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Arranged by Muhammad Amin

Not revised yet
Although pit and open-cut mining are used when practical, there many situations
where they cant
be used. Steeply dipping narrow vein will produce very little ore by surface
techniques. Even though an ore deposit may be large, and can initially be mined
successfully by surface mining techniques, a point may be more economical to use
underground methods.
Underground mining methods are classified or distinguished from each other by
the type of support required in the stope. Supports required may range from almost
nothing to heavy timbers combined with rock bolts supported by tailings, sand, or
mine waste rock. Even in the strongest rock, large underground openings will cave
eventually. If the ore is weak and caves readily, a system of stoping is sometimes
used that takes advantage of this weakness. These are called caving system. Mining
methods usually fall into one or more of the following systems:
1. Open stopesgophering, glory-hole, room and pillar, sublevel.
2. Cut-and -fillhorizontal or flat back, rill, re-suing, and timbered.
3. Shrinkage.
4. Timberedsquare set and stull.
5. Cavingtop slice, sublevel cave, long-wall, and block cave.
6. Combination methods.
7. Solution and in situ methods of recovering minerals.
There is some overlap. For example, in a room and-pillar system, timber or stulls
may be required to support weak areas. A stope may be started as cut-and-fill, but
as the ground gets heavy or weak, timber may be required. Conversely, the timber
method may be changed to cut-and-fill if the workings enter stronger ground.
The general underground systems will be described in the order listed in this
part, with the exception
of long wall and short wall systems which are described after the room-and-pillar
system. This is done because in some mines one may be substituted for the other.
In some cases, new mining system be more cost effective than those in current use.
For example, in a mine where square-set timber seems to be required, the less
costly top slice method or sublevel cave system may be substituted under certain

Gophering, used frequently in small mines, is really not a method, but consists of
following the high-grade ore wherever it goes. The miner uses only the support
necessary. It is very difficult to picture this system. Gophering frequently harms the
ore body for further mining because it causes zones of weakness in the ore,
particularly so if some systemized mining method is to be used later.
The glory-hole system, frequently used in the past, has been almost completely
replaced by the sublevel long-hole or open-pit type of mining. A glory-hole was just
a cavity in the earth continually enlarged by mining. Generally there was very little
system used, and the miners often worked under large exposures of back or roof.
The size of the cavity was often extended to the point where caving was started,
and the project was abandoned.

Source: Eugene P. Pfleider, Surface Mining

In the United States the room-and-pillar method of mining produces more
tonnage than any other underground method used. Even with continuous mining
machines a room-and-pillar method is still used. In Europe, and other areas of the
world, long-wall mining may produce more coal than the room-and-pillar method.
Long-wall and short-wall systems are relatively new in the United States and
generally have not yet replace the room-and-pillar system.
In a flat bedded deposit it may be necessary to sink a shaft or drive an incline to
A double entry, or entries side by side, driven in the seam provide two passages
for ventilation air. See A. In coal mine large amounts of air are required to dilute
gases to levels below explosive concentration. Connections are made every so often
in the entries to direct the air, see arrows in A, B, C, and D.
To outline a block of coal, side entries are driven B. Rooms are started in
sequence B, and C from the side entry, which is extended to prepare more coal for
mining. The block is mined as shown in D. Pillars are left between the rooms to
support the roof or back.

In the room-and-pillar method, 30 to 60 percent of the coal or other mineral

remains in the pillars after the rooms are mined. To recover the pillars E, a pillar E, a
is mined by using timber for temporary support and then allowing the area to cave.
Then pillars E, b are mined and the ground is allowed to cave. As pillar robbing
progresses, the whole mined-out block of ground cave F. This procedure is called
retreating mining because after the pillar recovery starts no attempt is made to go
back into the block. It is allowed to cave and is abandoned.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and Equipment

Source: Howard L. Hartman, Introductory Mining Engineering


Long-wall mining has been greatly mechanized in recent times. Hydraulic
actuated ground supports have been developed that hold the roof up while the longwall cut is made and can be moved into a new position with the use of hydraulic
cylinders. Drum shearers, coal plows and other type of cutting devices have been
developed that run on a conveyor belt frame which cuts the coal from the face
without the necessity of drilling and blasting. The supports hold the roof in place
while the coal is being mined so there is little need for roof support such as roof
bolts in the mining cycle. As the support s move up, the roof is allowed to cave
behind the supports, and most of the coal is mine out.
In this system, the long-wall block must first be developed with entries in about
the same manner as for other types of coal development. The long-wall bloc is
commonly 500 ft. wide and up to 3,000 ft. Long. A is an isometric vein of a long-wall
block in operation. The shearer is high-production machine which places the coal on
a face conveyor belt. This belt moves the coal paralleled to the face to a stage
loader and the main conveyer. The depth of cut of the shearer is about two feet,
and after every cut the face conveyer must be removed to a new position which
also changes the loading position of the main belt. Usually the hydraulic roof
supports move up about two feet after the conveyer has moved.
The system shown in A is called the treating system of mining. The development
work is completed to the boundary, the long-wall system is set up and the coal is
mined toward the shaft. No one goes back into the area after it has been mined and
it caves. Advancing long-wall has been used in coal mines in other countries, but
only in one or two mines in the United States. With advancing long-wall, mining can
start near the shaft, therefore not as much development work is required before
coal production starts. However, the main-gate and tail-gate must be maintained
through the fringes of the cave area. This sometimes is difficult to do. It requires
extensive construction work to protect the passageways which may be more
expensive than the retreating system.
The long-wall system consists of a long section of hydraulic actuated props call
chocks or shields. Each one of these is about 5 ft. wide; consequently it would take
100 of them for a face 500 ft. Long. They are attached to the face conveyor by a
double acting hydraulic cylinder, as shown in B, and C. The face conveyor is usually
a chain conveyor built on a heavy frame rock with rail fastened to the upper side
and the face side of the conveyor. The drum shearer rides on these rails. Fig. 5 & 19

Drum shearer has two cutting wheels that can be positioned from the roof to the
floor of coal. The shearer moves on the tracks on the conveyor frame while the
wheels cut and load the coal on the conveyor, Fig. 5 & 19.
After the drum shearer has gone by a section of supports the positioning
cylinders are actuated, pushing the face conveyor the width of shearer cut closer to
the face. The supports are moved one at a time after the face conveyor is in its new
The canopy of one support is lowered slightly from the roof, and the positioning
cylinder is actuated which pulls the support toward the conveyor. When in position,
the canopy is again raised and pressurized against the roof. The roof rock is allowed
to cave in the space left vacant by the support that was moved. Fig. B.

A. Isometric view of a modern long wall mining


B. Cross-section through chock line

C. Cross-section through chock line

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and Equipment

Source: Samuel M. Cassidy, Elements of Practical Coal


Source: Samuel M. Cassidy, Elements of Practical Coal


Source: Samuel M. Cassidy, Elements of Practical Coal



One disadvantage of the long wall system is that if the face cutting machine or
any other part of the system malfunctions, production of coal from the entire
system stops. Too, over a 500 foot face different ground conditions can occur which
may lead to mining difficulties. Even with this draw back, the system extracts most
of the coal from the ground, and the safety record is excellent.
Conditions permitting, present day continuous miners have high production
rates. Coal operators have combined the roof support system of the long-wall
method with the flexibility of the continuous miners and named it the short-wall
system of mining.
The length of the mining face in the short-wall system is about one third the
length of the typical long-wall system or about 150 ft. The block is developed as
shown in A. The initial cut along the face is made by the continuous miner, and a
line of hydraulic supports is installed as shown in A. A cross section of the face is
shown in E,1, except there is no caved gob behind the support.
The continuous miner takes a fairly wide cut. That is about ten feet wide at a
time. Therefore, it starts cutting ahead of the supports as shown in B and E. The
support itself, and the roof canopy of the support, are advanced and extended over
the miner as it advances. This is shown in B and E,2. The miner operator is
protected from the roof by the support.
Removing the coal from the miner is done indifferent ways, and a series of
conveyor belts may be used. The ordinary shuttle car or some specially developed
coal hauler is also frequently use. If the shuttle car or coal hauler is used, the
roadway must be kept at the maximum width for passage of the conveyance until
the entire length of the face is mined. After the miner advances the full length of the
cut, it backs out under the supports and the spill plate and support are moved up as
shown in C, and E, and 4.
Short-wall mining is relatively new method and proponent of the method feel
that is has the following advantages over conventional mining.
1. Miners work under cover of the roof support at all times; therefore the hazards of
roof and rib fall
are reduced.
2. Because the flow of air is directed along the face, the miners work in intake air all
the time, reducing

dust hazards and methane concentrations.

