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Name ______________________

Date ___________ Period

Real-Life ExamplesCapitalism, Socialism, & Communism
The Life of Bob - #1
Bob wakes up in the morning to the sound of children _____________________ (sound
humans make) and _______________________ (noise). He wakes his wife but is careful
not to wake his _______ (number) children until later. This is difficult as they all sleep in
the same 1 bedroom apartment. Bob walks down the hallway to the common bathroom
but his _______________ (family member) is using the ______________ (something in the
bathroom). Bob does not have time to shower now because his boss will fire him if he
is ______ (number) minute late to work. Bobs wife wakes up the kids, who range from
_____ (number) to ______ (number) years old, and dresses them in their work clothes.
Bobs apartment rent is $400 per ___________ (time period), but he and his wife only
make $150 each. Their three children cannot go to school because they need to work to
help pay rent and groceries.
Bob cannot afford to take a __________ (means of travel) to work, instead he walk the
_____________ (distance) to the __________________ (something manufactured) factory.
Bob greets his boss who checks his watch to make sure Bob is not late. Bob is supposed
to work 12 hours today. His boss allows him a _____ (number between 1 and 20)minute lunch break and two 5-minute bathroom breaks during his 12-hour shift. In his
factory, Bob is required to make _______ (number) widgets to get paid, but can receive a
bonus for every product he can produce over this quota. Nearing the end of his shift,
Bobs boss asks him to stay late because there have been additional orders for products
and the boss wants to see increased profits.
Tired, Bob leaves work and walks back to his house. His wife isnt home yet because she
works ______ (number) jobs getting paid ________ (fraction) of her husbands salary in
each job. The kids have been home only an hour and have started a dinner of
___________ (vegetable) soup.
*** Which economic system does Bob belong to?_________________________________
The Life of Ed - #2
Ed wakes up in the morning to the sound of _______________ (sound that wakes you
up). He wakes his wife but is careful not to wake his three children until later. This is
difficult as the children sleep in a small room next to his. Ed walks down the hallway to
his bathroom but ______________________________ (reason someone cannot use the
bathroom). Ed decides to wait until later to shower because he knows he will not be
fired if he is late. Ed wakes up the kids, who range from 5 to 12 years old, and dresses
them in their school clothes. Eds rent is $400 per _____________(time period), but goes
to the government. Their three children go to school and are told what they will study.
One child is being told be become a ____________________ (profession), another will be a
________________ (profession), and the other child will be a ________________
(profession) when they graduate from school.
Ed takes the government-operated _________________ (vehicle) to work to the
government-controlled _______________ (something you buy) factory. Ed greets his boss
who gives him the number of products he must create for the day. Ed is supposed to
work 6 hours today. His boss allows him a ________ (number 1-20)-minute lunch break

and two 5-minute _______________ (room in a house) breaks during his 6-hour shift.
Today, Ed is required to make ________ (number) products, but gets paid the same
amount even if he makes more than the required amount. Nearing the end of his shift,
Ed asks to stay a little late to work because _______________________ (why someone
doesnt want to go home), but his boss tells him he will get in trouble if he stays
longer than his 6 hours.
Tired, Ed leaves work and takes the government-controlled ______________ (vehicle)
home and enjoys the government-controlled radio station that plays only
_____________________ (type of music). Ed goes by the government-controlled grocery
and picks up his government-allotted food for the week. His wife isnt home yet because
she went by the government office to get her ________________ (something men need)
and weekly-allotment of _____________________ (something women need). Ed looks
through the groceries hoping for ____________________ (type of good food), but the
government has given everyone ________________ (type of bad food) instead.
*** Which economic system does Ed belong to?__________________________________
*** How do you know?___________________________________________________________
The Life of Joe- #3
Joe wakes up in the morning to the sound of _______________ (type of music) on his
brand-new phonograph record player. He wakes his wife and asks his ______________
(type of personal servant) to let the children sleep a little longer before they have to
go to private school. Joe is having is master bathroom being _______________ (one way
to remodel) and must walk down the hall to the guest bathroom before work. When he
returns from his _____________ (temperature) shower, he greets his wife and three
children, ranging from 5 to 12 years old, for breakfast of ___________________ (food) made
by their butler.
Joes wife says __________________________ (something you say to a family member)
to her husband and children and prepares for a long day of ______________________ (way
to spend time) and planning for the familys vacation to ______________ (foreign city
or country). Joe really enjoys dropping the kids off at private school, forgetting for a
moment the small fortune he pays in tuition. When he arrives at work he meets with the
factory managers to discuss ______________________ (something in a factory), to make
sure all employees have arrived on time, and checks the profit margins to see how much
money he and company have earned. Joe then enjoys ________________ (amusing way
to spend time) before lunch and his afternoon _______________________ (serious way to
spend time). After 6 hours at the office, Joe calls for his chauffer to bring the car
around to the front so he can go home.
Joe arrives to the smell of ______________________________ (fancy menu item) and the
sound of his children ___________________ (something children do). His wife isnt home
yet and the kids have been home only an hour as __________________________ (something
you do after school) practice ran long.
*** Which economic system does Joe belong to?
*** How do you know?

