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Author, World class trainer, Ex Indian Army Major, Business

Coach and Successful Dental Practitioner

Practices and principles for having profitable

Patients for life

Published by
Malligai Publishing Company,
No 80/55, G1, Ground Floor, Chandra Flats,
Ashok Nagar 7th Avenue, Chennai 600 083


Edited by
Mr. Chelliah
Professor of English Chennai.

Design & Creatives

Malligai Designs

All Rights Reserved

No part of this book should be reproduced in any form without the written
consent of the publisher.

Price: 400 INR

I thank the Lord Jesus Christ divine strength for giving me the strength to
conceptualize this book and the inspiring messages of Brian Tracy, John C
Maxwell, Jim Rohn that made me realize the true purpose of my life in this
I am grateful to all those who have helped me in compiling this book especially
my wife Anisha , my wonderful daughter Rithika Rachel, son Akash Jason
.Special thanks to my Mom ,Dad and My in-laws for their wonderful support in
the journey of my Life.
Special Mention to all My Dear friends and Mentors in Dentistry, Business,
Finance sectors.
Last but not the least my wonderful team in the Malligai Dental without their
cooperation and help this book would not be possible.

This Single most important thing in any dental practice is to delight

Patients (Customers). If you are making customers happy, as a result,
They will happy to open up their own as well as others wallets
Willingly and pay you again and again

Why this book?

Your Dental Practice growth and sustainability is centered around
your profitable customer (patient).This being the case, you have to
understand your customer needs, wants, desires and offer him
quality products and services all the time to keep him delighted.
Survival, growth and prosperity of any organisation depends on the
retention and increasing numbers of profitable customers which is
achieved through unwavering customer focus and orientation.
This book contains useful tips on the traits and demeanour desirable
in progressive organisations.
Training is my passion and I keep training thousands of aspirants on
the nuances of being customer- centric. This book which deals with
dos and donts to gain customer delight will serve as course
materials for the attendees of my related training programs.


Author, Dentist, World class trainer, Ex Indian Army Major, Business

coach and Successful Dental Practitioner.

1. Serve the patients with Full Heart................................................. ..7
2. A beckoning Business place/clinic....................................................8
3. Profile your Patients.........................................................................9
4. Patient Satisfaction to Patient Delight...........................................10
5. Guide the Patient...........................................................................13
6. Patients go right.............................................................................14
7. Delighting Patients.........................................................................15
8. Asking Questions online.................................................................16
9. Satisfaction guarantee...................................................................18
10. Learning from the Patient complaints.........................................19
11. Dont mess up the Patients lab order.........................................20
12. Using new strategies....................................................................21
13. Deliver the Best every time..........................................................22
14. Providing for Patient warranties..................................................23
15. Handling an Upset Patientwith a Case Example.......................24
16. Express a good image...................................................................27
17. Good Will Gesture........................................................................28
18. Dont sell Make them buy.............................................................29
19. Power of Silence...........................................................................30

20. Fix problems-Team approach......................................................31
21. Do first rather best - new ideas....................................................33
22. Unique Selling Proposition...........................................................34
23. Closing the sales -failures.............................................................36
24. Rewarding the Patients................................................................37
25. Every patient order is important.................................................38
26. Monitoring Satisfaction...............................................................39
27. Gaining a New Patient? Dont brag too quickly...........................40
28. Effective Patient service...............................................................41
29. Communication style...................................................................42
30. Key Patient customers.................................................................43
31. Greet your Patient warmly...........................................................44
32. Friendly attitude...........................................................................45
33. Follow through on Patient commitments....................................46
34. When you find the clinic closed...................................................47
35. Give your full address..................................................................48
36. Conclusion....................................................................................49

1. Serve the patients with full Heart.

In todays world of cut-throat competition, optimizing the Dental
practice ought to be an on-going process. It makes the practice costcompetitive. But this doesnt mean that we must compromise on
quality, features and the quantity promised to the customer
(patients) with the full measure, it is construed that we are using
wicked scale. It is like shipping a product which is not filled to the
brim or like shipping a product which is not of impeccable quality. In
other words, if we are not sure of having put our 100% efforts to give
the best, it amounts to our using deceptive scales in our measure.
Lets give our cent per cent every time while serving the customer.

