Untuk Pendirian Usaha Home Stay

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As a rule, before a good business legal entity (CV, PT, Cooperatives) and individual
runs required on the permits interference (HO) at the licensing offices where the business will
be on the right road.
For business establishments home stay, then take care in the city licensing office. in
addition to this permit (HO) you also required to have an operating license. operational
license in the form of tourism business registration certificate (TDUP). For home stay
including businesses engaged in the field of tourism.
requirements of new HO petition as follows:
1. Valid KTP photocopy of applicant (foto kopy KTP pemohon yang masih berlaku)
2. Photocopy of IMBB or letter of intention to handle IMBB for building that dont have
IMBB for a kind of small distruption business (foto kopi IMBB atau surat pernyataan
kesanggupan untuk mengurus IMBB bagi bangunan yang belum memiliki IMBB
bagi usaha jenis gangguan kecil)
3. Drawing of building blueprint business for the business and location of the
building(gambar denah bangunan usaha untuk usaha dan denah letak tempat usaha)
4. Environmental asessment, excluded for kind of minor nuisance(kajian lingkungan ,di
kecualikan untuk jenis gangguan kecil )
5. Photocopy of deed of company/brench incorporation for business legal entity / entities
(foto kopi akta pendirian perusahaan/cabang bagi usaha yang berbentuk badan hukum
/badan usaha)
6. A statement of no denial from the owner of the place or the lease agreement, if the
place is used is not private property (surat pernyataan tidak keberatan dari pemilik
tempat atau perjanjian sewa, apabila tempat yang digunakan bukan milik pribadi)
7. Photocopy of evidence of ownership / land certificate or evidence of a valid and
legitimate possession (fotokopi bukti kepemilikan /sertifikat tanah atau bukti
kepemilikan yang masih berlaku dan sah)
8. Files included in stopmap / snelhelter then came to dinzin. after finish with further
disruption permit you manage the operational license in the form of a sign listing
TDUP pariwisata. Operational license is valid for five years and after expired i is
required re-registration.(berkas dimasukkan dalam stopmap /snelhelter kemudian
datang ke dinzinsetelah selesai dengan izin gangguan selanjutnya anda mengurus izin
operasional berupa tanda daftar pariwisata TDUP. Surat izin operasional itu berlaku
selama lima tahun dan setelah habis masa berlakunya wajib daftar ulang.)
Requirements needed to obtain TDUP as follows:
1. Photocopy of valid KTP (foto kopi KTP yang berlaku)
2. Photocopy of nuisance permit (foto kopi izin gangguan)
3. Photocopy of certificate of incorporation, except for individual businesses (foto kopi
akta pendirian perusahaan,kecuali bagi usaha perorangan)
4. Photocopy of NPWP or NPWPD(foto kopi NPWP atau NPWPD)
5. Company profile (profil perusahaan)
6. Written statement from the surety company that submitted data and documents are
valid and correct.(surat pernyataan tertulis dari perusahan penjamin bahwa data dan
dokumen yang diserahkan sah dan benar.)

Cost to make the permissions HO: government set license fee of HO in local
legislation perda no 7 tahun 1999 about retribution nuisance permit (yogya city).for
how much is it? please come to department to find out the type of business that you

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