3. The continuous miners do not have to be trimmed as far for the next cut so more
production time
4. Recovery by short-wall is as good as or better than room-and-pillar mining with
pillar recovery.
5. Preliminary results show the costs are lower and production is higher per man
shift than in
conventional room-and-pillar.
In comparison to the long-wall method, the following advantages appear.
1. It is easier to move and more flexible than the long-wall system.
2. It does not require the extensive development of long-wall and can be more
easily integrated into
conventional mining.
3. It requires less capitalization than the long-wall method.
4. It is not as affected by rolls, clay veins, etc. as is the long wall method

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and

By Thomas F. Edgar
Coal is normally extracted by underground mining techniques when the depth of the
seam is greater than 300 feet. The coal in the states of Pennsylvania, West Virginia,
Kentucky, Tennessee, and Illinois is largely mined by this method, which is a labourintensive means of extraction. Underground mining techniques can be one of four
different types:
1. Room-and-pillar
a. Conventional (cut and shoot)
b. Continuous
2. Long-wall
3. Short-wall
At present, most underground mining is either by the conventional or continuous
room-and-pillar methods. Conventional room-and-pillar mining is on the decrease
while continuous room-and-pillar mining is on the increase. It is estimated that
continuous mining will peak in 1985 about 60 % of total underground mine
production, while long-wall mining will reach approximately 30 % of total production
by 1985. The old conventional room-and-pillar method will be reduced to 10 % of
the total underground production by 1985.
This mining method involved sinking a vertical shaft or an inclined tunnel to the
coal seam followed by running horizontal tunnels or entries at regular intervals into
the seam. The un-mined coal (pillars) is used to provide the major means of
support. Panels are mined from these entries, the panels consisting of a series of
mine-out rooms separated by supporting pillars, giving a checkerboard pattern as
shown in figure 3-4. The main entries are often supported by wooden frame
structures, while roof bolts are used in the panels and in the entries to prevent
premature roof collapse. Upon completion of a panel, the pillars may also be mined
to a degree compatible with safety and subsidence restrains. Although complete
pillar removal from a panel is obviously desirable from a materials recovery point of
view, in practice only about 50 % to 60 % of the total coal in place is actually
The conventional method employs cutting machines to undercut the coal face,
and explosives placed in drill holes to complete the mining of the coal face. A
loading machine load the blasted coal into a rubber-wheel electrically-operated

shuttle car (typically about 5 to 7 ton per load), which travels to a discharge point
where coal is unloaded onto a rail car or belt conveyor.
In this method the excavating and loading operations are carried out by a single
Excavating of the coal is accomplished by a rotary or chain-driven cutter head,
eliminating the need for blasting at the face. Coal production rates per man shift are
typically about 20 % greater by the conventional mining system, and the manpower
requirements are reduced from about a 10-to 11-man crew at the face to 8 men.
Overall, these crews represent about one-third of the total work force required for all
phases of the mining operation. Relative to conventional mining, continuous mining
concentrates the required manpower and thus reduces the total man-hour exposure
at the working face.
Long-wall mining differs from room-and pillar mining in that miner roof supported
hydraulically along the face and is then allowed to collapse after extraction. The
main entries are mined and supports are placed as shown in figure 3-5. The coal is
removed in slices perpendicular to the entries by a cutting machine riding on an
armoured face conveyor. After a mining pass the hydraulic supports are advanced
and the overburden in then allowed to collapse behind the face. The coal cutting
machine may either use a rotary cutter head (shearer) or may operate through a
plowing action (coal plow). The mined coal falls onto the armoured face conveyor
and is transported out of the mining panel on a conveyor system. In this system the
cutting, loading, haulage, and support functions are closely integrated. Ventilation is
provided by through the panel entries at either end of the mining face. Long-wall
faces may up to 1,000 feet in length.
Only long-wall mining has the inherent capability of providing significant
improvements in productivity. While mechanized long-wall mining accounts for 9o %
of common market coal production, only 3 % American production comes from this
system 20 years after its introduction in this country. This is mainly due to the fact
that capital requirements are much higher for long-wall mining than for
conventional or continuous mining operations. However, there are several
advantages of long-wall mining:
1. A productivity potential approximately twice that of conventional or continuous
mining operations.
2. Inherently safer conditions (few collapse-related accidents).
3. Lower material costs.
However, successful long-wall mining requires good seam continuity and a roof
which will cave (collapse) in the required manner.

The entry and face layout for short-wall mining is conceptually similar to that in
long-wall mining, but uses a shorter face length of 100-200 feet, and uses
continuous mining equipment similar to that used in room-and-pillar mining. Thus,
instead of the highly integrated system used in long-wall mining, coal cutting and
loading is achieved by a continuous mining machine, haulage is usually carried out
by shuttle cars, and face support is provided by hydraulic chocks, similar to the
props used in long-wall systems. This method has many of the advantages of longwall system, though it does not have the potential for such high productivity. A
major advantage is the use of similar equipment to room-and-pillar methods, thus
reducing the initial capital cost for initiating a short-wall face in a room-and pillar

Figure 3-4. The conventional and continuous methods of room-andpillar underground coal mining

Source: Thomas F. Edgar, Coal Processing and Pollution


Source: Thomas F. Edgar, Coal Processing and Pollution


Source: Samuel M. Cassidy, Elements of Practical

Coal mining
This machine used in cutting coal seam (Figure 3-4a)


A system resembling room-and-pillar mining can be used in dipping veins Plate
8-8 A, through E. For steeply dipping veins, 50 to 90, the sublevel long-hole system
is popular. The ground, both walls and ore, must be strong enough to stand
unsupported over large spans.
A typical development for a sublevel stope is illustrated. A double raise is driven
A; connections are driven between raises, and short levels are driven toward the
stope at sublevel intervals. When the raise
Is completed B, the slusher drift and lowest sub level are driven, and the next
sublevel and the opening raise are started. The sublevel stope is completely
developed C when all of the finger raise are billed or funnelled out to catch the ore.
This method requires much development, but once the stope is developed, mining
can proceed rapidly. A three-dimension view of model of the stope is shown in I, and
To start mining, it is first necessary to cut a slot across the ore, from footwall to
hanging wall.
This is usually done by drilling and blasting the walls of the opening raise C. One
this raise is open from footwall to hanging wall, mining can progress rapidly. The
open raise provides a free face for blasting, and lines of parallel holes F or rings G
can be drilled. The blast throws the rocks into the open stope. The whole mining
face is advanced toward the man way raise D, and E. Broken ore can be removed
from the stope as needed. Should the wall begin to fail, a pillar can be left E.
A drill H is used to drill long holes F, which may be as much as 100 feet in length.
The ore can be removed from the stope in any of several ways. The slusher drift and
scraper is shown in this plate, but any of the systems shown in Plate 5-19 A, C, F, or
G could be used.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and

Some bedded ore does not dip steeply enough to permit mining by sublevel
methods because the broken ore will not run down the footwall. Therefore, it is
necessary to scrape the ore down the stope.
The haulage level may be driven in the footwall just below the ore D. Chute cut outs
are made at intervals A. After the chutes are installed, the short raises are widened
to full stoping width B. The stopes advance in stair step fashion C to reduce the
effects of ground pressure in the stope faces.

As these headings are blind, i. e., not open to the level above, it is necessary to
break into the neighboring stopes for ventilation C. Air is circulated through the
stopes by fans in these connections.
The system shown is actually a combination of timber and pillar methods. Narrow
pillars separate the stopes, which would be called rooms if the deposit were
horizontal, but two or three rows of timber stulls in the stope help to support the
center until the stope is mined B, and C. These stope face can be 70 feet or more in
width, depending on the strength of the ground.
A question may arise as to how steep the stope must be for the ore to run by
itself. Theoretically, ore will run if the slope is steeper than the angle of repose of
the broken rock. The angle of repose is the angle (measured from the horizontal)
that the sides of a pile of the material assume naturally. For broken rock this angle
is close 40. Therefore, if the ore is hard, it should run of its own accord at angles
exceeding 40, but if it contains much clay, it may require steeper angle.
Production rates per man shift compare favourably with those of other
underground mining system; this is regarded as a low-cost underground method.
The basic requirement is firm strong walls, which will stand unsupported over large

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and


Removing ore from a flat-lying stope by slushers pulling ore to a chute can be seen
on Plate 5-19.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and

The shrinkage method can be employed in steeply dipping vein if the ore and
walls are strong and self supporting. Broken ore is left in the stope to provide a
working flat form for the miners. Because breaking the ore increases its volume by
40 percent or more, some ore must be pulled out of the stope as mining progresses,
other wise the broken ore would choke the stope.
At each end of the planned stope, raises are driven trough to the level above A,
and small drifts are driven at about 20-foot intervals to provide access to the stope
as mining progresses upward. This stope is being developed with chutes at the
mouth of draw holes. Not all shrink stopes are developed in this fashion. Timbered
or cribbed raises at each end of the stope may be used instead of unsupported
raises, and the short drifts are not driven. To gain access to the stope, the sides of
the raise are removed. If raises are not driven trough first, they must be carried up
with the stope. The stope shown in B is fully developed except that the chute raises
are not yet coned or funnelled out.
After the chute raises are funnelled out, mining is started C and progresses back
and forth across the stope D. Air-leg drills are commonly used in these stopes, and a
bench as much as 15 feet in length can be drilled and blasted in one shift. The
series of benches across the stope makes one vertical cut in the stopes. In putting
broken ore away from the solid ore face to provide working room, caution must be
exercised not to pull too much, or the miners cannot reach the working face. When
the stope is completely mined out E, it is full of broken ore, which is then removed F.
Commonly a pillar is left near each level so that the drift will not be destroyed. The
stope may be filled with waste at some later time. The pillars may or may not be
recovered. The shrinkage mine method also sketched at figure 6-6.
The shrinkage method gives a large production per man shift because scaling,
drilling, and blasting are the main operations the ore in the stope must be carefully
drawn to avoid losing time by under pulling or over pulling. A big disadvantage is
that a large of mined ore must remain amount in the stope until is completed.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and Equipment

