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Sales and distribution management

75 marks

2.5 hrs

a) What are the various structures of a sales organisation
b) Explain what are the various qualities and functions of a sales manager

With help of examples elaborate the interface of sales with other functions

a) What is sales quota and what are the types of sales quota
b) Elaborate the process of selling

What are the major international sales decision

a) What are the functions performed by various channel partners
b) What are the factors affecting the choice of distribution partners

Explain the Kenneth Thomas style of conflict resolution

a) Explain the various methods of sales supervision and control
b) Explain the role of ethics in sales

Write note on KRA

CYRUS Pharmaceuticals is about a start-up in the Pharmaceuticals sector in India. The company
in the case intends to sell formulations in South India and is working out its Sales & Distribution

strategy. The promoter has some inputs from another existing pharmaceuticals company and is
working to see if he can use some of these pieces of information.
Help the sales manager with the following:
a) How to plan the size and structure of the sales force.
b) The importance of selecting a suitable distribution system and various issues related
to it.
c) The process of developing an agreement with distribution channel partners.

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