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Ali. Your voice.

October 2016



Learning Priority: increasing competence with

techniques for communication

We went over to the AKA playground and everyone was having lots of
fun there. I along with the other teachers had never heard you talk. We
thought that you were very shy and too timid to talk. Well that proved
to be wrong today and you ended up being full of chatter. It was a very
special day and from that day, you have not stopped talking. Yay! You
are developing verbal communication skills for a range of purposes.
I had picked some yellow flowers and the other children kept coming
up to me and tried to take them from me. I kept saying that they were
mine and that I wanted to keep them.
All of a sudden behind my back, I heard a strange voice
saying, They are mine. I turned round and said No
they are mine to which you Ali replied with a very
cheeky grin on your face. No they are mine. We kept
this banter up for a short while then you suggested
that I give you the small branch of flowers and that I
could keep the big branch. I agreed to this and you were happy for a
time then decided that you wanted to swap because you felt that the
bigger bunch of yellow flowers were a better colour. I agreed and
swapped flowers with you. You also told Teacher Rosy that the flowers
were yellow and that the leaves on the flowers were green. You were
using fantastic sentences and your knowledge and understanding of
the English language is fantastic.
Later that morning I heard you have a conversation with
Jawaher and you spent time doing things with the hoop
together. I am glad that you feel comfortable enough to
talk to me and to have fun while communicating as well.
I hope that you gain more confidence n the english
language and we can have many more meaningful conversations.

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