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Light of sun
Part one – Bella

Four years. And only three years of plain ole’ childhood. Nessy was already
playing her role as a fifteen year old perfectly and she loved it. For people that
didn’t know us; she was my little sister instead of daughter. Very frustrating. I
wasn’t done cradling her and I miss her baby year’s every single day. It doesn’t
make it easier when she is the one consoling me.
“Everything will be okay, mom” she says.
I’m her mother for crying out loud!
Last year when she decided to leave Forks, I truly hated not being able to cry,
but I could argue - although, that did not get me far.
Edward tried as hard as I did and better but still not enough. Ness was smart and
being home schooled since the age of two by Edward and Carlisle suddenly
seemed stupid to me. She had gotten too smart for me and I felt helpless.

After years of measurements, Carlisle had come to the conclusion that Nessy
wasn’t aging any faster than a human would, and in a year or so, she would stop
aging all together.
Frozen in time at the age of 16. Frozen at the age of five to me and Edward.
Her way of compromising was to choose a school not five hours away from us
but one hour away.
She settled for Neah Bay for our sake. Edward started to relax but I never did
and I couldn’t hide my chagrin. Edward bought her an apartment five minutes
from her school and suddenly my whole family was happy.

Esme saw her chance to decorate, Alice wasn’t slower; she took the first flight
to London and her seventh sense took over. Shopping. Jasper and Nessy went
with her of course.
And for three days Jacob was very restless. Not seeing Ness for that short period
made me and Edward worried about her going off to school. Would Jacob
Rosalie and Emmet went down to Los Angeles to buy her a car. A car! Imagine
a four year old driving! In my human body I would pass out or cry or throw a fit.
The only support I had was Charlie’s.
Thanks to Jacob - my dad always knew there was something special with us
Cullen’s. And when Nessy visited her grandpa every week looking older than
last time - his suspicions didn’t exactly decrease.
It was hard for him for a long time but he was getting used to it and when he
saw me being happy and not worried, he stopped to worry as well.
He was in many ways happy; being in the know since he loved being the
grandfather of the most adoring child ever.
The most adoring teenager now, apparently. “Hmph” I whimpered.
I knew this was inevitable so I might as well get over it. Easy…
Edward and Carlisle had told Charlie about the aging and how it would stop
soon - Charlie was very relieved.
He always wondered and had questions but he still preferred not knowing
everything in detail.
He will never get the image of Jacob phasing in front of him, out of his head.

Edward and Charlie were quite close nowadays – to my delight - and every now
and then, they would go fishing with Billy and Jake.
Since my father was getting used to Nessy’s growing, he didn’t even bother to
look twice when Seth or the other Quileute’s got even bigger.
The only ones noticing were the people in Forks.

We never really had any business there except the few times we visited The
Newton’s Store to buy camping supplies but we sure knew how to turn heads
whenever we were in town.
Edward was of course keeping tabs so there was never a reason for us to worry.
The people mainly thought about our beauty or the Quileute’s eating habits.
They wondered sarcastically if La Push had turned into a gym.
We never had difficulties keeping up the charade in Forks.
Renée was another story.
Shortly after our dreadful day with the Volturi, almost four years ago, I’d been
starting to prepare myself for visiting my mother. I didn’t have any problems
with humans, I could easily control my thirst but there were other things to
worry about.
We decided after a couple of days talking about it that Renée could
never know Nessy as her granddaughter.
Since Ness looked a lot like Edward we came to the conclusion that they would
be related.
Our first story about Nessy that had crashed and burned with Charlie’s disbelief,
worked better on my mother.
Nessy would be Edward’s niece but since we were too young to adopt, Carlisle
and Esme would be her guardians.
And I suggested that her last name would be Masen.
The name Edward was born with.
Jacob added that her name probably couldn’t be Renesmee either but Vanessa
was close to Nessy.
Vanessa Masen. Vanessa was the name I chose for her when it was a possibility
that she and Jacob would run away from the Volturi four years ago.
Nessy would be practically giddy about her new name.
The only thing topping this would be Vanessa Wolfe. I shuddered at the thought
of having Jacob that close to my daughter, my four year old. That was also

inevitable but hopefully I would have a few years left before I would keep
Edward from snapping Jake’s neck.
For six months I spoke to my mom over the phone almost every day
and she was feeling less worried. And when it had gone a year since the last
time I saw her we bought her and Phil tickets to come visit us.
After three hours in Alice’s massive salon of a bathroom I actually looked
awful. Well, I looked like the old me. I hadn’t hunted in ten days so my eyes
were very dark, closer to the chocolate brown eyes had when I was human.
Renée would notice if I wore contacts.
After my crimson red eyes had turned golden, I never bothered with contact
lenses when I saw Charlie but that could never be the case with Renée.
The first time Charlie came to visit and I didn’t have contacts he obviously
noticed but I laughed a bit and told him “the last change, I promise dad”. He
frowned at first but I could see the relief in his eyes when I said last change.
At the same time my mom and Phil came to visit, it was time to
celebrate mine and Edwards first year as a married couple.
Alice, again, wasn’t slow in her thoughts and by the time it was time to meet
Renée and Phil at the airport the house looked like a junior version of the
wedding. Twinkle lights lingered everywhere, flowers in beautiful vases stood
against the walls and candles were lit on every table.
The kitchen was now always packed with food.
Seth and Jacob were here everyday and Charlie, Billy and Sue came over every
weekend. Dad and Sue were really close nowadays and Edward had told us that
it wouldn’t be long until they would confess their feeling toward each other.
When Edward returned with Renée and Phil it was twilight.
The dinner party would seem strange when only two people were eating without
making faces; so Charlie, Sue, Billy, Seth and of course, Jacob came as well.

Hugging my mother was also inevitable so before I put on my black jeans and a
long sleeved blouse that Alice had given me, I took a two hour long hot shower.
After that I was ready to at least give my mother a human hug after not seeing
her for a year.
After a tearful Hello - tearful on her part; we sat down in the dining room and
we all talked and laughed for hours. It felt like old times in many ways. She
eyed me suspiciously at first as I expected - a year in Alice’s bathroom would
never conceal everything that had changed but she was just so happy to see me. I
was blissful about seeing her as well and it wasn’t that hard to ignore the
burning in my throat even though it had been ten days since my last hunt.
It was however hard to introduce Ness to my mother but Edward and
Nessy herself, made it easy. Nessy was just glad she could have Renée in her
life one way or another.
The dinner went on very smoothly except for the part where I had to eat.
This was the first time I ate human food since I became a vampire.
My mom thought nothing of it, why would she.
Edward and Alice felt a bit sorry for me but they couldn’t help not chuckling.
They all hated human food of course but to them it was all part of the charade
and they’ve gotten used to it.
Jacob and Emmet pretended to laugh at a joke someone told but I knew they
were laughing at me. I made them pay later though.
Even though Charlie didn’t exactly know what we were, he still
some how looked at us in disbelief as we ate and drank. Our eating habits were
something he always questioned in silence. As the evening went by everyone
settled in different parts of the house. Emmet, Rosalie, Charlie, Billy and Phil
talked about sports, Esme and Renée were reminiscing in the kitchen about the
wedding. Carlisle, Edward, Sue and Seth were talking about something in La
Push. I drifted around and settled later on a couch feeling very content.

Four faces disappeared though. Alice and Jasper were probably getting the
yucky food out of their systems and well; then there was my Nessy… and Jacob.
At the time I was only little anxious but as long as Edward knew everything I
didn’t worry too much.
Over the last three years we made it into a tradition to have this
dinner in August and every year whenever Alice could see rain in Florida,
Edward and I would visit them in Jacksonville. The last four years truly had
been wonderful.
Esme and Carlisle loved having people over and everyone could relax because
of the simple facts that we had no secrets. We played our parts when Renée and
Phil were here of course and we were a bit more careful with the words around
my father but still, we could feel at ease. And every night I had my Edward next
to me. Nessy had taken Edwards old room in the big house as her getaway and
many nights were like a slumber party to her. She and Alice could be twins.
They both loved shopping and travelling. At first I was worried that she would
become spoiled but Alice was not the biggest problem there.
It was Edward. He never said no to the girl! But Nessy was wonderful.
She showed such gratitude and loved to give things to the people she loved.
By the time she played the part of a thirteen year old, Alice helped her with the
stock market and soon she wouldn’t need daddy’s money. I couldn’t say I was
thrilled about this but it was the Cullen way and it turned out great when Nessy
one day even asked if she could get a job. Surely this had nothing to do with
money but she wanted to help out in some way and interaction with other people
was something she craved so Carlisle offered her a job as helping hand in the
cafeteria at the hospital. She worked there for a while before she started talking
about school.

When Nessy started at Neah Bay High; Edward wasn’t worried at all. It took me
a month to figure out why he was so calm.
Every other day he suddenly decided to go out for a few hours and there was
always a weird reason behind his decision. Shopping and some crazy driving; I
could believe but when he started talking about golf I became suspicious!
A week later I followed him all the way to Neah Bay! For a month he had been
spying on our daughter! I was so mad at him. How could he do this to me?!
Wasn’t he smart enough to know that I would want to spy as well?!
But after a brief fight about it, he dazzled his way out and he had my
forgiveness. After that we spied together and we felt content when we noticed
that Jacob didn’t visit too often. We should have known better though…
When Nessy came home for the holidays she was one the verge of exploding.
Renesmee Carlie Cullen actually yelled at me and Edward.
She totally chewed us out! She pointed and waved and screamed and for a
while; both I and Edward felt like we were her children.
Shortly after; Nessy transferred to a school in Vancouver and said in
her confident voice “If I catch you spying on me again I will find a new school…
Maybe in China!!!”
Emmet and Rosalie laughed so hard that it was difficult not to join in.
Our daughter was right, we were so embarrassed and we did obey from that
moment; we never spied again. With a new apartment and a new wardrobe, she
left for Vancouver. After Ness left, we all noticed all the food we had to throw
away. Jacob didn’t eat… because he didn’t visit anymore.
One night when I was curled up in Edward’s arms in our little cottage, we talked
about Jacob and Renesmee.
When Nessy turned one, she showed us a development of her gift.
From birth she could let us know her thought by touching us with her hand.
But that was not the only thing she could do anymore. She could also shield her
own thoughts. Edward could no longer read her mind when she decided she

didn’t want him to. At first we were surprised since these gifts never really
developed, they would be there from the start.
But then again, this only applied to vampires. Nessy is half human and can there
for change. Carlisle and Edward made studies but can still only speculate.
Carlisle believes this to be one more gift from me or Edward. I shield myself
and people around me from other mental gifts. And now Nessy can do that too
with one exception; my shield is always there, I chose to move it if I want
Edward to read my minds. Nessy turns her on. It’s not in function until she
chooses. And what teenager wants her father to read he mind? This all made
sense to me but Edward was annoyed.
Every time I saw him trying to read her mind I couldn’t keep myself from
laughing. However, we are still wondering. Could she do more?
The problem now was; not knowing what state her relationship with Jake was in.
“Do you think Jacob is with her in Vancouver” I asked. I already
knew the answer but maybe, just maybe he had another theory.
He clenched his teeth. “Probably”.
I used the words he had asked me so many times before; “Tell me what you are
He sighed and continued. “My guess is something has changed in their
relationship. We haven’t seen Jacob in months and I believe there is only one
I knew his thoughts and finished; “you think he is hiding from your
It was more of a statement than a question so we didn’t speak for a while.
Ness was coming home for the summer and in two days we would
pick her up at the airport. We all had a surprise waiting for her and we knew that
we had to include Jacob in those plans. I loved Jacob very much and if my
daughter were to date… I shuddered at the thought. Well, then Jacob would be

And there had never been any doubt that Jacob wouldn’t do everything for
Renesmee. The only thing bothering us was Nessy’s age. To us; she was still
only four years old. She may look like a fifteen year old and she is no doubt
smarter than an average college student.
But still, it had only been four short years since Edward sang her to sleep.
I sighed again and decided not let my anxiousness ruin this night with my
husband. He was still feeling bothered but I knew what to do to make that go

When the sun started to rise, we looked deep in each others eyes and as he
dazzled me with his gentle touch on my arm; he sighed and rolled his eyes.
It only took me a few seconds to understand, and another second later; I heard
Alice walking toward our little haven. She knocked on the door and waited.
Edward got up unwillingly and flitted in to our huge wardrobe.
A second later he was dressed in a pair of black khakis and a moss green shirt.
After he closed the bedroom door behind himself, he went to open the door for
Alice. I got up and walked slowly through the walk-in closet trying to decide
what to wear. Edward and I were driving to Seattle with Alice and Jasper.
We had some shopping to do before we could surprise Nessy.
As I got dressed; Alice entered and started with my hair. I was still her make up
doll and she just loved to fix, pull, braid and dress me. When she was done with
my hair I looked in the mirror and she waited for my reaction.
While I smiled and thanked her, Edward came into view smiled my favorite
crooked smile. If I was human I would blush. He wrapped his arms around me
and kissed me intensively. Alice faked a cough and yet again I would blush if I
Edward chuckled and took my hand.
“Let’s go shopping!” he said sarcastically. I sighed and followed them out.
“Bella, do you honestly still hate shopping?” Alice asked.

I looked at Edward for my answer but he gave me nothing.

To be honest, shopping was like dancing. It was awful when I was human but
with my senses enhanced as a vampire I could now follow Edward on the dance
floor. But I was still me.
Maybe I didn’t hate shopping now and maybe I had gotten better at it but I still
didn’t like it. But when it came to Alice it was always better to sugar coat it.
“Well, kind of, Alice… but when I’m shopping with you, it’s
bearable” I lied.
Alice is the last person I wanted to join in a shopping spree.
She could walk around in a mall for hours.
Edward smiled at my lie in approval and Alice lit up at the compliment.
Jasper was already in the garage when we arrived at the big house.
Esme stepped out on the small porch and handed Alice a list of things she
needed from Seattle. She smiled and told us to have fun.
Yeah that’ll be the day, I thought. Edward had for long, pressured me to pretty
much just spend some money.
He really didn’t care what I would spend it on, as long as I did it.
But how could I ever crave anything when our home had everything I wanted
and more. Money was close to nothing in the Cullen family.
They all had enough money to lead their own country.
I looked at my car where it stood covered with a top in the back of the garage. A
lipstick red Ferrari… didn’t Edward know me at all? I chuckled at the thought as
we drove away in Edwards Volvo. Edward looked at me and raised an eyebrow.
“Nothing” I said and smiled.
He gave me that car after I became a vampire hoping that I would love it.
I didn’t love it at all; it was too flashy for me. Jake did however love it!
But a car like that had no business in Forks. Sure I did like speed nowadays and
I would probably hate creeping up the road in my old Chevy but a red Ferrari?
No thanks.

Hmm, he wants me to spend money… and taking his Volvo every time I needed
to go somewhere suited me just fine but he would be happy if I wanted
something materialistic. In a flash of a second Alice knew what I was about to
ask Edward and she immediately thought about something else so that Edward
would get the question from me instead of her.
“Edward?” I said.
He answered beautifully as ever; “Yes, love?”
Okay, here we go, lets spend some of your money. If I said that out loud he
would just say “our” money.
“I was thinking… well, there is one thing I could actually need” I lied just a
He smiled while I fumbled with my words. Had Alice slipped?
“You might not think I do but I really do think the Ferrari is very cool, but I
don’t really think it fits me so I was thinking…”
“You want a new car!” he interrupted in a very enthusiastic voice.
Jasper and Alice chuckled. Alice knew I didn’t exactly want another monstrosity
and Jasper could feel that Edward was dead wrong.
“Uhm, well, yes but before you get too excited honey… I was thinking…
discrete, inconspicuous and not too expensive. In fact I wouldn’t mind a used
car” I said. I should have known better than to say used… Edward would never
let me drive anything older than a milk carton in Charlie’s fridge.
Edward frowned at the word used but his grin was soon back on his perfect face.
I could feel a compromise coming my way.
“Hmm. Bella, love. I am very happy that you finally want something and I will
not decide anything for you. However, I have one simple request” he said.
Oh dear. Here he goes. He continued “Can you at least decide on a car that is
new?” He said the word new in a pleading voice and I knew he would get his
way. It could have been a lot worse though. I’m sure a can find a cheap car
that’s new.

“All right, but can you promise me that you will not go against whatever my
decision will be?” I asked.
He smiled and nodded “As long it’s not used”
I leaned over to his side and kissed his cheek.
“Thanks for not being all Edward about it” I whispered and chuckled.
He sighed and rolled his eyes and for the second time today he smiled his
crooked smile. And as I let my thoughts wonder it was Jaspers turn to fake a
cough. “Sorry, Jasper” I muttered embarrassed. Edward just laughed.
When we arrived in Seattle I couldn’t exactly hide my feelings.
When Edward glanced at me I moved my shield and let him know.
This was very convenient and it was my way of dazzling Edward. He was
always mesmerized by my mind.
I guess that’s because whatever I was I letting him know; there was always an
under current of thoughts about my undying love for him.
Anyway, he knew what I had on my mind. And of course, so did Alice.
“Oh come on, Bella!” she complained. “You are not actually leaving?! We just
arrived!” A moment of silence while she pouted and then continued “So much
for bearable” she snapped.
Jasper and Edward laughed and received a crazed glare from Alice.
I tried to explain. “Alice? It’s just that… well, you are so much better at
shopping than I am. Especially when it comes to shopping for Renesmee. We
are not leaving it’s just that maybe I could stand in the background? You know
how I am in a clothing store… remember LA last winter?”
Alice frowned at the thought of me accidently trying on a men’s shirt in a
dressing room. I never really thought of it but Alice freaked and actually looked
After a few minutes, she finally softened and agreed to me standing in the
background of today’s event. I actually did have some shopping to do but I had

to do that alone and as soon as Alice would see, I hoped she could distract
Edward. Our daughter’s homecoming wasn’t the only thing I looked forward to.
In a couple of weeks it was Edwards’s birthday.
Obviously I hade no idea what so ever on what to give him but I wanted it to be
extravagant for once. It was more his style. So what I needed was something
materialistic but still personal. I shrugged and thought “too bad I’m no Rosalie,
then I could build him a car” I would need help with his gift. Definitely.
And it would have to been soon. We’re leaving in a week so we wouldn’t
celebrate Edwards’s birthday in Forks. Maybe I could give him his present
before we left?
Maybe I should ask Alice anyway, she was after all quite good at hiding
information from Edward. We entered the department store and I could feel this
was going to be a long day. I felt it, there for Jasper felt it and Edward read his
mind and was apparently going to say something to me but before he could…
“Get over your self, Bella” Alice snapped. Okay, now I felt bad.
I would suffer in silence from now on.
And then I knew exactly what to say to make her happy again. I took Alice aside
and whispered my wish, and shortly after; a request about her not letting Edward
know. Her face lit up like a child entering Willy Wonka’s Factory.
Even though she could irritate me to my very core, I loved her very much and
her happiness meant a lot to me. Edward joined us; he was curious about what
Alice was hiding.
“What is she translating this time” I chuckled.
He laughed and answered “Right now she’s alphabetizing the names of every
shopping mall that she’s visited so I’m assuming you two are hiding something
from me for quite a while?”
“You assume right” I answered. “And Edward? If you love me, you’ll let this
go” He kissed my forehead and promised. Alice sent Jasper and Edward away

with Esme’s list. And swiftly, she led the way until we stood in front of a huge
pink sign. Of course she would choose Victoria’s Secret.
We spent about twenty minutes in there and though she was happy to help me,
she wanted me to decide on my own lingerie.
I was kind of counting on her decision, I owed her big for the last time she
bought me this stuff. And as I remembered what kind of lingerie that did the
trick for Edward - I just went with my instincts.
I found one black piece, lacy, very promiscuous and with French tags.
I actually liked it in a way. Mostly because I knew Edward would go crazy. He
may be a perfect gentleman but like he once said himself; “I’m still a man” I
held it up and Alice nodded enthusiastically. She was impressed. I found a pair
of matching stockings and felt ready to leave. But Alice had other plans.
“Shoes” she said.
“Ah, shoes with lingerie, of course, that make sense” I murmured sarcastically.
She ignored my comment and led the way again. Shoes at Victoria’s Secret…
Yeah, they probably don’t sell sneakers here.
This time she decided for me, thank God! She found a pair of black
stilettos, very glossy and a death trap to a human with the coordination skills I
once had. I didn’t exactly approve but she was known for being right so I just
During this time she had found a number of items her self and together we
walked toward the registrar. Alice was obviously used to women glaring at her
in envy but this was still new to me since I never really left Forks for no special
For the first time in months, I used the credit card; Edward had given me before
we got married. We left the store and Alice grabbed my bag, folded it and
placed it at the bottom of her much larger bag.
“Thoroughness is the key to fool the likes of Edward and myself” she said and

“Oh, and Bella? You look kind of excited; you might want to trade that in for
boredom if you want to fool your husband”
I smiled ruefully at her comment and tried to relax in order to look bored.
It was hard though. I could not wait to show Edward. But right now I had to
come up with the larger gift for him and I had an idea.
“Alice, you’re quite good at hiding things from Edward, right?”
“As long it’s not too many things, I manage well” she said and chuckled.
“I sort of need some help with a gift for Edward”
“What a great idea, Bella! He will love that!”
Over the last four years Edward had not been playing his piano that
much because of the simple fact that it stood in the big house.
A grand piano of his liking would consume our little cottage.
So adding a new room and placing a new piano there was to be my gift for
Edward. Extravagant but still personal.
When we left the mall, we saw that our husbands waiting for us, smiling.
At first I became suspicious but Alice smiled and said “Don’t worry, I wont
slip” A second later she got a bit distracted and started alphabetizing again.
Edward opened the car door for me and kissed my hand as I got in.
This time, Jasper drove and I noticed that we weren’t leaving Seattle.
Another mall… Edward was also done shopping so he and I waited in the car
this time. With Edwards arm around me, we became perfectly still and just
appreciated the moment.
“I can’t wait for tomorrow. It seems like forever ago, we saw Nessy” I said.
“It will be interesting to see Jacob. Or should I say hear Jacob” Edward
answered. I could not agree more but tomorrow was to be a joyous event.
“Don’t start anything tomorrow” I pleaded. We kissed in agreement and fell into

When we got back to Forks it was dark and from the garage, we could hear
troubled murmuring inside the house. Billy and Charlie were there.
Edward stood still for a second and then he speeded in to the house with a
tortured face. Was it agony?
He slowed down, just in time as he came into view for Charlie.
In a heartbeat the rest of us followed while Alice followed more slowly; looking
Even though Edward knew everything, he had to wait patiently for Billy, Charlie
and Carlisle to tell the story and that’s how the rest of us non-mind readers
found out. First we heard the censured version from Billy and Charlie.
The two of them got back from a fishing trip in La Push and Sam had been
waiting for them at Billy’s house. He had spoken to Jacob who to no surprise
was in Vancouver. The previous day, Jacob and Ness had gone out to eat and
when they came back to Nessy’s apartment someone had been there.
To Charlie, this would most likely be a burglar but we all knew.
“The Volturi?” I whispered to Edward.
Edward was in pain but composed him self in front of my dad.
I started to freak and Esme put her arm on my shoulder.
“Dad, can you maybe go down to your office and call the police department in
Vancouver? Maybe they’ve heard anything” Not likely but in I needed him out
of the house.
“We can drive Billy home, Charlie” Carlisle offered.
Charlie put his professional face on which meant a deep crease between his
eyebrows. “I’ll call as soon as I know anything, Bells” he tried to soothe me.
When the door closed, Edward actually had to hold me in place as I was about to
fall to pieces.
Since Edward knew everything, he told the story and Billy added a few things.
“I can’t be sure until Jacob is here, but why would it be the Volturi?” Edward
asked. He noticed my hysteria taking over and calmed me a bit.

“Jacob is on his way home with Nessy as we speak, they’ll be here in a couple
of hours”
“They’re running?” I asked.
“Yes. But don’t worry, love. Embry, Paul and Sam are meeting them.”
“Let’s go then, I can’t just sit here and wait Edward! Why are you so calm?” I
started to panic.
“She will be home soon, safe and sound, I promise. But of course we can meet
Edward concentrated for a second and was able to pick up the voices of the
pack. They had gotten far already. Edward kissed the top of my head stroking
his hand on my back. I took a deep breath to compose myself.
Carlisle and Emmet went with us. The second we were out of the house, I saw
Alice through the window. She was upset, confused and concentrating.
I knew it was hard for her not being able to see Nessy and Jacob but she always
knew that the two of them were the blind spots in Vancouver.
We ran as fast as we could; Edward determined, Carlisle worried and Emmet
ready for anything.
It didn’t take long before we caught the scent from the pack and from there on it
was easy to follow. After about twenty minutes we could see the city lights of
Port Angeles and shortly after that the lights of the smaller town Sequim.
When we got closer to Port Townsend, I expected us to swim across the sound
but just before I could take the leap; Edward stopped and listened.
“They will be here in a matter of minutes. They are all on the ferry” He
continued “Jacob and Nessy have been running in circles to distract an eventual
tracker” And then he looked confused. “I can’t hear Jacob or Nessy”
If this was a cartoon; I would look like a freaking question mark.
“But I can see them through the minds of Sam, Embry and Paul” he finished.
“Renesmee is probably blocking you, son” Carlisle stated.

“That doesn’t explain the absence of Jacob’s thoughts though.” Edward

“We will know more soon, the ferry is closing in”
I just stood still, waiting impatiently for our daughter. Our four year old girl.
I took Edward’s hand. A minute later; the ferry docked and we walked toward
the arriving passengers. Sam, Embry, Paul, Jake… “Nessy!” I could see her in
the crowd.
“Mom! Dad!” Nessy ran to us with a face of relief.
The three of us hugged for quite a while and I met Edward’s eyes.
If he could cry, he would. Nessy hugged Carlisle and Emmet but didn’t let go of
Edward’s hand.
I felt warm and happy again. Whatever we had to deal with now, we would do
so together.
We ran back home in silence. Nessy looked happy.
Edward - Distraught and irritated. Jacob; worried! Even in his wolf form it was
evident that he was nervous. About what?
When we got closer to the house, Nessy pulled some fabric out of her backpack
and put it in Jacob’s mouth.
He took off into the woods to phase back.
Nessy watched as he disappeared with a huge smile on her face. Disturbing.
We ran across the wild garden and Nessy entered the house first.
With happy faces on every member of our family, I felt warm again.
I went to call Charlie, to let him know that Nessy was safe while everyone
gathered around Nessy who was telling stories about her semester in Vancouver.
I wondered where Alice and Jasper were though. Earlier today, she
could not wait for Renesmee to come home.
When I entered the living room, so did Jacob.
He looked… nervous, scared? What was going on? I eyed him suspiciously and
he avoided my stare. I needed answers, I needed my Edward.

Jacob sat down next to Renesmee and kept quiet. Mine and Edward’s eyes met
across the room from each other and we both had a creased forehead. I moved
my shield for a couple of seconds, “they look connected?” I thought worrying.
And this did it.
Edward had been silent for a long time and I knew he was thinking hard about
not being able to hear Jake. Because of Nessy’s fast growing, Edward and I only
had about two years to act like real parents. We never had any problems with
our daughter. She was a smart, adoring and an understanding child. We’ve never
had any real arguments with her. This was about to change, I could feel it. So
could Jacob. I looked at Edward. He had figured something out. He looked…
well, he actually looked pissed. I’ve never seen him like this.
Edward clenched his teeth and spoke with a strict parental voice.
“Jacob. Outside. Now!!!” “Nessy, you too!”
“Dad?” Nessy looked confused but followed Jacob when he; with his head
bowed, walked out. She had never heard her father speak like this.
I knew that he must have a good reason, he would never show this side of
himself in front of his beloved girl if he didn’t.
Everybody was on their feet and I flitted outside to be with Edward and also to
find out.
“Renesmee, stop blocking Jacob!” Edward spoke through his teeth and he had a
hard time composing him self.
Blocking Jacob? Edward rarely used her full name. Carlisle materialized next to
Edward, looking stunned. But not angry.
My thoughts were everywhere and I could almost feel faint. Almost. Then it hit
me: NESSY BLOCKING JACOB?! She can do more?! Behind me, I heard
Emmet and Rosalie barking out laughs. It had taken about two seconds since
Edward told Nessy to stop blocking Jake. I glanced at Nessy who looked guilty
but I could see, she was preparing herself for her first argument with her father.
Edward waited for her response and I saw my window.

