fishing volcarse to capsize la pista ski slope, ski run C. las botas la caha rod flotar to float el tobogan toboggan A de eit iabarca de pesca _fishing boat fa libélula dragonfly elbastén de esqui. ski pole las botas de esqui. ski boots los esquis skis 60 CF G} “ el cebo bait el mosquito mosquito i (/, el anzuelo hook el pato duck los esquis|* la red net la rana frog 61 « In the countryside =e TOE ee ee $ 7 el pueblo ] el pueblo village el paisaje landscape tranquilo(a) peaceful . el campo countryside E la casita cottage dar un paseo togoforawalk el camino path el arroyo stream el prado meadow el conejo rabbit el topo mole trepar un arbol to climb a tree las flores del campo wild flowers coger flores to pick flowers un manojo de flores a bunch of flowers Ja margarita daisy la amapola poppy eee trepar un &rbol el valle el cerro el puente la cuesta el sauce la orilla el rio la mosca la arana ) el mosquit el bosque el roble el pino la hoja larama el buho el mirlo laardilla el zorzal el zorro volar el gorrién ge el Zorzal | hill bridge slope weeping willow bank river fly spider mosquito "7 wood oak tree pine tree leaf blackbird squirrel thrush fox to fly sparrow Poa Ie gs ares) " | ii On the farm el campo el rebafio la oveja sheep el cordero lamb el granjero farmer la puerta gate el perro pastor } is E my el ete pastor Ps = - , Ta vina Vineyard Ta vitia la vid vine L . cosechar to harvest el almiar haystack el trigo wheat sembrar to sow . : el gallinero ( <2. poner huevos STAN 7 ei <4 la granja la escalera | elestablo cowshed la caseria farmhouse ! la cuadra stable el patio de labranza farmyard el caballo horse la gallina hen el granero barn el gallo rooster el eno hay el gallinero henhouse el eieres cechard la vaca cow oner huevos to lay eggs ordefiar to milk Eigranjera farmer (f), farmer's me eae la ternera calf wite tacts water el burro donkey el ganso goose arar to plow el cerdo pig la cabra Boat el espantapajaros scarecrow 64 y | /legar tarde ira fil horas trabajar | /legar a tiempo | extraordinarias == —a el parroco ir a trabajar to go to work la hora de comer lunch hour el fotégrafo Hegar tarde to be late horas extraordinarias overtime la tendera llegar a tiempo to be on time el representante la oficina el empleado lajefa boss (f) trabajador(a) la secretaria secretary (f) perezoso(a) emplear aalguien _ to employ jubilarse someone despedir a alguien la profesion job, profession el albanil builder el fontanero plumber el arquitecto architect (m) (fla hora de comer & Ag employee (m) hard-working lazy to retire to fire someone = el juez judge (m) la abogada lawyer (f) el guardia policeman comercial el mariners el soldado la modelo la periodista journalist (f) el fotografo | — . a la disetiadora ~ vicar photographer (m) shopkeeper (f) sailor soldier ro la disefiadora designer (f) el peluquero model (f) el basurero — *) el taxista el camionero |] el camionero ———I] elbombero : el piloto el_bombero la azafata sales representativd hairdresser (m) fel representante| comercial garbage collector taxi-driver (m) truck driver (m) fireman pilot (m) stewardess — el IIIness and health sentirse malo sentirse malo(a) tomar la temperatura el termémetro tener fiebre la receta to feel ill to take someone's temperature thermometer to have a temperature la médica la receta curar la pastilla sentirse mejor sano(a) tener un resfriado estornudar desmayarse tener dolor de estémago vomitar tener dolor de el dentista empastarse un diente la inyeccién tener dolor de muelas sentirse mejor doctor (f) prescription to cure pill to feel better healthy el hospital urgencias romperse la pierna la contusién fa cortadura to have acold to sneeze to faint to have stomach ache to be sick, vomit to havea headache dentist (m) to have a filling injection to have toothache dislocarse la museca _ si hospital emergency room to break your leg bruise ) elas { oa aes verntt 16 3 geieneve | el rectangulo | laaltura height medir to measure el metro meter el centimetro centimeter ellargo length el ancho width el volimen ( ) Es Bee N el litro medio litro M medio kilo A J U—____ — Beene EN el volimen volume el peso weight el litro liter el kilo kilo medio litro halfa liter medio kilo half a kilo 74 tin "oe shyt chan; ge théirendin Geter feminine Pine i “ fay unalninas-(thirty-one girls). Sport mantenerse en forma) hacer [ la sud sudadera ‘ jugar al fui to play soccer 2 > el arbitro referee : : fa” _“al H] el equipo team ‘ Jos Zapatos | el campo de fatbol_—_ sports field i ei = de corredor A] el portero goalkeeper entrenarse | a J cl balon ball, soccer ball al amiento J" el traje de entrenamiento fosscorea goal | mantenerse en forma to keep fit Tas Zapatos de running sh 1 entrenarse to exercise corredor hacer futing to jog el traje de tracksuit la sudadera headband entrenamiento | marcar un gol la piscina swimming-pool _hacer la braza de pecho to do breast-stroke nadar to swim hacer el crol to crawl hacer la braza de to do back- tirarse to dive espalda stroke el trampolin diving board jugar al tenis to play tennis net la pista de tenis tennis court la pelota ball 2 el tenista tennis player(m) la raqueta racket . Tas carreras de caballos. horse racing serviv jugar al golf to play golf las carreras de coches. motor racing, Dentro el palo de golf golf club fa gimnasia gymnastics Fuera jugar al scuach to play squash el atletismo athletics Celebrations el cumpleanos] _ ACELSE MOVIOS el cumpleafios birthday Zz zo me la fiesta party r = ] Zz ons ead elglobo balloon | !a fiesta el globo etc novio see 'a novia iFelicidades! Congratulations! ers invitar to invite . divertirse to have fun, to enjoy yourself la tarta cake ’ la vela candle { ea la tarjeta card el invitado el regalo present la envoltura wrapping ae ae ( elicitar . i hacerse novios to get engaged la boda wedding to get married bridegroom bride guest (m) “el regalo i to congratulate : Le elramode flores. bouquet is < oa = ser feliz to be happy a = |'¢ emoltura ea ol visio dishovias ©" hotleymibnn el viaje de novios AE z —_ iFelices Pascuas!* Merry Christmas. el villancico carol regalar to give (a present) recibir to receive iMuchas gracias! Thank you. ? dar las gracias, to thank j ar recibir C ig. Taare mm | Muchas gracias | dar las gracias | Ae J Pascua Nochevieja New Year's Eve i ; eae a Shrstmas el dia de Aiio Nuevo New Year's Day * el Dia de Navida ristmas Day celebrar to celebrate ° los Reyes Magos._the Three Wise Men iFeliz Ano! Happy New Year a Treliz Afio! RA: ; el drbol de Navidad Christmas tree “In the singular, Pascua means “Easter”, but % here “Pascuas” (plural) means “Christmas”. Aum el calendario el mes. enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto setiembre octubre noviembre diciembre el aio el dia la semana el fin de semana lunes (m) martes (m) miércoles (m) jueves (m) viernes (m) sabado (m) domingo (m) jueves. » viernes calendar month January February March April May June July August September October November December year day week week-end Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday martes, dos* de on Tuesday, the ayer ayer por la manana anoche hoy esta mafiana esta tarde mafana mafana porla mafiana mafana por la tarde anteayer pasado mafiana el lunes préximo la semana proxima al dia uiente yesterday yesterday morning yesterday evening today this morning this evening tomorrow tomorrow morning the day before yesterday the day after tomorrow next Monday next week the next day , a 82 | la mafana L Time TN elamanecer | WZ Amanece. , * — el amanecer dawn el sol la salida del sol sunrise el cielo Amanece. Itis getting light. morning el dia | la maxana [SSO la tarde afternoon, evening, la puesta del sol sunset Oscurece. It is getting dark. la noche night Es de dia. las estrellas Ja luna Es de noche. sun sky Itis light. day, daytime moon Itis dark. | el futuro future ahora now % cl presente present las ocho a fa noche 3Qué hora es? What time is it? las diez menos cuarto a quarter to 10 la hora hour las diez y cinco five past 10 el minuto minute las diez y cuarto a quarter past 10 el segundo second las