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Reflection on framework for 21st century learning

After reading text on framework for 21st century learning, I see the
writer divided the text into two main categories, namely: 21st Century
Student Outcomes and 21st Century Support Systems.
In the beginning of text, the writer talk about 21st Century Student
Outcomes, he talk in 4 things:

Content Knowledge and 21st Century Themes.

Assessment of 21st Century Skills.
21st Century Curriculum and Instruction.
21st Century Professional Development.

Schools must move beyond a focus on basic competency to promoting

understanding of academic content at higher levels to enables
students of fundamental subjects and 21st century themes. Learning
and innovation skills necessary for students to prepared for
increasingly complex life and work environments and the students
must know media and Technology Skills because now we live in the
age of technology. finaly life and career skills, the students need to skill
that develop their thinking skills, content knowledge, and social and
emotional competencies to navigate complex life and work
environments and they are able to cope with all the difficulties in life.
All of this students skills had learned it in schools and from their
teachers. So the teachers must equipped for this task difficult direction
In the second part of text, the writer talk about 21st Century Support
Systems, he talk in 5 things:

21st Century Standards.

Assessment of 21st Century Skills.
21st Century Curriculum and Instruction.
21st Century Professional Development.
21st Century Learning Environments.

In this part he talk the critical systems necessary to ensure student

mastery of 21st century skills and 21st century standards must be
aligned to produce a support system that produces 21st century

outcomes for todays students. First thing he talk about 21st Century
Standards and focus on 21st century skills, content knowledge and
expertise and engage students with the real world data, tools, and
experts they will encounter in college, on the job, and in life. Next he
talk about the assessment of 21st Century Skills and emphasize useful
feedback on student performance that is embedded into everyday
learning, require a balance of technology-enhanced, formative and
summative assessments that measure student mastery of 21st century
skills. After that he talk about 21st Century Curriculum and Instruction,
teaches 21st century skills discretely in the context of key subjects and
themes and enables innovative learning methods that integrate the
use of supportive technologies, inquiry and problem-based approaches
and higher order thinking skills. Before he concludes the text he talk
about 21st Century Professional Development, highlights ways
teachers can seize opportunities for integrating 21st century skills,
tools and teaching strategies into their classroom practice and help
them identify what activities they can replace it, and helps teachers
develop their abilities to use various strategies to reach diverse
students and create environments that support differentiated teaching
and learning. Finally he talk about 21st Century Learning
Environments, Support professional learning communities that enable
educators to collaborate, share best practices and integrate 21st
century skills into classroom practice, enable students to learn in
relevant, real world 21st century contexts and support expanded
community and international involvement in learning, both face-to-face
and online.
All teachers must know the support systems of 21st Century, because
it help them in their teaching and assists in developing the educational
process and make it easy to students learning.
I applied most of 21st Century skills in my teaching because I want for
my students learn the best things happened for their work and their
life and the students now know all thing about 21st Century skills and
they use technology in all their life, so they want something
compatible with their learning to facilitate the arrival of the requested

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