“No Renesmee!! You keep quiet and do what your father tells you to!”
For a brief moment I was actually startled by my own tone. Nessy apparently
obeyed. Edward locked his muscles as he listened to Jacob who was still quiet.
After a minute Edward relaxed a bit but looked very determined and he still
spoke through his razor sharp teeth; “Alice, Jasper. Take Nessy upstairs to her
Alice and Jasper came from the garage and silently walked Nessy upstairs.
Had they been hiding in the garage this whole time? Why? Jasper also smiled
which was very frustrating. What made Emmet, Rosalie and Jasper giggling like
school girls when Edward was so angry? Edward took a step toward Jacob,
flexing his muscles.
“Edward, listen before you decide to fight me” Jacob almost pleaded.
It felt weird seeing Edward as a true parent, but weird in a good way and Jacob’s
childlike pleading made him so small.
“It wouldn’t be much of a fight, pup but sure, let’s talk” Edward muttered but
unclenched his teeth.
Carlisle gestured with his hand and we all followed him inside where we could
sit and be civilized. Carlisle spoke first. “Edward, son. Why don’t you tell us
what you know and after that we let Jacob speak?”
Edward interrupted “First I need a moment with Bella to talk tings over”
“Of course” Carlisle said apologetically.
“Keep Nessy up stairs until we return in a moment” Edward sighed and Carlisle
chuckled. Edward grabbed my hand and in a minute we leaped over the river
and shortly after that; we opened the door to out little home. Edward lunged
him self in one of the two oversized chairs and I followed but a bit more
Edward sighed and groaned “Jacob is no longer the best brother a girl can have.
He is so in love with her and I can’t decide on how to feel. Jacob is a good guy
but… Our daughter?! Couldn’t he imprint on someone else”

We both knew that thanks to Jacob’s imprinting on Renesmee, the support from
the werewolves had come naturally, and because of the love Jacob felt for our
girl; the alliance with the Quileute’s could not be stronger.
I left my seat and curled my self up with Edward.
“Tell me” I whispered.
“Like I said, Jacob is now in love with Nessy. And I doubt it will take long
before she feels the same”
We knew this day would come.
“What made you so angry earlier?” I whispered.
“Apparently, Nessy has developed more when it comes to her talent. Not only
can she block herself but she can block other people or at least Jacob.” I waited
for him to continue.
“It was frustrating not knowing and I guess I overreacted a bit but I did feel very
upset that they didn’t tell us about her new skill”
“Have they known about this for long?” I asked.
“The past few months. That is why she was blocking him now. They knew we
would be upset since they didn’t tell us. At first I thought she was blocking him
because of his feelings for Ness but she doesn’t know yet.” He answered.
“Where do we go from here, I mean; she will be our baby girl for a long time
but that’s just to us! And I doubt we can force them to not be together”
“I know, we will just have to keep our thought to ourselves when it comes to
Nessy and Jacob’s bond, we don’t want to push her away. It’s not their fault. But
I will demand honesty from now on, from both of them”
“Sounds good… I was very impressed with you today by the way. Very parental
and…” I trailed off.
He kissed me briefly and then sighed. “We shouldn’t keep the others waiting”
I pouted but agreed.

We ran back a bit slower and holding hands and as we walked up the porch we
noticed that the atmosphere had changed.
Emmet sat in front of the TV, watching a game. Jacob sat next to him with a
large pizza. Esme came out from the kitchen and smiled her motherly smile at
us. “You may have an argument to tend to but Jacob was hungry” she said
lightly. Jacob smiled at Esme but still avoided me and Edward.
“The crabby parents are back to serve some ass whooping. I think
Nessy, the shopaholic and Mr. Mood can come down now!” Emmet laughed at
his own joke.
And a couple of seconds later; Nessy, Alice and Jasper walked down the stairs.
Carlisle came down from his study and took a seat at the end of the long table.
Esme stood behind him with one hand on his shoulder.
On one side, Edward sat down and I settled in the chair to his left.
Jacob chose a chair across the table from Edward.
Nessy and Jacob exchanged a look of tenderness but also guilt as she sat down
next to me. The others kept close but stayed away from the dining room.
Edward softened when I took his hand and then he began.
“Bella and I kind of knew that Jacob would follow you to Vancouver, Nessy but
to keep it all a secret is wrong on so many levels”
And I filled in with; “Whatever you decide is your choice sweetie, but your
father and I trust you to tell us important things… and same goes for you Jacob”
It was weird having to treat Jake as a child when he was just two years younger
than me but when it came to Nessy there had to be a line drawn.
Edward continued “I apologize for overreacting before but it was very
frustrating knowing that something was going on and then to see Jacob muted”
Nessy took over; “I’m really sorry dad and I see your point, I really do, it was
wrong of me not to tell you and I’m sorry for making you and mom worried”
I felt the warmth and happiness again and I was glad everything had turned out
well. Esme and I shared the same smile.

I knew this conversation was far from over but at least now there were no
grudges. Carlisle joined in and our conversation took a new turn. “Nessy, can
you tell us about your new talent and how you discovered it?”
We all listened intently when she told us.
A few months ago when she was home during spring break, she’d spent a day
down in La Push. She and Emily were talking about the gifts some vampires
“Have you considered that you might be able to more?” Emily had asked her
and then how Emily remembered her Sam coming home from one of his patrols,
telling her about me and how at first I could only shield my self but as I started
to work with my gift; I was later able to protect more people.
Nessy had thought it was an interesting idea but didn’t really know where to
start… and then Jake had told her what I did to practice and Nessy remembered
Kate and Zafrina very well - working with me, and that anger was the best way
to sort of channel strength.
Nessy had spoken with confidence and knowledge when she told us. “I never
had anyone with a mental gift to practice with but I tried my hardest and after a
while I could feel some kind of energy shielding the person I was channelizing it
towards. And that’s how I knew”
Nessy had smiled and was obviously impressed with her self.
Carlisle and Edward were fascinated but I felt quite irritated.
“Renesmee, do you really not know anyone with a mental gift?” I actually gave
her a real glare and she knew why.
“I know, I’m really sorry, I know now I should have asked for your help dad, I
guess I was just playing around with it at first and later I never really thought of
it” she apologized.
Edward could never hold a grudge when it came to Nessy. He glowed with pride
at the moment so I just let it go.

Jacob who had been very quiet had a new topic on mind and the most important
one really.
“How should we deal with Nessy’s visitor last night?” He continued “I didn’t
recognize the scent so I can’t really help out and I failed to follow the scent as it
just disappeared outside the building”. Jacob hated feeling helpless.
“Well, maybe we should drive up there and see if we recognize it?” Carlisle
suggested. I put my arm around Nessy.
Jasper entered the dining room. After talking it over, we decided that Edward,
Carlisle, Jasper and Alice would drive up there to check things out.
It had been a long day for Nessy and Jake. The sun would rise in two hours or
“Nessy, sweetie. Perhaps it’s time for bed?” I smiled and stroked her hair.
I stood up and dragged my half a sleep daughter out of the dining room and
headed for the stairs. “Mom, can I sleep in the cottage tonight?” I smiled and
held her tightly “Never ask that, Ness. Of course you can”
I led the way out and Jacob followed. Jacob smiled at us and then darted into the
woods only to arrive four seconds later in his wolf form. He would circle the
cottage as long as Renesmee was a sleep.
“Jake, you need to get some sleep as well” I said. He chuckled with his husky
voice and rolled is eyes.
“I know, I shouldn’t even bother telling you” I sighed and shrugged. He would
get some sleep in the big house tomorrow when we were all there.
Edward came outside. “When are you leaving?” I asked.
“Right away. It will be somewhat sunny in Vancouver tomorrow so we want to
get this over with.” “We will be back around sunset tomorrow.”
“Can Alice see anything? I asked.
“She’s trying, she is very confused. We don’t really know what’s going on.”
That freaked me out a little. Edward kissed Nessy’s hand and pulled her towards
his back.

She climbed up and held her arms around his neck not even bothering to open
her eyes. Edward kissed me and then we raced back to the cottage. Even with a
sleeping fifteen year old on his back he had me. I could crush a lot of things but
since Emmet beat me in arm wrestling, thirteen months after my change, I never
felt strong again. I was no fighter. And whenever I tried to wrestle, even with
Esme, Edward always had plans for us. Emmet was willing to help me but of
course Edward caught him thinking about it and then that was out the window
Edward carried Nessy to her room and during two seconds, she woke up, looked
around and lunged for the bed and then her eyes closed again.
I stood in the doorway while Edward kissed her goodnight and covered her in
blankets. His perfect eyes met mine and we walked out to the living room.
“Love you” I whispered.
“Forever” and then he kissed my nose. “Hurry back to us, and call me” My
voice felt thick. I didn’t like it when we were apart. He smiled my favorite smile
and then he was gone.
I had about thirteen hours before Edward, Jasper, Alice and Carlisle
were back. I couldn’t just stand still all day so I decided to use this time well and
Edward’s birthday gift needed some attention. I could hear Jacob outside the
cottage and I opened the door.
“Jake, can you phase back and come inside for a while?” He was about to dart
back to the place he had hid his sweats but before he could blink I was back with
a pair of Edwards khakis. He rolled his eyes when I smirked and put the pants
between his teeth. I closed the door and sat down in a chair.
Jacob knocked once and the entered. “Hi, Bells” he said a bit
apologetically but his husky grin was still glued on his face. I gave him a quick
glare but turned it into a genuine smile immediately. “I need to talk to Esme
about Edward’s birthday and I was wondering if you could stay here with Ness
for a while?”

Jake nodded and sat down in a chair putting his feet on the small wooden table
and started searching for the remote. I just laughed. That’s the Jacob I know.
”I’m afraid we don’t have any real food here but there are sodas and snacks in
Nessy’s mini fridge in her room”
Nessy preferred hunting when she was home but in Vancouver she ate mostly
human food. She still kept her diet natural. She could enjoy a steak and a salad,
or eggs or fruit but she couldn’t stand the smell of processed food like French
fries or hamburgers.
Still she kept her fridge stocked with Coke or Mountain Dew along with snacks.
Stuff that Jake loved, no doubt.
“Sweet” he said as he started flipping through the two hundred channels.
“I’ll be back soon” I grabbed my pink laptop, a gift from Alice and I was on my
way out when Jacob cleared his throat; “Bella… I can’t say I’m sorry about the
way I feel for Nessy but I would never disrespect you and Edward. My feelings
towards her will stay hidden until she feels the same… If she will feel the same.
And I will talk to you first”
“I know you will Jake” I smiled at him.
“And Jake… Se will feel the same” I closed the door behind me and shuddered
before I leaped through the woods.
Esme was in the kitchen, making a list on things she needed to keep
the wolves and humans full and satisfied for another week.
“Hello Bella” She said in her bright singing voice. She didn’t seem to worry
about Carlisle. I was probably overreacting.
“Hi Esme, do you need help with anything?”
“No, but thank you dear. You seem to have a question though”
“Edward’s birthday is coming up and I need some advice” I started.
She sat down by the kitchen counter, smiling as always.

“I want to give him something he will really appreciate and I know how much
he likes to play the piano. So I was thinking… about adding a new room to our
cottage and place a piano there” I smiled and waited for Esme’s answer.
“What a wonderful idea, Bella! He will love that. When were you planning on
giving it to him?”
“Well, I was sort of hoping to present it for him before we leave but I don’t
know if that’s even possible”
“Of course it’s possible” she chirped.
Then she continued.
“I was talking to Rosalie earlier about Reneesme’s homecoming and how it kind
of… Well there was no celebrating so to speak. And we thought about throwing
a party for her tonight and then maybe we could leave earlier. We all need a
vacation” she said. “Anyway, since we are already having a party, maybe you
could give Edward your gift tonight? We could all give him our presents” She
A birthday party and a Welcome home party all wrapped up in one. Esme was a
genius. Wow. “Wow, we have a lot to do then. How on earth are we going to
finish the cottage so soon?”
Esme smiled and answered to my question with;
“Emmet! We need you” I turned my head and saw him coming from the garage.
Rosalie joined shortly after. Before Esme started to fill them in she flitted up the
stairs. Emmet and Rosalie sat down. Why was he covered in oil? With a huge
grin on his face he took in my questioning stare. “Edward’s birthday gift” he
said and grinned wider. Oh my god! They’re actually building him a car! Dang!
Will my gift still be better? I hope so. Esme returned with a set of blue prints
and she rolled it out on the counter. It was our cottage.
“We are adding a music room for Edward at the cottage and I think this is the
best place to do it” she pointed on the left wall of our bedroom. On the other

side was our huge walk-in closet. Esme continued. “We have about eleven
hours” she looked at Emmet and he grinned.
“Destruction time!” He flexed his muscles.
Esme smiled but ignored his always ready-for-a-fight mode and turned to me.
“I suggest we take the piano we have here and then we can just buy a new one.
Edward loves the one he has here. Plus, it will save us time.” She rolled her eyes
at Emmet and went on “And with the living monster truck we have here…” she
said jokingly “…we will have that new room done in no time and when we’re
done, we can focus on decorating here in the house.”
Esme was a true lifesaver. And before I could think about material she went on
both talking to us and planning out loud for her self. “Rosalie, can you drive
down to the lumber yard in town and get this” she handed her a list but before
she left;
“Rosalie, I know money is nothing to you but please.” I handed her my credit
card. She chuckled but accepted it and then she was out the door. Did I ruin their
gift now? “Emmet, do you have more to do in the garage?” I asked anxiously.
“Nope, all done” he said.
This was all so easy, what was I supposed to do?
The idea was mine but the way think looked now, I was done… “Esme, I need
to do something, otherwise it won’t feel like my gift” Esme understood and said;
“Of course. Rosalie is getting wood for the floor. You could meet her there. You
can choose the flooring. And then when we get back you can decide on fabrics
for the drapes. Alice won’t mind if we borrow some fabric from her”
This made me feel better. Some of the decisions would be mine. “Sounds great”
I said.
We all got up at the same time. Esme went up stairs to change clothes and after
that she would go online to order our plane tickets.
Emmet went to the garage where they had tools and various machines.

I darted through the woods and when I got closer to town it was easy to smell
the lumber yard. Oh! Shoot, I forgot to inform Jake. Ah well, I guess Emmet
will take care of that.
I arrived at the lumber yard at the same time Rosalie pulled over in Emmet’s
Jeep. I looked around and then stepped out of the woods and joined her.
Behind the clouds, the sun was rising. Thank God, the lumber yard opened at 6
am. There were always huge trucks driving in and out of Forks, picking up
lumber as well as processed wood to deliver around the country.
“I thought maybe I could help decide on the flooring” I said.
Rosalie smiled and we went in to their small shop where they had samples.
Okay, what will Edward like? The rest of the house used to have a stone floor
but as Nessy was more sensitive than us we had replaced it with a honey colored
wooden floor. Maybe we should have the same color scheme?
But then I saw a darker wood sample. Cherry. It would suit Edward, I just knew
it. Rosalie nodded in approval and added; “Midnight blue drapes will be perfect
with this” She was right.
We were a lot closer these days and I loved her like my sister. While Rosalie
ordered the paneled cherry wood to be polished she handed me my credit card.
“Is there any way we can get this today?” she asked in the most innocent and
charming voice. I couldn’t help but to chuckle under my breath. I looked at the
man and smiled while I tilted my head a little. When he was dazzled he could do
nothing but to say yes. I paid for the wood and the rush order fee and gave the
man my cell phone number. He told us, they would have everything done in a
couple of hours.
While we walked to the car we talked about Edward’s new room. We had a
couple of hours to kill. Rosalie suggested we’d go to Forks mini version of a
Home Depot. We needed something to make the room more elegant. Like my

When we walked around in the small supply store I came across some
beautifully carved wooden strips. They would look perfect where the glass walls
met the floor. Rosalie actually beamed when she saw the wood. And soon I
knew why. She showed me a big photo frame, it hade the same detailed carving.
“It can stand on the piano and have a picture of you and Edward from the
wedding in it” she suggested. Rosalie was perfect for this. “You are a genius
After I paid and we left, for once, I felt inspired. This was new to me. I chuckled
under my breath again. The room was to be simple but yet glorious. The fabric
and the carved wood would do the trick but Rose gave me an idea. A photo from
the wedding… the only thing missing now was a vase that could stand in the
corner with the same flowers I had in my wedding bouquet. We walked the ten
minutes it took humans to get to the florist. Orange blossoms, freesias and roses.
They smelled gorgeous and even though my human memories were dim, the
scent took me back to that wonderful night we said “I do”.
It had only gone one hour when we were done. “All right, now what?” Nothing
left to do. But then my phone buzzed. “Hello?”
“Mrs. Cullen? Your order is ready now” The man from the lumber yard had
obviously called in help even though it wasn’t a huge room we were building.
“Thank you very much, we will be right there.” We walked back to the car and
drove to the lumber yard. The men eyed us with raised eyebrows when we
declined their help with loading the paneled floor into Emmet’s Jeep.
We drove back to our home, divided the wood panels in to four piles. With one
pile under each arm we sprinted towards the cottage.
Without a single bead of sweat we arrived at the cottage a minute later. Esme
heard us coming and spread out a large piece of plastic top on the ground.
I placed the wood on the plastic and Rosalie went back to the Jeep to get the

“Oh, wow! You work fast Emmet!” From the outside we could see in to the
bedroom. Esme was preparing the glass walls. With silicon she fastened metal
strips on the edges of the glass. One of the Cullen’s trademarks were the huge
wall sized windows so I wasn’t that surprised that Esme just happened to have
massive pieces of glass lying around. Her passion was building stuff and
decorating so the Cullen garage was always full of supplies due to the fact that
Esme never wanted to wait once she had an idea.
Jacob came through the open wall of mine and Edward’s bedroom. “Hi, Jake.
Sorry I forgot to tell you” I chuckled.
“No worries.” He laughed.
“Is Ness up yet?” I asked. The third world war could begin and end without her
waking up.
“Nope, still sleeping” he yawned.
I wanted him to get some sleep but I knew he wouldn’t go home or even take
Nessy’s room at the big house. And the only bed available in the cottage was
pretty much outside at the moment. “Why don’t you move one of the recliners in
to Renéesme’s room and get some more sleep? There are blankets in her closet”
I suggested.
He was tempted but didn’t have an answer yet so I sweetened the deal; “I’ll
wake you up in a few hours with breakfast” This did it.
“Sure, sure. Thanks, Bells”
Emmet got started with the foundation of the new room. He placed a massive
frame of wood where the room would be and then huge concrete blocks inside
the frame. When he was done with that he poured a thin layer of wet cement on
top to hold the blocks together.
Later when the cement was dry we would isolate and lay the floor. I wasn’t
really a carpenter so I let Emmet and Esme work their magic.
I went inside to find a photo for the new frame but had no luck. I waited for
Rosalie, maybe she could help me. But of course she was one step ahead of me.

When she returned the frame already had a beautiful picture in it. A black and
white photo of Edward kissing the top of my head as I blushed and smiled. It
was perfect. With a vampire mind everything went so fast. It was easy to think
about several things at the same time while you were performing five other
I didn’t really have anything to do at the moment so I started packing for our
departure but I didn’t get far.
My phone buzzed and it said Edward on the caller ID. If I had a heart, it would
skip a beat. “Edward, is everything okay?” I didn’t even greet him.
“Yes, sweetheart, everything is fine. We could not identify the scent in Nessy’s
apartment but we caught another scent outside the building and we don’t quite
know what to make of it. It’s Amun”
The Egyptian vampire who wasn’t thrilled about helping us that day when the
Volturi came. Confusion.
“Why would Amun visit Renesmee?”
“We have no idea but at least it’s not the Volturi. Carlisle thinks that maybe
Benjamin wanted to visit. The only problem is that we can not smell him here”
Benjamin was a lovely boy that lived with Amun and his wife, Kebi. Benjamin
and his mate Tia adored Nessy and had kept in touch through letters.
“What happens now?” I asked.
“Carlisle is going to try to contact Amun and the rest of us are going to circle
around the city to see if we can catch the scent again. We will be home around
“How is Alice?” I was so worried about my sister.
“She is perfectly fine, she can see clearly again and she wonders if yesterday’s
confusion had something to do with Nessy” he reassured me with his words and
I felt very content. ”Well, Alice has had problems with Ness before so it sounds
logical. Can I speak to Alice for a second? “ I asked.
“Of course. I love you”

“Love you more” a warming smile spread out on my face.

“Hi Bella! What’s up?” she chirped. I could hear that Alice was fine again. I
whispered. “Have you seen anything happening tonight?”
“Haha, of course. But don’t worry, I’m at the moment translating The Koran in
to Hebrew and Edward is giving me glares every now and then, it’s real fun”
she laughed.
“Oh, and Bella, your bag is in my room under the bed” And then she hang up
the phone. My bag? What bag?
“Okay, we will come back here around four thirty” Esme said from outside. I
joined them and saw that Emmet was done with the foundation.
Now it would dry for the next eight hours. Not being able to sleep sure helped
speed things along. It was only eight in the morning. I could hear Jacob’s
snoring and Nessy’s even breaths.
I wrote Nessy a note;

Good morning angel.

I’m up at the big house. Breakfast is
waiting for both of you when you wake up.
Love Mom

Esme and I ran toward the house, Emmet and Rosalie went hunting. I was
heading for the door but Esme flitted off to the garage. I slowed down and
before I could follow, she return with three large boxes. The twinkly lights. She
put them down next to the steps. The strands with lights were neatly circling
thick paper rolls.
“I was thinking we could decorate the house and just a few trees this time” Esme
suggested. Whenever Alice decorated with the lights, she went up and down the

trees for miles. “It will look great, Esme” I grabbed a roll and a bag of plastic
clips and started attaching lights on every window frame.
Esme in an enthusiastic speed, jumped up on the roof and started to hang short
strands with lights on the edge of the roof. An hour later the house was fully
decorated with lights.
We took a step back to appraise our decorating. Alice wasn’t the only party
planner in the house anymore. Esme looked at the time. Time stood still for us.
It was only nine thirty. But it was late enough to call our friends and invite them
to the party. I took the now empty boxes and put them back in to the garage.
Then I joined Esme in the kitchen. She had two notepads, a phone book and two
pens waiting for us.
“Should we start with the guest list?” Esme asked.
“Sounds good, and after that we can decide what slimy stuff we will eat this
time” I shuddered.
Esme chuckled with me but she loved taking care of others and even though she
was repelled by the smell of human food, she loved cooking for Jacob and Seth.
We never really thought about the guest list. We knew. “Charlie,
Billy, Sue, Seth and Lea, Sam and Emily, Quil and Claire, Jared and Kim”
Leah never came and Quil sometimes skipped it when he had the chance to
spend the day with Claire.
Our alliance with the wolves was very strong but some of them could never
relax. Esme handed me the phone and I dialed my dad’s work number.
“Chief Swan speaking”
“Hi dad!”
“Hi Bells! How are you guys today? ‘S Nessy all right?”
“Everything is great dad. Nessy’s sound a sleep. I just called to remind you
about tonight, the party is still on…”
“I would never forget Nessy. And I didn’t know when you were going to
celebrate Edward since you’re not here when it’s his birthday but I found

something cool I think he will like. At lunch, I’m going to pick their gifts up at
the post office”
“At the Post office?” I asked. Charlie could barely find the on-button on a
computer. And what had he found for Edward?
“Seth taught me how to use the internet and I found her a gift on the internet last
week” he was proud of his achievement. Seth taught him… Charlie sure spent a
lot of time at Sue’s place.
“That’s great dad… and we will celebrate Edward tonight as well. My gift is
nothing I can bring along with us. Anyway, I’m going to call Sue, Billy and
Emily now to invite them too… By the way; what do you want to eat tonight?
Esme and I can’t decide on anything.”
A human to decide on human food made sense.
“Hmm… You know how I am with food… I don’t know Bella, doesn’t really
matter. But you know… Uhm, I can call Sue… and Billy of course.”
“Okay thanks but don’t forget Seth and Leah. Dinner at seven? Does that sound
“Sounds great, See ya at seven. Bye Bells!” he was looking forward to the party.
That was not like him…
Esme had of course heard the conversation and added Charlie, Sue,
Billy and Seth as confirmed guest. We knew Leah would not come and it wasn’t
all about us. She never felt comfortable being so close Sam and Emily.
Esme flipped through the Yellow Pages. She usually never had trouble deciding
what food to order but she was thinking about Nessy now. “We could order
from a steakhouse?” she suggested. I agreed with; “Yes, Ness sort of likes that,
at least meat and vegetables so that will be perfect”
Esme pulled out her laptop, light blue, also a gift from Alice. While Esme
searched for Steakhouses I called Sam and Emily. I told Sam to ask the others of
the pack.

Well that’s that. My mind trailed off for a few minutes. I was curious about what
the others would give Edward. Alice always had good ideas. Alice!... a bag
under her bed.
“Ah!” The lingerie from Victoria’s Secret. She had probably seen me packing
for our trip. I took the bag and went downstairs again. In the distant I could hear
a husky laugh. Jacob. Time to make breakfast. Esme was calling a steakhouse in
Port Angeles.
I opened the fridge and grabbed some eggs, cheese and turkey. I poured orange
juice in two glasses while I waited for the eggs to fry.
“Hi mom” Nessy skipped to my side.
“Did you sleep well?” I kissed her temple.
“Yep, but mom? What happened to the cottage?”
“Esme, Rose and Emmet are helping me with Edward’s birthday present. I’m
adding a room for his piano” I smiled.
“That’s cool, it’ll go great with the gift from me and Jake” she smirked.
I raised one eyebrow but she changed the subject.
“What is with all the lights outside by the way?” she wondered.
“We are celebrating your homecoming and Edward’s birthday tonight” and I
gave her a smile. And before she could ask anything; “Breakfast is ready, where
is Jacob?”
“He’s just talking to Sam and the others, I’ll go get him” and she darted out.
While the eggs were still hot, I added cheese to Jacob’s eggs. I sliced the cold
turkey, pulled out two plates from the cupboard and filled them with turkey,
eggs and some lettuce. And for Jacob I found a basket of muffins in the pantry.
He loved his sugar…
“Okay, the food is ordered and will arrive at six forty five. And I ordered a cake
from the bakery in town and I’ll pick that up in a couple of hours. I will go to the
supermarket as well to buy snacks and drinks. Those wolves sure know how to
eat” Esme chuckled.

She had everything figured out “You are a lifesaver Esme. Is there anything I
can do for you?”
“Bella, relax. I love doing all of this and you know that” she said lightly.
Jacob and Ness came in and Jacob beamed when he noticed the muffins.
“Dig in Jake” I laughed.
Esme looked at the time “eleven twenty… the flowers will be here soon” she
thought out loud.
Eleven twenty… I could continue packing. Lot’s to do but we had time on our
“Ness, I have some stuff to do at the cottage but I was thinking… After you are
done here, maybe you could visit Billy? He hasn’t seen you guys in a long time”
and then I whispered so low only Jacob could hear “Don’t bring her back until
seven okay?” He nodded with a huge grin on his face. Jacob knew about
Nessy’s surprise, he was coming too. And he was to say the least, excited.
He had never even left the state. Well, not in his human form anyway. I grabbed
the bag with the lingerie and shoes from Victoria’s Secret walked out.
This time I didn’t feel the need to sprint for the cottage. I loved the
woods and taking in all the scents. Pine, moss, the ocean and… I stiffened and
concentrated for half a second. Mountain lion? They usually never came this
close to civilization. I effortlessly climbed a tree and followed the scent flying
from a branch to another until I was looking down on the lion.
This was the only game I could play. Edward couldn’t exactly forbid the animals
from protecting themselves and he couldn’t read my mind.
I jumped and landed on my feet in front of the lion.
With human speed I started to run away from it, knowing it would try to attack.
As it closed in I turned around and crouched. With a smug smile I took the lion
down in a second. I didn’t really need to hunt but it was fun and it couldn’t hurt.
A couple of minutes later the lion was drained and I felt full.

I skipped over the river and headed to the cottage. I walked up our little path and
stopped at the foundation of the soon to be Edwards new room.
The cement was almost dry. A few more hours would do.
I went inside and found my black suitcase on the bed where I left it before
Edward called. I walked around in our closet deciding what do bring. I wouldn’t
need jeans. Sweatpants, to annoy Alice: “Check!”
Bikinis, tops, underwear, the newly purchased lingerie and stilettos.
I found a small make up case in a drawer and put mascara and a bronze eye
shadow in it.
Being a vampire meant never having to worry about your skin. It was flawless.
When I was done, I started to pack for Nessy. Her closet wasn’t as big as mine
but it was full! It had everything. From the most girly pink to the subtle moss
green. Maybe she should pack for herself. After tonight she would know where
we were going.
I decided to pack some essentials for her in my bag just in case she would
forget. Nessy never got sick just like we never did but except for that and thicker
skin, her anatomy was human.
I don’t know what we would have done without Carlisle and his medical
expertise. I packed some toiletries for her and her favorite pillow. I went back to
our bed, folded everything neatly into the bag, making sure that my new outfit
didn’t show.
Almost noon… I missed Edward. I could call him? I felt restless.
Once again I walked in to the huge closet. An outfit for tonight. Alice would be
furious if I showed up in my jeans. In the back of the closet I had a few dresses.
One of them was Edward’s favorite. It was a dark blue dress that went wide
below the waist and ended at my knees, short arms that were a little bit puffy.
A very cute dress and not lavish one bit. After tonight I could pack that as well.

