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130 baingiiphap tiengAnh


by Raymond Murphy
130 Bai ngtf phap tieng Anh
va 5 Phu luc giai thlch cac tru"6ng
hcfp dac biet cua ngff phap

Dich vb Chu giai

Trin Huynh Phuc

(Gi&ng vien da* hQc SiiPh?m)

Nha xutft bbn Tr6

Thl ciia d$ng til (verb tenses)
Present continuous (/ am doing)
B6i 2
Simple present (Ido)
B6i 3
Present continuous (7 am doing) hay Present simple (i do)
B6i 4
Present tenses (I am doing/} do) v<5i nghTa tiidng lai
Going to (I am going to do)
B6t 5
Simple Future (Will) (1)
B6i 6
B6i 7
B6i 8
B6i 9
861 10
B6i 11
BAi 12
BAi 13
BAi 14

BAi 15
BAi 16
BAi 17
B6i 18

BAi 19
BAI 20
BAi 21
Bi 22
B6i 23
Bng tf d$c
BAI 24
BAi 25
BAI 26
B6r 27

BAi 28
BAi 29

BAi 30
BAi 31
8Ai 32
B6I 33
86i 35

Simple Future (Will) (2)

Will hay going to?

CAc c&u vdi when v6 If (When 1 do..J If I do...)
Future Continuous (Will be doing) v6 Future Perfect (will Rave done)
Simple past (I did)
Past continuous (I was doing)
Present Perfect (/ have done) (1)

Present Perfect
Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous (I have been doing)
Present Perfect Continuous hay Present Perfect?
Present Perfect vA Present Perfect Continuous vdi how long, for vA
Present Perfect vtfi how Jong. vA simple Past vfil When ; since vA for
Present Perfect hay Simple Past? (1)
Present Perfect hay Simple Past? (2)
Past Perfect (I have done)
Past Perfect Continuous (i have been doing)

bl#t (Modal verbs)

USED TO used to do)
COULD (could do vA could have done)
MAY va MIGHT (tifdng lai)
CAN. COULD. MAY vd WOULD trong l6i n6i l|Ch sr/

.SHOULD (2) '

Ciu dl4u ki$n (Conditionals)

Conditional sentences (hi$n tgi, tVdng igi)
BAI 36
cau 06 IF va WISH (thdi hin tal)
BAI 37
cau c6 IF va WISH (thdi qua khur)
BAi 38

BAS 39
BAi 40
BAI 41




Dang b| d$ng (Passive)

Passive voice (1) (be done/have been done)
Bai' 42
Passive voice (2) (cdc thi hi$ri tai va quA khuf)
BAi 43
Passive voice (3)
BAi 44
Bai 45
It is said that... / He Is said to ..., v.v... vA supposed to
Causation form (have something done)
BAI 46

L6i n6i tittng thu#t (Reported speech)

BAi 47 . Reported speech (1)
Reported speech (2)
BAi 48

C3u hoI (Questions)

Questions (CAu hdi){1)
BAi 49
Questions (CAu hdi) (2)
BAi 50
(Do you know where... ? /He asked me where...)
Auxiliary verbs (Trq dOng tuf) Irong cAu-trA Idi/h6i ngSn;
BAi T>1
So am I/ Neither am I
Ithink so / 1 hope so
Question tags (CAu h6i duOi)
BAi 52


tCr d hlnh thilc -iNG vA A$ng ttf nguyAn miu

Verb + -Ing
BAi 53
Verb + to -Infinitive
BAi 54
Verb + object + infinitive
BAi 56
Infinitive hay -ing? (1): v<Ji like, would like
Infinitive hay -ing? (2): vdi begin, start, intend, continue, remember, try
BAi 57
Infinitive hay -Ing? (3): vdi be afraid, need, help
BAi 58
Preposition -ing
BAi 59
Verb + preposition + -Ing
. .
BAi 60
Expressions + -ing
Bai 61
Be/get used to
BAi 62
Infinitive of purpose vA m$nh dA vdi so that
BAi 63
PrefervA would rather
BAi 64
Had better do something
BAi 65
It's time someone did something


Bai 66
Bd 67
Bai 68
Bdi 69
6di 70
Bdl 7f
B6i 72
Bdi 73
Bdi 74
Bai 75
Bd> 76
Bdi 77

See someone do vd see someone doing

-log clauses (Feeling tired, Iwent to bed early)
Chance vd opportunity (djp, cd hQI)
Uncountable nouns (Danh tCf khdng dd'm dugc)
Countable nouns (Danh tCr ddm dugc, vdi a/an

A / an vd the


The (2)
Danh ttt stf nhiu vd danh tif khdng dfe'm dtfipc (cd vd khdng cd the)
Cdch citing the vdi hospital, school, v.v...
Cdch dting the vdi dja danh
Cdch dting the vdi cdc tdn rldng khdc

Danh tit (nouns) vd del tCf (pronouns)

Bdi 78
Sift$blar or plural?
Possessive case of nouns
Bai 79
Bai 80
Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives (Dai tCf vd tfnh tCf sd hffu)
Bai 81
Reflexive Pronouns (B$i tti phidn thftn)
Bai 82
All / all of, no / none of, most / most of, etc.
Bdi 83
Both / both of, neither / neither of, either / either of
Bai 64
Some va any
Cdc kfi't hdp vdl some va any
No, none v& any
Bdi 85
Cdc kt hdp vdl no vd any
Bdi 86
Much, many, little, few, a lot vd plenty
All, every va whole
Bai 87

M#nh d tjuan he (Relative clauses)

8di 88

Relatlvejclauses (f):

- M#nh 66 bit dlu bing who / that / which

Bai 89

Bdi 90
Bai 91
Bai 92
Bai 93

Relative clauses (2): m$nh dd cd ho$c khdng cd who 1that

Relative clauses (3): m$nh dt) vdi whose, wbomvd where
Relative clauses (4): m$nh 66 *cung cd'p thdm thdng tin* (1)
Relative clauses (5): m$nh d "cung cS'p thfcm thdng tin" (2)

M$nh d6 bSt dau bang -ING vd -ED



Tfnh tCf (adjectives) vd trgng tCf (adverbs)

Bai 94
Tfnh tCr (Adjectives) t$n cung b&ng -Ing vd -ed
Bai 95
Thtf ti/cCia tfnh tf (*a nice new house*)
Tinh tCf dtfng sau d$ng tf ('Do you feel tired?*)
Bdi 96
TfnhtCf vd tr?ng tf (1) (quick Iquickly)
Bdi 97
Tfnh tCf tCf (2) (good / well, fast / hard / late, hardly)
Bdi 98
So vd such

BAi 99
BAi 100
Bell 101
BAi 102
BAi 103
BAi 104

Enough vA too
To-lnflnJtlve sau tfnh tO
So sinh cua tfnh 10 vA trgrng tCf (1): cheaper, more expensive
So adnh (2)
Soadnh (3) -as as /than
So adnh.cOc ctfp -the longest, the most enjoyable, etc.


Tr$t to tO (Word order)

BAi 105
Tr$t tO tO (1) - dQng tir + ttic t it ; nci ch6n vA thdi gian
BAi 106
Tr#t to tO (2) - trang tir di vdi d<mg tir
BAi 107 Still vA yet
Any more / any longer / no longer
Quite vA rather
BAI 108
BAi 109 Although / though / even though
In spite of / despite
Even (ngay cA, th$m chf)
BAi 110
BAi 111 Ae (chf do vA. chT thdi gian)
Like vA as
BAi 112
113 As If


Gldl tir (Prepositions)

BAi 114 At / on / in (chl thdi gian)
For, during vA while
BAi 115
BAM 16 By vA until
By the time
BAi 117 In/at/on (chlvjtrl)(1)
In / at / on (chl vj trf) (2)
BAi 118
BAi 119 To, been to, Into
By car / in my car
On time /in time
Bai 120
At the end / in the end
BA1 121 Danh 10 + gidi tO ('reason tor' "cause of", v. v...)
BAi 122 Gldl tO + danh to ("by mistake", "on television", v. v...)
BAi 123 Tfnh tO + gldl t0(1)
BAi 124 Tfnh tT + gldl tO (2)
D$ng tO 4 gldl tO(1)
BAi 125
BAi 126 Bdng tO + gldl tO (2)BAi 127 Bng tO + gidi tO (3)
BAi 128
0$ng to ttic to + gldl to (t )
BAi 129 Odng tO + tiic tO + gidl tO (2)
BAi 130 B$ng tO kp (get up, break down, fill in, etc.. )


Phi) lye 1: Danh myc cAc thi hi$n tai yA qui khO
qui tAc
Phy lyc 2: DOng tO qui t&c vA
Phy lyc 3: Chfnh t& (Spelling)


Phy lyc 4: Dang nit gem

Phy lyc 5: TiAng Anh cOa ngodi My


a) Hay xem x6t tinh huong mlu sau:

Ann dang 6 trong xe. C6 ay dang tren di/dng

di Idm.
She is driving to work.
C6 S'y dang Idi xe di Idm.
Bieu nay c6 nghTa ia v&o liic nay, ngay tgi
thdi dilm chung ta n6i, co ay dang \&\ xe.
Sau dSy la thl Hi$n tpi tid'p diln (Present
Continuous): ~
I am (= I'm)
he / she / it is (= he's, v.v...)
we / they / you are (= we're, v.v...) -*


ChOng ta dung thl Present Continuous (Hi$n tpi tid'p din) khi noi ve mdt vide nao do
dang diln ra ngay Idc n6i:
Please don't make so much noise: I'm studying.
Xin diing Idm 6n qud nhu the. T6i dang hqc. (Kh6ng dung 'I study").
"Where is Margaret?" "She's having a bath"
'Margaret dau rdi?" "C6 ay dang tdm". (Khdng dung 'She had").
Let's go out now. It isn't raining any more.
(Biy gid chung ta hay ra ngoai. Trdi hSt mda rdi).
(at a party) Hello, Ann. Are you enjoying the party?
(Tpi mdt bOa tipc) Chao Ann. Ban thich bOa tide nay chd? (Khdng dung "do you
b) Chung ta cung dung Present Continuous khi n6i ve mdt vi$c nao d6 didn ra trong
khoang thdi gian cua Itlc n6i, nhi/ng khdng nhat thiet chlnh xac ngay I6c n6i. Hay xem
tinh hu6ng miu sau:
Tom and Ann are talking and drinking in a cafd. Tom say: 'I'm reading an interesting
book at the moment. I'll lend it to you when I've tinished it*.
(Tom vd Ann dang noi chuy$n vd dang uong nUdc tai mdt quan cd phe. Tom noi:
"Hien thdi tdi dang d<?c mdt cuon sach hay Idm. Tot se cho ban mi/dn cuon sach dd
khi ndo tdi dpc xong").
Tom khdng dQC cud'n sach d6 vao luc anh ta n6i. Anh ay c6 y ndi rang anh ay da bat
dau dQC trifdc d6 va hipn thdi thi chua dQC xong. Anh a'y dang dpc nifa chdng. Sau day la
mdt s6 vi dy khdc:

Silvia is learning English at the moment.

(Hien thdi Silvia dang ht?c tieng Anh). (Khong dung learns")


Have you heard about Tom? He is building his own bouse.

(Ban dS nghe tin g) v4 Tom chi/a? Anh {fy dang x&y c$n nhi riSng cho anh ta).
(Khdng dung 'builds").
Nhdng c6 th 14 ngay luc n6i Silvia vi Tom khdng dang thi/c hi#n nhtfng cfing vi#c



Chiing ta thifdng dCing Present Continuous khi ndi vd kho4ng thdi gian bao g6m c4 hi$n
t?i. Vfdy: today (hdm nay), this season (mCia ny) v.v...
- "You're working hard today*. "Yes, 1 have a lot to do"
"H6m nay ban 14m vi$c met nhQc qui".. "V&ng, tdl c6 nhiSu vi$c ph&il&m'.
Tom jsnt playing footballihls season. He wants to
on his studies. *

(Mua niy Tom khdng choi bdng da. C&u ta mudn tip trung vio vfyc tiQC cOa mkih).

Chiing ta dCing Present Continuous khi n6i vfi nhCng tlnh hntfng dang thay ddi.

- The population of the world is rising very fast,

(Din s6 thd gldi dang gia tingrtft nhanh). (Khdng dung "rises").
- Is your English getting better?
(V6n ti$ng Anh cue ban c6 khi hdn khdng?). (Khdng dCing "does... get7")

UNIT 1: Exercises

. . ......
.. . . . . . . . . .

1.1 In this exercise you have to put.the verb into the correct form.
Examples. Please donl make so much noise. I am studying (study).
Let's go out now. It isn't raining (not/rain) any more.
Listen to those people. What
1 Please be quiet, 1
(try) to concentrate".
2 Look! it
(you/look) at me like that? Have I said something wrong?
3 Why
(make) a lot of noise. Can you be a bit quieter?
4 You
(look) for a phone box. Is there one near here?
5 Exquse me, 1
(you/enjoy) it?
6 (in the cinema) It's a good film, isn't it?
7 Listen! Can you hear those people next door? They .._ (shout) at each other again.
(you/wear) your coat today? It's very warm.
8 Why
(not/work) this week. I'm on holiday.
9 1
(not/eat) anything today.
10 I want to lose weight. I


1.2 Complete tfiese sentences using one of these verbs:

change rise
You don't have to use all the verbs and you can use some of them more than once.
Example: The population of the wortd is rising very fast,
:.... at the moment.
1 The number of people without tabs
better slowly.
2 He is still ill but he



. . .....
. ...... .


These days food

more and more expensive.
The world
Things never stay the same.
5 The cost of living
Every year things are dearer.
6 George has gone to work in Spain. When he arrived, his Spanish wasn't very good
but now it
7 .The economic situation is already very bad and it

1.3 Read this conversation between Brian and Steve. Put each verb into the correct form.
The first one has already been done for you.

. . ........
.... . .


Brian and Steve meetin a restaurant:

Hello, Steve. I haven't seen you for ages. What (1) are yon 'doing (you/do)
Brian: .
these days?




(train) to be a shop manager.

Really? (3)
(you/enjoy) it?
Yes, it's quite interesting. How about you?
Well, i (4)
(not/work) at the moment, but I'm very busy. I (5)
(build) a house.
Really? (6)
(you/do) it alone?
(help) me.
No, some friends of mine (7)


'am trying
2 is snowing
3 are you looking
4 are making
5 am looking
6 Are you enjoying
7 are shouting
8 are you wearing
9 am not working
10 am not eating




1.2 1 is rising / is failing / is increasing

2 is getting
3 is getting / is becoming
4 is changing
5 is rising / is increasing
6 is imprcfcflrfg (or (s getting better)
7 is getting / is becoming

am training
Are you enjoying
am not working
am building
Are you doing
are helping


BA I2:
a) Hay xem

hudng mdu sau:

Alex Id mpt tai xe xe but. Nhung liic nay anh ta

dang ngu trdn gii/dng. Vi thd":
He is not driving a bus (he is asleep)
(Anh &y khdng dang lai xe buyt (anh ay dang
Nhdng: He drives aJius
(Anh iy Idi xe buyt).
Sau day ia thl Hidn tai don'Simple Present):
I / we / you / they drive
he / she / it / drives.

Chdng ta dung thi Simple Present (Hidn tai don) de didn ede si/ vide mdt edeh tong
qudt. Chung ta khdng nhflit thid't ch? nghldd'n hidn tai. Chung ta dung thl ndy dd ndi dd'n
mdt si/ vi$c ndo dd xdy ra lien tyc hay lap di lap lai nhidu I5n, hay mdt vide ndo dd thddng
Id dung. Si/ vide dd cd xdy ra ngay luc ndi hay khdng Id didu khdng quan trpng.

The earth goes round the sun.

(Trai dat xoay quanh mSt trdi).

Nurses look after patients in hospital.

(Y ta ch&m sdc b$nh nhin d bdnh vi$n).
In Britain most of the shops close at 5.30 p.m.
(6 Anh hau hit cdc cCfa tidm dong ciia luc 5 gid 30).
Hay nhd r&ng, chung la noi he / she /it s Ddng quen chd s
I work in a bank. Barry works in a shop.
(Tdi lam vide d mdt ng&n hang. Barry lam vide d mdt ci/a ti$m).

b) Chung ta diing do / does dl thanh l$p cdu nghi vita (questions) vd cdu phu djnh

I/ we / you / they

I/ we / you / they don't



Does he / she / it


he / she / it doesn't



Excuse me. do you speak English?

(Xin Idi. anh biit ndi tid'ng Anh khdng?).
'Would you like a cigarette?' "No. thanks, I don't smoke".
("Anh hut mdt diSu thuoc chd?" "Khdng. cam dn. Tdi khdng hut thudc").

What does this word mean?

(ChQ n&y nghia Id gl?) (Khdng dung 'What means this word?")
Rice doesn't grow in Britain.
(Lua khdng trdng dupe d Anh).
Bdi vdi cSu righl vfi'n xem thdm b&i 49.

c) Chiing ta diing Jhl Simple Present khi n6i vd mile dd thudng xuyftn ciia nhuing si/ vide
m6 chiing ta tht/c hl$n.
I get up at 8 o'clock every morning.
(Mdi sdng tdi Jftifc d&y fuc 8 gid) {Khdng dung "am getting)
How often do you go to the dentist?
(Anh c6 thddng di nha sf khdng?)
Ann doesn't often drink tea.
(Ann khdng thi/dng u6ng trd).
In summer Tom usually p/ayslennis twice a week.
(Vdo mOa hd, Tom thUdng ch'oi qu&n vgt m$t tuin hai l&n).

d) Li/u y r&ng chung ta ndl:

- 'Where do you come from?" (= Where are you from?)
(Anh td d&u tdi?" {Khdng dung: ".Where are you coming from?")
He comes from Japan.
(Anh &y ftf Nh$t d&'p) (Khdng dung: 'He is coming from Japan')

e) Khi mudn d nghj


mdt diSu gi, b$n cd \h6 ndis Why don't you ...? {Ti sao ban khdng

'I'm. tired*. "Why don't you go to bed early?'

(Tdi m$t". Thk sao ban khdng <Ji ngu sdm?")

UNIT 2: Exercises

.. . . . . . . . .
..... ........

2.1 In-this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form.

Examples. Water bolls (bplj) at 100 degrees centigrade.
George doeanf go {not/go) to the cinema very often.


The swimming bath

(open) at 9.00 and
(close) at 18.30 every day.
{the banks/closen Britain?
What time
I have a car but J
(not/use) it very often.
How many cigarettes
(you/smoke) a day? ' '
,... (you/do)?" "Ton an electrical engineer'.
(your father/come) from?' "He
(come) from Scotland'.
If you need money; why
(you/not/get) a job?
(play) the piano, but I
(not/play) very well.
I don't understand the word "deceive". What



2.2 This time you have to read some sentences and correct them. The English is correct but
the information is wrong. Write two correct sentences each time.
Example: The sun goes round the earth.
The earth goes round the sun.
1 The sun rises in the west-...
2 Mice-catch cats
3 Carpenters make things from metal
4 The River Amazon flows into the Pacific Ocean.-.


2.3. Now you have to use these sentences to make questions. Begin your question with the
word(s) in brackets.

Examples: Tom play tennis. (How often?) How often does Tom play tennis?
Iget up in the morning. (What time/usually?) What time do you usually get up?
t Ann watches television. (How often?) How often
2 I write to my parents. (How often?)
3 I have dinner in the evening. (What time/usually?)-.
4 Tom works. (Where?) .

5 I go to the cinema. (How often?) ...
6 People do stupid things. (Why?)

_ ________




mHI Ml M #



IMm Ml



H Hi IM IH H Ml Ml Ml Ml HI M MM

m IO








... comes

2.3 1 How often does Ann watch television?

2 How often do you write to your
3 What time do you usually have dinner
- (in the everting)?
4 Where does Tom work?
5 How often do you go to the cinema?
6 Why do people do stupid things?
7 How often does the car break down?

The sun doesn't rise in the west. It rises in the east.

Mice don't catch cats. Cats catch mice.
Carpenters don't make things 1rom metal They make things from wood.
The River Amazon doesn't flow into the Pacific Ocean. It flows into the Atlantic




opens closes
do the banks close
don't use
do you smoke
do you do
does your lather come
dont you get play don't play
does "deceive* mean


T ri/6c khi, h(?c bAi nAy, ban phi hpc bAi 1 vA 2.

a) HSy.xem xdt phn giAl thich di/di day vA so sAnh cAc vi di/ sau:

Present Continuous (I am doing)

(Thi-Hipn tai tiS'p din)
DCmg thl Hi#n t?l tlp diln d n6i v<
mpt vipc nAo d6 dang difin ra ngay fdc n6i
hay chung quanh khoAng thdi gian ICic ndi:

Simple Present (I do)

(Thl Hi$n tai dcfn)
Diing thl Hi#n tai ddn d ndi vA cAc si/
vipc mpt cAch tdng quAt hay .si/ vic xAy ra
IAp di l$p lai.

1 1 am doing!
qui khii

hidn tai

I do

qua khii

ttfdng lai

The kettle is boiling. Can you turn it off,

(Am nude dang s6i. Ban lim On tit
cdng tic dUqc chCf?)
Listen to those people. What language
are they speaking?
(Hay ling nghe nhtfng ngUdi kia ndi.
Hp dang ndi tigng g) viy?)
"Wft eie's Tom ? * He 's playing "tennis

("Tom d&u?" "Ciu y

dang chdi quan

What are you doing here?
(Anh dang lim gld diy?)
Silvia is in Britain for three months.
She's learning English.
(Silvia d Anh trong 3 thing. C6 ta dang
hoc ti&ng Anh).


That machine isn't working. It broke

down this morning.
(Cat miy do khdng ho$t d$ng. N6 da

_ '

ttldng lai

Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius

(Nude sdi d tOFC).
Excuse me, do you speak English ?
(Xin iSi, anh biit ndi tiSng Anh khdng?)
Tom plays tennis every Saturday.
Tom chdi quin vpt mdi thl? Bay).
What do you usually do at weekends?
(Ban thudng lim g\ vio nhdng ngiy

cu6i tuin?)
What do you 'do? (= What's your job?)

(Ban linr nghe gl?)

Most people learn to swim when they

are Children,
(Hiu h&t ngifdi ta hpc b0i khi cdn nhd).

Diing thl Hipn tgi tip din d chl mpt

tinh hufing tam thdi: I'm living with some friends until I can
" .
find a.flat.
(Tdi dang sSng cOng vdi mSy ngUdi
bpn cho dSn khi tdi tlm dUpc mpt cin

hi$n tai

Diing thl Hin t?I ddn cho tinh hud'ng



My parents live in London. They have

been there for 20 years.

(Cha mq tdi sing d London. Ho da d

dd di/0c 20 n&m).
That machine doesnt work. It hasn't
worked for years.
(Cii may dd khdng hoat ddng. No di
khdng hoat ddng nhiiu nim rSi).

hdnq sang nay).


b) M6t s6 dQng til chl duyc dbng trong cc thl dan. Vi dy: ban khGng th n6i *1 em
knowing* (T6i dang biS't). 8yn chl C6 th n6i */ known" (T6i bifft). Sail dSy l& danh myc
c6c dng tit khOng thudrig dung 6 thl tip diln. (Nhung cQng g6 nhffng triidng hyp

ngoai 1$).
have <khi mang nghTa Id "cd, sd hthi* Xem thdm d b&l 24)
think (khi mang nghTa let "tin, oho Id').


Do you like London?

(Ban thkh Lu&n D6n KMng?) (khOng dung 'are you liking)
He doesnt understand.
(Anh ta khdng htfiu) (khOng dCing "he isn't understanding").
- These shoes belong to me.
(NhOng chMfc gidy ndy Id ctia t6i) {khOng du ng 'are belonging").
- What do you think Tom will do? (= What do you believe he will do?)
(Anh nghJ Tom sd Idm g)?)
- What are you thinking about? {= What Is going on in your mind?)
(Ban dang nghT gl th6'?)

UNIT 3: Exercises
3.1 In this exercise you have to decide whether the verb in these sentences are right or
wrong. Correct those which are wrong. The verb is underlined.
RIGHTExamples: I dftnt knqw your telephone pumber.
Please don't make so much noise. 1 study'.
WRONG-am studying.

1. Look! Somebody i? climbing up that tree over there.

2. Can you hear those people? What do they talk about?
3. Are you believing inJGod?
4. Look! That man tries to open the door of your car,
5. The moon goes round the earth.
6. I'm thinking it would be a good idea to leave early.
7. The government is worried because the number of
people without jobs is increasing.
8. Qn usually going to work by car.
3.2 Now you have to put the Verb into the correct form, present continuous (I am doing) or
present simple (Ido).
Examples: Please dont make so much noise. I am studying {study)
How many languages does Tom speak (Tom/speak)?
This machine doesnt work (not/work). I hasnt worked for years.


. . ............... . . . . . . .
... .....
..... ... . . .. . . . ...... . .
. .. . . . . . .
. . . . .. . . . . .

(not/belong) to a political party.

2 Hurry! The bus
(not/want) to miss it.
(come). I
3 The River Nile
(flow) into the Mediterranean.
(flow) very fast today - rrjuch faster than usual.
4 The river
(It/ever/snow) in India?
6 We usually
(grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we
(not/grow) any.
7 A: Can you drive?
(learn). My father
B: No, but i
(teach) me.
8 You can borrow my umbrella. I
(not/need) it at the moment.
(enjoy) parties but I
9 Caf a P*rty) usually
(not/enjoy) this one very

(not/believe) him.
10 George says he's 80 years oid but 1 .
11 Ron is in London at the moment. He
(stay) at the Hilton Hotel. He us.ually
(stay) at the Hilton Hotel when he's in London. .
In these sentences think about whether the situation is temporary or permanent.
12 My parents
(live) In Bristol. They were born there and have never lived


(your parents/live)?
13 She
(stay) with her sister at the moment until she finds somewhere to live.
14 A: What
(your father/do)?
B; He's a teacher, but he
(not/work) at the moment.

anywhere eise. Where




wrong-are they talking
wrong-Do you believe
wrong-is trying
wrong- 1 think
wrong-l usually go

3.2 1 don't belong

2 is coming don't want
3 flows .
4 is flowing
5 Does it ever snow
6 grow aren't growing
7 am learning is teaching




don't need
enjoy ... am not enjoying
don't believe him
is staying stays
12 live do your parents live
13 is staying
14 does your father do isn't working.





BAt 4:

PRESENT TENSES (Iam doing/I do)

vdi nghfa tircfng lai

Thi Present Continuous (Hi$n tai tidpoj&n) mang nghla tiidng iai. Hay xem xdl tinh
fiuO'ng m&u sau:


DSy te

nht ky cQa Tom cho tun tdi.

He is playing tennis on -Monday afternoon.

(Anh d'y se choi quSn vtft vdo chiSu thii Hai).
He is going to the dentist on Tuesday morning.
(Anh d'y se di nha si vdo sing thO Ba).
He is having dinner-with Ann on Friday.
(Anh dty se An t6i vdi Ann vdo thd.Sdu).
TrOng ta't c3t c6c vi dy niy, Tom da quyS't <J!hh xong
v& da sap xd'p di.thyc hl$n nhflng vide d6.


Khi ban dang ndi vd nhffng vi$c md ban da slip xd'p di thi/c hin, ban diing thi Hl$n
tai ti>p dtSn (present continuous) - khdng dung thi Hi$n tai ddn (simple present).
A : What are you doing tomorrow evening?
(Ban si Idm g) vdo l6i mat?) (KhOng dung 'What do you do?")
- B ;I'm going to the theatre.
(Toi si di xem hdt) (Khdng dung 'I go")
A : Are you playing football tomorrow?
(Ph&i ngdy mai ban choi bdng dd khdng?)
- B : Yes, but Tom isn't playing. He has hurt his leg.
(Vdng, nhUng Tom khdng choi. CSu Sy bj dau chin).
A : Ann is coming tomorrow.
(Ngdy mat Ann d&n).
- B : Oh, is she? What time Is she arriving?
(dl V$y hi? MSy gid c6 ta ddn?)
A : At 10.15.
(Vdo /tic 10 gid 15).
- B Are you meeting her at the station?
(Ban si gdp c6 ta tai nhd ga chd?)
A : Icant. I'm working tomorrow evening.
(Khdng the dt/gc. Sing mai tdi Idm vlic).
Cflng c6 the dCing going to (do) trong c6c cdu sau:
What are you going to do tomorrow evening?
(Ban dinh Idm gi t6i mat?)
- Tom is going to play tennis on Monday afternoon.
(Tom si choi quin vgt vdo chiiu thd Hai).
Nhung thi Present Continuous thirdng ty nhidn hon khi ban dang n6i vi nhtfng vic
da di/dc s&p xd'p. (Xem thdm bdi 5). Khdng ddng will di n6l vd nhflng vide md ban dd thu
xd'p di thyc hin.


What are you cioing this evening?

(T6i nay bah se Mm gl?) (Khdng dung 'what,will you do').
Alex is.getling married next month.
(Alex $& !$P gla dlnh thdng tdi) (KhdngdOng "Alex will gef).
b) Thi simple Present (Hi$n t$i ddn) vdi nghla tiftfng ial.
ChCing ta dCing thl Hi$n t$i ddn khi ndi v6 thdi kh6a bidu, chi/dng trlnh v.v.., (vf dy nhif
d6i vdi vl$c vn chuydn cfing c$ng, xem phim).
What time does the film begin?
(MSy gid phim bt du chM'u?)
The train leaves Plymouth at 10.30 and arrives in London at 13.45
(Xe Ida rdi Plymouth hie 10 gid 30 vS dSn London 10c 13 gid 45).
- The football match starts at 8 o'clock.
(Trn bdng <5d bit d&u 10c 8 gid).
- Tomorrow is Wednesday.
(Ng&y mai Id thtiTil).

Nhi/ng thudng thl.chting ta khdng dCmg thi Simple Present cho nhtfng vide d& dddc thu
xdp mang tfnh chSt c nhSn: .
- Wha- time are you meeting Ann?
(MSy gid ban s gap Ann?) (Khdng dOng "do you meet")

UNIT 4: Exercises
4.1 A friend of yours is planning to go on holiday very soon. You ask him about his plans.
Use the words in brackets to make your questions.
Example: (where/go?) Where are you going?



(how long/stay?)



{go/by car?)

4J! Ann is going on holiday. You have to write sentences about her holiday plans. Use the
words in brackets to write your sentences.
Example: (go/Scotland) She is going to Scotland.

1 (leave/next Friday) She

__ _


2 {stay/in Scotland for two weeks)

3 (go/with a friend of hers)
4 (stay/in a hotel) They__
5 (go/by train)

4.3 Tom wants you to visit him but you are very busy. Look at your diary for the next few
days and explain to him why you cant come.


: Can you come on Monday evening?

: Sorry. I'd love to but I'm playing volleyball.


: What about Tuesday evening then?

: I can't I'm afraid. I (+)
: Well, what are you doing on Wednesday evening?

>2: (2V
: I see. Well, are you free on Thursday evening?
YpuNl : rm afraid not'(3)


- ,,y

\\ nuatn


_ _ _-----_---_ -.......
_--------- -.-. . . .

4.4 Put the verb into the most suitable torm. present continuous (I am doing) or present
simple (I do).
Examples: We are going (go) to the theatre this evening.
Does the film begin (the film/begin) at 3.30 or 4.30?



. . . . . .......
. . .-.-.

(have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?

We I
(not/go) away for my holidays next month because I haven't got
(you/go) away?
enough money
(start) at 7.30.
The concert this evening
(get) married next week?
George, is it true that you
(finish) on 15 July.
(open) on 3 May and
The art exhibition
(the next train/leave)?
What time
(you/come) with us?
Ann, we
(go) to town





How long are you staying?

When are you leaving?
Are you going alone?
Are you going by car?
Where are you staying?

4.3 1

She is leaving next Friday

She is staying in Scotland
for two weeks.
She is going with a friend of hers.
They are staying in a hotel.
They are going by train.

4.4 1





I'm working late (till 9 p.m.).

I'm going to the theatre with my

I'm meeting Julia (at 8 p.m.)

are having
am not going

... Are you going

are getting
opens finishes
does the next train leave
are going ... Are you coming


./T 1

BAI 5:

. .
GOING TO (I am going to do)


a) Chdng ta dung going to (do) khi ndi v6 mat vic ma chOng ta da quyd't djnh sd l&m
hay matvi$C chung tady djnh se lanri trang tddng lai:
- A There's a film on television tonight. Are you going to watch it?
(C6 mdtphim trSn truySn hkthtdi nay. Ban se xem chit?)
B : No, I'm too tired. I'm going to have an early night.
{Khdng, tdi qua m$t. Tdi se di ngti sdm).
- A :Iheard Ann has won a lot of money. What is she going to do with iff
(Tdi nghendi Ann da kigm dUdc nhidu tiSn. Cd ta dinh sdlarri gi vdi s6 tigndd?)

- B ; I've heard she's going fo travel round the world.

(Tdi nghe ndi cd ta dinh di do Ijch vong quanh thg gidi).

.- A : Have you made the coffee yet?
(Anh dd pha cd phd chtia?)
- B :No, but I'm just going to make it. (just = ngay luc ndy).
(Chtfa, nhi/ng tdi sip sifa pha cd phi ngay day):

to, h3y xem Bai 8.

D4 bidt si/ khdc bit gitTa will vd going

b) Chung ta thudng dimg th) Present Continuous khi. ndi vd mot vi$c ma ai d6 da sp
xd'p dd thi/c hin vf dy nhu sap d$t dd gp m$t nguifi nao dd. dd di ddn noi nao dd.
Going to cung cO thd dude dOng is day :
- What time are you meeting Ann? {hay : "are you going to meet")
(Md'y gid ban dinh g$p Ann?)
I'm travelling to Scotland on Monday, (hay : "I'm going to travel*)
(Tdi se di Scdtien vdo thd Hai).


Xem them bai 4a.

c) Chung ta dCmg was/were going to dd ndi vfi m$t vi$c ma ai dd dS dy d|nh lam trong
qud khtf(nhUng d khdng thyc hifen).
- We were going to travel by train but then we decided to go by car.
(Chung tdi dd djnh di bdng xe Ida nhung rdi laiquygt dinh di bdng xe hoi)
- A : Did Tom do the examination?.
(Tom d& l&m bdi thi chd?)
- B : No, he was going to do it but in the end he changed his mind,
(Khdng, anh Sy 6a djnh ldm~nhUng cudi cung d6i y).
I was just going to cross the road when someone shouted 'Stopl*.
(Tdi Vila djnh bang qua dudng thlngudi ndo dd dd la ten "Difng l$i!k).

d) Going to cdn cd mdt nghTa khic ntfa. H3y xem tlnh hudng mSu sau :


Ngudi din 6ng khftng thl thy dupe \k minh

dang di dSu. C6 m$t cdi h6 trade m$t 6ng ta.
He is going to fall into the hole.
(Ong ta sp nga xuong h6).
d day ngudi n6i dang ndi vd didu md anh ta nghT
rSng se xhy ra. DT nhidn anh ta khong c6 y n6i
ngudi dn dng c6 y djnh nga xu6ng h6.
Trong trudng hpp nay chiing ta dung going to
khi n6i vd diSu m& chting ta nghT se x&y ra. Thudng thi cd cai gi d6 6 tinh hu6ng hin tai.
(Ngudi ddn 6ng dang di dd'n cAi hd) Idm cho ngudi n6i tin vdo dieu sap xay ra.


Look at those black clouds! It's going to rain:

(Hay nhki nhQng dkm mSy den kia! Trdi sap mi/a r6i). [Nhilng dkm mSy hien dang d
Oh, I feel terrible. I think I'm going to be sick.
(<5l T6i cim thiy kho chiu. T6i nghi Ik minh skp 6m rdi). [Luc nky tdi cam thSy kho


UNIT 5 : Exercises
5.1 In this exercise you have to say when you are going to do something
Examples :Have you cleaned the car? (tomorrow)
Have you made the coffee? (just)
Not yet. I'm just going to make it.
1 Have you phoned Tom? (after lunch) Not yet. I
Not yet.
2 Have you had dinner? (just)
3 Have you painted your flat? (soon)
4 Have you repaired my bicycle? (just)
5.2 In this exercise you have to write questions with going to.
Example : I've won a lot of money, (what/with it?)


_ __ _ _

I'm going to a party tonight, (what/wear?)

Tom has just bought a painting, (where/hang it)
I've decided to have a party, (who/invite)

5.3 In this exercise you have to use was/were going to.

Example :
Did you travel by train?


Did you buy that jacket you saw in the shop window?
but I changed my mind.
No, I


_ ......

Did Sue get married?

No, she
but she
Did Tom resign from his job?
Did Wayne and Sharon go to Greece for their holidays?



N0 ,
--V Did you play tennis yesterday?

-W MW W M.

Did you invite Ann to the party?


M. H*


M**M H,




_ _




s, m. M

m m HIHIhi h_



m inSi I




5.4 Now you have to say what you thinkgoing to happen in these situations.
Example :The sky is full of black clouds, (rain)
tfs going to rain.

Terry is doing his examinations tomorrow. He hasnt-done any work for them and
he is not very intelligent, (fail) He
It is 6.30. Tom is leaving his house. He has to be at work at 6.45 but the journey
takes 30 minutes, (be late)
There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. It is filling up with water very quickly.
(sink) It
Ann is driving. There is very little petrol left in the tank. The nearest petrol station
is a long way away, (run out of petrol)

_ _





I'm going to phone him after lunch.

2 I'm just going to have it.
3 Not yet. I'm going to paint it soon.
4 Not yet. I'm just going to repair It.




What are you going to wear?

Where Is he going to hang it?
Who are you going to invite?
No, 1 was going to buy it but I
changed my mind.
2 No, she was going to get married




their minds.
No, I was going to play tennis but I
changed my mind.
No, I was going to invite her (to the
party) but I changed my-mind.

5.4 1


but she changed her mind.

No, he was going to resign (from
his job) but he changed his mind.

No, they were going to go to Greece

(for their holidays) but they changed

He is going to fall (his

He is going to be late.
It is going to sink.
She/The car is going to run out
pf petrol.



BAI 6 :

SIMPLE FUTURE (will) (1)

a) Chung ta dCing will (Ml) (tCfc l& thl Simple Future - tucng lai ddn) khi quydt dinh ngay
vdo liic rtdi dd l&m mQt vjc gl dd :
Oh, I've left the. door open. 1 7/ go and shut it.
(6f Tdi <Si di md cita. Tdi si diddng ctia Ipi).
- "What would you like to drink?" *17/ have a lemonade, please".
("Anh muin uing gl?" "Lim an cho m$t ly ntfdc chanh").
- 'Did you phorie Ann?' "Oh, no, T forgot. 17/ do it now*.
("Anh di goi diin cho Ann chi/a?" "O! Chi/a, tdi quin rdi. Tdi si ggi ngay biy gid").
I'm too tired to walk home. I think 17/ get a taxi.
(Tdi qui m$t khdng thi dibd vi nhi. T6i nghT li minh se cfdn xe taxi).

Ban khdng thd dung thl Simple Present trong nhQng cfiu ndy :I'll go and shut it. (Khdng dung "I go and shut if).


Khdng dung will dd ndi vd mdt vide mi ai dd da quydt djnh trutic hay dSwc.em xdt tnfdcdd
thdc hin.
Ican't meet you tomorrow because my parents are coming to see me.
(Tdi khdng th gip ban ngay mai duqc b&i vlcha ma tdi si din thdm tdi) (khdng
dung "my parents will come").

Phii djnh (negative) cQa will Id won't (will not) :

Receptionist : I'm afraid Mr Wood can't see you until 4 o'clock.
(Tid'p viin : Tdi e ring dng Wood khdng thi gap dng triidc 4 gid <SU0c).
- You ;Oh, in that case I won? wait.
(Ban :Of Niu thi thItdi khdng thi dpi dUQc).
Chung ta thudng dting I think I'll (Tdi nghT ring tdi se ...) hay I don't think IMI
khdng nghT ring tdi s ...) khi chung ta quydt djnh l&m didu gl.
ithink I'llstay at home this evening.
(Tdi nghT ring tdi se 6 nhi chiiu nay),
- / don't think I'llgo out tonight. I'm too tired.
(Tdi khdng nghT ring tdi se di chdi Hi nay. Tdi qui m$t rdi).

... (Tdi

b) Chung ta thi/dng dung will trong c6c tlnh

hudng sau :

Ngd y mud'n idm gi giiip al :

- That bag looks heavy. I'II help you with it.

(Cii tui do cd vi ning. Tdi si gidp chf xich nd) (Khdng dung "I help"):
"I need some money*. "Don't worry. . 17/ lend yoli some*
("Tdi cin it tiSn". "DCing to. Tdi si cho anh mUpn").
* Bdng y hay ttf chdi Idm didu gi dd :
* A : You know that hook I lend you? Can I have it back?

(Ban cdn nhd cuin sich tdi cho b$n mUdn chil? Tdi cd thi Hy lai chti ?)
B : Of course. I'// bring it back this afternoon.
(Tit nhiin rdi. Tdi se mang tri chiiu nay). (Khdng dCing 7 bring").


I've asked John to help me but he won't..

(Tdi d nhd John giup tdi nhisng anh la tif chSi).
The car wont start (= the car 'refuses' to start).
(Chiac xe khdng khdi ddng dupe).

* Htfa hen 16m diu

gi dd :
Thank you for lending me the money, f'/l pay you bat* on Friday.
(CAm on anh dS cho tdi mt/On tidn. T6i s6 tri cho anh vdo thCr SAu).

fKhbng d&ng "I pay").

I wont tell Tom what you said. I promise.
(Tdi se khdng k cho Tom nghe nhiTng gi anh n6i. Tdi hda dy).
i promise I'llphone you as soon as I arrive.
(Tdi hijfa s goi di$n cho anh ngay khi tdi 04n ndi)

cSu ai 16m didu gl d6 (will you ...?)

Will you shut the door, please?
(Anh tern on <J6ng cOa l$i giurri nhd).


Will you please be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate.

(Anh IAm On ydn ndol Tdi dang c6 t&p trung suy nghT day).

UNIT 6 : Exercises

_ .....
. . .- . . . .

6.1 In this exercise you have to complete the sentences with I'll + a suitable verb.
Example :I'm too tired to walk home. Ithink I'll get a taxi.


--------- -.-.- .- .
-_____- -......

Ifeel a bit hungry. Ithink

something to eat.
It's too late to telephone Tom now
him in the morning.
'It's a bit cold in this room'. "Is it?
on the heating then".
*We haven't got any cigarettes'. "Oh. haven't we?
and get some.
"Did you write that letter to Jack?" "Oh. ( forgot. Thanks for reminding me; .
it this evening".
coffee, please".
'Would you like tea or coffee?" '

6.2 Now you have to use I think I'll

write your sentences.


... or I don't think I'll ... Read /he situation and then

Examples : It's cold. You decide to ck>3e window. I think I'll close the window.
It's raining. You decide not to go our. I.don't think I'M go out.



You feel tired. You decide to go to bed. I

A friend of yours offers you a lift In his car but you decide to walk.
Thank you but
You arranged to play tennis. Now you decide that you dont want to play.
You were going to go swimming. Now you decide that you don't want to go.


6.3 Now you have to offer to do things. Tom has a lot of things to do and in each case you
offer to do them for him.
Example: Tom: Oh, I must do the washing-up. You: No. Ifs all right. Ill do the waahino-


1 Tom: Oh, Imust get the dinner ready.

2 Tom: Oh, Imust do the shopping.

Tom: Oh, Imust water the plants.

You: No, it's all right I


You: No,
You: ~

6.4 This time you have to agree and promise to do things.

Example : A : Can you clean the windows? B : gure. I'll clean them this afternoon.
A : Do you promise?
B : Yes..! promise I'll clean them this
1 A : Can you phone me later?
A : Do you promise?
B : Okay,
2 A : Can you repair the clock?
A : Do
B : All right, i won t tell anyone.
3 A : Please dont tell anyone.
B :-..
A :
4 A : Please don't hurt me.
B : Don't worry.







I'll hav / I'll get

2 I'll phone / HI telephone / I'll ring
ill call.
3 I'll turn / I'll switch / I'll put
4 I'll go
5 I'll do / I'll write
6 I'll have

6.4 t

B : Sure, I'll phone you tonight.

B : Yes, I promise I'll phone you
B : Okay. Ill repair It tomorrow.
A : Do you promise?
B : Yes, I promise I'll repair it


1 I think I'll go to bed.

2 ithink I'll walk.
3 I donl think IU play tennis.
4 Idon't think I'll go swimming.




I'll get the dinner ready.

No, it's all right I'll do the shopping.
No, It's all right. I'll water the plants.

A : Do you promise?
B : Yes, I promise Iwont tell
B I won't hurt you
A : Do you promise?
B : YesfJ promise I won't hurt you.

BAI 7 :

SIMPLE FUTURE (will) (2)

a) Khi chung ta n6i v6 tUdng lal. chiing ta thudng p6i vd vi$c mi ngddl nio 66 d& sip
x6p 66 thi/c hi$n hay c6 <y djnh thi/c hl$n. Trong tlnh hudng niy khftng dung will :
Tom is playing tennis on Monday.
(Tom se choi quSn vpt vAo thi! Hal). (Kh6ng diing 'Tom will play")
Are you going to watch television this evening?
(Kh6ng dung "will you walch")

061 vdi sy sflp x6p vA y d}nh, xem Bii 4 vA 5.

NhUng thudng thuOng, khi chiing ta ndi v6 tuong lal, chung ta khOng ndi vd sy sip x6p
hay y dinh. HAy xem vf dy sau :

Tom : I'm very worried about my examination next week.

(Tom :Tdi rt lo ting v4 ky thi cua minh v&o tuln tdi).
Ann : Don't worry, Tom. You'll pass.
(Ann :Dtfng lo Tom. Ban s$ dSu md).

"You'll pass" khdng phSi IA m$>t sip x6p hay y dinh. Ann chT n6i diiu gl sA xiy ra
hay di6u mi c6 ta nghT se xSy ra ; c6 ta dang doAn trudc tUdng lai. Khi chiing ta
doAn trUdc m6t diu xSy ra d tUdng lai hay m6t tlnh hufing tuong lai, chung ta dCing

When you return home, you7/ notice a lot of changes.

(Khi trd v4 nh4, anh se lUu y thSy nhiSu thay 6di).
This time next year 17/ be in Japan. Where will you be?
(Gid ndy n&m tdi tdi s 6 Nh&L Ban s d 4&u7).
- Tom won't pass his examination. He hasn't done any work for it.
(Tom se khdng thi d$u. Ciu ta khdng hoc chut ndo <34 thi ci).
Chiing ta thudng diing will vdi cAc t/ vA cAc d$c ngff nAy :

I'll probably be a bit late this evening.
(06 1$ tdi sd <34n kh& mudn t6i nay).
You must meet Ann. I'm sure you'll like her.
(I'm) sure
(Anh phii gap Ann. Tdi chic Id anh s thfch c6 4y).
(I) expect .
Iexpect Carol will get the job.
(Tdi mong Carol s6 nh$n dUpc vide lam 66).
(I) think
Do you think we'll win the match?
(Anh nghTchung ta sd thing trn 64u chCt?)

b) Will vA shall
Byn c6 th6 dung shall hay will vdi J vA we :

We shall (or we will) probably go to Scotland in June.

(Chung ta sd co th4 <3i Xcdtlen vdo toting S&u).


Nhtfng trong ting Anh chting ta touting dCing dang rut ggn
- We'll probably go to Scotland In June. ~

I'll v we'll :

Phfi djnh cua shaH to shan't (hay shall not) :

. Ishan't (or Iwont) be here tomorrow.
(T6i se. khdng d dSy ng&y mai).

; Khting dCmg shall vtii he / she / It / you / they.

Luu y r&ng chting ta dCing shall (kh'Gng dting will) trong c5c cfiu nghl va'n shall I
shall we .....? (d chi d nghl, thftih ctu v;v...) :
Shall Iopen the window? (Do you want me to open the window?)
(Tdi md cita sS nhd?)

? v6

I've got no money. What shall Ido?{= What do you suggest Ido?)
(Tdi khdng co tien. Tdi nin l&m gi?)
Where shall we go this evening?
(Chung ta se di ddu tdi nay?)
Vdi will xem thSm B&i 6,8 v& 9.

_ ___

UNIT 7 : Exercises


7.1 Decide which form of the verb is correct (or more natural) in these sentences. Cross out
the one which is wrong.
Example :Tom isn't free on Saturday. Hejjufi<ark / is working.
1 I will go / am going to a party tomorrow night. Would you like to come too?
2 According to the weather forecast it will rain / is raining tomorrow.
3 I'm sure Tom will get !is getting the job. He has a tot of experience.
4 I can't meet you this evening. A friend of mine will come / is coming to see me.
5 A :Have you decided where to go for your holidays yet?
B .Yes we will go / are going to italy.
6 Don't worry about the dog. It wont hurt; isn't hurting you .
7.2 Answer these questions using the words in brackets.
Example :When do you think he'll arrive? (expect / tonight)
1 What do you think she'll say? (probably/nothing)
2 Where do you think she'll go? (expect/London)
3 When do you think she'll leave? (think/tomorrow)
4 How do you think she'll go there? (expect/by train)
5 When do you think she'll be back? (think/quite soon)
6 Do you think you'll miss her? (I'm sure/very much)
7.3 Now you have to read a situation and then write a sentence with shall I? In each
situation you are talking to a friend.
Example :It's very hot in the room. The window is shut. Shall I open the window?

26 .




You've just tried on a jacket in a shop. You are not sure whether to buy it or not.
Ask your friend for advice
You're going out. Ifs possible that it will rain and you're.not sure whether to take an
umbrella or not. Ask your friend for advice
It's Ann's birthday soon and you don't know what to give her. Ask your friend for
1 :
advice. What

Your friend wants you to phone him / her later. You don't know What time to phone.
Ask him / her. What





' m


u>h HI <<i m

This time you have to make sentences with shall we?

Example : You and your friend haven't decided what to do this evening, You say :
What shall we do this evening?
5 You and your friend haven't decided where to go for your holidays. You say :


Where .:
- -.*
You and your friend haven't decided what to have for dinner. You say :

" H4



-( IHHt

> r"


m Mllll *M m inbi n








You and your friend are going out. You haven't decided wffether to go by car or tp
walk. You say :


These verb forms are more natural.

7.1 1 am going
2 will rain

7.2 1

7.3 1


will get
is coming
are going
won't hurt

She'll probably say nothing.

Iexpect she'll go to London.
I think she'il leave tomorrow.
I expect she'll go there by train.
Ithink she'll be back quite soon.
Yes, I'm sure I'll miss her very much.
Shall I buy it?
Shall I take an umbrella?
What shall I give Ann for her birthday?
What time shall I phone (you)?
Where shall we go for our holidays?
What shall we have for dinner?
Shall we go by car or (shall we) walk?


BAI 8 :


a) Ndi v$ nhCfng hinh d$ng hfdng lal :

Chiing ta dting cfi will Ifin going to d n6i v nhOng hSnh d0ng tuicfng lal, nhimg cd si/
khdc bi$t ro rng.
Hfiy xem xit tlnh hutfng m5u sau :

bflnh. Cd iy kl cho cha mlnh nghe.

Helen : My bicycle has a flat tyre. Can you repair it for me?
(Xe dap cua con bj b4 banh. 8a cd th sCia giup con khdng?)
Father : Okay, but Icanl do it now. I'll repair it tomorrow.
(Du<fc rdi, nhung ba khdng th4 sCfa vdo luc ndy. Ngdy mai ba s sifa cho).

Xe dap ctia Helen b|

Will : Chbng ta dCing will khi chung ta quyd't djnh tdm diiu gl <36 ngay vdo luc ndi.
Trade d6 ngiidi ndi chua quyi't djnh Idm. TrUdc khi Helen kfcho cha cd 6y nghe, dng
ta chua bii't gl v chuydn b bnh xe.

Sau dd, me cua Helen n6i vdi chdng b ta.

Mother : Can you repair Helen's bicycle? It has a flat tyre.
(dng cd thS sCfa xe dap cho Helen khdng? N6 bj b4 bdnh).
Father : Yes, I know. She told me. I'm going to repair it tomorrow.
(Doge, l6i biSt rdi. N6 da ndi vdi tdi. Ngdy mai tdi sd sCfa).

Going to : Chiing ta dung going to khi chung ta da quyit djnh trudc dd lam mQt dl6u
gi. Cha cua Helen dS quyit djnh sOfa chiS'c xe dep trudc khi vd dng 6y ndi vdi dng


mOt v( dg khdc :
Tom dang nfiiu cam khi anh bit chqt phat hi$n ra r&ng khdng cd mudi :

Sau dfiy la


Ann :

Ann :

Ann, we haven't got any salt.

(Ann, chung ta chSng cdn chut mu6i ndo cd).
Oh, haven't we? I'll get some from the shop then, (she decides at the time of
(O, th4t d? Vdy d4 em ra ti$m mua m$t ft). Trudc khi ra khdi nhd, Ann ndi
vdi Jim:
I'm going to get some salt from the shop, (she has already decided) Can I
get you anything, Jim?
(Em s ra tidm mua m$t II mudi. Anh cd mu6n em mua gl cho anh khdng,

b) Ndi v< diu gl s xiy ra (di/ doan nhffng si/ vl$c tittng lal)
Chiing ta dung c& will l&n going to d ndi vd didu mi chdng ta nghT si xSy ra trong tuang
lai :


Do you think Tom will get the job?

(Anh c6 nghT ring Tom si nhin dupe cQng vi$c <56 khdng?)
Oh dear, it's already 4 o'clock. We're going to be late.
(di anh yiu, <Ji btin gid r6i. Chung ta sS tri mSt thdi).
Chting ta dting going to (chti khdng dting will) khl cd mQt cAi gl d6 d tinh hutfng hi$n tai
cho tha'y diu s6 x&y'ra trong ttidng tai (nh4't l& ttidng lai gdn). Ngudi n6i c5m tha'y chc
chSn v6 diu s x&y ra do c6 tinh hutfng hi$n tal (xem th&m b&i 5d) :
- Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain, (the clouds are there now).
(Hay nhii nhOng dim miy den kia. Trdi sip mUa r6i).
I feel terrible. Ithink I'm going to be sick. (I feel terrible now)
(T6i dm th$y khd chju qui. TQi nghT idi sip 6m r6i).

Dting dting will trong nhting tinh huS'ng nhti trSn. Trong nhting tinh hu6ng khc, td't hon ta
nSn dting will (xem th6m bl 7) :

Ann will probably arrive at about 8 o'clock.

(Ann cd th se dn vio 16c 8 gid).
Ithink Tom wilt like the present you bought for him.
(Tdi nghT ring Tom se thlch mdn qui mi anh di mua ting anh 8y).


UNIT 8 : Exercises

8.1 In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form using will or going to.
Examples : A : Why are you turning on the television?
B :I'm going to watch (watch) the news.
A : Oh, IVe just realised * I haven't got any money.
B : Don't worry - that's no problem. I'll lend (lend) you some.
Those clouds are very black, aren't they? Ithink It is qoinQ to rain (rain).

....... . .

1 A : IVe got a terrible headache.

B : Have yoy? Wait there and I
(get) an aspirin for you.
2 A : Why are you filling that bucket with water?
(wash) the car.
3 A : IVe decided to re-paint this room.
(you/paint) it?
B : Oh, have you? What colour
4 A : Look! There's smoke coming out of that house. It's on fire!
B : Good heavens! I
(call) the fire-brigade immediately.
5 A : The ceiling in this room doesn't look very safe, does it?
B : No, it looks e&if it
(fall) down.
8 A : Where are you going? Are you going shopping?
(buy) something for dinner.
B : Yes, I
7 A : Icant work out how to use this camera.
8 : It's quite .easy. I
(show) you.

_ _

- ----- - ..



. . . . . . ..
_.........._ _._. _. .
. . .. .. .

A : What would you like to drink - tea or coffee?

(have) tea, please:
A : Has George decided on what to do when he leaves school?
(have) a holiday for a few weeks
B : Oh yes. Everything is planned. He
.....(start) a computer programming course.
and then he



10 A :Did you post that letter forme? .

(do) it now.
B :Oh, I'm sorry. Icompletely forgot. I
11 A : What shall we have for dinner?
B : I dont know. I can'tmake up my mind. '
A : Come on, hurry up! Make a decision!
(have) chicken.
B :Okay then. We
12 Jack : We need some bread for lunch.
(go) to the shop and get some. Ifeel like a walk.
Ben : Oh, do we? I
Before he goes out, Ben talks to Jane :
..... (get) some bread. Do yoTi want anything from the shop?
Ben : I
Jane : Yes, I need some envelopes.
(get) you some.
Ben : Okay, I
13 John has to go to the airport to catch a plane. He hasn't got a car
John : Alan, can you take me to the airport this evening?
(take) you. I'd be delighted.
Alan : Of course I
Later that day Eric offers to take John to the airport:
Eric : John, do you want me to take you to the airport?
(take) me.
John : No, thanks, Eric. Alan






8.1 1

I'll get
I'm going to wash
are you going to paint
I'll call
it is going to fall
I'm going to buy
I'll show


I'll have
9 he is going to have he is going to start
10 I'll do
11 we'll have
.12 I'll go...
I'm going to get ...
I'll get
13 I'll take

Alan is going to take






BAI 9 : Cac cau v6l WHEN va IF

(When Ido .../If IDO
a) HSy xem vi dy

sau day ;

A : What time will you phone me tonight?

(Td'i nay ban se got di$n cho tdi luc may gid?)
B : I'll phone you when I get home from work.
(Tdi se goididn cho ban khi tdi di Idm vS).
"Tdi s gpi di$n thoai cho ban khi tdi di Idm vd" ia mdt cfiu c6 hai phdn : *T6i s
gpi din thoai cho ban" (phctnchinh) va "khi tdi di lam vd* (ph&n when).
CSu nay mang nghTa tucfng lai {tdi nay) nht/ng ban khdng th dung will hoSic going
to b phn when cua cAu. Thay vao dd, chung ta dting mdt thl hin tai, touting la thi
Simple Present (I do).

__ _




I'll send you a postcard when t-'m on holiday, {not "when I wiNbe*)
( gdi cho ban mdt tim buu thiip khi tdi di nghl),
When the rain stops, we'll go out. (nqt "when the rain- will stop")
(Khi mUa t$nh chung ia se ra ngoii).

Chung ta ciing dp dyng qui xAc trdn sau cdc CONJUNCTIONS of TIME (Lidn tif chl
thdi gian) :

While (trong khi) after (sau khi) before (triidc khi) until/till {cho ddn khi) as soon as.
(ngay khi).
- . Can you look after the children while I am out? (not "will be").
(C6 co thi trdng gibm miy dda trA trong khi tdi di vSng dt/tjc khdng?)
Before you leave, you must visit the museum, (not "will leave")
(Tnidc khi ban ra di, ban phiighd thAm Viin Bio t&ng).
Wait here until I come back, (not "will come")
(HAy chd d dAy cho din khi tdi trd tai).


Ban cGng cd thl dOng thi Present Perfect (Hi$n tai ho&n th&nh). (I have done) sau
when / after / until v.v... dl chf ring h6nh ddng thd nhSt si difdc hoin th&nh trtfdc
hirih ddng thti hai.
When fVe read this book, you can have it.
(Khi tdi doc xong quyin sAch nAy, ban cd thi mudh nd).
- Don't say anything while Tom is here. Wait here untilhe has gone.
(Ddng ndi gi ci trong khi Tom c6 m$fd dAy. Hay chd d d&y cho din khi
anh ta da di khdi).
Thuting thl chting ta cd thd dung thi Present Simple ho$c toi Present Perfect :
- I'll come as soon as I finish ; or :I'll come as soon as I've finished
(Tdi se din ngay khi tdi hodn tit cdng vide ;ho$c : Tdi si din ngay khi tdi xong
". viic).
- You'll feel better after you have something to eat ; or : You'll feel better after you've
had something to eat
(Ban se cAm thiy khSe hdn sau khi An chut gi dd ; ho$c :Ban si cAm thy khAe
hdn sau khi da An chut gi dd).


c) Sau If chOng la cOng dung thl Simple Present (I do) d n6i v6 Wdng lai :

It's raining. We'll get wet if we go out. (not "if we will go*)
(Trdi dang mda. Chung ta sd bj Udt ndu chung ta ra ngo&i).
Hurry up! If we donl hurry, well be late, (not "if we wont hurry*)
(Nhanh ten ndot Ndu chung ta khdng v$l ten, chting ta se bj tr& gid).

C5n th$n dCfng nhfim lin glffa when vk If.

DCing when cho nhOng di$u chSc ch&n si xiky ra.

I'm going shopping this afternoon. When I go shopping, I'll buy some food.
(Chteu nay tdi sd di mua sAm. Khi tdi di, tdi se mua m$t It thCfc an).

DCing If (ehtf khdng dung when) cho nhttng digu c6 th se x&y ra.
- I might go shopping this afternoon. III go shopping, I'll buy some food.
(Chi4u nay c6 thd tdi s& di mua s3m. Ndu tdi di, tdi se mua m$t ft there an).
If it rains this evening, I won't go out. (not "wjjen it rains')
(Ndu tdi nay trdi mi/a, tdi sd khdng ra khdi nh&.
Oon't worry if I'm late tonight, (not "when I'm late*)
(Xin difng to ling ndu tdi nay tdi ddn tri).
tf he doesn't come soon, I'm not going to wait, (not "when he doesn't come")
(Ndu anh ta khdng ddn sdm, tdi s khdng dpi).

________ _..._.__. _._.__._. _ . . .

...... ...... . . ........
------- - - -_ _ _ - -- - ________________

UNIT 9 : Exercises

9.1 All the sentences in this exercise are about the future. Put the verbs into the correct
form. wlll/won't or the simple present (I do).
Example When I aaa (see) Tom tomorrow, I'll iDVite (invite) him to our party.


(leave), donl forget to sh.ut the windows.

1 Before you
(arrive) in London.
(phone) you as soon as I
2 I

3 Please dont touch anything before the police

(pass) the examination.
(be) very surprised if he
4 Everyone
(not / recognise) him.
(see) Brian again, you
5 When you
(not/start) dinner until Jack
6 We
(be) away?
(you/be) lonely without me wjiite I
(ask) you.
(need) any help, I
8 If I
(be) late.
(be) annoyed If we
9 . Come on! Hurry up! Ann




9.2 This time you have to make one sentence from two sentences,
Example . You are going to leave soon. You must visit the museum before that.
Ynu must visit the museum before you leave.
1 I'll find some where to live. Then I'll give you my address.


It's going to start raining. Let's go out before that.



_ ___

I'm going to do the shopping. Then I'll come straight back home.
You'll be in London next month. You must come and see me then.
We'll make our decision. Then we'll let you know.


__ _...

_ .....



. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .

I'm going to Paris next week

I'm there, I hope to visit a friend of mine.
Tom might phone this evening
he does, can you take a message?
I think he'll get the job. I'll be very surprised
he doesn't get it.
I hope to be there by 10.30. But
I'm notthere, don't wait for me.
I'm going shopping
you want anything, I can get it for you.
I think I'll go home now. I'm feeling very tired. I think I'll go straight to bed
I get home.
I'm going away for a few days. I'll phone you
I get back.
I want you to come to the party but
you dont want to come.
yog needn't.


.-----.- -.-. . .






will phone ..- arrive
come ("police" is plural)


will be passes
see won't recognise
won't start ... arrives
Will you be ... am
need will ask
will be are




1 I'll give you my address when Ifind (or have found) some where to live.
2 Let's go out before it starts raining.
3 I'll come straight back home after I do (or have done) the shopping.
4 You must come and see me when you're in London next month.
5 I'll get the dinner ready when Ifinish (or have finished) reading this book.
6 We'll let you know as soon as we make (or have made) our decision.


1 When


. ..........
....... . .....
.. . . . . . . . .

9.3 In this exercise you have to put in when or If.

Example ;U it rains this evening, Iwon't go out.


6 when
7 when
"8 if


BAI 10: FUTURE CONTINUOUS (will be doing) va

FUTURE PERFECT (will have done)
a) Tri/dc hdt hSy xem x6t tinh hub'ng m&u sau:

Tom id mOt c6 ddng vidn bdng dd vd tdi nay trdn tivi c6 mQt tr$n bdng dd. Tr$n
dfliu s3 bdt d5u vdo liic 7 gid 30 vk kd't thuc vdo liic 9 gid 15. Ann mudn ddn g$p Tom
tdi nay vk mudn bldt gid ndo cd la c6 thd dd'n dupe.
Ann: Is it all right if I come at about 8.30?
(Em dn vdo khoing 8 gid 30 ddQc khdng?).
Tom: No. don't come then. I'ff be watching the match on television.
(Khdng dV<?c ddu, ddng dd'n vdo luc d6. Luc (3d anh s dang xem trdn
bdng dd trdn TV).
Ann: Oh. Well, what about 9.30?
(A, thi 9 gid 30 dUdc khdng?)
Tom: Yes, that'll be fine. The match wilt have finished by then.
_ (Du0c, t6t tim. Liic dd trdn du se da k&t thuc rdi).

b) Chiing ta dung will be doing {thl Future Continuous - Ti/dng lai tidp didn) dd ndi rSng
chOng ta dang Idm m$t vi$c gl nila chdng vdo m$t thdi didm ndo dd trong tUdng lai.
Tr$n b6ng dk b&t ddu luc 7 gid 30 vk kdt thOc ICic 9 gid 15, vl v$y trong khoSng thdi
gian n&y, vi du vdo luc 8 gid 30, Tom sd dang xem trn bdng dk. ,
Diidi ddy Id m$t vdi vl dp khdc:
You'll recognise her when you see hsr. She'll be wearing a yellow hat.
(Ban se nh$n ra khi ban gap cd ta. CQ Sly se d$i ndn v&ng).
- This time next week I'll be on holiday. I'// probably be lying on a beautiful beach. .
(Vko gid niy tuSn tdi tdi sd dang nghl mat. C6 th luc dd tdi si dang n6m nghl tr&n
mdt tai biSn tuy$t dap).

H3y so sdnh will be doing vdi nhOng thl tidp di&n khAc:

Mdi budi sdng Tom Idm vi$c td 9 gid cho ddn trua. VI v$y:


At 10 o'clock

yesterday he was working.

(Vdo luc 10 gid ngdy hdm qua anh ta dang Ikm vide) {thl Past Continuous. HSy
xem bdi12).
It's 10 o'clock now. He is working.
(Bdy gid la 10 gid. Anh ta dang Idm vide) (thl Present Continuous. HSy xem bdi 1).
At 10 o'clock tomorrow he will be working.
(V&o luc 10 gid ngky mai anh ta sd dang l&m vide).

Ban cung cd thd dCing will be doing theo mdt each khdc dd ndi vd nhffng vi$c
dupe di/ dinh ho$c quyd't dinh rdi.


\'li be going to the city centre later. Can I get you anything?
(LAt nJa tdi djnh se xuSng trung tarn thknh ph6. Ban cd mudn tdi mua gl cho ban



y nghT n&y will be doing tudng ty nhtr am doing (thl Present Continuous) (xem b&i
I'm going to the city centre later.
(Lit nda tdi se xudng trung tim thinh phd).

Chting ta thi/dng ddng Will (you) be + Ing7 d6 hdi vi nhtfng dy tfnh ctia ngudi kh&c
d$c bi$t Id khi chOng ta rnudn cdl gi d6 hay mu6n ngUdi ndo Idm diSu gl d6.
'Will you be using your bicycle this evening?" "No, you can take it".
("Tdi nay ban cd sti dang xe dap cua ban khdng ?" "Khdng, ban cd thS ddng n6'.
Will you be passing the post office when you go out?" "Yes, why?"
("Ban cd di ngang bUu dien khi ra ph6 khdng?" "Cd, th& Ihi sao?"

d) Chdng ta dung will have done (thi Future Perfect - Tddng iai hodn thdnh)
ndi rang
m0t vi0c ndo d6 dk xhy ra trudc m0t thdi di3m trong tifdng Iai, Tr$n bdng da me Tom
xem kt thiic vdo luc 9h15. Vi th sau thdi di6m ndy, vf dy vdo luc 9 gid 30, tr$n daiu
da kt thuc r6i. (The match will have finished at 9.30). Difdi ddyjd m0t vai v( dy khdc:

Next year is Ted and Amy's 25th wedding anniversary. They will have been married
tor 25 years. (Now they have been married for 24 years).
(Nam tdi si li ky ni4m 25 nim ngiy cifdi cua Ted vi Amy. Khi dd hQ da iSy nhau
difdc 25 n&m roi). (B&y gid hg da IS'y nhau difgc 24 nam rdi).
We're late, f expect the film will already have started by the time we get to the
(Chung ta tre gid rdi. Tdi nghf ring phim da bit dau khi chung ta d&n rap hit).

UNIT 10: Exercises

10.1 In this exercise you have to make sentences with will be -Ing.

Example: I'm going to watch television from 9 until 10 o'clock this evening.
So at 9.30 l will be watching television.


Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to play tennis from 3 o'clock until 4.30.

So at 4 o'clock tomorrow I
Jim is going to study from 7 o'clock until 10 o'clock this evening.
So at 8.30 this evening he
We are going to clean the flat tomorrow. It will take from 9 until 11 o'clock,
So at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning


10.2 This time you have to write three sentences, one each about the past, present and
future. Bob always reads the newspaper in the morning. It always takes him half an hour,
from 8 o'clock until 8.30. So:
1 At 8.15 yesterday morning Bob -..
2 It's 8. 15 now. He
3 At 8.15 tomorrow morning he


10.3 This time you have to ask questions with Will you be >ing?

Example: You want to borrow your friend's bicycle this evening, (you / use / your


You want your friend to give Tom a

(you / see / Tom this afternoon?)

message this afternoon.


You want to use your friend's typewriter tomorrow evening (you / use / your

typewriter tomorrow evening?) -...

Your friend is going shopping. You want him/her to buy some stamps for you at the
post office, (you / pass / the post office when you're in town?)


10.4 In this exercise you have to use will have done.

Example: Tom and Ann are going to the cinema. The film begins at 7.30 and it is
already 7.20. And it will take them 20 minutes to get there.
When they get there, (the film / already / start) the film will have already



Jim always goes to bed at 11 o'clock. Tom is going to visit him at 11.30 this
evening. When Tom arrives, (Jim / go / to bed)
Tom is on holiday. He has very little money and he is spending too much too
quickly. Before the end of his holiday, (he / spend / all his money)
Chuck came to Britain from the US nearly three years ago. Next Monday it will be
exactly three years since he arrived. Next Monday (he / be / here / exactly three





IIwill be playing tennis.

2 he will be studying.
3 we will be cleaning the flat.



Bob was reading the newspaper.

He is reading the newspaper.
he will be reading the newspaper.



Will you be seeing Tom this afternoon?

Will you be using your typewriter tomorrow evening?
Will you be passing the post office when you're in town?


1 Jim will have gone to bed.

2 he will have spent all his money.
3 he will have been here exactly three years.

BAI 11:


a) Hay xern v( dy sau:



Look! It's raining again.

(Nhln Ma, trdi l$i dang mtfa).
Oh no, not again, it rainedall day yesterday too.
(O khdng, dSu phii tgi dang mUa. Trdi cung da mi/a su6t ngdy hdm qua rdi).

'Rained" Id thi Simple Past (Qud khtf ddn). ChOng ta dCmg thi Qui khtf ddn

dd' nbi

cdc hdnh dpng hojc cdc tinh huft'ng trong qui khU.

Ivery much enjoyed the party.

(Tdi da re(t thfch bJa tide).
Mr Edwards died ten years ago.
(6ng Edwards da ch&t cdch d$y mudi nSm).
When I lived in Manchester, I worked in a bank.
(Khi tdi cdn sd'ng d Manchester, tdi d /dm vide trong mdt ngSn hdng).

b) Rd't thudng khi d$ng tCl d thi Simple Past tin ciing being -ed.

We invited them to our party but they decided not to come.

(Chung tdi dd mdi hQ di/ buoi tide cda chung tdi nhung ho da quyS't dinh khdng
The police stopped me on my way home last night.
(C&nh sir da ch$n tdi l?i trdn dt/dng tdi vd nhd tdi qua).
She passed her examination because she studied very hard.
(C6 ay thi diu v! cd y dd hoc rdt chdm).

Nhung nhiu d$ng tif quan trpng Igi Id ddng ttf bd't qui tic (irregular verbs). Biu ndy
c6 nghTa Id hinh thdrc qui khti cua cdc d$ng tCT ndy khdng t$n cOng being -ed. Vi dy:
Leave => left. We all left the party at 11 o'clock.
(TSt cd chung tdi rdi khdi bUa tide 10c 11 gid).
- go => went: Yesterday I wenfto London to see a friend of mine.
(Hdm qua tdi da di LuSn Ddn da g6p mdt ngUdi b$n).
- cost cost. This house cosf 35.000 in 1980.
(Can nhd ndy trj gid 35.000 bing vdo ndm 1980).
Qud khQr cua d$ng tir be (am/is/are) Id was/were.
I /he /she /it was
We / you /they were
I was angry because Tom and Ann were late.
(Tdi dd noi giSn vl Tom va Ann ddn trS).

Xem bdng d$ng tif bit qui tdc d phdn Phy lyc 2.
c) Trong cdc cdu

hdi vd ede cdu phti djnh d thi Simple Past ta dCing did/didn't + <J$ng tf

nguydn the (do/open/rain v. v...).


it rained

did it rain?

it didn't rain.

Ann: Did you go out last night, Tom?

(Tdi hdm qua bpn c6 ra khdi nhk khdng Tom?)
Tom: Yes. I went to the cinema. But I didn't enjoy the film.
(C6, tdi da di xem phim nhUng (6i kh6ng thfch bd phim do).
When did Mr Edwards die?
(6ng Edwards ch&t khi nko?)
What did you do at the week-end?
(Ban da Idm g) vko ngdy nghlcu6i tuSn r6i?)
We didn't invite her to the party, so she didn't come.
(Chung t6i da khdng mdi c6 4y dt/ ti$c, v) v$y cd Sy dk khdng <S4n).
Why didn't you phone me on Tuesday?
(Sao hdm thti Ba ban khdng ggi didn thoai cho tdi?).

Chu y r&ng chung ta thi/dng dOng did/didn't vdi have:

Didyou have time to write the letter?
(Ban cd thl gid vi4t thif khdng?)
I didn't have enough money to buy anything to eat.
(T6i da khdng cd du tin 64 mua thdc 8n).

Nhi/ng chOng ta kh6ng diing did vdi d$ng ttf be (was/were):

- Why were you so angry?
(Tai sao ban gikn dO qua nhu th4?)
- They weren't able to come because they were very busy.
(Hq da khdng th4 d4n dUrjc bdi vl hp rk't bSn).
Was Tom at work yesterday?
(Hdm qua Tom cd di lim khdng?)

06'i vdi tiii Simple Past, xem th&m cc b&i 12,20,21.

UNIT 11: Exercises

11.1 In this exercise you have to read a sentence about the present and then write a
sentence about the past.

Example: Tom usually gets up at 7.30. Yesterday he got up at 7.30.





Tom usually wakes up early. Yesterday morning

Tom usually walks to work. Yesterday
Tom is usually late for work. Yesterday
Tom usually has a sandwich for lunch. Yesterday
Tom usually goes out In the evening. Yesterday evening
Tom usually sleeps very well. Last night

-------- .......

11.2 This time you have to put one of these'verbs in each sentence.

catch buy
Example: I was hungry, so I bought something to eat in the shop.
him how to drive when he was 17.
1 Tom's father
2 Don
down the stairs this morning and
his leg.
3 We needed some money so we
our car.
a lot of money yesterday. She 4 Ann
a dress which
the ball to Sue who
5 Jim





11.3 In this exercise you have to write questions. A friend has just come back from holiday
and you are asking him about it.
Examples: where/go? Where did you go?
food/good? Was the food good?

1 how long/stay there?



stay in a hotel?
go alone?
the weather/fine?
what/do in the evenings?
meet any interesting people?

.- .- .-.. .. .. ------.

11.4 This time you have to put the verb into the correct form. All the sentences are past.
Example: I didn't go (not/go) to work yesterday beacuse I wasn't (not/be) very well.
1 Tom
(not/eat) anything because we :
(not/be) hungry.
2 We
(not/rush) because I
(not/be) in a hurry.
3 I
4 She
(not/be) Interested in the book because she


(not/understand) it.

11.1 1 he woke up early.


2 he walked to work.

3 he was late for work.

4 he had a sandwich for lunch.
5 he went out
.6 he slept very well.
11.2 1 taught


2 fell hurt
3 sold
4 spent ... bought
5 threw ... caught

1 How long did you stay there?

2 Did you stay in a hotel?
3 Did you go alone?
4 How did you travel?
5 Was the weather tine?
6 What did you do in the evenings?
7 Did you meet any interesting


... cost

... didn't have

2 didn't eat ... weren't
3 didn't rush ... wasn't
4 wasn't ... didn't understand
1 didn't shave


BAI 12:

PAST CONTINUOUS (thi Qua khtf tiep

dien) (I was doing)

a) HSy xem xbt tlnh

hubng mSu sau:

Horn qua Tom va Jim chdi quan vpt. Hp bat

dau chai iuc 10 gib va chSm dbt luc 11 gib.
What were they doing at 10.30?
(Hp dang lam gl vao luc 10 gid 30?)
They were playing tennnis (at 10.30)
(Hp dang chdi quan vpt vdo luc 10.30)
Hp dang chdi cb nghla ia hp dang b gitfa thbi
dim hanh dbng xky ra. Hp da bat dau chdi
nhi/ng hp chi/a chdi xong.
Sau day ia thi Past Continuous:
.was *


Chung ta dung th) Past Continuous d& nbi rang mbt ngi/bi nao db dang lam mpt vic
gl vao mbt thbi dilm nbo db trong qua khtf. Hanh dbng hoac tinh hub'ng da bat dau tri/bc
thbi dim nay nhi/ng vin chi/a cha'm dCrt:
This time last year I was living in Brazil.
(Vdo gid ndy ndm ngodi toi dang s6ng d Brazil).
What were you doing at 10 o'clock last night?
(Ban dang Idm gl vdo luc 10 gid t6i hdm qua?)
b) Thi Past Continuous khdng cho Chung ta bibt hanh dbng dS dupe hoan thanh hay
chua. Cb thd nb db di/pc hoan thanh ma cung cb the chua. Hay so sbnh:

Tom was cooking the dinner, (past continuous)

(Tom dang nau bOa toi). (thi Qua khtf tiep diln) = Anh ta dang nSu bCfa toi nCta
chdng vd chung ta khdng bid't dt/pc Id anh ta da nau xong rdi hay chUa.
Tom cooked the dinner, (past simple) = He began and finished it.
(Tom da nSu bOa dn ttfi). (th) Qua khtf ddn) = Anh ta da bit dau vd dd hodn tit




c) Chung ta thubng dung thi Past Continuous (I was doing) va thi Simple Past (I did)
cung vbl nhau db* nbi rang mbt vi$c nao db da xby ra trong liic mbt vibe khbc dang

tib'p dibn.
Tom burnt his hand when he was cooking the dinner.
(Tom dd bi phdng lay khi anh ta dang nau beta dn toi).
I saw Jim in the park. He was sitting on the grass and reading a book.
(T6i da gdp Jim trong cdng vidn. Anh ta dang ngoi tren bai cd vd dang dpc mpt

quyin sach).


It was raining when Igot up.

(Trdi Gang mua khi t6i thdc day).
While I was working in the garden, I hurt my back.
(Trong luc tdi dang Idm vide trong vi/dn, tdi bi dau h/ng).

NhUng d6* n6i ring mt vifec <33 xly ra sau m$t vi$c kh3c, ta dung th) Simple Past.
Yesterday evening Tom was having a bath when the phone rang. He got out of the
bath and answered the phone.
(T6i h6m qua khi chudng dien ihoai reo th) Tom dang tSm. Anh ta ra khdi nhd tim
v& tri Idi di$n thoei).
HSy so s3nh:
When Tom arrived, we were having dinner, {past continuous) = we had already
started dinner before Tom arrived
(Khi Tom din, chung ta dang Sn tdi). (thl Qu3 khtf tlg'p dilri)
= Chiing t6r d3 bit d3u 3n t6i trudc khi Tom dfe'n.
When Tom arrived, we had dinner (past simple) = Tom arrived and then we had

(Khi Tom din, chting tdi an tdi). (th) Qui khtf ddn) = Tom dS'n v3 r6i chung t6i 3n t6'i.

Ghi chO: C6 mQt s6 dgng t{] (thl dy know) thudng kh6ng du<?c dung trong clc thi tiG'p
diln (continuous tenses). Xem bitng li$t k clc d<>ng tti n3y 6 b3i 3b.

UNIT 12: Exercises

12.1 Here is a list of some things that Ann did yesterday (and the times at which she did

8.45 - 9.15 had breakfast

9.15 10.00 read the newspaper
10.00 - 12.00 cleaned her flat



12.45 - 1.30 had lunch

2.30 - 3.30 washed some clolhes
4.00 - 6.00 watched television

Now write sentences saying what she was doing at these times:

At 9 o'clock
2 At 9.30 she
3 At 11 o'clock


At 1 o'clock
3 o'clock
At 5 o'clock


M MB tea mmm

12.2 A group of people were staying in a hotel. One evening the fire alarm rang. Use the
words in brackets to make sentences saying what each person was doing at the time.

_ ______

(Example: (Don / have / a bath) Don was having a bath.


(Ann / write / a letter in her room) Ann

(George / get / ready to go out) George ..;
(Carol and Dennis / have / dinner) Carol and Dennis
(Tom / make / a phone call) Tom


. .....

12.3 Make sentences from the words in brackets. Put the verbs into the correct form, past
simple (I did) or past continuous (I was doing).

_-_.-_.-._._-.._.-.._-.. ...................------_.......
._. ._ _._.
.- - - -.-.-.-. ..... .

Example: (I / feel / asleep when I / watch / television) I felt asleep when I was watching

1 (the phone / ring / when I/ have / a shower) The phone
2 (it / begin / to rain when I/ walk / home)
3 (we / see / an accident when we / wait / for the bus)

12.4 Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple.
Example: While Tom was cooking (cook) the dinner, the phone rang (ring).

(paint) the ceiling.

(fall) off the ladder while he
(hear) a scream.
(read) in bed when suddenly I
(you. watch) television when I phoned you?
. ...
(wait) for me when I
4 Ann
(not/drive) very fast when- the accident
5 I
(do) the washing-up
(break) a plate last night. I
6 I
(slip) out of my hand.
when it
(take) a photograph of me while I
7 Tom
8 We
(not/go) out because it
(you/do) at this time yesterday?
9 What
(wear) a really beautiful dress.
10 I
(see) Carol at the party. She

Last night I





she was reading the newspaper

she was cleaning her flat
she was having lunch
she was washing some clothes
she was watching television

12.4 1 fell ... was painting

2 was reading ... heard
3 Were you watching
4 was waiting arrived
5 wasn't driving






Ann was writing a letter in her room.

2 George was getting ready to go out.
3 Carol and Dennis were having dinner.
4 Tom was making a phone call.
1 The phone rang when Iwas having




broke was doing... slipped

took wasnl looking
8 didn't go was raining
9 were you doing
10 saw was wearing




a shower.
It began to rain when I was walking home.
We saw an accident whdn we were waiting for the bus.

BAI 13: PRESENT PERFECT (thi Hi#n tai hoan

thanh) (I have done) (1)

a) Hay xem xet tlnh hud'ng mau sau:

Tom dang tim chia kh6a. Anh ta

tlm thdy

He has lost his key.
(Anh ta da danh mat chla khda).
'Anh ta da danh md't chia khda* cd nghla Id anh
ta da ddnh md't n6 cdch ddy khdng Idu vd bay gid
vdn chi/a tim ra.
Sau ddy Id thi Present Perfect:
(= I've ...)
" (= he's ...)
have you / (...)
has he/she
Chung ta thdnh
thi Present Perfect (Hipn tpi hodn thdnh) vdi have/has + Past
participle (phdn td qud khd). Past Participle thudng tan cung bdng -ed (opened, decided)
nhung nhidu d<>ng t/ quan trQng lai Id dong tCf bat qui tdc (lost written, done, v. v...). Xem
phan phy lyc 2.


b) Khi chung ta dung thi Present Perfect thi luon luon co mot sy lidn h vdi hidn tgi:
I've lost my key. (= I haven't got it now).
(T6i da ddnh mi't chla khda rdi) (= Bay gid tdi vin chua tim th&y).
Jim has gone to Canada. (= He is in Canada or on his way there now).
(Jim da di Canada) (= Bay gid anh ta dang d Canada hodc dang tren dudng den
Oh dear,' I've forgotten her name. (= I can't remember it now).
(O. trdi, tdi quen mat ten co ta rdi) (= Bay gid tdi khong the nhd dupe ten cd ta).
Have you washed your hair? (= Is it clean now?)
(B$n da gdi diu chua?) (= Bdy gid tdc ban cd sach khdng?)


c) Chung ta thudng diing thi Present Perfect d thong bdo tin tUc mdi hodc loan bao mQt
vlyc vda mdi xdy ra.

I've lost my key. Can you help me look for it?

(Tdi da danh mat chla khda. Ban cd the giup tdi tlm no khdng?)
Do you know about Jim? He's gone to Canada.
(Ban cd biet tin gi ve Jim khdng? Anh ta da di Canada)
Owl IVe burnt myself.
(6l Tdi bj phdng rdi).


Bgn c6 the dOng thi Present Perfect vdi just (= visa mdi day).
"Would you like something to eat?" "No, thanks. I've just had lunch.
("Ban co mutin An chdtgIkhdng?' "Khdng, cam on. TOi vifa mdi An trua xong").
Hello, have you just arrived?
(Xin chAo, ban vila mdi ddn ph&i khdng?)
Ban c6 th<? dung thl Present Perfect vdi already de n6i rang rnQt vi$c ndo dd dS xy
ra sdm hdn mong d0i:
"Don't forget to post the letter, witl you?" "I've already posted it".
("Dtfng quen bo thu, nhd" "T6i da bd thi/rdi").
'When is Tom going to start his new job?" "He has already started"
("Khi nAo thl Tom se bdt ddu vide lAm mdi?" "Anh ta da bit dau r6i").
d) Hay xem xdt si/ kh6c nhau gitfa gone to va been to:
Ann is on holiday. She has gone to Italy.

(Ann dang di nghl. C6 ta da di Y) (= BSy gid cd ta-dang d dd ho$c dang trdn dUdng
dS'n dd).
Tom is back in England now. He has been to Italy. (= iTe was there but now he
has come back).
(BSy gid Tom da trd v4 Anh qud'c. Anh ta <33 d Y). (= Anh ta da 6 do nhiing b&y gid
anh ta da trd vS).
(Xem them bAi 119)

D6'i vdi thl Present Perfect, xem them cac bai 14 - 19.

Btfi vdi thl Present Perfect va thl Simple Past, xem cdc bai 20-21.

UNIT 13: Exercises

13.1 You are writing a letter to a friend and giving news about people you both know. Use
the words given to make sentences and put the verb into the correct form.
Example: Phil/find a new job

Phil has found a new job.

Dear Chris,

Lots of things have happened since I last wrote to you.


Jack and Jill/decide/to aet married
Suzanne/have/a baby

Monica/give up/smoking
George/pass/his driving-test








ft ft ft mmm
ft ft ft ft
ft nw
ft mm
WW mmm
W1 1
mmm W

a w ww> www Iww






N< Ms







ft ft W






I w


ft W


mm mm mmm


mm mmm mmm m mm

. .



ft tw

WW ft

mmm mm*

WW ft



13.2 In this exercise you have to read the situation and then write a suitable sentence. Use
the verb given.
Example: Tom is looking for his kay. He can't find it. (lose) He has lost his key
1 Ann's hair was dirty. Now it is clean, (wash) She
2 Tom was 80 kilograms. Now he weighs 70. (lose weight)

mm mm mmm mmm



The car has just stopped because there isn't any more petrol in the tank, (run out of

Yesterday Bill was playing football. Now he can't walk and his leg is in plaster.



13.3 T/j/s time you have to use just. Answer the questions using toe words given.
Example-. Would you like something to eat. (no, thank you/I/just/have/dinner)
No. thank you. I've just had dinner,
1 Have you seen John anywhere? (yes/l/just/see/him) Yes

2 Has Ann phoned yet? (yes/she/just/phone) _..

3 Would you like a cigarette? (no. thanks/I/just/put/one out)


13.4 to this exercise you have to write sentences with already.

Example: Don't forget to post that letter.



Don't forget to phone. Tom.

Why don't you read the paper?
Shall I pay the waiter?

H 411



M H4

mi a*

M M4 Ma 4r* %

. . . ..............
. . . .........

13.5 Th/s time you have to put in been or gone.

Example: "Where's Ann?" "She's on holiday. She has gone to Italy".

1 Hello! I've just
to the shops. Look! I've bought lots of things.
2 Jim isn't here at the moment. He's
to the shops.
3 "Are you going to the bank?" "No, I've already
to the bank".




13.4 1
1 Charles has gone to Brazil.
2 Jack and Jill have decided to
get married.
3 Suzanne has had a baby.
4 Monica has given up smoking.
5 George has passed his driving-test.


1 She has washed her hair.

2 He has lost weight.
3 It has run out of petrol.
4 He has broken his leg.


1 Yes, I've just seen him.

2 Yes, she has just phoned.
3 No, thanks. I've just put one out.

I've already phoned him.

I've already read it.
No, I've already paid (him).

1 been
2 gone
3 been


BAI 14: PRESENT PERFECT (th i Hien tai hoan

thanh) (2)

a) Hy xem mSu doi thoai sau:

Dave: Have you travelled a lot, Nora?

(Ban di du Ijch co nhieu khong, Nora?)
Nora: Yes. I've been to 47 different countries.
(Co, tdi da den 47 quoc gia khac nhau).
Dave: Really? Have you ever been to China?
(Th$t a? Ban da tC/ng den Trung Quoc chi/a?)
Nora: Yes. I've visited China twice.
(Co. tdi da den Trung Quoc hai Ian).
Dave: What about India?
(The c6n An DO thl sao?)
Nora: No. I've never been to India.
(Chi/a. tdi chua titng den An Dd).

qu6 khur

hifin tai

Khi chung ta noi ve mpt khoang thdi gian c6n tiO'p tyc k6o dOi den hi$n tgi. ch
dung thi Present Perfect (Hipn tgi hoOn thOnh). Nora va Dave dang nOi chuypn vO nhtfng
ndi mO Nora da den thOrn trong cuOc ddi cO ta (d6 Id khoang thdi gian tiep tyc kOo dOi dO'n
hipn tgi).

Sau day 10 mOt so thf dy khOc:

'Have you read Hamlet?" "No, I haven't read any of Shakespeare's plays*.
('Ban da dQC Hamlet chua?" "ChUa, tdi chua doc vd kich nao cua Shakespeare ca").
How many times have you been to the United States?
(Ban da den My bao nhieu Idn rdi?)
Susan really loves that film. She's seen it eight times.
(Susan thi/c sd thich bo phim dd. Co ta da xem no tarn Ian rdi).
Sam has lived in Belfast all his life, (or Sam has always lived in Belfast).
(Sam da song d Belfast su6t cuoc ddi cua anh ay). (= Sam luon luon song d

Chung ta thudng dung ever vO never vdi thi Present Perfect

Have you ever eaten caviar.
(Ban da titng an tritng ca mud'i chua?)
We have never had a car.
(Chung tdi chua bao gid co mot chiec xe hdi).

Chung ta thudng dung thi Present Perfect sau cap dO so sanh bac nhat (superlative)
(xem bOi 104d).
What a boring film! It's the most boring film I've ever seen.
(Bo phim dd qua IDd la bo phim dd nhat md tdi da titng xem).

b) Bgn ph&i dung thi Present Perfect vdi This is the first time

... It's the first time ... v.v...

HOy xem tinh huO'ng mau sau:

Ron is driving a car. He is very nervous and unsure because it's his first behind
the wheel of a car. You can say:


(Ron dang lai xe hdi. Anh ta r&t lOng tung vi thi&u ty tin. v) diy Id tin d&u tiin anh
ta ngdi sau tay lai xe hdi. Ban co thd ndi:)
This is the first time he has driven a car. (not drives) (or He has never driven a car
{D&y Id lin d&u tiin anh ta Hi mdt chide xe hdi) (hodc: Trudc d&y anh ta chUa tifng
Hi xe hdi bao gid).
Sau dSy l& m$t vdi thf du khdc:
Tom has lost his passport again. Its the second time he has lost it.
(Tom l$i dinh mSt hd chidu. D&y Id lin thif hai anh ta dinh mi't no).
Is this the first time you've been in hospital?
(Co phii d&y Id lin d&u ti&n ban n&m binh vi&n khong?).

c) DOng till Present Perfect d$ ndi ring ban chtra bao gid 16m mOt vi$c gl <36, ho$c ban
chUa Idm mpt vi$c gi trong m$t khoing thdi gian kdo d&i dn hi$n tai.

I have never smoked.

(T&i chifa bao gid hut thudc).
I haven't smoked lor three years, (not *1 don't smoke for ...')
(Toi da khdng hut thudc trong ba nam nay).
I haven't smoked since September, (not 'I don't smoke since ...")
(Tdi da khdng hilt thudc tCf thing Chfn tdi nay).
Jill hasn't written to me for nearly a month.
(Gin mdt thing nay Jill chi/a vidt thd cho t6i).
Jill has never driven a car.
(Jill chUa bao gid Hi mil chide xe hdi).

b bid't dupe si/ khdc nhau gitfa forva since, hay xem bSi 19b.

UNIT 14: Exercises

_ _

14.1 You are asking someone about things he has done in his life. Use the words in brackets
to make your questions.

Example: (you ever / be / to Italy?)

1 (you ever / be / to South America?)
2 (you / read / any English books?)
3 (you / live t in this town ail your life?)
4 (how many times / you / be / in love?)
5 (what's the most beautiful country you / ever / visit?)
6 (you ever / speak / to a famous person?)



HI IH tmfmm

IM <

14.2 Complete the answers to these questions. Use the verb in brackets
Example:Is It a beautiful painting? (see) Yes. it's the most beautiful painting


Is it a good film? (see) Yes, it's the best

Is it a long book? (read) Yes, ifs the
Is she an interesting person? (meet) Yes. she's the most




14.3 Now you have to write questions and answers as shown in the example.
Example: Jack is driving a car but he's very nervous and not sure what to do.
Is this the first time you've driven a car?
You ask:
Yes. IVa never driven a car before.
1 Len is playing tennis. He's not very good and doesnt know the rules.
You ask: is this the first time
Len: Yes, I've .......
- - -
- ...
2 Sue is riding a horse, She doesn't look very confident or comfortable.
Y ou ask.
... _. .......

- ~
3 Maria is in England. She's just arrived and it's very new for her.
You ask:

< ..MM(It


m m*





m ..* .a.


14.4 Answer these questions using the words in brackets.

Example: When did you last smoke? (for two years)





14.1 1


Have you ever been to South America?

Have you read any English books?
Have you lived in this town all your life?
How many times have you been in love?
What's the most beautiful country
you have ever visited?
Have you ever spoken to a famous



Yes, it's the best film I've ever seen.


It hasn't rained for ages.

Yes, it's the longest book I've ever read.

3 Yes, she's the most interesting person
I've ever met.
14.3 1 Is this the first time you've played tennis?
Yes, I've never played tennis before.
Is this the first time you've ridden a horse?
Yes, I've never ridden a horse before.
Is this the first time you've been to England? (or in England?)
Yes, IVe never been to England before, (or in England).




They haven't visited me

since June.
3 I haven't played tennis for
a long time.
4 I've never eaten caviar.
5 I haven't driven for six
6 I've never been to Spain.
(For "been to" and "gone
to" see Unit 13d.).
7 She hasn't written to me
since last summer.

14.2 1


Lhavenl smoked for two years.



BAI 15: PRESENT PERFECT (thi Hi$n t?i hoan

a) Hay xem vf dy sau:

Tom: Have you heard from George?

(Bpn co nghe tin g) v4 George chi/a?)
Ann: No, he hasn't written to me recently.
(Chtfa, gAn day anh y khdng viet ihif
cho tdi).
Chung ta dung thl Present Perfect (Hi#n tai
hodn th&nh) khi chCing ta ndi v4 mpt kho&ng
thdi gian kdo ddi dd'ri hin tgi. Tom v& Ann
dang n6i chuyen ve mpt khoiing thdi gian tti
luc c&ch day khdng ISu cho dd'n bay gid. VI
vay hp n6i "have you heard"v a "he hasn't written".


Difdi day Id mpt so thi dy khdc:

Have you seen my dog? I can't find him anywhere.
(Anh co thiy con cho cua tdi dAu khdng? Tdi khdng thSy no d&u ch).
Everything is going fine. We haven't had any problems so far.
(Mqi vide d4u tiSn triSn tt dep. Cho ddn gid chung tdi chifa gap vStn <34 khd khSn
ndo cA).
We've met a lot of interesting people in the last few days.
(MA'y ngay nay chung tdi da g$p rat nhidu ngi/di thd vj).
Fred has been ill a lot in the past few years, hasn't he?
(MA'y nam qua Fredbdnh dQ lAm phAi khdng?)
I haven't seen George recently. Have you?
(GAn day tdi khdng g$p George. Anh co gap anh ta khong?)

D6'i vdi nhtfng cdu cd dCing for vd since, xem bdi 18.
b) Chung ta thodng dung thi Present Perfect v<5i yet {xem thdm b&i 107). Yet chf rang
ngddi ndi dang mong dpi mpt diu gi d6 xdy ra. Ta chf dOng yet trong ede cau hdi vd
phu dinh:

Has it stopped raining yet? (not "did it stop*)

(Trdi hd't mt/a chua?)
I haven't to/dthern about the accident yet. (not "I didn't tell")
(Tdi chua kicho ho nghe ve vy tai nan).
c) Chung ta dung thi Present Perfect v<3i this morning/this evening/today/this week/this
term-v.v... (khi nhtfng khodng thdi gian ndy chi/a cha'm dtft vdo thdi did'm n6i):

I've smoked ten cigarettes today, (perhaps I'll smoke more before today finishes)
(Horn nay tdi da hut mudi dieu Ihooc). (co le tdi se hut nhiSu hdn trt/dc khi ngAy
horn nay chA'm ddt).



Has Ann had a holiday this year?

this Msa*
(Ndm nay Ann da di nghl chUa?)
this month
\ haven't seen Tom this morning.
(Sang nay tdi chua gp Tom. Ban da g$p anh ta chifa?)
Ron hasn't studied very much this term.
(Hoc ky ndy Ron ching hoc hdnh gl nhidu cd).
Bill is phoning his girl friend again. Thafs the third time he's phoned her this
(Bill lei dang goi di$n thogi cho co ban gai cua hin Do Id Ian thd ba h&n got cho cd
Sy tdi nay).

d) Chung ta cung dung thi Present Perfect Continuous (I have been doing) khi chung ta
n6i v m6t kho&ng thdi gian tid'p tyc k6o deli <J$n hi$n tgi:
I haven't been feeling very well recently.
(Gan ddy tdi khdng dUQc khce).

D<5i vbi thi Present Perfect Continuous xem c3c bi 16-18, <J5i vdi thi Present Perfect
va thi Simple Past xem cdc bai 20,21 .

UNIT 15: Exercises

15.1 In this exercise you have to make questions with the words given.
Example: (you / hear / from George recently?) Have you heard from


_ ______

(you / read / a newspaper recently?)

(you / see / Tom in the past few days?)

(you !play / tennis recently?)

(you / eat / anything today?)

(you / see / any good films recently?)

(you / have / a holiday this year yet?)

_ _ ___ _ _ _ _

mm mm M mem


*mm mm Mt ah* tat Ma

tM ttt

tti aaa taa

- .....

tat ta

m mm aaa aaa Ma aM #a *m> M

Ma * aM

tal 4mm


4%4 Md H4


15.2 This time answer the questions in the way shown. Use yet.
Example: Have you seen the new film at the local cinema?
I haven't seen it yet but I'm going to see it.


1 Have you eaten at the new Italian restaurant?


Have you bought a car?

but I

Has Gerry asked Diana to marry him?


4 4


+ aaa

|M sm




yet but I'm



m mm


mmmm 1m t

M*M.nm) U M H4 <M in



xamrM t " P"

ad# at

m em aaa


mm mm mmm aaa aaa

at at ta

mm aaa aaa

tit Nt #aa M M


h> m

aaa aaa aaa t

"H *


15.3 This lime you have to complete the sentence. Use so far.
Examples: I saw Tom yesterday but l haven't
It rained a lot last week but it hasn't rained much so tar this week.

........ .



We ate a lot yesterday but we

It snowed a lot last winter but it

I played tennis a lot last year but
this vo&r.
She worked hard last term but
this term.
I watched television yesterday evening
My favourite football team won a lot of matches last season but they
many matches so far this season.





much so far today.



I 9

15.4 In this exercise you have to read the situation and then finish a sentence.
Example: Ron is phoning Jill again. He has already phoned her twice this evening.
It's the third time he has phoned her this evening.

..... . .

You're late again. You've already been late once this weekT
It's the second
this week.
The car has broken down. It has already broken down twice this month.
It's the '

Ann has just finished drinking a cup of tea. She has already had four cups this
It's the fifth

. ......




mm- Mi Ml




IM mmm


in mmm mi


1 Have you read a newspaper recently?

2 Have you seen Tom in the past tew days?
3 Have you played tennis recently?
4 Have you eaten anything today?
5 Have you seen any good films recently?
6 Have you had a holiday this year yet?


11 haven't eaten there yet but I'm going to eat there.

2 I haven't bought one yet but I'm going to buy one.

3 He hasn't asked her yet but he's going to ask her.

11 Mi mmm I mmm m Hi

mmm > lii





15.4 1 It's the second time

you've been late
this week.
2 It's the third time the
car has broken
down this month.

Its the fifth cup (of

tea) she has had (or

drunk) this morning.

1 haven't eaten.

2 hasn't snowed (much)

3 I haven't played (tennis) (much) so far
4 she hasn't worked hard so far
5 but I haven't watched television so far
6 haven't won



(thi Hin tai hoan thanh tiep diln)
(I have been doing)
a) Hay xem xet tinh huong mlu sau:

Is it raining? (Trdi dang mda phii khong?)

No, it isn't but the ground is wet
(Khong. khong phai nhdng dat lai m ddt).
It has been raining. (Trdi vita mdi mda xong).
Sau day la thi Present Perfect Continuous.
have (= I've ...)
I / We / They /You
been doing
he / she / it_ has (= he'sT..)

Chung ta dung thi Present Perfect Continuous (Hipn tgi hoan thanh tiip dien) khi
chung ta noi ve mpt hinh dong (mpt hinh dpng diln ra khi lau) da bit diu trong qui khir
vi gan diy da charn dc/t hoic vda mdi chi'm dCrt. Dudi day li m$t so thi dy:
You're out of breath. Have you been runing?
(Ban trdng nhu hi'l hdi day, ban vda mdi chay phai khdng?)
That man over there is bright red. I think he's been sunbathing.
(NgUdi dan ong d ddng kia da do ran len. Toi nghT ring 6ng la visa mdi tim ning
Why are your clothes so dirty? What have you been doing?
(Sao quan ao ban bin the? Ban visa mdi lam gi the?)
I've been talking to Tom about your problem and he think ...
(Toi visa mdi noi chuyen vdi Tom ve vn de cua ban va anh ta nghi ring. )
b) Chung ta cung dung thi Present Perfect Continuous de hoi hoic ndi ring mot viec
da xiy ra trong thdi gian bao lau. Trong trudng hpp nay hinh dong hoic tinh huong da
bit dau trong qui khd vi hipn van dang dien ra hoic visa mdi charn ddt.

Hay xem xet thf dy sau:

It is raining now. It began to rain two hours ago

and it is still raining.
(Luc niy trdi dang miSa. Trdi da bit dau mUa
each day hai gib vi trdi vn dang miSa).
It has been raining for two hours.
(Trdi da mUa dupe hai tieng r6i).
Chung ta thddng dung thi Present Perfect
Continuous theo cich niy. die bi$t li vdi how

long, for vi since.


Sau day let mdt so thi dg kh&c:

How long have you been learning English?
(B$n hoc ting Anh dtiQc bao ISu rdi?).
They've been waiting here for over an hour.
(Ho da chd d day hdn mdt gid r6i).
'I've been watching television since 2 o'clock.
(T6i da xem TV tCf 2 gid).
George hasn't been feeling very well recently.
(Gin diy George dm thi'y khdng dt/dc khde Urn).
Have you been working hard to day?
(H6m nay ban Idm vi$c m$t nhqc Urn phis khdng?)

Bn cung cd th dung thi Present Perfect Continuous (vdi how long, for
v& since) dd'i vdi nhOng hdnh d$ng |$p di l$p Igi trong m<>t khoSng thdi

gian nio dd.

She has been playing tennis since she was eight.
(Cd S'y di Choi quin vqt td 10c c6 Sy tin 8 tu6i).
How long have you been smoking?
(Ban hdt thuoc ddpc bao lau rdi?)

UNIT 16: Exercises

16.1 In this exercise you have to read the situation and then write a sentence with the
present perfect continuous (I have been doing).
Example: Tom is out of breath, (he/run)
He has been running.


Ann is very tired, (she/work/hard)

Bob has a black eye and Bill has a cup lip. (Bob and Bill / fight)
George has just come back from the beach. He is very red. (he / lie / in the sun)

4 Janet is hot and tired (she / play / tennis)

16.2 This time you have t&ask a question tor each situation.
Example: Your friend's hands are covered in oil. (you / work / on the car?)
Have you bean working on.the car?

You see a little boy. His eyes are red and watery, (you / cry?

Ito 409 999


909 M

904 mm0

4*1 Ma

990 999


aaa 990 999


9m 999 999



999 999


mmm Maa 9999

am mm

aa mmrn aaa

rnmm 99m

mm mmm mm 999 999 mm


mb mm*




You have just arrived to meet your friend who is waiting for you. (you / wait / long?)

Your friend comes in. His tace and hands are very dirty, (what / you / do?)

* aaa




aaa aaa





mm aaa

mm mm






mm mm mm aat

m*m m*

aaa aaa mm

mm mm




mm mm

0*m aaa

M # 4*9 mm*


*94 *00

400 000


094 900 440 040


16.3 Now you have to say how long something has been happening.
Example: It is raining now. It began raining two hours ago.
It has been raining for two hours.


-I In







mmm %mm mm




..... ..


mmm m Mr Mr mm mmm

Kevin is studying. He began studying three hours ago.


lor three hours.

I'm learning Spanish. I started learning Spanish in December.
. ......

since December.
Ann is looking tor a job. She began looking six months ago.
... ...... .. ... -
. .......... . for six months.
.Mary is working in London. She started working there on 18 January.
since 18 January.

George smokes. He started smoking five years ago.

for five years.






mm mm mm

M. I>w M. M.

mm mmm mmm

H N 44>




n M

mm mm mmm M * mm

...... .........

mm mm

mi W4

M* mrnf





m. mm

'H m.

H <k


>h 4w Hi m rh mi 4

M< ilr <M mi mmw am* mmm IVIIIIIIIII

16.4 In this exercise you have to ask questions with how long
Example: It is raining. How long has it been raining?

My foot is hurting.

Mike plays chess

H IHMl IM M ..IM. M.


3 Jim sells washing machines

4 Tom is living frfHigh Street


How long



She has been working hard.

Bob and Bill have been lighting.
He has been lying in the sun.
She has been playing tennis.



Have you been crying?

Have you been waiting long?
What have you been doing?



He has been studying for three hours.

I've been learning Spanish since December.
She has been looking for a job Tor six months.
She has been working in London since 18 January.
He has been smoking for five years.





N4 H Hi HI iM H* mmm

How long has your foot been hurting?

How long has Mike been playing chess?
How long has Jim been selling washing machines?
How long has Tom been living in High Street?

Ml M4

mmm mmm



MHIlM H4 9HH.HI HI iMiMm.m.


.m m- Hi



have been doing) hay PRESENT
PERFECT (I have done)?

Hay xem xSt cSc tinh hudng mau sau:

Ann's clothes are covered in paint.

She has been painting the ceiling.
(Quan ao cua Ann dfnh day scfn. C6 ay
da son Iran nhd).