World History

Name ________________
Date ___________ Pd ___

Real-Life ExamplesCapitalism, Socialism, & Communism

The Life of Bob- #1
Bob wakes up in the morning to the sound of children crying and factory whistles
blowing. He wakes his wife but is careful not to wake his three children until later. This
is difficult as they all sleep in the same 1 bedroom apartment. Bob walks down the
hallway to the common bathroom but his neighbor is using the toilet (again!)Bob does
not have time to shower now because his boss will fire him if he is even one minute late
to work. Bobs wife wakes up the kids, who range from 5 to 12 years old, and dresses
them in their work clothes. Bobs apartment rent is $400 per month, but he and his wife
only make $150 each. Their three children cannot go to school because they need to
work to help pay rent and groceries.
Bob cannot afford to take a bus to work, instead he walk the 5 miles to the widget
factory. Bob greets his boss who checks his watch to make sure Bob is not late. Bob is
supposed to work 12 hours today. His boss allows him a 15-minute lunch break and two
5-minute bathroom breaks during his 12-hour shift. In his factory, Bob is required to
make 150 widgets to get paid, but can receive a bonus for every widget he can produce
over this quota. Nearing the end of his shift, Bobs boss asks him to stay late because
there have been additional orders for widgets and the boss wants to see increased
Tired, Bob leaves work and walks the five miles back to his house. His wife isnt home
yet because she works two jobs (getting paid half of her husbands salary in each job).
The kids have been home only an hour and have started a dinner of potato soup
The Life of Ed - #2
Bob wakes up in the morning to the sound of factory whistles blowing. He wakes his wife
but is careful not to wake his three children until later. This is difficult as the children
sleep in a small room next to his. Bob walks down the hallway to his bathroom but his
wife has beaten him to it (again!). Bob decides to wait until she is out to shower because
he knows he will not be fired if he is late. Bob wakes up the kids, who range from 5 to 12
years old, and dresses them in their school clothes. Bobs rent is $400 per month, but
goes to the government. Their three children go to school and are told what they will
study and what job they will have when they graduate from school.
Bob takes the government-operated bus to work to the government-controlled widget
factory. Bob greets his boss who gives him the number of widgets he must create for the
day. Bob is supposed to work 6 hours today. His boss allows him a 15-minute lunch
break and two 5-minute bathroom breaks during his 6-hour shift. Today, Bob is required
to make 150 widgets, but gets paid the same amount even if he makes more than the
required amount. Nearing the end of his shift, Bob asks to stay a little late to work some
more because he and his wife arent getting along, but his boss tells him he will get in
trouble if he stays longer than his 6 hours.
Tired, Bob leaves work and takes the government-controlled bus home and listens to the
government-controlled radio station. Bob goes by the government-controlled grocery

and picks up his government-allotted food for the week. His wife isnt home yet because
she went by the government office to get her paycheck and weekly-allotment of toilet
paper. Bob looks through the groceries hoping for steak, but the government has given
everyone chicken instead (again!)

The Life of Joe - #3

Joe wakes up in the morning to the sound of children singing church hymns on his brandnew phonograph (record player). He wakes his wife and asks his butler to let the
children sleep a little longer before they have to go to private school. Joe is having is
master bathroom remodeled (again!) and must walk down the hall to the guest bathroom
before work. When he returns from his steaming-hot shower, he greets his wife and
three children, ranging from 5 to 12 years old, for breakfast of omelets and orange juice
made by their butler.
Joes wife waves goodbye to her husband and children and prepares for a long day of
shopping for new clothes for the familys European vacation. Joe really enjoys dropping
the kids off at private school, forgetting for a moment the small fortune he pays in
tuition. When he arrives at work he discusses with the factory managers to make sure
all employees have arrived on time and checks the profit margins to see how much
money he and company have earned. Joe then enjoys working on the crossword puzzle
before lunch and his afternoon workout at the gym. After 6 hours at the office, Joe calls
for his chauffer to bring the car around to the front so he can go home.
Joe arrives to the smell of roast lamb smothered in barnaise sauce with herb-infused
asparagus (again!) and the sound of his children practicing piano. His wife isnt home
yet as shopping has taken longer than expected. The kids have been home only an hour
as dance practice and ran long (again!)

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