Edph367 Unit of Work 3 3 2

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Unit of Work

Rationale: PDHPE essential to student life choices, when taught appropriately it is able to support and educate students in making choices, which are appropriate for their wellbeing. One
such example is drug education. This often overlooked component of the PDHPE syllabus is composed of personal health choices, as ultimately regardless of what we teach, it comes
down to the students decision. The aim is to ensure that each students decision is an informed one as opposed to derived from the strains of peer pressure. As a result of this
understanding, this has become the focal point of this unit of work. With such understandings found intertwined within the syllabus, it is important to recognise the significance in
childrens individual wellbeing by recognising implications for safe living. The interrelated nature of this broad topic cannot be taught in isolation but rather adopts a holistic approach in
order to demonstrate the relevance of such understandings to the personal choices of students. Through the implementation of this unit of work students are able to gain knowledge and
understandings and put these into practice in order to make informed lifestyle choices.

In addition, this unit of work continues to build on students prior understandings by recognising the key learning which has occurred from early stage 1 to stage 2. Students begin this
unit of work with understandings of medicines and their appropriate use, safety provisions associated with drug use and what to do if there is an accident at home. At the conclusion of
this unit of work students will begin to have an understanding of legal drugs and their helpful and harmful nature, tobacco and the implications of smoking, the effects of alcohol and
understand the difference between legal and illegal drugs in work to begin to make comparisons.

Stage: 3 (Year 5/6)

Strand: Personal Health Choices
Knowledge and Understanding
Discusses why people use different products.
PHS3.12: Explains the consequences of personal lifestyle choices.
o Define legal and illegal.

o Know the appropriate use, administration and storage of medicines.
Values and Attitudes
o Labelling of drugs.
V2: Respects the right of others to hold different values and attitudes from their
Describe the factors that influence personal health choices.
Identifies the positive and negative effects of various substances on the body.

o Effects of drugs- alcohol and tobacco.
Identifies the effects of their decisions on themselves, others and the
COS3.3: Communicates confidently in a variety of situations.
o Effects of drug use for the community.
Makes judgements on the reliability of information from different sources.
Identifies how and why males and females are targeted in a range of
Is respectful of the contribution of others and sensitively communicates their

Basic overview of assessment strategies
Throughout the completion of this unit of work students are able to demonstrate their understandings through non-formative assessments. As a result the strategies incorporated include
open discussions, observations and teamwork shown through communicating, decision-making, interacting, recalling and listening. These have been thus intertwined within each of the 5
lessons. It should be stressed that any expressions of interest and decision-making regarding illegal substances must be explained within the realms of government guidelines thus
informing the assessment strategies.

Basic overview of teaching strategies

Grace Leva 19/10/2015 2:17 PM

Comment [1]: The reasons behind the
structure, approach and tasks is based on
research conducted prior to the completion
of this unit of work. Each choice is
deliberate and based on the way in which
students learn, the current trends identified
by research regarding this topic as well as
ensuring that the outcomes evidenced
within the curriculum are maintained and
met through its implementation.

Grace Leva 19/10/2015 2:19 PM

Comment [2]: Throughout the unit,
students are able to build understandings in
order to meet these outcomes and their
indicators. Consequently, the content is
taught throughout the course of the unit,
each revisited and continually built on.

Grace Leva 19/10/2015 2:22 PM

Comment [3]: Within the 5 lessons
outlined below a range of varied teaching
strategies have been incorporated. Their
effectiveness is tailored to the class itself,
each group of students will differ and whilst
these strategies are effective in enhancing
and supporting the learning of these
students, various adaptations may be
necessary to ensure their effectiveness is
maintained with a different group of
students. In addition, these strategies
effectively promote widespread learning
with individual, small group and whole class
strategies are embedded to ensure that
students can further their strengths and
support one another through challenges.



Each of the 5 lessons include teaching strategies, which enable the teacher to meet the varied needs of the class. These are achieved through the inclusion of questioning and discussion,
cooperative group learning, debates, drama, music, media and the inclusion of technology. Through these strategies varied student learning is further enhanced collectively as a class.

Lesson Title
Indicators of learning
Teaching and Learning Experiences
Assessment Strategies

The commencement of this unit may only occur after a note has been sent home and

returned, students who are not allowed to participate require other arrangements to be


It is important to note that each lesson should be approached with sensitivity as

students home life does not conclusively confirm not negate any opinion.