Source: William C. Petters, Exploration Mining and Geology


As mentioned in the section on the room-and-pillar system, only 30 to 60 per
cent of the coal is recovered on the first mining by that method; that is, before the
pillars are robbed. To recover almost all of the coal in a single operation, the long
wall system was developed. Although this system is fairly new in the United States,
it is being used for mining coal and other flat-lying mineral deposits, fig. B, C.
Recent developments in long wall mining equipment have certainly increased the
popularity of system. However, the cost of equipping a modern long wall system is
very high when compared with conventional mining systems. The safety record has
been good in long wall blocks.
To develop a retreating long wall system, entries are driven in the seam A from
the shaft or incline. The deposit is similar to the onc shown in Plate 2-1 B. This is a
triple entry heading, popular where mining faces are to be driven both ways. The
entries are driven to the limit of the block and then long wall side entries are driven
in both directions B. Not both the plan and long-section views in these sketches. The

entries are up to and sometimes over 500 feet apart, and the long wall face extends
between the entries. It is necessary to have an air circulation system in a coal mine
to dilute any explosive gases with fresh air to eliminate the explosion hazard.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and

The long wall side entries are driven wider, progressing to the left in sketch C,
which produces a long wall face. The open ground is supported by wooden timbers
called props. Before the use of steel chocks or shields, hydraulic actuated props
were used instead of timber. As the face progresses to the left in C, and D, the
supporting timbers are blasted or the hydraulic props are released and pulled from
the caving area. Relieving the support by these techniques causes the unsupported
roof to cave behind the protected mining face. The mining face is protected by the
props or other support and by the un-mined face long sections, C and D. This
method mines almost all of the coal in the first mining. As rule, explosive cost is less
in this system than in the room-and-pillar system because the caving action causes
some breakage of the solid coal. Equipment used in similar to that used in the roomand-pillar system, but slushers and scrapers can be used to pull the coal a long the
face. Plate 5-17 B, C, and D shows as slusher and bucket in operation.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and


Some ore caves readily, and if the ore body contains enough tonnage, the blockcaving method may be used. After the stope is developed, the ore breaks of its own
accord; it does not have to be drilled and blasted. Caving is a large-production lowcost method. If an opening is large enough, it will eventually cave, even in the
firmest and strongest rock, but a caving system of mining requires that the ore or
rock will cave over a small unsupported area.
A common method of developing a block of ore for mining consists of first driving
a slusher drift in the ore A, and B. Slusher drifts are spaced at suitable intervals in
the block to produce efficient caving above the fingers and are usually spaced so
two or three cars in the ore train can be loaded at the same time. There may be as
many as five slusher drifts under each block. Slusher loading of cars is shown in
Plate 5-19 C, G
From the slusher drift, finger raises are driven to the undercut level C, and D. The
tops of the finger raises are connected by cross cuts and drifts E, and F, the
crosshatched portion in F represents the supporting pillars, which keep the overlying
ore from caving. The tops of the finger raises are drilled and blasted to a funnel
shape G and H. The supporting pillars are drilled and blasted when the raises are
enlarged or immediately afterward in sequence H, 1 to 11. As blasting of the raises
and pillars progresses, the stope begins to cave, see cross section, I, and J.
When the broken ore is pulled from the back of the stope by drawing ore from
the raises, cracks form and the ore still in place tends to break by its own weight
and fall to the pile of broken ore. Because the ore increases in volume when broken
ore, when the broken ore will soon fill up to the back, which in turn gives support to
the back and thus stops the caving. The more rapid the rate of draw the more rapid
the caving action. Too rapid a draw of one finger may cause overlying waste to
come through the stope and into a finger. Therefore, all of the fingers must by
carefully draw to insure even caving action and to prevent overlying waste from
coming through the fingers before all of the ore is pulled out.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and Equipment

Source: William C. Petters, Exploration Mining and Geology

Efficiency in a horizontal cut-and-fill stope requires a slusher and scraper or other
type of ore mover. Before the widespread use of slushers and scrapers, the rill stope
was devised to use gravity to move the ore and to emplace the supporting waste
fill. This system is seldom used today, but in special situations in a small mine this
system could be used efficiency. Mining equipment may be at a premium in a small
operation, and slushers and scrapers may not be available.
The rill stope is developed either by driving a raise at each end or by utilizing the
raise of the previous stope A and driving a raise at the other end. The lower corners
of the stope are mined, and waste is brought down from the level to fill the corners
B. The waste flows in and stops at its angle of repose. When the ore is broken, it
slides down the top of the waste pile into drift or into a chute F.
In this system, a center 8-post raise is required, but it is usually brought up as
the stope is mined C. A cut is started in ore and is taken up from the center raise D.
The ore is held in by timber stops placed against the timbers of the raise. The
miners work from the pile of broken ore. After the cut is completed, left side D, the
ore stops in the center raise pulled out and the ore slide into the ore pass. When all
of the ore has been removed, the stops are permanently placed against the center
raise and waste is run into the stope from the level above E.
Common practice is to mine in one side of the stope while the other side is being
emptied of ore and filled with waste D, and E. After one has been filled with waste,
mining will start on that side, while the other side is being drawn of ore and filled
with waste.
The ore must be strong enough to support itself over the long opening. The walls
should stand over the unsupported height until fill can be placed. The ore should
run well at the angle of repose and should be free of sticky clay.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and Equipment

Much high-grade ore occurs in narrow veins, but to mine the ore it is necessary
to have sufficient mining width ad room. The high-grade ore is not rich enough to
pay for hauling waste to the smelter or mill, and hand sorting the waste from the
ore is ineffective, tedious, and expensive. The re suing method is an attempt to
keep the ore and waste separated during mining.
The sequence of operations is shown in Plate 8-15. When the stope has been
started A, the ore and waste are drilled (cross section). The waste is loaded and
blasted first (cross section, B).the waste is levelled off and if the ore is high grade, a
wooden floor may be laid on the waste. The ore is then blasted down and scraped
out of the stope C. After the ore is blasted down, the step is ready to be drilled again
(cross section, D)
Production per man shift by this method is low, but the ore is not diluted with
waste. The walls and the ore must stand very well, or stulls may be required.
Keeping the ore from breaking with the waste may present a problem.
Sometimes the ore is blasted and removed before the waste is blasted down.
Usually a trial-and-error approach must be used to determine whether the ore or
waste should be blasted first.
If the waste is insufficient to fill the mined-out portion, a raise may be driven in
the hanging wall to provide additional waste for fill. Another plan of a re-suing stope
is shown in the picture of a model, Plate 8-22 E.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and Equipment

In a cut-and-fill stope, a cut of ore is mined and waste is brought in to support
the walls of the mined-out portion of the stope. Plate 8-12 shows this method
developed by lateral driven in the foot-wall and crosscuts driven into the ore zone at
interval A. From the crosscuts, raises are driven in ore to the level above. A drift is
driven in the ore to connect two crosscuts at the bottom haulage level. When the
drift connecting the two crosscuts is completed B, mining is started, and the mineout portion is filled with waste or mill tailings. A series of benches is drilled and
blasted across the stope C from one raise to the other, which completes a cut. The
broken ore is removed from the stope after each blast. After the cut across the
stope has been completed, the remaining broken ore is scraped out of the stope to
the ore pass on the left side of the sketch D. After the ore has been scraped out,
waste rock is dumped down the raise on the right from the level above. The waste is
scraped in to mine- out portion by the slusher E. The waste is not piled completely
to the back, as room is needed for expansion of blasted ore, mining of stope
progresses upward F.
The cut-and-fill method can be used only if the ore is fairly firm and the walls will
stand unsupported until waste fill is brought in.
Sand or mill tailings are now commonly used instead of waste for support in cutand-fill stopes. Sand can be brought into the stope as a. water slurry in pipe line.
This reduces the scraping required in the stope. The sand fills all voids and forms a
tight compact support after the water has drained away. Stopes of this type are
shown in Plate8-14 C, and D. It is also shown in Figure 6-7.
As a general rule, a floor is not built on top of the waste fill to keep the ore and
waste separated. Repeated building and removing of a floor would cost more than
the value of any ore lost in the waste fill.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and


Source: William C. Petters, Exploration Mining and Geology

The majority of mining methods either mine upward on the ore body called
overhand stoping, or horizontally, sometimes called breast stoping. In the
underhand system mining is carried on from the top down as shown in A. The
reason for doing this is to have some kind of artificial back or roof support of known
strength characteristics so personnel will not be exposed to overhead weak ore and
wall rock. The top slice method explained in Plate 8-20 is an example of underhand
In some mining situations the ore and wall rock become so fractured and loose
they cave.
These caves sometimes are difficult to control, as well as being costly and time
consuming. The caves at times are so uncontrollable that mining is abandoned in
the area. This, unfortunately, leaves a valuable resource in the ground, with little
chance for recovery.
Pillar recovery often is a problem when a major part of the ore has been removed
by some other method. Frequently the pillar becomes broken and unstable, and
overhand methods havent always been successful l; even with timbered methods.

