Soc Sci 10 Notes

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The existence of Singapore on its nature of being an area is the center of world trade. Singapore, itself has
no resources and no land to produce its own produce unlike the spice island that produces spice and
Philippines which supplies sugar, fiber and other agricultural products to the world because SG is a small
state but its prosperity and economuc activities are based on its strategic location (entry port)

Entry port- is an area where merchants would usually put in their storehouses. This merchants are
business men that would consolidate all their trade products to put in one place.
- stopover before proceeding to another route
- SG serves as the entry port for a lot of foreign trade esp. those coming from Southeast Asia and
China since it is cheaper to trade by sea
- merchants would always pass through the Strait of Malacca and in the mouth of Strait of
Malacca is Singapore
Another route: Between Java and Sumatra - but that favorable unlike SG

The British created these entry ports so that there would be stops for ocean voyatress to allow resupplying of foods and fuel and to gather trade products (e.g in the case of SG, the products of
China and from Malaysia will go down and prod. from India will go up. Then, meets at

They have developed entry ports not just to facilitate movement of products but also movements
of people. In SE Asia, entry ports like Singapore usually have multi-ethnic composition.
Pinang- state of Malaysia; multi-ethnic comp. ; dominantly Chinese
Singapore- 3/4 of population are Chinese

Entry Port- product of capitalism and merkantilism where merchants would look for avenues in which
they could conduct trade

Special Economic Zones

- where business happens
- China has 300 economic zones
- area that don't have SEZs are Yunan, Zhinzhang and other places that are in the interior and
basically not econimic conduction
- China, despite claiming itself in becoming a socialist/communists, most of its economic act. is
still SEZs which are mostly based on free market
- what makes China capitalist or communist is the fact that many of the industries are still
controlled by the government
- same way with countries like Singapore
SINGAPORE - most of the policies of the government is socialist
- has the most profitable airlines
- provides socialized housing to people

In the Asian Economy, despite the presence of large Asian Economy, social inequalitiesnin Asia are
still great.

1. MFNS (Most Favored Nation Status)
- a designation given by a power to another power (nation)
- e.g China - the first nation to get MFNS is UK, then French - American - German
- If China gives you MFNS, any concession that China give to UK is the same concession they
give to America, Germany, etc.
- whatever others get, you also get because you're a MFNS
2. Extraterritoriality
- a legal term used to refer to rights of foreigners in treaty ports
- If you're a British and you committed crime in China, you'll not be punished in China instead
you have to be brought back in Britain to be charged by British Law
- this results to cases in which the accused are foreigners;
- there's no form.of justice because no prosecution will happen in two countries
1. BOLUN- measure of wealth of countries between the merkantilist system
2. COLONY- refers to smaller political entities that is a source of raw materials and also the market of the
products from the mother country
3. CAPITALISM- the system which emphasizes the role of free market and private properties
4. SOCIALISM- the economic system wherein most major industries are owned by the state
5. EXTRATERRITORIALITY- the concept in which citizens of a larger nation cannot be tried (undergo
trial) within the laws of other nations even if the crime is committed in that natio
6. MOST FAVORED NATION STATUS- a status given to nations in which other concession is give also
to other nations
7. SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES- areas where economic activities are governed by different set of laws
8. TREATY PORTS- ports in China that are forcibly opened by Western powers through military
9. APEC - association/organization of countries around the pacific, includes countries in Asia and
countries in North and South America


1. Islam - Salvation through grace/ by faith alone
2. Catholicism- salvation is through good works
- you get saved through good works
- Faith in God results to good work.
- but good works do not guarantee salvation

1. Buddhism
- The concept of Buddhism in eternal life is the same in HINDUISM and JAINISM in which there is no
eternal life in the form of punishment
- Reborn and reborn (12345x times)
- life is suffering
- the goal is to get away in the cycle of rebirth


1. The idea of eternal life
- West: more of paradise after death
- East: in the afterlife, there's pure land (later development)
Pure land Buddhism - is a buddhism spread in Japan and China
Buddhism in China incorporated local dieties (some dieties from Taoism)
2. East: you can have 2 religions at the same time because there's no conflict
-In Buddhism, for example, sometimes, the saints.
Buddhas-to-bes - are people who are about to reach enlightenment but postponed enlightenment
to help other to get enlightened
Taoist Gods- sometimes in China, can be associated with Chinese Gods
-personalities in Buddhism would be worshipped in Taoism as gods/goddesses
-In hinduism (esp. in Hindu revival), Buddha is worshipped as reincarnation of Vishnu
Jesus- gatabok-tabok man
- prophet of Islam
-but there's conflict: nature of Jesus
3. East: have tolerance for POLYTHEISM- because at some point, Gods are no better than human beings
-Gods have own humanity; they have desires; they are just like people
- femminist point out abrahamic religions are destructive to the environment because of in East religion,
the divinity of nature is preserved
West: all have powerful, loving God
- God exists apart from nature
- God created nature and not God is part of nature
- no environment philosophy ; not nature-friendly compared to other religions

