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Resolving the problem

Q1: What is a PTF? What is a Cumulative package?

A1: A PTF is a temporary solution to or bypass of a problem diagnosed by IBM as resulting from a defect in a
current, unaltered release of a licensed program. A cumulative (Cumulative) PTF package contains PTFs that
affect the general system population for a specific release.
Q2: If I have two different Cumulative PTF packages, do I have to install both of them?
A2: Because Cumulative PTFs are cumulative, only the most current cumulative package must be installed.
Q3: What is the difference between the A side and the B side?
A3: A and B side concepts are relative to LIC and not to the operating system or LPP PTFs. When a new
system is shipped or when the operating system is upgraded to a new release, the A side and B side match.
When LIC PTFs are temporarily applied, they are applied to the B side. If you have temporarily applied LIC
PTFs and you are running on the A side, you will not be running with the PTFs.
Previous to V3R1M0, you had to be running on the A side to apply PTFs to the B side. When GO PTF, Option 8
is used to apply LIC PTFs, the system determines if you are running on the A side or the B side. If you are
running on the A side, the LIC PTFs are applied immediately. The system is IPLed to the B side to apply the
rest of the PTFs. If you are running on the B side, the system does a partial IPL to the A side to apply the LIC
PTFs. The system is IPLed back to the B side to apply the rest of the PTFs.
Starting at V3R1M0, immediate LIC PTFs can be applied to the B side while you are running on the B side. If
you are on the B side and you use GO PTF Option 8, Automatic IPL Y to apply immediate LIC PTFs, the
system IPLs to the B side to apply the PTFs. The system does not IPL to the A side. Delayed LIC PTFs in V3R1
and beyond function the same way all LIC PTFs functioned before V3R1M0. Permanently applying LIC PTFs
puts the PTF on the A side. Once the PTF is permanently applied, it cannot be removed.
Q4: I forgot to do CHGMSGQ QSYSOPR *BREAK SEV(70). Now I have a message that needs a reply. How
do I respond?
A4: A system request is required to reply to the message(s). Once the system request menu is up, Option 6
allows the ability to respond to the messages requiring a response.
Q5: My Cumulative package did not install. How do I determine what is wrong?
A5: First, determine if the failure occurred during the load or apply phase of the cumulative package
installation. If the system did not IPL, the failure may have occurred during the load phase. Do a help on the
failure message. Then, press PF10 from the message details panel to view the messages in the joblog. Look
for all escape messages that indicate what the problem is. Fix these errors, and try the request again.
If the system IPLed and the PTFs did not apply, start by looking at the history log. On the operating system
command line, type GO LICPGM, and select Option 50 to display the log for messages.

Look for a message indicating if the IPL was normal or abnormal. PTFs are not

always applied during an abnormal IPL.


If Perform Automatic IPL was not selected on the Installation options for the
PTFs panel, verify that the power down system command (PWRDWNSYS)
was done with RESTART(*YES) and the keylock position was at normal. If
RESTART(*NO) was used, the system does not automatically IPL to the A side
to apply LIC PTFs.

Look for any messages that indicate that there was a failure during the IPL. If
failure messages are found, go to the SCPF joblog to find the detailed
messages indicating the cause of the problem. To find the SCPF joblog, use
the WRKJOB SCPF command. You may get a list of jobs. If you just did the
IPL, choose the first one that is not active. Look at the spooled file for that job.
The detailed error messages can be found in this joblog. Find the error
messages, and try to determine what caused the error. If you can, fix the
problem, and then re-IPL the system to apply the remaining PTFs. If you
cannot fix the problem, have the information in the joblog available when you
call the Rochester Support Center.

