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D Rivera Jr.
The Structure of Dreams
The Structure of Dreams 2
D Rivera Jr.

The Structure of Dreams

This will not be the coverage of cosmetic out, drained and unmotivated. The activity
dream interpretation. Such vocal vibrations of the day as presented by the structure of
are far too frequent and confused. What I the employment caused a change in the
will be sharing with you today has to do employee’s body. My point here is the
with the structural aspect of the dream structural aspect of the everyday society
experience. elements.

Because this is highly uncommon, it is best In society there is a ping/pong effect which
to first give an illustration. The illustration takes place. Some will refer to it as supply
will serve as a template by which the and demand. This supply and demand
subject of this paper may be applied to. creates the momentum in society. As long
From there the reader will better as there is momentum, a structure must
understand structural dreams as opposed also exist. There are cities filed with
to cosmetic definition. architecture designed to allow these
ping/pong effect to transpose easily. Most
What must be done is that one must
people do not think about the structural
attempt to get to the root of a matter.
aspect but they do look at the cosmetic
Humans are too cosmetic. They spend too
much time on superficial aspects. Maybe
you can save more lives if you stop Now that we have this concept presented,
spending so much time looking at a crime. If we can bypass the cosmetic aspect of
you take enough preventive measures, you dreams and move right into the structural
may not need so many band-aids. In any view. The information being presented here
event, let us go over that illustration. comes by some 30 years of investigative
research. The 30 years were not all
If we indeed begin be less superficial and
dedicated to this one topic, but knowing
more in root, we discover that there is a
how one thing leads into another (all things
structure to something. Dreams are no
are connected), all of the other things have
exception. Most people reading this paper
contributed towards the defining of the
have a regular daily job. They get up in the
structure of dreams.
morning, punch in to work; do their job and
finally go home after punching out again. At
the end of the day most of those people are
too tired to do anything. They feel stressed

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The Structure of Dreams 3
D Rivera Jr.

may be simple but it itself should not be

taken for face value (as nothing is black and
white). To begin with, let us go over some
It is a fairly simple concept. The concept of the basic cosmetics of the dream

Using myself as I always do as an example, Moving along, this brings us to the energy
sometimes I dream and sometimes I do not. force in human beings known by many
I should accurately say that sometimes I names. It is a life force known as ki, ka, chi
remember while other times I do not. In and other names. Could it be possible that
some dreams…in most dreams that I do when we are dreaming and are in other
remember, I am in a world similar to Earth. worlds that look similar to Earth, could it be
It is not Earth because there aren’t things in that this is actually us in actual other
the dream that are found on Earth, but worlds? Let us continue with the concept of
certainly the basic physicality is the same. I the splits. We will from this point onward
never have dreams in which I am traveling refer to this ‘split’ term as duality. Duality
through space. I never have any other type will refer to splits of the self spirit in
of dream other than either I do not multiple instances. Even though dual refers
remember what I dreamed or I am in a to the idea of two, it will be defined as to
world that looks like Earth. I will add that mean two or more natures.
there are sleep experiences which are not
Okay, so far we’ve progressively come to
classified as dreams. We will not be going
this point. Now let us go a little deeper into
over that in this paper.
the structure. When we dilute something,
Having said all of this, I would like to we divide its original intensity into a lesser
introduce the idea of splits. one. This can be easily illustrated in
concentrated drinks. We take a
In modern science it is established that
concentrated power and take a very small
some species of plant life can extend their
portion and divide it. Let us consider the
roots far enough to extrude part of those
possible fact that your human existence is a
roots above ground. If we are not careful,
dilution of a much more powerful you in
we will assume that one fully grown plant
some other place…some other reality or
species is an independent member of that
dimension. Now we can begin to
species from the next one just a foot-and-a-
understand how such a powerful state
half away. We have discovered that a
being could be divided amongst lower
typical forest can contain bushes of plants
realities all at the same time. We can also
that are actually the same species. If you
understand how one could possibly cross
are not familiar with this idea you may wish
over from one self-instance into another
to research videos online, try PBS.
self-instance…what we call dreams.

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The Structure of Dreams 4
D Rivera Jr.

It may take you a few minutes or days to fragmentation to understand what I mean.
absorb this concept. We do know that we In short, the conditional state of matter has
could not possibly be the only planet with a different effect on different things.
life as we know it. We all know it is a
In conclusion and based on some 30 years
strange idea how the Earth has so much
of investigative research it is my estimation
intelligence on it and there are no other
that we are beings from higher places that
planets with a similar nature. Could it be
came here to assist in an evolutionary
that there is a higher idea happening here?
process. We were here in our own prior
Even if we do not want to believe the
evolutionary process and hence are the
traditional religions, we are willing to accept
ones qualified to give the current Earth her
the idea of a higher least
jump start. As higher state beings with
that much.
superior physical condition, we were able to
This would actually make sense considering lower ourselves in split mode…duality. By
the ancient concepts of beings of higher doing so we could adapt to the lower realm
make up. If you were to discover that there state in multiple effort. This is why when we
were beings living in other planets with a sleep we are able to cross over or connect
physical make up much deeper and more to our other lives in parallel realities…what
evolved than ours, you just might call them you call dreams.
a god if you did not know better. Our
I hope that my paper sheds a new light in
modern scientists have already discovered
dreams. Understanding this structural
that different parts of the universe have a
possibility, we may now better understand
different density in matter. It is my
the cosmetic aspect of dreams. Cosmetically
philosophy that this has a similar effect to a
they are not such a big deal when you learn
computer’s fragmentation condition. You
the base structure.
should do a little research on computer

D Rivera Jr.
Reiki II Certified | High School Drop Out | 30 Years Research

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