Has been painting IS thi Present Perfect

Continuous (Hin tai hoSn thanh tiep
Chung ta hay chu y den hSnh dpng.
viec hSnh dpng do c6 dupe hoan thSnh
hay chifa. IS khong quan trong. 6 thi dg
trSn. hSnh dpng chua dupe hoSn thanh.
Sau dSy IS mpt vSi cSp vi dg khSc.
Tom's hands are very dirty. He has
been repairing the car.
(Hai ban tay cua Tom rd't bn. Anh
ta da si/a xe hoi).
You've been smoking too much
recently. You should smoke less.
(Gan day anh hut thud'c nhiSu qua.
Anh nen hut tt di).


ceiling 'was

white. Now it's blue.

She has painted the ceiling.

(TrUdc day tran nhd mau trdng. Bay gid
no mau xanh. Cd'ay da sdn lai tran nha).

Has painted IS thi Present Perfect

(Hipn tai hoSn thSnh).

day, dieu quan tr<?ng IS hSnh dong

da dupe hoSn thSnh. Chung ta quag, tSm
den cua hSnh dQng, chif khong
phai bSn thSn hSnh dpng d6.

The car is going again now. Tom

has repaired it.
(Bay gid xe hdi Igi chgy dJdc r6i.
Tom da si/a no).
Somebody has smoked ali my
cigarettes. The packet is empty
(Ai do da hut het thu6c la cua tdi.
Goi thuoc trong rdng rdi).

dung the tiS'p dien

(continuous) d n6i m&t vipc nSo d6 da diSn
ra trong bao ISu (+ how long):



Ann has been writing letters all day.

(Ann da viet thd ca ngdy).

Chung ta dung the ddn (simple) de ndi s6

li/dng hoSc so Ian mS chung ta da thi/c
hien dupe (+ how much, how many):
Ann has written ten letters today.
(Horn nay Ann da viet dupe mudi la

_ m_


Jim has been playing tennis since 2

trong quySn sach dd rdi).

Jim has played tennis three times

that book?
(Anh da dqo

(Jim da chdi quin v<ft tCf luc 2 gid

dn gid).
Hay xem b&i 18 d$


quy&n sach dd bao Idu

How many pages of that book have

you read?
(Anh da dqc dupe bao nhieu trang

How long have you been reading

this week.
(Tuan ndy Jim dd chdi quim vpt ba

bi6t them v6 thl Present Perfect v& how long?

MOt s6 dOng tCf khdng dupe dCing 6 th' ti'p din. Thl dy

nhu: know. Ben phSi ndi have

known. (ChCr khdng n6i: have been knowing). Xem being lit ke c&c dQng tCf ndy 6 b&i


UNIT 17: Exercises

17.1 In this exercise you have to read the situation and then write two sentences, one with
the present perfect simple (1 Have done) and one with the present perfect continuous (I
have been doing).
Example; Tom is reading a book. He started two hours ago and he is on page 53.
(he/read/for two hours) He has been reading tor two hours.
(he/read/53 pages so far) He has read 53 pages sq far.

Linda is from Australia. Now she is travelling round Europe. She began her tour
three months ago.
(she/travel/around Europe for three months)
(she/visit/six countries so far)
2 Jimmy Is a tennis champion. He began playing tennis when he was 11 years old.
Now he has just won the national championship for the fourth time.
(he/play/tennis since he was 11)
(he/win/the national championship four times)
3 Bill and Andy make films. They started making films together when they left
(they/make/tilms since they left coHege)
{they/make/ten films since they left college)
17.2 This time you have to imagine that you are talking to a friend. Head the situation and
ask a question beginning in the way shown.
Example: Your friend is learning Arabic. How long have you been learning Arabic?







Your friend is waiting for you. How long

Your friend writes books. How many books
Your friend writes books. How long


Your friend plays football for his country. How many times

- ......

mwm XI




hi mM>

ih hi |>. ih hi

ii iw







.... . ...


- n. . m

... ...
h. >h



... ...

17.3 In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form, present perfect simple (I
have done) or continuous (I have been doing).
Examples: I have lost (lost) my key. Can you help me look for it?
You look fired. Have you been working (you/work) hard?

- - - - - - - .........
. . .......

(break) that window.

Lookl Somebody

(read) the book you gave me but I

(not/finish) it yet.

'Sorry I'm late*. "Thats all right. I
(not/wait) long".
(clean) the windows. So far I
Hello! I
(dean) five
of them and there are two more to do.
There's a strange smell in here
.....7. (you/cook) something?
My brother is an actor. He
(appear) in several films.


IM mm











17.1 1 She has been travelling around

Europe for three months.
She has visited six countries so far.
2 He has been playing tennis since he was 11. ('has played" is also possible - see
Unit 18c.)
He has won the national championship four times.
3 They have been making films since they left college.
They have made ten films since they left college.
17.2 1 How long have you been waiting (for me)?
2 How many books have you written?
3 How long have you been writing books?
4 How many times have you played (football) for your country?

17.3 1 has broken

2 have been reading ... haven't finished
3 haven't been waiting
4 have been cleaning have cleaned
5 Have you been cooking
6 has appeared




PERFECT CONTINUOUS vdi how long, for

va since
a) Hay xem x6t tinh hud'ng mdu sau:

Bob va Alice Id vp chdng. Hp da ci/Pi nhau cdch

ddy diing 20 ndm. Vi thd' h6m nay Id ky mem 20
ndm ngay cudi cua hp.
They have been married for 20 years.
(Hp da cudi nhau dupe 20 nam r6i).
Chung ta dOng thi Present Perfect (Hin tai
hodn thdnh) dd din dpt mpt sp vi$c da t6n tpi xdy
ra dupe bao Idu:
- - How long have they been married?
They are married
(Hp da cUdi nhau dupe bap ISu rdi?)
They have been married for 20 years.
Hp Id vp ch6ng
~ (Hp da cudi nhau dUpc 20 ndm rdi).

b) Chung ta cung dung thi Present Perfect Continuous (Hin tai hodn thanh
have been doing) de ndi mpt vi$c ndo do da xdy ra dupe bao lau.

tid'p diin) (I

Chu y rdng hdnh dpng d6 hin thdi van dang dien ra:
I've been learning English for a long time.
(T6i da hpc tieng Anh lau rdi).
Sorry I'm late. Have you been waiting long?
(Xin loi vl tdi d6n ire. Anh dpi cd Idu khong?)
It's been raining since I got up this morning.
(Trdi da mUa tU luc tdi thUc day sang nay).

D6i khi hdnh dpng d6 Id m<t hdnh d6ng Idp di Idp lai (xem thdm bdi 16b):

Tom has been driving for ten years.

(Tpm da lai xe dupe mUdi ndm rdi).
How long have you been smoking?
(Anh da hut thudc dupe bap ISu rdi?)
Thi continuous (I have been doing) hay thi simple (I have done) c6 th dupe diing cho
ede hdnh dpng Idp di l$p Ipi trong mpt khoang thPi gian ddi:
I've been cpllecting / I've cellected stamps since I was a child.
(Tdi da suu tap tern tU khi tdi con bd).
c) Chung ta dung thi simple (I have done) cho ede tinh hudng ton tpi trong mot thPi gian
ddi (nhd't Id khi chung ta diing always). Chu y rdng tinh huong d6 hien thdi van dang
t6n tpi:

My father has always worked hard, (not 'has always been working*)
(Cha tdi luon ISm vide sidng nSng) (khdng diing 'has always been working").


Chung ta dOng Ihl Continuous cho c&c tinh hu6ng ton tgi trong kho&ng thdi gian ngfin
John has been living in London since January.
(John c1a sting d Luin D6n tii thAng Gidng).
John has always lived in London.
(John ludn ludn sting d Ludn D6n).

d) M$t s6 d$ng ttf (thi dy nhu be, have, knort) thi/dng khdng dupe dung d hinh thifc
continuous (xem b&i 3b d$ biS't danh sdch va b6i 24 d bife't thm v4 have):

How long have Bob and Alice been married?

(Bob va Alice lay nhau dupe bao lau r6i?)
T on has had a cold for the past week, (not "has been having")
(Sutit tudn r6i Tom da bj c&m Ipnh).
Tom and,l have known each other since we were at school.
(Tom va tdi da bitit nhau tti luc chung toi cdn di hpcj.

e) Di/ng dung thi Simple Present (I do) ho$c thi Present Continuous // am doing) 06 n6i
rang mot vi$c n&o do da x&y ra dupe bao Icku r6i:
I've been waiting here for an hour, (not "I am waiting")
(T6i da chd dSy m$t titing r6i). (khong dung "/ am waiting")
How long have you known Tom? (not "do you known")
(Anh da bitit Tom dugc bao ISu r6i?) (khdng dung "do you known')

UNIT 18: Exercises

18.1 Are these sententes right or wrong? Correct the ones which are wrong.
Examples: How long have Bob and Alice been married?
I know Bob for five years.



Sue and Alan are married since July.

It is raining all day.
How long has George been unemployed?
Have you always been living in this house?
How long has Ken a beard?
How long do you know Ann?
She has been ill for quite a long time.

- have known


__ . ..



18.2 This time you have to write questions with how long?
How long has he been learning Chinese?
Examples: Jim is learning Chinese.


. _______
_ __

My sister is married. How long

Boris is on holiday. How long
I live in Glasgow
It is snowing
Jack smokes






I know about her problem

Jack and Jill are looking for a flat ;
Diana teaches English in Germany
Dennis is in love with Margaret


10 Colin has a car



IH i

18.3 In this exercise you have to read a sentence and then write another sentence with since
or for
I have known Bob for five years.
Example: I know Bob. (for five years)

Jack lives in Bolton, (since he was born) Jack .

2 Bill is unemployed, (since April) Bill

3 Ann has a bad cold, (for the last few days)

4 I want to go to the moon, (since I was a child)
5 My brother is studying languages at university (for two years)
6 Tim and Jane are working in Shoffied. (since February)

7 My cousin is in the army, (since he was 17)

8 They are waiting for us. (for half an hour)


m m mi m m m

18.1 1 wrong - have been married
2 wrong has been raining
3 right
4 wrong - have you always lived
5 wrong - has Ken had
6 wrong - have you known


18.2 1 How long has your sister been

2 How long has Boris been on
3 How long have you lived in Glasgow
/ ...have you been living in

4 How long has it been snowing?
5 How long has Jack smoked? /
has Jack been smoking?
6 How long have you known about her
7 How long have Jack and Jill been



looking for a flat?

How long has Diana been teaching
in Germany? / has Diana taught
in Germany?
How long has Dennis been In love
with Margaret? !How long have
they been in love?


10 How long has Colin had a car?

18.3 1 Jack has lived in Bolton since he



was born.
Bill has been unemployed since
Ann has had a bad cold for the last
few days.
I have wanted to go to the moon
since I was a child.
My brother has been studying
languages at university for two

6 Tim and Jane have been working in

Sheffied since February.

My cousin has been in the army

since he was 17.
They have been waiting for us for
half an hour.

BAI 19: PRESENT PERFECT vdi how long, va

a) Dung thl Simple Past (I did) 64 hdi hay n6i khi ndo mOt vide gi dd x&y ra:

A: When did tt start raining?

(Trdi da bt du mda td luc nao?)
8: It started raining at one o'clock/an hour ago.
(Trdi da bt diu mda vdo luc mdt gid/cach dSy mdt gid).
A: When did Tom and Ann first meet?
(Tom vd Ann gdp nhau Ian du khi nao?)
B: They first met when they were a1 school/a long time ago.
(Hq g&p nhau tin dau ti&n khi con di hgc/cdch dgy tu r6i)

Dung thi Present Perfect Continuous (I have done/I have been dbing) de hdi hay noi
m$t viec gi 66 da dien ra di/gc hao Iflu (tinh dn thdi diem-hin t$i).
A: How long has it been raining?
(Trdi da mua dugc bao liu rdi?)
B: it has been raining since one o'clock/for an hour.
(Trdi da mua tU luc mdt gid/dUdc mdt gid rdi).
A: How long have Tom and Ann known each other?
(Tom V& Ann d quen nhau dupe bao liu rdi?)
B: They've known each other since they were at school/for a long time.
(Hp da quen nhau td luc cdn di hQC/liu lm rdi).
b) Since v& for:

Chting ta dung ch since l5n for dl ndi m$t vi$c g) dd da x&y ra dupe bao l&u:
I've been waiting for you since 8 o'clock.
(Tdi di chd ban td 8 gid den gid)
I've been waiting for you for two hours.
(Tdi da chd ban hai tid'ng ddng hd rdi)
Chung ta dung since khi n6i d'n thdi did'm b&t du cua mdt khoting thdi gian (8 gid).
Chung ta dung for khi n6i den mdt kho&ng thdi gian (2 gid).

for hai tid'ng

(khofing thdi gian)

10 gid
(bay gid)

8 gid

since (td ...)

8 o'clock

12 May

lunch time

we arrived

two hours
ten minutes

three days
six months

for (trong ...)

a week
five years
a long t:me



She's been working here since April. (= from April until now)
Co ay l&m vide d d&y til thang Tu. (= til thang TP den nay)
She's been working here for six months, (not "since six months')
Co ay lam viec d d&y dUpc sau thang r6i.
I haven't seen Tom since Monday. (= from Monday until now)
Tor khong gap Tom tp thp Hai tit thP Hai d4n gid)
I haven't seen Tom for three days, (not "since three days')
Toi khong gap Tom ba ng&y r6i.

Chi3ng ta khong dung for trong c3c c3ch diln dat vdi all (all day/all morning/all week/all
my life. v.v...

I've lived here all my life, (not 'for all my life'}

(T6i dd sd'ng d day sudt ddi 16i)

c) HSy li/u y dn c&u true How long Is it since ...? (03 bao I3u r6i k Id khi .. .?

A: How long is it since you had a holiday?

(TP luc anh di nghl den nay da bao >&u r6i?)
B: It's two years since I had a holiday. (= I haven't had a holiday for two years)
(Da hai nam r6i kS tp khi tdi di nghl) (= Toi da khong di nghl hai nam nay r6i)
It's ages since Tom visited us (= He hasn't visited us for ages)
(Da 16u l&m rdi k4 tP khi Tom dS'n th&m chimg ta) {* Da 16u l&m r6i anh &'y khdng
den th&m chung ta)

UNIT 19: Exercises

19.1 In this exercise you have to write questions with how long and when.
example: It is training. (How long/it/rain?) How long has it been raining?
(when/it/start/raining?) When did it start raining?
1 Ann is learning Italian.
..(how long/she/learn/Itallan?)
(when / she / learn / Italian?)
2 I know Tom.
(how Iong/you/k now/Tom?)
.. ...
(when/you/first/meet/Tom?) .
3 Bob and Alice are married.

_ ......

----__ ______
_ _____

...... .

.... ......... .......
. ...
. .
(how long/they/be/married?)



19.2 In this exercise you have to put in since or for.

Example: Tom and I have known each other for six months.
I got up this morning.
1. it's been raining
20 years.
2 Tom's father has been a policeman
along time?
3 Have you been learning English



.. .

......... ........

Christmas, the weather has been quite mild.

Ann has been on holiday
three days.
; ages.
That's a very old car. I've had it


19.3 This time you have to make a new sentence beginning in the way shown.
Example: Iknow Tom. Ifirst met him six months ago. I have
It's been raining since 2 o'clock. It started

Tom's ill. He became ill three days ago He has ..

We have been married for five years. We got
Jim has beard. He grew it ten years ago. He has
He has been in France for three weeks. He went
He has had his new car since February. He bought



Ml Ml


* Ml




Ml I





II* Ml


19.4 In this exercise you have to imagine that two people are talking. You have to make
sentences with It's since
Example: A: Do you often go on holiday? {no/five years)



A: Do you often eat in restaurants? (no/six months)

B: No, it
A: Does it often snow here? (no/years)
B: No
A: Do you often play cards? (no/a long time)



19.1 1 How long has she been learning Italian?

When did she begin learning Italian?
2 How long have you know Tom?
When did you first meet Tom?
3 How long have they been married?
When did they get married?
3 for
5 for
19.2 1 since
2 for
4 Since
19.3 1 He has been ill for three days.
2 We got married five years ago.
3 He has had a beard for ten years.

6 for

He went to France three weeks ago.

5 He bought his new car in February.
19.4 1 No, it's six months since I ate in a restaurant.
2 No, it's years since it snowed here,
3 No, ifs a long time since I played cards.


BAI 20 PRESENT PERFECT (I have done)

SIMPLE PAST (I did) (1)
a) Hay xem

t tinh

hu6ng miu sau:

Day la Tom. Anh ta dang tim chiec chia khoa.
Anh ta khong tim tha'y n6.
He has lost his key (Present Perfect)
chla khda)
(Anh ta da lam
Didu nay cd nghTa la hien thai anh ta chi/a tim
thay chiec chia kh6a.


Nam phut sau:

Now Tom has founcLhis key.

(B&y gid Tom da tim ra chia khoa)

Diu nay cd nghTa ia gid day anh ta dang cd chia
khda dS sir dung
Has he lost his key? (present perfect)
(Anh ta da danh mat chia khoa roi a ?) (thi Hign
tai hoan thanh).
No. he hasn't He has found it.
(Khong. khdng co. Anh ta da tim thay no)
Did he lose his key? (past simple)
(Anh ta cd danh mat chla khoa khong?) (thi Qua
khii dcfn)
Yes. he did.
(Co, anh ta cd danh mat chia khda)
He lost (past simple) his key but now he has
found (present perfect) it.
(Anh ta da danh mat (thi Qua khil don) chia khda
nhUng bay gid anh ta da tim thay (thi Hin tai hoan
thanh) no.


Thi Present Perfect (has lost) Iu6n ludn cho chung ta bidt dieu gi d6 co quan h$ tdi
hin tai. "He has lost his key" cho chung ta biet rang hien thdi anh ta chi/a tim thay n6
(xem bdi 13). Thi Simple Past (lost) chi cho chung ta biet vd qua khOr ma thoi. Neu chung
ta n6i "He lost his key", chung ta khong biet di/gc hien gicf anh ta da tim tha'y hay chua.
Chung ta chi biet di/gc rang anh ta da danh mat chia khoa vao mot thdi diem nao dd trong
qua khtf.

Sau day la mpt vai thi dy khac:

He grew a beard but now he has shaved it off (= He hasn't got a beard now)
(Anh ta da de mdt bd rau quai non nhung bay gid anh ta da cao di roi) (= bay gid
anh ta khdng de rdu).


Prices fell but now they have risen again. (= They are high now)
(Gid ch da ha xu6ng nhdng bSy gid chung da t&ng trd lei) ( hi$n gid gia ci r&t

b) Dirng dCrng thl Present Perfect (I have done) dtfi vbi nhOng sif vigc hay h.nh dgng
khdng lign hg dn hign tal (thi dy nhu c6c bin c 6 Ijch stf):

The Chinese invented printing {not 'have invented")

(Ngtfdl Trung Qu6c da phdt minh ra vide in 6n).
Shakespeare wrote Hamtet. (not "has written")
(Shakespeare d& viet vd kich Hamlet)
How many symphonies did Beethoven compose! (not "has composed")
(Beethoven da sogn bao nhiSu b&n giao hddng?)
c) Chting ta dting thl Present Perfect hign t$i ho&n thgnh (J have done) <S4 dua ra thdng
tin mdi ho$c loan bdo mgt vigc vtfa m<3i xfiy ra (xem b&i 13). Nhuhg ng'u chiing ta ti'p
tyc n6i vg digu d6, chting ta thi/dng dung thi Simple Past (Idid).

A: Ow! I've burnt myself!

(Si Tdi bi phdng ril)
B: How did you do that? (not 'have you done")
(T$i sao viy?)
- A: I touched a hot dish, (not "have touched")
(Tdi sd vdo m$t c&i dia ndng)
- A: Look! Somebody has spilt milk on the carpet.
(Nhk) kla! At 66 dd ddnh d6 sda tin dm thdm)
8: Well, it wasnt me. I didn't do it (not "hasn't been haven't done")
(Si khdng ph&i tdi d&u. Tdi khdng Idm vi$c 66).
A: I wonder who it was then, (not 'who is has been")
(The thl khdng bid't ai da Idm dieu 66)
E)g bit thm ve thi Present Perfect v& thl Simple Past, xem b&i 21 .



UNIT 20: Exercises

_ _ _ _ __ _

20.1 In this exercise you have to read the situation and then write a sentence. Use the verbs
given in brackets. Read the example carefully first.
Example: Ten minutes ago Tom iost his key. Now he has it in his hand.




I lost a lot of weight but now I am too heavy again.

(lose weight / put on weight) I
but now I
She went to Australia but now she is back in Britain again.
but now
(go / come back) She
Last year Kevin bought a car. Now it belongs to someone else.
(buy /sell)
The police arrested the man but now he is at home again.
(arrest / release)

Bill cut his hair. Now it is long again.

(cut /grow)


I *

m tea



M iM



IM *a#

mm a





The prisoner escaped from the prison. Now he is back in prison.

(escape / be caught)

20.2 Are the underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct the ones which are

Examples: Have you heard? Suzanne has got married!
The Chinese have invented printing.



Who has written the play Hamlet?

Aristotle has been a Greek philosopher.
Owl I've cut my finger. It's bleeding.
4 Look at George! He bad a haircut.
5 My grandparents got married in London.
6 Einstein was the physicist who has deveioped the theory of relativity


_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _


20.3 In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form.
Example: A Look! Somebody has spilt (spill) milk_on the carpet.
B Well, it wasn't (not/be) me. I didn't do (not/do) it.
A I wonder who it was (be) then.
1 A: Your hair looks different
(you/have) a haircut?
B: Yes.
(you/cut) it yourself?
B: No, Ann
(cut) it for me.
A: Did you hear about Ben? He
(break) his leg.
B: Really? How
(fall) off a ladder.
A: He

_____ _..

- --------------------------------------- - -


20.1 1



lost (a lot of) weight but now I have put on weight again. She went to Australia but now she has come back (to Britain) (again).
Kevin bought a car (last year) but now he has sold it (to someone else).
The- police arrested the man but now they have released him (again). / The
man was arrested by the police but now he has been released (again).
Bill cut his hair but now it has grown (again).
The prisoner escaped from the prison but now he has been caugh! (again).


20.2 1 wrong-Who wrote

2 wrong-Aristotle was ...
3 right
4 wrong-He has had
5 right
6 wrong- who developed ...





Have you had

Did you cut

has broken ("broke* is also possible


BAI21: PRESENT PERFECT (I have done) hay

SIMPLE PAST (I did)? (2)
a) OCrng dung thl Present Perfect (Hi$n t?i hoAn th&nh) (I have done) khi ban dang ndi
vS mdt tfUti dim ho$c mdt thdi gian dS Ket thuc trong qua khur. (Thf dy: yesterday,, two
years ago, in 1979, when Iwas a child). Hy dung thl Simple Past (Qua khtf ddn):
Tom lost his key yesterday, (not 'has lost")
(Hdm qua Tom ddnh mdt chia khda).
Did you see the film on television last night? (not "have you seen").
(Ban co xem bd phim trdn T. V tdi hdm qua khdng?)
Mr Greaves retired from his job two years ago. (not "has retired")
(Ong Greaves v6 hUu cdch dSy 2 nSm).
I ate a lot of sweets when Iwas a child, (not "have_eaten")
(Tdi Stn rSt nhiSu keo khi cdn bd).

DCing thl Simple Past d<? hdi mdt vi$c no dd dfi xy ra khi no.
What time did they arrive? (not "have they arrived")
(Hq dd d'n vdo luc n&o thk?)
When were you born? (not "have you been born")
(Anh sinh nam ndo?)
H3y so sdnh:
- Tom has lost his key (present perfect)
(Tom da ddnh mit chia khda) (thIHi$n tai hodn thdnh).
d day chiing ta kh6ng dang nghT vd hanh dQng qua khur. chiing ta dang nghT vS kd't
qua cua hanh d$ng dd 6 hi$n t$i: hi$n t?i anh ta khdng c6 chia kh6a.
Tom lost his key yesterday, (simple past)
(Tom danh mt chia khda hdm qua), (thl Qui khil don)
d dy chiing ta dang nghT v6 hdnh d$ng qud khtf. Chiing ta khdng bid't du"dc Tom da
tim ra chia khda hay chtfa.
b) Bay gid hSy so sdnh cdc cSu


Present Perfect (/ have done)

I've smoked 20 cigarettes today.
(Hdm nay tdi da hut 20 di&u thuSc Id).

la mdt khoing thdi gian kdo
ddi dd'n hi$n tai- KhoSng thdi gian ndy chtfa

kd't thiic. Vi v$y chiing ta dung thl present

Simple Past (/ did)

I smoked 20 cigarettes yesterday.
(Hdm qua tdi da hut 20 didu thudc Id).
Hdm qua ia thdf gian da kd't thuc trong
qud khur. Vi v$y chiing ta diing thl simple


Hidn tai
Qud khtf

today thdl gian

chtfa kdt thiic.

Hi$n tai
Qua khur

yesterday (thdl
gian d kd't thiic)


Tom hasn't been ill this year.

(Nam nay Tom chUa hi bj binh).
Have you seen Ann this morning?

Tom wasn't ill last year.

(NAm ngoil Tom khdng bj binh).
Dftf you see Ann his morning?
(It is now afternoon).
Sing nay ban cd gap Ann khdng?
(Hi$n gid Id bu6i chldu).
Did you see Ann last week?
(Tuin tntdc b$n cd g$p Ann
We waited (or wefe~waiting) for an
(We are no longer waiting).
(Chung tdi di chd trong mdt titing

(It is still morning)

(Sing nay ban cd g$p Ann khdng?)

(H[$n gid v5n c6n Id butfl sdng)
Have you seen Ann recently?
(Gin d&y ban c6 gSp Ann khdng?)
We've been waiting for an hour,
(We are still waiting).
(Chung tdi d& chti m$t titing ding
h6 rSi).
(ChOng tdi vin dang chd).
Lan has lived in London for six
(He still lives there).
(Lan da sting 6 Lu&n D6n 6 nSm
(Anh ta vSn cdn sd'ng 6 dd).
Ihave never playedgolf (in my life).
(Tdi chua hi chdi gdn (trong ddi).

Thi present perfect Iu6n ludn cd mQt

si/ lidn h$ vdi hin t$i. Xem cdc bdi 13-20.

ddng h6).

(Chung t6l khdng con chd nufa).

lan lived in Scotland for ten years.
(He ng longer lives there).
(tan da sting d Scotland mudi nam).
(Anh ta khdnpcdn sting d 66 ntia).
I didn't play golf when I was on
holiday last summer.
(Nim ngoii tdi khdng chdi gdn khi
tdi di nghf hi).

Thi simple past ch? cho chung ta bid't

v6 qud khd. Xem cdc bdi 11,12 vd 20.
UNIT 21: Exercises

____________ ____ ------__ _ _. _._. ._._ _ _


UNIT 21: Exercises

21.1 In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form, present perfect (I have
done) or simplepast (I did).
Examples: I have lost (lose) my key. Ican't find it anywhere.
Did you see (you/see) the film on television last night?
(buy) a new car two weeks ago.
1 Jill
(have) a haircut.
2 His hair is very short. He
(arrive) home at half past twelve. I
3 Last night I
(go) to bed.
(have) a bath and then I
(you/visit) many museums when you were in Paris?
(take) it.
5 My bicycle isn't here any more. Somebody
(you/give) up smoking?
6 When
(not/feel) hungry.
(not/eat) anything yesterday because I ...
7 I
(Jim/not/want) to play tennis last Friday?
8 Why

_ -

- -.-.-. -. -. ...........




The car looks very clean


_ _ _ _ __ _ _


(you/wash) It?

10 Brian: Hello, Susan. Is Alan here?

Susan: No, I'm afraid he
Brian: Oh, what a pity! When exactly
Susan: About ten minutes ago.

(go) out.

(he/go) out?

21.2 This time you have to make sentences using the words given.
Examples: (I / smoke / 20 cigarettes yesterday)
I smoked 20 cigarettes"yesterday.
(how many cigarettes / you / smoke / today?)

_ _ _._. ._ ......
_ ....._ _._._._._ _ _ _

(I / be / ill twice so far this year) h

(how many times / be / you / III last year?) How many times
(I / not / drink / any coffee so far today)
(he / be / late three times this week)
(how many games / the team / win / last season?)
(how many games / the team / win / so far this season?)


21.3 Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect (I have done) or simple past {I did).
Example: I didn't play (not/play) golf when Iwas on holiday last summer.
(work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.
Mr. Clark
(live) there all her life.
2 Molly lives In Dublin. She
(be) married for 20 years.
3 Bob and Alice are married. They
4 When we were on holiday, the weather
(be) awful.
5 The weather
(be) very nice recently, don't you think?
(never/meet) him.
6 My grandfather died 30 years ago. I ...;
(never/meet) him.
7 I don't know Carol's husband. I

- - - - - ----------- ----------------- - --


'21.1 1 bought


21.2 1


has had


How many times were you ill last

... had ... went

Did you visit

has taken
did you give
didn't eat didn't feel
didn't Jim want
Have you washed
has gone did he go

3 I haven't drunk any coffee so far today.

4 Ha has been late three times this week.
5 How many games did the team win last




I ha\/e been ill twice so far this


How many games did the team win last

How many games has the team won so
far this season?

21.3 1 worked
2 has lived
have been
4 was

5 has been
6 never met
7 have never met


BA 122:

PAST PERFECT (I had done)

a) Hay xem xit tl

Ar to -so

ng mau sau:

hour Iaw

Tuan trifdc tdi di dtf mOt btfa tiec. Tom

dtf btfa tifc d6.
Tom da v nhi luc 10 gid 30. VI viy, khi tdi den
vao luc 11 gid, Tom khong co mit d dd. Khi tdi den
dtf tide, Tom khong cd m$t d do.
He had gone home.
(Ant7 ta da ve nhd).
Sau day la thi Past Perfect (Qua khLf hoin
l/he/she (v.v...) had
(= l'd/he'd/she'd v.v...) gone
l/he/she (v.v...) hadn't gone.
had you/he/she (v.v...) gone?




Chung ta thinh lip thi Past Perfect (Qui khtf hoin thinh) vdi' had + past participle
(gone/opened/written v.v...) D6i vdi nhtfng past participles bat qui tic, hay xem phan phy
lyc 2.

Ddi khi chung ta ndi ve rriQt vi$c nio dd da xay ra trong qui khCf:
I arrived at the party.
(Tdi da ddn dt/ bOa tiec).
Chung ta dung thi past perfect d! ndi ring mdt vic nio dd da xay ra trtfdc thdi
When I arrived at the party. Tom had already gone home.
(Khi tdi den dt/ tide. Tom da ve nha rdi)


Sau day li mpt sd thi dy khac:

When I got home, I found that someone had broken into my flat and had stolen my
fur coat.
(Khi tdi vd nha, tdi phat hi$n ra rang ai do da dot nhdp vao can ho cua tdi vd da
ddnh cdp chiec do khoac Idng cua tdi).
George didn't want to come to the cinema with us because he had already seen the
|, \
film twice.
(George khong muon di xem phim vdi chung tdi vi anh ta da xem bd phim do hai Ian

It was my first time in an aeroplane. I was very nervous because I hadn't flown
(Dd Id Ian dau tien tdi di may bay. Tdi rat lo Idng vi trade day tdi chda he di mdy

Thi past perfect (I had done) li qua khtf cua thi present perfect (I have done). Hay
so sinh cac tlnh hud'ng sau:





Hin t9i
I'm not hungry. I've just had lunch.
(Tdi khdng <36i. T6i vUa mdi Sn tri/a

The house is dirty. We havenl
cleaned it for weeks.
(CSn nhd hi$n gid rit bin. Da miy
tuin r6i chunq tdi chua lau n6).

Qui khtf
1 wasn't hungry. I'djust hadlunch.
(Tdi da khdng ddi. Tdi vCta mdi &n
The house was dirty. We hadn't
cleaned it for weeks.
(CSn nh& dS r&\ bin. DS miy tuSn

r6i chunq tdi khdna lau n6).

c) HSy so sdnh fhl past perfect (I had done) vi thi simple past (i did).
- "Was Tom there when you arrived?" "No. he had already gone home"
("Khi ban <3n Tom co m$t d <36 khdng?" "Khdng, anh fa da vS nhh rSi")

"Was Tom there when you arrived?" "Yes, but he went home SCon afterward"
("Khi ban dSn Tom c6 m$t d <36 khdng?" "C6, nht/ng anh ta <36 v4 nh& ngay sau
Ann wasnt in when I phoned her. She was in London.
(Ann khdng c6 d nhh khi t6i ggi di$n thoai cho cd iy. C6 iy dang d Luin D6n).

B6i vdi thl Past Perfect Continuous, xem b&i 23.

NhUng: Ann had just got home when I phoned her. She had been in London.
(Anh vtfa v6 d6'n nh& khi tdi g<?i di#n cho cO S'y. CO Sy d5 di Lufin Bdn).

UNIT 22: Exercises

. . . . . _____

22.1 Complete these sentences using the verbs in brackets. You went back to your home
town after many years and you found that many things were different.
Example Most of my friends were no longer there. They had left (leave).
1 My best friend, Kevin, was no longer there. He
2 The local cinema was no longer open. It
3 Mr. Johnson was no longer alive. He
4 I didn't recognise Mrs. Johnson. She
5 Bill no longer had his car. He
(sell) it.

(go) away.

(close) down.

(change) a lot.

22.2 Complete these sentences as in the example. Use the verb in brackets.
Example: Mr. and Mrs. Davis were in an aeroplane. They were very nervous as the
plane took off because they (fly) had never ftown before.

1 The woman was a complete stranger to me (see). I

2 2 Margaret was late for work. Her boss was very surprised (be/late).


Jane played tennis yesterday-at least she tried to play tennis. She wasn't very good
at it because she (play)


It was Keith's first driving lesson. He was very nervous and didn't know what to do
(drive). He


22.3 Now you have to make sentences using the words in brackets.
Example: I wasn't hungry, (l/just/have/iunch) I had just had lunch.

_ __

1 Tom wasn't at home when Iarrived, (he/just/go/out)

2 We arrived at the cinema late, (the film/already/begin)
3 They weren't eating when I went to see them, (they/just/finish/their dinner)

_ _ ..... . . .



I invited Ann to dinner last night but she couldnt come, (she/already/arrange/to do
something else)
I was very pleased to see Nora again aftBr such a long time. (I/not/see/her
for five




22.4 Put the verb into the correct form, past perfect (I had done) or past<eimpte (I did).

Examples: 'Was Tom there when you arrived?" "No. he had gone (go) home".
Was Tom there when you arrived?" 'Yes, but he went (go) home soon


- - - - - --- -

22.1 1
22.2 t

22.3 1


22.4 1

had gone
had closed
had died
had changed
had sold
I had never seen her before.
She had never been late before.
she had never played (tennis) before.
He had never driven (a car) before.
He had just gone out.
The film had already begun.
They had just finished their dinner.
She had already arranged to do something else.
I hadn't seen her for five years.
had gone



4 had broken


The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody

(go) to bed.
I felt very tired when Igot home, so I
(go) straight to bed.
Sorry I'm late. The car
(break) down on my way here.
(break) down and the driver
There was a car by the side of the road. It
(stop) to see if we could help.
was trying to repair it. So we

... stopped

BAl 23:
a) H3y xem x6t tlnh


had been doing)
hutfng mliu sau


S&ng hdm qua t6i thtfc d$y v nhin ra ngoAi cifa sd. Mt

trdi dang chldg sng nhung mt dt l?i rt m udt.

ted teen raining.
(Trddc <36 trdi da rrnfa).
Trdi khOng dang mi/a khi tdi nhin ra ngoi cula sd ; liic
tr' dan9 cu sn9- Nhimg trdi da mi/a. Od Id iy do
t?>' sao m$t dfit m udt.
Hadbeelimna tmrast Perfect Continuous (Qud khi? ho&n thdnh tip di5n).


DUdi day 16 m$t vdi thf dp khc:


When the boys came into the house, their clothes were dirty, their hair was untidy
and one had a black eye. They had been fighting.
(Khi bgn tre biidc vAo nhA, quin ao cua chdng dd bin, tdc tai bu xO vA mit m$t
dtia bj tfm bim. Chung di dAnh nhau).
I was very tired when Iarrived home. I'dbeen working hard all day.
(T6i rit m6t khi v6 din nhA. Tdi di I
Am vi$c vit vi suit cA ngAy).

Ban cd th dung thl past perfect continuous 66 n6t m$t vi$c no d6 6& din ra trong
bao lu trudc khi mi>t vic kh&c x&y ra:

The football match had to be stopped. They had been playing for half an hour when
there was a terrible storm.
(Trin bdng da da phdi ngCfng l$i. Hq <3A thi d&'u dugc nOa tiing khi cdn bio khung
khiip 4p din).
Ken had been smoking for 30 years when he finally gave it up.
(Ken dS hut thuic dU0c 30 n&m vAo hie anh ta bd thuic).

c) Thl past perfect continuous (I had been doing) l& qud khuf cua thi present perfect
continuous (I have been doing). Hy so sdnh:

Hl$n tai
How long have you been waiting?
(until now)
(B$n dA chd bao lAu r6i?) (cho din
luc nAy)
He's out of breath. He has been
(Anh ta m$t dtft hdi. Anh ta da chay

Qui khi?
How long had you been waiting
when the bus finally came?
(Ben da chd dgi bao lAu cho din khi

He was out of breath. He had been
(Luc iy anh ta m$t dift hdi. Anh ta
d& chay suit trudc dd).

d) Hay so snh thl past perfect continuous (I had bean doing) vk thi past continuous (I
was doing):

When I looked out of the window, it had been raining.

(= It wasn't raining when Ilooked out ;it had stopped).
(Khi tdi nhln ra ngo&i ciia s6 thl trdi c? mda trddc d6 rdi). (= Trdi khdng dang mira
khi tdi nhln ra ngotki cCta s6. Trdi da h&t mda).
When I looked out of the window, it was raining.
(= Rain was falling at the time Ilooked out). .
(Khi tdi nhln ta ngodi ciia s6 thl trdi dang mda. (= Mda dang roi v&o lite tdi nhln ra
ngoii ciia s6).

e) M$t stf dQng tCf (vi dy nhd know) kh&ng thl diing dupe d
bilt b&ng lit k nhffng d$ng tCf n&y.

thl tilp din. Xem bi 3b dl

Dtfi vdi thi Past Perfect, hay xem b&i 22.

UNIT 23: Exercises

23.1 In this exercise you have to read a situation and then write a sentence.
'Example: The two boys came into the. house. One had a black eye and the other had
a cut lip. <they/fight) They had been fighting.
1- Tom was watching television. He was feeling very tired, (he / study / hard all day)



When 1 walked into the room, it was empty. But there was a smell of cigarettes.
(somebody / smoke / in the room) Somebody .'.
When Mary came back'from the beach, she looked very red from the sun. (she / lie
/ in the sun too long)
The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were both very
tired, (they / play / football)
Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and she didn't know
where she was. (she / dream)



. . ._. _. _ _ _
-- ----

23.2 In this exercise you have to read a situation and then write a sentence.
Example: We began playing football. After half an hour there was a terrible storm.
We had hnan playing for half and hour when there was a terrible storm.


......___........ .-----.....

The orchestra began playing at the concert. After about ten minutes a man in the
The orchestra
audience suddenly began shouting ...
for about ten minutes when
I had arranged to meet Tom in a restaurant. I arrived and began waiting. After 20
minutes I realised that I had come to the wrong restaurant.
when I




--------------- - - _________
--------------_ ...

Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins went to live in the south of France. Six months later Mr.
Jenkins died. They

23.3 Put the vert) into the correct form, past perfect continuous (I had been doing) or past
continuous (I was doing).
Examples: Tom was leaning against the wall, out ot breath. He had been ninning (run).
I tried to catch Tom but I couldn't. He was running (run) very fast.

Jim was on his hands and knees on thefloor. He

... (look) for his
cigarette lighter.
(walk) along the road for about 20 minutes when a car
stopped and the driver offered us a lift.
When I arrived, everyone was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They
, .
..... .... - ......... * (c si) .
When l' arrived, everyone was sitting round he table and talking. Their mouths were
empty but their stomachs were full. They
When I arrived, Ann
(wait) for me. She was rather annoyed
with me because Iwas late and she :
- (wait) for a very long time.


.... _



. ..

------------ - -

23.1 1 He had been studying hard all day.

2 Somebody had been smoking in the room.
3 She had been lying in the sun too long.
4 They had been playing football.
5 She had been dreaming.

The orchestra had been playing for about ten minutes when a man in the
audience suddenly began shouting.
2 I had been waiting for 20 minutes when I realised that I had come to the wrong
3 They had been living in the south of France for six months when Mr. Jenkins

23.2 t



1 was looking
2 had been walking
3 were eating
4 had been eating
5 was waiting had been waiting





a) Have v& have got:

Chung ta thi/dng ddng have got /has got hdn 14 have /has khbng thCi. VI vy chiing ta

c6 th4 ridi:

We have a new car.

We've got a new car.
(ChOng tdi co
chi&c xe hcfi mdi).
torn has a headache.
ToriVs got (= Tom has got) a headache. ho$c
(Tom bi nhtfc diu).


Have you got any money?

(Anh cd tiSn khdng?)
Do you have any money?
(Anh cd tiSn khdng?)
Have you any money? (less usual)
(Anh cd tiSn khdng?) (ft thdng dung
Has she got a car?
(Cd $y cd xe hdi khdng?)
Doesshe have a car?
(Cd &y cd xe hdi khdng?)
Has she a car? (less usual)
(Cd Sy cd xe hdi khdng?) (It thdng
duna hcfn)

1 haven't gof any money.

(Tdi ktiZng cd tiSn).
1 don't have any money.
(Tdi khdng cd tidn).
1 havent any money.
' (Tdi khdng cd tiSn).
She hasn't got a car.
(Cd &y khdng cd xe hdi).

She doesn't have a car.

(Cd &y khdng cd xe hdi).
She hasnt a car.
(Cd &y khdng cd xe hdi).

When she was a child, she hadlong fair hair, (not "she had gof).
(Khi c6 iy cdn bd. cd Sy cd mdi tdc dhi vdng hoe}.

Trong c4c c4u hdi v4 c6c c4u phu djnh 6 thl qu4 khur. chiing ta thudng dCmg did/didnt:
Did you have a car when you lived in London? (not 'hdti you")
(Khi b$n s6ng d LuSn Ddn b?n cd xe hdi khdng?)
- I wanted to phone you, but I didn't have your number, (not "I hadnT).
(Tdi mu6n ggi di$n thoai cho b$n, nhung tdi khdng cd s6 di$n tho$i cua ban).
He didnt have a watch, so he didn't know what time it was. ,
(Anh ta khdng cd ddng h6, vi th$ anh ta khdng b&t my gid rdi).

b) Have ddng cho c4c hnh d$ng (actions):

ChOng ta cOng ddng have cho mQt s& h4nh d6ng. ThI dy nhu trong c4c expressions
sau dSy:

have breakfast/lunch/dinner/a meal/a drink/a cup of tea/a cigarette...

have a swim/a walk/a rest/a holiday/a party/a good time...


have a bath/a shower/a wash

have a took (at something)
have a baby (= give birth to a baby)
have a chat (with someone)

'Have got": khdng dt/<?c dCing trong nhOng expressions 6 trfen:

I usually have a big breakfast in the morning, (not *have got')
(T6i thudng an sdng rS't nhiSu).

Ihave a bath every morning. (- I take a bath = this is an action).
(Tdi t&m miibudi s&ng). (OSy ]& mdt h&nh dQng).
I've got a bath. (= There is a bath in my house)
(T6i cd mi?/ b6n tdm). (Cdmpt b6n t&m trong nhA tdi).
Khi ban dCing have d chf cc h&nh d$ng,
/ are having / was having v.v...)
Where's Tom? He's having a bath.
(Tom <Si <SAu rSi?) (Anh &y dang tdrn).

ban c6 th dCing cdc th tlfi'p diSn (is having

Trong cc cfiu hdi vA cdc cSu phu dinh, b$n phSt dCing do/does/did:
I don't usually have a big breakfast, (not *1 usually haven't*)
(Tdi thudng khdng An sAng nhiSu).
What time does Ann have lunch? (not 'has Ann lunch")
(Ann An tnfa vio luc my gid?)
Didyou have a swim this morning? (not 'had you a swim')
(Sing nay b$n cd di bdi khdng?)

UNIT 24: Exercises

24.1 In this exercise you have to make negative sentences with have. Some sentences are
present (can't) and some past (couldn't).
Examples: I can't make a phone call, (any change) I haven't got any change.
Icouldn't read the notice, (my glasses) I didnl have my glasses.
1 I can't climb up into the roof, (a ladder) I
2 We couldn't visit the museum, (enough time) We
3 He couldn't find his way to our house, (a map)
4 She cant pay her bills, (any money)
5 I couldn't make an omelette, (any eggs)
6 I can't get into the house, (my key)
7 They couldn't take any photographs, (a camera)
8 We couldn't go out In the rain, (an umbrella)







24.2 Complete these questions with have. Some are present and some are past.
Examples: Excuse me, have you got a light, please?
Did you have a lot of friends when you lived in London?
a toothache?
1 Why are you holding your month like that?




_....._ _ _ .......

enough time to answer all the questions in the exam last week?
I need a stamp for this letter
an umbrella?"
"It started to rain when I was walking home". "Did it?
the time, please?" "Yes. it's ten past seven".
a beard before you joined the army?



_ _ _ _______
________ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _

24.3 Complete these senfences using the most suitable expressions from the box. Put the
verb into the correct form whqre necessary.
1have a baby

have a awim

1nave a party
1have a cigarette

have a chat
have a look

have a bath

have a nice time

have a good flight

have a nice meat

_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

have a rest

Jack likes to keep fit. so he has a swim every day.

2 Tom and Ann have just come back from the restaurant. You say.
Hello, did you have a nice meal?
last Friday. It was-great - we invited lots of people.
3 We
.?" "Not often, i don't like washing.
4 "How often
5 Suzanne gave up her job six months ago when she
6 Excuse
7 You meet Tom at the airport He has just arrived. You say:
Hello, Tom!
in his room. He is very tired"
8 "Where's Jim?" "He
9 I met Ann in the street yesterday. We stopped and
10 I haven't seen you since you came back from holiday
11 Idon't usually smoke. But I felt nervous, so I



24.1 1 I haven't got ladder iI don't
have a ladder / 1 haven't ladder.
2 We didn't have enough time.
3 He didn't have a map
4 She didn't got any money / She
doesn't have any money / She
hasn't any money.
5 I didn't have any eggs.
6 I haven't got my key / I don't
have my key / 1 haven't my key.
/ 1 haven't my key. '
7 They didn't' have my key.
8 We didn't have an umbrella.

24.2 1 Have you got IDo you have f

Have you



24.3 3 had a party

4 do you have a bath
5 had a baby
6 have a look
7 Did you have a good flight?
8 is having a rest
9 had a chat
10 Did you have a nfee time?
11 .had a cigarette


Did you have

Have you got / Do you have /
Have you
Did you have
Have .you got / Do you have /
Have you
Did you have



USED TO (I used to do)

a) Hay xem xtit tlnh huting mu sau:

"Uua khti

D4y Iti Dennis. Anh ta d bd hiit thuti'c cch day

hai nam. Anh ta khdng ctin hiit thuti'c la ntta.
Nhilng: "He used to smoke. He used to smoke
40 cigarettes a day". (Anh ta d tting hut thutic.
T ri/tic day anh ta touting hut 40 diti'u
thuti'c mSi ngay).
"Anh ta d5 tting hiit thutic* c6 nghla la anh ta da
touting xuytin hdt thutic trong m$t thtii gian ti qua
khti, nhuhg bay giti anh ta khdng hiit thutic nQa.


Bdy giti


he used to smoke

he doesn't
smoke now

ChOng ta dCing used to vtil infinitive (dting ttf nguytin mSu) (used to do/used to smoke)
dti ntii r&ng m<t vi$c nAo dti touting xuytin dien ra trong qu6 khU nhung hi$n thtii khting
ctin dl&n ra ntfa:
Iused to play tennis a lot, but now I'm too lazy.
(Tritdc d&y tdi thitdng choi qu&n vcft ludn, nhung b&y gid ludi qui).
- "Do you go to the cinema very often?" "Not now, but I used to"
("Ban di xem phim cd thitdng xuydn l&m khdng?" "Bdy gid thJ khdng, nhifng trUdc
d&y thl rt thitdng xuy&n")
Tom used to travel a lot. These days he doesn't go away very often.
(TrUdc d&y Tom rSt hay dl dulich. D$o n&y anh ta khdng thitdng di xa).

Chung ta cung dung used to dti n6t vti c6c tinh huting trong qua khtf (past situation)
(ma hi$n thtii khting ctin ttin t$i ntfa).
We used to live in a small village but now we live in London.
(Chung tdi d& tCtng s6ng trong mdt ngoi l&ng nhd nhung hi&n nay chung tdi s6ng d

Lu&n Ddn).
This building is now a furniture shop. It used to be a cinema.
(Tda nhd n&y b&y gid Id m&t cita h&ng b&n dd n&i tht. Tritdc d&y nd d& titng l&
mdt rap chiSu bong).
Do you see that hill over there? There used to be a castle on that hill.
(Ban cd nhk) thSy ngon ddi d&ng kia khdng? Trudc d&y da tC/ng co mdt tda ISu d&i
tr&n dd).
I've started drinking coffee recently. Inever used to like it before.
(Gin d&y tdi mdi b&t d&u udng c& ph&. Tritdc d&y tdi khdng h& thlch cd ph&).


Ann used to have long hair but she cut it sometime ago.
(Trade day Ann thudng 64 t6c dii, nht/ng cd ta 65 cSt t6c each 65y ft 15u).

b) Used to + infinitive Iu6n Iu6n dtfdc dung d nbi v quA khtf. Khbng c6 hlnh thtfc hin
t$i. Ban khfing th6 ndi "I use to do"
6 hi$n tai. hfly dOng thl simple present (1 do). Hay so sAnh hi$n tai vA qui khCr:

he used to smoke
- qud khtf:
t$i: he smokes

there used to be
there is

we used to live
we live


c) Hlnh thufc cAu hdi (interrogative) thudng IA did... use to...?

Did you use to eat a lot of sweets when you "were a child?
(B$n thudng 5n nhidu keo khi ban cdn bd khong?)
Hlnh thtfc phti djnh (negative) IA didn't use to... (ho$c used not to):
Jack didnt use to go out very often until he met Jill.
(Jack 65 khdng thudng 6i chc/i cho 64n khi anh ta g5p Jill).

cdn th$n difng nhSrn in gitfa I used to do vA-i am used to doing (Xerri b&i 62).
CAc cAu true vA y nghTa du khAc nhau.

! used to live alone. (= I lived alone but I no longer live alone).

(TrUdc 65y tdi thudng s6ng mdt minh). T6i 6a tCfng s4ng mdt minh nhung bSy gid
t6i khdng cdn s6ng mdt minh nUaj.
Iam used to iiving alone. (= I live alone and don't find it strange or new because
I've been living alone for sometime).
(Tdi quen sSng mdt mhh). (* Tdi s6ng mdt minh v5 khdng th4y diSu 66 cd gl mdi la
c5 vl tdi 6a $6ng mdt minh duqc mdt thdi gian rSi).

d) HSy

_______ _ _ _ _......._-------_.....------------ ---- -- -- - - /

UNIT 25: Exercises

25.1 In this exercise you have to complete the sentence with used to...

Example: Dennis doesn't smoke any more but he used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day.


every night.
The baby doesn't cry so much now but she
my best friend but we aren't friends any longer.
in Leeds.
We live jn Nottingham now but we
Now there's only one shop in the village but there
ice-cream, but ! don't like il now.
When I was a child I
a motor-cycie.
Now Tom has got a car. He






25.2 This time you have to write some sentences about a man who changed his life-style.
Hon stopped doing some things and started doing other things:
studying hard '
going out every evening
He started
He stopped going to bed early
spending a lot of money
running three miles every morning
Make sentences like these:
Examples: He used to study hard.
He never used to smoke ; or: He didn't use to smoke.




25.3 Now you have to write some sentences about the present. Remember that there is no
present tense of used to.
Examples: Ron used to study hard but now he doasnl study very hard
Ron didn't use to smoke but now he smokes.


1 Tom used to play tennis a lot but now

2 Ann never used to drink coffee but now
3 Jill didn't use to be fat but now
4 Jack didnt use to go out much but now
2S.4 Now you have to ask questions. Mr.

_ ___

Ford is an old man now. You are asking someone

what he used to do when he was younger.

Example: I know he doesn't smoke now but did he use to smoke?
1 I know he doesn't play the piano now but
2 1 know he isn't very rich now but
3 I know he doesn't go out very often these days but
4 I know he doesn't dance these days but
5 I know he hasn't got many friends now but



1 used to cry
2 used to be
3 used to live

25.2 1-4

4 used to be
5 used to like
6 used to have/used to ride

- He used to go to bed early.

He used to run three miles every morning.
- He never used to go out every evening.
- He didn't used to go out every evening.
- He never used to spend a lot of money."
He didn't used to spend a lot of money.


1 he doesn't play tennis very much/very often/a lot.

2 she drinks coffee/it.
3 she is (fat).
4 he goes out a lot/very often, (or he often goes out).



did he use to play the piano?

did he use to be rich?
did he use to go out often/very often/a lot?

did he use to dance?

did he use to have many friends?







a) Chung ta dung can (* bare infinitive) d4 ndi ring mQt vi#c ndo (36 c6 th xdy ra (a
possibility) ho$c m$t ngudi ndo dd c6 khd ndng (ability) Idm m$t vi$c gl. Th phu djnh
(negative) Id cant (cannot):

You can see the sea from our bedroom window.

(Em cd thi nh)n thSy biin tif cQa s6 phdng ngu cua chung ta).
Can you speak any foreign languages?
(Ban c6 ndi dupe ngo$i ngt7 ndo khdng?)
I'm afraid I can? come to your party next Friday.
(T6i e khdng thi din dp bda tide cua ban vdo thU Sau tuin tdi).

Be abletocung c6 thd dUdc dCing thay chocan, nhung can thudng dUOc dung hon.

Are you able to speak any foreign languages?

(Ban cd ndi dupe ngoai ngQ nao khdng?)

Nhung can chl cd hai hlnh thUc: can (h#n tai) vd could (qud Khd). VI v$y ddi khi ban
phdi dung be able to:
I haven't been able to sleep recently, (can has no present perfect)
(Gin d&y tdi khdng thi ngQ dupe).
- Tom might not be able to come tomorrow, (can has no infinitive)
(Ngdy mai Tom cd Id kh6ng thi din dUdc).

b) Could vd was able to:

061 khi could Id qud khU (past form) cua can. Chung ta dOng could dc tx$t vdi nhtfng
d$ng tti sau ddy: see, hear, smell, taste, feel, remember, understand.
When we went into the house, we could smell burning.
(Khi chung tdi bddc vdo nhd. chung tdi cd thi ngQi thiy misi chdy khdt).
- She spoke in a low voice but I could understandwhat she was saying.
(Cd ta ndi nhd nht/ng tdi vin cd the hiiu dupe cd ta dang ndi gl).
Chiing ta cQng dung could <16 ndi ring mQt ngudi ndo d6 cd khd ndng ttfng qudt d$
Idm m$t vl$c gl.
. My grandfather could speak five languages.
(Sng ta cd thi ndi ndm thti tUng).
When Tom was 16. he could run 100 metres in 11 seconds.
(Khi Tom 16 tuSi, anh ta cd thi chay 100 rjidt trong vdng 11gidy).

Nhung nd'u bgm mudn n6i r&ng mOt ngudi ndo dd da xoay sd Idm du<?c m$t vi$c gl
trong m$t tinh hud'ng cy th3 ndo dd, b$n phdl dung was / were able to (khdng dung

everyone was


The fire spread through the building very quickly but

able (=s
managed) to escape, (not "could escape").
(Ngpn Ida dd Ian khdp tda nhd nhung mgi ngUdi dd tlni edeh thodt ra dUpc).
They didn't want to come with us at first but in the end we were able (= managed) to
persuade them, (not 'could persuade")
(Luc diu hg khdng muin din vdi chung tdi, nht/ng cuii cung chung tdi da tlm edeh

thuyit phuc dupe ho).


Hay so sAnh could vd was able to trong thf dg sau:

- Jack was an exellent tennis player. He could beat any body (= He had the ability to
beat anybody).
(Jack l& m0t v$n d$ng vi&n quSn v<?t tuy$t vdi. Anh ta cb th dinh b?i bit cul aJ).
But once he had a difficult game against Alf! Atf played very well but in the end
Jack was able to beat him. (= He managed to beat him in this pactlcular game).
(Nhung cd m$t t&n Jack thi diu cSng thing vdi Atf. Alf Choi rit hay nhung cuii cCing
Jack win dinh b$i dupe anh ta).

Thi phii djnh couldn't dung dupe trong mpi tlnh hud'ng:

My grandfather couldn't swim.

(Ong tdi khdng biit bdi).
We tried hard but we couldn't persuade them to come with us.
(Chung tdi dS c6 ging hit site nhung chiing tdi win khdng thi thuyit phgc di/dc hp
din vdi chung tdi).

Bii vdi can. h5y xem th&m bAl 31. E>6i vdi could, hfiy xem thdm b&i 7 v 31.

-------------------------- - - - ....

UNIT 26: Exercises

26.1 In this exercise you have to use can or be able to. Sometimes it is possible tu use
either: sometimes only be able to is possible.
Examples: George has travelled a lot. He cn lor is able toi speak four languages.
I haven't been able to sleep very well recently.
1 Tom
drive but he hasn't got a car.
2 I can't understand Martin. I've never
understand him.
3 I used to
stand on my head but I cant do it now.
4 Ask Ann about your problem. She should
help you.

_ _ ________
______ _ _

26.2 In this exercise you have to complete the sentence with could
Example: I can't sing now but I could sing very well when I was a child.

He can't play tennis very well now but he


quite well when he was

She can't run very fast now but when she was at school she
anyone else.
I can't swim very far these days but ten years ago I _..
of the lake to the other.

taster than

from one side

26.3 This time you have to answer the questions with was/were able to.
Example: Did you persuade them?
Yes. It was difficult but we
1 Did they find your house?
Yes, it took them a long time but they



Did you win the match?

Yes. It wasn't easy but 1

Did the thief escape?

Yes. The policeman chased the thief but he

26.4 Now you have to complete a sentence with could, was/were able to or couldn't.
My grandfather was very clever. He could (or was able to) speak five
I looked everywhere for the book but I couldn't find it.
' The fire spread quickly but everyone was able to escape.
walk very well.
1 He had hurt his leg, so he
contact her at her office.
2 She wasn't at home when 1 phoned but I
see a figure in this distance.
3 I looked very carefully and I
4 They didn't have any tomatoes in the first shop 1 went to, but i
some in the next shop.
play the piano Very well.
5 My grandmother loved music. She
rescue him.
6 The boy fell into the river but fortunately we

. . . .- - - - - -


_ .....

26.1 1

can/is able to
been able to
be able to
be able to

26.2 1

could play (tennis)

could run
could swim

were able to find it.

was able to Win (it).
3 was able to escape.

26.3 1

26.4 1

couldn't/wasn't able to
was able to
could/was able to
was able to
could/was able to
were able to



COULD (could do va could have done)

a) Chung ta c6 m$t s6 cch dung could (do). D6i khi n6 Id qud Khur cOa can (do) (xem
bdl 26). nhong d&i khi n6 lal c6 nghTa hl$n t?i (present) hodc tirong lai (future). Thl dy
nhi/ th?nh thodng chiing ta dung could d nbi v6 nhdng hdnh dng c6 th3 x&y ra trong
tifdng lai. d$c bi$t Id khi chiing ta nu nhOrng <3$ nghj:

"What shall we do this evening?' 'We could go to the cinema*.

(*T6i nay chQng ta /dm g) d&y?" *Chung ta cd thi di xem phim')
When you go to New York, you could stay with Linda.
(Khi b$n d&n New York, ban cd th4 d chung vdi Linda).

Can cung c6 th di/yc dGng trong cdc cSu trSn. ("We can go to the cinema*). Could
khdng ch&c ch&n b&ng can.

Chiing ta curig c6 th dung could dS ndi v4 nhGng stf vi$c c6 th xdy ra trong ttfcrng

There could be another rise in the price of petrol soon. {= It is possible that there
will be).
(Ching bao liu gid x&ng cd th4 lgi tang m$t Ian nOa).
B6i khi could mang nghTa would be able to (s c6 thf?):
- Why doesn't Tom apply for the job? He could get it.
(T$i sao Tom khdng xin Idm vide dd? Anh Sysecd thS dupe nh$n vdo t&m md).
I don't know how she works 14 hours a day. I couldn't do It.
(T6i khdng bidt Idm sao c6 ta lai cd thi t&m viSc 14 ti&ng mdt ngdy. Tdi khdng thi
Idm nhtf thd dupe).
b) Qua khtf cua could (do) l& could have (done). Chiing ta dung could have (done) d
ndi r&ng chiing,ta da cd kh& n8ng hoc cd h$i 6$ i&m m<it vi$c gl <J6 nhdng d khdng



We didn't go out last night. We could have gone to the cinema but we decided to
stay at home. (We had the opportunity to go out but we didn't).
(Tdi hdm qua chung tdi khdng ra khdi nhd. Chung tdi dd cd thi di xem phim nhi/ng
r6i chung tdi quySt djnh d nhd).
- Why did you stay at a hotel in New York? You could have stayed with Linda. (You
had the opportunity to stay with her but you didn't).
(Tai sao anh l$i d khdeh san d New York? Anh da cd th4 d chung vdi Linda cd ma).
(Anh di cd cd h$t d chung vdi Linda nhdng anh da khdng d).
- Why didn't Tom apply for the job? He could have got it. (He had the ability to get it).
(T$i sao Tom khdng xin Idm cdng vide dd? Anh ta da cd thS nh$n dupe nd cd md).
(Anh ta da cd khd n&ng nhSn diSQc nd).
Chiing ta cBng c6 th diing could have (done) dg nOi ring m$t vi$c n&o db dacb th
xSy ra. nhdng da khfing xSy ra.
- He was lucky when he fell off the ladder. He could have hurthimself.
(Anh ta v&n cdn may khi td thang. Anh ta da cd th4 bj thtfdng).


c) BSy gld la m<Jt s6 thf dy v6 couldnl have (done). "1 couldnt have done something" c6
nghla "T6i c6 th d6 khGng 14m dV<?c vi$c dd (cho dCi tdi mud'n hay da c6 g&ng lAm)'.
- When I went to New York last year. I decided not to stay with Linda. Later Ifound
out that she was away while I was there, so Icouldnl have stayed with her anyway.
(NAm ngoAi khi tdi di New York, tdi da quydt djnh khdng d chung vdi Linda. $au <S6
tdi btdt dUtjc r&ng cd 6y da di khdi trong khi tdi d dd, do <36 dAng nAo thi tdi cung
dSu cd d chung vdi cd ta dU0c).
The football match was cancelled last week. Tom couldnt have played anyway
because he was ill.
(TuAn tn/dc tr$n bong dd dd bj hOy bd. Nhung dO sao thi Tom cOng khdng thd thi
<Jdu dUdc v) anh ta bi dm).
Ann did really well to pass the examination. It was really difficult. I'm sure I couldnt
have passed it. .
(Anna j38 cd gAng hdt site 04 vu<ft qua ky thi ddT Ky thi quA IA khd. Tdi chAc chAn
tkng ndu id tdi thi cd thS d& khdng vUQt qua dUpc).

Vdi could / couldnt, xem thfem ede bil 26, 28b, 29c, 31.
Vdi could trong cAc c&u <Ji6u kin, xem cAc bAI 36-38.

UNIT 27: Exercises

27.1 In this exercise you have to make suggestions. Use could.
Example: Where shall we go for our holidays? (Scotland) We could pa to Scotland.
1 What shall we have for dinner tonight? (fish)
2 When shall we go and see Tom? (on Friday)
3 What shall I give Ann for her birthday? (a book)

- -

27.2 This time you have to use could have. Answer the questions in the way shown.
Example: "Did you go to the cinema?'

1 'Did you go to the concert last night?* 'No, We 2 "Did John take the examination?" 'No, He
3 "Did you buy a new car?" "No, I


27.3 In this exercise you have to write sentences with could or could have.
Examples: She doesnl want to stay with Linda. But she could stay with Linda.
She didn't want to stay with Linda. But she could have stayed with Linda
1 He didn't want to help us. But he
2 fie doesnl want to help us. But
3 They don't want to lend us any money. But
4 She didn't want to have anything to eat



- ----


27.4 In this exercise first read this information about Ken:

Ken doesn't know any Spanish.

Ken is very rich and generous.
Ken was ill on Friday night. '

Ken doesn't know anything about machines.

Ken canl drive.
Ken was free on Monday afternoon.

A lot of people wanted Ken to do different things last week but they couldn't contact
him. So he didn't do any of these things. You have to say whether he coukf have done
or couldnt have done these things (if he had known).

- Example:

His aunt wanted him to drive her to the station.

--------------------------------He couldn't haye

1 Ann wanted him to come to a party on Friday night.

because _.. .*
2 Jim wanted him to play tennis on Monday afternoon.
--3 Sue wanted him to translate a Spanish newspaper article into English.



Jack wanted Ken to lend him 20.



27.1 1 We co uid have fish.
2 We could go (and see him) on Friday.
3 You could give her a book (for her birthday).
27.2 1 We could have gone to the concert but we decided not to.
27.3 1


He could have taken the examination but he decided not to.

Icould have bought a new car but I decided not to.
But he could have helped us.
But he could help us.

But they could lend us some (money). .

4 But she could have had something to eat.
27.4 1 He couldnt have come (to a party on Friday night) because he was III.

He could have played tennis on Monday afternoon.

He couldnt have translated it because he doesn't know any Spanish.

He could have lent Jack 20.
He couldnt have repaired her washing machine because he doesnt know
anything about machines.




a) Hay xem x6t tlnh hudng mSu sau:

Alt Id m$t diu thu quin v<?t rd't xud't sic vd khdng c6 md'y diu thCi ddnh b?i dugc anh
ta. Nhung hdm qua anh ta thi ddu vdi Bill vd Bill dd thing. VI vy:
Blil must be a very good player. (Otherwise hd wouldn't have won).
(Bill it hin Id mjt diu thu rit xuSt sic). (Ndu khdng anh ta rit c6 thd di khdng thing).
Chung ta dfing must dS ndi ring ch&ng ta tin chic mOt dliu gi d6 Id diing sy tht:
- You've been travelling all day. You must be tired. (= t am sure that you are tired).
(Ban da di suit ngiy. Chic hin li ban rit m$t).- (= T6i chic chin ring b$n rit
\ hear that your examinations are next week. You must be studying very hard at the
moment. (= I am sure that you are studying).
(Tdi nghe ndi ring ban se thivio tuin tdi. Viy chic hin teThien thdi ban dang hoc
vit v& lim). (* Tdi chic chin ring ban dang hoc bii).
- Carol knows a lot about films. She must go to the cinema a lot. (= I am sure she
goes to the cinema a lot).
(Carol biit nhiiu vi phim. Chic hin cd ta di xem phim rit nhiiu).
Chdng ta dCing can't di ndi v4 diiu md chung ta nghT ring khdng th4 xiy ra dvpc
You've only Just had dinner. You can't be hungry already. {= It is impossible that
you are hungry).
(Anh vita mdi in tii xong. Anh khdng thi nio iai doi nda dUpc). (~ khdng thi nio
anh l$i <36i dUtfc).
. - Tom said that he would be here ten minutes ago and he is never late. He can't be
(Tom ndi ring anh ta si di cd mit d diy mitdi phut tn/dc vi anh ta khdng bao gid
tri hen. Viy chic chin anh ta khdng thi din dUrjc).


H3v hoc cdu true sau:

p must
l/you/he (etc.)
u can't

Tdi/anh/anh d'y...

be tired/hungry, etc.

be studying/waiting/coming, etc.
go/do/play, etc.

p chic hin

L- khdng thi



Id m$l/d6i v.y...
dang hgc/dang chd/dang din v.v...
di/ldm/choi v.v...

Odi vdi thi qud khd chung ta dung must have (done) (it hin dd. chic dfi)/vd can't
have (done) (it hin da khdng th4). Xem thi dy sau:


. .
Tdi hdm qua chung tdi din nhd Roy vd bim chudng ctfa. Khdng cd ai tri Idi ci.
He must have gone out (otherwise he would have answered).
(Chic hin Id anh ta dd ra kh6i nhd) (ndu khdng anh ta da trd Idi).



- The phone rang but J didnl hear it. Imust have been asfeep.

Chic hin {tie <36 tdi dang ngft).

Imade a lot of noise when I came home. You must have heard me.
(Tdi <33 13m 6n dCt lim khi tdi v3 d&n nh3. Chic hin anh da nghe thSy ti&ng tdi).
She passed me in the street without speaking. She cant have seen me.
(Cd Sy <3i ngang qua tdi d ngo3i dt/dng md ching not m$t Idi nio. Chic bin 13 cd
&y <33 khdng nhln thdy tdi).
Tom walked straight into the wall. He can't have been looking where he was going.
(Tom dim sim ido bdc tudng. Chic hin 13 anh ta da khdng d4 y 13 minh dang di
(Dl4n tho$i reo nhifng tdi dd khdng nghe g) ci.

HSy hpc cu tnic sau:


l/you/he (etc.)

L can't

been asleep/tired, etc.

been looking/waiting, etc.


p chic hlndS,

dang ngti, m$t v.v..

T6i/anh/anh iy v.v...
dang nhln, chd v.v...
L- j<h6ng thd da
di, lim, thiy, nghe v.v...
ouldn't have (done) cd th dupe dOng thdy cho can't have (done):
- She couldn't have seen me.
(Chic hin cd ta <33 khdng nhln thiy tdi).
- He couldn't have ben looking where he was going.
(Chic hin anh ta di khdng d4 y 13 mkih dang di <3Au).

Di bit c6c y nghta khAc cOa must vi can't, hay xem c6c b&i 26, 31 vfi 32.


INIT 28: Exercises


Complete these sentences using must (have) or cant (have)...

Examples: "Is he British?* 'Yes, he must he British'.
'Did she see you?" "No, she can't have seen tqe*.
1 "Are they married?" "Yes, they must
2 "Is he serious?* "No. he can't
3 "Were they in a hurry?' "Yes, they
4 "Does Ann know a lot of people?" "Yes, she
5 "Did Tom know about the plan?" 'Yes, he
6 "Do they have much money?" "No, they
7 'Was he driving carefully?* "No, he"
8 "Are they waiting for somebody?" "Yes, they





1.2 Complete these sentences with must or can't + a suitable verb.

Example: You've been travelling all day. you must be very tired.
Brian has got three houses, six cars, a yacht and a helicopter. He





a lot of




Jim. He said he would

(The doorbell rings). I wonder who that is. It

come after 7 o'clock and it's only 6.30 now.
I wonder why Tom isnt at work today. I suppose he
John seems to know a lot about history. He
Jack's putting on his hat and coat. He


..... out.

a lot of books.

28.3 Now you have to read a situation and write a sentence with must have or cant have.
Use the words in brackets.
Example: The phone rang but Ididn't hear it. (I must/be/asleep)

That dress you bought is very good quality, (it must/be/very expensive) It must


I havent seen Jim for ages, (he must/go/away) He

I wonder where my umbrella is. (you must/leave/it on the train)


Don passed the examination. He didn't study very much for it. (the exam
cant/be/very difficult)
She knew everything about our plans, (she must/listen/to our conversation)

Dennis did the opposite of what I asked him to do. (he canl/understandtwhat I said)


_ ...
. .

When I woke up this morning, the light was on. (I must/forget/to turn it off)

1 don't understand how the accident happened, (the driver cant / see/the red light)

__ _


28.1 1 they must be married.

2 he cant be serious.
3 they must have been in a hurry.
4 she must know a lot of people. 5 he must have known about it/the
6 they can't have much (money).
7 he cant have been driving
8 they must be waiting for
Short answers are also possible In this

1 they must be.

2 he can't be
3 they must have been.
4 she must
5 he must have.
6 they cant have.


he cant have been.

they must be.
must have
cant be
must be
must read/must have read
must be going
It must have been very expensive.
He must have gone away.
You must have left it on the train.
The exam cant have been very
5 She must have listened/must have
been listening to our conversation.
6 He cant have understood what I

28.2 1
28.3 1


t0 to"1 off7 1 mus* have
8 The driver cant have seen the red
Sght .

BAt 29:


a) Hay xem x5t tlnh hudng m&u sau:

Ben dang tim Jack. KhOng ai b<5'tchc anh ta dang & ddu nhirng ban nh$n dupe

mt s6 gqi y :
He may be in his office. (= perhaps he is in his office).
(Cd thi anh ta dang d trong v8n phdng cua anh ta).
He might be having lunch. (= perhaps he is having lunch)
(Co thi anh ta dang An tn/a).
Ask Ann. She might know. (= perhaps Ann knows)
(H6i Ann xem. C6 thi cd 4y biit dSy).


Chiing ta dung may vd might d4 nOi r&ng m$t vi$c n5o d6 c6 th x5y ra (possibility).
Khdng c6 so khSc bi$t quan trong n5o giCJa may vd might.

Ban c6 th ndi:
He may be in his office, or He might be in his office.
(C6 thi anh ta dang d trong vdn phdng cua anh ta).
Th6 phu djnh 16 may not v6 might not (hdfcc mightn't):
- Jack might not be in his office. (= perhaps he isn't in his office)
(Cd thi Jack khdng cd m0t trong v6n phdng).
I'm not sure whether i can lend you any money. I may not have enough. {= perhaps
Idon't have enough).
(Tdi khdng chic Id od thi cho ban mdgn tUn dUOc khdng. Tdi cd th4 khdng du


HSy hoc cu trOc sau:

l/you/he (etc.)

Tdi/b$n/anh Sy (v.v...)

p may




cd thi


be in his office
be having/waiting, etc.
know/have/do, etc.


cd thi


dang d trong v&n phdng

dang Sn/dang chd...


04 chl m<)t vl$c c6 th5 xfiy ra trong qud kha, chOng ta dUng may have (done) /


have (done) (c6 15 d):

A: I wonder why Ann didn't answer the doorbell.

(Tdi thic m&c tai sao Ann khdng tri tdi tiSng chudng cCta).
B: Well. I suppose she may have been in the bath: (= perhaps she was in the

(A, tdi nghT cd 16 hie dd cd 4y dang tim).

A: Why didnt he say hello when he passed us in the street?
(Tai sao anh &y khdng chdo khi dt ngang chOng ta d ngoAi dUdng?)


B: He might have been day-dreaming. (= perhaps he was day-dreaming).

(C6 tA tuc (36 anh la dang md mAng chuydn gi 06).
A: I can't find my bag anywhere.
(TOi khOng thA tim thAy cai tui cua tdi d OAu cA).
B: You might have left it In the shop. (= perhaps you left it)

(Co 16 bA OA dA qu&n OcCta

A: I wonder why Ann didn't come to the meeting).

(Tdi thAc mAc tai sao Ann khdng dAn hgp).

B: She might not have known about it. (= perhaps she didn't know).
(C6 l cd Ay Oa khOng biAt gi v4 buAi hop).

Hay hoc cfiu triic sau:

p may

l/you/he (etc.)

L migttf


Tdi/bqn/anh Ay (v.v...)

been In the bath

(not) have

cd IfL

been day-dreaming/waiting, etc.

know / left / had etc.

dang tAm
(khdng) dang md mAng / dang dpi...
biAt / dA qudn / Ah...

cd 16 66


diing could thay cho may hogc might. Nhung vdi could thl kh& nftng xky
ra (possibility) sfi nh6 hon.
"Where's Jack?" "I'm not sure. He could be in his office, I suppose, but he's not
usually there at this time*.
("Jack d&u r6i?" "Tdi khdng biAt chAc. C6 thA anh ta dang d trong vSn phdng, tdi
nghl thA. nhung thudng th) gid nAy anh ta khdng 06 d 66").

c) Ban c6

D6l vdi may vd might, xem th&m c6c bdl 30 vd 31,

UNIT 29: Exercises

29.1 In this exercise you have to make sentences with may or might. The first four
sentences are present.
Examples: "Do you know if Jack is in his office?' 'I'm not sure. He may be in his

office" .

'Do you know if Ann likes ice-cream?' 'I'm riot sure. She might like ice

"Do you know If they are married?" "I'm not sure. They
'Do you know if she wants to go?" "I'm not sure
'Do you know if he's telling the truth?" "I'm
4 'Do you know if he has a car?* "l
The next three sentences are past.
Examples: "Do you know if he was serious?" "I'm not sure. He iirnifl
"Do you know if they were looking?" *


- -




"Do you know if she was ill?* 'I'm not sure. She
6 *Do you know If she tctfd anybody?' *1
7 'Do you know if they were listening?" '
And now you have to use may or might not.
Example: 'Is Jack In his office?' 'I'm not sure He might not be in his office"
8 "Does she want to go?' *
9 'Is he telling the truth?" "
10 "Are they ready?" "

_ _


29.2 This time you have to write sentences to explain each situation. Use the words in
brackets to make your sentences.
Example: I can't find George anywhere. I wonder where he is.
a) (he might / go / shopping) He might have gone shopping.
b) (he could / play / tennis) He could be playing tennis.
1 Look! Sue's going out. I wonder where she's going.
a) (she may / go / to the theatre)
b) (she could / go / to a party)
2 Why didn't Tom answer the doorbell? I'm sure he was in- the house at the time.
a) (he may / go / to bed early)
b) (he might not / hear / the bell)
c) (he could / be / in the bath)
3 How do you think the fire started?
a) (someone may / drop / a cigarette)
b) (it could-/ be / an electrical fault)
4 Iwonder where Tom was going when you saw him.
a) (he might / go / to work)
b) (he may / go / shopping)
5 George didn't come to the party. I wonder why not.
a) (he might / have / to go somewhere else)
b) (he may not / know / about it)




29.1 1 I'm not sure. They may/might be
2 I'm not sure. She may/might want to
3 I'm not sure. He may/might be
telling the truth.
4 I'm not sure. He may/might have a
5 I'm not sure. She may/might have
been ill.
6 I'm not sure. She may/might have told
7 I'm not sure. They may/might have
been listening.
8 I'm not sure. She may/might not want
to go.

I'm not sure. He may/might not be

telling the truth.
10 I'm not sure. They may/might not be

29.2 1 a) She may be going to the theatre.
b) She could be going to a party.
2 a) He may have gone to bed early.
b) He might not have heard the bell.
c) He could have been in the bath.
3 a) Someone may have dropped a
b) Jt could have been an electrical
4 a) He might have been going to work.
b) He may have been going shopping.
5 a) He might have had to go
somewhere else.
b) He may not have known about it.


MAY va MIGHT (tVdng lai)

BAI 30:

a) Chting ta dCing may hay might dd n6i vd nhtfng si/ vide

s xdy ra trong tifdng lai (future possibility).


hofcc nhufng hdnh dijng cd thd


Hay xem cdc thi dp sau: .

I'm not sure where to go for my holidays but I may go to Italy. (= perhaps I will go).
(Tdi khdng chic chin li si di nghl 3 diu nhi/ng c6 thd tdi si di 9. (= cd IS Hi si
The weather forecast Is not very good. It might rain this afternoon. (=* perhaps it will
(Bin di/ bio thdi tidt khdng dUdc kha quan lim. Chidu nay trdi cd thd mi/a). (= cd li
trdi si mua).
I can't help you. Why don't you ask Tom? He might be able to help you: (= perhaps
he will be able to help). .
(Tdi khdng thd giup ban dupe diu. Tai sao ban khdng nhd Tom? Anh ta co thd se
giup ban). f= cd le anh ta si cd thd giup ban).

The? phu dinh lei may not ho$c might not (mightn't).
- Ann may not come to the party tonight, She isnt feeling well. (= perhaps she wonl

(Tdi nay cd thd Ann khdng di'n dd tide. Cd &y dm thi'y khdng di/tfc khde). (= cd le
cd &y se khdng ddn).
There might not be a meeting on Friday because the director is ill. (= perhaps there
won't be a meeting).
(Cd thd si khdng co budi hop vio thd Siu v) dng giim ddc bibdnh). (= cd le se
khdng cd

budi hop).

Khdng cd gl khdc bi$t khi ban dung may ho&c might. Ban cd the ndi:
I may go to Italy ; ho$c: I might go to Italy.
(Cd thd tdi si ding }).

b) Ngodi ra cGng cd thd tidp diSn (continuous): may / might be doing. Hfty so sdnh
nay vdi will be doing (xem bdi 10 a,b):


Don't phone at 8.30. 1'// be watching the football match on television.

(DC/ng g<?i di$n tho$i vio lie 8g30. Lie 36 cd thd tdi dang xem tr$n bdng di trdn

Don't phone at 8.30. 1 may (or might) be watching the football match on television {=
perhaps I'll be in the middle of watching it),
(DCtng goi di$n thoai vio lie 8gld 30. Luc dd cd thd tdi s6 dang xem tr&n bdng di
trin ttvi). (= cd li tdi si dang xem dd trin bdng di).
Ban cung cd thd dCing thd tldp diSn (may/might de doing) khi ban dang ndi vd nhflng

dd djnh cd thd dupe thi/c hid.n.

Hy so sdnh:

I'm going to Italy in July, (for sure).

(Tdi djnh di Y vio thing Biy). (chic chin).



I may (or might) be going to Italy in July, (it's possible).

(Cd th4 tdi se <S Y v&o thdng Biy). (co th4 xiy ra).

Nhung ban cOng c6 thd ndl: Imay / might go to Italy In Jury.c) May as well, might as well (thdi thl

Hfty xem thl du sau:

A: What shall we do this evening?

... ; cung duqc thdi):

(T6i nay chung ta s& Idm gl diy?)

B: Idon't know. Any ideas?
(Tdi khdng bi4t nOa. Ben cd y ki4n gi khdng?)
A: Well, there's a film on television. It sounds quite interesting.
(A, co m$t bp phim trdn tivi. Nghe cd vi hap din lim diy).
B: We might as well watch it then. There's nothing else to do.
(Thdi thi chung ta xem phim 66 vdy. Ching cdn gi khdc 64 Idm ci).

Chung ta dCing may / might aa well dd ndi r&ng chung ta nSn lam mQt vi$c gi d6 bdi vi
khdng cd ly do gl dd khdng lim vi$c dd, va bdi vi khdng cd vi$c gl tdt hdn dd Idm ci. "We
might as well watch it*, cd nghta Id 'Tai sao khdng xem phim dd nhl? Khdng cdn gi khdc
hay hern dd lam cd md*.
You'll have to wait an hour for the next bus, so you might as well walk.
(Ban phii dpi m$t tiing mdi cd chuy&n xe buyt k4 tiip, th6i thi ban <3i to? cho r6i).
' We may as well go to the party. We're nothing else to do.
(Thdi thi chung ta di dp tide v$y. Chung ta khdng cdn vide g) kh&c 64 lim ci).
'Shall we have dinner now?' 'We might as weir
(Chung ta se an t6i biy gid chd?" "Cung dupe thdi").

Bdi vdl may vd might, xem thdm ede bdi 29 vd 36C.

Bdi vdi may, xem bi 31.

UNIT 30: Exercises

30.1 In this exercise you have to talk about your (and other people's) future plans. But you
are not sure what is going to happen. Use may or might.
Example: Where are you going for your holiday? (to" Italy???)
I haven't finally decided but I may (or might) go to Italy.
1 What sort of car are you going to buy? (a Mercedes???)
I'm not sure yet but I
2 What are you doing this weekend? (go to London???)
I don't know for sure but
3 Where are you going to hang that picture? (in the dining-room???)
I haven't made up my mind yet but
4 When is Tom coming to see us? (tomorrow evening???)
I'm not sure but
5 What's Jill going to do when she leaves school? (a secretarial course???)
She hasn't decided yet but



30.2 This time you have to talk about possible happenings. Use the word (s) in brackets.

Examples: Do you think it will rain this afternoon? (may) It may rain this afternoon.
Do you think Ann will come to the party? (might not).
She might not coma to the party.
1 Do you think Tom will be late? (may) He
2 Do you think Ann will be able to find our house? (might not) She

.M Wr


Do you think there'll be an election this year? (mlght).There


Do you think Tony will pass the exam? (may not)

Do you think they'll be waiting for us when we arrive? (might)

- "





Do you think ifll snow later? (may)



30.3 Now you have to read these situation and make sentences with may/might as well.
Example: A friend has ipvited you to a party. You're not very keen to go but there isnL
anything else to do. So you think you should go.
You say: I might as well go. There isn't anything else to do.
1 You're In a coffee with a friend. You're just finished your drinks. You're not in
hurry, so you think you should both have another drink.
What would you like?
You say: We
2 Someone has given you a free ticket for a concert. You're not very keen on th
concert, but you think you should go because you have a free ticket.
It's a pity to waste a free ticket.
You say: I
4 You've invited some friends to dinner but they haven't come. The dinner has bee
ready for half an hour and you think you should begin without them.
I don't think they are coming.
You say: We




30.1 1


I may/might buy a Mercedes.

I may/might go to London.
I may/might hang it in the dining-room.
He may/might come tomorrow evening.
She may/might do a secretarial course.

30.2 1 He may be late.

2 She might not be able to find it / our house.
3 There might be an election this year.
4 He may not pass it / the exam.
5 They might be waiting for us when we arrive.
6 It may snow later.
30.3 1



We may/might as well have another drink.

I may/might as well go (to the concert).
We may/might as well begin/start.

3Al 31: CAN, COULD, MAY va WOULD: yeu cau,

cho phep, de nghj va mdi.
) Requests (Idi thfnh cdu): ydu cu ngudi khdc Idm vi$c gi:

could you\


Chung ta thudng diing can ho$c could khi

chung ta y6u cfiu ai dd l&m mdt vi$c gi.
Can you wait a moment, please?
(Anh lim on chd mdt lit dugc khdng?)
Ann, can you do me a favour?
(Ann, giup tdi dugc khdng?)
Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the

(Xin Idi, ban cd thd chl cho tdi dating dS'n nhi ga

du<?c khdng?)

Do you think you could lend me some money?

(Anh thd'y c6 thd cho tdi mugn mdt ft tidn dirge
khdng?) '


Iwonder if you could help me.

(Tdi khdng biEt li anh cd thd giup t6i dude khdng?)

Dl ydu cau cd dirge mdt didu gi, ban cd thd ndi: Can I have

? / Could I have

lay I have
(In a shop) Can Ihave these postcards, please?
(Trong mdt cCia ti$m) Tdi cd thd xem nhJng tdm buu thitfp niy khdng?
(At table) Could Ihave the salt, please?
(d bin in) Lim on dua cho tdi !q mu6i.

'} Permission: xin phdp vd cho phdp:

(On the telephone) Hello, can / speak to Tom, please?

(Trong di$n thogi) Aid, Idm dn cho tdi ndi chuydn vdi Tom dugc khdng?
* Could Iuse your telephone?" "Yes, of course".
(Tdi cd thi dung di$n thogi cua ban dupe khdng?) (Ddoc, tS't nhidn roi).
* Do you think / could borrow your bicycle?" "Yes, help yourself".
(Tdi cd thS muon xe dap cua ban khdng?) (Dugc, cii ta nhidn).
"May Icome in?" "Yes, please do".
(Tdi vio dugc chd?) (Dugc, xin mdi vio).

Dd cho phdp, chung ta dung can ho$c may (nhung khdng dung could):

You can (or may) smoke if you like.

thE hut thuEc nEu ban muon).

Dung can / can't dd ndi vd didu da dugc cho phdp ho$c khdng dugc cho phdp:
(Bgn cd

You can drive for a year in Britain with an international licence.

(Ban cd thE Hi xe trong vdng mdt n&m d nude Anh vdi mdt bing Hi quoc id).



If you're under 17, you can't drive a car In Britain.

(Ndu bpn dUdi 17 tudi, ban khdng thd tei xe hoi d nUdc Anh).
c) Offers (d nghj) ddi khi chung ta dung con


d 66 xud't dupe \km <5iu gi:

'Can Iget you a cup of coffee?" 'That's very nice of you'.

(Tdi Hy cho ban m$t tech cA phd nhd?) (VAng, b$n tti \4 quA).
(In a shop) 'Can / help you, madam?" "No, thank you. I'm being served*.
(Trong m<5f cCfa ti$m) "Tdi c6 thS giup gi cho bA. thUa bA?" "Khdng. cAm On. C6
ngudi phgc vg tdi r6i*.

(Idi d nghj) vk invitation (Idi mdi), chiing ta diing would you like
(khOng dung "do you like").

Bfl'i v<3i offer


Would you like a cup of coffee? (not "do you like")

(Ban u6ng m$t tech cA phd nhA?)
Would you like to come to the cinema with us tomorrow evening? (not "do you like
to come")

(MM ban tifi mai di xem phim vdi chung tdi).

I'd like {= I would like) 16 cch din d$t Ijch si/ diu ban mu6n, Jjoc nhdng gi ban
mutfn l&m.
I'dlike some Information about hotel, please.
(Xin cho tdi bidt mpt s6 thdng tin vd khAch sen).
I'd like to try on this jacket, please.
(Tdi mudn mac thCf chide do vdt nAy).

UNIT 31: Exercises

31.1 Read the situation and write what you would say. Use the words given in brackets.
Example: You've got a pound note but you need some change. You ask somebody to
help you. (Can you ...?) Can you change a pound?
1 You want to borrow your friend's camera. What do you say to him / her? (Could I
2 You have a car and you want to give somebody a lift. What do you say? (Can.!-?)


" "

" " "

"" I"






H <M

* M> IN

You have to go to the airport but you don't know how to get there. You ask a

passer-by. (Could you

You are telephoning the owner of a flat which was advertised in a newspaper. You
are interested in the flat and you want to come and see it today. (Do you think I ...?)







You are at an interview. You want to smoke a cigarette. What <fo you ask first?
(May I ...?)
You want to leave work early because you have some important things to dot What
do you ask your boss? (Do you think I...?)
You want to invite someone to come and stay with you for the weekend. (Would
you like ..,?)
The person in the next room has some music on very loud. How do you ask him
politely to turn It down? (Do you think you ...?)


31.2 This time you have to decide how to say what you want to say.
Example: You have to carry some heavy boxes upstairs. Ask someone to help you.
Do you think you could give me a hand with these boxes?

A friend has just come to see you in your flat. Offer him something to drink.
mm mm

im me m


|H IM Nk


mm erne


H# Ml M*


rw *


*M k

some friend. You think Tom



You're in the post office. You want three stamps for Japan. What do you say?



old lady standing. Offer



You are sitting in a crowded bus. There is an


You need a match to light your cigarette. You haven't got any but the man sitting
next to you has some. What do you ask him?

5 There is a concert on tonight and you are going with

would enjoy it too. Invite him.

You want your friend to show you how to change the film in your camera. What do
you say to him / her? ;
You're on a train. The woman next to you has finished reading her newspaper. Now

M M*

m mi -<



her your seat.



...... ....
l H- M.

You're in a car with a friend, who Is driving. He is going to park the car but there is
a No Parking sign. You see the sign and say:


31.1 1



31.2 1



Could I borrow your camera?

Can Igive / offer you a lift?
Could you tell me how to get to the airport? / Could you tell me the way to the
Do you think I could come and see it / the flat today?
May Ismoke?
Do you think I could leave (work) early?
Would you like to come and stay (with me) for the weekend?
Do you think you could turn it / the music down?
Would you like a drink? / Would you like something to drink? / Would you like
a / some ...? / Can I get you a drink / something to drink?
Can / Could you show me how to change the film? / Do you think you could
show me how ...?
Can / Could / May I have a look at your newspaper? IDo you think I could
have a look ?
Can / Could you give me a light? / Can / Could / May I have a light?
Would you like to come to a / the concert tonight?
Can / Could / May I have three stamps for Japan?
Would you like a seat? / Would you like to sit down? / Can Ioffer you a seat?
You can't park here.




BAI 32:


a) Chiing ta dCing must (do) v& have to (do) 64 chf si/ c3n thid't (necessity) phi lm mpt
vi$c gi 66. Thi/dng thl chung ta dung til ndo cung dupe:

Oh dear, it's later than I thought. I must /have to go now.

(6 trdi, khdng ngd <3a trS nhif th4. Biy gid tdi phii didiy).
You must / have to have a passport to visit most foreign countries.
(Ban phii c6 hd chid'u 64 6i thim hiu h4t cic nUdc ngoii).

Bdi khi cung cd si/ khdc bit giOa must vi have to. Vdi must, ngi/di ndi dang b&y td
c&m tifdng cua chlnh mlnh, ndi ra didu md anh ta nghT l c3n thid't.
- I must write to Ann. I haven't written to her for ages. (= The speaker personally
feels that he must write to Ann).
(Tdi phii vi4t th<J cho Ann. Da liu Hm tdi khdng yid't thu cho cd Ay). (= Ngudi ndi tu
dm thAy ring anh ta phii vi4t thi/cho Ann).
The government really must do something about unerrfptoyment. (= The speaker
personally' feels that the government mu9t do something),
(Chinh phu tht/c s</ cAn phii 13m cii g) 66 64 giii quy4t nan thAt nghidp). (= Bin
thin ngudi noi tU dm thAy rang chfnh phu phii 13m mdt didu gi do).

Vdi have to, ngi/di ndi khdng b&y td cSm ti/dng cfla minh, anh ta chl ndu ra cic si/
kidn. Thl dg:
- Ann's eyes are not very good. She has to wear glasses for reading.
(Mit cua Ann khdng dt/gc t6t 13m C6 ta phii 6eo kfnh d4 6qc sach).
Ican't meet you on Friday. I have to work.
(Tdi khdng th4 g$p ban vio thtf $3u dupe. Tdi phii 13m vide).

Ben chi cd th3 dung must di ndi vi hien t$i (present) vi ti/ong lai (future):

We must go now.
(BAy gid chung tdi phii di diy).
Must you leave tomorrow?
(NgAy mai anh cd phii di khdng?)
Have to cd thg dupe dung trong tS't ci cic tti4 (forms). VI dg:
- I had to go to hospital, (past)
(Tdi phii di bdnh vi$n). (qui khd).
I might have to go to hospital (infinitive)
(Co Id tdi phii di bdnh vidn) (nguydn miu)

Have you ever had to go to hospital? (present perfect)

(Ban co bao gid phii di bdnh vidn chua?) (Hidn tai hoin thinh)
Cbu y ring chung ta dung do/does/did vdi have to trong cic c&u hdi (questions) Vci
cc cu phu djnh (negatives) & hi$n t$i vk qud khur.
What do 1 have to do to get a driving licence? (not "have I to do").
(Tdi $d phii 13m g) d4 lAy dupe bing lai?).


Why did you have to go to hospital? (not 'had you to go)

(Tai sao anh phii di b$nh viin th&?)
Tom doesn't have to work on Saturdays, (not "hasnl to work")
(Tom khdng phii /dm vi$c vio nhdng ngiy thCf Biy).

c) Mustn't vd don't have to thl khdc nhau hodn todn. "You mustn't do something" ("Ban
khdng dtfdc Idm dlu dd) c 6 nghia Id "nhd't djnh Id ban khdng du<?c Idm dlu d6".
You mus/nY tell anyone what I said. (= Don't tell anyone).
(Ban khdng dugc k cho ai nghe dieu tdi 43 ndi). (= OCfng kicho ai nghe).
Ipromised I'd be on time. I mustn't be late. (= I must be on time).
(Tdi da hOa id tdi se <3&'n dung gid. Tdi khdng dUQc trS). (= Tdi phii dung gid).
Xem thdm bdi 33a.

"You don't have to do something" ("Ban khdng cin phii Urn cai g) dd") cd nghTa Id
'khdng cdn thid't phdi Idm didu dd",
Idon't have to wear a suit to work but I usually do.
(Tdi khdng cin phii mic compld di lim nhung tdi thudng mic th$).
She stayed in bed this morning because she didn't have to go work.
(Sing nay cd 6y ngu ky bdi W cd y khdng phii di lim).
d) B?n cd th3 dting "have got to* thay cho have to. VI vy ban cd thg ndi:
I have to work tomorrow.
IV got to work tomorrow.
(Ngiy mai tdi phii di lim).
When has Tom got to leave? ho$c
When does Tom have to leave?
(Khi nio thi Tom phii I4n di/dng?)

. . . . .......
. ......

UNIT 32: Exercises

32.1 Complete these sentences with must or have to (in its correct form). Sometimes it is
possible to use either ; sometimes only have to is possible.
Examples: Well, it's 10 o'clock. I must (or have to) go now.
Ann was feeling ill last night. She had to leave the party early.
work harder if you want to pass that examination.
1 You really
2 Many children in Britain
wear uniform when they go to school.
3 Last night Don suddenly became ill. We
call the doctor.
4 Ann has
wear glasses since she was eight years old.
5 I'm afraid I can't come tomorrow. I
work late.
6 I'm sorry I couldn't come yesterday. I
work late.
go away next week.
7 Tom may
take it to a garage.
8 We couldn't repair the car ourselves. We .....
9 When you come to London again, you
come and see us.



32.2 Now make questions with have to.

Example: "Tom had to go to the police station"






"Ann has to leave tomorrow* "What time exactly

'We had to answer a lot of questions in the examination".
How many questions
"George had to pay a parking fine". "How much
'I have to get up early tomorrow". "Why


This time make negative sentences with have to.


Example: "Did they change trains?"

"No, it was a through train so thev didn't have to change ftrains).
1 "Did you pay to get into the concert?"
'No, we had free tickets so we
2 "Does Jack shave?' "No, he's got a beard so
3 "Did you get up early this morning?"
'No, it's my day off so
4 "Do you work?" 'No, I'm extremely rich so




32.4 Complete these sentences with mustn't or don't/doesn't have to.

Examples: I dont want anyone to know. You mustn't tell anyone what Isaid. I don't
have to wear a suit to work but I usually do.



1 can stay in bed tomorrow morning because I

Whatever you do, you
.. ..
touch that switch. It's very dangerous
forget what I told you. Ifs very important.
get up so early. She gets up early because she prefers to.
leave yet. We've got plenty of time.

. .

32.1 1

32.2 1

32.3 1

32.4 t


must / have to ("must" is better - the speaker is giving his own opinion).
have to / must ("have to' is better - the speaker is just giving a fact).
had to
had to (present perfect)
have to / must ('have to* is better - the speaker is just giving a fact).
had to
have to
had to
must / have to ('must' is better - the speaker is giving his own opinion).
does she have to leave?
3 ... did he have to pay?
did you have to answer?
4 ... do you have to get up early
... didn't have to pay (to get into
I didn't have to get up early.
the concert).
he doesn't have to shave.
I donl have to work.
3 mustn't
don't have to
4 doesn't have to
don't have to



BAI 33:



a) Must, mustn't vd needn't:

(You) must (do) c6 nghTa Id ban cdn thigt phdi Idm mgt vigc gl <56:
You haven't got much time. You must hurry.
(Ban kh&ng c6 nhigu thdl gian ddu. Ban phdi nhanh Idn m6i di/gc).
, - You can tell Tom what Isaid but he must keep it a secret.
(Ban c6 thg kg cho Tom nghe digu t6i da n6i nhung anh ta phdi giO b( mt).
(You) mustn't (do) c6 nghTa Id ban khdng diipc Idm mOt vide gl <16.
The baby is asleep. You mustn't shout. (= It is necessary that you do not shout).
(Em b6 dang ngQ. Con khfing du"dc la hdt).
You can tell Tom what I said but he mustn't tell anybody else. (= It is accessary that
he doesn't tell anybody else).
(Ban c6 thg kg cho Tom digu tdi da n6i, nhung anh ta kh6ng du"dc kg lei vdi ngudi
(You) needn't (do) c6 nghTa Id khdng cdn thigt phdi Idm mgt vigc gl d6.
- You've got plenty of time. You needn't hurry. (= It is not necessary to hurry).
(Ban c6 rdt nhigu thdl gian. Ban kh6ng cdn phdi vgi v).
- 1 can hear you quite clearly. You needn't shout. (= It is not necessary to shout).
_ (T6i c6 thg nghe tigng anh r&'t rd. Anh kh6ng cdn thlgt phdl hgt lgn).

b) Thay vi dung needn't, ban c6 thg dCing dont / doesn't need to:

You've got plenty of time. You don't need to hurry.

(Ban c6 rSit nhigu thdi gian. Ban khdng cdn phdi v$i va).

Hdy nhd la chung ta n6i "don't need to hurry', nht/ng "needn't hurry" (khdng c6 to).
c) Needn't have (done).

Hdy xem x6t tinh hud'ng mdu sau.

Tom d6n xe Ida Anh ta rdi kh6i nhd trl, do d6 anh ta v$i va di dd'n nhd ga. Nhi/ng xe
lufa cOng khdi hdnh tr, mdi hai mi/di phut sau khi Tom dgn nhd ga xe Ida m6i khdi hdnh.
Tom needn't have hurried (because the train was late).
(Tom le ra da khdng cdn phdi vdi vd) (bdi v) xe Ida khdi hdnh trS).
"Tom needn't have hurrierf c6 nghTa Id Tom da vQi va, nhi/ng digu d6 kh6ng cn thigt.

ChOng ta dCing meedn't have dg n6i r&ng ai d6 dd 1dm mgt digu gl, nhUng digu d6
khdng cdn thiS't:
Ann bought some eggs but when she got home she found that she already had
plenty of eggs. So she needn't have bought any eggs.
(Ann mua m$t ft trtfng ; nhdng khi vd dd'n nhd, cd Sy mdi th&y Id cdn r&l nhiSu
trifng. V} v$y cd 6y le ra khdng cdn phdi mua thdm trOng nda).


Thank you for doing the washing-up but you needn't have done it really. I was going
to do It later.
(Cam dn vi ban di riia chin. nhUng th$t ra b$n di khdng cAn phki lim diAu 66- T6i
djnh lit sau se rCta dy chit).
d) Didn't need to dUrjc dCing khc vdi needn't have.

ChCing ta dung didn't need to (v& *dldn't have to") 64 n6i r&ng m(>t h&nh dQng n&o d6
Id kh6ng cdn thid't. BiSu ndy dude nh$n bid't ngay vdo 10c Idm hdnh dQng d6:
I didn't need to go, so I didn't go.
(T6i khdng cAn phii di, v) th tdi di khdng di).
I didn't need to go but I decided to go anyway.
(Tdi khdng cAn ph&i di nhUng dd sao tdi ding da quyi't djnh di r6i).

Khl chOng ta dCrng needn't have, so khdng cSn thid't cia h&nh d$ng khdng dude nh$n
bit vo luc thic hi$n h&nh d<>ng.
I needn't have gone. (= I went - this was unnecessary, but I didn't know at the time
that it was unnecessary).
(Li ra tdi khdng cAn phii di). (= Tdi da di diAu niy khdng cAn thiS't nhUng luc do
tdi khdng bidt id nd khdng cAn thiAt).

UNIT 33: Exercises

33.1 In this exercise you have to write a sentence with needn't.
Example: Shall I do the shopping now? (no / this afternoon).
No. voii needn't do it now. You can dn it this afternoon.


......- - - -

Shall I clean the windows today? (no / tomorrow)

No, you
Shall I type these letters now? (no / later)
Y OU *
Shall I go to the bank this morning? (no / this afternoon)

------ - - .............

**>.,... ft*.


...u. a.

_ ... ..

W WH ..ft.ft H> H.W .< > I





. .. .. .


33.2 In this exercise you have to complete the sentences with must, mustn't or needn't.
Examples: We haven't got much time. We must hurry.
We've got plenty of time. We needn't hurry.
1 'Do you want me to wait for you?" "No, it's okay. You
2 Tom gave me a letter to post. I
forget to post it.
3 You
come if you don't want to but I hope you will.
4 'What sort of house do you want to buy? Something big?' "Well, it
big - thafs not Important. But it
have a nice garden that's essential*.
5 We have enough food at home so we
go shopping today
6 This book is very valuable. You
look after it very carefully
and you
lose it.



33.3 This time you have to make a sentence with needn't have.
Example: I don't know why we hurried. We needn't have hurried.
1 I don't know why they left so early. They
2 I don't know why she shouted at me like that. She
3 t don't know why he read the whole book
4 I don't know why she cancelled her holiday

999 9mm

999 909



99m 9*9 999 999 999 9

33.4 Now read these situations and make sentences with needn't have.
Example: Ann bought some eggs. When she got home, she found that she already
had plenty of eggs. She needn't have bought any eggs.

1 Tom went out and took an umbrella with him because he thought it was going to
rain. But it didn t rain
2 Jack got very angry with Jill and threw a book at her. Later Jill said: 'I know you
were very angry but
3 Brian had no money, so he sold his car. A few days later he won % lot of money in a







mm if.






33.1 1 No, you needn't clean them today. You can clean them tomorrow.
2. No, you needn't type them now. You can type them later.
3 No, you needn't go to the bank this morning. You can go this afternoon.



must mustn't

33.2 1

... must


33.3 1 They needn't have left so early.

2 She needn't have shouted at me like that.
3 He needn't have read the whole book.
4 She needn't have cancelled her holiday.
33.4 1

He needn't have taken an umbrella.

You needn't have thrown a book at me.
He needn't have sold his car.




a) Hay xem xdt thl du sau:

Tom - vCTa di xem phim v6:

Ann: Hello. Tom. Did you enjoy the film?
(Chdo Tom. Anh c6 thlch b<> phim ndy khdng?)
Torrt Yes. it was great. You should go and see it.
(C6, phim hay tuy$t. Em ndn di xem nd).
,Tom dang khuydn Ann ndn di xem phim. "You should go" c6 nghta d6 Id m<>t didu t6t
ndn lam. Chung ta thudng dung should (do) khi chung ta n6i dd'n didu md chung ta cho Id
t6't hofrc dung ddn ndn Idm (=> advice, Ifli khuydn),

The government should do something about the economy.

(Chfnh phu ndn 16m mdt didu g) <36 doi vdi n4n kinh tH).
"Should we invite Sue to the party?" "Yes, I think we should".
("Chung ta co ndn mdi Sue dn dU tide khdng?" "C6. tdi nghT 14 chung fa ndn mdi").

"You shouldn't do something" ("B$n khdng ndn 14m 6i4u gl <36") c6 nghTa: d6 khdng
phdi Id didu tdt ndn Idm:
You've been coughing a lot recently. You shouldn't smoke so much.
(Gin d&y ban ho nhidu l&m day. Ban khdng ndn hut thuSc 14 nhidu nhu vSy).
- Tom shouldn't drive really. He too tired.
(Th$t ra Tom khdng ndn I6i xe. Anh ta qu4 mdt r6i).
Should khdng nhdn mgtnh bdng must.
You should stop smoking. (= It would be a good idea).
(Ban nin ngt/ng hut thud'c 14). (- Do 14 mdt y kidn hay).
You must stop smoking (= It is necessary that you stop).
(B$n phii ngung hut thud'c 14). (= Ban c4n phii ngi/ng hut thud'c).
b) Chung ta thudng dimg should khi chung ta hoi hodc neu y kidn
Chung ta thutfng dung kdm vdi Ithink 11 don't think /do you think?:

vd m6t vide gi d6

I think the government should do something about the economy.

(Tdi nghT chlnh phu ndn 14m mdt didu g\ 66 d6'i vdi n4n kinh te).
I don't think you should work so hard.
(Tdi khdng nghT 14 ban nin 14m vigc vSt v4 nhu th4).
"Do you think I should apply for this job?" "Yes, Ithink you should".
("Anh nghi tdi co ndn xin 16m cong vide ndy khdng?" "C6, tdi nghT anh ndn d&y").
c) Chung ta cung dung should dd' n6i den m$t dieu gi d6 khdng dung ho$c khdng nhu
chung ta mong dgi: = "Id ra ; ddng le : ndn Id".4

The price on this packet is wrong. It says 65 pence but it should be 50.
(Gia ghi trdn goi hdng nay sai roi. Nd ghi 65 xu nhUng nd chi ndn la 50 xu thdi).
Those children shouldn't be playing. They should be at school.
(NhCTng dUa trd do khdng nen chdi dua. Le ra chung phdi dang d trddng).



That motor-cyclist should be wearing a crash helmet.

(Ngi/di Hi xe g&n m&y do le ra phii d$i ndn an todn).