To cut down on the amount of timber required, and to provide a better overhead
structure in recent years, cemented sand-fill has often been used. For narrow veins,
up to twelve feet wide, the system shown in B has been successfully used. Actually,
it is similar to the horizontal cut-and-fill technique, except that after the cut has
been completed, heavy caps or stulls are placed on the floor or the cleaned out cut.
They are wedged and pinned firmly in place. Commonly a foot of unbroken ore is
left on top of the cut as shown in B to protect the timber when the solid ore below is
blasted. These may be from three to eight feet apart, but usually 5 feet. Lagging or
wooden planks are installed on top of the heavy caps or stulls, and the zone is
prepared for filling. The rock bolts shown in B are usually installed as the cut is
being made to keep the hanging wall in place.
The bottom three feet or so of the sand fill is mixed with cement as the zone is
being filled. This tends to put a firm hard material over the timber, and the rest of
the zone is then filled with ordinary sand fill to the overlying cap and filled zone. The
method requires much more timber preparation than the ordinary un-timbered cutand-fill. But when ground gets unstable, timber frequently must be used with
conventional cut-and-fill for support. Even with timber, caves occur; consequently
some operators feel the underhand system has merit because caves are usually
eliminated or reduced.
When the pillar or ore zone is wider as shown in C, and D, the caps or stulls
required are too long for support. A special method for wider underhand stopes was
developed by the International Nickel Company of Canada (INCO) and their system
is shown in C, and D. In this process the stope is started from the top, and as the
ore is mined out the space above is filled with cemented sand fill material. A scissor
set, developed by INCO, is shown D. In this method, hardened fill instead of loose
ore zone is overhead. Safety in these stopes has been good. When underhand
mining is resumed under a scissors mat, post are not required for support. The
absence of posts increases the efficiency of mucking equipment.
The Magma Copper Company in Arizona reports efficient mining of very weak ore
and wall rock by a combination of timber and sand fill method. The mining plan is
similar to a top slice stope, but instead of a timber mat, cemented sand fill is used
to fill in the void. The plan is to catch the overhead timber posts and stringers with
posts on the mining floor to keep them in place. After a mining cut has been
completed, it is filled with cemented sand about three feet thick, and the rest of the
cut is filled with ordinary hydraulic sand fill.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and Equipment


The top-slice method yields greater production per man shift than square-set
timbered method. The supporting timber in a top slice is only temporary, therefore a
cheaper grade can be used, and only that for the first stage of development need
be framed. This method is classified as a cave system because the over head waste
rock caves downward. The ore does not cave, however; it must be drilled and
blasted. Caving of overlying rock will cause the surface of the ground to cave.
Therefore this method cannot be used where the surface property is valuable.
Almost all caving methods destroy the surface, however.
From the haulage level, a two-or three compartment raise is driven to the
overlying rock, sometimes called cap rock, or to the previous mat. From this raise a
drift is driven under the cap rock or mat near and parallel to the footwall (long
sections, A, B and plan, B). The drift extends to each end of the block. From the
ends of the drift, crosscuts are driven to the hanging wall (cross section, A, and
plan, B). These cross cuts are then mined out to a width of several sets of timber,
and mining progresses toward the raise (Plan, B). The small crosshatched areas in
the long sections on the mining floor represent slices that have been mined out but
not yet caved.
After the slice has become wide enough, usually three or more set wide, a floor
of timber, chicken wire, scrap lumber, etc., called a mat, is laid on the bottom of the
workings C. After the floor is laid, the supporting timber posts are blasted to allow
the overlying rock to cave D. The mat keeps the ore and rock separated. The ore is
scraped from the slice to drift and from the drift to the ore pass. The ore is mined
toward the raise, and the worked-out areas are allowed to cave E, and F. A new floor
is prepared for mining by driving a drift along the footwall directly under the timber
mat F, and the sequence
is repeated. Stulls or props used for support of the mat while mining, and which are
blasted as mining progresses, become part of the mat that descends to form the
next mining floor.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and

Sublevel caving resembles top slicing except that the mining floors are spaced
father apart in the sublevel system, and not only the overlying cap rock but part of
the ore is also caved. The cap rock and ore must be weak enough to cave readily.
Production per man shift in sublevel caving is greater than in top slice, and the cost
of explosives and timber is likely to be less.
Sublevel caving should not be confused with sublevel long-hole stoping. The
sublevel long-hole system requires strong rock and is not a caving method.
The initial stage of a sublevel cave stope is similar to the top slice, i. e., a raise is
driven up to the cap rock or the overlying mat. A drift is driven along the footwall as
in a top-slice stope except that some ore is between the mat and the drift B. The
crosscuts or sublevel slices are spaced a certain distance apart A, and C. Sublevel
caving normally requires framed timber for ordinary drift sets in the slices.
After the slices are driven A, and C, the lagging on the side of the slices is
removed and the ore is allowed to cave into the sides of the slice. The ore is
scraped through the slice to the drift and from there it is scraped to the man way. If
the ore does not cave readily, drilling and blasting of the ore may be necessary to
start caving action. As the ore cave C, the mat cave down, and when all the ore is
mined the mat reaches the mining floor. The slices are floored with timber to keep
the waste from mixing with the ore on the next lower mining floor.
On the next mining floor D, notice that the slices are not directly below the
previous slices but are offset between the upper slices. The upper slice positions in
D are indicated by round timbered ends. By this arrangement the mat will
eventually be evenly distributed between the ore and waste.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and

A relatively new mining method has been devised for sublevel caving strong ore
bodies that have a weak capping and hanging wall. Mobil drilling, loading and
hauling equipment have made this system very successful. No timber mat is used
as in the conventional sublevel caving system, and the ore must be drilled and
A typical ore body that maybe mined by this method is shown in A. It is
necessary to sink a decline or shaft in the footwall and developed the ore body with
a series of sublevel drifts, as shown in B. The elevation difference between each
horizon of sublevel is commonly about 10 metres (about 30 to 35 feet). Al so, the
sublevels are not driven directly under each other, but in staggered positions as
shown in C.
The usual procedure is to drive the upper crosscuts to hanging wall on the same
level. Then raises may be driven along the hanging wall from the ends of the
crosscut to the top of the ore body or to upper crosscuts. These raises are often
opened up to form an open slot between the hanging wall and the ore body.
Long holes are drilled and blasted parallel to the hanging wall so the slot of ore
next to the hanging wall is broken. The raises provide expansion for the blasted ore
which facilitates the formation of the slot of broken ore. This falls to the sublevel
where it is picked up by a loader or load-dump-haul unit as shown in D. Mucking is
continued until the overlying waste alluvium or broken hanging wall appears in the
muck pile in significant quantities.
Long-hole drills, usually jumbo mounted, drill a series of fan holes in fan holes in
a pattern similar to the one shown in C. Several of these patterns may be drilled at
one time, and each pattern may be five to nine feet apart along the length of the
crosscut, as shown in D.
Usually the ore deposit is worked from the top down, and each level is worked so
that the cave is uniform over the ore body, as shown in B. While the upper crosscuts are being mined, the lower crosscuts are being developed.
The various levels of the crosscuts are frequently connected by declines to
enable the mobile equipment to move from one location to another. A haulage level
to the shaft is located at some lower elevation in the mine and raises serving as ore
passes are driven to the crosscut levels. In this way, the loader or load-haul-dump
unit does not have to travel long distances.


