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G.AThe Battle of Mosul (Arabic: ????? ????????; Central Kurdish: ???? ??????) is
a joint offensive by Iraqi government forces with allied militias, Iraqi Kurdis
tan, and international forces to retake the city of Mosul from ISIL.[34][35][36]
The offensive, dubbed Operation "We Are Coming, Nineveh" (?????? ?? ?????; Qadi
mun Ya Naynawa),[37][38] began on 16 October 2016 with forces besieging ISIL-con
trolled areas in the Nineveh Governorate surrounding Mosul.[9][39][40] The battl
e for Mosul is considered key in the military intervention against ISIL, which s
eized the city in June 2014.[41] It is the largest deployment of Iraqi forces si
nce the 2003 invasion by U.S. and coalition forces.[42]
The operation follows the Mosul offensive in 2015 and Mosul offensive in 2016. U
p to 1.5 million civilians live in the city; there are fears of a humanitarian c
risis and that civilians could be used as human shields by ISIL.[43]
The offensive began with Iraqi troops and Peshmerga fighters engaging ISIL on th
ree fronts outside Mosul, going village to village in the surrounding area. More
than two dozen villages were taken from ISIL in the first few days of fighting.
Iraqi military officials say it could be two weeks before coalition forces reac
h Mosul and at least two months to retake the city.[44]
Contents [hide]

Turkish involvement
Battle timeline
16 October
17 October
18 October
19 October
20 October
21 October
22 October
23 October
24 October
25 October
26 October
27 October
28 October
29 October
Humanitarian issues
Media coverage and social media
See also
External links
Main articles: Fall of Mosul, Mosul offensive (2015), and Mosul offensive (2016)
Map of the Kurdish-launched Mosul offensive, as of August 2016
Mosul is Iraq's second-most populated city and fell to ISIL in June 2014. With l
argely a Sunni majority, Mosul fell easily to a mere 800 ISIL militants because
of the population's deep distrust of the primarily Shia Iraqi government and its
corrupt armed forces.[24][45] It was in the Great Mosque in Mosul that ISIL lea
der Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared the birth of the caliphate spanning Iraq and S
yria.[45] The original population of 2.5 million has fallen to approximately 1.5
million after two years of ISIL rule. The city was once extremely diverse, with
ethnic minorities including Armenians, Yazidis, Assyrian, Turkmen, and Shabak p
eople, who suffered considerably under ISIL.[46] Mosul remains the last strongho
ld of ISIL in Iraq,[47] and the anticipated offensive to reclaim it has been hyp
ed as the "mother of all battles."[48][49][50][51]
Now Mosul is the group s last major stronghold ISIL in Iraq. The loss of the city,
officials say, would mark the effective defeat of ISIL in the country.[52]
In the weeks leading up to the ground offensive, a U.S.-led coalition bombed ISI
L targets, and the Iraqi army made gradual advances on the city.[42] Royal Air F
orce Reaper drones, Typhoons and Tornados targeted "rocket launchers, ammunition
stockpiles, artillery pieces and mortar positions" in the 72 hours before the g
round assault began.[53] Leaflets dropped on the city by the Iraqi army advised
young male residents to "rise up" against ISIL when the battle began.[47]
To prepare for the assault, ISIL jihadists dug 7-by-7-foot trenches around the c
ity, which they plan to fill with burning oil to reduce visibility[42] and slow
U.S. Lt. Gen. Stephen J. Townsend, commander of the Combined Joint Task Force, a
t Qayyarah Airfield West, 22 September 2016
An estimated 3,000 5,000 ISIL fighters are in Mosul, according to the United State
s Department of Defense.[54] Other estimates range as low as 2,000 and high as 9
,000 ISIL fighters.[24] Mosul Eye estimates approximately 8,000 9,000 fighters loy
al to ISIL, with "[h]alf of them... highly trained, and the rest... either teen-

