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Chapter 1

Convergence of Technologies

A. Multiple choice questions:

1. A type of computers that combine the features of both Analog and Digital Computers:
a. Hybrid Computers

b. General Purpose Computers

c. Special Purpose Computers

d. None of these

Ans. a. Hybrid Computers

2. PDA stands for:
a. Personally Directed Associate

b. Pentium Digital Access

c. Personal Digital Assistant

d. Personal Digital Access

Ans. c. Personal Digital Assistant

3. A _________________ computer is a large, powerful computer that handles the processing for
many users simultaneously (up to several hundred users).
a. Mainframe

b. Mini

c. Desktop

d. Tablet

Ans. a. Mainframe
4. A ____________________ is a highly powerful microcomputer that acts as a server in a network.
a. PDA

b. Minicomputer

c. Workstation

d. Smartphones

Ans. c. Workstation
5. ________________________ was the first person to develop telephone.
a. Guglielmo Marconi

b. Reginald Fessenden c. Alexander Graham Bell

d. Bill Gates

Ans. c. Alexander Graham Bell

6. A ____________ machine is used to transmit a copy of written and graphical information via the
telephone network to a distant machine via the telephone network.
a. Radio

b. Television

c. Email

d. Fax

Ans. d. Fax
7. Which of the following is not a Social Networking site?
a. Gmail

b. Facebook

c. Orkut

d. Twitter

Ans. a. Gmail
8. __________________are online forums that allows open discussions in varied topics and allows
exchange of information regarding a particular topic.
a. Newsgroup

b. Mailing List

c. SMS

d. RSS

Ans. a. Newsgroup
9. ____________ is an application software that allows transmission of audio and video in real time.
a. Microsoft Word

b. Skype

c. Gtalk

Ans. b. Skype

d. None of these

10. ____________________ is used as an online journal or diary.

a. Youtube

b. Skype

c. Podcast

d. Blog

Ans. d. Blog
B. Fill in the blanks:
1. Computer is an electronic device for performing calculations or controlling operations.
2. Technological Convergence refers to linking of computing and other information technologies,
media content and Communication Network.
3. Versatility is a characteristic feature of a computer that makes computer do different type of task.
4. Special purpose computers are designed to perform only one specific task.
5. Analog Computers work on the principle of measuring, in which the measurements obtained are
translated into data.
6. Smartphones are high-end mobile phones that typically run operating systems similar to the tablet
7. A Minicomputer is a multi-user computer that is less powerful than a mainframe but is more
powerful than a microcomputer.
8. A Communication Technology is a technology that to the transfer of information and ensuring that
what is sent is also received.
9. The Radio technology is used to transmit and detect communication signals consisting of
electromagnetic waves that travel through air or by reflection from the ionosphere or from a
communications satellite.
10. The Internet is the most popular form of communication technology.
C. State whether the following statements are true or false:
1. Podcast is a communication technology that allows multiple users to communicate online with realtime audio, video and text chat in dynamic 3D environments.
2. Twitter is a microblogging site.


3. Content Technology is responsible for delivering information to the user.


4. WordPress is an example of Blogging site.


5. Youtube is responsible for audio streaming online.


6. Gtalk is an application software that allows transmission of audio and video in real time.


7. Real Time Communication allows accessing of information by an individual in real time with other
8. Mailing List are online forums that allows open discussions in varied topics and allows exchange of
information regarding a particular topic.
9. Taylor Farnsworth is considered to be pioneer for early development of all-electronic television. [True]
10. A minicomputer is basically a mainframe computer that has been optimized for incredible speed
and maximum processing power.
D. Answer the following questions:
1. What do you mean by Convergence of Technologies?
Ans. Convergence of Technologies refers to interlinking of computing and other information
technologies, media content and communication networks that has arisen as the consequence

of the advancement and popularization of the Internet as well as the activities, products and
services that have emerged in the digital space.
2. State few characteristics of Computer that makes them special.
Ans. Characteristics of a Computer:
Speed: Computers can work at incredible speed.
Accuracy: Computers are extremely accurate.
Huge Memory: Computers can store and retrieve huge amount of data.
Diligence: Unlike humans a computer has the ability to work for a long time without getting tired.
Versatile: A computer can perform different types of operations.
No Feelings: Unlike humans computer do not have any feelings.
3. What is a General Purpose Computer? How is it different from the Special Purpose Computer?
Ans. General Purpose Computers are computers are designed to perform different type of works,
general in nature. For example, you can use a computer for playing games, do project work,
perform some mathematical calculations, type a letter or draw a picture. Special Purpose
Computers on the other hand are designed to perform only one specific task. For example, the
ATM of a bank does only one job of dispensing money.
4. State the difference between Analog and Digital Computers.
Ans. Analog Computers work on the principle of measuring, in which the measurements obtained
are translated into data. Digital Computers on the other hand operate with numeric data. The
data is discrete in nature and can be represented in digital form.
5. What are microcomputers?
Ans. A microcomputer is a small, relatively inexpensive computer with a microprocessor as its central
processing unit (CPU). It includes a microprocessor, memory and input/output (I/O) facilities
and is also called personal computer or PC.
6. State two differences between a Desktop computer and a Laptop computer.

Desktop Computer
Takes comparatively larger amount of space.
Should be connected to a wall outlet.

Laptop Computer
Takes less amount of space.
Runs on a battery.