diez y media half past 10 Es la una. It is 1 o'clock. las ocho de la 8am. Son las tres. It is 3 o'clock. mafiana mediodia midday las ocho delanoche 8 p.m. medianoche midnight [2 ei ee el tiempo time entonces then el pasado past en el futuro in the future la estacién season la primavera spring el verano summer el otofo autumn el invierno winter los relampagos ) ES, {ot gran \ Weather and seasons “lita eR 2: es el tiempo Llueve. Ja Muvia la tormenta la nube los relampagos los truenos el paraguas el arcoiris las botas de goma estar calado(a) el charco la gota de luvia el granizo la inundacién tacion | la primavera el arcoiris weather It's raining. rain storm cloud lightning thunder umbrella rainbow rubber boots to be soaked to the skin puddle raindrop hail flood weather forecast ;Qué tiempo hace? | Hace bueno. It's fine. Brilla el sol. The sun is shining. | sudar to sweat Tengo calor. I'm hot. Lae el hombre de nieve ay A Hace frio. It’s cold. estar helado(a) to be frozen | la escarcha frost el carémbano icicle la nieve snow el hombre de nieve snowman Nieva. It's snowing. deshelar to thaw World and universe a z ; el norte : =] " 2 oe «6 @)) oe Prone SS) meme ! A . se Le el sur ; el polo sur a el universo universe el mundo the world el Atlantico Atlantic Ocean el oeste west el desierto desert el ecuador la selva jungle el sur el polo norte North Pole el polo sur north Pacific Ocean east Equator south South Pole el espacio space el planeta planet la estrella star la nave espacial spaceship la galaxia galaxy el telescopio telescope el continente el pais la URSS Europa Africa el Japon Japan China China la India India Australia Australia Nueva Zelanda New Zealand el Canada Canada los Estados Unidos United States América Latina Latin America continent country USSR Europe Africa Gran Bretana x Belgica / Holanda LETS Republica Federa| de Alemania Francia Escandinavia Gran Bretana Holanda Bélgica Republica Federal de Alemania Francia France Suiza Switzerland Italia Italy Spain Austria Scandinavia Great Britain Netherlands Belgium West Germany 88 el presidente el parlamento la diputada president (m) parliament member of parliament (f) prime minister (m) government el primer ministro el gobierno el partido party la jefa leader (f) | L popular popular popular |e aa el miembro member (m/f) J {see TT rn el miembro fal] CE a P [ae centro | 2 [ de derechas | NE de centro liberal votar to vote de derechas right wing ganar towin asociarse to join perder to lose pertenecer a to belong to left wing de izquierdas los medios de comunicacién entrevistar importante interesante interesting el periddico newspaper las noticias news los titulares headlines el articulo article verdadero(a) true falso(a) false the media to interview important interesante a las noticias 5 a ™ ES ti iS EES [los impuestos as IH] democratica | a i la politica politics los impuestos taxes la sociedad society el sindicato trade union democratico(a) democratic el paro unemployment el salario salary, wages =a = Describing things noisy quiet obedient naughty same different [ callado|. | obediente | { \ ocupado(a) util juntos(as) solo(a) asustado(a) valiente "a - a us A | contenta con wooden, made of vacio(a) largo(a) corto(a) duro(a) blandota) old open shut deep shallow tight loose fashionable old-fashioned de meé. 2a sam Colors el color | a) _ 4 s rosado amarillo | a@&, ae vivo | “ i) as e | anaranjado SS a in AW, = f a detras de sobre on contra against debajo de under por through > el color vivo(a) bright | rojota) red anaranjado* orange por encima de over entre among ] rosado(a) pink azul blue dentro into hacia to, towards | clarova) pale azul marino navy blue ae fuera out of desde away from @@| blanco(a) white morado(a) purple ef al lado de beside arriba up g negro(a) black oscuro(a) dark rk entre between abajo down gris grey verde green am cerca de near frente a opposite | apagado(a) dull estampado(a) printed fr lejos de far away from con with | marrén brown con lunares spotted 4 delante de in front of sin without | amarillo(a) yellow arayas striped 92 Seema form ide ppmanis = a cuchichear to whisper gritar to shout buscar to look for esperar to wait for apoyarse en to lean on tener to hold llevar dejar caer to carry recoger to pick up to drop recoger |\@ depositar to put down to touch to open to close to pour to fill to shake to empty | sacudir — arr tirar empujar robar resbalar rasgar zurcir tirar coger volcar romper to pull to push to steal to slip to tear to mend to throw to catch to knock over to break escapar seguir esconderse to run away to follow to hide 96 Grammar hints In order to speak Spanish well, you need to learn a bit about the grammar, that is, how you put words together and make sentences. On the next few pages there are some hints on Spanish grammar. Don't worry if you cannot remember them all at first. Try to learn a little grammar at a time and then practice using it. Nouns In Spanish all nouns are either masculine or feminine. The word you use for ‘the’ is el before a masculine noun and la before a feminine noun*: el vaso la mesa glass table Most nouns ending in ‘‘o” are masculine and those ending in are feminine. Nouns ending in may be masculine or feminine: Her la calle el parque street park Some nouns which describe what a person is or does can be both masculine and feminine: el amigo friend (m) la amiga friend (f) el estudiante student (m) la estudiante student (f) el turista tourist (m) la turista tourist (f) When they appear in the illustrated section, only the form which matches with the picture is given, but both the masculine and feminine are given in the word list at the back of the book. Plurals When you are talking about more than one thing, the word for “the” is los for masculine nouns and las for feminine nouns: los vasos las mesas If “the” refers to a group of nouns and one of them is masculine, los is used: los mesas y vasos_ the tables and glasses To make nouns plural, you usually add ‘'s’’ to those ending in a vowel, and “‘es’ to those ending ina consonant: la calle street las calles streets la ciudad city las ciudades cities a, an, some The word for ‘’a’’ is un before a masculine noun and una before a feminine noun: un vaso una mesa *There area few exceptions, e.g. el agua water, and el aguila eagle, are feminine. The word for “some” is unos before a masculine plural noun and unas before a feminine plural noun: unos vasos some glasses unas mesas some tables this, that “This” is este before a masculine noun and esta before a feminine noun. The plural, “these”, is estos before a masculine noun and estas before a feminine noun: este vaso esta mesa estos vasos estas mesas “That"' is ese before a masculine noun and esa before a feminine noun. The plural, “those’, is esos before a masculine noun and esas before a feminine noun: ese vaso ess vasos esamesa esas mesas In Spanish there is another word for “that”, aquel. Aquel is used when you are talking about something that is far away from both you and the person you are speaking to: aquel vaso aquellos vasos aquella mesa —aquellas mesas my, your “My’”, “your”, “his”, “her” and so On are called possessive adjectives. In Spanish they change according to whether the noun which follows is singular or plural’: my = $ pl (m) mi amigo mis amigos my friend my friends (f)mihermana mis hermanas my sister my sisters your (informal**, s) tu amigo tus amigos tu hermana tus hermanas his/her/its/your (formal**, s) su amigo sus amigos su hermana sus hermanas our nuestro amigo nuestros amigos nuestra hermana _nuestras hermanas your (informal**, pl) vuestro amigo vuestros amigos vuestra hermana vuestras hermanas their/your (formal**, pl) su amigo sus amigos su hermana sus hermanas Adjectives Adjectives are describing words. In Spanish, adjectives usually follow the noun they are describing. They also change their endings depending on whether they are describing a masculine ora feminine noun and whether it is singular or plural. Most adjectives end in “o’ in the masculine and this "io" changes to a’ in the feminine: un vecino