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Copyright 2015 Dr Neil Slade PhD
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information
storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright holder.

Disclaimer: This workbook is intended as an educational aid for students of homeopathy and
naturopathy. It is not intended to be a self-help or treatment guide. Anybody wishing self-help
or homeopathic treatment should first seek medical advice and/or advice from a fully qualified
and registered homeopath or naturopath.

The Remedy: Graphites
Mental and Emotional Picture
Some Useful Point Comparisons with Other Similar Remedies
Physical Graphites
Food Desires and Aversions
Sides of the Body
Main Better for (>) and Worse for (<) Modalities
Classic Time Modalities
Some Characteristic SRPs (Strange, Rare and Peculiar)
Some Interesting Facts
Some Common Therapeutic Indications
Graphites Crib Card
Self-test Questions
Reference List & Bibliography Combined
Author Biography
If You Liked This Remedy Mini Workbook


Graphites is a remedy derived from black lead (the lead in pencils) and is classed as a mineral
carbon. As such it bears some relationship to Carbo vegetabilis and Carbo animalis, and also some of
the carbonate remedies like Calc carb and Baryta carb. Graphite contains a small percentage of iron
so there are some similarities to Ferrum metallicum too.
Graphites is one of Hahnemanns original remedies and was classed by him as being up there with
Sulphur as one of the great anti-psoric remedies.
The appearance of the Graphites constitutional type is one of obesity. The individual has a pale, waxy
skin that can look dirty (consider the psoric link) or earthy and they can sweat easily and excessively.
They are often easily tired mentally, and are prone to giving up on tasks they find challenging. They
are intellectually weak: any intellectual task causes great anxiety and fear and is usually avoided.
Many of the materiae medicae tell us that the typical Graphites is of a peasant or farming type what
is meant here is a salt of the earth sort of person, whose life is full of routine which can simply be got
on with without too much thought or intellectual challenge. Providing the routine that they know so
well is not changed they can be absolute workhorses (think of the farm labourer working in the fields
all day long), but if the routine is changed and challenges them, thats when they are likely to give up.
The obesity is considered to be a product of disordered nutrition (compare this with Calc carb). The
typical Graphites patient will usually find mornings very difficult.
NOTE: when the overweight Graphites is ill they can often lose weight both markedly and rapidly.


Two words that come up again and again in the materiae medicae with regard to the Graphites
character are blandness and dullness. It is considered to be quite an unreactive remedy in which
the person does not respond easily to the stimuli around them. (When you read further you will see
that there are times when they can be quite reactive. This more reactive picture of Graphites is often
attributed to descriptions given by Sankaran (1991)). This lack of reactivity is often linked to black
lead in its crude form which, chemically, is a fairly unreactive material. Vithoulkas (1994) often tells
us that the Graphites patient is unlikely to show deep mental pathologies, simply because there isnt
the wherewithal of the intellect to put enough energy or reactiveness into developing them.
We are also often told that the Graphites person is thick-skinned. This is clearly linked to the
thickening of inflamed skin seen in eczema and other chronic skin eruptions and in the development of
thickened scar tissue, but is also extrapolated by some to include the intellect. It is sometimes
described as a thickness around the mind and intellect that prevents things getting through; thus
academic, intellectual and mentally challenging tasks are taken on reluctantly and prove to be very
difficult. When Graphites starts to feel the pressure of such tasks they are inclined to give up. It can be
said that Graphites is the sort who starts tasks but often never completes them. They also have a poor
memory and if it helps, you can imagine the thick skin or layer around the intellect not allowing the
memorized information to come out.
Any dullness of the intellect is also further exaggerated by the fact that tiredness can be a theme for
the Graphites type. They often feel the need to sleep during the day, which can lead to their lack of
reactivity and zest. Tiredness can also be sudden and overwhelming, leading to a strong desire to lie
down during the day. On the flip side of this some Graphites types can then be sleepless at night it is
almost as if the energy to stay awake struggles to get going all day, but manages it by night time,
leading to insomnia.
This lack of reactivity leads to a stubbornness and obstinacy. They have managed to learn something
or to do something in one particular way and that is it. That is the way it has to be done or the way
they feel they should act because any variant is too challenging to consider. In a sense the mind is
switched off and they carry on almost on autopilot.
When a Graphites person is challenged it will often cause anxiety and fear. Day-to-day life can be full
of new challenges and thus sources of anxiety for a Graphites person. Once they have got through the
day, using a supreme effort to try and hold things together, these anxieties and fears can then often be
worse at night. This fear of tasks and new challenges means that Graphites belongs in the rubric
ailments from anticipation. It can also lead them to be somewhat timid and lacking in selfconfidence.
The dullness of the mind can develop into strong traits of irresolution. They find it very hard to make
even the simplest decisions and, again, having pressure put on them to make a decision can lead to
If the Graphites patient is going to express him/herself they will often do it through tears and they can

