09-20 Panduan Taksiran Dimensi Corkill

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Appendix A: PRELIMINARY DESIGN CHARTS © h2y 38) tcrnene meres m7 24 n(6o.mm) average tke, wo 22) __s) a ee 2 | waBoney VAULTS = 1” wasoney sows Fao cee 12% Feo] & =e & eet B Be ae 5 ie youre ge Pal 2 ss re oR OF ie ata ‘0 tt isb Fo. pases ty | | (oe ° ne a OT | 1a 60 soe @ 03 09 Ga 6O “3 aa. ee) tab) 0) pani feckIneterahi Sani te tnetersie seoaiiretca eit [noon peck | CONCRETE SLAB ge jem $200 | f i Sriram B | sos le i: zr al a S i | 22 sos" ba aa = 2s inal ° SF Oe ogee ag) 20s Stas ° 5 ga as sean obi Tae en mete eveninneters 2 aes 4. 15 2 e < 1s pubr-pLare [al ] sreeL beck 10 Conekene ' 20, 10 G - Fi ® Zo) | 200F go i (icoleeal Boss ie 1 a oes uu ee i. ile. 3 feeps [| Si 10S oa ao os 03 es ao a8 3855 etifeste earner Figure A.1: Preliminary design charts. ie ye heigtt in meters, § é 3 thickness in mT 8 262 Appendix A: PRELIMINARY DESIGN CHARTS yrnnagns sy semineters -__-+—— 7 — x 8 STRESSED SKN- AGOD ~ neo 128 wom E os 4 2 Stel 400 i =i f coe a ee 4ecof f.4 +14 leo s op [2008 5 me 300 Pos rei! i ss a 4 4rco* ¥4 £100 a Pot oS OS B35 903 AAS 80 oS ie 1 20 as 20 88 ads Ba woanintaeh soaninfeeh. spminmaters. sominneters. pesencena sermnnee ye ‘ASOD BEAM I CONCRETE JOISTS ] ie m0 2 = 180 P scot ga — soot " soe Sie - < 4508 = ele 3 a7 i Bisco Bs S 920 § oe t two” Fe TTT: | Jl | 1 — ° 3 ao ° a a amin ae spanin fact spearesgininges (7 soeninnetere 4. 3 gems ’ og 00) 08) sve ge so Gnakewoak ] We (intr-sian Ss > i karte t200 8, he ae a = wo §, ws 3? Pleo & OSS tT a u joe ob SS | a | wt , : tie ° io 5 io - Lt Oo @ i on aD ° oa ae 8 epanin feet neters). spinin fee Figure A.2: Preliminary design charts (continued). Appendix A: PRELIMINARY DESIGN CHARTS 6 GPO ay spanin meters... ia te mien suis covtnete uo sol CORED endeaet-conensre pace 3 coo Gan : sof Be a + 200 § a? | > 3 il cl es Heal edie feel ne ke ae a : rom ie patina organ Ben a4 1209 4% : 1 ~o: i : Elisds 65 i plese] 2 * te * | oes pines ee ae . oan ‘none wincen(em 7 acsil acon os ae 9. | FOLDED PLATE = nooD | re a g T € gt i | 6g i | wos §, & | ans ae 3 3 : AA?” 1 . a f =e = ee caer ees ae oa en ae ae a @ 9a tm, oo he consti ~~ evita Figuee A: Proiminary design charts (continued). 204 “Appendix A: PRELIMINARY DESIGN CHARTS ese i ee Tiantresnoopeem| |_| OPEN-nee Lowers - bree r s oh 94 L 1208 = Ba ahi reas ee a4 P T0% g: Hee 2 gq way, 3 Lf eo Ks PO Er 20 ee ” sas geen pabormeseeD-| wo 8 | Sonewere ta | 150 ¥ § 2 T e is wo: i. : : : a: ie tqe$ fe 3 \ 420 : ; BOTT bet | Cie erase Cioas cares cise ate oo gab 1 tao = ag as = Geo renin fea oan ee cs NRMNOETR eS, on a8 PTs STEEL TRUSS - PTCHED | noon reuss-preteo | | | a BS od i | a : 6g S20 — +] 6 i oy § =e 