Btfi vdi qu4 khtf, chiing ta dung should tjave (done) (le ra da ph&i ; d&ng le ra n6n ...)
d ndi r&ng ai d6 d lAm m$t dlu gi sai:

Hello, Ann. The party last night was great. You should have come. Why didn't you?
(Ch6o Ann. BQa tide tdi hdm qua thdt tuydt vdi. Le ra ban da phii d&n. T$i sao ban
khdng ddn?)
I'm feeling sick. Ishouldn't have eaten so much chocolate.
(T6i dm thSy kh6 chju. Ding le tdi dS khdng ndn in nhidu sd-c6-la nhu thS).
Why were you at home yesterday? You should have been at work.
(Sao hdm qua ban lai d nh6? Le ra ban 66 phii di 14m cht1).
She shouldn't have been listening to our conversation. It was private.
(L ra c6 ta khdng nen nghe cudc ndi chuySn cOa chung tdi, 66 16 chuydn rieng).

Ban cd thl dOng ought to thay cho should trong nhtfng cau thuQc bii n&y.
It's really a good film. You ought to go and see it.
(Do qui 16 mdtphim hay. Ban ndn di xem di).
Tom ought not to drive. He is too tired.
(Tom khdng ndn lai xe. Anh ta mdt qua rdi).
It was a great party. You ought to have come.
(Do 16 mdt bOa tide tuydt vdi. Le ra anh ndn dd'n di/).

B' bi6't thdm v6 should, hay xem

bai 35.

UNIT 34: Exercises

34.1 You are giving advice to a friend. Use should or shouldn't.

Example: Your friend is always coughing because he smokes too much. Advise him
lo stop smoking. You should stop smoking.
t You friend has a bad toothache. Advise him to go to the dentist. You

Your friend rides his bicycle at night without lights. You think this is dangerous.

Advise him not to do it

Your friend is going to visit Greece. Advise him to learn a few words of Greek
before he goes




HI me

hi N mm mmm

mi mi mi



ih hi


34.2 This time you give your opinion about something. Use Ithink / 1 don't think
Example: Tom has just been offered a job. You think it would be a good idea for him

You think it would be a good idea for all motorists to wear seat-belts. I think


l ai


Ml Ma


im . M Ma lf


M *> H*


Ml in aaa

Ml Ma a a

You don't think it would be a good idea for Jill and Sam to get married. I


as aaa


aw ih M* Ml

n. aaana

>M M4 laliai aaa

...... ...




Your friend has a bad cold. Tell him that you think it would be a good idea for him to
stay at home this evening.





34.3 Now you have to read the situations and write sentences with should (have) and
shouldn't (have): Sometimes you have to use the present, sometimes the past.
Examples: The speed limit is 30 miles an hour but Tom is driving at 50.
he shouldn't he driving sn fast.
When we got to the restaurant there were no free tables. We hadn't
reserved one.
We should have reserved a table.
1 It's very cold. Mr. Taylor, who has been ill recently, is walking along the road
without a coat. He
2 We went for a walk. While we were walking, we got hungry but we hadn't brought
anything with us to eat. We said: We
3 I went to Paris. Marcel lives in Paris but I didn't go to see him while I was there.
When I saw him later, he said: You
4 The notice says that the shop is open every day from 8.30. it isrnow 9 o'clock but
the shop isn't open
5 The driver in front stopped suddenly without warning and I drove into the back of
his car. It wasn't my fault
6 The children normally go to bed at 9 o'clock. It is now 9.30. They are not in bed ;
they are watching television, (two sentences)


..... ...
- ...

side of the road.
The accident happened because Tom was driving on the
.... .......................


...... .....




- '<


H4 H



* m m

in all of the exercises in Unit 34 "ought to / ought not to* is possible instead of 'should /

34.1 1
34.2 1
34.3 1

You should go to the dentist.

You shouldn't ride your bicycle at night without tights.
You should learn a few words of Greek before you go.

Ithink all motorists should wear seat-belts.

1 don't think Jill and Sam should get married.
I think you should stay at home this evening.
He should be wearing a coat. / He should wear a coat. / He should have put a
coat on.
2 We should have brought something to eat.
3 You should have come to see me (when you were in Paris).
4 It / The shop should be open.
5 He shouldn't have stopped (so) suddenly (without warning). / He should have
given warning that he was going to stop.
6 They should be in bed.
They shouldn't be watching television.
8 To shouldn't have been driving on the wrong side of the road.




a) DOng should di n6i r&ng m$t diu gi dd rS't cd thi s xfiy ra (=> a probability):
A: Oo you think you'll be late home tonight?
(Anh cd nghiring tdi nay anh s vS nhi trS khdng?)
B: Idont think so. I should be home at the usual time.
(T6i khdng nghi thi', c6 thd tdi se vi nhd vdo gid thudng 1$).

6 dSy, "I should be home* c6 nghTa IA *c6 thi tdi se vl nha". Ban c6 thi di/pc dung
should dl n6i vl dilu cd thi sS x&y ra. Ought to cOng cd thi di/pc dCing vdi nghTa nly.
She's been studying very hard, so she should pass her examination, (or 'she ought
to pass her examination*)
(C6 &y da hoc hinh r&t chdrn chi, vl v$y cd the cd dy se thi diu thdi).

b) If... should
If you should see Tom this evening, can you tell himJo phone me?
(N&u t6i nay ban gSp Tom, ban cd thi bio anh Ta goi didn thoai cho tdi dupe
Cau nlycQng tddng tp nhUcSu "If you see Tom* (Nlu ban g$pTom) (khdng cd
should). Vdi should ngudi n6i it chic chin (less certain) hon:
If it should rain, can you bring in the washing from the garden?
(N&u trdi mi/a, dem dd dang phoi ngoai vt/dn v&o nhi?)
Don't worry, if Ishouldbe late home tonight.
(DCfng lo ling n&u nhti tdi cd vi nhd tri tdi nay).

Ban cOng c6 thi bat dlu clu vdi should (trudc chd tCr):
Should you see Tom this evening, can you telt him to phone me?
(N&u tdi nay ban gSp Tom, ban bio anh ta goi didn thoal cho tdi dUQC khong?).

Ban cd the dung should sau clc d$ng tir dudi day (tit nhifen chung cung dCmg dupe
vdi clc clu true khdc):
insist demand
(dS nghi)
(dd nghj)
(gidi thi$u)
(nhi ni) (yiu ciu)
They insisted thai we should have dinner with them.
(Hq n&i ni chung tdi in cam tdi vdi ho).
She demanded that I apologised to her.
(Cd ta yiu ciu tdi xin l6i cd la).



Hay can th|n vdi dpng tLf suggest. Ban khdng dupe dCing to-infinitive (d|ng tr
nguyen miu) (to do / to play v.v...) sau suggest:
What do you suggest we should do?
(but not 'What do you suggest us to do?").
ho|c: What do you suggest we do?
(Theo anh chung tdi nin 14m g)?).
Jim suggested (that) I should buy a car.
(but not 'Jim suggested me to buy").
hole: Jim suggested (that) I bought a car.
(Jim di nghj tdi ndn mua mdt chide xe hdi).
Pd'i vdi suggesting, hay xem bli 53.



d> B?r> c6 th dung should sau c6c tfnh ICf (adjectives) dudi day:
important (quan trqng)

funny (budn cudi).

typical (di&n hlnh).

strange (ky Iq)

essential (thigty&u)

odd (ky quSc)

natural (fy nhidn)
surprised (ngqc nhidn}.
Interesting (thti vj)
surprising (d6ng kinh ngac).
it's strange that he should be late. He's usually on time.
(Th$t Id Iq anh ta Iqi (ten tri. Anh ta thudng dung gid).
I was surprised that he should say such a thing.
(T6i ngqc nhidn Id anh ta Iqi ndi mdt diSu nhtf v$y).

UNIT 35: Exercises


35.1 In this exercise you have to use should to say that you think something will happen.

Example: Do you think Margaret will pass the examination?Well, she should pass the examination. She has studiedjery hard.
1 Do you think Ted will get the job he applied for?
He's got all the necessary qualifications.
Well. .
2 Do you think Jim will win his tennis match against Tom?
He's a much better player than Tom.
3 Do you think 10 will be enough to do all the shopping?
Well, it
But take a bit more in case it isrj't.




35.2 In this exercise you have to use If... should...

Example: I don't suppose you'll see Tom this evening but it ynu should see him, can
you ask him to phone me?
can you look after her
1 I donl think Ann will arrive before Iget home but
until Icome?
2 I don't think there will be any letters for me while I'm away but
can you send them on to this address"?
just let me know.
3 I don't suppose you'll need any help but
35.3 Now you have to write a sentence (beginning in the way shown) which means the
same as the first sentence.
Example: *1 think it would be a good idea to see a specialist", the doctor said to me.
The doctor recommended that 1 should see a specialist.
1 "You really must stay a little longer", she said to me. She insisted that





aM M aM aM




- ...

. mm



M. M4

- 4..

rN M 4M 4. MlM4 .M t 4f Ml Ml

"You must pay the rent by Friday at the latest", he said to us. He demanded that



"Why don't you visit the museum after lunch?" I said to them. I suggested that



mmm m mmr








av Mi a.. Ma


im an

a a Ma

aM M4 aal a.. Ma a

_ _ -------_------_-------------_----------_------_-------_-----------_------ -_-__-_ _ _ _

'Why donl you go away for a few days?" Jack suggested to me. Jack suggested

35.4 This time you have to put should in these sentences with one of these verbs:

Example: It's strange that he should be late. He's usually on time.
1 It's funny that you
2 It's only natural that parents
3 Isn't typical of him that he

4 It's very important that everyone


that. I was going to say the same thing.

about their children.
without saying goodbye?
very carefully.

35.1 1

35.2 1
35.3 1

he should get the job.

he should win {the match).
it should be enough.
"Ought to' is possible instead of 'should' in this exercise.

if she should arrive.

if there should be any (letters).
if you should need any (help).
Ishould stay a little longer, (or I stayed).
they should visit the museum after lunch, (or they visited).
we should pay the rent by Friday at the latest, (or we paid)
I should go away for a few days, (or I went).



35.4 1 should say.

2 should worry.
3 should leave.
4 should listen.


BAI 36:


dieu kin) (hin tgi ; ttfcfng lai)

sAnh cActhf du sau:

Tom: I think I left my lighter in your house. Have you seen it?
(Tdi nghl16 tdi di <34 quin cii b$t 10a d nhi b$n. Ban co thtfy nd khdng?)
Ann: No, but I'll have a look. If I find it, I'll give it to you.
(Khdng, nhUng tdi se xem lai. N4u tdi tim thify nd, tdi si due lai cho ban).
Trong thi dg n&y, c6 mt khS nSrg hin thyc (a real possibility) (& Ann s tim tha'y bt
Ida. Vi v$y c6 y noi "If I find... I'll..." (xem thm b&l 9c).
Ann: If I found 100 in the street, I would keep it.
(Gii sCf tdi tim th4y 100 bing trdn dtfdng, tdi si giO nd).
OSy la m$t loai tinh huO'ng khc. Ann khOng dang nghT v4i m$t khi nng hi$n thtfc ; CO
a'y tiidng tuqng ra tinh hutfng d6 (an imagined situation). VI v$y c6 4'y n6i: "If I found... I
would...* (khdng n6i: "If ifind... I will
a) Hay so


Khi ban tiidng tupng ra mQt stf vi$c trong ti/dng lai nhJ trn, ban dung hinh thdc past
(qua khd) (did/was/found v.v...) sau if. Nhi/ng y nghla khOng phSi d qua khtf.
What would you do it you won a million pounds?
(Ban si lam gi nd'u nhU ban thing di/Qc m$t triiu bimg?)
If we didn't go to their party next week, they would be very angry.
(N4u nhu tuan tdi chdng ta khdng den dt/ bda tide cua hQ, hQ si rat titc giin).
Ann wouldn't lend me any money if I askedher.
(Ann se khdng cho tdi mtJQn ti4n d&u n4u tdi hdi c6 ta).
b) Thudng thi chdng ta khdng ddng would trong IF clause (m$nh <36 if) cua cu.
I'd be very frightened if someone pointed a gun at me. (not *if someone would
(Tdi se rift hoing s<f n4u at <36 chia sdng vio tdi).
If we didn't go to their party next week, they would be angry, (not "if we wouldn't
(N4u tuin tdi chdng ta khdng di dd bQa tide cua hQ, hQ se r4t ttifc giin).

Ddi khi chdng ta cung c6 thi ndi if.,, would, d$c bidt Id khi chdng ta nhd ai l&m m$t
viec n&o dd mQt edeh trinh trgng:
I would be very grateful if you would send me your brochure and price list as soon
as possible, (from a formal letter)
(Tdi se rt bi4t an ni'u dng gdi cho tdi quyen sach hUdng din vi bing gii trong
thdi han ngin nhS't). (ft? mdt 16 thd dung nghi thdc)
- "Shall I close the door?" "Yes, please, if you would".
("Tdi ddng cda lai nhi?" "Vang, xin cd dong n4u anh mud'n").

<3 phn c6n lai cua c&u (main clause - m$nh 66 chinh) (khdng ph&i if clause) chdng
ta dCing would / wouldn't. Would thuflng dupe rdt gpn thdnh 'd. d$c
ndl tid'ng Anh (spoken English).


bi#t lei trong vdn

Jf you stopped smoking, you'd probably feel healthier.

(NS'u ben ngUng hut thu6c, ben se cm th&'y khde hcfn).
- They wouldn't come to the party if you invited them.
(Hq khdng d&n di/ tide nS'u ben c6 mdi hQ di ntfa).
Ben c6 th$ dung could ho$c might:
They might be angry if I didn't visit them.
(C6 1$ hQ s nSi gi$n nu tdi khdng d4n thdm hQ).
If it stopped raining, we could go out. (= we would be able to go out)
(N&u trdi tanh mUa, Chung ta cd th ra ngodi).

d) Bttng dung when trong nhffng c&u giong nhif cua b&i nAy:
Tom would be angry if\ didn't visit him. (not "when I didn't visit")
(Tom se riSi gidn nu nhu tdi kh6ng dSn thdm anh ta).
- What would you do if you were bitten by a snake ?-( not "when you were")
(Ban se 16m g) n4u nhu ban bi r&n cn?)

Xem b&i 9c.

Bdi vdi conditional sentences, xem thfim cic b&i 37, vh 38.

UNIT 36: Exercises

exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form.
Examples: If I found 100 in the street, I would keep (keep) it.
They'd be rather angry jf you didn't visit (not/visit) them.

36,1 In this

_. _._.......
.. _. ......
.._ .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .

(take) it.
If I was offered the job, I think I
2 I'm sure Tom will fend you some money. I would be very surprised if he
3 Many people would be out ot work if that factory
(close) down.
(not/get) much money for it.
4 If she sold her car, she
5 They're expecting us. They would be disappointed if we
(take) his bicycle without asking?
6 Wouid George be angry it I
(be) terribly upset if I lost it.
7 Ann gave me this ring. She
(wafk) in here with a gun, I'd be very frightened.
8 If someone
(not/go) to work tomorrow?
9 What wouid happen if you
10 I'm sure she
(understand) if you explained the situation to her.




36.2 This time you have to make questions.

Example: Perhaps one day somebody will give you a lot of money.

Perhaps one day a millionaire will ask you to marry him/her.

What would you do if


Perhaps one day you will lose your passport in a foreign country.

Ma an iM amw tma aat aaa arm aaa

Perhaps one day somebody will throw an egg at you.


Perhaps one day your car will be stolen.



M m*


F 1

r *4 m m 4



mmm mm mmm



a- Ml Ma aaa

aaa l

am mm mm mmm mm a mm



" aaa

Ma a

mmm mm mm mmm mmm m m m

mwm mmm mmm mm mm mmm mmm mm mm mm mm mmm mmm mm mmm mmm mmm mm mm mmm mmm mmm mm mm mmm mmm #

. Perhaps one day somebody will park his car on your foot.



mmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm mm mmm mmm mmm mmm

m+m a mm

mmm mmm




36.3 Now answer these questions in the way shown.

Example: Are you going to catch the 10.30 train? (we/arrive too early)



ts he going to take the examination? {he / fail it)

No, If he .....

Are you going to invite Bill to the party? (I / have to invite Linda too)

* *4

aaa aaa art aaa a




*h rrvnr m



Are you going to bed now? {I / not / sleep)


Is she going to apply for the job? (she / not / get it)

I 1w





a a 4


< <aa>a

m >ai

mm am


mm mmm mmm mmm


mmm mmm

Ma *M

n in amm mmm mmm mmm mm

mmm mmm mmm h mm mm mmm mmm




M >H



36.2 1

36.3 1


would take

wouldn't get
didn't come


mm m m

M- .M -Malaaaa


would be

didn't go
would understand

What would you do if a millionaire asked you to marry him / her?

What would you do if you lost your passport in a foreign country?
What would you do if somebody threw an egg at you?
What would you do if your car was / were stolen?
What would you do if somebody parked his car on your foot?
If he took the examination, he would fail it.
If I invited Bill to the party, I would have to invite Linda too.
If I went to bed now, I wouldn't sleep.
If she applied for the job, she wouldn't get it.

ma mmm mm mm mmm maamaa mam mm mmm mmm mm mm mmm mmm mmm mmm mm



Cau vdilF va WISH (hi?n tgi)

a) H3y xem x6t tlnh hudng mSu sau:

Tom mudn ggj din thoai cho Sue, nhung anh ta khdng the 16m diigc didu n6y vi anh
ta khdng biet sd' din thoai cua cd ta. Anh ta n6i:
- If I knew her number, I would telephone her.
(N4u tdi bid't s6 didn thoai cOa c6 ta, tdi se ggi didn thoai cho eg ta).
Tom n6i 'If I knew her number ...*. Bidu n6y cho thdy anh ta khdng bid't sd din thoai
cua cd ta. Anh ta dang tudng tupng ra tinh hudng dd. Tinh hudng thdt {real situation) 16
anh ta khdng biet s6" dien thogi cua cd ta,

Khi ban ti/dng tirong ra mdt tinh hudng tUdng ti/. ban dCing hinh thtfc past (qu6 khuf) (I
did/! was/I knewv.v..,) sau if.

Nhung y nghTa cuacdu 16 6 hin tai, chU khdng ph6i b qu6 khuf.
Tom would travel if he had more money, (but he doesn't have much money).
(Tom sd di du lich nd'u anh ta c6 nhiSu tidn hon) (nhung anh ta khdng cd nhieu
- .If I didn't want to go, I wouldn't, (but I want to go).
(Mu tdi khdng mud'n di, tdi sd khdng di) (nhung tdi mudn di).
We wouldn't have any money if we didn't work, (but we work)
(Chung ta sd khdng cd ti4n nSu chung ta khdng lam vide).
b) Chung ta cung dCing hlnh thtfc past (qu6 khuf) cho mdt tinh hudng hi$n tgi (present
situation) dtfng sau wish. ChCing ta dtfng wish 66 ndi r&ng chtfng ta I6'y lim tide vd
mdt didu gi, didu 66 khdng dtftfc nhtf chtfng ta mong mudn:
I wish I knew Sue's telephone number. (I don't know it).
(Udc gi tdi bidt sd' di$n thoai Sue) (Tdi khdng bid't).
Do you ever wish you could fly? (You can't fly).
(Ban cd bao gid udc ao Id minh bid't bay khdng?) (8$n khdng bidt bay).
I wish it didn't rain so much in England. (It rains a lot).
(Tdi mong Udc Id trdi di/ng mUa nhidu nhU the d nude Anh) (Trdi mUa ri't nhidu).
It's crowded here. I wish there weren't so many people (There are a lot of people).
(6 diy d6ng ngudi qui. Tdi Udc gl dCfng cd nhidu ngudi qui nhU viy). (Cd ri't

nhidu ngudi).

I wish I didn't have to work. (I have to work).

(Udc gi tdi khdng phii lim vide). (Tdi phii lim vide).

c) T rong c6c cau If v6 sau wish ban cd thd dung were thay cho was:
If I were you, I wouldn't buy that coat. (ho$c 16 "If t was you")
(Neu tdi li ban, tdi se khdng mua cii ao khoic do).
I'd go out if it weren't raining. (ho$c "If it wasnl raining")
(Tdi se <3i ra ngoii nu trdi khdng dang mUa).


I wish my room were larger. (ho$c "I wish my room was larger").
(Udc gl cSn phdng cua t6i Idn hcjn).
d) 0C/ng dung would trong m$nh de if cua cSu ho$c sau wish:
If I were rich, I would buy a castle.
(Nd'u tdi gidu c6, tdi se mua m$t toa 16u d6i). '
I wish I were taller.
(Udc gl tdi cao hon).



Nhung ddi khi ta cOng c6 th dung I wish would HSy xem bi 39

Could d6i khi c<5 nghTa l& "rfiit c6 th* v& dbi khi lai c6 nghTa "dfi c6 th lAm dupe":
She could (= would be able to) get a job more easily if she could (= was able to)
(C6 ta r&t c6 th0 ki&m dUdc vide 16m dS ddng hdn neu c6 ta biet danh may).

B6i vdi c6c c&u if v wish, xem thm cc b&i 36, 3*Tva 39.

UNIT 37: Exercises

.- - -.-. - - - -- - -- - - - ...........
. .. . .........

37.1 In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form.
Examples: If I knew (know) her number, I would telephone her.
I wouldn't buy (not/buy) that coat if iwere you.
1 I
(give) you a cigarette if I had one but I'm afraid I haven't.
2 This soup would t3Ste better if it
(have) more salt in it.
3 If you
(not/go) to bed so late every night, you wouldn't be so tired

..... ..

----all the time.


I wouldn't mind living in England if the weather

(be) better.
I'd help you if I .....
(can) but I'm afraid I can't.
. ..
If I were you, I
. .
(not/marry) him.
We would happily buy that house if it
(not/be) so small.

37.2 This time you have to read a situation and write a sentence with if.
Example: We don't visit you very often because you live so far away.
But if you didn't live so far away, we would visit you mora often.


People don't understand him because he doesn't speak very clearly.

But if he

I'm not going to buy that book because it's too expensive.
But if that book
She doesn't go out very often because she can't walk without help.

He's fat because he doesn't take any exercise.





m o> H<

na mm

Ml M >H


<.r M ! .

m >H <H HI M4

In i~ aaa

aaa tnmnt III

M Mm

m IM




m Mm



mm xa an mm n. aaa n. ax aaa mm ax xa ax aaa aaa aaa xa a a a a a a a

Mm M XI 41 Ml Mm m M 4X Ml Ml IM aal IIIIII xl Mm mm aaa ala .a

We can't have lunch in the garden because it's raining

1 can't meet you tomorrow evening because I have to work.


37.3 Now you have to write sentences with I wish

Example: I don't know many people (and I'm lonely). I wish Iknew more people.

I can't give up smoking (but I'd like to). I wish I

I haven't any cigarettes (and I need one). J wish

George isn't here (and I need him). I wish George



It's cold (and I hate cold weather). I wish

I live in London (and I hate London). I
Tina can't come to the party (she's your best friend). I
I have to work tomorrow (but I'd like to stay in bed)
I don't know anything about cars (and my car has just broken down).











37.1 1


37.2 1

37.3 1


would give
didn't go
wouldn't marry

But if he spoke (more) clearly, people would understand him.

But if that book weren't/wasn't so expensive, I would buy It.
But if she could walk without help, she would go out more often.
But if he took some/more exercise, he wouldn't be (so) fat.
But if it weren't/wasn't raining, we could (or would be able to) have lunch in
the garden.
But if I didn't have to work, I could (or would be able to) meet you tomorrow
I wish I could give up smoking.
i wish I had a cigarette/some cigarettes.
I wish George were/was here.
>1 wish it weren't/wasn't so cold.
i wish I didn't live in London.
I wish Tina could come to the party.
1 wish I didn't have to work tomorrow.
I wish I knew something about cars.
I wish I were/was lying on a beautiful sunny beach.


BA 138:

Cau vdi IF vl WISH (qua khuf)

a) Hay xem xlt tlnh hulng mliu sau:

Thing trt/dc Ann bj b|nh. Tom khbng bilt dilu nly, vl thi anh ta da khfing din thlm
c6 ta. Hp g3p Igi nhau sau khi Ann dl khfie hdn. Tom nbi:
If Ihad knowthat you were ill, I would have gone to see you.
(Neu tdi bid't ban bj binh, tdi da di thim ban)
Tinh hulng that II Tom da khong bilt ring Ann da bj b|nh. VI v|y anh ta ndi "If I had
known...". Khi b?n dang n6i vl qui khir, ban dung thi Past Perfect (Qui khuf hoan thlnh)
(I had done / 1 had been / 1 had known v.v...) sau If.


If Ihad seen you when you passed me in the street, Iwould have said hello.
(Neu lot nhtn thay ban 10c ban di ng ing qua tdi da chio ban rdi). (NhUng tdi da
khdng nhin thdy ban).
I would have gone out if I hadn't been so tired.
(Tdi da di chdi n4u nhU tdi khdng mit mdi nhii the). (NhUng tdi Qui met mdi).
If he had been looking where he was going, he wouldn't have walked Into the wall.
(Neu nhu anh ta di y xem minh dang di diu. anh ta da khdng dam sim vio tUdng
nhif the). (NhUng anh ta di khong de y).
OCfng diing would (have) trong rrtpnh dl if cua clu:
If I had seen you, Iwould have said hello. (Khdng n6i "If I would have seen")
(Niu tdi nhin thiy b$n thi tdi da chio ban rdi).

CI would va had diu cd thi nit gpn thlnh 'd:

If I'd seen you, I'd said hello.
(Niu tdi nhin thay ban thi tdi da chio ban rdi.).
b) Bqn cung phai dung thi Past Perfect (Qui khuf holn thlnh) (1 had done) sau wish khi
ban n6i ring ban lly llm tile vl mdt vi|c nao do da xly ra ho|c dl khdng xay ra
trong qui khtf:
I wish Ihad known that Ann was ill. Iwould have gone to see her.

(Lfdc gl tdi da biil ring Ann bi binh. Tdi se da di tham cd S'y). (Tdi da khdng biet
ring cd i'y bj bdnh)
I feel sick. I wish I hadn't eaten so much.
(Toi cam thay kho chiu. Gia mi tdi dUng in nhieu nhU the): (Tdi da in qui nhidu)
Do you wish you had studied science instead of languages?
(Ban cd Udc ring ban da hoc khoa hgc thay v) hgc ngdn ngO khdng?) (Ban da
khdng hoc khoa hoc)
The weather was awful. I wish it had been warmer.
(Thdi tiS't that khung khid'p. Toi udc gi trdi da i'm hdn). (Trdi da khdng am)
Ban khdng th4 dung would (have) sau wish;
I wish, it had been warmer, (khong dung "would have been")
(Tdi Udc gl trdi di i'm hdn).

Would have (done) II thi qui khti cua would (do):


If I had gone to the party last night, I would be tired now.

(Neu nhU t6i hdm qua tdi di dt/ tide thi biy gid t6i se mdt mdi l&m) (Bdy gid tdi
khdng mSt mdi * hi$n ta')
If I had gone to the party last night, I would have seen Ann.
(Ni'u nhtf t6i hdm qua tdi dtj tide thi tdi se da gSp Ann). (T6i dd khdng g$p Ann quA khd)

Might have v& could have cung c6 th" dupe dung thay cho would have:
If we'd played better, we might have won. (= perhaps we would have won)
(N4'u chung ta chdi hay hdn, co le chung ta da thAng)
We could have gone out if the weather hadn't been so bad. (= we would have been
able to go out)
(Chung ta da co th4 di ra ngoAi n'u thdi ti&t khdng xS'u nhU thS).

0oi vdi cPu if v& wish, xem


cc b&i 36, 37 vk 39.

__ _ __

UNIT 38: Exercises

38.1 in this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form.
Examples: If I had known (know) that you were ill last week, I'd have gone to see you.
Tom wouldn't have entered (not/enter) for the examination if he had known
that it would be so difficult.


(miss) the train, he would

Tom got to the station in time. If he
have been late for his interview.
2 It's good that Ann reminded me about Tom's birthday. I
(forget) if she
hadn't reminded me.
3 We might not have stayed at this hotel if George
it to us.
4 I'd have sent you a postcard while I was on holiday if I
your address

38.2 Now you have to read a situation and write a sentence with if.
Example: She didnl eat anything because she wasn't hungry.

The accident happened because the driver in front stopped so

suddenly. If the driver in front

I didn't wake George because I didn't know he wanted to get up early. If I

I was







because Jim


me the



4 She wasn't Injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat-bett.

You're hungry now because you didn't have breakfast.



.>"* >M

".>... M. ... M




She didn't buy the coat because she didn't have enough money on her.





me mm

38.3 T/j/s time you have to imagine that you are in a situation. For each situation, make a
sentence with Iwish ...
Example: You've eaten too much and now you feel sick.
You say: i wish I hadn't eaten so much.

You've just painted the door red. Now you decide that it doesn't iook very nice. You
say: I wish I

You are walking in the country. You would like to take some photographs but you
didn't bring your camera. You say: I
A good friend of yours visited your town but unfortunately you were away when he
came. So you didn't see him. You say:
You've just come back from your holiday. Everything was fine except for the hotel,
which wasn't very good. You say:





' "

MH< M <>

rmm m


38.1 1

38.2 1

had missed

would have forgotten

hadn't recommended
had had ('d had)


38.3 1



If the driver in front hadn't stopped (so) suddenly, the accident wouldn't have


If I had known George wanted (or had wanted) to get up early, I would have
woken him.
If Jim hadn't lent me the money, Iwouldn't have been able to buy the car.
If she hadn't been wearing (or hadn't worn) a seat-belt, she would have been
injured in the crash.
If you'd had (= had had) breakfast, you wouldn't be hungry now.
If she'd had (= had had) enough money on her, she would have bought the

I wish
1 wish

I hadn't painted the door red / 1 wish I had painted it another colour.
I had brought my camera. 11 wish I had my camera with me.
I had seen him. / 1 wish i had been here when he came.
the hotel had been better. / 1 wish we had stayed at another hotel.



Bd'i vdi would vd would have trong IF-clause (cdu dieu kidn, xem cdc bdi 36,37 vd

Bdi vdi would trong offers (Idi de nghj) invitations (Idi mdi) v.v... xem bdi 31. Bdi ndy
gidi thi'ch mdt s6 each dung khdc cua would.
a) Bdi khi chung ta dung would sau I wish
/ hjish tr MOULD



... Xem thi dp sau

Trdi dang mi/a. Tom mud'n di ra ngoai, nhung

khong phdi di di/di mifa. Anh ta ndi:
I wish it would stop raining.
(Tdi itdc gItrdi t$nh mua).
Dieu ndy c6 nghTa Id Tom dang phan nan ve
cdn mua vd mud'n mt/a tgnh. Chung ta dung / wish...
would... khi chung ta mud'n mdt dieu gl do xay ra
hodc mud'n mdt ngudi ndo dd Idm mpt vide gi. Ngudi
ndi dang phdn nan (complaining) vd tinh hudng hipn


I wish someone would answer that telephone. It's been ringing for about five
(Gia mi co ai dd tra Idi diin thoai- Dien ihoai da reo dupe khoang 5 phut rdi).
The music next door is very loud. I wish they would turn it down.
(Nhi ben anh md nh$c qua Idn. T6i udc gl h<?
vin miy nho bdt).

Chung ta thudng dung I wish... wouldn't de phan ndn ve edeh thUc ngudi khdc Idm

mdt vide gi.

I wish you wouldn't drive so fast. It makes me nervous.

(Udc gl anh dClng lai xe nhanh nhu th. Nd lam toi hoi hop qua).
Chung ta dung I wish... would khi chung ta muon mpt dieu gl dd phai thay doi hodc
mudn ngudi khac Idm mdt dieu gi dd. VI vay ban khdng thd ndi "I wish I would...*.

Bl blet them vd wish, hay xem bdi 37 vd 38.

b) Would / wouldn't doi khi Id hinh thUc qud khU cua will / won't:

Hien tqi
Qui khCl

Hidn tqi
Qua khd

Tom: I'll lend you some money, Ann.

(Tom: Tdi se cho ban muqn mdt It tien, Ann a)
Tom said that he would lend Ann some money.
(Tom ndi ring anh ta se cho Ann mugn mdt it tien).
Ann: I promise I won't be late.
(Ann: Tdi hda se khdng di trS).
Ann promised that she wouldn't be late.
(Ann da hda li co ta se khdng tre).


Hidn tai
Qua khii

Tom: Damn! The car won 't start.

(Tom: Kh! thill Xe hdi khdng chju r\6 miy).

Torn was angry because the car wouldn't start.
(Tom giin dQ v) chide xe khdng chju n6 may).

c) B$n cting cd the? dung would khi ban nhin lai qud khuf v& nhd
thudng xhy ra (repealed actions in the past):

lai nhtfng

diu da

When we were children, we lived by the sea In summer, if the weather was fine,
we would all get up early and go for a swim.
(Khi chung tdi cdn b6, chung tdi song gin bien. Vao mua hi, nSu thdi Hit td't,
Chung tdi Iht/dng day sdm va di bdi).
Whenever Arthur was angry, he would just walk out of the room.

(M6i khi Arthur giin d(J. anh ta thudng chl di ra khoi phong).
Used to cung cd th dU<?c dung trong nhUng cdu tren:
'We all used to get up early and go...
(... Chung tdi thudng d$y sdm vi di...)


\/i used to, xem bdi 25.

UNIT 39: Exercises

39.1 In this exercise you have to read a situation and then write a sentence with Iwish...


Example: It's raining. You want to go out. but not in the rain. So you want it to stop
raining. What do you say? lavish it would stop raining.

You're waiting tor Tom. He's late and you're getting impatient. You want him to

come. What do you say? Iwish

A baby is crying and you're trying to sleep. You want the baby to stop crying. What
do you say? I
You're looking for a job - so far without success. You want somebody to give you a
job. What do you say? I wish somebody
Brian has been wearing the same old clothes for years. You think he needs some
new clothes and you want him to buy some. What do you say to him?








mm mm




mm ut mmm'it.tmmmmmm

mm wm

39.2 Now you have to use Iwish... wouldn't...

in .<

km KM



- mm a mm mm mm mm mm mmm mmm mm

Example: Tom drives very fast. You don't like this. What do you say to him?


I wish you wouldn't drive so fast.

You are telling your friend about the man in the next flat. He often plays the piano
in the middle of the night and you don't like this. What do you say to your friend? I

A lot of people drop


3 Jack always leaves

ter in the street. You don't like this. What do you say? I wish




e door open. You don't



. M


this. What do you say to him? I

39.3 In this exercise you have to write a sentence with promised.

Example: I wonder why she's late.



I wonder why Tom hasn't written to me. He promised

I wonder why Ann told Tom what I said. She promised
I wonder why they haven't come. They



" *<

39.4 These sentences are about things that often happened in the past. You have to put in
would with one of these verbs: be
yjfifdfc take shake
Example: Whenever Arthur was angry, he would walk out of the room.




We used to live next to a railway line. Every time a train went past, the whole

That cinema is nearfy always empty now. I rememffer a few years ago it
crowded every night.
When he went out. Jack
an umbrella with him
whether it was raining or not.

, * M


M. S




Ml Ml4



M .M

39.1 1

I wish Tom would come. / 1 wish Tom would hurry (up).

I wish that baby would stop crying.
J wish somebody would give me a job.
Iwish you would buy some new clothes.

39.2 1

I wish the man in the next flat wouldn't play the piano in the middle of the
I wish people wouldn't drop litter in the street.
I wish you wouldn't always leave the door open.


39.3 1

39.4 1

He promised (me) he would write to me.

She promised (me) she wouldn't tell Tom what I said.
They promised (me) they wouid come.
would shake
would be
would always take


BAI 40:

IN CASE (phdng khi)

a) Hay xem xdt tinh hudng mdu sau:

Geoff la mQt tr<?ng tdi bdng dd. Anh ludn ludn

deo hai d6ng hd trong mdt tr$n dd'u. bdi vl c6 thd
mdt chide ddng hd sd ngting chay.
He wears two watches in case one of them
(Anh la deo hai chiec ddng ho phong khi mot
trong hai chide ngi/ng chay).
In case one of them stops (Phdng khi mdt trong hai
chide ngi/ng chay) "bdi vl cd thS mQt trong hai
chiSc se ngi/ng chay*.

Sau day la mdt sd thf dy vd in case:

John might phone tonight. I don't want to go out in case he phones* because it is
possible that he will phone).
(Toi nay John co the se goi diQn thoai tdi. Tdi khdng mud'n ra ngoai phdng khi anh
ta goi diQn thoai tdi). (= bdi vi cd the anh ta se ggi dien thoai tdi).
I'll draw a map for you in case you can't find our house. (= because it is possible
that you won't be able to find it).
(Tdi se ve mQt ban do cho ban phdng khi ban khong tim ra nhd cua chung tdi). (=
bdi vIcd thd ban se khdng tim ra nd).

b) Ddng dung will sau in case. Dung mdt thi hidn tai (present tense) khi bgn dang ndi vd
ti/dng lai:

I don't want to go out tonight in case John phones, (khdng ndi "in case John will

c) In case khdng cd cung y nghTa vdi if. Hay so sdnh cdc cdu sau:

We'll buy some more food if Tom comes. (= Perhaps Tom will come ; if he cr mes.
we'll buy some more food ; if he doesn't come, we won't buy any more food).
(Chung ta se mua thSm mdt it thi/c Sin neu Tom dd'n). (= Cd le Tom se den ; bay
gid chung ta se mua thSm mdt It thi/c an, du anh ta cd den hay khdng ; nhU the
chdng ta se cd san thi/c an ndu anh ta d&n).
We'll buy some more food in case Tom comes. (= Perhaps Tom will come: we'll
buy some more food now. whether he comes or not ; then we'll already havd the
food if he comes.
(Chung ta se mua thdm mQt ft thi/c an phdng khi Tom den). (= Cd le Tom se den ;
bdy gid chimg ta se mua them mgt It thi/c an, du anh ta cd den hay khdng ; nhU
thd chung ta se cd sdn thi/c an ndu anh ta den).

Hy so sdnh:
- This letter is for Ann. Can you give it to her if you see her?
(La thu nay gdi cho Ann Bgn cd the dua cho cd ta neu ban gap cd ta khdng?)


This letter is for Ann. Can you take it with you in case you see her?
(La thit niy gdi cho Ann. Ban cd th& mang no theo phdng khi bpn g$p c6 ta
d) B$n c6

thd* dCmg In case (phdng khi) d ndi v) sao m$t ngi/di ndo dS Idm dibu

gl db

trong qud khtf:

We bought some more food in case Tom came. (= because it was possible that
Tom would come).
(Chung 16i da mua thim m$t ft thtic An phdng khi Tom den).
I drew a map for her in case she couldn't find our house.
(Tdi da v mdt bin d6 cho cd ta phdng khi cd ta khdng tim ra nhA cua chung tdi).
We rang the bell again in case they hadn't heard the first time.
(Chdng tdi da bdm chudng Idn nda phdng khi ho khdng nghe dupe !Sn d&u).

e) In case of khdc vdi in case. In case of fire cb nghTa Id "if there is a fire" (nd'u cb h6a
ho$n, trong trudng hdp h&a hoan):

in case of fire, please leave the building as quickly as possible.

(Trong trudng hdp xiy ra hda ho$n, hay rdi khdi tda nhA ngay lip tile).
In case of emergency, telephone this number. (= if there is an emergency)
(Trong tnJdng hdp khSn ci'p, hay goi s6 didn thopi nAy). (= nd'u cd chuy$n



UNIT 40: Exercises

40.1 Tom is going tor a long walk in the country. He has decided to take these things with
him: his camera, some chocolate, an umbrella, a towel, a map and some lemonade. He
is taking these things because:
perhaps he'll need a drink
perhaps he'll lose his way
perhaps he'll want to have a swim
perhaps it wilt rain
perhaps he'll want to take some photographs
perhaps he'll get hungry
Now write sentences with In case saying why Tom has decided to take these things.
Example. He is going to take his camera in case he wants to take some photographs.
1 He's going to take some chocolate in case
...... ... ...
2 He's going to take



... ......



" 41

(.1 .M






a. ..

mm mmm mmm




... ....


40.2 In this exercise you have to write sentences with in case.

Example: It was possible that John would phone. So I didn't go out.

I didn't go out in case John phoned.
1 It was possible that he would come to London one day. So I gave him my address.
I gave him my address in case



mm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm M


it was possible that I wouldn't see her again. So I said goodbye. I said




IttllllailllM*!! .*#





- >' H'

It was possible that her parents were worried about her. So she phoned them. She



- i


"I H







IM mm





It was possible that \ would forget the name of the street. So I wrote it down.



It was possible that they hadn't reqeived my first letter. So I wrote them a second


............. -................... .............




M I"



>H In

H"MI> "IHi

......... --.........

" .a...





... ............ ....... . .. .



40.3 77i/s time you have to put in case or if in these sentences.

. . . .. .. .............
.. . . .

Examples: John might phone tonight. I don't want to go out in case he phones.

Could you give this book to Tom il you see him?




you come, you must visit us.

I hope you'll come to London sometime
I've just painted the door, I'll put a Wet Paint notice next to it
someone doesn't realise the paint is still wet.
somebody tries to break in.
We have fitted a burglar alarm to the house
somebody tries to break into the house.
The alarm will ring
you lose it.
Write your name and address on your bag
you lose your bag.
Go to the lost property office
_...! needed medical treatment while
I was advised to arrange insurance
I was on holiday abroad.

40.1 1

He's going to take some chocolate in case her gets hungry.

He's going to take an umbrella in case it rains.

He's going to take a towel in case he wants to have a swim.
He's going to take a map in case he loses his way.
He's going to take some lemonade in case he needs a drink,
40.2 1 i gave him my address in case he came to London one day.
2 I said goodbye in case I didn't see her again.
3 She phoned her parents in case they were worried about her.
4 I wrote down the name of the street in case I forgot it.
5 \ wrote them a second letter in case they hadn't received my first one.
40.3 1 If
2 in case



in case


in case
in case

BAI 41:



a) Unless (trd phi ; nlu

... khdng):

( jo!,crr\
jo 3

Hay xem xdt tinh hulng mSu sau:

Joe bj lang tai. Nlu ban n6i binh thi/dng vdi anh ta,
anh ta se khdng thi nghe thly ban n6i gl. Nlu ban
mud'n anh ta nghe ban, ban phi la Idn.
Joe can't hear unless you shout.
(Joe khdng thi nghe dddc trd phi ban la J6n).
Dieu nay cd nghTa ia:-Joe can hear only if you
shout". Unless cd nghTa la except If (trd phi).
Chung ta dtmg unless d|rthilt lap mdt ngoai t|

(an exception) cho dilu chung ta


Siau day la m|t s6 thi dy khc vl unless:

Don't tell Ann what I said unless she asks you. {= except if she asks you)
(DCfrtg ke cho Ann didu tdi da n6i trd phi c6 ta hoi ban),
I'll come tomorrow unless I have to work. (= except if I have to work)
(Ngay mai t6i se dd'n tret phi tdi phai !m viec).
I wouldn't eat fish unless t was extremely hungry. (= except if I was extremely
(T6i se khdng Sn cd trd phi tdi qua doi).

Chiing ta thu&ng dCing unless trong cdc Idi cnh bo (warnings):

We'll be late unless we hurry. (= except if we hurry)
(Chung ta s trS gid trd phi chung ta khSn trddng lin).
Unless you work harder, you're not going to pass the examination. (= except if you
work harder)
(Neu ban khdng hoc hdnh chdm chl hon, b$n se khdng thi d$u d&u).
- The man said he would hit me unless Itold him where the money was. (= except it I
told him)
(Ngu'di dan dng ndi Id hin se danh tdi trd phi tdi n6i cho hdn bit ti4n d dSu).
Thay vl dOng unless, chdng ta cung cd thi dung lf., not:
Don't tell Ann what Isaid if she doesn't ask you.
(Difng k4 cho Ann diSu tdi da noi nd'u cd ta khdng hdi b$n).
- We'll be late if we don't hurry.
(Chung ta se tre gid ni'u chimg ta khdng kh4n truang Idn).

b) As long as, provided (that), providing (that) (miin Id):

Cdc nhdm tif n&y c6 nghTa a but only If (mien Id):


You can use my car as long as (ho$c "so long as"), you drive carefully. (= but only it
you drive caretully).
(Ban cd th& sCr dgng xe hdi cua tdi miSn Id ban Idi cn th$n).
Travelling by car is convenient provided (that) you have somewhere to park. (= but
only if you have somewhere to park).
(Di bdng xe hdi thl tidn Igi dSy miSn Id ban tlm dUdc chS ddu xe).
Providing (that) she studies hard, she should pass the examination. (= but only if
she studies hard).
(MiSn Id c6 y hoc hdnh chdm chl cd Sy s thi ddu).


Khi ban dang ndi vS tudng lai, dCfng dung will vdi unless, as long as, provided hoSc
Hay dung m$t thl hi$n tai (a present tense):
- Weil be late unless we hurry.
(Chung ta sd bi trS gid trCf phi chdng ta khgn trddng ISn)(khdng dung "unless we

will hurry")
Providing she studies hard...
(MiSn Id cd d'y hoc hdnh chdm chl... (khdng dung *providing she will study").
Xem bAi 9

d biet thm vS qui tac n&y.

UNIT 41 : Exercises
41.1 In this exercise you have to read a sentence and then write a new sentence with the

same meaning. Use unless in your sentences.

Example. You must study more or you won't pass the examination.

You must listen carefully or you won't know what to do.

You won't know what to do
We must hurry or we'll miss the train.

You must speak very slowly or he won't be able to understand you.


My salary must be increased or I'll look for another job
She must apologise to me or I won't forgive her




......... .............


W M. >44

...... .......

444 44. M.M



41.2 Now you have to read a sentence with only if and then write a new sentence with

Example: Joe can hear only if you shout. Joe can't hear unless you shout.
1 I'm going to the party only if you go too.
. .
I m not going to the party .




You are allowed into the club only if you are a member.
You're not
The dog will attack you only if you move.
The dog
He'll speak to you only if you ask him a question.
He ..

mm 4mm



9m 999 999 999


999 999


999 909 449


mm 9m*

41.3 7h/s time you have to choose the correct word or expression for each sentence.

Example: You can use my car unless/as long as you drive carefully, ("as long as* is



I'm playing tennis tomorrow unless/providing it's raining.
We're going to start painting the house tomorrow unless/provided it's not raining.
You can smoke in here unless/as long as you leave a window open to let the
smoke out.
George doesn't trust anyone. He won't lend you any money unless/as long as you
promise in writing to pay him back.

The children can stay here unless/providing they don't make too much noise.
I'm going now unless/provided you want me to stay.
I can't understand why he's late unless/as long as he didn't get our message.

41 .11 You wonl know what to do unless you listen carefully.

41.2 1


41.3 1

We'll miss the train unless we hurry.

He wont be able to understand you unless you speak very slowly.
I'll look for another job unless my salary is increased.
Iwon't forgive her unless she apologises to me.

I'm not going to the party unless you go too.

You're not allowed into the club unless you're a member.
The dog wont attack you unless you move.
He won't speak to you unless you ask him a question.

as long as





PASSIVE VOICE (The bj dong) (be

done / have been done) (1)

BAI 42:

a) Active (chii ddng)

va passive (bj d6ng) Hay xem th i dy sau:

- This house was built in 1895

(CSn nha nay da dupe xay vao nam 1895).

Day la ca'u bi d0ng (a passive sentence) Hay so
- Somebody built this house in 1895. (active)
(Ngudi ta xay can nha nay vao nam 1895).
This house was built in 1895. (passive)
(Can nha nay dUQc xay vao nam 1895).
Chung ta thi/dng hay dung passive voice .(the bj dong)
khi ai hay cdi gi da gay ra hanh d<?ng la dieu khong
quan trQng lam.
Trong thi dy nay, vipc ai da xay can nha khdng quan
' v
trQng llm.



Trong cau passive, n0u ban mu6n n6i ai hay cai gi da gay ra hanh dpng, hay dung by:
This house was built by my grandfather. (= my grandfather built it)
(Can nha ndy da dupe 6ng toi x&y). (= 6ng 1di da xiy no)
Have you ever been bitten by a dog? (= Has a dog ever bitten you?)
(B$n cd bao gid bi cho cdn chua?) (= Co bao gib cho can ban chUa?)

b) Trong cau passive chung ta dung hinh there dung cua be (is / are / was / were / has
been w ..)+ past participle (phan tCT qua khCf):
(be) damaged
(bj tan pha)

(be) cleaned
(be) done
(dupe lam) (dupe lau)

(be) built
(dupe xay)

(be) seen
(dupe thay)

D6i vdi cac past participles bat qui tac (done / seen / written v.v...), xem Phy
D6i vdi passive voice cua ede thi hidn tyi va qua kher, xem bai 43.

lye 2.

c) Passive infinitive (d<?ng ti/ nguyen mlu bi d0ng) la be done / be cleaned / be built
v.v... Chung ta diing infinitive (d0ng ti/ nguydn mu) sau cac modals (d0ng tC/ d0c
bi$t) (will, can, must v.v...) va mQt "s6 dong tC/ khac (thi dy: have to, be going to,
want to). Hay so s&nh:

Active: We can solve

Passive: This problem



can be solved


Chu d0ng: (Chung ta co the giai

quyet v&n de ndy).
Bi dQng: (Van de ndy cd th4
dupe giai quyet).

The new hotel will be opened next year.

(KhAch sen mdi se dUQc khai trUong vao nam tdi).

George might be sent to America by his company in August.

(C6 th George se <Si/0c cdng ty cua anh ta gdi di My vAo thang Tarn),
The music at the party was very loud and could be heard from far away.
(Tii'ng nhgc d bQa tide rt Idn vA co th dupe nghe thSy tti d&ng xa).
This room is going to be painted next week.
(CAn phdng nAy se dUpc son vAo tuAn tdi).
Go away! I want to be left alone.
(Cut di! Tdi mud'n dupe de mAc mdt minh).

C Q ng c6 hinh thtfc past passive infinitive (dQng tu" nguydn m&u bi d$ng
qua khu"): have been done / have been cleaned / have been built v.v...


ChO ddng: (OAng le phAi cd ai

Somebody should have

cleaned the windows

The windows should

have been cleaned yesterday.

66 lau chui nhdng canh ctfa

so ngAy~h6m qua).
Bi ddng: (Nhunrycanh cCfa so
dang le phAi dugc lau chui
v&o ng&y h6m qua).

My bicycle has disappeared. It must have been stolen.

(Xe dap cua tdi da bid'n mt. At hn la no da bj dAnh cAp).
She wouldn't have been injured if she had been wearing a seat-belt.
(Cd ta rSt cd th4 da khdng bi thddng nAu nht/cd ta c6 deo thdt hfng an toAn).
The weather was awful. The football match ought to have been cancelled.
(Thdi tid't th$t khung khiAp. TrAn bong da le ra da phii bj huy bd).

UNIT 42: Exercises

42.1 Complete these sentences with one of the following verbs (in the correct form): arrest,
wake, knock, check, translate, find, drive, make, spend, carry, hear.


Example: The music at the party was very loud and could be heard from far away.



A decision will not

until the next meeting.
That building is dangerous. It ought to
down before it talis down.
When you go through Customs, your luggage may
by a customs officer.
I told the hotel receptionist that I wanted to
up at 6.30.
Her new book will probably
into a number of foreign languages.
If you kicked a policeman, you'd
Police are looking for the missing boy. He cant


. . . . . .. .

Do you think that less money should

The injured man couldn't walk and had to
10 I don't mind driving but I prefer to

on arms?


by other people.


.- - .

42.2 Here again you have to complete a sentence. This time use these verbs: must,
shouldn't, might, would, sh&4jl
Example: Did apyorie Clean the windows?
No. They should have been cleaned but they weren't.


. . . .-------. .-.-.-.- - - -

A: Did anyone invite Ann to the party?

B: I dont know. She
- I'm not sure.
A: Did anyone see you?
if it hadn't been so dark.
B: No, but I
A: Has someone repaired this machine?
B: Well, it's working again so it
A: Did someone throw those old letters away?
B: Yes, but it was a mistake. They

M irriirtiim

Me r H

mmm mmm m



42.3 Now you have to read a sentence and write another sentence with the same
meaning:Exampie: We can solve the problem. The problem can be solved.

People Should send their complaints to the head office.

. Ti.
They had to postpone the meeting because of illness
The meeting

Somebody might have stolen your car if yoi/ had left the keys in it.



we ew ew eee we we ew


- we

4M *4* rM


#* 0



42.1 1

42.3 1






M H# M H4 N4



ee w

Your car

An electrical fault could have caused the fire.

The fire
They are going to hold next year's congress in San Francisco.
Next year's congress
They shouldn't have played the football match in such bad weather.
the football match




mm mm mm mm


M4 4b


eee we m ew

mm mm mmm mmm mm mm m



Nk 4. ** mm

IM 4I H4 #44 M4

mm mmm mmm mm mm mmm a

be made
2 be knocked
4 be woken
be checked
be translated
6 be arrested
8 be spent
be found
10 be driven
be carried
might have been invited
would have been seen ("should have been seen" is also possible)
must have been repaired
shouldn't have been thrown away
Complaints should be sent to the head office.
The meeting had to be postponed because of illness.
Your car might have been stolen if you had left the keys in it.
The fire could have been caused by an electrical fault.
Next year's congress is going to be held in San Francisco.
The football match shouldn't have been played in such bad weather

K4 N4

mm* % 4 %


H >44

BAI 43: PASSIVE VOICE (ThS bi dong) (2) (Cac

thi hi$n tai va qua khuf)
Sau d&y l& hinh thtfc passive d cAc thl hi$n tai

qua khtf;

Simple present (Hi0n tai ddn): am/ls/are + done/cleaned v.v...

Active: Somebody deans

every day.

Passive: This room is cleaned every day.

Many accidents are caused by dangerous driving.

(NhiSu tai nan bi gay ra do st/ Hi xe nguy him).
I'm not often invited to parties.
(Tdi khong thudHQ dU0c rpdi di di/ dec).
How many people are injured in road accidents every day?
{Co bao nhi&u ngUdi bi thuong tkh trong c&c tai nan 1rin dudng phti h&ng ngay?)

Simple past {Qua khuf ddn): was/were + done / cleaned v.v...

Active: Somebody cleanedj this room [ yesterday.
Passive: This room was cleaned yesterday.

During the night we were all woken up by a loud explosion.

(Trong dem tat ci chung tdi bj ddnh thUc bdi mdt ti&ng nS Idn).
When was that castle built?
(law ddi <36 duqfc xdy di/ng ndm n&o?)
The house wasn't damaged in the storm but a tree was blown down.
(CSn nhd khong bi hU h$i gi trong tr$n bao nhi/ng mot c&y to da bj thtfi ngS).

Present continuous (Hi$n tai ti&p diin): am/is/are being + done/cleaned v.v..

Active: Somebody is cleaning [ the room at the moment.


Passive: The room is being cleaned at the moment.

Look at those old house! They are being knocked down.

(Nhin nhdng cSn nhd cu ky kia Ma! Chdng dang bj phd dS).
Are you being served, madam?
(Ngifdi bin hdng vdi khdch hdng) (C6 ai phuc vy bd khdng, tht/a bd?).

Past continuous (Qu4 khuf ti'p din); was/were being + done/cleaned v.v...

Active: Somebody was cleaning

the room when I arrived.

Passive: The room was being cleaned when I arrived.


Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. We were being followed.

DCt nhidn tdi nghe thy tiSng bifdc chin sau lung. Chung tdi dang bi theo doi)

Present perfect (Hi$n tal hodn thiinh): have/has been + done/cleaned v.v...
Active: The room looks nice Somebody has cleaned fit")

Passive: The room looks nice.

has been cleaned.

Have you heard the news? The president has been shot.
(Ban da nghe tin gfchua? T6ng thSng vi/a bi bin dSy).

I'm not going to the party. I haven't been invited.

(T6i se khdng di di/ tide. Tdi khdng dddc mdi).

Past perfect (Qui khur hoin thinh); had been + done/cleaned v.v...
Active: The room looked much better. Somebody had cleaned

Passive: The room looked much

better.ful had been cleaned.

Jim didn't know about the change of plans. He hadn't been told.
(Jim khdng he biet vS s<j thay doi ke hoach Anh ta da khdng dugc thing bio).

UNIT 43: Exercises

43. 1 In this exercise you have to read a sentence and then write another sentence with the
same meaning. Begin each sentence as shown.
Somebody stole my bag in the shop My bag
The police have arrested three men.

. ...

Three men


The bill includes service. Service

in the bill
People don't use this road very often. This road
They cancelled all flights because of fog. All flights
Somebody accused me of stealing the money. I
They are building a new ring-road round the city.
new ring-road
I didn't realise that someone was recording our conversation.

Ml IN *

n aw aaa a

I didn't realise that our conversation

They have changed the date of the meeting. The date of the meeting
Brian told me that somebody had attacked and robbed him in the street
Brian told me that he
H Ml Ml



This time you have to make a passive sentence from the words in brackets.


That church looks very old. (when/it/build?) When was it buj|

A: Is Margaret popular?
B: Yes. (she/like/by everybody) She is liked by everybody.



1 This is a very popular television programmer, (every week it/watch/by millions of

people) Every week it
2. What happens to the cars produced in this factory? (most of them/export?"



t i<

mmm mmm


mm mm


mm mm




k k

k Ik ik


s mmm


mm mm mm mm mm Hm m4 -r4

mm mm mmm mmm 4mm M



M- M -

A: Was there any trouble at the demonstration?

B Yes. (about 20 people/arrest) . .
A: There is no longer military service in Britain.
8: Really? (when/it/abolish?)

A: Did anybody call an ambulance to the scene of the accident?

B: Yes. (but nobody/injure/so it/not/need)
A: Last night someone broke into our house
B: Oh dear, (anything/take?)

Mr. Kelly can't use his office at the moment, (it/redecorate)

I i k Ii

mm mm mm mm 444


* "



'O ***



George didn't have his car yesterday, (it/service/at the garage)


mm mmm mmm r44


Where's my bicycle? It's gone! (it/steat!)

10 The people next door disappeared six months ago. (they/not/see/since then)




k fck



4 < H


w mmm mmm mmm mmm

mm mmm mm mm mm


1 1 This room looks different, (it/paint/since I was last here?)

12 A tree was lying across the


mrm mrrn mmm 4mm 44

(it/blow/down in the storm)

mm mmm



<aa aa










mmm mmm

mmm mm


Service is included in the bill.

2 This road isn't used very often
3 All flights were cancelled because of fog.
4 I was accused of stealing the money.
5 A new ring-road is being built round the city.
6 t didn't realise that our conversation was being recorded.
7 The date of the meeting has been changed.
8 Brian told me that he had been attacked and robbed in the street.
43.2 1 Every week it is watched by millions of people.
2 Are most of them exported?
3 About 20 people were arrested.
4 When was it abolished?
5 But nobody was injured so it wasn't needed.
6 Was anything taken?
7 It is being redecorated.
8 It was being serviced at the garage.
9 It has been stolen!
10 They haven't been seen since then.
11 Has it been painted since I was last here?
12 It had been blown down in the storm.

43.1 1



a) MQt s6* d$ng tir c6 th6 c<3 hai objects <tOc tCi). Thl dy nhu dQng tCr offer:
- They didn't offer Ann the job.
(Ho da khdng trao cho Ann cdng vi$c do), (hai tuc til lit Ann vd the job)

Vi v$y chung ta c6 thl t$o ra hai cSu bj d$ng khdc nhau:

Ann wasn't offered the job.
(Ann da khdng dU0c trao cdng vide do).
The job wasn't offered to Ann.
(Cdng vide 66 da khdng dU0c trao cho Ann).

Thftng thddng c&u passive hay bit dlu b&ng ttic td chf ngudi (personal object). NhOng
d|ng tif khdc tuong ty offer cd hai tiic td II:
ask (ydu cu)

tell (bio)

teach (day)

pay (trd tiSn)

give (cho)

send (gdi)

show (chf)

Sau day la mt s6 thf dy vl c6c cfiu bj d|ng vdi nhOng d$ng tcr trn:
I was given two hours to make my decision. (= they gave me two hours).
(Tdi 6U0C cho hai ti&ng dS guySt djnh) (= ho cho tdi hai tiSng dS quydt djnh).
The men were paid 800 to do the job. (= someone paid the men 800)
(Nhdng ngudi dd dU0c tr& 800 bing d$ ISm cdng vide Sy). (= ngudi ta trd cho
nhdng ngudi do 800 bing)
- Have you been shown the new machine? (= has anyone shown you the new
(Ban da dupe chl cho xem cai mdy mdi chifa?) (= DS c6 ai chJ cho ban xem cai
mdy mdi chua?)

...... . .

b) Born: hay nhd rang be bom (di/0c sinh ra) lb m$t dQng id bj d$ng (passive) va thi/Ong
dupe dung d thl qua khtf (past):
- When were you born? ( > simple past)
(Ban sinh d ddu?)
- I was bom in Chicago. ( > simple past)
(Tdi sinh d Chicago).
- How many babies are born In this hospital every day? { -> simple present)

(HSng ngdy cd bao nhidu dUa trd dUdc sinh ra d b$nh vi$n ndy?)

c) Hlnh thtfc bj d$ng cua -ing la being done / being cleaned v.v...
I don't like people telling me what to do.
(Tdi khdng thlch ngudi ta b&o cho biSt tdi ph&i 16m gl).
Passive: I don't like being toldwhat to do.
(Tdi khdng thlch dU0c bdo phdi 16m gl).
I remember being given a toy drum on my fifth birthday. (=* I remember someone
giving me...).
(Tdi nhd tdi dd dU0c ting mQt cdi tr6ng 66 choi v6o ngdy sinh nhSt Idn thil 5 cua


Hurry up! you know Mr. Miller hates being kept waiting. (= he hates people keeping
him waiting)
(Nhanh tin! Ban bi&t Id 6ng Miller ri ghet bj bit phai chd dpi).
He climbed over the wall without being seen. (- without anyone seeing him)
(Anh ta da leo qua bCtc tudng md khdng bi phdt hien).

d) 06 i khi ban c6 th4 dung get thay cho be trong th bi d$ng:

There was a fight at the party but nobody got hurt. (= nobody was hurt)
(Co m$t cu6c
dt d bQa tide nhi/ng khdng c6 ai bj thudng cd).
DidAnn get offered the job? (= was Ann offered the job?)
(Ann cd dupe trao cho cdng viec 66 khdng?)
Ban c6 th dung get trong th$ bj dQng d din mQt vi$c n&o dd xSy ra cho ai hay
cho cdi gi. Thi/dng th) h&nh ddng d6 khdng dugc dy tfnh trade; nd x&y ra mot edeh tinh cd.
The dog got run over by a car. (= the dog was run over)
(Con cho bj xe can).

Trong nhtfng loai tinh hudng khdc, get thuflng khdng dCing dyc.
- George is liked by everyone, (not 'get liked")
(George dupe mQi ngudi Ua thlch)

Get chu yd'u dupe dCing trong van ndi tid'ng Anh thudng ng&y (informal spoken
English). Ban c6 th dung be trong tSt c k myi tinh hud'ng.

UNIT 44: Exercises

44. t In this exercise you have to read a sentence and then mite a new sentence with the
same meaning. Begin in the way shown each time.
Example: They didn't offer Ann the job. Ann wasn't offered the job.


They don't pay Jim very much. Jim

They will ask you a lot of questions at the interview. You







Nobody told me that George was ill. I

His colleagues gave him a present when he retired. He

We will send you your examination results as soon as they are ready.
They didnt ask me my name. I
I think they should have offered Tom the job. I think Tom









____ ________

* n IM

M. |H .1.

..HHM' m m



M H. >H


44.2 When were these famous people bom? You have td choose the right year for each
1 Lenin was born in 1870

2 Shakespeare
3 Leonardo da Vinci




Charlie Chaplin
And you? I



.. ..

44.3 This time you have to complete the sentences Each time you have to use being with
attack give
one of these verbs:
Example: Mr. Miller doesn't like being kept waiting,


. . .. ....... . . .
. . . . _. .._...........
. _. _. ._ ._. .


He came to the party without

She won't go out alone after dark. She is afraid of
stupid questions.
I don't like
Few people are prepared to work without
by other people.
Mr. Kelly doesn't like his phone
Most people like

....... .....

44.4 Here too you have to complete the sentences This time make a passive sentence with
get and one of these verbs : break catch sting use damage pW{t



There was a fight at the party but nobody got hurt.


by a bee while he was sitting Tn the garden.

How did that window
in the storm last night?
Did any of these houses
often. Not many people want to play.
These tennis courts don't
If you want to break the law, make sure that you don't
I used to have a bicycle but it


44.1 1

44.2 2

44.3 1

Jim isn't paid very much.

You will be asked a Jot of questions at the interview.
I wasn't told that George was ill.
He was given a present by his colleagues when he retired.
You will be sent your examination results as soon as they are ready.
I wasn't asked my name.
I think Tom should have been offered the job
Shakespeare was born in 1564
Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452.
Charlie Chaplin was born in 1889.
Beethoven was born in 1770.
I was born in ...

being invited
being attacked
being asked

44.4 1 got stung

2 get broken
3 get damaged


- -



being paid
being used
being given
get used
get caught
got stolen


TO..., v.v... va SUPPOSED TO
a) H3y xem x6t tinh

hutfng mau sau

Day l Henry. Ong ta rat gia nhtfng khdng ai
biat chinh xc ong ta bao nhiu tutfi. Nhdng:

- It is said that Ihe \ is 10& years old.

- 1He] is said to be 108 years old.
ca hai cau n&y du c6 nghTa la "People say
that he is 108 years old" (Ngutli ta ndi rang dng
ta da 108 tuoi rdi').

Ban cung c6 the dung hai cau tnic nay vdi:


It is said that Henry eats ten eggs a day.
= Henry is said to eat ten eggs a day.
(NgUdi fa noi ring mdi ngiy Henry in mi/di qui trdng).
It is believed that the wanted man is living in New York.'
= The wanted man is believed to be living in New York.
(Ngudi ta tin ring ki bj truy ni dang sd'ng d New York}.
It is expected that the strike will begin tomorrow.
= The strike is expected to begin tomorrow.
(NgUdi ta cho ring cu$c dlnh cdng se bit dau vao ngiy mai).
It is alleged that he stole 60.
= He is alleged to have stolen 60.
(NgUdi fa cho ring anh ta di lay cip 60 bing).
It was alleged that he stolen 60.
= He was alleged to have stolen 60,
(NgUdi ta di cho ring anh ta da ly cip 60 bing).

C&c c5u trtic trfin thirdng dd<?c dOng trong cc being ti/dng thu$t tin turc (news reports):
- It is reported that two people were killed in the explosion. (= Two people are
reported to have been killed in the explosion).
(Tin cho bit c6 hai ngUdi bi thiit mang trong vy no).
b) Supposed to

D6i khi (be) supposed to c6 nghTa "said to' (di/pc n6i Id; di/dc cho l&):
Let go and see that film. It's supposed to be very good.
(= It is said to be very good; people say that it's very good).
(Chung ta hay di xem b<$ phim do di. NgUdi ta noi phim hay lim).


He is supposed to have stolen 60. (= He is said to have stolen 60)

(NgUdi ta ndi ring hin dA ISy dp 60 bing).

Nhufng d&i khi supposed to l?i mang nghla khAc. Ban c6 th4 dung supposed to dl
ndi vd mt vi$c da dddc dd tfnh ho$c sSp d$t tri/dc (vA diu ndy thi/dng khc vdi thic t
x&y ra):
I'd better hurry. Ifs nearly 8 o'clock. I'm supposed to be meeting Tom at 8.15. (= i
arranged to meet Tom, I said t would meet Tom).
(T6t hon Id tdi phai khn trUdng len. Gan 8 gid rdi. Tdi djnh se gAp Tom luc 8 gid
15). (= T6i da thu xSp 6 gAp Tom. T6i dA ndi rAng tdi se gAp Tom).
The train was supposed to arrive at 11.30 but it was 40 minutes late (= The train
should have arrived at 11.30 according to the timetable).
(Theo dung lich thIxe Ida phAi tdi luc 11gid 30, nhung no da tre den 40 phut).
You were supposed to clean the windows. Why didn't you do it?
(Ban da dupe phan cdng lau cac ciSa so. Tei sao ban khdng lAm vi$c do?)

Chung ta dung not supposed to de n6i v diu khdng dupe cho phbp (not allowed to)

ho$c khdng ndn l&m (not advisable):

You're not supposed to park here. (= You aren't allowed to parkJiere).
(Ong khdng dugc phdp ddu xe d dAy).
- Mr. Collins is much better after his illness but he's still not supposed to do any

heavy work.
(&ng Collins da khde hdn nhidu sau cdn bSnh nhUng dng ta van khdng ndn lAm
viec nAng).

UNIT 45: Exercises

45.1 In this exercise you have to read a sentence and then wnte another sentence with the
same meaning.
Example: It is believed that the wanted man is living in New Yorlc.
The wanted man is believed to he living in New York.


It is said that many people are homeless after the floods.

Many people are said
It is known that the Prime Minister is in favour of the new law.
The Prime Minister

It is expected that the government will lose the election.



M* d* Ma tW


. ......
. .
The government
It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over the wall.
The prisoner
It is believed that the thieves got in through the kitchen window.
The thieves
it is alleged that he drove through the town at 90 miles an hour.

It is reported that two people were seriously injured in the accident. Two people


HOWm 4m*

> aw

i aaa


a aw aw




W 4M *44 M4


aN aaa aah


lM IN 4


Mm iH aaa Ma n. aw aak aar N Ml aH all Ma

aaa i

It is said that three men were arrested atter the explosion.

Three men

aaa aaa



aaa aaa

45.2 There are lot of stories about Arthur but nobody knows whether they are true. Make
sentences with supposed to.
Example: People say that Arthur eats spiders.


People say that Arthur is very rich. Arthur

People say that he has 22 children. He
People say that he sleeps on a bed of nails. He
People say that he won a lot of money gambling. He
People say that he writes poetry. He

45.3 Now you have to use supposed to with its other meaning. In each example what
happens is not what is supposed to happen. Use supposed to or not supposed to with
one of these verbs:
come be smoke phone study take
Tom, you're smoking! But you know you are not supposed to smoke in
this room.
Why are the windows still dirty? You were supposed to clean them.


. . . . . . . . . . . . ........

Whatare the children doing at home? They

*.. at school.
in the evenings but he always goes out.
Don't put sugar in your tea. You know you
Oh dear! I
Ann but I completely forgot.
They arrived very early at 2.00. They
until 3.30.

45.1 1


45.2 1


45.3 1



Many people are said to be homeless after the floods.

The Prime Minister is known to be in favour of the new law.
The government is expected to lose the election.
The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over the wall.
The thieves are believed to have got in through the kitqhen window.
He is alleged to have driven through the town at 90 miles an hour.
Two people are reported to have been seriously injured in the accident.
Three men are said to have been arrested after the explosion.
Arthur is supposed to be very rich.
He is supposed to have 22 children.
He is supposed to sleep on a bed of nails.
He is supposed to have won a lot of money gambling
He is supposed to write poetry.

are supposed to be.

is supposed to study.

aren't supposed to take.

was supposed to phone.
weren't supposed to come.


BAI46: CAUSATIVE FORM (The truyen khien)

(have something done)
a) Hay xem xbt tinh hud'ng

mJiu sau:
Mbi nha cua Jill bi hu hgi trong m$t trn bao,
vi thd co ta da thu xft'p cho mgt ngudi thg dd'n
sCfa no. Ngby h6m qua ngudi thg den va da Idm
c6ng viqc do.
- Jill had the roof repaired yesterday.
(Ngay horn qua Jill da cho ngudi si/a lai mai
Didu ndy cbcghTa lb: 'Jill khdng tij minh sCra
mai nha. Co ta da thu xep cho mgt ngudi nbo
khbc den Ibm vic dd cho cd ta'.

i T?C


Hay so sbnh:
Jill repaired the roof. (= she did it herself).
(Jill da si/a lai mdi nha). (Cd ta tij minh lam viec do)
- Jill had the roof repaired. (= she arranged for someone else to do it)
(Jill da cho ngudi si/a lai mai nha). (Cd ta da thu xep de mot ngudi khac Idm vide

Bay gid hay xem cbu sau:

Did Ann make that dress herself or did she have it made?
(Ann da tj minh may cdi so do hay cd ta nhd ngUdi khac may no?)

De ndi r&ng chung ta thu xfi'p cho ngudi khbc Ibm m$t vi$c gl dd cho chung ta. chung
ta dung cb'u true have something done.
Tr$t tg td rt quan trong: past participle (done/repaired v.v...) ddng sau object (the roof).

Where did you
We are
Tom has just
How often do you
Why don't you
I want to

have +


the roof
your hair

the house
a telephone
your car
that coat
my photograph

past participle




at the moment
in his flat.

b) Get something done cd the dung thay cho have something done (chu yeu la trong
van ndi thudng ngby - informal spoken English):
- I think you should get your hair cut. (= have your hair cut)
(Tdi nghi anh nen di hdt toe).


c) have something done d&i khi c6 nghTa khdc. Vi dy:

He had all his money stolen while he was on holiday.
(Anh ta da bi mS't h&t tiSn trong 10c <3i nghl mat).

Biu nay kh6ng c6 nghTa IS anh ta sSp xep cho m$t ngi/di nSo d6 an cap tiin cua
"He had all his money stolen* chf c6 nghTa: 'All his money was stolen".
V6i y nghTa nSy. chting ta su: dyng have something done d n6i ring digu gi d6
(thudng IS m6t di6u khdng t6t dep) da xSy ra cho ai.
George had his nose broken in a fight. (= his nose was broken).
(George bi gay mui trong m6t cu6c danh nhau).

UNIT 46: Exercises

46.1 In this exercise you have to answer the questions in the way showa.
Example: "Drd Ann make that dress herself?* 'No. she had it made*.


"Did you cut your hair yourself?" *No, I

'Did they paint the house themselves?" *No, they
"Did Jim cut down that tree himself?" "No
"Did Sue repair the car herself?* "No



It* *u *!



m a

. . .......................

46.2 This time you have to complete the sentences. Use the words in brackets.
Examples: We are having the house painted (the house / paint) at the moment.
Did you have your hair cut (you / your hair / cut) last week?




Your hair is too long. I think you should

(it / cut).
(you / your car / service)?
How often
The engine in Tom's car couldn't be repaired, so he had to
new engine / fit).
(you / your newspaper / deliver) or do you go to the
shop yourself to buy it?
A: What are those workmen doing in your garden?
(a swimming pool / build).
B: Oh. I
A: Can I see those holiday photographs you took?
(not/the film/develop) yet.
B: I'm afraid not. I
(his portrait / paint) by a
Is it true that many years ago he
famous artist?

46.3 Now you have to read a situation and then write a sentence with have something

Example: Jill's coat was dirty so she took it to the cleaners. Now it is clean.
What has Jill done? She has had her coat cleaned.
1 Tom thinks his eyesight is getting worse, so he's going to the optician.
What is Tom going tg do there? He is



Sue is at the hairdresser's at the moment A hairdresser is cutting her hair.

What is Sue doing?
Ann's watch was broken, so she took it to a jeweller's. Now it's working again.
What has Ann done?


46.4 Now you have to use have something done with its second meaning (see section c).
Example: George's nose was broken in a fight. What happened to George?
He had his nose broken in a fight.

John's money was stolen on a train. What happened to John?

Fred's hat was blown off in the wind. What happened to Fred?









H4 M*


George's papers were taken from him at the police station, What happened to
... ...


M 44 K4

46.1 1 I had it cut.
2 they had it painted.
3 he had it cut down.
4 she had it repaired.
46.2 1

46.3 t

46.4 1


have it cut
do you have your car serviced?
have a new engine fitted
Do you have your newspaper delivered
am having a swimming pool built
haven't had the film developed yet
had his portrait painted
He is going to have his eyes tested.
She is having her hair cut.
She has had her watch repaired.

He had his money stolen on a train.

He had his hat blown oil in the wind
He had his papers taken from him at the police station



tiep (1)

a) Hay xem xdt tinh hud'ng

mlu sau.
Ban mu6n kg* cho ngiidi khdc nghe nhdng gi
Tom da ndi. Cd hai cdch Idm digu ndy:
Ben cd the nhdc lai Tom n6i (direct speech cdu tryc tig'p):
- Tom said "I'm feeling ill".
(Tom da noi ~T6i dang dm thay kho chju').
Hodc ban c6 the diing ldi ndi gian tig'p:
Tom said (Reported speech) (that) he was
feeling ill.
(Tom da noi rang anh ta dang dm 4hi'y khd chiu)

H5y so sdnh hai cdu sau day:

TRUC TIP: Tom said

ll |am|

GIAN TIEP: Tom said (that)

hej Iwas I feeling ill.

B?n diing dd'u " " dg* chl

rgng day ia ldi ndi tri/c tiep.

feeling ill"

b) Khi chung ta dung reported speech (ldi ndi gian tig'p; cdu ti/dng thudt) chung ta thudng
dang ndi vg qua khd. Vi vay trong cau gian tiep, cdc dgng td thifdng dupe doi sang
qua khd. Vi dy:





do / want / know v.v...






> did / wanted / knew

Hay xem xdt ede thi dy sau Ban da




gap Tom. Dudi day Id may y md anh ta da ndi vdi

Ann has
Aly parents ar\ /A.

want to

Vyery well.

(Cha me toi rStt

khoe manh).

I'm goingjro
give up my


go on holiday

don't know where to go

(Ann da mua m6t
xe hoi mdi).

can't come

the party

on Friday.

(Toi sip bo viec). (Toi khong the den

dif ti&c vao thu sin).

(Toi muon di nghi mat nhuvg

toi khong biSt di dau ca).

'm going away for a

few days. I'll phone you
when Iget bade.
(Toi sip ving nha m6t vii
ngay. Toi se goi diin thoai
cho ban khi toi tro ve).


Bay gid ban kS fei cho ngi/di khdc nhiifng gi Tom dd n6i (bing reported speech):
Tom said (that) his parents were very well.
(Tom da ndi ring cha me anh ta rSt Wide m$nh).
Tom said (that) he was going to give up his job.
(Tom ndi ring anh ta sip bd vi$c),
- Tom said (that) Ann hadbought a new car.
(Tom ndi ring Ann di mua mdt chide xe hoi mdi).
- Tom said (that) he couldn't come to the party on Friday.
(Tom ndi ring anh ta khdng th4 xSdn dd tide vio thd Sau dUdc).
- Tom said (that) he wanted to go on holiday but he didn't Arrow where to go.
(Tom ndi ring anh ta mu6n di nghlmit nhUng khdng biSt (Si diu d).
Tom said (that) he was going away for a few days and would phone me when he
got back.
(Tom ndi ring anh ta si ving nhi mdt vii ngiy vi si goi <$4n tho$i cho tdi khi

anh ta

trd v4).

c) Th) simple past (I did) thi/dng vin c6 the du<?c giO nguyfen trong Idi ndi gin tip, ho$c
ban cd th d<5i sang th) past perfect (I had done): did > "did/had done.



Tom said "I woke up feeling ill and so 1 sfayetfin bed".

(Tom di ndi: Tdi tfoh diy dm IhAy khd chju vi tdi di nim nin l$i").
Tom said (that) he woAe (or had woken) up feeling ill and so he
stayed (or had stayed) In bed.
(Tom di ndi ring anh ta tfoh diy dm thSy khd chju vi v) th$ anh ta

di nim nin l$i).

yd reported speech, xem thfim b&i 48 vi 50b.

UNIT 47: Exercises

47.1 Yesterday you met a friend of yours. Charlie. Char/ie told you a lot of things. Here are
some of the things he said to you:

(8 lhardly ever go om these days

thinking of going ro\

V. live in Canada.

(2 My father is in hospital. ")

/Y Nora and Jim are gtttingN

y married next month.


C* jp

a O,



(4 Ihaven't seen Bill for a whikN



Idon't know what Red b

in ttM Jim Isswyooj)


You can cone and stay with me if1*

youareeverin Londda.


A V/12 Tom had an accident last week bufr

(5 I've been piaying tennis a kxrecendyy

(6 Margaret has had tbaby/

(9 Iwock 14 boon a dayO


domg X

he wasn't injured.

Isaw Jack at a party a few month, ag

td he seemed fine.

Later that day you tell another friend what Charlie said. Use reported speech.
2 Charlie sa




aw mm mm

as waw

MB Mi Ml mm tmm mmm mmm 0m mm mm

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

mm mmm mm 000

%! <









< IM Mt

#4 M Mi d>

MM Ma W *M



47.2 In this exercise Someone says something to you which is the opposite of what they said
before. You have to answer Ithought you said
Example: "That restaurant is expensive".


1 "Ann is coming to the party". "I thought you said she

2 "Bill passed his examination", "i thought you said
3 "Ann likes Bill" "1 thought
4 "I've got many friends". "I thoughl you said you
5 "Jack and Jill are going to get married". "
6 "Tom works very hard". "
7 "I want to be rich and famous". *
8 "I'll be here next week". "
9 "I can afford a holiday this year". *

47.1 2





Charlie said that his father was in hospital.

He said (that) Nora and Jim were getting married next month.
He said (that) he hadn't seen Bill for a while.
He said (that) he had been playing tennis a lot recently. .
He said (that) Margaret had had a baby.
He said (that) he didn't know what Fred was doing.
He said (that) he hardly ever went out these days.
He said (that) he worked 14 hours a day.
He said (that) he would tell Jim he had seen me. / ... he saw me.
He said (that) Icould come and stay with him if I was ever in London.
He said (that) Tom had an accident last week but he hadn't been injured /
Tom had an accident last week but he wasn't injured.
He said (that) he had seen Jack at a party a few months ago and he had
seemed fine. / he saw Jack and he seemed fine.




47.2 1


I thought you said she wasnl coming to the party.

t thought you said (that) he hadn't passed his examination. /
he didnt pass
his examination.
Ithought you said (that) Ann didn't like Bill. .
Ithought you said (that) you hadn't got many friends. /
you didnt have



many friends.

I thought you said (that) they werent going to get married.

I thought you said (that) he didnt work very hard.
Ithought you said (that) you didnt want to be rich and famous.
I thought you said (that) you wouldn't be here next week.
I thought you said (ftat) you couldn't afford a holiday this year.


BAl 48:


tigp) (2)

a) Khdng phAi luc nAo cOng nhA't thidt phAi d<5i dQng tif khi ban dung Idi ndi giAn tidp.
Ndu ban dang ti/dng thu$t lei m$t didu gbdd vA ban cAm thljy didu dd vfin cdn diing,
ban khdng cSn phAi ddi thi (tense) ciia d$ng til:

Tri/c tidp:

GiAn tidp:

Tri/c tidp:

GiAn tidp:

Tom said "New York is bigger than London"

(Tom ndi "New York kin hdn LuAn Ddn").
Tom said (that) New York is (or was) bigger than London.
{Tom ndi rAng New York Idn hdn London).
Ann said "I want to go to New York next year"
(Ann ndi T6i mu6n di New York vAo nSm tdi').
Ann said (that) she wants (or wanted) to go to Mew York next year.
(Ann ndi rAng cd fa mu6n di New York vdo nam tdi).

Chii y ring: Khi ta ddi dQng tf sang quA khtf thl cung dung. Nhi/ng ban phAi dCing m$t
thl quA khtf (a past tense) khi c6 si/ khAc bi$t gitfa didu dS dtfdc ndi vA didu thi/c si/ diing.

. HSy xem xdt tlnh hudng sau:

Ban g$P Ann. Cd fiy ndi "Jim is iil" (cftu tn/c tidp).
Sau d6 cOng trong ngAy ban gp Jim dang chdi qudn vpt vA irdng vAn kh6e mqnh.
Ban ndi: "I'm surprised to see you playing tennis, Jim. Ann said that you were in. (Tdi that
ng$c nh&n khi g$p anh dang chdi quin vqt, Jim $. Ann dA ndi ring anh bj bdnh). (Khdng
dCing "that you are ill", bdi vl anh ta hi$n gjfl khdng bj b$nh).

Must, might, would, should, vA ought v5n dupe gift nguydn trong Idi ndi
giAn tidp.
May trong cAu tri/c tidp thi/dng dtftfc ddl thAnh might trong Idi ndi giAn tidp.

b) Say vA tell

Ndu ban dd cAp ngUdi mA cAc ban dang ndi tdi, 0an dung tell.
- Tom told me (that) he didnt like Brian, (not Tom said me"...)
(Tom ndivdi tdi rAng anh ta khdng thich Brian).
Trong trudng htfp khAc ban dCrng aay:
- Tom sa/d (that) he didnt like Brian, (not Tom told (that) me...*)
(Tom ndi rAng anh ta khdng thfch Brian).
NgoAi ra ban khdng dUdc ndi: Tom toid about his trip to America". Ban phSi ndi:

Tom foW us (me/them/Ann etc.. ) about his trip to America.

(Tom dS k4 cho chdng tdi (tdi/hg/Ann v.v...) nghe vS chuyffn di M? cua anh ta).
Ndu ban khdng dd cAp ddn ngudi mA anh ta kd cho nghe, ban ph&i ndi:
- Tom talked (spoke) about his trip to America, (but not "said about*)
(Tom d& ndi vA chuyAn di My cua anh ta).


c) Chiing ta cflng dting dQng tt nguyAn roliu (to-lnfJnltive) (to do/to say v.v...) trong Wi
n6l giAn t40p. nhfit 16 vdi tell v6 ask (dd>i vdi cAc m$nh 1$nh v6 y6u clu).

T n/c ti6p:

"Stay in bed for a few days", the doctor said to me.

("H&y n&m nghJ vdi ngiy", bic si ndi vdi tdi).

Giin tiAp:

The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.

(Bic si66 bdo tdi n&m nghl vdi ngiy).

Tri/c tid'p:

"Donl shout, I said to Jim.

("Dtfng la hit", t6i ndi vdi Jim).

GiAn tifi'p:

i told Jim not to shout.

(T6i bio Jim difng fa hit).

Trjc tidp:

"Please don't tell anyone what happened Ann said to me.

("Lim dn ddng k4 cho ai nghe chuyin gi 66 66 xiy ta", Ann ndi vdi tdi).

Giin tkfp:

Ann asked me not to tell anyone what (had) happened.

(Ann 66 yiu cAu tdi ddng kA cho ai nghe chuyin g).66 xiy ra).

Trt/c tiSp:

"Can you open the door tor me, Tom?" Ann asked.
("Ban cd th4 md cCfa giOm tdi khdng, Tom?" Ann hdi).

Giin tiAp:

Ann asked Tom to open the door for her.

(Ann 66 nhd Tom md ctira ra giOm cd Ay).

Said cung c6 th dUdc dung vdi d$ng tit nguydn m&u:

The doctor said to stay In bed for a few days (but not "said me*)
(Bic si ndi hSy nim nghl vdi ngdy).

UNIT 48: Exercises

48.1 In this exercise you have to write what you would say in these situations.
Example: Ann says "I'm tired". Five minutes later she says "Lefs play tennis". What
do you say? You said you were tired.
1 Your friend says "I'm hungry" so you go to a restaurant. When you get there he
says "I don't want to ear. What do you say? You said
2 Tom tells you "Ann has gone away". Later than day you meet her. What do you
say? Tom told
3 George said "I don't smoke". A few days later you see him smoking a cigarette.
What do you say to him? You said -..




You arranged to meet Jack. He said "I won't be late". At last- he arrives - 20
minutes late. What do you say? You
Sue said "I can't come to the party tonight". That night you see her at the party.
What do you say to her?
Ann says "I'm working tomorrow evening". Later that day she says "Let's go out
tomorrow evening". What do you say?


_ _ _ _ ___ ----_-------_____

48.2 Now you have to complete these sentences with said, told or talked.
Example: Tom said that he didnt tike Brian.


me that he was enjoying his new job.

it was a nice restaurant but I didnt like a week.
that I would have to rest for at least a week.
us she wouldn't be able to come to the next



The doctor
Mrs Taylor

Tom that she was going away.*"
5 Ann
6 George couldn't help me. He
to ask Jack.
7 At the meeting the chairman
about the problems facing the company.
us all about her holiday in Australia.
8 Jill

48.3 Now you. have to read a sentence and write a new sentence with the same meaning.
Examples. "Listen carefully", he said to us. He told us to listen carefully
Don't wait for me if I'm late", Ann said.
1 "Eat more fruit and vegetables", the doctor said.
The doctor said
2 "Read the instructions before you switch on the machine", he said to me. He told



mam mmmmmma

"Shut the door but don't lock it", she said to us.
She told

"Can you speak more slowly? Ican't understand", he 6aid to me.

He asked
"Don't come before 6 o'clock", I said to him.

m mm

m me




48.1 1

You said (that) you were hungry.

Tom told me (that) you had gone away.
You said (that) you didnt smoke.


48.2 1

You said (that) you wouldn't be late. IYou told me (that) you..-.
You said (that) you couldn't come to the party tonight. / You told me (that)
You said (that) you were working tomorrow evening. / You told me (that)


3 said




48.3 1


The doctor said to eat more fruit and vegetables.

He told me to read the instructions before I switched en the machine.
She told us to shut the door but not to lock it.
He asked me to speak more slowly because he couldn't understand.
I told him not to come before 8 o'clock.

BAI 49:

QUESTIONS (Cau hdi) (1)

a) Chung ta thydng d$t questions (cdu h6i) bdng cdch thay <Mfi trt ti/ ttif trong cdu.
Chung ta <Jt auxiliary verb (tr<? ddng tCr) trudc subject {chu W).

S + auxiliary



auxiliary + S
> is
> can


Is /training? (Trdi dang mua phii khdng ?)

When can you come and see us? (Khi ndo thl ban c6 thi den gAp chung tdi?)
Where has Tom gone? (Tom d di dAu?)
Chung ta cung thAnh l$p cAc cAu hdi vdi be thoo each tuong ttf:
They were
Were they?=>
Were they surprised? (Ho c6 ngac nhiAn kh6ng?)

b) Trong ede cau h6i d thl simple present, ta dimg do /-does

Do you like music? (not "like you") (Ban c6 thkh Am nhac khdng?)
Where does Jack live? (not "where lives Jack") (Jack sting d d&u?)

Trong ede cdu hdi 6 thl simple past, ta dung did:

When did they get married? (not "when got they') (Hp (Ay nhau khinAo?)
- Why did Ann sell her car? (not "why sold Ann") (Tgi sao Ann l$i ban xe hdi cua cd
Ay di?)

Nhtfng h&y th$n trgng vdi ede cdu hdi vdi who Iwhat / which.
N6u who / what / which id chu tifcua cdu, dfrng dung do /does /did. Hdy sosdnh:
who is the subject

who is the object

Ann telephoned j someone


f|Someone telephoned Ann.


did Ann telephone?

(Ann goi di$n cho ai?)

4 I|Who telephoned Ann?

(Ai dS goi dk)n cho Ann?)

Trong ede thi dy dufdi <Jdy, who / what / which id subject:

- Who wants something to eat? (not "who does want") (Ai mu6n dn ndo?)
Who invented the steam engine? (not "who did invent*)
(Ai di phAt minh ra d$ng co hdi nude?)
What happend to you last night? (not "What did happen')
(Chuyfn gl dS xdy ra vdi ban tAi hdm qua vAy?)
Which switch operates this machine? (not "which switch does operate*)
(Cdng tic ndo dung 66 v$n hAnh mAy nAy?)


c) Negative questions (Cfiu h6i phti djnh):

Negative questions d$c btyt di/qc dung:

d4 bfty t6 stf ngac nhlfin (surprise):

Didn't you hear the bell? I rang it four times.

(Ban khdng nghe tkfng chudng sao? T6i da nhSnbdn iSn).
trong cfiu c&m thin (exclamations):
Doesn't that dress look nice! (= that dress looks nice)
(ChiSc 60 66 dap /dm saoI)
khi chOng ta mong dgl ngudi nghe d6ng y vdl chtlng ta:
"Havent we met somewhere before?" "Yes, 1 think we have".
(Ching phdi chung ta 66 gSp nhau d 6Au r6i sao?) (PhSi, t6i nghT 16 chung ta 66
gSp nhau).

Hay IiAj y dfi'n y nghTa ciia yes vfi no trong cfic cfiu trfi Idi cho negative questions:

- Yes. (= yes. he went.)Didn't Dave go to Canada?

(Dave khdng di Canada sao?)

(C6 chLf, anh Sy 6T6i).

No. (= No, he didn't go).
(Khdng, anh Sy khdng di).

Hay lUu y dfin tr$t ttf ttf trong cfic cfiu h6i phQ djnh vdi why ...?
Why didn't you lock the door? (not "why you didn't lock")
(T$l sao ban khdng khda cila?)
Why don't we go out for a meal? (not "why we don't go)
(T$i sao chdng ta khdng 6i &n?)

UNIT 49: Exercises

49.1 In this exercise you have to ask goestons about Edand Liz.

Examples: (Ed and Liz / be / married?) Are Ed and Liz married? "Yes. they are".
(they / have / any children?) Have they got any children? "Yes, three".


(where / Ed and Liz live?)

(how long / they / be / married?)
(they / go out very often?)
(what / Ed do for a living?)

(he / enjoy his job?)

(he / arrest anyone yesterday?)
(they / have / a car?)
6 (when / they / buy it?)
9 (how much / it cost?)
10 (they / go / on holiday next summer?)
11 (where / they / go?)




Mrn Nottingham".
"15 years".
"No. not very often".
"He's a policeman".
"Yes. very much".




. "A year ago".

"To Scotland".

1 "Something happened". "What
2 "Someone lives in that house". "Who
3 "Somebody gave me this key". "Who
4 "Henry gave me something". "What
5 "Tom meets someone every day". "Who
6 "I fell over something". "What
7 "Something fell on the floor". "What
8 "This word means something". "What





49.3 Now you have to make negative questions. Each time you are surprised.
Example: "We wont see Ann this evening". "Oh! (she not / come / to the party

Isn't ahe comii

1 "I hope we dont meet Brian tonight". "Why? (you / not / like him?)
2 "I'll have to borrow some money". "Why? (you / not / have / any?)'

3 "Dont go and see that film". "Why? (it / not / be / good?)"

49.4 In this exercise you have to make exclamations (!).

Example: You think that dress looks nice. Doesnt that dress look nice I

1 You think it's a lovely day

2 You think it was a good film
3 You think everything is expensive these days
4 You think Tom looked well



49.2 This time you have to make questions with who or what.
Examples: "Somebody hit me". "Who hit you?"
"1 hit somebody". "Who did you hit?"



49.1 1 Where do Ed and Liz live?

2 How long have they been married?
3 Do they go out very often?
4 What does Ed do for a living?
5 Does he enjoy his job?
6 Did he arrest anyone yesterday?
7 Have they got a car? / Do they have a car? / Have they a car?
8 When did they buy it?
9 How much did it cost?

10 Are they going on holiday next summer? / Are they going to go on holiday
next summer?
11 Where are they going? / Where are they going to go?


49.2 1 What happened?

2 Who lives in that house?
3 Who gave you this/that key?
4 What did Henry give you?
5 Who does Tom meet every day?
6 What did you fall over?
7 What fell on the floor?
8 What does this word mean?

1 Dont you like him?

2 Haven't you got any? / Don't you have any?
3 Isn't it good?


1 Isnt it a lovely day!

2 Wasn't it a good film!
3 Isn't everything expensive these days!

4 Didn't Tom look well!



QUESTIONS (Cfiu hdi) (2) (Do you

know where ? / He asked me where...)


a) Khi chung ta h6i ngi/ifi khfic <S6 hifi't tin tdc, ddi khi chung ta
dfiu cfiu h6i vdi Do
you know...? hofic Could you tell me...?
Nu ban bit dfiu m$t cfiu hdi nhii thfi thi trfit Ji/ A trong cfiu s khfic vdi tr$t ti/ tir cCia

mdt cfiu hdi ddn gifin (a simple question).


H5y so sfinh:



(Tom di ddu v$y?) => (cfiu hdi don gifin)

_ _ -_

Do you know where Tom has gone?

(Anh c6 bit Tom <3i ddu khdng?)

Khi cfiu hdi (Where has Tom gone?) Id thfinh phfin cOa m$t cfiu Idn hdn (Do you
know...), nd se mfi't di tr$t ty tir cOa mOt cfiu hdi thOng thudng. Hfiy so sfinh:
will Ann arrive?
- When
(Khi ndo Ann
What time is it?
- -(MSy
gid rdi?)

Why are you laughing?

(T$i sao ban l$i cUdi?)

Have you any idea when Ann will arrive?

(Ban c6 b&t khi ndo Ann $6 ddn khdng?)
(Could you tell me what time it is?)
(Anh co thS cho tdi bit m&y gid rdi khdng?)
Tell us why you are laughing?.
(Hay ndi cho chOng tdi bit ta' sao anh lei ctfdi?).

Hfiy cn thfin vdi cac cfiu hdi do/does/did:

Do you know when the film begin?
- When does the film begin?
(Khi ndo bQ phim sS bdt ddu?)
(Ban cd btit khi ndo thi bd phim $6 bit dSu?)
Iwonder why Ann left early.
- Why did Ann ieave early?
(Sao Ann di sdm thf?)
(Tdi khdng bidt tai sao Ann lei di sdm thd).
Hay dCing If hofic whether khi khdng c6 tCf nghi vfin (question word) nfio khfic;
- Did he see you? Do you know if (or whether) he saw you?
(Anh ta cd thdfy b$n khdng?) (Ban co b&t Id anh ta cd thSy ban khdng?)
b) Trfit ty tir cung thay
hdi di/<?c thut lai):


ddi tuong ti/ trong reported questions (cfiu hdi gifin tifi'p; cfiu

The policeman said to

usJuWhere are you going?" |

(Ngifdl c&nh sdt ndi vdi chung tdi, "Cdc anh dang di ddu v$y?")
Gifin tifip:

The policeman asked us| where we were going. |

(NgUdi cinh sdt hdi chung tdi ring chung tdi dang di ddu).


Tom said, "What time] do the banks closed]

(Tom ndi, "Ngdn hdng ddng cOa vdo luc mdy gid?")

Gifin tifi'p:

Tom wanted to know what timej the banks


(Tom mu6n biit ngdn hdng ddng ciia vdo iuc mify gid).


Trong cdc c&u h6i gi6n tidp, dOng tCr thifdng dUdc df5l sang hlnh thCfc qud khtf (past)
(were, closed). 06 bit thSm v6 dilu ny. hdy xem bdi 49.
BSy gid h&y xem xdt c&c thf dy sau. My ia m$t s6 cftu h6i ben diA?c h6i trong m$t
budi phdng vn tim vi$c:

How old are you?

(Ben bao nhidu tutfi?)
What do you do in your space time?
(Byn lam gi luc r&nh r6l?)
How long have you been working in your present job?
(Ben d lam c6ng vi$c hin tei cua ben dupe bao Idu r6i?)
Can you type?
(Ben bifi't dAnh may khbng?)
Why did you apply for the job?
(Tei sao ben lei xin IAm cdng vi$c nAy?)
Have you got a driving licence?

_ (Ben c6 bfing 161xe chUa?)_ _

BSy gid ben kl l$i cho mOt ngudi ben (b&ng reported speech) nhuing gl ngiidi phdng
vn da hdi ben:
She asked (me) how old I was.
(Cd Sy hdi tdi bao nhidu tudl).
- She enquired whether (or if) Ihad a driving licence, (or had got)
(C6 Sy hdi tdi cv b&ng Hi xe chita?)
- She wanted to know whether (or it) Icould type.
(C6 Sy mu6n biSt tdi cd thS danh may dutjc khdng).
- She asked (me) what Idid in my spare time.
(Cd Sy hdi tdi 13m gi trong 10c r3nh rdi).

She wanted to know how long Ihad been working in my present Job.
bao i&u r6i).
(Cd Sy mu6n biSt tdi <33 13m cdng vide hi$n Hi cua tdi
- She asked (me) why / had applied for the Job. (or "why Iapplied')
(Cd Sy hdi tdi t$i sao tdi Hixin 13m cdng vide do).


UNIT 50: Exercises

50.1 In this exercise you have to make a new sentence from these questions.




Where has Tom gone? Do you know where Tom has gone?

Where is the post office? -Could you tell me

What does this word mean? Do you know
What's the time? Iwonder
Where did you park your car? Cant you remember
Is Ann coming to the meeting? I don't know
Where does Jack live? Have you any idea .
What time did he leave? Do you know
Where can Ichange some money? Could you tell me





. . . . . . . .. .

What qualifications do I need? Iwant to know

10 Why didnt Tome come to the party? Idon't know
11 How much does it cost to park here? Do you know

50.2 You are making a phone call. You want to apeak to Sue but she isnl there. Someone
else answers the phone. You want to know three things: (1) where has she gone? (2)
when will she be back? end (3) did she go out atone? Complete the conversation:

"Do you know

"Never mind. I don't suppose you know

afraid I don't".
"One more thing. Do you happen to know
"I'm afraid didnt see her go out".


?" "Sorry. IVe got no idea".

" "No. I'm

50.3 You have been away for a white and have just come back to your home town. You
meet Gerry, a friend of yours. He ask you lots of questions:


(5 Are you gUd to be badef)

(\ How are you?

(2 How long have you been

(3 What are you doing nowJ\_
(4 Where are you lmng?\_y

Are yon going xwwy ejem?,

7 Why did yon core beck?)

Do yoa mSl aacksf)

y mmt m dinner oa Friday

Wow you tell another friend what Gerry asked you. Use reported speech.



H sskod






He asked

... _

...... ....... _ __



m Ha

4 >



4. 14

4 < .44 4




MH* |*

tn <*. .m mm

>B4ltM M#M

n> 441 M> 4.








kWlMMaM >M


m. M4a mm

l>4 Mi m44141 444 4*i 4 M44~

50. 1


>4 >~ . k4>

> 44k




Could you tell me where the post office is?

Do you know what this word means?
I wonder what the time is,
Can't you remember where you parted your car?
I don't know whether (or if) Ann is coming to the meeting.
Have you any idea where Jack lives?



Do you know what time he left?

Could you tell me where Ican change some money?
Iwant to know what qualifications I need.
Idont know why Tom didn't come to the party.
Do you know how much it costs to park here?

where she has gone

when she will be back
whether (or if) she went out alone




He asked me how long I had been back.

He asked (me) what I was doing now.
He asked (me) where I was living.
He asked (me) whether (or if) I was glad to be back.
He asked (me) whether (or if) I was going away again.
He asked (me) why I had come back. / why Tcame back.
He asked (me) whether (or if) I still smoked.
He asked (me) whether (or if) I could come to dinner on Friday.


BAl 51:

AUXILIARY VERBS (Tr<? dpng t ii)

trong cau tra tdi /hoi ngSn: So am I/
Neither am I/ 1 think so / ihope so v.v...

a) Can your swim?

Ihave lost my key.

(Tdi di ddnh mSt chla khdi3
cua tdi).

(Ban cd biit bcfi khdng?)

He might not come.

(Cd thi anh ta khdng din).

Trong nhOng cdu trdn, can, have vd mighl Id auxiliary verbs (trd dQng tCr). Chung
ta thi/dng dung tr<? d$og tir khi chiing ta khOng mu6n l$p lei mi>t didu ndo d6.
- "Are you working tomorrow?"* "Yes, I am" (= I am working tomorrow)
(Ngdy mai ban cd lam vi$c khdng?" "Co" (= Ngdy mai tdi co lam vide)
He could lend us the money but he won't. (= he won't lend us the money)
(Anh ta cd thi cho chung ta mi/gn tiSn, nhi/ng anh -ta si khdng Idm thi dSu) (=
Anh ta se khdng cho chung ta mugn tiin).

b) Chiing ta dung try dng tir trong cdc short questions (cdu h6i ngdri):
- u)t rained every day during our holiday" "Did it?"
('Ng&y nio trdi cQng mUa trong suit ky nghlcua chung tdi") ("V$yi?")
"Ann isn't very well today" "Oh, isn't she?-".
("Hdm nay Ann khdng di/jc khde 14m" "6, v$y &?".
"I've just seen Tom" "Oh, have you? How ls he?"
("Tdi vtta mdi g&p Tom" "d, th&t a? Anh iy cd khde khdng?")

Nhtfng ciu hdi ngn d trdn ( Did it?, isn't she?, have you?) kh6ng phdi Id nhu"ng
cdu h6* thyc si/. Chiing ta dung chung d$ bdy td si/ quan tdm mt cfich lich si/ dd'n
nhtfng gi md ai d6 da nOi, vd chiing gid cho cu$c n6i chuyn di/gc lidn tyc.
06i khi chiing ta dCing cdu hdi ngin d bi3u IQ sgr ngec nhidn:
- "Jim and Nora are getting married". "Are they? Realy?"
("Jim vd Nora so liy nhau" "V$y sao? That khdng?")
c) Chiing ta cung diing tr<? d$ng tCi vdi so vd neither:
- "I'm feeling tired". "So am t' (= I am feeling tired too)
("Tdi cdm thiy m$t mdi". "Tdi cung v$y". (* Tdi cOng dm thiy mit mdi).

"I never read newspapers" "Neither do I". (= I never readthem either)

("T6i khdng bao gid <Jgc b&o". "Toi cung v&y"). (= Tdi cQng khdng bao gid dqc
bdo cd).

Hay chii J dd'n tr$t tyt tCf sau so vd neither (dOng tCf dtfng tn/dc chu til).
I passed the exam and so did Tom. (not "so Tom did")
(Tdi da thi diu vd Tom cOng vay)
Nor c6 th di/dc dung thay cho neither.

"I can't remember his name". "Nor can I/Neither can I".
(Tdi khdng thi nhd tin anh ta". Tdi cQng v$y").


Not either c6 th dddc dCing thay cho neither vd nor:

"I haven't got any money". "Neither have I" or "I haven't either".
(Tdi ching cd ddng ndo cd". Tdi cung v&y").

d) Ithink so / hope so v.v...




Chiing ta dung so theo cAch nay sau mQt s6 d$ng tir,AdSc bi$t Id sau think, hope,
expect, suppose vA I'm afraid.
"Is she English?" "I think so".
("C6 Ay IA ngifdi Anh phAi khdng?" "Tdi nghi thA").
"Will Tom come?". "I expect so".
("Tom se dAn chd?" T<5/ mong thA").
"Has Ann been invited to the party?" "I suppose so".
("Ann da dupe mdi dAn dt/ tide chit?" Tdi cho Id thA").
Th phu djnh s tCiy thu$c vdo d$ng tC/
I think so / 1 expect so
- 1 don't think so !Idon't expect so
I hope so / I'm afraid so
- 1 hope not / I'm afraid not
I suppose so
- 1 don't suppose so hoAc Isuppose not.
"Is she American?" "I don't think so".
("Co Ay IA ngudi My phAi khdng?" "Tdi khdng nghijhe").
"Is it going to rain?" "I hope not", (not "I dont hope so")
("Trdi sip mi/a phAi khdng?" 'Tdi hy vpng IA khdng").

UNIT 51: Exercises

51.1 In this exercise you are talking to someone. Answer him in the way shown.


Examples: I'm hungry. Are you? I'm not.

I'm not tired. Aren't you? I am.
I like Brian
I can't ride a horse
I've got plenty of friends
I didn't enjoy the film much
I'd get married it Iwere in Tom's position
I don't like living in the country
I'm not going to have anything to eat
I've never been to America
I thought the exam was quite easy

' am

N <%



N % ## h* N

M4 Ik* Nl HI HI IN 1"M* 44



mmm mmm mm








n im m 1mm " l

44* N*

51.2 Here too you are talking to someone. You have the same ideas, taste etc. as your
Use So ... or Neither each time.
I don't like eggs. Neither do I.
Examples: I'm feeling tired. So am I.


nam mem mmm mmm W*



1 I need a holiday.
2 I don't like milk
3 I couldn't get up this morning
4 I'd love a cup ot tea
5 IVe never been to Africa
6 I was ill yesterday


m* Mi







mmm mm

HI444 44 H4 I-!

mmm " Ml<li MlMl mmm

Ml M.


mm mm 9





mm mm

Mi I







444 444 III4H k4 Ml H HI m 4M HIIN M HI I





1 should srhoko loss*

Ispent the whole evening watching television
i didnl know that-Ann was In hospital

IN IM !!

51.3 Now you have to answer with I think so. I hope, not etc. You are B in each
Read the information in brackets before you answer each question.
Example: (You hate rain) A: Is it going to rain? B: (hope) I hope not.




(You need more money quickly).