2. A beckoning Business Place/Clinic

Have you taken an impartial look at your business (clinic) place? Are
you proud of its looks? Is everything spick and span? Or does
something need to be discarded or relocated and re-arranged? No
one wants to visit a business place which is dust-laden, slip-shod and
appalling. If yours is one such, better tidy all around and spruce up
your place. It will not cost you much to give a fresh coat of paint to
make your place give a decent look. Your clinic or office is the face of
your business. It is the image that you create that reassures the
customer that he is dealing with right solutions provider and that he
can expect quality products and services from you,
Your business place should be so orderly and appealing that it
should beckon your patients to visit you and discuss with you. If you
never visit a hospital or a clinic with no cleanliness, youre your
patients also dont.
Remember-clear out the clutter from your organizer, desk,
notepad, mobile computers, bag and your mind.

3. Profile Your patients

Your product which means your dental service or any treatment
cannot be sold to everyone. First you have to identify who are your
likely customers or prospects are. Identify who is not taking up your
services and why they are not Depending on your services .with this
you have to work out your strategy to appeal to those prospects and
convert them into your customers.
1. Look at the top customers who are giving you the 80% of the
incomeTake care of them well
2. Least Profitable customers-who are giving only 20% of the
income.dont waste much time with them.
3. Analyse any experience or activity which you would like to stop
or wont start again based upon your previous experiences with
patients and try doing it if it is good and stop doing if its bad.
So identify and profile your customers before you initiate to sell
your products and services.
Remember the suspects whom you enlist as prospects should


4. Patient Satisfaction to Patient Delight

A Wise shepherd understands the need of his sheep viz. Good
pasture fresh water and protection from harm. In business, your
customers needs are not always so obvious.
Dont be under the impression that just because they are not
complaining, they are happy with your products and services.
To understand what your patients want from you, the best way is to
get a direct feedback. Take time to call your patients not only to
know their current level of satisfaction but also to see what new
products or services they may require. Listen to their concerns and
gear up to meet their existing needs. If your clientele is mostly walkin getup, move around and mingle with them. Ask for their honest
feedback and then act on their candid suggestions.. Sense their
emerging needs. Be alert and strategize your move. Or else your
competitors will take away your best customers!


Patient Satisfaction Levels


Bare level- Just giving them what they want

Exceed level- Giving them more than what they expect
Delighting levelHappy when they leave you
Amaze level-- Blew their mind by giving an extraordinary
Do what you can do to exceed the patients expectation and
take the patient to amaze level.

You must know that in todays marketplace, Patients will go where

their needs are being satisfied the most.
Always endeour to give a WOW feeling to your Patients. This
response is generated when a Patient gets more value than he
expected. In todays world customer satisfaction is a right of every
Patient. It is patient delight which will forge a deep bonding which
generates repeat sale or referral sale which is what generates
PROFITS for a organization.


One Satisfied Patient

10 years will
Bring you 100 More


5. Guide The Patient

When a naive customer (innocent patients) comes to us, we should
not look at it as an opportunity to make a quick sale. We must rather
see him as someone who needs our help and guidance.
Steering patients into a poor choice may result in a sale today, but he
will not return to you again.
If a blind seeks your help to take him to an address, would you take
him to a wrong building? Misleading a patient who doesnt know
your service causes a similar affront. A patient who feels misled is
lost for you forever. Further, he would also share his story of
dissatisfaction with several others, thus bringing disrepute to you can
Take time to educate your patient, invest in relationship, listen to
what he wants and guide him to another business. Over time, you
will build trust, and trust is what will generate more business. Always
forge long term reliable partnership with each of your Patients.


6. Patients Go Right
When entering a clinic, Patients tend to go to the right.
No one really knows why, but studies consistently confirm this as a
Consider this when constructing your clinic. Place your reception or
sale items like tooth pastes, medicines to the right, where customers
are most likely to browse as they enter the store.
Use this knowledge to your advantage.


7. Delighting Patients
Business integrity requires that you deliver what you promise to
Patients. Honouring your assurance for the quality, price and delivery
time is your minimum performance standard. However, if you want
to delight them, you have to go farther.
Scripture shares an example where the Lord promised the people
better things. The Lord said, Instead of bronze I will bring silver and
instead of wood, bronze and instead of stones, iron.
Just as the Lord brought gold instead of bronze, you need to think
about what you can give customers beyond what they ask
How can you delight a patient? Deliver more than what you
promise. Give a free scaling in the package. Give them a flower
bouquet send it to them on their birthday or wedding day etc.

Remember Always under-promise and over-deliver to each of

your customers.


