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Name : Made Gede Viktor

NIM : 1312021102
Class : 1C

Elephant Cave

Its located in Bedulu village, Blahbatuh district, Gianyar regency. Its

about eight kilometers from Gianyar. The story of the cave can not be detected.
But it can be proved that it was built in 11th century, when Bali was ruled by the
king of Udayana. The cave with T-shape is about seven meters in deep. The
enterence of the cave, carved with giant head and also some statues around it.
Inside it is found several niches, perhaps they are used by adepts, to put their
belonging while they were medetating.
At one end of this cave, there is Ganesha statue, the god of science. In the
other part we can find a triple linggas, that is a symbol of male creation. In front
of the cave, there is the bathing place. Divided in two part, bordered by walls and
decorated with big angle stone statue. The water spout from their chest along day.
Its supposed as holy water, no one colud bath anymore. Its secret, people only
used for ceremony. Actually, the cave stand on the cliff of petanu rivers. Its water
flows along day, its aeffect the weather surrounding, its so cool.
All around is still natural with growing many trees. The scenery is
beautiful, the wind blows coolly. There are also many shrines around the cave, and
the statues scattered around it, as the couple activities, a woman had many
children, meditating buddhist statues and the symbol of strongest man. It believed
that the people followed buddhist religion of that time.

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