A: Do you think you'll get a pay increase soon? B: (hope)
(You.think Tom will probably get the job which he applied for).
A: I wonder if Tom will get the job. B: "(expect)
(You're not sure whether Jill is married - probably not).
A: Is Jill'married? B: (think)
(You haven't got any money).
A: Can you lend me some money? B: (afraid).
(Your friend's sister has been badly injured in an accident). /
A: Is she badly injured? B: (afraid)
(Ann normally works every day, Monday to Friday
tomorrow is


A: Is Ann working tomorrow? B: (suppose)
(You're in a hurry to catch your train - its important that you don't miss it).
A; Do you think we're going to miss the train? B: (hope)
(You're not sure but the concert probably begins at 7.30).
A: Does the concert begin at 7.30? B;-(think)






Do you? I don't.
Have you? Ihaven't
Would you? Iwouldn't.
Aren't you? I am.
Did you? Ididn't .


Canl you? Ican.

Didn't you? I did.
Don't you? 1 do.
Havent you? J have.

Neither do I.
So do I,
So would I.
Neither could I.
6 So was I.
Neither have I.
So should I.
So did I.
Neither djd I.
"Nor" is possible instead of "neither" in this exercise.



Ihope so.
I don't think so.
I'm afraid so.
I hope not.


I expect so.
I'm.afraid 'not.
I suppose so.
I think so.




QUESTION TAGS (Cau h6i dudi)

(are you?, doesn't he? v. v...)


You havent got a car, have you? (Bpn chUa co xe hdi, ph&i khdng?)
It was a good film, wasn't it? (Do la mot bd phim hay, ph&i khdng?)

Have you? v& wasnt it?\& cdc question tags (c&u hdi du6i) (= c&'c c&u h6i nhd m&
chung ta d$t 6 cudi cSu). Trong c&c c&u h6i dudi,.chung ta dung tr<? d$ng tC/ (xem b&i
51a). Ddi vdl thl simple present v& simple past, dOng do /does /did:
They came by car, didn't they?
(Hp dd'n bang xe hdi, ph&i khdng?)
b) Chung ta thuifng diing cSu hdi dudi x&c dinh (a positive question tag) cho cSu phii
dinh (negative):

negative sentence
Tom won't be late,
(Tom s khdng d&'n trS,
They don't like us,
(Hp khdng thich chung ta,
That isn't George over there,
(Ngifdi ding kia khdng ph&i Id George.

positive tag
will he?
ph&i khdng?)
do they?
phai khdng?)
is it?
dung khdng?)

V& chung ta thi/dng dCing cSu hdi dudi phij djnh (a negative question tag) cho c&u
x&c djnh (affirmative):

affirmative sentence
Ann will be here soon,
(Ann $e cd mat d d&y ngay b&y gid,
. Tom should pass his exam,
(Tom s& thi d&u,
They were very angry,
(Hp da rt gi$n dd.

negative tag
won't she?
ph&i khdng?)
shouldn't he?
ph&i khdng7)
weren't they?
ph&i khdng?)

H5y liiii y dSn c&c y hghTa cCia yes v& no trong c&c cfiu tr& Idi cho question tags:
Yes (= I am going)
(C6 chCI.Tdi se <3i i&m).
You're not going to work today, are you?
No. (= I'm not going)
(Hdm nay ben se khdng Idm vide, ph&i khdng?)
(Khdng. T6i sS kh6ng di l&m).
o) Y nghla cCia mt c&u hdi du6i sd ttiy thudc v&o c&ch
ban ndi n6. Nd'u ban
xu6ng giong thi kh6ng ph&i ban thtfc sd dang hdi, ban chi monngudi kh&c dfing y

vdi ban:
- "Tom doesn't took very well today, does he?". "No, he looks awful".
(Hdm nay Tom tr6ng khdng dupe khde l&m, ph&i khdng?)
(Khdng, anh ta trdng t& qua).


She's very attractive. She's got beautiful eyes, hasn't she?

(Cd &y rSt quygn ru. Co &y cd ddi m&t dap, phai khdng?)

Nhung ndu ban Idn'gipng, thi <36 Id mt cdu h6i thyc si.
"You haven't seen Ann today, have you?" (= Have you seen Ann today?) "No,
I'm afraid not".
(Hdm nay ban da khdng gap Ann, ph&i khdng?)
Hdm nay ban cd g4p Ann
khdng?) Khdng, tdi e ring khdng.
Chung ta thudng dCing negative sentence + positive tag (cdu phCi djnh + cdu h6i
du&i khing djnh) 66 h6i v6 si/ vi$c hay tin ttfc ho$c d6 yfiu cdu ai (dm didu gl d6. Ta
Ifin giong d cu6i cdu h6i du6i trong cdc thf dg sau:
"You haven't got a cigarette, have you?" "Yes. here you are".
(Bpn khdng cdn diSu thuoc ndo, phii khdng?) (Cdn chit, ddy mdi b$n).
"You couldn't do me a favour, could you?" "It depends what it is",
(Ban khdng th giup tdi dupe, phai khdng?) (Cdn tuy v&o dd Id vic gl).
- "You don't know where Ann is, do you?" "Sorry, IVe mvidea".
(Ban khdng bi&t Ann dang d dSu, ph&i khdng?) (Xin iSi, tdi khdng bi&t).

d) Sau Let's... cdu h6i dudl sS Id shall we?

Let's go out for a walk, shall we?

(Chdng ta hay ra ngodi di dao, chju khdng?)

Sau m$nh l$nh edeh (Imperative mood) (do / don't do something) cdu h6i du6i se
Id will you?
- Open the door, will you?
(Hiy md cCta ra, durjc khdng?)
- Don't be late, will you?
(Difng d&n trS, dUpc chit?)
Hay Itfu y ring chiing ta n6i aren't I? (= am I not):
- I'm late, aren't I?
(Tdi tdi trS, ph&i khdng?)

UNIT 52: Exercises

52.1 In this exercise you have to put a question tag on the end of each sentence.
Examples: Tom wont be late,- will he? They were very angry, we rent they?



Ann's on holiday
You weren't listening
Sue doesnt like onions,
Jack's applied for the job
You've got a camera,
Y ou can type,
He won't mind if I go early.

10 Let's have dinner,

11 This isn't very interesting
1* Im too fat,


14 Listen
15 I shouldn't have got angry,
16 Don't drop it, .;
17 They had to go home
18 He'd never seen you before


M Ml M.


There are a lot of people here,

9 '







52.2 This time you 'have to read a situation and then write a sentence with a question
tag. In each example yoware asking your listener to agree with you.
Example: You are with a friend outside a restaurant. You are looking at the prices.
It's very expensive. What do you say? Ifs very expensive, isnt it?


You look out of the window. It's a beautiful day. What do you say to your friend?
You've just come out of the cinema with your friend. You both really enjoyed
the film. You thought it was great. What do you say? The film
Tom's hair is much Shorter. Clearly he has had his hair cut. What do you say to
"him? You

You are shopping, You are trying on a jacket. You look in the mirror: it doesn't
look very nice. What do you say to your friend? It
You are talking about Bill. You know that Bill works very hard. Everyone, knows

this. What do you say about Bill? Bill




" - ki M








52.3 In these situations you are asking people for information,- asking people-to do things
etc. Make sentences like those in section c.
Example: You want a cigarette. Perhaps Tom has got one. Ask him,

Jack is just going out. You want him to get some stamps. Ask him.
Jack )ro u
You're looking for Ann." Perhaps Tom knows where she is. Ask him.

Tom, you ..................








W t >

Perhaps Tom has got "one. Ask him.

You need a bicycle pump.
T 01II
'" '
a lift.
Ann has a car and you don't want to walk home. You want her to give

Ask h0r Andj ..

You're looking for your purse. Perhaps Tom has seen it. Ask him.



isn't she
were you
does she
hasn't he ("Jack's" = Jack has)

haven't you
cant you
will he
couldn't he - see Unit 32b)
aren't there
shall we

M Ml M# 4


11 is- it
12 aren't!
13 would you
14 will you
15 shtfuld I
16 will you
17 didn't they (not "hadn't they"
18 had he ("He'd" He had)


It's a beautiful day. fen't it?

2 The film was great, wasn't it?

You've had your hair cut, haven't you?
/ You've had a haircut, haven't you?
4 It doesn't look very nice, does it?
& Bill works very hard, doesn't he?



Jack, you couldn't get me some stamps, could you?

Tom. you dont know where Ann is, do you?
/Tom, you haven't seen Ann, have you?
Tom. you havent got a bicycle pump, have you?

/ Tom, you couldn't lend me a bicycle pump, could you?

Ann, you couldnt give me a lift, could you?
Tom, you havenl seen my purse, have you?
/Tom, you don't know where my purse is, do you?


BAI 53:

VERB + -ING (Dpng t is di vdi dpng

tttd hinh thufc -ING)













Nfi'u c4c d$ng tif trSn dupe theo sau bdi ddng til khSc, d<>ng ti/ diing sau se d.hlnh
thtfc -ING theo cOng thCfc: verb + -ING
- Stop talk ing\ (Im di!)
I'll do the shopping when I've finished cleaning the flat.
(T6i se di mua sAm khi nko tdi lau xong ckn phdng nky).
I don't fancy going out this evening.
(T5i nay tdi khdng thich di choi).
Have you ever considered going to live in another country?
(Co bao gid ban nghJ dd'n vide sang sSng 6 mdt nude khttc khdng?)
I can't imagine George riding a motor-bike.
(Tdi khdng th4 tUdng tUpng nSi George Igi Iki xe may).
When I'm on holiday, I enjoy not having to get up early.
(Khi tdi di nghl, tdi thich thu v) khdng phki dky sdm).


Ckc nhdm til sau dfty cGng d6l h6i d$ng ti/ theo sau phi d hlnh thCfc -lng:

give up s til bd
put off = hoan Igi
keep, (keep on)
go on = tid'p tyc_ carry on tifp tyc
= ci! titip tyc_
- Are you going to give up smoking? (Ban se bd thu6c chii?)
- She kept (on) interrupting me while I was speaking,
(Cd ta vin cd ngkt Idi tdi trong khi tdi dang ndi).
H3y h/u y dn dang bj dijng (passive form) (being done / being seen / being told


I don't mind being told what to do.

(Tdi khdng thSy phiSn vS vide bj ngudi khkc bio phki IAm gi).

Thdng thi/dng ban khdng th dung to-infinitlve (dQng tit nguy&n mSu) (to do / to
dance v.v...) sau cc ddng til vi cic nhdm til nfeu trSn.
I enjoy dancing, (not "to dance*) (Tdi thich khidu vu).
- Would you mind closing the door? (PhiSn ban ddng giOm cita dugc khdng?)
Tom suggested going to the cinema. (Tom da dS nghj di xem phim).
b) Khi ban dang n6i v6 cAc h6nh d$ng dS dupe hosin thAnh (finished actions), ban
cung c6 th dCing having done/having stolen v.v... Nhung khdng nht thiS't phAl
diing hlnh thiifc nay. Ban cOng c6 th dung dang -lng thdng thi/flng cho cAc hAnh
dpng dd:
- He admitted stealing (ho$c having stolen) the money.
(Anh ta thu nhkn Id dk kn ckp mon hen dd).



They now regret getting (ho$c having gof) married.

(B&y gid hp IS'y Idm ti&c Id da IS'y nhau).

s6' d$ng tr trong bi n&y (dSc bi$t ia admit, deny, regret vh suggest), b$n
cung c6 th3 dfing m$t c3u trdc di v<3ithat {that... structure):

c) Vdi mot

He denied that he had stolen the money. (ho$c denied stealing)

(Anh ta khdng nhdn Id anh ta dd dn dp mon ti4n 66).
Tom suggested that we went to the cinema. (ho$c suggested going).
(Tom 64 nghj rdng chung tdi hen di xem phim).

VS suggest, xem them bi 35C.

V4 dgng tif + -Ing, xem thdm cAc bit 56 v 57.

UNIT 53: Exercises

53. 1 In this exercise you have to complete the sentences with these verbs:



be knocked



Example: Do you fancy playing tennis afternoon?

Could you please stop

so much noise?
2 I don't enjoy
3 Does your job involve
. a lot of people?
4 I considered
the job but in the end Idecided against it.
5 If you use the shower, try and avoid
water on'the floor.



Jack gave up
Have you finished

. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .

. to find a job in Britain and decided to emigrate.

your hair yet?

The phone rang while Ann was having her dinner. She didn't answer it; she just
carried on
- HlV.

He admitted
the car but denied
at me like that?
Why do you keep on
away because their son was ill.
They had to postpone
If you walk into the road without looking, you risk
down by a car.



> iMip

k> tmm


a >a


a aaa saa at a aa MM 41a m a






53.2 This time you have to read a sentence and write a second sentence with the same
meaning. Begin your sentence in the way shown.
Examples: Do you have to travel in your job? Does your job involve travelling?
He is now sorry that he didn't study harder when he was at college.
He now regrets not studying harder when he was at college.
1 I don't want to go out this evening. I don't tancy
2 Are ydu sorry you didn't take the job? Do you regret
3 Why don't you go away tomorrow instead of today?
Why don't you put off




it's not a good idea to travel during the rush-hour.

It's better to avoid
5 Could you turn the radio down, please?
Would you mind
6 The driver ot the car said it was true that he didn't* have a licence.
The driver of the car admitted
7 Tom said "Let's have fish for dinner".
"Tom suggested


* M

m # *4 MM

IN .#4 Ml




HiMiHH- M4




53 3 Now make your own sentences. Complete each sentence using -Ing
Example: I really enjoy going for long walks in the country.
At weekends Ienjoy
This evening I fancy
I often regret
Learning English involves
I think people should stop


f I

9 %

i mm


i mm

*** i


3 meeting
4 taking
5 splashing
6 trying
7 washing
8 eating
9 stealing... driviog

10 looking 11 going
12 being knocked (passive)

53.2 1



I don't fancy going out this

Do you regret not taking the job?
(or... that you didn't take...)
Why don't you put off going away
until tomorrow?
It's better to avoid travelling during
the rush-hour.
Would you mind turning the radio
down, please?

in in mmm #

mm mm mm rm

53.1 1

mm mm

mm mm .




mm mm mm iN iN



- Hr



< #

The driver ot the car admitted not

having a licence.
(or... that he didn't have a licence)
Tom suggested having fish for
dinner, (or... suggested that we had
fish / suggested that we should have

53.3 If possible check your sentence with

someone who speaks English. Here
are some example answers:
1 At weekends I enjoy sitting in the
garden (if it's warm).
2 This evening I fancy going out to eat
in a nice restaurant.

3 I often regret not travelling more

when I was younger.
4 Learning English involves speaking
as much as you can.
5 I think people should stop watching
television so much.


BAI 54: VERB + INFINITIVE (Bpng tif di vtf i

dpng tu" nguyen mau)









learn (how)


Nu cc d0ng tif trn dude theo sau bdi m>t ding tif khc, d<>ng tif theo sau se 6
hlnh-thuc to-infinitive (nguy6n mlu c6 to) theo cdng thOfc: verb to-lnflnitive |

As it was late, we decided to take a taxi home.

(VI da trd, chung tdi quy&t djnh don taxi vd nhd).
I like George but I think he tends to talk too much.
(Tdi thlch George nhUng toi nghi anh ta CO khuynh hvdng n6i quayihidu).
How old were you when you learnt to drive? (or "learnt how to drive")
(B&q bao nhidu tutfi khi ban hoc Idi xe?)
They, agreed to lend me some money when Itold them the position I was in.
(Hq da dSng y cho tdi mifdn mot it tien khi tdi kicho ho nghe ve hodn cinh md

Jdi gp ph&i).
Hay luu y dn nhuing thi dg sau day vdi thi phCi d|nh (negative) not to...:
We decided not to go out because of the weather.
(Chung tdi da quyet djnh khdng ra ngodi v) thdi tid't xS'u).
He pretended not to see me as he passed me in the street.
(Anh ta lAm bo khdng th&y tdi khi anh 1a di ngang qua tdi ngodi phS').

V6i nhiJng dOng tif quart trqng khdc, ban khdng thi diing dQng tCf nguyn m3u c6
to (to-infinitive). Thi dg nhu thlnfcva suggest.
Are yog thinking of buying a car? (not "thinking to-buy")
(Ban cd nghi d&n vide mua xe hdi khdng?)
- Tom suggested going to the cinema, (not "suggested to do*).
(Tom da dd nghi di xem phim).

b) C6 hinh thtfc continuous Infinitive (nguySn mliu tilp diSn) (to be doing) va hlnh
.thilc perfect infinitive (nguyfcn m5u hoanihlnh) (to have done). Chung ta d$c
bit dung cc hinh thufc nay sau seem, appear va pretend.
I pretended to be reading. {= I pretended that Iwas reading).
(Tdi Idm bd nhd dang doc). (* Tdi tdm bd r&ng tdi dang doc).
You seem to have lost weight. (= it seems that you have lost weight).
(Ban dudng nhu bj sgt can). (= difdng nhu la

ban bi sgt can).

Sau dare ban c6 thi diing to-infinltive (nguydn m&u c6 to) ho$c bare infinitive
(nguySn mSu khbng c6 to):

I wouldn't dare to ask him; or: I wouldn't dare ask him.

(Tdi khdng ddm hdi 6ng ta).


Nhung sau daren't ban phi ddng bare Infinitive (nguyfin m5u khdng c6 to):
- I daren't tell him what happened, (not "darenl to tell*)
(Tdi khdng dim kS cho anh la nghe chuyQn g) da xiy ra).
d) Sau nhtfng dQng tL/ 8d6t d4y,
c6ng thiic

ban c6 th dung tif nghi v3n (question word) theo

(What/where/how...) + to-infinitive.

(quy4't dinh)





explain understand
(gii thlch) (hi4u)

We asked how to get to the station.

(Chung t6i hdi cich dS di dS'n nhd ga).
Have you decided where to go for your holidays?
(Ban di quydt dinh di nghi d dau chi/a?)
T om explained (to me) how to change the wheel of the car.
(Tom giii thfch (cho tdi) each thay banh xe hoi).

I don't Rnow whether to go to the party or not?

(TQi khdng bit cd nn di dt/ ti$c hay khdng?)


Ngodi ra cung cd thd* dung:

show/tell/ask someone what/how/where to
Can someone show me how to change the film in this camera?
(C6 ait chl dum tdi each thay phim trong miy inh niy khdng?)
Ask Jack. He'll tell you what to do.
(Hay hdi Jack. Anh ta sS ndi cho anh b&t ph&i tim gi).

B6i vdi verb + to-lnflnitive, xem thdm ckc b&i 55-7.

UNIT 54: Exercises

54.1 In this exercise you have to complete each sentence with a suitable verb.
Don't forget to post the letter Igave you.





. . . .........
. ...........
. ......

Tom refused
me any money.
Jill has decided not
a car.
The thief got into the house because I forgot
the window.
There was a tot of traffic but we managed
to the airport in time.
I've arranged
tennis tomorrow afternoon.
an aeroplane.
One day I'd like to learn
I shouted to him. He pretended not
me but I'm sure he did.
Why hasn't Sue arrived yet? She promised not
the police if we didn't stop the noise.
Our neighbour threatened"
Ann offered
after our children while we were out.
The teacher was very strict. Nobody dared
during his lessons.



54.2 This time you have to make sentences with seem and appear.
Examples: Is he waiting for someone? He appears to be waiting for someone.
Has She lost weight? She seems to have lost weight.
He seems
1 Is Tom worried about something?


2 - Does Ann like Jack? She appears
3 Is that man looking for something? Hfe appears
4 Has that car broken down? It seems
5 Have they gone.out? They appear

M 'O *





. ....

54.3 Now you have to use the structure in section d. Complete each sentence using
what or how with one of the following verbs:
. ride
Example: Do you know how to get to John's house?
for dinner this evening?
1 Have you decided what
2 Can you show me
the washing machine?
3 Do you know
if there's a fire in the building?
4 You'll never forget
. a bicycle once you have learned.
5 I was really astonished. Ididn't know

.. ....................... . . . .


54.4 Now make your own sentences. Complete each sentence with to
Example: This evening I have arranged

* infinitive.


Not many people can afford

I would like to learn
One dsy I hope
Iwouldn't dare
Sometimes I tend




M IN Id In m










54. 1 1 to lend/to give
2 to buy/to hire
3 to shut/to close/to fasten/to lock
4 to get ("arrive" is not possible
because we say "arrive at the
5 to play
6 (how) to fly/to pilot (not to drive")
7 to hear/to understand/to. see
8 to be/to come/to arrive
9 to call/to telephone/to phone/to
ring/to fetch/to get
10 to look
11 (to) talk (to) speak/(to) laugh/(to)
play (After "dare" you can use the
infinitive with or without "to" #see section c.)
54.2 1 He seems to be worried about

2 She appears to like Jack.
3 He appears to be looking for
4 It seems to have broken down.
5 They appear to have gone out.

54.3 1 what to cook

"2 how to use
3 what to do
4 how to ride
5 what to say ("what to do" is also



54.4 It possible check your answers with

someone who speaks English. Here are

some example answers:

1 Not many people can afford to buy
a Rolls Royce.
2 1 would like to learn (how) to ride a
' horse.
3 One day I hope to have enough
money to travel round the world.
4 I wouldn't dare (to) wear clothes
like that. I would look stupid.
5 Sometimes I tend to be a bit lazy.



+ tuc tif + nguyen mlu}


want (mutiny ask (hdi, yiu ciu); expect (nghT ring, tin ring); help (giiip
Intend) (cd y); would like (mu6n); would prefer (thfch hah).

<30; mean (>

C6 hai cSu true c6 thg dt/<?c dung sau clc ddng tC/ trSn:
Ddng td + to + ddng td nguydn miis.
Iasked to see the manager. (T6i <33 ydu du gSp Gi3m <36c).
We; expected to be late. (Chung tdi nghi Id chdng t6i dd'n tri).
He would like to come. (Anh ta mu6n dd'n).

Ddng til tOc td + to + ddng td nguyin mSu:

I asked Tom to help me. (T6i da yeu ciu Tom giup dd tdi).
We expected him to be late. (Chung tdi nghiId anh ta di trS).
He would like me to come. (Anh ta mud'n tdi din).

Sau help, ban c6 th dung dbng tit nguyfin mlu c6 ho$c khdng c6 to:
Can somebody help me (to) move this table.
(Co ai co thi giup tdi ddi cai ban niy di khdng?)
Hay dc bi$t cln thn v<5i want: dirng ndi 'want that...' (mud'n ring...)
Everyone wanted him to win the race.
(Mpi ngi/di dSu mu6n anh ta thing cudc dua).
Do you want me to come early?
(Ban co mu6n tdi din sdm khdng?)



(ra Ignh)


(bit bugc)

(khuyin- do)

(thuyi't phpc)
get ( persuade)
(thuyit phtjc)

(cho phep)
teach (how)

NhOng ddng tti trdn dift?c dung theo ciu triic: Ddng tif + tuc td + to + ddng til nguydn


Remind me to phone Ann tomorrow. (H&y nh&c tdi QQi didn-cho Ann vio ngiy mai).
He warned pie not to touch anything. (Anh ta Idu y tdi ddng sd vio bit cd cii g\).
Who taught you (how) to drive? (Ai d3 day ban Idi xe thi?)
I got Jack to repair'my car. (Tdi thuyi't phuc Jack sda xe cho tdi).

Sau day 11 mQt thi dii.vl thi bj ddng (passive):

I was warned not to touch anything.
(Tdi d3 dupe khuyin do la ddng sd vio bit cd di gt).



Ban khdng thd* dting suggest vbi cfiu-triic n&y (rem thdm b&i 35c):

Tom suggested that I bought a car.

(Tom da dS nghj rkng tdi n4n mua m$t cbiSc xe hoi).







Cd hai cdu trric cd thd dupe dCing sau cbc dpng til udn: HSy so sdnh:

verb *-lna (khdna cd object

He doesn't allow smoking in his house
(Ong'Sy khdng cho phep hut thudc

verb + object + to-infinitive

He doesn't allow anyone to smoke in his

(Ong Sy khdng cho ai hut thuoc trong

trong nhd minh)

I wouldn't recommend staying at that
(Tdi khdng d4 nghj ndn nghl tpi khach
sen 66).

nhd mlnh).
I wouldn't recommfend you to stay atiihe
(Tdi khdng da nghj anh nghl f$j d

khdeh san 66).

d) Make vd Let:

Hai dpng tCi.nAy dupe diing theo c3u true: ddng tti + nguyin m&u khdng cd to:
- Hot weather makes me feel uncomfortable. (= causes me to feel)
Thdi ti4t nong nt/c 16m t6i c&m thSy khd chju).
Ionly did it because they made me do it. (= forced me to do it)
(Tdi chJ ttm <3i4u <36 bdi v) ho da ep bu6c t6i pbiti 16m).
She wouldn't let me readthe letter. (= allow me to read)
(C6 ta se.khdng <34 cho tdi <3qc Id thudd d$u).

Hay nhd r&ng make v& let dt/gc dung vdi d$ng tLf nguyfen m5u khdng cd to
They made me do it. {Hp dfi dp bupc tdi lam didu dd).
- Tom let me drive his car yesterday.
(Ndm qua Tom 66 d4 tdi Hi xe cua anh 4y).

Nhurtg d thl bi png, make l?i diipc dCinggift rfyng \ii nguydn miu cd to:
- I only did it because I was made to do it.
(Tdi chl lam 6i4u db bdi vi tdi da bj dp bu$c phai 16m m& thdi).

UNIT 55: Exercises

55.1 Bead each sentence and write a second sentence from the words given.
Example: Jill didn't have any money.



she / want / Ann / lend her some. She wanted Ann to lend her some.
Tom's parents were disappointed when he decided to leave home.
they / want / Tom / stay with them

Please don't tell anyone that I'm leaving my job.

I/ not / want-/ anyone / know

. . .....
. ....
. .




There's a football match next Saturday between England and Scotland.

you / want / Scotland iwin?
Unfortunately someone had told Sue that I was going to visit her.
I / want / it / be a surprise


Now you have to read a sentence and then write a second sentence with the same
meaning. Each time begin in the way shown.
Examples: "Don't touch anything", the man said to me.
The man told me not to touch anything.
My father said I could use his car. My father allowed me to use his car.


"Dont forget to post the letter*. Jack said to me.

Jack reminded

She told me that it would be best if Itold the police about the accident. She advised


- Ml IN





Ml <








I told you that you shouldn't tell him anything.

I warned
4 I was surprised that it rained. I didn't expect
5 "Would you like to have dinner with me?" Tom said to Ann.
Tom invited .....
6 At first I didn't want to play tennis but John persuaded me.
John persuaded
7 The sudden noise caused me to jump. The sudden noise made -a.8 If you've got a car, you are able to travel around more easily.
I laving ct car nales wbb.*.w..v..h...hb......
9 She wouldn't allow me to read the letter. She wouldn't let

* II* Ml M*


"I W


. .. _ _ _ _



55.3 Now put the verb in the right form: -ing, to + infinitive, or infinitive without to.
Example: Mr. Thomas doesn't allow smoking (smoke) in his office.



(smoke) in his office.

Mr. Thomas doesn't let anyone
(meet) him,
I don't know Jack but I'd like
(go) for my holidays?
Where would you recommend me
Idon't recommend
(eat) in that restaurant. The food's awful,
The film was very sad. It made me
(study) hard.
Jack's parents have always encouraged him
..... (go).
We were kept at the police station for an hour and then allowed




55.1 1



They wanted Tom to stay with them.

I don't want anyone to know.
Do you want Scotland to win?
I wanted it to be a surprise.


Jack reminded me to post the letter.

She advised me to tell the police about the accident.
I warned you not to tell him anything.
I didnt expect It to rain. {or... expectthat it would rain).
Tom invited Ann to have dinner with him. (or Tom invited Ann to dinner with


John persuaded me to play tennis

The sudden noise made me jump.
Having a car enables you to travel around more easily.
She wouldn't let me read the letter.



to meet


to go
to study
to go (= we were allowed to go -passive)



BAI 56: INFINITIVE or -ING? (Bpng Xii nguyen

miu hay -ING?) (1) vdi like, would like

like (thfch)
dialIke (khdng thlch)

hate (ghat)
love (thkh)

enjoy (thich)
mind (d4 y)

can't bear (khdng chiu du</c)

can't stand (khdng chju dUQc)

C6c ddng ttf v6 c6c nhdm ttf trn thudng difdc theo sau bdi -Ing:
I enjoy being alone. (T6i thich d mdt mlnh).
Why do you dislike living here?
(T$i sao anh khdng thich s6ng d ddy?)
I don't like people shouting at me.
(T6i kh6ng thich ngudi taiahdt tdi).
Ann hates flying. (Ann ghdt di my bay).
- Tom doesnl mind working at night.
(Tom khdng nggiph&i Idm vide ban ddm).
Sau love v6 can't bear, ban cd th3 dung -Ing ho$c to-lnfinltlve:
- I love meeting people; ho$c: 1 love to meet people.
(Tdi thich gap gd ngudi khdc).
- She can't bear being alone; ho$c: She can? bear to be alone.
(C6 ta khdng chju ntfi si/ cd dOn).

b) Like

Thudng thi khdng c6 gl khdc bi$t khi ban ndi 'I like doing" ho$c "I like to do". Thl dy.
ban c6 th ndi:
I like getting up early; ho&c: 1 like to get up early. (Tdi thich ddy sdm).
Chting ta thi/dng ndi "I like doincf khl like cd nghTa 16 "enjoy" (thfch);
- Do you like cooking? (= do you enjoy It?) (Ban cd thich n&u dn khdng?)
I don't like driving. (= Idont enjoy it). (Tdi khdng thfch Idi xe).
Khl like khdng c6 nghia 16 'thfch', chung ta dung "I like to do*. Ilike to do something = I
find it is good or right to do something. (Tdi thd'y diSu g) dd ddng / ndn Idm).
I like to wash my halt twice a week. (This doesn't mean that I enjoy it; it means that
I think it is a good thing to do).
(Tdi mu6n gdi ddu hai l4n m$t tutin). (Di4u ndy khdng cd nghia Id tdi thich vi$C 66;
nd cd nghia Id tdi chodd Id vide nSn Idm).
-. T om likes to do the washing-up immediately after the meal .
(Tom mudn rHa chdn dla ngay sau bUa dn).
c) Would like dugc theo sau bdi to-lnfinltlve:


I would tike to be rich. (Tdi mud'n dupe gi6u cd).

Would you like to come to a party? (Ban cd mudn dfe'n dd tic khdng?)

Hay lUu y dn sy khc nhau v y nghTa giffa Ilike v& Iwould like. Iwould like Id m$t
cdch n6i Ijch sd cua Iwant (TOi mu6n). Hay so sdnh:
I like playing tennis. (= Ienjoy it In general) (T6I thfch choi qudn vgt).

I would like to play tennis today. (= I want to play)

(H6m nay tdi mu6n choi quan vtft).
Xem th6m bai 3td.

Chung ta'cung c6 th6 dung to-infinitiv sau would love / hate / prefer:
Would you prefer to have dinner now or later?
(Ban mudn in t6i ngay biy gid hay dS lit nJa?)
- I'd love to be able to travel round the world.
(Tdi muon dU<?c di vdng quanh thS gidi):

Ben ciing c6 th n6i "I would like to have done something" {= Tdi
khdng ho|c da khfing the l&m di6u gi d6);


r&ng tdi

it's a pity we didn't visit Tom. I would like to have seen him again.
(Thit tiec H chung ta da khdng dn thim Tom. T6i rSt mu6n gp lqi anh Sty).
We'd like to have gone on holiday but we, didn't have enough money.

(Chung tdi di rSt mu6n di nghl mat nht/ng chdng tdi lai khdng du tidn).

B?n cGng c6 thtf dung m$t cu triic nhif trfcn sau would love / hate / prefer:
- Poor old Tom! I would hate to have been in his position."
(TQi nghiep 6ng gii Tom! Tdi cung ching h4 mu6n IAm vio hoin- c&nh nhu 6ng

I'd love to have gone to the party but it was impossible.
(Tdi da ri't mu6n di/ tide nhung khdng th di di/dc).

UNIT 56: Exercises

56.1 Answer these questions using the verbs given.
Examples: Why do you never fly? (hate) I hate flying.
Why does Tom go to the cinema so often? (like) He likes goi

Why do you always wear

_......._._._. ._ . . . . ..........

a hat? (like) I
2 Why does Ann watch television so often? (enjoy) She
3 Why do you never go to the cinema? (not/like)
4 Why does Jack take so many photographs? (like)
work in the evenmns?
5 Whv don't vou
- -





- -




56.2 This time put the verb into the correct Form, -Ing or to + infinitive.
Examples: \ enjoy being (be) alone.
Would you like to come (come) to a party?
(travel) such a long way to work every day?
1 Do you mind
(cook) but she hates
2 Ann loves
(wash) up.
(tell) me what to do when I'm driving.
3 I cant stand people
4 I don't like that house. Iwould hate
(live) there.


- - - - -- - - -





_. ........._._.._... .. .

Do you like
When I have to catch a train, I'm always worried about missing it. So I like
(get) to the station in plenty of time.
(listen) to classical music.
I very much enjoy
I would love
(come) to your wedding but it just isn't possible.
(learn) to play the guitar.
Sometime I'd like

_ ..



56.3 Now you have to make your own sentences. Say whether you like or don't like the
things In brackets
Choose one of these verbs for each of your sentences:




dont mind


can't stand

Example: (reading) I like reading very much.



(playing cards) I
(learning languages)

(visiting museums) ......
(lying on the beach in the sun)
(s ho p ping) .
.................................... ......


K* H



56.4 Now you have to write sentences like those in section d.

Example: It's a pity I couldn't go to the wedding, (like)
gone to the wedding.


It's a pity I didn't meet Ann. (love) I would love

I'm glad I didn't lose my watch, (hate) I
I'm glad I wasn't alone, (not/like)
It's a pity Icouldn't travel by train, (prefer)
It's a pity Ididn't see the film, (like)



56.1 11like wearing a hat. !like to wear a hat.

2 She enjoys watching television.
3 l don't like going to the cinema. *
4 He likes taking photographs. *
5 I hate working in the evenings.
* in 3 und 4 "like to go" and "likes to take" are also possible. "... -ing" is more usual in
these sentences because the meaning is "enjoy" (see section h).
56.2 1 travelling
2 cooking / to cook
3 telling
4 to live


.. washing



driving (see section b)

to get (see section b)
to come
to learn

56.3 if possible check your sentences with someone who speaks English.
Here are some example answers"
1 I don't like playing cards very much.
2 I enjoy learning languages.
3 I can't stand visiting museums.
4 I love lying on the beach in the sun. (or I love to lie...)
5 I hate shopping.

56.4 1


I would love to have met Ann.

I would hate to have lost my watch.
I wouldn't like to have been alone.
I would prefer to have travelled by train.
I would like to have seen the film.

In this exercise it is also possible to, use another structure:



I would have loved to meet Ann.

Iwould have hated to lose my watch.

I wouldn't have liked to be alone.

I would have preferred to travel by train.
I would have liked to see the film.


BAl 57: INFINITIVE or -ING (Dpng tif nguyen

. mlu hay -ING?) (2) v6i begin, start, intend,
continue, remember, try

(bit diu)


(bit diu)

(dg dinh)

(tid'p tuc)

Cdc ddng tC/ trdn thUdng cd th4 di/qc theo sau bdi -ing hoSc to- infinitive. VI vy ban

c6 th4 ndi:
- The. baby began crying. or: The baby began to cry.
(Dda tri bit diu khdc).
It has started raining, or: It has started to rain.

bit diu mtfa).

John intends buying a house, or: John intends to buy a4iouse.
(Trdi da

(John djnh mua m$t cdn nhi).

He continued working after his illness, or: He continued to work after his illness.
(Anh ta di tip tuc Idm vt$c sau khi bi b$nh).

b) Remember to do vd remember doing:

Remember to do: ban nhd s6 Idm di4u gl trUdc Wt/ldm nd. "Remember to do some
thing" mang nghTa trdi nguqc v6i "forget to do something* (qu6n Idm di4u gi).
I remembered to lock the door before I teft but I forgot to shut the windows. {= I
remembered to lock the door and then I locked it)
(T6i da nhd khda cita tnJdc khi ra kh6i nhd nhung tdi l$i quin <36ng cdc cdnh cda
$6). (= Tdi di nhd phdi khda cCta va sau dd tdi dd khda).
Please remember to post the letter. (= don't forget to post il).
(Lim an nhd bd thU dS'y). (= dUng quen bd thu).
Remember doing: ban nhd I31 Id dd Idm di4u gl. "I remember doing something" = tdi
dd Idm di4u gl d6 vd bSy giif tdi vSn c6n nhd di4u dd
I clearly remember locking the door before I left. (- I locked it and now 1 clearly
remember this).
(Tdi nhd ro ring Id di khda cCfa trade khi tdi di). (= tdi di khda cda vd biy gid tdi
vin cdn nhd ro diiu dd).
He could remember driving along the road just before the accident happened but he
couldn't remember the accident itself.
(Anh ta vin cdn nhd Id di Hi xe dgc theo con dudng dd ngay trade luc tai ngn xiy
ra. nhung anh ta Igi khdng thi nhd dugc chfnh tai nan dd).

c) Try to do vd try doing :

Try to do = c6 gang Idm, n6 lijc Idm:

I was very tired. Itried to keep my eyes open but I couldn't.
(Tdi rSt mdt. Tdi di c6 gid cho ddi mit ddng nhim l$i nhung khdng thi ddrfc).
- Please try to be quiet when you come home. Everyone will be asleep.
(Lm on c6 g&ng giO y&n f$ng khi b$n vS nh&. Luc 66 mgi ngtfdi se 6ang ngu).


Try doing
Try cbn c6 'nghTa "tern diu gl d ki<?m tra hay thtf nghigm"
Try some of this juice - perhaps you'll like it. (= drink some of it to see if you like it)
(Th& m$t ft nude trii ciy niy xem cd IS b$n se thfch d$y). (= u6ng mdt ft di xem

ban cd thfch nd khdng).

We tried every hotel in the town but they were all full. (= we went to every hotel to
see "if they had a room).
(Chung tdi <33 thd din tiing khach san trong thf xa nhUng tit cd <J4u hit chd). (=
chung tdi din tifng khach $$n dixem chiing cdn phdng tring hay khdng).
Nu try (vdi nghTa n&y) dugc theo sau bdi mC>t d$ng tCr, chiing ta dung try + -ing:
"I can't find anywhere to live". "Why don't you try putting an advertisement in the
newspaper?" (= do this to see if it helps you to find a place to live).
(Tdi khdng thi Dm dupe ndi ndo di d ci". Tp/ sao ban khdng thd ding quing do
trdn bio xem?") (= H3y 13m diSu ndy di xem nd cd giup ban Dm dupe m<5f chS d

I've got a terrible headache. I tried taking an aspirin but it didn't help. {= I took an
aspirin to see if it would stop my headache).
(Tdi nhiic diu kinh khung. Tdi di thi utfng mdt viin aspirin nhUng chSng dd ti nio
ci) (= Tdi di uing mdt viin aspirin di xem nd cd lim tdi hit nhtfc diu hay

UNIT 57: Exercises

57.1 Here is some information about Tom when he was a child.

1 He was in hospital when he was four.
4 He cried on his first day at school.
2 He went to Paris when he was eight.
5 He said he wanted to be a doctor.
3 He fell into the river.
6 He was bitten by a dog.
He can still remember 1,2 and 4. But he cant remember 3,5 and 6. Make sentences
beginning He can remember... or He can't remember...
1 He can rememher being in hospital


... ..


a a aa

a a




M* n.n. m>

w M>



.......a................a......IM.1.Ill N.W N.M.M.*.

57.2 Your friend has some problems and you have to be helpful. For each problem write a
question with try.
Example: I can't find anywhere to five, (put an advertisement In the newspaper)
Have you triad putting an advertisement in the newspaper?
1 My electric shaver is not working, (change the batteries)
Have you tried
2 I can't contact Fred. He's not at home, (phone him at work)
Have you ....

3 I'm having difficulty sleeping at night, (take sleeping tablets)

4 The television picture isn't very good, (move the aerial)



. -


l> IK


i * i" i" hi m m





57.3 In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form, -ing or to + infinitive.


(Sometimes either form is possible).

. ........
. ......
. .....
.. . . . . . .
........ . . . . . ........
. .. .. .. . . . . .

Examples: Please remember tojlfisl- (post) this letter.

John intends loJHiy (or buying) (buy) a house.

A: You lent me some money a few months ago.

(lend) you any money.
B: Did I? Thafs strange. I dont remember
(put) the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call
We tried
the fire-brigade.

When you see Tom. remember

(give) him my regards, won't you?

What do you intend
.'. (do) about this problem?
(leave) it by
5 Someone must have taken my bag. I clearly remember
the window and now it has gone.
(laugh) loudly.
6 When she saw what had happened, she began
(ask) Gerry but he couldn't
7 Sue needed some money. She tried
help her.
(reach) the shelf but he wasn't tall enough.
8 He tried
(phone) Ann?* "Oh~no, Icompletely forgot*.
9 "Did you rpmember
(make) a lot of noise.
10 I asked them to be quite but they continued




2 He can remember going to Paris when he was eight.

3 He cant remember falling into the river.
4 He can remember crying on his first day at school.
5 He cant remember saying he wanted to be a doctor, (or He cant remember
wanting to be a doctor).
6 He can't remember being bitten by a dog.


1 Have you tried changing the batteries?

2 Have you tried phoning him at work?

3 Have you tried taking sleeping tablets? (or Have you tried sleeping tablets?)
4 Have you tried moving the aerial?

1 lending
2 to put
3 to give
4 to do (or doing)
5 leaving
6 to laugh (or laughing)
7 asking
to reach
9 to phone
10 to make (or making)


BAI58: INFINITIVE or -ING? (Bpng tu nguyen


hay -ING?) (3) vdi be afraid, need,


a) Be afraid to do v4 be afraid or -ing:

Iam afraid to do something <t6i ngai/s<? ph4i 14m di4u gl) = T6i khdng mu6n 14m di4u
gi (36 bdi vl dl4uxJ6 nguy hi4m ho$c k6t qu4 c6 th4 khfing dv<?c td't dep:
The streets in this city are not safe at night. Many people are afraid to go out alone.
(= they don't want to go out aione because it is dangerous).
(CAc dildng phd trong thdnh phd n&y khdng durjc an todn vdo ban (34 m. NhiSu
ngudi sd ra ngodi m$t mlnh). (= h<? khdng mu6n ra ngodi mdt mlnh bdi v) di4u dd
nguy hidm).
She was afraid to tell her parents that she had broken the neighbour's window (=
She didnl want to tell her parents because she know they would be angry).
(Co ay sd phii ndi cho cha me mlnh bidt rdng c6 Sy dd I
Am vd cita sd cCta nha
hcing xdm). (= C6 &y khdng mud'n ndi chd cha me bidt vl c6 &y hidu r&ng hg se ndi

i am afraid of something happening (tdi e/sd didu gl do se x&y ra) = c6 khS nSng

m<it didu gi d6 khdng hay s x4y ra.

We walked along the path very carefully because it was icy and we were afraid of
falling, (not 'afraid to fall")
(Chung tdi <3i d<?c theo tdi di dd rS't thin- trong v) dUdng da ddng bSng vd chung tdi
sd bj nga).
I don't like dogs. I'm/always afraid of being bitten, (not "afraid to be bitten")
(Tdi khdng thfch chd. Tdi ludn ludn so bj cdn).
VI v$y, ban ngai ph4i 14m di4u gi (afraid to do something) vi ban s<? se c6 c4i gi d6 x4y
ra (afraid of something happening) nhu 14 h&u qu4 t4t y6u. H4y so s4nh:
- The boys were afraid to play football in the garden because they were afraid of
breaking a window.
(CAc cAu be ng$i chdi bdng trong vUdn bdi vl chung sg cd thd lam vd kfnh ctia sd).
I was afraid to stay in the sun because I was afraid of getting burnt.
(Tdi sd d ngoAi ning vl tdi sd bj phdng da).

b) Need to do v4 need + -Ing:

I need to do something = t6i c4n ph4i 14m di&u gi d6.
I need to take more exercise. (T6i cfin ph4i t4p th4 dye nhi4u hdn).
He needs to work harder. (Anh c4n phji 14m viae ch4m chi han).
I don't need to come to the meeting, do I?
(Tdi khdng cSn phdi ddn di/ budi hop, phii khdng?)
Need + -Ing: need to be done (c4n dt'dc 14m): mang y nghta bj dOng (passive)
- The batteries in this radio need changing (= need to be changed)
(Pin trong radid nAy cdn phai dupe thay).


This Jacket is rather dirty, it needs cleaning. (= needs to be cleaned).

(CAi Ao v6t nAy khA bin. N6 cAn dUtyc giAt).
Do you think the grass needs cutting? needs to be cut)
(Anh cd nghtIA cd cAn dilpc cAt khdng?)
c) Help;

Help diidc theo sau bdi dOn9 ti< nguyfin m5u c6 ho&c khOng c6 to:
- Everybody helped (to) clean up after the party,
(Mpi ngifdi phtj giup don dep sau bJa tide).
Can somebody help me (to) move this table?
(Co ai do giup tdi ddi cat bAn nAy <3i dupe khdng?)

Nhimg ngo4i ra c6n cd mQtthdnh ngO: cant help doing. 'I can't help doing some
thing* = t6i khdng th khdng I4m<li4u gi d6. t6i khdng th trdnh kh6i vic ph4i 14m didu gl

I tried to be serious but I couldn't help laughing

(Tdi da cd gAng nghidm tuc nhUhg tdi khdng thd nAo nhin cUdi dUdc).
I'm sorry I broke the glass. Someone pushed me and I couldn't help dropping it.
(Tdi xin Idi vl dA lAm vd cAi ly. Ai d6 dA dy tdi vA tdi khdng thfgitJ cAi ly l$i dupe).
He is stupid. It's not his fault. He can't help being stupid.
(N6 ngu dAn nhung do khdng phAi IA Idi cua nd. N6 khdng thd thoat khdi tlnh cAch
dd dupe).

UNIT 58: Exercises

58.1 In this exercise you have to make sentences with afraid. Read each situation and then
use the words in brackets to write your sentence.
Examples: The streets are unsafe at night.
(I / afraid Igo out / alone) I'm afraid
We walked very carefully along the icy path.
(we / afraid / fall)

I don't usually carry my passport with me.

. ;
(I / afraid / lose / it)

.H tM 41k

The sea was very rough

(we / afraid Igo / swimming)




H4*4 M

4M <| Ml IM

We rushed to the station.

(we / afraid / miss Iour train)
4 Ididn't tell Tom that 1 thought he had behaved foolishly.
(I / afraid / hurt / his feelings)

5 In the middle of the film there was a particularly horrifying scene.
(we / afraid / look)
6 The glasses were very full, so Ann carried them very carefully.
(she / afraid / spill / the drinks)
7 Ididn't like the look of the food on my plate.


M *N


M m+e IM M *M

a) (I / afraid / eat / it)

b) (I / afraid / make / myself ill)




Mi va

M# mMi M N M4


mm M 4


M N M4 4


N* Nf Ml Hf


58.2 Now you have to make sentences with need-ing. Use the verb in brackets.
Example: This coat is rather dirty, (clean)

1 This room hasn't been painted for years, (pain) It

2 Your hair is too long, (cut) It
3 Those shoes are rather dirty, (polish) They
4 This plant hasn't been watered for sometime, (water)
5 Those screws are loose, (tighten)
6 Your jeans are too long, (take up)





.. . . .. .. .. .. . .
- -..........
- -......
-.- -. . . - - - -- -

58.3 Put the verb into the correct form, -ing or to + infinitive.
Examples-. If you want to pass your exams, you need to study (study) more.
I'm sorry I broke the glass. Icouldn't help dropping (drop) it.
. 1
(do) now or can 14eave It until later?
Does this job need
2 I've got an extra bed. so when you come to stay, you won't need
(bring) your sleeping bag.
(get) the dinner ready.
3 Tom helped his mother
4 When he told me that everybody had made fun of him, I couldn't help
(feel) sorry for him.
5 Those shirts need
(iron) but you don't need
(do) it now.
6 He looks so funny. When I see him, I can't help
7 The fine weather helped
(make) it a very enjoyable holiday.

58. 1 1




I'm afraid of losing it.

We were afraid to go swimming.
We were afraid of missing our Irain.
I was afraid of hurting his feelings.
We were afraid to look. . .
She was afraid of spilling the drinks.
a) Iwas afraid to eat it.
b) Iwas afraid of making myself ill.

It needs painting.
2 It needs cutting.
3 They need polishing.
4 It needs watering.
5 They need tightening.
6 They need taking up.
In this exercise the passive would
also be possible: "it needs to be painted";
"They need to be tightened" etc.


doing (or to be done)

to bring
get (or to get)
ironing (or to be ironed).,, to do
make (or to make)


BAI 59: PREPOSITON + -1NG (Gi6i tit + -ing)

a) Khi

m<>t dQng til theo sau m$t gitfi tur (In, at, with, about, v.v...), dQng ttf <J6 phSl
dy sau:
cOng b&ng
c&c vi uy

Jr xem vuw
-J Hay

AV Pit

Are you interested

for us?
(Anh cd thfch lim vide cho chdng tdi khdng?)
I'm not vefy good
(Tdi hoc ngoai ngQ khdng gidi lim).
I'm fed up
(Tdi chin ngi'y chuySn hpc hinh).
The children are excited about
on holiday. (Miy dCfa tri ri't hio hting v4 vide di nghl mit).
What are the advantages
a car?
(Cd mdt ch&c xe hoi s mang lai nhCfng Ipi (ch gi?)
This knife is only
(Con dao niy chi dung cit binh ml thdi).
John went to work
in spite of
(John di lim mic du dm thSy khd chju)
instead of
i bought a new bicycle
away on holiday.
(Tdi di mua mdt chiSc xe dap mdi thay vi di xa nghl mit).







b) Ban c6 th$ ddng -Ing vdl before vi after.


Ban c6 th3 dting by + -Ing 64 n6i m$t vi$c n&o d6 d xiy ra nhU th6 n&o.


Before going out I phoned Ann.

(Trade khi di ra ngoii tdi da gQi diSn cho Ann).
Ban c6 the* nOi: "Before!went out!..." (Trade khi tdi ra ngoii...)
What did you do after leaving school?
(Ban da lim gi sau khi ra trudng?)
Ban cOng c6 thl n6i "... after you left school?" (... sau khi ban ra trudng).
They got into the house by breaking a kitchen window and climbing in.
(Chung di ddt nhip vio nhi bing cich dip vd m$t ctfa s6 nhi b4p vi teo vio).

Ban c6 thl dung -Ing sau without (khdng c6, mi khdng):

Tom let without finishing his dinner.

(Tom ra di ma chUa in tdi xong).
She ran five miles without stopping.
(C6 Sy chay nim dim mi khdng ngdng chS nio).
He climbed through the window without anybody seeing him.
/or "... without being seen. ")
(H&n too qua ctfa sd mi khdng ai thSy).


She needs to work without people disturbing her. (or "... without being disturbed").
(C6 ta c&n /dm vi$c ma khdng bj ai quy rSy).
It's nice to go on holiday without having to worry about money.
(Tht Id hay nS'u di nghi md khong phii lo Idng vS chuySn tiSn b&c).

e) To thi/dng d chf d<tng tOr nguySn mliu (infinitive). ThI dg :

They decided to go out. (Hp quygt dinh di chcfi).

J want to play tennis. (Tot mu6n choi quin vpt).
NhUng to cQng c6n Id gids tif (preposition). ThI dg:
- Tom went to London. (Tom da di Ludn Ddn).
- He gave the book to Ann. (Anh ta dUa quySn sdch cho Ann).
- -I prefer cities to the countryside. (T<5i thfch thdnh thj hdn ndng th6n).
- I'm looking forward to the week-end. (Tdi dang tr6ngj3<?i ky nghl cud'i tuin).

Nu c6 d$ng tif di sau gidi Id. d$ng tt ph&i b hinh thiic -ing (xem Igi phdn a). Vi th, '
neu to Id gibi lb vd c6 d$ng tr theo sau, ban phdi dung to + -Ing. Thf dg:
I prefer cycling to driving, (not "to drive") (T6i thich dap xe hdn Idi xg hdi).
- I'm looking forward to seeing Ann again, (not lo see")
(T6i dang trdng dUQc gSp lai Ann).

V6 be / get used to -Ing, xem bdi 62.

UNIT 59: Exercises

59.1 In this exercise you have to read a sentence and then write a second sentence with the
same meaning. Each time begin in the way shown.
Example: I phoned Ann and then I went out. After phoning Ann I went out.
1 Tom went to bed but first he had a hot drink.
Bef Ore

2 The plane took off and soon afterwards it crashed.

Soon after

3 We didn't eat at home. We went to a restaurant instead.

Instead of

A You put people's lives in danger if you drive dangerously.

You put people's lives in danger by
5 He hurt his leg but he managed to win the race.
In Spite of
6 Bill is a very good cook. Bill is very good at
7 I don't intend to lend her any money. I have no intention of
8 George took more exercise and so lost weight.
9 He was angry with me because I was late. He was angry with me for.
10 Tom thinks that doing nothing is better than working.
Tom prefers doing nothing to



u M H> K m a....




# lit


n. hi ih.hh.


1 I




.1 I


59.2 Now read each situation and-then write a sentence with without -ing.
xamples: She ran five miles. She didn't stop. She ran five miles without stopping.
. He left the room. Nobody saw him. He left the n




He translated the article. He didn't use a dictionary.

He translated the article without
Look right and left before you cross the road.
Don't cross
She got married. Nobody knew about it.


441 M

44k N.


f PM


59.3 This time read each situation and write a sentence with look forward to.
Examples: You are going on holiday next week. How do you feel about this?
I'm looking forward to going on holiday.
Sue is doing an examination next week. She's not very happy about it. How
does she feel about it? She Is not looking forward doinQ the examination.
1 A good friend is coming to visit you soon, so you will see him/her again. How do
you feel about this? I'm
2 You are going to the dentist. You donl like visits to the dentist.
How do you feel about it?
3 Carol is a schoolgirl. She hates school but she is leaving school next summer. How
does she feel about this? She











Instead of eating at home we went to a restaurant.

You put peopfe's lives in danger by driving dangerously.
In spite of hurting his leg. he managed to win the race.
Bill is very good at cooking.
I have no intention of lending her any money.
By taking more exercise George lost weight.
He was angry with me for being late.
Tom prefers doing nothing to working.
He translated the article without using a dictionary.
Don't cross the road without looking right and left (first).
She got married without anybody knowing about it.
I'm looking forward to seeing him/her again, (or I'm looking forward
to him/his */her coming).
I'm not looking forward to going to the dentist.
She is looking forward to leaving school.
You can say "I'm looking forward to his -ing ..." or "I'm looking
forward to him



Before going to bed Torn had a hot drink, (or Before he went...)
Soon after taking off the plane crashed, (or Soon after it took.../ Soon after it
had taken...)



... -ing ..."


BAI 60:


tCT + gidi ttf + -ing)

a) Nhiu d$ng ttf c6 c&u trilc; ddng ftf(V) + gidi tCf (P) + tiic til (object). Thf dy nhu talk

We talked about the problem, {the problem lei

(Chung t6i da ndi vS vS'n d4 dd).

m<Jt tuc ttf)

NS'u tiic tCr Id m$t d$ng td khde. d6ng td d<5 pf.di t$n cung b&ng -Ing:
We talked about going to America, (V + P + -Ing)
(Chung tdi di ndi v4 chuyQn di My).
Sau dy Id vdi d$ng td khdc diing theo cd'u triic V + P + -Ing:
succeed In (thinh cdng trong vide...)

- Has Tom succeed in finding a job yet?

(Tom da thinh cdng khi tlm mdt vi$c 14m chtfa?)
feel like (dm thify thfch / mu6n)
- Idon't feel like going out tonight,
(Tdi khdng mud'n di chdi tdi nay).
think about / of (nghl v4)
- Are you thinking of /about buying a house?
(Bgn dang nghTdd'n vide mua mpt cSn nhi ph&i khdng?)
dream of (md Udc vS)
- I've always dreamed of being rich.
(Tdi ludn md U6c dupe gi&ir c6).
approve / disapprove of (tan thinh / khdng tin thinh)
- She doesnt approve of gambling.
(C6 ta khdng tin thinh chuyin dinh bee).
look forward to (mong dpi)
I'm looking forward to meeting her.
(Tdi dang mong dpi dupe gip cd Sy).
Insist on (khdng khing, cd ndi)
- He insisted on buying me a drink.
(Anh ta khing khing ddi mua cho tdi mpt ly rUpu).
decide against (quyd't djnh chd'ng lei)
We decided against moving to London:
(Chung tdi da quydt dinh chting lei vi$c ddi den Luin Odn).
apologise for (xin iSi v4)
- He apologised fo; keeping me waiting.
(Anh ta xin l$l v) di bit tdi chd dpi).

* Ifeel like doing = tbi thlch tern, t6i thSy htfng thii tern
Chung ta ndi "apologise to someone tor something" (xin Idi a/

v4 vifc gl):


He apologised to me for keeping me waiting, (khdng n6i "he apologised me')

(Anh Sy xin l6i tdi vi-da bAt tdi chd).

Vdi v&i d$ng tCr 6 trfin, ben cOng cd thl dCing cSu trtic: V + P + someone + -Ing.
Thl dg:
We are all looking forward to Peter coming home.
(Tit ci chung tdi dSu dang mong dpi Peter trd v4 nhA).

She doesnt approve of her son staying out late at night.

(C6 ta khdng tan thAnh vi$c con trai c6 ta di chdi quA khuya).
They insisted onjne (ho$c my) staying with them.
(Hp nAi nf tdi d i$i vdi hp). (Xem thdm bdi 35c.)

b) Nhtfng ddng tCf sau dSy cd cu trtlc: V + object + P + -Ing:

accuse (td cao)

They accused me of telling lies.

(Hp td cAo tdi da ndi tao).
suspect (nghi ngd)
- Did they suspect the man of being a spy?
(Hp cd nghi ngd r.gUdi dan dng 66 Id di$p vidn khdng?)
congratulate (chuc mdng)
1 congratulated Ann on passing the exam.
(Tdi chuc mtfng Ann vi vi$c cd Sy dA thi dAu).
prevent (ngdn cin)
- What prevented him from coming to the wedding?
(Di4u gl da ngdn cAn anh ta den dp le cUdi?)
stop (ngdn cAn)
We stopped everyone from leaving the building.
(Chung tdi ngdn cAn khdng cho mpi ngi/di rdi tda nhA).
thank (cam dn)
- 1 thanked her for being so helpful.
(Tdi cAm an bA ta v) dA sd't sAng giup tdi).
forgive (tha thif)
Please forgive me for not writing to you.
(Xin tha thif cho tdi vl dA khdng vidt thU cho ban).
warn (khuydh cAo. lUu y)
- They warned us against buying the car.
(Hq lifu y chuing toi khdng ndn mua chide xe hdi dd).



Sau stop, ban cd thl b6 gidi ti/ from di. VI vy b$n c6 thl ndi:
- We stopped everyone (from) leaving the building.
(Chung tdi ngdn can khdng cho mpi ngUOi rdi khoi tda nhA).
Mpt vki dQng tCr d trdn thudng dUQc dung b d?ng passive (bj dng):


I was accused of telling lies.

(Tdi bj td cAo IA da ndi Ho).

Was the man suspected of being a spy?

(Ngtfdi d6n 6ng <36 cd bj nghi ngd 16 mQt dip viSn khdng?)
We were warned against buying it.
(Chung t6i dupe khuyd'n do khdng nin mua thd dd).

UNIT 60: Exercises






. -----. -...................
.- .-.........
.. ... . . . .

In this exercise you have to write the correct preposition and to put the verb into, the
correct form. Use the verb in brackets at the end of each sentence.
Example: Jack insisted on going out by himself, {go)


After a long time we eventually succeeded

a flat, (find)
I've been thinking
for a new job. (look)_
His parents didn't approve
out so late, (stay)
I wonder what prevented him
to the party. (comdT
dinner, (have)
I'm getting hungry. I'm looking forward
I don't feel
today, (study)
you but I must ask you a question. (Interrupt)
Forgive me
The arrested man was suspected
into a house, (break)
Have you ever thought
married? (get)
I've always dreamed
on a small island in the Pacific, (live)
a swim, (have)
The cold water didn't stop her
Have you ever been accused
a.crime? (commit)
She apologised
so rude to me. (be)
a new car. (buy)
We have decided



Now you have to change direct speech into reported speech. Begin each of your
sentences in the way shown.
Example: "It was nice of you to help me. Thanks very much". (George said to you)
George thanked me for helping him.

1 Til drive you to the station. I insist'. (Tom said to Ann)

To in insisted
..... ..... .......
2 "I hear you passed your examinations. Congratulations!" (Jim said to you) Jim

.... ... ..


... .... ...



3 "It was nice of you to visit me. Thank you" (Mrs. Dent said to Sue)
Mrs. Dent thanked
- 4 "Don't stay at the hotel near the airport". (I said to Jack)

> M

Ml mm mm m*

m mm

Ml pi


IP Ml Wf IP Mt M



----- ...
Margaret apologised ...................

"I'm sorry I didn't phone you earlier". {Margaret said to you)



m| pmm

|M Ml Ml


"You didn't pay attention to what I said". (The teacher said to the boy) The teacher

! mm

m mm




mmm mm

mmm mm



M Ml IM |M


60.3 Now you can write some sentences about yoursetf. Use -Ing.
Example: Today I don't feel like going out.

1 This evening Ifeel like

2 I'm looking forward to
3 I'm thinking of
4 I would never dream of

+4* *+* H* m Mi H M#




4 II



H# HIM H4 *M MklMM* MlMlM IN


in finding


of / about looking
of him staying
from coming
to having
like studying
for interrupting
of breaking
of / about getting
of living -*






(from) having
of committing
for being
against buying (or decided not to buy)

Tom insisted on driving Ann to the station.

Jim congratulated me on passing my examinations.

Mrs. Dent thanked Sue for visiting her.

I warned Jack gainst staying at the hotel near the airport. (You can also say
"I warned Jack not to stay..." -see Unit 55b.)
Margaret apologised (to-me) for not phoning (me) earlier.
The teacher accused the boy of not paying attention to what he/she (had)




If possible check your sentences with someone who speaks English. Here are some
example answers:
This evening Ifeel tike going to the cinema.
I'm looking forward to seeing Ann next week. 2
I'm thinking of buying a new camera.
I would never dream of leaving without saying goodbye.


BAI61: EXPRESSIONS + -ING (Thanh ngff +


Khi cdcThdnh ngtf ndy di/<?c theo sau bdi rti$t dQng tfl, d$ng ttt 66 phii t$n ciing b&ng


* It's no use/it's no good... (thit vd kh):


It's no use worrying about it. There's nothing you can do.
(Thit v6 kh khi k> ling vS.diiu 66. B$n khdng lim di/pc g) diu).
It's no good trying to persuade- me. You won't succeed.
(C6 thuyi't phyc tdi cOng vO kh thdi. Ban se khdng thinh cdng diu).

* There's no point In... (ching kh kfi g\, vd kh)

There's no point in buying a car if you don't want to drive it.
(Niu b$n khdng mu6n Hi xe thl mua xe cOng vd kh thdi).
There was no point in waiting, so we went.
(Chd dpi cQng ching kh iQi gh v) thS chung tdi d& bd 6i).

* It's (not) worth... (th$t (khdng) ding)

My house is only a short walk from here. It's not worth taking a'taxi.
(Nhi tdi chf c&ch 6iy miy bade thdi. Chingding ph&i 6i taxi).
It's was so late when we got home, it wasnt worth going to bed.
(Khi chung tdi vi nhi thl 63 qui khuya r6i, ching ding phSi 6i ngu nOa).

Ban cd th ndi: "a book is worth reading / a film is worth seeing, v.v...":
0o you think this book is wofth reading?
(Ban cd cho ring quySn sich niy ding doc khdng?)
You should go arid see the film. Ifs really worth seeing.
(Ban nin di xem bd phim 66. N6 thit stf ding xem dSy).

{ (Have) difficulty... (gap khd khin...)

I had difficulty finding a place to live.
(Tdi da gipjthd khin trong vi$c tkn mdt ndi di d).
Did you have any difficulty getting a visa?
(Ban cd khd khin gl khi xin chi&u khin khdng?)
- People often have great difficulty reading my writing.
(Ngtfdi ta thuQng dm thi'y khd khin khi dec chil vidt cua tdi).

N6n nhd trong thdnh ngfl trdn, chiing ta phfil ndi t& "difficulty", khdng ndi "difficulties".
I'm sure you'll have no difficulty passing the examination.
(Tdi tin chic ring ban se injpt qua ky thi khdng khd khin gl).
B$n cOng c6 th ndi "(have) difficulty in -ing":
He's shy. He has difficulty in talking to people he doesn't know well.
(Anh ta hay ngUpng ngOng. Anh ta thudng gip khd khin khi ndi ctouyin 'vdi nhOng
ngUdi mi anh ta khdngjo&t rd).


* A waste of money/time... (I6n tidn/mSt thi gid... vd Ich)

It's a waste of time reading that book. It's rubbish.
(Dqc quy4n s&ch 06 mS't th) gid v& ich. N6 thit nh&m nhf).
It's a waste of money buying things you don't need.
(Mua s4m nhJng thd ban khdng cin thi th$t id phi tiSn).

* Spend/waste (time)... (ddnh, bd ra/tang phi (thdi gian)):

I spent hours trying to repair the clock.
(Tdi da bd ra mSy gid lidn c6 sifa cai dong hd ndy).
Iwaste a lot of time day - dreaming.
(T6i thudng tang phi thdi gian 04 ma m6ng).
* Go -irig

ChOng ta dOng go -tng cho m$t s6 cdc

go shopping
go skiing


go climbing
go riding

ho?t dng (dSc bi#t Id th thao):

(di mua s&m)

go swimming

(di trUpt tuy4t)

go fishing

(di leo nOi)

(cud/ ngtja)

go sailing
go sight seeing


(di bdi)
(di cdu cd) .
(Si bdi thuySn)
(di ngdm c&nh)

How often do you go swimming?

(Ban di bdi co thudng khdng?)
I'm going skiing next year.
(Nam tdi tdi $6 di trUOt tuy4t).
I have to go shopping this moming.
(SAng nay tdi ph&idi mua sSm).
I've never been sailing.
(Tdi chua bao gid di bdi thuydn),

V6 "IV been / I'v gone", xm b&i 13d.

UNIT 61: Exercises_

61.1 In this exercise you have to join two sentences to make one sentence.
Examples: Don't worry about it. It's no use. It's po use worrying about it.
Don't get a taxi. It's not worth it. It's not worth getting a taxi.


Don t try to escape. Ifs no use. Its no use

Don't smoke. Ifs a waste of money. Ifs a waste
Dont ask Tom to help you. Ifs no good. Ifs no good ,
Don't hurry. Ifs not worth it. Ifs not worth
Don't study if you're feeling tired. There's no point-


Don't read newspapers. Ifs a waste of time. Ifs a _



There's no point

Don't get angry. Ifs not worth it. It's not

Don't work if you don't need the money. There's no point .........There's no



I% 4



M#l M M





61.2 Now you have to make sentences with worth.

Examples: I'd read this book if i were you. This book
I wouldn't read this book if Iwere you. This book i



I'd visit the museum if-l were you. The museum

I wouldn't repair those shoes if I were you. Those shoes .
I wouldn't keep these old clothes if I were you These old clothes

I'd consider the plan if I were you. The plan

61.3 Read these sentences and each time write a new'sentence using difficulty.
Example: I found a place to live but it was difficult.
I had difficulty finding a place to live


Tom finds itdifficult to meet people. Tom has

He found a job. This wasn't difficult. He had no
It won't be difficult to get a ticket for the concert.
Vou won t have any
I find it difficult to understand him when he speaks quickly.
I have - - - " - -






"i ->


Complete these sentences with one of the following expressions. Put the verb into
the correct form.

go skiing


go shopping

...... . . .

go swimming


go riding

Barry lives by the sea and he's got a boat, so he often goes Sailing.
There's plenty of snow in the mountains so we'll be able to
It was a very hot day, so we
in the river.
Margaret likes horses. She often
The shops are shut now. it's too late to




m "








It's no use trying to escape.

It's a waste of money smoking.
It's no good asking Tom to help you.
it's not worth hurrying.
There's no point in studying if you're feeling tired.
It's a waste of time reading newspapers.
It's not worth getting angry.
There's no point in working if you don't need the money.

The museum is worth visiting.

Those shoes aren't worth repairing.
These old clothes aren't worth keeping.
The plan is worth considering.





'61.4 -1

Tom has difficulty meeting people.

He had no difficulty finding a |ob.
You wool have any difficulty getting a ticket for the concert.
I have difficulty understanding him when he speaks quickly.
go skiing
went swimming
goes riding
go shopping



BAI62: BE / GET USED TO (Quen vdi...)

a) Hy xem x'6t tinh hudng mSu sau:

Jane 14 ngvdi M nhi/ng cd ta d4 stfng d Anh

dU0c ba nfim. Khi cd ta l4n d4u tidn I4i xe 6 Anh, cd
thfi'y r4t kh6 khftn vi cd phSi 141 xe bdn tr4i thay vl
bn ph4i. Vic I4i xe b&n trAi thl la l3m v4 kh6 khSn
d6\ vdi cd vl:
. - She wasn't used to It.

(Cd ta khdng quen vdi vi$c <3o).

She wasn't used to driving on the left. *
(Cd ta khdng quen Hi xe bin trii).

Nhi/ng sau nh(4u l4n thi/c t$p, vl$c 141 xe bdn trdi trd nSn Ddt la l&m hem.
She got used to driving on the left.
(C6 tiy 6a 16m quen / bit 6iu quen vdi vi$c Hi xe bin trii).

V4 b4y gid ba nftm I4i xe ban trAi khdng cdn 14 vfiin d4 ddi vdi cd ntfa.
- She Is used to driving on the left.
(Cd tiy quen vdi vhjc Hi xe bin trai).
I'm used to something - didu d6 khdng cdn mdi hay la llm dd'i vdi tdi ni?a:

Frank lives alone. He doesn't mind this because he has lived alone for 15 years. So
he is used to it. He is used to Jiving alone.
(Frank sting mdt minh. Anh ta khdng bin ttim vi 6i4u 66 vi anh. ta 66 sting mdt
mbh 15 nim r6i. VI viy anh ta da quen vdi diiu 66. Anh ta 66 quen sting mdt

My new shoes felt a bit strange at first because I wasn't used to them.
(D6i gidy mdi cua t6i hie titiu hoi khd chiu v) tdi mang chUa quen chSn).
Our new shoes felt a bit strange at first because I wasnt used to the noise but at
the moment we find it very disturing.
(Cdn hi mdi cua tdi nim trdn mdt con di/dng rtit nhdn nhp. Tdi rnong ring chung
tdi se quen din vdi titing tin nht/ng hi$n thdi chung ttii'cSm thtiy rtit khd chiu).
Fred has a new job. He has to get up much earlier at 6.30. He finds this difficult at
present because he isn't used to getting up so early.
(Fred cd vide 16m mdi. Anh ta phii thdc diy sdm hdn nhitiu - v6o luc 6 gid 30. Hi$n
thdi anh la cirri thtiy khd khin vi anh ta khting quen d$y sdm nhu v6y).

b) Li/u <j r&ng chiing ta ndi "She Is used to driving on the left", (khdng ndi "She is used
to drive'). To trong be/get used to Id mdt preposition (gidi tir), chtf khdng ph4i 14 mdt
phfin cua infinitive (d$ng tit nguydrt mSu) (xem thdm b4i 59c). VI v$y chiing ta ndi:

Frank is used to living alone, (khdng ndi "is used to live")

(Frank 66 quen sting mdt minh). .
Jane had to get used to driving on the left, (khdng ndi "get used to drive")
(Jane 6a phii 16m quen vdi vi$c Hi xe bin trii).


c) Diing nh6m l5n giffa I am used to doing (be/get used to) vdi I used to. Chiing ho6n
to6n kh6c nhau v6 cfk'u trti'c v6 <j nghTa:
Iam used to (doing) something = mt vi$c gl (36 khdng c6n xa la d6i vdi tdi nOa:
- I am used to driving on the left because I've lived in Britain a long time
(Tdi quen Idi xe bin trdi v) tdi da sdng d Anh l&u rSi).
I am used to the weather in this country.
(Tdi quen vdi thdi tidt d qu6c gia ndy).
Iused to do something chf c6 nghTa 16 tQi thtfdng xuyfin 16m m$t vic gl d6 trong qua
khd(xem b6i 25). Ban kh6ng th dCing c6'u trtic n6y cho thi hidn tel. Cau trOc n6y 16 "I
used to do" (chtf "kh6ng ph&i" Iam used to doing").
- These days I usually stay in bed until late. But when I had a job. / used to get up
(Nhtfng ngdy gan diy tdi thi/dng thiic d$y rift mudn. Nhi/ng trade diy khi cd vide
i&m, tdi thUdng thirc d&y sdm).

UNIT 62: Exercises

62.1 Read these situations and write three sentences with used to as in the example.
Example: Jane is American. She came to Britain and found driving on the left difficult.
a) At first she wasn't used to driving on the left.
b) But soon she got used to driving on the left.
c) Now she has no problem. She is used to driving on the left.

Juan came to England from Spain. In Spain he always had dinner late in the
evening. But in- England dinner was at 6 o'clock. Juan found this strange at first.
a) At first he wasn't
b) But after some time he got
c) Now he finds it quite normal. He
Diana is a nurse. She started working nights two years ago. At first she found it
strange and didnl like it.
a) At first she
b) But after a while
c) Now she doesn't mind it at all


.. .



62.2 Now read these situations and write a sentence with be/get used to.
Example: Frank lives alone. He doesn't mind this. He has always lived alone
(he/used/llve/alone) He is used to living atone.
1 Ron sleeps on the floor. He doesn't mind this. He has always slept on the floor.
(he/used/sleep/on the floor) He
2 Sue moved from a big house to a much smaller' one. What did she have to get
used to? (she had/used/live/in a smaller house) She had
3 Jack once went to the Middle East. It was too hot for him.


(he/not/used/the heat)




Bill doesn't have any money. He doesn't .find'this unusual because he has never
had any money, (he/used/have/no money)
Tom is going to live in your country. What will he have to get used to? (Write your
own answer!) He'll have to



_ _ _ ___...........
__. ._.._..._.. ... .. .. ...


Now you have to put the verb into the correct form, -Ing or infinitive (I am used to
doing or I used to do). If necessary, study Unit 25 first.
Examples: Jane had to get used to driving on the left, (drive)
Bill used to be very fit# Now he's in terrible condition, (be)




. . . . . ---------------....



_ _ ._


When I was a child, I used to

swimming every day. (go)
It took me a long time to get
glasses, (wear)
a cinema on this corner but it was knocked down, (be)
There used to
told what to do. (be)
I'm the boss. I'm not used to ;
You'll have to get used to
less if yoirwant to lose weight, (eat)
I used to
Ann but now she gets on my nqfves. (like)
Ron got tired very quickly, He wasn't used to fast, (run)
Tom used to
a lot of coffee when he was a 8tudent. (drink)

1a) At first he wasn't used to having dinner at 6 o'clock.

b) But after sometime he got used to having dinner at 6 o'clock.
c) He is used to having dinner at 6 o'clock.
2 a) At first she wasn't used to working nights.
b) But after a while she got used to working nights.
c) She is used to working nights.






He is used to sleeping on the floor.

She had to get used to living in a smaller house.
He wasn't used to the heat (There is no verb after "used to" in this example).
He is used to having no money.
(example answer) He'll have to get used to driving on the right.




BA! 63:

nguyen miu chi myc dfch)

SO THAT (Mynh di vdi so that)

vl sao mdt ngifoi n4o d6


Infinitive ((tyng tCf nguydn mSu cd to) d4 n6i v6 myc dlch cua
14m mQt vi$c gi dd):
h4nh dQng (=
- I went out to post, letter. (= because I wanted to post a letter).
(Tdi ra ngoai <34 bd m<$t la thu). (= v) tdi mud'n bd m$t 16 thu).
She telephoned me to invite me to a party.
(Cd y di goi di$n thoQi cho tdi <34 mdi tdi <J4n di/ tide).
We shouted to warn everyone of the danger.
(Chiing tdi da la ten d4 bio cho mgi ngUdi bi4t si/ nguy hi4m).
Chiing ta cOng dCing to infinitive d$ ndi v4 myc dldh etia vi$c n4o dd, ho$c vl sao
mQtngudi n4odddung/mu6n/c4nn)Qtthtf gldd.
This wall is to keep people out of the garden.
(Bdc tudng niy te <34 ngin khdng cho ngJdi khic v&o vudn).
- The minister has two bodyguards to protect him.
(Ong bd tn/dng cd hai cin vS <34 bio vd 6ng ta).
1 need a bottle-opener to open this bottle.
(Tdi c4n mdt <36 khiii de md ntitcii chai niy).
Ben cung cd th dung in order to + infinitive:
- We shouted in order to warn everyone of the danger.
(Chung tdi la ten <34 bio cho mpi ngUdi bi4t si/ nguy hi4m).
Bi/ng dung for trong c4c cfiu n4y.
I'm going to Spain to learn Spanish.
(Tdi si di T&y Ban Nha <34 hoc 1i4ng Tiy Ban Nha).
b) Chiing ta cdn dCing to Infinitive d4 ndl v4 diSu cd tti6 dtfpc 14m ho$c ph4i duqc 14m:
- It's usually difficult to find a place to park in the city centre. (= a place where you
can park).
(Tim dttdc mdt chd <34 diu xe trong (rung tim thinh ph6 thudng te r&t khd khan).
- Have you got a lot of work to do this evening? (= work that you must do). (T6i nay
bn cd
vi$c <34 14m khdng?)
- Would you like something to eat?
(Ban cd mu4n in mdt chut g) <36 khdng?)
There were no chairs to sit on, so we all had to sit on the floor.
(Khdng cdn gh4 <34 ngdi, vl v$y t4t ci chiing tdi phii ngdi trdn sin nhd).
She is a bit lonely. She's got nobody to talk to.
- (Cd ta hdi cd ddn. Cd ta khdng cd ai dS' chuyfcn trd).
Chung ta cung ndi time / money / energy to do something:
- They gave me some money to buy some food.
(Hp di cho tdi chut ft ti4n <34 mua mdt It thtfc an).
Did you have time to answer all the questions in the examination?
(Ban cd du thdl gian <34 tri Idi t4t d cac ciu hdi trong bii thikhdng?)

a) Chiing la dting to




c) Bdi khi ban ph6i dung mnh d vdl so that (chtf khfing dung to
myc dfch ciia h6nh d$ng. ChUng ta dCing so that:

- infinitive) <5$ n<5i v4

khi myc dlch 16 negative (phi djnh) (so that... won't / wouldn't...):
1 hurried so that I wouldn't be late. (= because I didn't want to be late).
(T&i'khgn trUdng dS khdi bj trS gib). (= vl tdi khdng mu6n bj trS gid).
Leave early so that you won't (hofic don't) miss the bus.
(B$n hay <Ji sdm dS khdi bj Id chuySn xe buyt).
i vdl can v& could (so that... can/could...):
He's learning English so that he can study in the United States.
(Anh ta dang hoc tiding Anh d4 c6 tbi di hoc d My).
We moved to London so that we couldvisit our friends more often.
(Chung tdi ddi d6n LuSn Ddn di c& th thSm vi&ng ban bd thudng xuydn hdn).
) khi mOt ngi/di 16m vl$c n6y d m$t ngudi khac 16m dugc vi$c kia.
I gave him my address so that he could contact me.
(Tdi da cho anh 1a dja chicia Si d anh ta c6 thS UdntQC vdi tdi).
Ha wore glasses and a false beard so that nobody would recognize him.
(Anh ta deo kinh v mang rdu gid di khdng ai cd th& nhdn ra anh ta)..

UNIT 63: Exercises

63.1 Use the words in brackets to answer these questions.

Example: Why did you go out? (buy some bread) i went out to huy some bread.

Why do you have to go to the bank? (change some money)

I have to go -

Why did she knock on your door? (wake me up) She

Why are you saving money? (go to Canada) I
Why is Ron going into hospital? (have an operation)
Why are you wearing two pullovers? (keep warm)
Why did you go to the police station? (report that my car had been stolen)
It "


" " "

" " * -!-



63.2 Now you have to complete these sentences with a suftab/e verb.
Examples-. The minister has a bodyguard to protect him.
There were no chairs to sK on. so we all had to sit on the floor.
1 We are having a party
Ann's birthday.
the newspaper today.
2 I didn't have enough time
3 We've got no furniture not even a bed
4 I think I need some new clothes
5 Tom didnt have enough energy
. the mountain.
the problem.
6 There will be a meeting next week
7 Ineed a box
these books in.
on the wall.
8 It's a pity we haven't got any pictures
a new car.
9 Iwish Ihad enough money .




... .

63.3 In this exercise you have to write sentences with so that.

Examples: I hurried. I didn't want to be late. I hurried so that I
I'll give you my number. I want you to be able to phone me.
I'll give vnu mv number so that you can (or will be ahln tn) phone me

We wore warm clothes. We didn't want to get cold.

We wore

2 l spoke very slowly. I wanted the man to understand what Isaid.

3 I whispered. Ididn't want anyone to hear our conversation.


m IH MV Hi M M

%+ M*

we w aw inm*



4 4*

Please arrive early. We want to be able to start the meeting on time. Please arrive

! Hi Mew * W* .w *... W

w. we w. w e.. .w

She locked the door. She didn't want to be disturbed.





ftM VMM* W4


m 4 y Ma <! Mi Mi

aM Ma w a

aw aw

aaa aaa w

wa aaa illMa wa

aw aw


I slowed down. Iwanted the car behind to be able to-overtake,

.HMiMi Mi M

63.1 1



w w


aw aaa

I have to go to the bank to change some money.

She knocked on my door to wake me up,
I'm saving money to go to Canada.
Ron is going into hospital to have an operation, (or Ron is going into hospital for
an operation).
I'm wearing two pullovers to keep warm.
I went to the police station to report that my car had been stolen.

63.2 1

MiMiaaiaMWHI w

to celebrate
to read/to buy

to sleep
to wear

to climb/to go up
to discuss/to consider/to talk about
to put/to pack/to keep/to store
to hang/to put/to stick
to buy/to get/to afford

63.3 1 We wore warm clothes so that we wouldn't get cold.

2 1 spoke very slowly so that the man would understand what I said/... could
understand what Isaid.
3 I whispered so that no-one would hear our conversation./... could hear.../... would
be able to hear...


Please arrive early so that we can start the meeting on time./... so that we will be
able to start...
She locked the door so that she wouldn't be disturbed.
I slowed down so that the car behind could overtake./... would be able to


BAI64: PREFER va WOULD RATHER (thfch hdn)

a) Prefer to do vk prefer doing
Bgn c6 the dCirtg "prefer to do" ho$c "prefer doing"
thtch hdn. "Prefer to do" thudng di/(?c dung hdn:

di n6i dn diSu m& n6i chung ban

Idon't like cities. Iprefer to live (hoSc prefer living) in the country.
(T6i hhdng thfch thknh thj. T6i thfch sdng d miSn quS hdn).

H&y xem si/ khc bi$t vi cu triic:

I prefer {doing) something

to (doing)
something else
Nhung: I prefer to do something rather than (do)
something else
I prefer that coat to the coat you were wearing yesterday.
(Tdi thfch cai ao khokc 06 hon cAi ao khokc mk ben m$c hdm qua).

Tom prefers driving to travelling by train; nhtfng: Tom prefers-to drive rather than
travel by train. (Tom thfch Iki xe hdn Ik di xe Ida).
I prefer to live in the country rather than (live) in a city.
(Tdi thlch sdng d miin qui hdn Id d thknh thi).

b) Would prefer (to do)

DCing "would prefer to do" d(5 n6i dfi'n dtu mk ta muO'n lAm trong m$1 tinh hu6ng d$c
bi?t n&o d6 (khdng phii chung chung):
"Would you prefer tea or coffee?" "Coffee please".
("Ban thfch udng trk hay ck phe?" Ck ph").
- "Shall we go by train?" "Well. I'dprefer to go by car".
('ChOng ta di xe Ida chd?" "O, tdi thfch di bkng xe hoi hdn").

Hay lifu ? dfi'n c&'u true:

I'd prefer to do something rather than (do) something else.

(T6i thfch Ikm vijc nky hdn viec lea).
I'd prefer to stay at home tonight rather than go to the cinema.
(Tdi nay tdi thfch d nhk hdn IS di xem phim).

c) Would rather do

- would prefer

to do (thfch hdn)

Sau would rather, chung ta dung dOng td nguydn m&u kh&ng c6 to (= bare infinitive).
Hfiy so sAnh:

- Well, I'drather to go by car.

(<5. tdi thlch di bAng xe hoi hdn).

Shall we go by train?
(Chung ta sk di bkng xe Ida chd?)

Well, Yd prefer go by car.

L(kh6ng dDng "to go')

"Would you rather have tea or coffee?" "Coffee, please".

("Ban thfch udng irk hay ck phk?" "Xin cho ck phd").


I'm tired. I'drather not go out this evening. If you don't mind.
(T6i m4t qui. N4u ban khdng phidn th) tdi khdng di chdi tdi nay dupe ddu).
"Do you want to go out this evening?'?*"l'd rather not."
("T6i nay bgn cd thfch di choi khdng?" "Tdi khdng thkh ddu').

H&y IlAj y

dfin cfiiu true:

I'd rather do something than (do) something else.,
(Tdi thkh Idm vide nay hdn (l&m) vide kia).

I'drather stay at home than go to the cinema.

(Tdi thkh d nhi hdn Id di xem phim).

d) Would rather someone did something (mudn aildm dl6u gl).

Khi ban mu6n ai khdc Idm mOt di$u gl d6, ban c6 thrf n6i: I'd rather you did.../ I'd
rather he did..., v.v... Chiing ta dOng thi qui khuf (past) trong ciu tnic ndy nhung </ nghTa
Id hi$n tal hoc tirong lai, khdng ph&i qud khtf . HSy so sdnh:
I'd rather cook the dinner now. (Tdi thkh n&u bOa t6'i bdy gid hon).
I'd rather you cooked the dinner now. (Tdi mu6n ban nd'u bOa tdi b&y gid).


"Shall Istay here?" "Well, Vd rather you came with us".

?" t5, tdi mud'n ban di vdi chung tdi").
("Tdi se d lai ddy i
"I'd rather you didn't tell anyone what Isaid".
(Tdi mongmudn ban difng kS cho b&t cd ai nghe di4u tdi di ndi").
"Do you mind if Ismoke?" "I'd rather you didn't".
("Nd'u tdi hdt thudc anh cd phiSn g) khdng?' Tdi mudn anh difng hut").

UNIT 64: Exercises

_ __
_ _ ._

64.1 Make sentences using "I prefer (something) to (something eise)".

Example: (driving / travelling by train) I prefer driving to travelling bv train.



(Paris / London) I prefer Paris

(phoning people / writing letters) I prefer
(going to the cinema / watching films on television)
I .........




Now rewrite sentences 2 and 3 using the structure 1prefer to do (something)...



{2) Iprefer to pt*ione

(3) I



64.2 Answer these questions using I'd prefer... or I'd rather... Use the words m brackets
for your answers.
Examples: Shall we walk? (prefer / go by car) I'd prefer to go hy car.
Shall we eat now? (rather / eat a bit later)
1 Shall we play tennis? (prefer t go for a swim) .
2 Shall we watch televisioa? (rather / read a book)
3 Shall we leave now? (rather / wait for a few minutes)
4 Shall we go to a restaurant? (prefer / eat at home)
5 Shall we decide now? (rather / think about it for a while)


Now you have to make sentences using I'dprefer... rather than... or I'drather... than..
(see sections b and c).
Examples: (walk / go by car) I'd rather walk than go by car.


(stay at home / go to the cinema) I'd prefer to stay at home rather thaQ go
(go for a swim / play tennis) I'd rather
(read a book / watch television) I'd prefer
(wait for a few minutes / leave now) I'd prefer
9 (eat at home / go to a restaurant) I'd rather
10 (think about it for a while / decide now) I'd prefer




64.3 Now you have to use 1'd rather you (did something)". You are talking to a friend. You
say you'll do something but really you want your friend to do it.


Example: I'll cook the dinner If you really want me to but

I'D phone Tom if you really want me to but I'd rather
I'fl do the washing-up If you really want me to but
I'll go to the bank if you really want me to ttit
I'll tell Ann what happened If you really want me to but

64.1 11 prefer Paris to London.
2 I prefer phoning people to writing letters.
3 1 prefer going to the cinema to watching films on television.
4 Iprefer to phone people rather than write letters.
5 I prefer to go to. the cinema rather than watch films on television.



I'd prefer to go for a swim.

I'd rather read a book.
3 I'd rather wait for a few minutes.
4 I'd prefer to eat at home.
5 I'd rather think about it for a while.
6 I'd rather go for a swim than play tennis.
7 I'd prefer to read a book rather than watch television.
8 I'd prefer to wait for a few minutes rather than leave now.
9 I'd rather eat at home than go to a restaurant.
10 I'd prefer to think about it for a while rather than decide now.

64.2 1

64.3 1 I'd rather you phoned him.

2 I'd rather you did it.
3 I'd rather you went.

I'd rather you told her.



a) Had better do something (ndn l&m di6j gi dd)

Y nghTa cua had better (I'd better) cdng titong ti/ nhu should (nfin). "I'd better do
something" = tdi ndn lim di0u gi dd; n$u tdi khdng Idm di0u nay thi m0t chuydh khdng
hay c6 th& s$ xay ra.
I have to meet Tom in ten minutes, I'd better go now or I'll be late.
(T6i phii g$p Tom trong mi/di phut nQa, t6t hon Id tdi nin di tiSn biy gid, neu
khdng tdi si bj tri).
"Shall I take an umbrella?" "Yes, you'd better. It might rain".
(Tdi cd nin mang du theo khdng nhl?" "C6, bgn nin mang. Trdi cd Ih4 mi/a lim")
We've almost run out of petrol. We'd better stop at the* next petrol station to fill up.
(Chung ta sip hit xSng r6i. Chdng ta nin dCtng lai d tram Xing sip tdi de do

Th phu djnh cua had better Id had better not (*d better not):

You don't look very well. You'd defter not go to work today.
(Ban trdng khdng dupe Wide. H6m nay bgn khdng nin di lim).
"Are you going out tonight?" "I'd better not. I've got a lot of work to do".
("Tdi nay ban cd di chdi khdng ?" "T6t hdn la tdi khdng nin di. Tdi cd nhieu viae
phii Idm").

Hlnh thdc n&y ludn ludn Id "had better" (thitong ta 'd better trong van n6i tidng Anft).
Chdng ta dCing had nhung y nghTa l& hi$n tai ho$c ti/dng lai, khdng phii qua khU.
- I'dbetter go to the bank this afternoon.
'(Tdf hdn la chiSu nay tdi nin di'n ngin hdng).
H&y nhd ring had better di/qc theo sau bdi dOng til nguydn milu khdng cd to {infinitive
Without to):
It might rain. We'd better take an umbrella.
(Trdi cd th4 mi/a. Chung ta nin mang du theo).
b) It's time

.. (Da din lie...)

Ban cd thS ndi "It's time (for someone) to do something" (OS di'n luc (ai dd) phii lim

tSiu gl).

It's time to go home. (Di din luc phii vi nhd).

It's time for us to go home. (Di din 10c Chung ta phii v4 nhi).
Cdn m0t cfiu truc khdc nCa: It'stime someone did something (Di din luc (ai dd)
phii lim diiu glj.
It's nearly midnight. It's time we went home
(Gin nC/a dim rdi. Oi di'n luc Chung ta phii vi phi).
Chung ta dCing thi qua khd (went) sau "It's time someone..." nhung y nghTa ia 6 hi$n tai
ho0c tuong lai, khdng phii 6 qua khtf:
Why are you still in bed? It's time you got up.
(Tai sao cdn aim 11 trin giudng thi ? Di ddn gid con phii diy rdi d&y)




Chung ta dung c'u tmcittf time aomeon* did MnwMittj d#c bi$t khi chung ta phAn
nAn hay phd blnh, hofc khi chung ta nghT r&ng ai <J6 dAng IS phAl lAm mOt vi$c gl dd r6i:
Ifs time the ctoktmn were In bed Ifa long after their bed tfrfie.
(DA din gid mSy dtia tri phii di ngO. Qua gid di ngu cCta chung 13u r6i).
YouVe been wearing the same clothes for ages. Isn't it time you bought some new
(Bgn 03 mfc bd dd dd t3u qui rdi. ChingJd chua din hie ban mua b$ khacsao?)

I think ifs time the government did something about pollution.

(T6i nghT di din luc chlnh phu phii Urn rm)t dtSu gl 06 06i vdi $i/ 6 nhiim).

"It*s hlgji time -j

I someone did something" .

ChUng ta cung c6 th ndl:

"It's about time -J

CAu true nAy lAm cho Idi phAn nAn hoAc I6i phd blnh m?nh hdn:

You're very selfish. Ifs high time you realised that you're not the most important
person in the world.

(Ban (ch ky qui. DA din 16c ban phii nhin ra ring ban khQng phii li ngtfdi quan trpng
nhit trin thi gidi OAu).
its about time Jack dkf some work for his examination.
(Di din luc Jack phii hoc hinh~dichain bj cho ky thi cOa anh ta).

UNIT 65: Exercises

65.1 Read each situation and write a sentence with had better.


Examplefc. You're going out for a walk with Tom. You think you should take an
umbrella because it might rain. What do you say to Tom? We'd better
take an umbrella. Tom doesn't look very wall. You don't think he should
go to work today. What do you say to Tom? You'd battel "pt go tp wprk



Ann suddenly begins to feel ill. You think she should sit down. What do you say to

You and Tom are going to the theatre. You've just missed the bus. You think you
should take a taxi. What do you say to Tom? We
Ann wants to play the piano late at night. You know that she'll wake up the people
next door. What do you say to Ann?
You and Ann are going to a restaurant for a meal. You think you should reserve a
table because ihe restaurant might be crowded. What do you say to Ann?

14 |44

4 4






e mm mm

wee eee


mm ear eee %mm mm

mm mm mm


eee mmm mm mm m mmmm mm mm eae eee mmm mm mm mm

Tom has just cut himself. You think he should put a plaster on the cut. What do you

say to hid)?
You are going to take your car on holiday. You think you should have it serviced
before you go. What do you say (to yourself)?


-------------------------- .

7 You are by ariver It's a very warm day and your friend suggests going tor a swim .
You don1think you should do this because the river looks vety dirty. What do ybu


# "N # d%


HS * tl>



kftl I
IIM M|114 S

|( I
M >y #|||| III



65.2 Wow you have to write sentences with It's time someone did something.
Examples: You think the children should be in bed. it's already 11 o'clock. It's time
ttiB children ware in bad (or bed).
You think something should be done about the traffic problem in the city
the city centra

1 You think you should have a holiday because you haven't had one for a very long


time. It's time I

You think Tom should write to his parents. He hasn't written to them for ages. It's

H* m M bvih mi


M I* mi

m m m M M IIS

Ml I



3 This room should be redecorated. It looks awful.


You're waiting for Ann. She is late. She should be here by now.




me m

im illmi Ml


(mil mm me

iiiim mi

m+ e

You're sitting in a train waiting for it to leave. Ifs already five minutes late.




You feel very strongly that governments should stop spending money on arms and
should concentrate on raising the standard of living.

You think you should start getting the dinner ready. It's nearly dinner-time now.



You haven! been to the dentist tor nearly a year. You should go every six months.



m emm ewe M* mm mem m m mm mm mm mm mimi


im im

tf mm mm mm emm mm w mm mm mm me mm mm em emm mm em

65.1 1

65,2 1



You'd better sit down.

We'd better take a taxi.
You'd better not play the piano (now / so late).
We'd better reserve a table.
You'd better put a plaster on it.
I'd better have the car serviced (before I go on holiday).
We'd better not go for a swim. (The river looks very dirty).

It's time I had a hoiiday.

to his parents.
It's time Tom wrote
It's time this room was redecorated.
It's time Ann was here./... time Ann came./... time Ann arrived.
It's time the train left.
It's time governments- stopped spending mdney on arms and concentrated on
raising the standard of living.
It's time Igot the dinner ready.
Ifs time I went to the dentist.
(In these sentences you could also say "ifs high time / about time...*).



DOING (Cau true cau v6\ d$ng til SEE)
a) HSy xem xdt tinh hudng mSu sau:

Tom I6n xe va I4i di. B$n thfiy vi$c n4y. Ban c6 th n6i:
Isaw Tom get into his car and drive away.
(Tdi thSy Tom ten xe vi tei di)..
Trong c4u true n4y chung ta dung dOng td nguydn mu kh6ng c6 to {get, drive v.v...):

Someone did something

i saw this

I saw someone do something

Hay nhO r&ng chung ta dung dng td nguydn m&u khdng c6 to (intinitive without to):
I saw her go out. (khdng dung "to go out")

(Tdi thSy c6 tadira ngo&i).

Nhi/ng sau th

bf ddng (passive) (tie was seen " v.v...), chung ta dOng to infinitive.

She was seen to go out.

(C6 ta bj trdng thdy c6 <Si ra ngo&i).

b) B4y gid hay xem xdt tinh

hudng mSu sau:

Hdm qua ban gp Ann. C6 ta dang chd xe buyt. Ban cd ttid ndi:
- i saw Ann waiting for a bus.
(T6i thSy Ann dang chd xe buyt).
Trong cfiu true n4y chung ta dung -ing (waiting):

Someone was doing something

I saw this
c) Bfiy gid hay xem si/ khdc bidt vd

Isaw someone doing something.

9 nghia giura hai c4u true trdn:

"I saw him do something" = anh ta da 14m didu gl dd (thi simple past) v4 tdi trdng thd'y
vic dd.Tdi chtfng kid'n todn t>$ h4nh ddng (the complete action) tCf du dSn cu6i:
He fell to the ground. Isaw this.
>1 saw him fall to the ground.
(Anh ta nga xudng d&l T6i thSy diSu ndy). - (T6i thSy anh ta ngd xudng dt).
We saw the accident happen.
- The accident happened. We saw this.
(Chung t6i tttey tai nan xiy ra).
(Tai nan xiy ra. ChOng tdi thiy dieu ndy).

"I saw him doing something" = anh ta dang 14m didu gl dd (thl past continuous) v4 tdi
trOng thfiy vi$c dd. Tdi thjiy anh ta khi anh ta dang 14m didu dd ni/a chirng (in the middle).
Eidu n4y khdng cd nghFa 14 tdi chtfng kidn di/pc to4n b$ h4nh dQng:
He was walking along the street. I saw this when I drove pass in my car.
I saw him walking along the street.
{Anh ta dang di dgc theo con dtfdng. T6i trdng thSy diSu ndy khi tdi tdi xe ngang




T6i thSy anh ta di dgc theo con dtfdng).

Sy khc blt khbng phai 10c ndo cGng quan trgng. D6i khi chung ta c6
cfiiu true:
I've never seen Tom dance; hay. IVe never seen Tom dancing.

(T6i cht/a bao gid thiy Tom khidu vQ).


thd dung ci hai

d) Chung ta dCing hai cSu true ny d$c bi$t vdi see v& hear. Ngoii ra cung c<5
chung vdi watch, listen to, feel vk notice:

th dGng

I didnt hear you come In. (73/ khdng nghe ban bUdc vdo).
I could hear it raining. (T6i c6 the nghe thy trdi mUa).

She suddenly felt someone touch her on the shoulder.

(DQt nhidn cd ta dm thSy c6 a! 66 ch$m vio vat mkih).
The missing boys were last seen playing near the river.
(Nhijng ciu b4 bj m#t tkh dUpc thSy tin cu6i luc dang chdi gin bd sdng).
Did you notice anyone go out?
(Ban cd 66 y thiy ai di ra ngoii khdng?)
" -s
Listen to the birds singingl
(H&y nghe 10 chim dang hit kiat)

Sau smell v6 find, ban chl c6 thl dCing cSu trtic -Ing ma thftl:
Can you smell something burning?
(B$n cd ngOi thiy cdi g) 66 chay khet khdng?)
- She found him reading her letters.
(Cd Sy phit hi$n hin dang doc thu cua cd Sy).

UNIT 66: Exercises


66.1 Answer these questions beginning in the way shown.

Examples: "Does Tom ever dance?" "I've never seen h'm dance (or dancing)".
"How do yooJtnow I came in late?" "I heard you come in late".




"Does Ann ever smoke?" "I've never seen ..

"How do you know the man took the money?" "I saw
"Did Jack lock the door?" "Y6s, I heard
"Did the bell ring?" "I'm not sure. Ididn't hear
"Does Tom ever swear (= use bad language)?" "IVe never heard..
"How do you know Ann can play the piano?" "I've heard
"Did Bill kick the dog?" "Yes, I saw
"Did the boy fall Into the waler?" "I didnt see






66.2 In each of these situations you and a triend saw, heard'or smelt something. This is
what you said at the time:



1 Lookl There's Ann! She's waiting for a bus.

2 Look! There's Sue! She's playing tennis.


Look! There's Tome! He's having a meal In that restaurant

Listen! Thafs BIB. He's playing the guitar.
I can smell something! The dinner's burning!
Look! There's Dave! He's talking to Charles.


Later you tell someone what you saw, heard or smelt.

1 We saw Ann waiting for a bus.
2 We saw


IP 3 fBStflUT3flt

....... .

.. ...........


_ _ __ _ _


m M..HM M





66.3 Complete these sentences Use one of the fottowing verbs in "be correct form




1 Can you smell something t
2 I saw the accident happen





. . ._ _______

We listened to the old man

his story from beginning to and.
Listen! Can you hear a child
5 Did anybody see the two cars
6 We watched the two men
, a window
across the garden
through It Into the house.
It was a tremendous noise.
7 Everybody heard the bomb
8 Oh! Ican feel something
up my leg! It must be an insect.
the door In the middle of the night. It woke me up
9 I heard someone
10 We couldn't find Tom at first. In the end we found him
In tho garden.


_____.. ..


1 IVe never seen her smoke/smoking.

2 I saw him take the money.
3 Yes, Iheard him lock the door.
4 Ididn't hear It ring.

5 IVe never heard him swear/swearing.

6 IVe heard her play/playing the piano.

7 Yes. Isaw him kick the dog.

8 Ididn't see him fall Into the water.



66.2 2

We saw Sue playing tennis.

We saw Tom having a meal in
a restaurant.

We heard BiH playing the guitar.

5 We smelt the dinner burning.
6 We saw Dave talking to
66.3 3 tell
7 explode
4 crying
8 crawling
5 collide
9 slam
6 run... open...
10 sitting


BAl 67: -ING CLAUSES (M$nh d bit 6iu bing

!NG) (Feeling tired[ Iwent to bed early)

a) M$rth 46 (clause) Mi thinh phAn cua cAu. M$t sA cflu c6 hai m$nh dA:
FeeHng tired, Iwent to bed early.
(dm ihSy mdt mdl, tdi di df ngu sdto).
Trong cfiu niy, Mt went to bed early" Id main clause (m$nti dA chinh).
"Feeling tired" Id -ing clause hay -Ing phrase (mnh dA / cym to bAtdAu bAng -trig).
b) Khi hai si/ vfc xiy re cOng mt toe, ban c6
MAnh 66 chinh tofin Iu6n dflng trUdc:

thA dijng -ing cho m$t trong hai dOng to.

She was sitting In an armchair reading a book.

(= She was sitting and she was reading)
(C6 ta dang ngdi trdn gh bdnh doc s&ch).
(* Cd ta dang ngdl vA cd ta dang doc sAch).
- I ran out of the house shouting. {= i was shouting When I ran out of the house).
(T6i vtia duty ra khdi nhd vtia la tin). (*= T6i ta tin khi ft}/ chay ra khdi nhi).
Chung ta cOng dung "Ing khi m$t hinh dOng xiy ra trong toe hinh dQng k'hAc dang
din ra. Dung -Ing cho hinh dng kAo dii tiu hdn. Hinh d$ng kAo dii Ifiu hdn iiphAn thtf
hai cCia cftu.
Jim hurt his arm playing tennis. {= while he was playing tennis)
(Jim bj dau tay khi chdi quin vgt).
Icut myself shaving. (= while Iwas shaving)
(T6i bj xudc da trong khi dang cgordu).
Ban cOng c6 thA dOng -ing sau while ho$c when:
- Jim hurt his arm while playing tennis. (Jim bj dau tay khi chcri quAn /0t).
Be careful whan crossing the road. (Hiy cAn th$n khi bing qua dtidng).

c) Khi m$t hinh d$ng xiy ra trUdc m$t hinh d$ng khic, ban c6
cho hinh d$ng xiy ra tri/dc:

thA dung having done

Having found a hotel, they looked for somewhere to have dinner.

(Tim dupe khAch son r6i, hp di ktim ndi 6n ttfi).
Having finished our work, we went home. (LAm xong vtic, chitng t6i v6 nhd).
Ban cQng cd th4 ndi After -ing:
- After finishing our work, we went home. (Sau khi tim xong vide, chung ft}/ vS nha).
NAu hinh d$ng thd hai xiy ra ngay aau hinh d$ng thur nhAt, ban c6 thA dOng thA -Ing
don giin (doing thay vi having done):
Taking a key out of his pocket, he opened the door.
(L6y chla khda ra khdi tui, anh ta md cOa).
Cic cAu true niy dugc dung chG yi'u trong cAn viAt (written English).


Ban cung c6 thA dOng mdt mirth dA ing dA giii thfch m$t diAu gi 66 hoic de nAU ly
do vl sao ai d6 lim mOt diAu gi. MAnft dA -tag thi/dng dtfng dAu cAu:


Feeling fired, Iwent to bed early. (= because I felt tired).

(C6m thSy mft mdi, tdi <36 <3i ngu sdm). (m vi tdi dm thSy mftmdi).
Being unemployed, he hasnl got much money. {= because he is unemployed)
(Bi thtft nghtQp, anh ta khdng c6 nhiSu ti4n). (= v) anh ta bj tht nghtfp).
Not having a car, she finds it difficult to get around. (= because she doesn't have a
(Khdng c6 xe hoi, cd ta dm thSy khd kfi&n khi <3t lei). ( vied ta khdng c6 xe hoi).
Having already seen the film twice, I didnt want to go to the cinema. {= because I
had already seen it twice).
(06 xem tx) phim <36 hai l4n r6i, tdi khdng mu6n df xem nQa). (* v) tdi <36 xem bd
phim <36 hai lAn r6i).

C4c cfiu true ny thudng dupe dung trong vSn vit hdn l& v&n n6i.

UNIT 67: Exercises

67,1 From each pair of sentences make one sentence using an -ing clause.

Example.; She was sitting in an armchair. She was reading a book.

She was sitting in an armchair reading a hook,



Jill was lying on the bed. She was crying. Jill was
I got home. I was feeling very fired. I got
The old man was walking along the street He was talking to himself.

The old man



< Oil I I



In these sentences one thing happens during another.

Example: Jim was playing tennis. He hurt his arm. Jim hurt his arm playing tennis.

was watching television. She fell asleep; Ann

5 The man slipped. He was getting off the bus. The man
6 The boy was crossing the road. He was knocked over. The boy
7 The fireman was overcome by smoke. He was trying to put Cut the fire.


The fireman





67 2 This time make sentences beginning Having...

Example: We finished our work. We went home.


1 We bought our tickets. Then we went into the theatre.

rm M M

iW mmI *m ma*

They had dinner. Then they continued on their journey.

Sue did ail her shopping. Then she went for a cup of coffee.


, ,,

67.3 Now make sentences beginning -Ing or Not -ing {as in section d).
Example: I felt tired. So Iwent to bed early. Feeling tired. 1 went to had early.

Ithought they might be hungry. So I offered them something to eat.

She is a foreigner. So she needs a visa to stay in this country.

I didn't know his address. So I couldn't contact him.



Ma Ma H la

M a-s all all




The man wasn't able to understand English. So he didn't know what I said.

He has travelled a lot. So he knows a lot atKbther countries.

We had spent nearly all our money. So we couldn't afford to stay in a hotel.

i<iaiaaaaaiiaaaaia>|*iaaaaaaaaaaaaiaa#a*<<aaaa>aaaaaai Mi


aaa IMMi laa mi ai

67.1 1 Jill was lying on the bed crying.
2 Igot home feeling very tired.
3 The old man was walking along the street talking to himself.
4 Ann fell asleep watching television.
5 The man slipped getting oft the bus.
6 The boy was knocked over crossing the road.
7 The fireman was overcome by smoke trying to put out the fire.
67.2 1


67.3 1

Having bought our tickets, we went into the theatre.