Why use drugs? Discusses why people use
Students ability to

How do we use different products.
Students are presented with a cupboard, which they cannot see into, this is not
appropriately contribute Youtube music link
and store them
described or mentioned it is simply located at the front of the classroom. Students are
to the discussions,
Define legal and illegal.
asked to listen attentively as the DARE song is played. After the song students will
providing definitions and /#watch?v=xAnqME7

engage in a discussion reflecting on what drugs are? Why people use different drugs?
adequate reasons for the VGCE
Know the appropriate use, What factors influence the choice to take drugs?
questions posed.

administration and storage

of medicines.
Students will be

The teacher will then take the students attention to the cupboard and firstly ask them
assessed on their ability Cupboard containing
Labelling of drugs.
based on what we have just looked at what do you think is inside the cupboard?
to identify risks within
cigarettes, alcohol,

Students will be asked to consider what the difference between a legal and illegal drug the cupboard.
expired prescribed
Describe the factors that
is? The students will be asked to form groups of 4, each student within the group will be
tablets, illegal drugs,
influence personal health
assigned a number 1,2,3,4 by the teacher, these will then be called out collectively to
Students will be
painkillers etc. (The
look inside the cupboard. The cupboard will contain various types of drugs, much like a questioned on the
inclusion of illicit

medicine cabinet as well as school and cigarettes. These may be legal and illegal. Such
reasoning for their
drugs should be that
Is respectful of the
examples include panadol and cough medicine. (The containers would be empty with
chosen risk.
of the teacher
contribution of others and simple labels that identify them). The cupboard will have factors, which pose a risk to

determined by the
sensitively communicates
the safety of others such as no lids on containers, expired Panadol, and identified
Collaborative teamwork. students in the class
their opinion.
medication in containers with a different name or no identifying labels. Students will be
and their needs (BOS
asked to identify these within their groups and create a drama performance
Presentation clearly
Modules, 1999,
incorporating the cupboard and identifying one safety risk associated with it.
depicts the associated



Students will present their drama performance to the class without highlighting their
Appropriate contribution The cupboard
chosen risk. At the conclusion of the performance the class will be asked to guess and
to the discussion.
together with a bin
justify what makes it a risk. After all the performances the teacher will ask group to fix 1
to place tablets
risk within the cupboard to demonstrate the appropriate storage of medicines.
which are expired.

Grace Leva 19/10/2015 2:26 PM

Comment [4]: Each of these 5 lessons are
a continuation of ideas and understandings
gained as students progress through them.
This occurs as they apply and further these
extending their knowledge to become
further informed. Each lesson ensures
students reflect, learn and then reflect again
essentially ensuring that each lesson is able
to become intertwined and evidenced as
students undertake each task.


The Effects

Makes judgements on the

reliability of information
from different sources.

Is respectful of the
contribution of others and
sensitively communicates
their opinion.

Students will engage in a discussion to determine what are the most pivotal features of
an effective media advertisement. Students will be prompted to consider the nature of
media articles in terms of the target audience and identify how and why certain groups
are targeted. They will be required to recall aspects from the previous lesson where hey
considered why these choices are made.

The classroom will be set up like an advertisement expo, with various campaign posters
filling the walls, there will also be a few iPads containing TV advertisements on smoking
and taking drugs. Students will each individually select what they believe to be the most
efficient advertisement and consider what makes the advertisement effective. They will
then be asked to pair up with another student and discuss which of their two
advertisements is more effective and why. This process will be followed one more as 2
pairs come together to determine which of their chosen posters are more effective.
This chosen advertisement will become the topic of the groups campaign. As they take
on the roles of campaign managers to create the plan for their own media
advertisement based on the theme for their selected advertisement. They must ensure
that they meticulously cater for their targeted audience. Students will only be required
to create a plan.

The teacher will ask students to lay out their campaign plans, each of the groups will
then be required to read and consider each campaign. After all campaigns have been
reviewed by each group the groups are required to work together to choose the first,
second and third most effective campaigns and provide justifications for their

Identifies the positive and Introduction-
negative effects of various Teacher will follow on from the previous lesson by showing the students a different
substances on the body.
smoking advertisement, which takes on a diverse perspective. Students will be asked to

highlight its effectiveness and the information, which it provides to the viewer.
Identifies the effects of
Students will then be asked to name the negative effects of smoking and consider how
their decisions on
easy/challenging this may have been to list. Students will then be asked to name the
themselves, others and the positives of stopping smoking. Again the teacher will ask the students to consider how
easy/challenging this may have been.

Effects of drug use for the Body-
Students will be asked to create their own positive poster or video about the effects of

tobacco or drugs. They will be required to consider the effects of such a decision on the

Student contributions to
class discussion are

Student ability to create
links from the previous

Contemplation of the
reasoning behind

Justification of reasoning
for effective

Cooperative work in

Teamwork in making
decisions and further
consideration before
choices are made.

A range of
including media
articles and TV

Appropriate student
contribution to class

Students anility to
distinguish between the
positive and negative


Factsheets regarding

Paper, pencils,
textas, coloured
paper, magazines,




Pens, Paper,
Rubbers, Pencils,
Scissors, Glue, iPads,
Coloured paper.

