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Characteristics of living things

Unit 5

Audio scripts:
Unit 5, activity 3, page 31. Listen and repeat. Mark the stress in the words.

a) Biodiversity.

c) Carbohydrates.

b) Biomolecule.

d) Nucleic acids.

e) Fats.

Unit 5, activity 13, page 33. Listen and complete the text.

This is an example of interaction. It is cold and Peter detects a drop in temperature thanks to
his skin, which is a sensory organ. This information is processed by his nervous system, which
activates a response: to put a jumper on.

Unit 5, activity 20, page 35. Listen and complete the text.
Track The cell wall of plant cells is composed of a resistant substance called cellulose. Paper is made by
using the cellulose of cells from tree bark. To help forest preservation, recycling is very important.
Whats more, when we recycle we help to save energy and natural resources, such as water.

Unit 5, extra activity 2. Listen and write the names of the organelles that are described.
Track Cells have a series of compartments and each one has an important function. These compartments
are called organelles. One of them is the mitochondria, which are responsible for cellular
respiration. Another is the lysosome, which has a digestive function. The genetic material, called
DNA, is contained in the nucleus. Plant cells have some special organelles called chloroplasts
which have the function of performing photosynthesis.

Unit 5, extra activity 4. Listen and complete the text.

algaida editores, S.A. Authorized photocopiable material.

Track The distance between the Earth and the Sun allows the Earth to maintain an average temperature
that is compatible with the presence of liquid water. The rotation and revolution of the Earth,
together with the angle of its axis, lead to seasonal temperature variations.

Unit 5, extra activity 8. Listen and repeat. Mark the stress in the words.
a) Tissues.

b) Organs.

c) Systems.

d) Organisms.

Unit 5, exam activity 2. Listen and complete the text.

Track All living things are composed of the same chemical elements. We call them bioelements. The
most abundant bioelements on Earth are carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen.
Bioelements combine to form biomolecules. They can be of two types:
Organic biomolecules are exclusive to living things.
Inorganic biomolecules can be found both in living matter and in inert matter.


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