8. Asking Questions Online (website)

Some Dental websites make it difficult to ask questions. They send a
message to the customer stating Just book an appointment. Dont
bother to ask me anything; just trust me. You may be able to
generate some sales without providing a way to ask questions online,
but encouraging questions will boost your bottom line.
Start with a question box on your website that encourages questions.
Then, they can answer the question directly.
Some make the mistake of answering a question that wasnt asked.
Always answer the question asked, clearly and directly. King Solomon
wrote, To answer before listening - that is folly and shame.
Thats another reason why an effective response starts with the
question before offering a solution. You must be able to
communicate how your product or service is an excellent solution. If
it is not, it is better to back off. Like Ezekiel wrote, dont lead...
people astray, saying Peace, when there is no peace. We have a
responsibility to tell people the truth, not just what they want to
Explain that there is a solution to the customers problem. Describe
the benefits you offer. Be as specific as possible about the benefits.
Lead with the strongest benefit based on the question; then, add


Why Patients quit


1% Die
2% Move away
5% form other friendship
9% for competitive reasons
14% because of product dissatisfaction
68% because of the attitude of indifference towards
customers by some employee or dealer.


9. Satisfaction Guarantee
The promise of offering a patient a full refund is a powerful
marketing tool. When you consider a purchase, arent you more
likely to buy if you have no-questions-asked refund guarantee?
A Patient wavering over a treatment decision is far more likely to
accept treatment if there is a full return privilege.
A sign that state all sales are final or no refunds are a turnoff, which
means when we convince a patient we need to say if they are not
satisfied they will be returned their money. If not they are likely to go
out from the door empty-handed. Moreover, when we fall short in
delivering a service, and we give the customer a refund, he or she is
far more likely to try us again.
Granted, a few customers will abuse a return privilege, but you can
weed out these folks with a reasonable policy and standard.
Customers have the ultimate power; they can, and do, stop buying
when dissatisfied. A generous return policy may cause you to lose an
occasional sale, or refund a service, but the result will be much
stronger customer is the boss, so why not treat him like the boss?
This is one success secret of my practice.


10. Learning from Patient Complaints

Often, a Patient will complain, or offer a suggestion. Our response is
either defensive, or we do not want to bother responding to
Especially when we hear the same suggestion, or complaint several
times we should take the feedback seriously.
Learn to listen carefully. Respond promptly. Make amendments and
meet the patients needs.
I ordered a Dosa from a Restaurant nearby. The dosa was not cooked
properly. I pointed this out to the waiter. His Quick response was;
we cook them right, and he turned away. I did not return and the
place was closed within a year!
Take customer complaints seriously and objectively and make
changes. Change your process if necessary to insure you dont repeat
the same mistake again. The result will be happy customers and a
smoother business


11. Dont mess up a patients lab order

When we receive a patients lab order, we can easily rush the
process, often making assumptions.
Develop a procedure of asking questions, and ensure you understand
the patients requirements to the last detail like color appearance
(especially for denture cases) Ask all staff to follow this procedure.
Repeat back the information and be sure the patient understands his
commitments and payment terms. In the rush of our profession and
business we may skip this step, but mistakes can occur.
Write down the customers requests so you dont forget and pass
them on to your staff.
Ensure staff is trained to read and act on special instructions.
Take these steps and you will serve patients well. Create improved
relations, reduce errors and improve delivery of service or products.
You will find the results are amazing!


12. Banking on new strategies

In 2016 the new strategy to get patients is mainly online. A good
website with all essential information is mandatory. The Website is
your clinic in the virtual world. In the digital world new technology is
introduced every 3months so please bank upon the new technology.
Great people like flipkart, amazon they use the mobile technology as
there are more mobiles in this world than human beings. The art of
using this technology is nothing but giving your website visitors a
high value treatment consultation offer free of cost or a good
discount. The visitor once interested is going to give his mail id .So he
will be send an automated email from the customer management
systems like getresponse ,infusionsoft etc. They will be meticulously
followed by the autoresponders.

The patient will be sent interesting offers, tips and useful articles via
email marketing and whenever they think of Dentist they will
respond to you only. After they come they would be converted from
lead position to customer position inside the clinic. Then if the
patient is satisfied he or she will be bringing in more customers and
you will be big hit in the social media also if you give outstanding
treatment. In our hospital we use these systems for getting more
customers. We should be technologically updated. For new
customers I recommend to go and use systems like Practo and to generate new leads. The success of your business
depends on your innovative strategies.