2 =] 2 Bi 4s ADA 2)°5 § o°R F eit " Pt APAd dF pees te ° 30 6640130180 6902018 epanin feet. spanin feet. igure A4: Preliminary design charts (continued). ° 8 Appendix A: PRELIMINARY DESIGN CHARTS a ae, cman en D deptin inches em. 18, 24 Satan 18, 2 2, bd dai ote a ceace te) fs 2 | bawnaTer 5 2 [ canenere ream 2 3 aol ROOD PRawE, 2k 3 eb 1 2g 3 qs q = + at = 20] - af z x oe 2 5 § i 6% Bx tyes 34 +H |, 2 t aa |*,* ed [ at ol agad reo ieana asa! 99 oegea 12 8) a) B ah BB Spaniteetinetere) Soamin feet inetere). thine nes fom.7 tickets (m7 afre actts at aed oc 0 do % 20)-CONCRETE fs aes Se ° Bo) see al a2 @ § S 15) (multiple) 7 = ~ 4 4 aoe ' 5 3" 42s F 23 oa) a” 7S a) 3 lL 1 i+ = co ae a aes SS ° 4389 a0 Ja aR a & GB us &B & & 8 BB B spon fet inetere) spon est eters themes nes) ag entation, s__ 1590180) ao a 2c) (80) 0 uleeceseseOan vcceara | To] ewes Tot 9 3 = i 9 20] sept - CoNcRETE 4 Pu tH a feeb : ea 22 Et eS 28 $ T a a BY ARAAE EBs Na LoS pete ° rr aa 163 93 ° 9939 age aR 3 & BG we B a2 Gh) GH sean fest inetersh soon eet eters) Figure AS: Preliminary design charts (continued). 266 Appendix A: PRELIMINARY DESIGN CHARTS, pees spaninmeters ean yp ao es Mts a [eTRBEGED ben erEeL Te] [TEED tease ortar iS 8 fe = 30! | S By G20 i get et 1°§ £35 Pfs Te 10 425k ia ae te som "G EI Rae! § ae! —) Jere Liged tla, oes ia eo Sano peoo oo 733 Feo 54905 oomin fees Spanner thkneeeininche 1 eptn in teet cm) D ado (201160) (90)__(130) (180) a 0 eel * 20) * is = [ sietbove-concrere [| [ss 2 coanleates oe Is A 3 ao : tah | so} Stassetb-sxn ae 3 ad 2) Vaet erase a 55 ieee ie 2 i 5] = $2 Tleg $24 63 : TYAS 33 SS 2! T Tee ° eo 420180 ato 800 ° 950" 480340300 (3) en) tao) a) G0) a) pani foet natere) coun eet eters). deptin teat (em. deptnin feet (em). Rl a Re ih td smelt igi ita Sgignataence eal ajadal ce é : ae fd : 4.8 SSS s | 0 50 100 180 300 380.809 380 400 480 500 2 50 100180300 350 300 380 450 480 500 span feee pani feet depth in fee (em).0 depen infee fem). (6) 90) 140) _crboo (W480) aor 100 so" te 2, 2 [anon -conereTe 3 Ol comedeatep SamReL ; jn = 248% 20/-SueLL- concer a} ie wo 2] Mice Seo r2cm ws it} bso 412% Bao 2 2 cigs 2 8 2 -ptytio! #2.) o? ° Bo 160 240 320 a00— ° 20 N60 340 a 83 FB AB AB, & U3 AZ BB AB, spmnin fect meters) somnin feat meters). mmenber engin feet (om) Mi eotnintesiem> E haereeraver (te ae ! 80) ao) a ah 100, f201__(6) tao) uly + | ezbpesic dove - LT es 2 (aku eres | | eles } cor sreeL or 4% F00 ae El Alone : 3 re we fool sy we & 12§ Bao . was 2 Os 5 me 20. T4de 20 : eo: ° \ - 50 ° 1 aos ee 403. 800 13 Boe 303, C3 65 ASB) Fy C3 65 ABB) 8B) sponinfeet eters). spanin feet (meters). Figure A.7: Preliminary design chars (continued)

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