I found a matching hairpin… The hairpin with sapphires, my parents gave me

before my wedding. Perfect! While I was back there I found a beige colored
cotton dress and I packed that one as well.
Okay, what else is there for me to do? The room; getting the glossy black piano
here. I knew I was forgetting something. The drapes! I took the dress, the
hairpin and almost shoved it into a garment bag and rushed back to the big
house. Emmet and Rosalie were back. They walked toward the garage with a
huge red bow.
“Have you hunted as well?” Rosalie asked and noticed my eyes being the same
shade golden as theirs were.
“I came across a mountain lion close to the river” I smiled.
“You found a mountain lion not two minutes from here? We ran for an hour and
all we found was deer” she complained. I laughed and went inside.
“Esme it is so beautiful!” There were flowers everywhere and scented candles
next to every vase. Lilies with pink and red roses were put together in tight
“Thank you dear” she said and looked at my garment bag. I opened it and
showed her the dress and hairpin. She smiled and put her hands together
“Edward won’t be able to take his eyes off you” I looked down like I was going
to blush.
“The cement feels dry now” I changed the subject. “I guess a couple more hours
and then we can get going” I added.
“Sounds good. Should we take a look at fabrics?”
“That’s what I was thinking” and we went upstairs. I left the garment bag in
Alice’s bathroom predicting I would get ready for the party there.
“Rosalie and I talked about something in dark blue; do you think Alice has
anything like that?”
“I would be surprised if she did not” Esme laughed in her clear as a bell tone.

When a few minutes had passed I found the perfect fabric, it was midnight blue
and out of thick velvet.
Esme approved enthusiastically and pulled the fabric out of the huge closet.
“How do I do this? I don’t know how to make drapes” I whispered.
Esme patted my shoulder and sat down at Alice’s massive desk, opened a huge
drawer and pulled out a sewing machine. “Don’t worry; I will take care of this.
Why don’t you call Edward to see if they are arriving as scheduled?”
I felt guilty leaving so much work for Esme even though I knew she was happy
to do it.
I went downstairs again. I looked at the time obsessively today. Twelve thirty…
I dialed Edward’s number and he answered at once.
“Hi love!” he said in a happy voice. I missed him so much.
“I miss you Mr. Cullen” I pouted.
“No more than I miss you, love. I was about to call you but Alice told me you
would beat me to it” he chuckled.
“Oh? Anything new?” I asked.
“There is nothing more we can do here, the only scent we could recognize was
Amun’s and we would recognize if it was any from Volterra with him. We will
be home around four instead”
He was coming home soon, he was coming home soon! My body felt warm.
“Oh! I can’t wait Edward” I sang. He loved my enthusiasm. We said goodbye
and I hang up the phone. Then it hit me.
“Esme! They will be home around four! We will never make it” I freaked.
Esme laughed as she walked down the stairs in human speed and out in the
garage I heard Emmet’s barking laugh.
“What is so funny” I demanded.
“Bella, there is plenty of time. I am almost done with the drapes and after that
we can start with the room”

Emmet and Rose came in and grinned at me.

“If the cement is dry, I can begin right away… Before Bella drops.” Emmet
offered selflessly but still, he couldn’t shake his grin off.
“And I can start with the glass” Rosalie added.
I felt relief. “Thank you so much and thanks for putting up with me, I will plan
better next year” I apologized.
They just rolled their eyes and darted off. I sat down on the couch taking a deep
breath while Esme finished with the drapes.
I never needed to take a deep breath but it felt nice while I pulled myself
After a few minutes, Esme came down the stair carrying a huge pile of velvet
drapes. I barely saw her head.
The drapes were straight and would fall from the ceiling to the floor.
I held my hands out and she handed me half her pile.
“Feeling better?” she snickered.
“Yes, thanks” I did feel a bit embarrassed though.
Without a word, we were out the door. Esme didn’t feel the need to rush so I
could relax a little.
As we leaped over the river I could smell sawdust.
When we arrived, a lot had changed. The room had a skeleton of wooden beams
and the foundation was isolated and stabile.
I helped the way I could but with the super strength we possessed, it could have
been a one man job.
Esme and Emmet fastened the glass walls, two of them were slide doors.
Four pieces of massive glass were in place in a matter of minutes.
While Esme and I started with the floor, Rosalie and Emmet swished above us
building the roof. The ceiling would be high and the inside would be rough
polished wood. Laying the floor was not hard actually and Esme noticed.
“I have a few items I need to get from the big house, I’ll be right back” she said.

By the time she got back the floor was in place. We could kick any home
improvement TV-show’s butt. I laughed under my breath.
Esme pulled out a small but detailed chandelier from a box.
When the roof was done I took a step back. Amazing!
The others didn’t pause. Rose took the detailed wooden strips and sawed them to
fit the room’s size and put them into place with nails, no hammer.
Emmet walked close to the wall making sure his work was perfect and Esme
fastened four long drapes at the high ceiling of the perfect square room.
Each drape fell like a garland from the top to the corners where the ceiling met
the wall and let them fall down, lingering against the wall down to the floor.
In the middle of the ceiling; where the drapes joined together; Esme hanged the
What would I do without their craftsmanship and creativity?
Emmet felt very satisfied and he should.
The new room was flawless and it became a beautiful addition to our cottage
without looking unnatural.
“Me and Emmet will go get the piano” Rosalie said.
With a vase and the same flowers that we had on the wedding, the room was
I sure had changed since I became a vampire. I actually liked parties now… as
long as it wasn’t my own party. Still couldn’t stand being celebrated…
I placed the vase into the right corner, closest to the bedroom and I caught a
glance at the watch. Two forty seven. And the only thing missing was the
beautiful piano.
I opened the slide doors when I heard Em and Rose returning.
They tilted the piano to the side and smoothly came through the doorway. The
piano took up most of the space but the room still didn’t look too small. It was
just perfect. I sighed in relief.

“Bella, you seriously need to calm down. You’ve been a vamp for a while
now… when are you gonna learn to relax?!” Emmet said and leaned out the
doorway, grabbing the piano chair.
“You’re right. I’m crazy” I rolled my eyes.
Rose placed the photo frame on the piano.
“One last thing” Esme said and disappeared behind Emmet.
In the box where the chandelier had been; Esme pulled out a couple of candles
put them by the flowers.
“I think we are done” Esme smiled.
“And with time to spare” Emmet added and grinned at me.
He pointed at his watch; three fifteen.
Edward would be home in forty five minutes.
“Thank you very much guys, it would have taken me a year to accomplish
something only a fragment this beautiful if I were alone.” I thanked them.

“Well it’s time I tend to my errands in town. I will be back in an hour” Esme
She loved a busy schedule. When time stood still it could be hard to fill the day
but thanks to my lack of planning…
Time to get out of these jeans. I always gave Alice grief for never
letting go of her fashion sense when it came to me, but now I needed her.
You don’t know what you have until it’s gone…
I went outside with Emmet and Rosalie and in a sixteenth of a second I sensed
something closing in. Sam and… Cody?
Cody became a werewolf during the time the Cullen’s house was full of
vampires four years ago. He was seventeen now and huge. He had the same
personality as Seth but he worshiped Sam and his authority, and could never
really let his guard down around us even though Sam could.

“Hi Sam, how are you today” I said. I couldn’t see him yet but I could hear him.
He came through the trees towards me, Emmet and Rose when he had phased
back to human. Cody stayed back invisible. “Hello Bella!” He said in a warm
“Thank you for inviting us today, Emily is excited to see you and Esme again”
Sam was very friendly to us be he couldn’t ignore the genes that ran in his
blood. And when we met in the woods he was never alone.
It was however another story when they visited us inside the house.
For one; he was far from alone; there were many wolves in our home all the
time. It was civilized and not tense. But also; After a full meal and a beer, he
loved settling in front of the TV, watching a game or two with the other men;
Charlie, Emmet, Billy and Seth.
“I just came to talk about your daughter. She uhm… Well, everybody absolutely
adores her but her giving is becoming extreme” he laughed a bit. I was confused.
“Giving?” I asked.
“Yes. Well you have seen Billy’s house…”
Last year, Ness had remodeled Billy’s house to make it easier for him to get
around in his chair. The little house that had a conjoined kitchen and living room
and then two very small bedrooms now had only one bedroom. That way; he no
longer had to go down the narrow and small hallway in his chair to get to his
The new bigger room was his - Jacob didn’t have a room anymore. He had to
settle for a pull out sofa bed in the living room. However, Nessy did not stop at
the remodeling. She bought him new furniture, a flat screen TV, added tiles to
his bathroom and polished wooden floor to the entire house.
And for his birthday she had a huge shower installed. It was a steam shower that
he could just roll into and in there, he had a phone in case he fell or something
like that. My crazy girl was like Esme and Alice more than she was like me…

Billy tried to talk her out of it but whenever Charlie visited, Billy was bragging
about his new TV.
Edward and I didn’t meddle in this because a few weeks after the remodeling
and the installment of the new shower; Billy looked several years younger.
There were so many insignificant things that made his life harder and Nessy had
taken them all away.
But I did fear that Nessy wouldn’t stop at Billy.
“Oh! What has she done now?” I complained. Sam chuckled and I was glad the
he at least could see the humor in it.
“Any other community would probably love her plan right now but we have our
traditions. When our children grow up we use the nature as a playground, we
make new things out of what already exists. Well, now Nessy is planning to
build a huge playground near First beach… With multi colored swing sets and
the whole shebang. We don’t want to hurt her feelings, we know she means
well. I tried to talk to Jacob about it but I kind of knew it would be useless. He
can’t say no to her” he finished.
“Haha, I’m so sorry Sam, of course I will talk to her. I know she can go to
extremes… and yea; a multi colored playground will look out of place in La
Push” I chuckled.
I could even hear Cody coughing laughs in the dark.
“I’ll see you tonight guys” Sam turned.
“Sam? Could you just bring something for Nessy with you?”
He nodded and waited as I darted inside the cottage again. In her closet I found a
white cotton dress with a light blue satin ribbon around the waist. I stuffed it in a
plastic bag along with some toiletries; Shampoo, toothbrush and some make up.
She wouldn’t like showing up to the party underdressed and unlike me; she
loved make up. I went outside and handed the bag to Sam. He took his belt off
and Cody appeared in his wolf form. I gave Cody a shy smile while Sam
strapped the belt and bag around Cody’s leg.

“Thank you both” I said

“See you tonight!” and they disappeared in the woods.

“Wanna race?” I said to Emmet. Before he could grin; I was off. I used all my
strength and I pushed myself as far as I could. I was over the river and as I sat
foot on the ground, Emmet and Rosalie blurred past me. Dang!
I was at the big house three seconds after them. I pouted while they looked
victorious… They went inside to get ready.
I still pouted over my slow running. I could practice. Could I get stronger
though? I could try to clock my self running.
I heard Esme’s car getting closer. What time was it? Four! He would be here
any minute and look at me.
I ran inside, up the stairs and slowed as I entered Alice’s bathroom. I took a
quick shower removing the sawdust and woodsy smell. While I waited for my
hair to dry, I put on my dress and then looked confusingly at the million
products Alice had. I recognized mascara, and a pale pink lip balm. So I just
stopped there.
I loved my long lashes.
I could hear Esme on the phone speaking to Carlisle. Two minutes until I would
be in Edward’s arms. I put my hair up in a bun and attached the hairpin. I let
some shorter curl’s linger down. I brushed my finger on the strawberry lip balm
and tapped it gently on my lips. I was done. I was no Rosalie but I was beautiful.
I heard Carlisle’s car when it made the turn on to the narrow dirt
road the led here. It felt like my heart would skip a beat. I went downstairs
where the others sat. Emmet whistled and Esme gave me a warm smile while I
walked down the stairs.
“You don’t need Alice anymore” Rosalie complimented me. I just looked down.
“Try to think about something other than our gifts for Edward now” Esme
reminded us. I didn’t bother since he couldn’t read my mind but I watched the

rest of them while they tried to get themselves distracted. Emmet turned on the
TV and got into a game quickly, Esme was preparing in the kitchen and Rose
followed her. I couldn’t move. How lame was I? It had only been hours since I
saw him!
The car pulled over and Edward, Jasper and Alice stepped out, Carlisle parked
in the garage. Through the window I could see Alice smiling, holding hands
with Jasper. Edward chuckled at something and before they opened the front
door; “Don’t slip!” I whispered to the three Cullen’s who’s minds Edward could
Rose and Esme laughed and Emmet was so into the game.
The door opened and Edward entered. In a flash I smashed into him.
“Edward! You’re home!” I kissed him all over his face. He took my face in his
hands “Bella!” he chuckled and continued “I missed you so, love” He kissed me
and then put some distance to us. He gasped in delight “Sweetheart, you are
absolutely breathtaking” He kissed me intently and then we walked into the
kitchen where all the Cullen’s were gathered. Carlisle was embracing his wife,
Alice pouted because she was left out while we planned the party, Esme
explained about the party tonight for Edward and Nessy and why we couldn’t
give him the gifts on his birthday. As the discussions faded; Rosalie said “I want
to give Edward mine and Emmet’s gift now; I won’t be able to distract him
much longer”
“Can Jasper and I go first?” Alice interrupted. Alice knew what Rosalie and
Emmet had planned for my Edward.
“Sure, as long as we do it now. And Edward, please stop what you are doing”
Rosalie gave Edward a hopeless glare. I punched him playfully in his side.
Jasper and Alice led the way out and we walked until we stopped a
few feet from the garage, in front of a small hill. Jasper removed a bunch of
branches, twigs and moss. Underneath; was a huge tilted, metal door.

Alice removed a layer of moss from a square bump on a tree, rising right next to
the hill. A metal box was attached to the tree trunk with a wire lingering down
and then disappearing underground. She flipped open a lid and pushed a button.
The massive door in the hill flipped open; Edward and I just stood there with our
mouths open.
“Come on” she chirped and went through the passage. A cemented path led us
down till’ we were six or seven feet under ground. It was a huge garage! Ten
cars would fit here. Oh! For the love of… I needed to ask but my words could
barely escape my mouth. “How?... When???” Was all I could get out. I
glanced at Edward and even he had trouble finding his words.
Alice and Jasper laughed.
“When you were off hunting last week. Emmet helped and he had a lot of fun
with a few tree trunks” Jasper grinned.
Edward and I had taken a two day hunt along the Canadian border last week.
Edward pulled himself together and embraced his brother and favorite sister.
His face was lit up and he was, to say the least, very happy about having a place
to park his collection of cars. A collection that would get bigger soon, no doubt.
The floor and ceiling was polished cement, painted in a thick glossy
black color. The walls were tiled in a glossy moss green. Ten bright spot lights
on the ceiling showed where the ten cars would stand.
We all knew that getting Edward to focus on the rest of his presents now was
Rosalie did well though. She grabbed Emmet and disappeared. Edward walked
around in his garage and we all saw how he was glowing. Alice was glad; for
once, they had actually succeeded in surprising him.
We all reacted to the motor running above ground. Edward turned around facing
the opening while Rosalie and Emmet drove their gift for Edward down.

The car looked like no other models; it was completely built by Em and Rosalie.
The dark metallic brown car was small and slick, two seats, beige interior and…
Gorgeous! It had a vintage look and it suited Edward.
For the second time in twenty minutes, Edward stood still with his mouth open.
Rosalie beamed with pride. She parked the car under one of the spot lights, got
out and hugged his brother.
“Happy birthday bro!” Emmet punched him in the arm.
How on earth will I get him out of here now… Edward half wrestled with his
brothers for a while.
Esme could see my impatience and asked; “Edward, aren’t you curious about
your wife’s gift?” Edward blurred him self out of Emmet’s head lock and kissed
the top of my head.
“Of course, sorry.” He smiled his crooked smile and that warmed me up.
“It’s at the cottage” I said. His face lit up again.
We all left the huge garage, Edward thanked his brothers and sisters again and
then we all ran towards our cottage.
The sun was starting to set and we all sparkled brightly where the sunshine came
through the clouds.
Edward was in the lead but slowed down as he took in the scent of sawdust and
cement. He raised one eyebrow and sped up again.
We all arrived at the same time and I felt such relief when I noticed his
expression. My gift made him speechless as well.
He saw the room and something black inside. Before he could figure out what it
was, I clapped my hands over his eyes and led the way.
His curiosity made him twitch while I opened the front door.
I pushed him gently through our living room and stopped before we entered the
I turned him to face me, uncovered his eyes, kissed his chin and said “Happy
birth day my love”.

He turned again; opened the door to the bedroom and went inside.
The left wall wasn’t there anymore and he gasped when he saw his black piano.
His eyes wandered from the chandelier, down the drapes and stopped at the vase
that had the same flower that we had on our wedding.
I pulled his arms around me and his lips brushed lightly on my hairpin.
“Thank you for making me the luckiest man on earth, Bella” He whispered. His
breath made me shudder with pleasure.
His eyes wandered some more, taking in everything; the detailed carved wooden
strips, the candles and then the frame on the piano.
He walked around the piano to see it up close. I walked to his side.
His fingers brushed the photo and he smiled. For one minute he stood still with
the frame in his hands.
“Rosalie found the frame” I said.
“I know” he said smiling. Huh?
“Esme and Rosalie are thinking about everything you have done today… They
know you don’t like to take credit”
The rest of our family joined us. And Edward continued; “So, you dazzled some
men at the lumber yard huh?” he smiled.
With a smile on my face, I hissed at Rosalie. Everybody laughed.
“I think we need to head back” Esme looked at the time.
The guests would arrive soon. Edward and I left a couple of seconds after the
I just needed to look at him for a while. While we ran to the big house we held
hands and his eyes never left me. It was almost six when Edward and I opened
the front door. The house was buzzing with excitement and everybody had
changed the clothes. Full party mode. We could hear Charlie’s truck driving off
the main road. “Sue is with him” Edward mused.

We were all in the kitchen preparing the food that arrived just before Edward
and I did, when we heard Jake and Ness outside. Edward’s happy face turned
sour. “She is blocking him again” he spoke through his teeth.
Before I could react; Jake and Ness came in. Jacob recognized Edward’s face
immediately; “Hey, now Edward…” He cautioned with his hands; “Before you
go all mental again…”
But Ness interrupted him “Dad, snap out of it! I’m just blocking him until you
have opened our gift. Jacob can’t control his thoughts like others can.”
Then she smiled and hugged her dad. “Happy birthday dad!”
That was clever… Having Nessy around blocking people might actually be
useful when we needed to hide something.
Edward held Nessy in his arms while apologizing again.
Everybody was happy again and the whole incident had only taken a few
seconds. We all heard Charlie’s cruiser pull over and a minute later, they
knocked. Nessy ran to open the door. “Grandpa!”
“Nessy! Welcome home!” They hugged for quite a while.
Sue brought Fish fry and she and Esme walked to the kitchen talking about food,
Nessy, La Push, Jacob and Seth and so on.
I hugged my father. He had a question.
“So, when are you leaving?” and Nessy heard that.
“Leaving?” she said anxiously.
I stroked my hand on her arm and smiled.
“Well, Ness, we have a surprise for you and I guess we might as well tell you
now” Everyone joined the conversation and smiled enthusiastically. Edward
held me in his arms while we told her about our vacation.
“Isle Esme!!!!” she cheered. “Oh my god! When are we leaving? Is Jacob
coming, and grandpa? How long are we gone for? Oh, dad, can’t we leave
now!” she continued. Everybody laughed at our crazy little girl.

“Well, we are actually leaving first thing tomorrow and of course Jacob is
coming. Charlie has work so he can’t come though but we will be back in a few
weeks” Edward answered her questions.
Charlie did have his job but the truth was that he didn’t want to leave Sue.
We all sat down in the living room, started talking about Isle Esme and Nessy
was so excited. She had never been there but she had heard us all talking about it
and how much we loved the little island.
Edward had taken me there when we celebrated two years as a
married couple and it was an entirely new island through my immortal eyes.
The evening went by smoothly. After some of the Quileute’s had
arrived, clear groupings were formed. The men; in front of the TV with a beer in
their hands. The women; in the kitchen talking about this and that.
Nessy and Jacob gave their present to Edward and it was beautiful.
A brown leather covered book with his name in scripted in gold and inside were
empty sheets for when he was writing music. It would look perfect in Edward’s
new room.
Charlie had bought him baseball bat, also in scripted with Edward’s name.
Sam and Emily and the others from La Push gave him a wooden box covered in
smooth leather and inside it; was a collection of Quileute legends.
Edward looked at me often and I had never seen him this happy. But then again;
if you’re alive for over a century without really finding joy – it could be a bit
overwhelming when you got everything you ever dreamed of in just five or six
Then it was Nessy’s turn to open gifts. Esme and Carlisle went first and they had
gifts for all of us. On Isle Esme they had built us all cute little bungalows. One
for me and Edward, one for Alice and Jasper, one for Emmet and Rose and…
one for Nessy. And in no doubt in my mind, would that bungalow soon belong
to Jake as well. We were all amazed as we watched the photos that Esme had
taken of the little houses on the beach.

Each; built in white, painted wood with a small porch.

Inside there was one room with a huge bed and a smaller front room with two
chairs, a TV and a small closet. Each bungalow had its own color scheme. White
was the foundation and with that; Rosalie and Emmet’s bungalow had furniture
in black and dark purple. Alice and Jasper’s had two shades of green and
Edward’s and mine were in beige. The only exception was Nessy’s bungalow. It
had an added bathroom and a small pantry. Small enough for one person to
stand in it and it had a fridge, a sink and a microwave. And her colors were
midnight blue and silver.
During my first year as a vampire, Edward had taken me to some of the houses
he owned. Over the years, Edward had invested in a lot houses and apartments.
But the only spaces that existed for me was our cottage and now this adorable
I didn’t even wanna know how crazy rich he was. And if I told him that I was
thinking about getting a normal job…
Nessy was however crazy with excitement and she couldn’t wait to leave.
Then it was time for Charlie’s gift for Nessy. It was no house but Ness loved her
it and I doubted she would ever take it off. It was a necklace in silver with a
small faceted ruby heart. It looked too expensive so I glanced at Edward. He
understood my expression and whispered so low that only a few of us heard.
“Don’t worry, tell you later”.
Charlie wasn’t rich but living alone for many years had saved him some money
and he didn’t really have many expenses.
I got the feeling that Sue had helped him with Nessy’s gift when they looked at
each other after seeing Nessy’s reaction to the beautiful necklace. Charlie Swan
would never feel comfortable choosing jewelry alone.
The party slowed down a bit and Sam and Emily said goodbye a
while later. Shortly after; Jacob took Billy home.

We were saying goodbye to Charlie and Sue when Jacob returned, and both dad
and I noticed how Nessy’s face lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw Jacob.
Dad and I looked at each other frowning. He would give Jake hell when that day
arrived. A pleasant feeling I must say.
When everyone had left, Esme and Rosalie cleaned the kitchen, dining room and
living room.
Alice, Jasper and Carlisle went hunting.
Edward took Nessy to our cottage to pack while I went up to Alice’s room and
located a suitcase that was not pink.
“Jacob, here you go” I handed him the suitcase.
“Thanks Bells! But what do I need to bring? I’ve never really had a vacation” he
looked down.
“Well it’s very warm there and we will be there for about two weeks but there
are laundry facilities in the house so I guess five or six pair of shorts and t-shirts,
whatever you swim in and whatever you need to keep that shaggy hair in place”
I snickered and ruffled his hair.
“Good thing, Nessy likes to shop for you huh?” I mused.
Jacob hated shopping but couldn’t refuse coming with her on her endless
shopping sprees.
Jacob took the suitcase and went back to La Push to pack.
After that, he would come back to leave his suitcase here. I helped Esme and
Rosalie tidying up and to prepare for tomorrow. After another hour; Jacob
returned again. He looked very nervous.
“What’s up Jake?” I asked.
“I’ve never flown before”
“Ah, don’t worry” I laughed and continued; “If you can fight newborn vampires,
you can go on an airplane. It is very safe, I promise.”
He felt better but he was still nervous; “I’ll try to get some sleep in the air then, I
need to run tonight”

I went with him for a while until I reached the cottage, then Jake continued due
Edward was having a tough time getting Nessy to bed as I walked in.
“Nessy you need your sleep, you are already packed, there’s nothing left for you
to do” he pleaded. He was pleading with his daughter. I chuckled under my
breath and joined him.
“Nessy, go to sleep, you should listen to your father” I said, first with a nice but
a determined tone.
“I will mom; I just want to make sure I have everything”
Edward and I left her room and sat down in the living room, talking about our
A couple of minutes went by and we heard her computer buzzing to life.
“Nessy, please go to bed now” he said, once again in a pleading voice. What
was with him? Daddy’s little girl. There was no answer from Nessy’s room.
All right, I guess I have to be the parent.
“Renesmee! Bed. Now!”
That did it. Her laptop went silent and in a matter of minutes she was a sleep.
“You have to teach me to speak to her like that” he mused.
“It’s not that you don’t know how, Edward. You just don’t want to” I snickered.
“I guess you are right” he sighed.
We went to the bedroom but instead of lying down intertwined, Edward sat
down by his piano and I took a seat right next to him. He played my lullaby with
his eyes closed. Over the years, I must have heard my lullaby hundreds of times
but still, every time he played it I felt like crying.
The sensation of knowing how much you matter to the one person you love
more than anything else in the universe… All those emotions put into one
beautiful song. I kissed my husband while he continued playing and went over
to the bed. For hours, I watched him play.

In front of him he had the music book, Ness and Jake had given him and every
once in a while he wrote down a bridge he had just played or a feeling he felt,
playing it.
After a few more hours; the sun started to rise and as the first ray of light
touched the ground, Edward glistened even more.
He looked at me with love and devotion, got up from his seat and took his place
next to me. I cradled myself up in his arms and enjoyed the moment.
In a few minutes it was time to wake up Nessy and outside, we could already
hear Jacob panting after a night of running.
Edward chuckled and I looked up at him questioningly.
“He ran till’ he was at the airport outside Seattle. He sat there for hours calming
his nerves”
“Poor wolf” I whispered. Outside we heard Jacob howl.
“Jacob thinks, we better get going” Edward translated.
I got up unwillingly and went into the closet to change. I packed the blue dress I
had worn during the party and with that, the hairpin.
We would be on airplanes all day so no gala dress for today.
I found a pair of beige baggy khakis, a white t-shirt and let my long hair fall
down. Casual. I stepped into a pair of brown classic Converse sneakers and felt
ready to leave.
Edward got dressed similar; Moss green khakis, also baggy. A black t-shirt and
black Converse. “You look sexy” I sighed and kissed his chest.
We took our bags and went to the living room where Nessy was
waiting impatiently, tapping her foot on the floor. She was wearing a pink velvet
dress. Too short if you asked me. Teenagers… She frowned when she saw her
parent’s clothes.
“You might think you’re going off camping” she said.
Edward held his bag in one hand and grabbed her glossy huge roll away bag in
the other and I took her matching make up case in my empty hand.

Outside, Jacob waited for us.

The rest of our family heard us coming; they were all outside packing Carlisle’s
Mercedes and Edward’s Volvo with our luggage.
Alice also frowned when she saw me and Edward.
“I didn’t know the two of you were sent off to a boot camp, ah well, we will call
you from the beach” she said.
But of course she was smiling when she saw Nessy.
“What a cute dress Nessy! And thank God, you didn’t inherit your parent’s
fashion sense” she glared at us.
Edward usually dressed very fancy or very in-fashion but why should we when
we would spend the day in and out of airports? Edward packed our bags in his
Volvo and took his seat in the driver’s seat.
Nessy hesitated but climbed in the back of the Volvo even though she would
rather plan a shopping spree in Rio with Alice in the other car. But when Jacob
returned from phasing in the forest she was all lit up again. Jacob went inside the
big house to get his suitcase and when he was back, we were all ready for Isle
He sat down next to Nessy who had moved to the middle seat to make room for
Emmet. It was hilarious to see Nessy squished between Emmet and Jacob.
The flight from Seattle to Houston made Jacob relax. He realized, he
had nothing to fear, and in our first class seats we all relaxed for a while and
talked about our destination.
Alice and Nessy insisted on shopping in Rio which was just fine for Emmet,
Jasper and Edward who looked forward to some South American hunting.
Carlisle and Esme would go to the island while the rest of us spent a day and a
half in Rio. And I decided to use the day to buy food for the two half humans we
had with us.
The flight from Houston to Rio de Janeiro was very quiet.

Nessy and Jake slept in their huge seats while the rest of us talked quietly about
this and that.
When we arrived in Rio the heat stroked Jacob like nothing else. It was funny to
see his expression.
We said goodbye to Carlisle and Esme and then we took two cabs with The
Hilton as our destination.
The time in Rio went by quickly. Nessy and Alice returned to the
hotel with I don’t know how many bags.
Rosalie and I had spent the first day inside the hotel; watching movies, shopping
for food and talking about Nessy and Jacob.
Our husbands were out hunting north of Rio. And poor Jake followed Nessy and
Alice around but kept in the background. When Emmet, Jazz and Edward
returned around 10 am after a night the jungle, we stayed in Rosalie’s and
Emmet’s room where the guys talked about their hunting for a while, waiting for
Ness and Jacob to wake up.
When they did; I ordered them some room service while Edward called and
ordered a tinted limo to take us to the marina. We all got dressed in very
covering clothes and put on sunglasses. Even Nessy. She didn’t sparkle like the
sun the way the rest of us did but in the Rio sun, she shimmered a bit too much.
After we were all checked out, we left the hotel but stayed in the shadow as we
waited for the limousine.
Nessy who was quite covered; ignored the shadow and leaned against a palm
tree with her closed eyes facing the sun.
Let’s just say; her father did not approve of Jacob’s thoughts. Neither did I but I
got the edited version when Edward explained through his teeth.
The limo took us smoothly through the busy city lunch hour and we
arrived at the marina at one. We put our scarves back on and the men put on
hood jackets and we stepped out. The same speedy boat that took me and
Edward to Isle Esme on our honeymoon was there waiting for us.

