Religion and Health Reproduction

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Religion and Health Reproduction (Imran)

Religion as a system brings with it a set of system norms governing how of his followers live
their daily lives. religion is not only related to the doctrine of the divinity, but also regulate the
relationships between humans, human relationship with the universe, and so on. For example, the
religion of Islam have a concept that between the sacred and the profane indeed are two different
things, but interrelated. It can be seen for example in the concept of 'hablun min Allah' and
'hablun minannas', or in the concept of 'ad-din wad daulah' and also in the concept of ibadah
and muamalah' which all regulate human relationships and creator, between the sacral and the
departing from these facts, religion would be associated with social issues such as how the
relation between religion and health. For example, Islam strongly regulate sexual relationships.
The arrangement intended for the common good physically and mentally and produce offspring
as the successor to Dienul Islam, not merely for the satisfaction of biologically alone. Sexuality
in the view of Islam can be a commendable thing at once despicable.
Sexuality becomes commendable if done within the scope of the corresponding relations
Shari'ah, namely the couple relationship of men and women who have been legally married.
Instead, sexuality in Islam can be a despicable thing to do if the relationship outside of marriage
between same-sex couples, or with animals. Premarital sexual relations and adultery is prohibited
and punishable according Shari'a.
Islam gives a lot of space and support for access to reproductive health, especially in women. As
a religion that protects his people, the position of women, especially mothers, in Islam are
exalted. Therefore, the position of women must be maintained through social norms. A correct
understanding of reproductive health is one form of Islam support for women can be a healthy
mother and responsible.
So is the case with reproductive health since the pregnancy, baby care, feeding with
breastfeeding, the prohibition of abortion for reasons that are not syar'i. Islam prevents
approaching fornication, leaving it relate unhealthy, and prohibit same-sex intercourse is a form
to maintain reproductive health. Freedom of sexual relations, mutually exchange partner,
prostitution and any form of sexual perversion is the act of saying nasty and dirty in Islam.

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