As can be seen in viewing C, and D, when a pattern of holes is blasted, there is
broken ore or waste lying against the free face. Apparently this does not hinder the
breaking action of the blast because ore fragmentation is normally good. Some
mines blast only one pattern at a time, while others have found that two or more
patterns, with appropriate delays between each pattern, can be blasted and mucked
at one time.
The pattern of drill holes may be vertical or may tilt as much as 70 to the
horizontal. This angle is governed by the way the ore draws down over the waste.
There is always some waste dilution by this method, so it is used in large ore bodies
where waste can be tolerated.
The advantages of this system are that it can be used in a wide variety of ore
bodies; it can be highly mechanized; and it is a flexible method because it can be
modified for unusual conditions or changed to some other method. One
disadvantage is that there is always some dilution with this method, and some ore
can be lost.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and

Solution mining is an old system used for producing soluble minerals such as
salt, or minerals that can be melted by hot water, such as sulphur. One system for
producing salt from an underground format on is shown in A. This is called the
bottom injection method. Water injected through the center pipe dissolves the salt.
The salt carrying solution flows up between the inner pipe and the outer casing. The
arrows in A show the direction of the solution. Reversing the flow is called the top
injection method. Other injection techniques are used to improve recovery, but
eventually the efficiency of the well decreases because the size of the cavity and
the collapsed roof may clog the well. When this occurs it is necessary to drill
another well.
Sulphur production by the frasch process is shown in B. Hot water is introduced
into the hole melting the sulphur. The molten sulphur collects at the bottom at the
hole and starts to flow up the inner pipe.
Compressed air is introduced which helps raise the liquid sulphur and excess hot
water up the pipe.
In-situ leach mining has been used in recent years, especially in recovering low
grade uranium ores. A series of holes is drilled into the ore zone, after that the
solvent is pumped down injection wells and recovered in production wells. A twowell system is shown in C. The solvent is pumped down the injection well into the
mineral formation where it dissolves the mineral, and then flows to and up the
production well. The ore zone must be permeable enough so that the solvent can
flow from the injection zones through the mineral zone, dissolved the minerals and
then flow to the production well. Techniques used in the oil industry to increase
production by fracturing the oil bearing soils around oil wells are also use for in-situ
leaching. One of the problems encountered in this system is the formation of a
channel between the injection and production well so the solvent will flow directly
between the two wells, and will not permeate into the mineral zone and dissolve the
minerals. As more experience is gained with this system recovery of minerals
should improve since many of the operational problems are being solved. One more
drawback to the system is the possible contamination of the natural ground water
with the solvent. Care must be taken to control the flow of solvent and any wash or
cleaning solution to the production wells. The dissolved minerals are recovered from
the solution by various recovery systems when it comes up the production well.

After a mine has been worked out it may be possible to flood it with solvent and
dissolve much of the remaining mineral. This practice has been done in copper
mines as shown in D.


Some low-grade ore bodies have been found that cannot be mine by
conventional methods. Plans have been made to detonate an atomic bomb at the
bottom of the ore body to melt and fracture the ore body so in-situ leaching can be
done. The location of the explosive is shown in E, a, and the resulting mass is shown
in E, b. After the area has cooled, production and injection wells will be drilled into
the mass. It is believed that there will be sufficient fragmentation for good recovery
by solvent mining.
Heap leaching for recovery of copper, gold and silver has increased in recent
years. An impermeable pad is prepared as shown in F, b. The broken ore is placed
on this pad as shown in F, and the solvent is sprayed over the top of the flattened
piles. The solvent percolates down through the pile, and the mineral bearing
solution is collected on the impermeable pad and run through a refinery to collect
the dissolved mineral. Sulphuric Acid is commonly used to recover copper, while a
cyanide solution is used to recover gold and silver. Again, control of the solvent flow
is necessary so the ground water will not be contaminated.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and

In hydraulic mining, a very high pressure jet of water, steady or pulsed,
fragments consolidated mineral or rock in place. Thus it has application as a
primary extraction or mining mechanism (Fig.14.8), although it is limited at present
mainly to softer minerals. When coupled with mechanical action (for mining or for
cutting, drilling, or boring as well), then hydraulic attack becomes a secondary or
supplemental technique.
The range of applications of hydraulic energy to mining is broad, as
demonstrated by the following:
Hydraulic penetration (drilling, etc.)
Hydraulicking (extraction)
Hydraulic mining (extraction)
Hydraulic transport (haulage, hoisting)

Placers (sand, gravel)
Coal, soft rock
All bulk material

Successful hydraulic mining requires that the threshold nozzle pressure

associated with a given substance be exceeded. That pressure is a function of
various rock properties, of which the compressive strength is most important. As an
approximation, the threshold pressure of a steady jet must be equal to or greater
than the rock compressive strength.
The parameters for operational hydraulic mining can be seen (Table 14.4).
TABLE 14.4 Design Parameters for Operational Hydraulic Mining

Flow Rate



In. (mm)

lb/in 2 (MPa)



Bituminous coal


1.5-6 (38-152)
0.25-0.56 (6-14)

100 (0.7)


4000 (27.6)


1700 (11.7)



0.60-1.2 (15-30)


0.67 (17)


1300 (9.0)



0.75-0.87 (19-22)

1500 (10.3)


Anthracite coal
Sandstone, soft
Hard rock


a; hydraulicking
b; experimental only

0.40-0.46 (10-12)
0.62 (16)
0.02-0.10 (0.5-2.5)

5000 (34.5)
1000 (6.9)
2000 (13.8)
>25,000 (<170)

300 (0.02)

Figure 14.8 Hydraulic mining


1. Intrinsic safety from sparking and methane ignition
2. Healthy, dust-free environment
3. Large-size product with few fines
4. Opportunity to combine mining and transport in unified system (water can be
5. Adaptable to adverse natural conditions (steep, thin deposit)
6. Low labour requirement and relatively high productivity
7. Higher recovery than with traditional methods
8. Long tool life, few breakdowns

1. High water requirements, extensive piping needed
2. Inefficiency of energy transfer in breaking material; high power and energy
3. Difficulty of control of monitor; irregular shape of opening
4. Potential safety hazard with high jet pressure
5. Mineral must be insoluble in water
6. High atmospheric humidity a problem in hot mines
7. Applications limited to soft to medium-hard rock

Underground gasification involves the partial combustion of coal in place,
generally through boreholes, with the collection of gaseous by-products at the
surface. The objective is to extract thermal energy from the coal seam in form of
fuel gases to avoid conventional mining. An alternative, shown in figure 14.14, is to
use the gases as feed stock for the production of petrochemicals or synthetic fuels,
such as gasoline (Stephen, 1980).
Underground coal gasification involves three basic stages (Zvyaghintsev, 1982)
1. Drilling of vertical or inclined access holes from the surface through the coal
seam, in pairs, one hole serving as inlet for air and the other as the out let for
gaseous products. Occasionally, horizontal boreholes from old mine working have
been used.
2. Formation of reaction channels in the coal seam (linkages) between the injection
and production holes, permitting the coal to interact with the air in a moving
combustion front after ignition.
3. Gasification of the coal by supplying an air blast through the inlet hole and
removing the gaseous products through the outlet hole. The two boreholes and
interconnecting channel constitute and underground gasifier.
Figure 14.15 illustrates underground gasification using percolation, one of five
methods of preparing
a channel in a coal seam. Path linkage between the wells is accomplished by
injecting compressed air, by hydraulic fracturing or penetration, or by electro-linking
using high-voltage current. Air is then injected (oxygen and/or steam may be used
in addition to obtain a higher-quality product), ignition occurs (by electrode,
thermite bomb, or gas burner), and a combustion front is established. Two reaction
zones are formed a long the gasification channel; oxidation is followed by reduction.

Combustible products are carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and some hydrocarbons,

while non-combustible products are carbon dioxide and nitrogen. The system shown
in Figure 14.15 is backward-burning; that is, the coal is ignited at the bottom of the
outlet borehole, and the combustion front retreats toward the inlet.
Design parameters range as follows (Marsden and Lucas, 1973; Stephens, 1980,
Zvyaghintsev, 1982)
1. Minimum seam height 3-6 ft (0.9-1.8 m)
2. Minimum seam depth 200-400 ft (60-120 m)
3. Well spacing 80-100 ft (24-30 m)
4. Intake gas (air, oxygen, etc.) pressure 100-125 lb/in. 2 (690-860 k Pa)
5. Coal consumption per well pair 100 tons/day (90 tonnes /day)
6. Gas yield 30 ft3/lb or (1.9 m3/kg) coal
7. Gas production per well pair 5 million ft3/day (0.14 million m3/day)
8. Gas quality 75-125 Btu/ft3 (2.79-4.66 MJ/m3)

A product with an enhanced heating value of about 450 Btu/ft 3 (16.8 MJ/m3) result
from injection oxygen and steam instead of air. Coal rank is not a critical parameter;
in fact, lignite and sub bituminous
are prepared to bituminous, because they have a lower swelling index and are
therefore easier to link and gasify (anthracite is considered unsuitable because of its
minimal chemical reactivity). Coal permeability, always low, it a limiting factor in
achieving linkage and enhance by the presence of a prominent cleat system. Other
design factors and considerations are discussed by Marsden and Lucas (1973).
1. Replace traditional mining at a cost competitive with that of underground
methods (but not surface methods)
2. Less environmental impact
3. Applicable to low-grade coal deposits (thin, deep, pitching, low-rank, previously
worked, adverse geology, etc.), that are uneconomic to mine conventionally
4. Gas products can be used locally without enhancement but require upgrading for
pipe line shipment (>15-18 mi, or >25-30 km)
5. Very good health and safety conditions (miners not exposed underground)
6. Potential to increase recoverable U.S. coal resources by three to four times)

Gas has low heating value without upgrading

Leakage during degasification may be me high (5-15%)
High coal losses during combustion (20-40 %)
Low thermal efficiency (15-40 %)