agers or not well trained. About ten per cent of the fighters are foreign (Arabs
and non-Arabs). The rest are Iraqis. Most are from Nineveh s townships and distri
The Iraqi-led coalition was initially estimated by CNN to have 94,000 members,[5
6] but this number was later upwardly revised to 108,500;[57] 54,000 to 60,000 I
raqi security forces (ISF) soldiers, 16,000 paramilitary fighters and 40,000 Pes
hmerga are deployed in the battle.[20][21] The Christian Nineveh Plain Forces, c
omposed of Assyrians and Chaldean Catholics, are among the paramilitary forces i
n the Iraqi coalition.[58] Iranian-backed Shia militias, including several briga
des of the paramilitary organization Hashd al-Shaabi, are also assisting. The Pe
ace Brigades, the League of the Righteous, and the Badr Organization are taking
Peshmerga soldiers prepare to conduct a combined arms live-fire exercise with an
Italian instructor near Erbil, on 12 October 2016.
An international coalition of 60 nations, led by the United States, is supportin
g Iraq's war against ISIL, providing logistical and air support, intelligence an
d advice.[60] The international coalition forces are headquartered 60 kilometres
(37 mi) south of Mosul at Qayyarah Airfield West (or Q-West) in Qayyarah, which
was reclaimed from ISIL in June.[61] About 560 U.S. troops from the 101st Airbo
rne Division were deployed to Q-West for the battle, including command and contr
ol elements, a security detachment, an airfield operations team, and logistics a
nd communications specialists.[62] The U.S. deployed HIMARS rocket launchers and
M777 howitzers, manned by the 101st's 2nd Brigade Combat Team and the Golf Comp
any, 526th Brigade Support Battalion. The French army deployed four CAESAR howit
zers and 150 to 200 soldiers at Qayyarah, with 600 more French troops announced
at the end of September.[63] An additional 150 French soldiers are in Erbil, eas
t of Mosul, training Peshmerga.[59] The aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, with
a squadron of 24 Rafale M jets, was deployed from Toulon to the Syrian coast to
support the operation against ISIL through airstrikes and reconnaissance missio
ns; 12 other Rafale jets are operating out of French Air Force bases in Jordan a
nd the UAE.[64][65] 80 Australian special forces soldiers and 210 CANSOFCOM sold
iers are also deployed to assist the Peshmerga. In addition, the Canadian Forces
21 Electronic Warfare Regiment is reportedly in the area, working to intercept
and relay ISIL communications, while a Role 2 Canadian Army field hospital with
60 personnel has been set up to treat Kurdish casualties.[66][67]
The Ba'ath loyalists group, known to be led by Saddam Hussein's former vice pres
ident Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, issued a statement before the start of operations
calling for the people of the city to make an uprising against ISIL and announce
d that they will fight the "terrorist organization."[68][69]
The presence of several militias with histories of human rights abuses has been
criticized; Human Rights Watch called for Shia militias from the Popular Mobiliz
ation Forces (PMF) to not enter Mosul, following allegations of severe abuse of
Sunni Muslims in anti-ISIL operations in Fallujah, Tikrit and Amirli.[70][71][72
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said that only the Iraqi army and the Iraqi
national police will enter the city itself.[40][73]
Turkish involvement[edit]
The involvement of Turkey in the operation has considerably strained relations b
etween Ankara and Baghdad.[6] Turkey has 1,500 to 2,000 soldiers in Iraq,[23] in
cluding 500 Turkish soldiers deployed to a base near Bashiqa, where they trained
1,500 Iraqi Sunni volunteers, mainly Turkmens, and Arabs to reclaim Mosul.[74][
75] Turkey's participation is against the wishes of the Iraqi government, which
has said the Turks are violating Iraq's sovereignty. Turkey has refused to withd

raw its forces.[6] Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told the Turkish parli
ament on 1 October, "We will play a role in the Mosul liberation operation and n
o one can prevent us from participating,"[76] and said their presence was to ens
ure that Mosul did not fall to Kurdish or Shia control and become a threat to Tu
rkey.[77] Turkey's presence was criticized by Kurds in northern Iraq,[78] and th
ousands of protestors demonstrated at the Turkish Embassy in Baghdad on 18 Octob
er, demanding Turkish forces withdraw from Iraq.[79]
The United States has reportedly attempted to persuade Iraq to cooperate with Tu
rkey on the Mosul offensive.[80] U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter visited Tu
rkey on 21 October, where an agreement was reached allowing[clarification needed
] limited Turkish participation, pending Iraqi approval. Carter discussed Turkey
's involvement in detail with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in Baghdad on 22 Oc
tober and with Masoud Barzani, the President of Iraqi Kurdistan, in Erbil the fo
llowing day.[81] Al-Abadi declined the offer of Turkish assistance, saying, "I k
now that the Turks want to participate. We tell them thank you, this is somethin
g the Iraqis will handle and the Iraqis will liberate Mosul and the rest of the
territories."[82] However, on 23 October, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim
announced Turkish troops had fired on ISIL positions near Mosul after requests
for assistance from the Peshmerga.[6] With assistance from A
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For GA you can follow The Hindu newspaper.Profit -loss
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