Having had dinner, they continued on their journey.
Having done all her shopping. Sue went for a cup of coffee.

Thinking they might be hungry, I offered them something to eat.

Being a foreigner, she needs a visa to stay in this country.
Not knowing his address, Icouldn't contact him.
Not being able to understand English, the man didn't know what Isaid.
Having travelled a lot, he knows a lot about other countries.
Having spent nearly all our money, we couldn't afford to stay in a


BAI 68: CHANCE V* OPPORTUNITY (djp, cd h$i)

a) Chanee of -ing (kh4 nfing cd Ih4 x4y ra):

Chung la ndi "someone has a (good) chanee of doing something" (ai 6d cd thi / khd
ndng (cao) 66 16m dHu gi):
- Do you think I have a chance of passing the examination?
(Theo b$n tdi c6 th6 IN d$u khdng?)
- We have a very good chance of winning the hatch .
(Chung ta cd mdt khd ndng rit t(St 66 thing ir$n 66u).

Ban cOngcd thd n6i any / no / little / much chance:

Idon't think I have much chance of finding a job.

(T6i khdng nghT ring tdi c6 nfrjiukhd ndng fJm dt/Qc mdt vide (dm).

He has no chance of passing (Re examination.

(Anh ta khdng c6 co may thi <fdu).
Ban cung cd thtf r>6i "stand a chance of doing something"
He doesn't stand a chance of passing the examination.
(Anh ta ching c6 chut exs may nio <56 / ch&ng th6 n&o thi d&u cd).
Ban cung cd th ndl "What are the chances of something (happening)?".
- What afe the chances of success?
(C6 bao nhiiu khd ndng thdnh c6ng?)
What are my chances of passing the examination?
(Tdi c6 bao nhidu hy vgng thi dQu?)


Ban cQng cd th ndl "there la a chance of somettiing happening" ho$c "there la a

chance that something will happen":
- Is there any chance of you lending me some money until tomorrow?
(Lidu tCt ddy 66n mai ban c6 thi cho tdi mugn mdt ft tUn khdng?)
- There Is a chance that 17/ be (ate home this morning.
(Cd khd ndng tdi nay tdi sd *6 DM tri).
b) Chanee to do aomethlng (djp, cd h$i 14m diu gl)
Chung ta dung "chance to do something" khi chance = thdi gian, dip hay djp d 14m
u gi dd . ("chance of -ing" ft dugc dung vdi nghTa n4y).
- "Have you read the book I lent you?" "No, I have had a chance to took at it yet"
("Ban dd dgc quy6n sdeh tdi cho ban mugn chi/a?" Chi/a, tdi chua cd dip doc nd").
- We didnt have much chance to talk to each other when we last meet.
(Chting tdi khdng cd nhidu th\ gkJ dS ndi chuydn vdi nhau khl chOng tdi g$p nhau

Hn cu6i).

These days I don't get much chance to watch television. I'm too busy.
(Gin dSy tdi ching m&y khi xem tivi. Tdi bin qua).

c) Opportunity (dp, cd hdi)

Chung ta thiidng ndi "opportunity to do something (toy nhifen, opportunity of -Ing

cung cd tf dung dupe):


t have the opportunity to study In the United States for a year. Do you think Ishould
go? (= the chance to study)
(T6i c6 CO hQi ditpc di Mp hgc m$t n&m. Anh nghitdi cd nin di khdng?)
After the lecture there wHI be an opportunity to ask questioner
(Sou bdi giAng mgi ngt/di si c6 co h$l 401cSu hdi).

Ban cGng c6 tt>0 ndi any / no / Httte / much / plenty of / more opportunity:

Do you have much opportunity to speak English?

(Bon co nhi4u djp n6i Mng Anh khdng?)
We live near the mountains, so we have plenty of opportunity to go skiing.
(Ghung t6i s6ng gin vung nui, v) viy chung tdi c6 nhiSu djp di tnAJt tuySt).

DCing n6i "possibility to do something":

- I had the opportunity to study in Canada, (khdng ndi "possibility to study*)
(TOi di c6 co hdi dupe di hgc d Canada).

UNIT 68: Exercises

.....- - - -. .- -. -. -. -

68.1 Complete these sentences using chanca of 4ng or chance to...

- . . . . . .....

Each time use the verb in brackets.

Examples: Do you think Ihave a chance of passing the examination? (pass)
These days Idon't get much chance to watch television, (watch)



I'd like to go to the concert but IVe got no
tickets now. They'll
have sold out. (get)
He was badly injured in the crash but the doctors at the hospital say that he has a
very good
completely, (recover)
"Have you written that letter to Jack?" "No, I didnt have a
It today.
There was so much else to do", (do)
a cheap apartment In the city centre, (find)
There isn't much
to each other, (talk)
We're always very busy at work. We donl get much
A lot of people have applied for this job. If Iapply, Idon't think Istand a very good




it. (get)
you while i was in London. I was only
7 I'm afraid ) didnf have the
there for three days and there wasn't enough time, (visit)
8 fl you work hard at your job, you have a good
- (be promoted)
the rain
The sky Is very
9 I don't think *ere is much
grey (stop)

68.2 Now you have to write sentences using much opportunity lb do something.

Example: "Do you speak English very often?"


"Do you see many foreign films?" "No, I don't have much
"Do you go fishing very often? *No, I donl


"Do you travel much?" "No,

"Do you use your English much?" "No,
"Do you go to the theatre very often?" "No,


> <

68.3 Now usa your own ideas to complete these sentences.

Examples: I'd like to have the opportunity to go to the United States
J don't think there is much chance of my going to En|

I'd like to have the opportunity

I dont think there is much chance of my
People today have much more opportunity
These days I don't get much chance
Where I live there l plenty of opportunity .;.
But there isn't much opportunity
I think I have a good chance
I've never had the opportunity










m Ml Ml >MIMI <




68.1 1 chance of getting
2 chance of recovering

3 chance to do

68.2 1


chance of finding
chance to talk
Chance of getting
chance to visit
chance of being promoted
chance of (the rain) stopping
I don't have much opportunity to see foreign films.
I don't have much opportunity to go fishing.
I don't have much opportunity to travel.
I dont have much opportunity to use my English.
l dont have much opportunity to go to the theatre.

68.3 If possible check your sentences with someone who speaks English. Here
are some example answers:


People today have much more opportunity to travel, (or of travelling)

These days I dont get much chance to go out In the evenings.
Where I live there is plenty of opportunity tp go fishing.
But there isnt much opportunity to go sailing.
1 think I have a good chance of getting a place at university.
I've never had the opportunity to go to South America.




dem dU<?c) (gold, music, advice v. v...)

Danh ttt (noun) cd th thuQc loi ddm difljc (countable) ho$c kh6ng d6m dupe
(uncountable). D6i vdi danh tif dd'm du<?c, xln xem bdi 70.
a) Sau d&y Id mi>t sd' danh tCr khdng dd'm du<?c (uncountable nouns): gold (ving), music
(8m nhac). blood (miu), excitement (sd hio hdng), v.v...

Danh til khdng dd'm di/c Id nhOng thtf md ta khdng thd dd'm di/<?c. Chung khdng c6
hinh thtfc s6 nhidu (no plural)- Ban khdng th n6i "musics", "bloods", ho$c "excitements".
b) Trudc cdc danh tCi khdng dd'm dddc ban cd th dung the / some f any / much / this /
his, v.v...: the music; some gold, much excitement; his blood.

Ban cung cd th dung cdc danh tr khdng dd'm difdc md khdng c8n cd article (mao tit)

di kdm (xem bdl 74):

This ring is made of gold. (Chide nhin niy 18m bang ving).
- Blood is red. (Miu cd m8u <36).


Nhldu danh tf cd thd* vira du<?c dung nhtr danh Id <3&m <3J/c vira dugc dung nhtr danh
Id khdng <3$m dd</c. Tfit nhidn v y nghla cd khdc nhau. Thf dy:
I bought a paper. {= td bio - dd'm dude)
(Tdi mua mQt td bio).
I bought some paper. (= giiy v&t - khdng <5dm du<?c)


(T6i mua mdt ft giay).

There's a hair in my soup! (= mdt scfi tdc - dd'm dirge)
(Cd mdt st/i tdc trong bit sup cua tdi).
She has beautiful hair. (= mai tdc - khdng ddm duyc).
(Cd' 8'y cd mii tdc <3ep).


We had many experiences during our holiday. (= sy* ki$n, vi$c xfiy ra

- dd'm dude)
(Chung tdi da trii qua nhidu vide I thu trong sudt ky nghl).
You need experience for this job. (= kinh ngh$m * khdng dd'm diiqfc).
(Ban cin phii cd kinh nghi$m cho cdng vide niy).

s6 danh tuf thudrvg khdng 64m disqc (uncountable) trong tidng Anh
danh tir ddm dif<?c (countable) trong cic ngdn ngtf khde.

d) M$t
Th( du:

accomodation: chS d

furniture: d6 dao

advice: tdi khuydn

baggage: hinh ly

information: thdng tin

luggage: hinh ly
news: tin tdc
permission: sd cho phep
progress: sir tidn bd

behaviour: hinh vi
bread: binh mi
chaos: sd hdn loan

nhung lyi Id

scenery: phong c&nh

traffic: sd giao thdng
travel: sd <$ Ipi
trouble: $d ric rdi
weather: thdi tdft
work: cdng vide


Ntiflng danh til tr&n IS nhOng danh tit khdng ttfm ddrfc, vl v$y:
(i) ban khOng th dung a / an trudc chung.
(It) chung khbng 06 hlnh thtfc sd nhidu (no plural).
I'm looking for accommodation (khdng dCing "a accommodation*)

(Tdi dang Dm chd d).

I'm going to buy some bread, (ho&c "a lot of bread", nhifng khdng dCing "a bread")
(Tdi se mua mpt # bAnh ml).
Tom gave me some good advice, (khOng diing "some good advices').
(Tom dA cho tdi mift s6 tdi khuydn b6 (ch).
Where are you going to put all your fumiturel (khbng dting "furnitures')
(B$n djnh s6 <34 tt c& <36 dpc vAo nhOhg chd nAo?).

HSy nhd r&ng news khdng ph&i Id danh til s6 nhl$u:

The news is very depressing today. (kh6ng diing "toe news are ...)
(Tin tOc hdm nay rit dAng buSn).

BCrng dCing travel vdi nghTa nhu journey / trip (chuyS'n di).
We had a good journey. (kh6ng diing "a 'good travel")
(Chung tdi da co mpt cbuy&n di thu vj).
Hiy luu </ d6n cAc c$p danh to d$m dupe (C) vd kh&ng dS'm dddc (UNC) sau:

I'm looking for a job. (C) nhung- I'm looking for work. (UNC)
(Tdi dang tlm vtf)c I
- What a lovely viewI(C) nhtfng: What lovely scenery I(UNC).
(Phong cAnh mdi ding ydu Idm saol).

UNIT.69: Exercises

69.1 Which of the underlined parts of these sentences is right?

Example: Sue was very helpful.
She gave me some good aAritft / Jijmgs ("advice* Is rtght)
1 Margaret has got very long Wack hair Ihairs.
2 We had a vary good weather / very pood weather when we were on holiday.
3 Sorry I'm late. Ihad trouble / troubles with the car this morning.
4 I want something to read. I'm going to buy a !some paper.
5' I want to write some letters. Ineed a / some writing paper.
6 It's very difficult to find a work / job at the moment.
7 Bad news don't / doesn't make people happy.
8 Our treys! / journey from Lofldon to Istanbul by train was very interesting.
9 The flat in empty. We haven't got any furnitures L furniture 'yet.
10 When the fire alarm rang, there was a camplate chaos / complete chaos
11 I had to buy a /soma bread because I wanted to make some sandwiches.
12 After spending moat of his life traveHing round the world, he is now writing a book
about his axpaiience / flxpariaiKBS



60.2 Now you have to complete these sentences using these words:




Example: We haven't got anywhere to live. We're looking for (tomei accommodation.
1 idon't think Ann will get the Job. She hasn't got
2 They'll tell you all you want to know. They'll give you plenty of
3 You'H easily recognise Alan. He's got green
4 Carta's English has improved. She has made
5 I want to write down your address. Have you got
6 If you want to leave early, you have to ask for
7 George is unemployed at the moment. He is looking for
8 Ididnt know what to do. So Iasked Jack for


... -

69.3 In this exercise you have to write what you would say ? these situations. Each time
begin in the way shown and use one of the words In sectiond of this unit.

Example: Your friends have just arrived at the station. You can't see any suitcases or

You say: Have you got any luggage?

1 You go into the tourist office. You want to know about places to see in the town.
You say. id like -....-
2 The weather is beautiful. You say: What
3 You are a pupil at school. You want your teacher to advice you about which
examinations to take. You say: Can you give me
4 You want to watch the news on television but you don't know what time it is on. You
,. .
ask your friend: What time
5 You are stahding at the stop of a mountain. You can see a very long way. It is
You say: What


----- ---------------



Ml mi



1 hair
2 very good weather
3 trouble
4 a (= a newspaper)
5 some
6 job


9 furniture
10 complete chaos

11 some
12 experiences




69.2 1



experience / any experience / much

experience / enough experience

progress / some progress / a lot of progress
any paper / some paper / a piece of paper
permission (not "the permission*)
work / some work (not "a work')
.advice / some advice / his advice

69.3' 1 I'd like some information aboul places to see in the town.
2 What beautiful weather! / What a beautiful day!
3 Can you give me some advice about which examinations to take?
about which examinations I should take?
4 What time is the news on (television)?
5 What a beautiful view! / What beautiful scenery!



BAl 70: COUNTABLE NOUNS (Danh Xd 66m

difqtc, 61 v6i A/AN vd SOME)

Danh tis c6 th thuQc loei <Mfm du<?c (countable) ho$c khdng d$m dupe (uncoun
table). Dtfl vdl danh td khdng dfifm dtfdc, xln xem b6l 69.
a) Sau day 16

mdt sd' danh til ddm dt/<?c (countable nouns):

dog (cho)
suggestion (Idi <JS nghi)

. umbrella (cAi dii)

Job (vi$c 14m)

girl (cd gAi)

Danh til ddm di/dc 16 nhOng thO m6 ta cd thS d6m du<?c. Chiing ta c6 th
dCing chung 6 hlnh thiic s6 nhilu (plural):
dogs six
many suggestions
some girls
b) TrUdc c6c danh til dfi'm du<?c sd (t (singular countable nouns), ban cd thd dung a / an;
- That's a good suggestion. (06 14 m$t 64 nghj hay).
Do you need an umbrella? (Ban cd cdn mdt ctii du khdng?)

Ben khdng th dCing c6c danh tif dd'm du<?c s6 It mQt minh (khdng cd a/an/the/my v.v...
di kdm):

I'm looking for a job. (khdng dCing "I'm looking for job")
(T6i dang tkn vide 14m).
- Be carelul of the dog. (khdng diing "Be careful of dog")
(HAy coi chiing con ch6).
I've got a headache. (TOi bj nhdc d&u).
- Would you like a cigarette? (Anh cd mudn hut thudc khdng?)
V6 a/an v6 the, xem b6i 71.

c) Chiing ta thirdng dung a / an + danh ft/ khi chOng ta mudn ndi y$t gl / ai dd 16 gl. hay
vt gi / ai d6 nhu thd n6o:

A dog is an animal. (Chd 14 m$t bai d$ng ifit).

This is a really beautiful house. (DAy gu4 th$t 14 mdt ngdi nh4 dap).
What a lovely dressl (Chide 4o mdi dap 14m saol)
Tom is a very nice person. (Tom 14 mdt ngUdi rSt ft? tif).
Jack has got a big nose. (Jack c6 cAi mui to).

H5y nhd dOng a / an vdi c6c danh to chl nghd nghi$p:

father is a doctor, (khdng dimg "Tom's father is doctor")
- Tom's
Tom 14

- I wouldn't like to be an English teacher.
(T6i khdng thlch trd th4nh giAo viSn tidng Anh).
Trong c6c c6u sau chung ta chl dOng c6c danh til dim du<?c s6 nhiSu (plural
countable nouns) mdt minh (khdng dung vdi some):
Tom's parents are very nice people. (Cha me Tom 14 nbttng ngUdi r&t ft? td).
Ann has got blue eyes. (Anh cd ddi mdt xanh).


What awful shoes! (Th$t Id mQt dAi gidy ding ghit!)

Dogs are animals. (CM Id sue vdt).
Are most of your friends students?

(Hdu h6t okc ban cua anh dSu Id sinh vidn phdi kh6ng?)

d) Chung ta cOng dung some vdi ede danh tit dfi'm du<?c s6 nhidu. Some a number of
(m$t s6)l a few of (m$t vdi) (nhung chOng ta khdng bid't chfnh xdc bao nhi&u):

I've seen some good films recenty. (khdng dijng "!Ve seen good films')
(Gin ddy tdi dd xem m$t s6 phim rSt hay).
Some friends of mine are coming to stay at the week-end.
(MAt vdi ngudi bgn cua 161 si <56n ddy nghl vdo cudi ludn).

Bi/ng dung some khi ban ndi vd stf vdt m$t edeh t6ng qudt / chung chung
I love bananas, (khdng ndf "some bananas') (T6i thfch chudl).
DAi khi ban c6 thd dung some ho#c bd nd di ciifig dugc:
- There are (some) eggs in the fridge if you're hungry.
(N6u ban dAi th Icd trt/ng trong tij Ignh ddy).

V6 some vd any, xem bdi 84.

e) Ban phdi dung some khi ban mufl'n hdm y some but not all / not many, v.v... (m$t vdi
nhi/ng khdng nhiu / khdng phdi td't cd...)

Some children leam very quickly.

(M$t s6 dita tri (khdng phdi tSt cd) hoc rdt nhanh).
Some policemen in Britain carry guns but most of them don't.
(MAt s6 cdnh sit d Anh cd mang sung nhung phdn tdn thi khAng mang).

UNIT 70: Exercises

70.1 Whet are these things? Try and had out if you donl know.

Example: an ant? It's an insect.



ants? bees?

a cauliflower? It's
a pigeon? It
a dandelion?
a skyscraper?
Earth? Mars? Venus? Jupiter? They .
the Rhine? the Nile? the Mississippi?

And who were these people?

Example: Beethoven? He was a composer. Beethoven? Bach? They were



Pele? He was
Shakespeare? He

9 Einstein?
10 Marilyn Monroe?
11 Kennedy? Johnson? Nixon? They
12 Elvis Presley? John Lennon?





70.2 Now you have to read about someone's job and then write what his or her job is.
Example: Ron flies aeroplanes. He's a pilot.

Vera types letters etc. in an office. She is

2 Tim arranges people's holidays for them. He
3 Stella looks after patients in hospital. She
4 Mary teaches mathematics.
5 Martha directs films.


John translates what people are saying from one language into another so that they
can understand each other.


70.3 Now you have to put in at en or some or leave a space (without a word).
Examples. I've seen some good films recently. Have you got a headache?
Are most of your friends
Have you got
Would you like to be






. . . .......
. ...................
.... . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . ..............

big feet.
Bill's got
Do you collect
flowers on her birthday.
Tom always gives Ann
really nice trousers. Where did you get them?
Those are
beautiful garden!
lovely children!
birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly.
Jack has got
very long legs, so he's
fast runner.
You need
visa to visit
foreign countries, but not all of them.
new clothes.
I'm going shopping. I'm going to get
Jane is
teacher. Her parents were
teachers too.
shops were still open
When we reached the city centre
but most of them were already closed.
Do you enjoy going to
When I was
child. I used to be very shy.

70. 1 1


It's a vegetable.
It's a bird.
It's a llower.


It's a (very) tall building.

They are planets.

6 They are rivers.
7 He was a footballer.
8 He was a playwright / a writer / a poet.
9 He was a scientist / a physicist.
10 She was a film-star / an actress.
11 They were American presidents.
12 They were singers / musicians.

70.2 1

She is a typist / a secretary..

He is a travel agent.
She is a nurse.
She is a mathematics teacher.
She is a film director.
He is an interpreter.

70.3 1 a

2 an




some or a

a (fast runner)

a... some



16 a


BAl 71:
a) Hy xem thf dy


For lunch I had

|TJ sandwich and [an]


|The[ sandwich wasn't very nice.

Ngi/dl ndl dung "a sandwich / an apple" (mOt

b3nh ml xdng-uch / m<>t qui t3o) vl dfliy id
Idn d&u tldn anh ta ndl dd'n chting.

Ngudi ndi dting "the sandwich" vl bfty gid ngudi

nghe d3 bldt anh ta mudn ndi ddn c3l bdnh ml
xfing-uych n3o * d6 13 c3i bdnh ml xSng-uych m3

anh ta Sn trong bQa trua?

Sau d3y 13 mdt s6 thf dy kh3c:

There was a man talking to a woman outside my house. The man look English but I
think the woman was foreign.
(Bin ngodi nhd tdi cd m$t ngudi din 6ng dang ndi chuydn vdi m$t phg nff. Ngudi
<3in 6ng trdng cd vd id ngudi Anh, nht/ng tdi nghibd kia Id ngudi ngo$i qu&c).
When we were on holiday, we stayed at a hotel. In the evenings, sometimes we
had dinner at the hotel and sometimes in a restaurant.
(Khi chung tdi di nghl, chung tdi d tgi mdt khdch sen. V&o bu6i tdi, thhh tho&ng
chdng tdi dn tdi d khdch sen vd thhh tho&ng di in d mdt nhd hdng).
I saw a film last night. The film was about a soldier and a beautiful girl. The soldier
was in' love with the giri but the girl was in love with a teacher. So the soldier shot
the teacher and married the girl.
(Tdi hdm qua tdi xem mdt bd phim. Bd phim kd vd mdt ngt/di iinh vd mdt cd gdi
xinh dep. Ngudi ihh ydu cd gdi nhung cd gdi Igi ydu mdt thiy gido. VI thd ngudi ifnh
d& bin chdt thiy gido vd cUdi cd gdi no}.

b) Chung ta dung a/an khi ngi/di nghe khdng bid't dich x3c chOng ta mudn ndl ddn cdi
n3o. Chung ta dung the khi cdl m3 ta mudn n6i ddn da rd r&ng ai cQng bid't:

Tom sat down on a chair.

(Tom ngdi xudng mdt chide ghd). (Chiing ta khdng bldt 13 chide ghd nAo).
Tom sat down on the chair nearest the door.
(Tom ngdi xudng chide ghdgin cila nhdt). (Chdng ta bidt dfch xAc dd 13 chide ghd
Ann is looking for a job.
(Ann dang thn mdt vide Idm). (Chiing ta khdng bld't cy thd 66 13 cdng vide gi).
Did Ann get the job she appiied for?
(Ann cd nh$n dupe cdng vide md cd &y dd xin khdng?) (Mdt cdng vide cy thd).
Have you got a car?
(Anh cd xe hdi khdng?) (Khdng n6i ddn chfdc xe cy thd n3o)
Icleaned the car yesterday.
(Tdi di lau xe ng&y hdm qua). (Mdt chldc xe cy thd * xe cua tdi).


c) Chung la dung the khi finh hutfng dA r<3 rAng Id chung ta mu6n n6i d&'n v$t / ngi/6i
nAo. Thf dy, trong mOt can phdng, chiing ta ndi d$n "the light/the floor/the ceiling/the
door/the carper v.v... (ddn/sAn nhA/trin nhd/cOa/trn th&m v. v...). HAy xem cAc thf dy


Can you turn off the light, please? (= the light in this room)
(Ben Idm tin tit (ten di dupe khdng?) (<ten trong phdng nAy)
Where is the toilet, please? (= the toilet in this house)
(Cho hdi nhA v$ sinh d dAu?) (nhA vd sinh trong nhA nAy)
The postman was late this morning. (= our usual postman)
(SAng nay ngUdi dUa thu din tri). (ngtfdi dUa thU thifdng khi cua chung tdi)
I took a taxi to the station. (= the station of that town)
(Tdi da di taxi din nhA ga). (nhA ga cua thAnh ph6 dd)
We got to the airport just time for our flight.
(Chung tdi din sin bay i
vita kjp gtd bay).

Cung tuong ty nhir v&y vdi: the police/the fire - brigade/the arrrty.
Chung ta cung dung: the bank, the post office.
I must go to the bank to change some money and then I'm going to the post office
to buy some stamps.
(Tdi phii dn ng&n hAng <te dii m$t ft ti4n r6i sau dd tdi $6 ghA bUu di$n di mua
vAi con lam), (ngutti n6i thuflng ngh? dn mQt ng&n hAng ho&c m$t bi/u dl$n cy th4
nAo d6)
Chting ta cOng n6i the doctor, the dentist.
John Isn't very well. He has gone to the doctor. his doctor)
(John khdng dupe khde tAm. Anh ta da di bAc si). (bAc sT rIAng cfia anh ta).

Vd myo ttr the, hAy xem cAc bAi 72-77.

_. . ._.__.__.__. _. . . .........
..... ......
- -........

UNIT 71: Exercises

71,1 In this exercise you have to put in a/an or the,

Example: There was a man and a woman In the room. The man was English but
the woman looked foreign. She was wearing a fur coat.
newspaper is
newspaper and
1 This morning I bought
magazine is.
in my bag but I don't know where
cat but
dog never bites
cat and
2 My parents have
cat often scratches
car crashed into
3 I saw
accident this morning
car was quite badly damaged.
car was not hurt but
driver of
red one
4 When you tum into Upson Road, you will see three houses
white one. Ilive in
white one.
blue one and
middle of the village. There is .
old house In
5 We live in
house is in very
roof of
beautiful garden behind
bad condition.

- .....- - ..........-------- - - - - ....





_ -......
_-_......_-___- _-_-------_____
__-__ --------------_ _______ _ ___--------__ _ -_........

_ ___ _

71.2 Here again you have to put in a/an or the.

Examples: I'm looking for a job. Did Ann get the job she applied for?
1 Would you like


door, p'ease?
2 Cou'd you ctose
centre of the city.
3 We live in
small flat near
book Ilent you fast week?
4 Have you finished with
meal last night
restaurant we went to
5 We went out for
was excellent.
person who stole your bicycle?
police find
6 Did
7 This is a nice house. Has it got
8 It was warm and sunny, so we decided to sit In
boiled egg and toast for breakfast
9 This morning Ihad
President of the United States is elected every four years.
10 note on
11 As Iwas walking along the street, I saw
12 Iwent into the shop and asked to speak to
car in my life".
car?" "Nq, IVe never had .or
13 "Have you got
milkman brings it every morning.
14 There's no need to buy any milk

71.3 Now you have to complete these sentences using the + noun.

Example: It was getting dark in the room, so Iturned on the light.

.. ......

1 There were no chairs so we all had to sit on

2 As soon as Isaw the fire, I called
3 We didnt have any stamps, so we had to go to
4 Ihad a toothache, so I made an appointment with
5 Ann had to catch a train, so 1 took her to
6 When we found that someone had broken into our house, we called
7 Bill wasn't feeling well, so he went to
8 We didnt have any money, so we had to go to
for three hours.
9 The plane was delayed, so we had to wait at

- .


71.1 1


This morning Ibought a newspaper and a magazine. The newspaper is in my bag

but Idont know where the magazine is.
My parents have a cat and a dog. The dog never bites the cat but the cat often

scratches the dog.

I saw an accident this morning. A car crashed into a wall. The driver of the car
was not hurt but the car was quite badly damaged.
When you turn into Upson Road, you will see three houses: a red one. a blue one
and a white one. Ilive fh the white one.
We live In an old house in the middle of the village. There is a beautiful garden
behind the house. The roof of the house is in very bad condition.


71.2 1 an

a... the


a... The
the... the

9 a
10 The
11 a... the

12 the
13 a... a
14 The
71.3 1


the floor

the fire-brigade
the post office

the dentist
the station

6 the police
7 the doctor
8 the bank
9 the airport



M90 ttf THE (1)


V4 si/ khdc bi$t gitfa the v6 a / an, xin xem bdi 71.
' a) Chting ta dting the... khi s6 li/dng cua thfr g] d6 chi 16 mOt:
What is the longest river in the world? (there is only longest river)
(Con sdng d6i nhdt tr6n thd gidi 16 con sdng n&o?)
(Chf c6 mQt con sdng d6i nhfit trdn thd gidi).
We went to the most expensive restaurant in town.
(Chung tdi <36 <31 3n t$i nhd h6ng sang trong nhift trong thdnh phd).
- The only television programme he watches is the news.
(ChUOng trlnh truydn hinh duy nhdt md anh ta xem 16 tin trie).
Paris is the capital of France.
(Peris 16 thu <56 cua Ph6p).
Everyone left at the end of the meeting.
(Mgi ngUdi diu ra v4 v4o cudi budi hgp).
- The earth goes round the sun.
(Tr6i <3St quay chung quanh m8t trdi).
Chung ta cOng ndi: the moon / the world /the universe).

b) Chting ta ndi: the sea / the sky / the ground / the country / the countryside:

Would you rather live in a town or in the country?

(Anh thfch sdng d th6nh thj hay d miSn qud hdn?)
- Don't sit on the ground! It's wet.
(DCfng ng6i xudng dStt DS't cdn Udt).
- We looked up at all the stars in the sky.
(Chung tdi nhki I6n c6c ngdi sao trSn b&u trdi).
Chting ta ndi go to sea / be at sea (khdng c6 the) khi y nghTa 16 "di bin / l&m mt

cuOc h6nh trlnh trdn bin".

Ken is a seaman. He spends most of his life at sea.

(Ken 16 mQt thuy thti. Anh ta sdng phSn Idn cu6c <3di mbh trn b&n).
iwould love to live near the sea (khdng ndi "near sea")
(T6i thfch sdng gdn vung b'tdn).
Chung ta ndi apace (khdng ndi "the space") khi chting ta mu6n ndi dn khdng gian
trong vu try:
There are millions of stars in space, (khdng ndi "in the space")
(C6 h6ng trieu ngdi sao trong khdng gian).
He tried to park his car but the space wasn't big enough.
(Anh ta cdg&ng d$u xe nhurtg ch6 trdng khdng du dd diu).

c) Cinema f theatre / radio / television:

Chting ta ndi the cinema / the theatre:
- We went to the cinema last night.
(Tdi hdm qua chting tdi di xem phim).
- Do you often go to the theatre?
(B$n cd thUdng di xem kjch khdng?)


HSy liru </ r/tng khi chung ta ndi "the cinema / the theatre", ttu/6ng kh&ng nht thiS't phfii
hiu 16 mQt rap chid'u bdng hay m$t rap h6t cy th4 n&o:
Chung ta thudng nOi the radio:
- We often listen to the radio. (Chung tdi ihUdng nghe <36i).
- i heard the news on the radio. (Tdi nghe tin <36 tr&n d6i).
Nhi/ng chiing ta thudng ndi television (khdng cd the):
- We often watch television. (Chung t6i thudng xem ti-vi).
I watched the news on television. (Tdi xem tin tOc trtin ti-vi).


Can you turn off the television, please? (= the television set)
(Ban 16m dn tdt gium ti-vi <JiA?c khdng?) {= c6i ti vi m6 ban dang xem)

d) Meals (cdc brta fin): Chiing ta thudng khdng dOng the vdi 16n bOa fin.
- What time is lunch? (M&y gid thl dn trUa?)
We had dinner in a restaurant. (ChOng tdi <36 6n tdi taj mQt nh6 h6ng).
What did you have for breakfast? (Ban <36 6n g) trong bOa didm tdm ?)
Ann invited me to (tor) dinner. (Ann <36 mdi tdi <3i 6n tdi).

Nhung chiing ta n6i a meal:

- We had a meal in restaurant.
(Chung tdi da dung bCfa t$i mi?/ nh6 hdng).

Chting ta cGng dung a khi c6 tfnh til (adjective) dtfng trifdc lunch /breakfast v.v...
Thank you. That was a very nice lunch.
(Xin cim dn. Th$t Id mdt bUa dn tnia r6t thd vj).

04 bifi't thfim vfi the. xem cfic bfil 71,73-7.

UNIT 72: Exercises



72.1 Answer these questions in the way shown.


Example: "Was it a good film?" "Yes, it was the best film lYe ever seen".
in the city".
1 "Is it a big hotel?" "Yes, it is
IVe ever met".
2 "Is he a rich man?" "Yes, he is
I've ever seen".
3 "Was it a bad accident?" "Yes, it was
you will find".
4 "Is it a cheap restaurant?" "Well, it is
day of the year".
5 "It's hot today, isn't it?" "Yes. It Is


72.2 In this exercise you have to put in a / an or the. Sometimes you dont need either word
you leave it blank. (If necessary see Unit 71 for a / an and the).


Examples: We went to tbfi most expensive restaurant in town.

Do you want to watch... /... television this evening?
Last night we went out tor a meal in a restaurant


moon goes round .

Iwrote my name at


top of the page.

earth every 27 days.







. -------------. . . .-.- - - -


.------------.- - .- .- - ________ _
-------.......- - - - ...
-- -- -. -----------.--.-_-.----._--_-.-_--_-------------_ -_ -______
-_ -_ _.........
__ . . . . .

The Soviet Union was

Did you see the film on

first country to send a man into
television or at
cinema ?
lunch, we went for a walk by
I'm not very hungry. Ihad
big breakfast.
only person I talked to at the party.
John was
Tim lives in
small village in
capital is Lima.
counlry in South America
Peru is
radio, in fact I haven't got
I never listen to
It was
sun shone brightly in
beautiful day
I've invited Tom to
dinner next Wednesday.
What is
highest mountain in
theatre very much these days. In fact, in ....
We don! go to
where we live there isn't
It was a long voyage. We were at
sea for four weeks.
I prefer swimming in
sea to swimming in pools.
Can you turn
television down, please? tt's a bit loud.

72.3 Here ,are some things Tom did yesterday. Write a sentence for each.
8.30-9.00 radio
9.30 walk/country
8.00 breakfast
2.30 cinema
1.00 lunch
6.30 dinner
8.00-10.00 television

1 At 8 o'clock ha had hraakfast

2 From 8.30 until 9.00 he listened
3 At 9.30 he went for a walk in

At 1.00 he


At 2.30
At 6.30


i me


72.1 1 the biggest hotel
2 the richest man
3 the worst accident
4 the cheapest restaurant






5 the hottest (day)

72,2 1 the
2 The... the
3 the first country to send a man into space



on television or at the cinema

After lunch... by the sea.



72.3 2


a... the
a... The
the... a

a... The... the

to dinner

the... the
the... the... a
at sea
the {= the television set)
he listened to the radio.
he went for a walk in the country.

he had lunch.
he went to the ciriema.

he had dinner.
From 8.00 until 10.00 he watched television.


MgotiT THE (2)

a) Hay xem c&c cftu sau:

The rose is my favourite flower.

(Hoa hdng Id lo$i hoa md tdi ydu thfch).
The giraffe is the tailest of all animals.
(Hudu cao c6 Id lodi cao nhit trong t&t cd thu vdt).
Trong cAc vl dg tTfin the... khdng dm chT m$t v$t eg thl ndo. The rose = hoa hdng ndi
chung, the giraffe = hi/du cao c5 n6i chung. ChCang ta dung the + a singular countable noun
{danh tr d6m ddtfc stf it) nhU trdn 64 n6i v4 mOt lodi cSy, m$t lodi thu v.v... Hay luu y r&ng
b?n cQng cd th$ dung mt plural noun (danh tii sd nhidu) khdng c6 the di kdm.
Roses are my favourite flowers, (nhung khdng ndi "The roses..." - xem bdi 74).
(Hoa hdng Id loai hoa md tdi ydu thfch).
Chung ta cOng dOng the + a singular countable noun (danh tit s6 It) khtchting fa ndi vd
mt lo?i m&y m6c, mdt phdt minh, v.v...
Thi dg :
Whan was the telephone invented?
(Didn thoai dUgc phdt minh vdo rtdm ndo?)
The bicycle is an excellent means of transport.
(Xe dap Id m$t phudng ti$n di lei tuydt vdi).
Chd ng ta cGng du ng the trudc tdn cAc logi nhc eg :
- Can you play the guitar?
(B$n biSt chai ghi-ta khdng?)
The piano is my favourite instrument.
(Dde piano Id nhec cu ma tdi ydu thfch).
b) The + adjective (tlnh ttf)
Chiing ta dCing the vdi m$t s6 adjective (khdng cd danh til theo sau). V nghfa Iu6n
ludn 6 s6 nhidu (plurai). Thf dg the rich = ngucfi giAu cd n6i chung:
Do you think the rich should pay more taxes?
(Anh c6 cho rdng ngt/di gidu phdi dong thud nhidu hcfn khdng?)

ChOng ta thudng dung the vdi cc tinh tCr sau d&y:

the rich
the poor
the old

the young

the sick

the blind
the deaf

the dead
the disabled

the unemployed
the injured

That man over there is collecting for the blind.

(Ngudi ddn dng d ddng kia dang quydn gdp tidn giup ngddi mu).
Why doesn't the government do more to help the unemployed?
(T$i sao chlnh phu khdng Idm nhidu han nda dS giup nhQng ngudi thUt nghi$p?)

CAc td trong bAng li$t kd trdn ludn ludn d si nhidu. Ban khdng thl ndi "a blind" ho$c
"an unemployed", mA phSi ndi "a blind man", "an unemployed woman" v.v...



The tti chl qtt6c tjch:

Ban c6 thA diing the vdi cAc tinh tti ch? qu6c tjch (nationality adjectives) khi ban mu6n

Am chf ngtidi dftn (ndi Chung) cua qudc gia CI6.


The French are famous for their food. {= the French people)
(Ngtfdi Ph6p n6i ttfng vS c6c mdn 6n cua ho).
- Why do the English think they are so wonderful? (= the English people)
(Tai sao ngudi Anh l$i cho r&ng hQ qua tuy$t vdi nhif v$y?)
Ban c6 IhA dung the theo cAch tucng ta nhu tr&n vdi cAc ta chf qu6c tjch sau:
the British
the English

the Welsh
the Irish

the Spanish
the French

the Dutch
the Swiss

NgoAi ra. ta cOng dung the vdi cAc tf chf qudc tjch ttn cung b&ng -ese (the Japanese
/the Chinese v.v...)
C6n ddi v6i cAc tCr chl qufic tjch khAc, ban phAi dung rn$t plural noun (danh ta s6
nhiAu) t$n cung b&ng -s:
(the) Arabs
(the) Russians
(the) Italians
(the) Turks
(the) Scots
Xem cAc bAi 71, 72, 74-77 d biAl them vA the.

UNIT 73: Exercises

73.1 Answer these questbns about yourself and your favourite things. Use a dictionary if you
don't know the English words you need.

Example: What is your favourite flower? the rose


1 What is your favourite tree?
2 Which bird do you like most?
3 What is your favourite car?
4 What Is vour favourite musical instrument?

73.2 Now you have to make sentences from the words in brackets;
Example: (Mary / play / piano very well) Mary plays the piano very well.



(Jack / play / guitar very badly) Jack plays

(Jill / play / violon in an orchestra)
(Id like / learn / plsy / piano)
(you / play / guitar?)

. .
. ..

... ... ... ................. .

This time you have to complete these sentences about animals. Choose one of the
words in brackets. Use a dictionary if you don't know these words.
Example: The giraffe is the tallest of all animals, (elephant/lion/giraffe)
is the fastest of all animals, (tiger/cheetah/eiephant)
is a mammal but it lives in the sea. (octopus/elephant/whale)
is the largest living bird, (eagie/sparrow/ostrich)




73.4 Complete these sentences using the with these adjectives:


sick Wind
Example. Braille Is a system of reading and writing by touch for the blind.

1 Many people were killed in the plane crash. The bodies of

were taken
were take to hospital.
2 Every English child knows the story of Robin Hood. It is said that he robbed
and gave the money to
3 Those people with jobs have enough money but life is not so easy for
4 Agnes has been a nurse all her life. She has spent her life caring for .


73.5 What do you call the people of these countries?

Examples: England? the English Russia? the Russians
2 Ireland?
1 Britain?
4 Scotland?
5 Spain?
8 Germany?
7 Japan?
10 Switzerland?
11 America (the US)? .
and your country?


73.1 If possible check your answers with

someone who speaks English.
Here are some example answers:
1 the willow
2 the eagle
3 the Volkswagen Polo
4 the flute

73.2 1 Jack plays the guitar very badly.

2 Jill plays the violon in an orchestra.
3 I'd like to learn to play the piano.
4 Do you play the guitar? / Can you

play the guitar?

73.3 1 77je cheetah...

2 The whale...
3 The ostrich...


3 Wales?
6 France?
9 China?
12 the Netherlands?

73.4 1 the dead... The Injured

2 the rich... the poor
3 the unemployed
4 the sick

73.5 1 the British

2 the Irish
3 the Welsh
4 the Scots
5 the Spanish (or the Spaniards)
6 the French
7 the Japanese
8 ,the Germans
9 the Chinese
10 the Swiss
11 the Americans
12 the Dutch
13 ???



(Danh tif sd nhieu vA danh tif khdng 66m
6ii<}c c6 ho$c khong cd the)

a) Chiing ta khdng dOng the tri/dc mt danh tCf khi chung ta

mt cch chung chung (ting quit):

mu6n n6i din mpt cdi gl dd

I love flowers, (khdng ndi "the llowers").

(Tdi thich hoa). (flowers = hoa nrii chung, khdng phAi m$t loAi hoa dAc bidt nAo).
I'm afraid of dogs. (Tdi sd ch6).
Doctors are paid more than teachers.
(BAc si dupe trA lUdng cao hdn giao vidn).
Crime is a problem in most big cities, {khdng n6i "the crime")
(Tpi Ac IA mdt vAn dd d h&u hdt cAc thAnh ph6 tdn).
Life has changed a lot since Iwas a boy. (khdng ndi "the life")
(Code s6ng da thay d6l nhiAu Id khi tdi cdn b6).
1 prefer classical music to pop music, {khdng ndi "the classical/pop music")
(T6i thfch nhgc c6 di&n hdn nh$c pop).
Do you like English food / French cheese / Swiss chocolate?
(B$n cd thich mdn An Anh /phri mat PhAp / sd-cd-ia Thyy Sf khdng?)
My favourite subject at school was history /physics / English.
(Mdn hoc mA tdi da thich d trudng IA iich sCl I
vAt ly / tiAng Anh).
Mike football / athletics / skiing / chess.
(Tdi thich bring dA / diSn kinh / trupt tuySt / cd).
Do you collect stamps?
(Ban cri stfu tAp tem khdng?)

Chung ta ndi most people / most dogs v.v... (khdng ndi "the most...'):
- Most people like George, (khdng ndi "the most people" - xem thlm bdi 82)
(HAu hSt mpi ngildi dSu thich George).
b) Chiing ta dung the... khi chOng ta

mu6n ndi din m|t cdi gl dd cy thl / d|c thu


I like your garden. The flowers are beautiful, (khdng ndi "Flowers are...*)
(Tdi thich khu vi/dn cua anh. Hoa 6 dri r&t d$p).
(the flowers - hoa trong khu vudn cfia anh, khdng ph&i hoa ndi chung)
Children learn a lot from playing. (TrA con hoc dupe nhiAu thif trong 10c choi dua).
(Trl con ndi chung)

nhUng: - We took the children to the zoo. (Chiing tdi din bpn trA di sd thu).
(= mdt bpn trl cy thl ndo dd, cd thl chlnh Id con ciia ngi/di ndi)
Salt is used to flavour food. (Mu6i ddpc dung d4 nrim thdc An).
nhifng: - Can you pass the salt, please?
(LAm an dUa cho tdi ip mu6i). (= Iq mu6i trdn bin)


I often listen to music. (Tdi thUdng nghe nh$C).

nhi/ng: - The film wasn't very good but I liked the music.
(B6 phim khdng hay lim nhung tdi thkh phSn nhac nSn). (= nhac trong bQ phim).
All cars have wheels. (Tit ch xe hdi du cd binh).

nhi/ng: - All the students in the class like Iheir teacher.

(Tit ci hQC sinh trong (dp diu thkh giao viin cua ho).
- Are English people friend?
(Ngudi Anh cd thin thiSn khdng?) (= ngt/di Anh ndi Chung)
nht/ng Are the English people you know friendly?

(NhOng ngudi Anh mi ban quen bii't c6 thin thiin khdng?)

(Chf nhtfng ngi/di Anh mi ban quen, khdng phii ngi/di Anh n6i chung).
c) Sy khic nhau giOa "cii n6i chung (general)" vi "cii cu
ph&i 10 c nio cOng ro ring. Hay xem nhffng ciu sau:

thl Idie thO

(particular)" khdng

I like working with people.

(Tdi thkh Urn vide vdi con ngUdi). (= ngudi ndi chung).
I iike working with people who are lively.
(Tdi thkh lim vide vdi nhOng ngudi host bat). (= khdng ph&i vdi moi ngi/di. nht/ng
nhOng ngi/di hogt bit viin dupe xem li mt y tudng chung chung, chua cy thl).

nhung: - 1 like the people I work with.

(Tdi thkh .7hOng ngudi dang cung lam vide vdi tdi). (= rndt nhdm ngi/di cy th).
- Do you like coffee?
(Anh cd thkh cd phi khdng?) (= ci phS ndi chung)
- Do you like strong black coffee?
(Anh cd thlch cd phi den d$m khdng?) {khdng ph&i bat ctf loai ci phi nio, nhi/ng
ci ph den d$m v5n let m$t </ ti/dng chung chung, chua cy thl).
nht/ng: - Did you like the coffee we had with our meal last night?
(Anh cd thlch loai cd phi chung ta u6ng trong bda in tdi hdm qua khdng?) (= mdt
loai ci phi eg thS).

UNIT 74: Exercises

74.1 in this exercise you have to write whether you like or dislike something. Begin your
sentences with: Ilike ..J\ don't like .../I love .../I hate .../I don't mind .../I'm (not)
Interested in ..J\ have no opinion about
Example: (very hot weather) Idon't


(small children)

1 (football)





nH. >.


m. u.a.



(modern art)
(horror films)



74.2 What do you think about these things? Write a sentence about each one. Begin with:
In my opinion J\ think .../I don't think .../I don't agree with .../I'm against ..-/I'm In
favour of
Example:(divorce) I think divorce is something necessary.
1 (terrorism)

2 (smoking)

3 (examinations)
4 (capital punishment)
5 (nuclear power)





mm mmrn mmm mmm smm *mm mm*




mm em

9P* IH




H4 N4

f I




M* M

<4 M <

M ' 4 M


74.3 In this exercise you have to choose the correct form, with or without the.
Examples. I'm afraid of dogs /






Can you

passathe_salt, please?

Apples 1The apples are good for you.

Look at apples Ithe apples on that tree! They're very large.
Women / The women are often better teachers than men / the men.
In Britain coffee / the coffee is more expensive than tea / the tea.
We had a very nice meal in that restaurant. Cheese / The cheese was especially
Most people / The most people still believe that marriage Ithe marriage and family
life / the family life are the basic of our society.
They got married but marriage/the marriage wasnt successful.
I know someone who wrote a hook ahout life/the life of Gandhi.
Ljfe / The life would be very difficult without electricity / the electricity.
Skiing / The skiing is my favourite sport but i also like swimming !the swimming.
Second World War / The Second World War ended in 1945 .
Do you know people / the people who live next door?
Are you interested In art / the art or architecture / the architecture?
AH honks / All the books on the top shelf belong to me.
Don't stay in that hotel. Beds / The beds are very uncomfortable.
Two of the biggest problems facing our society are crime / the crime and
unemployment / the
I hate violence / the violence,


74.1 If possible check your answers with someone who speaks English.
Here are some example answers:

I hate football.


Ilike small children.

I don't mind cars.
I have no opinion about modern art.
I don't like horror films.


In my opinion terrorism is stupid.

74,2 1

I think smoking is stupid too.

I'm against examinations.
I don't think capital punishment is effective.
I'm in favour of nuclear power.


74.3 1


the apples
3 Women men
4 coffee tea
5 The cheese
6 Most people ... marriage ... family life
7 the marriage
8 the life
9 Life ... electricity
10 Skiing swimming
11 The Second World War



12 the people
13 art... architecture

14 All the books

15 The beds
16 crime unemployment
17 violence



BAI 75:

hospital / the hospital, school / the

school v.v...

a) HSy xem xbt tinh hud'ng mau vdi hospital sau:

Jack had an accident a few days ago.

(Cach ddy vai ngay Jack gap tai nan)
He had to go to hospital.
(Anh ta phii vdo bdnh vidn).
He is still in hospital now .
(Hien thdi anh ta vin cdn ndm vidn).
Jill went to the hospital to visit hirn.
(Jill vao benh vien thim anh ta).
She is at the hospital now
(Bay gid cd &y dang d benh vien).
Ai db goes to hospital hoSc Is in hospital (vao benh vien, nim \Tien) n&'u anh ta bj
b$nh hoSc b| thuong. Khi d6 chung ta khong nhat thiS't ph&i nghT db'n mpt bnh vi$n cy
th nSo; chiing ta nghT dS'n y ni$m vb bnh vi$n n6i chung.
Nhdng Jill khbng bj b$nh ho$c bj thi/ong gi ca. C6 S'y khbng nSm vi$n (in hospital).
C6 ay den benh vi$n dd thSm Jack (nhu mbt ngi/di khSch). Chiing ta nbi "Jill went to
the hospital / Jill at the hospital" vl chiing ta mud'n nbi dSn m$t bnh vi?n cy thd h&n
hoi. d6 IS bnh vin mS Jack dang nam dieu trj.

b) Prison, school, university, college, church:

Chiing ta nbi: "a criminal goes to prison" (m$t tbn tpi phgm vao tii); "a child go to
school" (mdt dda be di hQc); "a student go to university / college" (mot sinh vidn di hQc).
Chung ta khdng dung the khi chung ta da nghT dS'n nhOng ndi nSy (prison, school,
university, college, church...) m0t cSch chung chung vS dung theo cong dyng cua chiing:
After I leave school, I-want to go to university, (as a pupil / student)
(Sau khi tdi ra trddng. tci mu6n vao dpi hoc).
Why aren't the children at school today? (as pupils)
(Tai sao horn nay mdy dda tre khdng di hoc?)
Mrs. Kelly goes to church every Sunday, (for a religious service)
(Ba Kelly di nhd thd v&o m6i ngiy Chu nhat). (de dd le)
Ken's brother is in prison for robbery, (he is a prisoner)
(Anh trai cua Ken dang ngoi tu vl tgi dn cddp).

Chung ta nbi "be In prison", nhi/ng phSi nbi "be at school / university / college". Tuy
nhien, "in church" vS "at church" cS hai deu co the dCing dupe.
Bay gib hSy xem cSc th( dy vdi the sau d&y:
- Mr Kelly went to the school to meet his daughter's teacher.
(Ong Kelly dd'n trddng dS gdp thiy giao cua con gai dng ta). (Ong ta khdng dn dd
nhd mot hoc sinh).
Excuse me. where is the university, please?
(Xin l6i, cho hdi trddng dai hoc d ddu?) (mot ngdi trddng cy the).



The workmen went to the church to repair the roof.

(NhUng ngudi thd dtin nhd thd d sCra mdi nhd). (hp khdng ph&l d6n d4 di/ i)
Kent went to the prison to visit his brother.
(Ken vdo nhd tu d thdm ngudi anh trai). {Ken dd'n nhu m$t ngudi khAch, chU
khdng phi l& tu nhan; anh ddn nh& tu nol m& ngudi anh trai dang bi nhd't).

c) bed, work, home:

Chung ta n6i: "go to bed / be In bed" v.v... (khdng ndi "the bed'):

It's time to go to bed now.

(Dd dSn gid di ngu r6i).
Is Tom still in bed? (Tom vSn cdn dang nam tr&n giudng a ?)
"Go to work / be at work / start work / finish work" v.v... (khdng ndi "the work'):
- Why isn't Ann af work today? (T$i sao horn nay Ann khdng di Idm?)
- What time do you finish work? (Ban xong vide luc mSy gid?)
"Go home / come home / be at home / stay at home" (khdng n6i "the home'):
- Come on! Let's go home. (Thdi ndol Chung ta hay v4 nhd). m
- Will you be at home tomorrow? (Ngay mai ban cd d nhd khdng?)
Khdng dCing gifiti tir di kdm v6i: go / come / get / arrive home, (khdng ndi "to home").

UNIT 75: Exercises

75. 1 Complete these sentences using the words in this unit.

Example: Two people were injured in the accident and were taken to hospital.



I was very tired and it was very late, so I went

Fred robbed a bank but was caught by the police. He was sent
Tom doesn't often go out in the evenings. He usually stays
Jill Isn't a religious person. She never goes
In Britain, children from the age of five have to go
Children sometimes get into trouble if they are late for
There is a lot of traffic in the morning when everybody is going


8 Mrs. Grimes has just had an operation. She is still

9 When David leaves school, he wants to study economics
10 Bill never gets up before 9 o'clock. Ifs 8.30 now, so he Is still

75.2 Write short answers to these questions.

Example: If you wanted to meet your children's teachers, where would you go?


A friend of yours is In hospital. Where would you go to visit him?

A friend of yours is in prison. Where would you go to visit him?
A fuend of yours is at church. If you wanted to meet him immediately after the ser
vice. where would you go?


75.3 This time you have to choose the correct form, with or without the.

Example: Ken's brother is in prison /





th>fjson for robbery, ("prison" is correct)

Some children hate school L the school.

What time do your children finish school / the school?
After leaving school / the school. Nora worked as a cleaner is hospital / at the
My brother is very ill in hospital / the hospital.
All over the world, people are in prison / the prison because of their political beliefs.
The other day the fire-brigade had to go to prison / the prison to put out a fire.
On the way to London we passed through a small village with an old church. We
stopped to visit church / the church. It was a beautiful building.
John's mother is a regular churchgoer. She goes to church ! the church every
Sunday. John himself doesn't go to church / the church.
Every term parents are invited to school / the school to meet the teachers.
After work / the work. Ann usually goes home / to home.
Tom left university / the university without doing his examinations.
When Ann was ill, we all went to hospital / the hospital to visit her.
I like to read in bed / the bad before going to sleep.
What time do you have to start work !the work tomorrow morning?
How many people go to university / the university in your country?

75. 1

75. 2

to bed (or... I went home).

2 to prison
3 at home
4 to church
5 to school
6 school
7 to work
8 in hospital
9 at university
10 in bed



To the hospital.
To the prison.

To the church.

1 school



school... at the hospital (*)

the prison

the church
church... church
the school

10 work... home
11 university
12 the hospital
13 bed
14 work
15 university
(*) We usually say "at the hospital" foe visitors
and for people who work there. But patients are
"in hospital"


without THE (Surdgng m$o tif THE vdi
dia danh)
a) Lye dja (continents): Chdng ta khdng duing the vdi tSn cdo lye dja:

Africa (khdng ndi 'Ihe Africa")

(chSu Phi)



(chdu A)

(chSu Au)

South America
(Nam My)

b) Qudc gia (countries) v& tiu bang (states): Thudng thl chung ta khdng dCmg the vdi ten
quoc gia vd ten tiu bang:

France (khdng ndi "the France")



West German
(T4y Ode)


Nhung chCing ta dOng the vdi nhOng ten di vdi nhtfng chO nhu: "republic", "union",
"kingdom", "states":
the Soviet Union
the German Federal Republic
(Lidn X6) (cd)
(C6ng H6a Lidn Bang DOc)
the Republicof Ireland
the United States (of America)
(CQng hda Ireland)
(HiSp chung qu6c Hoa Ky)
the United Arab Emirates
the United Kingdom
(Lidn hip cac T&u vUdng qu6c A-rp Th6ng nhdt)
(Vifong qudc Anh)
Chung ta cung dung the vdi ten s6 nhidu (plural names):
The Philippines
The Netherlands
(Hi Lan)
c) Thdnh phd (cities): Chiing ta khdng ddng the vdi ten c6c thanh phd / thj trn / lAng

Cairo (khdng ndi "the Cairo")
Ngoei l: The Hague (d HA Lan)

New York



Dko (islands): C&c qudn d&o thudng cd ten s6 nhiu di Vdi the:
The Bahamas
The British Isles

The Canariea / The Canary Islands

Cdc dfio ridng bit thudng cd tfin s6 (t khdng di vdi the:

e) VOng, min (regions): ChCing ta ndi:
the Far East
the Middle East
(vdng ViSn Ddng)
(viing Trung Ddng)
the west of Canada
the south of Spain
the north of England
(miSn nam T&y Ban Nha)
(miSn t&y Canada)
(miSn bic nude Anh)
(Nhung: northern England / southern Spain / western Canada - khdng dCmg the)

Nui (mountains): Cdc r$ng nui thudng c6 ten sd nhidu di vdi the:
the Andes
the Alps.
the Rocky Mountains / the Rockies


Nhunjcc ngpn ntii r!6ng i& khOng di vdi the:

(Mount) Everest
Ben Nevis (d Scotland)

(Mount) Etpa

Hd (lakes): T6n h<5 thudfng khOng di Ydi the:

Lake Superior

h) T6n

Lake Constance

dai di/ong (oceans) / bidn (seas) / s6ng (rivers) / kfinh (camals) thudng di kdm vtfi

the Atlantic (Ocean)
(Dai TSy Duong)
the Mediterrannean
(Dja Trung Hii)
the English Channel
(Eo bi&n nude Anh)
the Nile
(sdng Nile)
the Suez Canal
(knh Suez)

the Indian Ocean

(An 06 DUOng)
the Red Sea

(H6ng H&i)

the Amazon
($6ng Amazon)
the Panama Canal
(knh Panama)

the Thames

the Rhine
(sdng Rhine)

Ghl chti: TrSn bn d6, ede dja danh thi/dng khdng c6 the.

UNIT 76: Exercises

76.1 Read these sentences carefully. Some are correct, but some need the (perhaps more
than once). Correct the sentences where necessary.
Examples: Everest was first climbed in 1953.
Milan is in north of Italy.
WRONG - lbfl north of Italy
1 Last year we visited Canada and United States.
2 Africa is much larger than Europe
3 South of England is warmer than north.
4 We went to Spain for our holidays and swam in Mediterranean
5 Ton has visited most countries in western Europe.
6 A friend of mine used to work as a reporter in Middle East.
7 Next year we are going skiing in Swiss Alps.
8 Malta has been a republic since 1974.
9 Nile is longest river in Africa.
10 United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

76.2 Here are some geography questions. You have to choose the right answer. Sometimes
you need the, sometimes not. Try and find out the answers if you don't know them.

Example: What is the longest river in the worfd? (Amazon / Rhine / Nile) the Amazon.
1 Where is Bolivia? (Africa / South America / North America)
2 Where is Ethiopia? (Asia / South America / Africa) ...


Of which country is Manila the capital?

(Indonesia / Philippines / Japan)










___ __





76.1 1 wrong - Last year we visited
Canada and the United States.
2 right
3 wrong - The south of England is
warmer than the north.
4 wrong We went to Spain for our
holidays and swam in the


wrong A friend of mine used to

work as a reporter in the Middle



.. .

.. ..

Of which country is Stockholm the capital?

(Norway / Denmark / Sweden) j.
- --Which country lies between Mexico and Canada? .
(Venezuela / El Salvador / United States)
. ..
Which is the largest country in the world?
(United States / China / Soviet Union)
Which is the largest continent?
(Africa / South America / Asia)
What is the name of the mountain range in the west of North America? (Rocky
Mountains / Andes / Alps)
What is the name of the ocean between America and Asia?
(Atlantic / Pacific / Indian Ocean)
What is the name of the ocean between Africa and Australia?
(Atlantic / Pacific / Indian Ocean)
What is the name of the sea between England and France?
(Mediterranean Sea / English Channel / French Sea)
What is the name of the sea between Africa and Europe?
.T.__ . .
(Black Sea / Red Sea / Mediterranean Sea)
What is the name of the sea between Britain and Norway?
(Norwegian Sea / English Channel / North Sea)
Which river flows through Vienna, Budapest and Belgrade?
(Rhine / Danube / Volga)
What joins the Atlantic and Pacific oceans?
(Suez Canal / Panama Canal)

wrong Next year we are going

skiing in the Swiss Alps.
wrong - The Nile is the longest
river in Africa.

10 wrong - The United Kingdom

consists of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland.

76.2 1



South America

the Philippines
the United States
the Soviet Union
the Rocky Mountains
(the Rockies)
the Pacific (Ocean)

10 the Indian Ocean .

11 the (English) Channel
12 the Mediterranean (Sea)
13 the North Sea

14 the Danube

15 the Panama Canal



without THE (Suf dyng myo ttt THE vdi
cac ten rieng khac)
a) Chiing ta thudng khdng diing the vdi ten dudng phd / qu&ng trudng (streets, roads,

Fifth Avenue
Regent Street (kh6ng n6i "the Regent")
(Dei 10 sd NSm)
(dudng Regent)
Red Square
Piccadilly Circus
Cromwell Road
(Qu&ng trddng Dd)
(Dudng Cromwell)
(Bung binh Piccadilly)
C6 mQt vai ngo?i le, vi dg nhii: "The Mall" (d LuSn D6n).

Nhiu ten nhu ten s&n bay (airports), trudng da' hpc (universities) - bao g6m hai chQ:
Kennedy Airport
(SSn bay Kennedy)

Cambridge University
(Dai hoc Cambridge)

ChO thtf nha't thddng Id t&n ngtfdi (Kennedy) hoc dja danh (Cambridge). Chung ta
thi/dng khong dung the vdi nhOng tdn nhu thfil. Cc thi dg khc:
Edinburgh Castle
Victoria station (khdng dOng "the...")
(Lftu ctei Edinburgh)
(Ga Victoria)
Buckingham. Palace
Westminster Abbey
Hyde Park
(Tu vidn Westminster) (Cung <Si4n Buckingham)
(C6ng vi&n Hyde)
Canterbury Cathedral
London Zoo
(Sd thu London)
(Thdnh dtfdng Canterbury)
NhUng chiing ta 11 n6i the White House" (Nhd trSng), the Royal Palace" (Cung diin
Ho&ng gia) vi "white" vA "royal" khdng phSi ia t<5n ridng.

Bay chl la qui tc ttfng quit, vSn c6 nhtfng ngosi 1$. HSy xem phSn c v6 khAch s?n
v.v... va phn e) v6 tan g<?i dCing vdi of.

Chiing ta thudng dung the trUdc t&n cua nhtfng ndi sau day:
the Hilton (Hotel), the Station Hotel
KhAch san:
the Bombay Restaurant, the Red Lion (pub).
Nha hang / qun ruqu:
the Palace Theatre, the National Theatre.
Nha hat:
the ABC. the Odeon. the Classic.
Rap chiS'u bdng;
the British Museum, the Tate Gallery.
Vin bio tang / phdng trUng bay:
Tuy nhifin, cung vSn cd nhOng ngoei 1$. Xem thSm phn d cua bii nay.

d) Nhiu cCra tim, nha hang, khach sen, ngdn hang v.v... duqc mang tdn ngudi sng ISp
ra chiing. NhQng tan nay tan c&ng bang s hodc s'. Chung ta khdng dung the trutfc
nhffng tan nay:

Cfta ti$m:
Nha hang:


Self ridges (kh6ng dung "the Selfridges). Harrods.

Maxim's. Macdonalds. Luigi's Italian Restaurant.

Kh6ch s?n:
Ng&n h&ng:

Barclays Bank, Lloyds Bank.

Ctc nh& thd thi/dng dupe d$t ten theo tdn etc thAnh (St = Saint: Thanh): St John's
St Paul's Cathedral.
c) Chung ta dung the tri/dc t6n cc noi chon, cdng trlnh kid'n true (places, buildings...):
the Bank of England
(Ngan hang Anh qu6c).
the Houses of Parliament
tLndng vitn Qu6c hdi Anh)

the Great Wall of China

(V$n ly trJdng thanh Trung qud'c).
the Museum of Modem Art
(Bao tang Nghe thutt hitn dpi).

iV.e Tower of London

(Thip Luan D6n).

0 Chung ta dung the vdi ten c&c td bdo:

the Times

the Washington Post

the Evening Standard

UNIT 77: Exercises

77.1 Use the map to answer the questions in the way shown. Write the name of the place
and the street it is in. On maps we don't normally use the: in your sentences, use the it


LLOy 05

00 EON







Example; "Is there cinema near here?" "Yes, the Qdeon in Baines Street".
1 "Is there a supermarket near here?" "Yes
2 "Is there a hotel near here?" "Yes
3 "Is there a bank near here?" "Yes.
4 "Is there a restaurant near here?" "Yes
5 "Is there a church near here?" "Yes,
6 "Is there a pub near here?" "Yes,
7 "Is there museum near here?" "Yes






77.2 In this exercise you have to choose the correct form, with or without the.
Example: When we were in London, we visited the National Gallery / National Gallery.

The British Prime Minister lives in

One ot th -> nicest parks in London is St James's Park / the St James's Park which
is very near Buckingham Palace / the Buckingham Paface.

Frank is a student at Liverpool University / the Liverpool University

Mr Jenkins reads Daily Telegraph / the Daily Telegraph but his wife reads Times


If you want to buy some new clothes, the shop I would recommend is
the Harrison s.
We flew from London to Oriy Airport / the Qriv Airport in Paris.
Tate Gallery / The Tate Gatiery is the main modern art museum in London.
My local pub is called Prince of Wale's / the
Have you ever visited Tower of London
10 "Which hotel are you staying at?" "At Sheraton /
11 Diana and George got married in Si
when you are in London.
12 You must visit Science Museum I
13. Did you see the film at Classic /the Classic (cinema)?

77.1 1


77.2 1




Yes, Turner's in Carter Road.

Yes, the Park Hotel in Park Road.
Yes, Lloyds Bank in Forest Avenue.
Yes, the Peking Restaurant in Carter Road.
Yes. St Peter's (Church) in Batnes Street.
Yes, the Royal Oak in Union Street.
Yes. the City Museum in Baines Street.
Yes, Victoria Park at the end of Baines Street.

Downing Street
St James's Park... Buckingham Palace
Liverpool University
the Daily Telegraph... the Times
Orly Airport
The Tate Gallery
the Prince of Wales
the Tower of London
the Sheraton
St Matthew's Church
the Science Museum
the Classic


BAl 78: SINGULAR OR PLURAL? (S6' ft hay so

a) C6 nhtfng nouns (danh tir) chl dtfdc dung 6 sd'



(quifl tiy)

(quin gin)


glasses / spectacles
(kinh deo mSt)

(qu4n sodc)

nhidu (plural). Thf dy:

{66 ngu)

(vd I6t dbi)

Bn cung c6 thd diing cgm Itf a pair of... vbi nhufng danh ttf n&y:
- I need some new trousers, hay: I need a new pair of trousers.
{T6i cin m6t cai qu4n t4y mdi).
b) Thtfdng chiing ta khdng diing ttf person
thudng dung people:

d s6' nh'idu ("persons"). Thay vko 66, ta

- He is a nice person. (Anh ta l& m$t ngtfdi tCf \6).

- They are nice people. (Hp Id nhtfng ngudi tuT t6).
c) Nhtfng danh ttf sau ddy t$n ctfng



(tin Mc)

(v$t ly)

nhtfng thtfdng kh6ng ph&i Id danh tir s6

(kinh te hQc)

(diSn kinh)

(thi dye dung eg)

Athletics is my favourite sport.

(Diin kinh 16 m6n thi thao m tdi Ua thlch).
What time is the news on television?

(Chuong trlnh tin tOc trin tivi bit 64u tuc m#y gid?)

Nhtfng chtf sau dfty t$n ctfng b&ng -s vd c6 th Id s6 it (singular) hofcc s6 nhi6u

(phUong ti$n)
ftoaf, chu6i)

= a means of transport

many means of transport

(nhiiu phtfdng tiin giao thing)
(m6t phddng ti$n giao thing)
two television series
= a television series
(1 phim truySn hbh nhiiu tip) (2 phim truyin hlnh nhiiu tip)
200 species of bird
= a species of bird
(m6t toil chim)
(200 ioii chim)

d) C6 m$t s6' danh tir s6' It (singular nouns) lai thtfdng dupe dung vdi dOng ttf s6
(plural verb). Thi du:

(chlnh phu)

(nhin v&n)



(gia 6bh)

(khin gii)


(0y ban)

Chung ta thtfdng dung nhtfng danh ttf nky d tUpng trung cho m$t s6 ngudi ("they*). Vi
v$y chiing ta thtfdng diing m$t dQng tir stf nhi4u.
- The government (= they) want to reduce taxes.
(Chlnh phu mu6n giim thug).


Tne staff (= they) aren't happy with their new working conditions.
(Nhin vien khdng hii long vdi nhdng diSu kiin lim vide rndi cOa hQ).

Tuy nhien, ta cOng c6 th dCmg mpt d$ng tCr s 6 ft ("the government wants...").
Hay li/u y r&ng chting ta thudng dung ddng tCf s6 nhieu vdi tdn c&c d$ thao:
Scotland are playing France in football next week.
(D6i Scotland si thi dau bdng 66 vdi db> Phip vio tuin tdi).
Chting ta Iu6n ludn dung dQng tCr s6 nhidu vdi the police:
The police have arrested Tom. (Cinh sit da bit giiJ Tom).
Are the police well-paid? (Cinh sit co dUqic tri lUdng cao khdng?)
e) Doi khi chting ta dting mQt danh tCi s6 nhieu (plural noun) vdi m$t d$ng ttr s6 ft
(singular verb). Chting ta l&m didu ndy khi chting ta ndi v6 mt s6 tiSn, mdt khodng
thdi gian, mpt khoSng cch v.v...

Five thousand pounds (= it) was stolen in the robbery.

(Nim ngin bing da bi mi't trong vy dinh cUdp).
Three years is a long time to be without a job.
{ Ba nim thit nghiip la mdt khoang thdi gian dii).

Chting ta ndi "a holiday of three weeks? nhung ph&i ndi "a three-week holiday" (mdt ky
nghiba tuan).

I've got a three- week holiday in July.

(Tdi c6 mdt ky nghiba tudn vio thing Biy).

(5 dy, three-week duyc dting nhu m$t tinh tif (adjective) trirdc danh tti "holiday". Khi
chting ta dung "three weeks" nhu- mdt tinh tti, nd khdng cdn -s ntia. VI v$y chung ta ndi:
two 14-year-old girl.
a ten-pound note.
(mdt td 10 bing Anh).
(hai cd gii 14 tutfi).
a six-hour journey.
a four-week course.
(mdt khda hoc 4 tuin).
(mdt cudc hinh trkih 6 gid).

Ban cOng cd th4 ndi "I've got three weeks holiday". Xem b&i 79d.

UNIT 78: Exercises

78.1 In this exercise you have to complete the sen fences with words from section a,b and c.
Sometimes you need a or some.
Examples: She can't see very well. She needs glasses (or spectacles)
This plant is a very rare species.
1 Footballers don't wear trousers when they play. They wear
of transport.
2 The bicycle is
3 The bicycle and the car are
- of transport.
4 I want to cut this piece of material. I need
of articles for her local newspaper.
5 Ann is going to write
on British television.
6 There are a lot of American television
of bird.
7 While we were out walking, we saw 25 different
to play this game.
8 We need at least four

. . . . . ........ . . .

. . . . . ---------.......


.. .


78.2 This time you have to choose the correct form of the verb, singular or plural.
Sometimes either a singular or a plural verb is possible.
Example: Gymnastics is /
my favourite sport, ("is" is correct).
1 The trousers you bought for me doesn't / don't fit me.
2 Physics was / were my best subject at school.
3 Fortunately the news wasn't / weren't as bad as we had expected.
4 The police wants / want to interview Fred about a robbery.
5 Three days isn't / aren't long enough for a good holiday.
6 Where does J do you family live?
7 England has / have lost all their football matches this season.
8 Does / Do the police know about the stolen money?
9 Can I borrow your scissors? Mine isn't / aren't sharp enough.
10 I'm going to take a taxi. Six miles is / are too far for me to walk.

78.3 In this exercise you have to use the structure in section f.

Examples: Our holiday lasted three weeks. It was

The girls were 14 years old. They were
1 The woman 27. She was a
2 The flight lasted three hours. It was a
3 The strike lasted four days. It was a ..
4 The book has 200 pages. It is a

5 The boys were ten years old. They were

6 The television series has ten parts. It is

7 The bottle holds two litres. It is -......
8 Each of the tickets cost ten pounds. They were

9 The building has ten storeys (= floors). It is
10 This bag of potatoes weighs five kilos. It is
. ...
11 We walked for five miles. It was .













1 shorts

2 a means
3 means

4 some scissors / a pair of scissors

a series
6 series
7 species

8 people
1 don'l

6 do (or does)
7 have

2 was
3 wasn't

8 Do

4 want
5 isn't

9 aren't
10 is

78.3 1 She was a 27 year-old woman.

2 It was a three-hour flight.
3 It was a four-day strike.
'4 It is a 200-page book.
5 It is a ten-year-old boys.
6 It is a ten-part television series.
7 It is a two-litre bottle.
8 They were ten-pound tickets.
9 It Is a ten-storey building,
10 it is a five-kilo bag of potatoes.
11 It was a five-mile walk.


BAI 79:


(Hinh thtfc sd hufu cua danh tif)

a) Chting ta thi/dng dung 8 (possessive case) khi c&i 16m chti (the possessor) 16 ngutii
(people) hay dOng v|t (animals): the manager's office (khbng n6i "the office of the

manager*) (phOng gilm die).

Mr. Avans's daughter

(con gii cua 6ng Evans)

the horse's tail

(dudi ngtja)

a policeman's hat
(Chide ndn cdnh sat).

Cdn khi Ccii 16m chu 16 danh tif chl v|t (things), ta thudng dung clu triic "... of,..":
the door of the room (kh6ng n6i "the room's door'): (cCta phdng)
- the beginning of the story (khdng n6i "the story's beginning')

(Ph4n md dau cua cSu chuy$n)

06i khi chting ta cQng c6 thl dOng 's khi c6i 16m chti 16 mOt v$t. Thf dy chting ta nli:
the book's title; ho$c the title of the book ( tya cCia quyen s6ch).
Nhi/ng trong trying hyp n6y, dung
hay xem thfem phln b).

... of ... thl an to6n v6 thing dyng hdn. (Tuy nhi&n.

b) Thing thiflng ban c6 thl dung 's khi the posessor (c6i 16m chti; sd htfu chti) 16 m|t tl
chtic (= m|t nh6m ngLfli). VI v|y ban cl thl n6i:

the government's decision; hoSc the decision of the government (quylt djnh ctia

chlnh phti).
the company's success; ho$c: the success of the company (sd th&nh cdng cOa c6ng

Ban cung c6 thl dung 's vli c6c danh tif ch? ndi ch6n. Vi dy:
the citys new theatre. (Nha hat mdi cua thanh phd)
Britain's system of government. (H thtfng chlnh quySn Anh)
the world's population. (Dfin si thl gidi)
Italy's largest city. (Thanh phd idn nhSt etia Y)

c) Sau m|t danh tif si it (singular noun), ta dung "a. Sau m|t danh tif
noun) (t|n cung b&ng -s). chting ta chl dung dSu lupc ('):


my sister's room (phdng cua chj t6i)

my sisters' room (phdng cua cic chj t6i)
Mr. Carter's house (nhd ctia <5 ng Carter)
the Carters' house (nhd cua 6ng bd Carter)

Nlu m|t danh tif si nhilu kh&ng t4n cting bSng -s, chting ta dting 'a:
a children's book (m6t quyS'n sach cho tri em)
Li/u y rng ban cl thl dung ' sau m|t nhlm cl hai danh tif trl I6n.


Jack and Jill's wedding (dm ciidi cua Jack vd Jill)

Mr. and Mrs. Carter's house (nhd cua 6ng bd Carter)

s6 nhilu (plural

Nhung chung ta lai kh6ng dung 's trong nhCng ciu tuang tv nhu sau:
I met the wife of the man who lent us the money.
(Toi da gSp vp cua ngifdi cho chung ta mUpn tiSn)

(VI 'the man who lent us the money" qui dii, chung ta khdng th dting 's)

Luu <j rng bgn c6 th dung 's rrii kh6ng cin c6 danh td theo sau n6:
Tom's flat is much larger than Ann's. (= Ann's flat).
(CSn hd cOa Tom Idn hem can ft <5 cua Ann nhiSu).
d) Ban cQng c6 th4 dCing 's vdi nhtfng tir chf thdi gian (tomorrow v.v...)
Tomorrow's meeting has been cancelled.
(Cu$c hop ngay mai da bi huy bd.)
Have you still got last Saturday's newspaper?
(Ban con giO td bao thCi Biy tuin trUdc khdng?)

Ban cung c6 the ndi: yesterday's... today's... this evening's., next week's... Monday's...
v.v... Chung ta c6n c6 th dung 's (ho$c chf diu lildc (') vdi danh td s6 nhiu) vdi nhufng
khoing thdi gian:
I've got a week's holiday.
(Toi dupe nghf mdt tuSn).
I've got three week's holiday.
(T6i di/pc nghl ba tuin)
I need eight hours' sleep at night.
(T6i can ngu tdm ti&'ng mdt dim).
My house is very near here - only about five minutes'walk.
(Nhi tdi rat gan day - chl di bd khoing n&m phut thdi).

Hay so sinh ci'u talc niy vdi "a three-week holiday" (8ii 78f).

UNIT 79: Exercises

79.1 In this exercise you have to join two nouns. Sometimes you have to use an apostrophe
('), with or withouts. Sometimes you have to use... of...
Examples: the door/the room the door of the room
the mother/Ann Ann's mother


1 the camera/Tom
2 the eyes/the cat
3 the top/the page
4 the daughter/Charles



5 the newspaper/today
6 the toys/the children






t im


9~ 4#k M*

' *M

em em erne




em eee

Ml m #!


in mi im



mi im




mi im M i





Mt 449

H4 H*


IM #11


lit erne




tee *




ni mi in

m tm em





8 the name/this street .....

7 the name/your wife

9 the name/the man I saw you with yesterday

10 the new manager/the company
11 the result/the football match
12 the car/Mike's parents


# III 44e eme



Ml mi m




H' M Mi m.


13 the birthday/my father ....

14 the new headmaster/the school
15 the garden/our neighbours

+ 4'i MC





>m H "


4s- f*i H

"* " *-4




na wa

as a


H4 a> i



16 the ground floor/the building

17 the children/Don and Mary ..
18 the economic policy/the government
19 the husband/the woman talking to Tom
20 the house/my aunt and uncle

tl AJC



kk Sat

M. t.


*** > s-s


*% 'rH




vs avs

Ski SS.


*m 4s-


.fct S.t










a n M sss


aar ar

a*i vac s*r us



fS# ISS SM Stt IIS ISS CM SM sins. tM

79.2 Head each sentence and write a new sentence using's with the underlined words.
Example: The meeting tomorrow has been cancelled. Tomorrow'!

The storm last week caused a lot of damage.

I Ait




ass aas ssssss

sm ssssss


sm ssssss ms






The only cinema in the town has been closed down.








Exports trom Britain to the United States have fallen recently.

There will be a big crowd at the football match this evening,
There will be a big crowd at this ....
Tourism is the main industry in the region.
The *

_ .....

MS kW St*

w ess 94s

tM %

ms cm


em t ms vm


ms sm


M stt SSS MS ris

ISS SSS MS HI SSt sat MS Stt Stt





## SM st sst sst ts




79.3 Now you have to use the information given to complete the sentences.

_-------_ _-------_-......._- -_ _ _ _

Example: If I leave my house at 9 o'clock and drive to London. I arrive at about 12


So it's about three hours' drive to London from my house.

I'm going on holiday on the 12th. I have to be back ai work on the 26th


So I've got..
I went to sleep at 3 o'clock this morning and woke up an hour later at 4 o'clock.
, sleep.
So Ionly had
If leave my house at 8.50 and walk to work. Iget to work at 9 o'clock.
walk from my house to work.
So it's only



79.1 1


Tom's camera
the cat's eyes
the top of me page
Charles's daughter
today's newspaper
the children's toys





your wife's name

the name of this street
the name of the man Isaw you with yesterday
the new manager of the company (or the company's new manager)
the result of the football match
Mike's parents' car
my father's birthday
the new headmaster of the school (or the school's new headmaster)
our neighbours' garden
the ground floor of the building
Don and Mary's children
the economic policy of the government (or the government's economic policy)
the husband of the woman talking to Tom
my aunt and uncle's house

79.2 1

Last week's storm caused a Jot of damage.
The town's only cinema has been closed down.
Britain's exports to the United States have fallen recently.
There will be a big crowd at this evening's football match.
The region's main industry is tourism.

79.3 1

...two week's holiday/...a fortnight's holiday/...14 days' holiday

an hour's sleep/one hour's sleep
ten minutes' walk



ADJECTIVES (D9i Xii va ti'nh tuf sd htfu)
a) A friend of mine / a friend of Tom's (mot ngudi bgn cua tdi / mdt ngudi ban cua
Tom): Chung ta ri6i: 'a friend of mine / yours / his / hers iours / theirs" (kh6ng n6i
'a friend of me / you / him'v.v...)

A friend of mine is coming to stay with me next week, (khdng ndi *a friend of me").
(M6t ngudi ban cua t6i se <3$n d vdi tdi vao tudn tdi).
We went on holiday with some friends of ours, {khdng n6i "some friends of us").
(ChOng tdi dS <3i nghl vdi mdt vai ngUdi ban cua chung tdi).
Tom had an argument with a neighbour of his.
(Tom da cai nhau vdi mdt ngudi hdng xdm cua anh t$)
it was a good suggestion of yours to go swimming this afternoon.
(Ldi dd nghi chiiu nay di bdi cua ban thu vi dSy).

Chdng ta cung ndi lt "a friend of Tom's", "a friend of my brother's" v.v...
That man over is a friend of my brother's.
(Ngudi ddn 6ng d&ng kia Id ban cua anh trai tdi).
It was a good idea of Tom's to go swimming.
(Ldi de nghi di bdi cua Tom thO vj dSy).
b) My own.../ your own. ..v.v... (cCia rieng tdi/ cua ridng ban)

Bgn khdng th n6i "an own..." ("an own house", "an own car", v.v...).
Ban ph&t dung my /your / his / her / its / our /their tri/dc own:
my own house
your own car
her own room
(xe hdi cua rieng ban)
(nhd cua rieng tdi)
(Phdng rieng cua cd S'y)

My own = c4i gi d6 cCia rieng t6i, khdng dung chung hoc mu"0n
Do many people in England have their own house?
(Cd nhidu ngUdi Anh cd nhd ridng khong?)
- 1 don't want to share with anyone. I want my own room
(Tdi khdng mu6n d chung vdi bSt cd ai Tdi mudn mpt cdn phdng cua ridng tdi).

Unfortunately the flat hasn't got its own entrance.

(ThSt khdng may Id cdn hd khdng co loi di rieng.)
It's my own fault that I've got no money. I spend it too quickly.
(Vide tdi khdng cd tidn Id do ldi cua chinh tdi. Tdi xai nhanh Qua.)
Why do want to borrow my car9 Why can't you use your own (car)?
(Tai sao anh lai mudn mUpn xe tdi? Tgi sao anh khdng thd dung xe ridng cua anh?)

Ban cOng c6 thd* dung... own... de ndi rang bgn ty minh l&m didu gi d6 thay vl ngudi
khac l&m cho bgn. Thi dy:
- Ann always cuts her own hair.
(Ann luon ludn fy cdt toe Idy.) (Ann ty cSt tdc Id'y; cd ta khdng di ti$m).



Do you grow your own vegetable? (Ban ttf trdng rau liy phdi khdng?)
(= b?n ty" tr6rg rau I2iy trong vifdn thay vi mua 6 ti$m ph&i khdng?
c) On my own / by myself

C& on my own v& by myself deu c6 nghTa la alone (mdt minh toi. ti/ toi). Chung ta


I myself








by ]

I ourselves




(s6 ft)

(stf nhieu)

I like living on my own / by myself. { Toi thfch sd'ng mdt minh)

Did you go on holiday on your own / by yourself?
(Anh di nghl mdt mdt minh ph&i khdng?)
Jack was sitting on his own / by himself in a corner of the caf6.
(Jack dang ngdi m$t minh trong gdc qudn an).
Learner drivers are not allowed to drive on their own /by themselves.
(Ngudi dang hoc lai khdng dU0c phep lai xe mpf minh).

Ve myself / yourselves, v.v... xem thfim b&i 81 .


80.1 Write new senfences using the structure in section a (a friend of mine etc.)

Example: I am writing to one ot my


I'm writing to a friend of mine.


1. We met one of your relations. We met a .

2. Henry borrowed one ot my books. Henry
3. Tom invited some of his friends to his flat. Tom



4. We had dinner with one of our neighbours. ...

. ......
5. Ann is in love with one of her colleagues
6. They went on holiday with two of their friends.

. . .. .

80.2 Make sentences from the words in brackets. Each time use my own / your own efc.

Example: I don't want to share a room, (want / have / room) I want to have my own
1 I don't watch television with the rest of the family, (have / television / in my
bedroom) I have .....
.. in my bedroom.
2 Jack and Bill are ted up with working tor other people, (want / start / business)

Henry is extremely rich, (have / private jet) He -----.....

-----The Isle of Man is an island off the coast of Britain. It is not completely independent
but (have / parliament and laws) it


80.3 Now you have to complete these sentences using my own / your own etc.
Example: Why do you want to borrow my car? Why can't you use your own car?
Ann never goes to the hairdresser. She cuts her own hair.


-- ?

Don't blame me. It's not my fault. It's


He's always smoking my cigarettes. Why doesn't he buy

Why do you want my pen? Can't you use
I don't often buy clothes. I usually make
Nobody cooks Don's meals for him. He has to cook
She doesn't buy ready-made cigarettes. She rolls

80.4 Complete these sentences using on my own / by my sett etc

Example: Learner drivers are not allowed to drive on their own.




I'm glad I live with other people. I wouldn't like to live on

The box was too heavy for me to lift by
I went over to talk to Tim at the party because he wa by
Very young children should not be allowed to go swimming by
Hasn't she got any friends? When I see her, she is always on
I don't like strawberries with cream I like them on Do you tike working with other people or do you prefer working by
We had no help decorating the flat. We did it completely on

80.1 1 We met a relation of yours.
2 Henry borrowed a book of mine.
3 Tom invited some friends of his to
his flat.

4 We had dinner with a neighbour of ours.

5 Ann is in love with a colleague of hers.
6 They went on holiday with two
friends of theirs.
80.2 1 I have my own television in my
2 They want to start their own business.
3 He has / He's got his own private
4 has its own parliament and laws.
80.3 1 It's your own fault.
2 Why doesn't he buy his own
3 Can't you use ydur own pen?
4 I usually make my own clothes.
5 He has to cook his own meals.
6 She rolls her own cigarettes.


In these sentences it is not necessary

to repeat the noun. So you can also
1 It's your own.
2 Why doesn't he buy his own?
3 Can't you use your own?
4 I usually make my own.
5 He has to cook his own.
6 She rolls her own.

80.4 1 on my own
2 by myself
3 by himself
4 by themselves
5 on her own
6 on their own
7 by yourselt
8 on our own


ph&n than)

BAI 81:


Cic reflexive pronouns (dgi tCf ph&n than) bao g6m:

S6 it:
Sd nhieu:


yourself (mQt ngi/di)

yourselves (hai ngUdi trd ISn)


Chung ta dung reflexive pronoun (dgi tit ph&n than) khi subject (chu tit) vd object (tuc
tu") cting chi mpt:




while he was shaving, (khdng noi "Tom cut him")

(Tom bi si/dt da trong khi dang co rSu).

I don't want you to pay for me. fit pay for myself.
(Toi khong muon anh tri Hen giurn loi. T6i se trS phan toi.)
The old lady sat in a corner talking to herself.
(Ngudi phy nCf Idn luoi ngdi vao mot gdc noi chuyen mot minh.)
Don't get angry. Control yourself! (so it)
(Di/ng giSn del. Hay ti/ kiem chej.
If you want more to eat, help yourselves, (so nhieu)
(Neu cac ban muon dn thm. xin cO It/ nhien).
The party was great. We enjoyed ourselves very much.
(Bita dec that la tuySt. Chung toi thich !&m).

Nhung chung ta khong dung reflexive pronoun sau bring/take something with
I went out and took an umbrella with me. (Khdng ndi "with myself)
(T6i di ra ngoai va mang theo mot cay du).
D) Chung ta khdng dung "reflexive pronoun" v.v... sau feel/relax/concentrate:

(Kh6ng ridi "I feel myself great")

(T6i cim thay tuy$t sau khi di boi ve).
- You must fry and concentrate.
(Ban phdi co gang vd tap trung hon)
It's good to relax.
(Nghl ngoi se tot dy).
Chung ta thudng khdng dung reflexive pronoun sau wash/dress/shave:
1 got up, shaved, washed and dressed. (Khdng ndi "shaved myself v.v...
Toi thirc day. cao rau, rCra mat va mdc quSn do.)
- I dried myself.
Nhifng chung ta ndi:
(T6i da lau kho ngudi.)
l teel great alter having a swim.

Hay li/u y dd'n each dung meet:

- What time shall we meet? (Khdng ndi "meet ourselves/meet us")
(Chung ta se gap nhau luc md'y gid?)


c) Hay xem x6t stf khc biet gitfa -selves vd each other:
Tom and Ann stood in front of the mirror and looked at themselves.
(Tom vd Ann ddng trade guong va it/ ngdm mlnh).

Tom looked at Ann and Ann looked at Tom. They looked at each other.
(Tom nhin Ann vA Ann nhin Tom. Hq nhin nhau.)

Ban cOng c6 thl dOng one another thay cho each other:

How long have you and Bill known each other (hoac one another)?
(Ban vA Bill quen bid't nhau ddgc bao 13u rdi?)
Sue and Ann don't like each other <ho3c one another).
( Sue va Ann khdng da nhau.)
d) Chung ta cung c6 the dung myself v.v. theo Ccich khc. Vf dy:

"Who repaired your bicycle for you?' "Nobody. I repaired myself.'

("Ai da sC/a xe dgp gium ban thg?" "Khdng ai ai Tdi td si/a IAy. ")

"I repaired it myself = Toi ty stfa n6, kh6ng phSi ai khc ffufa n<5. Chung ta dung

myself 6 day de nhan manh cho I (toi). & dSy, reflexive pronoun dUdc sCr dyng nhd
emphasizing pronoun (dai tC/ nhan myrrh). Cc thi du khc:
I'm not going to do it for you. You can do it yourself.
(Toi se khong lam dieu do gium anh dAu. Anh c6 thS td lAm lay cd ma.)
Let's paint the house ourselves It will be much cheaper.
(Chung ta hay td sdn lay ngdi nhA. NhU thd se rd hon nhidu).
The film itself wasn't very good. But I liked the music.
(Ban than bd phim thl khdng hay Idm nhdng tdi thlch phin nhac nen.)
I don't think Tom will get the job. Tom himself doesn't think he'll get it.
(ho$c "Tom doesn't think he'll get it himself.")
(Toi khdng nghl ring Tom se nhin dupe cdng vide do) Chlnh Tom cung khdng cho
la anh ta se nhdn ddpe.)
Ve "by myself/by yourself" v.v..., xem b&i 80c.

UNIT 81:


81.1 Complete these sentences using myself/yourself etc. with these verbs:




look after



talk to


Example: Tom cut himself while he was shaving this morning.





__ _

Be careful! That pan is very hot. Don't

They couldn't get back into the house. They had.
It isn't her fault. She really shouldn't
What a stupid fool I am! Icould
The boy was lucky when he fell down the stairs. He didn't
Spanish but I'm not making much progress.
I'm trying to_
He spends most of his time alone, so it's not surprising that he
Don't worry about us. We can

. .. .. . . .

r* tn


% M






81.2 Complete these sentences with these verbs. This time, use myself etc. only where









Example: Tom is growing a beard because he doesn't like shaving



well today - much better than yesterday.

He climbed out of the pool, picked up a towel and
I tried to study but I just couldn t ............ ...
.......... .... ......
Jack and I first
at a party five years ago.
You're always rushing about. Why don't you
It was a lovely holiday. We really... very much.
I overslept this morning. 1 didn't have time to
or have breakfast.
I really


_ ...

...... _

. . . . ......
....... . . ............
. .........




81.3 In these sentences you have to write - selves or each other.

Examples-. Tom and Ann stood in front of the mirror and looked at themselves.
How long have Tom and Ann known each other?
At Christmas friends often give

when they were on holiday?
Did the children enjoy
. very much.
Jack and Jill are very happy together. They love
They had an argument last week. They are still not speaking to
. .
Some people are very selfish. They only think of
very often these days
Nora and I don't see





81.4 Answer these questions using myself/yourself etc.


Example: "Who repaired the bicycle for you?" "Nobody. I repaired it myself."

"Who cut your hair for you?" "Nobody. I cut .....

"Who told you Linda was getting married?" "Linda

"Does Mr Thomas have a secretary to type his letters?" * o. he
"Do you want me to post that letter for you?" "No. I'll

"Can you clean the windows for me?" "Why don't you



> mm

81.1 1


Don't bum yourself.

They had locked themselves out.
She really shouldn't blame herself.
I could kick myself!

He didn't hurt himself.

I'm trying to teach myself Spanish...
...that he talks to himself.
We can look after ourselves.

mm mm




I really feel well today.

... and dried himself.

... I |ust couldn't concentrate

Jack and I first met at a party...

Why don't you relax more?
We really enjoyed ourselves very much.
I didn't have time to wash or...

each other {or one another)


each other (or one another)
each other (or one another)


each other (or one another)


Nobody. I cut it myself.

Linda told me herself, (or Linda herself told me.)
No, he types them himself, (or No, he does it himself )
No, I'll post it myself, (or No, I'll do it myself.)
Why don't you clean them yourself? (or Why don't you do if yourself?)

BAI 82:

All / all of, no / none of, most / most

of v.v...




(tat ca)




(phin nCia)



(hdu hd't)


Ban cd the dung nhtfng chft ny {ngoai trd none v half) vdi mot danh tu':
Some people are very unfriendly.
(M6t s6' ngtfdi rat khong than thidn).
Did you put any salt in the soup9
(Ban co bo chut muo'i nao vao mon xup khdng day?)'
I've got no money.
(T6i khong co Hen)
All cars have wheels.
(Tat ci xe hoi deu cd banh xe.)
Hurry! We have very little time.
(Nhanh len! Chung ta cdn rat it thdi gian.)
Study each sentence carefully
(Hay xem xdt ti/ng cau mot each cn than.)
Hay cln than vdi most:
Most tourists do not visit this part of the town.
(Khdng ndi "most of tourists". "the most tourists ")
(Hau het du khach d4u khdng den thim khu vi/c nay cua thanh pho.)
George is much richer than most people.
(George gidu hdn hSu hS't mq>i ngi/di)


Ban cung c6 the dung nhtfng chtf tren (ngoai trir no) mdt minh, khong can cd danh tit
di kdm:

"I need some money. Have you got any?" 'Yes, but not much "
("Tot can mot It tien Anh co khong?" "Co, nht/ng khdng nhidu l4m ")
"How many cigarettes have you got?" "None."
("Anh co bao nhiu did'u thuo'c la ?" "Khdng co didu ndo ca. "
Most people like Tom but some don't.
(Hau het moi ngi/di d4u thlch Tom nhi/ng mot so thl khdng.)

Chung ta thv/dng n6i each one thay vi chf ndi each thor:
- There were three boxes on the table. Each one was a different colour.
(Cd ba cai hdp tren ban. Moi cai cd mot mau khac nhau.)

Vd chO all. xem bdi 87a

c) Ban cung cd th dOng nhQng chQ trdn (ngoai trd no) vdi of... Vi vy ban cd th ndi
some of the people <m$t sd ngudi). all of these cars (tat ck nhufng chid'c xe hoi ndy),
none of my money (khdng c6 d6ng ndo trong so tien cua tdi) v.v...


Khi b?n dung nhtfng chuf tren vdi of, ban can ph&i dung them the / this / that / these /
thore / my / your / his v.v... Ban kh6ng th n6i 'some of people", "all of cars". 8an phiSi
ndi: "some of the people", "all of these cars" v.v...
Some of the people at the party were very friendly.
(Mot so ngUdi d bCta tiec to ra rat than thien.)
Most o( my friends live in London.
(Hdu het cac ban cua tdi deu song d Luan Don.)
None of this money is mine
(Khong c6 dong ndo trong sd tiSn nay Id cua tdi.)
Each of the rooms in the hotel has its own bathroom.
(M6i mot phong trong khach san nay deu co phong t&m rieng.)
I haven't read many of these books.
(Tdi chUa doc dupe nhiSu cudn trong sd sach ndy.)

Vdi all v& half, chting ta thudng bo of di:

all my friends {= all of my friends): tat cd ban be cua toi.
half the money (= half of the money): phdn n&a sd' tiin.
d) Sau ail of / none of

v.v... ban cOng cd thd' dung it / us / you / them:

"How many of these people do you know?" "none of them."

("Ban quen biet bao nhieu ngUdi trong sd nhtfng ngUdi nay?" "Khong ai ca.")
Po any of you want to come to the party tonight?
(Co ai trong sd cac ban mud'n di dp tide tdi nay khdng?)

"Do you like this music?" "Some of it. Not all of it."
("Ban co thich loai nhac nay khong?" "Phan ndo thdi. Khdng hodn todn thich.")

Ban phdi dung "all of" va "half of trudc it / us / you Ithem:

all of us {khdng n6i "all us"): tdi ci chung ta
half of them (khdng ndi "half Ihem": phdn nOa bon hp

Ve no vSi none, xem thdm bdi 85c

Be biet thdm vd nhtfng chuf da di/pc lipt ke trong b&i ndy, xem c&c bdi 83-7


82.1 Reach each situation and then make a sentence from the words in brackets.
Example: ! need someone who can speak Spanish, {any/your friends/speak Spanish?)

We went out and it started to rain. We all got wet because (none/us/have/an
umbrella) none

When they got married, they kept it a complete secret, (they/not/tell/any/their


I don't want all this cake, (you/want/some/it?) Do

This is a very old town, (many/the buildings/over 800 years old)





Ml aai











cm aar

ira *

*90 lit at

ail an




m art


! !

*r h "


M 900 %90 IM

M Ml


a.t 444


904 049 049

tit im at

aai im t9m 9m 999 990 049


004 099 %00

09 04% 004 %90


mr am


r H H 44*


iU ' '*


H ma



S00 m

tdm 409 IM Ml 400 Ml


1*1 M*

iH 000

H- M

M mi im

44* M> W



aw aa raa



.. .

Jim won a lot of money last year, (he/spend/half/it on a new car)

A lot of people were interested in the job (the manager/interview/each/the people

who applied)

Not many people live in the north of the country, (most/the population/live/the
M Ml Mt








< " h


M M<




> M.

.ff . tM

#. .fMl IM



011 M iM


0.0 Ml



IM 010

The club is mainly for younger people, (few/the members/over 25)

When the post arrived, she looked through it hopefully but (none/the letters/for her)





** " ** "



- * -<



* >'


. . .. ... . . .. .. .. .. .. ... . . . . .. .

82.2 Complete these sentences with most or most of.

Example: Most tourists do not visit this part of the town.


. . .
my spare time gardening.
The public transport system is bad but
peopie have a car.
. . days I get up early.
We had a lazy holiday
the time we lay on the beach.
The church is very old. ....
. it was built in the 12th century.

I expect


! spend

you are very tired after your long journey.

82.3 Answer these questions using the word(s) in brackets.

Example: Do you like this music? (some) Some of it




Did you watch the film? (most) ...

Did you take these photographs? (some)
Have you read these books? (a few)
Are those people English? (most)
How much of this luggage is yours? (all)
How many of these people do you know? (not many)
Does this furniture belong to you? (some)
Have you spent all the money i gave you? (not ail)
How much of this money is yours? (half)





Ml 00k

*0* .01







01% 000 000 000 1*0

i 00.



100 000 Ml

10 00*

010 000 001 000 *00 011 001 000 100 000 0M 000 000 000 IM


001 Ml


00 0 010 001 000 .00 *00







00. 000

100 000 IM 000 000 Ml

Ml 0l

000 00


IM 0 0 0

00 0 0 00

000 000

000 .00 000 000 001 000 010



82.1 1 ... none of us had an umbrella/

none of us had taken an umbrella.
2 They didn't tell any of their friends.
3 Do you want some of it?
4 Many ot the buildings are over 800

years old.
5 He spent/ he has spent/ he is going
to spend half of it on a new car.

6 The manager interviewed each of

the-people who applied.
7 Most of the population live in the


8 Few of the members are over 25.

9 None of the letters were (or was) for




most of


most of
most of


Most of it.
Some of them.
A few of them.
Most of them.
Ait of it.
Not many of them.
Some of it
Not all of it.
Half of it.


most of

BAI 83:

Both / both of, neither / neither of,

either / either of

a) Chung ta dung both, neither vd either khi chung ta dang ndi dfe'n hai ngudi hay hai
vat ndo d6. Ban cd the dung cc tit ny vdi mot danh W:

Both restaurants are very good.

(Ca hai nha hdng dSu rat 16't) (Khong ndi "the both restaurants")
Neither restaurant is expensive.
(Kh6ng co nha hang nao dAt tien ca).
We can go to either restaurant. I don't mind.
(Chung ta co thS di An tai mdt trong hai nha hang Tai dau cung dtfqlc).
I didnt like either restaurant.
(T6i khong thfch nha hang nao cA). (Khdng thich ck hai).

b) Ban cung cd th dOng both / neither / either vdi of... Khi barvdOng cac tti nay vdi of,
ban luon ludn c&n them the / these / fhose /my / your / his v.v... Ban khdng the ndi
"both of restaurants". Ban phi n6i "both of the restaurants", "both of these restaurants"

Both of these restaurants are very good.
(Ca hai nha hang nay deu rat t6t).
Neither of the restaurants we went was (were) expensive.
(Khong co nha hang nao trong hai nha hang ma chung tdi ddn An dAt tien ca).
We can go to either of those restaurant. I don't mind.
(Chung ta co thS di An tai mot trong hai nha hisng 66. Tgi d&u cung dugc).
Vdi both, ban co th' bd of di. Vi v&y ban cd th4 noi:
both my parents hoc both of my parents.
c) Sau both of / neither of / either of ban c6 the dung us /you / them:
Can either of you speak Spanish?
(Co ai trong hai ban noi dUQc tieng Tay Ban Nha khong?)
I wanted Tom and Ann to come but neither of them wanted to.
(T6i mudn Tom vA Ann den nhung khong ai mudn ddn ci).
Ban ph&i ndi "both of" trade us / you / them:
Both of us were very tired, (khdng n6i "Both us...')
(CA hai chung tdi dSu rat mdt).
d) Sau neither of... ban cd thd dung mdt dong td sd it ho5c s6 rthieu:

Neither of the children wants (hoSc want) to go to bed.

(Khdng dita nAo trong hai dila bd mudn di ngu c).
Neither of us is (ho&c are) married
(Khdng ai trong chung tdi c6 gia dinh c).

Ban cd the ndi both... and..., neither... nor... vd either... or Hay xem c&c thi dp sau:
Both Tom and Ann were late.
(CA Tom Ian Ann deu ddn trS)


They were both tired anc/ hungry.

(Hq vOa mit vita doi).
Neither Tom nor Ann came to the party.
(Vk Tom lin Ann deu khdng den dp tide).
He said he would contact me but he neither wrote nor phone.
(Anh ta ndi Ik se liin Igc vdi toi, nhutig rdi anh ta ching vie ithd vk cung ching gqi
di$n thopi).
I'm not sure where he is from. He's either Spanish or Italian.
(T6i khdng biSt chic anh ta til dau din. Anh ta co th la ngudi Tay Ban Nha hokc
Ik ngUdi Y).
Either you apologise or I'll never speak to you again.
(Hoke la anh xin loi hokc Ik toi se khdng bao gid noi chuydn vdi anh ntfa).

Bgn cung cd

th dung both / neither / either mot minh:

"Is the British or America?* "Neither. He's AutralianA

("Anh ta Ik ngi/di Anh hay ngi/di My?" "Khdng phki dku. ANh ta Ik ngUdi Uc dk'y.")
'Do you want tea or coftee?" 'Either. I don't mind."
("Ban mu6n dung trk hay ck phi?" "Thd nko cung dupe. Toi ching ban tarn.")

I couldn't decide which one to choose. I like both.

(T6i khdng th4 quyet dinh phki chgn cki nko. T6i thich ck hai).

Ve Idon't either vk neither do I, xem b&i 51c.

UNIT 83: Exercises

83.1 Complete these sentences with both / neither / either. Sometimes you need of.
Examples: There are two windows in my room. It was very warm so I had both of them
"Do you want tea or coffee?. 'Either. I really don't mind".
After the stopped.. .drivers got out and started shouting at each
other...them were very aggressive.
2 It wasn't a very good football match. ... team played well.
3 A: Which of the two films did you prefer? The first one or the second one?
8: Actually I didn't like ...them.
4 There are two ways to the city centre. You can go along the footpath by the river or
you can go along the main road. You can go ...way.
5 ...these pullovers are very nice. I don't know which one to buy.
6 parents is English. My father is Polish and my mother is Italian.
7 "Do you mind which sandwich I take?" "No. take...*
8 "Is today the 18th or the 19th?" '...It's the 20th".
9 Tom and I hadn't eaten for a long time, so were very hungry.
10 When the boat started to sink, we were really frightened because could swim.
11 A: Did you go to Scotland or Ireland for your holidays?
B: We went to ... A week in Scotland and a week in Ireland.


83.2 This time you have to make sentences with both...and..., neither...nor... and

Examples Tom was late. So was Ann Both Tom and Ann were late.
He didn't write. He didn't telephone. He neither wrote

The hotel wasn't clean. And it wasn't comfortable.

The hotel was neither
It was a very boring film. It was very long too.-

The film was ......


Is that man's name Richard? Or is it Robert? It's one of the two.

*M *i


> n>



< <


M* H4 <M

M" IM4



" mh


mmm mm


ill m


+> "


mrnm mi



mmr mmm



hi 'h i




mmm< -< *h

M Ml

mm mmm


oa m


H4 H


mm mmm mmm

mi hi ih

M M4 M


Ml #

mmm m





m m



M4 M

That man's name .....

I haven't got the time to go on holiday And I haven't got the money.
t've got ...

*~ -
We can leave today or we can leave tomorrow whichever you prefer.
at *

He gave up his job because he needed a change. Also because the pay was low.
He gave up his job both
George doesnl smoke. And he doesn't drink.
4 <I|MI M |tl..I M m

The front of the house needs painting. The back needs painting too.




mi ir


m m

inim mi

im an mi

mi iii iii mi


in in hi iH



iii i4i i4

nk mi

iM Hi









Hi H

im im mi



iii ar

mi mi



83.1 1 both... Both... Both of (them)


either of
either (You could also say: *You can
go both ways.')
Both (or Both of)
Neither of
either (or either of them)

8 Neither
9 both of
10 neither of
11 both
83.2 1 The hotel was neither clean nor

2 The film was both very boring and very

3 That man's name is either Richard or
4 I've got neither the time nor the money to
go on holidays.
5 We can leave either today or tomorrow.
6 He gave up his job both because he
needed a change and because the pay
was low.
7 George neither smokes nor drinks.
8 Both the front and the back of the house
need painting.




Cac ket hqfp vd: SOME / ANY

Mot each tong quJt, chting ta dung some trong cSu xJc dinh (affiermatrve)
trong cSu phu djnh (negative) (nhung hay xem thdm phan b va d):



Ann has bought some new shoes

(Ann vifa mdi mua mAy ddi giAy mdi).
I've got something in my eyes.
(T6i bi cai gi do lot vAo mAt)
They haven't got any children.
(Hq khdng c6 con).

He's lazy. He never does any work.

(HAn I
udi /J/77. HAn chAng bao gid IAm vide gl cA).
Chting ta dung any trong nhOng cau sau dSy vi y nghla ctia nhijXig c&u niy ia phu

He left home without any money. {He didn't have any money).
(Anh ta bd nha di mA ching co ddng nAo ci).
She refused to say anything {She didn't say anything).
(C6 Ay td chd'i khdng chiu noi gi ci).
b) Chung ta thudng dung any / anyone / anything v.v... sau if:
If any letters arrive for me. can you send them to this address?
(NAu cd IA thU nAo gilt <3Sn cho I6i, ban c6 thA gCii chitng ve dia

chl nAy diigc

If anyone has any questions. I'll be please to answer them.
(NAu c6 ai mud'n hdi gi, toi xin sin long tra Idi).
If you need anything, just ask.
(NAu ban can gi, xin cit noi).
Buy some pears if you see any.
(Hay mua mdt it IA neu ban thAy co ban).