5. Surface subsidence follows degasification

6. Possible contamination of groundwater by toxic by-product
7. Difficult to regulate and control

Source: Seymour Kaplan, Energy Economic
Coal gasification represents another pre treatment method of fuel technology. In
addition to other advantages, the method can removed most of the sulphur from
the coal, and the resulting gas is relatively clean. One common gasification method
is to convert coal to synthetic natural gas (SNG). Because this process is
commercially available and is likely to increase in use in the future, coal gasification,
as a means of meeting environmental standards, should be compared with other
In a typical SNG conversion process, the coal must first be prepared for
gasification by washing, crushing, and removal of unwanted material such as stone.
The prepared coal is then introduced into a chamber where it is gasified by steam
and pure oxygen. The resulting product is called raw gas and consists primarily of
carbon monoxide and hydrogen. This raw gas is then shifted to produce desired

hydrogen to carbon monoxide 3:1. Following the shifting step, certain undesirable
constituents of the raw gas, such tar, dust, and water, are removed. Next, sulphur
compounds are removed and elemental sulphur is recovered as a by-product. This
step is called acid-gas removal. The last step in the process is called methanation.
Heat is added to the product to cause the hydrogen and carbon monoxide to react
and produce SNG.
The environmental impact of coal gasification is not confined to the positive
aspect of sulphur removal. Unfortunately, there are undesirable results which occur
for the following reasons:
1. When the coal is first cleaned, the refuse material removed requires disposal,
how and where to dispose of these materials is an environmental as well as an
economic issue. (The same problem arises with the SRC technology when the coal is
first cleaned before being crushed and ground.)
2. During the gasification and shift step, high amounts of carbon dioxide are emitted
to the atmosphere. Some sulphur oxides also are emitted when sulphur is removed.
3. Many dissolved solid materials, including toxic trace elements, are discharged as
part of water effluents and can cause ground water pollution.

Plate 5-11 shows the distortion of circular opening in solid rock under a vertical
force. This distortion causes the rock to break by tension overhead or in the back
and by shear at other points, as shown in B. This is a theoretical concept. Actual
distortion is difficult to observe because walls are not smooth, and some distortion
probably takes place as soon as the solid rock is broken.


To support the broken rock several methods are in use. The old standby is timber.
C and D show the cross section and long section of a timbered level set. A
development in the last 35 years is the use of rock bolts. The bolts are anchored
into a solid rock and the nut is pulled tight against the rock. Tightening the nut on
the bolt tends to pull the rock back in place, thereby providing support to the
opening. Another method of support used where permanence is required is
concrete, as shown in F. Dry concrete mix containing certain additives can be
moved with compressed air to a nozzle. It can then be mixed with the proper
amounts of water at the nozzle and blown against a rock face. The wet concrete
mixture will usually adhere very well, and when dry forms a strong supporting shell.
This shell may be several inches thick and it is called shotcrete. This shotcrete
system has been successful in many applications where a permanent opening is
required underground. The area may be bolted first, and the shocrete covers and
adheres to the bolt very well.
Steel is also used, especially in very heavy ground. Termed yieldable sets, when
the rock stresses become too great they yield but do not collapse. This relieves the
high stress level in the rock for a period of time until it builds back again. These
types of sets have given good performances in certain types of application.

Stopes need not be kept open as long as development headings. After a stope is
mined out, it is allowed to cave. In large stopes the stress effects may cause the
stope to collapse. Supports in stopes tend to keep the stress effects at a safe level.
See plate 5-9. If the ore occurs in narrow vein, timber stulls can be used for support,
as shown in G. If the ore is not high-grade, parts of it may be left as pillars to help
support the walls H. If the ore is too good to leave un mined, the mined out section
may be support by filling it with broken mine waste or san fill, as shown in I and J.
Square-set timber is used in high-grade stopes where the rock is weak K. L is an
isometric view of a stope timber set labelled to show the various parts.
Rock bolts are used in stopes to support the walls and back. Often a combination
system is used where rock bolts, timber and backfill are all used. In some cases the
stopes may be back filed and the pillar mined out at a later time.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and

These supports protect the people and equipment working in the face. They
move up as the face advances, and the roof behind them is allowed to cave. The
support, shown in next figure, is called a chock/ a shield, and two large hydraulic
cylinders hold the canopy against the roof. The end has a hinge arrangement so
support will resist lateral movement of the roof. This design will allow some lateral
movement of the roof. Long wall systems are being used more frequently because
of the recent development of hydraulic support and long wall mining machines.

Hydraulic support called chock

Two large hydraulic cylinders

Hydraulic support with a-four post chock

Drilling is a very important part of most mine exploration, development and
production operation. Small diameter holes, usually under one foot in diameter, are
used primarily for sampling a mineral deposit or for placing explosives in a rock
mass. Drill holes several feet in diameter are used directly as shafts, raises and
other types of development work. These are several different drilling system used in
The hand percussion drill is illustrated in A. This was a common way to drill holes
in relatively hard rock in the early mining days. The steel had a sharpened end or
chisel bit, and the steel was struck with a hammer. This action drove the steel into
the rock a short distance, chipping off some of the rock as shown in A,a. The steel is
rotated about 1/8 of a turn, see A,b, as hammer is lifted so that when the steel is
struck again, it can chip off another portion of rock. This is a very laborious
procedure by hand; however, the modern rock drills, as illustrated in Plate 5-1 still
use this basic principle, except that the hammer or piston and the turning
mechanism are actuated by compressed air or high-pressure hydraulic fluid. Water
is forced through a hole in the steel to the bit where it keeps dust from forming.
Another type of drill that is used extensively in coal mines and mines where the
rock is relatively soft is shown in B. The steel frequently has a spiral configuration
similar to the ordinary steel or wood type drill. The drill steel is continually rotated
with a force applied to the steel which enables it to bear hard on the bit. The bit
peels off or breaks off small layers of the rock or coal thereby deepening the hole.
Cuttings are carried up the hole by spiral action of the rotating drill steel. Water is
also commonly used in the steel and bit to keep dust to a minimum.
The core-type diamond drill is primarily used for exploration work because it
produces a cylindrical core of rock which can be recovered from the hole and
examined and assayed for mineral content. A bit of this type is shown in C,a.
Occasionally a solid diamond bit is used to drill holes in a very hard rock or ore
formation for blast holes. The drill and steel are continually rotated, often with a

thrust or force applied, and the very hard diamonds wear away the rock particles.
Water is usually forced down the inside of the drill steel and the cuttings are carried
up the hole by the water as it flows around the drill steel and up the side of the
Larger size holes, from 4 to 12 inches in diameter, are sometime drilled with a
churn drill. A churn drill bit is sketched in D. The bit weighs several hundred pounds,
and a rope or cable attached from the bit to drill alternately lifts and drops the
heavy bit. This action cut and spalls rock similar to the percussion drill shown in A. It
is necessary to rotate the bit back and forth which is often done by twisting or
rotating the cable in shallow holes. In deep holes, the natural twisting of the rope
usually causes enough rotation of the bit as it is alternatively raised and dropped.
Water is poured into the hole, and cuttings from a mud which are removed from the
hole with a bailer shown in D,c. The bit must be hoisted from the hole before the
bailer can be put in.
The rotating tri cone bit shown in E is used for oil and gas, blast hole, and
exploration drilling. The drill steel is rotated, and a heavy force or thrust is applied
which causes the sharp teeth to penetrate into and chip the rock. The cuttings are
removed by compressed air, water or mud. In some exploration drilling, water is
force down the hole on the outside of the steel, and the cuttings are returned
through the hollow drill steel. This is called reverse circulation.
Other miscellaneous drilling means are shown in F. The wash pipe shown in F,c is
often used to penetrate water bearing unconsolidated material to bed rock so that
some other type of drill can be used in the bed rock.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and

There are many shapes, sizes and styles of drill bits. The ones shown in Plate 5-3
are representative of the types of bits commonly used in the mining industry. The
cutting action of each fundamental type of drilling action was explained in Plate 5-1.
The diamond bit in A has industrial diamonds set in a matrix so they will be held
firmly in place as the bit is rotated. The diamonds, being very hard, will abrade the
rock as they are turned against it. It is necessary to bathe the diamonds in water
while drilling so they wont overheat. Being composed of carbon the diamonds can
actually burn if not cooled by water. Diamonds can actually burn if not cooled by the
water. Diamond drill bits are designed for different types of ground, but the one
shown in A is a common design. The bits so do wear out and have to be replaced,
but compared with other drilling materials, the life of a diamond bit is very good.
Short sections of drill core are shown in B. Diamond drills come in several
standard sizes which produce cores of various diameters. Generally, the smaller
diameter drill will drill faster on comparative basis, but the amount of core
recovered is some times too meagre for analysis.
Rotary or tapered roller bits come in many styles and design. The buttons shown
in the left bit in C are made from very hard tungsten carbide and give good
performance in harder rock. The chisel teeth type shown at right in C are used at
great deal and work well in drilling softer shales, lime stones, sandstones and
igneous rocks.
These bits rotate as the drill rod is turned. A disassembled roller bit is shown in
D. The bearing assemblies for these bits present special design problems because
they turn in mud, water and abrasive rock chips. The bit must be designed to spray
air, water or mud on the teeth and to carry away the cuttings. The bearings are
subject to heavy loads because of the weight of the drill column and the thrust
provided by the drill.
A bit assembly for a down-the-hole drill is shown in E. The buttons are made of
tungsten carbide, and as can be seen, the bit is worn out. Down-the-hole drills are
used in hard ground. They can be attached to the drill column on a rotary drill. The
drill is right at the bottom of the hole so the drilling shock does not pass down
through the drill column. Rotation of the drill is provided by the mechanism used of
the drill is provided by the mechanism used to turn the roller or rotary bit.