Emmet and Jasper drew straws on who would get to drive. Edward and I sat
back on the leather seat, Rosalie and Alice took a seat at the front… but as soon
as we left the marina they would have bikinis under their clothes just screaming
for some action. They would swim to Isle Esme.
Nessy and Jacob sat down on the floor of the boat but as we left the marina
Jacob couldn’t hide his massive grin and he left his seat next to Ness to feel the
Emmet and Jasper took turns in driving but together they had one goal: to beat
Alice and Rosalie who were already in the water.
Every now and then they would surface like dolphins, showing off their
sparkling skin and dazzling faces. I was so jealous. I needed to practice on a lot
of things. Speed in both water and on land but mostly; strength. And I wanted to
be as graceful as Alice and Rose.
When we only had a few miles left I moved my shield: “Sweetie, why don’t you
show them how it’s done” I thought playfully.
He understood immediately and gave me a kiss, removed his shirt and shoes and
jumped into the water. He left me marveling over his perfection.
The second he jumped; Rosalie surfaced only to see Edward jump. Alice had
probably seen it a second earlier.
And so, the race was on. Jasper and Emmet knew that the boat wouldn’t keep up
and suddenly they didn’t like driving anymore.
Jake noticed; “Guys, do you leach thing. I’ll take over the wheel” he grinned.
Emmet jumped immediately and after half a second of hesitation; so did Jasper.
Jacob loved the speed and right now, he could not be happier.
Only me, Ness and Jake were left in the boat. I almost felt human again. Not a
pleasant feeling and I couldn’t hide my chagrin. We arrived at the island a full
minute later than the real vampires… my mind was made; I was going to get
stronger, faster and more graceful. We walked through the small but thick
vegetation till we were at the house.

Esme greeted us and eyed the luggage we had; “Did you empty an entire mall”
Esme laughed at Alice and Ness.
Carlisle was far out in the water fishing for Jake and Ness. The fish never came
close to us vampires which made the game more fun. He had to fight to catch
them. Under water we couldn’t exactly smell so we had to use our eyes and
speed only. Speed…
After a couple of hours we were all settled and unpacked in our new bungalows
and my grumpy mood was gone.
When Jacob and Ness were full and satisfied from the grilled fish and baked
potato, we all went into the water. I loved swimming under the water; it was an
entirely different world below the surface. It was beautiful.
Emmet was the first to notice the attraction Jacob had to larger fish and he was
not late to take advantage. Jacob was himself insanely strong but I wasn’t
thrilled when the sharks came near. I made sure Nessy was on land while
Emmet, Jacob and Jasper and even Edward planned some wrestling with the
monsters circling with curiosity around Jacob.
Jake and Edward swam out to a cliff but stayed in the water. They wouldn’t
come too close while Edward was there. Emmet and Jasper crouched on the
cliff, ready for a fight. Edward slowly left the water and we all saw the three
sharks closing in. Why wasn’t Jake terrified? Jacob stood very still with a huge
grin on his face and just as one shark was to attack; Emmet and Jasper flew in…
This became their new game on the island and they all loved it. Nessy was
furious. She was afraid Jacob would get hurt.
The days went by and after we had been on the island for a week -
some of us decided to go to the mainland to hunt, including me.
The night before our hunt, I decided to surprise Edward with the lingerie.
Alice saw it coming and distracted Edward at the big house for a couple of
minutes so I could change. When I was ready I sat down in one of the chairs.
Waiting for my husband.

I heard him walking towards our bungalow and a warm shiver went down my
spine. I would be the first thing he saw when the door opened.
He was right outside; he brushed the sand off his feet and turned the doorknob.
When he saw me, he froze and I smiled widely. For almost twenty seconds he
just stood there but finally he woke up.
“Mrs. Cullen; are you trying to kill me?” I didn’t quite know what to make of his
comment but he continued before I could react. “If I had a heart, it would stop”
he said.
I left my chair and walked slowly towards him.
“Mr. Cullen you have a heart” I teased and placed my hand on his marble chest.
With that one gentle touch, we left the front room with his force.
A night to remember. From now on I would become a regular at Victoria’s
The next morning I went for a swim with Edward before our hunt.
We chased each other around the reefs. It would have been funnier if I was
faster though.
After a while it was time to make Nessy breakfast so we left our little game and
walked in human speed to the big house.
Everybody was there in covering clothes. “What’s going on” I asked.
“We decided to go together, all of us” Carlisle said.
I guess Nessy wouldn’t mind some more shopping.
“Great but the first cougar is mine” I laughed and Emmett howled.

Part 2 – Edward

Watching Bella hunt will never stop giving me twitches. Now she is joking
about taking down a cougar! Perhaps I should teach her more about fighting…
No, I can not do that. My wife will not be a fighter and that is that. A cougar is
nothing, a cougar is nothing…

Wait?! What is she doing now! I can’t believe her! I told her not to block him.
I have to handle this better this time though. I don’t want to be the laughing
stock of my family again.
“What’s wrong Edward?” Bella know me so well. Every little crease, she sees.
Okay, I’m calm.
“Nessy is blocking Jacob again” I said smoothly. Maybe I did not fool them…
Hmm, how about this; I’ll smile and; “I will just go down there to see if
anything is wrong” Yes, that worked.
Bella took my hand and pulled me towards the door. I was glad to have her
worrying as well. Wait! Now what? Where is she?!
Listening and concentrating… No, this can not be! Nessy! “Nessy!”
Bella looked worried and Carlisle was at my side in no time.
“What’s wrong, son?!”
I realized I had frozen for a second. But I couldn’t unclench.
“Think about anything!” I pleaded but I rarely raised my voice so this must have
startled them.
Every set of eyes focused on me. Bella looked so fragile. No, not now! Focus
on…. Esme! What is she thinking? Nothing? No that is impossible. Rosalie and
Emmet? It is so quiet… Alice! She didn’t see this coming? Before we went to
Vancouver, she had trouble with her seeing. What can this mean? Lapses?
I have to make sure my daughter is all right!
I didn’t even bother to tell my family anything; I just darted outside and towards
Nessy and Jacob. I am so selfish! They must be so worried right now and Bella
and Esme break to pieces so easily. I will apologize later. How many seconds
had passed? Still no sound.
“Nessy!?” Oh! There she is… Looking guilty? I stopped so fast that I left a
whirl of sand that ricocheted on Jacob.
“Does is work?” Nessy asked. Does what work?!
“Dad, can you hear anything?” she continued.

“NO! I CAN NOT!” Damn it Edward, pull yourself together. Don’t yell at your
daughter. Okay calm.
“Nessy, what are you talking about? How did you know?” Then finally…
“What is going on”, “Edward, please tell me, I’m going crazy here” “What’s
the kid doing?” Everyone’s thoughts were back.
“Dad, can you hear now?”
“Yes! Did you do this?” I still can’t hear your husband-to-be but… Ugh!
Then a shy smile appeared our lovely girl’s face. She can do more.
“I am sorry dad; I just wanted to know if there was more. It felt like I had it in
me somehow” she said.
I could never deny her anything but she could have asked.
I unclenched my muscles and took Bella’s hand.
“I am sorry for making you worried, love.” I said. Hearing all voices again,
reminded me of their questions. “Nessy blocked my hearing. She was testing it
on me and it certainly worked”
“She can do more?” Carlisle thought.
“Apparently she can do more, yes”
Emmet and Rosalie looked more relaxed having their questions answered.
Esme and Bella still looked a little shocked but they were mothers. Mothers
would always be the last to calm down.
“Everything is fine, I promise” I tried to ensure Esme and my Bella.
Carlisle was amazed and so was Jasper.
But Alice? Oh no, she will not pick a fight with Ness!
“Butt out, Edward!” Alice snapped.
“Nessy! Did you try this crap on me before we left Forks?” Okay Alice was not
yelling. That was better. But Nessy is looking confused.
“No? Why? What is wrong Alice?” Nessy asked worryingly.
Bella was at Nessy’s side in a flash.
“Alice, calm down” Bella pleaded but still with a firm tone.

And then Bella continued; “Can the foretellers, blockers and readers please tell
the rest of us what’s going on? Immediately!”
“Bella is amazing” Esme thought and I smiled at her shyly.
Alice was calm again and took a step back, looking at Nessy apologetically.
I should speak. “Nessy has developed more in her gift. Apparently she can now
block certain gifts? At least mine and Alice got upset over the blurry confusion
she dealt with last week, not being able to see clearly. Alice wondered if Nessy
did that. But if she didn’t… Who or what happened? I don’t know”
While I had talked, Nessy had started to look nervous. Was there
more? How could I know when she and Jacob were blocked.
“Mom, dad? Can I talk to you for a minute?” Nessy asked, and Jacob
looked worried but left her side as Bella and I walked the few steps to Ness.
She went inside her bungalow and we followed while the others went back to
the big house.
Bella moved her shield to let me inside her mind. “This is it, I just know it, this
is it!” Bella thought. This is it?
“Mom, dad. I want to tell you something but I don’t know where to start so stop
me if you don’t understand…” “Before we left, we talked about honesty and
how I had to tell you everything important. Well, I don’t know if this falls under
that category but Jake thinks so.”
Bella was right, this is it. Our little girl is in love… I shuddered.
“I know you see me as a four year old little girl. My age doesn’t exactly seem to
matter for my body and mind. Last night, me and Jake stayed up late, watching
movies and whenever we touched, I felt… electrified.” She peeked at me and
went on “I don’t want to share my mind with you dad, because my thoughts
would hurt you. You will from now on always get my edited version but I
promise, I will never lie to you.”

Bella and I both looked the same. Waiting for her to confirm but also hoping
that she would not. We love Jacob but is it really too much to ask that they wait
at least another ten years? She would be fourteen then.
Nessy trailed off for a second but then continued.
“Anyway, I think Jacob felt it too but I’m not sure. I think I like him… A lot.”
There it was. No L word but the confirmation hit us like a bullet from a gun.
But Bella composed herself very well and began.
“Sweetie, Edward and I have always kind of known that your feelings for Jacob
would mature and grow. And Jacob’s feelings for you are the same; we know
that for a fact.” Bella shuddered just a little but smiled to cover her dislike for
Jacobs love, in front of Nessy.
“We just worry about you being so young Ness. Not to mention the fact that I’m
no more than twenty three years old, your aging never really gave me time for a
lot of practice.
“Your father and I have talked about this particular day also. You must know
that we can’t like the fact that you are thinking about boys that way. But we
know you and we know Jacob and we also know that you would never rush into
something serious without thinking it through… With that said… You have our
answer; we will look the other way for your sake. I do however have a few
conditions.” How could Bella be so calm? But she was right. We could never
forbid Nessy.
Nessy smiled and asked. “Conditions?”
I wondered about her conditions as well. We had not discussed Nessy’s dating
Bella continued. “Dating does not mean that you live together or plan to marry.
If you want to date Jacob, you have to stay in Forks. We can’t let you go off to
school in Vancouver and have Jacob follow you there. You can always enroll at
Forks High if you want to go to school but Vancouver is out.”

Yes, this was good. Having Jacob and our Nessy so far away would drive me
crazy. Bella wasn’t done;
“The second condition is that you don’t under any circumstances have anymore
sleepovers with Jake. It may have worked in the past but your relationship will
be different now.”
Nessy frowned at the thought of leaving Vancouver at first but realized that her
mother’s conditions were a good compromise. They really were good
conditions. Dating in Forks without sleepovers. Jake will do this the traditional
way. He will court her.
Nessy smiled again. “Mom? Do you really think Jacob likes me too?”
Hah! Like? No… Passionately in love? Yes. I shuddered again.
“Yes” Bella answered.
“Your conditions seem fair. I will start the new semester in Forks and Jacob will
leave the house when the date is over.” Nessy was giddy.
My turn to speak. “9:30 pm – curfew.”
Bella smiled as I woke up from my coma. Bella agreed: “Yes, 9:30”
“Thanks Mom! And thank you dad! I thought it would be harder with you” she
“Nessy, love. I have a condition of my own” I said. Nessy suddenly looked
worried. Bella glanced at me and moved her shield again. “Take it easy Edward,
nothing too strict” she thought.
“You will not block Jake until the two of you tell your mother and me that you
are officially dating. Okay?” That wasn’t too strict and Bella smiled again.
“Fine dad. I won’t block him until we tell you” she hugged us both and that was
Our daughter was now a single teenager. But not single for long. I shuddered
once more.
We left the bungalow and Nessy climbed on my back, tightening her arms
around my neck.

Nessy was very, very fast but she sometimes enjoyed my even faster speed.
We all raced toward the big house where the rest of our family was talking about
I decided to forget the fact that my daughter would date, for a while.
Jasper greeted us in thought as we entered the living room. He had something he
wanted to try.
“Renesmee, can you try to block me?” Jasper looked at me and I felt a flood of
calm rush over me. Nessy nodded and focused her energy on Jasper. Slow but
steady I could feel the calm disappearing and my own curiosity replaced the
calm. It worked and Jasper could feel it as well.
Jasper spoke again; “Very impressive Nessy! Can you hold it there or is it like
Bella’s elastic shield?” Good question.
“No it is not elastic. I just focus hard on the object I want to block and once it is
blocked, I only need to focus slightly to hold the blocking in place. At least this
is how it feels, I mean; I’m still blocking you Jasper but I’m not really focusing
that hard.” Nessy unblocked Jasper and everybody pondered for a moment.
I ignored my family’s thoughts and thought further ahead. The Volturi must
never find out. Nessy is making our family too powerful.
“Interesting” Carlisle broke the silence.
“It seems that you can block both mental and physical gifts, Nessy” he said.
Jasper was also thinking about the Volturi: “I wonder if Dimitri can track you
when you block yourself or someone else…”
That gave me an idea; “I wonder if; we one day must face Aro, Nessy can block
herself from his reading. He would never have to know about her other gifts” I
“And then, the Volturi might not think we are that big of a threat” Rosalie
Nessy was a daughter not to just me and Bella but also to the rest of my family
and Rose would give her life to keep Nessy safe.

Then I noticed Alice. Her eyes were empty as she searched in the future. At first
I thought it would be about Nessy and Jake but then I saw Nahuel in her mind,
he would visit soon. The only boy that we knew of in the world that also was
half human like Nessy. He had sent us letters from time to time.
He was following Jane, Alec, Dimitri and Felix as they tracked down Nahuel’s
father in South America. Nahuel helped three of his sisters escape Jane’s sadistic
pain just in time. But one of his sisters was lost along with Joham, their father.
Alice continued her search. She was worried. Then her eyes focused with a
worried look. I read her mind.
A visitor had already been in our house! Alice saw blind spots everywhere: the
wolves patrolling in a raging speed around La Push, Forks and our house.
If it already had happened; how could Alice see now and not before it
happened? Ah! She must have seen us coming home to the mess. But then why
didn’t she see it the mess being made? I decided to ask her and she saw it before
I spoke the words. “I don’t know… my seeing is very blurry nowadays.
Sometimes it’s clear and sometimes I see nothing at all. I’ve been hiding it while
I tried to figure it out but I am surprised you never caught me” she thought.
What was going on? We need to go home to talk to Sam and the others.
Maybe the scent in our house matches the one we found in Vancouver.
Alice and I filled everyone in and then we packed and left.
The whole thing had not taken more than maybe ten minutes. Bella had helped
Nessy and Jacob pack in high speed. Nessy was worried and Jacob was dying to
go home to speak to the pack. Bella was worried about Charlie but Quil and Paul
were watching out for him.
Carlisle called the airline when we were in the boat racing back to Rio, and I
ordered two cars to meet us at the marina. Emmet, Rose and Jasper speeded
ahead of us in the water, making room in the boat for our luggage. Before we
entered the marina; they jumped up through the water and landed on the front of
the boat. We all covered up with hoods, caps and scarves.

The tinted cars waited for us when we docked. It was frustrating to pack the cars
in human speed but we all helped and in a few minutes we were in the cars.
Bella sat on my left side stroking my arm. I should be the one to consol her! I
kissed her temple and put one arm around her. On my right side sat Alice; trying
to see but there was nothing. Nessy had tears in her eyes and she was very
confused. Jacob soothed her and that actually felt good. He would always do
everything in his powers to make her feel better.
After half an hour, we arrived at the airport. “I will go and get the tickets”
Carlisle said.
We checked in and after an hour and twenty minutes of waiting I had my Bella
sitting in the first class seat next to me. She was so beautiful. Nothing can ever
happen to her and Nessy. I will make sure of that…
What on earth did Amun do in Vancouver? If Benjamin or Tia had
been with him… but they were not. And then that other scent. Together with
Amun? If he had an addition to his coven, Carlisle would be the first in our
family to know. But Vancouver? And the scent did not linger in any other part
of Nessy’s building except for the way to her apartment and then inside of it.
I could feel it in my gut; this was not good news or a friendly visit. But why go
after Nessy? When Amun first met her, he was terrified. And he never liked the
fact that Benjamin and Tia got so close to her. Could Aro be behind this? Aro
must have seen Amun’s dislike when it came to standing with us that day. But
Amun hated Aro. Amun feared them. Yes, he feared them so much that he
would do anything they told him to. Like spying on Nessy…
Aro promised to return. Maybe he wanted to see if Nessy was a
threat? And that other scent could be from somebody from Volterra. We may
have seen all of them but we were never close enough to catch the scent from
each and everyone. Hmm, but Carlisle has… He has met them all from his days
in Volterra… Unless the scent is from a new member.

It must be someone special. Someone that Aro trusts. Or even Caius. No, Caius
would never sneak around; he would terrify Nessy with a visit.
Good thing she is staying in Forks from now on. Should we expect a visit from
the Volturi soon? How on earth can we prepare when Alice can’t see? That is
another issue, what is happening to Alice? Hmm… is there a connection? My
mind raced.
“Edward?” Bella asked. “What is wrong?” she continued.
“I was just thinking about the visitor in Vancouver and Alice and the Volturi…”
Bella flinched every time she heard about the Volturi.
“You think there is a connection” she stated. And I nodded.
“I have been thinking about that as well.” She whispered. Jasper and Carlisle
heard our conversation; “May we join?” Carlisle asked in his thoughts and I
nodded. I needed my father’s and my brother’s opinions. Jasper changed seats
with Esme and Carlisle and Jasper turned their seats around so that the four of us
shared the same small table. Good thing we never fly coach. Jasper gestured at
Bella to continue.
“I think maybe Amun joined Aro. Maybe his choice, maybe not… He never
liked us. And that other scent. A vampire that might be with the Volturi.
Together with Amun. Perhaps gathering information about us, I don’t know… I
don’t know about Alice but I do believe there is a connection.”
We all glanced at Alice, all curled up in her seat; trying to see.
“I believe you are right Bella” Carlisle sighed.
Then Jasper continued.
“I have not felt anything different about my gift. Maybe that is because of the
fact that the Volturi does not see my ability as a threat… Alice however… What
if they have a new gifted member in their guard… one that can mess with the
gifts of others?”
We were all quiet for a while, thinking of possibilities.

“Well, it is a possibility” Carlisle said and glanced at Nessy who was a sleep in
Jacob’s arms.
Ness would be the most powerful weapon to us but none of the Cullen’s would
ever make her use it. She will never be close enough to smell trouble. Good
thing, me and Jacob are on the same page there.
Almost home…

Part three – Jacob

“Sam!” I called out. I couldn’t stay at the Cullen house while they all searched
for clues. Bella had taken Nessy to their house and I needed answers from the
pack. Edward would follow me soon, he would be as eager as I was to find out
what was going on. You’d think that the state of Washington should be the most
boring place to live…
I had called my father and told him to call the guys. We would all meet at my
dad’s now luxurious crib.
“Jake, out here!” Sam answered from the garage. They all waited for me.
They had over the last days gathered branches, trunks and rocks from the forest
that had a bloodsucker’s scent. Except for the Cullen’s scent…
Four or five different leaches had been close to the Cullen’s house. But only two
had entered.
“We figured some of them didn’t want anyone to know they were there.” Sam
spoke and then he continued
“We only recognize two scents…” but before Sam could say more, Edward
darted in, looking furious.
“Dimitri” was all he said and he spoke through his clenched teeth. He was the
protector of Bella and Nessy, as was I… for Nessy.
“The sadistic tracker?” I asked. He nodded. He caught the scents from the stuff
gathered from the woods and we all knew before he said it.

“The Volturi is coming again” and then he told all of us about what they found
in their house.
“Dimitri and Felix have been outside the big house and inside our cottage. They
were here recently and it seems like they were sent here to confirm what
previous visitor’s have told them. Amun is one of them now, Alice can see
again. We don’t know why or how but it is as clear as day for her again so she is
searching in the future for information.”
We all concentrated, thinking hard on possibilities, outcomes and options.
Edward had probably read our minds already since he never asked Sam what he
new and found out while we were in South America. But still, Edward was
usually so polite and composed. Was there more? Did he know anything else?
“I have to get back to the big house, Alice might have more news. You are all
welcome to join; Esme is ordering pizza for everyone” Edward muttered.
Some of the guys never worried about anything. They looked thrilled about
having the Volturi here. I remembered myself feeling excited about danger not
too long ago.
But I had Nessy now. If only she knew how much I loved her. If only she felt
the same…
We all ran with Edward and while we phased back into human form, Edward
went for Bella and Nessy. Emmet was also there. Of course, Edward would
leave a huge bodyguard with Nessy and Bells. Nessy jumped on to Edward’s
back and we all aimed for the pizza smelling house. It wasn’t until the smell of
pepperoni and mushroom hit me that I realized, I hadn’t eaten since we left the
island. Nessy must be starving too. She was a sleep for the flights home and
when she didn’t sleep, she looked at me in a weird way. What was that about?
Mmm, pizza.
“Hello, Jacob! Come on in boys” Esme greeted us. Nessy walked inside,
grabbed an especially ordered turkey salad and walked upstairs to get some
sleep. She would hunt later, no doubt.

The living room was filled with pizza boxes just waiting to be emptied so we all
dug in. Carlisle, Edward and Bella spoke silently by the living room window.
Esme and Rose were doing something in the kitchen and the pixie girl with her
militant hubby were in the garage. They all looked like they were preparing for
“Yes, we are preparing” Edward said without any expression on his face.
Sometimes, his mindreading was quite helpful and sometimes just plain
annoying. Preparing for what? I thought.
Edward took a seat on the armrest of the couch and began explaining what they
“The scents, the blurry outcome of Alice’s visions, the visitor in Vancouver and
the fact that the scents traces right to this house and no where else…. The
Volturi is planning something for us.” Edward spoke in silence. His face
reflected the agony he felt and his clenched fists represented the anger and
frustration over their royal family. The freaking coven that considered the
thought of having the pack as their guard dogs!
“Time to prepare then. This time we take them out!” Sam raised his voice.
Emmett and the others joined the conversation more verbally. “Hell, yes!”,
“Finally”, “No doubt!” “It is the only way” Emmet and Paul, Embry, Quil and
Seth all agreed enthusiastically. So did I but we have to plan this very well…
Nessy must be safe. Edward nodded at my thought.
Bella looked determined but never spoke her mind. She was thinking hard on
something. Edward noticed it as well.
“No” Edward said with a plain voice. Huh? What did I miss?
“You can say whatever you want Edward. My mind is set. Emmet or Jasper will
help me. For Nessy and all of us. We need fighters!” Bella snapped at Edward.
That was new…
“We will manage. You are not fighting, Bella” Edward was determined but he
was pleading by the time he said her name. He would lose this one.

“I will help her, brother” Jasper said quietly but nowhere near pleading. I hadn’t
noticed him and Alice coming back from the garage. Alice looked like she had
“They are coming on august thirteenth” Alice said. We all turned to face her.
“My visions are clear and that’s the way they want it to be. They want us to
know the exact date and they don’t care about witnesses or bystanders. They
come to slaughter and they know we won’t or can’t hide.” She finished.
“August the thirteenth, what a lovely wedding anniversary that will be” Bella
said with heavy sarcasm. Embry and Paul couldn’t help not laughing and Emmet
joined in. I needed to speak.
“We have two whole months this time. Why are they giving us so much time?” I
“It might be a hoax. They can decide whenever; to come earlier.” Edward
answered. Carlisle had been in deep thought but finally spoke.
“We have to gather our friends again but this time… They will not be witnesses
anymore. We will ask them to die with us and how can we do that?” Carlisle
was in pain.
His passion for friends and living creatures in general was his trademark so it
couldn’t be anything but agony in his body. Blondie was the next to speak;
“Tanya and her family plus Gareth will help. So will the creepy Romanians.
Siobhan will most likely join us as well… Maybe Zafrina and her sisters too?”
“We can not ask them. But we can tell them and let them do what they want
with the information” Esme said, also in pain.
The Cullen’s nodded conflictingly.
Esme had one hand on the Doc and together they said that they would go to
South America to talk to Zafrina and her sisters. They would also try to track
down that other half-and-half and her aunt.
“Emmett and I will go to Europe to track down the Romanians, some nomads
and then Benjamin and Tia.” Rose was ready.

“I will call Siobhan before we leave.” Carlisle said.

Everything was a buzz after that. The vamps flitted around the house, preparing
in an annoying speed. Only Bella and Edward stood still. They were probably in
a silent argument with each other. An argument that Bella would win for once.
Jasper would back her up. I actually agreed with her. She was feisty now when
she was a bloodsucker. More people to protect Nessy. Edward was all out of
arguments. Alice and Jasper would stay behind with Edward, Bella and Nessy.
Pixie’s job was to find out more about the things to come and Jasper was to
make a fighter out of Bells.
Sam gestured to the pack to go outside to phase so that we could lay out a

Part 4 – Bella

“No time to waste” I said to Jasper. In the corner of my eye I could see my
husband roll his eyes in frustration.
Once outside, Jasper turned to me with a more professional stance.
“Do you remember when we trained before facing Victoria’s newborns, Bella?”
His voice was calm and direct. He wanted me to be the best I could be. In a sixty
fourth of a second I decided to go against my reflexes and not flinch at
Victoria’s name and that horrible day.
“Somewhat. Kind of blurry memories but I remember you telling Edward and
the others not to go for the easy kill.”
“Exactly, very good. We haven’t exactly made any strategic plans about our
fighting with the Volturi yet, of course. But I would bet my existence that Aro
expects us to pull out all our aces. They will most likely think that we will fight
with great skills and very graciously” He paused as he thought about the best
way to make me useful. Then he continued.

“I believe that actually going for the easy kill will be our best strategy this time.
Only… it won’t be easy. I doubt their entire guard is physically trained for battle
at the time but they will use these months as much as we will to gain
advantages. Jane, Alec, Dimitri and Felix are usually the only ones that ever see
battle but only Dimitri and Felix use their brutal strength.” Jasper was mostly
thinking out loud at this time but I memorized it all.
Easy kill… Without the easy part.
“Okay, so we will go for they easy kill but expect that they will be very fast but
if a straight-on attack won’t help?” I asked, eager to learn so I could protect
Ness and make sure that Edward wouldn’t feel the need to cover me and in the
process let someone attack him. I shuddered.
“We will attack and go straight for their necks; the best thing is to attack from
behind. At the same time we need to have a few tricks up our sleeves in case
they turn when we are very close.”
Jasper walked about twenty yards away from me. In the middle of the meadow
he got down into a crouch. “Do your best and we will go from there” He was
facing me, prepared for me to spring. I knew that I would never inflict any pain
on him. Right now he waited for me to run towards him and do my very best.
The element of surprise would be my best move but Jasper was well trained and
I doubted he could be taken by surprise.
He said it would be best if we attacked from behind… Maybe if I…
Well, I needed more than twenty yards for this but what the heck. I settled into a
crouch and looked deep into Jasper’s eyes. Slowly I circled him until we both
had the house on our side instead of behind either of us.
Without any warning, I leaped the short space between us but instead of
attacking, I jumped over him and landed just a few feet behind him. It took me
no time at all to face him and of course he was fast too but at the same time as
he turned; I planted one hell of a kick in his back. As he flew about thirteen
yards, I sprinted after and attacked before he reached the ground.