Q6: I was trying to load a PTF, and I got message CPA3576 indicating that my Master Program Temporary Fix
Index (MPTFI) may be damaged. What should I do?
A6: Message CPA3576 is issued as a general error message and does not necessarily mean that the MPTFI
has been damaged. Do not answer D to this message. Always answer with C unless directed otherwise by
service support. Display your joblog to see what other errors are in the joblog. This is your clue as to what
really went wrong. Correct any errors, and try your request again. If this does not solve the problem, have the
information in the joblog available when you call the IBM Rochester Support Center.
Q7: I want to send multiple PTFs to another system. How can I load them all with one command instead of
having to specify each PTF save file on the LODPTFcommand?
A7: One option is to use the Send Network File ( SNDNETF) command to send the PTF save files to the other
system. On the remote system, use the QPZGENNM API to generate a valid save file name for the PTF save
file. Create a save file in QGPL by that name and receive the PTF into that save file. Use the QPZLOGFX API
to log the PTF into *SERVICE. Once this has been done, the PTF is recognized by the system for any PTF
functions like LODPTF DEV(*SERVICE). Refer to the iSeries Information Center for further information on
these APIs.
Note: At R540 and above, if all *SAVFs get send to the target system, the UPDPTFINF command can be used
to get the serviceable attributes recognized by the system
A second option is the Send PTF ( SNDPTF) command to send the PTF save files. The SNDPTF command
sends the PTFs, loads them, and sets them for apply with a single command on the remote system. The
command is available with the System Manager/400 Licensed Program Product (LPP).
A third option is to use FTP to send the *SAVFs among the systems. Then, as with the SNDNETF command
above, the APIs are required to get the PTFs put back into *SERVICE.
A fourth option is when using Virtual Image Catalog to load/apply PTFs, all .bin file images will reside in a single

Integrated File System directory. That Integrated File System directory can be saved into a *SAVF and then
moved over to the other systems using FTP or the SNDNETF command and then restored into the target
Integrated File System. Once restored on the target a new image catalog can be built off of that directory to
load and apply PTFs.
Lastly, iSeries Navigator can be used. To use Management Central, refer to Rochester Support Center
knowledgebase document New, Management Central PTF/Fix Send Function, for more information. To link
to document New immediately, click here . Within iSeries Navigator, a user can drag and drop the .bin file
images between the Integrated File System on the source system and the Integrated File System on the target
system. Once the .bin files reside on the target, the Virtual Image Catalog can be used to load or apply PTFs.
Q8: What does it mean when a PTF has an action required?
A8: This was a new concept in V3R1M0. Some PTFs that were previously delayed PTFs can now be applied
immediately, However, some additional steps are required to make them active. These additional steps are
described in the cover letter. The following types of action required PTFs exist: updateable and nonupdateable.
Updateable action required PTFs are shipped with an action exit program to verify the actions required to make
the PTF active have been done. The action exit program is called by the Display PTF ( DSPPTF) command to
list the actions that are necessary to make the PTF active and to verify if the actions have been completed. The
exit program is called when the details for the PTF are displayed using Option 5 on the Display PTF Status
panel or when you select *ACTRQD PTFs on the DSPPTF command. At this time, the status of the PTF is
updated if the actions are complete. The status of the PTF changes from Temporarily applied - PND to
Temporarily applied after all required actions have been completed.
Non-updateable action required PTFs do not have an exit program to verify the actions have been done. These
PTFs remain in a status of Temporarily applied - ACN until the next IPL. During the IPL, the status of the PTF
changes to Temporarily applied.
It is important to note that any dependent PTFs cannot be applied until the pre-requisite PTF indicates that its
actions are complete.
Q9: What is iSeries 400 ALERT?
A9: iSeries 400 ALERT is a service that proactively notifies customers of critical software and hardware
problems and PTFs that may help avoid system interruptions and expensive down time. Notices tailored to the
user's release and cumulative PTF level are sent by facsimile or mail to the user's site. Weekly reports include
notification of: Contact you marketing representative for more information on this service offering.
For a free type of alert service, go to Subscription Service for System i5 at thie website:
Q10: How do I generate a listing of my PTFs?
A10: To generate a list of the PTFs applied to your system, on the operating system command line type in the
Press the Enter key. Then, type the following:
Press the Enter key. You can then display or print as needed.

Q11: What is the command used to order PTFs electronically?

