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Assessment 1- Part 2

Task E
Make up/imagine student
My student is in Year 4. A female who has a twin brother and a 12 year old sister both
attending the same main stream primary school, however neither are in her class. Living
with both mum and dad, she gets on well with her brother however struggles in
communicating with her sister. In the past year she was diagnosed with an autism spectrum
disorder, although its not known specifically where she is on the spectrum. The child has
one friend whom she is always with, but struggles to make other friends, and most
importantly she adores her family. There has been an improvement since receiving a
teachers aid, homework is not given however it is encouraged that she is read to daily and
her interests be explored. The children in her class are not aware that she has autism
however they know that she needs help after the teachers aids continued visits. Her family
receives funding and has spoken to autism advisors as a result of her recent diagnosis. Her
teachers are aware of their need to have extra time and patience. Research indicates that
she is the 1 in 160 children who have an ASD (Aspect, 2013) In addition she is also within
the data from the Australian government where sources show over 1.4% of Australian school
aged children were diagnosed with Autism in 2012 (Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia
(A4), 2012) she is the only child in her class with autism and a school learning support

Individual Planning Matrix

Key information:
Name: Beth Goreman

Age: 10 years

Setting: Mainstream class with a teachers aid in a mainstream primary school in

an affluent suburb.
About the student:
Beth is doing well at school since receiving the help of a teachers aid, she is rising to the
challenge of maths and English when someone is there to provide help, she is doing
exceedingly well in art and is praised often by her classmates, she enjoys the opportunity to
use the computer where she is able to demonstrate her technical capabilities. The home
environment is supported through the classroom as a safe area has been designated if need
be and thus has added to her sense of safety and comfort. Beths close attachment to her
twin brother helps her get through the day, although they are not in the same class.
(Stewart and Flash, 2011) Her interest in technology and visual arts have become a driving
force for her future learning as they offer support when its difficult to communicate with
others. In addition through keeping her in a mainstream classroom she is able to continue
amongst others her age and stay with her brother, whom she has the strongest attachment
with. Its important to maintain confidentiality leaving only those teachers that teach her to
be informed. The school needs to focus on maintaining a support network that Beth is

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comfortable with and understanding the implications of the situation on her family.
Key focus Areas:
The key focus areas for Beth include

Academic progress through utilising her strengths and interests.

Social interaction with class members.

The need to be challenged in order to reach her full potential.

Developing a support network at school that she is comfortable with.

As a result of Beths current situation and the importance of ensuring that she feels safe and
included, I have chosen to focus on the above areas to add to her sense of security and
ultimately self confidence. These areas of focus were discussed in a meeting, which took
place with her parents, the stage administrator, school principle and school councilor. After
this meeting and in accordance with the areas of interest deemed important by all parties
goals were set out, it was felt that whilst there is a time frame this should not rush or
influence the ultimate achievement of such goals. These areas of focus were initially
selected as a result of the research I located as its known that children with autism are
faced with 3 prominent challenges including persistent deficits in social communication,
difficulty interacting with others socially and restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour,
interests or activities. (Research Autism, 2013) and these challenges should be not only
considered but also made easier through a safe and inclusive environment, as their safety is
resultant of how comfortable they feel and support which Beth will be offered. In addition
such conclusions cannot be drawn without Beths input and a clearer understanding of her
feelings and where she sees herself together with observations. Moreover to ensure the
continuity of learning across the school and home environment strategies will be developed
together and discussions will take place in order to evaluate the progress of the goals and
the implementation of the various strategies.

Specific Goals

Support Strategies

Review and Evaluation

Furthering knowledge and

understanding in
Mathematics and English
within 6 months.

Through utilizing her

strength in visual arts and
interest in technology she
will motivate herself to work
towards furthering her
understanding in
Mathematics and English

Looking at the testing

which takes place on the
Mathematics websites.

Comparing her literacy

and numeracy results
prior and after such

Offering opportunities to
extend her understanding of
Mathematics through the use
of a computer program.
Using visual cues to explain
concepts as opposed to

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extensive amounts of text.

Using the modeled strategy
in English and utilizing the
social stories on offer for
children with Autism such as
How to greet someone at
school (
With support Beth will
endeavor to communicate
with 2 class members
through adopting a gradual

Feedback from her

advisor and from herself.

Observing the way she is

involved in group work

Feedback from the class

members who she is
working with.

Designate a time within the

routine for Beth to focus on
her interest.

Feedback from Beth


Further her interest through

a project which she has

Comparing what she

understood prior and
where she is at after.

Feedback from the 5

people she identified.

Discussions with Beth

about how she is

Through using areas of

strength and interest and
completing tasks in groups
Beth will be able to
communicate with others in
an environment where she is
safe and supported.
Ensuring that Beth is able to
participate in recess, lunch
or play through an adviser,
offering support and drawing
on her interests and in turn
ability to communicate with
Arrange for sessions to be
held to develop social and
language skills (NINDS,

Beth will challenge herself in

areas of interest to further
her capabilities by the end of
the term.

Create links between her

interests and the areas of the
various KLAs
With guidance Beth will
develop a support network
where she is supported and

Beth will identify the 5

people within the school
community who are her
thumb and fingers to support

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Time will be set aside for

Beth to talk to a self selected
person to talk about what is
happening and how she is


Reference List
Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4), (2012). Autism prevalence continues to
rise in Australia. Retrieved from

Autism Spectrum Australia (2013). Building Foundations. Autism: Your Child, Your
Family. Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect).
Child Autism Parent Caf,(2013, January 3). Retrieved from http://www.child-autism-

National Institute of Neurological disorders and stroke, NINDS, (2013 February 04).
Retrieved from

Research Autism, (2013, February 4). Retrieved from

Stewart, S. & Flath, C. (2011), The Hidden Child: Kids with Autism. Pennsylvania:
Mason Crest Publishers Inc.

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