4. West: very patriarchal; no room for women divinity

East: patriarchal man but there's room for women

2 Major Branches
1. THERAVADA- emphasizes the importance of Sangha or the Monastic order
- also known as HINAYANA ( intensive term) - means lesser vehicle
- there is an importance of being a monk because you can't reach enlightenment unless you
become a monk
- only men can be enlightened because only men can become monks and women can only become nuns
( when they become a nun, they could become only a monk in their next life and achienve enlightenment)
Countries practicing Theravada Buddhism:
Sri Lanka
2. MAHAYANA- means greater vehicle
- enlightenment is not limited among people who are monks
- people could achieve enlightenment by having the 8-Fold Path
- opens up the access the enlightenment to everybody
- unlike sa Theravada Buddhism, men and women can be enlightened
- more common in countries: Vietnam, China, Japan and Korea
- type of Buddhism found in Tibet
- had traveled far from India, thus, there are somen forms that developed out of it
Pure Land Buddhism - kind of Buddhism in which there's existence of Pure Land
- governed by Amitabha Buddha/Buddha of the afterlife
Chan Buddhism - a kind of Buddhism in which it emphasizes in finding harmonybthrough
meditation/ by improving the environment
- in this kind, you do not struggle for enlightenment
- enlightenment happens in a flash
-but you could achieve enlightenment by making environmemt more conducive to enlightenment
- this is the ZEN BUDDHISM among the Japanese
- Zen Arc- minimalist; you need to provide less distractions pf the human mind sp that it's more
conducive to enlightenment
BUDDHISM - changes
- found in Northern India bordering Nepal
- but its present distribution is more of East- Southeast Asia rather than India
- get revival in the 1900s/1800s in India
- Due to Mongol Invasion, Buddhism disappeared in india
Shaolin Monks - know how to martial arts
Buddhist Monks- don't
Buddhism disappeared in India in the 13th Century

Mahayana- most widespread buddhism

- integrates local teachings and customs (Taoist, etc.)
- there's intertwining of beliefs
- very permissive kind of religious system
Doesn't believe in God but do believe in non-violence
- Jainism ( Gagambaras and Gigambaras- no clothes)
If you are a Hindi male and a Brahmin male, when you reaches a certain age and done withb your
obligations, some of them becomez Jai monks (vegetarians, don't eat tubers bec tubers is the soul of plant,
don't travel at night)
Judaism - one god-Yahweh
Islam - Allah
Christianity- Jesus
- very much connected to the caste system
- VARNA- Hindu Caste System
- means Color
- originally, varna used to refer to skin color
- Higher classes - have fair skin color
- Lower classes - have dark skin color
- Because in India, there are Hindu-Aryans ( with lighter complexion and occupies the higher class of
Brahmin- priestly class; are the ones who are allowed to wear the sacred straight
- with orange bracelets
Kshatriyas- warrior class; outdated
Vaisyas - merchant-farmer class;
Sudras- servants
Untouchables/Dalit- street sweepers
- the group that performs the minial/polluting tasks such as butchering, street sweeping,
collecting maneur, performs cremation
Jatis- sub-castes
- within the sudras class, there are jatis
- These were imp. before but discrimination is out loud in India
- some of the rituals were also forgetten
- Thus, Hinduism becomes more of a DEVOTIONAL religion rather than once based in community
rituals but still varna discrimination happens
Caste system is not only among Hindus but also among Muslims in India.

Why do people mix religion? Why is the that syncretism is more of a norm than a deviation?
- Christianity is a monotheistic religion. Phil. claims that it is a christian nation but majority of Filipinos
believe in things that are outside of the Christian Framework
- Because one religion doesn't answer everything.
- So people tend to find answers to other religions
- e.g Japan have one religion per aspect of their life
- there is belief system which we consult
- Monotheistic religions are syncretism
- Christianity (esp. Catholic) is a syncretism between Judaism, Roman Religion and there's influence
of Hinduism
- The story of Krishna is not far from the story of Christ
- Islam is also syncretism because when Islam started its Theology, it has been influencs by
Christianity, Judaism and even Greek-Roman holistic knowledge
- Islam considered Alexander the Great as prophet
- Alexander spread Islam
Prophet of Islam
1. Noah
2. Elijah
3. Moses
4. Adam
5. Jesus
6. Alexander the Great
7. Mohammad- ultimate Prophet
- from M, there would be schisms
SCHISMS- split between the descendants of Mohammad
After Mohammad died, there are 3 caliphs. The 4th caliph

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