Ctic cJu sau day khdng cd if. nhi/ng chung mang y nghta cua cJu If:

Anyone who wants to do the examination must give me their names before Friday
(=if there is anyone who...)
(BAt cd ai mudn dij thi phai dAng ky ten vdi toi trddc this Sau).
I'll send on any letters that arrive for you (= if there are any ).
(Toi se chuyen di bit cCf la thU nao gdi den cho bgn).
c) Trong cSu h6i (questions), chting ta thudng dting any {khdng dting "some'):
Have you got any money?
(Ban co tien khdng?)
Has anybody seen Tom?
(Co ai trong {hay Tom khdng?)


Nhung chting ta thUdng dung some trong cau hd/khi chung la mong 6pi ciu tr Idi
What's wrong with your eye? Have you got something in its? (= I think you have got
something in your eye and f expect you to say 'yes")
(Mat ban sao the? Ban bi cai g\ do lot vio mit phii khdng?) (= Tdi nghi ring ban
bi cai gi do iQt vio mil vi tdi mong ban se tri IdiId "Phii")

Chung ta thudng dung some trong cac ciu h6i khi chOng ta <3i nghj hay ydu ciu dieu

Would you like some tea?

(Ban co mudn uong tri khdng?)

Can I have some of those apples?
(T6i c6 thd li'y mSy trii tio 66 khdng?)
d) Any cdn cd mdt nghTa khic Any / anyone / anybody / aTiywhere c6 the mang nghla:
bit cd. bit ky cai nio / ai / cii gi / d diu:

You can catch any of these buses They all go to the center
(Ban co the ddn bi't ky chuydn xe buyt nio cung ddpc. Tit ci chung ddu ch$y vio
trung tim thanh ph6).
Come and see me any time you want.
(Hay din gap tdi bit cii liic nio ban mudn)
You can have anything you want for your birthday present.
(Con cd thd diipc bdt cd thd gi con mudn 64 tim qua sinh nhit cho con).
We left the door unlocked. Anybody could have come in.
(Chung tdi khong khda cda. Bat ky ai cung cd th4 6i vio dupe).
I d rather go anywhere than stay at home during my holiday.
(Tdi thfch 6i bi't cd 6au cung dupe hon la 3 trong nha ngay nghl).
"Sing a song." "Which song shall I sing?'. "Any song I don't mind."
("Hiy hit mdt bit 6i " "Mudn tdi hat bai nao day?" "Bii nao cung diipc ")

e) Someone / somebody / anybody li nhuTng ttf sb it (singular):

Someone wants to see you.

(Co ai do mudn gip ban anh day).
Is anybody there?
(Cd ai 3 do khdng?)
Nhung chung ta thudng dOng they / them / their sau nhdng chd ndy:
If anyone wante to leave early, they can.
(N4u ai mudn v4 sdm. hQ cd thd vi)

Somebody has spilt their (= his/her) coffee on the carpet.

(Ai do da danh dd ci phi I4n ti'm thim).

V some of / any of, xem bdi 82. Ve not...any, xem bii 85.



64.1 Complete these sentences with some / any / someone/anyone / somebody /

anybody / something / anything / somewhere / anywhere.
Examples: Ann has bought some new shoes.



The boy refused to tell us anything.


Would you like

Do you live -






mind if Ismoke?


to eat?



.near Jim?

The prisoners refused to eat

at the door. Can you go and see who it is?
We slept in the park because we didn't have
. to stay We didn't
know .
we could stay with and we didn't have for a hotel.
Can I have
milk in my coffee, please?
Sue is very secretive She never tell
(two words).
Why are you looking under the bed? Have you lost
You can cash these travellers cheques at
I haven't read ...of these books but Tom has read
of them.
He left the house without saying
Would you like
more coffee?
The film is really great. You can ask .....
who has seen it
This is No Parking area.. _.
who parks their car here will have to pay a fine.
Can you give me . ..
information about places to see in the town?
With this special tourist bus ticket you can go you like on ...bus you like.

.. . . . . .....


84.2 In this exercise you have to write sentences with if.

Example: Perhaps someone will need help. If so. they can ask me.
11 anyona needs help, they can ask me.
1 perhaps someone will ring the door bell. If so. don't let them in.
..., don t let then i in.
2 Perhaps someone will ask you some questions. If so. don't tell 1hem anything.

3 Perhaps someone saw the accident. If so, they should contact the police.


aaa m

aaa aaa mm war aa


aaa wwm an


aw vaa



tMtta taa


a taa ni

. . . .. .

aa aw aaaaaa aa aw an aaaaaa wa wa aw aw



na ana ana aaa aaa me me

aaa awn

mi aaaia*


raa w h ! i K4 H4

h K




84.3 Complete these sentences. Use any/anyone/anybody/anything/anywhere

Example: i don't mind what you tell him. You can tell him anything you like.
1 I don't mind what you wear to the party. You can wear
2 I don't mind where you sit. You can
3 It doesn't matter which day you come. You
4 I don't mind who you talk to. You
5 It doesn't matter which flight you travel on, You
6 I don't mind who you marry.

7 It doesn't matter what time you phone

. ..





Ma Ma


aal aaa aa a M aaa aaa aaa Ma aaa




aaa aaa aaa wa aaa mm aaa aaa ra





.iW na a*a

aaa aaa



aaa aaa aa aaa aaa wa

aw aaa




84.11 anyone/anybody

4 anything
5 someone/somebody
6 anywhere.. .anyone/anybody...any
7 some
8 She never tells anyone anything, (or She never tells anybody anything).
9 something
10 any
11 any some
12 anything to anyone/anybody


13 some
14 anyone/anybody
15 Anyone/ Anybody
16 some
17 anywhere...any
B4.2 1 If anybody rings the doorbell, don't let them in
2 If anyone/anybody ask you any questions, don't tell them anything.
3 If anyone/anybody saw the accident they should contact the police.

84.3 1 You can wear anything you like.

2 You can sit anywhere you like.
3 You can come any day you like.
4 You can talk to anyone/anybody you like.
5 You can travel on any flight you like.
6 You can marry anyone/anybody you like
7 You can phone (at) any time you like.


BAl 85:


Cc ket hgfp vdi NO va ANY

a) No, none, no-one, nobody, nothing, nowhere:

Chung ta thu"dng dung nhiJng ta phii dinh niy 6 dau cSu hoic dCing mot minh:
No-one (Nobody) came to visit me when I was in hospital.
(Ching co ai den thkm tdi Mil tdi nkm benh vi$n ck.)
No system of government is perfect.
(Ching co hd thd'ng chlnh quySn nko Ik hokn hko ck.)
"Where are you going?" 'Nowhere I'm staying here."
("Ben dinh di dau?" "Ching di dau ca. Toi se d lei day.")
None of these books are mine.
(Khdng co quyen sach nko trong so nay la sach cua tdi ck.)

'What did you do?" 'Nothing "

("Ben da lam gi?" "Ching IAm gi ca.")
Ban cung cd the dung nhdng td niy 6 giJa hoic cuoi cau. Nhdng nhd, ddng dung
"not" vdi nhiifng t if niy vi bin thin chung da mang nghia phu dinh (negative):
I saw nothing. (Khong noi "I didn't see nothing ")
(Toi ching thay gi ck )

6 giOa hoic d cuoi cau, chung ta rat hay dung not... any / anyone Ianybody /
anything / anywhere:
I didn't see anything. (= Isaw nothing)
(T6i ching thky gi ck).
We haven? got any money. (We've not no money)
(Chung tdi ching co ddng nko ck)
- The station isn't anywhere near here {= nowhere near here).
(Gan ddy ching cd nhk ga nko ck )
She didn't tell anyone about her plans. (= she told no-one)
(Co ta khdng kS cho ai nghe v nhifng ke hoech cua minh).

Khi da cd mpt tC/ phu djnh khic thi ban khdng cin phii dung "not" nua:
- Nobody tells me anything. (= people don't tell me anything).

(Ching cd ai ke cho tdi nghe dieu gi ca).

b) No vi none:

Chung ta dung no vdi mOt danh td (noun). No = not a hoic not any (khdng / khdng
chut nao):
We had to walk because there was no bus. {= there wasn't a bus).
(Chung tdi phai di bo vi khdng cd xe buyt).
I can't talk to you now. I have no time. (= I haven't any time)
(Toi khdng the ndi chuykn vdi anh vko luc nky dUQc Toi khong cd thdi gid).
There was no shops open. {= there wasn't any shops)
(Khdng con ciia hang nko md cCia ck)
Chung ta dung none mdt minh (khdng dCing vdi mOt danh td):
"How many money have you got?" "None."
("Bgn cd bao nhiSu tiSn?" "Ching cd ddng nao ca."


Hoac chijng ta cung c6

th dung none of:

none of these shops.

none of my money
(khdng khoin nao trong sd tiSn cua tdi).
(khdng ctia tipm nao trong sd nay.)
none of it / us / you / them
khdng cai ndo, ai trong sd do f chung tdi / cAc ban / ho )
Sau none of + mdt tLf sd nhieu (none of the girls / none of them, v.v...), ban c6 lh
dung mot dpng tu sd It ho$c sd nhiSu. Thdng thudng ngudi ta dung d(mg tti sd nhidu:
None of the people I met were English.
(Khdng co ngUdi ndo ma tdi da gdp Id ngiidi Anh ci).
c) Sau no-one Inobody. chung ta thtfdng dCing they / them / their

Nobody phone, did they? (= did he or she?)

(Khdng co ai got didn thogi den, phAi khdng?)
No-one in the class did their homework. {= his or her homework)
(Khdng co ai trong Idp nay da lam bHi tip v4 nhA.)


dung any / no vdi

bigger v.v...):

d) Ban cO

cac tir

so sanh bac hon (comparative) (any better / no

Do you feel any better today? (= Do you feel better at all?)

(Horn nay anh co dim thSy kha hdn tl nAo khdng?) (n6i vdi m$t ngUdi h6m qua bj

We've waited long enough. I'm not waiting any longer. (= not even a minute longer).
(Chung tdi da dpi qua du roi. Tdi se khdng dpi thdm mpt phut nAo nda).
I expected your house to be very big but it's no bigger than mine. ( = not even a
tittle bigger)
(Tdi cii nghi rAng nhA anh IPn \Am, nhUng that ra no chAng hon nhA tdi chut nAo.)
Ve any. xem them b&i 84.


85.1 Answer these questions with none (of)/no-ore/nobody/nothing/nowhere.

Example: What did you do? Nothing

........... ........... .......... ...... .. ...

.... ..

2 How many children has he got? ......


ho r e are you going?


3 What did you tell them?

4 Who were you talking to?




-> ">



5 How much of this money is yours?


Now write answers to these questions with any/anyone/anybody/anything/anywhere.
Example: "What did you do?" I didn't do anything.

6 "Where are you going?" .

...... ........ . l .....



- -

...... ...


> " "> "




H. >" M. >, H* i



...... .


- '
------------... ...

7 "How many children have they got?" "They

8 "Who did you dance with?' "I
9 What did thay yiv? you?




85.2 Complete these sentences with no/none/no-one / nobody / nothing / nowhere Iany /
anyone / anybody / anything / anywhere.
Example: There was qq shops open. Idon't want anything to eat.





_______ _ _ _ _

. . . . ----.........
. . . . . . . . .....

on it
The bus was completely empty. There wasn't
I stay at home."
'Where did you go for your holidays?'
I couldn't make an omelette because 1 had
_...Not a word.
I didn't say
was injured.
The accident looked serious but fortunately
The town was still the same when I returned years later
had changed.
We took a few photographs but
. of them were very good.
I can't find my watch
I've looked all over the house.
I don't usually have
'What did you have for breakfast?*
for breakfast."
of the people we invited could come.
We cancelled the party because
...intelligent person could do such a stupid thing.
There was complete silence in the room.
. said ".
. The last one
"How many cinemas are there in this town?" *
closed six months ago".
The four of us wanted to go to a restaurant but we couldn't because
of us



. . . .. . .
..... . . .



85.3 Now you have to make sentences with any/no + a comparative.

Example: I hear you weren't feeling well yesterday. Do you feel any better today?


than you.

I'm going as fast as I can. t can't go

What makes you think Harry is old? He is
I'm sorry I've come a bit late bu1 1 couldn't come
This restaurant is a bit expensive, is the other one .
I must stop for a rest. I can't walk

85.1 1 Nowhere.

5 None of it.
6 I'm not going anywhere.
7 They haven't got any (children)
8 I didn't dance with anyone/anybody.
9 They didn't give me anything.

5 no-one/nobody

7 none

2 Nowhere
4 anything

6 Nothing
8 anywhere

13 None


14 none ...any

85 3

can1 go any faster

He is no older than you. /He isn't
any older than you
...I couldn't come any earlier / any



10 none
11 No
12 No-one/Nobody ...anything

4 No-one/Nobody.

3 no

Nothing ... anything

2 None.
3 Nothing.

85.2 1 anyone/anybody

Is the other one any cheaper / any

less expensive?
I can't walk any further / any farther.

BAI 86:



a) Much, many, few, little

Chung ta thudng dung much va little v<3i cc uncountable nouns {danh tu" kh6ng dS'm
much lime
much luck
little energy
little money
(nhidu thdi gian)
(nhiSu may mAn)
(it stic lye)
(it tiSn) .
Chung ta dOng many v few vdi cc plural nouns (danh til s6 nhiu):
many friends
many people
few cars
few coyntries
(nhieu b?n bd)
(nhigu ngudi)
(it qudc gia)
(it xe hoi)

b) A lot (of), lots (of), plenty (of)

Chung ta thiidng dung a lot of/lots of/plenty of vdi ckc uncountable vkplural nouns:
plenty of money
a lot of luck
lots of time
(nhidu thdi gian)
(nhiSu may mAn)
(nhtfu tidn)
a lot of people
plenty of ideas
lots of books
(nhiSu ngUdi)
(nhiSu sAch)
(nhieu y kiHn)
Plenty = nhiSu, (==> dU):
- 'Have some more to eat." 'No, thank you, IVe had pteniy. "
('Dung thm mpt ft nQa di " "Khdng, cAm an. Tdi dung nhiSu rdi. ")
There's no need to hurry. We've got plenty of time.
(Khdng cAn ph&i vdi va chung ta co nhidu thdi gian mA.)
c) Chung ta dung much vk many chu ydu trong ckc cAu phu djnh (negative) va cAu


We didn't spend much money.
(Chung tdi da khdng tidu nhidu tidn.)
Have you got many friends?
(Anh co nhiAu ban bd khdng?)

Trong ckc cSu xAc djnh (affirmative), chung ta thi/dng diing a lot (of) hem. Much rat it
khi duqc dting trong cdu x&c dtnh
- We spent a lot of money. (Khdng ndi 'We spent much money")
(Chung tdi di tidu nhieu tien).
- There has been a lot o/rain recently. (Khdng ndi 'much rain")
(Gin dSy trdi mua rAt nhiSu).
Nhung chung ta l$i thi/dng dung too much va so much trong cfic cSu xc djnh:
- I cant drink this tea. There's too much sugar in it.
(Tdi khdng u6ng ly trA nAy dupe. Co quA nhidu dUdng trong dd).
d) Little/a little,few/a few:
Little va few (khdng cd a) mang nghTa phO dinh:
Hurry up! We've got little time. (= not much, not enough time)
(Nhanh lAn! Chung ta con ft thdi gian lAm).
He's not popular. He has few friends. (= not many, not enough friends)
(Anh ta khdng dupe ua thich lAm Anh ta cd ft ban bd.)


Chung ta cOng dung very little vi very few:

- We've got very little time. .
(Chung ta co rSt ft thdi gian).
Ha has very few friends.
(Anh ta c6 rSt It ban bd).
"A little' v& "a few* thirdng mang nghTa x&c dinh. A little/a few = mdt it, mot vat, mot
so iU0ng it:
Let's go and have a drink. We've got a little time before the train leaves. (= some
time, enough time to have a drink).
(Hay <3i ud'ng mpi ly <3i. Chung ta con du<jc chut thdi gian trudc khi tau khdi h&nh).
'Have you got any money?" "yes, a little. Do you want to borrow some?".
("Anh co tidn khong?" "C6, co mdt it Anh cd muon mupn khdng?")
(a little = khong nhiu nhdng <Jij cho anh mugn rn$t it).
I enjoy my life here. I have a few friends and we meet quite often
(T6i thfch cudc song d day. Toi co dU0c vat ngi/cti ban va chung toi g&p nhau rat
thuong xuyen).
(a tew friends = khong nhieu nhung du de vui chdi).
"When did you last see Tom?" 'A few days ago." (= some days ago").
("Ban g&p Tom l&n cuoi khi nao?" "Cach day vai ngay ")
Nhdng "only a little" va "only a few" lai mang nghfa phu dinh
Hurry up! We've only got a little time.
(Nhanh len! Chung ta chl con chut xlu thai gian thdi).

The village was very small. There were onty a few houses.
(Ngdi lang rdt nho. Chl co mdt v&i can nha).


86.1 Complete these sentences with much, many and a lot (of). Sometimes there are two

. . . .-------- .....
. . . ._____
. . ........
_ _ _.........
_ .........- - --------

Examples: There weren't many people at the party I had seen before.
It cost me a lot of money to furnish this house.



We'll have to hurry. We haven't got
milk - one liter a day.
Tom drinks .
. .
She is a very quiet person. She doesn't say ......
. , salt in the soup. Perhaps too .....
I put
_. peopte do not like flying.
The man was badly injured in the accident. He lost. to do.
It's not a very lively town. There isn't ..
This car is expensive to run. It uses

_-----_- - - - _- _-_-_-_- - - ________


Don't disturb me. I've got

10 He's got so
1 1 He always puts

12 We didn't take


work to do.


money, he doesn't know what to do with it.

salt on his food.
photographs when we were on holiday.

86.2 Now you have to make sentences with plenty (of). Use the word in brackets.
Examples: We needn't hurry (time) We've got plenty ot time.

1 He's got no financial problems (money) He's got......

2 We don't need to go to a petrol station, (petrol) We
. .
3 Come and sit at our table, (room) There is...
4 We can make omelettes for lunch (eggs) We .....
5 We'll easily find somewhere to stay, (hotels) There
6 I can't believe you've still hungry, (to eat) You've had
7 Why are you sitting there doing nothing? (things to do) You


85.3 Complete these sentences with little/a little/few/a few.

Examples: Hurry! We've got Utile time.

I last saw Tom g fpw days ago.



We didn't have any money but Tom had

He doesn't speak much English. Only
years ago.
Nora's father died
"Would you like some more cake?" "Yes. please, but only
This town isn't very well-known and there isn't much to see, so... tourist come here.
I don't think Jill would be a good teacher. She's got


........... . . .

with children.


This is not the first time the car has broken down. It has happened

The cinema was almost empty. There were very

There is a shortage of water because there has been very



people there.
rain recently.

86.1 1 much ("a lot of is also possible)
2 a lot of
3 much ("a lot" is also possible)
4 a lot of... much
5 A lot of ("many" is also possible)
6 a lot of
7 much ("a lot" is also possible)
8 a lot of

a lot of

10 much

11 a lot of
12 many ("a lot of


also possible)

86.2 1 He's got plenty of money.

2 We've got/We have plenty of petrol.
3 There is plenty of room.
4 We've got/We have plenty of eggs
5 There are plenty of hotels.
6 You've had plenty to eat.
7 You've got/You have plenty of
things to do.
86.3 1 a little

a few

a few

a little


a few


9 little


BAI 87:


a) All, everyone, everybody, everything:

ChCing ta thudng Wrong dung all vdi nghTa everyone/everybody (mgi ngudi):
Everybody enjoyed the party. (Khong n6i "All enjoyed")
(Mgi ngUdi <34u thlch bda tide).
Ann knows everyone in her street, (khdng ndi *..,al in her street")
(Ann quen biet mot ngUdi trong khu ph6 cua c6 la.)
D6i khi ban c6 thl dung all vdi nghTa everything (tit ci mgi thd)
Nhung dO sao dCing everything v&n tot hdn:
- He thinks he knows everything, (khong ndi "knows all").
(Anh ta nghi ring anh ta bi&t mgi thd).
It was an awful holiday. Everything went wrong, (khdng n6i "All went wrong")
(D6 Id m6t ky nghikhung khiSp. Mgi thd <34u (Si t4.)
Nhung ban c6 thl dCmg all trong thdnh ngtf all about:
They told us all about their holiday.
(Hq da ke cho chung tdi nghe tat ci v4 ky nghi cua ho).
Chung ta cung dCing all vdi nghTa "the only thing (s)" (dieu duy nhSit, thd duy nhi't...):
All I've eaten today is a sandwich. (= the only thing I've eaten)
(Tit ci nhCtng g) tdi da in trong ngiy hdm nay chl 14 mdt birth ml xing-uych.)
(hoSc Thd duy nhat mi tdi da in trong ngay hdm nay Id mdt birth m) xing-uych.)

b) Chung ta dOng mdt d$ng tit so it (singular verb) sau every / everyone / everybody /
Every seat in the theatre was taken.
(Mgi chd ngdi trong rap hit deu da co ngUdi).
Everybody looks tired today.
(Hdm nay mgi ngUdi deu co v4 mdt mdi).
Everything he said was true.
(Mgi dieu ma anh y not d4u dung'd).
Nhung chiing ta thudng dung they/them/their sau everyone/everybody:
- Has everyone got their tickets? (= his or her ticket)
(Mgi ngUdi d4u da cd ve r6i chd?)
Everybody said they would come. (= he or she would come)

(Mgi ngUdi deu ndi 14 se <34n).

c) All vi whole:
Chung ta dirng whole chu ylu vdi ede danh tti sd it (singular nouns):
- Have you read the whole books? (= all the book)
(Ban da doc h4t quySn sich dd chua?)
He was very quiet. He didn't say a word the whole evening.
(Anh ta ri't trim tU. Anh ta chStng ndi mdt Idi n4o sud't ci buoi to'i.)
She has spent her whole life in India.
(C6 ay da s6ng het cu$c ddi d An Do)


Chung ta thudng dung the/my/her v.v... trudc whole. Hay so Seinh:

the whole book/all the book
her whole life/all her life
(tfQn quyen sach)
(C aide ddi co 6y.)
B$n cung c6 th3 ndi "a whole...*
- Jack ate a whole chocolate cake last night. (= a complete cake)
(Jack dS dn hSt md1 c4i banh so-cd-la t6i qua).
Chung ta thudmg khdng dCmg whole vdi danh hi khdng dS'm dupe (uncountable
nouns): all the money (khOng n6i "the whole money*) (tSl ci mdn tien)
d) Every/all / whole vdi nhtfng til chi thdi gian:

chi mure <30 thi/dng xuy&n ciia s/ vic. VI v|ly chung ta n6i
Chung ta dung every
every day/every Monday/every ten minutes/every three weeks v.v...:
We go out every Friday night.
(Chung toi di Choi vo mSi tdi thj Sau hang tuan).
The buses run every ten minutes
(Cdc chuyen xe buyt ch$y each nhau mt/di phut).
Ann goes to see her mother every three weeks.
(Ann di tham me cd ta ba tun mdt iSn).
All day/the whole day = su6t ci ngiy
We spent all day/the whole day on the beach.
(Chung tdi chOi d bSi bin sutft cd ngiy).
I've been trying to find you all morning/the whole morning.
(Tdi da c6 tlm b$n sudt cd budi sing nay.)
Hay Ivu y ring chung ta thudng n6i all day/all week v.v... (khong nbi "all the day/all the
Ve all. xem thm cic b&i 82 v& 106.

UNIT 87: Exercises

87.1 Complete these sentences with all, everything or everyone/everybody.


..... . ........................
.._._.. ._ ._ . . . . .

Examples: Ann knows everyone in her street.

All I've eaten today is a sandwich.


_ _ _ _____
_ _ _ _ _ _......._ _........

Tom is very popularlikes him.

they could to help us.
2 ...was very kind to us. They did
3 Jill doesn't do any of the housework. Her husband does
about her new job. It sounds quite interesting.
4 Margaret told me
write their names on a piece of paper, please?
5 Can
6 *1 can't lend you any money
I've got is a pound and need that.
7 I can't stand him. He disagrees with
8 I didn't spend much money in the shops...I bought was a pair of gloves.
9 Why are you always thinking about money? Money isn't
10 He didn't say where he was going
. he said was that he was going away.
has got their faults. Nobody is perfect.





87.2 Now you have to make sentences with the wholeExample: He read the book from beginning to end. He read the whale book.

He opened a box of chocolate. When he finished eating, there were no chocolates

left in the box. He ate
- -

The police came to our house. They were looking for something. They searched
everywhere, every room. They searched
She worked from early in the morning until late in the evening .
Everyone in Tim and Carol's family plays tennis. Tim and Carol play, and so do all
their children. The
Jack and Jill went on holiday to the seaside for a week. It rained from the beginning

of the week to the end. It

It was a terrible fire. Nothing was left of the building afterwards
in the fire.
Everyone in the team played make sentences for 3 and 5 again. This time-use alt instead of whole.
(3) She





mm mmm mm-


mam mm, mmm > ><><


ma "I








a a a


aai IH mm

mm mm

* mam


mm mm- mm-




mmm ma-


an mm

i~ IIIIII ill


III III mm ill

m mmm





m ill ik arm mtm





mm- m




mmm mmm

mtm mtm aa>


87.3 Now you have to say how often something happens. Use every with these periods of
six months
four hours
ten minutes
time: four years
Example: There's a good bus service to the center. The buses run every five minutes.
1 Tom is ill in bed. He has to take it_. 2 The Olympic Games take place.
3 Everyone should have a check-up with the dentist

4 We live near a busy airport. A plane flies over the house




87.1 1 Everyone/Everybody
2 Everyone/Everybody...everything
3 everything
4 a1l( "everything* is also possible)
5 eve ryone/everybody
6 All
7 everything


10 All
.11 Everyone/Everybody



He ate the whole box

They searched the whole house.
She worked the whole day.
The whole family play tennis.
(or...plays tennis - see Unit 78d).
5 It rained the whole week.
6 The whole building was destroyed
in the fire.

87.2 1

The whole team played well.

She worked all day.
9 It rained all week.


87.3 1 every four hours

2 every four years
3 every six months
4 ' every ten minutes

BA188: RELATIVE CLAUSES (M#nh de quan h$)

(1): M#nh de bat dau bang who/ that /
a) Xem thf dy sau:

The man

| who lives next door

is very friendly.

relative clause
(Ngudi sd'ng d nha bSn c$nh thl rt th&n thi&n).
Menh d \& mot phSn cua cu. M6t mSnh d$ quan h (relative clause) cho chung ta biet
ngudi hay vat no (boSc loai ngUdi hay v$i nao) mil ngudi ta mu6n dm chf:
The man who lives next door... (who lives next door cho churttj ta biet ngudi dan
ong ndo).
People who live in London... (who live in London cho chting ta biet loai ngudi nao).
Chung ta dung who trong m$t m6nh d& quan hd khi ch'Jrig ta dang ndi ve ngudi.
ChOng ta dung who thay cho he / she / they...
The man


lives next door - is very friendly

The man


lives next door is very friendly

(NgUdi song d nha ben cgnh thl rat thin Ihiin.)

We know a lot of people

- \


live in London.

He know a lot of people

- |who

live in London.

_ (Chung I6i quen biet nhi4u ngudi song d LuSn Don).


An architect is someone who designs buildings.

(Kien true sU Id ngudi thiet k cac tda nha).
What was the name of the man who lent you the money?

(Ngudi dan 6ng <3d cho ban mU0n tien ten gl?)
The girl who was injured in the accident is now in the hospital.
(C6 gdi b\ thUdng trong tai nan hiin dang ndm bdnh vien).
- Anyone who wants to do the examination must enter before next Friday.
(Ai mud'n dU thi phai ddng ky trUdc thU Sdu tuan tdi).
Ta c6 thd* ditng that thay cho who:
The man that lives next door is very friendly.
(NgUdi s6ng d nha bdn canh rt than thi&n).
Nhung ddi khi ban phii dung who cho ngudi - xem b&i 91.


b) Khi chung ta dang n6i v d6 v$t, chiing ta dung that (kh&ng dung who) trong m$nh d6
quan h, Chung ta dfing that cho it/they:
Where are the eggs?



I were in the fridge.

were in the fridge?

Where are the eggs | that \
(May qui trifng trong tu Ipnh d&u r6i?)
I don't like stories that have unhappy endings.
(T6i khdng thfch nhitng ciu chuydn c6 ket eye budft).
- Gerry works tor a company that make typewriters.
(Gerry lim vide cho mdt cdng ty sin xuit may dinh chi7)
Everything that happened was my fault.
(Mgi viec xiy ra deu do t6i cua tdi).
The window that was broken has now been repaired.
(Canh ctfa so bj vd biy gid da dupe sOa Ipi roi).
Ban cd th dung which d3 chi d6 vSt (nhung khdng dCing d ch? ngi/di);
Where are the eggs which were in the fridge?
(Mi'y qui trifng trong tu t$nh diu rdi?)
Trong bi nay that dif<?c dung nhiu hdn which. Nhung doi khi ban bat bubc phSi
diing which - xem b&i 91 .

rng chiing ta dCing who / that / which thay cho he / she / they / it:
Do you know the man who lives next door? (khbng n6i "...who he lives...*).
(Ban cd quen ngitdi s6ng d nhi bin c$nh khdng?)
Hfiy xem b&i k tip d3 bt thdm v m$nh d6 quan h$.

c) Hay nhd

UNIT 88: Exercises

88.1 In this exercise you have to explain what some words mean. Choose the right meaning
from the list and then write a sentence with who. Use a dictionary if necessary.

he/she steals from a shop

he/she doesn't eat meat
fre/ebc designe-iwikliftgs



(an architect)
(a burglar)
(a veg etarian)
(a customer)
(a shoplifter)
(a teetotaller)

he/she breaks into a house and steals things

he/she doesn't drink alcohol

he/she buys something from a shop

An architect is someone who designs buildings

A burglar is someone
A vegetarian

- --------------..

88.2 Now you have to read two sentences and then write one sentence with the same
meaning. Use a relative clause in your sentence
Example: A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital.
The girl who was injured in the accident is now in hospital.


_ ___
_ _

1 A marl answered the phone. He told me you were out.

The man

A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient.



Some boys were arrested. They have now been released.

The boys

The sentences in this exercise are not compters. Choose the most suitable ending
from the list and make it into a relative dause.

he invented the telephone

she runs away from home
they are never on time
they stole my car
they used to hang on that wall

it gives you the meaning of words

it won the race
it can support life
it was found last week

Gerry works for a company that (or which) makes typewriter

The book is about a girl
3 What was the name of the horse
4 The police have caught the men
5 Alexander Bell was the man
6 Where are the pictures
7 The police are still trying to identify the body
8 A dictionary is a book
9 Ident like people
10 It seems that Earth is the only planet




88.1 2 A burglar is someone who breaks

into a house and steals things.
3 A vegetarian is someone who
doesnt eat meat
4 A customer is someone who buys
something from a shop.
5 A shoplifter is someone who steals
from a shop.
6 A teetotaller is someone who
doesnt drink alcohol.
"That" is possible instead of "who* in all
these sentences.
68.2 1 The man who (or that) answered
the phone told me you were out
2 The waitress who (or that) served
us was very impolite and impatient.

The boys who (or that) were

arrested have now been released.
88.3 2 ...who (or that) runs away from

3 ...that (or which) won the race?
4 ...who (or that) stole my car.
5 ...who (or that) invented the
6 ...that (or which) used to hang on
that wall?
7 that (or which) was found last week.
8 ...that (or which) gives you the
meanings of words.
9 ...who (or that) are never on time.
10 ...that (or which) can support life.


BAI89: RELATIVE CLAUSES (M?nh de quan he)

(2): M$nh de c6 ho$c khong co who / that
a) H3y xem Igi c&c thl dy thu$c b&i 88 sau day.
The man who lives next door is very friendly (hoc "that lives...").
(Ngi/di song 3 nhi bin canh rat thin thiin),
Where are the eggs that were in the firdge? (ho$c "which were...").
(MS'y qui trifng trong tu l?nh dau rot?).

T rong cAc c&u trSn, who vh that la chu ttf (subject) cua cAc dpng tir trong mSnh de
quan h: "the man lives next door", "the eggs were in the fridge*. Ban khdng th& b6 who
hoc that trong nhtfng cSu nay.
Dot khi who vA that c6n l& ttic tir (object) cOa d>ng tCi:

the man - 1 wanted to see I himl - was away on holiday.

The man | who\ (hoSc that) Iwanted to see was away on holiday.

(Ngifdi mi toi mu6n gip da di nghltdi).

have you found the keys? - you lost
Have you found the keys! that you lost?

(Ban d5 tim thly chum chia khba ma ban d&nh mat chua?)
Khi who hoac that l& tuc ttf cua dCng ttf trong

menh de quan h$, ban c6 thl luqc b6


The man I wanted to see was away on holiday, (nhung khong ndi "the man I
wanted to see him. .'). (Ngudi m& t6i mu6n g$p da di nghf r6i).
Have you found the keys you lost? (nhirng khdng n6i "Have you found the keys you
lost them?").
(Ban di t)m thSy chum chla khda mi ban da danh mat chUa?).
The dress Ann bought doesn't fit her very well. (= the dress that Ann bought)
(Chii'c io Ann mua khdng viia vdi co ta IAm).
The girl Gerry is going to marry is American. (= the girl who / that Gerry is going to
marry) (C6 gi Gerry sAp ci/di la ngUdi My).
Is there anything Ican do? (= is there anything that I can do?)
(C6 vide gItdi co thi lim diicfc khong?).
b) GicSi ttf (prepositions) thtfdng duqc diing trong c6c m|nh dl lidn h$. Hay xem xdt vj tri
cua gidi ttf trong ede cHu sau:

do you know the girl? Tom is talkingftp") her?

Do you know the girl (who/that) Tom is talking 1 to|?

(Ban c6 bii't cd gii mi Tom dang ndi chuyin cung khdng?).


the bed - 1 slept Dn] last night wasn't very comfortable.

== the bed (that) I stept


last night wasn't very comfortable.

(Chiec giUdng tdi n&m t6i hdm qua khdng dupe thoii mai Idm).

The man (who/that) Isat next to on the plane talked all the time.
(Ngiidi din 6ng m& tdi ng6i kg bin tren miy bay noi chuy&n lidn tyc).
Are these the books (that) you have been looking for?
(D&y co phii Id nhOng quySn sach mi ban dang tim khong?).
The girl (who/that) he fell in love with left him after a few weeks.
(C6 gai anh ta ydu da bd roi anh ta chl sau vai tudn).


Ban khong th dung what thay cho that:

Everything (that) he said was true, (khong n6i "everything what he said")

(Mgi dieu anh ta noi d4u dung ci)

- I gave her all the money (that) Ihad. (kh6ng n6i "all ..what I had")
(T6i da diia cho cd ta tat ci s6 tien I6i co).
What = the things that:
Did you hear what I said? (= the words that I said)
(Ban cd nghe nhOng gi tdi noi khong?).
- I won't tell anyone what happened. (= the thing that happened)
(Tdi se khong noi cho ai bigt chuySn g) da xky ra).

UNIT 89: Exercises

89.1 The sentences in this exercise are not complete. Complete each one with a relative
clause. Use the sentences in the box to make your relative clauses.
we-met her yesterday
Tom recommended it
Ann is wearing it

Tom tells them

we had it for dinner

the police arrested him

you lost them

I invited them to the party

-- - --------- -- - - - - - -----------------

Have you found the keys you lost?

I like the dress


The museum


we wanted to visit it


*# HI



in illIn m

m me m

was shut when we got there.

couldn't come.

Most of the people

I didn't like that woman
was really delicious.
The fish
We stayed at a hotel.. ....
. . .
are usually very funny.
The stories
The man
has now been released.

. ..




m m m


441 Mi Ml illmi


Ml nl*l Mi Mi Mfiiim m




89.2 This time you have to make a relative clause with a preposition.

you were with her last night

they were talking about them
we wanted to travel on it

I am living in it
she is married to him
I applied for it

I work with them

we went to it



The bed I slept In was too soft.

I didnl get the job
The man
has been married twice before.
The party
wasn't very enjoyable.
Who was that girl
was fully booked.
The flight
I enjoyed my job because I like the people
I wasn't interested in the things
The house
is not in very good condition.


_ ___
_ __

- - - - - - -__________
- - - - - - - -_ -_ _ _ _ _



89.3 Complete these sentences, where necessary, with that, who or what. If it is possible to
write that or leave it out, write (that) in brackes.

Examples: Did you hear what I said? Everything (that) he said was true.

She gives her children everything


Tell me
you want and I'll try to help you.
Why do you blame me for everything
goes wrong?
Iwon't be able to do very much but I'll do the best
I can.
l can't lend you any money. AIL
IVe got is a pound.
Nora is the only person
understands me.
Why do you always disagree with everything
I say?
I dont agree with
you've just said.
This is an awful film. It's the worst
I've ever seen.


they want.

89.1 2 ...(that) Ann is wearing.
3 ...(that) we wanted to visit...
4 ...(who/that) I invited to the party...
5 ...(who/that) we met yesterday.
6 ...(that) we had for dinner...
7 ...(that) Tom recommended.
8 ...(that) Tom tells...
9 ...(who/that) the police arrested...
'Which' is possible instead of "that* in
2. 3, 6.7 and 8.
69.2 2

... (that) I applied for.


3 ...(who/that) she is married to

4 ...(that) we went to.
5 ...(who/that) you were with last
6 ...(that) we wanted to travel on...
7 ...(who/that) I work with.
8 ...(that) they were talking about.



9 ...(that) I'm living in

'Which* is possible instead of "that" ii
2. 4. 6. 8 and 9.

89.3 1 (that)
2 what
3 that (you cannot leave out "that* in
this sentence because it is the
<A 3S u
4 (that)
5 (that)
6 who/that (you cannot leave out
'who' or "that" because it is the
7 (that)
8 what
9 (that)

BAI 90: RELATIVE CLAUSE (M$nh de quan h$)

(3): M<?nh de vdi whose, whom va where
a) Whose

Chiing ta dung whose trong m$nh d quan h$ thay cho his/her/their:

We saw some people-

had broken down

-> We saw some people Iwhose I car had broken down

(Chung tdi da gjp mjy ngUdi cd xe bj hU)

Chiing ta dOng whose chCi yfi'u d chf ngudi:

A widow is a woman whose husband is dead {her husband is dead).
(Mdt qui phq la mdt ngudi din bi c6 chdng bj chift),
What the name of the girl whose car you borrowed? (you borrowed her car)
(Cd git b$n mUpn xe hdi tin Id gi?).
The other day I met someone whose brother Iwent to school with. (I went to school
with his brother).
(Hdm kia tdi gap mdt ngudi cd em trai hoc chung vdi tdi)
b) Whom cd th di/qc dung thay cho who (chf ngudi) khi nd l& ftic tU (object) cua dQng tir
trong m$nh d quan h$ (nhu nhffng clu 6 bdi 89):

The man whom Iwanted to see was away on holiday (I wanted to see him)
(NgUdi din 6ng mi tdi mu6n gip da di nghlrSi)

Ban cOng cd th dCing whom vdi mdt gidi tii (preposition) (to/trom/wlth whom.)

The girl with whom he fell in love left him after a few weeks ( he fell in love with her)
(Cd gii mi anh ta ydu di bd rdi anh ta chl sau vii tuSn).

Nhi/ng chting ta thudng dCing whom. Trong van n6l tiS'ng Anh (spoken English), chOng
ta thudng dung who ho$c that hdn (hoc ban cd th6 li/qc bd chdng xem b&i 89):
The man (whoAvhom) I wanted to see_
(NgUdi din 6ng mi tdi mu6n gip~)
The girl (who/that) he fell in love with_
(Cd gai mi anh ta ydu.)
Ve whom, xem bdi 91vd 92

c) Where

Ban c6 thtS dung where trong mfenh gg quan hd d# ch? ndi ch6n:
The hotel-we
-wasn't very clean
The hotel Iwhere I we stayed wasn't very clean
(Khach sqn ndi chung tdi d khdng dUQc sach se Him)



t recently went back to the town where Iwas bom. (hoSc "the town (that) 1 was born
(Mai day tdi c6 ird v4 th4nh phd ndi t6i dUQc smh ra)
I would like to live in a country where there is plenty of sunshine.
(Toi thth s6ng d m$t dt nildc c6 nhieu 4nh nAng m4t trdi)

b6 di cung di/<?c) khi mud'n thay th6 cho the dayAhe

year/the time ~(ng4y/nSm/luc mA -):
- Do you still remember the day (that) we first met?
(Ban co bi&t ngAy chiing ta gSp I
An dAu khdng?)

d) ChUng ta dung that (hoac

The last time (that) Isaw her, shelooked very well

(LAn cu6i cung khi t6i gap c6 ta, co ta trdng rSt khde m$nh)
I haven't seen them since the year (that) they got married.
(Tdi da khdng g$p ho til nam ho lAy nhau.)

e) Bgn c6 th> n6i the reson why something happens" hoflc the reason that something
happens" (ly do vi sao vi$c gl d6 xfiy ra). Ban cGng c6 th b6 why hoSc that di:

The reason (why/that) I'm phoning you is to invite you to a party.

(Ly do tdi gQi di$n thOQi cho ban 14 di mdi ban din dy tiec).

UNIT 90: Exerciese ,

90.1 You were on holiday with a friend of your. You met some people who had some bad
experiences during their holiday. You met:


some people / their car broke down

a man / his wife became ill and was staken to hospital
a woman / her husband was arrested by the police
a girl / her passpost was stolen
a couple / their luggage disappeared

You can't remember the names of these people, so you ask your friend. Make sentences
with whose.

_ ____

What was the name of the people whose car broke down?
What was the name of the man.. ..




90.2 The sentences in the exercise are not complete. You hava to complete them with

Use the sentences in the box to make your relative clauses
I can buy postcards there

she had bought it there

people are buried there


I woa born there

we spent our holidays there
we can have a really good meal there


I recently went back to the town where 1

The dress didn't fit her, so she to took it back the shop



Do you know a restaurant

1$ tors a shop near here*

The place
A cemetery is a place









tar rta

taa rrt aa>


was really beautiful.


aa raa err

err t


Ma H 'H



i tit aai raa




r r a

ar r r

90.3 Again you have to complete the sentences with a relative clause. Use the sentences ir


the box to make your relative clauses.

they haven't got a car (for this reason)

I didn't write to you (for this reason)
the Second World War ended (In that year)
you telephoned (that evening)_

(her) dog bit me

John is staying (there)

(his/her) parents are dead

Do you remember the day


An orphan is a child
- ..
was that I didn't know your address.
The reason....

Unfortunately I wasn't at the evening

I protested to the woman.

is that they can't afford one.
The reason







Do you know the name of the hotel.

1945 was the year....



I 4mm

mm mm


rra nr aar


mm mrnm



mmm H iHIM IM Ml

" *



r <0 M* M mmmmrnm

mrm art 4





90.1 2. What was the name of the man
whose wife became ill and was
taken to hospital?
3 What was the name of the woman
whose husband was arrested by
the police?
4 What was the name of the girl
whose passport was stolen?
5 What was the name of the couple
whose luggage disappeared?
90.2 2

.. where she had bought it.

..where we can have a really good


90.3 2


...where I can buy postcards?

...where we spent our holidays.
.. where people are buried
..whose parents are dead.
(why/that)1 didn't write to you.
...(that) you telephoned
.. whose dog bit me
.(why/that) they haven't got a
..where John is staying?
..(that) the Second World War


BAI 91: RELATIVE CLAUSES (m$nh de quan h#)

(4) : mnh de "cung cap them thdng tin"
a) Xem

l?i clc thf dy sau:

The man who lives next door is very friendly.
(Ngudi ten dng sdng d nhA bdn c$nh rt thin th$n)
Gerry works for a company that makes typewriters.
(Gerry litm vi$c cho m$t cdrg ty sAn xukt mdy tenh chi1)
Have you found the keys (that) you lost?
(B$n te tlm thSy chOm chia khod md b$n tenh mSt chUa?)

Trong clc thl dp trln, clc m|nh dl quan h| cho chiing ta bilt ngudi hay v$t ndo (hole
logi ngudi hay vlt nlo) ngudi ndi mud'n Im chl:
"The man who lives next doori'cho chiing ta bilt ngudi din ting nlo.
"The keys {that) you losf'cho chung ta bilt nhtfng chile chia khol nlo.
"A company that makes typewri1ers"cho chung ta bilt fogi cdng ty gl.
NhUng khdng phll tit ck clc m|nh dl quan h| dilu tUdng ti/ nhU v|y.Thf dg:
Tom's father, who is 78. goes swimming everyday.
(Cha cua Tom, da 78 tuSi, di bdi hdng ngAy.)
The house at the end of the street, which has been empty for two years, has just
been sold.
(CSn nhA cu6i ph6, bd khdng dA hai nAm nay.vUA mdi dupe ten di)
Trong clc th( dg trln, clc m|nh dl quan h| (who is 78 vl which has been empty for
two years) khdng cho chung ta bilt ngUdi hay vlt nlo ngUdi ndi mud'n Im chT; vl chiing ta
da bilt ngudi hay v|t nlo dugfc dl c|p din, dd II "Tom's father" vl "the house at the of
end the street". VI v|y m|nh dl quan h| trong clc clu nly chl cung dp thdm thdng tin vl
ngudi hay v|t dl nlu
b) Trong nhOng m|nh dl quan h| "cung clp thlm thdng tin", ban phAi ding who dl ch?
ngudi vl which dl chf v|t. Ban khdng thl diing that vl khdng th4 luqc bd who hole

Khi vilt nhOng m|nh dl quan h| nhu thl, ban phli d|c du phSy() 6 dlu hole culf
m|nh dl.Hay xem thf dy sau:
- Yesterday I met John, who told me he was getting married.
(Hdm qua tdi gap John, anh ta cho tdi bi&t anh ta sAp lAy vd)
- Mr. Yates, who has worked for the same company all his life, is retiring next month.
(Ong Yafes, cA cufc ddi chl lAm vide duy nhtft cho mdt cdng ty, thang tdi si vl
She told me her address, which Iwrote down on a piece of paper.
(C6 ta cho tdi dja chl, tdi tevititnd vAo 1 td g&y)
- The strike at the car factory, which lasted ten days, is now over.
(Cube dfoh cdng tai nhA mdy $An xuSt xe hdi, kdo ddi 10 ngAy, nay te kt thuc)

Hly nhd ring chung ta dung who/which thay cho he/she/it/they:


Last night we went to Ann's party, which we enjoyed very much.(kh6ng ndi " which
we enjoyed it very much")
(Tdi hdm qua chOng tdi c6 d&n dv t$c ciia Ann, ctiling tOi rSt vui thfcti)

Ban cung c6 th dung whose, whom vk where trong cdc m$nh 66 quan h$ "cung cap

thOng tin":

Martin, whose mother is Spanish, speaks both Spanish and English fluently.
(Martin, co mg id ngddi T&y Ban Nha, ndi tr6i ch&y c&c tting TSty Ban Nha ln tiSng
Mr Hogg is going to Canada, where his son has been living for five years.
(Ong Hogg see di Canada, ndi con trai 6ng ta di s6ng dupe S ndm).
My sister, whom(who) you once met. is visiting us next week.(Chj tdi , m c6 iSn
ban da gap, s ddrrthSm chiing ta tun tdi)

d bid't thfim v6 whose, whom va where, hay xem bdi 90..

Xem bii ktf tidp
hiii r& hdn v6 m$nh 66 quan h "cung c5p thOm thfing tin"

UNIT 91: Exercises

91.1 In this exercise you have to write these sentences again together with a relative clause.
Sometimes the relative clause is in file middle of tfie sentence, sometimes at the
end.Use the sentences in brackets to make your relative clauses.

Examples: Tom's father goes swimming every day (Tom's father is 78)

She told me her address (I wrote her address down on a piece of paper)
She told me her address which I wrote down on a piece of paper.

She showed me a photograph of her son (Her son is a policeman)

She showed me a photograph of her son,

We decided not to swim in the sea (The sea looked rather dirty)

The new stadium will be opened next month (The stadium holds 90,000 people)
John is one of my closest friends (I have known John for eight years)

That man over there is an artist (I don't remember his name) (use whose)

Opposite our house there is a nice park ( There are some beautiful trees in this
park) (use where)
The storm caused a lot of damage (Nobody had been expecting the storm)

***** *** *** *** *** *** *** *

was late

*" "* "* *"

" "" **

144 441


141 144 4fc




The postman

We often go to visit our friends in Bristol (Bristol is only 30 miles away)


this morning (The postman is nearly always on time)


10 Mr Edwards has gone into hospital for some tests (His health hasn't been good
recently) (use whose)
11 Jack lools much nicer without

his beard (His beard

made him look much older)

.. ..

12 I went to see the doctor (The doctor told me to rest for a few days)

%%t rf

rn Mr

im %%+








M4 M 444 444 444 444 444 444


very happy to get your letter)



W* 444

-M .4*

13 Thank you for your letter (I was


m w




f# T4t r4



|r 4




rr* Mr iv

w# #ra


IM*. M-

m m <r

i* rM




14 A friend of mine helped me to get a job (His lather is the manager of a company)
(use whose)
15 Next week-end I'm going to Glasgow (My sister lives in Glasow) (use where)




4 44

...... ~ ... ...... .........

444 444


MB 444 444 444



444 444

...... .........


W4 444

44+ 444

44# M


44 444 Hi

444 444 444 41#

...... ...... ......

16 The population of London is now falling {London was once the largest city in the



H. I-

."1 .1.

~. ..I ..



.a. ..I


V. >1


17 I looked up at the moon (The moon was very bright that evening)



4 44

444 444 444

rM 4H




4W #44 44


444 44 444 4 44 M# V44 44* 444 444 #44 #4 444 444 #44 44# 444 444

m 4# M4 H#





Mr Ha h

in Ht

M# HilrmHi ro

484 44* 444 #44 444


444 844 #8# 448 444

44# 444 444 H# 44* 448 444 444 484 44 444 444 144 #M 44#t 144 444 4






18 We spent a pleasant day by the lake (We had a picnic by the lake) (use where)

44 444 !#

91.1 1







She showed me a photograph of her son. who is a policeman.

We decided not to swim in the sea, which looked rather dirty.
The new stadium, which holds 90,000 people, will be opened next month.
John, who (or whom) Ihave known for eight year, is one of my closest friends.
That man over there, whose name Idon't remember, is an artist.
Opposite our house there is a nice park, where there are some beautiful trees.
The storm, which nobody hadbeen expecting, caused a lot of damage.
The postman, who is nearly always their on time, was late this morning.
We often go to visit our friends in Bristol, which is only 30 miles away.
Mr Edwards, whose health hasn't been good recently, has gone into hospital for
some tests.
Jack looks much nicer without his bear.d, which made him look much older.
I went to see the doctor, who told me to rest tor a few days.
Thank you for your letter, which Iwas very happy to get.
A friend of mine, whose father is the manager of a company, helped me to get a
Next week-end I'm going to Glasgow, where my sister lives.
The population of London, which was once the targestcity in the world, is now
I looked up at the moon wh/ch was very bright that evening.
We spent a pleasant day by the lake, where we had a picnic.

BAI92: RELATIVE CLAUSES (m#nh de quan he)

(5) : Mnh de "cung cap them thong tin"
B$n xem bai tn/dc khi xem bSi nAy
a) Gitfi tir + whom/ which:

Trong cdc m$nh de cung clip thm thdng tin, b$n c6 th3 dung mot gicti ttf (preposition)
trade whom (chf ngudi) vk which (ch? vat). Vi vay ban c6 the ndi "to whom/ with, whom /
about which/for which"...
Mr Carter, to whom I spoke on the phone last night, is very interested in our plan.
(Ong Carter, ngudi mi toi ndi chuyen qua didn tho&t t6i h6m qua rit quan tarn den
ke hoqch cua chung ta)

Fortunately we had a map, without which we would have lost

(That may min la chung toi co ban do. neu khdng chic hin chung toi da lac
Nhi/ng trong vSn n6i {spoken English), chung ta thi/dng dSt gidi tu" sau dong tC/ trong
menh de quan he. Trong trtfdng hpp d6. chung ta thi/dng dung who (khdng dung whom):
This is Mr Carter, who I was tel ing you about.
(Diy li 6ng Carter, ngudi mi tdi da ndi vdi ban do)
Yesterday we visited the City Museum, which I'd never been to before.
(Ngiy hdm qua chdng toi den thim Vi$n Bio Ting Thinh Phd' , ndi mi trudc day
t6i chUa tilng din)
b) All of/mo9t of... + whom/which. H&y

xem thi du sau:

Jack has three brothers. All of them are married. (2 c&u)

- Jack has three brothers, all ot whom are married. (1 cSu)
(Jack co ba ngudi anh. tat ci d/Su da lip gia dlnb r&i)
Ann has a lot of books. She hasn't read most of them (2 c&u)
-> Ann has a lot of books, most of which she hasn't read. (1 cdu)
_ (Ann co nhieu sach. nhung cd i'y chUa dpc hiu hit chung).

B?n cung co the ndi:

None of / many of / much of / (a) few of / some of
Any of / half of / each of Iboth of / neither of /
+ who (ch! ngudi), which (ch! vit)
Either of / one of / two of..
He tried on three jackets, none of which fitted him.
(Anh ta mit thi ba cii io vit. nhung khdng co cii nao via vdi anh ta)
They've got three cars, two of which they never use.
(Ho cd ba chiic xe hdi, hat trong si do ho ching bao gid dung din)
Tom has a lot of friends, many of whom he was at school with.
(Tom co nhieu ban, trong do cd nhiiu ngt/di hQC cung trudng vdi anh ta)


Two men, neither of whom I had seen before, came into my office.
(Hai ngifdi ddn 6ng, khdng cd ai tritdc dSy tdi da titng g&p, budc v&o vSn phdng cua

c) Which (khdng phAi " what"): Xem thl dy sau:

IJim passed his driving test.l ITh)$| surprised everybody (2 c&u)

(Jim da dSu ky thi iSy bdng Idi.DiSu n&y i&m moi ngifdi ngac nhidn)

IJim passed his driving test.l Iwhlchl surprised everybody (1 cfiu)

(Viec Jim d$u ky thi iSy bang Idi <J$ Idm moi ngifdi ngac nhidn)

Trong thl dy ny which =" vi$c anh ta d$u k thi l&'y bSng li."
Ban khdng th$ dting what thay cho which trong nhOng cdu tUdng ty nhutrfin:
She wouldn't come to the party, which was a pity "khdng ndi"~ what was a pity"
(C6 &y khdng dSn d{f tide dupe. 66 Id dieu ddng tiS'c)
The weather was very good, which we hadn't expected (khdng ndi
what we
hadn't expected").
(Thdi tidt rSt t6t, dd khdng ph&i Id diSu chiing tdi mdng dpi)

Ve what, xem b&i 89c.

UNIT 92: Exercises

92.1 In this exercise you have to write these sentences again, together with a relative clause.
Use the sentences in brackets to make your relative clauses.

Example: Mr. Carter is very interested in our plan (I spoke to him on the phone last
Mr Carter, who I spoke to on the phone last night is very interested in nnr
or Mr Carter, to whom I spoke on the phone last night Is vary Interested in
our plan.
1 This is a photograph of our friends (We went on holiday with them)
This is.
2 The wedding took place last Friday (only members of the family were invited to it)


I've just bought some books about astronomy (I'm very interested in astronomy)



m m M* m w



tt M




m Ml

ivt tat m mmm ewe

ms m tittttat *#t




Itt mtM

92.2 Now you have to make sentences with all of / most of efc. + whom/ which.

Example: Jack has three brothers. All of them are married.

Jack has three brothers, all of whom are married.
1. They gave us a lot of information. Most of It was useless
They gave


tH litvt

2. There were a lot of people at the party. I had met only a few of them before.

I have sent him two letters. Neither of them has arrived.

Norman won 20,000. He gave half of it to his parents.

Ten people applied for the job. None of them were suitable.

Tom made a number of suggestions. Most of them were very helpful.

92.3 Now you have to complete these sentences with a relative clause. Use the sentences in
the box to make your relative clauses.

this means I can't leave the country

this makes It difficult to contact her
this makes it difficult to sleep
I thought this was very rude of them

this was very nice of him

this was perfectly true
this was o pity


She couldn't come to the party, which was a pity

Jill isn't on the phone
They said they didn't have any money
I haven't got a passpost


He offered to let me stay in his house

They didn't thank us for the meal before they left
The part of town where Ilive is very noisy at night,



..... .

92.1 1 This is a. photograph of our friends, who we went on holiday with, (or_ friends,
with whom we went on holiday).
2 The- wedding, which only members of the family were invited to, took place last
Friday (or The wedding, to which only members of the family were invited, .. ).
3 I've just bought some books about astronomy, which I'm very interested in {or
astronomy in which I'm very interested).


92.2 1


They gave us a lot of information, most of which was useless.

There were a lot of people at the party, only a few of whom I had met before.
I have sent him two letters, neither of which has arrived.
Norman won 20,0000, half of which he gave to his parents.
Ten people, none of whom were suitable, applied for the job.
Tom made a number of suggestions, most of which were very helpful.


... which makes it difficult to contact her.

3 .. which was perfectly true.
4 ... which means Ican't leave the country.
5 .. which was very nice of him.

92.3 2


. . which I thought was very rude of them.

... which makes it difficult to sleep.


BAl 93:


(Mnh de bat dau bang -ing va -ed)

a) Mnh 66 l& thnh phSn cCia cSu. M$t so m$nh d b&t d5u bang -ing hoac -ed:
Do you know the qirll talking to Tom?) (menh d -ing)
(B$n cd biet cd gAi dang noi chuyen vdi Tom khdng?)
- The man |injured in the accident |was taken to the hospital. (m$nh de -ed)
(Ngudi dan dng bj thuong trong tai nan da di/pc dua vao b$nh vien).
d) Chung ta dung m$nh dd -ing de ndi r&ng ai dd dang iam didu gi hoac si/ viec
dang dien ra vao mot thdi dim eg the:

nao d6

Do you know the girl talking to Tom? {the girl is talking to Tom).
(Ban co bid't cd gai dang n6i chuydn vdi Tom khdng?) (cd gAi do dang ndi chuydn
vdi Tom).
The policemen investigating the robbery are looking for three men. (the policemen
are investigating the robbery).
(Cac cAnh sat diiu tra vy cUdp dang tim kim ba ngudi dan 6ng) (cAnh sat dang
diSu tra vy An).
I was woken up by a bell ringing, (the bell was ringing).
(T6i bj danh thitc d$y bdi mdt hoi chu6ng reo) (chudng dang reo).
Who was that man standing outside? (the man was standing outside).
(Ngudi dAn 6ng dang dting ngodi kia Id ai th&?) (ngudi dim 6ng dang ddng bin
Can you hear someone singing? (someone is singing)
(Ban cd nghe ai dang hat khdng? ) (ai dd dang hat)

B6i vdi see / hear someone doing something, xem bdi 66.

Khi ban dang ndi ve ede si/ vide (va ddi khi ve con ngudi), ban cd th dung mQt menh
66 -ing de midu tii cdc dSc t(nh co djnh (ede dac tinh t6n tai lau dai chu" khdng ph&i chf cd
trong mpt thdi gian eg th$ n&o dd):
The road joining the two villages is very narrow (the road joins the two villages).
(Con dUdng ndi lien hai ngdi lang rd't hep) (con dUdng nidi lien hai ngoi lang).
I live in a pleasant room overlooking the garden, (the room overlooks the garden.)
(Toi d irong mdt cAn phdng dS chju trong ra vUdn) (cAn phong trdng ra vudn.)
c) Cdc mdnh de -ed. mang nghTa bj ddng (passive)

The man injured in the accident was taken to hospital (the man was injured in the

(Ngudi dan 6ng bi thUdng trong tai nan da dupe dUa vAo bSnh vi$n.)
None of the people invited to the party can come (the people have been invited to
the party).
(Tat ca mQi ngudi dupe mdi di/ tiyc d6u khdng defn dupe) (nhffng ngudi da dUpc mdi
dp tide).


Injuredv& invitedId cdc phdn ttf qu& khif (past participles). Nhidu d<ng tCr c6 phdn tCf
qud khuf bdt qui tdc khbng t$n cung bAng -ed.Thl dg: stolen / made / bought / written
The money stolen in the misery was never found (the money was stolen in the


(So tiSn 'bj My <S trong vy cddp hhdng bao gid dupe tlm th&y) (s6 ti4n bj My di trong

vy cutip).
Most of the goods made in this factory are exported (the goods are made in this
(HSu Hit hang hoa sin xuSt tai nh& mpy nay dSu dupe xuSt kh&y.) (hdng ho& di/pc
sin xu&l tyi-nha may nay).
Xem bing d$ng tit bit qui tic 6 phin phg lyc 2

d) Chting ta thitdng dung cdc m$nh di -ing vd -ed sau there Is / there was- Is there anybody waiting for me?
(CO ai dang dpi tdi khOng?)
There were some children swimming in the river
(LOc d6 cd vdi dda tri dang bdi trOn sdng)
- When I arrived, there was a big red car parkedoutside the house.
(Khi tdi dn. da cd m$t chMc xe hdi to mdu do d&u bin ngodi ngdi nhd)

biit thdm m$nh di -4ng, xem bdi 67.

UNIT 93: Exercises

93.1 In this exercise you have to re-write the sentences Each time use the information in
brackets to make an -ing clause.
Example: That girt is Australian (she is talking to Tom).


A plane crashed into the sea yesterday (it was carrying 28 passengers)
A planeWhen I was walking home, there was a man (he was following me)


Iwas woken up by the baby (she was crying)
At the end of the street there is a path (the path leads to the river)
Some paintings were stolen from the palace (they belong to the Queen)

93.2 This exercise is similar but this time you have to make an -ed clause.
Example: The man was taken to hospital (he was injured in the accident)


The window has now been repaired (it was broken in last night*s storm)
The window.

Most of the suggestion were not very practical (they were made at the meeting)

The paintings haven't been found yet, (they were stolen from the museum)


9 9 *

9 9 9 9

9 %*9***+***99999<999*m*%99%999999mn9999999999*9*9*%*99%m99999

If I

Did you hear aboul the boy? (he was knocked down in way to school this morning)

93.3 Complete these sentences with the following verbs . Each time you have to put the verb
in the correct from:











I was woken up by a boll ringing.

None of the people invited to the party can come.

Tom has got a brother

.. . .................. .

in a bank in London and a sister

economics at university in Glasgow,

.Jack phoned while you were out.
All letterstoday should arrive tomorrow
When I entered the waiting-room there was nobody
by the window... a magazine.
manA few days after the interview. I received a letter
There was a tree
down in the storm last night.
Sometimes lite must be very unpleasant for people



except for a young

me the job.

near airports


A plane carrying 28 passengers crashed into the sea yesterday

When I was walking home, there was a man following
I was woken up by the bady crying.
At the end of the street there is a path leading to the river
Some paintings belonging to the Queen were stolen from the palace

93.2 1

The window broken in last night's storm has now been repaired
Most of the suggestions made at the meeting were not very practical

93.1 1


The paintings stolen from the'museum haven't been found yet

Did you hear about the boy knocked down on his way to school this morning?


working.,, studying
waiting., sitting reading



93.3 3



BAI 94:


tgn cung bang-ING va -ED

a) C6 rait nhidu c$p tfnh td (adjectives) tSn cung bang -ingv a -ed. Thi dy nhii boring
bored Hay xem xdt tinh hud'ng miu sau


Jane has been doing the same job for a very

long time. Every day she does exactly the same
thing again and again. She doesn't enjoy it any more
and would like to do something different.
(Jane da lam cung mdt cong viec trong mdt thdi
gian rat ti<ji. Hang ngay cO lam di Idm l$i moi mdt
cong vide do Co ay khdng cdn thlch cong vide ay
nOa vi muon lam mot viec gl khac).
Jane's job is boring.
(Cdng vide cua Jane qua nhdm chdn.)
Jane is bored (with her job.)
(Jane dm thSy chan) (cdng viec cua cd ta.)


Ai dd -ed (nhdn hanh dQng nao) nid'u cdi gi d6 (hay ai dd) -fng. (tyo ra hanh ddng)
Ho$c, neu m$t ci gi dd -ing, nd iam cho ban -ed. Vi vay:
Jane is bored because her job is boring
(Jane chan nan vl cdng vide cua cd ay qua nham.)
- Jane's job is boring, so Jane is bored, (khdng ndi "Jane is boring")
(Cdng viec cua Jane qua nham chan. v) vay cd ay chan nan.)

Hay xem cac thi dy sau:

Ai dd "interested" (thlch. quan tdm) vi cd didu qi dd (hay ai dd) "interesting" (hay. hap
dan. ly thu):
Tom is interested in politics, (khdng ndi "in politics")
(Tom quan tarn ddn chtnh tri)
Tom finds politics interesting
(Tom thay chinh trj rat ly thu)
Are you interested \r\ buying a car?
(Ban co quan tdm ddn chuydn mua mot chide xe hoi khdng?)
Did you meet anyone interest,ng at the party?
(Ban cd gap ai do dd mdn tpi bita tide khdng?)
Ai dd "surprised" (ngac nhidn) vi dieu gi dd "surprising" (lam ngac nhidn):
Everyone was surprised that he passed the examination.
(Moi ngudi ai cung ngac nhidn vl anh ta da thi dau)
It was quite surprising that he passed the examination.
(Thdt dang ngac nhidn Id anh ta da thi dau)

Ai dd disappointed" (that vqng)v i didu gi dd "disappointing" (Idm that vgng):

I was disappointed with the film. I expected it to be much better.
(Tdi that vqng ve bo phim. Tdi da nghi nd hay hon nhieu)


The film was disappointing. I expected it to be much better.

(86 phim 16m toi th3t vpng. T6i da nghi ring nd phii hay hdn nhiSu).
At dd "tired" (m6t mdi) vl cd <3iu gi dO "tiring" f/im mdt mdi).
He is always very tired when he gets home from work.
(Anh ta Iu6n thay m$t mdi khi di 16m v4).
He has a very tiring job.
(Anh ta co m6t cdng viec n6ng nhpc).
Nhtfng cap tinh tLf khdc t|n cung bang -Ing vk -ed:
Fascinating (Idi cu6n;hSp dan)
Exciting (soi <36ng)
Amusing (hay, vui)
Amazing (16m kinh ng$c)
Astonishing (14m kinh ngac)
Shocking (lam sCfng sd't)
Disgusting (16m kinh tdm)
Embarrassing (lam b6i r6i)
Confusing (lam b6i r6i)
Horrifying (14m kinh hoing)
Terrifying (kinh khigp)
Frightening (16m sd hai)
Depressing (16m n6n chl)
Worrying (14m lo ling)
Annoying (16m phiin, qui'y riy)
Exhausting (lam met nhoii)
Satisfying (lam thda man)

fascinated (bj I6i cuon; bj thu htit)

excited (bj kfch dong)
amused (thd'y vui thfch)
amazed (kinh ngac; thSy la lung)
astonished (kinh ngac)
shocked (sCfng sd't)
disgusted (kinh tdm)
embarrassed (dm thgy b<5i roi)
confused (cam thS'y boi roi)
horrified (kinh hoang)
terrified (khi&p sd)
frightened (sd hai)
depressed (nin chi)
worried (to ling)
annoyed (thSy kh6 chiu)
exhausted (mt nhoai)
satisfied (thda man)

UNIT 94: Exercises

In this exercise you have to complete two sentences for each situation. Use an
adjective ending in -f ng or -ed to complete each sentence.
The film wasn't as good as we had expected (disappoint).
a) The film was disappointing.
b) We were disappointed with the film.



1. It's been raining all day. I hate this weather (depress-)

a) This weather isb) This weather makes me
2. Astronomy is one of Tom's main interests (interest-)
a) Tom is
in astronomy
b) He finds astronomy very
3 I turned off the television in the middle of the program me (bor-)
b) I was
a) The program me was.
4 Ann is going to America next month. She has never been there before (exoit-)
She is really
.about going.
experience for her.
It will be an
5 Diana teaches young children. It's a hard job (exhaust-)
a) She often finds her job
b) At the end of the day's work she is often


94.2 Choose the right adjective.

Example: \ was

We were all
It's sometimes

ing with the film. 1 had expected it to be better.

when we heard about the disaster.
when you have to ask people for

Are you interesting/interested in football?
I enjoyed the football match. It was quite exciting/excited.
It was a really terrifying/terrified experience. Afterwards everybody was very


never expected to be offered the job. I was really

was offered It.
The kitchen hadn't been cleaned for ages. I was really
Do you easily get


I had

when I

94.3 Complete these sentence with an adjective ending in -Ing or-ed. The first letter(s) of
the adjective are given each time.
Example: Jane finds her job boring. She wants to do something diflerent


in art.
I seldom visit art galleries. I'm not very in
We went for a very long walk. It was very ti
? Is your life really so b.
Why do you always look so b
people I've ever met. He never stops
He's one of the most b.


talking and never says anything in
when I heard they, were getting divorced. They had always
I wasas
seemed so happy together.
about it.
I'm starting a new job next week. I'm quite ex_

94.1 1


94.2 1





terrifying... shocked



bored- boring


94.3 1


a) depressing
a) interested
a) boring
a) excited
a) exhausting



boring_ interesting

BAI 95: Thti Xtf cua ti'nh t ii ("a nice new house")
Tfnh tif dtfng sau dQng Xii ("Do you feel tired?")
a) D6i khi chung ta suf r*yng hai hay nhiQu tfnh tir cung mQt luc:
Tom lives in a nice new house.
(Tom sd'ng trong mdt cdn nhd mdi xinh x&n).
In the kitchen there was a beautiful large round wooden table.
(Trong nhd bd'p c6 mdt cai ban go trdn Idn vd dep.)
Cdc tfnh tCr nhu new / large round / wooden Id cdc tfnh tCf midu td, chl sy kiQn (fact
adjectives). Chung cho ta biQt nhOng thing tin khdch quan vQ mQt vQt hay mQt diQu gl
d6(tuQi tdc, kfch thudc, mdu sac..). Cdc tfnh to nhu nice / beautiful Id nhOng tinh tit chl y
kid'n (opinion adjectives) cua ngi/tii n6i. ChQng cho ta bitft cdm nghT cCia ai d<3 v mQt vdt
hay mot si/ viQc ndo d6.
Cdc tfnh tCf chl y kiQn thudng ddng trudcckc tfnh til midu td:
Y kid'n




miflu td

large round wooden

(mdt ngdy

n&ng dep)

(mdn xup ndng ngon Idnh)

(mdt thanh men thdng minh)
(m$t bdn gd trdn vA dep)

b) Bdi khi cd hai hodc nhiQu tfnh td midu td ddng liQn nhau. Chung ta thi/dng (khfing phdi
luon luon) sdp xQp chung theo thti ti/ sau:

kfch thudc

tuQi tdc

mdu sdc


a tall young man (1-2)

(mpt thanh nidn cao Idn)
big blue eyes (1-3)
(ddi mdt xanh vd to)

chdt liQu


a large wooden table (1-5)

(mdt chide bAn Idn bAng gd)
an old Russian song (2-4)
(mdt bdi hAt Nga c6)
an old white cotton strirt (2-3-5)
(mdt chiSc ao sd mi vdi tr&ng cu ky)

a small black plastic bag (1-3-5)

(mdt chide tui nht/a nhd mdu den)
Cdc tlnh Xii chl kfch thudc vd chilu ddi (big/small/tall/short/long v.v...) thtfifng dtfng UUdc
cdc tinh ttf chl hinh ddng vd chiQu rQng (round/fat/thin/slim/wide-).
a large round table
a tall thin girl
(mdt cAi bAn trdn Idn)
(mdt cd gai cao gdy)
a long narrow street
(mdt con dUdng tiki vd hep)
c) Chiing ta cung dung tfnh ttf sau mQt sQ dQng tCr. ddc biQt Id cdc dQng tCf be/get/
Are you tired?
(Ban co mdt khdng?)

Be carefulI
(Ray cdn thAn!)

I'm getting hungry.

(Tdi dang ddi bung d&y)


Chiing ta cOng dung tinh tCr sau c&c d0ng tti feel/smell/taste/sound/seem/look:
- Do you feel tired?
(Bgn cd mdt khdng?)
The dinner smells good.
(BCfa cam tdi tda mill ngon qua}
Tom sounded angry when I spoke to him on the phone
(Giong Tom cd vd giSn dQ khi tdi ndi chuySn qua didn thpai vdi anh ta)
- This tea tastes a bit strange
(Lo$i tr nAy c6 w hdi la}
Your friend seems very nice
(Ban cua anh co vS rat til tS)
Nhung sau c&c d6ng til khc ban dung m$t trang ftf (adverb) (xem thSm cAc b&i 96 vA 97)
- Drive carefuiiy! (khdng n6i "drive careful")
(Hay lai xe cMn th$nl)
Susan plays the piano very well (khdng n<Ji "plays... very good")
(Susan chdi piano rSt gidi)
Tom shouted at me angrily, (khdng n6i "shouted .. angry")
(Tom quat thao toi mot each gi$n dd.)
Look: Chung ta dung m$t tinh td sau d$ng tu" look khi n6 c6 nghTa l& "dudng nhd, cd

Tom looked sad when I saw him.
(Tom cd vS budn khi tdi g&p anh ta)

Nhutig sau look at. chtjng ta ph&i dung mQt trang tCf:
Tom looked at me sadly, (khong noi" looked at me sad")
(Tom nhln tdi mdt cAch budn rau)

UNIT 95: Exercises

95.1 Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct position.
a beautiful round wooden table.
Example: a beautiful table (wooden round)




an unusual ring (gold)

an old lady (nice)
a good-looking man (young)
a modem house (attractive)
black gloves (leather)
an American film (old)
a large nose (red)
a sunny day (lovely)
a hot bath (nice)
an ugly dress (orange)
a red car (old/little)
a metal box (black/small)
a long face (thin)


a wide avenue (long)

a big cat (1at/black)
a little village (old/loved)
long hair (fair/beautiful)
an old painting (interesting/French)



95.2 Complete each sentence with a verb and an adjective from the box








Ann seemed upset this morning Do you know what was wrong?
I can't eat this. I've just tried it and it.
Jim told me about his new job last night. It...
better than his old job.
I wasn't very well yesterday but t
What beautiful flowers! They
VouHave you been out in the rain?



95 3 Choose the right word, adjective or adverb.

Examples: The dinner smefis good / well.



Please shut the door quiet/quietly

Can you be quiet/quietly. please?
This soup tastes nice/nicely.
Tom cooks very good/well.
Don't go up that ladder. It doesn't look safe/safely.
We were relieved that he arrived safe/safely after his long journey.
Do you feel nervous/nervously before examinations?
Hurry up! Your' re always so slow/slowly.
He looked at me angry/apgrily when I interrupted him.



an unusual gold ring

a nice old lady
a good-looking young man
an attractive modern house
black leather gloves
an old American film
a large red nose


a lovely sunny day

9 a nice hot bath
10 an ugly orange dress
11a litter old car
12 a small black metal box
13 a long thin face
14 a long wide avenue
15 a big fat black cat
16 a lovely little old village
17 beautiful long lair hair
1 an interesting old French painting


2 tastes awful
4 feel fine
6 look wet

3 sounded... interesting
5 smell nice


1 quietly
3 nice
5 safe

2 quiet

7 nervous

4 well
6 safely
8 slow

9 angrily


BAi 96: Tl'NH TIT va TRANG Ttt (1) (quick/quickly)


Hay xem cAc thi dy sau:

Our holiday was too short -the time went quickly

(Ky nghl hi chung Idi qua ngin -thdi gian trdi nhanh gM)
The driver of the car was seriously injured in the accident.
{Ngi/di tii xd bi thuong ning Irong tai n?n do.)
Quiclyvi seriously IA cdc trgng ttf (adverbs). Nhieu trgng til di/yc th&nh lap tir mOt tinh

to +ly.

Tinh td: quick

Tr$ng td: quickly
Vg lut chlnh t&, xem phan phy lye 3. D6i vdi hard / fast / well xem bi 97.
Khing phii taft ci nhOng chG 1An cOng bang -ly dieu la-trang til. C6 mot s6 tfnh tir
cOng tSn cung b&ng -ly.Thl dy:
(Thin thiSn)

(S6ng ding)

(Ddng tuoi)

(C6 dan)

(Ngu ngoc)

(Dang ySu)

b) Tlnh tCT hay trng tif?

Tinh tir cho chung ta bid't thdm vA danh tir (tfnh tCf tx$ nghla cho danh td). Chiing ta
dung tinh tir trade danh tir vA sau m$t d$ng tir (nht IA dQng tCT to be):
- Tom is a careful driver.
(Tom li mdt tii xS can than.)
8e quiet, please!
(Xin hay gid yn ling!)
We didn't go out because of the heavy rain.
(Chung tii di khing ra ngoii vl trdi mda to.)
I was disappointed that my exam results were so bad.
(Tii thi't vong vl kit qui thi cua tii qui t.)

D6i vdi cAc tfnh tif sau iook/smeIl/feel .. hay xem bAi 95c
Treng tir cho chung ta biS't thdm vA dQng tir (tr$ng tif bd> nghla cho ding Id). Trng tir
md t mdt ngirdi IAm mdt vi$c nha thA r>Ao, ho3c mdt sy vide nAo dd xSy ra nha thA nAo:
Tom drove carefully along the narrow road, (khdng ndi "drove careful")
(Tom Hi xe mdt cich th$n trgng doc theo con dddng nhd hep.)

Speak quietly, pleasel (khdng ndi "speak quiet")

(Lim an ndi nhd thii I)
We didn't go out because it was raining heavilty. (kh6ng n6r raining heavy")
(Chung tii khing ra ngoii vl lie do trdi dang mda ning hat)
I was disappointed that Idid so badly in the exam, (khdng ndi" did so bad")
(Tii thi't vong v) tii da lim bai thi qui ti.)
We didn't go out because it was raining heavily ( khdng n6i * raining heavy")
(Chung tii khing ra ngoii vi lie di tr&idang mda ning hat.)
I was disappointed that I did so badly in the exam, (khdng ndi "did so bad")
(Toi that vong vl tii da lim bii thi qui ti.)


Hay so Scinh:
She speaks perfect English.
(linh tCf +danh tCf)
(C6 Sy n6i ting Anh hoan hao.)
She speaks English perfectly
(dong tif+tuc trt +trgng tCr)
(C6 ay noi tieng Anh mot each hoan h&o)


Chung ta cung dung trng tif tru"dc tfrih titvk cac trang til khc. V( dy:
Reasonably cheap
(trang tCf + Unh til)
re mot each hyp \<j.
rt lay lam tiec.
Terribly sorry
(trang tir+ tin h til)
Incredibly quickly (trang tir + trang td) nhanh dn kh6 tin.
It's a reasonbly cheap restaurant and the food is extremely good.
(D6 la mot nha hang gia c re phii ch&ng
thtfc an Ihi ngon vo cung.)
Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mean to push you
(O, thanh th t xin Idi. T6i khong cd y day ban dau )
Maria learns languages incredibly quickly.
(Maria hoc ngoai ngO nhanh den kho tin).
I was bittely disappointed that Ididn't get the job
(Toi that vong vo cung vi khong nhan dupe cdng vide do.)

The examination was surprisingly easy

(Ky thi de den kinh ngac)
Ban c6 thd* dung m6t trang t(/ trade mot phan td qua khd (injured/ organised...)
- The meeting was very badly organsied.
(Buoi hop dupe to chdc rSt t6i.)
The driver of the car was seriously injured in the accident.
(NgUdi tai xe bi thUdng ndng trong tai nan do.)
The building was totally destroyed in the fire.
(Tda nha bj thiiu huy hoan loan trong

vu h6a hoan.)

UNIT 96: Exercises

96.1 In (his exercise you have to decide whether the underlined words are right or wrong
Correct those which are wrong.
WRONG -seriously
Examples:The driver of the car was serious injured.
Be quiet please! I'm trying to concentrate.




I waited nervous in the waiting -room before the interview

Why were you so unfriendly when I saw you yesterday?
It rained continuous for three days .
Alice and Stan are very happy married
Tom's French is not very good but his German is almost fluent
Eva lived lh America for five year, so she speaks very well English
Everybody at the party was very colourful dressed
Ann likes wearing colourful clothes
Sue is terrible upset about losing her job



9S.2 This time you have to complete the sentences with adverbs. The first letter (s) of
each adverb are given
Example: We didn't go out because it was raining heavily.

We had to wait for a long time but we didn't complain. We waited pat

I lost the match because I played very ba

I don't think he trusted me. He looked at me so sus
Sorry, I didn't mean to kick you. 1 didn't do it int
Nobody knew he was coming He arrived unex
Jill has just got a job in a shop but she won't be staying there long. She is only
until she can find another job
working there tern
My French isn't very good but I can understand per
if people
speak si
.and c!
I had little difficulty finding a flat. I found one quite ea



96.3 Choose two words (one from each box) complete each sentence.









* ill



I thought the restaurant would be expensive but it was reasonably cheap.

George's mother is
in hospital.
The fire destroyed our house but luckly we were
What a big house! It's
It wasn't a serious accident. The car was only
A lot of things went wrong during our holiday because it was
The children are normally very lively but they're
When I returned home after 20 year, everything had
about your book. I'll buy you another one.









wrong -nervously


wrong-speaks very good English
(or speaks English very well)
wrong colourfully






perfectly... slowly., clearly
seriously ill
fully insured (or: completely
absolutely enormous
slightly damaged

badly planned
unusually quiet (or:
extremely/completely quiet)
completely changed
extremely sorry


BAI 97:

TINH Ttt va TRANG Tl/ (2)

(Good/well, fast/hard/late, hardly)

a) Good/well: Good la thh til. Tr$ng til cua good Id well:

- Your English is very good. (TUng Anh cua ban rat t6t).
You speak English well. (Bgn noi tiing Anh gidi).
- Susan is a good pianist (Susan Id mdt ngUdi chdi dUdng c&m gidi).
She plays the piano well. (C6 ta choi difdng c&m gidi).
Chung ta thadng dCing well vdi cdc phdn ta qud khtf (dressed, known...):
Well-dressed (An mAc dqp) (khdng ndi "good- dressed")
Well-known (nSi tiing)
well-educated (cd hoc van cao)
Nhu"ng well cung Id linh ta vdi nghia " manh gi6i. kh6e".
How are you today? "I'm very well, thanks"
("Hdm nay ban cd khde khdng?) ("Toi rat khde, cam on")"
b) Fast / hard / late: NhOng tti ndy vaa la tinh tifviia Id trpng til :

Tfnh ta:
Jack is a very fast runner.
(Jack Id mdt ngUdi chay rat nhanh)
Ann is a hard woker
(Ann Id mpt cdng nh&n tfch cjc)
The train was late.
(Chuyd'n xe Ida bj trS)

trang ta:
Jack can run very fast.
(Jack cd thi chay rSt nhanh)
Ann works hard.
(Ann lAm vide tfch epe / cin cd)
I got late this morning.
(SAng nay tdi day trS)

T rang ta lately = recently:

Have you seen Tom lately?
(Gin ddy ban co g&p Tom khdng?)
c) Hardly mang y nghia hodn todn khde nhau vdi hard:

Hardly = hiu nhU khdng. Hay xem ede thi dy sau:

George asked Hilda to marry him. She was surpried because they had only known
each other for two days. She said: "We can't get married now! We hardly known
each other" (= we know each other very little; we almost don't know each other).
(George yeu cau Hilda liy anh ta Co rit ngac nhidn vl hp chl mdi bid) nhau cd hai
ngay thdi. Cd noi:" Chung ta khdng thi fcfy nhau vdo luc ndy dupe! Chung ta hau
nhu chi/a biit gi vS nhau cd).
(= chung ta bidt vd nhau qud it; chung ta hdu nhu khdng bidt gi v6 nhau cd).
Why was Tom so unfriendly at the party last night? He hardly spoke to me.
(T$i sao Tom lai cd vS khdng than thipn nhu thi Ipi bOa tide tii hdm qua? Anh ta
hAu nhu chAng ndi chuySn vdi tdi).
Chung ta thddng dung hardly vdi can / could:
Your writing is terrible. I can hardly read it {= I can read It but only with a lot of
(ChO viil cua ban xSu qui Tdi hAu nhu khdng dpc dupe gi cA) (=tdi cd thi dpc
dupe nhUng phii rSt khd khdn).


My leg was hurting me. I could hardly walk.

(ChAn tdi dau quA. Tdi hiu nhu khdng di ntfi ntla)
Chung ta ciing dung hardly vdi any / anyone / anything Ianywhere:*
- "How much money have you got?" "Hardly any" (=almost none, very little).
(Bqn c6 bao nhidu tin?' "H&u nhU khdng. "
(=rSt it)
I'll have to go shopping. We've got hardly any food {almost no food, very little
(T6i sS phAi di chq. Chung t6i hau nhu ching cdn t( thtic An nAo) (=c6n rt it thtfc
- The examination results were very bad. Hardly any passed (=almost no-one
passed, very few people passed.)
(Kt qui thi rtft kern. HAu nhu khdng c6 ai dAu cA.) {-r&t it ngudi dau).
She ate hardly anything because she didn't feel hungry (=she ate almost nothing,
she ate very little).
(Co ta hu nhUching An g) ci bdi v) cd ta khdng thSy dpi.) (=c6 ta 5n rKt it).
Hay IlTu y r&ng ban c6 th n6i:
She hardly ate anything"
- She ate hardly anything
(C6 ta hSu nhu khdng An gi ci).
We've got hardly any food
We've hardly got any food.
(Chung tdi h&u nhu ching cdn tf thifc An nao)

Hardly ever = almost never (hu nhuchUa bao gid) :

- I'm nearly always at home in the evenings. I hardly ever go out.
(Tdi gan nhuludn co d nhA vao budi t6'i. T6i hau nhu khdng di dAu cA.)

UNIT 97: Exercises

97.1 In this exercise you have to decide whether the underlied words are right or wrong.
Correct those which are wrong.
Examples: We lost the match because we didn't play very good.
Ann has been working very hard recently.

Give my best wishes to your parents. Ihope they are well.

The children behaved themselves very good.
I tried hardly to remember his name but Icouldn't.
4 The company's financial situation is not well at present.
5 Jack has started his own business. Everything is going quite good.
6 Don't walk so fast! Can't you walk more slowly?
7 See you soon! Don't work too hard.

97.2 This time you have to finish these sentences with well+one of the following words:

The childen were very good. They were well - behaved

Many people have heard of him. He is quite well-


Their garden is neat and tidy. It is very

You should eat different types of food. Your diet should be
Ann knows quite a lot about many things. She is quite
His clothes weren't very smart. She wasn't very


97.3 Now you have to make sentences with hardly Use the words in brackets.
Example: George and I have only met once, {know / each other) We. hardly know
each other.

I'm very tired this morning (slept/last night) I
You're speaking very quietly (can/hear) I can
I met Keith a few days ago. \ hadn't seen him for a long time. He looks very
different now (recognised) I
They were really shocked when they heard the news (could/speak).




97.4 Complete these sentences with hardly + anything / any / anyone / anywhere / ever.
Example; I'll have to go shopping. We've got hardly any food.
watch televison.
I listen to the radio a lot but I
The weather was good during our holiday. The're was
likes him.
He is nol very popular
to sit down.
It's crowded in here. There's
see each other now.
We used to be good friends but we
to go.
to do and
I hate this town. There's
I enjoyed driving this morning. There was




97.1 1



97.2 2

wrong -well





97.3 1


97.4 1


l-hardly slept last night

I can hardly hear you
I hardly recognised him
They could hardly speak
hardly ever
hardly any
Hardly anyone/anybody
hardly anywhere

hardly ever
hardly anything... hardly anywhere
hardly any


BAI 98:


Hay xem cdc thi du sau:

I didn't enjoy the book. The story was so stupid.
(To/ khdng thich quyen sach do. Cau chuydn qua nham nhi)
I didn't enjoy the book. It was such a stupid story.
(Toi khdng thich quyen sach 66. Do la mdt cau chuydn qua nham nhi)

ChOng ta dung so vbi m$t tinh tit khdng kem theo danh ttf: so stupid
Chung ta dung such vdi mdt tinh Id c6 kdm theo danh td: such a stupid story

Ban cung c6 the dung so vdi mot trgng id:

He's difficult to understand because he speaks so quickly.
(Kho ma hidu di/qc anh ta bdi vl anh ta ndi qua nhanh) "

b) So va such lam cho y nghTa cua tinh td manh hdn:

It's a lovely day. isn't it? It's so warm. (=really warm)
(That 16 mot ngay dep trdi, phai khong? Trdi am that)
We enjoyed our holiday. We had such a good time. (=a really good time)
(Chung toi rS't thich ky ngh! vi/a qua. Chung toi da hiidng difgc nhCrng gid phut that
thu vi)

Hay so sanh so va such trong hai cdu sau day:

I like Tom and Ann. They are so nice.
(Toi thich Tom va Ann. Ho thdt tti te)
I like Tom and Ann. They are such nice people, (khdng nor" so nice people")
(Toi thich Tom va Ann.Ho la nhiJng ngi/di that id td)
Chung ta thudng ndi so... that... vd such... that... (qua. den ndi...).
I was so tired that I went to bed at seven o'clock..
(Toi met den ndi toi da phai di ngu vao luc bay gid)
She worked so hard that she made herself iil.
(Co ay lam viec ci/c nhoc den ndi ngS benh)
II was such lovely weather that we spent the whole day in the garden.
(Thdi tiet hom do de chiu den dd chting tdi da d ca ngay ngoai vUdn)
The book was so good that I couldn't put it down.
(Quyen sach hay den ndi tdi khdng the nao bo no xudng di/gc)
It was such a good that I couldn't put it down.
(Do la mdt quyen sach hay den ndi tdi khdng the bd nd xudng dupe)

Ban co th luge bo that trong nhOng cau tren:

I was so tired (fhat) I went to bed at 7 o'clock.
(Tdi met moi den ndi toi da phSi di ngu vdo luc 7 gid)
c) Trong nhCfng cau sau day, chung ta dung so v such theo mdt edeh khdc:
I expected the weather to be much cooler. 1 didn't expect it to be so warm. (=as
warm as it is).
(Tdi nghi thdi tiet se mdt hdn nhieu. Toi khdng ngd nd lai dm nhi/ the)


I'm tired because I got up at 6 o'clock. I don't usually get up so early. (=as early as
6 o'clock)
(Tdi thSy m&t vl da thOc d$y luc sAu gid. Tdi khdng Ihi/dhg d$y sdm nhif the)
Hurry up! Don't walk so slowly. (=as slowly as you are walking)
(Nhanh I6n. DCfng Cti cham nhu \/Ay).
1 was surpried when Jack told me the house was built tOO year ago
(Tdi da ngac nhidn khi Jack cho (6i biSt c&n nha dUQc xdy cdch ddy 100 n&m)
\ didn't realise it was so old.
(Tdi khong nhdn ra fa no lau ddi dd'n th)
I didn't realise it was such an old house.
(T6i khdng nhdn ra cdn nh& do far fa u ddi dn 1h)

d) ChQng ta n6i: so long nhung pheii n6i "such a long time", so far nhung "such a long
way", so many, so much nhtfng "such alot (of)":

so. fong that I've forgotten what he looks like

(Tdi khdng g&p anh ta ISu dd'n noi toi da qudn anh ta hkih ddng th& nrbo)
I didn't know you lived so far from the city centre (or... such a long way from...)
(Tdi kh6ng biet la ban sd'ng xa trung tam thdnh pho den nhi/ vAy)
Why did you buy so much food? (or.,, such a lot of food?)
(Sao ban mua nhiSu thiic in qua v&y?)
I haven't seen him for

UNIT 98: Exercises


98.1 In this exercise you have to put in so or such.

Examples-. Come on! Don't walk so slowly.
I've never read such a stupid book



.. . . .................
.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .

well afte his recent illness

They've got
a lot of money, they don't know what to do with it
beautiful eyes
She is a very attractive girt. She's got
expensive these days, isn't it?
Everything is
stupid questions?
Why did you ask them
a boring film that 1 fell asleep in the middle of it
It was
strong, it was difficult to walk
The wind was
awful food
The food at the hotel was very bad. I've never eaten
I was surpried that he looked

98.2 This time you have to make a sentence with so from two sentences.
Example: She worked very hard. She made herself ill.
She worked so hard (that) she made herself ill.
1 I was very excited about going away. I couldn't sleep
I was so
2 The water was very dirty. We decided not to go swimming


She speaks English very well. You would think it was her native language

98.3 In this exercise you have to use such instead of so.

Example: The book was so good that Icouldn't put it down.

It was such a good book that Lcouldn't put it down.
1 The road is so narrow that It is difficult tor two cars to pass each other.
It is
2 The weather was so warm that I didn't nead a coat.
3 His feet are so big that he has difficulty finding shoes to fit him.
He has got
4 There were so many people in the room that we couldn't move.
There were


98.4 Now you have to complete these sentences.

Example: We had a lot of problems. We hadn't expected to ffave so many problems.
1 It's quite a long way from your house to the station.
Ididn't know it was so..
2 It took us a long time to get home this evening.
It doesn't usually take us so
3 You've got a lot of funiture in this room.

Why have you got so

98.1 1 so

7 so

2 such
5 such
8 such

3 such

6 such

98.2 1 Iwas so excited about going away

(that) Icouldn't sleep.
2 The water was so dirty (that) we
decided not to go swimming.
3 She speaks English so well (that)
you would think it was her native
98.3 1 It is such a narrow road (that) it is
difficult for cars to pass each

It was such warm weather (that) I

didn't need a coat.
He has got such big feet (that) he
has difficulty finding shoes to fit

4 There were such a lot of people in
the room (that) we couldn't move.
98.4 1 I didn't know it was so far from
your house to the station.
2 It doesn't usually take us so long
to get home (in the evening)
3 Why have you got so much
furniture in this room?


BAi 99:
a) V| tr( cua enough:


. _.



Enough diing sau tfnh til v& trang M: .

- He didn't get the job because he wasn't experienced enough, (khdng n6i "enough
(Anh ta khdng nhSn dupe cdng vi$c do vl anh ta khdng du kinh nghidm)
You won't pass the examination if you don't work hard enough.
(Ban se khdng thi d&u ndu ban khdng hqc hdnh ch&mchl diing mOc)

She can't get married yet. She's not old enough.

(C6 ta chUa thd lAp gia dlnh dupe. C6 fa chua du tuoi)
Enough dtfng tri/dc danh ttf:

- He didn't get the job because he didn't have enough experience, (khdng ndi
"experience enough").
(Anh ta khdng nhSn dU(fc cdng vide dd V) anh ta du kinh nghi$m)
- I'd like to go on holiday but I haven't got enough money.
(Tdi mudn di nghl mdt rthung chi/a co du tidn)
- Some of had to sit on the floor because there weren't enough chairs.
(Mdt vii ngtfdi trong chung tdi ph&i ngdi trdn sin nhi vi khdng cd du ghd)

Ban cOng cd th diing enough mdt mlnh (khdng c6 danh tir di kdm):
I'll lend you some money if you haven't got enough.
(Tdi sd cho ban mt/dn mdt ft tidn ndu ban khdng cd du)

b) Sau enough v too ban cd ih dung for someone / something:

- I haven't got enough money for a holiday.
(Tdi chua cd du tidn dd di nghl mat).
- He wasn't experienced enough for the job.
(Anh ta khdng du kinh nghidm doi vdi cdng vi$c do).
- This shirt is too big for me. I need a smaller size.
(Cai ao $d miniy qui fo ddi vdi toi. Tdi can cd nhd hon).
Nhimg thudng thl chuhg ta khdng ndi "enough / too!., for doing something". Chiing ta
dCing to + dQng tCf nguydn miu sau enough v too. Vi vSy chung ta n6i "enough money to
do something", "old enough to do something", "too young to do something" v:v..;
I haven't got enough money to go on holiday (khdng n61 "for going").
(Tdi khdng cd dCi tidn dd di nghl mat).
- He wasn't exeperienced enough to do the job.
(Anh ta khdng du kinh nghi$m ddi vdi cdng vide dd). '
She's only sixteen. She's not old enough to get married (or She's too young to get

(Cd ta mdi mudi sau tudi. Cd ta chi/a du tudi dd l&p gia dlnh (ho&c Cd ta con qui
tri khdng thd lip gia dlnh dugc).
Let's get a taxi. It's too far to walk.
(Chung tahay don mdt chide taxi. DUdng qui xa khdng thd di bd dupe).


There weren't enough chairs for everyone to sit down.


(Khdng cd du gh& cho mpi ngUdi ngdi).

The weather wasn't nice enough to go swimming.
(Thdi ii4t khdng dupe tdt tim <34 df boi).
He spoke too quickly for us to understand. (Anh ta ndi nhanh qui khifn chung tdi khdng hi&u dupe).

c) Ghung ta n6i:

The food was hot that we couldn't eat it.

(ThCtc in ndng dSn ndi tdi khdng th4 in 6UQc).
- The food was very hot. We couldn't eat / it.
(Thdc in rSt ndng. Chung tdi khdng thein dUrfc).
ho$c chOng ta n6i:
r The food was too hot to eat. (khdng c6 "if).
(ThCTc in ndng qua khdng th4 in dirge).
Seu day la m$t s6 thi dy tUdng ty:
That picture is too heavy to hang on the wall.
(Biic tranh <36 qui ning khdng thi treo trin ti/dng <3U0c):
I had to carry my wallet in my hand. It was too big to put in my pocket.
(Tdi phSi dm cai vitrong tay: N6 qua to khdng th4 bd vio tui dirge).
The water wasn't dean enough to sw/min..
(Nude khdng du sqch de cd thS bci dirge).

UNIT 99: Exercises


99.1 Complete these sentences using enough with one of the following wolds:.









.. . . . . . . .

She can't get married yet. She's not old enough.

2 Tom would like to buy a car but he hasn't got., .,
3 I couldn't make coffee for everybody. There weren't..
Or shall Iswitch on the heating?
4 Are you
for all of you.
5 It's only a.small car. There isn't
6 George didn't feel............/........;.... . to go work this morning.
7 I didn't finish the examination. Ididn't have......
to apply for the job?
8 Do you think I've got
for you.
9 - Try this jacket on and see if it's..



99.2 Answer these questions using ,the' word in.brackets.

Example: "Is she getting married?" (not old enough).




''Why can't you talk to me now?" (too busy) "I'm too

."Let's go to the cinema" (too late) "No. it's.:

"Why don't we sit in the garden?" (not warm enough)
"It's not..






. -




"Would you like to be a politician?" (too nice)

"No. I'm
5 "Are you going on holiday this year?" (not enough money) "No, I haven't got
6 "Shall we take a photograph?" (too dark) "No
7 "Did you hear what he was saying?" (too far away)
"No. we
8 "Can he make himself understood (in English)?" (not enough English)

"No, he doesn't speak

"Does Harry work?" (too lazy) "No, he's







99.3 In this exercise you have to make one sentence (using too or enough) from the two
sentences given.

Examplle: We couldn't eat the food. It was too hot. The tood was too hot ifor us) to eat.

can't drink this coffee. It's too hot. This coffee is2 . Nobody could move the piano. It was too heavy.

The piano

. .

I can't wear this coat in winter. It's not warm enough.

This coat
Don't stand on that chair. It's not strong enough.

That chair
Two people can't sleep in this bed; It's not wide enough for two people.

This bed

99.1 2


99.2 1




enough money

No. we were too far away to hear

what he was saying.
8 No, he doen't speak enough
English to make himself
9 No. he's too lazy to work.

enough cups
warm enough
enough room
welt enough
enough time
enough qualifications
big enough
99.3 1
I'm too busy to talk to you now.
No. it's too late to go to the
It's not warm enough to sit in the
No, I'm too nice to be a politician.
No, I haven't got enough money to
go on holiday this year.
No. it's too dark to take a


This coffee is too hot (for me) to

The piano was too heavy (for
anybody) to move.
This coat is not warm enough (for
me) to wear in winter.
That chair isn't strong enough (for
you) to stand on.
This bed is not wide enough for
two people to sleep in.

BAI 100:


sau TINH TU(

a) Hay so sdnh hai c&u sau day:


Hai c4u A v& B cd cting

It Is difficult to understand him.

(Th#t khd hiiu <3UQc anh ta.)
B. He is difficult to understand.
(Khd md hi6u dupe anh ta.)
nghTa. Nhufng hfiy luu y rfcng chiing ta ndi "He is

difficult to undertand" (khdng ndi "He Is difficult to understand him.")

Ban c6 th dung c3u true cdu B sau difficult/easy / impossible / hard v& sau mt s6
tinh tU khSc:

Your writing is almost impossible to read. (khdng n6i "_to read it").
(=tt is almost impossible to read your writing.)
(ChO vi6t cua ban hdu nhu kh6ng thS dpc dupe).
Do you think this water is safe to drink? {khdng ndi " drink if)
(Ban c6 cho ring nude ndy u6ng dupe k'hdng?)
Jilt is very interesting to talk to. (khdng ndi "-to talk to her")
(Thdt thii vj khi ndi chuy$n vdi Jill).

Ban cung c6 thd dung cu true nAy vdi mOt tinh td + danh tU:

This is a very difficult question to answer, (khdng ndi "-to answers if).
(Ddy Id cdu hdl rSt khd trd Idi)
Jill is an interesting person to talk to.
(Jill Id m$t ngudi thu vj d6 cung trd cbuyin)
Ienjoyed the football match. It was an exciting game to watch.
(Tdi thfch tr$n bdng dd <36. No hdo htfng ddng d6 xem).

b) Chiing ta dting to-inflnltlve (ddng tti nguySn mSu cd to) sau the fist !the second / the
third- vA sau the next / the last:.
Who was the fist man to reach South Pole?

(Ai id ngudi ddu tidn ddc chin d6n nam o/c?)

HI have any more news, you'll be toe fist to know.
(N&u tdi cd thdm tin tifc gl, ban se Id ngudi diu tidn dupe biet). ..
The next train to arrive at platform 4 will be the 6.58 to Cardiff.
(Chuy6n xe Ida k6 tiSp d6n ga s6 4 se Id chuydn 6 gid 58 di Cardiff).
Who was the last person to leave the building last night?)
(Ai Id ngddi cu6i cung rdi khdi Ida nhd tdi hdm qua?)

c) Ban cd tn dung to-lnflnitive sau m$t s6 tinh tir 06 ndi ai dd' cam thSy th' nao vd
diiu gi dd, thi dg:
I wa;- sorry to hear that your father was ill.
(T6i rat tide khi nghe noi ring ban bi b$nh)
Was Tom surprised to see you when you visited him?
(Khi ban d6n thdm, Tom cd ng$C nhiin khi gdp ban khdng?)



1 was delighted to get your lettter last week.

(Til rSt vuikhinh&n dupe thUcOa ban tudn rdl)'

Sail dAy IA mQt stf tfnh tCf khdc ban c<J th

(Mi ling)
(hdn h$nh; vui )
d. HAy luu y dn cAu tnic (It is) nice of
dupe dung sau mQt s6 tfnh ti/ bao g6m:

dOng theo cAch nAy:

(thdt vpng)


(nh$ nhdm)

(ng$c nhin)

(kinh ng$c)

someone to do something. MAu.nAy cd thA




(tO td)

(kim cdi)



(IS phip)

(r$ng lUpng)

(thing mirth) (bdt cin)
l was nice of you to take me to the station . Thank you very much.
(Ban th&t tO td khi dUa tii din nhi ga. C&m an ban rSt nfy&u).
It was careless of Jack to leave the door unlocked when he went out.
(Jack th&t bSt c&n da khing khia cOa khi di ra ngoii).
It's stupid of him to give up his job when he needs the money,
(Anh ta th$t ngu ng6c khi bd viic trong luc dang c&n ti&n).
It was generous of Ann to lend us the money.
(Ann th$t ring h/gng da cho chOng tdi mifpn tiSn).

:(tO t', t6t)


UNIT 100: Exercises

100.1 Write these sentences in another way, beginning as shown.

Example: It is difficult to understand him. He is difficult to understand.
1 It's quite easy to find our house. Our house is
2 It was very difficult to open the window. The window
3 It's impossible to translate some words. Some words
4 It's not very difficult to make bread. Bread
5 It's not safe to stand on that chair. That chair
6 It's difficult to explain some grammatical rules.
Some grammatical rules
7 It's hard to find a good restaurant in this town.
A good restaurant

. . ........
. .. .. .....


100.2 Use the following words to complete each sentence:

last/arrive last person/see
fish man/walk
1 The next train to arrive at platform 2 wilt be the 7.45 to Birmingham.
2 When anything goes wrong, harry is always
3 Nobody has seen Keith for days. Who was
on the moon.
4 Neil Armstrong was

5 We always have to wait for him. He's always



. . . ........
. ......
. .......

100.3 Use the following words to complete sentences:





' *


1 I was really delighted to get your letter last week.

that you're keeping well.
2 Thank you for your letter. I'm
a complete stranger
3 When i walked into my bedroom. Iwas
sleeping in my bed.
you again.
4 Hello ! I'm so glad you could come. I'm really........



that your mother is ill. 1 hope she gets better soon.


Make sentences using the word in brackets.


Example: Jack left the door unlocked when he went out (careless).
It was careless of Jack to leave the door unlocked when he went out.

1, Tom, offered to help me (kind).

It was_.;
2 You make the same mistake again and again (careless).
3 She went out in the rain without a raincoat (stupid).
It was
4 Don and Jenny Invited me to stay with them for a few days (nice).
5 He left without saying thank you (not polite).

. ....
................. ..


. .

It wasn't



Our house is quite easy to find

The window was very diffficult to

Some words are impossible to

100.1 1

4 Bread Is not very difficult to make.
5 That chair isn't safe to stand on.
6 Some grammatical rules are
difficult to explain.
7 A good restaurant is hard to find in
this town.
100.2 2 the first (person) to complain.
3 the last person to see him
4 the first man to walk on the moon

the last (person) to arrive

glad to hear
astonished to find
pleased to see
5 sorry to hear
100.4 1 It was kind of Tom to offer to help
2 It's careless of you to make the
same mistake again and again.
3 It was stupid of her to go out in the

100.3 2

rain without a raincoat

4 It was nice of Don and Jenny to
invite me to stay with them foT a
few days.
5 It wasn't polite of him to leave
without saying thank you.


BAI 101: SO SANH cia TINH Tit va TRANG Tit

(1) ;cheaper, more expensive, v.v...

a) Hay xem cdc thl dg sau:

Let's go by car. U s cheaper

(Chung ta hay di xe hoi. NhU th# ri tiSn hon). <;
Don't go by train. Ifs more expensive.
(DCtng di bing xe Ida. N6 d&c tiSn hdn).
Cheaper vd more expensive Id hinh thitc so sdnh bfic hdn (comparative).

Sau clip d$ so s4nh hon, ta dung than:

It's cheaper to go by car than to go by train
(Di bing xe hoi ri ti&n hdn di b&ng xe Ida)
Vd than xem thdm bdi 103
b) Chung ta th&m -er vdo tinh ttfvd trang id ngin (1 vdn):

- This jacket is too small. I need a larger size
(C6i do vit ndy qu4 nhd. Tdi c&n m$t cd kin hon)
Ann works harder than most of her friends
(Ann 14m vi$c chim chl hon h&u hit cdc ban cua cd ta)


Chung ta cflng thdm-er vdo mt s 6 tfnh td hai v4n, d$ic bi$t Id cdc tlnh tit tn cCing

bdng -y. Thldy:

lucky/luckier, funny/funnier, easy/easier, pretty/prettier, quiet/quieter, clever/cleverer,

narrow/narrower, simple/simpler

The examination was easier than we expected.

(Ky thi di hon lixhdog Hi nghi).
It's too noisy here. Can we go some where quieter?
(6 ddy 6n do qu4. Chdng la c6 thS di 66u 66 ydn tinh hdn khdng?)
Vd qui tdc chfnh ta xem phdn phy lye 3.
c) ChCing ta diing more, (khbng diing "-er") dfl'i v6i cdc tlnh td dii (tfnh tCr hai vdn trd Idn.
ngogi trif cdc tlnh tit hai vdn di li$t kd 6 phdn b:
more modern
more serious
more expensive
more comfortable
More expensive hotels are usually more comfortable than cheaper ones.
(Khdch sen die tfin thddng ti$n nghi hdn khdeh s$n ri tidn.)

Her illness was more serious than we at first thought.

(84nh tlnh cua cd ta trim trgng hdn 14 chung tdi nghiIdc d&u).
Chtfng ta cung ddng more.cho cdc trgng tit tin ciing bdng-Iy:
more slowly more seiously
more quietly
more carefully.
Could you speak more slowly, please?
(Ban 14m On ndichim hon dupe khdng?)