Once I attacked, he placed his right hand at my throat. A steel grip I couldn’t get
out of and his arms were too long, I couldn’t reach him. I relaxed and he
released me with wide eyes. Somewhere, I could hear Edward gasping.
“You will be one hell of a fighter, Bella!” Jasper complimented me.
I beamed but I still felt guilty. “I doubt I could ever hurt you but are you okay?”
I asked.
Jasper chuckled subtle trying not to embarrass me and behind us Emmett and
Rosalie laughed. I hadn’t notice there was an audience. They were all there.
Esme looked proud, Carlisle was impressed and Jake howled like his team was
winning. I guess he was back from the pack meeting already.
But Edward stood frozen with mixed emotions exploding all over his face;
Agony, relief, frustration, pride, passion and annoyance. Jasper walked towards
Alice and I followed.
“That was one bad ass kick, little sister” Emmett glowed. I loved the way he
spoke to me somehow. I always wanted a big brother and he was the best.
“Indeed!” Carlisle agreed. Esme hugged me; Jake punched me in the back, still
grinning. “Bells! You’re one feisty leach!” he barked.
Rosalie’s smile vanished and turned to Edward “Get over your self Edward.
Bella will be great” she said.
Edward relaxed a little but was still battling with his emotions.
He would talk soon enough. Alice never really bothered to give Edward
attention when he was being silly so she moved on to the next subject.
“Yes, of course. We have a lot to do. I have called Siobhan and yes, they will
join us. So will Tanya and her family. They were much too eager to fight” he
said with concern. He looked down with a crease in his forehead.
“They have witnessed the Volturi’s arrogance and their so called justice as much
as we have. Of course they want to help” Jasper murmured. Carlisle sighed and
nodded. “Yes, that is true, I just wish…” Carlisle broke off mid sentence and

looked down again. Esme stroked his hair “We will fight for justice and for our
right to live” she whispered. We were all silent for a minute and Carlisle looked
up again, now with determination and a bit more confidence of a good outcome.
“Yes, we will fight. It is the only way to make everyone safer. We must be
going.” Carlisle took Esme’s hand and they said farewell. They would now run
to Vancouver to catch a direct flight to Brazil. From there they would track
down Zafrina and her sisters and after that; Nahuel.
“It’s time for us to leave as well.” Rosalie said.
Emmett and Rose would drive to Los Angeles to catch a flight to London and
from there they would go across Europe to find nomads, the Romanians and
Benjamin and Tia. Jasper and Alice would stay here to call Peter and Charlotte.
Jasper was of course our Major or whatever during this time. The only one that
would teach me to fight properly. We would need all the help we could get when
it came to fighting. And Alice was to find out more about the future.
After Rose and Emmett left, we all went inside again. “When are Kate and
Tanya coming?” I asked.
“The day after tomorrow. Garrett, Eleazar and Carmen as well” Edward
So he could speak now… I just nodded.
“Bella?” Edward’s voice was apologetic now. I turned to face him.
“I’m really sorry about my reaction, love. I wasn’t very helpful and I’m sorry for
that.” He said.
“I know this is hard for you, you are one big ole’ fashioned boy” I teased. I
could never stay mad at him.
“But you have to let me do this, Edward. I need this and I need your support.”
“I know and I will get better at this. I promise.” He kissed my forehead and that
was that.
“By the way. You really impressed me out there.” He added.
“Finally! That’s what I wanted to hear” I laughed.

Over the next two weeks the house filled up with friends of the Cullen’s once
more. Alice had problems with her visions again and that didn’t exactly make us
hopeful. Little did we know; the mailman would have the answer.
Tanya and her family joined us and they arrived with determination and hope.
They had been able to get in touch with Mary and Randall, two nomads that
from time to time travelled together through Canada. They would arrive soon,
also to fight.
Carlisle and Esme could however not find Nahuel.
Jasper and I worked outside in the small clearing several hours every day and we
were planning a two day hunting trip together just the two of us. Edward’s
groaning and moping was getting on my nerves. Even Jasper thought it was
annoying. So I looked forward on the two days with Jasper. Nessy was hanging
out in La Push most of the time so that I could practice without distractions.

“You are doing great Bella” Jasper complimented me. We had been practicing
all night and I actually felt stronger and swifter.
Edward was over at Charlie’s to let him know a little of what was to come. Just
a few things like about our visitors, about Ness spending so much time in La
Push and that Charlie should be down there as well.
It was only a matter of time before Charlie would know everything; we all knew
that, even Charlie knew that our secrets would soon be out.
“Are you all right Bella?” Jasper asked.
“Oh, yes I’m fine, just worried you know…”
He just nodded. We were all worried these days and it was easy to get
“I think that’s Edward’s car” Jasper said.
Edward was driving faster than ever. I rushed inside with Jasper right behind
me. Tanya and her family all heard Edward’s car racing through the slick road.

After a few seconds he was next to me with fierce eyes and clenched teeth. “Aro
sent his regards” he said through his teeth and threw an envelope on the living
room table. I opened the envelope and unfolded the letter.
And then furious gasps as we read.

We were all starting to feel fury instead of fear, much easier to live with.
Determination and fury match very well. Jasper was the one who worried about
that. “When you are furious, you might end up making the wrong move” he told
me later.

“What does this mean?” I whispered. All though I kind of knew. After a full
minute had passed, Eleazar was the first to speak. “Well, I suppose we should
talk strategy?”
“Who the hell is this freaking Scarlet?!” Alice hissed.
We now had our names on a hit list…

When Jasper and I returned from our hunt it was easy to recognize the change in
Edward. I met him with relief written across his face for having me home again
but there was something more. He looked ready. Strong and sure of the coming
fight. I was about to find out why.
“You are home! I missed you so much sweetheart” Edward kissed me fiercely
while Jasper passed us to find Alice.
“I missed you more” I said between kisses.
“Not possible”
“Where’s Ness?” I asked.
“La Push. She will be back tonight with Jacob. The other Quileute’s are already
here. We are about to start making plans for the fight.”
“What is Jake and Nessy doing then?” Suspicious now.
“Don’t worry love; they are with Billy, Charlie and Sue. Nessy wanted to see
some normal people” he chuckled. “And I can’t blame her; the house is full of,
as she said: “weirdoes”. She sure has changed since last time” he went on.
To answer my coming question, Edward led the way inside.
We entered the living room and I saw a few faces. Besides the Cullen’s, the
Denali’s now included Garrett… We were so many now! Peter and Charlotte,
the three Amazons, Benjamin and Tia, the Irish coven, Mary and Randall and
the Romanians had joined in once more. We were all back together. With the
exception of Amun and Kebi of course. “Oh!” was all I could get out. But that
wasn’t it. I heard voices that were new to me as well.
“Who is in the kitchen?” I asked Edward.

“The word travelled and so we have some new guests as well” Edward led me
through the packed space and after some greetings we reached the kitchen.
“Bella, this is Charles and Makenna, William, Joseph, Anthony and Emma.
Everyone, this is my wife, Bella” Edward introduced us.
“So nice to meet you all” I was still stunned.
“Charles and Makenna were witnesses for the Volturi last time but since that
day, they have started to doubt their words, rules and ways of handling trouble”
Edward told me.
We were thirty three vampires all gathered under one roof.
The rest of the night passed in a blur; there were a lot of
introductions and small talk. We all decided to start making plans tomorrow
instead. We were so many now and we couldn’t make these plans all together.
First; my family and the Denali’s would talk with Sam and Jake to discuss our
priorities and after that we would involve the rest.
This was after all a battle where we were the targets and neither of us wanted to
cause more trouble for our friends.
Nessy and Jake arrived close to midnight, both looking exhausted.
Before they entered the house I darted outside to stop them. If they ever wanted
to sleep, they shouldn’t go inside. They would just have to start over with the
greetings then.
“Nessy! Oh, I’ve missed you so much” I said.
“Mom! You’re back! I missed you too! Are you a fighter now?” she teased.
Jake chuckled.
I hugged them both and in that hug, I don’t think I had ever felt more like a
mother. “Haha, I’m getting there” I answered.
And then Edward joined us.
“Hey, dad! Nessy jumped into Edward’s arms as he came down the steps. “Hi,
princess. Did you have a good time at Charlie’s place?”

“Yep, except that Grandpa, Billie and Jake watched sports the entire night” she
pouted and playfully scowled at Jacob.
Jake laughed “Well, if it’s a good game…” he said.
“Hah! You say it like it was just one game!” she accused.
“Okay, okay enough, children” I said, looking at Jake when I said children.
Edward just smiled at me.
“Yes, let’s go home. Ness has a gift for you, love.”
“A gift?” I was careful not to frown.
“Can I get a hint?” I asked.
“Don’t you know your own daughter?” Edward mused.
“Ah, okay, I get it.” I said and turned to Ness. “How much did your father pay
this time” I teased.
Nessy was not amused by that comment though.
“Mom, gee, thanks for that! But I paid for this myself!”
“I’m sorry sweetheart. I really am. Please forgive me, I know how hard you
work with Carlisle and how you’re helping out in La Push”
“Fine, okay so lets go” She was still pouting but I could see, I was forgiven.
“You are actually going to love it. I’ve seen it and it’s brilliant.” Edward always
knew what to say to thaw Nessy up.
She was smiling when we darted for the river and before we jumped she leaped
on to Edwards back. I loved watching Edward and Renesmee together.
Edward absolutely adored his little girl and Ness always showed pride in being
his daughter. The love between them was very special.
He was always the first one she came to when she needed guidance and advice
and Ness was always the first thing that entered Edward’s mind when the sun
rose. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
When we were closing in I found my self having some what of a déjà vu, though
not really. The scent of sawdust, dirt and some kind of paint filled the air. The
cottage must have been the object of alterations again…

Would it be a fancy castle by now? With Ness, there was no way of knowing.
My small romantic cottage… I was careful not to show my internal frown.
“Okay, mom. Close your eyes, dad will lead the way, Jake and I will be inside”
Edward kissed my neck as we waited for Nessy and Jake to go inside.
We heard some whispers before Jacob let us in.
Okay, the living room looked the same at least.
“In here, mom” Nessy spoke from her room. Jake stayed in the living room and
turned the TV on and Edward stopped at the doorway.
Nessy’s room was almost completely empty. There was a huge chair and an
ottoman in the corner but other than that… My eyes stopped at the big wall
facing north. Photos in black and white filled the wall space and on the wall to
the left, there was black script on the wall. Edward’s beautiful handwriting
painted in glossy black. “Memory lane” it said. The whole room was now an
album with the pictures of people I lived for.
Still shots of laughter, parties, bonfires, jokes and love. They were all there;
Carlisle and Esme embracing. Rosalie and Emmett as grease monkeys next to a
car and on another picture where they were dancing like movie stars. Jazz and
Alice in one of their telepathic moments. Jazz in a chair and Alice on the armrest
as they looked into each others soul.
Edward playing his piano with Nessy next to him. The Quileute’s at a bonfire in
La Push, Sam and Emily in the kitchen of their adorable home, Charlie and Billy
returning from a fishing trip victorious with their catch. They were all there!
Even my mom, a beautiful photo from the wedding.
I was all choked up as I looked at all the pictures in their elegant glossy black
frames. I looked at Nessy where she sat in the chair.
She was holding a black leather album. “There’s more in here” she smiled. “Do
you like the room?”

“Oh, Renesmee! It’s perfect! I absolutely love this.” My eyes would fill up with
tears if they could. Edward smiled at us and left the room. Ness and I spent the
next couple of hours looking at photos and laughing at memories.
After she fell asleep in the chair I kissed her and left the room.
Jake was snoring loudly in the living room and I found Edward in our closet.
“She’s wonderful, isn’t she?”
“To say the least” I smiled. “But wait… Where is she going to sleep now? Don’t
say La Push!”
Edward laughed. “Like I would allow that” he mused. “Didn’t you smell the
sawdust coming in? She built a new room for her self out back. With her own
front door and everything. Im sure she will show you tomorrow.”
“Hah! Yeah, I’m sure she will” I murmured.
“So, what are you doing in here?” I asked.
“Picking out clothes that are easy to fight in…”
That brought me back to reality. We had six weeks to get ready. Six weeks left.
We knew that the chances of us winning this fight were small but not
catastrophic like last time. But there would still be casualties. People would
“The sun will be up soon, we should get back to the house.” Edward noticed my
sad eyes but talking about it wouldn’t help. We needed to go over all the details
“Okay, lets go” I said as I shrugged out of the thought of losing members of my
“Jacob?” He whispered to me.
“No, he can sleep. I don’t want him at the house. His main job during the fight
will be to keep our daughter safe.” It was easier to speak and live through the
day being more businesslike and cold. Something that I would never be able to
do being human.
Edward took my hand and we ran towards the big house.

We arrived at the same time as Sam and Billy.

“Good morning Sam, Billy” Edward greeted them.
I was horrified. “Sam!?” I couldn’t even look at Billy.
“Don’t worry, Billy will be in La Push during the fight but he needs to know
what’s going on” Sam was also all business at this time.
The danger coming our way was enough to feel fear for my supernatural family
but to involve fragile humans…
Okay, business. I shook the fear off and followed Edward inside.
Sam helped Billy up the stairs and joined us.
Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jazz, Em, Rose and Tanya, Kate, Garrett, Eleazar and
Carmen were all inside waiting.
All the other guests were out of state hunting, a thought that still bothered me in
so many ways.
Carlisle held Aros letter in his hand and led the way to the dining room.
We all took our seats around the huge table.
“Okay” Carlisle started.
“The letter speaks clearly. The Volturi have already decided which one of us to
go after.” His voice almost broke at the end of his sentence. And then Eleazar
“The words are yes, quite clear but the meaning behind their choices got me
thinking last night. We all believe that due to the fact that we sustain an all
animal diet, we can love and stay together more like a family than a coven.
Well, I think that the Volturi knows that to. And I believe that this is the reason
behind their strategy.” Eleazar paused and Edward, seeing his thought nodded
and continued.

“Yes, it makes sense. Felix could and should decide to fight Emmett or even one
of the wolves due to their massive strength. But he chose… Or Aro chose Bella
for him. It could only mean that this choice would make me distracted and lose
control. So when we see a name on the letter, it might be his or hers mate we
should focus on.”
We were all in agreement. “But your name is on the list, Edward. You are more
that capable of defending your self” Tanya said.
“To distract me… I’m not near as strong as most of you but I can shield us from
all of them mentally. I guess I have a bright red dot on my forehead” I
whispered the last part. Edward placed his arm around me.
Emmett started to get impatient; he probably wanted to know who he would get
to go berserk on. “All right, let’s talk strength” he said.
“Which ones are the best in battle? Except me of course” Emmett grinned.
“Jasper, Garrett, Tanya, me, Carlisle, Alice of course, Charles and Makenna are
very swift, Peter also and obviously Kate.” Edward said and then went on “And
all the wolves are insanely strong but I would say that Sam, Jacob, Paul and
Jared are the best fighters there. Leah is very fierce but she can get hot headed.”
Sam smiled a little in agreement. “Even though Colin and Brady are older and a
lot stronger now, I’m making them stay behind to protect La Push as well as
your father, Bella.”
I nodded in relief.
“Of course, don’t hesitate if you need more men to stay behind in La Push”
Carlisle stated. He was not pleased with having young boys fighting for us,
neither did I or Edward even if they youngest wolves were around sixteen and
seventeen now. They still had never seen battle.
“We will be fine. We will all stay at the school during the fight and a couple of
nights before so that we’re all together.” Billy assured us and looked at me. I
couldn’t care less about the reason he would give Charlie. As long as he was

“I’ll take Felix” Emmett was impatient again.

“Sure, Em but our main targets must be Jane and definitely Alec. With them
around, Bella will only be able to concentrate on keeping her shield intact”
Jasper was the major now.
“Bella once said that the twins might not be fighters and I believe that she is
right. With their powers and arrogance I doubt they would ever bother to fight
with just strength” It felt really good to have Jasper on my side.
He continued; “My suggestion is that Kate, Bella and maybe Paul focus on Jane
and Alec while you back them up.” he said to Emmett.
“And then you can take on Felix” Jazz finished.
“Sounds good” said Sam and most of us nodded. It felt good to make these
plans, to have something to train for.
Carlisle took out a notepad “I guess some of you have requests?”
“I want that hussy that’s been messing with my visions!” Alice was irritated to
put it mildly and I couldn’t help not giggling.
“I still want Dimitri” Edward’s voice was hollow and I knew why. He hated
having me there talking like some warrior.
“I don’t really have any specific people to go after except Caius but I doubt that
some of these guards that you are all looking for are in the front line. To reach
them we might have to go through several lines.” Tanya said.
“So we fight through the lines to reach…” Esme said simply and now I saw
Edwards frown on Carlisle. Jasper however, did not look at us and saw members
of his family, he saw fighters. The way it had to be. It was the only way we
could even dream about winning.
“We could have our front line covering and backing up so that the second line
can go through to the next” Garrett spoke for the first time. “Like Jasper, I have
war in my blood so to speak and it’s time to set our feelings aside. I’m here
because I’m willing to give my life for this. We are all here and even though we
ended up here in different ways… We are willing to fight till death.”

We all remembered the small talk, the day me and Jasper returned from our trip;
everyone talked about and agreed on fighting until the last man. Even the
Quileute’s saw it this way.
“Fine. Our front and second line?” Carlisle surrendered.

After an hour of deciding back and forth, we had our first two lines. In the first
line we had; Edward and Emmett on the left flank, followed by Sam, Paul,
Tanya, Embry, Kate, Garrett and then Charles and Makenna on the right flank.
The second line was made up by Carmen, Eleazar, Alice, me, Jasper, Carlisle,
Peter, Jared and Quil.
We were finally on our way.
“How many lines will we have? And how many do you guys think
the Volturi will have?” Rose asked.
“Im guessing here but about fifty on their side and I don’t believe they will have
witnesses this time.” Carlisle said and Jasper agreed.
“We will have five lines I think.” Edward answered Rose’s first question.
“Renesmee and Jacob?” I whispered.
“Jacob will guard Nessy, a job he will both love and hate” Billy chuckled.
“Yea, I know, he’s quite the martyr…” I murmured. “But there is no way of
hiding them. No place is safe”
“They must be in the clearing as well” Sam said.
Both Edward and I hissed but we knew that Sam was right.
“Jake and Ness can be in the back with the younger wolves. I think seven of
them will be fine. That will also calm down their parents”
“The third line then?” Billy continued.
“Leah won’t be satisfied if she is not in the first line but like Edward said; she
get’s hot headed. The third line will be good for her. And put Seth next to her,
they can work together.”
“We should keep Benjamin and Zafrina close to Jake and Ness”

“Rose and I can flank in the third line, and then we will be quite close to Edward
and Emmett” Esme said.
“Our newer guests in the back, we just met them and sending them to death just
like that…”

After another hour or so, we had our last three lines. The third line: Esme,
Rosalie, Mary, Randall, Kachiri, Senna, Seth, Leah, Liam and Siobhan.
The fourth line: William, Joseph, Emma, Anthony, Benjamin, Zafrina, Vladimir,
Stefan and Charlotte.
And then we had the seven younger wolves together with Nessy and Jacob in the
back. Carlisle couldn’t let go of his feelings toward the humans in La Push so
with Collin and Brady; Maggie and Tia were also to be in La Push during the
“It’s almost 10 am; maybe we should wake Nessy and Jake?” I asked.
“There is no need, Jacob is on his way in and he is not happy.” Edward
“What the hell!” Jake greeted us with.
“Jake!” Billy spoke like parent and the alpha he was supposed to be.
“No! I can’t believe you screwed me over like this!” Jake was shouting at me
and I hissed in reaction as I stood up.
“Calm down Jacob. Do not push your luck.” Edward’s voice was firm and more
of an alpha than anyone. Especially when I was the target.
I ignored the tension between Jake and Edward and stepped in the middle.
“Easy, Edward. And Jake, you can just shut up!” Jacob was caught off guard at
my words. “Do you honestly expect me to let you fight and leave my daughter
unprotected?! You of all people should know better! There is no way in hell that
you can fight without being distracted when… When the love of your life is
standing alone! So just back off.”

He had nothing. I could see Jacob fuming but he came up short. He knew that I
was right. He kicked a chair out of the way like a child and stomped outside.
“Wow!” Emmett was laughing so hard.
“Hah, you really can stand your ground, love.” Edward mused.
The tension in the room eased up after a hard morning.

“All right. We have our plans in order now. Edward, Jasper and I will speak to
our guests a small group at a time during the day. After tonight, we should all
start practicing in our new positions” Carlisle stood up and left the room.
The Denali’s went hunting and I went back to the cottage to wake up Nessy. I
needed some alone time with my daughter. Edward stayed behind to wait for our
guests to return.
“Ness! You’re awake. Did you sleep well?”
“Haha, not really. The chair is not my friend anymore” She laughed.
“Maybe it is time for you to show me your new room?”
“Sure! This way.”
Nessy led the way outside and around the cottage. Her new room was twice the
size of her old room. Go figure. She was beaming - her own private entrance.
And I gave her the smile and excitement she wanted.
“Wow sweetie! It’s beautiful!” I complimented her work. It truly was beautiful
and you could easily see that she had taken after Esme’s taste. The room was
elegant and subtle but still Nessy-like… as in extravagant.
The room was divided in to two spaces; in the first part of the room was a couch,
table, some chairs, a TV, a cabinet and a refrigerator and the other part was the
bedroom part. I couldn’t help noticing that the bed was huge, king sized and had
velvet fabrics hanging from the ceiling. Too big for just her…
The colors were beautiful in her room. She had mixed glossy white with the
woodsy elements of the forest. The walls were white with rough paneling, the
ceiling had the same woodsy tone but a gorgeous white chandelier hanged in the

middle. Not with crystals or anything pompous, but with shells and sand
polished glass from the beach, and together with the white candles it was one of
the best craftsmanship’s I’ve seen. A gift from Jacob?
The wall facing the rest of the cottage was filled with photos, also in black and
white of familiar faces. Edward and I, Carlisle and Esme, Rose and Em, Jazz
and Alice, Emily and Sam… Strong and loving couples. Nessy had so much
when it came to materialistic stuff but the thing she loved most was just that;
love. The love between two mates or parents or friends. I put my arm around her
and hugged her tightly.
“Yea, I like it too” she chirped.
She went to the fridge and took out sodas and cake and then chips and other
snacks from the cabinet.
“No thanks darling, I’m not hungry” I joked.
“Very funny!” she said with irony. “Jake and some other guys from the rez are
coming over soon. They are gonna watch some game”
“That doesn’t sound like something that you would want to host.” I
was suspicious now. Nessy just looked down and kept arranging the chairs.
“Ness? Is there something you want to tell me?”
She sat down and I followed. I was careful not to show any emotions except for
“Do you remember when we talked before we left the island?... About Jake and
me…” Nessy was nervous.
“Of course” Not one of my happiest memories I might add.
“Well, I’m not sure that he likes me at all. Whenever we hang out now… he’s
different some how” Nervous turned to sad.
“Ah sweetie, he’s just concerned about the fight. We all are. I’m sure you’re
overreacting” “But can I ask you something?”
She just nodded.

“Have you told him that you like him?”

“Well, not in those words. But when we were on the island I thought he knew.
He told me one night that if I ever liked a boy, I would tell you and dad before
anything happened.”
“A boy? So he doesn’t know for sure that it is him that you like?”
“He said this before we went to sleep… right after he hugged me and I felt that
electric thing…Now I’m not so sure that he felt the same thing” Nessy was so
embarrassed but I knew too well about that electric current.
I also knew that Jacob felt the same, if not more.
“Well, I’m not going to give my four year old daughter dating advice” I joked
“But talk to him. I think you will feel better. Oh, and also; I’m also not going to
make dating for you easy but Edward and I will be at the big house tonight so
we won’t interfere. As long as you remember the curfew.”
Nessy smiled “9:30… Thanks mom, I love you.”
“Love you more” So true. “And with that said; I’m pretty sure I hear paws near
by” I finished.
I hugged my girl again and headed for the door.
“Have fun Ness”
Outside, I met Jake, Seth, Quil, Embry, Jared and Kim.
“Hi, guys!” I greeted them.
“’Sup Bella!” Quil always wanted to be so cool but all I could do was laugh.
It felt weird to be somehow superior… A parental figure to them, but so were
Sam and Emily and they were only a few years older than me.
“Are you and Nessy gonna survive this Kim?” I snickered.
“Haha, we’ll see” Kim wasn’t really into sports either but it felt really good to
have her and Nessy together. They were really close friends.
“Jake, are you still mad?” I asked.

“Not really… just sucks to be left out but I understand… ‘s hard to have it any
other way.” He smiled at me a little.
“Well, have fun tonight guys.” And then I left.

Part 5 – Ness

Okay, that’s good; stall them, mom. Hmm all right. Dress, looks good – Check!
No wait… Jake likes comfy clothes. I hurried to my closet and found a pair of
moss green, baggy khakis with pockets on the side of the legs and located a
white top to go with the pants. Perfect; I look like a freaking army brat and I
groaned. But it sure was comfortable.
I rearranged my hair into a sloppy knot but made sure that my make up was
perfect. Done!
I heard two taps on the door and skipped bare footed towards the door.
“Come in guys!”
“Hi Ness!” Jake smiled. My heart pounded and I knew that he could hear.
Maybe he can take that as proof if he likes me.
“Wow! Love your new crypt… I mean crib!” Embry joked.
“Haha, oh I’m sorry. Is my elegance insulting your tipi Embry?”
“Ooo, burn!” Kim laughed.
I sat down on the couch, hoping that Jake would follow.
But ouch! He sat down in the chair closest to the TV; his back to me.
There is no way he likes me.
The rest of them joined and at least I had Kim next to me. We could mess with
the guys together. Stupid football, I mean; who cares?!
Maybe that’s the only reason Jake’s here…
Kim noticed my moping; thank God she could keep that secret from Jared.
“So, Ness; Any cute boys at the hospital?” Kim asked.
“Schhhh! The game!” Seth was annoyed.

Kim knows that I haven’t been at the hospital in months; what is she doing?!
But before I could respond she winked at me and looked in Jake’s direction.
Ah okay, got it!
“Hmm, a few I guess” I whispered.
“What happened to that guy that asked you out?”
Oh, come on Kim! What are you doing?! Fine, I’ll play along.
“Ehm, I told him I would think about it. There is this one guy that’s really cute
but I don’t think he likes me…” I frowned.
I noticed Jake’s head turn a bit in my direction but only for a second and then he
yelled at the TV. This is hopeless. But Kim didn’t give up.
“Well, maybe he likes you but he’s shy?” Kim went on. She was smart though;
now I could say what I wanted.
“Then he better get it together because I hate waiting” I snapped.
We still whispered but I knew they could all hear us. Kim’s smile was huge. I
left my seat to get a bottle of water. When I stood by the fridge I could see
Jacobs face.
He glanced in my direction but as soon as he noticed my gaze, his eyes locked
on the TV again. Stupid gaaaame!
The afternoon passed slowly. After the first game ended; Jared and
Quil went outside, phased and rushed toward town to buy pizza. They wanted to
get back in time before the next game started.
Kim and I talked about this and that and the guys watched the pre-game talk.
The only thing different was that Jake seemed to be more quiet than usual.
“Jake? Can we switch seats? I was hoping to take advantage of Nessy’s massive
nail polish collection and it’s easier to paint my toenails in the chair.” Kim
Aw, crap! There is no way he’s gonna fall for that!
“Sure, sure. Do your toe thingy…” Jake stood up.
Huh? He switched seats with Kim and I could see Kim’s smile.

Jake sat down next to me but he didn’t look very comfortable. Awesome…
Seth and Jake howled in delight as they smelled the pizza coming our way. Ugh!
“Pizza delivery!” Quil yelled before he opened the door. My room was crowded
again and Jake was only thinking about pizza and sport.
Another hour passed and all the boys were really in to the game. I
just wanted to get out of here but I didn’t want to leave this seat.
So close to him… But it hurt so much, no I couldn’t stay!
I left as fast as I could, knowing that my speed was not fast enough to get away
from wolves and vampires. It only took me a second to be out of sight from the
cottage but I stopped. Maybe I needed Kim. I wanted my father here but I know
that he couldn’t give me the support I needed here.
I sat down on a tree log, hoping I would sort out my head.
I heard whispers near the cottage.
“I’ll go.” I think that was Kim.
“What is wrong? Have I done anything to upset her?” A more husky voice
“Well… Just wait here Jake.” Okay it was Kim and Jake.
I was the worst drama queen ever! I just wanted to scream and I could already
feel my tears coming.
Kim found me after a minute.
“Ness? Are you okay?” Her voice was velvet and she was worried.
“Yea, I’m fine. I’m just being stupid.” I said sobbing.
“You are not stupid! You’re just… in love” she sat down next to me and had her
arm around me, soothing me.
“I can’t believe that I ever thought he would like me. I bet he’s repulsed with the
vampire-side of me.” I had to keep my voice low; I knew how well the guys
could hear.
“Now you’re being silly Ness” she chuckled a little.