simpatico a pleasant neighbor una pelicula aburrida a boring film Adjectives ending in “e” ora consonant don’t change in the feminine: el vaso grande la mesa grande el vestido gris la corbata gris the big glass the big table the grey dress the grey tie *“Our’ nuestro and “your” vuestro also change according to whether the noun is 97 masculine or feminine. ——— **See Pronouns on page 98. The following adjectives showing nationality end in a consonant but do take an ‘a’ in the feminine: m f aleman alemana = German espanol espafiola = Spanish francés francesa French inglés inglesa English irlandés — irlandesa Irish holandés holandesa_ Dutch portugués portugesa Portuguese To make adjectives plural, you add “5! if it ends in a vowel and “es’’ if it ends in a consonant: los vecinos simpaticos las corbatas grises Comparing adjectives To compare things, you put tan... como (as... as), mas... que (more... than) and el, fa, los or las mas (the most) with an adjective. The adjective agrees in the usual way: Ella es tan alta como su hermano, She is as tall as her brother. Ella es mas delgada que yo. She is slimmer than lam Soy el mas guapo. | am the best looking. Just as in English, some common adjectives do not add mas (more) or el mas, but change completely: bueno good mejor better el mejor the best malo bad peor worse el peor the worst grande big mayor bigger el mayor the biggest Pronouns “ve “your, “he", “'she’’ and so on are called personal pronouns. You use them in place of a noun. In Spanish there are several words for “you"’. Td and vosotros/as are informal and are most commonly used. Usted and ustedes are formal and are used when you are talking to people in authority, strangers or older people. Usted and ustedes are often written Vd. and Vds.. yo 1 ti you (informal, 8) él he, it ella she, it usted (Vd.) you (formal, s) nosotros/as we (m/f) vosotros/as you (m/f informal, pl, ellos they (m) ellas they (f) ustedes (Vds.) you (formal, pl) “It is él for a masculine word and ella for a feminine word. They” is ellos for masculine words and ellas for feminine words. For masculine and feminine words together, you use ellos. Verbs Spanish verbs (action words) change their endings according to who is doing the action. The pronoun, “I, “you” and so on is often left out because the ending of the verb tells you who is doing the action. Most verbs follow regular patterns ‘of endings. There are three patterns according to whether the verb’s infinitive (e.g. in English: “to buy’; “to sew") ends in “ar, “er” or “ir”, These are the endings for the present tense: comprar to. buy compro | buy, lam buying compras you (informal, s) buy compra he, she, it buys; you (formal, s) buy compramos we buy comprais you (informal, pl) buy compran they buy; you (formal, pl) buy coser tosew subir to climb coso subo coses subes cose sube cosemos subimos coséis subis cosen suben Some of the most common verbs do not follow these patterns in the present tense. They are known as irregular verbs and you need to learn them separately. One of the most common of these is haber. Haber is a special verb used only for forming the perfect tense (see below right). It is not used by itself. This is the present tense of haber: haber he has ha hemos habéis han Two other common irregular verbs are ser and estar. These both mean “to be’’, but are used in different ways. You use ser to describe things that are permanent, or a quality or profession: e.g. “lam Spanish’; “He is tall’; “She is a pianist’. Estar is used to describe things that can change: e.g. “lam tired”; “It is cold”. Estar is also used to say where things are: e.g. “The theatre is over there”; “I am here’. Here are the present tenses of ser and estar: ser estar soy estoy eres estas es esta somos estamos sois estais son estan You can find other irregular verbs on page 103. The future tense is used for things you are going to do. It is the same for the three verb types, and it is made by adding these endings to the infinitive: comprar é comprar as comprar 4 comprar emos comprar Gis comprar an You use the perfect tense for events which have already happened, (“I have danced” or “| danced”, in English). In Spanish you make the perfect tense by putting 99 100 the present of haber with the past participle of the verb. The past participle is made with the stem of the verb (the verb’s infinitive less its “ar, “er” or “ir” ending) anda new ending: infinitive past participle compr ar compr ado cos er cos ido sub ir sub ido Here are the perfect tenses of comprar, coser and subir: he comprado has comprado ha comprado hemos comprado habéis comprado han comprado he cosido has cosido ha cosido hemos cosido habéis cosido han cosido he subido has subido ha subido hemos subido habéis subido han subido Stem-changing verbs There is a group of verbs in Spanish in which the last vowel in the stem changes in the present tense (except in the “we” and “you” forms). Verbs of this sort are called stem-changing verbs and you need “The “ before “a” or “o”. to learn which they are. There is a list of the most common ones on page 102. In verbs that have “e”” as the last vowel in the stem, the “e”” changes to “ie”, or in a few cases to “i, In verbs that have “o’" as the last vowel in their stem, the “0” changes to “ue”, Here are the present tenses of cerrar which has an “e’’ that changes to “ie”, seguir with an “e’ that changes to “i”, and encontrar with an ‘'o"' that changes to “‘ue’’. cerrar (ie) to shut cierro cierras cierra cerramos cerrais cierran seguir (i) to follow sigo* sigues sigue seguimos seguis siguen encontrar (ue) to find encuentro encuentras encuentra encontramos encontrais encuentran n seguir makes the ““g” hard. It is not needed here as “‘g’ is also hard Reflexive verbs verbs which have se at the end of the infinitive are called reflexive verbs. These verbs usually involve doing something to yourself (e.g. in English: “to wash oneself’), but you will find that far more verbs can be reflexive in Spanish than in English. lavarse to wash oneself peinarse to comb one’s hair afeitarse to shave levantarse to getup dormirse to fall asleep Se means “‘self’’ and changes according to who is doing the action (as it does in English): yo me lavo td te lavas | wash myself you (informal, s) wash yourself he, she washes him/herself you (formal, s) wash yourself we Wash ourselves él, ella se lava usted se lava nosotros nos lavamos vosotros os you (informal, pl) lavais wash yourselves ellos, ellas se they (m/f) wash lavan themselves ustedes se lavan you (formal, pl) wash yourselves Negatives To make a negative in Spanish, you put no before the whole verb. If the verb is reflexive, no goes before the reflexive pronoun (me, te, se etc): No hablamos inglés. We do not speak English. No ha pagado. He has not paid. No se lava las manos. She isn’t washing her hands. Nose han bafiado ayer. They didn’t go swimming yesterday. Object pronouns An object pronoun is a word which is used to replace a noun that is the object of a verb: Yo prefiero el queso. | prefer cheese, Yo lo prefiero. | prefer it. These are the object pronouns in Spanish: me me te you (informal, s) lo him, it la her, it lo, la you (formal m/f) nos us (m/f) os you (informal,m/f) los them (m) las them (f) los, las you (formal, pl m/f) In Spanish you put the object pronoun just before the verb. If the verb is reflexive, the object pronoun goes after the reflexive pronoun Lo busco. | am looking for it No lo encuentro. | can’t find it. Lo he comprado. | have bought it. Me lavo las manos. |. am washing my hands. Me las lavo. | am washing them. 101 102 Questions In Spanish you can make a question simply by raising your voice at the end of a sentence: sQuieres otra cerveza? You like another beer?