Small diameter bits are shown in F, and are used for blast-hole drilling. The bit on
the left is all steel and doesnt have a long life in hard rock. The one on the right has
tungsten carbide inserts and performs well in drilling hard rock. Another common
way to attach bits to the drill steel is by a tapered friction fit. To remove the bits a
special tool is used. Usually these bits can be changed faster than the threaded

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and

Here some example of drilling application; percussion drilling, fig. 15.2 and churn
drilling fig.6.2-3, and rotary drilling.
Percussion drilling is done with a sectional string of drill steel on conventional
blast-hole drill or on a down-hole hammer drill from surface locations, fig. 15.2, or
from underground stations. Conventional blast-hole drilling equipment is relatively
light, except for the air compressor that is needed in surface site, and it is capable
of drilling at nearly any angle. This popular method for outlining shallow ore bodies
and for probing out from mine workings provide quick, inexpensive samples of finely
broken rock chips in a stream of air or water. With conventional percussion drills, the
holes are small and the maximum hole-depth is limited to about 100 m. In
percussion drilling, rock chips of about the same size as those from a rotary drill are
blown out of the hole and collected in a cyclone sample chamber. Percussion drills
are generally better for penetrating hard or abrasive ground than are diamond drills
and rotary drills.
The churn drill is a venerable percussion machine that has served in mining as
well as in oil and water drilling since drilling began. Even though it has given way
faster and cheaper methods in exploration work, churn drilling still has some unique
advantages. Given time, a churn drill can obtain sample fragments by chopping its
way through almost any kind of ground-unconsolidated, heterogeneous, hard, or
completely fracture. Casing can be driven into the hole a short distance behind the
bit, so that walls in loose rock will not cave. Churn drilling, also called cable-tool
drilling, is a long-standing method for sampling placer deposits and mine dumps,
and it is still a principal method of water-well drilling. The sample is collected in a
bailer whenever enough broken rock accumulates at the bottom of the hole. Some
churn drills designed specifically for placer exploration are light and compact; most,
however, are cumbersome. One more point about churn drills; in whatever part of
the word the need arises for an exploration drill hole, a churn driller and a machine
can be found if water is being pumped.
Rotary drilling yields solid cores and loose cuttings. A geologist or engineer may
be needed to interpret the results. In uranium exploration, the diamond core drill
has largely been replaced by the rotary shot-hole drill that was originally developed
for geophysical surveying. Rotary drill can be made to take core by changing to
coring bits. Drilling for uranium vein in hard rock is usually done with a standard
diamond-core drill that can drill holes at an angle.

The fundamentals of drilling and blasting have been examined in Plate 5-1, and
5-2. Plate 5-2 explained the cratering and free face concept of explosives. A group
or pattern of drill holes is called a round, and Plate 5-4 shows various types of
rounds used in mining. Not only must the explosives be placed in drill holes for
proper rock or ore breakage, but the distance the holes are spaced and the firing
order are also very important.
Air operated drills are used extensively in underground drilling because they are
comparatively small, light in weight, and have high drilling rate. Because of lower
noise levels and higher penetration rates, hydraulic drills are being used more
frequently. Those drills are jumbo mounted. For drilling in open pits some churn
drills and wagon drills are used, but electric or diesel powered rotary drills are used
in larger numbers.
As mentioned previously, the pattern of holes is important, and depends on the
type of drill being used to make the holes. For example, with a long feed drill being

used in a narrow drift, angle holes are difficult or impossible to drill. When solid rock
is broken, its bulk may become as much as 200 per cent greater than its original
volume. Unless this broken rock can move out of the way of the next hole to be
blasted, the effectiveness of the explosives is greatly reduced. Therefore, wherever
possible, holes are placed so that the rock broken by the explosives will be thrown
clear of the solid unbroken rock. Two free faces are desirable, and this situation
occurs mostly in stopes and open-pits B, C, and D.
In most development headings, the explosives can break rock toward only one
free face. The holes must be so placed that the explosives can break toward that
free face. Two general systems are in use. For long advances per blast, the most
common one is the burn-cut round. In the burn-cut round, the holes are drilled
parallel or nearly parallel to the direction of the heading, and the central or burn
holes are drilled close to one another. Not all of the holes are filled with explosives,
the theory being that the neigh-boring hole when blasted will break into the
unloaded hole. A full burn-cut round is shown in E, and various arrangements of
burn-cuts are shown in M, N, O, and P.
The burn-cut round is easily drilled whit long feed jumbo type drills shown in
Plate 5-5 D, E, F, and Plate 5-6, A, B, D, E and G.
The other system is the angle-cut round. The cut holes are drilled at angle with
the free face. Various patterns of angle cuts are in use. The draw cut is shown as
used in a drift F and in a shaft H. V-cuts are used in shafts and raises G. The various
patterns of angle cuts are shown in I, J, K, L.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and

Air-operated drill machines are classified as stoppers, sinkers, air legs, drifters,
and special machines. Each is especially adapted for certain type of drilling. The
stopper drill A is specially adapted for drilling overhead holes. It is used most in
stopes and raises. The air leg drill B, C is designed for drilling horizontal holes, but is
flexible and works well for other types of drilling. These drills are most used in drifts,
crosscuts, and stopes, but they find some use in raises.
The jumbo drill shown in E is used in high-speed tunnel driving and it runs on
tracks. Many jumbos are now mounted on rubber tires or crawler tracks which make
them very flexible and portable, used for high-speed drilling of holes greater than
20 feet in length/depth. The jumbo drill is also shown in D.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and Equipment

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and Equipment

C. Drill set up to drill holes, preparatory to blasting

(Drilling in drifts, crosscuts, stopes)

The driller just starting to drill the rock

The driller position when the drill bit

the rock longer

D. Drilling a shallow inclined shaft with a jumbo


Explosives are used extensively in mining to break and fragment solid rock and
ore so loading and haulage equipment can move the material.
In recent years, progress has been made in drill type, hammer type, and boring
or auger types of machines called continuous miners that also break the rock
without using explosives, such as drum shearer, road header. They have not,
however, replaced explosives in hard component ground except in a few
experimental cases. These developments are working well in weak rock but havent
been as successful in hard rock. However, progress is being made on these
machines, and undoubtedly the future will see more use of continuous mines in
hard ground.

Road header, a type of boring machine can break the rock without
using explosives,
Used in drilling or boring development headings
In most mining operations, explosives are placed in blast holes. The action of
explosive action is shown in A. If the explosive is placed in a hole and detonated,
the result is usually a crater of varying size. The bottom of the cone is formed at the
free face. If the rock is resistant to breaking, sometimes hardly any cone is formed.
Conversely, if the material is easily broken, the cone may start at the bottom of the

Wherever possible, two free faces are provided for an explosive. It is always best
to have the hole filled with explosives parallel to one free face. The action of the
detonating hole is shown in B.

A free face sometimes has broken rock lying next to it as shown in C, and this
called a burdened free face or just a burden. It has been found that explosive
usually break well against a burdened face, and some mining method commonly
use this practice. Usually broken rock has considerable void space. The force of the
explosive must compress it slightly so the solid rock can expand and break. In fact,
it has been found that even though a free face does not exist, a detonating hole will
still break and fracture the rock to a certain extent around the hole. However, it
does not fragment it very well. This practice, call distressing, is often used in
relieving the high stresses in pillars of ore or other highly stressed zones so that
they not burst. See Plate 5-2.
Two types of round, or hole sequence and spacing, are used in development
headings. One is the angle-cut type shown in D, a. It is usually difficult to break
ground with this type of round any deeper than the narrowest dimension (W) of the
opening. The other type is called the burn cut where two or more parallel holes are
drilled together and one of them is left unloaded so that the loaded hole can break
toward the unloaded hole. These types of rounds, if drilled properly, commonly
break much deeper than the narrowest dimension. Both types of rounds are
discussed in more detail.
To detonate a hole filled with explosives it is necessary to use a primer or some
type of detonating device. Explosives generally are made safe so they can be
handled and transported with safety. The main bulk of the explosive is quite
insensitive to most shock. A detonator is used to provide the right shock so the bulk
will explode. A fuse detonator or cap is sensitive to fire, and a safety fuse allows a
fire to burn at a slow predictable rate. The fuse detonator or cap is slipped over the
fuse, crimped so it wont come off and possibly coated with waterproof material so
water will not interfere with the action. The fuse and cap are inserted in a stick or
bag of explosives as shown in E, e which makes the primer. An electric cap which
uses an electric current instead of a fuse to ignite the detonator is shown in E, d.
The placing of the primer is shown in f, a, b, and c. Some like to put the primer in
the bottom of the hole while others place it in some other part of the hole. If the
hole is very long detonating cord can run the entire length to ensure complete

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and


In surface mining, there are two blast hole models that are vertical and inclined
blast hole, such as shown in figure 7.3-1.