Is respectful of the
contribution of others and
sensitively communicates
their opinion.

What is
alcohol use?

What does this
all mean?

individual, their friends and family, the environment and the wider community. How
students present their understandings is up to them it may be a poster or video, a
drama performance or song to name a few. This enables the students to call upon their

Students will share their understandings with the class by joining with another student
who has done a different topic to their own The various posters and snap shots of
videos will ne placed on the display wall.

Identifies the effects of
their decisions on
Students will be able to reflect on their understandings by sharing their ideas about
themselves, others and the what alcohol is and its appropriate use? Students will work in small groups to create a
definition, which they will share with the class to create a class definition.

Effects of drug use for the Body-
Students are asked to create their own scenario where the wrong choice regarding

alcohol has been taken. They are then required to change the choice to one , which is
Is respectful of the
appropriate . Students will then be required to consider the consequences of the
contribution of others and choices, which have been made in their scenario and what these mean for the
sensitively communicates
individual, others, the environment and community. For example- Sam is 15 and has
their opinion.
been offered a beer by his friend Alex. Sam chooses to take the beer but doesnt drink it,
instead he places the beer on the stairs where Jordan, Alexs younger brother who is 12
takes it and drinks it. If Sam had not taken the beer at all or emptied it down the sink,
Jordan would not have been able to take it. The consequences may include getting a
habit of drinking underage, an understanding that this is okay, having angry parents,
punishment and no concept of the physical damage being caused to name a few.

The class will be separated into two groups as they debate the effects of decisions
made reflecting alcohol based on the scenario above. The statement to be argued is
Same us to blame for the choice made by his younger brother Jordan

Discusses why people use
different products.

Define legal and illegal.

Know the appropriate use,

Students are able to demonstrate what they have learnt through an opinion continuum
where the areas of drugs, alcohol and smoking are combined. Students are provided
with a statement, where they must physically move in order to determine if they agree,
disagree or are not sure. After all students have made a decision they must share their
reasoning. For example Drinking underage is cool, After your 18, youre legally


Effective presenyayion
of their ideas within the
3 groups- individual,
others, environment and

scissors, glue etc.

Aspects included within
the definitions of

Appropriate choices
have been made in the

Students will
demonstrate their
understandings of what
is appropriate where
alcohol is related.

Student ability to
provide reasoning for
the decisions made and
their related

The reasoning provided
by students during the
continuum activity.

The engagement and
participation during the

markers, paper, pens

The words agree,
disagree, not sure
printed in large font
and laminated.

administration and storage

of medicines.

Identifies the positive and
negative effects of various
substances on the body.

Identifies the effects of
their decisions on
themselves, others and the

Makes judgements on the
reliability of information
from different sources.

Is respectful of the
contribution of others and
sensitively communicates
their opinion.

allowed to smoke but that doesnt make it the right choice Smoking makes you look
like a smart adult

As a class the students are required to use all the understandings, which have been
gained to create a video educating the remainder of the school about the effects of
drugs, alcohol and smoking and why people make the choice to use them
inappropriately. For example visual learners will be grouped together and take on the
role of setting up props, auditory learners may chose to do editing by listening back to
the video and kinaesthetic learners may be the ones in the video acting out the parts.

Students will share their newly gained understandings in a class discussion. They will be
invited to share areas of further interest, areas of confusion and highlight the activities
they enjoyed and the modifications, which they feel are necessary for the future
teaching of the unit.

creation of the video.

Each students

The completion of the
final product.

Contribution to the class

Access to video
camera, camerasm
iPads, pens, pencils,
paper, a clear open
space, planning
format etc.


Cringe Volume # 8. (2013). Kids Anti Drug Campaign [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnoMAyXk2KU

D.A.R.E. (2011). To resist drugs and violence [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAnqME7VGcE

Jamshop. (2013). Drug & Alcohol Services South Australia [digital image]. Retrieved from http://www.coloribus.com/adsarchive/prints/drug-

Khazan, O. (2013). Which Countries Smoke Mostand Which Have The Best Anti Smoking Ads [digital image]. Retrieved from

Learning RX. (2013). Types of learning styles. Retrieved from http://www.learningrx.com/types-of-learning-styles-faq.htm

Lifelounge. (2008). Public Safety, Health & Hygiene, Against Drugs [digital image]. Retrieved from

NSW Board of Studies (1999). Personal Development Health and Physical Education. Syllabus K-6.

Perhaps One Of The Best Anti-Smoking Ads Ever Created. (2012). Smoking Kid [Video file]. Retrieved from

Shoomery. (2008). Anti- Drug Billboard [digital image]. Retrieved from http://www.shroomery/org/forums/showflat.php.Number/8124494

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