A11: To order individual PTFs, on the operating system command line type the following:
where nnnnnnn is the number of the PTF you want to order. Press the Enter key. You can order up to 20 PTFs
Q12: How do I order cumulative PTF packages electronically?
A12: To order cumulative PTF packages, on the operating system command line type the following:
press the Enter key. The last three digits indicate the version, release, and modification level of the operating
Q13: What is PSP information?
A13: PSP stands for Preventive Service Planning. It is a collection of information used when installing a
licensed program, cumulative PTF package, or hardware. PSP information should be reviewed before installing
a licensed program, a cumulative PTF package, or hardware.
Q14: How do I order the PSP information for the current cumulative PTF package?
A14: To order the PSP information for the current cumulative PTF package, on the operating system command
line type the following:
Press the Enter key. The last 3 digits indicate the version, release, and modification level of the operating
Q15: How can I determine what the current Cumulative PTF is and when the next one is scheduled for
A15: SF98VRM gives the current Cumulative PTF number and also mentions the target date for the next
scheduled Cumulative PTF.
Q16: Can I order a new Cumulative PTF before it is actually available?
A16: The Cumulative PTF must be available before it can be ordered.
Q 17: How can I tell what PTFs I have installed on my system?
A17: Use the Display PTF ( DSPPTF) command, and specify the product ID. If you do not know the product ID,
on the operating system command line typeDSPPTF, and press the Enter key. This brings up the first product.
Every time you press the Enter key, it takes you to the next product installed on your system.
Q18: How can I tell what Cumulative PTF Package is on my system?
A18: On the operating system command line, type DSPPTF LICPGM(57xx999) and verify what the first
TLnXXXX number is. Or, type DSPPTF LICPGM(57xxSS1), and verify that the first TCnXXXX or TAnXXXX
number is. XXXX represents the first 4 numbers of the Cumulative tape package identifier. The TL number

stands for the HIPER VLIC PTFs on the Cumulative package, TC represents the operating system PTFs on the
Cumulative package, and TA represents the HIPER operating system PTFs on the Cumulative package. The n
represents some number based on the current year. For example, Cumulative PTF C7002540 Breaks down
to TL07002, TC07002, and TA07002.
Q19: How can I find out what PTFs are on the Cumulative PTF that I received?
A19: Load the Cumulative package into the optical drive (OPTXX). Then, do the following:


On the operating system command line type the following command, and
press the Enter key: WRKOPTVOL


Select Option 11 to Work with object links.


Locate the README file.


Type 5 to display.


Locate the PKGLIST.TXT.


Type 5 to display.

This provides a summary listing of the PTFs contained within the package. While this is a listing of the PTFs
contained within the package, it is not a complete listing. Pre-req and Co-req PTFs are not included in the PTF
Q20: How do I print PSP information that I have downloaded?
A20: On the operating system command line, type the following:
Press the Enter key.
Q21: How can I print a cover letter for the PTF I have downloaded?
A21: On the operating system command line, type the following:
Then, run the WRKSPLF command. You can display or print the cover letter.
Q22: Where are the cover letters for PTFs stored on my system?
A22: They are stored in a file called QAPZCOVER in QGPL.
Q23: How can I get QAPZCOVER back on my system if I accidentally deleted it.
A23: You can run the RSTOBJ command from a previous backup or you can re-create it. To re-create
QAPZCOVER, On the operating system command LINE, type the following:


Press the Enter key. Then, on the operating system command line type the following:
Press the Enter key. Then, on the operating system command line type the following:
Press the Enter key.
Q24: What is the difference between an immediate PTF and a delayed PTF?
A24: An immediate PTF can be applied without doing an IPL if the licensed program it affects is not in use. An
IPL is required to apply delayed PTFs. In some cases, there may be an action pending status until a special
instruction is done or an IPL. In some cases, MF PTFs can be applied immediately while on the B side of the
operating system.
Q25: Do I have to load the PTF before I can apply it?
A25: The PTF must be loaded or the apply does not work.
Q26: I just received some PTFs via the ECS line. How do I apply them?
A26: To apply the PTFs, do the following:


On the operating system command line type the following: GO PTF


Select Option 8 from the menu to install fix package.


Specify *SERVICE for the device.


Specify Y or N for the IPL depending if you can IPL at the time.


Specify 1 for all PTFs.


Specify N for other options unless you do not want to load all that have been
downloaded electronically. This ensures all pre-req and co-req checking is done
for the successful load and apply of the PTFs. However, if N is specified for the
IPL, PTFs do not get applied until the IPL has been issued. The IPL should be
done with the following command:

Q27: How do I remove a PTF that is temporarily applied to my system?