/ Would you like another beer? No has empezado atin? you started yet? éLo has perdido? Haven't Have you lost it? When a question is written down, as well as ending with a question mark, it starts with an upside down question mark, (Note that Spanish exclamation marks are used in the same way.) Below are some common question words. When you use these, you put the subject after the whole verb (but remember, if the subject is“1’’, “you’etc, it is usually left out): Cémo...2. How... iCémo has hecho eso? How did you do that? iCudndo...2 When...? 3Cudndo es la fiesta? When is the party? - sCudnto...2 How much...? aCudnto es esto? ~How much is this? 3D6nde...2, Where...? sD6nde has estado? Where have you been? sQué...2 What...? 3Qué hace Pablo? What is Pablo doing? sQuién...2— Who...? sQuién ha llegado primero? Who got here first? 3Por qué? Why...? Por qué no nos encontramos luego? Why don’t we meet later? Stem-changing verbs Here are two lists of verbs which change the last vowel of their stem in the present tense. The verbs in the first list either have an “e’’ that changes to “ie’’ as in cerrar , or an “o” that changes to “ue” as in encontrar (see page 100); acostarse to go to bed cerrar to shut cocer to cook colgar to hang contar to tell a story, to count costar to cost deshelar to thaw despertarse to wake up devolver to give back divertirse to enjoy oneself empezar to begin encender to switch on, to light encontrar to find envolver to wrap up fregar to rub, to serub helar to freeze jugar (u to play comes ue) lover to rain morder to bite morir to die mover to move negarse to refuse nevar to snow oler (o to smell becomes hue) pensar to think perder to lose preferir to prefer probar to try, to prove querer to like, to love recordar to remember, to remind sentarse to sit down sentirse to feel sonar to dream temblar to tremble, to shake torcer to twist verter to pour, to spill volar to fly volear to knock over, to overturn volver to return The verbs in this list have an '“e’’ as their last stem vowel which changes to “i”, and they form their present tense in the same way as seguir (see page 100): corregir to correct despedirse to say goodbye pedir to ask for reir to laugh renir to scold repetir to repeat seguir to follow sonreir to smile vestirse to dress Irregular verbs Here are the present tenses of some common irregular verbs, together with the yo form of the future and perfect tenses. Try to learn these verbs as you will probably need to use them quite frequently when you are speaking Spanish. decir to say digo dices dice decimos decis dicen future: diré perfect: he dicho hacer to do, to make hago haces hace hacemos hacéis hacen future: haré perfect: he hecho ir togo voy vas va vamos vais van future: iré perfect: he ido 103 104 oir to hear oigo oyes oye oimos ois oyen future: oiré perfect: he oido poder to be able to puedo puedes puede podemos podéis pueden pertect: he podido poner to put pongo pones pone ponemos ponéis ponen future: pondré perfect: he puesto querer to want quiero quieres quiere queremos queréis quieren future: querré perfect: he querido reir to laugh rio ries rie reimos reis rien future: reiré perfect: he reido saber to know sé sabes sabe sabemos sabéis saben future: sabré perfect: he sabido salir to go out salgo sales sale salimos salis salen future: saldré perfect: he salido ser tobe soy eres es somos sois son future: seré perfect: he sido tener to have, to hold tengo tienes tiene tenemos teneis tienen future: tendré perfect: he tenido valer_ to be worth valgo vales vale valemos valéis valen future: valdré perfect: he valido venir to come vengo vienes viene venimos venis vienen future: vendré perfect: he venido ver to see veo ves ve vemos veis ven future: veré perfect: he visto The following verbs are only irregular in the first person singular of the present tense (e.g. “I fall” or “1 am falling”); the rest of the verb is regular: caer to fall caigo 1 fall dar to give doy I give estar tobe estoy tam traer to bring traigo | bring 105 Phrase explainer Throughout the illustrated section of this book, there are useful short phrases and everyday expressions. You may find these easier to remember if you understand the different words that make them up. This section lists the expressions under the page number where they appeared (although those whose word for word meaning is like the English have been left out). After reminding you of the suggested English equivalent, it shows you how they break down and, wherever possible, gives you the literal translations of the words invalved.* Any grammatical terms used are explained in the grammar hints. page 4 © jHasta pronto! See you later: hasta=until; pronto=soon. © :Quétal? How are you? equé?=what/how?; talesuch. Common expression, close to “How are things?” © Muy bien, ;gracias! Very well, thank you: muy=very; bien=well; gracias=thanks. page 5 ® De acuerdo. | agree./Agreed! de=of; el acuerdo=agreement. © ;Cémo te llamas? What's your name? gcémo?=how?; te llamas=you call yourself. © Me llamo... My name is ® Elseliama... His name is. Hamarse=to call oneself. In Spanish, this reflexive verb is used for saying your name. ® ;Cuantos afios tienes? How old are you? gcudntos?=how many?; afios=years; tienes=you have/hold, © Tengo diecinueve afios. I’m nineteen: tengo=! hold/have; diecinueve=nineteen. page 12 © Esmicasa. This is where | live: es=it is; mi casa=my house, page 18 ® jAtenci6n al perro! Beware of the dog: la atencién=care; al perro is short fora el perro=to/at the dog. page 20 © ;Buenos dias) Good morning: buenos=good (m pl); dias=days (note that dia is masculine despite its “a” ending). page 25 jHastamafana! Good-night: hasta=until; la mahana=morning/ tomorrow. © ;Que duermas bien! Sleep well: que duermas=that you should sleep; bien=well. page 26 © Yaesta. It’s ready: ya=already; esta=it is. © jSirvete! Help yourself: sirvete=serve yourself. (sirve=serve; te=yoursel/. Note that the pronourrand verb are joined up: this is because unstressed pronouns are pronounced as part of the preceding verb, and the convention is to write them like this). © iQue aproveche! Enjoy your meal: =that you should make full use (of). This is a polite phrase you say to people who are about to eat. © Esta muy rico. esta=it is; mut It tastes good: ery; rico=rich/delicious. page 31 © ;Riquisimo! Delicious! =very, very rich/delicious, most delicious. page 37 © ;Qué van atomar? What would you like? zqué?=what?; van=are you (pl) going; a=to; tomar: © ; Esta incluido el servicio? Is service included? esta=is; incluido=included; el servicio=service. 106 ‘Literal meanings of Spanish words are introduced by the sign =. © El servicio no esta incluido. Servic not included: no=not. page 43 © jCuanto es todo? How much do! owe you? joudnto’ is; todo=all © Todoes... That will be... e.g. Todo es cien pesetas=That will be 100 pesetas. ow many/how much?; es=(it) page 44 © Noes caro. It’s good value: no=not; es=it is; caro=dear/expensive. © Esalgo caro. _ It’s expensive: algo=somewhat. © sQué desea? Can | help you? yqué?=what?; desea=you desire. @ sCudnto cuest How much is. © Cuesta... It costs... 4Cuadnto?=how much/how many?; cuesta=it costs page 48 {Digame! Hello! diga=say; me=to me; (note that the pronoun and verb are joined up: see iSirvete! page 26.) ;Digame! is used for “hello” on the telephone, but also, means “what do you want?” when you want someone to tell you something. © ;Quién habla? Who's speaking? squién?=who?; habla=he/she speaks. © Soy Juanita. It’s Juanita: soy=I am; Juanita=a girl's name. @ Te llamo mas tarde. {I'll call you back: te=to you; llamo= call; mas=more; tarde=late. la llamada de urgencia 911 call: la llamada=the call; de=of; urgencia=urgency/emergency. page 49 © Muy sefior mio:/Estimada sefiora: Dear Sir/Madam: muy=very; sefor=Sit/Mr; mio (m)=my; estimada (f=esteemed; senora=Madam/ Mrs. This is how you begin a formal letter. Oe © Lesaluda atentamente Yours faithfully: le=to you (formal, s);saluda=he/she greets, salutes; atentamente=attentively, with attention. This is how you end a formal letter, © Me encanté tener noticias tuyas. It was lovely to hear from you: me=to me; encanté=enchanted; tener=to have; noticias=news; tuyas (f pl)=your. © Pasandolo muy bien Having a lovely time: pasandolo (pasando lo)=passing/ spending it (verb and pronoun are written togethe: jSirvete! page 26); muy=very; bien=well. © Deseando verte pronto. Look forward to seeing you soon: deseando=desiring/wishing; verte (ver te)=to see you; pronto=saon. © Recado urgente Urgent message: recado=message; urgente=urgent. page 50 © Por dénde esid...2 Which way is...? por=by; sdénde?