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Name : Niken Titin Tisnawati

Class: XI Science 1


TAHUN AJARAN 2013/2014


Tsunami is the sea waves that have powerful vandal energy. Another natural
disasters which occur in the sea like earthquake, volcanic eruption, and etc also
possible to make tsunami occur. When earthquake occurred, plaque sea floor
cracks. Some of plaque sea floor up or sink suddenly and it makes some layers of
the sea floor up to surface get powerful shiver. This shivers is not same with usual
All regions of the world ocean are potential to tsunami occur, but in the
Pacific Ocean and the surrounding areas have the highest possibility to tsunami
occur, because most of earthquake occur in the line of the Pacific Ocean, or more
commonly known as the Pacific Ring of Fire. Pacific Ring of Fire is an area that
often gets earthquake and volcano eruption. This area is also known as the Pacific
seismic belt. Indonesia lies between the Pacific Ring of

Fire along the

northeastern islands, including Papua New Guinea, as well as in Alpide belt along the
south and west of Sumatra, Java, Bali, and Timor.
In the deep ocean, the speed of the tsunami wave at least 500-1000
km/hour, equivalent with the speed of aircraft. Sea wave height is only about 1
meter, so the rate of the waves is not felt by ships at sea. When approaching the
coast, the speed of tsunami wave decreases to about 30 miles per hour, but its
height increases to tens of meters.
There are many characters of Tsunami. The speed of the tsunami wave at
least 500-1000 kilometer per hour. The height of Tsunami wave approximately ten
meters. When tsunami occur, the sea waves move quickly. Amplitude of the tsunami
wave reaches thousands kilometers. Tsunami waves usually are multilayer, every
layer has length wave approximately 150 meters and need time about 10 seconds.

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