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853 English Grammar Tests gndex oe eeeeceeeee ceteeeeees sees wed Elementary Level Speaking already a4 2. Drive carefully as 3. Listen va, Hear 46 4. Finish va. gnd ar 5, Start ve. Begin 48 6. Modal Verbs a9 2. How to use the articles so Relative Pronouns st 9. Present Tense 52 Conditionals 53 Ne went on holiday 54 Grammar Questions ss 33. An Basy Question sé 4. Learn it by heart st White Water Rafting 58 6. Where am 1? so Remove the Spoon 60 Weather Forecast en on WV tonight 2 20. The Belle a 22. Sailing 6 22. Responses (1) 6s 23. Responses (2) 66 24. Responses (3) 6 25. Responses (4) 6s 26. Responses (5) 6s 27. Responses (6) 10 28. Responses (7) n 29. Question a 2 Question @ na 31. Question Tags (3) 4 32. Object Pronoun 18 32. Relative Pronoun Exercises 16 1 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www 3 38. 3 38. 39. Reflexive Pronoune Basic American English Basic English Granmar Basic Weather Expressions Basic English Expressions Blenentary English Grammar Question Words Connon Prepositions Modal Verb Questions Blenentary Grammar Questions English Granmar Exercise Much, many, a lot, lots Blenentary Adjectives chit Chat: At the bus stop 48 49 Chit Chat: Talking about the Doctor chit Chat: In the Aeroplane chit Chat: At the pub chit ch the restaurant chit Chat: On the phone chit Chat: In the theatre chit Chat: In the eupermarket chit Chat: In the train Other, another, others, the others Adjective Prepositions Constructions sa Anything, nothing, something, everything American homophones 59. 68 69 Pronouns: who, whose, who some, any, few, little Prepositions Test Past Participle Sentences BSL Preposit: Connon English Errors (1) Connon English Errors (2) Connon English Errors (3) Connon English Errore (4) Connon Quantity Nouns Using Nake and bo (1) Using Prepo: Using Nake and bo (2) Why Que PHOTOCOPIABLE 78 79 80 a1 8 8 8s 86 87 88 89 90 a1 2 96 98 96 o7 98 99 00 aon 02 102 04 aos, aos. 07 ao 09 ao aa us © www 24. While, during and for 25. auxiliary verbe: wae, did, have 26. Words with time: for, ago, since, on, at 77. Connon English phrases with prepositions 28. Articles in English Grammar Interrogative pronouns aL. Posseseive pronouns 82. Phrasal verbe a2. Agatha Christie teat questions 84. Conjunctions: and, but, or, so 85. Compound words with ‘tooth! 86. Beginner Granmar Questions Test _( 87. Irregular Verbs (1) ae. Posteard: writer a9. Posteard: Winner Posteard: Job 92. Posteard: Ho! aay 92. Posteard: France 93. Postcard: Appointment intermediate Level Like a red vag 2. If you tend to forget 3. Easy Questions 4. Do, make, get, take 5. The Parner and hie Sone A Holiday Report 2. Going on foot Say va. Tell 9. Close ve. shut At the Restaurant At the Theatre Popular Idions 13. Popular Garden Tdions 4. gating out Hot and Cold A Collision: F wi11 or shall? 18. The two Butter Froge Cross Questions 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE ae ug a20 aaa a2 323 124 as as at ae a9 a30 Fer Fer aa a as ns at ae Fer aso aaa as aaa aug aso asa © www 28 29 Leave me alone What_now? Wrapped round her finger The Anta and the Grasshopper the Two Dogs the Hare and who hae done: story (1) story (2) story (3) 30. an Go for it Eating Disorder save the Day Do you mind? Good Bye 3 38. A crying Shane 39. Speaking: At the Theatre Speaking: At the Supermarket Speaking: At the Station Speaking: The Broadcast Speaking: The Wedding Speaking: Political party cinemas Lote of stuf Hear my story 48 High and Low 49 A Night out Lote of Pieces Testing, Testing cliches Losing te (1) Losing te (2) How to ask a question 5 How to compliment Modal Nediey 59. Christnas Postman PHOTOCOPIABLE ase ase aso 160 61 362 162 164 16s, 16s a6? 168 169 a0 an as ae ans 80 ea ae2 asa ase aes. aes. ae? ase aso aso asa as2 asa ase ass. © www christmas christmas christmas Tick Took Company Decisions Save Our Animale ( Save Our Anima! Save Our Animale ( Present (5) Tenses (1) Hotchpotch Student Teacher Dialogue (1) Student Teacher Dialogue (2 Student Teacher Dialogue Phrasal Verb: Walk Charlie's knees Paper expressions Verb Tenses English Tenses conditional Tenses Sleep Expressions ar 8 a9 98 99) English tense explanai English ns_(2) nse explanal Phrasal dione with the verb ‘come! Phrasal idions with the verb ‘look’ Tine clauses: future tense examples Phrasal idions with the verb ‘bring’ Question / Response Test Short Idione Bxam Conversations and Comprehension Test Compound words: ‘soneone', ‘anyone', ‘somewhere! Phrasal idions with the verb threak Financial and bank expressions Phrasal idions with the verb PHOTOCOPIABLE ase ast ase aso 201 as 220 22a 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 aaa 233 234 235 236 © www 113 nraveling Down Under: How can I immigrate to Australia? How to describe people: attitude expres Comparison with ‘as ast English grammar and vocabulary questions Compound orda; ‘aftermath’, ‘afterthought', ‘afterbirth' Phrasal idions with the verb ‘drop! Phraal idions with Aixport and flight travel expressions Digital cameras, photography and piu ise vocabulary Expressions with death, marriage and divorce Nobile telecommunicat expressions Phracal idions with the verb ‘pull! Phracal idions with the verb ‘get! Phrasal idions with the verb ‘go! Phrasal Verbs (A to 8) Phrasal Verbs (B to ¢) Action verbs and sports expressions ish prepositions exercises iThis', ‘that', ‘these', ‘those! Common eubordinating conjunct. Reflexive and intensive pronouns Simple Present, Simple Past, Simple Future Expressions with 'i11'; ‘ill at ease!, ‘ill-mannered! Phracal idions with the verb ‘fall! Phracal idions with the verb ‘put! Reported conmands: reported speech Doing business; expressions hh the word ‘business Australiana: expressions that describe life in Australia Facts about pizza in the US: pizza industry expressions Who wants to be a millionaire? Pablo Picasso: expressions describing the Picasso's life korde in context: strong collocations Expressions with heart: ‘heartache’, ‘heartthrob!, ‘heartburn' Phrasal idions with the verb ‘knock! dioms and expressions wit Vjuse': ‘Just about, ‘just before! American President William Jeffereon Clinton dione w the word ‘hard’ Compound words: ‘head Phrasal Verbs (C) Phraeal Verbs oF) PHOTOCOPIABLE a7 238 239 240 aan 242 243 244 24s, 2a 2a7 248 249 asa asa 254 25s. 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 an. 272 274 278, 240. Phrasal Ve: Phrasal Ve! 242. Phrasal Ve! 43. Phrasal Ve: 144. Phrasal Ve! Phrasal Ve! Phrasal Ve! 247. Phrasal Ve! be tom) bs (H to) ql bs (U be be be be to P) to R) Rte 7) rbs (7 to W) dione about Animale 149. Idione about Pood Prepositios Prepositios 52. Prepositior 153. Preposition Sa. What Cones 255. What Comes: Knat_ Comes Knat_ Comes 258. What Comes: Quickies 260. What comes nat_comes: 2) 262. Antonyms ( Antonyms ( 2) nine and Date nine and Date ime_and Date ime and Date (che pian) (the etter) i64. American English Iéions sing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing Bank Term: Bank Term words words words words words words words words words words words nology nology sing Words test Aizport Terminology a (2 ey cay (5) (6 a (sy is Go) an (a2) PHOTOCOPIABLE aus. © www 280. Connon Phrases and Responses (1) Phraeal Verbs used with Criminal 102. Phrasal Verbe and Traveling 63. Connon Phrases and Responses (2) 264. Connon Phrases and Responses (2) Question Tags Test (1) sing Words test (1 ging Worda test (14) sing Words test (15) 189. A Sticky Moment sing Words test (16) ising Worda test (27) ising Worda test (18) ising Worda test (19) sing Words test (20) 195. ‘Enough', ‘a lot! and ‘too! tpew', ta little! and ‘some! (1) tToday!, ‘yesterday! and 198. Polite Indirect Questions & Statements Test ‘ravel Arrangements Test _(1) 200. Good, Well and Okay Test (1) sregular Verba Test (2) 202. Irregular Verbs Test (3) 203. Irregular Verbs Test (4) 204. Ievegular Verbs Test (5) 205. Irregular Verbs Test (6) rregular Verbs Test_(7) sregular Verba Test (8) sregular Verba Test (9) 209. Irvegular Verbs Test (10) 210. Ivegular Verbs Test (11) 212. Invegular Verbs Test (12) 212. Invegular Verbs Test (13) 213. Invegular Verbs Test (14) 214. Invegular Verbs Test (15) 215. Rating Idioms 217. Literary Terms (2) 218. Literary Terms (3) 219. Literary Terms (4) 320 aaa 322 323 324 a2 226 327 328 329 330 aan 232 a3 334 a3. a6 237 238 239 a4 aan aaa aa aaa sas. nas a7 aaa a9 ast as2 as ass. PHOTOCOPIABLE © www 220. When do you say this? ast 221. Reaching agreement 358 222. The holiday of a lifetime 359 nenory serves me right 360 224. My computer and me 361 225. Work and job expressions 362 226 ish Slang Iéions (1) 362 227. English Slang Idioms (2) 364 228 ish Slang Iéions (3) 365. 229. English Slang Idioms (4) 366 Siang 1éions (5) 367 Siang 1éions_(6) 368 Siang 1éions (7) 369 233. English Slang Idioms (8) 370 234. English Slang Téioms (9) a7 English Slang Iioms (10) 372 English Slang Téioms (11) an ish Slang 1éions (12) a7 238. English Slang Téioms (13) 375. 29 Siang Iéions (14) 376 2a0 Siang Idioms (15) a1 242 Siang Idioms (16) 378 242 Siang Idioms (17) 379 23 Siang Idioms (18) 380 244 Siang Iéions_(19) 381 245. English Slang Téioms (20) 382 246 ish Slang Iéions (21) 382 247, English Slang Idioma 384 248 ish Slang 1éions 385. 249. English Slang Idioms (24) 386 250, Siang Idioms (25) 387 252 Siang Idioms (26) 388 252 Siang Iéions_(27) 389 253. English Slang Idioms (28) 390 254. English Slang Idioms (29) 391 255. English Slang Idioms (30) 392 256, Warehouse and Logistic a9 287 ish Slang Iéions (31) a9 258. English Slang Idioms (32) 395, 259 ish Slang 1éions (33) 396 9 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www 2 214 275 216 277 278 279 280 202 202 203 204 285, 286 287 268 289 290 292, 292, 293 294 295 296 29 298 299 10 English English English English deh English ish English English English English English deh English English ish English deh English English English English English ish English ish Siang 1éions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang Iéions Stang Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions slang Siang 1éions Siang Iéions Siang 1éions (51) fea) PHOTOCOPIABLE 400 aon 402 402 406 40s, 40s 407 408 409 410 423 aus ae a9 420 aaa 422 42a 424 42s, as ar aaa 429 430 aan 432 a3 a3 43s. ae © www 300 Siang Téions (74) ar 302 Siang Idioms _(75) ae 302. English Slang Idioms (76) 439 303. English Slang Taions (77) 440 304. English Slang Taions (78) aan English Slang Idioms aa ish Slang 1éions aaa 307. English Slang Idione aa ish Slang 1éions (82) sas. 309. English Slang Idioms (83) sas 310 Siang Idioms (84) aan 312 Siang Idioms (85) sae. 312 Siang Idioms (86) rey 313. English Slang Idioms (87) 450 314. English Slang Tdions (88) ast 315. English Slang Taione 452 316. English Slang Taione 452 317 ish Slang 1éions 454 318. English Slang Taions (92) ass. 319 Siang Idioms (93) ase 320 Siang Iéions (94) as7 322 Siang Idioms (95) ase 32a Siang Iéions_(96) 459 323 Siang Iéions_(97) 460 324 Siang Iéions (98) set 325. English Slang Tdione 462 326 ish Slang 1éions 462 327. English Slang a6 328 ish Slang 1éions 46s, 329. English Slang Taione as 320 Siang Iéions 467 a2 Siang Iéions ase 322 Siang Iéions 469 323. English Slang Taione 470 324. English Slang Taione an 335. English Slang Taione ana English Slang an ish Slang 1éions (123) am 338. English Slang Idioms (124) as. ish Slang Iéions (126) a6 "1 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www Siang 1éions 3a Siang Iéions ae. 342. English Slang Taione 479 343. English Slang Taione 480 344. English Slang Taione sen 345. English Slang Taione 482 346 ish Slang 1éions 482 347. English Slang Tdions (135) a8 34a ish Slang 1éions aes. 349. English Slang Taions ase 30 Siang 1éions ae7 382 Siang Iéions as 382 Siang Iéions 489 353. English Slang Taione 490 354. English Slang Idione aon 395. English Slang Iaione 492 356. English Slang Taione 492 397 ish Slang 1éions 496 358. English Slang Taione 495, 359 Siang Iéions ase 360 Siang Iéions 497 362 Siang Iéions 498. 362 Siang 1éions 499 363 Siang 1éions 500 364 Siang Idioms (157) son 365. English Slang Idioms (158) 502 366 ish Slang Iéions (159) 502 367. English Slang 504 368 ish Slang 1éions (161) 505, 369. English Slang Tdions (162) 506 370 Siang Téioms_(163) 507 an Siang Idioms (164) 508 372 Siang Iéioms (165) 509 373. English Slang Idioms (166) S10 374. English Slang Tdions (167) sin 375. English Slang Idioms (168) 512 376. English Slang 513 an ish Slang 1éions (170) S24 378. English Slang Tdions (171) sis. 379 ish Slang 1éions (172) sis 12 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www 380 382 38 383 304 35 306 387 388 389 390 392 392 393 394 395 396 39" 398 399 aa a3. ae 13 English English English English deh English ish English English English English English deh English English ish English deh English English English English English ish English ish Siang 1éions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang Iéions Stang Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions slang Siang 1éions Siang Iéions Siang 1éions (273) (a7 (275) (276) (am (278) (279) (290) (281) (292) (293) (294 (295) (236) (297) (298) (299) (290) (a9) (292) (293) (294) (298) (299) (200 (201) (203) (210) (211) (212) (213) (214) (21s) PHOTOCOPIABLE © www 420, Siang Idioms (216) ss7 422 Siang Iéioms (217) 558. 422. English Slang Téioms (218) 559 423. English Slang Tioms (219) 560 424. English Slang Téioms (220) 561 425. English Slang Tioms (221) 562 426 ish Slang 1éions (222) 562 427. English Slang Téioms (223) 564 428 ish Slang 1éions 565. 429, English Slang Idioms S66 Siang 1éions 867 Siang Iéions se Siang Iéions 569 423, English Slang Taioma 570 424, Englieh Slang Idioma sm 425, English Slang Taioma 572 English Slang Idioms sa ish Slang 1éions 574 438. English Slang Téioms (234) 575. 439 Siang Téioms (235) 576 a0 Siang Idioms (236) s77 aa Siang Idioms (237) 578 442 Siang Idioms (238) 579 403 Siang Iéions (239) 580 444 Siang Iéions (240) sei 445. English Slang Téioms (241) 582 446 ish Slang 1éions (242) 582 447, English Slang (2asy 584 448 ish Slang Iéions (244) ses. 449. English Slang Téioms (245) S86 450 Slang Idioms (246) se7 452, Siang Idioms (247) see 452, Siang Idioms (248) 589 453. English Slang Idioms (249) 590 454. English Slang Idioms (250) 591 455. English Slang Iéioms (251) 592 456. English Slang (252) 592 457 ish Slang Iéions (253) 594 458. English Slang Téioms (254) 595, 459 ish Slang Iéions (255) 596 14 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www 460 Siang Iéions (256) 597 462 Siang Téioms (257) 598 462. English Slang Idioms (258) 599 463. English Slang Téioms (259) 600 464. English Slang Téioms (260) 601 465. English Slang Iioms (261) 602 466 ish Slang 1éions (262) 602 467. English Slang Iéioms (263) 604 468 ish Slang Iéions (264) 60s, 469. English Slang Idioms (265) 60s 470 Siang Idioms (266) 607 an Siang Idioms (267) 608. 472 Siang Idioms (268) 609 473. English Slang Tioms (269) 610 474. English Slang Téioms (270) eit 475. English Slang Téioms (271) 612 476. English Slang Téions (272) 623 an ish Slang 1éions (273) 14 478. English Slang Idioms (274) eis. 479 Siang Téioms_ (275) eis 480 Siang Idioms (276) 617 402 Siang Iéioms_ (277) oie 482 Siang Iéions (278) 619 483 Siang Iions (279) 620 484 Siang Iéions (280) 621 495. English Slang Téioms (281) 622 486 ish Slang 1éions (262) 623 487. English Slang (283) 624 488 ish Slang Iéions (284) 625, 489. English Slang Téioms (285) 626 490 Siang Idioms (286) 627 492, Siang Téioms (287) 628 492 Siang Iioms (288) 629 493. English Slang Tioms (289) 630 494. English Slang Tioms (290) ean 495. English Slang Téioms (292) 632 496. English Slang (292 623 49 ish Slang Iéions (293) 634 498. English Slang Tioms (294) 635. 499 ish Slang Iéions (295) 636 18 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www 513 51a 16 English English English English deh English ish English English English English English deh English English ish English deh English English English English English ish English ish sang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang Stang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang Stang slang Stang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions tdions tdions tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions tdions tdions tdions tdions tdione Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions tdions Tdions tdions (298) (297) (298) (299) (aaa) 67 638 639 640 ean ean 64a eae eas, eas ear eae 649 651 652 654 65s. 660 661 662 662 664 66s. 66s 667 668 669 on 672 67 67s. PHOTOCOPIABLE © www 543 54a 593 598 513 57a 7 English English English English deh English ish English English English English English deh English English ish English deh English English English English English ish English ish sang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang Stang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang Stang slang Stang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions tdions tdions tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions tdions tdions tdions tdions tdione Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions tdions Tdions tdions (336) (a3) (338) (339) (aay (a2) (343) (34a) (345) (346) (347) (348) (349) (350) (351) (352) (353) (354) (355) (356) (357) (358) (asa) (370) on) (372) (373) (74) (a7) 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 720 na 16 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www 500 sa: sea 583 504 585 586 587 sea 589 590 592 592 593 594 595 596 59 598 599 612 623 62a 18 English English English English deh English ish English English English English English deh English English ish English deh English English English English English ish English ish sang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang Stang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang Stang slang Stang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions tdions tdions tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions tdions tdions tdions tdions tdione Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions tdions Tdions tdions (376) (a7) (378) (379) (aaa) (382) (383) (304) (395) (396) (387) (398) (399) (390) (391) (392) (393) (394) (395) (396) (397) (398) (a99) (403) (ato) (a1) (412) (413) (414) (ais) ne 719 720 ra 723 124 725 126 727 128 729 730 ma 134 735 136 137 ne 139 740 743 746 748 749 750 153 156 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www 643 64a 653 English English English English deh English ish English English English English English deh English English ish English deh English sang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang Stang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang slang Stang slang Stang slang slang slang slang slang slang Advanced Level 19 Learning tips and Phrasal Verbe Time Expressions Time Expressions tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions tdions tdions tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions tdions tdions tdions tdions tdione Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Newspaper Headlines @ (2) (aaa (435) (436) (aan) (asap (asa) (aaoy (any (aaa) (aay (aaay (aay (age) (ary (aaa (aaa) PHOTOCOPIABLE 158 159 760 762 163 164 765 16 167 168 169 770 13 176 178 179 780 rea 703 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 193 194 795 © www 6. Interviews and Jobe ft the Doctors 8, Mistaken Identity 9. Letter Writing (1) Letter Writing (2) Letter Writing (3) A ing Flying across the Channel Teaching your Wife to Drive one is always going to lose A bublic F the News Talking through his hat 20. Consider thie 21. Scandal 22. You have to go speed 24. Up in the Clouds 25. Papers 27. Lucky You 28. stages 29. Venues 30. Traine 32. Issues What a Cracker 34. Lunch ia served 35. Dry as you like 36. Back Again 37. Bearing Information 38. What the Devil 39. Two For You 40. At the End of the Day (1) 42. At the End of the Day (2) 42. At the End of the Day (3) At the End of the Day (4) 44. GUAT Verbal quiz 45. GUAT Vocabulary 20 PHOTOCOPIABLE 196 197 198 199 aon ais. 820 aaa 22 823 a2 eas, eae. ea? a2e 829 30 aaa a2 a3 ane eas. © www cunt Words Learn English Vocabulary 48 49 English Vocabulary Exercises Increasing Vocabulary Improving Verbal Skills Verbal Skills Test Verbal Tes! Verbal Advantage Verbal Learn 9 High School Vocabulary 5 59 68 Advanced Vocabulary Sand Idions The Parliamentary Candidate (1) The Parliamentary Candidate (2) The Parliamentary Candidate (3) The Parliamentary Candidate (4) Tense Agreement Gerund or Infinitive Perfect Tenses English Grammar Tenses 69 tion with the phras: verb carry Culinary delights interactive workeheste interactive workeheste American Government Questions Government Questions Test (2) US Government Questions Test (3) US Government Questions Test (4) US Judicial systen Question Test (1 US Government Questions Test (5) US Government Questions Test (6) US Government Questions Test (7) Economics Questions test _( Economics Questions test (2 Health and Nutrition Questions Test_(1) Water Idioms Aix dione 2a PHOTOCOPIABLE are a7 eae. 39 40 aan aaa aaa aa eas. eas ear aaa aa9 asa as2 ase ass. aco eet 62 a62 a6 aes, a6. a6? ace 269 an. a7 a7 a7s. © www ac. English Slang Idione a7. English Slang Idione ae. English Slang Idione a9. English Slang dione 90. English Slang Idione 92. English Slang dione 92. English Siang tdics 93. English Slang dione 94. English slang tdics 95. English Slang Idione 96. English Slang Idione 97. English Slang Idiome 98. English Slang dione 99. English Slang Idiome English Slang Idioms (142) English Slang Idioms (144) English Slang Idioms (147) ish Slang 1éions (148) English Slang Idioms (149) ish Slang Idioms (195) English Slang Idioms (196) ish Slang Idioms (197) Anawer Keys -....- Elementary Level i. Speaking already 2. Drive carefully 4. Finish va. and 6. Modal Verbs How to use the articles 8, Relative Pronouns Conditionals he went on holiday An Easy Question Learn it by heart White Water Rafting Where a 22 PHOTOCOPIABLE 900 901 902 902 905, 906 907 908 909 s10 san 912 923 914 © www Remove the Spoon 18. 29. Weather Forecast on WV tonight 20 the Belle a sailing Responses (1) Responses (2) Responses (3) Responses (4) Responses (5) 2 28 29 3 38. 39. Responses (6) Responses (7) Question Tage (21 Question Tage (31 Object Pronoun Relative Pronoun Exercises Reflexive Pronoune Basic American English Basic English Granmar Basic Weather Expressions Basic English Expressions Blenentary English Grammar Question Words Connon Prepositions Modal Verb Questions Blenentary Grammar Questions English Granmar Exercise Much, many, a lot, lote Blenentary Adjectives chit Chat: At the bus stop 48 49 23 Chit Chat: Talking about the Doctor chit Chat: In the Aeroplane chit Chat: At the pub chit Chat: At the restaurant chit Chat: On the phone chit Chat: In the theatre chit Chat: In the eupermarket chit Chat: In the train other, another, others, the others PHOTOCOPIABLE sas. ous 917 sue s19 920 saa 922 923 924 925, 926 927 928 929 930 oan 932 933 934 935. 