weep relatively easily. They are more likely to be tearful at night when things can get on top of them,
but one thing that really does set them off is music. Music will trigger tears of sadness and sorrow
and will also aggravate their mood, bringing them down. However, their weepiness often stems from
self-pity and sentimentality, rather than out-and-out depression. Pulsatilla is said to cry to get
attention, Graphites from uncertainty.
Another area of the mental/emotional level where the typical Graphites person can show energy and
movement is with regard to trifles. As I am sure you are aware, trifles in homeopathic-speak refers
to little, inconsequential things that most of us do not pay any heed to, not tasty desserts with sponge,
custard and cream. Thus Graphites can get uptight about the minute details that do not matter to the
rest of us. This can also make them fastidious which, bearing in mind their salt of the earth type of
nature, is somewhat surprising.


Graphites is initially averse to carrying out a task, especially anything on the mental level (but this
does apply to all tasks), and is likely to give up after a while remember Graphites will start but
often doesnt finish. Calc carb will be anxious about taking on the task, especially if it is a new
experience, but will get on with it and persevere at it.
The Graphites build is solid and large, i.e. solid fat or muscle. The Calc carb build is flabby and
large, i.e. very soft flabby fat and not much muscle development. Both of them can have a pale,
unhealthy look Graphites tends to be more waxy and Calc carb more sweaty/moist. Graphites is
physically robust. Calc carb is often tired and breathless from physical work.
Graphites is not overly sweaty on the head but has foul foot sweats (like Silica). Calc carb is sweaty
on the head (the sweat can easily wet the hair) and has damp feet. Calc carb sweat gives the person a
sour smell.
The constipated Graphites patient is disturbed and made uncomfortable by their condition; they can
quickly start to feel toxic. The Calc carb patient, especially the child, is happily constipated. They
seem to get a sense of well being from the full sensation of being constipated and might even hold off
going to the toilet to gain that feeling, thus predisposing their selves to becoming constipated (Note:
adult Calc carbs can feel uncomfortable when constipated).
Graphites people are not morning people. They are often dull and slow, physically and mentally. It
takes a Graphites person time to come round in the morning. Calc carb people are often at their best
in the morning, being more alert they have not yet had time to tire themselves.


Graphites usually has an aversion to sweets and salt. Arg nit has a desire/craving for both sweets and
Graphites is a chilly remedy. Arg nit is a warm-blooded remedy.


Both remedies share the following traits: tiredness, glandular problems, chilliness and easy flushing
(Graphites often flushes before the appearance of physical symptoms). Use the bigger pictures of the
remedies to differentiate, especially the mental and emotional symptoms and the generals, as these are

Skin and nails Graphites has a huge affinity with the skin and nails. In general the skin of a
Graphites patient can look unhealthy and almost dirty (not surprising, considering the strong
association with the psoric miasm). They are prone to many types of skin eruptions, especially
eczema-type eruptions the eczema will weep, especially at natural folds in the skin, and may split.
The eczema eruptions will ooze a honey-like material that is sticky and dries to a crust. Kent (1995)
and Murphy (2004) tell us that Graphites eruptions have a tendency to be on the flexor surfaces of the
body. Inflamed skin will thicken and there can be a tendency for the development of thickened
(keloid) scar tissue.
Old scars have a tendency to ulcerate and can be painful tendency to burn.
Every little injury tends to suppurate and injuries are often slow to heal (compare this with Silica).
Nails can become thickened and misshapen. They are often brittle and can crack down the middle.
Thickened, ingrowing nails.
This remedy also has a lot of fissures in the skin at the natural folds, and especially at the mucocutaneous borders (e.g. sides of the nose, mouth and anus). Compare this with Nitric acid: Graphites
and Nitric acid are top remedies for skin fissures and both of them link to the muco-cutaneous border.
Photophobia Graphites is almost a specific for photophobia (a feature it shares with almost all the
Natrums, especially Nat sulph).
Stomach cramping and burning in the stomach that is made much better by eating something, or
drinking warm milk. Sour or food-tasting eructations (burping). Frequent eructations. Pain in the
stomach (gastralgia) this is often a burning pain that can radiate throughout the abdomen, and can be
linked to a strong hunger that is better for eating or warm drinks (especially milk).
Face easy flushing of the face, especially with the sensation of a rush of blood to the head. Flushed
with a feeling of pressure/fullness in the head. The face is often pale and waxy otherwise.
Numbness generally numbness of the extremities, but in particular the forearms. If there is numbness
only in the tips of the fingers or toes then think of Phosphorous.