A27: If it is an immediate LIC PTF (MFxxxxx), an IPL will be needed to remove the PTF unless the system is
running on the A side. LIC PTFs can only be removed *PERM. Message CPD35A6, Licensed Internal Code
PTFs cannot be temporarily removed, will be logged if a LIC PTF is attempted to be removed *TEMP. To
remove a temp applied LIC PTF when the system is running on the B side, type the following:
This command marks the LIC PTF and its dependants to be removed at the next IPL of the system.
Note: Message CPD35BD, Immediate operation not allowed for MFxxxxx, will be logged if you attempt to
remove a LIC PTF immediately when the system is running on the B side.
If it is an immediate SIxxxxx PTF, on the operating system command line type the following:
which puts it in a Not Applied Status. We can then issue the above RMVPTF command again with
RMV(*PERM) so the fix is completely removed from the system. If a savf or cover letter exists on the system
for this PTF, use the DLTPTF command to delete the savf and cover letter. If it is a delayed PTF, specify
DELAYED(*YES) so it is removed on the next IPL.
Q28: Does the system have to be restricted to load PTFs?
A28: We can load a PTF and mark it to be applied on the next IPL unless it is an immediate PTF which we can
apply if no one is using that product.
Q29: What is the procedure to get PTFs on my system?
A29: On the operating system command line, type GO PTF. Select Option 8 to load any PTFs you have to be
applied. Or, you can do a LODPTF and APYPTFfor each PTF. This must be done for each product.
Q30: If I order one PTF, why do I sometimes receive more than the one that I order?
A30: The prereq and coreq PTFs are sent along also to make sure we have everything we need to get the full
effect of the PTF. The cover letter mentions these PTF numbers.
Q31: How do I remove a damaged PTF from my system?
A31: Because nothing can be done with the PTF while in a damaged status, the PTF must be reloaded with
the LODPTF. Then, a RMVPTF can be done to remove it or a LODPTF can be done to apply it again.
Q32: I have just loaded PTFs on my system. How can I verify if they are set to be applied on the next IPL?
A32: Use the DSPPTF command, and verify the IPL action. If it is N, the PTF has not been marked to be
applied. If you look at the general information of the PTF the unattended IPL action should say apply
Q33: How should I issue my IPL to apply my PTFs?
A33: On the operating system command line, type the following:
Q34: I have loaded my PTF and have to apply it delayed. What command do I use?

A34: On the operating system command line, type the following:

Q35: How do I know which side I am running on?
A35: On the operating system command line, type the following:
Verify what the IPL source at the top of the screen is. The control panel does not say what side you are on but
what the next IPL will be.
Q36: What is a superseded PTF?
A36: A superseded PTF is one that has never been installed on the system, however, it is shown as
superseded because the changes from this PTF have been included in a new PTF that has been installed on
the system. If the PTF had been temporarily applied and we install the new PTF, it automatically permanently
applies the old PTF so the code from the new PTF is used, and the new PTF is now in a temporarily applied
Q37: I was doing a SAVSYS, and I received message CPI35C3 MPTFI for licensed internal code not saved
due to error in the QSYSOPR message queue. What does that mean, and what do I need to do to recover?
A37: This message is sent whenever the information about LIC PTFs is not saved during a SAVSYS. If the
system is restored using these SAVSYS tapes, the information about the LIC PTFs installed on the system is
missing. This could cause installation errors when future cumulative PTF packages are installed. The typical
error that occurs is a CPF7206 Service function ended abnormally. Completion code 'FFFF'x qualifier
000000000000000B'X. This indicates an attempt was made to apply a PTF to a module that already has a PTF
temporarily applied to it. You can determine why the CPI35C5 was issued and correct the error. Then, redo
the SAVSYS. Or, when you reinstall the system, you can re-slip LIC from PID media and reapply the PTFs that
were previously applied to the system.
Q38: Where can I find more information on PTFs?
A38: PTF information can be found on the iSeries Information Center under the topics: OS/400 and related
software, Maintain and manage OS/400 and related software, Use software fixes. Additional PTF information
can also be found at the following Web site:
Q39: What is the command WRKPTFGRP for?
A3 9: The Work with PTF Groups display shows you a list of PTF groups on the system. A PTF group consists
of a list of program temporary fixes (PTFs) defined for the purpose of managing those PTFs as one entity. A
PTF group can identify other PTF groups, called related PTF groups. The PTFs in the PTF group as well as the
PTFs in all related PTF groups are used to determine the overall status of the PTF group. Starting at V6R1M0,
this command can be formatted to show what previous levels of the groups have been installed on the system.
The number of levels displayed is controlled by the CHGSRVA command's 'PTF group levels' parameter.
Q40: What is the function of the UPDPTFINF command?
A40: The Update Program Temporary Fix Information ( UPDPTFINF) command updates PTF information for all
PTF save files in library QGPL. It was first introduced at V5R4M0. By running this command, the *SERVICE
flag is turned on for those PTFs and from there you can run the GO PTF Option 8 menu selection and specify