“Lets just go back, the game is almost over and then we can make them watch a
chick flick with us.” She was smiling like she knew something that I didn’t.
“What are you smiling about?” I asked.
“I just think you need to know everything before you give up.”
“Has he said anything to you?”
“No, but still; you can’t be sure that he doesn’t like you. It’s not like you have
told him about your feelings.”
“Feelings schmeelings! Let’s just go back” I pouted. I wiped my face and looked
at Kim.
“You look perfect Ness.”
We walked back and I took a deep breath before we opened the door. I felt so
“Nessy! Are you okay?” Jake was at my side in no time and he was really
“Yea, I’m fine. Don’t really wanna talk about it but I promise, I’m all right
Jake was still wondering and his forehead was creased but he didn’t push for any
answers. I sat down on the couch again and Jake sat down next to me. This time
he placed his arm gently around me and once again I felt that electric current
running through me.
Get it together Ness! He is just your friend and he’s just worried.
“Yes!! Finally, the game is over!” Kim sighed with relief and her
beloved Jared smiled at her with such intensity that it hurt. I wanted that.
“Time for a chick flick! You guys owe me and Ness that!” She looked at the
“Sorry, I gotta go. Wanna see Clair before she goes to sleep” Quil excused
“Yea, I have to head home too.” Seth mused.
They all hated movies with love. They wanted action, horror or sports.

“Wait for me!” Embry go up without any excuse, he just wanted to leave before
Kim pressed Play.
Jared could however not say no to his Kim.
She sat down next to Jared and snuggled up in his chest. Then the movie started.
I was actually getting a bit tired. “I’m just gonna change into something
comfier.” I went to my closet and found a pair of pink satin shorts and black t-
shirt that belonged to my dad and headed for my little bathroom. I looked like a
disaster with puffy eyes from crying, pink mini shorts that disappeared under
dad’s baggy t-shirt. But this was my favorite shirt to sleep in and I was done
trying to make myself look perfect for Jake.
I went back to Kim, Jared and Jake and grabbed a couple of blankets from my
bed on the way. I tossed one at Kim and sat down. Our wolves didn’t get cold
and well… neither did I, but the blanket was comforting, protecting.
After a while; Jake shifted position and got closer to me.
It was like he was starting to relax. Someone was however relaxing too much.
Jared’s snoring was not the ideal soundtrack to the movie. I think Kim dozed off
as well. I looked up at Jake to see if he also was asleep but he was wide awake
and he met my gaze, only inches away. His eyes were smoldering, like they
could see right through me. He quickly looked away but I doubt he was even
aware of the movie. He must be so bored.

“Ey! Jared! Wake up.” Jake punched Jared in the arm so that both Jared and
Kim woke up.
“Dude!” Jared groaned.
“Sweetie, let’s get home. The movie is over.” Kim said gently.
“Yea, okay” he was so tired.
Jake also got up, which left me with a lump in my throat.
“Thanks for everything Ness. See ya tomorrow?”
“Sure thing Kim!” I smiled.

Jake opened the door for Jared and Kim.

“Bye guys” Jake said.
Wait, what? Then he closed the door and joined me again.
“Are you tired? Or is it time for another movie” Jake asked and his smile
stopped my heart for a second.
“Sure, we can watch another movie” I showed too much excitement.
“Good. My pick though” he joked.
“Yea, thanks”
I went to the fridge and grabbed a soda for him and a bottle of water for me.
When I turned to the couch again, Jake had moved away from where he was
sitting. He was at the other end now. Double ouch! I threw him the soda and
went around the table to sit at my spot.
“Come here. I thought you might wanna stretch out your legs”
He wanted me close to him! The joy that rushed through me was massive. And
we were alone! I glanced at my watch. Hmm 9 pm. What could happen in only
thirty minutes?! I frowned and he noticed.
“Something wrong?” he asked.
A million of things “Just noticed the time. Im just gonna text my mom to see if
you can stay longer… if you want?” I was suddenly anxious.
“Of course I want to stay Ness” his voice was so warm.
My phone buzzed. Probably a reminder from mom.

Don’t worry; you have at least 2-3 hours

I have your back. Good luck ;) xoxo Alice

I smiled at Alice’s text. I left my phone on the table and joined Jacob again.
“I thought you were gonna ask Bella…”
“Don’t have to. Alice is watching out for me” I mused.

And Jake smiled in response. He was totally messing with my head.

I took my place next to Jake and he lifted his arm – an invitation to his chest. I
blushed a little but snuggled up like Kim did before. I was in heaven.
He stroked my arm gently with his fingers and I fidgeted with a crease on his
shirt. I wonder if he was watching the movie. I didn’t even know what it was

“Nessy, sweetie” Jake whispered.

Oh crap! I must have fallen asleep.
“What time is it?” I jumped up.
“Don’t worry, it’s only 10 pm. But you look tired.”
“No! I’m not tired; I don’t want you to leave.” Dang! I gave out to much
“Who said anything about me leaving?”
I sat up but made sure I was still close to him and he still had his arm around me.
“Do you wanna see another movie?” I asked.
He chuckled a little. “Nessy, I haven’t even watched one movie”
Then he looked down. I was nervous. Does he like me? Does he like me?!
I was sitting so close to him; all curled up in his arms and my face was only
seven or eight inches away from his. But I was afraid of looking up. It felt like
an eternity passed but it could only have been seconds when he placed two
fingers under my chin and lifted my face. My breathing came faster and so did
his. He was also nervous.
He never let go of my face but he moved his hand to my cheek.
Then he leaned in and kissed me.
He kissed me softly, waiting for me to respond.
I couldn’t believe this. My mind finally caught up with me and kissed him back.
The kiss was slow but building and I couldn’t keep myself from moving closer. I
put my arms around him and locked my grip.

He sighed in relief and smiled when I caught my breath and I looked at him with
wide eyes. Then I kissed him again. I didn’t ever wanna stop! He liked me! Now
I really understood what my parents felt every time they even looked at each
other. It was so powerful.
I gasped for air as my heart raced and placed my right hand on his chest and felt
his heart racing as well. He took my hand and held it tightly.
“You have no idea, how long I’ve been wishing for this Nessy” he whispered.
I looked at him in disbelief but then all the pieces came together. Like a million
strings finding a match – I finally understood everything!
“You imprinted on me?”
He smiled shyly and nodded.
“When you were born” he answered.
So it was just like Quil and Claire. Jake had started out as being the best
babysitter or brother in the world. When I got older, our relationship turned in to
a deep friendship and now… Would it be the two of us forever? I glanced at the
promise ring that Jake had once given me. Would that turn into a wedding ring
one day? My wildest dreams coming true?!
During the next two hours we kissed a lot, we talked and laughed, cuddled and
kissed some more. I was completely giddy. It was an entirely new world to us
and we didn’t want the night to end – we were happy, we were one person now
– together forever.
My phone buzzed again at 1 am and we both knew.

Sorry lovebirds :) but Bella and

Edward is on their way. xo

“I’ll see you tomorrow” he smiled. I nodded, unwilling to let go.

He kissed me softly again and then he got up and walked slowly for the door.

Part 6 – Jacob

Wow! Wooow! I can’t believe this. The most beautiful girl in the world is mine!
She liked me back! It’s gonna take forever to get over this high. Doubt it ever
will. At first I just ran in my human form, doubting that I could phase when I
was this thrilled. But even in my human form; I could hear the heavy panting
and paws touching the ground. I took off my sweats and t-shirt and exploded.
“Jake!” “Dude; how did it go?” Everyone was in their wolf form. “Spill!” “Did
you finally make a move?” “Jake; Kim is dying to know!”
So I just let my mind play through the evening. I didn’t exactly mind the replay
of the best night in my life. After some cheering and howling they phased back
as I crossed the line to La Push. I hoped this night would go fast. I couldn’t get
back to my Nessy fast enough.
“Jacob. You’re looking happy.” My old man didn’t miss a thing. But
then again – I must be glowing.
“Yep! Goin’ to bed, see ya in the morning.”
“Hold on.” He chuckled. “Don’t you wanna know about the night?” he asked.
“The night?” I knew all about my night. My night was the only worth thinking
“I was over at the Cullen’s house with Sam. We all went through the game plan
and the weeks before the fight…”
“Oh, that… So, how did it go?” Now I had more than ever to fight for. No
Italian leach could ever beat me.
“I guess the guys told you about the lines?”
I nodded. Didn’t really love hanging out in the back but it was the only way.
“After Edward, Carlisle, Jasper and the one from Alaska had told everyone
about the fight; they all decided to come back in the morning to start practicing.
Jasper and Edward are gonna show you guys how these guards fight.”

“Sure, sure, sounds good… Wait! What time tomorrow?” I asked. I wanted to
spend more time with my girl. Just the thought of her being my girl sent flashes
of heat up my spine.
He laughed again. Hmm, he must know…
“7 o’ clock so get some sleep.”
“That’s the plan. G’night old man” Could I fall asleep when I was this excited?

Part 7 – Jasper

Centre of attention. Not pleasant. They all feel too excited.

“All right everyone. Please gather around” I felt like a school teacher.
Maybe I should check people off some list to see if they were all here.
Ridiculous. Well. Jacob and Renesmee are not here. Oh, there they come.
Pleasant. Renesmee and Jacob are closer now. The romance is like the thickest
mist ever. I wonder if Edward knows… Yep, oh, okay now he knows.
Gee, Edward; don’t kill the messenger. “Sorry” he mouthed to me. He was still
very upset though. Curiosity – Bella notices everything.
“We all know where we will be standing before the fight so if you all could take
those places now” For being vampires, they were all sloppy. They didn’t take
this seriously yet. Fine, I’ll wake them up then. Edward didn’t like my
determination right now. And my plans weren’t well suited for women and
children. Well I don’t care, Edward.
“Before we start, I’m wondering how many of you that has lost limbs before? Or
felt the sting of our venom?” Not enough people. If they knew the feeling of
losing an arm then maybe they wouldn’t be so relaxed. Frowning from Edward
- like that was new.

“Fact: If we do not take this seriously – these next few weeks may well be the
last in our existence. I understand the excitement that you all feel towards
punishing the Volturi. God knows that even I look forward to avenge so many
lives that have been ended wrongly.”
“But we must also be prepared for the cost that we will pay. Only fools would
think that we might all walk away from this alive.” Concern.
“I am not saying that we won’t win because there is of course a possibility that
we will. But lives will still be lost. Friends, mates… Family members.”
At least I got Carlisle’s approval with my words.
“You can all see my scars. Each and every one of these stung like someone was
ripping my arm off” a few people nodded in agreement.
Finally they all concentrated and started taking this seriously. I felt Jacobs’s
determination – he had someone very important to protect. With my thoughts;
Edwards frown eased up a bit.
“Take a look at the hmm… person next to you.” A few chuckles and howls,
well, that; I can allow. “You will try to have each others back through out the
fight. The guards of the Volturi are very powerful and well trained in combat
and this is only a guess but I don’t think I’m far off when I say that their first
line will be made up by warriors the size of Emmett here.” Worry.
“However; we have a couple of things in our advantage.”
“The wolves for one. Caius and the others are terrified of them. Another thing
on our side is that we have many extra gifted fighters. This will also work in our
favor” Relief.
“The last thing is that the guards fight with strength only. They are still very
smart but they are arrogant. They rarely meet resistance so in their superior
minds they will probably underestimate us”

“Okay, team up everybody.”

“I have told a few of you about their fighting style. The guards are smart enough
to not go for the easy kill; like newborns do. But they are too arrogant to fight
with anything but their strength, they think strength is enough.”
“Which means that I sincerely believe that we are faster.”
Everyone looked very determined now and eager to start.
“Now that you are all teamed up, I want one from every pair to pose as a Volturi
guard – Focus on your strength but do not go straight forward. Try to…”
Edward worrying about Bella was getting on my nerves.
“Try to get the upper hand before you attack by reaching your opponent from an
angle that will surprise him or her”
“The other opponent – our side – You go for the easy kill and focus on your
“They will not expect us to go straight forward; they think we are smarter than
that, and their assumption will give us the element of surprise that they are
looking for to hit us with”
“And Edward? Snap out of it!” Embarrassment from Edward and irritation
from Bella. She was also tired of it. Good.
Everyone fought well and I was glad that my thought proved to be
right. Those who played the part of a Volturi guard lost more often. The wolves
fought very well also. They watched and learned before they started. They were
eager to learn the vampire ways. To destroy an enemy, you must know your
enemy. An alpha order behind – no doubt. Sam was a good leader.

“Very good! You can all step back now for a while… Except for those of you
with special gifts. I need to talk to you” Curiosity.
As the gifted friends got closer I could feel their emotions very clearly. Fear and
determination together with hope was a good combination.
“Zafrina. Does your gift work from a greater distance?” I asked.

“As long as I can see the target”

“That is great! The plan is for Bella, Kate and Paul, flanked by Emmett to take
down Alec and Jane. Is it possible for you to make at least Alec blind so that he
never get’s the chance to cut off our senses?”
“Absolutely” she answered. And according to her mood; it would be no
“Kate, I know that you would like to give Jane a taste of her own medicine. You
will absolutely get to do that while Bella and Paul take on Alec. Emmett will
fight anyone who tries to get in between”
Emmett’s excitement would probably never go away and his grin was wider
than ever.
“Sounds perfect to me” Kate smiled.
Even though I only spoke directly to those with powers; im glad everyone heard
since it was important information.
“The giant baby over here” and I glared at Edward “will probably get himself
killed because he is underestimating the strength and speed of his wife but
anyway; he will – along with Tanya, Garrett and myself go a head of Bella’s
party. We will remove the guards standing in front of the twins – I doubt that
Aro want them in the fight.”
“Which reminds me... All of you men who are worrying about your mates;
please relax. Trust me, I know the feeling but the chance of winning is greater
when we do not let ourselves get distracted.”
“Nessy? Can you come up here?” Didn’t she know that she was one
of the gifted ones? And I chuckled at my own irony. Fury from three…
Bella growled and Edward hissed and Jake phased to wolf form; ready to spring.
“Oh, relax! You Cullen-Masen-Swan-Black people are a bunch of drama
queens!” Alice snapped. She was annoyed.
Most of the bystanders laughed including Renesmee who strolled towards me.

“Nessy Cullen reporting for duty, sir!” she grinned as she saluted me and she
had me laughing in no time. It was hard not to love this girl.
“Very good Renesmee” I smiled. “I was wondering if you would mind helping
out during the battle.”
“Well, since I’m smart…” She eyed her parents and then Jacob “I know that you
are not actually exposing me of any danger so I just say: Yes of course I will
She had people chuckling again, even me. Her mood was rubbing off.
“Clever girl. I was just wondering if you could keep an eye open for this Scarlet
female that has been messing with Alice’s visions. If you see her; do you think
you might be able to block her?” I asked.
“I will certainly try” she beamed of joy. She liked being included, it made her
feel important.
“Very good. Now - We don’t want the Volturi to spread out too much so my
next question is for you, Benjamin”
“Is it possible for you to gather boulders and logs near by to force them on to
those guards on the flanks?”
“No problem!”
“This is starting to look really good.” I thought out loud. Everyone took me
serious and if I was pleased, they had hope.
“Well done everyone! I think we’ve had enough information for one day. Use
this day well; practice, watch the others and try to help out, look from different
angles and so on”
“Same time and place tomorrow morning!”
Finally I was done! I needed some privacy – maybe time for a hunt. Lucky,
normal vampires that didn’t have a conscience. To sink my teeth in a human
now… my throat burned. I better find a lion – can’t take anymore of these
stinking herbivores.

Don’t you dare judge me you wuss. Edward may be an awesome brother but not
right this instant.
He was next to me in a fraction of a second. “I apologize for my behavior today.
You are right… And I’m not judging you brother” Edward murmured.
No problem kid. I just need to get out of here. Too crowded. Edward rolled his
eyes in agreement. He didn’t like to play host to so many people. It was against
our nature to like crowds. If the crowd wasn’t human… Edward chuckled as he
headed for the house.
“Shall we Jazz?” Alice asked me. What would I do without my angel?
“Yes, please. But do you know what Bella and Edward are going to do now?”
“Bella is going to practice with Emmett and Edward will probably watch. He is
going to try to behave now. Why?”
“I accidently told Edward about Renesmee and Jacob”
“Oh okay, no problem, I’ll just have a word with them now and then we can get
out of here. I some alone time with my major” she whispered.
I followed Alice to where Bella and Edward were standing with Emmett and
Alice leaned in and whispered, “If you so much get in Nessy’s path today, I will
bite your heads off!”
She was clearly exaggerating to be funny but she was serious about the
instructions. Edward read Alice’s thoughts and his face fell. Bella just looked
confused but she would be in the know very soon.
“Okidoki, let’s go” she sang.
“Yes mam.”

Part 8 – Nessy

Sitting next to Billy when everyone else got to fight was not how I wanted to
spend this day. Jake was giving instructions to the younger wolves so I didn’t
really have much to do. Billy looked like he wanted join the fights. I could do
that. I could totally practice! I mean; just for fun. Maybe I would impress Jake.
But how? I wasn’t as fast as a real vampire… or as strong. Drat! But hey, I
could try. Maybe dad can… Wait, what? Why does he look like he is angry with
me? I better walk over.
“Dad? What’s wrong?”
Mom stopped punching Emmett and was at dad’s side in an instant.
“Sweetie. Please tell me that you are blocking Jacob because you are hiding a
birthday gift or something like that” he pleaded.
To answer his question; “Dad, your birthday just passed.” And I looked down.
Dad couldn’t stay mad at me for long – mom was another story though. She still
wanted me to be a baby.
“Renesmee?” mom’s voice was velvet but still firm. “Is there anything you want
to tell us?”
“Maybe…” They waited for me to go on.
Then all of the sudden Jake was next to me in his human form.
“Guys, maybe this isn’t the time or place?” Jake was sure of him self. He wasn’t
gonna let me go through this alone.
“The house is empty let’s go inside then” dad didn’t give up.

“All right; talk” We had barely closed the door when mom couldn’t wait any
“You guys know about my feelings for Nessy” Jake started.
They knew for sure?! For how long?

This must be killing Jake, he was only a couple of years younger than my
mother but now; she was acting all superior.
No one spoke.
Jake hesitated but went on “And you have known about this for a while. And I
promised not to do anything or say anything until Ness had matured and shown
signs that she liked me too… If this day would come.”
“Renesmee?” My dad was soft again.
“Yes… I like him” I looked down and my whisper wouldn’t be audible for
“I’m not ready for this!” my mother was almost yelling and then she ran outside
and I could hear her tearless sobs. Dad ran after.
I crumbled on the couch with tears in my eyes and Jake was next to me in a flash
– holding me. If Jasper was here; he would drown in the emotions I went
through. Anger, sadness, happiness, confusion and curiosity.
“How can you cope with having your friends being superior like this all of the
sudden?” I asked.
“Well, I haven’t changed. I’m still acting like the 16-17 year old guy I am and
have been for the last four years. And to be honest; Edward has always been
superior. He may look young but he’s been alive for over a century. When you
were born it felt natural for me to be the child so to speak. And Edward is the
parent – no weirdness there.
“And I know Bella – I don’t think she has any trouble with you and me really…
But she went from being a high school graduate to a vampire who has a teen
daughter in just four years. She loves you and Edward more than any thing in
the whole universe; she is just trying to keep up. Right now – her four year old
just got home with a freaking boyfriend” he chuckled.
“So it’s just time?” I asked.
“Yes. She got everything she wanted and more but she couldn’t saver it”

“Hmm, I guess that makes sense. But still; isn’t it weird that she is above you so
to speak?”
“No, not for me at least. She is still my friend and I love her for the vamp she is
but since I imprinted on you… She is foremost the parent of the girl I… like.”

It felt good to understand. And I could totally understand my mother running out
on us now. Her head must be spinning.
“How do you think dad is coping with mom and the past four years?”
“His wildest dreams have all come true. That’s all he thinks about. He doesn’t
care that he first had to live for a century without anything and then to have
everything in just a short while.
He sees himself as the luckiest man on earth. Now, he is just trying to make it
easy on Bells. I know now that there is no better man for her. I’m no freaky
mind reader haha but I’ve know that guy for a while now and he has never made
a single decision that wasn’t completely selfless, his intentions are always the
“So what happens now” I felt better but I was still nervous.
Jake laughed; “Well, Edward may count himself as the luckiest man on earth but
no father ever likes it when his daughter introduces the boyfriend”
Wow, boyfriend. Jake was mine!
“You don’t seem like a boy to me” I giggled “Especially not in the past ten
“You’re right, it sure has been an adult moment” he laughed.
I wanted to kiss him but I didn’t know when my parents would return.
“I wonder where they are” I thought out loud.
My dad answered; “Right here, love.” He came through the door with my mom
behind him.
“Dad! Mom, are you okay?” I was worried about her now that I understood.

Part 9 – Bella

“I’m fine sweetie. Can I just speak to Jake alone?”

“Ness, let’s go outside for a while” Edward said. What would I do without him?
“You okay Bells?” Jake asked when we were alone.
I just walked up to him and hugged him hard.
He chuckled, “Ow Bells! Crushing me”
“Oops, sorry.” I backed. “Just wanted to say thanks”
“For what? I’m confused here”
“Edward and I heard your conversation Jake.”
“Oh, drat, vampire hearing.”
“Thank you for understanding me. You should have seen Edward outside” I
mused “He thinks the world of you, you know.”
“And he told me to tell you that you know him right through the core” I finished.
“So I got it right?” he asked.
“Yes, you know me so well. It’s just like you said – I’m having a hard time to
keep up. She’s just a little girl to me.” I looked down.
I made my self say the next line “You have our blessing so to speak. But nothing
too gooey in front of her parents please! And she still has a curfew – 9:30. Alice
will not save you again” Hah! He looked so guilty.
But his smile could never get erased now.
“One last thing; If you value your life and if you want me to keep my sanity;
don’t you dare bring her home to us with an engagement ring for years! Years!”
He better take me seriously now.
“Sure, sure, I promise” he was like a kid on Christmas. I just rolled my eyes and
headed for the door, some alone time with Edward would be nice now.
“Uhm, Bells? Where’s Edward?
I just quoted his own words without facing him; “No father is ever happy when
his daughter introduces the boyfriend"

And then I was out the door – knowing my husband; he was probably waiting
for me at the cottage.
When I ran through the forest; I got the distinct feeling of a blind spot to my left.
I couldn’t understand it and as I half crouched – I scanned the trees but I
couldn’t find anything. Could vampires lose their minds? I shook it off and
continued. What was I thinking about, just minute ago?
“Welcome home, love” Edward opened the door for me. I ran right
into his arms and kissed him fiercely. His thought caught my mood and he
carried me to the bedroom.

“I can lay here forever” I whispered. All curled up in his embrace – my idea of
“Me too” he sighed.
“How did it go with Ness?” I asked.
“Jacob’s words had a huge impact on her. She is happy that you are okay and
she will give you time before she brings up anything about Jacob again.
Though – we know now how they feel so I guess they are dating.” Edwards was
neutral; he didn’t like that his little girl had a boyfriend but at the same time – he
really liked Jake and we all knew that he would give her everything and more.
“And Jacob? How did that go?”
I sighed; “I thanked him for understanding and also pretty much gave him our
blessing – but with conditions: same curfew, no show of feelings in front of us
and that he better not rush this.”
Edward held me tightly and exhaled; “I guess; she’s not a little girl anymore”
but I didn’t answer.
“Should we get back?” I changed the subject.
Edward started to get up which I really did not want. It had been a crazy couple
of weeks with almost no alone time or serenity.
“Well it is dinnertime for Nessy soon – I told her to stay near the house today.”

We both got up slowly – like the bed was a magnet and we both really just
wanted to return to it.
We got dressed and headed for the door.

“There it is again!” I hissed and as I turned to Edward; he was already scanning

the woods. He felt that blind spot too.
“Can you hear anything” I asked.
“Yes, but not clear – it’s like there is something covering… ”
“It’s a vampire” he said and crouched in front of me.
Then he spoke in a flat and monotone voice “strange yellow eyes… Riley… all
dead… ”
I growled and crouched – ready to spring.
Next to me I saw my Edward on the ground; gagging.
“Edward! What’s happening! Answer me, Edward!” I was hysterical but
Edward couldn’t get up. He tried to answer me.
“Gift…like…Jane!...nau…nausea!” he panted between the gagging.
“Edward! What are you saying! Sweetie please!” I couldn’t leave Edward’s side
to attack nothing! Wait! A gift like Jane?!
“Edward! Is a vampire doing this to you right now!?” I screeched.
He tried to speak but couldn’t. This was my only option and I couldn’t believe
myself. I grabbed the phone in my pocket and dialed Nessy’s number.
“Mom?” she answered.
“Renesmee! Bring Jake, come quick! We are by the river – our usual trail!” then
I hung up.
“Edward! Please answer me, is there anything I can do!?”
He was crawling on the ground, gagging, panting “just… run!”
Hell no! I crouched again, this time in front of Edward. I could see the
nothingness but nothing behind or in it.

I took thirty seconds for Jake to come in his wolf form – Nessy; just a few
seconds later. Jake bared his teeth, ready for anything.
“Ness, come here!” and she was with me in a flash.
“Dad?! What’s wrong!?” hysteria and tears.
“Ness! Can you see that blur over there?” I was losing it.
“Yes! What’s going on?!”
“Can you try to block it?! Or protect Edward from it?!”
Jacob was in front of us, facing the blurry nothing. Ness stood up and focused
on the blur… And just like that – we saw a young man.
I made the decision in no time, so did Jake and we launched. The male vampire
was fast but I was faster and after a minute; I couldn’t hear Jacob anymore. I
could however hear Edward – he was running like crazy, yelling my name in
hysteria but he was far away and I was so close to this vampire. As I ran I
remembered my own freaking shield. I could have protected Edward! But why
did I see the blur in the first place?! And if I could see the blur; why wasn’t I on
the ground gagging?
I closed in even more, a few more strides and then I could leap. The male made
one last effort to but distance between us but I was too furious to let him get
away so I jumped.
I landed right on top of the vampire and tried to get a grip around his neck. In
the process; he bit me on my right arm. Son of a… it stung so bad! How could
Jasper still be a live?! @*£#*$*€# Will it ever end?! Ooooouuch!
I almost lost my grip on the stranger and he tried to fight me off with
his right arm but with no luck. I saw red now and I could feel the venom flowing
in my mouth – he had tried to kill my mate and he just freaking bit me!!!
The stranger jumped; hoping I would fall off his back but I locked my one arm
around his torso and heaved him into a tree that cracked. I didn’t give him any
time to recover so I launched toward him again just as he turned away; trying to
run. He shouldn’t have tried to run. Now I had him were I wanted him –

completely defenseless. Edward must be getting closer. I got one good kick in
the vampire’s back. I heard a metallic screech and then he was lying on the
“Please!” he cried out. This brought me to a halt. He sounded just like a boy! I
couldn’t kill him! But I also couldn’t just let him go. My arm still stung so bad!
In a fraction of a second I made the decision: I pressed my foot against his chest,
got a good grip on his leg and tore.
The sound was like nothing I had ever heard before.
The screech was ear numbing but so pure that it must have pierced through me.
I opened my eyes and saw the boy looking terrified.
He must be in so much pain! But his leg could be reattached, he could be normal
again. I just knew that I wasn’t strong enough for either decision.
“I’ll take you to my family, they will decide” I tried to keep my voice cold and
menacing, my arm made it easier to sound cold.
But deep inside; I just wanted to cry.
I grabbed the boy’s arm and helped him up. As he jumped, not saying a word – I
held his rattling leg by the foot in my hand.
Ten seconds later, Edward found me.
“Bella!” His eyes were wide as he took in the picture. He ran to me and put
himself in the middle of me and the stranger vampire.
“I couldn’t kill him” I whimpered in his arms.
“You did so well, Bella. I was so worried! But look at you… Wait, did he…” he
couldn’t find his words.
“Yea, he bit me. And man; it hurts” I muttered.
Edward looked at the vampire and I didn’t have to be a mind reader to know
Edward’s thoughts.
Then he turned back to me “Don’t worry love, it will pass in a few hours.” He
soothed me but I could see that he wished that he had the crescent mark instead
of me.

I wouldn’t mind looking like Jasper though, if it meant that we survived the
upcoming battle.
“I’m so proud of you Bella” Edward was almost shaking. He hated having me
close to danger even though he knew now that I was capable of protecting
“Carlisle will also be very proud of you, love. You did the right thing.”
Then he turned to the stranger.
“You. Your name?!” Edward’s voice was harsh.
“Fred” the boy murmured.
“Who are you? Did anyone send you here?” Edward probably asked this to get
this Fred thinking. Fred didn’t answer; I could see that he was in pain.
“Seattle? Before you thought of some Riley?” still quiet. Fred looked at Edward
with wide eyes and Edward picked up more information with the boy’s
We ran quite slowly since Fred was one legged right now but soon we could
hear worried voices along with howling – and then there were Nessy’s crying.
“Edward. I’ll go calm her down” I said and Edward understood.

“Renesmee!” I called out to her as I entered the little clearing by the house.
“Mom!!” she ran toward me so fast. Jake ran in the opposite direction –
probably to phase back so he could talk.
“Are you okay? I was so worried, is dad fine? What happened? Where’s dad!”
Nessy was still crying.
“Everything is fine sweetie. You can relax. And thank you so much for helping!
Do you think you can hold your block on this stranger?”
“Absolutely! Where are they? Where’s dad?!” but before I could answer her;
Edward came into view with Fred.
I noticed Nessy shifting her position so I held her back before she could go to
her father.

No way, im letting my daughter near that freaky Fred-guy.