Graphites can swing from having an excessive hunger to having no appetite at all.

Chicken can be a strong desire
Strong desire for warm milk and often better for it

They can be averse to sweets, but are definitely worse for sweets. The aversion to sweets can be
very strong in children.
Cooked foods
Hot drinks tend to disagree


Graphites tends to be a left-sided remedy.


Eating especially stomach symptoms
Walking especially in the open air (not the vigorous activity of Sepia, though)
Open air
Warm drinks especially warm milk
Touch and wrapping up the affected parts

Hot drinks
Cold draughts and getting over-chilled
Warmth of the bed especially true for skin eruptions
Suppression especially of skin eruptions, can be a causation of illness
During and after menses


There are no specific time modalities, but Graphites is generally much worse in the morning,
especially early morning, and will improve into the evening. They are also worse on waking.
Even though they can get better as the morning moves on to afternoon and evening, they often get
worse again during the night.


They have a sensation as if there is a cobweb over their face (Alumina, Baryta carb, Borax, Calc
carb, China and Ranunculus scel also have this).
Sensation of blood rising up from the feet and straight into the head, leading to a sensation that the
head will burst. Calc carb has something similar but the feeling tends to start in the abdomen.
Chilly but better for cool, open air.
Problems with hearing or a degree of deafness that is made better by having a lot of background


Along with Sulphur and Calc carb it is considered to be a major anti-psoric remedy.
Causation = suppression. Especially on the physical level. For example, skin eruptions that have been
treated with steroid creams and lotions.
It is a cold remedy but the person actually likes being out in the open air. They can often crave cooler
air around them like Pulsatilla (windows always open) and Carbo veg (think of the desire to be
fanned). Note skin eruptions are often worse for being warm, though.
Sweat the Graphites patient can be pretty sweaty and will also easily sweat. Their sweat tends to
turn things yellow and can be smelly (a bit like Merc sol but the sweat is not as foul-smelling or oily).
Graphites is linked to the bowel nosode Morgan Pure.
It is the only remedy to have an aversion to the combination of fish, salt and sweets.


Cracking and skin eruptions behind the ears
Gastric and duodenal ulcers
Gastritis and gastralgia
Impotence (erectile dysfunction)
Menses delayed and scanty
Otitis externa and media
Sores and scabs that exude the same honey-like secretion as below
Swollen lymph nodes
Weeping eczemas oozing honey-coloured, sticky liquid


The crib card sections contain the key bullet points of a remedy that you might want to condense onto
an index card when you are revising.
Dullness of the senses weak intellect and aversion to mental tasks.
Slowness of the person and inability to think.
Generally worse for music and weeps from music.
Poor memory even for recent events.
Anxiety and despair over trifles.
Anticipatory anxiety.
Irresolution finds it hard to make even the simplest of decisions.
Worse in the morning.
Chilly, but better for open air and fresh air.
Very sleepy during the day but might be sleepless at night (especially before midnight).
Cracks behind the ears or at the corners of the mouth.
Skin eruptions worse from heat of the bed, will scratch until bleeding (compare with Sulphur).
Skin eruptions with thickening of the skin.
Cobweb sensation over the face.
Numbness of the extremities, especially forearms.
Aversion to meat, salt and sweets as a combination (only remedy).
Causation from and worse from suppression of eruptions and secretions.
Large, knotty stools might be in separate pieces but joined by mucus.
Stools so big they are difficult to pass and can cause anal fissures.