Chting ta cQng n6i more often:

I don't play tennis much now. I used to play more often.
(Biy gid tdi khdng choi quin vot nhiSu. Tri/dc ha tOi choi thUdng xuy&n hen).
Nhi/ng chung ta l$i n6i earlier { khflng n6i '"more early").
- You always tired in the mornings. You should go to bed earlier.
(Ban tudn m$t mdi v&o butfi sing. B$n nin di ngu sdm hdn).

T n/dc hinh thdc so sdnh hdn cua tinh tii vA tr$ng tr. ban cd th$ diing kdm:
a bit
a little
a lot
far (a lot).
- Lefs go by car. It's much (ho$c a lot) cheaper.
(Chung ta hiy di b&ng xe hdi. NhU th& si ri tiSn hdn nhiSu).
Don't go by train. It's much (ho#c a lot) more expensive.
DOng di bing xe \iia. NhU th die tiin hon nhiiu).
Ann works a lot (hoc much) harder than most of her friends.
(Ann Urn viic s&ng ning hdn hSu hdt cic b$n cua c6 ta nhiiu).

Could you speak a bit (hoc a little) more slowly?

(Ban cd th4 ndi chSm hdn mil chOt dupe khdng?)
Her Illness was far more serious than we at first thought.
(BSnh tinh cOa c6 ta trim trqng hdn nhiSu so vdi luc d&u chung tdi nghl).

UNIT 101:Exercises

101.1 Complete these sen fences. Each time use the comparative from of one of the
following adjectives or adverbs:










This jacket is too small. I need a larger size.

2 You lookHave you lost weight?
3 He's not so keen on his studiens. He's.
in having a good time.
4 You'll find your way around the town
if you have a map.
5 You're making too much noise. Can you be a bit?
6 There were a lot of people on the bus. It was.
than usual.
7 You're late. Iexpected you to be here
8 .You hardly ever write to me. Why don't you write a blt_
9 The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be much
10 It's a pity you live so far alway. I wish you lived




. . . . . . ...........
........ .. ..

1012 Complete these sentences Use the comparative of the words in brakets + than.

Example: Her illness was more serious than we at fist thought, (serious).
1 Sorry I'm late. It took me
to get here
I expected (long).
2 My toothache is
it was yesterday (painful).
3 She looks about 20, but in fact she's much
she looks (old).
4 The problem is not so complicated. It'syou think (simple).


...... ........
. . . .................
. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .

you did when we

Your English has improved. You speak a lotlast met .(fluently).
money (important).
Health and happiness are-...,
We always go camping when we go on holiday. It's much-..

in a hotel (cheap).
I like the countryside. Ifs-,.....



and............ in a town

_ *"_ .

_ __ _

101.3 This exercise is similar but this time you also have to use a bit / a little / much7 a lot
/ far_ Use than where necessary.
Example: Her illness was muclt more serious than we at first thought (much/serious)

it was yesterday, (a little/warm)

t It's...
. . today
? (a bit/ slowly)
2 You're driving too fast. Can you drive.
3 _A: Did you enjoy your visit to the museum?
I expected, (far/intgresting)
B: Yes, I found it
the other one. (much/comfortable)
4 I prefer this armchair. Ifs_.....
now. (a bit/happy)
5 You looked depressed this morning but you look.
6 This flat is too smUll for me. I need something
to leam a foreign language in the country where it is spoken (a lot/easy)
7 lt's_



101.1 2 thinner
3 more interested
4 more easily
5 quieter (or more quiet)
6 more crowded
7 earlier
8 more often
9 more expensive
10 nearer
101.2 1 longer., than
2 more painful than



older than
simpler than (or more simple than)
more fluently than


more important than

cheaper than
healthier (or more healthy) and
more peaceful than

101.3 1 a little warmer today than

2 a bit more slowly
3 far more interesting than
4 much more comfortable than
5 a bit happier (or a bit more happy)

6 much bigger
7 a lot easier (or a lot more easy)


BAI 102:

a) MQt s> tlnh til vA tryng tCf c6 hlnh thdc so sAnh

bc hart bAt qui t&c (Irregular


Good / well


Let me ask,him. 1 know him better than, you do.

(Hay <3$ tdi hdi anh ta. Tdi bid't anh ta to hdn Id ban

The garden looks barter since you tidied it up.

(Khu vudn trdng khd hdn td luc ban don dap nd)
"Is your headache bette/t" "No, it's worse".
("Chiing nhdc d&u cua ban cd <36 hdn khdng?"
"Khdng, nd con ti hai hdn nila").
The situation was much wefcsethan we expected.
(Tlnh hlnh t$ hdn chting tdi nghlnhidu)
I'm very tired.l can't walk much father (hoAc_ much
(Tdi mat qua. Tdi khdng th di bd xa hdn dupe nda).

Bad / badly



(ho$c farther)

Furthe {kh6ng phAl farther") cOng cb nghla IA "hdn, th&m, thdm nQa" :
Let me know Immediately it you hear any further news (=any more news).
(Hay cho tdi biSt ngay nu ban c6 thdm b&t a1tin tdc gi).

Hay luu y dS'n hai tCf SO sAnh more vA less:

- I smoke more than I used to.
(T6i hOt thud'c nhiSu hdn trade 6&y).
- We've got less time than Ithought.
(Chung tdi c6 It thdi gian hon Id tdi nghl).
b) Older vA elder:
Hinh thdc so sAnh hon cua old IA older:


Tom looks older than he really is.

(Tom trdng gid hon tutfi that cua minh),

Chiing ta dung etder khi chiing ta nbi vA cAc thAnh viAn trong gia dtnh. ChOng ta n6i:
trai) Isister (chf gai) / son (con tral Idn) / daughter (con gdi Idn):
(my) elder brother
My elder brother is a pilot. (Anh tdi Id m$t phi cdng).
Chung ta cung dOng elder trade danh tit:
My brother is older than me. (khdng n6i "elder than me").


Vl eldest, xem bAi 104c.

c) B6i khi bgn c6 th dung 2 til so sAnh

bt hdn cmg m$t liic.Thf dy: harder and

and more difficult. Chiing ta dimg cA'u true nAy d

harder, more and more, more

difin tA si/ thay d5i liAn tyc cua mQt si/ vi$c nAo dd:



It's becoming harder and harder to find a job.

(Tim vi$c lam dng ngay dng trd ndn khd khan hdn).
Your English is improving. It's getting better and better.
(V6n Mng Anh cua b$n dang khd ISn d&y. N6 dang trd nSn ngdy dng td't hdn).
It's becoming more and more difficult to find a job.
(CAng ngiy dng khd kiSm vide lim hdn).
These days more and more people are learning English.
(Ngdy nay dng ngdy dng cd nhiAu ngudi htpc tidng Anh hdn).

d) Hay 1l/u </ d'n cSu trtic: the + so sdnh hdn + the better. Thf dy:
- "What time shall we leave?""The sooner the better".
(=lt will be best if we leave as soon as possible).
("Chung ta s# ISn dUdng luc m&'y gid?" "Cdng sdm dng ttft")
"What size box do you want?" "The bigger the better".
(=it will be best if the box is as big as possible).
("Anh mu6n h$p cd nao?" "CAng to cAng tdt").

Chdng ta cOng dung the- the., (vdi hai tit so sdnh bAc hdn) ddifin t& sy phy
ctia vi$c n6y v&o vi$c kh6c:
The warmer the weather, the better Ifeel.
(Thdi tiS't dng 6m tdi cAng dm thy khd hdn).
The earlier we leave, the sooner we will arrive.
(Chung ta c&ng di sdm chi/ng nao chiing ta dng d6n sdm chtfng Ay).
The more expensive the hotel, the better the sen/ice.
(Khach sen cdng dAt tiAn si/ phyc vy dng t6\).
The more electricity you use, the higher your bill will be.
(Ban dng dung nhiSu 6'tQn ban dng ph&i trd tiSn nhi4u).
The more you have, the more you want.
(Ban dng cd nhidu ban dng mud'n nhiSu).


UNIT 102: Exercises

102.1 Complete these sentences using these words: better, worse, futher, older, elder
You have to use some of these words more than once. Use than where necessary
Example: Let me ask him. Iknow him better than you do.

. . . . . . . . . . ...

1 We complained about the food in our hotel. But intead of improving, it got

Your work isn't very good. I'm sure you can do_
sister is a nurse.
3 Ann's younger sister is still at school. Her
we have
4 Our teamp layed really badly this afternoon. We playedever played before.
. away?
5 You're standing too near the camera. Can you move a bit6 "Is Jim younger thanTom?" "No, he's-



. . . . . .. . .

The damage to our car wasn't so bad. It could have been much
information, please contact our head office.
If you need any.


102.2 In this exercise you have to use the structure and- (see section c).
Examples: It's becoming harder and harder to find a job (hard).
It's becoming more and morre difficult to find a job (difficult).


As I waited for my interview, I becameThat hole in your pullover is gettingThe suitcase seemed to get
As the day went on, the weather got
As the conversation Wjent on, he became.



as I carried It along the road (heavy).
Travelling is becoming....
Since she has been in Britain, her English has got

102.3 In this exercise you have to write sentences with the- the- Choose a half-sentence
from box A to go with a half-sentence from box B.

B the iasther you'll learn

the more you have to pay

the longer he waited

the more Igot to know him
the more you practise your English
the more profit you'll make
the longer the telephone call
the more impatient he became
the more goods you sell
the more Iliked him
ler we'll arrive.
1 The earlier



102.1 1 worse
2 better than
3 elder
4 worse than
5 further (or farther) 6 older (than him)
7 worse
8 further
102.2 1 more and more nervous
2 bigger and bigger


heavier and heavier

worse and worse
more and more talkative
more and more expensive
better and better

102.3 2-6
The longer he waited, the more
impatient he became.
The more I got to know him, the
more liked him.
The more you practise your
English, the faster you'll
The longer the telephone call,
the more you have to pay.
The more goods you sell, the
more profit you'll make.


BAI 103:

SO S ANH (3) : as~ as; than


a) Hay xem x6t tinh


Joe, Henry va Arthur dlu Id triu phu.

gidu c6. Joe co 5 tridu. Henry c6 4 tripu va
Arthur cb 2 trieu. Nhi/vdy:
Henry is rich. (Henry gidu cd).
He is richer than Arthur.
(Ong ta gidu hdn Arthur.)
But he isn't as rich as Joe (= Joe is richer
than he is). (NhUng ong ta khdng giau bdng Joe)
= (Joe giau hon ong ta) _

Sau day Id m6t so thi dy khdc c6 cdu true

- Jack isn't as old as he looks (=He looks older than he is)
(Jack khdng Idn tud'i nhu ve mat cua anh ta) (=Anh ta trong gid hdn tuoi that)
The city centre was n't as crowded this morning as it usually is. (= it is usually more
(Sang nay trung tarn thanh pho khdng ddng due nhU mQi khi) (= Mpi khi d do dong

due hdn)
Jim didn't do as well in his examination as he had hoped. (= he had hoped to do
(Jim lam bai thi khdng tot nhu Id anh ta da hy vQng) (= Anh ta da hy vqng lam bai
thi tot hdn).
"The weather's better today, isn't it?" "Yes, it's not as cold" (=yesterday was colder).
("Horn nay thdi net t6t hon. phdi khong?' "Phai, trdi khdng Ipnh bang horn qua")
(=hdm qua Iqnh hdn).
I don't know as many people as you do (=you know more people).
(Tdi khdng quen biet nhieu ngildi ban) (=ban quen biel nhieu ngi/di hon).

Ban co the noi "not so... as (thay cho "not as... as"):
Henry isn't so rich as Joe.
(Henry khdng gidu bang Joe).
b) Ban cung c6 thi dung as~ as ( nhdng khdng dung "so_ as") trong ede cdu xdc djnh
( affirmative) vd cdu h6i (question):



I'm sorry I'm late. I got here as fast as I could.

(Xin loi v) tdi den tre. Tdi da co het site den day that nhanh).
There's plenty of food, so eat as much as you like.
(Cd rat nhieu thdc an, v) vay cd dn bao nhieu tuy thich).
Let's walk. It's just as quick as taking the bus
(Chung ta hay di bd Nhd vay cung nhanh nhd xe buyt).

Can you send me the money as soon as possible, please? .

(Anh lim On gdi tiSn cho tdi cing sdm cAng t6t <SU<}c khdng?)

Chung ta cOng c6 th ndi twice as_ as, three times as_. as v.v.:
Petrol is twice as expensive as it was a few year ago.
(Hidn nay x&ng <Sit gip hai tin vei nam trade tJSy).
- Their house' is about three times as big as ours. '
(Nhi cua ho Idn khoing gSp ba tin nhi cua chOng tdi)
c) ChOng ta n6i the same as (kh&ng nii "the same like"):

Ann's salary is- the same as mine. (ho$c: Ann gets the same salary as me).
(LUOng cOa Ann bang Idong cua tbi) (= Ann lanh cCing m$t mtic lUdng nhU tdi).
Tom is the same age as George..
(Tom bing tuSi George).
"What would you like to drink?" "I'll have the same as lasttime".'("Ban mu6n ud'ng gl?" "cungnhU tin trade thdi").

d) Sau than va a9- ta thudng dung me / him / her / them / us khi khflng cd dQng til theo
sau. H&y so snh ede c&u sau day:

You are taller than Iam. nhting: You are taller than me.
(Ban cao hon tdi).
They have more money than we have nhi/ng: They have more money than us.
(Ho co

nhiSu tiin hdn chung tdi).

I can't run as fast as he can. nhung: I can't run as fast as him.

(Tdi khdng thi chay nhanh bang anh ta).

UNIT 103: Exercises

103.1 In this exercise you have to complete the sentences using as_ as.




I'm quite tall but you are taller. I'm not as tall as you.
Ann works reasonably hard but'she used to work much harder.

My salary is high but yours is higher. My salary isn'tYou know a bit about cars but I know more. You don't-.
I don'tI still smoke but I used to smoke a lot more.
I still feel quite tired but I felt a lot more tired yesterday.
i don't.,..;
They've lived here for quite a Song time but we've lived here longer.




. ....

They haven't...;
l was a bit nervous before the interview but usually I'm a lot more nervous.
f wasn't-...
The weather is still unpleasant today but yesterday it was worse.
The weather isn't.





103.2 Re-write these senfences so that they have the same meaning. Begin as shown.
Example: Jack is younger than he looks. Jack isn't as old as he looks-


It's warmer today than yesterday. It isn't

The station was nearer than I thought. The station wasn't
Igo out less than I used to. Idon't
The hotel is cheaper than I expected. The hotel isn't
There were fewer people at this meeting than at the last one.

There weren't
The examination was easier than we expected.


The examination wasn't

103.3 Complete these sentences using just as with one of the following words:

Let's walk. It's just as quick as taking the bus.

I'm going to sleep on the floor. It's
sleeping in that bed.
Why did he get the job? I'm
I thought you were nice but you're
eveybody else.
You won't find a cheaper restaurant than this. They'll all be


103.4 Now you have to make sentences with the same as.
Example: (Tom/same age/George) Tom is the same age as George.

(your hair/same colour/mine) Your hair

(I arrived here/same time/you)
(you made/same mlstake/l made)


103.1 1 My salary isn't as high as yours.

2 You don't know as much about cars as I do (or., as me).
3 Idon't smoke as much as I used to.
4 I don't feel as tired as I felt yesterday (or... as I did yesterday).
5 They haven't lived here as long as we have (or... as us).
6 Iwasn't as nervous before the interview as I usually am (or_ as usual).
7 The weather isn't as bad today as it was yesterday <or_ isn't as unpleasant

103.2 1 It isn't as cold today as (it was) yesterday.

2 The station wasn't as far as I thought.



I don't go out as much as I used to {or- as often as 1 used to).

The hotel isn't as expensive as I expected (or. as dear as Iexpected).
There weren't as many people at this'meeting as (at) the last one.

The examination wasn't as difficult as we expected (or- as hard as we expected).

103.3 2 just as comfortable as.

3 just as well-qualified as.
4 just as bad as. *
5 just as expensive (as this one).

103.4 1 Your hair is the same colour as mine.

2 Iarrived here at the same time as you.
3 You made the same mistake as Imade (oer_ as me).


BAI 104:

SO SANH CtfC cAp : the longer, the

most ejoyable, ~

HAy xem cAc thi dy sau.


What is the longest river in the world?

(Con sdng ddl nhit trin titff gkfl Id con sOrtg ndo?)
What was the most enjoyable holiday you've ever had?
(Ky nghlndo Id ky nghl vul nhdt md b$n dd ting trii qua?)
Longest vA most enjoyable IA hlnh thtfc so sAnh eye cAp (superlative)

b) Chting ta tMm *st ho$c dCmg most- dA thAnh i&p hlnh ttiCrc eye cAp cua Nnh ti vk
tr$ng ti. N6i chiwg. chting ta dCmg -eat cho nhffng tCf ngdn (m<Jt vAn) vA moat, cho
nhtJng tOf ddi (hai vAn trd I6n). Qui tic cOng ti/dng ty hhi/ti bAi 101. Vi dg:

long / longest
hot /hottest
easy /easiest
herd /hardest
n&Ung: most famous
most difficult
most expensive
most boring
VA cAc qui tSc chlnh tA.xem phAn phy lyc 3
- Yesterday was the hottest day of the year.
(H6m qua Id ngdy ndng nhdt trong ndm).
- That was the most boring film I've ever seen.
(DO Id b$ phim dd nhSt md tOi ting xem).

"Why did you stay at that hotel?" "It was the cheapest we could find".
("Tgi sao b$n d khdch s$n 06?' "Dd Id khdch sen r6 nhSt md chung tOi c6 th tkn

She Is really nice person-one of the nicest people I know.

(C6 &y qui H mpt ngidl ti ti-mtf trong nhing ngidl tit4 nhSt mi tdi b&t).
Hfiy luu y dAn hai tf eye cfip bit qui tAc best vA worst:
- That was a delicious meal. It's one of the best I've ever had..
(D6 li mQt bia Sn ngon.Nd li mpt trong nhing bia dn md tOi thudng thic).
- Why does he always come to see me at the worst possible moment?
(Tai sao 16c ndo anh ta cOng din g$p tdl v&o nhing luc bSt tidn nhSt?)
Di/ng quAn IA chiing ta thi/dng dCing mao tC/ the vdi so sAnh eye cAp: "the best, the
most borlng"_

c) Oldest vA eldest:

Hlnh thufc eye cAp cua old vA oldest:

- That house over there Is the oldest building In the town
(NgOi nhd ding Ida Id ngdi nhd Idu ddi nhSt trong thj trSn)
Chiing.ta ddng eldest khi chting ta dang n6i vA cAc thAnh vldn trong gia Unh:
- My eldest 9on is 13 year old.
(Con trai kin nhit cua 161 dupe 13 tu6i).
- Are you the eldest in your family?
(Ben Id con ci trong gia dtnh phiIkhdng?)

338 .

d) Sau cAc tCr ci/c cp. chung ta dung in vdi noi ch6n (thdnh ph6. nhd_).
What is the longest river In the workt? (khftng n6i "of the wortd").
(Con sing d&i nht l& con sing ndo?)
We were lucky to have one of the nicest rooms in the hotel.
(Chung tdi may m&n dupe d m$t trong nhQng phdng t6t nhSt kh&ch sen).


Ngodl ra: "(the best.) in the class/ in the team / in the company,

Nhi/ng: "the happiest day of my*tife, the hottest day of the yeaf (ngdy h$nh phuc nhAt
trong ddi tdi / ngky ndng nh&t trong nam).
Hfiy lull y r&ng chung ta thitdng dOng thi present perfect (I have done) sau so sAnh
ctfc cap (xem thdm b&i 14a):
- What's the best film you've ever seen?
(Phim ftay nhSt mA bah 66 tdng xem 16 phim gi?)
- That was the most delicious meal I've-had for a long time.
(Do 16 bda an ngon hhSf tdi dupe thudng Ihdc td l&u nay.)

e) 06i khi chiing ta dCing most + tlnh lit (khbng c<5 "the") vdi nghla "very:
- The book you lent me was most interesting. (=very interesting).
(QvySn sAch ban cho tdi miftn rSt hay).
- Thank you for the money. It was mosf generous of you. (=very generous).
(CAm On v6 s6 tidn 66. Ban thai r$ng rai).

* -

UNIT 104: Exercises

104.1 Complete the sentences with a superlative and preposition.

Example: It's a very nice room. It's the nicest room in the hotel.
1 It's a very cheap restaurant. It's.
the town.
2 It was a very happy day. It was.
my Hte.
3 She's a very intelligent student. She...
the school.
4 It's a very valuable painting. It.
the gallery.
In the following sentences use one of the + superlative.
Example: It's a very nice room. It's one of the nicest rooms inthe hotel.

...... . . . . . . . .





He's a very rich man. He's one

It's a very old castle. tfs_
He's a very good player. He.
It was a very bad experience. It was_
He's a very dangerous criminal. He

the world.

the team.
my life.
the country.


104.2 Head these sentences and then write a new sentence with the same meaning. Use a
superlative each time and begin each sentence as shown.
Example: I've never seen such a boring film. It's the most boring film I've seen


I've never heard such a funny story. That's the.

He's never made such a bad mistake. It's



This is


Ann is





I've never had such a good friend as you. You....

I haven't had to make such a difficult decision for years.




I've never had such a big meal. It's

I've never met such a generous person as Ann.



I haven't tasted such good coffee for a fang-time.

I've never slept in such an uncomfortable bed.




104.3 Now here are some questions for you to answer. But first you have to write the
questions using the Words In brackets. The answer them.

(what/large/ctty/your country?) What is the largest city in your country?

your country?
(who/ famous singer/your country? Who(what/popular sport/your country?) What
(what/expensive thing/you/ever bought?)
(what/happy/day/your life?) What was
(what/stupid thing/you/ever done?)
you know?
(who/intelligent person/you know?).. ..!
(who/beautiful person/you know?)




104.1 1

It's the cheapest restaurant in the


2, It was the happiest day of my life.

3 She is the most intelligent student


in the school.

It is the most valuable painting in

the gallery.
He's one of the richest men in the

It's one of the oldest castles in

7 He is one of the best players In
the team.
8 It was one of the worst
experiences of my life (or., in my
9 He is one of the most dangerous
criminals on the country.
.104.2 1 That's the funniest story I've ever


It's the worst mistake he's ever

That's the best coffee I've tasted
for a long time.


104.3 2


This is the most uncomfortable

bed I've ever slept in.
it's the biggest meal I've ever had.
Ann is the most generous person
I've ever met.
You are the best friend I've ever

This is the most difficult decision
I've had to make for years.
Who is the most famous singer in
your country?
What is the most popular sport in
your country?
What is the most expensive thing
you have ever bought?
What was the happiest day of your
What is the most stupid thing you
have ever done?
Who is the most intelligent person
you know?

Who is the most beautiful person

you know?

BAl 105:

TRAT T{f T(Jf (1) :dgng tCf+tuc tif; ndi

ch&n v& thdi gfan

a) DQng tiy+tijc tCf (verb+object) :

DQng tti vd cdc tuc t(IcOa dQrtg til thudng di chung vdi nhau, thudng th) chiing ta
khdng tt)Sm chQ ndo khc vo giOa chiing1


tliC tL/

children very much (khdng ndi "1 like, very much children).
(Tdi tit thich trd con).
Norman yesterday?
(Hdm qua ben cd gap Noman khdng?)
. ,

Did you see

Ann often plays

(Ann thudng xuyin chdi qu&n vpt).

Sau dSy Id rr>0t sd thf d%i:

Do you clean the house every week-errd? (khdng n6i "Do you clean every week
end the house?").
(Ben c6 lau nhi vio m6i cu6i tudn kh$ng?)
Everybody enjoyed the party very much, {khdng hdl "Everybody enjoyed very much
the party").
(Mgi ngudi d4u rit thfch buii ti$ c do). Our guide spoke English fluently, (khdng ndi spoke fluently English")
(NgUdi hUdng dSn cua chung 'tdi ndi tiing Anh trdi chdy).
- I not only lost all money-! also lost my passport, (khdng ndi 'I lost also my passport")
(Tdi khdng chl mit h&t tidn-tdi cdn rnSt c& h$ chtiu nOa).
At the end of the street you'll see a supermarket on your left, (khdng ndl-"_. see on

your left a supermarket")

(d cu6i con dildng, ben sd th.Sy mQt sidu thj n&m bin tay trdi).
Vg vj tri cua c&c ttf nhu ateo vd often trade d$ng tCf, xem bdi 106.

b) Ndi chd'n vd thdi glan:

Chiing ta thudng dung tif chfjioi chin (where?) trade ta chl thdi gian (when? / how
often? / how long?):

Ndi chd'n

. ..


Tom walks to work



thdi gian




every morning (khdng ndi "Tom walks every

morning to work).

(Tom <31 b$ din chd l&m mdi buii sang).

She hes been In Canada
since April.
(Co ta da 8 Canada ti thing til).
We arrived at the aiporl
(Chung tdi d din sin bay sdm). :


Sau <JAy Id mQt stf thl du khdc:

I'm going to Paris on Monday. (kh6ng ndl :l'm going on Monday to Paris").
(T6i s di Parisvdo thdhai).
Don't be late. Make suiyou're hero by 8 o'clock.
(D&ng dtfrt tr4. Nhd Id ban ph&i c6 m$t d ddy vdo luc 8 gid).
- Why weren't you at home last night?
(Tgi sao t6i hdm qua ban khdng c6 d nhd?)
- You really shouldn't go to bod so late.
/Ban tht/c sd khdng n4n di ngu qud trS nhd th&).
Ta cQng c6 th4 d$t ttir cht thdi gian d ddu cftu:
On Monday I'm going to Paris<
(Thti hai t6i s$ di Paris).
Every morning Tom walks to work.
.(MSi sing Tom di b$ dn chi IPm).
Hay luu y r&ng ban kh&ng th6 dung early hoc late d 6&u cSo theo cdch ndy dupe
Hayxem b&i 106 d biflit.thdm v5 trt tu to.

UNIT 105: Exercises


105.1 In this exercises you have to decide whether the-word order is right or wrong. Correct
the sentences which are wrong.
Example: ! like children" very much
T om walks every morning to work
WRONG -to work every morning.
1 Jim doesn't like very much football
2 Ann drives every day her car to work
3 When I beard the news, I phoned Tom immediately
4 Maria spdaks very well English !
5 After eating quickly my dinner, I went out
6 You watch all the time television. Can't you do something else?
7 Jim smokes about 20 cigarettes every day8 I think I'll go early to bed tonight9 You should go to the dentist every six months10 When I heard the alarm, Igot immediately out of bed" 11 Did you learn a lot of things at school today?
12 How many people know who go on Sundays to church?




. .

105.2 Now you have to put the parts of a sentences in the correct order. The fast nine
sentences are like those in section a.
Example: (chilldren/very much/I like) I like chiltdren very much.
1 (he won/easily/the game) He won
2 (again/please don't ask/that question) Please
3 (football/every week-end/does Ken play?) Does




(quietly / the door / 1 closed) I

(hie name / after a few minutes / 1 remembered).....
(a letter to her parents / Ann writes / every week)
(at the top of the page / your name / please write)
(some interesting books/we found / in the library)
(opposite the park/ a new hotel / they are building)






The next six sentences are tike those in section b.

10 (to the bank / every Friday / 1 go) i go

11 (home / why did you come/so iate?) Why
12 (around the town Iail morning II've been walking)
13 (recently / to the theatre /have you been?).....
14 (to LondorW for a few days next week / I'm going)
15 (on Saturday night / 1 didn't see you/at the party)




105.1 1 wrong-Jim doesn't like football
very much
2 wrong-Ann drives her car to work
every day
3 right
4 wrong-Maria speaks English very



wrong-After eating my dinner

quickly. Iwent out
wrong-You watch television ail the

wrong- i think I'll go to bed early


10 wrong- i got out Of bed *

11 right
12 wrong:, who go to chufch on

105.2 1 He won the game easily

2 Please don't ask that question


Does Ken play footbali every

I closed the door quietly.

I remembered his name after a

few minutes (or After a few
minutes Iremembered his name).
6 Ann writes a tetter to her parents
every week ( or Every week
Ann..) '
7 Please writs your name at the top
of the page.
8 We found some interesting books
in the library.
9 They are building a new hotel
opposite the park.
10 Igo to the bank every Friday (or
Every Friday Igo to the bank).
11 Why did you come home so late?
12 I've been walking around the town
ail morning.
13 Have you been to the theatre
14 I'm going to London for a few days
next week.
15 Ididn't see you at the party on
Saturday night.



BAl 106: TRA T Tlj TC/ (2) ;trgng tit di vdi dgng til

a) Chung ta dung m$t s6 trang tCr (vf dy nhu always, afeo, probably) cCing vdi d$ng tii &
gifla cftti:
Tom always goes to work by car.
(Tom ludn ludn di 16m bSng xe hdt).
- We were feeling very tired. We were also hungry.
(Chung tdi dm thy rSt m$t. Chung tdi l$l cdn th&y Ml nOa). '

Your car has probably been stolen.

(C6 IS xe hoi cua ban OS bj OSnh dp)

b) Hay xem nhtfng qui tdt sau vd vi trf cua trang tCr khi ddng gitfa cSu (Day chl la nhOng
qui t&c tdng quat, vl v$y vSn c6 nhffng ngoai 1$).
i) Ndu d$ng tU chf ia mOt chtf (goes, cooked_>r chung ta thudng dt trang tCr tnidc
d$ng ttf:


trgnp tft


dCtng tU
goes to work by car.
di 16m bSng xe hoi).

I cleaned the house and also cooked the dinner (khdng ndi "cooked also").
(Tdi OS lau nhd vS cdn nu ludn bQa t6i).
Jack hardly ever watches television and rarely reads newspapers.
(Jack hu nhif kh6ng bao gid xem ti v? vS S khi nSo Oqc bSo).
She almost fell over as she came down the stairs.
(Cd ta. suyt td nhSo khi Oi xuOng du thong).

r&ng etc trang tCf ndy (always / often / also-) ludn ludn dtfng tnidc have to:
- We always have to wait a long time for the bus.
(Chung tdi ludn phSi dpi buyt rt I6u).
Nhdng ede trang tf thudng dtfng sau am / is / are / was / were:
H&y luu y

We were feeling very tired. We were also hungry.

(Chung tdi dm thy r&t mt. Chung tdi l$i thiy 061 nOa).
Why are you always late? You're never on time.
(Tgi sao tuc ndo ban cOng 0n trS th? Ban ching bao giO <Sn Oting gid d).
The traffic ic.nt usually as bad as it w*s this morning.
(ThtfOng thi giao thdng khdng 06n n6i 14 nhu sSng nay).


ii) Obi khi d$ng tCr gdm hai hay nhidu chfl (can remember, doesn't smoke; has been
stolen.). Khi db chung ta thudng d$c trang ttf sau chd dfiu tldn ciia cym d$ng tU:.
tit 1

dflng tif 2

(Tdi khdng bao gld cd th nM dupe tin anh ta). '
(Ann khdng thudng xuydn hut thudc IS).



trang tit

his name.

trgng tCr
dQng tCr 2
Are you
to the party tomorrow?
(NgAy rpai ban cO ch&c ch$o dtin dtj 04c kMng?)
Your car has
(C6 I4 xe hoi cua ban dS bj dAnh dp)

My parents have always lived in'LondOti.

(Cha me ttii lutin fudn sting d LuAn 06n)
- Jack can't cook. He can't even boil an egg.
(Jack khtirifrbitit n(fu An. Ngay cA lu$c trdng anh fa cung khdng bitit).
- The house was only built a year ago and ifs already fallingdown.
(CAn nhA chl mtii tiutjc xAy each dSy mdt n&m mA da dti syp xuting).
Trong cfiu phii dinh probapfy dufng trdtic tif phd djnh. Vi v$y ta ndi:
- I probably won't see you. HoAc. I will probably not see you (nhi/ng khdng n6i "I

won't probably see you")

(CO to ttii se khdng gap ban).

c) Chiing ta cOng dCing all vA both 6 nhtfrig vj trl ti/dng ti/:

- 'We all felt ill after the meal.
(Ttit cA chung ttii dSu cAm thtiy Wi<5 chju sou bda an).
- Jack and Tom have both applied for the job.
(CA Jack vA Tom dSu n$p ddn xin lam ctiog vide 66).

We are all going out for a meal this evening.

(Ttii nay ttit cA chung ttii $6 eff An ti4m).
- My parents are both teachers.
(Cha me ttii dtiu 16 giAo v!4n).

UNIT 106: Exercises

106.1'In this exercies you have to decide whether the underlined words are in the right
postion or not. Correct the sentences which are wrong:
Example: Tom goes always to work by car
WRONG-Tom always goes
I cleaned the house and also cooked the dinner RIGHT.

1 I have a good memory for faces but I always forget names.

2 Those tourists over there probably are American.
3 Tom gets hardly ever angry.
4 We both were astonished when we heard the news.
5 I soon found the keys I had lost.
6 Idid some shopping and I went also to the bank.
7 Tom has always to hurry in the morning because he gets up so late.
8 The baby is very good. She seldom cries during the night
9 I usually am very tired when Iget home from work.
10 I usually have a bath when I get home from work.


106.2 This time you have to re-Mite the sentences to include the word in brakets.
Example. Ann doesn't smoke (usually) Ann doesn't usually smoke
- 3

- 45


Have you been arrested? (ever) Have

I don't have to work on Saturdays (usually) I
Does Tom sing when he's In the bath? (always)
I'll be home this evening (probably)
We are going away tomorrow (all)
(Don't take me seriously) Iwas joking (only) I
Did you enjoy the party? (both)
(I've got a lot of housework todo) Imust write some letters (also).


. .............
. ......
.. ............
.. .. ...........
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .

106.3 Note you have to put the words in brackets into the sentences in the correct order.
Example. Ican payer remember his name, (remember/never/can).

sugar In my tea (take / usually).

"Where's Jim?" "He_

home early", (goes / has / probably).
very generous, (is / always).
Ann and Tomin Manchester, (both / were / born).
very well, (sing / also/can).
Tim is a good pianist. He_
. down, (often / breaks).
Our television set
7 We
a long time for the bus. {have / always / to wait).
with glasses, (read / can / only).
8 My sight isn't very good. I..,
early tomorrow, (probably / leaving / will / be).
9 I
10 I'm afraid I..
able to come to the party, (probably / be / wont).
each other (never/met/might/have).
11 If we hadnt taken the same train, we.


106:1 1 right
2 wrong-- are probably American
3 wrong-Tom hardly ever gets angry
4 wrong-We were both astonished5
106.2 1



wrong-- 1 also went to the bank
wrong-Tom always has to hurryright
wrong-J am usually very tired
Have you ever been arrested?
! don't usually have to work on

Does Tom always sing when he's
in the bath?
I'll probably be late home this
We are all going away tomorrow
1 was only joking

Did you both enjoy the party?

8 Imust also write some letters

106.3 1 usually take

2 has probably gone
3 is always

were both born,

5 can also sing
6 often breaks

7 always have to wait

8 can only read ("I can read only
with glasses" is also possible)
9 will probably be leaving
10 probably won't be (or will probably
not be)

11 might never have met

BAl 107: STILL vh YET


a) Still vi yet

Chung ta dung still di n6i ring nfot hAnh ddng ho$c mpt tinh huG'ng nAo dd van dang
tldp OliSn. Still thUdng dting giQa cAu cung vdi dQng tu" (xem 106b d biAt v| trl chinh xAc):
It's 10 o'clock and Tom is still in bed.
(Biy gid 10 gid, v$y mi Tom vin cdn ngu).
"Have you given up smoking?" 'No. I still smoke"
('Anh da bd thutic chua?' *Chita tdi van cdn hut').
- Are you still living in the same house or have yod moved?
(Ban vin dang sting 6 nhi cu hay di dpn di noi khic rdi?)
- When I went to bed, Ann was still working.
(Ddi khi di ngu, Ann vin cdn dang torn vi$c).
Do you still want to go to the. party or have you changed your mind?
(Ban vin cdn mutin dtin dd tide hay di dtii y rdi7)
Chdng ta dung yet 64 hii m0t sy vi$c nAo dd d xiy ra chua, ho$c d4 n6i ring mpt sy
vic nAo dd vin chua xSy ra. C tying ta dung yet chO yd'u trong ciu hdiva cflu phu djnh.
Yet thuldng dtfng cutii cAu:
I'm hungry. Is dinner ready yef?
(Tdi ddi rdi. Butii ttii di sin sing chUa?)
- Have you finished writing that letter ye/?
(Ban di vitit xong H thudd chua?)
It's 10 o'clock and Tom hasn't got up yet (hofic isn't up yef)
(Di 10 gid rdi mi Tom vin chua thUc diy)
We don't know were we're going for our holidays yet.
(ChOng tdi vin chUa bitit si di nghl d d&u).

Chung ta thudng dung yet vdi td present perfect ("Have you finished writing that letter
yet?") Xem thdm bii 15b.
Bay gid hAy so sAnh still vA yet trong cAc cAu saudAy:
- Jack lost his job a year ago and he Is stHI unemployed.
(Jack mi't vide cich diy mpt nim vi biy gid anh ta vin thtit nghifp)
- Jack fost his job a year ago and hasn't found another job yet.
(Jack mtit vifc cich diy m$t nim vi vin chua tlm ddgc w$c lim khic)
- Is It still raining?
(Trdi vin cdn mua phi! khdng?)
- Has it stopped raining yet?
(Trdi di tanh mUa chua?)

Still cGng cd th< dupe diing trong cflu phu djnh:

He said he would be here an hour ago and he still hasn? come.
(Anh ta ndi ti se cd d diy cich diy mdt gid, v$y mi hidin g# anh to vin chua dtin)
CAu tr&n cd cdng y nghTa vdi cAu "he hasn't come yef. Nhdng stilL not bllu Id sy
ngyc nhidn hay ndn ndng mynh hen. Hay so sAnh:




She hasnY written to me yet {but I expect she will write soon),'
(CtJ ta chua v&t thu cho t6i). (nhung tdi mong c6 ta sd sdm'viSt thif cho pi).
Shestiit has/i 't written to roe. (she should have written before now).
(C6 fa vin chUa vi&t thi/cho tdi.) (ding 16 cd la phSi vPt rdi).

b) Chung ta dung not-


more, notthay d<5i. .

any longer v& no longer 64 ndi ring m$t tinh

hu6ng n&o d6 66
any longer ddng 6 cudifcdu:
Any more
Mr Davis doesnf work here arty more (ho$c any longer). He left about six months

(Ong Davis khdng cdn t6m vide d 66y nffa. dng ta 66 thdi vide c6ch 66y 6 th6ng).
We were good friends once but we aren't friends any more (ho$c any tongei).
(Trade kia chung tdi 16 b$n thin nhifng My gid chung tdi khdng cdn Id ban nOa).

No longer duing 6 giOa cfiu (xem b&i 106b):

We are no longer friends.

(Chung tdi khdng cdn Id ban cua nhau nOa)
S he no ionger loves him .
(C6 ta kh6ng cdn ydu anh ta nOa).


Chung ta thudng kh6ng diing no.more theo c6ch n&y:

He is no longer a student, (khdng n6i " He is no more a student.")
(Anh ta khdng cdn 16 sinh vidn nOa.)

UNIT 107: Exercises

107.1 In this exercise you have to ask some questions about a friend, Dave. You .haven't
seen Dave for a very long time. When you last saw him:

he was living in Harrow Road

he wa, single
he was working in a factory

he had a beard
he wanted to be a politician

he smoked a lot


You meet someone who has met Dave recently. Ask questions about Dave using still.
1 Is he still living in Harrow R0S(d? 4
5 .

107.2 This time you have to write sentences with yet

Example: It's still raining (stopped) it hasn't stopped raining yet

Goerge is still here <gone) He

The concert is stilt going on. (finished) itThe children are still asleep (woken up)
Ann is still on holiday (come back).
Jack is still up (gone lo-tjed)
We're still waiting for him to reply to our letter (replied)

I'm still thinking about what colour to paint the waH (decided)





107.3 In this exercise you have to use still and not - any more. '
Example: Tom used to play tennis and football (still/tennis but,..).


Jack used to have long hair and a beard (still/long hair but_).


but -.1
She was in hospital and she was on the danger list .(still/hospital but.)
#.... but
She used to bqeve in God and go to church on Sundays (still/God but..).

I was feeling tired and sick (still/tired but.).'

He was a good player and he was the best in the team (still/good player but...).

I used to like George and Ken (still/George but..).

Now use no longer instead of not. any more in sentences 1-4.



10 (4)




It hasn't finished yet.

They haven't woken up yet.
She hasn't come back yet (or She isn't
back yet).
He hasn't gone to bed yet.
He hasn't replied to our letter yet.
I haven't decided what colour to paint
the wall yet (or I haven't yet decided

what colour.).
107.3 1 He has still got long hair (or He still has
long hair) but he hasn't got a beard any
more (or he doesn't have a

bea'rd any


She is still in hospital but

she isn't on the danger list
any more.
3 She still believes in God but
she doesn't goJo church on
* Sundays any more.
4 I'm still feeling tired (or I still
feel tired) but I'm not feeling
sick any more (or I don't feel
sick any more).
5 He is still a good player but
he isn't the best in the team

107.1 2 ~ts he still single?

3 Is he still working in a factory?
4 Has he,still got a beard? (or Does he
still have a beard?)
5 Does he still want to be a politician?
6 Does be still smoke a lot?
107.2 1 He hasn't gone yet.


any more.

I still like George but I don't

like Ken any more.
8 She is no longer on the
danger list.
She no longer goes to
church on Sundays.
10 I'm no longer feeling. gjck (or
I no longer feel sick).


BA1 108:


a) Quite; khdng b&ng "very' nht/ng nhidif hon (ho$c Idn hcfn) "a little";
I'm surprised you haven't heard of him. He's quite famous. (~less than very


but more than a little famous).

(Tdi nggc nhidn Id ben chUa nghe gi v4 dng ta. Ong fa khA n&t ti&ng).
It's quite cold. You'd better wear your coat.
(Trdi khA lenh. Ben nAn mat do khoAc).
Tom lives quite near me, so we see each other quite often.
(Tom s6ng khA gSn ch6 tdi, vl v&y chung tdi gap nhau khA thddng xuydn)
Quite difng tnfdc a / an:
quite an old house
quite a nice day
quite a long way
Chung ta cung dung quite vdi mQt sd ddng tCf. <J$c bi$t Id like vd enjoy:
- I quite like tennis but it's not my favourite'spbrt.
(Tdi khA thich quAn vqt nhung n6 khdng phAi mdnlhS thao tdi ua thich).

Quite c6n cd mt nghTa khdc.xem 6 phdn c.


b) Rather mang y nghTa tifong t</ nhu quite nhung chung ta diing rather chii yd'u vdi
nhufng tti vd nhtfng y phiJ djnh\
It's rather cold, so you'd hotter wear your coat.
'(Trdi khA lenh, vi v$y ben ndn mat do khoAc vdo)
"-What was the examination like?" "Bather ddlicutt, I'm afraid"
("Ky thi thS ndo?" "KhA khd, tdi e rAng thS").
Let's get a taxi. Ifs rather a long way to walk.
(Chung ta hiy di taxi. NA'u khdng ta phAi di bp mdt quang khA xa dy).

Quite cOng c6 thtf dupe dung trong cdc cftu trdn.

Chting ta thudng dCing quits vdi y nghTa iich eye (positive) vd rather vfli y nghTa phu djnh
(tldu ci/c) (negative):
She is quite intelligent but rather lazy.
(C6 ta khA thdng minh nhung hdi hfdi).

Khi chiing ta dung rather vdi nhtfng tif tfch eye {nice / interesting..), nd s cd nghTa Id
~"khAc thitdntf, "Wf ngd'.Thldg:

Rather nice = f<5> / ft? t khdng ngd.

These oranges are rather nice. Where did you get them?
- (M&y qui cam nAy ngon quA. Ban mua chung d d&u th?)
- Ann didn't like the book but I thought it was rather interesting. (=more Interesting
than expected).
(Ann khdng thich quy&n sAch dd nhi/ng tdi nghf nd khA hay).
Rather cd th di trtfdc hay sau a / an:
a rather interesting book,
c) Quite cdn cd

rather an Interesting book.

th3 mang nghTa "hoan toAn". Thl dg:

"Are you sure?" "Yes, quite sure" (=compietely sure).

("Ban chAc th chil?" "VAng, chAc trdm ph&n trdm").


Quite mang nghTa "hodn todrf khi di vdi mQt tfnh tCf. d$c bi$t IA:
She was quite different from what Iexpected (completely different)
(C6 fa hodn todn khdc vdi nhdng g) tdi nghj).
- Everything they said was quite true (complete true).
(Mqi <Si4u hQ ndi dSu hodn todn dung).

Chting ta cung dOng quite {hodn todn) vdi m$t s6 <l$ng ttf:
- I quite agree with you (=1 completely agree).
(Tdi hodn todn ddng y vdi ban).
They haven't quite finished their dinner yet
(Hp chua in xong bCfa tdi).
- Idon't quite understandwhat you mean.
(Tdi hodn todn khdng hidu anh ta mudn ndi gi).


UNIT 108: Exercises

108.1 He-mite these sentences to include quite.

Example: They like In an oid house.
They like in quite an oid house.
1 Tom's got a good voice
2 They bought an expensive camera
3 It was a nice day...,.
4 We had to walk a long way
5 It was a frightening experience
6 There was a strong wind
7 You've made a lot of mistakes
8 I've had a tiring day



- . . . .. . . .
. . . . . . . ... . . . . .

108.2 Complete these sentences using the words in brackets. Each time use quite with the
positive word and rather with the negative word.
Example: Carol is quite intelligent but rather lazy, (intelligent/lazy).
1 The weather is_ ....!
2 Jill's flat is_

3 The water in the pool was_
4 The concert was.
5 The film was.
(exciting/frightening). .
6 The car goesbut it's
7 He is
(a hard worker/slow).
but he's:
8 Jim lives.:
me but it'sto get to his house (near/difficult).
9 Tom's plan was- ...J



. . . ......
. .. . . . . . . . . .


* i


10 It's
11 I was~




work ( a well-paid job/hard).

but it's...:
with the hotel but Jim was

108.3 Complete these sentences using quite with one of tfie following words:
sure unnecessary
different. amazing
We didn't believe them at first, but they said was quite true.

You needn't have done that. It was
I'm afraid Ican'd do what you ask. It's .
,1 couldn't agree with you more. You areYou won't fall. The ladder isYou can't compare the two things. They are .
I think I saw him go out but I'm not Icouldn't believe what had happened. It was .



108.1 1 Tom's got quite a good voice.

2 They bought quite an expensive



108.2 1 quite warm but rather windy.

2 quite clean but rather untidy
3 quite- warm but rather dirty"
4 quite good but rather long
5 quite exciting but rather
6 quite well but it's rather noisy
7 quite a hard wroker but hp's rather

quite near me but it's rather

9 quite interesting-but rather

It was quite a nice day.
We had to walk quite a long way.
It was quite a frightening
There was quite a strong wind.
You've made quite a lot of
I've had quite a tiring, day.


complicated '
10 'quite a well-paid job but it's rather
hard work
11 quite pleased with the hotel but
Jim was rather disappointed

108.3 2 quite unnecessary

3 quite impossible
4 quite right
5 quite safe
6 quite different
7 quite sure
8 quite amazing




BAl 109



a) Hay xem x6t tlnh hu6ng miu sau:

NSm ngofii Jack va Jill nghl mat bn bd bi3n.

Trdi mtfa nhiu nhi/ng ho vin vui thfeh. Ban c6 thg
Although it rained a lot, they enjoyed
themselves. (= It rain a lot but they enjoy
(Mdc du trdi mUa nhiiu, hi? vin vui tbfch).
Inspite of i the rain, they enjoyed
Despite I" themselves.

_ (Bit chip trdi mua, hp vin vui thfch),

. b)

San although chOng ta dting chO tl ddng tit:

Although she smokes 40 cigarettes a day, she is quite fit.
(DO hOt 40 diiu thvdc m6i ngiy, bO ta vin hohn toin khde manh).
Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.
(M$c du trdi mi/a nhiiu, chOng tdi vin nghf mit vui v&).
I didn't get the job although Ihad all the necessary qualifications.
(Tdi khdng nhdn dUQC cdng vide <36 m$c du tdi cd tSt ci nhitng b&ng dp dn thi&l).
Sau in spite of (ho$c despite) chung ta dCing mQt danh tCf, mt dai til (this/that/what
v.v...) hoac dQng tCf ing:
In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our holiday.
(Mdc du trdi mua. chung tdi vin nghf mit vui vi).
- I didnt get the job despite my qualifications.
(Tdi khdng nh$n dupe cdng vide <36 mdc du cdiSu bang dp).
She wasn't well, but in spite of this she went to work.
(C6 ta khdng dUdc khde, mSc du vSy cd ta vin di 19m).
Despite what I said last night. I still love you.
(Du tdi qua anh cd ndi gl di nifa, anh van ydu em).
I'm not tired in spite of working hard all day.
(Tdi khong thS'y m$t m&c du da 19m vide vit vi sudt ngby).
Hay luu y r&ng chiingta nd\ In spite of'-nhi/ng ndi "despite" (khdng ct gidl tCf of):
Ban cOng c6 th ndi In spite of/despite the fact (that)...
In spite of the fact (that) I was tired, Icoutdnt sleep.
(Mic du m$t mdi, tdi vin khdng ngu dupe).
She's quite fit despite the fact (that) she smokes 40 cigarettes a day.
(Bi ta vin hoin todn khde manh mac. du. hut 40 diSu thudc mdi ngiy).


HSy so sanh although v6 in spite of/despite:

- Although the traffic was bad, I arrive on time.
In spite of the traffic, 1 arrived on time.
(Du ttnh hlnh giao thdng rat t6i f#, tdi vSn din dung gid).
I couldn't sleep although Iwas very tired.
I couldn't sleep despite being very tired.
(T6i khdng ngu dUpc du rit m$t).

c) Bfii khi chu rig ta dung though thay cho although;


I didn't get the job though I had all the necessary qualifications.
(T6i khdng nh&n dUt/c cSng vide 66 m&c dO tdi co tit c nhOng b&ng cap cin thiit).

Trong van n6i tiS'ng Anh (spoken English), chting ta thudng dting though d cu6i cdu:
The house isn't very nice. I like the garden though. (= but I tike the garden).
(C6n nhd khdng dgp iSm. Tuy nhUn tdi thlch khu vddn).
- I see him every day. I've never spoken to him though. (= but IVe never spoken to
(Tdi g$p anh ta hdng ng&y, Tuy v$y t6i chua bao gid ndi chuySn vdi anh ta).

Even though 16 hlnh thCfc nhSn manh cCia although:

Even though I was really tired. Icouldn't sleep.
(Cho du tdi thi/c st/ m$t mdi, tdi vSn khdng ngu dtigc).

UNIT 109: Exercises

109.1 Complete these sentences. Each time use although + a sentence from the box.

_._. _.._...____________
_. __ ______ _ _ _ _

I didn't speak the language

I had never seen him before

It was quite coid

we don't like her very much

he had promised to be on time

1 Although he has a very responsible job. he lsr\'t particularly well-paid.

I recoghised him from a photograph.
2 Although
3 I didn't wear a coat
4 We thought we'd better invite her to the party
I managed to make myself understood
6 He was late




> M| M


II) f




Ml M




Ml im mimimi

109.2 Complete these sentences with although or In spite of.

Example: Although it rained a lot. we enjoyed our holiday.
all my careful plans, a lot of things went wrong.
Ihad planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong.
3 I love music
:. I cant play a musical instrument.
being very tired, we carried on walking.
this the house was still coid.
5 The heating was full on. but
Iadvised him not to.
6 Keith decided to give up his Job



109.3 Read these sentences and then write a new sentence with the same meaning. Use the
word(s) in brackets in your sentences

. . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .

Example: I couldn't sleep although I was fired, (despite)

I couldn't sleep despite being tired (or despite the tact (that) Iwas tired),
1 Although he's got an English name, he is in fact German, (despite)

2 In spite of. her injured foot, she managed to walk to the village, (although)






*41 M.




I decided to accept the job although the salary was low. (in spite of)


We lost the match although we
the better

In spite of not having eaten for 24 hours. I didn't feel hungry, (even though)

I decided.





......- - -------

HI HI mm

mm mmm mm

HI Ml Ml

ita mm mmm

mm mm mm mmm mm




109.4 Now use the words in brackets to make a sentence with though at the end.
Example: The house isn't very nice, (like/garden) I like the garden though.

-..1----. 1


She's very nice, (don't like/husband) I

2 it's quite warm, (a bit windy) It
3 We didn't like the food, (ate) We



1P9.1 2 Although I had never seen him


109.2 1


109.3 1

2 Although she had an injured foot, she

managed to walk to the
although it was quite cold
village./Although her foot was
although we don't like her very
3 1 decided to accept the job in spite of
the low salary./,., in spite of the salary
Although Ididn't speak the
being low ./in spite of the fact (that) the
although he had promised to be
salary was low.
on time
4 We lost the match despite being the
In spite of (or despite) better team./... cfespite the fact (that)
we were the better team.
'5 Even though I hadn't eaten for 24
hours, I didn't feel hungry.
In spite of (or despite)
in spite of (or despite)
t09 4 j | dorVt ljke her husband though.
2 It's a bit windy though.
Despite his English name, he is in
3 We ate jygh
fact German ./Despite having an
English name.../Despite the fact
(that) he has,./


BAl 110:


a) HSy xem thi dy sau:

Our football team lost yesterday. We all played badly. -BUI "Is our best player but
yesterday even Bill played badly.
(Hdm qua ddi bdng chOng tdi bj thua. TSt cA chOng tdi dSu chOi rSt- ti. Bill IA c&u
thu gidi nhSt nhi/ng hdm qua ngay cA Bill cOng chdi rSt tSi).
ChOng ta dung even d& n6i r&ng mOt vi$c gi d6 Id bi thi/dng hoSc ddng nggc
nhi6n. ChOng tdi n6i "ngay cA Bill..." vl anh ta Id m$t cu thCi .gidi vd hidm khi ndo anh
ta chdi t6i. N6u anh ta chdi tdi, qud that d6 Id mpt rigdy den tfl'l cua dpi b6ng.

These photographs aren't very good. Even Icould take better photographs than
these. (I'm certainly not a good photographer, so they, must be bad).
(NhiJng tA'm Anh nAy khdng dap lim. Ngay cA tdi cung cd the chup nhQng tA'm anh
dpp hon nhCng tdm Anh nAy.) (chAc chAn tdi khdng phAi Id mdt thd chup hinh gioi,
vi vAy chung qui IA xSu thAt).
Ifs a very rich country. Even the poorest people own cars, (so the rich people must

be very rich).
(DcS IA mdi qu&c gia giAu cd. Ngay cA nhdng ngUdi nghAo nhA't cung co xe hoi.) (vI
vAy nhtfng ngUdi giAu At hin IA rSt giAu).

He always wears a coat - even in summer.

(Anh ta ludn ludn mAc Ao khoAc ngay cA vAo mOa hd).
Nobody would lend him the money not even his best friend. (= Een his best friend
wouldn't lend him the money).
(Khdng ai cho anh ta mugn tidn cA ngay cA ngt/di ban thin nhAt cua anh ta cOng

b) Chung ta

rSit hay dCing even + ddng

t(i 6

giffa cdu (xem bdi 106b d biet vj trf chinh



Don has travelled all over the world. He has even been to the Antarctic. (It's
especially unusual to go to the Antarctic, so he must have travelled a lot).
(Don OA <ti khip thd' gidi. Anh ta <JA d$t chAn <36n ngay cA Nam ctfc.) (D$t ChAn dn
Nam ci/c IA mdt diSu h&t site dAc bidt. vi vAy At hin anh ta <3A di r&t nhiSu ndi).
' He always wears tie. He even wears tie in bed!
(Anh ta ludn ludn deo cA vat. Anh ta deo cA vat ngay cA lite ngul).
TTley are very rich. They even have their own private jet.
(Hp rSt giAu. Hq cd ci may bay phAn li/c ridng).

Sau dSy Id m<>t vdi vl dy vdi not even:

I can't cook. I canl even boil an egg. (so I certainly can't cook, because boiling an
egg is very simple). *'
(Tdi khdng biet nSu An. Ngay cA trUng tdi cung khdng biet ludc oQa.) (V) v&y chAc
chAn IA tdi khdng bi$t nu An, vl ludc trtfng IA mdt vide rat ddn giAn).


They weren't very friendly to us. They didnl even say hello.
(Ho khdng ttl&n thiQn vdi chiing tdi Idm. Ngay ci chdo hdl hp cung khdng mdng
He's very fit. He's just run five miles and he!s not even out ot breath.
(Anh ta ri't khde. Anh ta vUa rndi chgy nam dam ma vin chua dirt hoi).


Ban c6 th dung even v<Si c&c hlnh thiic so srinh bc hdn (hotter Imore surprised

It was very hot yesterday but today it's even hotter.

(H6m qua trdi r&t ndng nhung hdm nay trdi cdn ndng hdn ntfa).
I got up at six o'clock but Jack got up even earlier.
(Tdi day liic 6 gid nhung Jack day cdn sdm hdn nQa).
I knew J didn't have much money but I've got even lass than Ithought.
(Tdi bi&t tdi khdng c6 nhidu tidn nhung hda ra tdi c6 cdn It tiSn hdn ta tdi tudng).
I was surprised to get a letter from her. I was even more surprised when she
appeared at my door the next day.
(Tdi rSt ngac nhiSn khi nh$n dUdc thu cOa cd ta. Nhung fdT f$i cdn ngqc nhidn hdn
nUa khi cd ta xuS't hidn trUdc cifa nhd tdi ngdy hdm sau).

d) Ban cd th dung even vdi If, when v& though:

I'll probably see you tomorrow. But even if I don't, we're sure to see each other
before the week-end.
(C6 thi tdi se gap bgn vdo ngdy mai. Nhung dd nSu tdi khdng 64n, chung ta chic
chin se gap nhau trUdc ngdy nghJ cu6i tuin).
- He never shouts even when he's angry.
(Anh ta khdng bao gid la hdt ngay cS khi gi$n dO).
He has bought a car evert though- he can't drive.


(Anh ta di rhua xe hdl m$c dd anh ta khdng bi6t Idl xe).

UNIT 110: Exercises

_. ._ ._ . .

110.1 In this exercise you have to complete a conversation. Use even or not even.
Example A: We tost the match. The whole team played badly.
A: Yes, even Bill played badly
B: Really? Evan Bill?

1 A: Everyone was on time for work this morning.

A* YflR
B: Really?
2 A: Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.
B: Really?
A. Yes,

_ _ ._. .

- ...

A: The whole country is going on strike.


the police?
B: Really?
A: Nobody knows where Peter has gone.
B: Really? Not
his wife?
A: Everybody passed the examination.
B: Really?


A* Yfifi

I Vll|

A: No,



A* Yfts



110.2 Make sentences with even. Use the words in brackets.

Example: He wears a tie all the time, (in bed) He even wears a lie" in bed.

They painted the whole room white, (the floor)


He hds to work every day. Jon Sundays,) He
You could hear the noise from a long way away, (front the next street)


They have the window open all the

4 #* %



(when ifs freezing)

HI IH IN fi*

* H *M *N

In these sentences you have to use not.even.

Example: She didn't say anything to me. (hello) She didn't even say hello.
5 I can't remember anything about her. (her name) I
6 There isn't anything in this town, (a cinema) There
7 I haven't eaten anything today, (a piece of bread)-.
8 He didn't tell anyone where he was going, (his wife)

m M4 m



Idon't know anyone in our street, (the people next door).




mmm wmm mi


im iH

Ml H4

110.3 Comp/efe these sentences with even + a comparative.


Example: It was very hot yesterday but today ifs


We found a very cheap hotel but the one Jack found was
That's a very good ipea, but I've got an
The shop is always quite crowded but'today ffs
This church is 500 years old but the house next tq it is
I did very little <frork for the examination but you did



than usual

110.1 1,

B: Even Sue?
A: Yes, even Sue was on time.
B: Even you?
A: Yes. even I make mistakes sometimes.
B: Even the police?
A: Yes. even the police are going on strike."
B: Not even his wife?
A: No. not even his wife knows whdre he has gone.
B: Even George?
A: Yes, even George passed (the examination).



They evefr painted the lloor white.

He even has to work on Sundays.
You could even hear the noise from the next street.
4 They even have the window open when it's freezing.
(or They have the window open even when it's freezing)
5 t can't even remember her name.
6 There isn't even a cinema (in this town).
7 I haven't even eaten a piece of bread (today),
8 iHe didn't even tell his wife (where he was going).
9 I don't even know the people next door.



even cheaper
even better


even more crowded

even older
even less


BAl 114:

Lien tcf AS (chi ly do vd chi thdS gian) As

(chi ly do)
"As Iwas feeling tired Fwent to bed
early" As (chi thdi gian)
"I watched her as she opened the

a) As (chi ly do):

As thifdng c6 nghla \6 "because" (v), bdi vl);

- As I was feeling tired, I went to bed early. because Iwas feeling tired).
(V) cAm thtiy m$t tdi <JS di ngij sdm).
As they live near us, we see them quite often.
(VI ho sting gin chS chung tdi.chung (di g&p ho khti thiidng xuyAn).
As tomorrow is a public holiday, all the shops will be shut.
(VI ngAy mat IA li, ttit cA cAc ctia tidm dSu sA ddng ctfa).
As we had nothing better to do, we watched, television th6 whole evening.
(V) chung tdi khdng c6 vi$c g) If thO. hon dti tAm chung tdi d& xem ti-vi sutit butii

Nhung chung ta cflng diing as d n6i ring hai si/ vlc n&o 66 xky ra cCing mdt luc.
HSy xem ph5n k' tlp.

b) As (chl thdi gian):

> Hal si/ vi$c

xky ra ciing Itfc.

Ban c6 th diing as khi hal si/ vi#c xky fa cdng ICic hay cOng trong m<H khofing thdi


Iwatched her as she opened the letter.

(Tdi quan sit cd ta khi cd ta md id thU).
As they walked along the street, they looked In the shop windows.
(Khi hg tii dQC theo con dddng, ho nhln vAo cAc ttikfnh bAy hAng).
T urn off the light as you go out please.
(LAm on tit 6An khi b$n di ra ngoAi).
Chdng ta thtfdng dCing as khi cd hai h&nh d0ng ngin nguixky ra ciing Hie.
- George arrived as I left (= he arrived and I left at the same time).
(George dtin khi tdi di.) (* anh ta dtin vA.tdi di cung m$t iuti).
We all waved goodbye to Tom as he drove away in his car.
(Ttit cA chung tdi dtiu vly chAo tarn bi$t Tom khi anh ta tAfxe di).
Ban cung c6 th dung just as {= ngay khi):
- George arrived just as I left.
(George dtin ngay khi tdi ra di).

Just as Isat down, the phone rang.

(Ngay khi tdi ngtii xuting th) chudng di$n thoei reo).


Chung ta cQng dung as khi cd hal vlc

chuyd'n bidn xy

ra trong ciing mt khoing thdl



As the day want on, the weather got worse.

(Khi ng&ytrdi qua, thdi tid't trd n&n t6i t4 hdn),
... |began enjoy ffrejob mora as I got "used to it.
(Tdi bt d3u thfch cdng vi$c dd hdn khi tdi d quen vdi nd).


c) As (chT thdi gian):

vi$c xdy ra trong khi mt stf viec khdc dang tid'p diln: Ban
> MQt
l&m mdt

c6 th$ ndi r&ng ban d

trorig khi as) ban dang iam mdt vide khde.
Khi chiing ta dCing as theo edeh ndy, thirdng cd hai hdnh d$ng du rdt ngdn ngui.
. - The man slipped as he was getting off the train.
(Ngudi d&n 6ng 66 da trdrft ch&n khi (Jang bUdc xy6ng xa Ida).
Jill burnt herself as she was taking the cakes out of the oven.
' 4
(Jill da bj phdng khi cd ta ly b&nh ra khdi Id).
- The thief was seen as he was climbing over the wall .
(TSn tr<5m bj phdt hi4n khi h&n dang leo qua iUdng).
Ban dung cd th dung just as:
Just as we were going put, it started to rain.
(Ngay khi chung tdi dang di ra, trdi bit diu mi/a).
I had to leave just as the conversation was getting interesting.
(T6I dS phii di ngay khi cvQc ndi chuyin trd nn I<y thii din).
Btfi vdi thl past continuous (was getting / were going' v.v...) xin xem bdi 12.
HSy liru y r&ng chting ta chl dung as khi hai hdnh ddng xdy ra cCing 10c. DC/ng dting as khi
hdnh dOog ndy xdy ra sau hdnh ddng kia:
- When I got home, f had a'bath. (khdng n6i "as Igot home*)
(Khi vi dn nhi, tdidi tim).


. UNIT 111: Exercises

111.1 In this exercise you have to join a sentence from box A toith a sentence from box B.
Begin each of your sentences with as (reason)
there isn't anything to eat in the house
ft was a nice day
we didn't want to wake anyone up
the door was open
1 didn't have enough money for a taxi

I'had to walk home

we came in very quietly
the shops will bo shut
let's go out for a meal
we decided to go for a walk




" W

'*** ##*#

IK.Mtaa, mbw >


M Ml





llllllllll|IM<lllllll*lllllllllllll'|l>llllllllllllll>ll< M# M# # Ml

- Ml


M* MiMaa*

I-"" P

" "


M It# IMMl mM#

#! M t##

l M# It# #1 M IM




IM M# mi m| im

a la



111.2 From each pair of sentences make one sentence with as (time).
Example: She opened the letter. I watched her. I watched her as she opened the letter.
1 We posed for the photograph. We smiled.
We smiled
2 He explained what I had to do. I listened carefully.
3 The two teams ran onto the pitch. Tf\e crowd cheered.
The crowd
4 She passed me In the street. She didn't look at me.



Ml M

H* H*




MlMMIf Nl Ml MlM lift



In the following sentences use Just as.

Example: I sat down. Just at that moment the phone rang.

We arrived at the beach. Just at that moment it started to rain.

It started
I togk the photograph. Just at that moment you moved.


M M.

... ...




H.m n



In these sentences, one thing happens during another.

Example: Jill was taking the cakes out of the oven. She burnt herself.

Tom was climbing out of the window. He fell.

T OIY) fell
8 We were'driving along the road. A dog ran out in front of the car.
A dog
9 She was getting out of the car. She dropped her bag.

...................................i.r..............wnww wh m h.

m.m. m. m w

h. *h


111.1 2-6 As there isn't anything to eat in the house, let's go out for a meat
As it was a nice day, we decided to go
As we didn't want to wake anyone up. we came in very quietly.
As the door was open. Iwalked in.
As Ididn't have enough money for a taxi, I had to walk home.
111.2 1 We smiled as we posed for the photograph.
2 I listened carefully as he explained what I had to do.
3 The crowd cheered as the two teams ran onto the pitch.
4 She didn't look at me as she passed me in the street.
5 It.started to rain Just as we arrived at the beach.
6 You moved just as I took the photograph.
7 Tom fell as he was climbing out of the window.
8 A dog ran out in front of the Car as we were driving alongbe road.
9 She dropped her bag as she was getting Qut of the car.





04/ 112:


a) Like mang nghia "similar to, the same as, tor example" (ti/dng ti/ nhu; ching han):

What a beautiful house! It's like a palace.

(khdng ndi "as a palace*).
(Ngdi nhA mdi dpp I
Am saol Trdng nhu fndt dinh thu v$y)
"What does George do?" "He's a teacher, like me"
("George I
Am nghA gi?" "Anh A'y IA giAo viSn nhu tdi").
Why do you always talk about boring things like your job?
(Tpi sao anh ludn ndi v6 nhtfng diSu nhAm chAn nhu vi$c lAm cua anh?)
Be careful! The floor has been polished. It's like walking on ice.
(Hay dn thAn! SAn nha vda dupe dAnh bdng. N6_ (ran nhudi trdn b&ng vAy).
It's raining again. I hate weather like this.
(Trdi lei mua. Tdi ghat thdi HA't nhu th nAy quA).

Like Id mQt gidi tit (preposition) Vi vdy n6 di/pc theo sau bdi mOt danh tit ("like a
palace / like your job"), m$t dpi tit ("like me / like this)*ho$c -/ngflike walking"). Ban cung
cd th n6i "like (someone / something) -ing".

"What's that noise?" "It sounds like a baby crying".

(Ti4ng gi thS?" "Nghe nhu tid'ng con nil khdc Sy").

b) Chting ta dCing as (khdng dung "like*) trade mQt chu tit + dpng tit:

Donl move anything. Leave everything as it is.

(DCtng di chuySn bit cit vAt g). Hay <34 yn mpi thd t$i chS).
Hay so sdnh like va as trong hai

ciu sau;

You should have done it like this, (like + d$i tit)

(DAng le anh ndn IAm nhu thS nAy).
You should have done it as Ishowed you. (as + chu tit + dpng tit).
(DAng le anh phAi lAm nhu tdi da chl anh).

Nhi/ng chung ta dung such as (= for example) khdng cd ddng ttf:

Some sports, such as motor-racing, can be dangerous.
(VAi m6n th4 thao, ching hen nhudua xe hoi c6 th4 nguy hi4m).
HSy luu y

fins chung ta ndi as usual:

c) As + chQ td + dpng tifed th cd nhQng

You're late as usual.

(Anh Igi di tr nhu mQi khi).

y nghia khdc. Thf dg:

Do as you are toldl (= Do what you are told).

(HAy lAm theo nhQng gi anh dA dupe d$n dd).
They did as they promised. {= They did what they promised)
(Hp da lA/n nhu hp hUa).


Ban cung c6 th n6i as you know / as we expected !as Isaid v.v...:

As you know, it's Tom's birthday next week. (= you know this already).
(Nhu-ban bidt dSy, tu&n sau IA sinh nhAt cua Tom
Ann tailed her driving test, as we expected.
(Qting nhdchdng ta nghl Ann khdng d$u ky thi iSy bing (At).


d) As cung c6 th$ ia gidi tuf (c6 nghTa Id ben c6

tJ6 as mang nghla khdc vdi like.

th dCing n<5 vdi m$t danh tu-), nhi/rrg khi

Chung ta dOng like khi chting ta so sdnh cdc sd vic:

She' looks beautiful - like a princess, (she isn't really a princess).
(Co ta trong dap nhu mQt nAng cdng chua.) (ttu/c A'y khdng phii IA cdng


Everyone is ill at home. Our house is like a hospital, (it isn't really a hospital)
(Mt?i ngudi dSu b$nh phii nkm bap d nhA. NhA tdi nhu m6t b$nh vi$n A'y.) (thi/c ra
nd khdng ph&i IA b$nh vi$n).
Chdrvg ta dOng as + danh
n6i rang ingt diSu gl d6 thtfc st/dS hofc hin di$n ra
(nhat Id khi chung ta ndi v ngh nghip cua al, hay cdch Chung,tasifdgng mQt thtf gl):
- A few years ago I worked as a bus driver. (I really was a bu,s driver).
(CAch diy vAi nAm tdi lAm nghd tAi xS xe buyt). (Tdi tht/c S(' di IA mdt tai x4 xe
Sue has just found a job as a shop assistant.
(Sue vita mdi tim dupe cdng viAc lAm ngi/di bAn hAng).
. During the war this hotel was used as a hospital, (so it really was a hospital)
(Trong chi&n tranh khach san nAy dupe dOng lAm b$nh v$n).
We haven't got a car, so we use the garage as a workshop.
(Chung tdi chua cd xe hdi. v) th& chung tdi dOng ga-ra !Am nhA xudng).

_ _ __ __


UNIT 112: Exercises

112.1 Complete these sentences with tike or as. The sentences in this exercise are like
those in sections a, b and c.
Examples: This house is beautiful. It's like a palace.
Ann failed her driving test as we expected.


...... . . --------- - _- _- _-


_ ______
________-----__.......___ .....


Do you think Ann looks

her mother?
2 He really gets on my nerves. Ican't stand people
.... him.
3 Why didn't you do it
Itold you to do It?
4 "Where does Bill work?" "He works In a bank,
most of his friends".
5 He never listens. Talking to him Is
talking to a wall.
I said yesterday, I'm thinking of going to Canada.
7 Tom's Idea seemed a good one. so we did
he suggested.
8 It's a difficult problem. Inever know what to do in situations,
9 I'll phone you tomorrow evening
usual, okay?
10 This OTffee is terrible. It tastes

11 Suddenly there was a terrible noise. It was

a bomb exploding.
12 She's a really good swimmer. She swims
..a fish.

__ _____
_ __


- ....



....... . . . . .

112.2 This time you have to choose like or as (preposition see section d).
Examples: She looks beautiful this evening - like a princess.
A few years ago I worked as a bus driver.
1 He's been learning English for a few years but he still speaks
a beginner.
blocks of ice*.2 My feet are really cold. They're
a tourist guide.
3 Margaret once had a part-time job
4 We don't need all the bedrooms in ihe house, so we use one of them
a study.
a museum.
5 His house is full of lots of interesting things. It's
a labourer ori a building site?
6 Have you ever worked
a complete surprise to me.
7 The news that he was getting married came
a child.
8 He's 35 but he sometimes behaves

. . _. .......


.. . . ......------.. .......
.-. - -

112.3 In this exercise there are sentences cf all types. Put in like or as.

Your English is very fluent, i wish I could speak
you like.
2 You needn't take my advice if you don't want to. You can dD
3 He wastes too much time doing things
sitting in cafes all day.
4 There's no need to change your clothes. You can go out
you are.
5 The weather's terrible for the middle of summer. It's
- winter.
6 He's decided to give up his job
a journalist and become a teacher.
it was, before we decorated it.
7 Ithink I prefer this room
I knew he would.
8 When we asked Jack to help us. he agreed immediately,
9 While we were on holiday, we spent most of our time doing energetic things
sailing, water-skiing and swimming.
a waitress for the last few weeks."
10 Ann's been working

. . ....... . . .........

112.1 1 like

3 as
5 tike
7 as
9 as
t1 like
112.2 f like
3 as
5 like
7 as

2 like
4 like

8 like
10 like

12 life
2 like
4 as
6 as
8 tike

112.3 1 (ike
3 like
5 like
7 as
9 like (or such as)

2 as
4 as

6 as
8 as

10 as





th dung as if di n6i rang ai d6 hay ci gl <56 trfing nhu thS'.n&o (look)/nghe c6

vi th&' no ,(sound)/c&m th&y th' n&o (feel) v.v...:

a) Bgn c6

The house looked as it nobody was living in it.

(CSn nh& trdng nhU the khdng co ngi/di d vay).
Ann sounds as if she's got a cold, doesn't she?
(Gigng Ann nghe nhU the co ta bi cim lanh. phai khdng?)
I've just come back from holiday but I ffeel tired and depressed. I don'i tael as if IVe
had a holiday.
(Tot vUa di nghl mAt ve nhUng toi cam thSy m$t mdi vA chin ndrt.Jdi dm tbSy nhu
the mlnh chifa di nght vAy).

Hay so s&nh:

You look tired, (look + tlnh tCt) (Ban trdng cd vi mihmdi).

You look as If you haven't slept, (look + as if + chd tU + ddqg tU)
(Ban trdng nhit Id da khdng ngu vay).
- Tom sounded worried, (sound tfnh tur). (Gipng Tom c6 vi lo l&ng).
Tom sounded as if he was worried, (sound + as if + chd tif + dQng tCr).
(Gigng Tom nghe cd vi nhu anh ta dang lo ling).
Bgn c6 the diing as though thay cho as if:
Ann sounds as though she's got a cold.

(GtQng Ann nghe nhU the cd ta bi dm Ignh vay).

b) Bgn cOng c6

th n6i It looks/sound9/smells as if (ho$c as though):

Tom is very late, isn't he? It looks as if he isn't coming.

(Tom trS Idm rdi. phii khdng? Cd. vi nhu anh ta $4 khdng din).
We took anjjmbrella because it looked as if it was going to rain.
(Chung tdi da mang du theo vl cd vi nhu trdi sAp mt/a).
Do you hear that music next door? It sounds as if they are paving a party, doesn't


(Ban cd nghe th&y tii'ng nhac d nhd bin cgnh khdng? Nghe nhu hp dang cd tide.
phai khdng?)
It smells as though someone has been smoking in here.
(Cd mui nhU ai 66 hut thud'c trong niy).

Sau It iooks/sounds/smells. ta cung co the dung like thay cho as if Ias though:
- It looks like Tom isn't coming.
(Co vi nhU Tom se khdng den).
c) Bgn cung c6 th dOng as If vdi nhtfng d$ng tir khc 64
d6 nhu the n&o:


diin t& ai d6

lm mt

diSu gl

He ran as If he was running for his life.

(HAn chgy nhu thi gap nguy him chit ngudi). '
After the interruption, she carried on talking as if nothing had happened.
(Sau khi bj ngAt Idi, cd ta da tip tyc noi nhU th ching cd chuyin gi xiy ra ci).


When Itold them my plan, they looked at me as if Iwas mad.

(Khi tdi ndi cho hi? biit k ho$ch cOa tdi. h<? da nhin tdi nhtJ thi tdi bj didn v&y).

d) Sau aa If ddi khi chung 1a ding thi qu khu" (past form) khi chung ta ndi v hin tai. Thi

Idon't like Norman. He talks as if he knew everything,

(Tdi khdng th(ch Norman. Anh ta ndi cO nhu thi anh ta biit hit m<?i thtf).



Y nghTa ciia c&u trgn khdng phii & qu6 khdr. ChOng ta ding hinh thtfc qua khuf ("as if
he knew") bdi vl c&u n&y khdng dimg si/.tht (thi/c st anh ta khdng bit hdt mQi thur).
Chung ta cung ding thi qu6 RhU tUdng ti/ nhu v$y trong ciu <Jiu kl#n va sau wish (xem
bcii 37).

Khi ding thi qui Wrtftheo each n&y, ban cd th dung were thay cho was:
Harry's only 50. Why do you talk about him as If he were (ho$c was) an old man?
(Harry chf mdi cd 50 tu6i th6i. Tai sao anh lei ndi vi dng ta nhu thi 6ng ta M m$t
6ng gid vdy?).
They treat me as if Iwere (ho&c was) their own son. fl'm not their son.)
(Hq <3$i xCf vdi tdi nhtf thi tdi la con trai cua ho vdy.) (Tdi kh&ng phdi Id con trai cua


_ __


UNIT 113: Exercises

113.1 Use the sentences in the box to make sentences with as if.
she had hurt her leg
she was enjoying it
you've seen a ghost

- he

hadn't washed for ages

she was going to throw it at him
they hadnt eaten for a week

you need a good rest

ha was half-asleep
I'm going to be sick -

1 Tom looks very tired. You say to him: You look as if you need a good rest.
2 When you talked to Jack on the phone last night, he had difficulty speaking. And he
said some strange things. He sounded
3 Carol had a bored expression on her face during the concert.

She didnt look

....4 You could smell him from a long way away. He badly needed a bath.
He smelt

5 Your friend comes into the room looking absolutely terrified.-His face is white.
You say: What's the matter? You look

6 You've just eaten a whole box of chocolates. Now you are feeling ill.
You say: I feel
7 When you saw Sue, she was walking in a strange way.
She looked .
8 They were extremely hungry and ate their dinner very quickly.
They ate their dinner

9 Ann and Tom were having an argument. She was very angry. Suddenly she picked
up a plate. She looked









Ml kM aM aaa

M, M. *H

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999 099


*H M

kN M4 I

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99% 999





113.2 Now you have to make sentences beginning It looks/sounds as if...

we'll have to walk home

you had a good time

it's going to rain

there's been an acddent

they are having an argument

Tom hasn't arrived yet and it's late. You say: It looks as it he isn't going to come
2 The sky is lull of black cjouds. You say: It
3 You hear two people shouting at each other next door. You say: It sounds





IN %<*

mm mm

w mm

There is an ambulance, some policemen and two damaged cars at the side of the
road. You say:
You and your friend have just missed the last bus home. You say:
Sue and Dave have just been telling you about all the interesting things they did on
holiday. You say


Ml M*


Ml M


M i

113,3 Tftese sentences are like the ones in section d. Complete each sentence.
Example: Norman doesn't know everything, but he Talks as

1 I'm not a child, but sometimes you talk to me

2 She doesn't know me, so why did she smile at me
3 He's not my boss, but sometimes he acts

113.1 2


113.2 2
113.3 1


- She

----- - - -. .

if ho know ftvnrythlng


He sounded as if he was half-asleep.

didn't look as if she was enjoying it.
He smelt as if he hadn't washed for ages.
You look as've seen a ghost.
I feel as if I'm going to be sick.
She looked as if she had hurt her leg.
They ate their dinner as if they hadn't eaten for a week.
She looked as if she was going to throw it at him.

It look? as if it's going to rain.

It sounds as if they are having an argument.
It looks as if there's been an accident.
It looks as if we'll have to walk home.
it sounds as if you had a good time.

as if I were (or was) a child.

as if she knew me.
as if he were (or) was my boss.


a child.

BA1 114:

AT / ON / IN (chi thdi gian)

a) At: Chiing ta dung at

d chi thifi dim (point of time):

at 5 o'clock
at 11.45
at midnight
(vio liic 5 gid) (v&o liic 11 gid 45)
(vdo ntia d6m)
Tom usually leaves work at five o'clock.
(Tom thudng rdi-sd Idm luc 5 gid).

at lunchtime
(vdo liic an tri/a)

Nhung chdng ta thi/dng bd at di khi chiing ta hdi (At) what time...?:

What time are you going out this evening?

(Tdi nay ban se ra ngodi chdi hie mdy gid?)

Chiing ta cung dung at trong cc thdnh ngtf sau:

at night

at the week-end / at week-ends

at Christmas / at Easter
(nhOng ky nghl IS chlnh thtfc)
at the moment Iat present

at the same time

t don't like going out at night.

(Tdi khdng thlch di chdi vdoftan ddm.)
Will you be here at the week-end?
(Ban se co d ddy vAo cu6i tuAn chii?)
We give each other presents at Christmas.
(Chung tdi ting quA nhau nhdn dip IS GiAng sinh.)
Mr. Benn is busy at the moment / at present.
(Hipn gid 6ng Benn dang bin.)
* Ann and I arrive at the same time.
(Ann vA tdi ddn cung m$t luc.)
Tom left school af the age of 16 / at 16
(Tom rdi gh nha trUdng 10c 16 tudi.)

at the age of...

b) On: Chiing ta dting on vdi ng&y (day) vd nht k (date).

on 12 March
on Friday(s)
on Christmas Day (hoc at Christmas)

They got married on 12 March. (Hp cUdi nhau vAo ng&y 12 thAng Ba.)
Chiing ta cung ndi:
on Friday morning(s)
on Monday evening(s)

on Sunday afternoon(s)
on Saturday night(s) v.v.,.

I usually go out on Monday evenings. (Tdi thudng di chdi vAo nhffng tdi thU Hai.)

c) In: Chiing ta ddng In cho nhQng khoAng thdi gian dAi hdn
(hang, nSm. mua):

(chlng hen nhtf n6i vd


in April

in 1968
in (the) winter
in the 18th century
in the Middle Age
in the 1970s

They got married in 1968. (Hp cudi nhau vAo ndm 1966.)

Chiing ta cung ndi:

in the morning(s) / in the afternoon(s) / in the evening(s)
I'll see you in the morning, (but I'll see you on Friday morning")
(Tdi se g$p ban vAo budi sang.) (nhUng "Tdi sA gap ban vAo sAng thd Sau")


d) Chung ta khOng / 9n/ Intrude lat vft nert:

rV"J rA

,nls.oy0ulMyi0fij ifia)


(Tdi se g&p ban vAo thtl S&u tdi.)

They got married /as? March.
(Hp ctfcW nhau v*o tftdng 6a SU





e) *n+ IkhaAng JWr /an = mdittWh diilm ong tUdnglel:


1 Kd




The train will be leaving in a few minutes:' {= a few mrnutesfrom now)

' :
(Xe It/a s6 khdi hdnh trong m$t vdi phut nQa.)
Jack's gone 'away- TtbWbe' back in re week: (= a week from now)
v. v,
(Jack da <Ji rdi. M$t tuin niJa anh ta s&quay v6.)
They are getting married in six morrtts'{* Six months from now) .
(Sau thang nOa hp s4 cudi nhau),
f: .



Ban cGng c6 th3 ndi> "in six, months' time", "in a week's time" v.v...

nda, trong mQt to&n ailal: '

They are getting married'fn six Months', time.

(Sau thing h&a tip se <Xft3l:nbau.y

(trong sdu thang



Chiingfa ejyng dungjide cb? khping Ihdi Qian can thiet de IfcnvntOt
- f learnt tp dwerjn. four weeks.
(Tdi <Ji hQC 16$-xa trong bdn tu4n.) >?,

. ii-

1 r w-'



. .




jvSIm \

.\ ,, *' ' { j ,


v n

UNIT 114 : Exercises


'> :u--. :t>-,




114.1 In this exercise you have to complete the sentences. Each time use at, on or in with
one of the phrases from the box.
".-IjV. ' '
the same time
the 15th century
about five minutes
the 1920s
the age of five .
21 July 1969 . . .[ lf'T the moment



( ;c->
Columbus discovered:*merica fn tha 15th century.
The first man landed on the moon....
In Britairt football matches are usually played
You can spe'the siafs ;iVi..:i.vw:..:.:/./..i.j...j....;..i. If the skyfsclear.- r.


In Britain children have to start school

Jazz became popular in the United States
It's difficult to Jiatpn-when everyone is spepking
The Russian Revolution took place
Hell be back
Tom isn't here


. '1 \




. .....

o~:< n.i ' ;)Q'

-,>fc '
Examples: The conceit Starts af 7:4j.H ieamrtothWe //T'fburwiSekS:
:>.-K)-aibh.- w/-Jariuary d emts
1 Ttw&cbUrSe begins

114.2 Put in the correct prepositions;



_......- - _- _.........
- - -.......
- -...............

< "Wn'WQ
' overnight to Pans____
3 We
' travelled
and arrived
the morning.
5 o clock.

Mozart was born in Salzburg



5 Are you doing anything special

the week-end,? ,w
8 Hurry up! We've got to go
five minutes.
7'- Thaventsen Annlwatewdays-lastisew herLac-ia .j-Tsday.
8 I'll phone you
Tuesday morning
about 10 o'clock, okay.?: .
9 I might not be at homfc ;;.v.i_u:L
the morning. Can you phone:
afternoon Instead?v.
10 Tom's grandmother died
the age of 79.
11 Jack's brother Is an engineer Puttie's out otwork
the -moment.
October.-;: l-y
12 The price of electricity is going
y .
Sunday afternoons I- usually go for a walk in toe-country. :
14 There are usually a lot of parties
15 I like walking round the town .__.-.--k.iL._-.y...vntght Its always so peaceful
16 Do you fancy going to the cinema -.>.--i.e.ij.;.Friday'night?',.. t.
17 Tom doesn't see his parents very often thesr days - usuaihronty
the summer for a few dayst r ..?
and sometimes
.MvFebwory, ;
18 I've been invited to a wedding
19 I'm just going out to do some shopping. .I'llbe back,>-tjrnntyrsT:i~w:
.0 fcPur7,
20 Carol got married'ng to .get Carried21 Ann works hard during the week, so she likes to
'week -ends.
a day.
l2R. it was quite a short book and easy to read. I read it
23 The telephone and the doorbell ra'rtg ;.1.UJiil5i
T. M?: safito
their weddinq anniversary.i,:
24 Mary and Henry always go out for a meal
twoyeara' tifhe.'
25 Mf.bavls Is 63. He'll be retiring from his



114. 1 2



-iii-, f.Mi:!.;



- -''r-i


---------- -- -... . .. . . .

on-21 July 1969 on Saturdays

at night
,. cfit
at the age of five
in the 1920s
at the same time
in 1917
at the moment... in about five ,

..J... V 7k.

iL)ui..i.i ii"




, i i,|i.





.. . .

,,3. fLvto...,., . ..16 op


'S at











siH2fc-/ gtii.'0
.2.1... at

9 in.,, in
10 in... at


" "\7ft

22 in
23 at
onuuh 25.v; #!;:->!* \t-v u:.-n i-b -o7

s vv

v: : ; gr> :rl


ac v.

|i iw < ;a

f r


BA1 115:


a) For v A during:

Chung ta dung for + m$t kho&ng thdi gian <3d ndl rkng m$t sxf ndo d6 difin ra trong
bao Ifiu:
for a week
for two hours
for six years
(trong hai gid)
(trong mdttuAn)
{trong 6 nSm
IVe live in this house for six months.
(Tdi da sdng trong c&n nhd ndy dude 6 thAng r6i).
- We watched television for two hours last night.
(Tdi h6m qua chung tdi cJB xem ti-vi trong hai gid).
Ann Is going away for a week In September.
(Ann s4 vAng nhd mdt tuAn trong thAng Chin).
Where have you been? IVe been waiting for ages.
(Ban da d d&u thd? Tdi da chd ban l&uiAm rdi).
- Are you going away for the week-end?
(Cudi tuAn ndy ban s# vAng nhd phii khdng?)

8gn khdng th dting during trong tri/dng hdp n&y;

It rained for three days without stopping, (khdng ndi "during three days')
(Trdi <3S mifa khdng ngdt trong ba ng&y.)
Chung ta diing during + danh tCT d ch? Itic no sd vi$c x&y ra (khdng phii "trong bao
during the night
during our holiday
during the film
(trong ddm)
(trong ky nghlcua chung tdi)
(trong budi chi&u phim)
Ifell asleep during the film.
(Tdi da ngu g$t trong budi chidu phim.)
- We met a lot of interesting people during our holiday.
(Chung tdi dS gApnhiAu ngudi rift thO vj trong ky nghlcua chung tdi).
- The ground is wet. It must have rained during the night.
(M$t dSt Am Udt. ChAc hAn trong ddm trdi dd mua).
I'll phone you sometime during the afternoon.
(Tdi se goi di4n thoai cho ban vdo mdt luc ndo dd trong budi chiAu nay).
b) During va while:

ChOng ta dung during + danh tit; while + chu tC/

Hay so sdnh:

ddng tit.

Danh tir
I fell asleep during
the rilm.
(Tdi da ngd g$t trong budi chieu phim.)

Chil ti/ + B$nq tCr

Iwas watching television

__ _

1 fell asleep while

(Tdi di ngu gAt trong khi dang xem ti-vi.)


Hay so sfinh during v& while trong cc thl dy sau:

We met a lot of Interesting people during our holiday.
(Chung tdi dS g$p nhidu ngt/di thti vj trong ky nghicua chung tdi).
We met a lot of interesting people while we were on holiday.

(Chung tdi dS g$p nhiSu ngudi thii vj trong khi chung tdi di nghi).
Robert suddenly began to feel ill during the examination.
(Robert ddt nh&n dm thSy khd chfu trong ky thi).
- Robert suddenly began to feel 111 while he was doing the examination.
(Robert d$t nhidn dm thSy khd chju trong khi dang l&m b&i thi).
Sau d&y ia m$t s6 thl dy khdc
We saw Ann while we were waiting for the bus.
(Chung tdi da g$p Ann Ah/ chiing tdi dang chd xe buyt).
While you were out, there was a phone call you.
(Trong khi ban v&ng m6t, cd m$t cu d%n thoei goi cho ban d&y).
Tom read a book while Iwatched television.
(Tom da doc sAch trong khi tdi xem ti-vi).
Sau while ban ph4i ddng th) hi$n t$i (khOng dCing will) d.n6i v6 tirong lai:
- I'm going to London next week. Ihope to see Tom while I'm there.
(Tuin tdi tdi s di LuAn Ddn. Tdi hy vgng sA gap Tom khi tdi d dd).
What are you going to do while you are waiting?
(Ban sA lim g) trong khi chd dpi?)
Xem th&m b&i 9a.
V6 while -ing, xem bdi 67b. V6 for v& since, xem b&i 19b.

UNIT 115: Exercises

. . ..

115.1 In this exercise you have to put in for or during.

Examples: It rained tor three days without stopping.
Ifell asleep during the film.

---------------- - - -. -.-.
- -----------------

half an hour and then decided that you weren't coming.

1 1 waited for you
2 He hasn't lived in Britain all his life. He lived in India
four years.
3 Production at the factory was seriously affected
the strike.
three days.
4 I felt realty ill last week. Icouldn't eat anything
the interval.
5 When we were at the theatre last night, we met Ann
a week.
6 Sue was very angry after our argument. She didn't speak to me
7 We usually go out at week-ends, but we dont often go out
. the week.
8 Jack started a new job a few weeks ago. Before that he was out of work




115.2 This timo you have to put in while or during.

Examples: We met a lot of people while we were, on holiday.
We met a lot of people during our holiday.
I was waiting for the bus.
1 I met Tom
we were in Palis, we stayed at a very comfortable hotel.






our stay in
The phone
I had beeq$w*yiw m.spyyears
Wy Wfshjtfijnged.
What did she say eteutrflft (M-wt-dw.eini
OMfceiihflf worn? -< y/v
Jack read a tof,f1x>okarml magM&mes .u:sli&ui&xmW**.JMt-wesdll chO'i
I went out (or dinnerJaat night Unfortunately t Ofegan tp test :i*:-.ulklic. ;.*u:lhB meal.


ItoAffcSMrfcp; v'neaju?


11 There were
12 Can you lay the table

UVjO j

.digeiithe dtrmer: teddy? ;ar: <--' vi-.'s

-3.-11 vs? 3n\UV;
->v? 3V-:-Vi< '"A a-v:-. & :"v

115.3 Now use your own ideas fa compteto (fs sentences.

'. iy: efc >ot


Examples: I fell asleep while I was- reading ttU hewpafte>". !i
v S:V|
Ididfitsibep very weJl;'frkepf waktnd ijp'duHhg ftfr-nitiht:
rv.v l'.s
-;ic? : is I r 0?1 I fell asleep during

2 The ght epddenly,w#nt:0Ml white

*&! ***>r* v *V?
y * 3 I hurt my m* while "w>V-r* iiivl *#?5 O* t>0
4 The studertisrilQpked botMdurtegQr-q* vX .w&J". .n;ai
5 Can you wait here while
7 I fell off my chair during
8 It started to rain


She burnt herself while


. .

39SI019X.3- :ST t T Il/lU







Z. [



115 while

a ruci w yrr'c

* c? bs;r ! r * ?.**


11fell asleep during the party.

out while wa
T 16 Hghts $ud3enty went


ni bv-i!

>.?* ? -i;

rt T.S r r

-jo ;

yri\i>D .jSfOisS j?*f '


2 for

115.1 1 for

x vA n. suq of

ovi! T

2n,'iVn*!& t



ew ui;&


During ;" .edllWiblh e.. .fr.cT'UNHtyftc. ivApr:s ytev ** pui- i)

fto *hte. : ;v.oc. k w
:t During
.oob..j-~Tw1? r, coj vrsp .0 narif-J->nel 8
7 while- iu'*1 sr.-41 5; during
6 . It rained 8 lot during the night.m
10 while
9 during
bTf my chair dunng theTnfeQ/Tew "
7~ '1'feJi
11 cfurino
12 whHe
ennutoo ejiflVijv tufc o.%\,s.c>'i>3
8 it started to ram while we wdre waiting
115.3 If possible, check your answers
9aM*M(WAM hw. oW
with someone who @<s
Here are some example answer?: "fvij ,'yStrtiFh'ereiTWhffevshe
... jftpi te.-o 1
>!oew 3


41- W-/-


.ienvj *sHsnotn;C-'i



'' fs beva.tR. ew


rjr iew.w ,

jTj/l *335

BAI 116:


a) By (+ thdi diem)



= khdng tr hdn:



mt.?. ftom

I posted the letter today, so they should receive it by Monday

(= on or before Monday, on Monday at the latest)
(Hdm nay tdi bo thu rdi v) vay ho se nhdn diJ0c thd vdo khoang thd Hai.)
(= vdo hodc trade thd Hai. trS nhSt la thd Hai)
We'd better hurry. We have to be at home by 5 o'clock
(= at or before 5 o'clock, at 5 o'clock at the latest)
(Chung ta nen khin trudng I6n. Chung ta phai cd mat d nhd khodng 5 gid.)
(m vdo hoac trade 5 gid. tre nhSt la 5 gid)
Where's Ann? She should be here by now
(= now or before now; so she should have already arrived)
(Ann dau rdi? Gid nay ddng le cd ta phai cd mat roi chd\
(= Gid nay hoac sdm hdn. vi vay dang le cd ta da den rdi)
Ban khong th dung until vdi nghia n&y:
Tell me by Friday whether or not you can come to the party
(khdng ndi "Tell me until Friday")
(Tre nhat Id thd Sau ban cho tdi bid't ban cd the ddn da tide ddpc khdng.)
Chung ta dung until (ho|c till) d ndi m$t si/ vi$c ndo d6 tidp din trong bao Idu:
"Shall we go now?" "No, let's wait until (ho$c till) it stops raining".
("Bay gid chung ta di chd?" "Khdng. hay chd cho den khi trdi t0nh mda da ".)
I was tired this morning, so I stayed in bed until half past ten.
(Sang nay tdi thSy met. vl v$y tdi da n&m li tren giadng d$n 10 gid radi)

Hay so sdnh until vd by trong nhOng cSu sau d&y:

Tom will be away until Monday, (so he'll come back on Monday.)
(Tom se vdng nhd cho dd'n thd Hai.) (anh ta se vd vdd thd Hai.)
Tom will be back by Monday
(= he'll be back on or before Monday, on Monday at the latest)
(Tom se vd vdo khoang thd Hai )
(= anh ta se ve vdo hodc trade thd Hai, tre nhat Id thd Hai)
I'll be working until 11 o'clock, (so I'll stop working at 11 o'clock)
(Tdi se lam vide cho den 11 gid.) (= cho nen tdi sd ngdng Idm vide vdo luc 11 gid)
I'll have finished my work by 1 1 o'clock.
(= I'll finish my work at or before 11 o'clock, at 11 o'clock at the latest)
(Tdi se hodn tat cdng vide vdo khoang 11 gid )
(= Tdi se hodn td't cdng vide vdo hodc trddc 11 gid. tre nhdt Id 11 gid)


Bgn cung c6
dg sau:

th n6i by the time (something happens...) Hay xem x6t ky

nhffng thi

It's not worth going shopping now. By the time we get to the shops, they will be
{= they will be shut between now and the time we gat there).
(Khdng Ich gt khi b&y gk) di mua s&m V&o luc chung ta din cCta h&ng thIchung da
ddng cda mil rdi.)
(= chung $6 ddng ctia trong kho&ng tit b&y gtd cho din khi chung fa din dd)
(from a letter) I'm flying to the United States this evening. So by the time you
receive this letter. I'll probably be in New York. (= Iwill arrive in New York between
now and the time you received this letter.)
(TO mQt Id tho). Tdi nay tdi s& bay sang My. VI v&y v&o luc b$n nh&n dUQc Id thit
n&y, c6 te tdi da din New Yotfr rdi.
(= tdi si din New York trong kho&ng tO b&y gib cho din luc ban nh&n dupe l& thu

Khi ban ndi v6 qua khtf. ban c6 th dCing By the time (something happened)...
- Tom's car broke down on the way to the party last night. By the time he arrived,
most of the guests had left.
(Xe hoi cua Tom bj hd tr6n dttdng din dd tide tdi qua V&o luc anh ta din noi, hiu
hit khdeh khtia d& ra v&.)
I had a lot of work to do yesterday evening. By the time I finished, Iwas very tired.
(Tdi hdm qua tdi cd nhidu vide ph&i l&m. V&o tic xong vi&c, tdi c&m th&y rit mit


- It took them a long time to find a place to park their car. By the time they got to the
theatre, the play had already started.
(Hp dd mSt nhiiu thdi gian tlm cht5 d&u xe. D&n 10c ho ddn dope rap hit thl vd kjch
d& bit diu rdi.)
Ban cung c6 th dung by then ho$c by that time:
- Tom finally arrived at the party at midnight. But by then (hoc by that time), most of
the guests had left.
(Cudi cung Tom cung din dd tide v&o tic nCta d&m. Nhdng tic d6 hiu hit kh&ch d&
ra vi.)

UNIT 116: Exercises

116.1 Make sentences with by.

Example: I have to be at home not later than 5 o'clock. I have to be at home by 5

1 I have to be at the airport not later than 10.30.

I have to be at the airport
2 Let me know not later than Saturday whether you can come to the party. Let me


Please make sure that you are here not later than 2 o'clock.


. ..

n. > to



not later


m m a..


If we leave now, we should be in London not later than lunchtime.

It .................




If you want to do the examination, you have to enter



S. ...


Illa Ml

I 4 MM


IN IM MP mi mm *a

than 3 April. If


M.l H. I.Ma...



116.2 In this exercise you have to put in by or until.

Examples: Tom has gone away, He'll be away until Monday.
Sorry, but I must go. I have to be at home by 5 o'clock.

. . . . .
------ - - -


IVe been offered-? job. I haven't decided yet whether to accept it

or not. I have to decide
Thursday before making a decision.
I think I'll wait
A: I hear you're writing a book. Have you finished it yet?
the end of this month.
B: Not quite, but I hope to finish it
A: I'm going out now. I'll be back at 4.30. Will you still be here?
B: i don't think so. I'll probably have gone
I'm moving into my new flat next week. I'm staying with some friends



_______ _ _ _


A: Do you think I'll still be unemployed this time next year?

B: No. of course not. fm sure you'll have found a job


that time.

116.3 Read these situations and then complete the sentences using By the time...


Example: Tom was invited to a party but he got there much later than he intended.
By the time he got to the party, most of the guests had left.
I had to catch a train but it took me longer than expected to get to the station.
my train had left.
I saw two men who looked as if they were trying to steal a car. So i called the
police. But it was some time before the police arrived..
the two men had disappeared.
A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time before the guards
discovered what had happened.
the escaped prisoner was mites away.
Iintended to go shopping after finishing my work -But Ifinished my work much later


than expected.


t I




4 ft

a m





a a aa

it was too late to go shopping.

116.1 1 I have to be at the airport by 10.30.
2 Let me know by Saturday whether
you can come to the party.
3 Please make sure that you are
here by 2 o'clock.
4 if you want to do the examination.

you have to enter by 3 April.

If we leave now, we should be in
London by lunchtime.

116.2 1



2 until
4 by
6 by

1 By the time Igot to the station

2 By the time the police arrived
3 By the time the guards
discovered what had happened.
4 By the time I finished my work.


(GHl Vf
/ AT / ON
yjVAfv-V"5 r!
y swfs '-f'OO -'Sn </:.

BA1 117:


orln o

In: Hdy xem


<' HVf t

v\- 7.'usf- ?s

f ti;-j

rr!.ivi, ; d~, ,v


5-.;r' '



V't'sl tyj
in a room: (trong phdhg)
: M;'a

,,,,- 0 r,Syd 9V 1

o) -vVsif'

.noiWifo 3 ;j:r*.r- ssoted vshev.'Hr

' J*y
!' : 'j.h;- u.;v, svdrt

! 'or-



a piJ-iw'oi'unv


:i riaiait 0! qoa I .'ui ..jin/p

J.'t.t-v ili'.'V .0*; i> 75 AciEi'.l s-i fri A'ori rqo p- :;0p :'"!
In the Water:
orimaWrttfob ! a
s- 'waftsi tMWm/tto) '


in the sea: (trin bidn, dudi

in a park: (trong cdngV&n) ;x >i &r-i
;&&# yd i:te II ! kna- queue: _/f/Oflp king
in a town: |frw>p th&nh phd) -iy - \f\ ativwi(t*6n s6ng,iCltMi
ndj-dedi nhau)
in a country: (trong mQt ni/dc)
.. orr>>! or,7 yg rs<-.vs zw.-i,:*-,* a- sdng)
&cg<v. v.<r.%'A r.Sf-

In a garden: (trong vtfdn)

4ra y in the buiiding J-ipyhe atopic ncv,

*--u7r%-.? > ,'i
(Khdng caVa/fronpipfaJngy torfda/rtefcAtronp c$33#/7fc)i::,;; ,'v
- .TltiechW ran are playing in garden + in #\epark.\ j nir! r- r'oin:-. -t ban
(Bon tri dang choi trong vudn Atrong odng vidn.)
When we were fit Italyi tore aperitifs#' days 'tin -A&ftAte.y.dw r:om o*!
fKW churig IdidY, chdtig Oi <0; &5bp bilHgiy HPitoflfc./>sw ''>*
Rpbertjives a sifiaft iriltade 'in Hie
.jb:Thereta noone





graphs 05 u pshn-i :

What have you got in your hand / in your mouth?

(8$d crf! t&Agi trong tay J ngAm cAi pi trong mifng v#y?)

Look at that girl swimming in the water / in the sea / Jin the river!
(H&y nhln c6 g&i dang bdi dudi nude / ngodi bi4n f trdn sdng kktl)
When I go to the cinema, i prefer to sit in the front row.
(Khi di xem phim, t6i thich ngdi hdng gh6 dAu hdn.)
Have you-read this articJ in thp petvspaper?r yJ
jj: rj
(Ban di doc bdi bio niy chtfa?)
*&?( !<,
yfj vvo-::*

Hfiy liiu J r&righiing ta hdh-1

V.1'-'- >' -1 -*

[sit) in ah.amt chair (nnuriff"*!Pn 9 Attain

rrnprf// fronp>f
trin ghd)
in a photoprapt) /Jo a pictutV/ In a mirror
/troop inMro



: 0.*:


iwiaqqe/i bet tai*

a JG& t9sp4t-trfa trong MtMdPWOtffasirvi









, .



W|),, ?f <;S! 3v; ;;



?..?f r

"Where did you meet Tom?" "In the street"

("Ben da gap Tom d ddu?" "Ngodi dudng". (khdng n6i "on the street*)
Who is the woman in that photograph?
(NgUdi dan ba trong tdm inh do Id ai thd?) (khfing n6i "on that photograph*)
It was a lovely day. There wasn't a cloud in the sky.
(Do Id mQt ngdy dep trdi. Bau trdi khdng cd m$t dam mdy ndo.)
Don't sit in that armchair. It's broken.
(DUng ngoi vao cat gh' b&nh do No bi gay rdi.)
b) At: Hay xem cAc thf dy sau:

at the top (of the page)

(6 d&u trang)


at the bus stop (6 tram xe buyt )

(d cua ra vdo )
at the door
at the window (dcuasS)
at the bottom (of the page)

(6 cu6i trang)


ad pv.

at the back : (6 phla sau :6 hang cu6i)

at the end
of the street
(6 cu& con dudng)



' i



at the front : (6 phia trudc


:6 hang dhu)

Who is that man standing at the bus stop/at the door/at the window?
(NgUdi dan dng dang dung d tram xe buyt/d cUa ra vao/d cifa sd> Id ai th?)

Turn left at the traffic lights

(Hay re trdi d cho cdt ddn giao thdng )

If you leave the hotel, please leave your key at reception
(Ndu dng ta rdi khdi khdch sen, xin gdi chia khda d quiy tiep tin.)
Write your name at the top/at the bottom of the page.
(Hay viit ten ban vdo ddu/vao cud) trang giay.)


Jack's house is the white one aIthe end of the street.

(Nha cua Jack Id can mau trdng d cuoi con dudng.)
I couldn't see very well because I was standing at the back
(T6i nhln khdng dUdc rd Idm vItdi dUng d phla sau.)

(Xem th&m phn e.)

c) On Hay xem cdc th( dg sau:
on the ceiling
(tren tran nha)

on the wall
(tren tudng)

on a page
(d trang)

on the floor
(tren san nhd)

on her nose
(tren mui cua co ay )

Don't sit on the floor / on the ground / on the grass!

(DOng ngdi trdn sdn nhd / trdn mat dat / tren bai cd!)
There's a dirty mark on the wall / on the ceiling / on your nose.
(Cd mdt vet ban trdn tudng / trdn trdn nha / tr&n mQi ban.)
Have you seen the notice on the notice-board?
(Ban da xem thdng bao trdn bang thdng bao chua?)
The book you are looking for is on the top shelf / on the table.
(QuySn sach ban dang tim d tren kg cao nhS't / trdn ban.)
There's a report of the football match on page 7 of the newspaper.
(Co mot bdi tudng thu&t vd trdn bong da do trdn trang 7 cua td bao.)
Don't sit on that chair. It's broken, (nhi/ng "sit in an armchair")
(DUng ngdi Idn ghS dd. Nd bi gay rdi.)