7. What is a workstation?
Ans. A workstation is a highly powerful microcomputer. They contain one or more microprocessor
CPUs and are used for applications involving more power than a typical PC (rendering complex
graphics or performing intensive scientific calculations).
8. Write short notes on:
a. Minicomputer

b. Mainframe Computer

c. Super Computer

Ans. a. Minicomputer: A minicomputer is a multi-user computer that is less powerful than a mainframe
but is more powerful than a microcomputer. This class of computers became available in the 1960s
when large scale integrated circuits (LSIC) made it possible to build a computer much cheaper
than the then existing mainframes. It is generally used as small or midrange servers.

A mainframe computer is a large, powerful computer that handles the processing for many

users simultaneously (up to several hundred users). The name mainframe originated after
minicomputers appeared in the 1960s to distinguish the larger systems from the smaller

A supercomputer is basically a mainframe computer that has been optimized for incredible
peed and maximum processing power. It is used for extremely calculation-intensive tasks
such simulating nuclear bomb detonations, aerodynamic flows, and global weather patterns. It
typically costs several million dollars.

9. What do you understand by the term Communication Technology?

Ans. The term communication refers to the transfer of information and ensuring that what is sent is
also received. The technology increases the ways in which information can be communicated,
the speed of transmission, and the total volume that can be handled at any one time.
10. Who was the original developer of Telephone? How does it work in its simplest form?
Ans. Alexander Graham Bell was the original developer of Telephone. In its simplest form telephone
technology allows a person to speak into a telephone, the sound waves created by his or her
voice enter the mouthpiece which in turn carries the sound to the telephone of the person he is
talking to, using electric current.
11. What is the contribution of Reginald Fessenden for the development of Radio?
Ans. Reginald Fessenden, created the first sophisticated radio transmitter, who expanded the ideas of
Guglielmo Marconi, to send music and speech across the airwaves.
12. State one major difference between Radio and Television.
Ans. Radio is used for transmission of audio waves whereas Television is used for transmission of
both audio and video waves.
13. What is a Fax?
Ans. A Fax (short for facsimile) machine is used to transmit a copy of written and graphical
information via the telephone network which works in a similar way to a photocopier, except the
copy is transmitted to a distant machine via the telephone network.
14. How is an email different from SMS?
Ans. Email is a mailing service provided by the Internet to sent mails electronically using a set of
protocols. Just like the normal mail that you send or receive from the post office, email has the
unique feature of sending a mail almost instantly from one part of the world to another. SMS
on the other hand stands for Short Messaging Service, which is used to send short text messages
through mobile devices.
15. What is social networking?
Ans. Social Networking refers to the use of dedicated websites and applications to interact with other
users, or to find people with similar interests to ones own.
16. How has Newsgroups helped in communication?
Ans. Newsgroups are online forums that allows open discussions in varied topics and allows exchange
of information regarding a particular topic. Newsgroups are similar in some ways to mailing
lists, but they tend to have a better structure. More often than not, you will be able to find a FAQ
(frequently asked questions) section on a newsgroup, which is always helpful for those who are
not sure of anything. These questions tend to be the ones that are asked repeatedly and so negate
the need for constantly answering the same question.

17. W
 hat do you understand by Real Time Communication? Name any application that supports
Real Time Communication.
Ans. Real Time Communication allows accessing of information by an individual in real time with
other individual.

Applications that support Real Time Communication are Hangout, WhatsApp, GTalk, Skype,

18. What is RSS feeds used for?

Ans. The RSS is responsible for picking out headlines from different websites and delivers those
headlines to your computer for quick scanning.
19. What is a blog? State two characteristics of a blog.
Ans. Blog is an online journal or diary. It is basically a regularly updated website or web page, typically
one run by an individual or small group that is written in an informal or conversational style.


1. A
 blog is generally updated frequently and regularly, but it all depends upon you how fast you
change the content.

2. A blog like some websites have an area for people to comment or respond to the blog post.
20. What do you understand by the term Content Technology?
Ans. The Content Technology is responsible for processing data into information. The success of
this technology depends mostly upon how and what the intermediate process will be that
converts data to information. The development of this technology also saw the development
of Multimedia, which allowed feature rich content to be developed using Text, Images, Audio,
Video and Animations.
E. Answer as directed:
1. To maintain his accounts he can use a Computer (PC) or a Laptop. He can use software like
Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc or Tally for accounting and maintaining the inventory.
2. A Special Purpose computer should be installed for Rukshir Travels as it will be responding only to
the queries of the user related to Bus Timings and nothing else.
According to

Classification of

According to data
handling capability

General Purpose
Special Purpose


4. a. Data Collection

b. Input

c. Processing

5. a. Workstation

1. is used in a computer network

b. Super Computer

2. is a powerful mainframe computer

c. Mini Computer

3. between micro and super computer

d. SMS

4. Texting through Mobile

e. Telephone

5. Alexander Graham Bell

d. Output

A microblogging site- TWITTER
A form of communication technology that allows multiple users to communicate online with realtime audio, video and text chat in dynamic 3D environments.- INTERSPACE
Video or Audio files designed primarily for iPods by Apple.- PODCAST
One who maintains online digital diary.- BLOGGER
A very popular video hosting site. - YOUTUBE
An application that allows audio and video transmission in real time.-SKYPE
A very popular social networking site. -FACEBOOK
One of the most popular communication technology which is almost replacing post offices.-EMAIL
A network of networks.-INTERNET
It is popularly called Fax. -FACSIMILIE

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