936 937 ry 939 940 oan Fry 43 94 as. oa a7 ae 49 950 9st 952 95 954 © www 51. Adjective Prepositions Constructions 58. Anything, nothing, something, everything 59. American homophones 60. Pronoun: who, whose, whom, which 62. Some, any, few, Little 62. Prepositions Test ciple Sentences 64. BSL Prepositions 65. Common English Errors (1) 66. Common English Errors (2) 67. Common English Errors (3) 68. Common English Errors (4) 69. Common Using Nake and bo (1) 21. Using Prepositions 22. Using Make and bo (2) 23. Way Questions 24. While, during and for 25. auxiliary verbe: wae, did, have 26. Words with © for, ago, since, on, at 77. Connon English phrases with prepositions Articles in English Grammar 80. Interrogative pronouns AL. Possessive pronouns 82. Phrasal verbe agatha wistie test questions 84. Conjunctions: and, but, or, so 85. Compound words with ooth 86. Beginner Granmar Questions Test _( 87. Irregular Verbs ae. Posteard: writer a9. Posteard: Winner 90. Posteard: Job 92. Posteard: Holiday 92. Posteard: France Postcard: Appointment intermediate Level 2. Like a red vag If you tend to forget 24 PHOTOCOPIABLE 958. 956 937 958 959 960 961 962 962 964 965, 966 967 968 969 970 om 972 973 974 975. 976 977 o78 979 980 gen 982 982 oes. 986 987 see 989 990 991 992 993 © www Basy Questions Do, make, get, take The Farmer and hie Sone A Holiday Report Going on foot a Say ve. Te! Close ve. shut At the Restaurant At the Theatre Popular Idions Popular Garden Iéions Eating out Hot and Cold A Collision: Finish this story wi12 or shall? 18. 29. 2 28 the two Butter Frogs Cross Questions Leave me alone What_now? Wrapped round her finger The Anta and the Grasshopper the Two Dogs The Hare and the Tortoise Who has done it? story (1) 29 story (2) story (3) Go for it Eating Disorder save the Day Do you mind? Good Bye 3 38. Keeping it quiet A crying Shane 39. yheatre Speaking: At the Speaking: At the Supermarket Speaking: At the Station Speaking: The Broadcast 25 PHOTOCOPIABLE 995. 996 997 998 999 000 001 002 002 006 00s, anos 007 008 009 010 aoa. 022 1022 024 01s ois 3027 oie 1019 020 ao2a 022 1023 024 02s 026 027 028 1029 1030 021 1022, 1032 © www Speaking: The Wedding Speaking: Political Party cinemas Lote of stuf Hear my story High and Low A Night out Lote of Pieces vesting Losing te (1) Losing te (2) How to ask a question 5 How to compliment Nodal Medley 59 Christmas Postman (1) Christmas Postman (2) Christmas Postman (3) Christmas Postman (4) Tick Took Company Decisions Save Our Animals ( Save Our Animals (2) 68 Save Our Animals ( Simple Present (1) Simple Present (2) 69 Simple Present (3) Simple Present (4) Simple Present (5) Tenses (1) Tenses (2) Tenses (3) Hotchpotch Student Teacher Dialogue Student Teacher Dialogue Student Teacher Dialogue Phrasal Verb: Walk Charlie's knees Paper expressions 26 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 040 oan aoa. 042 ose 04s, aoa 047 aoa 049 oso ost 0s. 1052 1056 oss, ose 1057 ose 1059 060 nea an62 1062 066 oes, oss ao67 aos an69 1070 072 3072 1073 © www ar 8 a9 Verb Tenses English Tenses conditional Tenses Sleep Expressions English tense explanations English tense explanations (2) Phrasal idione with the verb ‘com Phrasal idions with the verb ‘look’ Tine clauses: future lense examples Phrasal idions with the verb ‘bring’ 98 Question / Response Test Short Idione Bxam Conversations and Comprehension Test Compound words: ‘soneone', ‘anyone', ‘somewhere! Phrasal idione with the verb ‘break’ Financial and bank expressions 99. 27 Phrasal idions with the verb ‘run’ ‘raveling Down Under: How can I igrate to Australia? How to describe people: attitude expressions Comparison with ‘as ast English grammar and vocabulary questions Compound vorda: ‘aftermath’, ‘afterthought’, ‘afterbir Phracal idioms with the verb ‘drop! Phracal idioms with the verb ‘pasa! Airport and flight travel expressions Digital cameras, photography and picture vocabulary spreesions with death, marriage and divorce Nobile teleconmunica on expressions Phracal idioms with the verb ‘pu! Phracal idions with the verb ‘get! Phrasal idions with the verb ‘go! Phrasal Verbs (A to 8) Phrasal Verbs (B to ¢) Action verbs and sports expressions English prepositions exercises iThis', ‘that', ‘these', ‘those! Common eubordinating conjunc Reflexive and intensive pronouns Simple Present, Simple Past, Simple Future lit; 'i12 at ease 1-mannere! pressions with PHOTOCOPIABLE 1074 1075 1076 3077 07 1079 080 081 082 082 086 oes, oss ose 089 1090 09a 092 1092 1096 09s, ose 1097 ose 1099 1200 an01 an02 203 an04 anos anos an07 an08 1209 ato anna © www 13 28 Phrasal idions with the verb ‘fall! Phracal idions with the verb ‘put! Reported commands: reported speech Doing business: expressions with the word Australiana: expressions that describe life in Australia Facts about pizza in the US: pizza industry expressions kno wante to be a al. Pablo Picasso: expressions describing the Picasso's life Korde in context: strong collocations Expressions with heart: ‘heartache! Phracal idions with the verb ‘knock’ Idions and expressions with ‘just! american President Idions with the word ‘hard’ Compound words: ‘head! Phrasal Verbs (C) Phrasal Verbs (D to F) Phrasal Verbs (G to #) Phrasal Verbs (H to L) Phrasal Verbs Phrasal Verbs (L to P) Phrasal Verbe (P to 8) Phrasal Verbs (R to 7) Phraeal Verbs (7) Phrasal Verbs (7 to W) dione about Animale dione about Food Prepositions ime and Date (1) Prepos: ime and Date (2) Prepositions of Time and Date (3) Prepositions of Time and Date (4) What Comes Next? (2) wnat Comes Next? (2) What Comes Next? (3) What Comes Next? What Comes Next? Quickies What comes next (the bill) What comes next (the letter) Antonyms (1) PHOTOCOPIABLE theartthrob', ‘heartburn’ Hust about', ‘just before! Liam Jeffereon Clinton aus aie aug 1220 aaza an22 an2a anz4 unas anae an27 anze an29 Frery aaa an32 ana ange anas ane 437 Frery ana9 aaao aaa aaa aaa aaa 1as0 asa © www 163. Antonyms (2) American English taions ing Words test (1) sing Words test (2) ing Words test (3) ing Words test (4) sing Words test (5) ing Words test (6) ing Words test (7) ing Words test (8) sing Words test (9) jeing Worda test (10) ising Words test (11) ising Worda test (12) 17. Airport Terminology 278. Bank Terminology (2) Bank Terminology (2) Common Phrases and Responses (2) Phraeal Verbs used with Criminal Activil Phrasal Verbs and Travel: 283. Connon Phrases and Responses (2 24. Connon Phrases and Responses (2) 185. Question Tags Test_{1) sing Words test (13) sing Words test (14) sing Worda test (15) A Sticky Moment sing Words test (16) ising Worda test (27) ising Worda test (18) ising Worda test (19) sing Words test (20) 95. ‘Enough, ‘a lot! and ‘too! (2) 196. ‘Few!, ‘a Little! and ‘some! (1 tToday!, ‘yesterday! and ‘tomorrow’ (1) 198. Polite Indirect Questions & Statements Test ‘ravel Arrangements Test _(1) Good, Well and okay Test_(1) 202. Irregular Verbs Test (2) sregular Verba Test_(3) 29 PHOTOCOPIABLE ase ase aso 160 an61 an62 an62 an64 anes, anes a6? ai6e an69 an70 anna ange ame an79 an80 anea ane2 nea ange anes anes ane? aise ane9 190 asa asa asa aise © www 203. Irregular Verbs Test_(4) anes 204. Irregular Verba Test (5) aise 205. Irregular Verbs Test (6) an97 206. Irregular Verba Test (7) aise 207. Irregular Verbs Test (8) ans9 regular Verba Test 1200 regular Verba Test az01 210, Irregular Verba Test 3202 2ii. Irregular Verbs Test_(12) 3203 212. Irregular Verbs Test_(13) 1206 213. Irregular Verbs Test (14) 20s 21d. Irregular Verbs Test_(15) az0s 215, Eating Idioms 3207 216. Literary Terms (1) 208 217. Literary Terms (2) 209 218. Literary Terms (3) az10 219. Literary Terms (4) azaa 220. When do you say this? aziz 221. Reaching agreement a2a3 222. The holiday of a lifetime a2a4 223. Tf menory serves me right azis, 224. My computer and me ais 225. Work and job expressions aza7 226. English Slang Idioms (1) aie 227. English Slang Taioms (2) azi9 228. English Slang Idioms (3) 1220 ish Slang 1éions (4) az21 English Slang Idioms (5) 3222 ish Slang Iéions (6) 3223 232. English Slang Idioms (7) 224 Siang 1éions (8) 1225 Siang 1éions (9) 1226 Siang Iéions_(10) a227 236. English Slang Téioms (11) 3228 237. English Slang Téioms (12) 1229 38. English Slang Idioms (13) 1230 English Slang Idioms (14) az31 240 ish Slang 1éions (15) 3232, 242. English Slang Idioms (16) 3233 242 ish Slang 1éions (17) a234 30 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www 243 24a 245, 246 247 248 249 250, asa 282 253 254 255. 256 257 258 a. 22 2 214 275 216 277 278 279 280 202 202 34 sang slang English Slang English Slang English Slang English Slang ish Slang English Slang ih Slang English Slang Stang slang slang karehouse and English Slang English Slang English Slang ish Slang English Slang slang slang slang slang slang slang English Slang ish Slang English Slang ish Slang English Slang slang slang slang English Slang English Slang English Slang English Slang ih Slang English Slang ih Slang Taions (18) Taions (19) Taions (20) Taions (21) Taions Taions Taions Taions (25) taions (26) taions (27) Taions (28) Taions (29) Taions (30) Logistics Taions (31) Taions (32) Taions Taions Taions (35) Taions (36) Taions (37) Taions (38) taions (39) taions (40) taions (41) Taions Taions Taions (44) Taions (45) Taions (46) Taions (47) Taions (48) Taions (49) Taions (50) Taions (51) Taions Taions Taions Taions (55) taions (56) PHOTOCOPIABLE 123s aaa 4237 a23e 1239 i240 azaa azaz a2aa 24a azas azas azar azaa zag 1250 asi a2s2 3253 1256 ass. ase a2s7 ase a2s9 1260 az61 262 3263 1264 26s, az6s az67 a268 1269 1270 am. 1272 aan 3274 © www 283 284 285, 286 287 268 289 290 292 292 293 294 295 296 298 299 310 312 312 313 au 315 a6 317 318 32 English English English English deh English ish English English English English English deh English English ish English deh English English English English English ish English ish Slang taions (57) Slang Taions (58) Slang Taions (59) Slang 1aions (60) Slang tations (61) Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Slang taions (64) Slang Taions (65) Slang Taions (66) Slang taions (67) Slang taions (68) Slang Téions (69) Slang 1aions (70) Slang Taions (71) Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Slang taions Slang taions (75) Slang taions (76) Slang tations (77) Slang taions (78) Slang Taions_ (79) Slang Taions (60) Slang Téions (61) Siang 1éions Siang Iéions Stang Slang taions (85) Slang taions (86) Slang Taions (87) Slang tations (88) Slang Taions (89) Slang Taions (90) Slang Taions (91) Slang Taions (92) slang Slang Idioms (94) Slang Idioma (95) Slang Idioma (96) PHOTOCOPIABLE 1278, aa76 am ame 1279 1280 aze1 aze2 3282 1284 azes azes 1287 zee 1289 1290 asa 3292 3293 1296 129s ase 1297 ase 1299 1300 a301 1302 1303 1306 1305 aos 1307 1308 1309 as10 asia a312 3323 a2 © www 323 Siang Téions (97) ais 324 Siang Idioms (98) ais 325. English Slang Tdions (99) 3317 326. English Slang Idioms (100) aie 327. English Slang Idioms (101) asi9 328. English Slang Tdions (112) 1320 329 ish Slang 1éions (113) aaa 330. English Slang Idioms (114) 1322 ish Slang Iéions (115) 3323 332. English Slang Tdions (116) 1324 323 Siang Téioms (117) 132s 334 Siang Iéioms (118) aa26 335 Siang Iéioms (119) 1327 336. English Slang Idioms (122) aa2e 337. English Slang Tdions (123) 1329 338. English Slang Idioms (124) 1330 English Slang Idioms (126) aaa 340 ish Slang Iéions (128) 1332 342. English Slang Tdions (129) 1333 342 Siang Téioms (130) 1334 303 Siang Téioms (132) 1335 344 Siang Téioms (132) aaa 345 Siang 1éions 3337 346 Siang 1éions 1338 30 Siang 1éions 1339 348. English Slang Taione a340 349 ish Slang 1éions aaa 350. English Slang 3342 382 ish Slang 1éions a3aa 352. English Slang Tdions (140) asa 383 Siang Idioms (142) a3as, 354 Siang Téioms (143) aaa 355 Siang Téioms (145) aaa7 356. English Slang Idioms (146) aaa 357. English Slang Idioms (150) a349 358. English Slang Idioms (151) 1350 359. Englieh Slang (as2) asa 360 ish Slang Iéions (153) a3s2 362. English Slang Idioms (154) 1352 362 ish Slang Iéions (155) a3se 33 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www 363 Siang Idioms (156) ass 364 Siang Idioms (157) ase 365. English Slang Tdions (158) 1387 366. English Slang Tdions (159) ase 367. English Slang Tdions (160) 139 368. English Slang Idioms (161) 1360 369 ish Slang 1éions (162) a361 370. English Slang Idioms (163) 1362 an ish Slang Iéions (164) 1362 372. English Slang Tdions (165) 1366 373 Siang Idioms (166) 36s. 374 Siang Idioms (167) aes 375 Siang Idioms (168) 1367 376. English Slang Tdions (169) 1368 377. English Slang Idioms (170) 1369 378. English Slang Tdions (171) 1370 379. English Slang Tdions (172) a7. 380 ish Slang 1éions (173) 1372 382. English Slang Idioms (174) a7 38 Siang Iéioms_(175) a7 383 Siang Idioms (176) 1378, 304 Siang Iéioms (177) 1376 35 Siang Iéions (178) 4377 306 Siang Idioms (179) 1378 387 Siang Idioms (180) 3379 388. English Slang Idioms (181) 1380 389 ish Slang 1éions (182) a3e1 390. English Slang 1382 392 ish Slang Iéions (184) 1382 392. English Slang Tdions (185) 386 393 Siang Iéioms (186) a3es 394 Siang Téioms (187) aes 395 Siang Iéioms (188) a3e7 396. English Slang Tdions (189) ase English Slang Idioms (190) 1389 398. English Slang Tdions (191) 1390 399. English Slang aa9a ish Slang Iéions (193) 1392 401. English Slang Tioms (194) 1393 ish Slang Iéions (198) 1394 34 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www waz a3. ae 442 36 English English English English deh English ish English English English English English deh English English ish English deh English English English English English ish English ish Slang Idioms (199) Siang Téioms (200) Slang Idioma (202) Siang Idioms (202) Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Slang taions_ (221) Slang taions (222) Slang Taions (223) Slang Taions (224) Slang Taions (225) Stang Slang taions (227) Slang Taions (226) Slang Taions (229) Slang Taions (230) Slang taions (231) Slang Taions (232) Slang taions (233) Slang Taions (234) slang Siang 1éions Slang Idioms (237) Siang 1éions PHOTOCOPIABLE 1395 ase 1397 ase 1399 400 aoa 402 1402 aoe aos, aaos 407 aoe 409 azo aan sais aaae aig 1420 saan 1422 1423 1424 aaas, aaa aaa? aaze 1429 1430 aaa 1432 43a 1434 © www 403 448 452 453, 458 472 an 478 480 402 482 36 English English English English deh English ish English English English English English deh English English ish English deh English English English English English ish English ish tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions tdions tdions tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions tdions tdions tdions tdions tdione Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions tdions Tdions tdions (239) (240) (241) (242) (243) (244) (245) (246) (247) (248) (249) (250) (251) (252) (255) (254) (255) (256) (257) (258) (259) (270) (an) (272) (273) (274) (275) (276) (277) (278 PHOTOCOPIABLE aaas, aaa 437 age aa39 aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa 14so 14a ase ase 14s aso aaea sae 1462 1464 sacs, sass ase? aac aa 1470 ana © www 483 484 485, 486 487 488 489 490 492 492 493 494 495 496 498 499 512 513 51a 37 English English English English deh English ish English English English English English deh English English ish English deh English English English English English ish English ish Siang 1éions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang Iéions Stang Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions slang Siang 1éions Siang Iéions Siang 1éions (279) (290) (201) (292) (293) (204) (295) (296) (207) (28) (299) (290) (291) (292) (295) (294) (295) (296) (297) (298) (299) (aoa (a02) (302) PHOTOCOPIABLE are. ave 1479 1480 asst asa 1483 age aes, sae as? sage 1489 1as0 saga aas2 asa ase sass, sass aas7 sage aso 1500 sor as02 1502 1506 sos isos as07 soe 1509 asi0 asi3 © www 523 Siang Téioms (319) asi 524 Siang Téioms (320) asis 525. English Slang Idioms (322) asi7 526. English Slang Tdions (322) asia 527. English Slang Tdions (323) asi9 528. English Slang Idioms (324) 1520 529 ish Slang Iéions (325) as2a 530. English Slang Tdions (326) as22 ish Slang 1éions 1s23 522. English Slang taions 1s24 523 Siang 1éions as2s 524 Siang Iéions as26 535 Siang Iéions as27 526. English Slang Taione as2e 527. English Slang Taions 1529 528. English Slang Taione 1530 English Slang Idioms asaa 540 ish Slang 1éions 1522 542. English Slang Tdions (337) 1532 542 Siang Téioms (338) 1534 543 Siang Idioms (339) as3 544 Siang Téioms (340) asae 545 Siang Idioms (342) 1s37 546 Siang Iéioms (342) asze sa Siang Iéioms (343) 1s39 548. English Slang Tdions (344) as40 549 ish Slang Iéions (345) asaa 590. English Slang (sas) saa 592 ish Slang 1éions (347) saa 552. English Slang Tdions (348) asa 593 Siang Téioms (349) sas 554 Siang Téioms (350) sas 595 Siang Téioms (352) asa7 556. English Slang Tdions (352) sae 557. English Slang Idioms (353) 1549 558. English Slang Idioms (354) asso 559. English Slang (ass) asst 560 ish Slang Iéions (356) ass2 562. English Slang Idioms (357) ass 562 ish Slang Iéions (358) ss 38 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www 563 Siang Téioms (359) sss. 564 Siang Téioms (360) asse 565. English Slang Tdions (362) ass? 566. English Slang Tdions (362) asse 567. English Slang Tdions (363) asso 568. English Slang Tdions (364) asco 569 ish Slang Iéions (365) asea 570. English Slang Idioms (366) as62 sm ish Slang Iéions (367) 1562 572. English Slang Tdions (368) 1s64 513 Siang Téioms (369) ase 574 Siang Téioms_ (370) ase 575 Siang Iéioms (372) ase? 576. English Slang Tdions (372) see 577. English Slang Tdions (373) 1s69 578. English Slang Idioms (374) 1570 579. English Slang Tdions (375) as7a 520 ish Slang Iéions (376) as72 581. English Slang Tdions (377) as73 sea Siang Téioms_ (378) 1s74 583 Siang Iéioms_(379) 1s7s 504 Siang Idioms (380) as76 585 Siang Iéioms (382) as77 586 Siang Idioms (382) as7e 587 Slang Iéioms (383) 1579 588. English Slang Tdions (384) 1580 589 ish Slang Iéions (385) ase1 590. English Slang (sas) ase2 592 ish Slang 1éions (387) ase 592. English Slang Tdions (388) see 593 Siang Iéioms (389) ses 594 Siang Téions (390) ses 595 Siang Iéioms (392) ase7 596. English Slang Idioms (392) see English Slang Idioms (393) 1se9 598. English Slang Tdions (394) 1590 599. English Slang (395) asoa ish Slang Iéions (396) as92 602. English Slang Tdions (397) 1592 ish Slang Iéions (398) 1594 39 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www 612 623 62a 64a 40 English English English English deh English ish English English English English English deh English English ish English deh English English English English English ish English ish Slang Idioms (399) Siang Idioms (400) Slang Idioma (402) Siang Iéioms (402) Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang 1éions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Siang Iéions Slang taions Slang taions (421) Slang taions (422) Slang Taions (423) Slang Taions (424) Slang taions (425) Stang Slang Taions (427) Slang Taions (426) Slang Taions (429) Slang Taions (430) Slang Taions (431) Slang Taions (432) Slang Taions (433) Slang Taions (434) slang Siang 1éions Slang Idioma (437) Siang 1éions PHOTOCOPIABLE as9s, soe as97 asse 1s99 1600 601 1602 1602 606 160s 60s 1607 1608 1609 1610 62a 1612 1622 624 61s, seis 1617 1618 1619 1620 62a 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 62 1622 1632 1634 © www 643 64a 682 653 nav: 2 Slang Idioma (439) Slang Taions (440) English Slang Idioms (441) English Slang Idioms (442) English Slang Idioms (443) English Slang Idioms (444) ish Slang Iéions (445) English Slang Idioms (446) ish Slang 1éions (447) English Slang Idioms (448) yLish Slang Idioms (449) anced Level Newspaper Headlines Learning tips and instructions Phrasal Verbe Time Expressions (1) Time Expressions (2) Interviews and Jobs Ag the Doctors Mistaken Identity Letter Writing (11 Letter Writing (2) Letter Writing (3) Letter Writing (4) Flying across the Channel 18. 29. Teaching your Wife to Drive one is always going to lose A Public Figure State Secrete the News talkin: through his hat consider thie Scandal 24 25 26 2 28 a You have to go speed Up in the Clouds Papers lucky You st PHOTOCOPIABLE 1625, 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 64a 1642 1643 644 164s, 6a 1647 1648 1649 1650 16st 1652 1652 1654 ess, ese. 1657 ese 1659 1660 661 1662 1662 1666 66s, 166s 1667 1668 1669 1670 a672 1672 1673 © www 29 30 an 3 38. 