Ammonium Nitrate, mixed with fuel oil in correct proportions, makes an
explosive mixture which can be detonated with the proper intensity. This type of
explosive, designed AN/FO, has become popular in mining because neither the
ammonium nitrate nor the fuel oil in explosive in ordinary quantities, and can be
mixed together at or near the mine. The larger diameter holes used in pit drilling
require considerable amounts of explosive; which is brought in by truck load, and
loaded into the hole.
Plate 5-7 shows techniques for loading and preparing for detonation holes filled
with explosives. The system shown in A is a pneumatic delivery type of truck. Since
the hose can be moved easily from hole to hole this unit is quite flexible.
A gravity discharge truck is shown in B. Here the truck discharge must me made
directly over the hole
which, in some cases, may require much maneuvering of the truck. AN/FO may also
be loaded in plastic bags and lowered into the hole by hand as shown in C. Some
time water will interfere with ordinary AN/FO so water proof bag are used to insure
proper detonation of the explosive. In some cases a plastic stocking is inserted into
the hole and the AN/FO is placed inside it to keep the explosive dry.
A side auger discharge truck, which also has considerable flexibility as shown in
D. The loading boom can be swung around to fill the hole.
An underground coal face, loaded, wired and ready to be fired is shown in E. The
preparation of the primer for large diameter holes used in stripe mine or open-pits is
shown in F. The detonating cord or wire is shown being prepared in G.
AN/FO is also used underground in small diameter hole. Usually an ordinary stick
of dynamite with a detonator acts as a primer. The hole is usually filled with AN/FO
by pneumatic placer. Aluminum, an additive to AN/FO, has produced good blasting
results in some types of ground.
A system to shoot coal is shown in H. This is called a non-explosive air-ox system
of shooting. The air-ox tubes are inserted in drilled hole, and pressured to about
10,000 psi with air. Breaking the coal is controlled by blow down valves and

sequence valves. Since thee are no hot explosive gases, only air, the environment is
not harmed. This type of breaking is used frequently in gassy coal mines.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and Equipment

Shafts are of various sizes and shapes. The horizontal cross section can be
square, rectangular, circular, elliptical, or some special shape. For small mines, the
timbered rectangular shaft is the most popular. The shaft may be inclined or
vertical. Plate 6-1 shows a bench or sump type of blasting round in a vertical shaft.
Note that the holes are slanted so they will break toward a free face. The sump
round is popular because it provides a low place in the shaft for water to collect so
that the drill holes can be started or collared in the high rock bench above the water
level. Thus mud and dirt are kept out of the shot holes.
Because electric blasting provides greater safety, the explosives in wet shaft
bottoms often are detonated by electric blasting caps. B shows the shaft bottom
drilled, loaded, wired, and ready for blasting. The blast usually piles the broken rock
as shown in C. After the fumes from the blast have been removed, the round is
mucked out. In one method, a small clamshell loads the rock into a sinking bucket
D. Notice that a small sump pump is installed in the lowest part of the shaft to
remove the water so that it will not interfere with operations.
Supporting the shaft is the next problem. After the round is mucked out, or even
before it is all mucked out, the next set of timber is installed. The wall plates,
horizontal pieces along the long sides of the shaft, are brought down and suspended
by hanger bolt from the shaft set above E. The other pieces to set the set are then
lowered and put in their respective places; the whole timber set is aligned or
plumbed and then blocked or wedged into position F. After the timber is in position,
drilling is resumed and the cycle is repeated. A hand-held sinker drill is shown in F
drilling the cut holes for the next sump round.
Not all operators use the sump type of round when sinking shafts. The whole
bottom may be drilled with a V-cut or burn-cut type of round, see Plate 5-4 G.

Source: Koehler S. Stout, Mining Methods and


Source: Samuel M. Cassidy, Elements of Practical

Coal mining


Most ingredients of explosive are composed of the elements oxygen, nitrogen,
hydrogen, and carbon, plus certain metallic elements (aluminum, magnesium,
sodium, calcium, etc.). The composition of explosives is varied and balanced
chemically to produce the desired effects in blasting. For example, because an
explosion is essentially a combustion process, the chief criterion of efficient energy
release is the oxygen balance; that is, an oxygen-balanced explosive is one that
has an optimal energy release. Zero oxygen balance is the point at which an
explosive mixture has sufficient oxygen to completely oxidize all the contained
fuels, but no excess oxygen to react with the contained nitrogen.
At zero oxygen balance, the theoretical products of detonation, all gaseous and
harmless, are water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. In reality, small amounts of other
gases are generated, too: oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, and a few
others. Any departure from zero oxygen balance permits greater amounts of these
extraneous gases-all toxic-to form. Efficiency wise, they are mostly endothermic,
which means they consume energy rather than liberate it.
An equation may be written for a basic, oxygen-balance reaction involving only
oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon, such as AN/FO:
OB = O0 -2 C H = 0
Chemical explosives usually yield more energy per unit weight if they are oxygen
balanced; also they give off a minimum of noxious fumes. For example, if an
explosive is composed entirely of C,H,O, and N in its constituent compounds, then if
there is just enough oxygen to react to for CO 2 from the carbon and H2O from the
hydrogen with the nitrogen all forming N2, it is oxygen balanced (OB) That is,
OB = O0 - 2C H = 0
The detonation of three different ammonium nitrate-fuel oil (ANFO) mixtures
illustrates the principle of oxygen balance. In these realized equations, fuel oil is
represented approximately by the formula CH 2, and the energy release is expressed
1. 94.5 % AN 5.5 % FO (oxygen balance)
3NH4NO3 + CH2


+ CO2 + 3N2


2. 92.0 % AN 8 % FO (fuel excess)

2NH4NO3 + CH2 5H2O + CO + 2N2 + 810
3. 96.6 % AN 3.4 % FO (fuel shortage)
5NH4NO3 + CH2


+CO2 + 4N2 + 2NO + 600

Determine the oxygen balance can be constructed by using the table;

Explosive materials
5.00 X
2.50 X 3.75 X
7.10 Y
14.80 Y
7.10 Y
5.00 X + 14.80 Y 2.50 X
3.75 X
By using oxygen balance equation
OB = O 0 - 2C H = 0, X and Y can be
determined, that is what the AN and what the FO is.
= 3.75 X 2 (7.10 Y) -1/2 (5.00 X +
14.80 Y) = 0
1.25 X = 21.60 Y,

X + Y = 1,


1- X
1.25 X = 21.60 (1-X)
1.25 X = 21.60 21.60 X
X = 0.945 = 94.5 %
Y = 0.055 = 5.5 %
An equation may also be written for oxygen-balance reaction for the following
Nitroglycerine (NG)
18 %
Trinitrotoluene (TNT)
Ammonium Nitrate (AN)
55 %
Sodium Nitrate
10 %
S pulp
12 %
Calcium Carbonate

100 %
OB = O0 - 2C H - CaO - Na2O = 0




NG, C3H6(ONO2)3

18 %










TNT, C6H2CH2(NO2)3


55 %


13.739 20.614

S: G pulp

0.200 0.200

10 %

12 %







100 %
39.668 17.689 35.238
0.200 1.176
The calculation of oxygen balance of the explosive is:
OB = O0 - 2C H - CaO - Na2O = 0
= 35.238 -2 (8.507) - (39.668) - 0.200 (1.176) = - 2.398 g
atom/kg, that is not oxygen
balance. Since the explosive is slightly oxygen-deficient (fuel-rich),
reduce the fuel
content (NG, TNT) or increase the oxidant (AN).


1. Long-wall caving system (early and modern continuous mining System)
2. Short-wall system
3. Sublevel long-hole stopes
4. Open-Stope mining in gently dipping vein
5. Shrinkage stope
6. Horizontal cut-and fill stope
7. Rill or Inclined Cut-and-fill stopes
8. Resuing method
9. Block caving
10. Top-slice stoping
11. Sublevel caving
12. Sublevel caving techniques in a strong ore body
13. Underhand stoping methods
14. Solution Mining and Leaching
15. Underground gasification

16. Underground hydrauling Mining

Catatan: untuk soal mid semester kerjakan 8 soal dari 14 soal, pilih soal mana saja
yang penting 8 soal
Dikumpul besok, 28 April paling lambat pkl. 9 di ruangan kerja dekat
permata. Kemudian sebagi tugas, kerjakan semua soal (1-16) dikumpul Senin, 2
Mei paling lambat pkl. 9 di tempat yang sama. Semua jawaban ditulis tangan
dengan tinta selain hitam, dan cukup dikutkan dengan necis.
Kerjakan sendiri-sendiri.

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