Please note the answers are not given here (yes, I know you are probably tutting at me right now). The
reason for this is that all of these questions are drawn directly from the text so in order to find or
check the answer you have to go back to the text and look up the relevant part. This gets you to
actually read and consider, and hopefully re-read the material you have been supplied with rather than
skim once and move on. I want you to have a good, fundamental working knowledge of this remedy
and that only comes with putting in the effort.
1. How does music affect Graphites?
2. Which triple combination of food aversions is only shown by Graphites?
3. Which miasm is Graphites most associated with?
4. Describe how a Graphites type will respond when being set an academic or intellectual task.
5. Which part of the day is worse for a Graphites type?
6. Describe the typical appearance of a Graphites person.
7. What strange sensation does the Graphites person have over their face?
8. Which other remedies share this sensation?
9. What does Graphites have a strong desire to drink?
10. What is Graphites like at decision-making?
11. What is the characteristic stool of Graphites like?
12. Which side of the body does Graphites have an affinity to?
13. Describe the typical Graphites eczema eruption.
14. What is the main causation for Graphites illnesses?
15. Which bowel nosode is Graphites most related to?
16. Describe the scarring characteristics seen in this remedy.
17. Give three points of contrast between Graphites and Calc carb.
18. What are the sweat characteristics of a Graphites person?
19. Describe the nails of a Graphites person.
20. Is Graphites classed as a warm or cold remedy?
21. Which two words are commonly used to describe the character of a Graphites type?
22. What is the SRP pertaining to Graphites with regard to hearing?
23. Does Graphites tend to be a determined worker able to rise to a challenge or have a tendency to

give up when things get difficult?

24. How can body temperature be used to differentiate between Graphites and Arg nit?
25. Which mental state might lead to the sleeplessness that can be seen in Graphites?
26. Describe the blood-rushing sensation seen with Graphites.
27. How does the sensation above differ from that shown in Calc carb?
28. Graphites and Nitric acid both favour a particular region of the skin. Where is this?
29. Which meat does Graphites have a strong desire for?
30. Why are Graphites patients unlikely to develop deep mental pathology?
Here is a task for you. Graphites can show similarities with Baryta carb (due to the shared carbons
link). Look through your materiae medicae, reading both of these remedies, and then construct a table
with points of comparison on one side and points of contrast on the other.


Allen, H.C. (1995) Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons of the Leading Remedies.
Asian Health Press, Kent.
Clarke, J.H. (1994) Decachords. B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
Kent, J.T. (1995) Lectures on Materia Medica. B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
Murphy, R. (2004) Keynotes on the Materia Medica: Commentary & Group Discussion. Volume III.
B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
Murphy, R. (2006) Natures Materia Medica. 3rd Edition. Lotus Health Institute, Virginia.
Nash, E.B. (1998) Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics. B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
Sankaran, R., (1995) The Spirit of Homeopathy. Homeopathic Medical Publishers, Bombay.
Tyler, M.L. (1995) Homeopathic Drug Pictures. B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
Vermeulen, F. (1994) Concordant Materia Medica. Merlijn Publishers, The Netherlands.
Vithoulkas, G. (1994) The Essence of Materia Medica. B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi.

Dr Neil Slade studied homeopathy at the College of Homeopathy, London, and graduated with
distinction. He has a PhD in infectious diseases from the Imperial College of Science, Technology
and Medicine, University of London. He is also a Chartered Biologist and is a member of the Society
of Biology. He is on the register of the Society of Homeopaths and bound by their Code of Ethics. In
2014 he became a Fellow of the Society of Homeopaths and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of
This year marks Neils 25th year of student instruction. During this time he has been a Senior Lecturer
and Module Leader. Over the years Neil has won many awards for his teaching and lectures and has
frequently taught on both sides of the Atlantic. His articles can be found in a variety of magazines and
health journals. For many years he was the resident homeopathy contributor to Positive Health
magazine, writing a regular case study column.


If you liked this remedy mini workbook and found it full of useful material for getting the essence of
the remedy into your head then do please leave me a favourable review on Amazon.
Keep checking regularly for more polycrests in this remedy mini workbook series. I will try to keep
them coming as regularly as my timetable allows. Good luck with your studies.
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