39. What a Cracker lunch is served bry a you 1 Back Again Bearing Information What the Devil At the End of the Day (2) At the End of the Day (2) At the End of the Day (3) At the End of the Day (4) Guat Verbal Quiz GUAT Vocabulary Learn English Vocabulary 48 49 English Vocabulary Exercises Increasing Vocabulary Improving Verbal Skills Verbal Skills Test Verbal Test Verbal Advantage 5 59 Verbal Learning High School Vocabulary Advanced Vocabulary Sand Idions The Parliamentary Candidate (1) The Parliamentary Cané ate (2) The Parliamentary Candidate (3) The Parliamentary Candidate (4) Tense Agreement Gerund or Infinitive Perfect Tenses English Grammar Tenses 68 42 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 681 1682 1682 1686 168s 16a. 1687 1688 1689 1690 691 1692 1692 1696 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 a701 a702 1703 706 a70s anos 1707 708 1709 ano ana © www 69. Idions with the phrasal verb carry culinary del: 21. Interactive worksheets 72. Interactive worksheets 24. US Government Questions Test 26. US Government Questions Test 17. US Judicial system Question 80. US Government Questions Test 81. Economics Questions test 82. Economics Questions test (2 83. Health and Nutrition Questions Test AG. Water Idioms aS. Air Iaions 86. English slang 87. English Stang 1: 88. English Slang 89. English Slang 1: 90. English Stang 91. English slang 1: 92. English slang 93. English slang 1: 94. English slang 98. English slang 96. English slang 97. English Slang 98. English Stang 1: 99. English slang English Slang ish Slang English Slang English Slang English Slang English Slang ih Slang English Slang 43 inte ai ions ions ions ions ions ions ions aione dic aione dic ions ions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions Tdions tdions Tdions iw 2) Government Questions Test US Government Questions Test US Government Questions Test (242) (aaa (247) (248) (249) (295) (296) (as7 a (2) a) w 5) (6) @ American Government Questions Test (1) PHOTOCOPIABLE ane ane ans 1720 aaa a2 a723 1724 ans ans wat ae a9 ano ana ana ana ane ans ane ant ane ane amo ama ans ame ang 1750 © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Speaking already Q1 Can you hear what he is (a) saying (b) speakin Q2 She hasn't come home .. (a) st (0) already 3-1 an. TV yesterday evening (2) saw (0) looked 24 Weve nnn the ety conte (a) near (0) next 5 She looks... a famous fim str. (a)as (b) like Q6 This television gives you the ...... news. (a) last (b) latest Q7 [only ..... one mistake in last nights te (a) made (b) done Q8 I want you to tell me the ... truth. (a)all (b) exact Q9- Hes looking (2) for (b) at Q10. That's what | would like ..... Christmas, (a) for (b) at Ta 9 st . @ present to buy his girlfriend. PHOTOCOPIABLE (c) telling (c) yet (©) viewed (c) by (c) similar (c)least (c) did (©) real (ein (ein Anawers. Index (4) talking (a) til (@) watched (4) nearby (a) same (6) later (a) make (@) whole (a) on (@)on English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Drive carefully 182 Q1 You must not drink and then ..... a car. (a) lead (b) drive (©) take Q2 Please be when you cross this road. (a) careless (b) carefree (c) caring Q3 Do what you like, I really don't (a) concer (b) interested (©) dislike Q4 Ifyou want to... that book remember to bring it back. (a) borrow (b) lend (©) loan Q5 When your train arrives, I'l ..... you from the station. (2) ake (0) bring (6) ten 6 always get... eary inthe summer. (a)up (0) over (c) through 27 When you fist meet someone, you usually shake them .... the hand (a) with (0)on (ovin 8 Ihave never... her before (a) saw (0) seeing (6) seen 29. The teacher asked her students to do their (2) housework (0) homework (e)home duty 10 The police officer told the children always to tll the (a) tue (0) fats (6) information 45 PHOTOCOPIABLE Anawers. Index (2) guide (4) careful (4) mind (a) owe (@) remove (@)on (a) by (@) see (4) house job (@) truth English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 3 Anawers. Index Listen vs. Hear Q1 I'mterribly sorry but what you said just now and | wonder if you could repeat it (a) wasnt listen to (0) wasn't hearing (6) didn't hear (d) didn't heating 2 | ann attentively to the lecture on philosophy but! still didnt understand much of it. (a) heard (0) listened (c) was hearing (4d) was listen 3 Can you... me alight over there because you are rather along way away? (a) listening () hearing (6)listen (@ hear oa what you are saying but that stil doesn't make me want to change my mind one litle bit. (a) isten (o) hear (c) am listing (d) am hearing 5 to the concert every Monday on the radio and | imagine | am there listening to it in person (a) listen (b) am listening (c) hear (a) am hearing Q6 | should explain that he finds it very difficult to follow your conversation because he is very hard of (a) listen to (b) listening (c) to hear (@) heating Q7 Now will you please ...... me and pay attention to what I'm saying because it's very important. (a) hear (b) listen to (c) hearing (4) listening to Q8 You've been making so much noise with your music that people at the far end of the road can (a) listen to (b) listening to (c) hear (@) heating Q9 He sometimes pretends he can't ...... @ single word you are saying but all the time he's taking it ll in. (a) listen to (b) listening to (c) hear (@) heating Q10 Ihave been ...... strange stories about you recently but | do hope that there is no substance in them. (a) listened to (b) listening to (c) heard (@) heating 46 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar J Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 4 Anawers. Index Finish vs. End Q1 The brothers will... school both together at the end of this year. (a)end (b) ending (©) finish (4) finishes Q2 They wanted their daughter to improve her social skills and sent her to the famous ...... Schoo! in Switzerland. (a) ends, (b) ending (©) finishes (4) finishing of the road, Q3 You can't miss it, i's that tall building right atthe .. (a)end (b) ends (©) finish (4) finishes Q4 Sadly their marriage of 25 years ... in divorce. (a) ends, (b) ended (©) finishes (4) finished Q5__Itdidn't take long for the children to ...... off the cakes and pastries that had not been eaten at the party. (a)end (b) ending (©) finish (4) finishing Q6 He thought they would all share the cost of the meal but unfortunately he ...... up paying for everybody. (a) end (b) ended (©) finish (4) finished Q7 After the children had .. doing their homework, the whole family watched television. (a) ends (b) ended (c) fnishes (4) finished Q8 You could tell the time by him because he always ...... work at exactly the same time every day. (a) ends, (b) ended (©) finish (4) finished Q9 I've written practically the whole book except for the last part and I just don't know how to ..... the story (a)end (b) ending (©) finish (4) finishing Q10. To most people it seemed like a long and successful relationship and so it was a great surprise to learn that they had ..... with each other. (a) ends, (b) ended (©) finishes (4) finished 47 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le 185, Anawers. Index Start vs. Begin ar az a3 a4 or a6 a7 ae ag Q10 | would greatly appreciate itif you didn't 48 my car to make sure it worked about ten mintues before | drove to work. (a) began (b) started (c) begin (4) start My car very rarely ... first time when the weather is really cold (a) begins (0) beginning (6) starting (@) stars We off early on the fst day of summer so that we could see the sun rise (2) began (0) started (6) starting (@) beginning {read the ... of that Book but I couldn't possibly read the whole story. (2) starting (0) start (6) beginning (@)besin Ucar... 10 understand why anyone would want tobe eruel to animals. (2) start (0) begin (o) stars (6) begins He wu off at me again simply because | had forgotten to lock the back door after | came home. (2) started (0) began (6) begun (@) stars | won a lt f money by beting on that horse but twas simply a case of «luck. (2) starts (0) staters (c) beginner's (6) beginning’s AAs far as | was concerned when the accident happened, it was the (a) start (b) begin (c) starting (4) beginning Who would lke to... off the debate? (a) begin (b) start (c) begins (4) starting . up that old argument again. (a) start (b) begin (c) starts (a) begins PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 6 Anawers. Index Modal Verbs ar go to see the doctor last week because Iwas ver il (a) must (0) must to (c)had to 2 I could... Bought that car but | didnt have enough money to pay fr the petrol. (a) had (o)have (c)have to a3 499 now because | am already late for my class. (a) must (b)had (c)have to 4 I may sun able to come to your party i! have the time (a) be (0) being (6) being to Q5 Doyou ..... clean the house every day or every week? (a) must ()have (c)have to 6 | ne Speak French without a problem now because | have had many lessons. (a) may (b)can (c)have 7 They .-.. do their homework today because itis a holiday atthe school (a) must not (©) don't have (6) don't have to os help you with your shopping because you have a lot of bags (a) ought (b) ought to {e) thought 9° When will you ...... come and see us in our new house? (a)can (b) be able to (c) must Q10 Imay (a) have (b) have to (e) had 0 to Paris next week because there is a very big exhibition there. 49 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 7 Anawers. Index How to use the articles ar litle sugar in my tea, please. (b) the (c) such az . end we decided not to go to the cinema but to watch television. (a) the (b) this (yan Q3 tis important sometimes to stop and look around you at all the wonderful things .. (a) nature (b) in nature (c) in the nature Q4 tis... book that | have ever read. (a) funniest (b) a funniest {e) the funniest Q5 | want to go to the cinema to see a film about ...... and the French. (a) France (b) a France (0) the France Q6 Can anyone give me (a) hand (b) a hand {c) the hand please because | have just fallen over? Q7 The interesting thing about .... is all the roads that they built in Britain. (a) Romans (b) a Romans (c)the Romans Q8 She always said that when she grew up she wanted to be (a) doctor (b) a doctor {(c) the doctor Q9 Ihave left my book in . (a) kitchen (b) a kitchen (e) the kitchen and | would like you to get it for me. Q10_ Are you studying foreign languages at school, ike .. (a) French (b) a French (c) the French 50 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar J Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 8 Anawers. Index Relative Pronouns ar is that siting over there in the corner? (a) Who (b) Whom (c) Which Q2 I don't understand a word . (a) what (b) that (c) who you are talking about. Q3 They have a very large house round (a) that (b) which (c) whose . there are some lovely gardens. you sent me with your letter Q4 I'm looking at the photograph (a) whieh (b) who (c) whom Q5 There is a new television programme called: ..... wants to be a millionaire?” (a) Which (b) What (c)Who Q6 | think you will see that this is the best museum (a) that (b) which (c) who you can find in the town. Q7 The police want to find out (a) who (b) who's (c) whose drove the red car into the shop window. Q8 Did you meet the lady ..... uncle works in the library? (a) who (b) whose (c) who's 9 The person in the house next to mine knows someone (a) who (b) whom, (o) whieh ‘met the Queen. Q10 The grass, (a) who (b) who's (e) whieh I cut every week, seems to grow very quickly. 51 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 9 Anawers. Index Present Tense ar her every day and she never says hello to me. (a)see (b) am seeing (c)will see 2 What is the name of that picture which you ...... on the wall (2) look at (b);s looking at (6) are looking at 23.10 see that fm that ison atthe cinema next week? (@)Do you go (0) Is you going (c) Are you going 4 sn every single thing which that man says? (a) Do you believe (b) Is you believing (c) Are you believing Q5 Sometimes |... what the teacher says to me, (a) don't understand (b) am not understanding (c) understand not Q6 Later tonight I...... my uncle, who is ill in hospital (a) visit (b) am visiting (c) are visiting Q7 Why (aishe (b) he is (c)ishe being late every time we arrange to meet? ae by air because the cost of flying is very high. (a) | don't often travel (b) Im not often travelling (6) Ill not often travelling 9 Next time you ...... to my house, you must bring that book. (a) come (b) is coming (c) are coming 10 to remember your name but I'm afraid | can't remember it. (a) try (b) am trying (c) will trying 52 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Conditionals Anawers. Index Q1 If win the lottery, I... buy you a very big car as a present, (2) should (b) wit (am 22 nn bought you a new car, would you be very happy? (2) When Og (as 3. Ifyou... got that job, would you have been able to move to @ new house? (a)have (b) had (c) will have Q4 | would want very much to move to a new house if that jb. (a) have (o) having (c)had Q5 Will you come to dinner with us if we ...... a babysitter for you? (a) had found (b) will find (e) find Q6 Iwill try very hard to come and have dinner at your house if |... able to. (a) am (b) was (c) were q7 it (a) am (b) were (c)are you, | should work very hard so that | could earn more money. ae . you able to lend me some money if| promise you that you will get it back very soon? (a) Are (b) Was (c) Were Q9 Ifyou really want to be helpful, then you ..... to tell me the truth, (a)have (b) had (c) will have ano It (a) try (b) would have tried (c)had tried very hard, | would have been able to stop smoking, 53 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le We went on holiday Anawers. Index Q1_Lexpect you think I'm ...... because I don't understand that. (a) dumb (b) stupid (c) deat (@) crazy Q2 Does anyone honestly... what a poliician says nowadays? (a) discover (b) think (c) believe (4) credit Q3 I'm sure you're quite ...... but many people disagree with you. (a) write (b) right (c) all right (4) serious Q4 Do you know where the President of America .. (a) leaves (b) lives (o) live (@) inhabits Q5 Ive tried those tablets and they haven't done me any (a) benefit (b) good (c) better (a) best Q6 I'm going ..... for a few days so don't send me any more work. (a) off (b) out (c)over (@) away Q7 This summer we went oliday to Greece. (a) on (b) off (cin (aby Q8 Ifyou can't reach me at home, send me a (a) postscript (b) email (c) letter (4) brief Q9 I believe itis ...... to hold a door open for a lady. (2) politic (b) polite (©) politcal (4) politeness Q10 tis considered bad ...... to shout at someone. (a) habits (b) ways. (c) manners (a) custom 54 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Grammar Questions ar az a3 a4 as a6 a7 ae a9 10 55 Which of these is a noun? Itis (a) thing (b) think Which of these is a passive sentence? Itis .. (a) He's been there (c) He's been going there Which of these is a preposition? Itis .. (a) thorough (b) trough Which of these tenses is Past Perfect Simple? Itis (a) She had laughed (c) She laughed Which of these is an adverb? Itis (os Which of these tenses is Present Simple? Itis (a) quickly (a) He spoke (b) He is speaking Which of these is an adjective? Itis, (@) hard (b)haraly Which of these is a personal pronoun? Its . (2) their (b) they Which of these is a gerund? Itis (a) go (b) goes Which of these is a past participle? itis (a) believing (b) believed PHOTOCOPIABLE Anawers. Index (e) that (4) there (b) He's been taken there (4) He wil have been there (c) through (4) throng (b) She has been laughing (6) She was laughing (c) quicker (¢) quickest (c) He speaks (6) He will speak (c) harden (¢) hardship (c) there (6) theirs (c) going (4) gone (c) believes (¢) belt English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le An Easy Question Anawers. Index Q1 What exercise do you like doing . (a)next (b) best (c) after (4) before of all? to think about it. Q2 That's a good question but | need (a) time (b) space (c) length (@) width Q3 Don't worry, there’s no need to answer... 'm not in a hurry. (2) firstly (b) fairy (c) immediately (4) easily Q4 There are so many things that it's difficult to (a) put (b) follow (©) find (@) choose not that difficult. Q5 Oh, come oni’ .. (a) quickly (b) hardly (c) always (4) surely Q6 Well, | think itis and | .... it's an impossible question to answer. (a) deliver (b) reckon (c) report (4) realize Q7 Do you want me to «nn it easier for you? (a) make (b) do (etry (4) take Q8 Yes, Id very much .... that. (a) understand (b) consider (©) appreciate (@) appear Q9 Allright let me ask you what you like doing least of ....? (a) everything (b) all (c) entire (@) that Q10. Oh, that's easy — ..... to answer this test! (a) tying () faling (c) putting (2) picking 56 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 14 ‘Answers Index Leam it by heart ar don't know how to learn new words by heart (a) some time (©) sometimes {c) something 22 | often read shor aticles (a) for wat (c) about pets in my favourite magazine. Q3 | think learning... be interesting because otherwise you wouldn't ever be able to succeed. (a)can (b) should (c) must to Q4 Youwill probably agree .. (a) with (b) fr (yin 5 Ifyou have a question please fee... 0 ask (2) good (©) well (o) tree 6 Thank you very much indeed, that's Very kind sun YOU (a) trom (b) or (c)ot Q7 We are really glad to have you as our... and we will take good care of you. (2) containers (b) customers (c) costumiers Q8 For the whole of next week we are planning to sell our new dictionaries at a special (a) price (b) prize (o) prise Q9 As of now we still don't know if we will be .... to fulfil our contract (a) reliable (b) able (c) capable Q10 Don't worry, we are quite flexible and can make changes at ime whatsoever. (a) some (b) any (c) one 87 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 15 ‘Answers Index White Water Rafting ar az a3 a4 or a6 a7 ae ag aro 58 ‘You must admit flying in a hot air balloon is an amazing (a) expression (b) experience (c) expertise ‘Can you remember the last time YOU .w... Such an exciting time? (a) have (o) having (c)had To be honest, | have never ..... in a balloon. (a) flowed (6) flown (6) fying Really, then it's about time you tried it. (a)in (b) out (e)on ‘Are you really suggesting that we ...... actually get into one of those ridiculous things? (a) shall (b) will (c) should Why not? There is nothing to be ..... of. Afterall it won't be just us in the balloon. (a) fear (b) afraid {o) fright ‘You must be joking. Have you forgotten how terrible | felt the last time we went somewhere . plane? (a)in (b) with (c)by ‘Oh, come on. Why do you have to be such a kill . (a)joy (b) joke (oytun That's not fair. You know full .. what it feels like to be worried sick when everyone else Is laughing at you. (a) good (b) well (e)fine All right you win. | promise | won't bring it ...... again. Why don't just we go white water rafting instead? (a) on (b)up (ein PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Where am I? Anawers. Index Q1 Excuse me I... if you can help me. (a) expect (b) hope (c) believe (a) wonder Q2 certainly will if. (a) could (b) can (c)cant (@) should Q3 Well, my (a) problem (b) situation (c) hardship (4) difficult Q4 I see you have @ wn... in your car. (a) card (b) route () map (4) drawing wit Q5 Yes, |have but | can't (a) pursue (b) chase (c) control (4) follow Q6 Now, where are yOu wn. fOr? (a) doing (b) going (©) driving (a) making Q7 |want to ..... to Nutfield Avenue, (a) come (b) get (c) fetch (4) find Q8 I don't think that’s going to be .. (a) hard (b) hazard (c) hardship (4) hardly 9 Why do you .. (a) tell (b) announce (c) say (a) speak Q10. Because you're in that road ....- now. (a) simply (b) obviously (c) absolutely (4) right 59 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Remove the Spoon ar az a3 a4 or a6 a7 ae ag aro 60 What «to be the trouble? (a) ought (b) looks (c) seems every time | drink a cup of tea. (a) happens (b) goes (c) does Can you give me a litle More sna? (a) exact (0) particular (6) detail Well! get a nn. In my right eye every time | drink a cup of ea. (a) hurt (0) shoot (c) eel Do you drink a... of ea with sugar? (2) much (0) ot (c) huge Yes,1 (adie (oy have (e)do Lean wn gve up drinking tea, doctor. (2) probably (0) possibly (c) ely Tm not. you todo that but next time you érink tea with sugar. (a) placing (b) indicating (©) speaking Yes, doctor I'm SOFry | nu YOU. (a) intervened (b) intersected () interrupted Next time you drink tea with sugar, don't forget to ...... the spoon, (a) reject (b) replace (c) repeat PHOTOCOPIABLE Anawers. Index (4) ties (@) happened (@) fact (@) pain (4) many (@) done (4) impossibly (a) asking (4) interfered (@) remove English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Weather Forecast Q1 Now let's go ...... to our weather forecaster, Mary. (a)on (b) out (c) over Q2 Yes, thank you and I'm afraid i's not ...... very bright at the moment. (a) seeming (b) appearing (c) seeing Q3 The trouble is that there are some very ...... rain clouds over the north (a) fat (b) heavy (c) weighing Q4 These will ..... some rainfall later this morning, (a) bear (b) carry (©) produce Q5 Then the clouds will... further south in the afternoon. (a) transport (b) convey (©) direct Q6 And by early evening the ...... country will see the rain (a) whole (b) total (©) complete Q7 But things will... tomorrow. (a) better (b) improvise (c) increase Q8 Inthe early morning the sun will make an (a) apparition (b) appearance (©) appearing Q9 But you'll have to be quick because it soon .. (a) despairs (b) disappoints (c) deserts Q10. And of course after that our old friend rain (a) repeats (b) reports (c) returns. 61 PHOTOCOPIABLE Anawers. Index (a) against (@) looking (d) dragging (2) present (a) move (@) hole (2) improve (@) appear (@) disappears (@) reacts English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le On TV tonight Anawers. Index Q1 Good evening. Let me tell you what's in ...... for you on television tonight (a) shop (b) market (c) store (@) screen 22 Itwill be a bit ofa mixed (a) sack (b) holder (c) container (@) bag Q3 To statt...... we have comedy. (a) with (b) up (c) out (a) in Q4 This will be a programme presenting that ..... comedian, George Blair. (2) populated (©) popular (6) populous (@) poplar Q5 After that we have the ...... show on the latest hits. (a) regimented (b) regulated (©) regular (4) ruled Q6 Next we'll have the ...... news. (a) latest (0) newest (c) later (@) newer 7 This willbe read by the very prety... Penny Lane. (2) newsagent (0) newscaster (6) newsbringer (@) newspaper QB Atv think she's very prety (a) last (b) lost (c) less (@) least Q9 And the following programmes are all... as far as I'm concerned. (a) boring (b) bored (c) board (4) boarding Q10. Because after the news Penny and | are ...... on a date. (a) doing (b) making (©) going (4) taking 62 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le The Bells Anawers. Index Q1 Don't you ..... those bells..? (a) ponder (b) elaborate () think, (@) educate Q2 Im wea. Sorry | can't hear a word you're saying (a) horribly (b) considerably (©) definitely (4) awfully Q3- sue was trying to say was. (a)All (b) Everything (c) Nothing (4) Something Q4 Sorry youll have to speak (a)to (6) along (@) through 5 IMhhave one more (2) come (0) fn (e)90 (leave 6S M0 se cant hear you taty (0) point (c)idea (@) use 7 Now Ive shut the window and I make one more (2) attempt (0) tempt (c) tial (6) experiment os wanted to say. (2) closely (0) simply (6) naturally (6) quickly 29 Ah thats... better now I can't hear those awful bells. Now what was ityou wanted to say? (a) more (b) most (c) mostly (4) much Q10 It doesn't really... now. | just wanted to say how beautiful the bells sounded. (a) matter (b) care (c)help (@) hold 63 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Sailing Anawers. Index Q1 su. me what did you do at the weekend? (a) Say (b) Speak (c) Announce (4) Tell Q2 Oh, itwas a complete (a) accident (b) happening (e)disaster (@)event 3° Why, what (a)happened (b) occurred (e)arrves (2) evolved 24 Well, the ann. Was to go sailing (a)piture (0) sketen (e)plan (2) drawing 5 That nn interesting (a)rings (0) looks (e)hears (@) sounds 28 I nom agree (ayidea (©) phiosophy (e)theory (a) beter 7 But notin nh? (a) practices (0) practice (©) practical (2) practicing Q8 Exactly, in fact | almost. (a) downed (b) dropped (©) dripped (4) drowned Q9 That... have been horrible. So what are you doing this weekend? (a) must (b) may (e)can (4) should Q10_ I'm starting a... of swimming lessons. (a)line (b) course ()run (@) row 64 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Responses (1) ar az a3 a4 as a6 a7 ae ag aro 65 Mike: | like anything to do with sport... (b) Did you? (a) Have you? Mike: We went to Paris last summer. Jane: (a) I never go there too. (©) Inever did there. Mike: She always goes to work on a bike. Jane: (a) She is very healthy. (c) She can be very healthy. Mike: They went on strike last week. Jane: (a) What on earth for? (©) Do they live on earth? Anawers. Index (c) Do you? (a) Are you? (b) I never went there. (4) Ive never been there. (b) She must be very healthy. (4) She might be very healthy. (b) Are they on earth? (6) Why on earth to? Mike: More people die from eating fatty food than from smoking, Jane: (a) You must be ridiculous! (©) You must be smiling! Mike: You know he failed all his examinations? Jane: (a) | must believe it, (c) I might believe it Mike: I's getting very late, we must hurry up. Jane: (a) Point got. (b) Point received, Mike: | haven't stopped working for eight hours today. Jane: (a) My heart bleeds for you, (c) My heart beats for you. Mike: You know the boss will be angry with you. Jane: (a) 'm not caring, (©) care nothing, Mike: | wonder if you could help me with this problem. Jane: (a) Probe me. (b) Try me. PHOTOCOPIABLE (b) You must be laughing! (6) You must be joking! (0)! dont betiove it (6) lought to believe it. (c) Point taken. (4) Point held, (b) My heart breaks for you. (6) My heart hurts for you. (b) Im not at all caring, (6) I don't care. (©) Examine me. (4) Practise me. English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 23 ‘Answers Index Responses (2) ar az a3 a4 as a6 a7 ae ag aro 66 Mike: 'l just can't make my mind up. What do you think?" JANE! en! (a) You're up to it (b) Its up to you. (c) You're up for it. (4) You're up at it. Mike: Hello. | wonder if you're interested in new double-glazing.’ Jane: (a) 'm really not interested. (b) Im really interesting (c) I'm not really interesting (6) | wasnt really interested, Mike: He offered me a 50% discount. What should | do?’ Jane: (a) Hold his hand down. —_(b) Bite his hand down. —_(c) Hold your hand in. (d) Bite his hand off. Mike: I need some support, right now.” Jane! even! (a) Well, you can number me. (b) Well, 'm your number. (c) Well, you can count on me. (6) Well, you can add on me. Mike: They haven't sent me the bill for a year now. What would you do?’ JANE! en! (a) I'd simply forgot it. (b) Id simply forget it. (0) I'd simply forbid it. (6) Id simply forecast it. Mike: ‘Can you explain why she did that?” Jane! een! (a) Heaven alone will say. (b) Heaven only says. (c) Heaven alone speaks. (¢) Heaven only knows. Mike: 'Do you think he'll be the next President?" JANE! een! (a) Your guess is as good as mine. (b) Your guess is better. (©) My guess is worse. (6) We must guess harder. Mike: That's the 16th job interview I've failed. What should | do?" Jane: (a) Don't give over. (b) Don't give out. (c) Don't give up. (4) Don't give on, Mike: 'I'm taking my driving test tomorrow.’ Jane: (a) Good fortune, (b) Good luck. (c) Good outcome. (4) Good success. Boss: ‘And this is our new employee.’ Jane: (a) How are you doing? —_(b) How did you do? (c) How do you? (a) How do you do? PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 24 Responses (3) an 2 3 05 06 a7 9 10 67 Mike: ‘I could try another source if you like.” Jane: (a) There's no point. (b) There's no end. ‘Mike: could give you a lift to the station.” Jane: (a) There's no requirement. (c) There's no aim. Mike: ‘I suppose they might get the contract Jane: (a) There's litle notice of that. (c) There's litle chance of that, Anawers. Index (c) There's no idea. (4) There's no angle. (b) There's no practicality. (@) There's no need. (b) There's litle dream ofthat. (6) There's litle thought of that ‘Mike: 'f the party wins the next by-election, things might get better. Jane: (a) There's no case of that (c) There's no promise of that (b) There's no chance of that. (@) There's no concept of that. ‘Mike: ‘What do you think are the chances of finding people still alive?" Jane: (a) There's litle picture, really (c) There's litle perception, realy. Mike: ‘I hope | haven't left it too late to apply.” Jane: (a) There's stil opportunity (c) There's stil time. ‘Mike: ‘I wonder what she'll get up to next.” Jane: (a) There's no finding, (c) There's no guessing. ‘Mike: ‘I wonder if we could call at the post office first Jane: (a) There's no time, (b) There's no event, (b) There's litle imagination, really. (6) There's litle hope, really (©) There's stil try. (a) There's yet time. (b) There's no knowing (4) There's no seeing. (c) There's no timing (4) There's no series. ‘Mike: ‘You just can't believe what theyil think up next, can you?” Jane: (a) There's no believing. (c) There's no saying, ‘Mike: "just think they've wasted their time, don't you?" Jane: (a) There's no admitting it (c) There's no decrying it. PHOTOCOPIABLE (b) There's no crediting (4) There's no announcing. (b) There's no assigning it. (6) There's no denying it © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 25 ‘Answers Index Responses (4) ar az a3 a4 as a6 a7 ae ag aro 68 Mike: 'Do you know what | did last night?" JANE! nen! (a) | shrink to think, (b) I don't think. (c) Lwill not think, (4) Ido not think. Mike: 'I bet you don't know what happened at the party?" Jane: (a) | will not imagine. (b) I do not imagine. (c)I must not imagine. (d) | can’t imagine. Mike: 'Do you know how much the bill has come to?" JANE! nen! (a) | dare think. (b) I daren't think, (©) I dare to think. (6) | will not dare to think. Mike: ‘Guess how much income tax | pay.’ Jane! even! (a) haven't a thought. (b) haven't a belie. (c) I haven't a point (¢) [haven't a clue, Mike: 'Then you add the square root and multiply by 67, do you follow?” JANE! en! (a) Sorry, it's over me. (b) Sorry, i's past me. (©) Sorry, it's beyond me, (6) Sorry, its after me. Mike: 'Do you understand what he’s on about?" Jane! een! (a) No, i's long above my head. (b) No, it's road above my head. (C) No, its route above my head. (2) No, it's way above my head. Mike: '| assume you're following the argument, aren't you. JANE! en! (a) No, its all German to me. (b) No, it's all Greek to me. (c) No, it's all Spanish to me. (4) No, it's all Latin to me, Mike: ‘It's amazing when you learn what technology can do, isn't it?” Jane: (a) The mind trembles. (b) The mind wobbles. (c) The mind stumbles. _(d) The mind boggles. Mike: 'So what do you think is the answer?" Jane: (a) No idea. (b) Not idea. (c) Negative idea. (4) Small idea, Mike: Then you take away the first number — are you with me?" Jane: (a) No, you've thrown me. (b) No, you've hit me. (0) No, you've turned me. (4) No, you've lost me PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 26 ‘Answers Index Responses (5) ar az a3 a4 as a6 a7 ae ag aro 69 Jill: "tm so confused, | don't know what to do.” Frank ‘ann! (a) Take it free. (b) Take it easy. (c) Take it ight. (4) Take it relaxed, Jil: What shall | do— I'm in a terrible state!" Frank: (a) Calm on, (b) Calm up. (c) Calm along, (4) Calm down, Jil: "Tm afraid Ive just broken the handle.” Frank ‘ann! (a) Don't brood. (b) Don't annoy, (c) Don't worry. (4) Don't anger. Jill:"I hope nobody minds if | leave early.” Frank: (a) Iti be allright. (©) It be all straight. (c) It be all correct. (6) It be all fine Jil "ts going to cost a lot of money to put right, 'm afraid.” Frank: (a) I's not the end of the day. (b) Its not the end of the world. (0) Its not the end of life. (6) Its not the end of everything. Jill" do hope they make it tonight — Frank: 's very late you know.’ (a) They're tied to come. (b) They're destined to come. (c) They're forced to come. (6) They're bound to come. Jll:"I don't think | can stand much more of this." Frank: (a) The worst is by. (b) The worst is through. (c) The worst is over. (4) The worst is gone. Jil: What's your view of what's coming next?” Frank: (a) Things can only grow better. (b) Things can only get better. (c) Things can only show better. (6) Things can only appear better. Jill: "Ive lost everything my job, my house, my money — what should | do?” Frank: (a) Count your blessings. (b) Count your benefits. (c) Count your assets. (4) Count your possessions. Jil: "Tm very depressed at the moment, sorry.” Frank ‘avn! (a) Face up. (b) Cheek up. (c) Nose up, (4) Chin up. PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level #27 ‘Answers Index Responses (6) ar az a3 a4 as a6 a7 ae a9 aro 70 John: Thank you so much.’ ‘Sue. (a) No problem, (b) Any problem. (c)A problem. (4) Some problem. John: ‘| am most grateful. SUE? en! (a) You are welcoming. _(b) You welcome. (c) You're welcome. (4) You are welcomed, John: ‘Thank you very much for helping me.’ SUC! enn! (a) You don't mention it, (b) No mention of i. (©) You mention it, (6) Don't mention it John: That was very thoughtful of you to do that.” Sue: (a) Forgettul (b) Forget it. (c) ve forgotten. (4) Don't forget it, John: ' really appreciate your kindness this last week." SUC! enn! (a) It pleased me, (b) Itwas pleasing, (c)Itwas my pleasure. (4) It was pleasant. John: ‘| must say you really helped us out when we lost those passports.” Sue: (a) Itwas the least | could do. (b) | couldn't do more. (c) I couldn't do less. (6) | couldn't do least. John: "Your advice this morning was much appreciated.’ SUC! enn! (a) All to do with service. (b) All part of the service. (c) Allthe section of the service. (6) The whole of the service. John: We'd like to give you this small present to show our gratitude.” SUC? an! (a) It's really not needed. (b) Its really not wanted. (c) It's really not demanded (6) Its really not necessary. John: 'By the way, I've paid the taxi driver. ‘Sue: (a) You mustntthave. (b) You couldn'thave. _—(c) You shouldn'thave. (4) You can't have. John: ‘And as a special thank you for all you've done, we're treating you to a meal out’ SUC? an! (a) You're very stupid. (b) You're really naughty. (©) You'e really horrible. (6) You're really wicked PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 28 ‘Answers Index Responses (7) ar az a3 a4 as a6 a7 ae a9 aro n dill" got that job even though you didn't think | stood a chance.’ Frank ‘ann! (a) You always did! (b) You never dia! (c) You sometimes did! _(d) You often did! dll" had some good news today — I've won the lottery.’ Frank: (a) Well | never! (b) Well I rarely! (c) Well frequently! (4) Well | occasionally! Jil: ‘We've collected thousands of pounds this week for charity.” Frank: (a) Goodness you! (b) Goodness them! (c) Goodness us! (4) Goodness me! dil: ‘She came top in the exam grades this summer.’ Frank ‘ann! (a) Well made. (b) Well hela. (c) Well got. (4) Well done. Jil: "After all that effort we didn't manage to sell a single one.” Frank: (a) What a loss! (b) What a shame! (c) What a job! (4) What a crime! Frank: You know | put money in that company — well i's gone bankrupt.” AI ase! (a) Stif luck! (b) Solid luck! (c) Hard luck! (4) Thick luck! Jil: "Ive waited 3 hours for a bus now." Frank: (a) What a bore! (b) What a boar! (c) What bores! (4) What boars! Jill: "Look at all the work I've done, aren't you impressed?" Frank ‘avn! (a) lam amazing! (b) !am amazed! (c) Lamaze! (a) lam being amazed! Frank: "hear that the Government is going to abolish income tax.’ dil’ (a) Thatis the day! (b) That could be the day! (c) That may be the day! (4) Thatll be the day! Frank: ‘They say that all this rubbish is going to be taken away tomorrow.’ dil’ (a) | believe when | see it (b) I believe it when seen. (0) Ill believe it when I see it (6) | see it when | believe. PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Question Tags (1) ar az a3 a4 or a6 a7 ae ag aro 72 You said you would (a) would you? (b) did you? She's definitely not coming (a) will she? (b)isnt she? It drives you mad (a)isive (0) does it? Iewon't hurt. (a) does it? (b) wit ie | think you ought to go (2) ought you? (0) d01 You must go (2) mustn't you? (0) have you? Ithappened yesterday (a) had ite (b)has it? She's always late (apis? (0) isnt she They're selling their house (a) will they? (b) haven't they? No-one understood that word .. (a) does he? (b) did you? PHOTOCOPIABLE (c) had you? (c)is she? (c) doesnt it? (c)can it? (c) don't you? (c) had you? (©) didn't it? (c)isntit? (c) aren't they? (©) didn't they? Anawers. Index (4) didn't you? (@) can she? (a) won't it? (a) did it? (4) do you? (4) must 1? (a) did it? (@) was she? (@) have they? (@) did they? English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 30 Question Tags (2) on a2 a3 os a5 6 a7 os a9 10 73 ‘Sarah: ‘I want you to give me some more money." Paul. (a) Oh you want, do you? (c) Oh you do, do you? Sarah: ‘You'e being very rude!" Paul: (a) Oh Ihave, have I? (0) 1am, you think? Sarah ‘lve torn up your homework essay!" Paul. (a) Thattl be nice, wilt? () That would be nice, wouldn't? Sarah: "can't take any more.’ Paul: (a) Oh you can, can you? (c) Oh, you cant, can you? ‘Sarah: ‘She hates the sight of him. Paul:*. (a) She did, did she? (c) She hates, does she? Sarai "I would prefer to go by air." Paul: (a) Oh you would, would you? (c) Oh you prefer, don't you? Sarah ‘I won't listen to you any more. Paul:*. (2) So you wil, wil you? (c) So you wont, will you? Paul: I spent thousands on that car.” Sarah: (2) Oh, you have, have you? (c) Oh you do, do you? Sarah: ‘You mustn't eat with your mouth full” Paul:*. (a) Oh I must, must 1? (c) Oh Ihave to, have 1? ‘Sarah: ‘That's not allowed you know. Paul: (a) Oh you do, don't you? (6) Oh itisn, ist? PHOTOCOPIABLE Anawers. Index (b) Oh you'd ike, would you? (¢) Oh you give, do you? (6) On! am, am 1? (d) Oh tis, is it (0) That's nice, ist? (d) That's nice, isnt it? (0) Oh you could, could you? (4) Oh you could, could you? (0) She does, does she? (d) She doesn't hate, does she? (0) Oh you did, id you? (4) Oh, you wouldn't wil you? (©) So you dont, do you? () So you do, dont you? (0) Oh you did, id you? (4) Oh you do, don't you? (©) Oh I cant, can 1? (4) Oh musta’, must 1? (0) Oh itis, isnt? (4) Oh twont, walt? © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Question Tags (3) Anawers. Index Q1 You'd rather | kept quiet about (a) did you (b) had you (c) wouldn't you (4) do you Q2 He used to work in the city, (a) had he (b) does he (c)has he (@) didn't he 3° He has his lunch at the office, sun.? (a)had he (b) did he (c) hadn't he (@) doesn'the Q4 In that case he'll have to look for a new job, (a) shall he (b) won't he (c)isn'the (@) does he Q5 You wouldn't want me to do that, (a) would you (b) will you (c) did you (4) do you Q6 He really didn't need to speak to me like that, (a) does he (b) has he (c)will he (@) did he Q7 Come back in the moming, (a) do you (b) have you (c) will you (@) don't you Q8 You like milk in your tea, (a) can you (b) have you (c) don't you (@) did you Q9 Youre just the sort of person who would say that, sun? (a) would you (b) wouldn't you (c) don't you (4) aren't you Q10 You shouldn't have done that, wun? (a) could you (b) should you (c) couldn't you (@) didn't you 74 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Anawers. Index Object Pronoun ar az a3 a4 or a6 a7 ae ag aro 7 ‘So did you give the book to . (a) his (b) him (o)he Of course I did. | gave... back on Tuesday. (a) them (pits (eit Well, he says that he doesn't trust . (2) yours (6) you (c) them (a)! (pit (cme That's exactly what he said about (a) you (b) yours (c)me | find that difficult to believe. Do you trust w..? (a) his (b) me Well you and your wife have borrowed things sometimes and not given (a) they (b) theirs Well | think you're being very unfair to (a) our (b)us (o) ours In that case just look at the table and tell ..... what you see. (a) my (ot (c)me ‘Oh dear, | can see ....... That must be the book | haven't given back. (a) them (pit {e) him PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 33 Anawers. Index Relative Pronoun Exercises ar does that car belong to? (a) Who (b) Which (c) Whose 2 Excuse me but shouldn't you say to ww... does that car belong? (a) whieh (b) that (c) whom Q3 That's another way of saying it. 'm talking about the car .. (a) who's, (b) that's (c) who parked over there. a4 do you think would have a car ike that? (a) Whom (b) That (c) Who 5 Well, should say someone for (a) whom (b) who (c) that money is no object. Q6 The carto (a) that (b) whom. (e) whieh you are referring happens to be mine! Q7 That's interesting. We are talking about the car ...... has a red roof. (a) that (b) who (c) that's Q8 Yes, i's the best car (a) whieh (b) that (c) who Ive ever had. Why do you ask? 9° Well, | think you ought to speak to that man ..... standing with a notebook in front of the car. (a) whieh (b) whom, (c) who's, Q10. Oh no! It’s a traffic warden putting a parking ticket on my car and | haven't any money to pay the fine have to pay. (a) whose (b) which (c) who 76 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 34 Anawers. Index Reflexive Pronouns Q1 Once there was a young man who called Icarus, (a) mysett (b) himsett (c) herself Q2 His father always wanted his children to look after ..... and do what they wanted, (a) themselves (b) ourselves (c) herself Q3 The trouble was that Icarus always wanted to put (a) herself (b)itsett (c) himself into danger. Q4 His father said again and again if we don't take care, we'd hurt .. (a) themselves (b) yourselves (c) ourselves Q5 Icarus shocked his father with an idea that he was going to try out on (a) himself (b) themselves (c) herself Q6 He had watched birds fly by throwing ..... into the ai. (a) yourselves (b) themselves (c) ourselves Q7 His sister said she would lke to push (a)itselt (b) himsett (c) herself Into the air and fly but she was too frightened. Q8 Icarus said he would try and he promised his father: I will not injure (a) yourself (b) myself (c) ourselves Q9 The last words his father said before Icarus left were: Look after .. (a) yourself (b) himsett (c) myself Q10. Unfortunately Icarus went too near the sun and the wax on his wings melted and the feathers worked .. ‘and he fell on the ground and died. free (a)itselr (b) yourselves (c) themselves 7 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Basic American English Anawers. Index Qt Annais.. (a) teacher (b) teachers (c)a teacher (a) one teacher Q2 su. Boss said that you work hard. (a) Your (b) Yours, (c) Youre (@) You Q3 Every week | work five days and | get two days, (a) after (b) off (c) not (a) no a4 job at the bank. (a) got (b) get (©) take (8) ike Q5 Do you prefer Microsoft ..... Macintosh computers? (a) from (b) or (c) but (a) of Q6 Do you have... children? (a) much (b) very (c)any (a) all Q7 His... will not write. It is out of ink. (a) pencit (b) friend (¢) television (@) pen Q8 Who won the soccer .. (a) sport (b) gain (c) game (4) throw a9 You break is from noon to 1 pm, (a) supper (b) breakfast (c) eating (8) lunch Q10. The police all (a) wear (b) eat (c)use (@) save 78 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Basic English Grammar Anawers. Index Q1 The pencils and paper (a)tobe (o)are (abe 22 nn do you tke to do on the weekends? (@)How (e) What (e)Who (2) Where 3 Mysisteris (aat (othe (@)0n 24 sam an engineer. (@)You (ee (We @! 5 The bathroom i... tothe front door. (a)next (ey ter (c) opposite (@)away 6 He always works un hard (a)much (ey very (e)great (2) quietly 7 DoyOU nn te to goto the store for me? (a) tke (e) 90 (o)have (@)aive 8 Shes... athlete (@)g008 (e wet (oa (@yan 29 There ate 12... in a year (a) days (e) weeks (e)months (@) hours Q10_ Driving to work in a car is much ..... than riding a bicycle. (a) faster (b) fast (c) fastest (4) more faster 79 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Basic Weather Expressions Anawers. Index Qt Yesterday ..... was very sunny outside. (ayhe (bpit (c)she (4) they Q2 She... to swim when itis hot. (a) loves (b) love (c) loved (@) loving Q3 In some countries it never (a) snow (b) snowing (c) had snowed (a) snows Q4 Do you like hot weather ..... not? (a) but (0) or (c) because (@)s0 5 Ike it. train. (a) when (&) who (oywny (@) whom 6 Have you... made a snowman? (2) forever (0) always (c)ever (every 7 The skyis..... cloudy today. (2) much (0) very (e)many (att 8 Itlo0ks .... a storm is coming (aas (b) that (6) ke (ot 29 1am wet... my umbrella broke. (a) because (b) or (it (a) so Q10 Laura wears gloves (a) or (b) that (e) why (a) so .her hands will stay warm. 80 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Basic English Expressions Anawers. Index Qt Mydeskisa should clean it. (a) messy (b) slob (c) mess. (4) sloppy Q2 Valerie spilled wate (ain (oat (@) across 23 Wil you please take (a) out (6) rom (ot 4 Ike pencils... than pens. (a) best (0) te best (c) better (6) more good 5 My old job was... than this one (2) more easier (0) easiest (6) most easy (6) easier 6 Tomworks the .. of anyone (a) hardest (0) harder (6) most hard (@) more harder 7. Thisis the ..... assignment have ever had. (2) dificut (b) more aft (6) most atfeut (0) dificutest 28 Mybossis very (a) nicer (0) nice (6) nicest (@) much nice 29. Do you walk... take the bus fo work? (2) because (0) fom (ey but (or 10 The janitor leans the office ... night. (2) total (0) all of (o)every (6) very at PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Elementary English Grammar Anawers. Index ar (b) to go (c) gone (a) goes 2 John nn his bieycle every day (a)ride (e) ridden (eyrides (@)to ide 3-1 veto schoo! every day. (@) walk (e) walks (e)waking (2) to walk 24 un play guitar all the time (a) She (ee (ous (@) They 5 Doyou tke (a) dance (b) of dance (c) to dance (a) danced Q6 When | was a child | (2) ikea (b) would like (c) was liking (8) ike to climb trees. Q7 tis a good idea... every day. (a) to exercise (b) exercise (c) exercising (@) exercises Q8 We went very day in our neighbors’ swimming pool. (a) swim (b) swam (c) had swam (4) swimming ag a race next week. (b) was (c) will be (a) are aro now a popular sport in most countries, (b) has been (c)am (a)is 82 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Question Words Q1 su. one of you is coming to my house later? (a) Who (b) Which 22 su. afe you going to get home from work? (a) Which (b) Who Q3 1. is that guy talking to your sister? (a) Which (b) Whose Q4 She wants to know (a) how (b) what Q5 Letme know you like your coffee. .. you hear from your mother. (a) who (b) which Q6 2... would you like on your hamburger? (a) How (b) What Q7 sn. dog is that? (a) Who (b) When Q8 This ...... | want to be when | grow up. (a) why (b) when 9° My mother is the one ...... sings on TV (a) whom (b) which Q10 ...n. shoes are those? (a) Why (0) Whose 83 every morning. PHOTOCOPIABLE (c) Why (c) How (c)Who (e) whieh (c) whose (c) When (c) Whose. (e) whieh (c) who (c) Whom Anawers. Index (a) How (a) What (4) Whom (@) who (a) when (4) Which (4) Where (a) what (4) whose (@) Who English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Common Prepositions Anawers. Index Q1 _Illve in the big house ..... the corner. (a) on (yin (o)or (to Q2 Myson goes....... English classes 5 days a week. (a) with (b) by (e)to (4) from Q3 My friend Anna lives ...... England. (a) from (b) at (c)on (a) in Q4 The milk goes ..... the refrigerator. (a) on (yin (jot @a me to the store? 25 willyou come .. (a) with (0) along (oto ()by Q6 My car will not start because itis .... gas. (2) full of (b) out with (c) out of (a) with no Q7 Please put the plates ...... the table. (a) over (b) for (c)to (a) on Q8 | like to eat ice cream chocolate sauce on top. (a)at (o) with (ein (@)to Q9 Were you ...... church yesterday? (a)at (b)t0 (c)on (@) for 10 Lam (a) with (b)at (hot (@)on a4 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le ‘Modal Verb Questions ar az a3 a4 as a6 a7 ae ag 10 85 . you please bring me my notebook? (a) will (b) May . you please bring me my notebook? (a) Did (b) Would . you please bring me my notebook? (a) Should (b) Do . you please bring me my notebook? (a) Shall (b) Could . you want some water? (a)Can (b) Have . you like some water? (a) Can (b) May _ ride with you to work? (a) Would (b)Can . [ide with you to work? (a) Does (b) Haven't . | could ride with you to work? (a) Is there any way (c) Might there some way . | ride with you to work? (a) Will you mind if (b) Could you mind if PHOTOCOPIABLE (c)Do (c) Have ()Can (c) May (c) May (c) Would (c)Let (c) Allow (b) Ain't there no way (4) Arentt there some ways (c) Would you mind if Anawers. Index (4) Should (4) Might (4) Haven't (a) Must (4) Do (4) Do (a) Have (d) May (4) Can you mind if English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Elementary Grammar Questions ar az a3 a4 or a6 a7 ae ag 10 86 Flowers wun good (a) stink (b) fee! My «sue Golour is green. (a) preferred (b) Ike My mom is (a)of (0) from There are 7 kids sane my family (a)to (oyin . of my parents live in the United States of America. (a) Lots (b) The two . 