=where?; esta-(it) is. @ 3A qué distancia esta...2- How far is...? a=at/to; squé?=what?; distancia=distance. niinica one way: direccién=direction; unica (f s)=only/ sole. ireccién prohibida no entry: prohibida (f s)=prohibited. © ;Prohibido el estacionamiento! No parkin; el estacionamiento=the parking. page 54 © Eltren para/desde... The train to/ from el tren=the train; para=for; desde=from. ® eltren TALGO inter-city train: TALGO stands for tren articulado ligero Goicoechea Oriol=train articulated light, and the last two words are the name of the engineer who designed the train. © Prohibido fumar No smoking: prohibido=prohibited; fumar=to smoke. 107 108 page 56 nada que declarar nada=nothing; que=that/for; declarar=to declare. page 57 ® la tienda libre de impuestos shop: la tienda=the shop; impuestos=taxes. © jAbrocharse el cinturén! seatbelts: abrocharse=to fasten oneself up (the infinitive is used to give a polite order); el cinturon=the belt. duty free ibre=free; de=of; Fasten your page 58 @ hacer lamaleta to pac! hacer=to make; la maleta=the suitcase. @ visitar los lugares de interés to sightsee: visitar=to visit; los lugares=the places; de=of; interés=interest. page 76 ® Dentro In: side. @ Fuera =outside. Out: page 78 @ jfelicidades! Congratulations! licitations/happinesses. This is what you say for someone's birthday, wedding, promotion... page 79 ® jFelices Pascuas!_ Merry Christmas: felices (f pl)=happy/merry; Pascuas (de Navidad)=Christmas (Pascua is a religious festival in the Catholic Church. The three main Pascuas are Pascuas de Navidad=Christmas, Pascuas de Resurreccién=Easter, and Pascuas de hitsun. However jFelices mostly used at Christmas. ativity, birth), © \Muchas gracias! Thank you: muchas (f pl)=many; gracias=thanks. © Feliz Ano! Happy New Year: feliz=happy; afioyear. nothing to declare: page 62 * Amanece, It is getting light: to get light. ight: © Oscurece. It is getting dark oscurecer=to get/grow dark. © Esdenoche. It is dark: noche=night. © jQué hora es? What time is it? aqué?=what?; horashour, es=it is/is it. © Eslauna. It is o'clock: t is; la una (f}=the one (la una is minine as hora=hour is unstated but understood), ® Sonlas tres. It is 3 o'clock: son=they are; las (f pl)=the; tres=three. © las diez menos cuarto a quarter to 10: las-the; diez=ten; menos=minus; cuarto=quarter. © las diez y cinco/cuarto/media _fivela quarter/half past 10: asthe; diez=ten; y=and; cinco=five; cuarto=quarter; media=half. las ocho de la mafiana/noche 8 a.m./p.m.: las=the; ocho=eight; mafiana=morning; la noche=night. page 85 ® Hace bueno. It’s fine: hace=it does/makes; buena=good. © Brilla el sol. The sun is shining: brilla=it shines; el sol=the sun (the subject follows the verb for stylistic reasons: you could aiso say el sol brilla). © Tengo calor. |’m hot: tengo=I have; el calor=heat (calor occasionally used with the feminine article la). © Hace viento/frio It’s windy/cald: hace=it does/makes; el viento=wind; el frio=cold, @ Hay niebla, It's foggy: hay=there is (hay can also be used in the plural as “there are”, and is a very common expression); la niebla=fog, Engli Here you will find all the Spanish words, phrases and expressions from the illustrated section of this book listed in English alphabetical order. Wherever useful, phrases and expressions are cross-referenced, and the words they are made up from are included in the list. Following each Spanish term, you will find its pronunciation in italics. To pronounce Spanish properly, you need to listen to a Spanish person speaking. This pronunciation guide will give you an idea as to how to pronounce new words and act as. a reminder to words you have heard spoken. Remember that © the Spanish 77 is like the ni sound in onion © vis like an English 6 ®@ /lis said like y in yes but with a hint of an / before it © g (when it precedes an j or an e) andj sound like ch in the Scottish /och (a guttural h) ® c (when it precedes anor ane), d (when it is on the end of a syllable) and zare like th in English © fis not pronounced. When using the pronunciation hints in italics, read them as if they were English “words”, but bear in mind the following points: © itis important in Spanish to stress the correct part of the word: the syllable you should stress is shown in CAPITAL letters © a represents the a sound in happen eis like the ein felt ee like ee in keen o like o in hot 00 like 00 in boot ch like ch in loch ly like the ly sound in Delia rrr represents the Spanish rolled r. To say it, make a trilling sound with the tip of your tongue placed behind your top teeth h-Spanish word list to accelerate actor actress to add address adhesive bandage advertisement Africa afternoon, evening against age Tagree, agreed sirsteward airmail airplane aisle alarm clock alone alphabet ambulance among anchor and animal ankle to answer to answer the telephone apartment block of spariments apple apple tree apricot April architect (rn) architect (f) area code armenair Arrivals art gallery artiele (in newspaper! toask,toaska question to ask the way to fal asleep atthe beach athletics ‘Atlantic Ocean audience August Australia acelerse el actor In actriz hacer cuentas las seas el esparadrapo al snuncio Aiea haiarde contra edad deacuerdo sl camarero por avi6n lavién el aeropuerto nave f despertador aloia) eb alfabeto fa ambulancia entre el ancta Y ‘el animal el tobillo ‘contestar ‘kontestaral telefono el pio Ia casa de pisos la manzana el manrano lalbaricoque abril el arquitecto laarquitecta {a cifta regional clbraza elsilién Hlegadas la galeria de arte elanticulo preguntar preguntar el camino dorrmiece ‘ena playa ef atletismo el Atlantico eldesvin, pablico agosto tia Australia el otono desde stheleR AR ofakTOR la akTREETH THER KVENIas ass SSEN yas #/essparaDRAg0 bl aNOONthesya Allerha Ia TARGe KONta faeDath de akWERGO fe) kamaREro por aBYONN e1aBYONN elacraPWERto YaNAoe el despertaDOR ssOloa) ey altaseto IaamboolAN- theeya Ntre el ANGKa ejanceMal al taBEELyo kontessTAR KontessTAR al telEfono elPEtss0 la KAssa de PEESS08s lamaoTHana elmanTHAra pl albareokOKe aBREEL elarkeeTFKto laarkeot Kea la THEE rrecheeyoNAl e/BRAtKO el sseelYON lyeGAdess Ta geleRCEya de Ate al arTEEkulo. pregun TAR pisgun TAR et kaMEEno dorMEERSse: en la PLAya oladte’ sladtANteako eldezBAN ef POObleeko aCOSSt0 la Teta soass7RAleeva slotOnyo fezde 109 110 baby back todo backstroke backwards trop, bat baker, baker's balcany with baleony bald io be bald ball baller baller danest (rm) ballet dance! (f) balloon banana bandage bangs bank (riven) hank bank manager barefoot bargein to bark barn barrier basement dase large) basket, shopping basket tohave a bath trun a bath bathmat bathrobe bathroom bathtub robe tobe to be born to becalled, tobe named 10 be fond af to be frozen to be happy to be hungry to be late to be on time to be an time to be ceasick to be sick, vomit to be sleepy to be thirsty beach at/on the beach beak green heans kidney beans beard to have a beard bea elhebé Inespalda hacer ta braza de espaldéa hacia ats fabotsita eteeho el panadero et balcon ‘con baleén calvoia) ser calvo lapelota elballet el baitarin la bailacina elglobo el pitino Invenda el flequily laorills elbanco cel gerente del banca desealeota) sana ganga (f) ladrar al geanere labarrera al sétano aleesto la cesta bararse poner al bano hh esterita de baie tatbornoz el cuarto de bako el batio star racer amare teneale carlo 3 star heladota) ser feliz tener hambre llegar tarde liegar ala hora legar a tiempo voritar star cansado(a) tener set fa playa en la playa pico {a judla verde tas judas {a barbs, tener barba, Ia cama ef bebe In essPAlde ANDER fa BRAINS de ecePALda Attreeya oT RASS fa boIssefta ef THEbO of panaDtie ef balKONN, kon baiKONAS KAtborw Ss6cKALEO la petOr ot bale 6! baeelaREEN ealaREEna €!CLObe. e! PLAtana a BENal, el fiekEeLyo Ya