13. Deliver the best every time

Patients will always desire quality in any purchase, whether it is
dental or even furniture, cars or clothing or engineering products.
All of us feel frustrated when we need to return products that break
or are not as advertised. We often return the item, and dont go back
for more.
Focus on eliminating defects in your operation especially while
making dentures and crowns. We need to be very careful in
understanding the problems of the patient.
Deliver quality on time, every time. It will induce customers to
come back for more and your business will grow.


14. Providing for patient warranties

Every business faces some risk of merchandise returns or warranty
work. We need to anticipate and plan for these. Big companies also
face these risks.
So my advice would be to place some money as leverage for all these
expenses during quoting the initial pricing is quoted like atleast the
lab charges for the patients work should be covered if in case any
problems like fracture of crowns, orthodontic brackets etc if it occurs
in future.
When you do this, you will have funds available to cover these costs
and wont need to take money from current work.
Consumers are more educated and informed than ever, and they
have the tools to verify doctors claims and seek out superior
alternatives. Since the patients knows their rights and values better
in this modern age might offend their sentiments if not satisfied.
They tend to go even for claiming their rights in the court of law.


15. Handling an Upset Patient Case example

Long time back I had a patient who had his two composite fillings
done from me. The question he asked while doing it was Dr How
long does the Restoration will last? I said under ideal circumstances it
would last for atleast three years if no discolouration is there then it
will last for 10 years.
So I got this mail one fine day
Dear Major Dr. Pravin,
This is Gavin John Abraham, I had come to your dental clinic in the
month of November for veneers, filling the gap between my 3 front
I had taken very good care of it by avoiding to bite any hard food
Still the filling broke away without any cause from my side and it is
hardly been 3 months since I did the veneers. You told me that if
taken good care it will last from 3years to 10 years but now it has
only been 3 months and it broke off. Now my teeth have a bigger gap
since the teeth were grinded and cut for the veneer filling. If I knew
that it would only last for 3 months I would never had done this
I did this mainly for the short film, now it got cancelled after few
shoots. I will attach the preview of the few scenes which were shot.
Currently I don't have enough money to put the invisible braces to
close the gap between my teeth as it is very expensive.


Dear Mr Gavin
I saw your email and i want to meet you personally for a consultation
to see the exact problem
My asst Ms Padma had contacted you and fixed an appointment with
you for today.
I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused to you.

Patient came and I said sorry its

unfortunate and I will do it free.


In two days time I received the following reply.

Dear Dr. Pravin,
I was busy with my project work and couldn't reply
back immediately.
Thank you so much for your great customer service
and for taking the initiative to fix the gap of my teeth
completely free of cost. You have done an excellent
Job and I am so proud of meeting an excellent multitalented personality like you and a real man of calibre.
You are an interesting personality, a man of character
and a man of God.
I would surely recommend your service to all my
friends and you have gained yourself a permanent
customer by your selfless service.
May the almighty God bless you always for the
generous and valuable service you do for the society
and repay you 1000 times for the services you have
Whatever service you do for the society will come back
to you as a 1000 fold blessing.
Your clinic is the best Dental Clinic I have come across
in my life so far.
Congrats and keep doing the great service, proud of
being your customer.
Yours Sincerely,
Gavin John Abraham


16. Express a good image

Everyday people enter our clinics and hospitals to receive their
services. You have an opportunity to create a positive, upbeat image
and a good impression among your Patients. You dont need to
spend a lot of money to reflect a professional look. Patients will be
more receptive as you and your employees present a good image.
One way to share your image is with a uniform for staff and doctors
apron for doctor. This helps you stand out among other clinics where
people who do not wear uniforms. Use a printed tee shirt for
saturdays. Your company logo and name should be prominent.
Take another step with a photo ID Card. You can make your own.
Have each person wear it as identification. The customer Id card
should have their passion also Like I am Mallika I am passionate
about Music. It will give customers confidence in the professional
service .Try this even if you are a one person company. The better
you look, the better the reception you will get from customers.
Take your Company image beyond work hours. Wear your shirt
when you are out. Someone may want help with teeth problems.
Keep business card handy as well.