4 of my grandparents are stil alive. (a) Both (b) None . you leave my shoes outside last night? (a) Did (b) Do I really ke «... spaghetti (a) of eat (b) to eat . drive me home later? (a) Do you think you can (¢)Did Itis a rule: if you ride in my car you (a) may (b) might PHOTOCOPIABLE (c) smell (c) most liked (c) to (hot (All (All (c) will (c)eat (b) You can (6) Is possible .. wear your seatbelt. (e)can Anawers. Index (a) watch (4) favourite (4) out (ayat (4) Both (4) Many (@) Would (a) ate (@) have to English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le English Grammar Exercise 144 Anawers. Index Q1 Our couch is... Sof. (a) very (b) much (c) lots (4) tons Q2 Ourhouse....... 3 bedrooms. (a)is of (b) is with (c)has (a) have Q3 Does your dog lve inside ..... outside? (a) but (0) because (6) though (or 4 Does your un have a dishwasher? (2) ving room (0) bathroom (6) dining room (@) kitchen 25 Allofthe walls are... white (2) paint (0) painted (6) paint (@) painting Q6 There is a rug ..... the floor in the living room. (a)in (b) under (c)on (6) nextto 7 The wn. gets 6 channels. (a) cat (0) tee (c) television (¢) microwave 28 Ourtable is... for 8 people. (2) big (©) enough big (c) alot big (¢) big enough Q9 Do you lock the front door (2) for (b) at (c)on (4) from night? 10 Iwill the clothes after you fold them, (a) put away (b) put next (c) put under (@) in put 87 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le ‘Much, many, a lot, lots Anawers. Index Q1 How ..... people are coming? (a) lots (b) much (c)alot (4) many Q2 How ..... does the book cost? (a) much (b) many (c) lots (a) alot Q3 Do you need .... milk for this recipe? (a) many (b) big (c) much (4) much of Q4 I need to practice piano ...... before the concert. (a) much (0) very (e)many (@)atot 5 Ihave .....ofhomework to do before tomorrow. (2)aton (b)atan (c)amilion (6) amuch 6 How ..n. water do you drink every day? (a) many (0) much (o)lots of (6) very 7 You are smart (2) much (0) many (every (@) ots 28 Ihave .un. of friends. (a) much (0) very (o)iats (@) many Q9- You are a honest person. (a) ton (b) very (c) many (4) much Q10. Do you have ...... ants in your house? (a) much (b) many (c)alot (@) very 88 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Elementary Adjectives Anawers. Index Q1 Iflam not right, !am (a) wrong (b) certain (©) correct (4) un-tight Q2 Ifyou are not taller, you are . (a) the short (b) shorter (©) shortest (4) short Q3 The caris not .....,it is slow. (a) speed (b) unhurried (0) fast (2) powerful Q4 Today itis not hot, its (a) cold (b) un-hot | (c) hotter (@) colder Q5 Iflamnotweak, lam (a) weaker (b) pretty (c) bright (4) strong Q6 Ido not getup ...-, | get up early (a) night (b) day (c) late (6) first Q7 Hes the heaviest and | am the (a) lightest (b) lighter (c) light (@) heavier Q8 What goes up must come (a) over (b) down (©) nice (a) left Q9-Atthe stop sign do not turn right, turn (a) light (b) wrong (c) straight (a) left Q10_ My mom’s hair is not straight, itis (a) long (b) shot (c) curly (@) grey 89 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Chit Chat: At the bus stop Q1 Mike: Where are you ...... today? (@)90 (b) gone (6) going 22 Linda: | really want to go (a) shops (b) shopping (c) shop Q3°— Mike: What's... with the shops here? (a) wrong (b) incorrect (6) false Q4 Linda: Nothing really but there is more ... in the town. (a) choosing (b) choose (c) chosen Q5 Mike: That's true but you have to ...... a long time for a bus, (a) attend (b) expect (c)wait Q6 Linda: Yes, |... waiting for 30 minutes already. (a) will be (b) have been ()was Q7 Mike: Then it's just .... well i's not raining. (a)as (b) more. (c) much Q8 Linda: I don't tke the ..... of that dark cloud over there. (a) sight (b) look (©) vision Q9 Mike: Oh dear. Are you going to wait any .. (a) quicker (b) slower (c) former Q10 Linda: No. I've just .... i's Sunday and there are no buses today. (a) understood (b) followed (c) realised 90 PHOTOCOPIABLE Anawers. Index (a) goes (a) shopped (4) funny (4) choice (2) await (a) am (4) than (@) sign (8) longer (@) believed English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Chit Chat: Talking about the Doctor Anawers. Index Q1 Mike: Haven't seen you for (a) centuries (b) ages (c) periods, (4) times Q2 Linda: No, I've been ...... alot of pain the last few months. (a) over (b) off (c) across. (a) in Q3 Mike: 'm sorry to hear that. Tell me (2) through (b) of (c) about (2) with, 24 Linda: It's awful really. At the's in my knee. (a) moment (b) second (c) occasion (@) hour Q5 Mike: That can walking very difficult. (a) do (b) make (c) cause (a) give Q6 Linda: Then «wu. the pain in my back. (a) there are (b) there will be (c) there should be (@) there's Q7 Mike: | know what that's, (a) same (b) as (c) similar (4) tke. ae | mustn't forget the pains in my feet. (b) course (©) path (@) lane Q9 Mike: Suddenly I'm ...... much better. | won't see the doctor today. Good bye. (a) going (b) trying (c) feeling (4) making Q10 Linda: But you can't go ..... | haven't described my other pains. (a) stil (b) again (opti (a) yet a1 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Anawers. Index Chit Chat: In the Aeroplane ar az a3 a4 or a6 a7 ae ag aro 92 Linda: Have you ever ...... before? Only its my first time in a plane and I'm a litle nervous. (a) fled (b) flown, (c) flowed (8) fying Mike: Yes, lots of times. There's no need to ..... about (a) worry (b) think (©) ponder (4) brood Linda: That's easy for you to ..... but | feel very anxious. (a) dictate (b) speak (c) call (a) say Mike: All you have to do is take it wn. and r0lax, (a) back (0) coot (c) easy (6) straight Linda: | had a... drinks before | came on board and that hasn't helped (a)tot (o) few (opie (@) many Mike: Never .... Im sufe youll be allright and anyhow we're starting to move now. (a) mind (b) care (c) object, (4) deny Linda: Yes, you'r right. I's as ...... everything on the plane is shaking, (a) when, (b) lke (c) but (ait Mike: That means that the engines are warming ...... It won't be long now. (a) off (b) up (c)over (a) in Linda: Oh yes. | don't know why I was $0 ..... | think flying is great! (a) nervous (b) terrible (c) awful (4) nerving Mike: Don't get too excited! We're still on the runway and haven't taken (a) through (b) by (c)off (a) in PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Chit Chat: At the pub Anawers. Index Q1 Charles: | don't think I've... you before in this pub. (a)see (b) seen (c) seeing (a) saw Q2 Deborah: No, this is my first (a) stay (b) encounter (c) meeting (4) visit Q3 Charles: And | see you've ...... your little dog with you. (2) brining (b) brings (c) brought (4) bought Q4 Deborah: Yes, he goes .... with me. (a) everywhere (b) all over (c) somewhere (4) nowhere with a knife and fork. Q5 Charles: It's very good the way he sits at the table and eats his .. (a) substance (b) content (c) sustenance (4) food Q6 Deborah: Oh yes. He's very good. At home when he's .. plates. eating, he goes into the kitchen and washes up his. (a) finished (b) ended (c)ends (4) finishes Q7 Charles: That's really .... find that difficult to believe. (a) amaze (b) amazing (c) amazes (a) amazed Q8 Deborah: Believe me — he's a really wonderful dog and can do... things that people do, (a) much (b) more (c) most (@) lots 9° Charles: The one thing I've ..... is that he doesn't say anything. (a) remarked (b) connected (c) commented (4) noticed Q10. Deborah: Yes, that's right. He's not talking today because he's got a ..... throat. (a) sick (b) sore in (@) hur 93 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Chit Chat: At the restaurant Anawers. Index Q1 Waiter: What would you like to ..... with, sir? (a) engage (b) consume (c) start (4) tackle Q2 Diner: | was thinking I .... try the soup, (a)can (b) will (c) ought to (4) might Q3 Waiter: Sorry sir. The soup's, (a) off (b) over (c) through (a) under Q4 Diner: In that... Ill try the roast beef. (a) example (b) case (c) instance (@) situation Q5 Waiter: You'll have no luck there either. We haven't got any (a) lent (b) leaving (©) tight (4) taken Q6 Diner: Oh that's a ...... Perhaps | could have the pork. (a) crime (b) blame (c) shame (4) short Q7 Waiter: It's really not your ...... We don't have any pork now. (a) moment (b) time (c) hour (@) day Q8 Diner: Oh this is .. Do you have anything at all? (a) ridicule (b) ridiculous (€)tidiculing (@) ridiculed Q9 Waiter: Now sir it's not worth ...... your temper. You could take the last thing on the menu, (a) losing (b) holding (c) dropping (4) throwing Q10_ Diner: Right then. Ifi’s not too much ....... Please bring me a cup of coffee. (a) difficulty (b) problem (c) hardship (4) trouble 94 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Chit Chat: On the phone #52 Anawers. Index 1 Women: Hello. — 5. Who's .... please? (2) calling (b) talking (6) acting (¢) heating 2 Charlie: Yes, hello i's Charlie here. wanted 10 san ROW you are (a) discover (b) detect (c) uncover (¢) know 3 Woman: Me? Oh, Im doing... thank you and you? (a) good (b) fine (c) healthy (oft Q4 Charlie: Well, to be ..... I've had a few problems recently (a) open (b) overt (c) honest (@) correct Q5 Woman: Sorry to hear that. What ...... of problems? (a) species (b) king (c) example (4) group Q6 Charlie: Well, it all started when my wife ..... out on me. (a) strolled (b) rushed (c) paced (2) walked Q7 Woman: Sorry to hear that. That must have been a (a) hit (b) strike (c) blow (a) knock. . to itnow. 8 Charlie: Of course that was some time ago and I've got, (a)used (b) bound (c) hela (@) tied 9 Woman: By the way | don't know anybody ..... Charlie. (a) entitled (b) called (c) headed (4) nominated Q10 Charlie: Sorry about that | must have ...... the wrong number. Have a nice day. (a) selected (b) directed (©) dialled (@) done 95 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Anawers. Index Chit Chat: In the theatre ar az a3 a4 or a6 a7 ae ag aro 96 Alice: | think the play is just on the ...... of starting. (a) tip (b) peak (c) top (4) point Mary: Ido hope $0. I'm Very wu of the main actor. (2) ike (b) fond (c) amiable (4) close Alice: Me too. Just listen to the ...... of his voice now. (a) noise (b) speech (c) sound (4) roar Mary: The trouble is | always is name. (a) forget (b) forbid (c) forego (@) forefend Alice: | think his first name is Michael but | can't remember the (a) brand name (b) proper name (c) pet name (4) surname Mary: Ive got it... its Dobson. Yes, that’s it — Michael Dobson. (a) Certainly (b) Surely (c) Naturally (4) Obviously Alice: Yes, you're ... right. I've seen him on tv loads of times. (2) fully (b) alive (c)dead (4) clear Mary: Yes, Michael Dobson he was in that new ...... as the detective. (a) killer (b) filler (c) thriller (@) tiller Alice: He was really good in that. Oh look, he's suddenly stopped and started (a) glaring (b) glazing (c) glancing (4) glossing Michael Dobson: I'm very .. with the play? . ladies you know who | am. Now can you stop talking so that we can get on. (2) certain (b) glad (c) clear (a) clever PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Chit Chat: In the supermarket 1854 Anawers. Index Q1 Employee: Are you ...... problems, madam? (a) feeling (b) trying (c) having (4) knowing Q2 Old lady: Yes. | wonder if you could ..... help me, young man. (a) probably (b) likely (©) possibly (a) easily Q3 Employee: Of course. In what .....? (a) direction (b) path (©) road (a) way Q4 Old lady: The facts | just cant ...... that cereal packet on the top shelf (a) touch (b) reach (c) acquire (@) access Q5 Employee: No problem. ...... you are. (a) There (b) Then (c) How (4) What Q6 Old lady: There is just one other ...... you can help me with if you have a moment. (a) article (oy (6) thing (@) heading 7 Employee: Just tell me and Il... f ean help. (2) 00k (0) see (6) lance (@) waten 28 Old lady: All! want to know is. day today i (a) what (&) when (e)where (@) who Q9 Employee: I's Thursday of course. What do you want to know (e)t0 (byat (up (6) fr Q10 Old lady: Well you see this supermarket is so big I can't find the way ..... I've been here since Tuesday! (a)on (b) off (c)out (@) through 97 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Anawers. Index Chit Chat: In the train ar az a3 a4 as a6 a7 ae ag aro 98 Mrs Ashton: Excuse me but do you know ...... this train is going to London? (a) since (b) it (c)how (d) whenever Mr Corp: Oh yes, madam. She's ..... going to London. (a) precisely (b) exactly (©) definitely (6) always. Mrs Ashton: Well, that's good .. (2) information (b) knowledge (c) knowing (a) news Mr Corp: What ww. you say that, madam? (a) forces (b) makes (c) does (@) requires Mrs Ashton: Well, last time | by train, I got on the wrong one. (a) travelled (b) caught (©) tipped (a) ended Mr Corp: What ww... to you then? (a) occurred (b) transpired (c) happened (@) developed Mrs Ashton: It was terrible because | ended... miles away from where | wanted to go. (a) over (b) up (c) through (a) in Mr Corp: Well, you'll have no such ...... today, madam. (a) puzzle (b) situation (c) condition (2) problem Mrs Ashton: Look are you ..... the train's going to London. It's taking a long time to leave. (a) sure (b) clear (c) evident (4) obvious Mr Corp: Don't you wn... madam. Itis going to London but not for another 4 hours! (a) concer (b) think (c) worry (@) consider PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 56 Anawers. Index Other, another, others, the others Q1 There are ten pieces of fruit in my basket. One is an orange, one is a lemon and ..... san apple. (a) others (b) the other (c) another (4) the others Q2 Ihave two pencils. One is black, and... is blue. (a) another (b) the others (c) others (@) the other Q3 There are four girls in my apartment. Two are called Casey and Amber. ...... are Joanne and Lindsey. (a) Others (b) The others (c) Another (4) The other Q4 There are several holidays in Brazil. One is Independence Day and ...... are Children's Day and Teacher's Day, (a) some others (b) another (c) the others (@) the other Q5 My friend has two cars. One is black and (a) another (b) the other (c) the others (4) others cone is French, Q6 My mom speaks three languages. One is English and .. (a) others (b) the other (c) another (4) the others Q7 There are eight pets in my house. Six are cats and ..... are dogs. (a) others (b) another (c) the other (4) the others Q8 There are 50 states in the United States. One is North Carolina and ...... are Virginia and Kentucky. (a) another (b) the others (c) some others (@) the other 9° Myneighbor has four kids. One of them is a boy and ...... are git. (a) the others (b) other (c) another (4) the other Q10. There are three books in my backpack. One is a maths book and . Is a chemistry book. (a) others (b) another (c) the other (4) the others 99 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Adjective Prepositions Constructions Anawers. Index Q1 Venice is famous (a) about (c) with (for 02 Mysonis afraid (a) from (or (aby 03. Maria is married (a) with ()te (@) into Q4 The second hotel was different (a)t0 (0) for (c) with (@) from Q5 Lucas is very good ..... drawing, (a)at (b)on (c)to (@) with 26 Imtired...., waiting for the bus. Let's take a tax! (a)t0 (oon (or (@) from 07 George was worried ... his father's health (a) since () about (c)on @a Q8 | didn't know you were interested ..... science. (a)in (0) for (c)on (@)to 09 Whyare you angry wn. him? (a)or (0) from (c)on (@) with 010 We were very pleased (a) with (oon (at (@) from 100 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Anything, nothing, something, everything Anawers. Index 1 don't have sun. t0 do today. (a) nothing () anything (6) everything (¢) any 2 Are there nue dogsin the house? (a) something (b) nothing (c) any (¢) anybody 23 TknoW wu. aboutit! (a) anything (b) nothing (c) someone (¢) any 4 There Is un [need to do tomorrow afternoon. (a) any (b) anything (eyyet (¢) something Q5 My friend doesn't know ..... about her birthday party! (a) something (b) nothing (c) anything (6) anyone Q6 Did you bring ...... you need for the trip? (a)no (b) any (c) nothing (@) everything Q7 Ifthere is ..... you need you can call me, okay? (a) anything (b) any (c) nothing (4) everything Q8 I think there is ..... wrong with my VCR. It is not working very well. (a) anything (b) nothing (c) something (@) everything Q9 My friend's decisions have ...... to do with me. (a) nothing (b) anything (c) someone (@) any Q10 My mom asked me how | was, and I said ..... was fine. (a) anything (b) something (c)any (@) everything 101 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le American homophones ar az a3 a4 or a6 a7 ae ag aro 102 I would eat... 24/7 if could get away with it (a) desert (b) dessert (c) deserts My friend said she doesnt... any foreign languages. (a)no (b) knew (c) know We took the kids swimming all morning. Now ..... completely exhausted. (a) they'e (0) tere (o) thei My friend's dog always chases... tal (2) thei (0) tees (oyits Everytime I go.on a trp, leave my dog in a (2) channel (0) cannel (6) canal The sn of my school was overwhelmingly tc (2) principal (b) principle (©) principality ‘The chocolate chip cookies are on (ar (b) isle five, (c)aisle There are millions of . people in third-world countries. (2) purr (0) poor (6) pour Christina loves to (@)s0 (0) sout (c)sew Hey Tom, how's the wu. in Tulsa today? (a) wither (0) whether (6) feather PHOTOCOPIABLE Anawers. Index (@) assert (@) now (4) them (@)its (4) kennel (2) prince (4) island (@) pore (a) sow (@) weather English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Pronouns: who, whose, whom, which ar az a3 a4 or a6 a7 ae ag Q10. That young man, to 103 This is the teacher... told me my son has been misbehaving in class. (a) which (0) whose (e)whom (@) who My husband, .. ove, sent me flowers at work lastnight (a)who (0) whom (e) which (@) whose This isthe git... car hit that tree last week. (a) who (b) which (c) whose (a) whom, ‘Those were the boxes ...... Were sent to you last month but never made it here. (a) whieh (b) who (c) whose (a) whom, Is going to take the dog for a walk? (a) Which (b) Whose (c)Who (4) Whom . shall | fear but the ones who hurt me? (a) Whose (b) Whom, (c)Who (4) Which asked you ...... of these shoes you think would go with my outfit, (a) whose (b) who () whom (4) which . house is this, anyway? Are we allowed to stay here? (a) Who's (b) Whom, (c) Whose (4) Which have friends ...... Jove me so much that they threw a surprise birthday party for me last night. (a) who (b) whom, (c) whieh (4) whose |. we owe many thanks, saved our mom's life after the car accident, (a) whieh (b) whom, (c) who (@) whose PHOTOCOPIABLE Anawers. Index English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Some, any, few, little Anawers. Index Q1 Wow! Look at that! How ...... Books do you have on your shelves? | have to tell you it's a great collection! (a) much (b) many (c)any (a) some Q2 Would you lke ... juice? (a) many (b) an (c) some (a) much Q3 How ..... money do you have? (a) much (b) more. (c) many (4) often Q4 only have (a) some (b) any (c)alitle (a) afew Q5 | want to make orange juice. Have you go! (2) much (oan () ow 6 No, don't But Ihave .... apples, if you'd Ike to make apple juice instead (a)alitie (0) some (e) any (ow 7 There ate... people tying to go tothe U2 concert this weekend (@)many (0) much (o)aiitie (@) any 28 How many gallons of water di you bring for the trip? — Ijust have .... gallons. (a) much (0) any (e)alitie (@atew Q9 Jessica spent alot of money on her car. Now she only has ...... money left to pay for her living expenses. (a) many (b) afew (c)alite (4) much Q10 How me do you have left before you have to go to school? (a) some (b) much (c) many (@) any 104 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 62 ‘Answers Index Prepositions Test Q1 Iwas jogging in the park this morning and saw this dog coming ...... me. Itlooked like he was going to attack me, but he was just trying to reach his owner, who was running right behind me. (a) onto (b) beyond (c) towards (@) below Q2 Barbara, your boyfriend is waiting for you ... in the car. (a) around (b) outside (c) above (@) against Q3 |heard the sound of glass breaking in the living room and ran to see what had happened. A pigeon had flown the window and broken it. (2) for (b) from (c)by (a) against Q4 Suzanne, who lives ...... that coffee shop, came over to visit you this morning. (a)on (o)by (ovat (sin Q5 | don't know how many times | have told my daughter to look both ways before running... the street (a) across (0) along (c) beside (6) around 26 Myhouse is... the grocery store and the gas station. (a) under (oyott (c) among (¢) between Q7 The temperature in Washington D.C. today is eight degrees... zero. (a) before (0) below (c)under (¢) beneath Q8 The catis sitting... the wall (a)on (b)over (c) about (¢) underneath Q9 As soon as Bob heard his boss coming, he jumped (a) inside (b) under (c) for (a) down, his chair and prentended he was working, Q10_ Frederick lives ..... the hil, where all the mansions are. (a) above (b) unto (©) onto (@) up 105 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Past Participle Sentences Anawers. Index Q1 Had | been able to go to school as a child, | would have (a) eared (b) learn (c) learning (4) had learn Q2 | would have ..... all night if| could, but we all had to leave early because Carmen didn't feel good. (a) sing (b) sung (e) sang (@) singed Q3 Adrian should have never ..... home. If he hadn't, he'd be in a better situation right now. (a) leave (b) leaved (oy left (4) leaving Q4 Perhaps she would have been (a) bit (b) bite (c)bitted (@) bitten . by that dog if its owner hadn't been faster and caught him right on time, Q5 fit weren't for that medicine you gave me, | would have (a) gotten (b) gone (4) gutted 26 Last night, |... I was calling the police, and today I really did it (a) dream (b) dreaming (c) dreamed (a) have dreamed 07 tm glad to know that you have .... me for what | did (a) forgive (b) forgives (6) forgiven (€) forgave 08 After looking for him all day, Jeremy finally found his dog... in a cave (a) hie (b) hide () hidden (a)it 09° would have ..... pictures of my trip, if had had a camera (a) took (b) take (6) taken (a) had took 010. When he finaly arived, his date had already (a) going (0) 90 (6) went (@) gone 106 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 64 ‘Answers Index ESL Prepositions Q1 The board meeting was called (2) for (b) off (c)to (4) out .. due to the sudden demise of the chief executive officer. 