*SERVICE for the device to load and mark the associated PTFs. You can also run the DLTPTF command and
safely remove the save files and cover letters for those PTFs. This is very useful when Fix Central brings down
a number of save files for PTFs that are for different releases than what the system is at.
Q41: What is DSPFMWSTS used for?
A41: The Display Firmware Status ( DSPFMWSTS) command displays information for the current server

What are the categories of fixes?

Fixes may now include a flag that can be used to identify fixes associated with specific IBM i and Licensed
Internal Code functional categories.
Some of the categories include:

To see the list of categories for your release:


Go to the Preventive Service Planning - PSP database.

Select the All Preventive Service Planning Documents by Release view.
Click on your release.
You will find the categories listed within the document.
Back to top

Where is a list of the most recent IBM PTFs and Cumulative PTF packages?
IBM lists PTF information in the Preventive Service Planning - PSP database. Browse our PSP database for
the information you need.

How do I determine which PTFs are currently installed on a system?

To determine the status of the fixes for products that are installed and supported on your system:


Enter the Display PTF (DSPPTF) command and press F4 (Prompt).

Specify the licensed program number (for example: 5770SS1). If you want to see the status for all the
products on the system, specify *ALL for both parameters and press the Enter key until all the licensed
programs are displayed.
The Display Program Temporary Fix display shows the status of all fixes installed on system.

How do I determine which Cumulative PTF package is installed?

Use the Work with PTF Groups (WRKPTFGRP) command. On the WRKPTFGRP screen, you should find the
PTF group named SF99vrm, where "vrm" corresponds to the release of your operating system. The level of the
PTF group corresponds to the 5-digit cumulative PTF package date.
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How do I determine if the latest Cumulative PTF package is installed?

Compare the number (for example: C4229720) with the package number shown for the Cumulative PTF
package in the Preventive Service Planning information document.
To locate the Preventive Service Planning information:

Refer to the Preventive Service Planning - PSP database.

Select All Preventive Service Planning Documents by Release.
Select your release (for example: 720 for IBM i 7.2).
Select the Current Cumulative PTF Package for your release (for example: "SF98034: Current
Cumulative PTF Package").
The latest Cumulative PTF package is listed near the top of the information (for example: "The latest
cumulative package for IBM i 7.2 is: C4229720").
If the package numbers are identical, you have the latest Cumulative PTF package. If the package numbers
are different, you have an older version of the Cumulative PTF package.
Note: In order for the above instructions to work correctly, you must have followed the PTF installation
instructions when you applied the Cumulative package, and not omitted any of the additional PTFs in the

How do I order fixes through the Internet?

Use Fix Central to search for, order, and download fixes for your server.

What is the command used to order fixes electronically?

To order individual fixes, use the following command.
Where nnnnnnn is the number of the individual fix you want to order. You can order up to 20 fixes at a time.
When you receive fixes electronically on your service support communications line, they are placed in a save
file in library QGPL. In most cases, the save file name is the Fix identifier prefixed with a Q. For example, the
save file for Fix identifier SFnnnnn is QSFnnnnn.
Back to top

How do I order Cumulative PTF packages electronically?

To order a Cumulative PTF package electronically:


Identify your licensed program release level:

Type GO LICPGM on any command line and press the Enter key.
Select option 10 (Display installed licensed programs) on the Work with Licensed Programs
Press the F11 key. The current version, release, and modification level is shown in the
Installed Release column where V is the version, R is the release, and M is the modification level.
Type SNDPTFORD SF99VRM, where VRM is the version, release, and modification level you found in
step 1.
For example, for Version 7 Release 2 Modification 0, type SNDPTFORD SF99720
Verify the shipping information on the Verify Contact Information display. If any of the information is
incorrect, change it and press the Enter key.
Select option 1 (Send service request now) on the Select Reporting Option display. This places the
PTF order.