17. Goodwill gesture

Even with the best intentions, we may short change a customer by
quoting a wrong price, billing too much, using less material on a job
than estimated, or making an error that our customer has to absorb.
If you received too much change, you would speak to the cashier and
return the money, right? If we quote a job at Rs.50, 000 for materials
and services the customer accepts our flat bid; but we only use of
Rs.46,000 in materials, we have delivered exactly what we promised
and what the customer agreed to. There is no need for adjustment.
However, if we bill customer Rs.500 when it should have been
Rs.400, we reissue the invoice as soon as we recognize the mistake.
A furniture store invoiced an order for Rs.1,00,000 including Rs.1000
for delivery. The customer decided to pick up the items themselves.
The store later mailed a refund for the Rs.1000 explaining that they
would not charge for a service not delivered. Making these
adjustments before a customer makes a request builds goodwill.
Make any necessary billing adjustments as soon as possible. It is an
important responsibility to keep your customers happy with your


18. Dont sell make them buy

Patients buy products or services based on the perceived benefits to
them, not their features. We need to be careful not to confuse the
two with customers. A benefit is what customers want the product
or service to accomplish for them. Features describe everything that
defines a product from color to variety of functions.
Consider these examples. The benefits of a big screen TV are size,
clarity and price. Customers may not be as interested in some of the
functions the TV can provide. The benefits of a pickup truck are cargo
capacity, gas mileage and towing capacity. Features may be engine
size, torque, or transmission. A new medication may relieve arthritis
pain. That is the benefit. How the medicine works identifies its
The next time you prepare an advertisement or fine-tune your sales
presentation, clearly outline the benefits of your service or product
for the customer. You may like the features. Some customers may
like the features. However, always be careful to market key benefits
rather than a list of features.


19. Power of silence

When chatting with People during consultation, we Doctors always
have a tendency to believe that any time of silence is bad, that they
need to say something to break the silence.
First, a patient may be processing information, and interrupting that
thought process may cause the patient to lose his or her train of
thought. By watching the person closely, you can often see those
mental wheels turning. You want to encourage those thoughts by
keeping quiet.
When you have asked a qualifying or clarifying question, be quiet
until you get an answer, or else you may interrupt the very
information you need to close the deal. Most prospects will answer
most of your questions, most of the time. Make sure you allow time
for those answers.
The most important time to be silent until you receive an answer is
when you have asked for the business. At that point, your prospect
will say yes, no, or I need more information. If the answer is yes,
you can only mess up the sale by starting to talk. If the answer is no,
inquires as to the reason to give you more information for the future.
When more information for the future. When more information is
requested, identify what is needed. Regardless of the answer, make
sure you allow the customer time to respond.


20. Fix problems-team approach

Offering a listening ear to a patient is a good first step, but most
people want you to go beyond just listening; they want you to take
Instruct your staff to listen to well complaints or concerns, and to
take notes as needed to remember the specifics of the issue. Also,
instruct them as to any action they are empowered to take. If your
policy is to say no in a specific instance, then prepare your staff to
explain the policy to customers.
If you or other doctors are the only ones granted adjustment
authority, instruct your staff to make the problem referrals to you
promptly. No Patient wants to go through a five-minute story, only
to be told to hell the same tale of woe to a manager before anything
can be done.
If your staff is empowered to make adjustments or accept returns,
make sure each person understands that authority and knows the
proper action to take in various instances. Follow up to make sure
that patients are responded to with action, rather than just words.
Whenever a patient raises a concern, we owe them an answereither, no, nothing will be done, or yes, we will take action. Not
answering the question should not be an option, just listening, but
not taking action, will only create frustration and a waste of
everyones time.
When you take action after listening to customer complaints, the
customers become satisfied and will come back again.


Always Remember
1) Customer/ Patient is KING

2) Customer/ Patient is your only BOSS

3) Patient is PROFIT


21. Do first rather best-Ideas

Two business partners had an idea to create a recreational- vehicle
parking facility outside the city of Detroit. For more than a year, they
talked about how customers could park RVs, boats, and campers
outside the city, and drive by to pick them up as they travelled to
vacation sports further north. The idea was a good one, but before
the two partners get their act together, someone else leased a prime
location and implemented the same idea. A great opportunity was
When we have a good idea for how to better serve our customers,
we need to get past the talking phase and take action. Talk, without
implementation, is just a loud noise.
Opportunities in business are partly based on timing. The right idea
at the wrong time wont work. Being first to market with a new
product like invisalign or full mouth rehabilitation is a key step in
getting and keeping customers. Often, a competitive advantage
seems last for only a nanosecond; but its better to have that edge
than to give the advantage to a competitor. Whoever does
something does something first, creates an advantage, others must
do better.
A key difference between winning and losing in the marketplace is
our ability to create action to match our words. Establish the habit of
creating action to back up your words, and you will bag more