02 My father put... $1,000 as a deposit to help my sister purchase a new car (a)in (b) over (c) down, (@)on Q3 [have some material from which I could knock (a) off (b) down (c)on (@) up article if you want me to. Q4 The finance director has come in investments. alot of criticism over his unsuccessful handling of the company's (2) from (b) for (e)to (@)on Q5 The factory churns ...... thousands of pairs of low cost shoes every day. (a) out (b) off (ein (4) into Q6 Low consumer demand has forced the retailer to mark ‘a wide range of goods by as much as 40% (a) up (0) down (6) back @in 07 Mr and Mrs. Jarrett must be making a fortune. They're clearly raking ..... over $1,000,000 a year. (a)up (b) in (c)on (4) out Q8 The clothing manufacturer recently branched (a) out (b) in (c)off (@) up into sportswear. Q9 Distributors will probably bump (a)up (b) on (c)off (4) out the price of the software when the next version is released, Q10. The director was drummed of office when it was discovered that she had been involved in insider trading. (a) up (b) in (c)on (@) out 107 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Common English Errors (1) Anawers. Index Q1 There are many ...... of jobs in Oregon right now. (a) ways (b) brands (c) kinds (4) forms, Q2 She ran over to the commotion to what was happening (a) know about (b) find more (©) find (4) find out Q3 After some time, Vince ...... to know the university campus very well (2) got (b) understood (6) found (@)leamed Q4 Don't forget about your daughter's soccer game — she'll never .... you if you miss it! (a) absolve (b) exonerate (c) excuse (@) forgive Q5 When | drove into Seattle yesterday afternoon, the ...... was still cloudy and wet. (a) weather (b) climate (c) climate condition (4) environment Q6 I'm worried about her because she ...... more pills than usual. (a) eats (b) munches (c)is taking (@) is eating Q7 I'm so busy —I hope you'l my messy office space. (a) admit (b) absolve (c) excuse (4) acquit Q8 He was married fifty years (a) before now (b) ago (c) long before (2) long ago Q9 | 1... at six o'clock in the moming every day. (a) awaken up (b) wake up (c)get up from my bed (4) leave my bed Q10. We decided to ...... bed this morning because last night wore us out. (a) be in our (b) stay in our (c) stay in (@) stay on our 108 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Common English Errors (2) Anawers. Index Q1 That book isn't in right now, but we can ...... one for you. (a) book (b) order (c) instruct (4) command az ‘some great books from the library this past weekend. (a) lent (b) had a loan of (c) borrowed (@) loaned Q3 We always....... at the hotel by the marina when we go to San Francisco. (2) stay (0) Ive (6) inhabit (@) reside 4 avert fom anyone lately (2) seen (0) listened (c) informed (@) heard 5 After the attack, the woman wn. Quickly (2) calmed down (0) calmed down her anger (0) calmed her anger (6) calmed her feelings 26 nme as soon as possible. It's urgent (2) Phone cal (0) cal (6) Cal up (4) Telephone call 7 People... this place the "Forbidden Forest” (a) call (b) entitle (c)name (4) describe Q8 Ive been so busy with new clients that | hired new staff just to (a) upkeep (b) keep up (c) keep (@) persist Q9 You're an asset to our team. (a) Stay it up! (b) Remain doing it! (c) Keep it up! (4) Continue it up! Q10 It's difficult to understand what she in her job — it seems very boring. (2) distinguishes in {(b) looks in (c) observes in (@) sees in 109 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 67 Common English Errors (3) ar people like this area a lot. (a) Elder (b) Older (c) The old Q2 My... brother is really nice to me (a) eldest (b) more old (c) maturest Q3 After visiting several galaxies, the aliens found themselves captivated by life on (a) world (b) the world (c) the earth Q4 It's one of the nicest countries (a) on the earth (b) in the world (c)on the globe Q5 | know it sounds unreasonable, butt... that she will never come back. (a)s possible (b) could be possible (c) could be possibly Q6 As soon as I picked up the rare object, it (a) was not together (b) came to be apart (c) came apart Q7 You should .. afer you've finished your lessons. (a)come tomy home _(b) come over (c) come into my home Q8 Our friends, whom we haven't seen in a long time, .... last night. (a) appeared in our home (b) came in our home (c) came into our home (@) came by Q9 | keep my favorite ring .... a large heavy metal safe at home. (a)in (b) between (c) about Q10_ The world needs to depend on other energy sources (a) beside (b) likewise (c) besides 110 PHOTOCOPIABLE Anawers. Index (4) More elder (@) most older (@) earth (4) on the world (4) is possibly (a) was separated (4) get to my home (4) around . oll and other non-renewable resources. (@) also beside © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Anawers. Index Common English Errors (4) ar az a3 a4 or a6 a7 ae ag a0 |. 111 Her mother when she was just a litle gir. (a) is dead (b) dead (c) died (a) was dead lf my back starts ....., | can't go anywhere with you next week. (a) acting out (b) performing (©) acting up (@) becoming bad ‘She was hoping the terrible argument would... before the wedding. (a) blow away (b) blow over (©) carry away (4) blow down Alter the car accident, Bob had to ...... his endurance in rehabilitation classes, (a) make (b) build more (©) build forward (4) build up . chest. My uncle has a long beard anda (a) furred chest (b) furry (c) many hair (4) hairy Because of his age, everyone thinks he should find a suitable mate and settle (a)on (b) along (c) down, (@) up ‘The movie was very shocking because itis ..... a true story that took place in our state. (a) based through (b) based on (€) found through (4) coming from His speech was articulate, and | asked him to su. his ideas. (a) make bigger (b) spread out (c) expand on (4) expand about ‘Our nanny has always been vu. 0 US. (a) very kindly (b) kindly (c) being kindly (4) kind with the book quickly (a) fed up (b) bored (c) got bored (@) became bored up PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Common Quantity Nouns Anawers. Index Q1 The boys gathered a bundle of (a) sticks (b) people (c) beads (@) houses Q2 Over by the railroad tracks, there was a heap of, (a) houses (b) flowers (c) stairs (@) stones Q3 Inthe distance, the onlookers could see a fleet of . (a) players (b) insects (c) stairs (4) ships. Q4 As she looked up, she saw a flight of (a) planes (b) insects (c) clouds (4) stairs Q5 The flock of . stayed together. (a) sheep (b) blankets (c) ships (a) cows Q6 A swarm of ...... gathered around the swamp. (a) sheep (b) birds (c) insects, (@) cows Q7 Acrowd of... lined up to see what was happening. (a) cows (b) sheep (c) people (4) birds ear the beach. Q8 There was a long row of (a) cows (b) insects (c) stairs (@) houses Q9° The herd of... kept eating as the wind blew past them. (a) people (b) birds (c) cows (4) crows Q10 In the show, we saw many different schools of (a) birds (b) cattle (c) fish (@) beads 112 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Using Make and Do (1) Q1 The manager was surprised at how many things Ron could ...... at once. (a) make (b) do (c) made OT Q2 She . him a solemn promise that she would never steal again. (a) make (b) do (c) made (@) did Q3 His teacher begged him to ..... more of an effort in class. (a) make (b) do (c) made OT Q4 We had so much fun in Chicago — we ..... itn three days, (a) make (b) do (c) made (@) did Q5 The business a lot of money this year. (a) make (b) do (c) made OT Q6 The university research team stumbled upon something; it... a really big discovery. (a) make (b) did (c) made (a) do Q7 His mother forced him to ..... his homework every night after supper. (a) make (b) do (c) made OT Q8 No matter how hard she pushed him, she couldn’ .. her son do the job propery. (a) make (b) do (c) made (@) did Q9 The teacher suggested they ...... another exercise to understand the problem better. (a) make (b) do (c) made OT Q10 We only have one more pot of stew — will it (a) make (b) do (c) made (@) did 113 PHOTOCOPIABLE Anawers. Index English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Using Prepositions Anawers. Index Q1 Ralph was late ...... work again. He may be fired. (a)on (b) at (c) for (a) of Q2 Naomi is keen working in Africa this coming year. (ayo (yin (c)on @a Q3 He's been suffering ..... migraine headaches again (aon (0) fom (@) about 4 Allof Chris's teachers agree that he is very good (a) with (0) for (@)0n 5 To.eta job as a secretary, you must be good .... ling and answering phones. (2) for (oat (eywith (@) about 6 Because of his new shif, he has to wake UP ... 3 a.m. every day. (ain (oat (e)on (@) rom 7 Such bad behavior is typical... the spoiled child (2) for (0) with (6) about (ot 8 Mary's so pleased... her students’ grades this past year. (2) for (o) with (on (@) along 29 He was very angry ... his mother because she grounded him yesterday. (a) with Or (6) about (@)0n 10 Karen is very jealous .... Kim and i's very obvious to others (aor (0) about (oat (@) wits 114 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Using Make and Do (2) Anawers. Index Q1 Even though the situation was not ideal, they decided to ...... a go of things. (a) make (b) do (c) made OT Q2 She finally begged him to... a move in their very long and tiresome chess game, (a) make (b) do (c) made (@) did Q3 He was very proud of his car yesterday, because during the race it (a) make (b) do (c) made OT Q4 She suddenly realized that she only had a few days left on her vacation, so she decided to . the most of it (a) make (b) do (c) made (@) did Q5 I'm not quite ready yet — I have to... my hair. (a) make (b) do (c) made OT Q6 His mother was late because she ...... the beds before she left the house. (a) make (b) do (c) made (@) did Q7 Noone knows why he ..... those terrible things in the past. (a) make (b) do (c) made OT Q8 He was confused and couldn't... up his mind about what to do next. (a) make (b) do (c) made (@) did 9 The teacher had to ..... up a new syllabus because her old one was outdated. (a) make (b) do (c) made OT Q10. They ..... up quickly after their silly argument, (a) make (b) do (c) made (@) did 115 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Why Questions Anawers. Index 1 sun. counties have a coastline on the Mediterranean Sea? (a) What () Which (c) Where () Who 2 anu is measured by the Richter Scale? (a) What () Which (c) Where () Who 3 suse. does the word “alphabet” come from? (a) What () Which (c) Where (6) When 4 ne was the frst man in space? (a) When (b) Where (c) Which () Who Q5 sue does NATO stand for? (a) What () Which (c) Where () Who 6 IM anne year did Prince Charles marry? (a) what () which (c)where (6) whom 7... did Wiliam Jefferson Clinton become President ofthe United States? (a) When (&) What (c) Where () Who 8 .snue Caribbean island does Sir Vivian Richards come from? (a) Which (&) What (c) Where () Who 29 .n.u. was the youngest person to be elected President ofthe United States? (a) Which (&) What (c) Where () Who 10 snnue year dd the frst commercial aviation fight take place? (a) When (b) What (c) Where (4) Which 116 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le While, during and for Anawers. Index Qt Myuncle died ..... the war. (a) while (b) during (c) for Q2__ The phone rang ....«.| was eating brunch. (a) while (b) during {e) for Q3 | lived in Denpasar ...... several years. (a) while (b) during (c) for 24 sue was in Geneva, | made lots of friends, (a) While (b) During (c) For four hours because of the traffic. Q5 Last week | was held up (a) while (b) during (c) for Q6 Asalesman knocked on our door ...... we were watching a movie. (a) while (b) during {e) for Q7 |hurt my leg ..... the third quarter of the basketball game. (2) while (©) during (6) for Q8 A game of rugby usually lasts ..... eighty minutes, (a) while (b) during {e) for Q9 _..... my stay in hospital, the nurses looked after me very well (a) While (©) During (¢) For Q10_ | was traveling through Mumbai... six weeks last summer. (a) while (b) during {e) for 417 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le auxiliary verbs: was, did, have Q1 The fight... delayed because of bad weather (a)was (0) were (yaa (had 2. you do much sightseeing when you were on vacation in Madrid? (2) Was (0) Were (cia (a) Haa 3. They... leaving for the airport when I last saw them, (e)was (0) were (yaa (had as forgotten to set my alarm clock, so Iwas late for my tan, (a)was (0) were (odie (had 5. itraining when you left your office this aftemoon? (a) Was (b) Were (c) Did (a) Had Q6 The employees...... informed last night that their company was going into receivership. (a) was (b) were (e) did (a) had Q7 The police located the art work which ...... been stolen from the gallery. (a) was (b) were (c) did (a) had Q8 The fire caused by an electrical problem (a) was (b) were (e) did (a) had Q9 She was surprised that he knew her name. She ...... never met him before. (a) was (b) were (c) did (a) had Q10_ How many times ...... your travel documents checked before you boarded the airplane? (a) was (b) were (e) did (a) had 118 PHOTOCOPIABLE Anawers. Index English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Words with time: for, ago, since, on, at Anawers. Index Q1 I graduated from college (@)since (in (oat 2 ike 0 G0 t0.Bed nn midnight on Saturdays (a)since (eon (e) during (oat 23. He migrate to Istanbul ve years. (@)since (e)ag0 (0)for (oat Q4 The attist had been painting ..... two decades when he sold his first painting, (2) during (0) for (6) since (@)0n 5 Shakespeare was bom... 23 Apil 1564, (@) since (0)on (ovin (at 6 In Europe, autumn begins... September. (a)in (b) on (cyat (@) since Q7 We always eat a roast dinner Christmas Day. (a)in (b) on (cyat (4) since Q8 His pet anaconda died five months 1nd he still misses it (2) for (b) since (c)ago (@)on Q9 I've been studying Italian ...... | was five years old. (2) for (b) since (c)ago (a) on Q10. The chairman of the board has been working in the finance industry ..... 1984. (a)in (b) on (e) since (ayat 119 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Common English phrases with prepositions Anawers. Index Q1 [had an accident yesterday afternoon. Fortunately | didn't do too much damage (a) with (in (6) about 2 Simon isnt at schoo! this week. He's... vacation. (ain (0) between (e)on (@)t0 3 We'e out... coffee. Could you please go the supermarket and pick up some more? (2) for (b) in (o)of (a) to Q4 This morning | received a cheque in the mail one thousand dollars. (a) about (b) for (e)on (@) with, Q5 You're really annoying me. You're doing it...... purpose, aren't you? (a) about (b) of (c)on (a) in Q6 Can you tell the difference ...... butter and margarine? (a)in (b) with (c) between (@) about Q7 There have been many complaints ...... your behavior. (a) with (b) of (c) about (4) for Q8 The trouble ‘my mother-in-law is that she doesn't listen to anybody. (a) with (b) about (€) for (@) between Q9 I'm tired of cooking every night. Let’s eat out (a)on (b) for (a) in Q10 Have you got any photos .... your girlfriend? (a) about (b) between (hot (@) which 120 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Articles in English Grammar Anawers. Index Q1|want to buy (aya (b) an (e) the . laptop computer next week. Q2 Can you please go to (aya (b) an {e) the grocery store on Fifth Street and buy 2 cartons of milk? Q3 Please meet me at the train station in (aya (b) an (e) the . hour from now. Q4 ike to watch tennis on television. It is. (aya (b) an {e) the very good game. Q5 My brother won an award for being (aya (b) an (e) the . best speller in our school. Q6 Hello, my name is Bob! | haven't anything to do tonight, so if you're not busy, would you like to watch .. movie or something with me? (aya (b) an {e) the Q7 | couldn't believe my eyes when | saw ...... elephant crossing the road in front of my school yesterday. (aya (b) an (e) the Q8 How much will it cost to go On sn holiday to Ball? (aya (b) an {e) the 29 Can you please help me pick out (aa (oan (o)the . birthday present for my father? Q10 ...n- President of the United States will be visiting Australia next week. (aya (b) An (c) The 121 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Anawers. Index a, some or any ar (b) some (c)any az (b) an (e)any Q3 There's ...... newspaper on the table. (aya (b) some (c)any Q4 I've got .... Salad sandwiches for my lunch today. (aya (b) some (e)any Q5 |haven't got ..... tea. Can you go to the comer store and buy some more? (aya (b) some (c)any Q6 How about ..... cup of coffee? (aya (b) some (e)any Q7 There are... grapes in the fridge. (aa (0) some (c)any 28 Is there .... orange juice left in the fidge? (aja (othe (any 29° I need ...«. money to go shopping (aya (b) any (c) some aro rolls if you want to make hotdogs for your lunch. (aya (b) some (e)any 122 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar | Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Interrogative pronouns Anawers. Index 1 sis the gitlin the blue dress? (2) Who (0) Whom (c) What (6) Which 22 ais the name ofthe team in red? (2) What (0) Whien (e) Who () Whom 23. tikes to play pinball at the arcade? (2) Who (0) Whom (c) What (6) Which 4 FoF nu did Shella make these cookies? (a)who (0) whom (e) which (@) what 5... ofthe names did you choose for the puppy? (2) What (0) Whien (6) Who () Whom 26 nn. completed the assignment? (2) Whose (0) Who (6) Whom (@) Which 7 nthe highest ranking offical inthe United States? (2) Who's (0) Whom (6) Who (6) What 28 To ns did Mark lend his video game? (a)who (0) who's (e)whom (@) what 29... ofthe cars is parked in the driveway? (@) Which (0) Who's (c) What () Whom 10 To nw should the check be made payable? (a) who (b) who's () whom (@) which 123 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar | Incomplete Sentences Elementary le Possessive pronouns Anawers. Index Qt Malet. (a) her (b) yours (o)his notebook on the bus. Q2 The colorful picture of the flowers is (2) their (b) your (c) mine Q3 The proud parents brought home i (a) his (c) their 4 William strummed ... guitar and invited everyone to sing (a) his (bits (cher 5 The computer quickly stores information on ..... huge memory. (@) yours (b) theirs (ots 6 These warm chocolate chip cookies melt in w.n.. mouth (a) ts (b) your (c) yours 7 18 sum Seat belt always fastened? (a) your (b) mine (ots 28 The futly brown puppy is. (a) ts (b) my (c) theirs 29 su. hand shot up when the teacher asked for volunteers. (a) Their (b) Her (c) Mine 10 I didn't get a cheeseburger, so I tasted . (a) mine (bits (o)hers 124 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 82 Anawers. Index Phrasal verbs ar az a3 a4 as a6 a7 ae ag aro 125 I'm sorry, James isn't... at the moment. Can | take a message? (a)in (>) away (c)up (6) off We've run .... Sugar. Could you please buy some more? (a) down on (b) away from (c)on with, (@) out of | don't know how you ..... with such noisy brothers. It would drive me crazy. (a) put up (b) put away (c) clear up. (@) bring up You've borrowed such a great deal of money from me lately. I need to ...... exactly how much you owe me. (a) make up (b) put out (c) work out (@) clear up Can you wn. the time of the next train to Munich? (a) sort out (b) put out (6) find out (4) try out ‘That maths exam was incredibly difficult. It took me ages to ...... Some of the answers. (a) sort out (b) put out (©) work out (4) find out | don't mind helping you bake a cake, but just make sure you ..... everything when you've finished (a) put out (b) put away (c) sort out (@) bring up I'm broke, I have to «.u. an idea for making money. (a) get on with (b) put up with (c)run out of (@) come up with ‘Our teacher told us to ..... our work quietly (a) get on with (b) put up with (c)run out of (4) come up with ‘The government wants to ..... @ new scheme to encourage people to start their own businesses. (a) hand out (b) try out (6) find out (a) run out PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 83 ‘Answers Index ‘Agatha Christie test questions ar az a3 a4 or a6 a7 ae ag aro 126 Agatha Christie lived with .. (a) her (bits (o) their family in England, Agatha Christi... have a happy marriage. (a) wasnt (b) didn't (e) hadn't her husband in 1930. Agatha Christe (a) divorces (b) annulled (e) cancelled Agatha Christie was a very successful writer of detective (a) yarns (b) fairy tales {(c) stories ‘She wn for eleven days in December 1926. (a) evaporated (b) disappeared (c) departed ‘The police found her flat ...... and there was no sign of Agatha Christie. (a) empty (b) emptiness (c) empty space 300 milion books. Agatha Christie wrote more than 80 mysteries and sold (a) more (b) extra (c) over People all over the world have ...... Agatha Christie's stories. (a) grasped (b) realized (c) read Agatha Christie didn't tel why she disappeared in December 1926. (a) someone (b) anyone (c)no one Agatha Christie wrote her first detective story in 1920 and became very (a) success (b) successor (c) successful PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 84 ‘Answers Index Conjunetions: and, but, or, 80 Q1 We will visit Australia ..... New Zealand during our next vacation (a) and (b) but (c)so Q2 My teeth were hurting ...... I made an appointment to go the dentist. (a) or (b) so (c) but Q3 Have you seen... heard the latest musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber? (a) but (b) so (c)or Q4 | wanted to go to the rock concert ..... all the tickets were already sold out, (a)so (b) but (e)and Q5 | wanted to eat sushi for dinner ...... | went to a Japanese restaurant. (a) but (b) so (c)or Q6 | wanted to eat fish for lunch ..... the fish and chip shop had closed for the day. (a) or (b) but (c)so Q7 Lam going to do my homework ...... take a shower when | get home from school. (a) and (b) but (c)so Q8 My father wanted to watch a soccer match on television program. my mother was already watching another (a) but (b) so (o)or 9 My brother wanted to buy a novel...... he went to the book store after he finished work. (a)so (b) or (c) but Q10_ | wanted to visit my grandmother last week ...... she had an accident and had to be taken to hospital. (a) but (b) or (c)so 127 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 85 Anawers. Index Compound words with tooth’ Q1lusually take a ...... to work so I can clean my teeth thoroughly after I have eaten my lunch. (2) toothbrush () toothpick {(c) toothpaste Q2 My wife hates itif | leave the lid off the ...... after | have finished brushing my teeth, (a) toothbrush (b) toothpaste {(c) toothache Q3 tis very dangerous for small children to play with (a) toothbrushes (b) toothpicks (c) toothaches Q4 My father told me that | will get a ...... if eat too much chocolate, (a) toothpaste (b) toothache {¢) toothpick Q5 Mum, can you please buy me a new ...... when you go to the supermarket this afternoon? (a) toothpaste (b) toothache {c) toothbrush Q6 Tomorrow | must go to the pharmacy and buy some more (a) toothpaste () toothpick {e) toothbrush Q7 My daughter woke up screaming in the middle of the night because she had a terrible (2) toothpick (b) toothbrush (c) toothache Q8 Nora asked the waiter to bring her a ...... after she had finished eating her dessert. (a) toothbrush (b) toothpick {(c) toothache Q9 | can't seem to find the new tube of ..... that | bought at the supermarket yesterday. (2) toothbrush () toothpick {(c) toothpaste Q10 My old... is looking very shaggy. | think it about time to buy a new one. (2) toothpick (b) toothpaste {e) toothbrush 128 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 86 ‘Answers Index Beginner Grammar Questions Test (1) Q1 I wonder how many children ...... going on the school field trip this month. (a) are (oyhas (os 22 Every moming, | go 10 Work nu 6. (2) for (oyby (in 3 Do you like sushi? No, (2) don'tike (b) don't (c) are not 4 Has anyone seen Laura? .... to work today? (2) Is she coming (0) Does she come (c) She come Q5 [hope you're having a good time... (a) Do you (b) will you (c) Would you like some more tea? Q6 Let's hang out later tonight. ..... want to come over after work? (a) You will (b) Do you (c) Does you Q7 Iwas out when you called. | went to the store ..... buy some milk. (2) for (b) to (c) order to Q8 _|haven't talked to Nicole recently. When (a) does (b) was (e) did . you talk to her last? a9 We. (a)had (b) have (c)has ‘a wonderful time. Thanks for inviting us over for dinner. Q10_ The forecast isn't good for tomorrow. It's ...... to rain, so don't forget to bring your umbrella (a) having (©) going (c) seems 129 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 87 Irregular Verbs (1) Qt Have you ..... your ticket for the concert on Friday yet? (a) getting (b) get Q2 [have ...... numerous plants in my garden this year. (a) grow (b) grown, Q3 Laurie and Tom ...... for the coast on Monday morning (a) leaves (b) leaving Q4 Can you ...n. the mifror on that wall, please? (a) put (b) putting Q5 The bridesmaids (a) wears (b) wore Q6 Rose .. (a) took (b) take 7 John Steinbeck. (a) write (b) writen 8 Andrea's husband is @ truck drver. He (a) drive (b) drives Q9 After looking at a variety of color palettes, Tammy finally .. (a) choose (b) chose Q10 Luther has to . (a) bought (b) buying 130 PHOTOCOPIABLE her son to his soccer practice. She should be back shortly .. huge semi-trailers for a living Anawers. Index (6) got (c) grows. (olen. (c) puts beautiful lavender-colored dresses at the wedding last Saturday. (c) wear (c) taken a number of memorable novels and stories set in California, (c) wrote (c) driven, the color for her family room walls. (c) chosen four new tires for his car. He wants higher quality tires so they will last longer. (c) buy © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Postcard: Writer ar az a3 a4 or a6 a7 ae ag aro 131 Thank you very much... the kind letter you sent me: (a) of (b) to about the latest book of published last month, (a) me (b) mine Many people have not followed the ...... of the story. (2) plot (©) play Its sn however that you have understood it perfectly. (a) clearing (b) clear Of course sometimes it is easy to (a) spend. (b) mark from the first few ..... of the book, (a) pages (b) sides You say you ...... who committed the murder in chapter 10, (a) knows (b) knew That makes a writer feel very pleased with (a) him (b)he because there are ..... 