OREELya 2) BANG fe) cheRENte Gel BANGKO dessKALthora) One GANGgA laDRAR tl graNéeo Ia baRRRERG 2/SSOrano ef THESSto fa TrESSta banvARsse PONER ef HANVO In osstoRE&t de BANyo ef aibonNOTH eIKWARO de BANyo el BANYo. essTAR naTHER vantARsee IeNERie kaREENVO.a essTAR eLAdola) sser fol 067M 1oNER AM lyeGAR TARde yeGAR 2 fo Ora WveGAR 2 TVEMpos marcARsse bomee TAR essTAR kanSSAdola) JeNER seth ha Playa en la Playa of PEEKO Is chooD Fy Bree Jes chooDEtyas fy BARD; teNER BARba a Karma to gor bed acostarse bedroom dormitarie bedside table laxmesila de noche bedspread la colcha bedtime I hora de acostarse bee ta abeja bow Inceovers behinet detras de Belgium Belgica bell 4a campara doorbell el tmbre to belong to pertenecer a belt el cinturdn safery belt, seatbelt el cinlutan de soguridad bench el bance beside al lado de better mejor to fee! better sentirse mejor benveen centre Besare of he dag jAtencidn al petra! bicyete la bicieleta grande Racuents birth bicthelay el eummpleatios Dinclay card Ta tarjeta bitter agriola) black negroia) blackbird el milo blackboard elencerada block of fa casa de pisos apanments| blond biota) blond hair el pelo rubio blouse la blusa blue azul to board the pline abordar el avién boaid gaune les juegos de tablero boardinghsuse ta pendén boat, sinall bout a barea to travel by boat irenbarea body of cuerpo book libro picture book libro de imigenes booked up, fully esté completo booked bookshop ba fibrevia bookshopsnd ta ibreria ya stationer’s| boots rubber boots ths bots de goma bored aburrido(s) boring, aburridota) to be born racer boss (en) jet boss (0 a jefe bole 1s hotetla akOSSTARSSE eldornieeTORSEVO le meSStEtya de NOTshe ie KOLLtsha fa O1a ve akossTARSse Jy aBEcha fa therBetha GETRASS clo BELLchweks li kamPana ef TEEMbre pertenctHERa ef deentooRONN ef theentooRONN de ssegooreedath #1 BANGKO al tAdo de meCHOR SsenTEERsse meCHOR ENtre atenTHYON at Pema. Je bectheokt te GRANGE fh RWEN Da Ik beeolocHttya ef Pacharo of naceaMVENto ce! koornpleanyos fetarCHFta Agroeyoiay NEgrove) ! MEERIo ef entheRAdon la kAssa de PLESsoss RRROObeey0%a) ©) Pela RRBOObeeye 1a BLOOssa athoot aborDAR el ahYONN loss CHWEgass cle raBivo la penSSYON la BARK eer en BARK, ef KWERDO ef Léebro eleEbra de eeMAcheness essTA komPLEto la feebrenitya fr leobreREBya Ge tt papeleREtya lass 8Otass lass 8Otass de Oma abooRRREEdoKa) ahooR@REEdoa) naTHER el CHELe ta CHEfa Ia hoTElya bouquet boutique bow! bow) (fr goleaty ox aitice boy ra braceter braids bbranch brave Brava! bread break (ar school) to break to break your leg breakdown Wwehicle) to havea fneaksown breakiast to do breust-stroke bride bridegroom bridge bright to bring up broad brooch brother brown ‘brown hair bruise ‘brush (lorpainting) brush toothbrush to brush your air Brussels sprout bucket buffet car builaer building, Bulb (plant) bunch of flowers burn ro burst out laughing bus bus stop to take the bus bush busy bustling butcher butter buttery button cclramo de flores la tienda de modas eltazin «| euenco de cristal {a taquita el nid el sostén {a pulseca trenzas (pl) Tarama valiente Bravo! el pan el doscanso romper romperse la pierna Naaveria tener una avorian el desayuno hacer la braza de ppecho lanovia elnovio et puente vivota) anchova) el prendedor celhermano marron el pela castaio la contusién el pince! cel copia el cepillo dedientes, ccepillarse ol pelo fa col de Bruselas el cubito el coche-restaurante elabani eletlicio elbulbo el manojo de flores In quemadura, cecharse a reir clbus taparada de autobuses coger el bus. elarbusto. ocupaddota) yendo y viniendo elearaicero la mantequilla la mariposa el baton eI RRRAMO de FLO mss ta TYENala de Odiass al aTHON (6h KWENKo ole kewess TAL a KEElya e/ NEERyo ssoss7EN ta poo!SSErs TRENthass ta RRRAMA bal¥ENte BRABO el pan el deseKaNsser reomPER romPERSSE le PYERna ta abeREtya TONER oon abeREtya ef dessa¥OOno ATHER la BRAth de PETS la NObeeve el NObeeyo ef PWENte Beebo) RREEar ANTshoa) I prendeDOR el erMAne maRRON. el Pele kassTANYo fe konteaSYON el peonTHFl el thePEEL yo. el thePEEtyo de DYENtess thepealVARsse el PElo le kol de brooSEtess ef koobetto ef KOTsbe rrostaooRANte ef alban Veet eb ecleeFFFIheey0 ef BOOLbo ef manOcho de HLOress lo kemaDOOra eUSHARSSEa rreBER ef BOOS fa pakads de 00tohOOssess AoCHER ef BOSS @ BOOSStO cokooPAdo(2) YENdo ve beenYENdo el kameetHEo fa manteKEelya ta mareerOssa el boTON to buy bby rerute mal € cabbage cabin cage cake ‘cake shop 10 calculate caleulator ealendur all earned to camp. to go camping camper ramping stove campsite an Can {help you! Canada canary, candle canned food ep capital letter te-capsize eaprain carpark card posteard ‘creditcard card (playing card) to play car cardigan careful careless caretaker (rm) caretaker (( cargo, load carnation carol carpet, rug ‘wall-to-wall carpet to carry carror cashier (m) cashier (f) cassette casseite recorder er tocateh tocatcha fish to catch the trai cathedral cauliflower to celebrate comprar a wuelta de corre bread el camarete fajaula Btorta ls pasteleria hacer cuentas ealeuladora el calendario fa terera, sl camello a maquina fotogratica in de camping, ta caravana el infirnillo el camping bate 1Qué desea? et canada dleanarlo nvela fos productos en bata canon hago Ja mayiseuia solea dl capitan el auto dl aparcamiento ha tsreta ta tagjera postal la tarjeta de crédito eats jugar a tas cartas Ia chaqueta de punto sidadoso(a) ddescvidadava) portero ta portera Ih carga et clavel ef villancico Ia stiombra fa moqueta Hear Iezanahoris dl cajero Ineajers el cassette 1a grabadora gato coxer oper un pez coger el tren ta catedeal {a eolittor cclebrar KomPRar 2 BWELta do KORRRtO lakot ef karnaROte la CHAOOIa la TOR la passtelenteya aTHER KWENtast ly kstkoolaDOra efkalenDareeyo la teeNEra ol kaMELyo. la MAkeera fotoGRAleoka wor de KAMpesng. 2 KAMpeeng e/ ROte ke desstya el Kanada elkaNAeevo. la Bela Joss p1oDOOKtoss en tata a kaNOa Acoma a maVOOSSkoola DoIKARSse el kapeeTAN A000 of apackaMVENto la tavcHeta la tavCHEta posTAL a rarctteta de KREdeeta la KARra GhOOGAR a lass KARass fa tshaKFta de Poon wewcaDOssera) essakweeDAdo/a) el poritre: in porter ta KARO ef KtaBEL e/ beelyanTHETKO fa lFOMBra a moxes iyeBAR fa thariaOReeys el barre kara of kaSSET la grabaOra el Gato, hoCHER AOCHER oon peth AoCHER of ren fe hateDRAL Ia kolesFLOR theleBRAR a 12 cellar elsorano celle violoncelo toplaythecello tocar et violoneelo cemetery el cementerio contineter, el centimetro chair tasilla haiti Ia-silla de ascenso chalk fa tiza change el cambio Have you ary small. jTlene cambiot henge? to change money cambiar dinero channel (TV and fa cadena radio) tochase, perseguir to chat ‘harlar check et cheque townteacheck hacer un cheque check-baok la chequera, to play checkers jugar las damas check-in la recepcion checkout la salida de caja cheek {a meta cheerful alegre cheese el queso chemistry la quinies cherry Ia ceneza to play chess jugar al ajedrez chest i pecho hitepew los garbanzos child childhood chimney chin China chocolate el chocolate choir el coro, Christmas fas Navidades Christiras Day el Dia de Navidad, Mery Christmas — iFelices Pascuas! Chilstmas tree ef drbol de Navidad chrysanthemury el ersantemo chureh Jaiglesia circle elcirculo chy Taeapital fodap aplaudie classroom laclase claw lo garra clean timpiocay toclean your teeth limpiarse ls dientes clinate el clima tociimb trepar toclimb (mountain eseatar climbing) toclimbatree ——trepar un érbot climber ctalpinista| clock elrelo) e1s80tano elbeeolonTHELO toKAR 6! beeolonTHtlo ef themenTEreeyo elthenTéEmeta fa SSeEtya Ia SSéétya lo assTHENs0 Ja TeEthe eLKAMbeeyo T¥Eene KAMbeeyo kambeaa deeNéro akaDEna persseGeer tsharlAR al TSHEk@ aTHER un TSHHEke latshekers chooGAe 2 hse Damas le qrethep: THYONN la ssabtEda de xacha la meCHEEL ya alegre el Kissa la KEEmeoks (a theREtha chooGAR al acheDRETH et Petsho Joss garBANthoss el POlyo el EEcho fa neen ETH IntsheomeNeve fa baroeetya TSHEEna el tshokotAte ‘ef kore lass naboeDAdless of DEEya dle nabeeDaTH felEtthess PASS Wass: eLARbof de pabeeDATH el kreessanTimo fa eeGLEssenya el THER e010. Ia hapeeTAL