22. USP-unique selling proposition

As a Practice Management consultant, I receive calls from people
who want to start a new Clinic /service business. My first question is:
Why would someone pay you for a service? While this may seem like
a simple question, the answer is more complex.
The first thing a service business owner needs to understand is that
most services provide what people want, not what they need. Needs
are things like food, clothing, shelter, air and water. However, within
every need is something someone wants.
Take water, for example. My tap water is hard water, full of minerals,
and tastes terrible. I want water that tastes better. Thats where
water services can help me. I can purchase a service that will deliver
water to my house. I can take reusable containers to a refill station. I
can buy bottled water. I can even buy a high quality water filter
system. Each of these options costs time and money. A salesperson
who sells any of these services needs to show me why I should spend
my money on the service he offers.
Lets say you are the water salesperson. You need to know what
customers want and why. Customers who want the least expensive
option will buy large bottles to refill at service centres and stores.
Customers who want convenience sign up for home delivery, but it
costs more. A quality water filter System is expensive up front, but
less costly over time.
After you know what people want, you need to ask why someone
would pay you for it. Thirty billion gallons of bottled water are sold
every year, so there is a market. What makes you stand out? Do you
have the lowest price? Is your system easier to install or use? Is it
your water quality? Your standout selling point is your Unique Sales


Proposition (USP). Target your customers using your USP. Your USP
needs to be something people will pay for. For example see
successful Drs who only do implants in private practice in that area.
Invisalign authorised Drs in that area.
The next step is to use your USP to focus time and money in
marketing your service. Mac Ross, a master marketer said, If you
build a better mousetrap but neglect marketing, you will die alone
and broke with a garage full of mousetraps.
Successful businesses spend up to half of their time on marketing.
Effective marketing strategies are worth whatever it takes to learn
and implement. Just working to provide a good service is a trap.
Customers wont find you.
Utilise every available opportunity to SHARE AWARENESS of your
products and services.


23. Closing the sales-failures

One of the key reasons for falling to close a sale is that we havent
understood what the customer truly wants and needs. For example,
good real-estate agents work with their customers to determine
exactly the home they want. During an initial meeting the buyers
may explain what they need and want: Four bedrooms, a large back
yard for the dog and kids, a particular price range, and an
approximate location. But the basics are only the start. As houses are
shown, the sales agent asks detailed questions about floor plans,
kitchen setups, and other details. What the buyer says, and does not
say, is factored by the sales agent and used to narrow the possible
choices for a new home. The drawing-out process of information is
the key ingredient for finding the right home.
Likewise, we need to get into patients minds to determine how they
think and what they want. Starbucks sells coffee, but so do many
other places, from grocery stores to gas stations. Though coffee is a
readily available commodity, Starbucks offers a specialized product
line, and an in-store experience that allows them to charge a
premium price for their coffee. Early on, Starbucks understood that
many customers want more than just a cup of coffee.
Develop the habit of asking your customers penetrating questions.
What they like or what they would like more, or less, of and why.
As you ask these probing questions, information will emerge
information you can utilize to understand your customers needs,
and to help you meet those needs directly.
Business is earned by meeting customer needs, as you better
understand your customers, and their needs, you will be able to
grow your sales and your business.


24. Rewarding the Patients

In the past, many suppliers for our dental and medical product
offered terms requiring net payment in 30 days with a 2% discount if
paid in 10 days. Offering this discount encourages faster payment.
Today, few businesses offer this discount.
Consider how this can be useful tool for renters of commercial or
residential real estate. Rather than charging Rs.50,000 per month,
with a Rs.3000 late payment fee, offer rent at Rs.53,000 with a Rs.
3000 discount for early payment. You can add late charges after
payment is 30 days late. This encourages timely payments because
many want the lower price.
Quantity discounts are another positive sanction. Offer a reduced
price when patients pay in full for implant or orthodontic treatment.
Patient reward cards offer a positive sanction. Customers choose to
buy from your clinic in exchange for a free dinner, additional
discounts, or free merchandise after accumulation of points.
Customers dont want to be treated poorly or to feel embarrassed
When you offer positive sanctions, they feel better about themselves
and your business.