11 chapters in the book. (a) only (b) really As Ihave your ....., will send you a copy of my next book. (a) identity (©) signature PHOTOCOPIABLE the person who is the murderer, Anawers. Index (c) for (c) my (e)plan (c) clearly (6) spot (c) sheets (c) known (c) himselt (c) hardly (c) address English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Anawers. Index Postcard: Winner 1 1am arn to tell you are very lucky. (a) pleased (b) please (6) pleasing 2 A un i waiting for you (a) price (c) prize 3 Its possible you have (2) gained (c) caught 4 Allyou have to nun is to telephone this number. (a) make (b) take (c)do Q5 The number is 7863452 but you must phone (a) then (b) now (c) there 26 Ifyou weit til tomorrow it wl BE wun. late (2) t00 (b)t0 (6) two 7 You have to un a simple question (a) respond (0) reply (c) answer 8 think you wil have no wu. with the question. (2) problem (b) puzzle (c) experiment 09 Are you nu for the question? (a) sure (b) ready (6) certain 10. tis: Do you believe this postcards .... or just a joke? (a) actual (b) correct (c) real 192 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Postcard: Job Anawers. Index 1 Justto let you know how lam geting .. in my new job. (a)in (b)on (c)over 2 The frst day was very hard because I didnt... anyone. (a) know (b) recognize (c) remember Q3 The first week in ...... was terrible because | was very tired. (2) information (b) fact (c) knowledge Q4 Slowly the work (a) developed (b) turned (c) easier Q5 because | knew what to (a) make (b) do (c) create Q6 Last night we had a party in the .. (a) bureau (b) desk (0) office Q7 The boss came (a) to (b) too (c) two Q8 Someone! tthe party is going to the cinema with me tonight. (a) met (b) found (c) discovered Q9 She is very pretty and ...... at all my jokes. (a) cries (b) screams (c) laughs Q10. But the really important (2) factor (b) thing (c)idea is that she is the boss's daughter. 133, PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary le Postcard: Holiday Anawers. Index Q1 The hotel is a bit small and so we haven't much .. (a)area (b) room (c) place Q2 The ..... from the window is good and we can see the sea. (a) look (b) sight (o) view Q3 It's only a small window really and we can only (a)just (b) about (6) actually 4A. go0d wn i thatthe food is excellent. (2) point (b) theory (c)idea 5 The other... are all very friendly (2) inhabitants (b) quests (c) callers Q6 thas rained all day today and as a result we have all got (a) damp (b) sticky (c) wet Q7 Tomorrow we are going to... a medieval castle, (a) call (b) visit (c) examine . home is better than itis here. 8 Ido hope the weather (a)at (b)in (c)by Q9_|hope you can pick us ..... at the airport when we come home. (a)in (b) through (c)up Q10 Love to you all and ..... forward to seeing you all again. (a) seeing (b) looking (c) moving 194 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 92 Anawers. Index Postcard: France Q1 We nn. the ferry very early in the morning to cross to France. (a) brought (b) caught (c) made Q2 The sea was very ...... and there were not many waves. (a) calm (b) kind (e) polite Q3- We ..... the car from the port and stopped at our first hotel (a) conducted (b) directed (c) drove Q4 Nobody spoke English and so we had to speak French to the room for the night. (a) control (b) book (c) check Q5 Athome we... a big breakfast as you know. (a) eat (b) consume (e) drink Q6 Buthere itis quite ..... a they only have a bread roll and tea or coffee. (a) difficult (©) different {o) distinct Q7 After a few hours we began to ..... very hungry. (a) find (b) sense (c) feet Q8 We decided to stop at a restaurant to have a good (a) meal (b) eat (o) taste Q9 [twas wonderful and we all continued our journey with ..... stomachs! (a) complete (b) solid (c) full Q10. Our next hotel was much better because they gave us ...... breakfast than we really needed, (a) more (b) much (c) most 1935 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 93 ‘Answers Index Postcard: Appointment Q1 |hope you get this postcard (a)in (b) off (c)of time for you to read it. Q2 | say this because we are going to ...... nest weekend (a) see (b) meet (e) find Q3|hope you haven't (a) remembered (b) forgotten (c) reminded on Friday 20th at 7 in the evening. Q4 We arranged to see each .. (a) one (b) time (o) other Q5 Butwe didn't arrange the ..... place for the meeting (a) exact (b) accurate (o) first Q6 | suggest the best place willbe ..... the clock at Victoria station, (a) through (b) under {e) for . clocks at the station, Q7 |know there are a (a) lot (b) number (c) few Q8 The one | am... abouts the very big one near platform 1 (a) considering (b) talking (c) describing Q9 You can't... itbecause it is enormous. (a) miss (b) avoid (op hit Q10_ Just one final word — don't be (a) later (b) latest {c) late 196 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www #1 Anawers. Index English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate Like a red rag Q1 Don't talk to him about politics because its ike a (a) blue (b) white (c)red (4) black . rag to a bull Q2 He takes the optimistic view and talks about a ...... skies scenario. (a) red (b) blue (c) white (2) yellow Q3 She hasn't worked here very long and is therefore a litle (a) red (b) blue (c) white (@) green ‘on matters of procedure. Q4 Now that they have read it in (a) red and blue (b) blue and red (c) white and black (@) black and white they believe me. Q5 The reason why I feel so (a) red (b) blue (c) white (4) black today is because it's my birthday and no-one has sent me any cards. Q6 She lost the company a lot of money last week and as a result has got a .. (a) red (b) blue (c) white (4) black mark against her name. Q7 _Inthis business you cannot afford to make any mistake and must be seen to be lily (a) red (b) blue (c) white (@) green Q8 As they tured round and ran away, people thought they were .. (a) red (b) blue (c) white (2) yellow Q9 Ask her to help you with your calculations because she’s (a) red (b) blue (c) white (4) black .hot at mathematics, Q10_ | know he doesn't like you because the moment you came in the room I saw him give you a (a) red (b) blue (c) white (4) black . look. 137 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level #2 ‘Answers Index Ifyou tend to forget Q1 He tends to forget things very quickly and behaves more and more like the typical ..... professor. (2) clear-minded (b) absent-minded (c) well minded (4) coo-minded Q2 This is a very expensive holiday intended for those with plenty of money as it involves a trip ..... the world (a) through (b) along (c) about (@) around Q3 The car is almost ready to collect from the garage but there are just a couple of spare ...... missing, (a) parts (b) pieces (c) extras (@) accessories Q4 They were ...... of having broken into the stately home and stolen several famous paintings. (a) charged (b) described (c) accused (@) blamed Q5 The one thing my family will always remember about Grace was the many .. us in her long life. of kindness that she showed (a) deeds (b) acts (c) actions (4) feats Q6 Ifyou had bought a house about thiry years ago you would certainly find that it had considerably .. value, (a) increased (b) heightened (c) developed (4) doubled Q7 _Ifyou'te not careful you'l find that because of your generous nature, she'll start taking ..... of you. (a) part (b) advantage (c) consideration (4) prominence Q8 There's a huge ...... in the local paper about the special offers available in the store this weekend. (a) announcement (b) display (c) notice (@) advertisement Q9 Youll notice that as soon as the children come home from school, the dog will jump up and show its great for them. (2) infection (b) affection (©) affectation (4) protection Q10. Sociologists maintain that some of the films on show today have created a generation of very ...... children. (a) frightened (b) afraid (c) fearful (4) frightening 198 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 3 Anawers. Index Easy Questions ar az a3 a4 or a6 a7 ae ag aro 199 ‘There are no problems for me because | find those questions very (a) easy (b) facile (c) soft (4) straight ‘Are you going .... for your holidays this year? (a) outside (b) absent (c) abroad (@) external They wn him for his brave actions. (2) praised (b) worshipped (c) flattered (4) congratulated He is very lucky to have got himself @ wu. job. (a) pear (b) banana (c) lemon (@) plum from the fire unhurt. They. (a) evaded (b) escaped (c) avoided (@) abstained Alter two rings of the bell she suddenly ..... in the doorway. (a) seemed (b) looked (©) appeared (@) viewed ‘She never spoke about herself and was always very ...... about the good things she had done. (a) modest (b) meek (c) humble (4) simple He has lots of money and ..... two houses in the city (a) holds (b) owns (c) occupies (@) possesses ‘One of that child's teeth is very ..... and will soon fall out. (a) lost (b) losing (c) lose (4) loose ‘They worked hard all day without a (a) break (b) suspension (c) pause (@) breach PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 4 Anawers. Index Do, make, get, take Q1 You must decide and ...... up your mind, (a) do (b) get (c) make (4) take Q2 What time do you .... up in the morning? (a) do (b) get (c) make (4) take Q3 tthe moment we are trying to .... for the town centre. (a) do (b) get (c) make (4) take Q4 After they had shouted at each other, they decided to itup. (a) do (b) get (c) make (4) take con well with each other. Q5 They are very good friends and (a) do (b) get (c) make (4) take Q6 The firm has expanded and they want to ...... on extra staff (a) do (b) get (c) make (4) take Q7 She's good at writing stories for children and is always keen to ...... up new plots. (a) do (b) get (c) make (4) take . without certain luxuries, Q8 As we don't have much money at the moment, we've decided to (a) do (b) get (c) make (4) take 9 We mustn't be late this moming because today is when the new boss is going to ...... over. (a) do (b) get (c) make (4) take Q10. Most of the telephone lines were destroyed in the storm last night and so it’s almost impossible to through to anybody today. (a) do (b) get (c) make (4) take 140 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate I The Farmer and his Sons el#5 Anawers. Index Q1 A farmer had two sons both of whom were not very ..... and avoided work if they could. (a) industrial (b) industrious (c) industry (4) industrialist Q2 One day the father knew that he was dying and called his two sons to his bed (a) comer (b) wall (©) table (a) side Q3 He wanted his sons to pay as much ..... to the cultivation of the farm as he had done many years. (a) thought (b) care (c) attention (4) management Q4 He told them that there was a .. treasure in the land and they would have to look for it when he had gone. (a) unseen (b) hidden (c) concealed (a) obscured Q5 He told them that they would find it in one of his 3 vine ...... but he didn't tell them which one it was. (a) yards (b) feet (c) spaces (4) areas Q6 The sons assured their father that they would work hard to ...... out the treasure. (a) find (b) sort (c) seek (a) try Q7 Assoonas their father had died and been ....., the sons took out all their farming tools and started to dig the land. (a) grounded (b) earthed (c) confined (4) buried Q8 They worked really hard and dug every single ...... metre of their father's land. (2) block (b) square (c) cube (@) pure 9 However long they dug and however hard they worked, they ...... to find the smallest bit of treasure. (a) lacked (b) missed (c) avoided (4) failed Q10 Clearly their father had been a wise man because all the work the sons had done on the land ensured that they had the best ..... for years. (a) gathering (b) yielding (c) crop (@) production 141 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 6 Anawers. Index A Holiday Report Qi Yesterday to an archeological site because | want to be an archeologist. {a) go (b) went (c) visited Q2 The problems I have .. (a)on (b) to (e)with the language are to do with spelling. Q3 If want to pass my exams, | ...... study very hard (a)can (b) must (c) will Q4 The ..... thing of all difficulties in a language is vocabulary. (a) worst (b) bad (c) worse Q5 Ihave been .. English for § years. (a) study (b) tying (c) learning 6 When we walked into the school, we saw that the students were working very (a) hardly (b) hard (c)easy Q7 Most people don't want to study Latin because itis @ (a) death (b) old (c) dead language. 8 Ive forgotten the name of my teacher but think itis something lke . (a) brown (b) Smith (c) jones 29° Whats the name of the (a) think (b) thing (c) thinking . you put tea into? Q10 | 1... a lot of presents for my birthday. (a) got (b) became (c) become 142 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 7 Anawers. Index Going on foot ar az a3 a4 or a6 a7 ae ag aro 143 1'm tired of waiting for buses, I'm going there (a) with (b) on (c)to (a) by Who said growing up was (a) fun (b) joke (c) humour (@) laughter Ifyou want to have your central heating checked, you need a ..... plumber. (a) knowing (b) trained. (c) learned (@) careful ‘The moment the lights went out, there were scenes of . (a) madness (0) insanity (6) attack (@) panic Dont be put... by his manner, he is really kind hearted (2) through (o)up (yor (in When a fm is really boring in the cinema, | tend to nod (a) out (0) of (@) through Have you heard the latest? John and Mary are (2) geting (0) becoming (6) growing (@) e0ing ‘As she had made such an impression on her employers, she was soon offered (a) progress (b) preferment (©) promotion (4) position ‘There's a new software program on the market that's supposed to protect your computer from any (a) virus (b) disease (c) complaint (4) illness As they always tell you the value of shares can gow... a8 Well aS UP. (a) across (b) over (c) down, (a) in PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 8 Anawers. Index Say vs. Tell QI dare... you're right. (a) el (0) is (o)tels (say 2 1¥e sn yOU nat to do that many times before (a) ola (0) saying (c) says (@) sais 3. That ..., they walked out ofthe room in total silence. (a) told (b) said (c) telling (a) saying Q4 You shouldn't take any notice of that because it's only hear.. (a) telling (b) says, (o)tells (a) say Q5 That's what people are always (a) say (b) said (c) telling (a) saying Q6 What |...... and what | do are not necessarily the same. (a) said (b) saying (c) say (4) tel Q7 I's no good trying to persuade me because I'm not ..... a word. (a)tells (b) saying (c) telling (4) told Q8 Now that would be . but my lips are sealed (a) told (b) saying (c) telling (@) said Q9 us that story again! (a) Say (b) Tell (o)Tells (a) Says Q10. I'm afraid | can't for sure but I think its safe. (a) said (b) says, (c) say (4) telling 144 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 9 Anawers. Index Close vs. Shut Q1 Inthe interest of safety the main valve on the machine had to be .. (2) shutting (b) closing (c) closed (4) shut Q2 Inthe ...... moments of the symphony someone's mobile phone started ringing. (a) close (b) closing (c) shut (4) shutting Q3 The detectives had no problems in solving the crimes as it was clearly an open and ...... case. (a) closed (b) closing (c) shut (4) shutting Q4 The police officer warned us that the road ahead was (a) shut (b) shutting (c) closing (@) closed Q5 In view of the limited amount of information and evidence the case was now considered to be (a) closing (b) closed (c) shutting (4) shut Q6 Everything in that shop is now very cheap because they are having a ...... down sale. (a) shuts (b) shutting (c) closes (4) closing in, Q7 After a number of years as a monk he decided to leave because he felt very (a) shut (b) shutting (c) closes (@) closed Q8 After the terrible experiences that they had been through, the couple .. ‘community. themselves away from the (a) shut (b) shuts (c) closes (4) closing Q9 The new musical that has had such bad reviews wil. (a) close (b) closed (c) shut (4) shuts at the end of this week. Q10_ I'm afraid that tree will have to come down as it ‘out the light in the sitting room, (a) close (b) closes (c) shut (4) shuts 145 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate I At the Restaurant fel # 10 Anawers. Index Q1 The food here is quite good although the menu is quite (a) elementary (0) basic (c)easy (@) fundamental 22 I must admit that whenever Ive eaten at that restaurant, Ive always come away feeling... satisfied (2) completely (b) usually (c) quickly (fun 23 | promise you that dining here will be really an... experience for you. (a) excitable (b) excited (6) exciting (excite Q4 There's something about the ..... ofthat particular dish that makes it memorable. (a) favour () favoured (6) favouring (@) flavours 5 _Itcan be very irritating when the waiter... to bring what you have ordered, (2) forgot (b) forgets (6) forgetting (@) forgotten Q6 Kyou really interested, !m sure the chef will tll you the .... of that dish (a) ingredients (0) contents (c) make-up (4) composition 07 As they're special... ofthe restaurant, they alvays get a good table. (a) partners (0) customers (6) patrons (@) visitors Q8 We got very bad service today and had fo ..... the waiter three times about the drinks. (a) remember (0) order (c) reminder (4) reming 29 We simply didn't know what to choose for our main dish so in the end we made a ..... choice. (a) random (0) casual (6) format (@) straight 210. The restaurant was listed in the guide as it had been ..... to be ofthe appropriate standard, (a) valued (b) esteemed (c) respected (@) judges 146 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www le 11 Anawers. Index English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate I At the Theatre Q1 _Itwas one of those plays where the ...... moved at great speed. (a) acting (b) act (c) actor (a) action Q2 There are different ways of ...... Shakespeare's plays and each director makes an individual choice. (a) meeting (b) welcoming (©) approaching (@) showing Q3 One of the greatest actors of the century by Charles Dickens. unforgettable character in the part of Scrooge from the novel (a) developed (b) manufactured (c) moulded (@) created Q4 Many people go to the theatre not to see a play where the plot is complicated but to listen to the brilliant between the actors, (a) dialogue (b) chat (c) conversation (@) comments Q5 You can't compare the ...... of watching live theatre with watching a film, (a) knowledge (b) experience (c) understanding (4) knowing Q6 Are you one of those people who never goes to see a play until you've read the ...... in the newspaper? (a) writers, (b) reviews (©) opinions (@) notes Q7 The (a) spectators (b) watchers, (6) listeners (4) audience |. were so carried away with the acting that at the end of the play they all stood up and applauded. Q8 There are always special... in her tragedies that move you to tears, (a) constituents (b) elements (©) particles (4) ingredients 9° However well written the play is, it will never succeed without outstanding (a) performers (b) movers (c) workers: (@) creators Q10 As always his latest play has been a huge success and all the tickets are ...... until August. (a) taken out (b) put out (c) sold out (4) bought out 147 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate lovel # 12 Anawers. Index Popular Idioms Q1 Lightning never strikes in the same place (a) before (b) twice (c) secondly (4) thrice Q2 Ifyou watch a kettle, it never (a) cooks (b) stew (c) boils (4) heats Q3 Look before you .. (a) leap (b) strike (c)rush (a) go Q4 Don't count your chickens before they are (a) born (b) fed (c) hatched (@) stolen lie. Q5 Its allright to tella .. (a) red (b) white (c) blue (4) black Q6 There's no foo! lke an ..... fool (a) aged (©) ancient (6) elderly (¢) oid Q7 Let nn. dogs lie (2) sleeping {(b) snoozing (c) dreaming (@) barking Q8 —Stiike while the iron is (a) heating (b) heated (c) hot (4) soft Q9 Politeness costs . (a)a lot (b) alittle (c) much (4) nothing Q10. Never look a gift horse in the (a) mouth (b) eye (c) nose (4) teeth 148. PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 13 Anawers. Index Popular Garden Idioms Q1 Neverlet the ..... grow under your feet. (a) weeds (b) grass, (c) flowers (4) bulbs \n the other side Q2 The grass is always (a) blacker (b) further (©) greener (@) longer Q3 Everything is coming up (a) roses (b) daisies (c) tulips (@) lilies Q4 Poor Mary was a bit of a ..... at the dance. (a) comflower (b) cauliflower (c) wallflower (6) wildflower Q5 He led her up the garden .. (a) path (b) lane (c) street (4) road Q6 Everything in the .... is lovely. (a) roses (b) flowers (©) grass (@) garden Q7 Money doesn't grow on (a) plants (b) bulbs (c) trees (4) bushes Q8 Aird in the hand is worth .... in the bush (a) four (b) three (e) two (a) one 9 Come to the point and stop beating about the .. (a) tree (b) flower (c) hedge (a) bush Q10 Don't trust him, he's a bit of a snake in the (a) grass (b) flowers (©) plants (a) weeds 149 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate lovel 14 ‘Answers Index Eating Out Q1 As there are so many dishes on the menu, would you lke me to ...... something to eat? az a3 a4 as a6 a7 ae ag 10 150 (a) decide (b) suggest (0) offer (4) consider ‘They simply couldn't decide which restaurant to choose and so in the end they took a vote and the decided on a Chinese one. (a) most (b) more (c) majority (4) main We waited one hour for the main dish to ...... and then it was the wrong order. (a) arrive (b) reach (c) deliver (a) send I you really want to enjoy the full flavour of that particular meal, you must remember to. of sauces together. (2) join (b) stick (c)attach (a) mix the right balance Itis always more relaxing to eat in a restaurant where the faces of the staff are .. by name. land you know everyone (a) familiarized (b) familiar (c) familiarly (4) familiarity ‘There was a great discussion about which particular type of cuisine the guests would choose and finally they reached a ..... and settled on the set menu. (a) compromising (b) compromised (c) compromise (4) compromisingly It doesn't matter how late you arrive at this restaurant you can always ‘owner. ona warm welcome from the (a) trust, (b) confide (o)rely (@) believe ‘The place was so full of people and tables that the waiter had to ...... us through the crowds to our table. (a) show (b) guide (c) conduct (a) enable ‘The problem about writing on food is that however hard you try, you will say what you like and end up being (a) subjective (b) objective (©) reflective (@) directive ‘The success of a really good meal is that not only must it taste good but it should also look good and thus to your eye. (a) attract (b) appeal (c)attend (@) appear PHOTOCOPIABLE © www l# 15 Anawers. Index English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate I Hot and Cold Q1 I've just received his latest detective novel from the publisher so i's what you might call hot (a)by (b) from (e)with (a) off the press. Q2 You can never tell exactly what she is thinking because she very often ...... hot and cald over some topics. (a) blows (b) swings (c) fies (@) changes Q3 Although I'd made up my mind to do it last night now I'm not sure and am getting cold .....- about it (a) hands (b) feet (c) legs (a) arms most of the time. Q4 They like to think they're very important people but politicians just talk alot of hot .. (a) words (b) steam (c)air (@) stu Q5 Since the argument we've had about the garden hedge, our neighbours take no notice of us and give us the CCOld wwe When they see us. (a) ankle (b) shoulder (c) elbow (a) hand Q6 As soon as the president was taken ill, the deputy had to take charge and is currently in the hot ....- now. (a) seat (b) chair (©) place (4) position Q7 The accused was sentenced to life imprisonment after it had been established that he had committed the murder in cold (a) attack (b) feeling (c) blood (4) passion Q8 ordered a coffee from the waiter but by the time it had reached me it was ...... cold. (a) stone (b) rock (€) block (@) tile Q9 The police have set up a special hot... 80 that people can get in touch to find out about the accident. (a) connection (b) line (c) communication (4) phone Q10_ He's always very uneasy like a cat on hot whenever he is waiting to hear the results of the examinations. (2) bricks (b) floors (c) paths (@) roads 11 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate lovel # 16 Anawers. Index A Collision: Finish this Story ar az a3 a4 or a6 a7 ae a9 10 182 I really can't tell what's, (a) going on (b) taking off (©) going by (4) taking in ‘The trouble is somebody is (a) standing to me (b) standing from me (c) standing in front of me (@) standing about me ‘The best thing | suppose is to ask him (a) to disappear (b) to vanish (c) to move (4) to depart That's better I've got a clearer .. (a) sight now (b) view now (©) picture now () vision now Itlooks from what | can see as if there's been some kind of (a) collision (b) event (¢) situation (4) position ‘Yes, now he's gone | can see that there are two cars in the car park that have (a) gone through each one (b) gone by one another (c) gone into one another (6) gone into each one ‘There are a lot of people there in the car park and they're (a) sailing their arms about (b) waving their arms about (©) turning their arms about (@) driving their arms about |'m walking right up to the crowd now to see .. (a) what's happen (b) what's happens (c) what's happened (@) what's occuring Now I can see quite clearly that the big red car has (a) stricken the little blue one (b) struck the little blue one (c) stroked the litte blue one (@) stuck the little blue ‘Oh dear I've just discovered that the litle blue one .. (a) belongs to me (b) is belonging tome —_—_(c) belonged to me (4) has belonged to me PHOTOCOPIABLE © www el 17 Anawers. Index English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate I Will or Shall? Q1 Do you know the difference .. (a) between will and shall (©) of will and shall (©) from will and shall (@) by will and shall Q2 I can see from the expression on your face that you haven't (a) gota thought (b) got a view (c) gota clue (@) gota suggestion Q3 | think the best way is to tell you a story that .. (a) clears the difference (b) explains the difference (©) expounds the difference (6) exposes the difference Q4 The main difference is that ‘| will (a) means 'I want to’ (©) signifies "| want to! (c) shows ‘I want tot (6) says I want to! Q5 Ifyou say shall then you are talking . (a) on the future (b) about the future (¢) to the future (4) for the future Q6 | want you to imagine that a man is walking (a) in the country (b) onthe countryside (¢) by the countryside (4) over the country Q7 After a few minutes he (a) attains a river (b) acquires a river (c) nears a river (@) reaches a river Q8 There is a man in the river fully clothed who is .. (a) in problems (b) in hardships (c)in difficulties, (@) in hazards 9° The man in the river keeps (2) calling off 1 will drown, | will drown’ (b) calling out "will drown, | will drown’ () calling to "| will drown, | will drown’ (4) calling from "I will drown, | will drown’ Q10. The man on the river bank, who is good at grammar, thinks the man really wants to drown, walks on and (a) allows him drown (b) permits him drown (¢) lets him drown (4) lets him to drown 183 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate lovel # 18 ‘Answers Index The two Butter Frogs Q1 Along, long time ago there were two frogs who thought it would be a good idea to (a) go on an outing (b) go outing (c)go out (4) out go Q2 They had never left their pond before and to them it was a very big (a) advent (b) adventurous (c) adventure (@) adventurer Q3 Atfirst they thoroughly enjoyed themselves and for the first time in their lives experienced (a) sense of free (b) asense of freeing —_—(c) a sense of freed (d) a sense of freedom Q4 The weather was perfect and the sun never . (a) stopped to shine (b) stopped to burn (c) stopped shining (4) stopped shone Q5 They found plenty of food and decided to stop and (a) take rest (b) take a rest (c) take resting (4) take rested Q6 Inthe hot sun they started to feel sleepy and very soon (a) fell into asleep (b) fel into sleep (c) fell asleep (4) fell into sleepy Q7 Suddenly the sound of a cat meowing .. (a) made them awake (b) made themwaken __(c) made them waking _—_(d) made them wake up Q8 They panicked and .. (a) flew for their ives (b) fled for their lives (©) flowed for their lives (@) fleeing for their lives 9 They ran into a farm house and jumped right into a barrel of milk where they .. (a) hopped and hopped in order not to sink (b) hopping and hopping in order not to sink (c) hoped and hoped in order not to sink (4) hoping and hoping in order not to sink Q10. Sadly the smaller frog grew tired and drowned but the older one kept on moving about and in the morning (a) found he was sat on a barrel of butter (b) found he sat on a barrel of butter (©) found he was sitting on a barrel of butter (@) found he sits on a barrel of butter 184 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate I el 19 Anawers. Index Cross Questions ar az a3 a4 as a6 a7 ae a9 10 155 Jane: Did you know you broke the glass when you ...... the door last night? (a) smashed (b) crashed (c) slammed (@) slashed Frank: It couldn't possibly have been me | always shut doors (a) stil (b) hardly (c) scarcely (8) quietly Jane: I'm sorry you're not telling the truth, you were the last person to (a) come home (b) come to home (c) come at home (@) come to house Mike: That doesn't prove anything. Actually | heard the sound of glas ....x in the night (a) creaking (b) crackling (c) breaking (@) broken Jane: You'te just making that up — I know you're not (a) saying the truth (0) speaking the truth __(c) talking the truth (4) teling the truth Mike: Honestly, | did hear that kind of noise, (a) swear did () assure I did (6) adjure | aid (@) advise | did Jane: Sorry you can protest if you lke but it doesnt (a) break any ice with me (b)cut any ice with me (6) freeze any ice with me (d) make any ice with me Mike: Just a minute what's that note. (a) gummed on the door (b) adhered on the door (c) glued on the door __(4) stuck on the door Jane: Its some kind of note from Joe next door — no | (a) cart make itout ——_(b) can't make itoff (6) carit make it in (@) can't make it on Mike: Give it to me. Very interesting! He says he broke the glass by accident and (a) he's soundly apologetic (b) he's deeply apologetic (c) he's sorry apologetic (@) he's purely apologetic PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate lovel # 20 Anawers. Index Leave me alone Q1 Alan: Excuse me ...... but what are you doing? (2) intervening (b) interviewing (c) interrupting (4) intercepting Q2 User: | should have thought it was pretty . (a) obvious (b) absolute (c) noticeable (@) accurate Q3 Alan: Well, | only asked — there's no need to bite my (2) nose (0) heas (lea 4 User: Sorry | didrt mean tobe rude but m trying o (a) deliberate (0) ruminate (6) concentrate (@) cogitate 5 Alan: see and what isthe .... yoU ate working on? (2) duty (0) task (c)work (@) goal 6 User: Im working on those ... English tests, which I find very interesting (2) notorious (0) fables (6) famous (@) infamous 7 Alan: Oh, yes Ive heard of them. Do they ..... you with your English? (a)aia (0) support (ohep (6) comfort 8 User: Yes, they would do Ifyou didn... in asking questions (2) continue (0) persist (c)insist (@) pursue 29. Alan: that’s how you fee, ll leave you (2) lonely (0) lonesome (6) alone (@) apart 10 User: What an excellent idea! Leave me in... and go and write another test. (2) piece (0) peacetime (6) peacetu (@) peace 186 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar J Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 21, Anawers. Index What now? Q1 Did you hear the story about the woman who said she could tell the (a) coming (b) future (e) going (a) next 2 |hope you haven't because I'm about to ..... it to you now. (a) restore (b) repeat (c) relate (4) regain 3 Her name was Mary Smith and she had a ...... for telling people what was going to happen. (a) title (b) reputation (c) description (@) idea Q4 Somebody once used her advice and made a ...... out of buying shares in a small company that did well (a) heap (b) gold (c) fortune (@) amount Q5 The strange thing was that she never actually used her ...... to benefit herself. (2) giving (o) git (©) gave (2) given Q6 People started to be ...... of her and thought that perhaps she had a secret source of information, (a) suspect (b) suspecting (c) suspicion (@) suspicious Q7 Some others wanted to try and ...... her out and prove that she didn't have this special ability. (a) make (b) take (c) catch (a) do Q8 The plan was to pretend to going to happen. (a) steal (b) burgle (c) rob (a) enter hher house late one night and see if she was really any good at knowing it was Q9 Mike Andrews, whose idea it was, intended to give everything back but he just wanted to ..... her ability. (a) discover (b) try (c)test (@) examine Q10_ As Mr Andrews was about to leave he found a note pinned to his door. It was from Mary Smith advising him to be careful because she has just bought a... young guard dog, (a) severe (b) ferocious (c) harsh (4) spiteful 187 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 22 Anawers. Index Wrapped round her finger Q1 I can't...... those silly people who always go around with their mobile phones glued to their ears. (a)head (b) hand (c) stomach (4) finger Q2 Ifyou think I didn't catch you ...... that young waitress, you're quite mistaken. (a) fingering (b) heading (c) handing (a) eying Q3 He is such a coward because whenever it comes to speaking his mind he always ...... down instead. (a) backs (b) heads (c)hands (a) noses, Q4 Come on, shake a... we're running late (a) nose (b) hand (e)leg (@) foot Q5 Don't you think i's about time you put your ...... down and told them what you really think? (a) finger (b) hand (c)head (4) foot Q6 Well, unfortunately as | had one glass too many last night, I guess | should go for ..... of the dog. (a) a foot (b) a hair (c)anose (@) an ear Q7 As she's such a nasty litle thing, | can see it won't take her long to wrap you round her litle (a) shoulder (b) body (c) finger (4) tongue Q8 Could you please give me a ..... 'm afraid | can't handle it by myself. (a) tooth (b) foot (c)hand (@) finger 9 Are you sure your new boss isn't married? — Yes, honestly, | have it straight from the horse's (a) back (b) mouth (€) foot (@) nose Q10. Hey, get up and do your homework you lazy (a) bones (b) bottoms (©) hips (@) back 188 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 23 Anawers. Index The Ants and the Grasshopper Q1 One winter's day when the sun was shining you could hear the ..... of great activity, (a) move (b) sound (c) moving (4) sounding 2 What you could hear was the ants who were (2) active (0) doing (@) business 3. Sensibly as alanis do, they had... the grain during the summer. (2) assembled (0) assumed (6) brought (0) collected 4 Their plan was to eat this... during the winter. (2) provision (0) providing (6) provider (@) provided 5 They were s0 their work that they didnt notice a grasshopper. (2) enveloped (0) engrossed (6) encompassed (0) enlarges Q6 The grasshopper was so weak he was practically ..... because he hadn't eaten for ages. (a) straining (b) stalking (c) starving (@) streaming Q7 He saw the ants and ...... them with all the strength he could find to let him have a little food. (a) begged (b) bade (c) bid (@) bartered Q8 The ants shook their heads at him and asked him why he hadnt ...... up food in the summer. (a) stood (b) stored (c) stoked (4) stopped Q9 The poor grasshopper ...... he had spent the whole summer enjoying himself singing and dancing, (a) confused (b) confessed (c) continued (@) contented Q10 All the ants laughed and said in that case he would have to dance ...... to bed in the winter. (a) famous (b) familiar (c) faded (4) famished 159 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate The Two Dogs fl # 24 Anawers. Index Q1 Aman had two dogs: a hound ...... to help him with his sports and another to guard the house. (a) trained (b) tutored (c) brought up (@) educated Q2 Whenever the hunter came home, he always gave the house dog a large ..... of what he caught. (a) section (b) slice (©) portion (@) quantity about this. Q3 The hound dog was very (a) overturned (b) set up (c) upturned (4) upset Q4 He told the house dog he found it very ..... having to do all the hard work. (a) annoyed (b) annoying (c) annoys (a) annoy Q5 What made things worse, he continued, was that the house dog never ...... part in any of the hunting (a) did (b) put (€) took (a) had Q6 All the house dog did was simply to feed himself on the results of the ..... that the hound dog undertook. (a) exertions, (b) extremes (0) exercises (@) excesses himself in the face of allthis erticism. Q7 The house dog felt he had to (a) display (b) detect (c) defend (@) distend Q8 The house dog asked him not to pick on him if he wanted to ...... Someone. (a) accuse (b) blame (©) disapprove (@) fault 9° The house dog told him to criticize their master who had taught him not how to work but how to work of others, on the (a) hang (b) support (c)attach, (a) depend children for the mistakes of their parents. Q10. The moral of this fable is: you mustn't. (a) reproach (b) reprieve (c) repeal (4) reject 160 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate lovel # 25 Anawers. Index The Hare and the Tortoise Q1 One day a hare looked at a tortoise and ..... the short feet ofthe tortoise. (a) laughed (b) ridiculed (©) tidiculous (@) laughter Q2 He also made ..... of the slow pace at which the tortoise travelled. (a) fun (b) joke (c) laugh (@) funny Q3 The tortoise agreed that the hare ran as fast as the wind but claimed that he could easily ...... him in a race. (a) strike (b) hit (c) beat (a) knock. Q4 [twas .... that the tortoise should choose the course and also the end of the race. (a) consented (b) permitted (c) allowed (@) agreed Q5 The tortoise never stopped and continued walking ata ...... pace all the time to the end of the race. (a) steadying (b) steadied (c) steady (4) steadily Q6 The hare shot ahead and then decided to... down at the side of the path for a rest. (a) lay (b) lie (©) laid (@) ain Q7 _Itwasn't long before the hare fell into a ...... sleep. (a) profound (b) steep (c) deep (a) full Q8 When he woke up, he couldn't... his eyes because there was the tortoise crossing the finishing line. (a) understand (b) believe (c) comprehend (4) follow Q9Atthe end of the race the tortoise, .... by all his hard work, was quietly slumbering on the line, (a) destroyed (b) excavated (c) exhausted (@) evacuated Q10. The moral of this fable is: slow but ...... always wins the race in the end. (a) sure (b) evident (c) certain (4) definite 161 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate lovel # 26 Anawers. Index Who has done it? Q1 The detective story is sometimes called ‘whodunit’ because the reader has to work. committed the crime. who did it, who (a)in (b) out (c)off (a) over Q2 The skill of course of the writing is how many times a reader can be sent up .... alleys. (a) short (b) twisted (c) blind (4) long Q3 Another way of putting this is how many red ..... the author can throw in the reader's path. (a) fish (b) sharks (c) cod (4) herrings: Q4 The idea is to keep the readers in a permanent state of ...... $0 that they never know what's going to happen next. (a) suspense (b) suspension (c) suspending (@) suspenders Q5 As the plot....., you find yourself agreeing with one character's solution and then another's. (a) undoes (b) unfolds (c) unties (@) unfuris Q6 Asaresult you feel as if you are walking in a ince at each turning you come to a block end. (a) muddle (b) mess (c) maze (4) mist Q7 One of the best known detectives is Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot who uses what he calls his litle grey — his brains. (a) molecules (b) cells (©) particles (4) atoms Q8 Invariably Poirots calls all the together in the last part of the story. (a) suspicions (b) suspecting (c) suspected (4) suspects 9° One by one he...... the innocent until finally the murderer is unmasked. (a) extinguishes (b) excludes (c) eliminates (4) exerts Q10. The thing that always surprises me is the fact that the murderer bothers to take ...... in the final meeting (2) partition (b) part (©) parting (@) parted 162 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate I Life on Mars? el # 27 Anawers. Index Q1 Anyone seeking ...... of life on Mars is likely to be disappointed. (a) clarity (b) evidence (c) witness (4) index Q2 Scientists have been ..... through data from an orbiting satelite. (a) combing (b) scratching (c) brushing (4) scaling Q3 _Itseems that Mars has always been cold and icy and that it’s not true that oceans have ...... on the planet in its early history (a) shaped (b) figured (c) contoured (4) formed Q4 This ..... in the life on Mars argument comes just when itis closest to Earth in 60.000 years. (a) turn (b) twist (c) comer (a) angle Q5 Because it is coming so close observers are hoping to settle the argument about life on the planet once and for (a) everything (b) every (call (4) altogether Q6 A spacecraft is heading for the planet with a device that will into the soil to sniff for proof of any life. (a) hole (0) swim (6) burrow (@) umn 7 Researchers are also looking nto the possibly of one day launching a manned .... fo Mars. (2) sending (b) mission (6) destination (6) explore 8 As the planet gets nearer to the Sun, enormous dust storms can be whipped .. (a) over (o)on (on (up 29. Unfortunately the dust storms tend to... the view of the planet (2) fo9 (0) obscure (6) confuse (6) darken Q10_ Everyone hopes that Mars will remain dust free otherwise people wil only be able to see an orange (a) blot (b) block (c) blob (@) blab 163 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www fl # 28 Anawers. Index English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate Story (1) Q1 Most students have to try and earn extra money by taking a holiday job. They turn ...... their studies and experience the real world for a while. (a) into (b) down (c) aside from (a) to Q2 One long hot summer | turned ...... waiting as my method of getting cash (2) into (b) to (c) down, (@) aside from ‘a more specific explanation: | mean being a waiter in a hotel. Q3 Perhaps | should turn that word ‘waiting’ (a) down, (b) to (c) into (4) aside from Q4 had of course turned my hand ..

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