Everyone made room for Edward and the newcomer. Some crouched, some
hissed and some backed away more than the others.
Carlisle and Emmett joined Edward.
“His name is Fred, he is about 5 years old – doesn’t remember how old he was
before he was changed… by Victoria.” Edward was answering Carlisle’s
Then it hit me – a second later than my family. “Victoria?!” my voice was too
“Don’t worry, love. But he belonged to the new born army. He knew Bree…”
“That poor girl” Carlisle shook his head slowly. He hated when Jane ordered
Felix to destroy her.
“Don’t thank me, Carlisle. Thank Bella. She was the one that
handled him. I wasn’t even there” Edward answered another one of Carlisle’s
thoughts and with in a second I had all eyes on me. “Well done Bella!” “See,
Edward? Your wife is remarkable even in battle” “Wow!” The compliments
made me shy so I pretty much hid behind Carlisle.
“Bree’s dead” Fred whispered it as an answer to a question he had
wondered about for a long time and he was sad.
“Yes, she is dead.” Edward answered Fred and then turned to Carlisle; “He’s
hiding something though.”
“If you promise not to cause trouble – you may reattach your leg now and then
we will talk.” Carlisle said.
“I won’t cause any problems” Fred’s voice was dead.
“Was Bree your mate?” I asked.
“Just a friend. She was supposed to run away just like I did. We never trusted
Riley or her. But this guy; Diego was gone and she went to find him… I guess it
didn’t work out” he mumbled.

Edward handed Fred his leg back and gestured to Seth to take Nessy back to the
I had heard about this from Jasper and I didn’t want my daughter to watch.
Fred licked his loose leg – the venom worked like healing glue. It was
disgusting. It looked like Fred had been through this before though.
“Let’s take this inside; I think we all have questions.” Carlisle said.
Edward and Emmett walked next to Fred and I followed with Carlisle. Everyone
around us started practicing again.

Part 10 – Nessy

“Thanks for the ride Seth” I laughed. Finally home! Peace and quiet.
“He says no problem” Jake came into view from the other side of the cottage.
Jake! Oh Jake!
Seth barked a laugh and then he was gone.
“Oh! Hey.” I smiled. I felt shy.
“Hi” he looked a little uncomfortable.
I walked to my door and unlocked.
“Crazy day, huh…”
“Yea, tell me about it” I chuckled nervously.
Jake sat down on the couch and it was quiet. I walked over to the fridge. I hadn’t
hunted in a while and was getting hungry… or thirsty. I really didn’t like pizza
but a hunt now would probably kill the romance.
“Left over pizza?”
“Yes, please. Starving over here” he laughed.
We ate in silence and it was killing me. Why was it all weird?!
Fine, I’ll be honest – speak before you think, right?
Here we go; “I missed you today” looking down.
My words worked like an on-button for Jake – he sure woke up.

“I missed you more! I’ve been thinking about you all day.” He rushed through
the words and I saw that he relaxed. Yes!
He put down his slice and moved quickly over to my side and nothing could
stop him. He kissed me like we hadn’t seen each other in a year. Kissing him
was… there were no words. My whole body was filled with butterflies and I
couldn’t hold back. I pushed him back and followed my own lead till I was
sitting in his lap. Perfect; no way for him to escape now. My own thought made
me giggle.
“Did I miss a joke?”
“Nope, nothing, never mind” and I kissed him again. My beautiful Jake!
Nothing existed except for me and him.
After an hour or so; our fairytale moment was cut off by a heartbreaking howl.
Jake stood up so fast that he almost blurred. He looked outside to see if there
was anything, then he opened the door and took a whiff in the air. I followed and
took in the scents of the forest.
Jake took a step outside and spit the words; “Freaking leach on fire” and then he
exploded through his clothes.
Something was happening and he didn’t tell me a thing. He just left me! I
stepped outside and try to smell what he smelled. There was a sweet taste in the
air. Nothing I had ever smelled before. Then his words sunk in. …on fire? Well,
Jake wouldn’t have left me if I was in danger so I closed the door and darted
after. I pushed my legs forward to the limit. Right about now; I would be as fast
as a slow vampire. I made it to the big house in a minute and the first thing I saw
was the smoke. A black, thin pillar of thick smoke going straight up. But there
was no commotion or anything. A few of the guests were even practicing just
like they had earlier.
I reached Emmett first. “Em, what’s going on?!”
“The newcomer lost his leg again and now he can’t reattach it… ever.” He was
as usual; grinning.

“But what happened?” and where is my Jake?!

“The newcomer brought us bad news. He was sent here to tell us that we only
had two weeks left. Then the cloaks will get here”
“Emmett!” it was my dad.
“Sorry, kiddo; you should go to Edward – I’m sure they wanna give you the PG
13 version” he muttered.
I ran through the crowd but I still couldn’t see Jake.
“Dad, what’s going on?!”
“Alice will tell you everything, she is upstairs. I have to go talk to Sam and the
others in La Push.”
I was so sick off being clueless.
I walked up to Alice and Jasper’s room.

“Alice? What are you doing?” I asked.

“Hi, Ness! Oh, I’m just packing. I have to fly to Rio, I saw Nahuel there, well I
think it’s him because I saw a blind spot and Nahuel’s aunt… but we can’t reach
him without actually going down there. But I’ll be back in a few days. So… I
guess you wanna know what’s going on huh?” she smiled.
I just nodded.
“My visions are clear at the moment so this is what I know” Alice started.
“Yes, the Volturi will come in two weeks and they will arrive from the same
direction they did last time. I think they are around fifty of them but they are all
cloaked so I can’t say if they are all fighters or if the wives are coming as well.”
I remember the stories that Emmett had told me about the Volturi
and then the same stories told by Carlisle. Emmett sure told them differently.
“All right, and this Fred? How is he involved?” I sighed. The fight that everyone
had talked about suddenly started to get real. Jake, mom and dad – all the people
I loved…

“Dimitri and that Scarlet found him in Vancouver. They told him to come here
and give us the message about the Volturi’s arrival. If he didn’t follow their
orders; they would kill him.”
She was almost done packing but I had more questions.
“I thought Aro collected gifted vampires? Can’t this Fred make him self into a
fog or whatever?” I muttered.
“He does, we’re not sure of why he sent a gifted vampire” Alice thought out
loud but went on; “That’s why Jasper and Edward removed his leg again. Fred is
hiding more, Edward tries to find out what it is but Fred is too good. Anyway,
I’m afraid that his mission isn’t over here. Thus the burning leg” Alice finished.
She was so cold about the whole thing. Come to think of it; all the
Cullen’s were cold nowadays…
“Uhm, okay but what about dad? He reacted to Fred differently from me, Jake
and mom.”
“Edward didn’t have a shield. Bella is always protected…” she started
And I interrupted; “But she saw the blur, so did I!”
“Let me explain girl!” she chuckled and then continued; “Bella is always
protected from mental gifts. Fred has two abilities; his first is to make himself
sort of invisible or blurry to others, this is a physical gift. He does this to himself
so to speak. The second gift is the nausea. If Fred is afraid or feel threatened; he
can make others feel nauseated when they think of him or try to attack. This is
the mental gift. You and Jake are always protected by you, and Bella protects
her self. But like I said; Fred blurs himself out, it’s not something he aims on
“How can you know all this for sure if dad can’t read his thoughts?”
“Eleazar…” she shrugged.
Freaky vampire world!
“You are still confused Nessy” Jasper spoke for the first time.

“Yea, too much is going on” I shook my head “I’ll just have to sort my head out.
But where is Fred now?”
Jasper answered while Alice took out her laptop to order plane tickets. “He’s in
Edward’s garage with Garrett and Bella. Bella is shielding Garrett if Fred tries
anything and if your block wouldn’t work.”
“Okay, you know what; I need to get out of here. If anyone asks; I’m with Kim
in La Push.” I sighed. Jasper smiled and nodded, Alice didn’t say anything.
I left the house and ran as fast as I could. I needed some normal people.

Part 11 - Edward

“Yes, you stay here Sam, at least until we know more.” I said.
“All right, let us know if you need help”
“Thank you Sam. I will be in touch”
Then I was off. I needed to get back to Bella and Nessy.
Something doesn’t feel right.
“Nessy?” Why on earth is she running in the woods alone!
“Dad! What are you doing here?”
“I might ask you the same thing. I was just talking to Sam. I told them to stay in
La Push till we had things figured out.”
“Okay, well I needed to get away from…” she started.
What the #%(&{@#?! Where is everybody?!
“Nessy?! Are you blocking me now?!” But she didn’t answer; she concentrated
on something. “Nessy!!” I placed my hands on her shoulders; trying to get a
“What is going on?!” she yelled.
“ARE YOU BLOCKING ME?!” I was hysterical now.

“No! I’m not blocking anyone!!! Not even myself! I just lost everything! What’s
going on?!” Nessy was crazed and so confused.
Will this madness ever end? First priority; safety. I grabbed Nessy and ran with
all my powers. Nessy was crying on my back and I couldn’t soothe her.
In one quick bound; we were passed the river.
Eleven seconds until we’re at the house.
We could hear everyone talk, yell and growl. Where’s Bella!
Zafrina and Benjamin were crouching as we entered the clearing in front of the
house. Kate hissed like crazy and Alice stood still – completely blank with
Jasper close to her, he was scanning the forest. Where is Bella!?
“Edward! There you are!” I sprinted towards him. I stopped but didn’t let Nessy
off, I wanted her close now.
“Tell me what you know!” I spoke to Carlisle like I never had before.
“A minute ago; a few of us became completely still. Then they started to hiss
and crouch in front of their mates like they were expecting danger.” He
My mind raced while I looked at everyone in the clearing. Zafrina, Benjamin,
Kate, Alice and Jasper… Myself and Nessy… Those of us with gifts!
“Carlisle! Where is Bella!?” No no no!
“Last time I saw her were in the garage with Garrett and Fred” Carlisle was
getting hysterical as well.
“Take care of Nessy; keep her by your side until I return.” I said.
And as I ran toward the garage I yelled “gather everyone in the clearing!”
“Edward! She not here!” Garrett was alone in the garage.
“Garrett! Where did she go?!” I was losing it. “And where is Fred?!”

“All of a sudden he blurred out and when we tried to attack, we fell to the
ground – it was like our insides wanted to escape.” He shuddered and I knew
what he was talking about. The horrible nausea that pinned me to the ground just
hours ago.
“Then what!?” come on!
“It stopped after a while but Bella was already gone!”
I just went blank. A part of me stopped to function. My Bella…
“Edward!” Emmett was next to just outside the garage.
I looked at him and I could see my dead expression in his eyes.
Garrett filled him in; I could get a word out. My Bella…
“We will find her!” Emmett dragged me back to the clearing and Garrett
They all saw my face. I saw Nessy fall to pieces. Esme whimpered in Carlisle’s
arms. Rosalie held Nessy close to her. Emmett woke us up.
“We will find her!!!” he growled. It woke me up as well.
Jasper and Emmett started dividing up five hunting parties. Carlisle went inside
to call Billy and Sam. I grabbed my daughter and held her tightly; “I’ll find her”
I whispered. Then I let go.

With Emmett and Jasper on my flanks; we ran towards town. The first place to
look was over at Charlie’s. It was close to midnight and the streets in Forks were
empty as we sprinted through.
There were Volturi scents everywhere; Dimitri, Jane, Alec, Felix and
the scent we found in Vancouver. They had all been here recently. We reached
Charlie’s house just seconds later. Alec and Felix had been inside… and up the
stairs… and inside Charlie’s bedroom. Charlie wasn’t there…
I could hear wolves outside; patrolling in a raging speed.

I felt completely empty as I walked down the stairs in human speed to join my
brothers outside. My head that had been filled with the thoughts of so many
people was completely silent.
I walked through the front door and noticed the two giant wolves standing next
to Charlie’s cruiser with Jasper and Emmett.
“You’re gonna have to phase back… I can’t hear your thoughts” I mumbled.
The reddish wolf – Jake, leaped in to the woods and arrived in human form just
seconds later.
“Carlisle told us. All your special powers have been cut off?” Jacob wasn’t
dead, he was determined.
“Yes…” I answered.
“We couldn’t find Bella’s scent anywhere” he was worried though.
“Fred probably blurred her out.” And then Jasper took over.
“We think Fred’s mission was to kidnap Bella.” Jasper was the major now.
“Charlie is also gone” I added.
“They are not dead” Jacob spoke with such confidence.
“No?” was all I bothered to say.
“No, why would they come early to kill her just to come back later and try to kill
the rest of us?!” Jacob was still confident.
“Bella is a great threat to the Volturi” Jasper said.
“Not bigger than that Amazon woman and definitely not bigger than Ness.” He
was irritated now and it looked like Emmett thought the same.
In the distant we could hear a heartbreaking howl. It came from the same
direction as the house. The wolf next to Jake barked.
“We should get back there” Jake said.
When we ran back toward the clearing, I could see that Jake and the
other wolf – Quil, I think, knew more than we did.

“Carlisle” my voice was dead.

“Good. You’re back!” he said “Alice has news”
“For a minute, earlier, I had a vision and then it all disappeared again. I think the
Volturi are using me like a messenger. This Scarlet is blocking all our gifts and
they have Bella and her father. Fred was bad news like we feared.”
“They have Bella?!” I whispered in pain.
“Yes but Edward! I saw her on the field. The field where we will fight them!
She is alive!” But Alice couldn’t comfort me.
Alice ignored me for a minute while she explained to all the others who were
getting anxious.
“Look! The Volturi have been playing us the whole time. They are coming
tomorrow morning!”
Everywhere, we heard growling and cussing. Except for the Romanians; they
couldn’t be happier.
Jasper and Carlisle stepped in.
“Friends! Please listen. I understand if you choose to run to save you and your
mate. But if you decide to leave; you must do so now. The Volturi tracker is the
best we have ever seen, you must hide for a long time.” Carlisle felt guilty for
putting so many lives at risk.
“Carlisle, we are not going anywhere!” Zafrina spoke on behalf of her and her
“Of course we will stay. Fighting without our extra abilities will be hard but I
refuse to hide forever” Kate hissed at the end of her sentence.
Mates mumbled and spoke quickly but in the end, they all agreed to stay and
fight. Even if we now most likely would plummet to our deaths.
“You have all practiced well and you must believe in strength and speed that
you already have. We can do this!” Jaspers pep talk helped. He didn’t need his
mood control to affect people.

With a gust of wind coming from the east; we took in a new scent. We
recognized this one.
“Alistair?” Carlisle greeted into the blackness.
After a few seconds, Alistair circled around the crowd and walked up to
“So it’s time for this again” Alistair didn’t greet.
“What brings you here, old friend?” Carlisle was still polite though.
“I met an acquaintance in Paris and he told me about your plans” he muttered.
“As long as I don’t have to be involved, I’m pleased that someone will take
those dictators out. Anyway, I thought this might help you.” He handed a
document to Carlisle and continued; “I received this information in Rome last
year. It’s from the old archives in the Vatican.”
Carlisle opened the scroll and read out loud;

Spawns of Lucifer fooled my eyes

As they sparkled in the heat of the sun
One spoke of love, one spoke of lies
A male told his sister to run.
The signal was silent when she turned
With bright red eyes, they watched where she
Did the ashes make her free?
Powdery and grey, were the remains of Didyme.

We were all silent for a moment while we thought of the poem.

We knew the story of Didyme; the wife of Marcus, and some stories said that
she was the biological sister of Aro. According to the legend; Didyme had left
Marcus without a single word of goodbye.
I still couldn’t care enough to speak. All I could think about was my beloved
“Where does this come from?” Carlisle asked Alistair.
“According to the Vatican archives, it used to belong to a family that lived
outside Volterra but they gave several old documents to the Vatican when the
family started arguing over them.”
“A human family then?” Esme asked.
“But this text is in English and the Didyme we know of lived so long ago.”
Carlisle was fascinated and Eleazar walked over to have a look at the document.
“Yes, the poem is quite new but it’s based on legends that were told from
generation to generation in the human family.” Alistair was getting impatient.
“Didyme disappeared centuries before the birth of Christ so the talk of Lucifer
seems out of place.” Eleazar thought out loud.
“But Lucifer was supposedly a star that had fallen from the sky. He was told to
be sparkling which fits if the poem is indeed about vampires. And like Alistair
said; the poem is newer.” Carlisle said.
“So could this mean that Aro murdered his own sister?” Esme wondered.
“It is a possibility, especially if Aro gained something in the process” Eleazar
“There is no way that Marcus knows this if it’s true. He would have left.” Jasper
“Chelsea was around during this time. Aro could have used her to get Marcus to
stay” Eleazar countered.
“So, can we use this against Aro tomorrow?” Rose joined in.

Now I woke up. Anything to get my wife back!

“We have to try” I said.
“Exactly! Well, my job is done. Good luck Carlisle.”
“Thank you my friend” Carlisle said.
And just like that; Alistair was gone.
There was more hope in everyone now. Could I really have my Bella back?
Most of our friends started practicing again while the rest went hunting to
I only listened a little when Jasper began talking more strategies; I needed to see
my Renesmee. “She is upstairs getting some sleep” Esme whispered when she
noticed my eyes searching for her.
When I opened the door to my old room, I saw that Nessy wasn’t
alone. Jacob was cradling my daughter in my old bed. They were both a sleep
and I just didn’t have it in me to rip his head off. He was the best boy for her.
I walked downstairs again. Maybe I should listen to whatever Jasper is talking
“Edward. The only way to get Bella back is if you get your head in the game.
You can’t honestly think that getting her back is possible when you stop…
living!” Alice sat on the couch in the living room.
I joined her and just fell apart next to her. “What should I do then?” I whispered.
Alice was also in pain but she held it together for my benefit.
“You should hunt. You need your strength for tomorrow.” I knew she was right.
I hadn’t hunted in forever.
“What’s the plan for the fight?” I asked.
“The same lines but our priority is now Alec and then Scarlet. And we have to
get him really fast.”
“I’m gonna rip her head off in front of Aro” I said. I was done with the
politeness and so was Alice; “Please do” she chuckled icily.

Part 12 – Bella

Something felt off. I felt exposed… like my skin was somehow thinner.
“Beautiful Isabella!” of course I recognized that voice. The blindfold went off
and I was facing Aro. I had been blindfolded for hours.
“Aro” I said through my teeth. I looked around. I was in a huge hotel room.
“Where are we? Where are Edward and Renesmee?” if he had done anything to
“Do not fear Isabella. Your husband and daughter are in Forks.” He smiled.
“As for your other question; we are in Seattle”
“Why did you bring me here?”
“Well, we actually need you help” he chuckled.
He disgusted me. The doors behind me opened and many familiar faces entered
the room.
“Isabella, you have met my dear ones” his chalky hand waived them forward.
“Unfortunately, yes” I was impressed by my own coldness.
Jane and Felix grinned and Dimitri covered a laugh with a fake cough.
Theatrical freaks…
Aro started walking towards me and I knew there was nothing I could do.
He took my hand, held it tightly and sighed with relief.
“Ah! I have waited for this moment” he was smiling again and I didn’t
understand. In my peripheral vision; Marcus and Caius entered. If only Caius
knew how many wolves I knew that planned to rip him apart.
Aro chuckled and let go of my hand.
“What is so funny” Caius snapped.
“Apparently there are wolves that want you dead” Aro was still chuckling. Wait,
WHAT?! Can he hear me?

“Dimitri, why don’t you bring in my lovely Scarlet?” Aro spoke with true
“Yes, master” and Dimitri left.
From the corner of my eye, I could see Jane’s smile disappear. She must be
pissed about not being the favorite pet anymore.
What did I have to lose at this point?
“Jealous much, Jane?” I said and smiled. It turned out that I had a lot to lose.
Within a second, I was pinned down on the floor by pain. I was on fire! The
memory of me becoming a vampire was very vivid. “Please stop” I cried out.
“Jane, dear.” Aro’s voice was soft but still firm.
“Yes, master” she answered with her smile back on.
It took me a second to get up.
I was furious but I also feared the fight. The pain was so real.
“Isabella, this is my wonderful Scarlet” Aro stood next to a short woman. She
had blonde hair and was paler than most vampires. She was beautiful of course
but she looked truly evil. Evil to the core. And she smiled mockingly.
“Hello Bella, how are things without your shield” she mused.
“So you’re the hussy that Alice spoke of?” I said through my teeth.
But she just laughed. Bitch!
“Yes, Scarlet is quite talented” Aro was getting on my nerves. Was he gonna
talk me to death… I just wanted to see my family!
“Actually Bella, you are not the only one without powers at the moment” Caius
“Excuse me?” What have you done to my family?!
“Scarlet is not just blocking your shield. She is also blocking the gifts of your
husband, your daughter, Alice, Jasper, Zafrina, Kate, Benjamin and a few of the
others” he didn’t even bother to go on! I could break Caius like a twig!
“And how are you doing that?” I asked in disbelief.

“All I need to do is see the person once. After that, I can simply block whatever
gift he or she possesses.” Scarlet was clearly enjoying herself.
“When did you ever see my family and friends?!” she must have been so close
to Nessy!
“Well, I’ve seen your daughter many times in Vancouver. And Alice a few
times when she visited Renesmee.” She sighed and smiled. Terrific, another
drama queen. “Then I saw all of them… yesterday” she looked at her watch.
“Yesterday?!” What the….
“We used poor little Fred as a distraction” she was flat out laughing now. “You
never noticed Dimitri and me” she finished.
Aro just watched Scarlet in amazement.
My face fell as I thought of Edward and Nessy and all my other loved ones,
standing there defenseless while Alec cut off their senses. No!
“Am I here of a purpose?!” I was done with the theatrics.
“Yes, of course and I will get to the point now” Aro woke up from his daydream
about Scarlet.
“Vampires rarely have more than one gift, very rarely. Your daughter may only
be half vampire but it appears that your lovely Nessy have more than one gift, is
this right?”
“Why do you ask when you know…” my voice was empty now.
“Ha ha ha, lovely Isabella! You sure do have an edge to your words” he
“Anyway, the thing is that Scarlet here can only remove one gift from a
vampire. These gifts work in mysterious ways” he mused.
I said nothing.
“You are going to shield Alec, Scarlet… and Jane and then us of course” Aro
was demanding.
“Why would I do that?” I knew their answer though.

“We will kill your daughter and your husband of course” Caius was colder than
My face fell even more but I couldn’t give up, not until I burned.
“You seem sure of yourself Caius but how will you reach them when they are
surrounded by 45 of our friends?” I spit the words out.
“Hah! You don’t really believe that we feel threatened by your little group of
trash, do you?!” Caius laughed.
“Yes, I do.” Was my simple answer.
“When was the last time you spoke to your father, Isabella?” Aro wanted my
attention again.
I just eyed him suspiciously. The wolves had been patrolling outside my father’s
house for a long time but what if someone had slipped through?
Aro was still waiting for my answer.
“Three days ago” I answered.
Aro smiled innocently “Felix and Dimitri, bring in Charles Swan please.”
Charlie!? Dad?! No! Noooo!!! They kidnapped my father!
“Behave!” I heard some mumbling outside the door and then the door flipped
open. Nobody could prepare me for what I saw next.
“Dad?!” I screamed.
I saw Aro’s smiling face and I lost control.
“You monster! Who the hell do you think you are?!” I ran towards Aro,
knowing that I wouldn’t get to him. Felix had me pinned in no time.
Felix made me face my father. In front of me; Charlie was crouching…
I looked into his bright red eyes. I didn’t wanna believe what I saw.
“Dad?” I whispered.
“Bella?” he was confused.
I turned to Aro, who was to my surprise; not smiling.
“Who changed him” I was still whispering.
“I did” the whisper came from Marcus.

I couldn’t fight anymore. I was completely empty.

“Why did you do this?” by now I was pleading.
“He’d make a good distraction for you and your family tomorrow” Caius mused.
All my hate was gone, I just felt sadness. Sad for my father and family, I didn’t
care about myself but… this was just so wrong. There was no humanity in Aro
or his puppets. None what so ever.
“Has he fed?” please say no, please say no!
“No, he recently woke up” Marcus was to no surprise; bored.
Thank God!
“It might be more interesting if he’s thirsty tomorrow” Aro was smiling again.
My father never went through the same preparations that I had. Was he like a
regular newborn?
“Bells?” my dad’s voice was clear as a bell but low.
I looked at him.
“What am I?”
“A vampire” I whispered.
“Enough. We only have an hour until we leave. Dimitri, get the newborn back to
Gabriel and Timothy” Caius ordered.
“Can I please have a moment alone with my father?!” I whimpered.
“Of course, we will leave” Marcus murmured. And after some silent fuss, they
all left the room.
“Charlie?” I whispered. I knew that sudden movements might end my life.
I backed slowly with my hands in front of me until I was ten feet away.
I needed his trust right away but I had never dealt with a newborn. All I knew
was that they were defensive and a hundred times more hot headed than Leah.
“My throat burns” he whispered.
I only had a moment to gain his trust and give him the information he needed.
“You haven’t fed yet, dad. You want… blood” my whisper was barely audible.
He placed his hand on his throat and I recognized the face – he was in pain.

“We are the same? You drink… blood?!” he was getting upset and a newborn,
upset; wasn’t a good combination.
“Yes but listen dad.” I pleaded “You don’t have to do it the wrong way. There
are other ways than to involve humans.”
His throat was on fire, he needed blood right now. I didn’t know if he had his
humanity left. What could make him listen?! Maybe love…
“Dad, do you remember Nessy?” I asked gently.
“Do you remember Sue and Billy? Mom? Edward and Jake?” I went on.
He needed to hear the names of friends and family to be reminded.
“Nessy. My granddaughter?” he was flipping through muddy images in his head
just like I did after my change.
“Yes! Your granddaughter! Think of her, she miss you so much.” I needed more
“Nessy! Is she also a…” he couldn’t finish with the word; vampire.
“No, she is half human. I carried her while I was still human.”
This was good; my dad could control himself a little even though he was thirsty.
“Does she drink… blood?” his own word set him on fire all over and he was
crouching again. I held my ground and cautioned him with my hands.
“She prefers blood but dad, I need you to listen to me now” I pleaded.
“We never hurt humans! We only hunt animals! It’s not optimal but it gives us
so much more. We have a clean conscience; we feel love and devotion in ways
that normal vampires never can. You never have to inflict pain on others” I
wanted to get in touch with his human side.
I knew it was in there somewhere.
“Dad, do you understand? I mean, think of Sue. You wouldn’t wanna hurt her,
He was remembering again. And we were out of time.
“It’s time” Dimitri entered with Felix. They grabbed my father and I followed.
They knew, I wouldn’t cause any problems now.

Part 13 – Edward

“Yes, Edward?”
We were all standing in the clearing where we knew that the Volturi would
come. Would we ever play baseball here again?
“Our biggest threat is still Alec and he will aim for the group immediately” I
thought out loud.
“You think we should spread out?” Jasper wondered.
“Well, maybe we should attack from many angles at the same time. It might be
our biggest chance to take out Alec and Scarlet.”
“The wind is coming from the west, so it might work if we have a few of us in
the trees. We will smell them before they smell us.” Jasper agreed.
“I’ll take a tree” I said.
“No, Edward. We have to expect that Dimitri is tracking you to lead them in.
We need you in the clearing.” Then he turned his back on me as he addressed
the crowd.
“Garrett, Kate, Kachiri, Stefan, Charles, William and Liam. Find a tree where
you have a clear view on the field. It has to be close enough for one bound. Your
only job is to go after Alec! We have to take him out from an angle that he
doesn’t expect.”
Then he turned to the wolves; “Attack from the sides”
“For the rest of us who are here in the middle; Look for Alec’s gift. It’s visible if
you know what to look for. It’s a clear mist but you can see the thickness as it
creeps toward you. When you see it; don’t run away but move to the sides and
try to go around it… or jump over it if it’s not too big. This might give those
who are attacking from the trees, more time.” Jasper finished.
“When do we attack?” Rose was on the warpath.

“As soon as we see the mist because then it has already started.” I said.
A minute later; we were all silently waiting in our positions. We knew they
would arrive shortly after the sun rose.
Where’s my Bella…
I looked over at Jasper and I could see that we were thinking the same thing; we
needed more time, this was too uncoordinated. The Volturi would have the
upper hand from the start…
Then there was a low hiss from Garrett. They were here.
We witnessed the dark cloaks entering the clearing like they had, four years ago.
They were all cloaked, all of them. Hysteria. Bella would be taken for a Volturi
They were so many of them, at least sixty. All the hoods came off in the first
four lines while the rest still faced the ground from where they were standing.
Dimitri, Felix, Heidi, Chelsea, Scarlet and sixteen guards… and Amun with
Kebi. I hissed in reaction. I located the butane lighter in my pocket; ready to use
it. We all had lighters ready.
“Carlisle” Aro removed his hood.
We were standing fifty yards from them. Carlisle said nothing, we waited for the
“Bella?!” Rose called out.
One vampire twitched. Could that be her?!
“Nice try, Rosalie but no, that is not Isabella.” Aro mused.
“It is however a Swan” he chuckled.
Before we could react; a guard removed the cloak of a vampire. We gasped as
we took in the new Charlie.
“You son of a bitch” Alice growled.
From the corner of my eye; I could see the wolves creeping closer and Garret
was ready to jump, Kate was also ready. They waited for my command.