25. Every Patient order is important

Jesus said to slave who invested well with a talent given to him,
Well done, good and faithful slave; you were faithful with a few
things, I will put you in charge of many things
(Matthew 25:23 NASB).
The Lord knew we must first be faithful with the first assignment,
whether in spiritual or business issues, even if we feel the work is
beneath us and unimportant or the customer is a minor income
Do not allow an attitude to develop, neither within you nor within
your staff that any customer order, request, or need is immaterial, or
your business will begin to slide.
Treat every Patient requirement well, meet all patients
commitments, give only the best quality, and then watch as patients
come back for more and increase their Dental needs.


26. Monitoring Satisfaction

Monitoring Satisfaction
Many companies are systematically monitoring how well they treat
their customers, identifying the factors that shape customer
satisfaction, and making changes in their operations and marketing
as a result. A highly satisfied customer generally stays loyal longer,
buys more as the firm introduces new products and treatments
upgrades existing products, talks favorably to others about the firm
and its products, pays less attention to competing clinics
The link between satisfaction and loyalty, however, is not
proportional. Suppose customer satisfaction is rated on a scale from
one to five. At a very low level of patient satisfaction (level one),
customers are likely to abandon the clinic and even bad-mouth it. At
levels two to four, patients are fairly satisfied but still find it easy to
switch when a better offer comes along. At level five, the customer is
very likely to repurchase and even spread good word of mouth about
the company. High satisfaction or delight creates an emotional bond
with the brand or clinic, not just a rational preference. For example
Xeroxs executives found out that their completely satisfied
customers were six times more likely to repurchase Xerox products
over the following 18 months than their very satisfied customers.


27. Gaining a New Patient?

Dont Pamper Too Quickly
There is a big difference between getting and keeping a patient.
When obtaining a new Patient, the final close is often the most tricky
part of the deal. We can believe we have the patient now and that
the patient is committed, but until the treatment is over, we need to
avoid premature celebration or there are chances we might lose the
patient due to some reasons.
In one case, patient who was convinced for implants was told to sit in
the reception for a while till the procedures can be initiated. The
patient suddenly changed his mind and said he will come tomorrow.
I was wondering why? The reason is my assistant has told the last
few days we had no patient for implants but suddenly we have got a
patient without even realising the patient was sitting there so patient
doubted our reputation and he took that decision. The staff member
when asked why she said like that? She was embarrassed.


28. Effective Patient Service

Encourage employees to watch how you meet patients needs.
Explain every step you take and why those steps are important.
Then, ask them to emulate your service delivery. Watch how they
perform the necessary tasks to provide service and coach as they
learn. Encourage questions to improve their understanding. Provide
constructive feedback by starting with what they did well. Outline
suggestions for improvements that will create happy customers.
Always keep in mind that your staff will also pick up any bad habits
you model. Avoid negative comments about patients. Emphasize
that you and your staff are there to serve everyone, including the
difficult patients. Instruct them not to do gossiping or backsliding.
Make sure that modelling effective service is your ongoing method of
on-the-job training. Happy patients will increase your business.


29. Communication Style

Communication with patients is an important priority in Dental
business. You need to communicate with them on a regular basis.
Most of us use the method that is easiest for us. We may prefer
Email, regular mail, phone or fax. However, our customers may
prefer a different method. Ask each customer how he or she prefers
to receive information; then, adapt as possible.
One size does not always fit all. Adapting to your customers
preferences will strengthen patient relationships to grow your


30. Key patient customers

Many businesses have major customers. They are the 20% of your
clientele who produce 80% of your revenue. These customers are
your key to survival and profitability.
We can easily take them for granted. Instead, establish a regular
system to check up and make sure they are happy. Call or stop. Ask if
they have any service issues. This is a priority and requires a place in
your schedule for follow up.
Patients will appreciate your interest. Besides, you may learn of a
problem you can solve before you lose a key customer.