Hay Idu y

rang chting ta n6i:

on the left / on the right (ho$c on the left / right-hand side)

(ben trdi / ben phai (hodc bdn tay trai / ben tay phdi)
on the ground floor / on the first floor / on the second floor v.v...
(d ting tret / tren tang mdt / tren tdng hai v.v...)
In Britain we drive on the left (hoSc on the left-hand side)
(6 Anh chung ta Idi xe bdn tay trdi.)
Our flat is on the second floor of the building.
(Cdn hd cua chUng tdi nam d tdng hai cua tda nha.)



Chung ta dung on khi ndi vd cAc h6n d&o nho:

Tom spent his holidays on a small island off the coast of Scotland.
(Tom da nghl mat trin m$t hdn dao nhd ram ngodi khoi Xcd'tlen.)

Chung ta cung n6i rang m$t noi n&o d6 "on the coast" (nam trdn bd biln), "on a river"
(nam tren ddng sdng), "on a road ' (nam tren con dudng).

London is on the river Thames.

(Luan Don ndm tren ddng sdng Thames.)
Portsmouth is on the south coast of England.
trdn bd bien phia nam nude Anh.)



Chung ta n6i mQt ndi nao d6 "on the way" (nam tren dudng) di dau:
We stopped at a pretty village on the way to London.
(Chung tdi da ddng lai d mot ngdi lang xinh xdn trdn dudng di Ludn Ddn.)
d) In / at / on the corner. Chung ta ndi "In the corner of a
(hoac on the corner) of a street":

roonV . nhung "at

the corner

The television is in the corner of the room.

(May truyen hlnh ndm d goc phdng.)
There is a telephone box at / on the corner of the street.
(Co mot tram didn thoai d gdc dudng.)
e) In / at / on the front

In/at/on the back:

Chung ta ndi: "in the front / In the back of a car" (d hang ghd trudc/d hang gh sau tren


l was sitting in the back (of the car) when we crashed

(Tdi dang ngdi d hang ghS sau (trdn xe hoi) khi xe chung tdi dung phii mdt


xe khdc )
Chung ta ndi "at the front / at the back of a building/hall/cinema/group of people"


The garden is at the back of the house.
(Khu vUdn

ndm d phia sau ngdi nha.)

Let's sit at the front (of the cinema) (nhung "in the front row")
(Chung ta hay ngdi d hang ghS phia trudc) (trong rap chidu bong).
Chung ta ndi " on the front / on the back of a letter / piece of paper" v.v..
Write your name on the back of this piece of paper.
(Hdy viet tin cua ban vao mat sau cua td giay ndy )

Hay xem thdm b&i 118.

UNIT 117: Exercises

117.1 In this exercise you have to answer
the words in brackets

t the pictures Use In. or on with




in9i i



i i



--------- --------......


the bottle.
Where's the label? (bottle)
Where's the man standing? (gate) -......
Where s Tom sitting? (armchair)
Where s the picture? (wail)
Where's Ann standing? (top/stairs)
And where's the cat? (bottom/stairs)
- .
What's George doing? (looking/mirror). He's
Tom lives in this building. Where's his flat exactly? (second floor)
d-i-u &.
Where is the dog? (back/car)
8 Tom is in the cinema. Where's he sitting? (back)
or: (back row)
And the bank? (right)
9 Where's the post office? (left)
iu wnere s me nonce t taoorj




12 There is the man standing? (corner)



M aaa Hi H.H. M Ma at at

- -

- - -

117.2 Ccjptete these sentences. Each,time use in; at w on with one Qt the phreses from
Isjiii '..'V.,*'
:";<: j T . 'iV'T

the front row

the third floor
my way to work
the right


New York

the west coast

the Swiss Alps ... . ........
the window
V" ::j \i

the back of the class

the back of the envelope
the front page of the newspaper




.. ...... . .
. . ............

The headquarters of the United Nations Is in New York.

-i In most countries people drive
' '
I usually buy a newspaper

in the fno'hing.
Last year we had a lovely sk (trig "holiday
San Francisco is
6f "the Uhrterd States.1 r:
She spends all day sitting
and watching what Is happening outside .
I have to walk up a lot of stairs every day. My flat is
and here is no lift.

8 l read about the accident. There was a report
9 We went to the theatre last night. We had seats ...I:.'..'.'..'.*....
10 I couldn't hear the teacher very well. She had a. quiet voice and I was sitting

Wm'4 * *
. _ ......_ .
11 When you send a letter, it is a good idea to write your name antf address


m iHMMiMm mWMiMM Mia (H

117.3 Complete these sentences with In, at or on.

I'..-, ,V


Examples: Turn left ai the traffic lights,

You'll find the cups qd the top shelf.





U. a


... .. . _.. _.._.._.._ .....
-. ......
. . . . .........
._ ._ .....
._ _.. _. _. . . .



,, r'. v',

It can be dangerous when children- pityfobtball .

the street.
I'll meet you
the corner (of the street) at 10 b'tibck.
We got stuck in a traffic jam
the way to the airport
There was an accident
the crossroads this morhilng.

Look at those beautiful horses

that field!
I can't find Tom
this photograph. Is he
the end of the street there is a path leading to the river.
I wouldn't like an office job. I couldn't spend the whole day sitting
a desk.
your coffee?
Do you take sugar
a small village
Ann's brother lives
the south coast of England.
You'll find the sports results
the back page of the newspaper.
Sue and Dave got married
-.Manchester four years ago.
Paris is
the river Seine.
Mr. Boyle's office is
the first floor. When you come out of the lift,
your left.
it's the third door
We normally use the front entrance to the building but there's another



/ 14":

the back.
16 If you want to get away from modem life, you should go and live
small island In the middle of the ocean.


. . . .'.'..I...



_ _ _ ___

__ _

his right cheek.

17 The man the police are looking for has a scar
18 I wasn't sure whether I had come to the tight flat because there was no name
the door.

117.1 1


on the bottle
at the gate
in an armchair... on the wall
at the top of the stairs... at the bottom of the stairs
He's looking (at himself) in the mirror.
on the second floor
in the back of the car
at the back (or in the back row)
on the left., on the right

10 on the door
11 at/on the corner (of the street)
12 in the corner (of the room)
117.2 2 on the right
3 on my way to work
4 in the Swiss Alps
5 on the west coast

at the window

on the third floor

8 on the front page of the newspaper
9 in the front row
10 at the back of the class
11 on the back of the envelope

1'17.3 1




in... in




9 in
10 in... on

11 on
12 in
13 on
14 on... on
15 at
16 on
17 on
18 on


BA1 118:

IN / AT / ON (chl vi trf) (2)

a) Chiing ta n6i at d6: "at an event" (cd m$t d m$t dip / si/ kifni..) CAc thf du khdc: at a
party / at a corcert / at a conference / at a football match.
(d mdt bu6i ti$c / d m$t butfi hda nhac / d mQt bu6i h$i th&o / d mQt tr&n bdng dA)
- Were there many people at the party / af the meeting ?
(Co nhiSu ngUdi di/ tide / dif hpp khdng?)
' I saw Jack at the football match / at the concert on Satwday.
(T6i gap Jack d tr$n bdng da / d buSi hda nhac hdm this BAy)

b) Chung ta ndi:


at home
on a farm
at university
at the seaside
In bed
at work
at a station
at sea (on a voyage)
In hospital
at school
at an airport
I'll be at work until 5.30 but I'll be af home all evening.
(T6i se lAm vide cho tdi 5 gid 30 nhung tOi si d nhA su6t t6i.)
Julia is studying medicine at university.
(Julia dang hoc ngAnh Y d dpi hoc).
We'll be arriving at 9.30. Can you meet us at the station?
(Chung tdi s dd'n vdo luc 9 gid 30. Ban cd thi ra ga ddn chung tdi khdng?)
Tom's father Is in hospital.

(Cha cua Tom dang n&m bSnh vidn.)

Have you ever worked on a farm?
(Ban cd bao gid lAm d ndng trai chita?)

Ban cd thl dung In ho&c at vdi ede Ida nhd (buildings). Ban c6 th r6i "In a hotel"
ho$c "at a hotel" (6 khdeh san); ban cd thd "eat In a restaurant" ho$c "eat at a
restaurant" (3n d nhd hng).

Chiing ta thi/dng dung at khi chting ta ndi ddn ndi m$t stf ki$n ndo d6 xiy ra (thl dy: a
concert, a film, a meeting, a sports event v.v...) *
We went to a concert af the Royal Festival Hall.
(Chiing tdi di nghe hda nhac d sAnh dudng Royal Festival).
- The meeting took place at the company's headquarters.
(Cu$c hop d&n ra tai trg sd cua cdng ty).
- "Where were you last night?" 'At the cinema. / At the theatre"
("T6i qua ban d d&u ?" "Di xem phim. / Qi xem kjch".
Chting ta n6i at someone's house:
- Iwas at Tom's house last night. (ho$c: I was at Tom's last rright).
(Tdi 6 nhA Tom d6m hdm qua).

Chung ta dung In khl chiing ta chl ddn b&n than tda.nhd d6:
- The rooms in Tom's house are very small.
(CAc phdng trong nhA Tom rSt nhd).


I enjoyed the film but it was very cold in the cinema.

(Tdi thkh b6 phim 66 nhung trong rap ipnh qui).

d> Chting ta thudng dbng In vdi c6c th&nh ph6' v6 l&ng mac:
Tom's parents live In Nottlnghanf. (khfing n6i "at Nottingham")
(Cha me Tom stfng d Nottingham).


Nhi/ng ben c6 th ditng at khi thdnh ph6 hay ngdi 16ng (36 16 m6t ch$ng nghl trong
sufit 16 trlnh:
- D<" ;f "'s train stop at Nottingham?"
(ChuyHn tiu ny c6 mgi/ng d Nottingham kh&ng?)
- . We stopped at a pretty village on the way to London.
(Chung tdi 6a titing l$i d m$t ngdi ling xinh xin trdn dudng 6i LuSn Ddn.)

"t Chting ta n6i "arrive IN a country or town" (dSn mdt nude / m<5./ thinh ph6):
When did he arrive In Britain
/ in London?

(Anh ta 66 dn Anh / Loin Ddn khi nio viy?)


Chtihg ta n6i arrive AT vdl nhifng ch6 kh6c <tda nhi.-sd 16m v.v...) hay nhtfng si/ ki$n

ri6o d6.

What time did he arrive at school /at work/ at hotel /at the party?
(Anh ta 6S din trddng / din sd 16m / din khdch sen / din dt/ tide vio luc miy



Chung ta n6! arrive home (khdng c6 gidi tCr):

- When did he -arrive home?
(Anh vi nhi vio idc nio?)


UNIT 118: Exercises


118.1 Complete these sentences. Use In,-at or on with one of 'the words or phrases from
the box.



the National




the airport

_ __ _ _


the station

My train arrives at 11.30. Can you meet me

2 Ididn't feel very well when I woke up, so I stayed ....I
3 Are they showing any good films
this week?
4 Many people are
for crimes that they did not commit.
5 I like the countryside and the fresh air Ithink I'd like to work
6 Did you get on well with your teachers when you were
7 We went to see a play
when we were in London.
8 Linda was injured in a road accident a few days ago. She is still
9 It was a very long voyage1. We were
for ten weeks.
10 Our flight was delayed. We had to wait
for four hours.


a farm
the cinema



........... ......
. .....................
. . ......
. .--------. .-. - - -----.....
- .....
- - ...........
- ---------------

118.2 Complete these sentences with in or at

Example: Were there many people at the concert?

1 I didn't see you
the party on Saturday. Where were you?
2 It was a very slow train. It stopped
every tittle station.
3 He speaks quite good French. He studied
Paris tor a year.
4 Tom's ill. He wasn't
work today. He was
5 The exhibition
the art gallery finished on Saturday.
6 There will be a public meeting
the Town Hall next week to dtfcuss
the plan to build a new road. .
.7 I haven't seen Ken for some time. .1 last saw him
Dave's wedding.
8 Paul is a student
London University.
9 Don't phone tomorrow ev'enihg. I wont be
home. I'll be
10 _ It's always too hot
Ann's house. She has the heating on too high.






.- ...
. -. .- .-.- ------------.....

118.3 Complete these sentences with a preposition it a preposition is necessary.

Example: What time did you arrive a! the station?
1 After many years away, he arrived back
England a month ago.
2 The train from London arrives .......
platform 4.
3 What time do you expect to arrive
4 What time do you expect to arrive
the hotel?
5 What time do you usually arrive
home in the evening?
6 What tirrje do you usually arrive
work in the morning?
7 We arrived
the town with nowhere to stay.
8 When we arrived
the cinema, there was a long queue outside.
9 It's a strange feeling when you first arrive
a foreign country.
10 I arrived
home feeling very tired.





118.1 2



in bed
at the cinema
in prison




on a frm



at.., at .




118.2 1




118.3 1







arrive home (no preposition)


arrived home (no preposition)



By car / in my car

BA1 119:

To: ChOng ta n6i go/come/travel (v.v...) to-mt ndi no hay si/ kl$n gi. Thi dy


go to America'
fly to Moscow
(bay di Moscow)
go to the bank
(<Ji din ngan hing)
be sent to prison (bj ttfng v&o tCi) England "

(din Anh)
walk to work

din sd tern)
go to a party
((Si bo

(<3i dtf H$c)

be taken to hospital
(cluge dUa vio b$nh viin)

return to Italy
(trd vSY) '
drive to the airport
(Hi xa din sin bay)
go to a concert
(di nghe hoa nhac)
go to bed

(di ngCt)

Chting ta n&i get to (nhi/ng arrive in/at - xem bdi 118c):

- What time did you get to London/work/the party?
(Ban din Luin D6n/din sd lim/din c/y ti$c liic mSy gid?)

Chung ta ndi go home/come home/get home v.v... (kh6ng q6 gidi tCr):

- I'm tired. Lefs go home.
(T6i dm ihSy mil Chung ta v4 nhi di.)
What time did you get home last night?
(T6i qua ban v4 nhi iuc miy gid?)
b) Been to: I have been to (a place) = T6i da din thim nai nio <S6 (tdi di din d6 nhung
b&y gid tdi da quay vi) (xem thim bit 13d):
- Have you ever been So Japan?
(Ban c6 bao gid din Nhit chUa?).
I've been to Rome four times.
(Tdi di din Rome bin (in r6i).
- Ann has never been to a football match in her life.
(Ci ddi Ann chua bao gid di xem mpt trin bdng di nio.)
- Jack has got plenty of money. He has just been to the .bank.
(Jack ci nhiiu tiin 14m. Anh ta vCfa di ng&n hing.)

c) into "Go into/come into" v.v.. = div&o(m$t cfin-phdng/m0tt6a nhd v.v...):

I opened the door and went into the room..
(T6i md cCla vi di vio phing.)
Dofi't wait outside! Come into the house.


(DOngchd bn ngoiilHiy vio trong nhi di.)

The man the police were chasing ran into a shop.
"" (NgUOi mi cinh sit dang truy duii di chay vio m$t ctia ti$m.)
A bird flew into the room through the window.
(MQt con chim di bay vio phdng qua cCfa si)

ct) By car / In my car. CbGng ta dfing by... 6$ n6i d6n phi/dng ti$n dl l?i.
by car (b&ng
xe hoi)

by train

(b&ng xe

by plane
(b&ng m&y

by boat/ship by bus
(b&ng t&u) . (b&ng xe buyt)





Ta oQnfl ndi:

by road

by rail

(b&ng di/dng

(b&ng difdng

by air (b&ng
difdng hing




by sea
(b&ng difdng

by Underground

(b&ng xe di&n

"How did you go to Paris?' *13y plane".

(Ban di Paris bang phUcfng ti&n g)T "B&ng m&y bay".)
Torn usually goes to work by bicycle /by car/ by bus / by train.
(Tom thifdng di idm b&ng xe dap/b&ng xe hoi/b&ngxe buyt/b&ng xe Ofa.)

Nhung chOng ta ndi "on foot*:

Did you come here by car or on foot?
(Ban din d&y b&ng xe hoi hay di b&?)

Nhi/ng ban khdngth dCing by n'u b$n ndi "my car / the train / a taxi* v.v... Chung ta
n6j: in my car {khdng n6i "by my car*), "on the train' (khfing ndi 'by the train").
ChOng ta dCing in cho xe hcfi v& taxi:
in my car
in Tom's car
in the car
(b&ng xe hdi
(b&ng chiSc xe
(b&ng xe
hdi.cua tdi) cuaTom)

In a car
(b&ng xe hoi)

in a taxi
(b&ng taxi)

Chung ta rt6i get in (toVget out ot a car/taxi.

He got into the car and drove off. (hoc: He got In the car.. .)
(Anh ta leo ten xe v& tdi di mt.)

Chung ta dung on cho xe dap v& c6c phuong tin di l?l cdng cQng (xe buyt, xe lira,
. on a big shi|>
on my bicycle
on the bus
on the 6.45 train
(b&ng xe dap
(b&ng xe buyt)
(b&ng chuyin xe fCfa (b&ng m&t con t&L

cua tdl)
SgkS 45)

Chung ta ndi get on/off a bicycle, bus ho$c train:

- Quick! Get on the train. It's ready to leave.
(Nhanh IdrttLSn xe Ida di. N6 sip khdi h&nh rdi dSy.)

UNIT 119: Exercises

119.1 Complete these sentences with to, Into, on or by. If no preposition is necessary,
leave the sentence as it is.

Examples: When are you going to Spain?

Tom usually goes to work by car.




- - - - . ._____
. . . . . . .......

Cm tired. I'm going

What time are .you going




I decided not to go
car. Iwent'
my bike instead.
We went
a very good party last night. We didnl get
until 3 a.m.
5 Isaw Jane this morning. She was
a bus which passed me.
Sorry I'm late. I missed the bus. so I had to come
7 The easiest way to get around London is
the bank today to change some money.
8 I must go
9 4 had lost my key but I managed to climb
the house through a window.
10 Marcel has just returned
France after two years in England.
11 Ididn't feel like walking, so 1 came home
a taxi.


. ...


119.2 In this exercise you have to use been to. Write questions asking someone if they
have been to these places.
Example: (Australia) Have you been ft) Australia?
1 (London) Have



O "V V V4











4 f



(the United States)

M4 kH




+4 4 44

mm wwm mmm



1 90

IM It >! II




w> w.

M. m


M nift MlM' i

Hi M*

Nowchoose four of these places-end say whether you have been to them. Answer in the
way shown.
Example: (Australia)








W M. M>




M _


M> mm

m, M" A.






.M -I

Ml W M.HI"

119.3 In this exercise you have to write sentences using get Into/out of/on/off.

Example: You were walking home. A friend passed you in his car. He-saw you,
stopped and offered you a lift. 'He opened the door. What did you do? I got

into the car.



_ ___

You were waiting for your bus. At last your bus arrived. The doors opened. What
did yoti do then? I got
You drove home in yoor car. You arrived at your house and parked the car. What
did you do then?

You were travelling by train to Bristol. When the train arrived at.
Bristol, what did you do?


M M1 kM .H Nk H< M W Hi<U M

You needed a taxi. After a few minutes a taxi stopped for you. You opened the
txjr. What did you do then?
You were riding your bike. There was a big hill and you didn't have the energy to
cycle up it What did you do?
and pushed it up the hill.

119.1 1 to
2 going home (no preposition)
3 by... on
4 to... get home (no preposition)

on ("in* is possible)
by (or on the Underground)

9 into
10 to

11 in

119.2 1

Have you
Have you
Have you
Have you

been to London?
been to Sweden?
been to Ireland?
been to Moscow?

Have you been to Rome?

Have you been to the United

If possible check your sentences tor numbers 7-10 with someone who
English. Here are some example answers:
I've been to Ireland many times.
I've never been to the United States.
I've been to Rome once.
I've been to Sweden three limes.
119.3 1


I got on the bus. ("got into the bus" is possible, but less usual)
I got out of the car.
I got off the train, ("got put of the train" is possible)
Igot in/into the taxi.
l got off my bike...


BAl 120:

On time / in time
At the end / in the end

a) On time vd in time:

On time = dung gid, khbng trS. NfifumQt sq vi$c ndo <36 xiy ra "on time", ttfc Id n6 xdy
ra <I0ng gk> qui djnh hay vdo dung 10c dtf tfnh:
The 11.45 train left on tinto. (= it left at 11.45)
(ChuyA'n xe ilia 11 gid 45 khdi hAnh dung gid.) (= no khdi hAnh luc 11 gid 45)

A: I'll meet you at the comer at 7.30

B: Okay, but please on time. (= donf be late / be there at 7.30)
A: (T6i s6 gAp bqn d gdc dUdng luc 7 gid 30).
B: (DUpc! Nhung I
Am on dung gid dSy nhA.) (= dCtng din trS / hAy din dd luc 7 gid


The conference was very well organised. Everything began and finished on time.
(BuSi hdi thAo dupe ftf chOc rt chu dao. M<?i vi$c d4u bit dAu vA kit thiic dung

In time (for something / to do something) = vita kip luc(sdm mQt chiit) d Idm gl.
- Will you be home in time for dinner? (= soon enough for dinner).
(Ban se vi nhd kjp bQa t6i chO?)
I've sent Jill her birthday present. I hope it arrives (for her birthday) in time.
(= soon enough for her birthday)
(T6i da gdi quA sinh nhAt cho Jill. Tdl hy vQng nd din kp luc.)
I must hurry. I want to get home in time to see the football match on television.
{= soon enough to see the football (patch).
(Tdi phAi v$i. Tdi mu6n vA nhA kip gid di xem trAn bdng dA trAn tivi.)
Trdi nghta vdi in time Id too late (qua trA):
- I got home foo lateto see the football match.
(Tdl dd v4 nhd quA trS nAn khdng kjp xem tr$n bdng dA.)
H4y luu y dd'n thdnh ngtf Just in time (vita kfp luc, vita dung luc):
We got to the station just in time to catch the train.
(Chung tdi din nhA ga vCfa kjp hie I6n tAu.)
- A dog ran across the road in front of the car, but I managed to stop just In time (to
avoid hitting the dog).
(M$t con chd chay bAng qua di/dng tri/dc dAu xe, nhung tdi dA dUng dt/pc xe vtfa
kjp luc) (dikhdi dung con chd).

b) At the end vd in the end

At the end (of something) = vAo luc cuSi / chdf, vAo phAn cui (ciia m$t sd ki$n, thdi
gian...). Thldg:
at the end of the month
at the end of January
(vAo cu6i thAng)
(vAo cu6i thAng Gidng)
at the end of the film
at the end of the course
(vAo cu6i t>0 phim)
(vAo cu6i khda)




at the end of the match

at the end of the concert
(vdo cu6i tr&n dSu)
(v&o-cutfi bu6i hda nh$c).
I'm going away at the and of January / at the end of the month.
(Tdi se <Ji v&ng vBo cu6i thang Gidng / v&o cu6i thAng),
At the end of the concert, there was tremendous applause.
(VAo cu6i bu6i hda nh$c, mot ngudi v6 tay vang d$i).
All the players shook hands af the end of the match.
(TAt cA cAc ciu thu dSu bdt tay nhau luc kSt thuc tr$n dAu).

B?n khdng th n6i: "In the end of something*.


T rdi nghla vdi at the end Id at the beginning:

at the beginning of the concert
at the beginning of January
(vAo diu buSi hda nh$c)
(v&o dSu thang GiSng)

In the end = cudfi cung, sau cdng. Chung ta dung in the end khi chiing ta mufin n6i kS't qu& cutfi cOng c&a m$t tlnh hutfng / mt si/ vi$c Id gl:
We had a lot of problems with our car. In the end we-sold it ancflbought another


(Chung tdi dA gap nhiAu phlAn phdc vdi chlic xe cua chdng tdf. Cu6i cung chung
tdi bAn nd di vA mua m$t chiAc khAc).
- - He got more and more angry. In the end he just walked out of the room.
(Anh ta c&ng Idc cdng gi$n dO. Cu6i cdng anh ta bd di ra khdi phdhg).
Tom couldn't decide where to go for his holidays. He decided to go to Itly in the
(Tom khdng thS quySt djnh $6 di nghld d&u. Cadi cung anh ta dS quySt djnh di Y).

UNIT 120: Exercises

120.1 Complete these sentences with on time or In time.


Example: The bus was late this morning, which is unusual. Ifs usually on time.



George is usually late for work but this morning he arrived

I washed your shirt this mqrning-but it should be dry
for you to
wear it this evening.
We had to get on the train without tickets because we didnt get to the station
to buy them.
Ifs a very good train service. The train always run
Our car is being repaired. J hope ifs ready
for our holidays.
Our best player was injured in the last match. We hope he will be fit
play in the next game.
Please don't be late for the meeting. We want to begin
We plan to go to America in two weeks' time/but we're still waiting for our visas. I
hope they arrive
I like to get up
to have a big breakfast before going to work.

----------- - - - - - - ----------_____-___- - - - .....





120.2 In this exercise you have to make sentences with Just In time.
Example: A dog ran across the road In front of the car. You saw ft at

the last


Tom was going to sit on the chair you had painted. You said, *Donl s't on that
chair!* so he didn't. {I / stop /'him / time) I
2 You were walking home without an umbrella. Just after you home, It started to rain
very heavily. {I / get / hgme Itime)
3 You thought you were going to -miss the beginning of the film, Jjut it began - just as
you sat down in the cinema. (1 1get / the cinema /lime / beginning / film).



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ------------- - -

120. 3 Complete these sentences with at or In.

Example : The players shook hands at the end of die match.




the end he
It took John a long time to find a job after he left school
found a job as waiter.
the end of the month*.
"When tferyou get paid?' "
the end?
the beginning of August or
Are you going away
the end I dldnt get
I couldn't decide what to get Ann for her birthday

_----_-------__---------_ _-------

her anything at all.

* We gave up
the end and walked home.
5. We waited ages for a taxi.
the end of the course the students usually have a party.
the end of September.
7 I'lf be moving to a new address
the end he had to go Into
8 His illness got worse and worse
hospital for an operation.
the end he agreed.
9 Tom didn't want to lend us the money at first hut


120.1 ton time
3 in time
5 in time
7 on time
9 in time

2 in time
4 on time

6 in time
8 in time

120.2 1 Istopped him just in time.

2 I got home just in time
3 I got to the cinema just in time for the beginning of the film.
120.3 t In
3 at... at
5 in
7 at
9 in


2 At

4 In
6 At
8 In

BAl 121:

DANH TLf + Gl6l TL/ ("reason for,

"cause of v.v...)


Hay xem bfing li$t k6 noun + preposition (danh til di v<3i gidi til) sau dfiy. B6i khi ta
vn co thl dung cc gKSi til kh6c. MQt cu6n tp diln di/<?c bidn soan tfit se cung clip them
chi titcho ban:

a cheque FOR, (-rnQt s6 tirr):

- They sent me a cheque for 50
(Hq da gdi cho tdi mdt td sec 50 being.)

a demand / a need FOR something:

The firuv closed down because there wasn't enough demand for its producj.
(Hang 66 da 66ng ciia v) khdng cd 60 nhu ciu tidu the sin phm cua no)

a reason FOR something:

- The train was tate but no-one knew the reason tor the delay.
(Chuydn xe Ma di trS nhung khdng ai btl ly do cua si/ tri ho&n do.)
a rise/an inorease/a fall/a decrease [(something:
- There has been an increase in road accidents recently.
(Gin d&y s6 vp tai nen giao thdng dS gia tang.)

an advantagfe/a disadvantage OF something:

- The advantage ot living alone is that you can do what you Kke.
(St/ fin Igi cua vide sing m$t mhh l& ban co thi torn bSt cd diiu gi ban thkh.)
Nhiing chtfng ta n6i: * there is an advantage in doing something":
- There are many advantages in living alone.
(Cd nhiiu sd ti$n tdi trong vide sing mdtmtnh.)
a cause OF something:
- Nobody knows what the cause of the explosion was. v
(Khdng-ai bkft nguyffnnhin cua vu n6 Id do ddu.)
a photograph / a picture OF someone / something:
- He always keeps a photograph of his wife in his waHet.
(Ahh ta iudn tudn gtO tSm Anh vg anh ta trong vl)
damage TO something :

The accident was my fault, so Ipaid- for the damage to the other car.
(Tai nan Id do l6i d tdi, v) v&y tdidd b6i tht/dng thi$t h$i cua chiSc xe kia.)
- an Invitation TO a party/a wedding v.v...:
- Did you get an invitation to the party?
(Anh cd dUdc mdi din dt/ tide khdng?)
a reaction TO something;
I was surprised at his reactionAo what I said.
(Tdi nggc nhidn v4. ph&n<tng cua anh ta <S6i vdi dHu tdi dS ndi.)




a solution TO a problem / an answer TO a question / a reply TO a letter/ a key TO a

, *;
bp you think we'll find a solution to this problem?
(Anh c6 nghT ring chting ta si t)m ra giii phip.cho vSn di niy khdng?)

The answer to your question is "No"!

(Ciu tri A?/ cho ciu hil cua anh li'Khdng"!)
an attitude TO/TOWARDS someone/sometriog: .
His attitude toAowards his job is very negative.
(Th.ii dd cOa anh ta d6i vdi cdng viic li rSt tiiu ct/c.)
a relationship/a connection/contact WITH someone/something:
Do you have a good rotationship with your parents?
(Ban co quan hi t&tydi cha mp m)nh khdng?)
Police want to question a man in connection with the robbery.
(Cinh sat mu6n thmvi'n mdt ngUdi din Qng c6 liin quan dn vy cudp.)
Nhifng: a relationship/a connection/contact/a difference BETWEEN two things:
- Police have said that there is no connection between the two murders.
(Cinh sit ndi ringkhdng cd sd liin quan niogiOa hai vu g&'t ngi/dl ci.)
- There are some differences between British English and American English.
(Co rhdt vii diSm khic bi$t giOa H4ng Anh cua ngifdi Anh vi tiing Anh cthr ngUdi


UNIT 121: Exercises

121.1 In this exercise you have to read a sentence and then complete another sentence with
the same meaning.
Exartiple:What caused the explosion? What was the cause
1 We're trying to solve the problem. We're trying to find a solution ..
2 Ann gets on well With her brother. Ann has a good relationship
3 Prices have increased a lot. There has been a big increase
4 f don't know how to answer your question. Ican't think of ansWer
5 Nobody wants to buy shoes like these any more.
There demand
6 I think that being married has some advantages.
I think that there are some advantages

7 The number of people without jobs has fallen this year.

There has been a fall
8 i don't think that a new road is necessary.
I don't think that there is any need



__ .

- - - - - - -- -

M M*


121.2 Complete these sentences with the correct preposition.

Example: There are some differences between British English and American English.



a wedding next week.

I've just received an invitation ....
The cause
the- fire in the hotel last night is still unknown.







... .....
......- - - -.........
---------...... _. ._ ._._. _. .......

Ann showed me a.photograph

the hotel where she stayed during her holiday.

Money isnt the solution
. every problem.
an increase
The company has rejected the workers' demands
The two companies are completely independent. There is no connection
When I opened the envelope. Iwas" delighted to find a cheque
Have you seen this picture
the town as it looked -100 yers ago?
Sorry I haven't written to you for -so long. The reason
this is that I've
been ill recently.
The advantage
having a car is that you don't have to rely on public transport.
Thwe are many advantages
being abie to speak a foreign language.
There has been a sharp rise
the cost of living in }he past few' years.
The front door is locked. Have you got the key
the back door?
Bill and 1 used to be good friends but Idon't have much contact
him now.
IVe never met Carol but I've seen a photograph
the car was only slight.
It wasn't serious accident. The damage
my suggestion was not very enthusiastic.
Tom's reaction
What were George's reasons
giving up his job?
The fact that he got a job in the company has no connection
the fact that
his -father is the managing director.
When he left home, his attitude
his parents seemed to change.
my letter.
I wrote to Jim last week, but Istill haven't received a reply.



. . . . . ......

121.1 1



a solution to the problem.

a good relationship with her brother.
a big increase in prices.
an answer to your question.
no demand for shoes like these any more.
some advantages in being married ('advantages to being married* is also
a fall in the number of people without jobs this year.
any need for s new road.



121.2 .1



for... in
9 for .
11 in
13 to
17 to

19 with


* 4 to

6 between

15 of

8 of
10 of

12 in


14 with

16 to
18 for
20 to/towards


Gl6l Til + DANH TUT

BA1 122:

("by mistake", "on television", v.v...)




Hgc sinh thudng dOng sal gidi tC/ tfi/dc nhtfng danh ta trong bAi nay. Vi v$y hSy xem
x6t k9 bSng li&t k (gidltCT + danh ttt) v& cdc thl dg sau day:

to pay BY cheque {nhi/ng "to pay IN cash* hoSc "to pay cash"): tri bkng ngin phiSu
(sec) / tr bAng trSn mSt.
- Did you pay by cheque or in cash
(Ban dA tri ting ngAn phigu hay bAng tidnmAt?)
. '
{to do something} BY accident / BY mistake / BY chance: (lAm diSu gl) mQt cAch
ngAu rthtdn / do nhAm ln / m$t cAch tlnh cd: .
. '
We hadn't arranged to mee}. We met by chance.
(Chung tdi dA khdng tinh gdp nhau. Chung tdi chl tinh cd g$p gd thdfy.
a play BY Shakespeare / a painting BY Rembrandt / a novel BY Tolstoy v.v...: mdt
vd kjch cCia Shakespeare / mdt brfc iranh cda Rembrandt / m$1 cu6n tiiuthuySt cue Sotstoy
- . Have you read any books by Agatha Christie? {= any bdok written by Agatha
* .
(Ban dA dQC cu6n sach nAo cus Agatha Christie chUa?)
(to be / to fall) IN love WITH someone:
- Nave you ever been in love with anyone?


(Ban da tUng y&u ai chua?)

IN (my) opinion: theo y (tdi)

In my opinion the film wasn't very good.
JTheo tdi, bp phim dd khdng hay IAm).


(to be) ON fire: dang chSy.

Look! That car is on tire.
(Nhln kta! ChiAc xe hoi 06 dang b6c chay).

(to be) ON telephone / ON the phone

- You can't phone me. I'm not on the phone, {b I havdn't got a phonp).
(Bgn khdng th gpi didh thogi cho tdi diidc dAu. T6i khdng cd din thpgi).
I've never met her but I've spoken to her on the phone.
(Tdi chua King gAp cd ta nhUng tdi dA ndi chuy$n vdi cd ta qua di$n thoai).

ON television / ON the radfo:

I didn't watch the match on television: I listened to it on the radio.
(Tdi khdng xem tr$n dAu trdn ti-vi. Tdi nghe no trdn ddi.)
(to be/to go) ON a diet: dang An kidng.
I've put on a lot ol weight. I'll have to go on a diet.

(Tdi da ISn cAn nhidu. Tdi se phai An kidng thdl).


(to be/tp go) ON strike: dang dkih cdng.

* ..
- There are no trains today. The railway workers are on strike.
_ (Hdm nay khdng c6 chuySn xe.iiia nAocA. Cdng nhAn dudng sit dang (fob cdng).



(to be/to go) ON holiday / ON business / ON a. trip / ON a tour / ON an excursion /

ON a cruise / ON an expedition v.v...: di nghl / di c6ng tac / didu ngoan / di du Ijch / di
tham quan / di teu /di thAm htfm v.v...
Tom;s away at the moment. He is on holiday in France.
(HiAn gid Tom di vAng r6i. Anh ta dang di nghl d Phip).
Did you go to Paris on business or on holiday?
(Anh sang Paris <36 c6ng tec hay dS nghlmAt?)
Onedayi'ddike to go on a world tour.
(MQt ngAy nAo d6 tdi mutfn di du Ijch vdng quanh thd gidi).

Nbt/ng b$i> cOng cd-thtf n6i "go to a place FOR a holiday / FOR my holiday(s)":.
- Tom has gone to France (or a holiday.
(Tom dS di Phip d nghl m6t).- Where are you going for your holidays this year?(N&m nay bgn s6 di nghlmAt d dAu?)
(to,go/to come) FOR a walk / FOR a swim / FOR a drink v.v...: di dgo f di boi / di ud'ng



She always goes for a walk with her dog in the morning.
(Cd ta ludn ludn di d$o cCing vdi con ch6 vAobuSi sAng.) '
After work .We went to "a cat* tor 'a drink'.

(Sau gid (Am vi$c chung tdi di ra quan d4 u4ng nude):
(to have something) FOR breakfast / FOR lunch/ FOR dinner (9n gi) trong bura dilm

tfirn / bOa trua / bOa ttfi.

What did you have for lunch?
(Ban d 6n g) trong. bOa trUa?)

UNIT 122: Exercises

122.1 Complete these sentences. Each time use a preposition with one of the words or
phrases from the box.
the phone

_ _ ____



a diet
a drink

. After work we went to a cafd for a drink.


a swim





The factory has closed because the workers have gone
I didn't intend to take your umbrella. I took it
4 I got up fate thiamorning and hd to rush. All Ihad
was a cup of coffee.
5 I feel lazy this evening. Is there anything worth watching
with each other almost immediately and were
6 They fell
married in a few weeks.,
7 It was an extremely hot day, so we went
in the river.,
8 Jim's job involves a iot of travelling. He often goes to other towns
9 Ididn't have any money on me, so I paid
0 George has put on a lot of weight recently. Ithink he should go



11 It's difficult to contact

>ue" because she's not

12 Hamlet and Macbeth tire plays



am Ma aaa a.

Ka IM lal



aa aaa

m aaa

a*. I>,





--------------- - - - _____
_ _ ____

122.2 Complete these sentences with the correct preposition.

Example: We hadn't arranged" to meet. We met by chance.
1 I'm hungry. What's
- dinner this evening?
my opinion, violent films shouldn't be shown
. ; "television.
3 Ithink I need a bit of exercise. Shall we go
a walk?
4 Do you know any songs
the Beatles?
5 i mustn't eat too much. I'm supposed to be
a diet.
6 There was panic when people realised the building was
7 The weather was terrible when we were
holiday in Scotland.
8 Next month I'm going to Scotland
a short holiday.
9 Where did you go
yodr holidays last year?
10 Iwon't be at work next week. I'll be
11 We're going ...:
holiday with some friends of ours in September.
_... a cruise. Ithink I'd get bored.
12 Iwouldn't like to go
13 The shop assitant wouldn't accept my cheque and insisted that I paid
14 Ann reads a lot of books -.-....
American women writers.
15 Did you .hear the news this morning
Z...... the radio?
16 It was only
accident that I found out who the man really was.
17 When we went to Rome, we went
a tour around the city.
18 I wouldn't Jike his job. He spends most of his time talking
the telephone.
19 What's that music? Ican't remember the title but I know it's
a trip to France organised by my school.
20 When I was 14,4 went
21 Ann liked the dress, but
my opinion It didn't suit her.


- ------.-----------. .- -. - - -

______ __

- ----- -------- -----------.....
------------------ - ------.....
-----------......-- -.......




122.1 2 on strike

122.2 1

3 by mistake
4 for breakfast
5 on television
6 in love
7 for a swim
8 on business
9 by cheque
10 on a diet
11 on the phone
12 by Shakespeare



13 paid in cash (or paid

2 In... on
3 for
4 by
5 on
6 on
7 on

cash-no preposition)
14 by


9 for
10 on

15 on

18 by
17 on
18 on
19 by

20 on
21 in

'11 oh

12 on



BAl 123:

TINHTlf + Gl6lTLf (1)

Hay xem xdt cdc nh6m tlnh tCr gldl tf di/di My. B6i khl ta vfin cd th4 dOng ode gidi
tii kh&c. MOt cudn tt/ <Jidn dude bidn o$n ttft ed cung cp thdm chl tlt cho ben.

nice / kind / good / generous / mean / stupid / silly / Intelligent / clever / sensible /
(im) polite / rude / unreasonable OF someone (to do something):
- Thank you. It was very nice / kind of you to help me.
(dm On. B$n thit tf tS di giiip dd tdi)
It's stupid of her to go out without a coat. She'H catch cold.
(Cd ta thit ng6c khi di ra ngoii mi khdng m$c 60 khoic. Cd ta s bj dm tanh.)

nhi/ng: (to be) nice / kind / good / generous / mean / (Im)poiite / rude / (un)pleasant
/ (un)friendly / cruel TO someone:
- She has always been very nice / kind to me. (khdng ndl "with me").
(C6 ta da ludn rSt lf US vdi tdi).
- Why were you so rude / unfriendly to Ann7
(Tpi sao ben lei thd $ / khdng thin thidn vdi Ann nhu thd?)



/ annoyed / furious
WITH aomeon. FOR doing something.
What are you eo angry / annoyed about?
(Ben gipn dff / bi/c minh chuyfn gi thd?)
They were furious with me for not inviting them to the party.
(Hp tire giin v) tdi di khdng mdi hp din dd tide).
delighted / pleased / satisfied !disappointed WITH something:

I was delighted /pleased with the present you gave me.

(Tdi rSt vui thfch / Mi Idng vdi mdn qui ben di t$ng tdi).
- Were you disappointed with your examination results?
(Ben da tht vpng vd kdt qui thi cue ben phii khdng?)

bored / ted up WITH something:

- You get bored /fed up with doing the same thing every day.
(Ben chin ngin v) ngiy nio cung ph&i 14m cung nuft cdng vide dd.)
surprised / shocked / amazed / astonished AT / BY something:
- Everybody was surprised / shocked at / by the news.
(Mpi ngudi ai cung ngec nhidn / si/ng s6t vl tin dd.)
excited / worried / upset ABpUT something:
- Are you excited about going on holiday next week?
(B$n c6 phdn khdi vd vide di nghlmAt vAo tudn tdi khdng?)
Ann is upset about not being invited to the party.
(Ann bi/c bdi vi khdng dupe mdi ddn dp tide.)
afraid / frightened J terrified / seared OF someone / something:
- * Are you afraid of dogs?" "Yes, rm terrified of them'.
(Ben cd sp chd khdng?" "Cd. tdi ap chung idm").


proud f ashamed OF someone / something:

I'm not ashamed of what I did. in fact I'm quite proud of it.
(Tdi khdng xSu hS vS diSu tdi 66 16m. Th$t ra tdi rit hdnh didn vS nd.)

Jealous / envious / suspicious OF someone / something:

Why are you always so jealous of other people?

(Tpi sao luc nao ban cung ganh if vdi ngudl khdc \h$?)
He didn't trust me. He was suspicious of my intentions.
(Anh ta khdng tin tudng tdi. Anh ta nghi ngd nhOng y djnh cua tdi.)

aware Iconscious OF something:

"Did you know they were married?" "No, I wasn't aware of that".
("Ban cd biit rang hp 66 ci/di nhau khdng?' 'Khdng, tdi khdng btt chuydn 66").
good / bad / excellent / brilliant t hopeless AT (doing) something:
I'm not very good af repairing things.
(Tdi sCra chQa 66 v&t khdng dt/gc gidi lim).
married / engaged TO someone:

Linda is married to an American, (khdng n6i "with an American*)

(Linda 6a kS't hdn vdi mQt ngUdi Mp).

_ __

UNIT 123: Exercises

123.1 In this exercise you have to say hew you feel about George in each situation.
Example: George has kept you waiting for hours, (annoyed) I'm annoyed with him

George hasnt been eating well recently, (worried) I'm

George has been telling lies about you. (angry) I'm
George is much better at everything than you are. (jealous)
George is big. strong, aggressive and violent, (afraid)
You've had enough of George, (fed up) I'm
(ladies only) But George is your husband, (married)



.. .-..-. .- .-_.-.________ __



123.2 Complete these sentences with the correct preposition.

Example: I was delighted with the present you sent me.

It's very nice

you to let me use your car. Thank you very much.
Why are you always so rude
your parents? Can't you be nice
It wasn't very polite
him to leave without saying thank you.

I can't understand people who are cruel

Why do you always get so annoyed
little things?
The people next door are annoyed
making so much


noise last night.

We enjoyed our holiday but we were rather disappointed the hotel,
I was surprised
the way he behaved. It was quite out of character.
She doesn't often go out at night. She's afraid
the dark.



-------- - -- - - - - -

. . . . - - - -...





..- .

. . . . . ----. ------ - ........
...... .....

I've been trying to learn Spanish but I'm not very satisfied
Jill starts her new job on Monday. She's quite excited
what you said. You should be ashamed
I was shocked
Did you know that Linda is engaged
a friend of mine?
I had never seen so many people before. I was astonished

my progress.



Bill has been doing the same job for too long. He's bored
These days everybody is aware
the dangers of smoking.
Are you still upset
what Isaid to you yesterday?
She's quite nice but Iwouldn't like to be married
Mr Davis spends a lot of time gardening. His garden is very well-kept and he's very




123.3 Now you have to write sentences about yourself. Are you good at these things or not?
Examples: (repairing things) I'm hopeless at repairing things.
(tennis) I'm not very good at tennis.


... ..

1 - (repairing things)
. .
2 (tennis) ...........................................................a

3 (remembering people s names)

4 (telling |0k6s)
5 ( languages)



123.1 1 I'm worried about him.

2 I'm angry with him.
3 I'm jealous of him.
4 I'm afraid of him.
5 I'm fed up with him.
6 I'm married to him!
123.2 1 of
2 to... to
3 of
4 to
5 about
6 with... for
7 with


10 with
11 about
12 shocked at/by... ashamed of
13 to
14 at/by









.. .

15 with
16 of
17 about ("by" is also possible)

18 to
19 of
123.3 ff possible check your sentences
with someone who speaks
English. Here are some example


1/2 see examples

3 I'm very good at remembering

people's names
I'm hopefess at telling jokes.
I'm quite good at languages



TINH Tlf + Gl<3l TO (2)

H5y xem bng li$t kS cdc tlnh tr gldi XH sail day.

aorry ABOUT something: iSy 16m ti&c, hiitHc v4 6i4u g).
I'm sorry about the- noise last night. We were having a party.
(T6i xin tdi vi tUng 6n (Jam qua. Chung tdi co ti$c).
nhimg sorry FOR doing something: h6i tid'c vi dS 16m gl.
I'm sorry for shouting at you yesterday.
(Tdi xin l6i vi 6a qudt thAo ban ngAy h6m qua).
Thdng thifong chiing ta hay n6i: I'm sorry I...
I'm sorry / shouted at you yesterday..
(Tdi xin l6i v) tdi 66 quit thio ban ngAy hdm qua).

(to feel / to be) sorry FOR someone: (dm ihiy) tdi nghiip at.
1 feel sorry tor George. He has got no friends and no money.
(Tdi dim thSy tdi nghiip cho George. Anh ta khdng cd ban vi cung ching cd tiin).
impressed BY / WITH someone / something: cd in tupng / xCtc ddng ve...
I wasn't very impressed by / with the film.
(Tdi khdng cd in tuqng gi nhiiu ve bd phim 66.)
famous FOR something: nii tiSng vi...
The Italian city od Florence is famous for its art treasures.
(Thinh phi Florence cua V niifiing v4 nhQng kho ting ngh4 thudt).
responsible FOR something: chfu trAch nhiim v4...
- Who was responsible for all that noise last night?
(Ai chiu trAch nhiim v4 tit cd nhCfng tiing 6n do tii hdm qua?).
different FROM (hoc TO) someone / something: khAc vdi...
The film was quite different from (or to) what'1 expected.
(Bd phim hoAn toAn khAc vdi nhilng g) tdi mong dpi.)
Interested IN something, thfch, quan tim din...
- Are you interested in art and architecture?
(Ban cd quan t&m din nghi thuAt vA kiin tnic khdng?)
capable / incapable OF something: cd khA nAng, 60 sic/ khdng 60 kh& nAng, khdng
60 sOc 16m 6i4u g):
- I'm sure you are capable o/passing the examination.
(Tdi tin chic ring ban cd 60 khA nAng vifpt qua ky thi.)
fond OF someone / something: thich ai / cat gl:
- Mary is very fond of animals. She has three cats and two dogs.
(Mary ril th/ch sue vdi. Cd ta cd ba con mio vA hai con chd.)
full OF something: 6iy (ciigl).
- The letter Iwrote was full of mistakes.
(La thd tdi viit diy Idi.)
short OF something: thiSu (cat gl).
.I'm a bit short of money. Can you lend me some?
(Tdi hdi kat tiin. Ban cd-HhS cho tdi magn mdt It khdng?)


tired OF something: ch&n (cdi gl).

- Come on, let's go! I'm tired of waiting,
(NAo, tadi thdil T6i chAn cAnh cM dt?i lAm rdi.)
keen ON something: thfch, quart t&m, nhi4t tlnh vdi...
We stayed at home because Ann wasn't very keen on going out in the rain.
(Chung tdi da d nhA v) Ann khdng mAy thlch thu vdi vi4c di chdi dUdi mt/a.)
similar TO something: ti/dng fy" nht/...
- Your
(ChO vidt cue anh It/a nht/chO viStcua tdi.)
crowded WITH (people v.v...): dSy, dOng dOc...
The city centre was crowded with tourists.
(Trung tim thdnh ph6 <36ng nghet du khAch.)

UNIT 124: Exercises

this exercise you have to complete the sentences. Each time use the most suitable
word in the box with the correct preposition.

124,1 In





...... ----. . -----





1 Idon't teel sorry for George. All his problems are entirely his own faylt.
2 Ican't stop to talk to-you now. I'm a bit
3 - "Do you want to watch the football match on television?" "No, thanks. I'm not

_ _ _._._. _. .




mine but they're not exactly the same.

Your shoes are
what 1
5 My new job is a completely new experience for me. Ifs quite
did before.
destroying the whole world with nuclear weapons.
6 Man is now
7 We've got plenty of things to eat. The fridge is
the service in the restaurant. We had to wait ages before
8 I wasnt very
getting our food.
9 Can't we have something different to eat for a.change? I'm
the same thing day after day.
what appears in his newspaper.
10 The editor is


124.2 Complete these sentences with the correct preposition: '

Example: Sdrry about tljp noise last night We were having a party.




Indian food.'
I'd rather not go to an Indian restaurant. I'm not very keen
fWr younger brother.
Ann is very fond
This part of town is always very lively at night Its usually crowded-*...
-r....... old letters.
In the cupboard \ found a box full

......... ...


I felt sorry

- ------ - - - -_--_-_-_ _ _ _ _ _
_......_. ._._ _-_ -_ -_-_- _- .....

the children when we went on holiday. It rained every day

and they had to spend most of the time indoors.
6 He said he was sorry
the situation but that there was nothing he could do.
7 Britain certainly isn't famous
Its food.
8 They looked bored. I don't think they were interested
what Iwas saying.
9 That man's very honest. He isn't capable
telling a lie.
10 The man we interviewed for the job was quite intelligent but we weren't very
his appearance.
11 Travelling is great at first but you get tired
it after a while.
12 Do you know anyone who might be interested
buying an old car?
13 Our house is similar
theirs - 1 think ours is a bit larger.
14 Bill and I come from the same town but my accent is different
. his,
15 The police are responsible
maintaining law and order.
staff in our office at the moment. There aren't enough
16, We're short
people to do the work that has to be done.
17 I'm sorry ..
. the smell in this room. It's Just been painted.



124.1 2

short of
interested in
similar to
different frorr /to
capable of

full of
Impressed w ith / by
tired of
responsible f

1 on
3 with
5 for
7 for
9 of
11 of
13 to
15 for
17 about



4 of


10 with /by
12 in
14 from / to
16 of


Bai 125:

Tlf + GI0I Tlf (1j


Hay xem b&ng li$t kA cAc dOng tCf + gibi ti'J sau day:
apologise (TO someone) FOR something: xin l6i <ai) v6 didu gi (xem them bAi 60a):
When I realised Iwas wrong, / apologised to him for my mistake.
(KM t6i nh$n ra Id tdi sai, tdi <3A xin l6i anh ta vS l6i lAm cua mlnh.)

apply FOR a job/a place at university v.v...: xin vidc/xin hoc da' hoc:
- I think this job would suit you. Why don't you apply for it?
(Tdi nghT cdng viQc nAy hQp vdi ban d&y. Tpi sao b$n khdng n$p ddn xin di?)
believe IN something: tin (vAo) diAugl:
Do you believe in God? (= Do you believe that God exists?)
(Bpn c6 tin vdo ThUpng 64 khdng?) (= Ban cd tin Id cd Tht/png dS khdng?)

I believe in saying what I think. (= I believe that it is a gpod thing to say what Ithink)
(Tdi tin rAng ndi ra <3i4u mlnh nghJIA t6t.)
belong TO someone: thudc vS ai.
Who does this coat belong to?
(Cdi ao khodc nAy cua ai th4?)
care ABOUT someone/something: quan t&m <34n ai/cAi gl.
- He is very selfish. He doesn't care about other people.
(Anh ta rkt Ich ky. Anh ta ching quan t&m <34n ai cd.)

care FOR someone/something:

i) thfch cAi gi dd (thpdng diing trong cAu phCi djnh vA cAu hil)
Would you care for a cup of coffee?
(Ban cd mun u4ng m$t tAch cd phd khdng?)
I don't care tor hot weather.
(Tdi khdng thlch thdi b4t ndng ntfc.)

ii) chAm s6c ai db.

- She is very old. She needs someone to care for her.
(BA ta gid lAm rdi. BA ta c&n cd ngUdi chAm $dc.)
take care OF someone/something: chAm adc ai/trdng coi cAi gl
Have a nice holiday. Take care of yourself,
(Di nghJ vui vd nhd. HAy nhd bio trong d4yi)
collide WITH someone/something: va ch$m, dgng ph&i al/cAi g).

There was an accident this morning. A bus collided with a car.

(SAng nay cd mdt tai nan. Mdt cM4c xe buff djng phdi mdt chi4c xe hoi.)
complain (TO someone) ABOUT someone/something: phAn nAn, than phidn (vdi ai) vS


li/diSu gl.

We complained to the manager of the restaurant about the food.

(Chung tdi <36 than phidn vdi ngt/di quAn fy nhA hAng vd thdc An.)

concentrate ON something: t#p trung vAo vide g):

- Don't look out of the window. Concentrate on your work.
(DOng nhln ra ngoAi cOa s6. HAy t#p trung vAo cdng vide di.)


consist OF something; g6m, bao gdm cat gl

meal. It consisted of seven courses.
(Chung tdi <36 6n m$t bJa llnh dlnh. N6 gdm cd biy m6n.)
crash / drive / bump / run INTO someone/something: (Hi xe) Mm s&m v6o ai/c&i gl.
He lost control of the car and eras/red into a wall.
(dng ta lac tay I6i vd Mm s&m v6o m$t bOc tudng.)

depend ON someone/something: thuQc, ttiy thuQc v6o ai/drSu gl:

- "What time will you arrive?" M! don't Know. It depends on the traffic"-.
("B$n s6 Mn v6o 16c m&y gid?" "Tdi khdng MSt nda. Di4u 66 cdn tuy thu6c v6o
tlnh trang giao thdng").
Ban c6 to4 li/pc b6 on tn/dc ede tCr nghl vffn (when/where/how v.v...)
- "Are you going to buy It?" "It depends '(on) tew much it is"
("Bpn $& mua nd chti7" "Cii <36 cdn t6y thuQc v&o gl6 H4n c6a nd").
die OF an illness: chft v) bjnh gl
"What did he die of?" "A heart attack".
("Ong ta ch6t vl b$nh gl th4?" 'B$nh <3au tim').

UNIT 125: Exercises

125.1 In this exercise you have to complete the sentences. Each time use one of the
following words with the correct preposition: belong
applied die concentrate



When I realised that I had taken the wrong umbrella, I Immediately apologised for
my mistake.
I was driving along when the car in front of me stopped suddenly. Unfortunately Icouldn't stop In time and
the back of It"
"Does this bag
you?" "No. It tent mine".
Don't try and do two things at once
one thing at a time.
Ken is still unemployed, He has
several Jobs but hasnt had any luck yet.
"Are you playing tennis tomorrow?" 1hope so, but It
toe weather".
If you smoke, there te a greater chance that you will
lung cancer.
ghosts. I think people only imagine that they see toem.

- - - - - - - --....___.- . . _- _
.... . . ........
------------.....- - - - - -

_ _ __ __


-125.2 Complete these sentences with a preposition (if a preposition is necessary).

Example: There was an accident tote morning. A bus collided with a car.


He loves complaining. He complains

Our neighbours complained
the nblse we made last night.
She hasnl got a Job. She depends
her parents for money.

You were very rude to Tom. Dont think you should apologise
Are you going to apologise
what you did?
Tom and I ran
each other ft town yesterday afternoon.



______ _ _ _____
_._._._ _ _




He decided to give tip sport in order to concentrate _

his studies.
Idont believe
working hard. Its not worth it.
A football team consists
11 players.
It is terrible that some people are dying
hunger while others eat too much.
As I was going out of the room, I collided
someone who was coming in.
There was an awful noise as the car crashed
the tree.
a political party?.
Do you belong
Idon't know whether I'll go out tonight. It depends
how Ifeel.




125.3 In this exercise you have to put in the correct preposition after care.


Example: He's very selfish. He doesn't care about other people.

1 Are you hungry? Would you care

something to eat?
the examination. He's not worried whether he passes or fails.
2 He doesn't care
3 Please let me borrow your camera. Ipromise I'll take good care
money. It's not important to me. *
4 I don't care
5 Don't worry aboul arranging our holiday. I'll take care.;.
the colour".
6 "Do you like this coat?" "No, Idon't care



3 belong to
5 applied for

125.1 2 crashed into

4 Concentrate on
6 depends on
8 believe in

7 die of

2 to... about

125.2 1 about
3 on
5 for
7 on

4 to
6 into
8 iT1
10 of
12 into
14 on (or "depends how I feel" no preposition)

9 of
11 with
13 to
125.3 1 for
3 of
5 of

2 about
4 abjt
6 for



BA1 126:

DONG Tlf + GI0I T (S (2)

Hfiy xem bng li$t k6 cc d$ng tCf + g!6i tu" sau dSy:


dream ABOUT someone / something: ma vS, ma thgy. ma dgn ai / cAi gl:

- I dream about you last night.
(D6m qua tdi nAm md thgy ban.)
dream OF being something / doing something: ma. tudng taqng trd thAnh cAi g) / lAm

I often dream of being rich.

(T6i thi/dng md mkih trd ndn giAu cd.)
Ta cung c6 thg ndi: (I) wouldn't dream (of doing something): (tdi) khdng hS nghl


"Don't tell anyone what Isaid" "No, \ wouldn't dream of if.

("DCfng kg cho ai digu tdi da ndi". "O khdng, tdi khdng hS qghldSn chuyfn 66".)
happen TO someone / something: thy 04n vdi ai / c&i gl:
A strange thing happened to me the other day.
(NgAy hdm kia cd mdt digu la xiy dgn vdi tdi.)
What happened to that gold watch you used to have?
(Chuy4n gl da xAy ra vdi cAi ddng hd vAng anh vin thudng deo?)
hear ABOUT something: nghe ndi vS diSu gl
- Did you hear about the fight in the club on Saturday night?
(Ban cd nghe ndi v6 vg Su di trong c3u lac bd tdi thti BAy khdng?)
- Have you heard about Jane? She's getting married.
(Ban 6A nghe g) vS Jane chua? Cd ta sip igy chdng dgy.)
hear OF someone / something: nghe vS, bigt vd ai / cai gl
- "Who is Tom Madely?" "I have no idea. I've never heard of him".
("Tom Madely id at thg?" "Tdi khdng bigt. Tdi cht/a baa gid bigt dgn anh ta")
- Have you heard of a company called "Smith Electrics"?
(Ban cd nghe ndi dgn mdt cdng ty tin Id "Smith Electrics" khdng?)
hear FROM someone: dope tin ai.
- "Have you heard from Ann recently?" "Yes, she wrote to me last week".
("G4n 6Ay ban cd dUdc tin Ann khdng?" "Cd. tuAn trUdc cd gy cd vi4t thu cho tdi").
laugh / smile AT someone / something: cudi / mlm cUdi vS ai / chuygn gl
I look stupid with this haircut. Everyone will laugh at me.
(Tdi cd vd ngg vdi kigu tdc nAy. Mpi ngUdi s6 ct/di tdi mgt thdi.)
listen TO someone / something: t&ng nghe ai / cAi gl
- We spent the evening listening to records.
(Chung tdi dAnh bu6i tdi 64 nghe nhac.)
live ON money / food: sdng nhd vAo tidn / thdc An.
- George's salary Is very low. It isn't enough to live on.
(Luang cua George r&t thgp. Nd khdng du sdng.)


look AT someone / something: nhln ai / cAi gl

Why are you looking at me like that?
(Tgi sao ban lai nhin t6i nhii 1h&?)
Ta cQng c6 thS n6i: have a look AT, stare AT, glance AT
look AFTER someone / something (= take care of): chSm s6c ai /trbng coi cdi gl.
- She's very old. She needs someone to look after her.
(Ba ta giA IAm r6i. BA ta cin co ngUdi chAm sdc.)
- You can borrow this book if yqp promise to look after it.
(Ban c6 th mQpn quygn sAch nAy n&u ban hi!a giQ gin n6 cin thin.)
look FOR someone / something {= try to find): t)m kim ai / cAi gl
I've lost my keys. Can you help me look tor them?
(Tdi da dAnh mt chOm chia khda r6i. Ban cd th4 giup 16itim chtlng kh6ng?)
pay (someone) FOR something: tr tiin (ai) vS cAi g).
Ididnt have enough money to pay for the meal.
(T6i khdng c6 du ti4n d& trA cho bila An.)
Nhi/ng: pay a bill / a fine / 50 / a fare !taxes v.v... (khOng cd gidi tCT). (thanh toan
hria ddn /ddng phat/tr& 50 b&ng /trS tin ci/dc phl/d6ng thu6 \Tv...)
rely ON someone / something : tin ciy, tin tudng ai / diSu gl
You can rely on Jack. He always keep his promise.
(Ban c6 thS tin c&y Jack. Anh ta ludn Iu6n giQ Idi hQa.)

UNIT 126: Exercises

. . ........ . .. .. ..._____

126.1 Complete these sentences. Each time use one of the following words with a
paid happened




She's very old and can't live alone. She needs someone to look after her.
I havenl seen Harry for ages. I wonder what's
this record. You'll love it
You must
the newspaper to see if there was anything interesting in it.
When you went to the theatre with Paul, who
the tickets?
It's not a very good bus service. You can't
What are you
? Idon't understand what's funny.
It's a very cheap country. You can
very little money there.


126.2 Complete these sentences with a preposition (if a preposition is necessary).

Example: She smiled al me as she passed me in the street.

Don't listen

what he says. He's stupid.

What happened
the picture that used to be on that wall?
A: You wouldn't go away without telling me, would you?
B: Of course not. I wouldn't dream
I dreamt
Ann last night. We .were dancing together at a party when
she suddenly hit me. Then I woke up.

- -




_...---------_......_ _-____
_- - -

The accident was my fault, so I had to pay

the damage.
I didn't have enough money to pay
the bill.
You know that you can always rely
me It you need any help.
The man sitting opposite me on the train kept staring
She doesn't eat very much. She lives
bread and eggs.

--------------------------- - - ...........
.. . . .

in these sentences put in the correct preposition after hear.

tO "Did you hear
the accident last night?" "Yes, Ann told me".
11 Jill used to write to me quite often but I havent heard
her for a long time now.
12 A: Have you read any books by James Hudson?
B: James Hudson? No, 11/e never heard .
13 Thank youfor your letter. It was nice to hear
you again.
14 "Do you want to hear
our holiday?" "No, tell me iater".
15 The town I come from is very small You've probably never heard

In these sentences put in the correct preposition after look.


my watch. \ coutdn't believe that it was so iate.

16 When I looked
you when you were ill?
...17 Who looked
18 The police are still looking
the seven-year-old boy who disappeared from his
home last week. Nohocfy knows where the boy is.
19 When we went out for the evpning, a neighbour of purs looked
Tom. Have you seen him anywhere?
20 I'm looking



12S.1 2Jiappened to
3 listen to
4 glanced at
5 paid for
6 rely on
7 laughing at
8 live-on

126.2 1 to
3 of
5 for
7 on
9 on
11 from
13 from
15 of


17 after
19 after

v -


2 to
4 about
6 pay the bill (no preposition)
.8 at
10 about12 of

14 about
18 tor
20 for


D0NG Tl/ + GI0I TLf (3)

Hay xem b&ng !i0t k6 c6c dQng tir + gidl tCi sau day:

search (a person / a place / a bag v.v..) FOR someone / something: khAm xdt (m$t
ngudi / m$t ndi/ m$t cAi tui v.v...) 64 tim ai / cat g):
IVe searched the whole house for my keys but. I still can't find them.
(Tdi 66 luc tung cA nhA ten 64 tim chOm chia khda nhung vAn khdng tim ra 6U0c.)
The police are searching for the escaped prisoner.
(C&nh sal dang Iruy tlm ten tu vugt ngyc.)
shout AT someone: quAt thAo ai (khi giAn dtJ)
- He was very angry and started shouting at me.
(Anh ta 66 ndi gi$n 66ng 66ng vd bAt 6&u quAt thAoJdi.)
nhung shout TO someone: la Idn (64 ngUdi khac co th4 nghe IhSy ban.)
He shouted to me from the other of the street.
(Anh ta goi to ten tdi 16 bdn kia dUdng.)


speak /1alk TO someone: not chuy$n vdi ai.

(on the telephone) Hello, can I speak to Jane, please?

(trdn 6i4n tho$i) (Ate, tdi ndi chuydn vdi Jane 660c khdng a?)
- Who was that man I saw you talking to in the pub?
(Ngudi 6An dng mA tdi thky cQng b$n chuydn trd trong quAn rUQu IA ai thA?)

suffer FROM an illness: bj bdnh g\.

. .
The number of people suffering from heart disease has increased.
(S6 ngudi bi bdnh tim 6a gia tAng.)

think ABOUT someone / something: suy nghi vd ai / 6idu g):

You're quiet this morning. Whai are you thinking about?
(SAng nay ban cd vd item tu. Ban dang nghf v4 chuydn g) th4?)

I've thought about what you said and IVe decided to take your advice':
(Tdi 6a suy nghf vd diSu ban ndi vd 6a quy4t 6jnh nghe theo tdi khuydn cua ban.)

"Will you lend me the money?" "I'll think about It".

(Ban se cho tdi wuqn tiSn chCt V "Tdi $e xem xdt chuydn 66').
think OF someone / something: nhd 64n, nghf 66'n ai / diSu gl.
He told me his name but I can't think of it now. (khdng ndi "think about it").
(Anh ta 66 cho tdi bi4t ten nhung b6y gid tdi khdng nhd ra 660c.)

That's a good idea. Why didn't think of that?

(Do 16 mdt y kte'n hay. Tai sao tdi lai khdng nghf ra 660c nhi?)
Chung ta cung dung think OF khi chung ta nfeu y kid'n hoac h6i y kiS'n ngi/ifi khdc.
"What di<7 you think of the film?" "I didn't think much of it".
("Ban nghfg) vd bd phim 66 ?" Tdi khdng thlch nd tern. ")
Sg' khdc bl$t gitfa think OF vd think ABOUT d6i khi rt nhd. Thflng thudng ta c6 thtf
dung cfi OF l&n ABOUT:
My sister is thinking of (or about) going to Canada.
dang suy xdt vide 6i Canada).


Tom was thinking of {or about) buying a new car but changed his mind.
(Tom da nghT din chuy&n mua mot chiic xe hoi mdi nhi/ng sau 66 lei thay ddi y

When I'm alone, I often think of (or about) you.
(M6i khi c6 ddn, anh thddng nghJdin em.)

wait FOR someone / something: chd dgi ai / c6i gl:

I'm not going out yet. I'm waiting for the rain to stop.
(T6i chi/a di ra ngo&i. T6i dang chd mUa tgnh.)

write TO someone: vit thif cho ai.

- Sorry I haven't written to you for such a long time.
(Xin loi v) da 18u qua rdi tdi khdng viit thU cho ban.)
ChCing ta khbng dung gidi tif v<3i c6c d$ng tCr sau dfty:
phone someone: got didn thoai cho ai.
- Did you phone your father yesterday?
(H6m qua ban co gpi di$n thoai cho cha ban khdng?)
discuss something: ban !u$n, ban bac chuydn gl
- We discussed many things at the meeting,
(ChOng tdi da ban iudn nhiiu vide tai bu6i hop.)
enter {= go into a place): di vdo ndi no dd.
She felt nervous as she entered the room.
(Co ta cam thiy bii roi khi bi/dc vdo phdng.)

UNIT 127: Exercises

_ _ _ __ _ _ _

....... _ _---------........
-. .- . . . .....

127.1 Complete these sentences with a preposition where necessary. If no preposition is

necessary, leave the sentence as it is.
Example: He was angry and started shouting at me.
1 I've seached everywhere
- John but Ihaven't been able to find him.
2 Ken gets very jealous. He doesn't like his girlfriend talking
other men.
3 I don't want to go out yet. I'm waiting
the post to arrive.
4 Please don't shout
me! Be nipe to me.
him but he didn't hear.
5 We passed Tom as we were driving along. I shouted
6 Ann doesn't write
her parents very often but she phones
them at least one a week.
you a moment? There's something I want to ask you.
7 Can I speak
8 Sally is often not well. She suffers
severe headaches.
9 The police have been searching the' countryside
the missing girl.
10 She's a bit lonely. She needs someone to talk
1 1 I don't want to discuss
what happened last night. Iwant to forget about it.
12 We're going out for a meal tonight. I must phone
the restaurant to
reserve a table.





_ _ _ __

In these sentences you have to use the correct preposition ('of or about) after think.
Remember that sometimes you can use either of or about.


Before you make a final dlcision, think carefully

what I said.
I don't know what to get Ann for her birthday. Can you think
You're selfish. You only think
"IVe finished the book you lent me". "Oh. have you? What did you think
going out for a meal tonight. Would you like to come?
We're thinking
18 I don't really want to go out to dinner with Tom tonight. I'll have to think





19 When he asked her to marry

it for a while.

him. she said that she wanted to go away and think


20 She is rather homesick. She's always thinking

her family back home.
21 Idon't think much
this coffee, it's like water.

127.2 Complete these sentences with one of the following words. Use a preposition if


------- -- -- -- --------









He got angry and shouted at me.

Ann last week but she hasn't replied to my letter yet.
Tom yesterday but there was no answer. He must have been out.
the problem but we didn't reach a decision.
Jim for half an hour but he never arrived.
The children stopped talking when the teacher
the room.


127.1 1





14 of

to ("with" is possible)
write to her parents... she
phones them (no preposition)
to ("with" is possible)

15 of/about
16 of
17 of/about
18 of
19 about
20 of/about
21 of


to ("with" is possible)
discuss what happened (no

12 phone the restaurant (no
13 about

127.2 2


wrote to
phoned (no preposition)
discussed (no preposition)
waited for
entered (no preposition)



D0NG TUf + TUC Tlf + GICM Tlf (1)

Hay xem b&ng H#t k6 c6c dQng ttf +.tdc tti + gldltt sau <JSy:

accuse someone OF doing something: 16 c&o ai dS &m gl (xem thim b&i 60b):

Tom accused Ann of being selfish.


(Tom budc 0i Ann Id fch kj<).

Three students were accused of cheating in the examination.

(Ba sinh viSn bi t6 cdo Id cla gian lin trong ky thi.)
ask {someone) FOR something: hdi (ai) v4 <3iSu g)/ hdi xin ai cdi gl
I wrote to the company asking them for more information about the job.
(T6i <34 viSt thUcho cdng ly <34 hdi thdm chi ti4t v4 cdng vide <36 )
nhi/ng: "ask (someone) a question (khOng c6 gidi tit), hdi (ai) m$t cdu hdi.
blame someone / something FOR something: <36 fdi cho ai / cdi glvS chuydn gl:
- Everybody blamed me for the accident.
(Mgi ngiidi 64u dS iSi cho tdi v6 tai nan dd.)
ho$c: blame something ON someone / something:
Everybody blamedthe accident on me.
(Mqi ngUdi ddu d4 ISi cho tdi v4 tai nan dd.)
Chung ta cung c6 th n6l: "(someone is) to blame for something": (ai dd) cd ISi

trong chuydn gl

Everybody said that Iwas. to blame for the accident,

(M<?i ngtfdi d4u ndi r&ng tdi co l6i trong tai nan dd.)
borrow something FROM someone: mitdn c&'tg) cua ai.
- I didn't have any money. I had to borrow some from a friend of mine.
(Tdi ching co ddng n&o cd. Tdi da ph&i mugnmdt ngUdi ban cCta tdi it ti4n.)

charge someone WITH (an offence / a crime): budc tdi ai (dd ph$m ph&p/pham
tdi hlnh si/):
- Three man have been arrested and charged with robbery.
- (Ba ngudi d&n dng da bi bit vA bj bu0c t0i Sn cudp.")
congratulate someone ON (doing) something: chdc mi/ng ai fom dif<?c di4u gl (xem
thSm b&i 60b).
- When I heard that he passed his examination, Iphoned him to congratulate him

on his success.
(Khi tdi hay tin anh la thi d$u, tdi da goi di$b tho$i <34 chdc mCfng si/ thdnh cdng
cCta anh ta.)
divide / cut / split something INTO (two or more parts): chia /.cAt cii gl th&nh {hai
hay nhidu phSn):
- The book is divided into three parts.
(Cud'n sach dUQc chia thdnh ba phin.)
- Cut the meat into small pieces before frying it.
(Hay cAt thit ra thdnh nhi/ng mi4ng nhd tn/dc khi rin.)


do something ABOUT something: Mm gl dic&i thi$n (m(>t tinh tr?ng xrfu):

The economic situation Is getting worse and worse. The government ought to
do something about it
(Tlnh hinh ktnh ti cing ngiy cing x4u di. Chfnh phu cin phii /dm m$t
didi thi$n nd.)

dtiu g) 06

explain {a problem / a situation / a word v.v...) TO someone: gidi thlch (mQt vin 04
/ m$t tkih huSng / mdt ftf v.v...) cho ai hiiu:
- Can you explain this word to me? (khdng ndi "explain me this word*)
(Ban c6 thi gi&i thlch cho tdi chit nay khOng?)

Ta cQng c6 thg nbi: "explain (to someone) that / what / how / why..."
(hay luu y <J6'n tr$t ti/ tu").
- Let me explain to you what t mean.
(Di t6i giii thlch cho ban dieu tdi mud'n n6i.)
Invite someone TO (a party / a wedding, v.v...): mdi ai dn,(di/ tl$c, di/ ti$c cudi v.v...):
Have you been invited to any parties recently?
(Gin diy ban cd dope mdi din dg bOa tide ndo khdng?)
leave (a place) FOR (another place): rdi khdi (mdt eh5) 64 dfiin (m$tchf khdc).
I havent seen her since she left home for work this morning,
(Tdi chita gip cd ta tit luc cd ta rdi khdl nhd di di Mm s4ng nay.)

point Iaim something AT someone / something: chta, ch? c&t g) vdo ai / cdi gl:
Don't point that knife at me! It's dangerous.
(DCtng chla con dao 06 vAo tdil'Nhit thi nguy hlim diy.)


------ _ _ _____ _
- --.......
-- -- - - .....

UNIT 128: Exercises

128.1 Complete these sentences with a preposition.

Example: I didnt have any money, so Ihad to borrow some from a friend of mine.




You're always asking me

money. Why dont you ask someone else
tor a change?
I've been invited
the wedding but unfortunately I cant go.
When I saw Dave. I congratulated him
passing his driving test.
Be careful with those scissors. Don't point them
It's not very pleasant when you are accused
something you didn't do.
The driver of the car was taken to the police station and later charged
dangerous driving.
"Is that your own book?" "No. I borrowed it
the library".
It's a very large house, it's divided
four flats.
Mr and Mrs Roberts are on a tour of Europe at the moment. They're in Rome now,
but tomorrow they leave
The roof of the house is in very bad condition. I think we ought to do something

4 yr

128.2 In this exercise you have to use the correct preposition after blame. Sometimes you
have to use for, and sometimes on.

Examples: Tom said that the accident was my fault. Tom blamed me for the accident.
Tom said that the accident was my fault. Tom blamed the accident on me.
1 Ann said that what happened was Jim's fault. Ann blamed Jim
2 You always say that everything is my fault. You always blame everything
3 Do you think that the economic situation is the fault of the government?
Do you blame the government
4 l think that the increase in violent crime is the fault of television.
I blame the increase in violent crime


Now re-write sentences 3 and 4 using... to blame for...

Example: Tom said that Iwas to blame for the accident.
a [si) uo you ininK max me governmer
(4) 1 think that

128.3 In this exercise you have to make sentences using explain*- You ask someone to
explain somethings that you don't understand.

Examples: (I don't understand this word).

(I don't understand what you mean)


don't understand this question.) Can you explain

(I don't understand the system,) Can you
(I donl understand how this machine works.)
(I donl understand why English food is so bad.)


128.1 1 for
2 to
3 on
4 at
5 of
6 with
7 from


10 about

for the increase in violent crime.

Can you explain this question to
2 Can'you explain the system to
3 Can you explain to me how this

128.3 1

machine works?

128.2 1 Ann blamed Jim for what


You always blame everything on

3 Do you blame the government
for the economic situation?

I blame the increase* in violent

crime on television.


Do you think that the

government Is to blame for the
economic situation?
I think that television is to blame

Can you explain to me why

English food is so bad?

BA1 129:

DQNG Tif + TUC TL/ + GlCil Tl/ (2)

H5y xem bSng lit k6 cSc d$ng ttt + tiic tif + gldl t& sau dfiy:
prefer someone / something TO someone / something: thteh ai / cii gl hdn ai / cii gJ
(xem thfim bi 64):
- Iprefer tea to coffee.
(Tdi thfch tri hdn ci phi.)

protect someone / something FROM (or against) someone / something: che chd, bio
vd ai / digi trinh khdi ai / cii g):
He put sun-tan oil on his body to protect his skin from the sun. (or... against the
(Anh ta da thoa din chSng nirtg tin ngUdi <34 bio v4 da khdi anh ning mat trdi.)
provide someone WITH something: cung cip cho ai cii gi:
The school provides all its students with books.
(Tri/dng hoc cung c4p sich cho tit ci hpc sinh.)

regard someone / something AS something: xem ai /cii gi nhU...

- I've always regardedyou as one of my best friends.
(Tdi da ludn xem anh nhd mdt trong nhClng ngUdi ban tit nhit cua tdi.)
remind someone OF someone !something: nhic / ggi / lim cho ai nhd din ai 66 /
diiu gi:
- This house reminds me of the one I lived in when I was a child. .
(Ngdi nhi niy lim cho tdi nhd din ngdi nhi tdi da sing khi cdn bi.)
Look at this photograph of Tom. Who does he remind you of?
(Hay xem tim inh cua Tom d&y. Anh ta lim ban nhd din ai?)
nhung: remind someone ABOUT something: nhic nhd ai vi diiu g):

I'm glad you reminded me about the party, I had completed forgotten it.
(Tdi rat mtfng liban da nhic tdi ve bOa tide. Tdi da hoin toin quin bSng di.)
VS "remind someone to do something", xem bi 55b.
sentence someone TO (a period of imprisonment): kit in ai (mdt thdi gian tu):
He was found guilty and sentenced to six months' imprisonment.
(Anh ta bj xem Id co tdi vi di bi kit in 6 thing tO.)
spend (money) ON something: tfiu xii, dung (tiSn) vao viicgi:
- How much money do you spend on food each week?
(Ban tin bao nhliu tUndS in uing hing tuin?)
Hay luu y r&ng chiing ta thi/dng n6i "spend (time) doing something" (dinh thdi gian
di lim vide gl).
- I spent a "lot of time reading.
(Tdi di dinh nhiiu th) gid di doc sich.)
throw something AT someone !something: ndm vt gl vo ai / cfii gl:
Someone threw an egg at the minister while he was speaking.
(Ai 66 da nim mdt qui trting vio dng bd tritdng khi dng ta dang phit biiu.)
nhung: throw something TO someone: nim cii g) cho ai (di ngudi 66
- Ann shouted "Catchl" and threw the keys to me from the window.
(Ann la Idn: "Bit Hy!" vi nim chum chla khda cho tdi td c(la si.)

bit liy).


translate {a book v.v...) FROM one language INTO another one.'djch (m$tquy4n
sAch...) tit ngdn ngQ ny sang ng6n ngJ khAc.
- George Orwell's books have been translated into many languages.
(Sach cua George Orwell da dupe djch sang nhiSu thd tISng.)

warn someone ABOUT someone / something (<J6i khi c6 th dCmg OF): IOU y, c&nh
cAo, bAo cho ai bieft trade v4 ai <56/ cai gl:
I knew she was a bit strange before I met her. Tom had warned me about her.(TrUdc khi gSp cd ta, tdi <5A bitit c6 ta hdi ty quAc. Tom <5a bio cho tdi bi&t trade v4

cQ ta.)
- Everybody has been warned about the dangers of smoking.
(Mgi ngudi <3A dUpc c&nh cao v4 cAc <5i4u nguyhi4m cua vide hdt thu6c Id.)
Vg "warn someone against doing something", xem b&i 60b.
VS "warn someone not to do something", xem b&i 55b.

UNIT 129: Exercises

129.1 In this exercise you have to read a sentence and then complete another sentence with
the same meaning. Each time begin in the way shown.
Example: Many people think he is one of the greatest pianists in the world.
Many people regard him as one of the greatest pianists In the world.

I don't mind pop music but I prefer classical music.

........ .



He has enemies but he has a bodyguard to protect him.

his enemies.
He has a bodyguard to protect
I got all the information Ineeded from Tom.
Tom provided
I bought a pair of shoes this morning - they cost 40.
This morning I spent
Ann said to Tom,' "Don't forget your appointment with Mr Fox".


Ann reminded

...... . . ......


Ml M


*+ mm mm emm av mmm M4

me HI HI M IM M %m mm #

129.2 Complete these sentences with the correct preposition.

Example: Ann shouted "Catch!" and threw the keys to me from the window.

. the one you had before?

Do you prefer your present job
the cold.
2 They wore warm clothes to protect themselves
his best.
3 He's written many books but most people regard his first book
4 Do you spend much money
anyone you know?
5 Do you see that girl over there? Does she remind you





Remind me


_ _ _ __

the meeting tomorrow night. I'm sure to forget otherwise.

I love this music. It always makes me feel very happy. It reminds me


warm spring day.

When we went on our skiing holiday last year, the organisers provided us
the equipment we needed.
Before he came to Britain, many people had warned him
the weather.'
So he was prepared for plenty of rain.


_.__......__. __ _ _ _ _ _

10 He was sentenced
life imprisonment for the murder of a policeman.
11 Dont throw stones
... the birdsI It's cruel.
12 If you don't want to eat that sandwich, throw It
the birds. They'll eat It
13 I couldnt understand the letter because it was in Spanish. So a friend of mine
translated It
English for me.
14 I prefer travelling by train
driving, It's much more pleasant.
15 What do you spend most of your money
16 She got really angry. She even threw a chair
17 You remind me very much ..._
someone I uspd to know a long time
ago. You are really like him in many ways.
18 Some words are difficult to translate
one language ...
19 Before you go into the house. I must warn yoti
the dog. He can be
very aggressive sometimes.





129.1 1 I prefer classical music to pop music.

2 He has a bodyguard to protect him from (or against) his enemies,
3 Tom provided me with all the information I needed.
4 This morning I spent 40 on a pair of shoes.
5 Ann reminded Tom about his appointment with Mr Fox.

129.2 1 to

3 as
5 of
7 of
9 about
11 at
13 into
15 on
17 of

2 from/against

4 on
6 about
8 with
10 to
12 to
14 to
16 at

181rom... into

19 about



BA1 130:

(get up, break down, fill in v. v...)

a) Chtfng ta thtfdng dung d0ng tCf vtfi nhtfng chtf sau:
through along
Chung ta ttitfdng dtfng nhtfng chtf tr6n vdi c&c cJQng tCr chl stf di chuyln.
Thi dy:
get on (ten xe):
The bus was full. We couldn't get on.
(Xe buyt da ch$t cdng. Chung tdi khdng th n&o leo ten

She got into the car and drive off.
drive off (lai di):
(C6 ta leo ten xe hoi rdi tej di )
Tom is leaving tomorrow and coming back on Saturday.
come back (trd vSy.
(Tom se di vdo ngAy mai vd trd v6 vio ffy? 8&y)
turn around (quay lai) When I touched him on the shoulder, he turned around.
(Khi tdi cham v&o vai anh ta, anh ta quay lai.)
Nhtfng thtftfng nhtfng ttf n&y {on / off /up / down v.v...) cung tyo m$t <y nghia d$c bit
cho d$ng ttf. Thl dy:
Sorry I'm late. The car broken down.
(Xin l6i vl tdi din trS. Xe hdi cua tdi bj hif.)
Look out! There's a car coming.
(Coi chdngIC6 m$t chitic xe hdi dang dSn d&y.)

It was my first flight. I was very nervous as the plane took off.
(D6 te ten di miy bay d&u tten cua tdi. Tdi rSt b6n chSn khi may bay cS\ canh.)
- I was so tired this morning that I couldn't get up. *
(Sang nay tdi m$t mdi den d$ khdng ctey n6i)
How did you get on in your examination yesterday?
(Hdm qua bgn lim bdi thi ra sao?)
Nhtfng dQng ttf n&y (break down !get up / get on v.v ..) dtf0c g<?i l& d$ng tCf kdp
(phrasal verbs),

b) Bdi khi m$t d$ng ttf ktfp c6 tdc td theo sau. ThGng thtfdng mQt ttf c ttf cd
hai vi fr/khtfc nhau. Thi dy ban ctf th n6i:

tuc td
the light.

Iturned off
(Tdi da tfit dtfn.)

td -1

turned the light





Sau d&y l& m$t s6 thl dy kh&c:

in this form?


////this form in?
(Xin hay d'ten vdo miu dan niy)
r- T ake off your coat.
It's warm.
'-Ta/re.your coat off.
(Trdi S'm md. Hay cdi do khodc ra di.)


th3 dtfng d

The fire-brigade soon arrived and


-r- put out the fire,

l put the fire out.

(DQi cCtu hda dSn ngay vi d$p tit dim ch&y.)

throw away these old newspapers.

E think 111

(Tdi nghi tdi s

throw these old newspapers away.

vurt nhUng td bao cu niy di.)


The police got-into the house by

down the door.

breaking the door down.

(Cioh sit vio nhi b&ng cich phi cCra.)

Ddt khi tiic ttf ciia d$ng tif kdp Id m$t del tif (it/ them / me / you / him / her / us).
Nhtfng d$i tif ndy thifdng dufng trifdc on / off / In / out / up Idown v.v...
- They gave me a form and told me to fill it in. (khdng n6i "to fill in if)
(Ho <SUa cho tdi m$t miu ddn vi bio tdi diSn vio ch6 trfng.)
Ann's asleep. Don't 'wake her up (khftng r>6l "wake up her*)
(Ann dang ngO. DCfng dinh thdc cd ta)


"What shall I do with these old newspapers?" "77irow them away".

("Tdi ndn lim g) vdi nhOng td bio cu niy?" "Vilt chimg di".)
Here's the money you need. Don't forget to pay me back.

(Ddy Id s6 tiSn anh cdn. Bi/ng qudn trd li tdi dfiiy ntto.)
c) DPI khl chung ta dfiing m$t d$ng tf Wp + gldi tCT. Thf dy: look forward to (mong dpi)
/ keep up with (theo kjp) / cut down on (giim bdt). Tile tf ludn ludn di sau gidi \{t:
Are you looking toward to your holiday?
(Ban cd mong dpi ky nghi ddn khdng?)
You'rp walking too fast. I cant keep up with you.
(Ban di nhanh qui. Tdi khdng thf theo kjp ban.)

Jack has cut down on smoking. He only smokes five cigarettes a day now.
(Jack di bdt hut thudc. Hijn gid anh ta chl hut nim difu mdi ngiy thdi.)

UNIT 130: Exercises

130.1 In this exercise you have to complete the sentences using a suitable phrasal verb
from die box. Use the correct form of the verb each time.

clear up (= become bright- for

speak up (= speak louder)
turn up (= appear/arrive)
close down




show off (= show how good you are

at something)

Be careful on that horse! Don't fall off!

Sorry I'm late. The car broke down on the way here.
How did you
.in your interview yesterday?
Thf-re used to be a very good shop Qn the corner but it

get on
grow up

fall off
move in


a year ago.


. _. ._ _ _

"We've bought a new house". "Oh, have you? When are you
Wayne ie eight years old. When he
he wants to be a pilot.
7 Iarranged to meet Jim after work last night but he didn't
8 The weather's horrible, isn't it? I hope it
9 We all know how wonderful you are. There's no need to
10 {on the telephone) Ican't hear you very well. Can you
a bit?


130.2 Complete these sentences as shown in the examples:

Examples: He told me to fill In the form, so I filled it in.

He told me to throw away the newspapers, so I threw them away.
1 He told me to put cigarette, so I
2 He told me to take off my shoes, so I
3 He told me to turn on the heating, so .1
4 He told me to ring up Ann, so
5 He told me to give up smoking, so
6 He told me to put on my glasses, so
7 He told me to write down my address* so


_ _____



.. -






130.3 Complete these sentences using a suitable phrasal verb from the box. Where
necessary use the past tense of the verb. Each time use It / them / me with the verb.
took up'
pick up

wake up
cross out

shave off

try on

knock out


_______ . . . . . .

1 The radio is a bit loud. Can you turn it down a bit, please?
2 There was a 20 note lying on the pavement, so I
3 The children are asleep. Don't



If you make a mistake, just

I saw a jacket which Iliked in the shop. So Iwent in and
to see if It fitted me.
There were a few words that Ididn't understand, so I
in my dictionary.
He had a beard for a long time but he got fed up witti K. So hr?.
A stone feH on my head and
Iwas unconsc&Us for half an hour.

130.1 3



get on

closed down
moving in
grows up

turn up
8 clears up (or will clear up)
9 show off
10 speak up

130.2 1
130.3 2

I put it out.

I took them oft.

I turned it on
I rang her up
I gave it up
I put them on
I wrote it down.

picked it up
wake them up

cross it out

tried it on


looked them up
shaved it off
knocked me out


Hi$n tgi ddn (simple present) i do (Bai 2-4)
- I work in a bank but Idon't enjoy it very much.
(T6i lAm vide d m$t ngAn hAng nhUng t6i khdng thfch nd lAm.)
T om watches television every evening.
(Tom xem truydn htnh mSi tdi.)
- Do you like parties?
(Anh thlch tide tOng kh6ng?)
- We don't go out very often. We usually stay at home.
(Chung tdi khdng di choi thddng l&m. Chung tdi thudng d nhA.)

Hi#n t?l Hep diin (Present continuous) I am doing (Bii 1,3 vA


Please don't disturb me. I'm working.

(Xin difng IAm phidn tdi. Tdi dang tern vide.)
What's Tom doing?" "He's watching television".
("Tom dang lAm gi?" "Anh Ay dang xem truySn hlnh".)
Hello, Ann. Are you enjoying the party?
(ChAo Ann. C6 thlch bOa tide chtf?)
We aren't going to the party tomorrow night.
(Chung ta sA khdng di di/ tide tdi mai.)

Hl$n trjl hon thinh (Present perfect) / have done (B&i 13-21)
I've lost my key. Have you seen it any where?
(Tdi da mA't chia khda roi. Ban cd nhin thSy nd dAu khdng?)

"Is Tom here?" "No. he has gone home".

("PhAi Tom d dAy khdng?" "Khdng, cAu A'y da di v6 nhA rdi")
How long have they been married?
(Hp da iky nhau dugc bao lAu rdi?)
The house is very dirty. We haven't cleaned it for weeks.
(NhA dd quA Chung ta dA khdng lau no mAy tudn rdi.)

H1?n tgi hoin th&nh tiSp dl#n (Present perfect continuous) I have been doing (B&i 1618)
I'm tired. I've been working hard all day.
(Tdi mAt. Tdi dA lam viae vAf vA sudt ngay.)
You're out of breath. Have you been running?
(Anh thd hdt hdi rot. PhAi anh da chay suot khdng?)
How iong has he been learning English?
(Anh Ay dA hoc tiAng Aph dupe bao lau rdi?)
Ihaven't been feeling very well recently.
(Gan dAy tdi da khdng cAm thAy khoe IAm.)


Qua khijf fldn

(simple past) Idid (Bi 11)

I lost my key yesterday.

(Tdi rnSft chla khda ngdy hdm qua )
They went to the cinema but they didn't enjoy the film.
(Hp dd <3i xem xinS nhung ho khdng thich cud'n phim.)
What time did you get up this morning?
(Sdng nay anh thitc dSy luc mSy gid?)
It was hot in the room, so she opened the window.
(Trong phdng khd ndng, vi thd cd fa da md cda sd.)

Qui khuf tffi'p diin (Past continuous) Iwas doing (Bii 12)

When I arrived, Tom was watching television.

(Khi tdi den, Tom dang xem truydn hlnh.)
This time last year I was living in Brazil.
(Gid n&y nSm ngodi tdi dang sing d Brazil.)
What were you doing at 10 o'clock last night?
(Luc 10 gid tdi qua ban dang Idm gi?)
The television was on but they weren't watching it.
(Truydn hlnh da md nhi/ng ho khdng xem nd.)

Qu3 khil ho&n th&nh (Past perfect) Ihad done (B&l 22)

I couldnl get into the house because I had lost my key.

(Tdi khdng thd vdo nhd bdi vi tdi dd d&nh mdt chla khoa.)
When I arrived at the party. Tom wasn't there. He had gone home.
(Khi tdi ddn di/ t$c, Tom khdng cd d dd. C$u &y da vd nhd rdi.)
They didn't come to the cinema with us because they had already seen the film.
(Hq dd khdng ddn r$p xine vdi chung tdi bdi v) ho da xem phim dd rdi.)

The house was dirty because we hadn't cleaned it for weeks.

(C&n nhd th$t dd bdi vl chung tdi dd khdng lau nd mSy tudn rdi.)

Qu khii hoan thinh tlfi'p

difin (Past perfect continuous) Ihad been doing (B&i 23)

I was very tired. I had been working hard all day.

(Tdi da m$t l&m rdi. Tdi da Idm vide vSt vi sudt ngay.)
He was leaning against a wall, out of breath. He had been running.
(Anh ta dang di/a vAo tddng thd het hdi. Anh ta da chay sudt.)




D$ng ttf qui tic (Regular verbs)

Qui khtf ddn (simple past) vi qui khtf phin ttf (past participle) cua nhtfng dbng ttf qui
li them -ed d cutfi dQng tuf. Vi dq:

nguyin miu
qui khd ddn. qua khil phin tit:
Vi luit chinh ti xem phy Igc 3.





Vi qui khtf ddn xem bill1

Chtfng ta dung qui khtf phin ttf d tao thinh cic thl hoin thanh (perfect tenses)
(have / has / had cleaned) vi cho tit ci cic dang bj ddng (passive) (xem bii 42-4):

I cleaned my room yesterday, (qui khtf ddn)

(H6m qua tdi da lau phong minh )
Your English has improved, (hiqn tgi hoin thinh Bii 13-21)
(Tid'ng Anh cua ban da dl/0c cii thi$n.)
- The house was dirty. We hadn't cleaned it for a long time, (qui khtf hoin thinh
Bii 22)
(Nha dd th&t. Chung ta da khdng lau nd lau roi.)
This door has just been painted. (hi$n tai hoin thinh bj d<Jng)
(C&nh ciia niy da vda mdi dupe sdn.)
He was carried out of the room, (qui khtf don bj d$ng)
(No da dupe be ra khdi phdng.)
Khi qui khtf ddn vi qui khtf phin ttf khdng tin ctfng bfing -ed thi d6 li d$ng ttf bi't
qui tic (Irregular).
Nhtfng ding ttf dtfdi diy cd thl li qui tic hay bit qui tic:


nguydn miu


qua khd dan

qua khd phin id


qua khd ddn

nguytin miu

qua khd phin til














VI the ban c6 thi' n6i:

I leant out of the window.
(T6i nghiing ra ngo&i cda sS.)
- The dinner has been spoilt.
(BCia in tdi da h6ng.)



I leaned out of the window

The dinner has been spoiled.

Trong tii'ng Anh hinh thtfc bit qui tic (burnt/learnt v.v...) dtf<jc dung nhieu hon.



Dng tr bait qui tic (Irregular verba)

C6 rn&t s6 d0ng tir bit qui tic c6 ci 3 hlnh thtfc gi6ng nhau (nguySn miu. qua khit
dan, quA khVphSn ft/). Thi dy: hit:
Someone hit me as I came into the room, (qui khC( don)
(Ngudi nio 66 6a dung t6i luc toi vao phdng.)
I've never hit anyone in my life, (qui khif phfin tir)
(Trong ddi cua mkih t6i chua he danh ai.)
George was hit on the head by a stone, (qui khir phan tir)
(George b\ mdt viin da va vao diu.)

C6 mQt s6 cfOng tif bit
qui tic khic c6 qua khd dan gi6ng qui khul phin tif (nhdng
khic nguyin mau). Thi dy: tell - told.
He told me to come back the next day. (qui khif ddn)
(Ong fa bao toi trd lai ngiy h6m sau.)
Have you told anyone about your new job? (qui khd phin tir)
(Anh c6 bio ai ve vide 16m mdi cua anh khdng?)
I was told to come back the next day. (qui khif phin tif)
(Toi di/qc bio trd l?i ngay hdm sau.)

Co nhtfng dbng tir bit qui tic c6 ci 3 hinh thifc khic nhau. Thi dy. break - broke broken.
He broke his arm in a climbing accident, (qui khir ddn)
(Ong ta da gay tay trong mot tai nqn teo nut.)
Somebody has broken the window, (qui khir phin tif)
(Ngifdi nio do da 16m vd kinh ctia so.)
When was the window broken? (qui khil phin tif)
(Kinh ciia s6 bi vd luc nio viy?)
4. List of irregular verbs (Bing ddng tif bat qui tic)




















past participle

























































slept **



























understant understood














C6c danh ttt. dQng tti v6 tinh tO c6 th4 c6 t6n cOng {ending) Id;
danh ttf + -s/es fsd" nhiSu)
d$ng tir + -s/es (sau he/she/it)
d$ng tj + -|ng
d$ng tir + -ed
tinh tie + -er (so sAnh hon)
tinh tir + -est (ci/c cA'p)
tinh tC/ + -ly (trpng ttf)







Khi dting c6c t&n cung ndy, d>i khi c6 si/ thay d6i v6 chlnh t6. H6y xem nhOng thay
d6i b danh s6ch dirdi d6y:
Nguyfen dm v6 phg dm
a,e,o,u,l Id nguyfin 6m (vowel).
C6c mSu tgr khdc (b,c,d,f v.v...) 16 phy Am (consonant).
1. Danh id v6 d$ng tCr + -s/es
Khi mOt tir 16n cung b&ng -$/-ss/-sh/-ch/-x thl ta thSm -es:

match / matches
wash / washes

bus / buses
miss Imisses

box / boxes
search / searches

Cling li/u </:

potato / potatoes
do / does

tomato / tomatoes
go Igoes

2. C6c td t6n cOng b6ng y (baby, carry, easy v.v...)

NS'u mQt tif tn cCing 16 m$t phy Am + y (-by/-ry/-sy v.v...);
y ddi thdnh ie trudc khi th6m -a:
y ddi thdnh i tri/dc khi thfem -ed:
y d<Si th6nh i trdbc khi thfim -er v6 -est:
heavy/heavier/he avies t
eas y/e asier/easiest
y dd'i th6nh i trifdc khi th6m -ly:




y khong thay d6i nd'u ta th&m -Ing:

y khong thay d<5i n$u td tn cung id mQt nguySn dm +y (-ay/-ey/-oy/uy):

Cung luu y:


pay/paid lay/laid say/said


3. Cdc dong td tan cung bang -ie (die, lie. lie)

Neu mOt d6ng tCl tan cung bang -ie thi je d6i thdnh y trade khi them -Ing:
4. Cdc td tan cung being -e (smoke, hope, wide v.v...)

Bdng tT

Neu mOt dong td tan cOng btng -e thi chung ta bo e trade khi thdm -ing;
TrCf: be/being

Nhijrng dOng td t$n cung bang -ee:


mOt ddng td tan cung bang -e, ta them -d d qua khd: {dd'i vdi d6ng td qui tc);



_ contuse/confused


Tinh td va trgng td:

Neu tinh td tan cung bang -e, ta them -r va -st cho so sanh han vh so sanh ci/c cp:
Neu tinh td tan cOng bang -e. ta gid e trade khi thdm -ly

d tgo thinh trpng td:


Neu tinh td tan cung bang -le (terrib/e, probable v.v...) ta b6 e va thdm -y dd* tao
thanh trang td:

5. Gap doi phy

am (stop/slopping/stopped, hofhotter/hottest v.v...)

Ddi khi mat d$ng td hay tinh td tan cung b&ng php Sm nguydn
- php &m. Vf dp:

Chung la ga'p ddi phy

ed, -er va -est:



am cu6i (-pp, -nn, v.v...)cva nhdng td nay trddc khi thdm -Ing, plan/planning/planned





Nu tir cd hon m$t v5n (prefer, begin v.v...), ta gfiip ddi phg am cuoi neu ch? cd vfin
cu6i dupe nhSin gipng:


begin beginning

NS'u vn cu6i khdng ddpc nhd'n thi khdng gS'p ddi phy am cudi:



Ngoai IS: T rong tid'ng Anh ddng tir tan ciing bang -I trd thanh HI trade -ing vd -ed (dii
phy am cuoi cd nbSn gipng hay khdng):
Chung ta khdng gp d6i phy am cud'i nS'u tir tan cOng bang hai phg dm (-rt. -rn, -ck
Chiing ta khdng gap ddi phy am nd'u trudc nd cd hai nguySn Sm (-oil, -eed, -ain v.v...)
LUu $ rang chting ta khdng g5p d&i phy am y hay w d cud'i ede tir (y vd w khdng phi
Id phy &m, chung ia mpt bp phan cua he thdng nguydn am);


DANG RUTGQN (I'm/you've/didnl v. v...)
Trong tteng Anh d6m thoai (spoken English) chung ta thi/dng n6i Tm/you've/didn't,
v.v...) (= I am/you have/did not). ChOng ta cGng dung dang rtit gon trong vfln vifi't tiS'ng
Anh thfin m$t (informal writing), (thf dy nhu thtr tCf cho ban be). Khi viSt theo dang rOt ggn,
chiing ta dung d6'u (') th cho mQt hay nhidu m5u ti/ t>6 di:

I'm = I am


= you have

didn't = did not

Dang nit gpn ci5a trd ddng ti/(am/is/are/have/has/had/will/shall/wouid);

'm = am
's = is hay has





're = are

Ve = have
'II = will hay shall
"d = would hay had











'8 c6 th la is hay has:

- He's ill (= He is ill)
- He's gone away (= He has gone away)
"d c6 th 16 would hay had:

I'd see a doctor if Iwere you. (= I would see)

I'd never seen her before. (= I had never seen)
Chung ta dung m$t s<? dang rOt gpn sau c6c tti nghi vfl'n (who/what/how v.v...) v& sau




w hen's





Who's that girl over there? (= who is)

What's happened? (= what has)
Ithink there'll be a lot of people at the party. {= there will)

DGi khi chung ta dCing dang rut gpn (d$c bi0t 16 's) sau m<>t danh tif:
- John's going out tonight. (= John is going)
- My friend's just got married. (= My friend has just got)


Khdng dupe dCmg dgng rut gpn ('rtVs/'ve v.v...) d cudi mpt cSu. <B6i vi dQng tCf 6 vi trf
n&y difpc nh$n gipng).
"Are you tired?" "Yes, I am", (khdng dCmg "Yes, I'm").
- Do you know where he is? (khdng dting "Do you know where he's?)
Dgng rdt gpn cua trp dpng til/ + not (isn't/didn't v.v...)

isnl (= is not)
aren't (= are not)
wasnt (= was not)
weren't (= were not)
don't (= do not)
doesn't (= does not)

didn't (= did not)

haven't (= have not)


(= has not)


(= had not)
(= cannot)
couldn't (= could not)


(= will not)
(= shall not)

Li/u y \k bgn c6 th n6i:

he isn't/she isn't/it isnl
you aren't/we are n't/they aren't



(= would not)

(= should not)
< might not)
(= must not)
(= need not)
(= dare not)


he's not/she's not/ifs not

you're not/we're not/they're not



TlfiNG MY (Tieng Anh cua ngtfcfi M)

C6 mgt v&i sij khc bi$t v
(American English).

van pham giOra ting Anh (British English) va titfng My

Bai 13: Trong ting My thi qua khuf don (simple past) thifdng dugc diing
de cung ca'p thdng tin mdi hay dl thong bo mflt di6u gi xy ra gSn day:
I lost my key. Can you help me look for it?
(Tdi danh mt chia khda r6i Ban giup tdi tlm no nhd?)
Thi qua kht? ddn dugc dung vdi justva already:
I'm not hungry. I just had lunch.
(Tdi khdng ddi. Tdi vlla an cdn trUa xong.)
"Don't forget to post the letter". " I already posted it".

("Diing quen gdi id thU" "T6i da gdi roi'.)

Bai 15b: Ngudi MJ/ dung qua khtf ddn vdi yet:
I didn't tell them about the accident yet.
(Tdi da chua not vdi hp ve tai npn.)


B&I 24a: Trong tieng My hinh thdc I have/1 don't have/do you have? thifdng diing hon
"I've got/I haven't got/have you got?"
We have a new car. (Chung tdi cd chide xe mdi )
Do you have any change? (Anh cd tien Id khdng?)
Bar 35c: Ngudi My thifdng dung
vdi insist/suggest v.v...

nguygn mau (infinitive)

They insisted that we have dinner with them.

(Hp n&i nl chung tdi dung bila tdi vdi hp.)
Jim suggested that f buy a car.
(Jim da d6 nghj tdi mua mpt chiec xe hoi.)

C3u triic nay cOng duqc dung trong tieng Anh.

B&i 75a: Ngudi My ndi "the hospital":
The injured man was taken to the hospital.
(Ngudi bi thUdng dUpc dua den benh vidn.)

Bai 104d: Ngudi My ndi "on a team":

He's the best player on the team.
(Anh ta Id cSu thu gidi nhS't trong ddi.)


khdng c6 to trong c&'u true

Bai 108a: "Quite" khdng ttu/ang dirge dung vdi nghla niy trong ting My. Trong ting
My "quite" thutfng c6 nghTa l "hoAn toad' nhif trong mgc c.

Bai 114d: Ngifdi My n6i "ort the week-end/on week-ends".

Sill 124: Trong tii'ng My "different than" (khac hdn) cung c6 th dugc dung. "Different
to" thi khdng dung.

Bii 127: Ngiidi M9 n<5i "write someone" (kh6ng c6 to):

- Please write me soon and tell me how you are.
(Vui long viSt thi/cho tdi sdm va cho t6i biet ban khoe khdng )
Phy lyc 2.2.: Cic dQng tC/ niy (burn, learn v.v...) thi/dng lic6 qui tc (regular) trong
tieng My: burned, learned v.v...

Phy lyc 2.4.: Qui khtf phin tf (past participle) cua get li gotten trong tieng My:
Your English has gotten much better since 1 last saw you.
(Tieng Anh cua ban da trd nen kh hon nhiSu
ti/ khi tdi gSp ban Ian tri/dc.)
Phy lyc 3.5.: luu y loi chinh

traveling, traveled

ti My cua cic tf nay:

canceling, canceled



TrAn Huynh Phuc (Dich vd chu giii)


Chiu trach nhi$m xuat bin-:

quAch thu nguy$t
Bien tap :THANH NAM
Sua ban in THANH BINH


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01 :9316289 - 931621 1 - 8465595 - 8465596 9350973
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Thtfc hi$h lien doanh : Nha sach NGQC TRAM

In 1.000 cuon kho (14,5x20.5)cm tai Xudng In Trung Jam Hoi Chd
Trien Lam Viet Nam. GPXB so 316-213/XB-QLXB do Cue Xuat
Ban cap ngay 26/03/2003 va giay trich ngang KHXB so 161/2004 .
In xong va nop lu'u chieu quy 1 nam 2004.

Grammar in Use


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page there are exercises


ick understanding.


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intermediate students


self study lesamers choose and study

find difficult,

letailed index ensure that

they need.

us> rs

answers to uUVtgfi exercises

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PMintjon of tenses, irregular verbSj

acid American English

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Sylvia Chalk er in E


uy6n Thj Minh KhJtlvq.3. TP HCM
- 8344593 \FAX 8344594


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