My family and friends crouched. The mist was coming. I gave one quick nod
and with that one small movement; all hell broke loose.
Garrett and Kate jumped, and the rest followed. They all aimed for Alec.
Jasper, Emmett and I charged straight forward and we leaped over the mist that
crawled. In one synchronized movement; the first Volturi line got ready for what
came for them. I didn’t care for the first line, I wanted deeper than that.
The wolves attacked with a massive force from the sides. Then smash! One
guard, two guards, three guards, their snapped necks would only delay them a
couple of seconds.
Jasper and Emmet flanked me as we tried to reach the middle. There were
guards everywhere. Our attempts looked sloppy.
Garrett and Kate were one the ground now; fighting guards as well.
“Easy kill!” Jasper shouted.
That reminded all our friends to focus on speed. Another guard down, Son of a
“#%#%@ the venom stung as a guard caught my shoulder.
Emmett backed me up. Alec was still alive. Several lines of the Volturi army
hadn’t even moved and inch. Jane was enjoying herself. Emmett and I looked at
each other and then we charged again. Jane was going down.
I glanced back once only to see Carlisle, Esme, Rose, Benjamin, Senna and
Siobhan caught in Alec’s mist but there were wolves there too and they weren’t
affected. Sam had already noticed so they attacked again. Now he even set the
younger wolves loose. Nessy and Jake stood alone and he was circling her
One guard, two guards. We were closing in on Jane and Alec. I tore a guard’s
arm off and set it on fire. I saw Felix charging for Emmett but Jasper was quick.
The two of them fought Felix. Kate and Tanya joined me.
I was attacked by two guards and I was about to lose a leg when Kate noticed
that her gift worked. She electrified two guards and tore. I threw her my lighter.
Then she lost her current again.

Scarlet must be fighting to keep the blockings in place.

Jane had her back towards me where she tortured Garrett and Kachiri. I saw red.
Aro saw me and yelled as I snapped her neck. Jane never even had the time to
Tanya was by my side with her lighter. Jane was gone. Poor little Aro… in the
same second; Caius let another line of guards loose.
Jasper and Emmett were still fighting Felix.
Alec was now distracted and his mist left my family, the wolves had been able
to protect them but I gasped when I witnessed Carlisle’s one leg on the ground
rattling and a guard setting it on fire.
Alec was shouting for the loss of his sister but he calmed down and sent his
thick mist out again.
Five wolves were closing in; the first line of guards was completely wiped out
and there were fires everywhere. Aro didn’t smile anymore.
I was only five yards from Alec when Chelsea got in my way and growled.
I was faster than her though, I jumped and landed on top of her and twisted her
torso. She had a tight grip on my foot but I raged and twisted one more time.
I didn’t have a lighter this time so I threw her upper body in one direction and
her lower body in the other direction. Garrett was at my side and finally; we
caught up with Alec.
Garrett jumped and landed in front of the last twin; he was putting himself in the
middle of Alec’s creeping mist to distract him and Garrett was lost for a second.
Caius growled from where he was standing.
I got one kick in Alec’s back and I heard the crack, so did Aro and his sadistic
Alec turned in pain on the ground only to find me three inches from his face;
“I hope you rot in hell” I whispered. Alec was thrown into a fire. He was finally

I took one giant leap and landed twenty yards from the most intense battle.
I needed to find Bella. I saw the loss of friends when I scanned the sight. Charles
and Makenna burned and there were many faces that I couldn’t find.
We were losing. Sam was in trouble; he was alone with Dimitri and another
guard. “Rose! Help me with Dimitri” I yelled.
Rose jumped from where she had just finished a guard off together with Esme
and Alice. Rose kicked a guard in the back of his head before she landed.
The head ricocheted into Seth who stomped on it and continued fighting guards
with Leah. They were fierce!
Dimitri jumped and landed hard on Sam’s back and we all heard his spine
I sprinted towards the tracker and punched his shoulder out of its socket.
Dimitri was fast. Rose and I darted after him as he ran towards Felix.
I had much to lose so I had to win this.
Dimitri turned to face me but Rose didn’t come to a halt, she threw herself on
him to make it easier on me. I charged but before I reached him; a guard had my
arm and tore. I couldn’t feel the pain but I knew I would feel it very soon.
Esme and Alice joined Rosalie. I shot a glare at the grinning guard who held my
rattling arm. But he didn’t see Leah. She crouched behind the guard and
attacked. She was a force of nature that couldn’t be stopped.
Leah wrestled the guard while I got my arm back in place.
It was disgusting and the pain was massive now. On my left; I could see Sam
recover, he was flanked by Seth and Embry.
I searched for Bella. There! She was being held by two guards next to Aro.
Was she his last card to play?!
The Volturi still had two lines intact. “Edward!!!” Alice yelled “Scarlet is the
blonde next to Amun!”
I nodded to her and within a second; I was flanked by Paul and Jared.

Together, we aimed for Scarlet. I was surprised to see her on the field.
Wouldn’t Aro want her far from the fight? But then again; we could see that she
was a fighter. She was very fast and smart.
Esme, Alice and Rose were winning over Dimitri and Carmen was running to
help them.
Emmett and Jasper were still fighting Felix.
The pain from my arm was still enormous and I knew that I wouldn’t be the best
I glanced over where Bella was standing. She looked furious and I could see that
she were deep in concentration. Charlie was looking at her.
The guards coming for us had my attention and I gave Paul and Jared the
command to attack. They jumped over me. I turned around.
We needed more fighters! Jasper and Emmett’s fight with Felix was too even.
I ran over there and to help.
“This douche wont give” Emmet hissed. Even though my arm hurt like hell, I
forced myself to use it, it wasn’t strong enough yet but I needed both my
freaking arms! Jasper planted his foot and got one hell of a kick in Felix’s chest
while Felix tried to get a grip on my good arm.
This threw him off for a fraction of a second but it was enough for Emmett.
Em jumped and punched Felix so hard in the back that it sounded like thunder.
I moved closer to use myself as bait when Jasper and Emmet charged for Felix’s
throat. Emmett ripped his head off and Jasper actually smiled when he reached
for his lighter. Justice.
The three of us left Felix burning. Jasper ran for Alice, and Emmett and I ran to
help Paul and Jared who had closed in on Scarlet.
“Edward!” I heard Carlisle call out. I couldn’t see him. “Help Jacob!” Carlisle

I turned around to see two guards attacking Jacob. Jacob howled and fought to
defend himself and Nessy. I couldn’t get there fast enough.
My arm hadn’t healed completely yet so I only had one option…
I darted for my daughter. She cried with anger. I grabbed her and threw her onto
my back. We would have to do this together. “Ready, princess?” I tried to keep
my spirit alive. “Yes, just charge, dad!” she was crazed with fury.
I aimed for one of the guards attacking Jacob and sprang. Nessy used my back
as a trampoline. “No!” I screamed. But Nessy was in the air.
I understood quickly where she was going so I attacked the guard closest to her.
We reached the guard at the same time. The guard couldn’t reach Nessy where
she had her knees on his shoulders. I punched the guard with all my strength in
the throat. The guard lost focus for a second and Nessy used the time to get a
grip on the guard’s neck; with all her fury, she was about to rip… Jacob had
finished off the other guard just in time. He jumped towards Nessy and pushed
her out of the way so I could get a clear shot and kill the guard.
“Thank you Jacob” I murmured. Nessy tossed me her lighter and I set the two
guards on fire. She was mad but Jacob and I were on the same side here. She
was never to kill anyone.
“Esme, Senna!” I yelled. Esme were just finishing off Dimitri together with
Rose, Alice and Jasper. Thank God! Dimitri was out. Forty yards away; I could
see Aro – he was furious.
Esme and Senna came and I said; “Help Jacob with Nessy” Then I was running
for the crowd again. I got as close as I could to Aro, Caius and Marcus and
started fighting guards. “Marcus!” I shouted.
Another snapped neck. I flipped up my new lighter, tore a finger off and lit the
guard’s hand on fire. The fire spread fast through the flammable venom.
“Are you in mourning, Marcus?” I taunted while I searched for another guard.
My arm felt better, finally! I knew I had his attention. “Didn’t you ever wonder
how your wife just disappeared?”

I was gonna break Aro’s little alliance even if it was the last thing I’d do.
I went on; “How do you feel towards Aro now, Marcus? You know that Chelsea
is dead”
Many guards looked up for just the tiniest part of a second.
Marcus stared at me with disbelief and wonder. Someone bit me in the back and
I swung my bad arm around so fast – Heidi was the precipitant of my steel arm
and she was thrown into a tree. I lit my lighter again and threw it next to Garrett
who had just ripped off an arm on Amun.
Without blinking, I got a grip on Heidi who was back. The only thing between
me and Aro was two lines of unmoving soldiers.
I knew it wouldn’t be long until they were unleashed. I stared at Caius when my
hands gripped Heidi’s throat as I forced her down on her knees.
Garrett chuckled at my theatrical move and handed me my lighter.
Garrett handled a guard behind me together with Benjamin. I set Heidi on fire.
“Aro killed your wife, Marcus” I said with my eyes on Aro.
“Lies!” Aro scoffed.
Caius was getting anxious. I glanced over at Bella, she was so close!
Charlie was standing next to her and he was crazed. I took on another guard; he
was smaller but fast. He wasn’t strong though.
“Charlie” I said while I was fighting.
“Do you understand what’s happening?” I asked.
“Yes” Charlie hissed.
There was a snap coming from Caius and just like that; a line of ten guards were
unleashed. I threw my lighter on the guard that I just killed and jumped
backwards thirty yards.
We all regrouped and attacked all over again. The casualties were severe on both
ends but we didn’t have the backup that the Volturi had. I saw Scarlet then. She
was still surrounded with bodyguards. I got Emmett, Jasper and Tanya’s
attention. Scarlet had to die… now.

Sam saw our plans in the direction we were headed.

He barked once and then we had four wolves in our party.
“Bella! Get ready!” I shouted.
Zafrina ran forward and prepared. Emmett and Jasper smashed into two guards.
Two other guards were already on their way to assist Scarlet so two wolves
launched before I could react.
Sam was faster than ever. Tanya and I continued.
We were only five yards from Scarlet now – she crouched.
Tanya charged and I jumped. The guard next to Scarlet was massive.
He caught me by the neck and twisted. I fell to the ground.
The pain pulsed through me. I could hear Bella scream in the distant.
I felt the guard’s arms around me but then I was thrown up in the air.
Emmett had pushed me out of the way and into a tree before the guard could rip
me apart.
I hit a tree and my reflexes kicked in and in some way, my hands reacted and
grabbed a branch before I fell again.
It took me almost ten seconds to recover the blow. My neck ached as the venom
healed my limbs. From the tree, I watched Tanya, Emmett and Jasper wrestle the
guards surrounding Scarlet.
I shot one glance at Aro – he was devastated but he couldn’t unleash
the last line – that would expose the ancients. He had lost all his most precious
I smiled as I jumped forward. I landed on top of Scarlet but she was incredible
strong for being so small and a guard helped her.
She shook me off but in the process I managed to rip one of her legs off.
The Volturi guards were everywhere. One of Scarlet’s helpers kept me busy.
The only thing I had now was my speed. I leaped and pushed until I finally got
close enough to bite him.

Five yards away I witnessed Tanya finishing a guard off.

The screaming Scarlet caught her by the hair and pulled. Tanya was still
standing but Scarlet jumped up in the air and kicked with her only leg.
Tanya landed in one of the fires and before she knew it; the venom flowing
slowly from her head caught on fire. “Tanya!” I screamed with fury but she was
I was done with this. “I’m done!” I shouted. My venom flowed in my mouth and
I raged. I threw a guard into the fire and saw no one except for Scarlet.
I ran with all my strength and smashed her right into a boulder. Her back
crumbled but I didn’t wait. I attacked again.
“Cover him!” Jasper shouted. I didn’t look to see who was coming for me.
I shoved Scarlet deeper into the boulder and then I took her by the throat and
dragged her out. She whimpered in pain. I couldn’t care less.
With the support of my knee; I broke her in two pieces. Emmett rushed to my
side and set her on fire. We watched her scream as the flames ended her.
“Now!” both Emmet and I growled.
We turned around to flank Zafrina. She stood completely still while she
concentrated. One by one; we saw the Volturi guards go blind.
As soon as the four guards, holding Bella and Charlie were blind – she grabbed
her father and jumped. I nodded once to Jasper.
I caught Bella before she landed. “Bella!” I kissed her. She hugged me tightly.
Jasper and Alice took care of Charlie. Around us; the surviving members of our
side, gathered.
The wolves entered our crowd with bowed heads.
I took Bella’s hand and walked over to Sam.
Zafrina and Kate enjoyed their job at the moment. Kate sure made the blind
Volturi members stay still.

“Sam” I whispered. “I’m so sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you” Sam thought.
“Is there anything I can do?” I felt their pain. It was colossal.
“We have all done what we could” Sam’s thoughts echoed in the other wolves.
“Who?” Bella whimpered.
“Two of the younger boys – Jeremy and Elan” I murmured.
“I’ll follow the pack to Emily’s and then I’ll be back” Sam thought and I
Carlisle sat on a tree trunk with Esme. He was trying to heal the remains of his
leg together. He was in pain but his thoughts were with the lives that were lost.
Bella walked over to Nessy and Jacob while I forced myself to do a head count.
Siobhan, Liam and Maggie stood close together. Senna and Kachiri watched
Zafrina. Garrett helped Kate.
The faces that were no longer with us; Tanya, the two Quileute boys, Peter and
Charlotte, William, Anthony, Joseph, the Romanians, Mary and Randall,
Charles and Makenna… So many lives had been lost.
“Edward” Alice said with a low voice.
“Yes?” I turned to face her.
“We should get on with this.” She gestured toward the Volturi.
“Emmett and Garrett” I murmured. ”Start with the guards”
Jasper and Alice took Charlie away from the clearing and Bella took Nessy and
Jacob to the cottage.
The guards hissed and growled but with a mourning Kate there – they could do
nothing. Their pained screams were cut off by Emmett and Garrett.
Then they were three…
“Aro. Do you have anything to say?” Eleazar asked.
“Friends! I’m sure, we can work this out” he pleaded.

He disgusted me.
I looked over at Carlisle – even though we won the fight, he looked defeated.
He was flipping through the memories of his lost friends.
He was punishing himself…
“Did I miss anything?” Bella was back.
“Aro is trying to talk his way out of death.” I mumbled.
“Edward” Alice entered the clearing.
“Where is Charlie” I asked.
“Jasper is with him – a couple of hundred yards in… We have to take Charlie
hunting. There are a few mountain lions by the Canadian border. He’s in
pain…” Alice voice was only a whisper.
This did it for Bella. She growled and sprang; “You monster!”
“Bella!” several of us shouted. But it was too late.
The blind Aro didn’t see it coming… and now he was burning.
Bella didn’t stop, she flew into the forest.
I was about to follow; “Edward, she just need time. It’s been a hard day for her.”
Esme was rubbing her arms.
It turned out that Dimitri had been a biter. My own pain was too numb at the
moment. Too much to worry about.
“It’s been hard on all of us but yes, let her think things through alone.” Rose was
more annoyed that the bite marks would leave scars.
Carlisle looked up at Alice; “All right” he sighed “You and Jasper; take care of
Charlie. Answer all his questions and make sure you don’t cross the path of any
Kate was ready to kill Caius.
“Kate. Not yet. But hold him, and Emmett; grab on to Marcus” I said.
“Zafrina, you can let them see now.”
Marcus did nothing - he was as lifeless as ever.

Caius glared like he wasn’t terrified but his thoughts were shouting.
It made me smile a little.
I faced Caius; “Why did you kidnap Bella and why the hell did you change her
father?!” I spoke through my teeth.
“Her father was just going to be a distraction in the fight. Bella was supposed to
shield us if Scarlet died.” He was willing to speak now.
“Why on earth would Bella shield you?”
“Aro told us that he had a way of killing you and your daughter” Caius was
pleading at this moment.
“How?!” I growled. I tried to read his thoughts but he hid them well. Whatever
he was hiding must be worth knowing. I gave Kate one sharp nod. Caius was
writhing in pain on the ground.
“Ready to talk?” I hissed.
“He had made a deal with the ancients in Romania!” he cried out.
Kate stopped. He held nothing back and I read his thoughts.
“Aro promised them the throne”…“He had them fooled” …“They were
supposed to turn on you if Scarlet died”…
“I guess that didn’t work out for you” I said icily.
If the Romanians were in fact on the Volturi side… who killed them? But the
Romanian’s hated the Volturi above all…
“Stefan and Vladimir hated nothing like they hated you” I said.
Marcus spoke for the first time; “We had them under surveillance – they were
planning to murder us afterwards. They have their own army waiting for them in
Romania” he shrugged.
Sam stepped up; “Quil and Paul killed them. They saw them in lead with the
guards out in the woods” he thought.
“All right… Kate, go ahead” I mumbled.

I was in a way just tired. I wanted Bella in our home all for myself…
“Any last words Marcus?” I was falling apart all over. I felt that the two people
that mattered most were too far away even though they were safe.
“Did Aro really murder my wife” he was still bored but there were sadness in
his words.
“We believe so, yes.” I handed him the poem that I’d had in my pocket. Eleazar
filled him in on the information that Alistair had given us.
“I apologize, I have wronged you in many ways” Marcus whispered. He was the
lesser evil out of the three.
Eleazar patted his old friend on the shoulder.
“End me now” was Marcus’s last words.
It was over. Some of us were smiling. I would smile too… when I had Bella and
Nessy with me.
“Go home, Carlisle. Take your loved ones with you” Siobhan said with a soft
“We will take care of this” Liam was talking about the ashy remains of the
Volturi and our friends.
Carlisle, Esme, Rose, Emmett, Kachiri, Senna, Zafrina, Garrett and
Kate walked in human speed for a while before they ran for the house.
Sam had called for Embry – the two of them carried their two lost pack
members home to their families.
Siobhan, Liam and Maggie started cleaning up in the clearing best they could.
The massive Scarlet-shaped dent in the boulder was evened out.
Carmen and Eleazar inspected the forest for remains and Benjamin and Tia
helped them.

I slowly picked up Bella’s trail.

“You don’t have to sneak, sweetie” Bella’s voice was soft.
I rushed over the cliff where she was looking out over the water.
She was finally in my arms. “How are you, love?” I whispered.
“I don’t know… I’m sad for Charlie, happy because we actually won, sad for all
the lives that were lost…and worried about the future.”
“All the danger is gone, Bella. And I think Charlie will be fine, he’s just
She sighed and looked deep in to my eyes; “Let’s go home” and then she kissed
me passionately.

Part 14 – Bella

“Where are the others” I asked.

“They went hunting and then they’re taking some time to heal their wounds.
They’ll be back in a week” Carlisle answered.
Everything seemed to be normal again. Emmett was watching a game, Rose and
Esme were in the kitchen and Edward and I sat intertwined on the couch.
Esme wanted us all near so she had called Nessy – Jake and Ness was now
sleeping in Edward’s old room. It was hard to comprehend everything that took
place just hours ago. The Volturi was now just a memory.
“Alice and Jasper will be here in a few seconds with Charlie” Edward said
Emmett pressed the mute button and took his place by the stairs.
Nessy would be the first with blood in her veins that got near my father.
When we travelled with the Volturi this morning I was actually glad that we
went over roof tops and straight through the woods. It wouldn’t have surprised
me if Aro forced my father to feast on human blood simply because he could.
At least, my father had a clean record.

I could see them outside now. My father was fast but he seemed calm.
That was good.
“Charlie bagged two lions and an elk but we will have to take him out real soon
again” Alice chirped as she entered the house. She was in a good mood.
I felt nervous like crazy.
Jasper walked behind my dad – slowly they walked up the steps to the porch.
“Dad?” it came out like a whisper. I was so nervous. I noticed Edward standing
slightly in front of me.
“I can’t read his mind” he whispered so low but he didn’t sound surprised.
“Are you okay dad?” I asked more clearly.
“I think so. Overwhelmed though.” His voice was clear and he almost smiled.
He looked like an old movie star. Except for his ragged clothes.
“It’s a lot to take in” I agreed.
Carlisle relaxed a little and smiled for the first time in weeks.
“May I approach you, Charlie?” Carlisle asked.
“Sure! Why are you all so tense?” he wondered.
I chuckled a little, also relieved but it didn’t make sense…
“Are you aware of what you are” I prompted.
“Yes, Bells, I am. Alice and Jasper have told me everything” he didn’t
understand why I was pushing it.
“We have, Bella. You can relax” she laughed. “He’s a Swan. I mean, he was
obviously more confused than you. You were prepared but there is definitely
something in your family…” she trailed off.
Edward was completely relaxed now. Even Jasper was calm. Emmett grinned.
There were still roads to cross though.
“Emmett, can you get Jake down here?” I asked.
“Yea, uhm, maybe we should do this outside” Edward suggested.
Esme nodded in agreement.

We all went outside and waited for Jake and Emmett. Carlisle walked with a
cane but he didn’t look really hard.
“Are you okay, Carlisle” I asked.
He actually chuckled; “Small price to pay, Bella. It doesn’t hurt much anymore
“Wow, Charlie! You sure look creepy” Jake was grinning from the porch.
He shouldn’t do that! What was wrong with him?
Charlie hadn’t been close enough to the wolves earlier so this was the first time
that my father would smell a creature close to human.
“Jake?” Charlie laughed. “Say that again when you’re up close” he joked.
Oh for the love of…
I rolled my eyes and Alice cleared her throat to get my attention; “You were just
like Charlie, Bella”
Jake walked closer till he was just five feet away from my newborn father…
“Yea, I said that you look creepy” he taunted.
“Boy, do you stink!” Charlie backed a little.
“Dad, how do you feel?” I was actually getting less relaxed.
Jasper tapped my shoulder and whispered; “Now you know how I felt when you
woke up” he grinned at me.
“What is her problem” Charlie asked Jake. Great, they were turning me into a
freaking joke!
“Bells, I’m fine! Yes it burns but Alice explained it. I’ve had worse, you
know…” he was probably talking about the fire we all went through to become
“Are you ready to meet your granddaughter?” Alice asked.
In an instant, Edward was more cautious, a hiss escaped my throat and Jake got
ready to phase.

“Maybe we should take things slow” Jake said.

“Charlie; blood runs in her veins. You don’t want to expose yourself to that just
yet.” Edward explained.
“Jake, why are you so weird?” Charlie asked in suspicion.
“I’m not weird” Jake frowned.
It wouldn’t be long now. I could see my father putting the pieces together. Being
a vampire meant quick thinking.
“Jacob, get back” Alice cautioned.
Charlie walked up to Edward; “Are they?” Was all he could get out.
Edward knew what my father talked about but he didn’t move an inch.
“How can you support this?! I was counting on you here, Edward!” Charlie had
figured it out.
Emmett laughed like crazy.
“What makes you think that I support it… But have you met your own
granddaughter? She is a freaking hurricane” Edward muttered.
“Let me see Nessy. Grab on to me if that makes you feel better but I wanna have
a talk to her!” Charlie was demanding but in a calm way.
“Fine, good luck” Edward mused.
Rose went inside to get Nessy. Emmett and Jasper each placed one hand on
Charlie’s shoulders.
“Grandpa?” Nessy was standing on the porch. She didn’t quite know how to
react. I’m pretty sure; she was thrilled to have her grandpa forever though.
My father gasped “Nessy! So beautiful!” I guess he was too confused and crazed
on the baseball field. The world through our eyes was so much clearer.
I wondered how Nessy have looked through human eyes.
Nessy darted forward only to have me in her way.
“Sweetie, this is close enough” I stopped her, four yards away.
“Dad. I’m not letting her near until you breathe…” Was he gonna fake his was
through? I thought he was smart…

My dad inhaled once through his nose and once through his mouth.
He must be on fire.
“Yep, that sure burns” he backed away and took a deep breath when the next
clean breeze came. He was still so calm though.
“Can’t wait for Billy to see his best friend” Jake was barking out laughs.
“Billy! I haven’t thought of him! And… Sue; how is she?” Charlie asked.
I ignored the affectionate words about Sue; “Jake, does your father know?”
“Yea, he knows all right. Sam told him” Jake grinned.
“He freaked at first of course, he almost fell out his chair. Now he’s sort of
curious. Sue doesn’t know yet though. That might take a while.”
“Charlie, do you wanna go hunting again?” Alice asked.
“Yea… it burns like hell” he had his hand on his throat.
I turned to Jasper; “how is he?” hysteria all over…
“He’s fine, Bella, I promise. There must be something in your family…”
“But he never had the choice!” I couldn’t hide my distress.
“That doesn’t mean, he wouldn’t choose this if he had the choice. He knows
everything now. He will live forever with his daughter and granddaughter,
Bella” Jasper tried to calm me down. He succeeded a little.
“But he is however pissed at Edward” he chuckled.
“What? Why?!”
“Charlie thinks the world of Edward, something we couldn’t see five years ago”
he mused; “But he thought Edward would stop the relationship between Nessy
and Jacob”
“Hah, okay” I felt relieved.
The sun was setting and I couldn’t wait for this day to be history.
I needed my Edward…
Alice and Jasper took Charlie hunting again and Carlisle and Esme joined them.
“Edward?” I said.

“Yes” he smiled; “Rose, Emmett? Can you take care of Nessy tonight?” he
didn’t take his eyes off me.
“Thank you. And Jake can stay in La Push tonight” Edward’s voice was firm
From the corner of my eye, I could see Jake frowning. Like I care…
We leaped effortlessly across the river and ran to our home.
I could see the scars on my husband’s arms and legs. How many times had he
been bitten?
My own scars didn’t show as much, except for the scar that Fred gave me
yesterday. The marks that were left from the day that Edward made me a
vampire were almost healed in the transition. James’s scar was also almost gone.
“Does it hurt?” I whispered when we walked up the path to our little house.
“Not anymore, the bite marks anyway” he mumbled “This still hurts though” he
showed me a thin but clear line that ran across his arm, just inches above his
“What happened?” I gasped.
“I was reckless… got my arm ripped off. But don’t worry, love. It will pass
soon” he smiled.
“I missed so much; they made me stare at the ground. I wanted so bad to help” I
“It’s all in the past now. The cost was steep but we have nothing to fear
anymore” he soothed me.
After a shower in Nessy’s room, I changed into a pair of sweats and
one of Edward’s t-shirt.
Baggy and lovely I cooed to myself.
Edward came out after me; the water drizzled from his hair.
He found a pair of flannel pyjama bottoms that Nessy had given him last
Christmas and then he joined me in bed. I could just look at him forever.

He held me close and stroked my back softly. He was smiling my favorite smile.
“Is Charlie really fine?” I asked.
“Yes, he is. I don’t have to read his mind to know that.”
“About that… you didn’t look surprised when you couldn’t hear him” I said.
“After you moved to Forks and I realized that I couldn’t hear you; I tried to find
out why… After seeing your father, that day Tyler’s van was coming your way,
I realized that there was something in your family. I could hear most of his
thoughts but still far from clear.”
“Really? You never told me this” I accused playfully.
He chuckled lightly; “it never came up”
He dazzled me to change the subject and I gave in quickly when he kissed my
After hours of just me and him, he got up and sat down by his piano. He played
without really concentrating but the melodies were still so beautiful. Whenever
he played; nothing existed except the two of us.

“We have to move, huh?” I asked a while later.

“Yes, to make things easier to Charlie. Plus, I think Carlisle wants to work
again. It’s harder for us to show our faces in town. We have never stayed in one
place for almost ten years before”
I knew it was inevitable. “When can we come back to Forks then?” I asked.
“Sixty or seventy years I guess” he shrugged.
I gasped.
“We will visit, of course. We just have to stay away from town when we are
here.” He was still acting like this was fine.
“But what about Billy and Jake and Emily and all the others?!”
“Bella, love. I don’t think you understand. We will visit often. I’m talking about
a weekend every month or so…” he was chuckling.

“Oh, heh, okay” I was relieved. Being away from Forks for long would drive me
crazy. I needed my cottage; I wanted to play baseball with the Quileutes again…
“We just need a fresh start somewhere else where no one knows us.”
“What about Nessy and Jake?” I frowned.
“Well, we won’t move that far. Carlisle and I talked about this last year and we
were thinking of Montana. It’s fairly close and the hunting range is wide.”
“Montana sounds good! I was afraid that you were thinking of the east coast or
something like that.” I giggled with more relief.
“Are you ready to start over with High School?” he laughed.
“Drat!” I frowned. “I guess I have to be” I shrugged.
“I love you so much, Bella” his eyes were smoldering and the moment turned
“I love you more” I whispered. He dazzled me more than ever.
“Not possible” he kissed me and our night continued.

Next week, our guests would return. Together we would discuss the future of the
vampire world. Evidence showed us that rules were needed; especially the
covens in the south. We had no wish to rule… But who would step up?

To be continued

Written by Caroline Nohrborg – C TwiFic

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