splacoDEER fa KlAsce fa Garr LEEMpyo(a; JeampensRsse lose ceetNtess el KLEéma tePAR esskalAR tWePAR oon ARbol ol alpeeNEESsts ef rretocH alarm clock to close clothes, clothing clothes ine clothes pin cloud cod, coffee coffee:pot coin cold It's cold, cold water to hive a cold to collect to collect stamps collection collection times (pos collision color comb ‘to comb your hair comic (book) complexion computer computer studies condiments conductor (orchestra) (m) conductor (orchestra) (ff cone to congratulate Congratulations! continent to cook cookie to-cost Ireosts.. cottage cotton, made-of ‘cotton counter county countryside course ceausin (mn) cousin (f) cow cowshied, crab to craw, todo the craw! rayon creditcard crib ldespertador la rope Ia cuerds de a topa la pinza lanube elabrigo el guardariopa el bacalao, ob eafé lacafetera lamoneds frioia) Mace fri. el agua (6) fia tener un restriado coleccionar coleccionar selos ta eolecehon las horas de recogida al chaque cl color al peine einarse el tebeo inter ln computadars ia informatica lasespecias director de orquesta ba diectors de ‘orguesta .cono folcitar Felicidadest él cantinente suisar Ia gallesa {a esquina costar Cuesta Inveasita dealgodén el mostradoe pais campo curse primo fa prima la vaca destablo el cangrejo hacer el crol el tipie de color anata fa tarjeta de crédito le tripulacién lacuna desspertaOn theRARAR ta RRO la KWER als de fa REROpA Ta PEENINE Ja NOObe / abREEgo 21 gwardaRRROpa e! bakalAO. elkalé lakafeTEra lamoNtca FREEyola) ‘Athe FREEvO el Agua FREE teNER con mressireey/Ado kolekthoeyeNAR KolekiheeyoNAg SSELyoss Ia kolekTHYON ass Orass de rrekoCHEEds el T3Hoke ef KotOR e/PEYne peyNARsse eltebiyo fateth fa kompooteDOre faeenforMAtecks lass 2ssPEtheyase ef deerek TOR de onKESSta In deerektora de onKESSt2 ef KOno felesthesTAR felestheeDAdess el konteeNENte geesSAR fa galveta a essKEEne KessTAR wWessta (a kaS Eee de aigoDONN el mosshaDOR el pabESS el KAMpo eI KOORSs0 el PREM fa PREEMa le Baka el essTAblo el kanGREcho aTHER el krol cl LApeer de koloR la Nata latarCHEta de KREdeeto te treepoolaTHYON le kOOns cross. angry to croas the street crossing (sea) crowd tocry cup. cupboard to cure curly curly hale curtain customer (rn) customer (?) customs customs officer m/f cut (wound) D daisy to dance dance floor dork (coion dark (complesion) Itisdark Itisgetting dark. date daughter only dover dawn day, daytime, in the daytime the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday Dear. Dear SiriMiadam death December deck deep delicatessen delicious to deliver democratic dentist (mit) department (in shop) department store Departures desert designer (m) designer (() dessert, puckting diary odie different dificult ‘enfadadota) atraversar la calle fatravesia el grupo de gente Norar fataza laalacena curar rizado(a) elpeta rizado lacortina elcliente faclients faaduana eladuanero lacortadura Tamargatita filar lapista de baile oseurota) moreno‘a) Fede noche. Oscurece: la fecha tahja la hijadntea elamanecer elda pasado mafiana anteayer Queridara).. ‘Muy senior mi Estimada sefora: lamuerte diciembre democriticota) eldepartamento fos grandes almacones Salidas (pb) eldesierto el diseiador ladisefiedora el posire laagench morirse difecente dit ents Adola) atrabesSSAR fa KAtye In trbeSSEFya2 ¢! GROOpo de HEME WoRAR Ia TAtho JaalarMena RooRAR reeTHAdots) ef Pefo ree THAdo la korTEEna olkles YENte (a kleaVENta Ia adWana el adwaNero fa konaD00ra Ia margaRétea bacelAR Ie PEESSta de BAecle ossKOOrota) moténo(a) ess de NOTshe osskookfitie Wa FETsba le Ekicha le Eécha OOneeks ef amaneTHER of DER pasSAdo manVana antea¥eR KoREEiota) moay ssenYOR MEEyo} esstecMAda ssenvOra Ie mWERte deeTHYEMore Ia KOOBYER'A proFOONdbra) ln feeambreritya mmeskEesseemota) entreGAR ddomokRAtoekoia ailla dem TEESSta #6! departaMENto toss GRANEeSS simaTHEness sialEFdless e! desseeVERtO el doesseny2DOR Ja deessenyaDORa | POSStre iCHENAs maREERsse doefeRENte deck FEthee! dinner director () director (m) diny disc jockey district to dive todvide divided by (math) dwing board todo to do backstroke to do breaststroke 10.60 the dishes to do the gecdening to do the shopping docks, quay doctor (m) doctor ()) dog donkey door front doar docrhell docemat double roam doughnut down ownstaits 1 go downstairs dragonily to dream diess to got dressed to crink to drive driver im) iver to.ctop drums te play the drums todty to dry your hair to dry yourselt ack lull dlungarees dlty-tree shop eagle earrings east «el comedor {a comida a directora el director suciola) el disc jockey el sito tirarse diviir por el trampotin hacer hacer la braza de espalda Inacer la brara de echo ‘fregar ccudar ef jardin hacer tas compras feos musiles ‘el médico la médica cl pero. el burro Ia puerta la puerta de entrada el timbre el felpado | buiuelo abajo abajo bajar fa fibula el vestido. vestirse beber conducir ‘el conductor la canductora dejar caer Tos tambares tocar fos tambores secar secarse el pelo secarse el pata, apagadota) el mono la tienda libre de iimpuestos ef Sguita 0 laoreia tos pendientes cleste haar el hammeDOR ‘a oie a deorekTORA elideerehTOR sS00theeya/a) el deossk BJOkey el deessTREEW 1eeRARSSE deebeoDEER por ‘bf trampoLieN aTHER THER ln BRAN deessPAtda ATHER la BRAtHA de PETsho freGaR KWEFedar ed chiarDEEN aTHER Jas KOMpiass loss mooWsElyess el Mideeko Ia Médoeka ef PEe0 ef BOOne a PERE a PERC de enTRAda el TEEMbre ef tePOGdo inabectalHYON DOble ef boon YWElo aBAcho aAcho bacHar IeeBELocla s80nYAR el bessTtEdo, bessTEFRSse beber Kondo THER ef kondaok TOR ‘a kondookTORa eCHAR Kah Toss tamibCress WKAR loss tammbOress s5eKAR sseKARSse ef PEIo sseK ARSC el Pato apaGAdoral el MOro a T¥ENda LEtbve de cemrWessios of Agee InoREcha Joss pendYENtess of ESSte 3 14 Easter easy fora 10 have eaten well Be eight Bin the morning, fam. Bin the evening, 8pm. eighteen eighty lactic elbow election electricity ‘elephant elevator eleven ‘emergency emergency room to employ employee (rm) employee (t) empty toempyy to get engaged engine English (language: ‘or subject) tw enjoy, to tke Enjoy your meal! to enjoy yourself entrance no entry (road sign) envelope Equator escalator Europe evening, afternoon this evening Bin the evening (or at nights to fall an-exam to pass an exam to lake an exam, exchange rate to exercise exercise book exhibition it expensive Ws expensive. eye Pascua PASS (acl FAtveet comer KoMER haber comida bien aBER koMEEdo YEN el huevo el WE ocho OFsho las ocho de la ass OTstio de ta manana man YAna las ocho de la noche fais OTsho dele NOTse ileciocho deeyetheeQTsho ochenta OtSHEN la cinta elistica la THEENCe etASSteeka el code el KOdo fn cleceién a clehT YON aelectricidad fa ciekeres theeDATH el elefants elle Ante el ascensor el assthenSSOR ‘once ONthe a urgencia (a oorCHENtheeya urgencias BorCHENtheeyass emplear a alguien 2mpleAR a alge2YEN empleado elempleAdo fa empleads a empleAda vacio(a) ba Hetyara) saciar batheeYAR hhacersenovios — aTHERse NObeeyass fa maquina ls Makeena es eh oenGLess gustaleauno —_go0XsTARIoa 00n0 iQueaproveche! ke aprosietshe diverttse deoberT#ERsse ‘enorme eNORMe te entrada Ia er TRAde direcciGn prohibida deorekTHYON proceBEtde el sobre ef ssOnre el ecuador ef ekw2DOR la goma is Coma laescalera movil a eskalE@ MObee! Europa eo0ROps latarde Je TAR esta ude sta TARdo las acho de la noche lass Osho ee Js NOTshe elexamen ef ekSSAmen suspender ssoosspenDER aprobar 2pr0BAr examinarse ekssameeNARese celtino de cambio ef TEEpo do KAMbe2yo) centrenarst entreNARtsse el cuaderno of kwuDERna laexpos Ja cksspossee THYON ta salida a seal EFola carota) KArowa Es algo caro, 285 Algo KAro eloj elOche F fabric face factory ‘ofall an exam tw faint fair (complesion) to fall asleep fale family famous far fat away from How far ig..? fare farm farmer (rm) farmar (fi, fatmee’s wite farmhouse farmyard fashionable fast Fasten your seatheits far father feather February to feed to lee! bettat to feel i fery to fetch fold fifteen the fifth (lor dates: only) ‘itty to fil to fillulp with gas to havea filing film (at movies or for camera} Ws fine. finger fire fire