If I order one PTF, why do I sometimes receive more PTFs?

PTFs may have dependencies on other PTFs. There are two different types of dependencies: prerequisites and
corequisites. The prerequisite and corequisite PTFs are sent along with the PTFs you order to ensure you are
able to load and apply the ordered PTFs.

Q: How do I apply a PTF that was sent on CD?

A: Issue the GO PTF command. Select Option 8. Do the following:
Specify the device name (e.g., OPT01).
Change auto IPL to "N" if you don't want to IPL right now or leave as "Y" if you do.
If there are immediate PTFs and you want to apply them immediately, change "other options" to
"Y." Change "apply type" to "2" to apply immediate and set delayed PTFs. Change "apply type" to a
"3" to apply only immediate PTFs. (Note, this works only if all the pre-req and co-req changes are
immediate. If not, delay all of the PTFs to be applied at the next IPL.)
Issue this command when you IPL: PWRDWNSYS *IMMED RESTART(*YES) IPLSRC(B)
Verify PTFs have applied by entering GO LICPGM Option 50, viewing history log, viewing SCPF
job log, and doing a DSPPTF and checking status.

Q: What is a group PTF?

A: It's a name that's used to order and manage a group of logically related PTFs (i.e., Database,
Hipers, Java, etc.). You can order PTF groups from IBM by specifying a single PTF number.
Beginning in V5R2, you can use the Work with PTF Group (WRKPTFGRP) command to view
PTF groups on your system.




INFOAS400 - AS/400 Information



Error Description

The following PTFs for V5R4Mx and V6R1Mx are

required to upgrade to version 7 release 1 modification x,
where x is the modification number of licensed internal code
only. The modification number for IBM i will always be 0,
which may not match the modification level of licensed
internal code. Please review the Preventative Service Planning
(PSP) entries for software installation to determine other PTFs
you may need.
-----------------------------------------------------------Info APAR Contents
Last Changed
Conversion impacts
Upgrading using virtual media . . . . . . . . . .03/12/2012
Prepare for Install PTFs
Upgrading using network file system . . . . . . .11/26/2012
IBM System Storage DS8100 and DS8300 actions
Changing primary language during upgrade
Using Electronic Software Delivery (ESD)
Avoiding database cross reference file errors....03/18/2012
Upgrading from V5R4 with 5722DG1 installed
Upgrading from V5R4 with OS managed firmware
-----------------------------------------------------------For determining the impact of conversions that will occur
when upgrading to Version 7 Release 1 from Version 5 Release 4
please review and read Redpaper "i5/OS Program Conversion:
Getting Ready for i5/OS," REDP-4293, from
and Info APAR II14306. These documents list the APARs needed
to evaluate your system prior to the upgrade.
-----------------------------------------------------------For upgrading to Version 7 Release 1 using virtual media, the
following PTFs must be applied:
If you are upgrading from V5R4M0 -

SI35849 superseded by SI42903

MF42600 superseded by MF51693

- MF53830
- MF53547 superseded by MF54341
- MF53832
- MF54338
- MF56994
If you are upgrading from V5R4M5 - SI35849 superseded by SI42903
- MF46288 superseded by MF53640
- MF43157
- MF47160
- MF51308 superseded by MF52757
- MF53717
- MF53630 superseded by MF54314
- MF53812
- MF54287
- MF56929
If you are upgrading from V6R1M0 - SI39390
- SI35186 superseded by SI40473
- SI35189 superseded by SI44484
- MF43198
- SI45603
- MF46292
- MF47203
- MF51355 superseded by MF53927
- MF53936
- MF53937 superseded by MF54327
- MF53938
- MF53949
If you are upgrading from V6R1M1 - SI39390
- SI35186 superseded by SI40473
- SI35189 superseded by SI44484
- SI45603
- MF47204
- MF51455
- MF53863 superseded by MF54350
- MF53864
- MF53865
- MF54034
If you are upgrading from V7R1M0 - MF50235
- SI41276
- SI45600
- MF51411
- MF53917 superseded by MF54351
- MF53918
- MF53919
- MF54011
In addition, if an iASP is configured on the system being
upgraded using virtual media, PERM apply the following:
If you are upgrading from V5R4M0 - MF50209