31. Greet Your Patient Warmly

First impressions are critical. Step back, and envision a Patient
entering your business. What do they see? How are they greeted?
Once a first impression is established, whether positive or negative,
its difficult to alter. Its like the curb appeal of a house. When house
hunting, have you ever driven up to the curb and immediately lost
As Patients walk in, the visual impression should be consistent with
the vision you have for your business. A discount warehouse may
look cluttered, but that cluttered look is exactly what bargain hunting
customers would expect. A cluttered boutique, on the other hand, is
a quick turnoff. Ask some friends to give you honest feedback. Does
your place look warm and inviting, just as a patient would expect?
Second, do you have a consistent and friendly greeting? Customers
react much better when they receive a greeting that genuinely says
thanks for coming in . Retail stores generally are more effective in
greeting customers, but all businesses should be hospitable. A
receptionist can offer a prompt, warm greeting, or wait for the
patient to walk up to the reception counter. A receptionist is the
curb appeal of many businesses, so train receptionists in how to
greet customers warmly and effectively.
Over time, as you create a warm and hospitable reception for your
customers, sales will increase as confidence and a positive feeling is


32. Friendly Attitude

Patients will often make little remarks that may hurt our feelings or
make us defensive. One adage says, The Customer is not always
right, but he is always the customer.
Try to discern if there is a legitimate complaint behind a patients
comment; if so, ask for more details. Otherwise, turn the other cheek
and overlook the insult. In one lunch place I frequented, some
customers alleged that the meatloaf caused heartburn. The owner,
always replied with a smile, Yes, but it is such good heartburn.
One time when I was negotiating for a lower price on a product, I
was pressing hard and I mentioned that similar products were
available at a lower price. True, the salesperson said, but we
believe in our product, and we believe we have demonstrated the
added value. Some customers, who are focused on getting the
lowest price, will buy from our competitors. But customers who
appreciate the difference in quality pay our higher price based on the
added value. Even when I pushed pretty hard, the salesperson kept
his cool, and at the end of the meeting, he won the business, at his
Adopting a non-combative attitude and demeanor will land far more
business than if you allow perceived insult to start a test of wills.


33. Follow Through on Patient Commitments

Patients want work completed on time as promised. We have a
responsibility to honour our promises.
Review outstanding customer commitments. Then, set time in your
schedule to finish them. Even if their commitments you wish you
hadnt made, you still need to follow through with what you said you
would do. When you are late delivering on a promise, start with a
customer apology. Then, make good on your word.
In the future, make notes of customer promises so that you can
schedule follow-up and honour each pledge. Every customer will be
satisfied and your business will grow.


34. When you find the clinic Closed...

I drove up to our local discount ink cartridge store on a Thursday
afternoon to find a note in forming me that the store was closed to
make deliveries until the following Monday. Since I usually keep an
extra ink cartridge most of the time, I could just come back later.
However, because I needed several other items; I took the 15-minute
drive to another shop.
I prefer to shop locally to support local merchants as much as
possible. However, when a store closes for that long; it creates a
problem. Customers may lose confidence. They get in the habit of
going somewhere else. While my commitment to local businesses
may encourage me to return, other customers may not.
The essence is that we have to be already to offer service at all times.
If we encounter a circumstance that could interrupt regular open
hours for more than a brief time, we need to create a plan that keeps
our doors open for customers. Opening late, closing early, or leaving
for an hour may cause customers to move on.
Many times, lost customers wont come back. This hurts current
sales as well as future sales. Shutting down for long periods is
unacceptable. Hire a part time doctor . Rearrange some schedules.
Do whatever you have to do in the short run so that it will pay for
itself in the future.


35. Give Your Full Address

Your business address is important if you want customers to visit. In
many businesses, customers stop by before they buy, especially in
One simple thought that will help guide customers to your door is to
give your full, complete and correct address. This may sound
simplistic, but many people use GPS to locate you.
A simple omission of North, South, Parkway, Lane will throw off GPS
directions causing frustration. Often, that customer may never visit.
You may believe the full address is obvious, but not always to a GPS
Review all your communications, Yellow Page ad, Website, business
cards, business forms, everything and ensure the correct address is
there. You may believe this is a silly exercise, but one lost customer is
too many!


36. Conclusion
Commitment to continuous Improvement
These are the times when you must deliver a high-quality treatment
if you wanted to grow in the dental market. In today's' environment,
catering high quality treatment to the patient is needed if you want
to get into the top. It is expected and demanded by Patients in
everything you sell or offer.
The Kaizen Method
'Kaizen' which in Japanese means continuous betterment is a qualitycontrol method developed that requires everyone at every level of
any business to find ways to do their jobs and produce their products
in a faster, better and cheaper way.
Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management is based on carefully analyzing every step
of the process and look for ways to continuously improve in all areas.
In a competitive market it is always important to always remember
that whatever you got to where you are today is not enough to keep
you there.

Thats why you the most important person in this world for yourself
have been given this book in your hand by me for our development
in the field of Dental Practice Management for better services to our
dear patients who deserve the Best.
Jai hind.




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