engine to fire someone fire station fireman fireplace the first first clase first floor first name fishy fata lacara lafabrica suspender ddesmayarse blanco‘a) ddormirse fasoxa) la familia famoso(a) lejos lejos de iA qué distancia Stat cl precia det viaje la granja al granjero la granjeca lacaserts el patio delabranza sentirse mejor sentirse malta) elictry trae el eampo quince el cinco cinguenta lienar Tlenae de garalina empastarse un diente Ia pelicata Hace bueno, el dedo el fuego el coche de bomberos despedir 3 algalen et parque de bomberos el bombero {a chimenea el primero primera clase primer piso el nombre de pila el pescade a Tela fa Kara Ia Fabreeka ssoosspenDER dezmaYARsse BLANGkofa) clo MEERsse FALsso(@) a faMEFleeya faMOssova) Lichoss Lichoss de a ke deessTAN- theeya essTA eI PREtheeyo dal beeache la GRANCha el gran CHEra la granCHEra la kesseREBya elPAteeya de taBRANtha de MOda REApeedo(a) abroCHARssee ef, theentooRONN ‘GORdora) elPAdre Ja LOOM feaREIO dar de koMER swenTEERsse mecOR ssenTEERsse MAlo(a) el rere traER ol KAMpa KEENtHE el THEENCko. theok WENta tyeNaR IyeNAR de. gassolEina ‘empassTARss0 un dee YENte fa peléthools Athe BWEno el Dido ol Wo el KOTshe de bomBross desspoDEER 2 Algeeyen €l PARKe de bombéres el bomBero ‘a theemeNa cl preeMiro preeMéra KLAsse preeMER PEFsso el NOMbre de Pela ol peskAdo fish market 10 go fishing fishing boat fiching rod to keep fit five five past 10 fag. fat tire flavor, taste to float flock flood floor first iloor ground floor second floor florist’s flour flower bunch of flowers flowerbed ily toily fog W's foxy to follow 10 be fond of foot forgetsne-not fork (bie) fork (for gardening) form ‘ony forwards foundation ereary four the fourth (for dates only) fourteen fox fraction France freckles freight train French (language or subject fresh Friday fridge friend im) Friend if) friendly frightened feos frontloor frost 10 frown {fozen food la pescaderia ir de pesca Ia barea de pesca lacata mantenerse en ‘orrna cinco las diez y cinco la bandera la rueda deshinchada el sabor flotar el revatio Ia inundacién el suelo primer piso (m) piso bajo (m) segundo piso (m) ln floritedia ‘a harina la flor tan manoje de flores el maciza la moses volar la niebia Hay niebla seguir lenerle carite a cl pie la nomeotvides oltenedor Ja horquila elormulario uarenta hacia adelante la crema base canto el cuatro catorce el rorro Ia fraceién Francia las pecas cliren de mercancias frances frescota) la nevera fl arnigo. la amiga la puerta de entrads bn osearcha fruncir el exiio los congelades Ia pesskadeRetva ‘our de Pika Ta BARKa We PESska TaKANYa manteNeRsse en FORM: THEENGKo. Jase deeVETH 20 THEENGKO la benDire laRRWeda desseenTSHAds el ssaBOR HoTAR elreBANyo la eenoonds- THYONN elssooWeIo proeMER PEESso. PEEss0 BAcho ss2G0ONdo PEESO (a floreessteREEja faartina Iaflor ‘00n maNOdho de FLOress el maTHEEtho la MOSSka boLAR la NVEbla ave NYEbIa sseGEER teNEfile keREEN yo a elpeeve fanomeolBéfdes el teneDOR la ork eeLya 2) formoatAreeya kwaReNta Atheeya adelANte lakREma BAsie Kwatio el KWAtro karORthe el THOnro la frakTHYON FRANtheeya lass PEkas eftren de merkan THEEyass el franTHESS FRESSKota) BYERness Ia neBEre elaMEEgo InaMEEga ameessTOSso(a) assoossTAdo(a) Ta RRAna ta PWERIa dle enTRAda Ie essKARTsha fron THEER el THENyO. Joss konchel Adoss tobe frozen fruit fruit juice ‘ul to be fully booked to have (un funeral funny fur furniture future inthe future G galaxy art gallery game gangnay garage garbage collector garden garden shed gardener (m) odo the gardening garlic Bas 335 gas station to fill up with gas gate to pather speed generous geography geranium German (language ‘or subject! Germany West Germany) to get dressed topet engaged to Ret married to getoff @ hus oF train) so geton to get undressed togetup giraffe gil to give fo give (a present) glass slasses, spectacles sunglasses fo weer glasses gloves toga togo tobed 10 go to the movi to go downstairs ‘star heladaia) la fruta el jugo de frutas Nenota) estar completo divertirse elentierro graciosofa) el peto tos muekles el futuro cen-el futuro) la galaxia lageleria de arte los jungos la pesarela el araje el basurero cljardin lacaseta de jardin celjardinece ‘cuidar el jardin clajo elgas Ia gsol fa gasolinera Menar de gasolina la puerta actlerar sgeneroso(a) la geogratia el geraneo celaleman Repablica Federal ‘Aleman vestirse hhacerse novios bajarse subirse ‘quitarse ta ropa levantarse lajiraia {ania dar egalar el ves0 Jas gafas las gafas de sol evar gafas PSSTAR @LAdoras My FRO #1 CHOOgO de FROOKS LyEnof) ‘PSTAR komPLEto decberlEERsse el enteeYEriro BratheeOsso() el PEIo Joss MWEb less 6 f00T 070, ‘en el foo7OOro Ingulatsseoya la gale REE de Ate loss chooWegoss a passeRtla ei) gaRAche 2) bassooRtro el cherDEEN la kaSStta de charDEEN elcharcieeNteo KWEEdar ef ‘charDEEN el acho el gas fa gassol tna la gassoleeNEva IyeNAR de ascot Ena Ja PER atheleRAR choreROs03) cheagrarteya fe) cheRAnen el aleMAN mePOObIeeka FedleRAL aleMAna essTEERSSE aTHERSSe NObeeyes kaSSARsse baCHARsse SOOBFERSSe keeTARsse la RROpa IebanTARsse IacheerAla Ia NEENVa aur regal AR 1 BAsso ass Galas Ines Cafass de 0 WyeBAR GAfass Toss GAMES akossTARSse eral THEEne. baCHAR 15 116 10 go fishing to-go fountatneeting fo £0 upstairs to goon vacation to\go for a walk To go window. shopping to go Lo work ‘goal goalkeeper oat old made of gold poldfish wolf clubs topiay golt good Good luck! Good-maming. It's good value, Ietastes good. Goosttye Goodnight, See you tomarreny goose gorilla government grammar srenddaventer grandfather zrendmother grandson Brene Brass Great Briain green sroenhouse Brey, grocery shop ground floor fo growl guard Ruest fm) uest house, boarding house Buinea pig guitar to play the guitar Bymaastics H hal tohall taxi hair to have...) colar hair hairdresser ten) hairdresser) hairdresser's hatrdrer irda pete hacer ef alpinismo subi ir de vacaciones dar un pasea ide escaparales ita trabajar lg porter Ia cabes low de oro el per de colores el palo de golf jugar al golf buenos) {Buena suerte! ‘Buenos cas No es caro, Bid muy rico, Adit iMasta manana! etganvo ol gorita el gobierso la gramética la nieta et ahuelo la abuela el nieto hava Is hierba, Gran Brotafia verde elinveradero ris {ia tienda de) ‘ltramarinas iso bajo (on) aru el interventor elinvitade fa pensién ¢l conojile de tndins la guitarra tocar la guityera ol granizo, pararun taxi el peluquere lapeluquera la peluqueria lasecadora eléctriea oor de Pes 2THER el alpeeNEtZmna ssooBEER eer tie DakaTH¥Oness dar-un paSSkye corde esskapaRAtess eer atabaCHar el go! el porTErm Ia Abra Oro de Oro el peth de koLOres, 2 PAlo de golf EhooGAR al galt beoWEno(a) ‘Wena SSWeRte BWEhoss DFFyaes ha exs Karo e5sA may ARRECKD adeeOss ASSIa man ¥Ana eh GANsso el goREEa ol gobectkno lagiaMAteeka laneevite elabew elo fasbooWsla elneetto ts 00ba a YERoa GRAN breTAnya BeRde ef penvernaDEro greess lla TYENGs de) ooltiamaREEnoss PEEss0 BAcho grooNEER el eenteibenTOR el eenboeTAde bs penseeYONN. el koneCHEEtyo de EEndeeyas fa geeTAnra toKAR la geoTAera la ceemNasseeya ef graNeetho PARAR oon TAksee eh PELo teNER ef PELO 2 polooKEm, a pelooktra 1s pelookeREtya Jo ssokaDOra eltKireeha hake 2 halt halls kilo half «titer traf past 10 halt stip am, hammer hamster hand andoag hand luggage handsome to hangon te to hang up elephone) happy. to be happy Happy New Year hard hard-working to harvest hat Have you any small change? to have to have a bath tohave a breakdown Wehicley to have a cold to have (.. color hair 1have a filling fohave flat tire to have fun to have e shower tohave stomach ache to have a temperature to have toothache Having 3 lovely time: hay haystack head: to havea headache headba headlight headlines headphones healthy heavy to be heavy, hedgehog heel height Hello, Hella fon telephone) lametiuza medio medio Kio ‘medio titra las diez y media las enaguas eliamon el marillo el hamster fa mano el bolso el equipaje de mano suapotad ‘colgarse a calgar fella ser faliz feliz Ao! durota) ‘abajadorta) covechar elsombrero

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