If you are upgrading from V5R4M5 - MF50210

If you are upgrading from V6R1M0 - MF50211
If you are upgrading from V6R1M1 - MF50918

-------------------------------------------------------------The following Prepare for Install PTFs are needed:

If you are upgrading from V5R4Mx - SI42214
If you are upgrading from V6R1Mx - SI42213
-------------------------------------------------------------For upgrading using virtual media, from virtual optical storage
on a Network File System (NFS) server, to Version 7 Release 1,
the following PTFs must be applied to the system being
If you are upgrading from V6R1M0 -


If you are upgrading from V6R1M1 -


If you are upgrading from V7R1M0 - SI45988

The following PTFs must be applied on the NFS server containing
the install virtual optical images:
If your image server is at V6R1M0 -


- MF46292
If your image server is at V6R1M1 -


If your image server is at V7R1Mx - SI39238

- SI45600

For information on how to upgrade from virtual optical

storage using the Network File System including client ethernet
adapter considerations, please refer to the following PDF
link URL:
-------------------------------------------------------------IBM System Storage DS8100 and DS8300 actions
IBM System Storage? DS8100? and DS8300? systems that are not
at a current version of firmware will experience problems when
Collection Services collects the new external storage metrics
(*EXTSTG category data) that have been added in the 7.1
release. These problems include hardware failure notifications,
loss of access to data, and DS8100/DS8300 system crashes.
To prevent these problems you need to install a level of
DS8100/DS8300 microcode that fixes these problems prior to
installing IBM i 7.1.
-- The code fix is available in Release 4.3x Bundle or higher.
-- The code fix is available in Release 4.2x Bundle

For more information refer to the following link titled

"Potential loss of access to data due to Link Statistics
-------------------------------------------------------------If upgrading to Version 7 Release 1 using IBM supplied media,
using the automatic install process, and changing your primary

language, the following PTFs must be applied to allow you to

set the install language:
If you are upgrading from V5R4Mx - SI38038
If you are upgrading from V6R1Mx - SI38035
After you have loaded and applied either of these PTFs, type
the following:
NOTE: Substitute your target install language for 29xx.
-------------------------------------------------------------If using the Electronic Software Delivery (ESD) process along
with image catalogs to upgrade to Version 7 Release 1, there
is a new API called QVOIFIMG that will allow you to add all
files within the image catalog directory to the image catalog
automatically. This API has been provided as PTFs in V5R4,
V6R1 and V7R1.
The PTF numbers are:
V5R4Mx - SI40603
V6R1Mx - SI40473
V7R1Mx - SI40971
-------------------------------------------------------------The following database PTFs are needed to avoid a database
cross reference file error condition during the upgrade to 7.1:
If you are upgrading from V5R4Mx - SI39326
If you are upgrading from V6R1Mx - SI45174

If these ptfs are not applied to the previous release prior to

the upgrade, a RCLSTG SELECT(*DBXREF) may be required following
the install of the operating system in order to successfully
install several products that are dependent on the data in the
cross reference files.
For V6R1Mx you also need to take the
following actions AFTER you have applied
ptfs (application of database PTFs can

recreate these views):

Failure to do so, will result in having
repopulate cross reference column level
information following the upgrade to
-------------------------------------------------------------If Upgrading from Version 5, release 4 and 5722DG1 is currently
installed, it is recommended that the HTTP PTF Group level 21
or higher (SF99114) or SI36402 or it's supersede be applied
prior to the system release upgrade. This corrects a problem
where the i5OSjaas.jar files are not consistent between V5R4 and
-------------------------------------------------------------If upgrading from R540/R545 and the system is an i5 that
is OS Managed for Firmware, prior to upgrading, SF240_332
or later must be either Permanently Applied or Superseded.
If Superseded, the Superseding PTF must be Permanently
For information on how to determine what level of
Firmware is currently on the system and how to upgrade it
properly, please refer to the following URL:
Problem Summary
Problem Conclusion

Temporary Fix


Information APAR

PTFs Available

Affected Modules

Affected Publications

Summary Information

Reported Release........................ 7.1
IBM disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. By furnishing this document, IBM grants no licenses to any
related patents or copyrights. Copyright 1996,1997,1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 IBM Corporation. Any trademarks and product or brand
names referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult the Terms of use link
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