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Table of Contents erserransarrnnscrene W Exercise 1-Water Pipeline Tal. Exercise 2-Water Ppetne Senet Sy, Exercise 3 - Gas Pipeline Sensitivity Study Exercise 4 - Calculate Gas Deliverability Exercise 5 — Multiphase Pipeline Module 2 Oil Well Performance Analysis ., Exercise 1 - Define the Well Model _ Exercise 2- Estimate bollor-hoe towing eanetions sos Exercise 3 - Perform Nodal Analysis Exercise 4~ Calibrate PVT Data... Exercise 5 - Perform Flow Correlation Matching. Exercise 6 ~ Perform IPR Matching Exercise 7 —Conduct Water Cut Sensitivity Analysis. Exercise 8 - Evaluate Gas Lift Performance Exercise 0 —Muttiole Completion... Module 3 Gas Well Performance........ Exercise 1 - Buiid a Simple Well Model Exercise 2 - Calibrate the inflow Model Exercise 3. — Perform Nodal Analysis at Battom-Hol Exercise 4 — Model Flow-line and Choke Performance Exercise § ~ Predict Future Production Rates, Exercise 6 - Evaluate Higher Liquid Loading / Flow Correlation Matching... Exercise 7 - Pressure/Temperaiure Path fram Reservoir Module 4 Horizontal Well Design ... Exercise 1 ~ Optimal Horizontal Well Length. Exercise 2 - Mutple Horizontal Perforated intervals Module 5 Artificial Lift Design. ESP Design... — Exercise 1 -Well Model / Nodal Analysis... - Exercise 2- Pump Selection / Design Exercise 3 - Pump Performance with Varying Well Gondions... Gas Lit Design = New Mandrel Spacing er Exercise 1—Well Modal / Nodal Analysis Exercise 2 Evaluate the Lit Gas Response . KExeroge 3 Perfrrn Gas Lit Design (using the IPO Surface Close" method). n Gas Lit Design — Current Mandrel Spacing é fee nf Exercise 1 — Install 8 Gas Lif Valve System, Deepest Infection Poit Operation 80 Exercise 2 - Generale the Gas Lift Response Curve a won BZ Exercise 3 — Design the Gas Lit Valve System using the Current Manarel Spacing.. - oe seein OG a4 Exercise 4 — Gas Lift Disgnostics .. Module 6 - Subsea Tieback Design... Exercise 1 —Develop a Compositional PVT Model Exercise 2 — Size the Subsea Tleback..... Exercise 3 - Check For Severe Siugging += Exercise 4a— Select Tieback | Insulation Thickness. Exercie 4b - Methanol requirement .. Exercise 5 — Size Slug Catenar, Module 7 Looped Gas Gathering Network . Specify the Network Boundary Condon. Solve the Network and Establsn the Deliverability Network Tutorial 1: Data Summary Module 8 Water Injection Network ‘This training material av to give you an intraduction into the PIPESIM scltware appeation PIPESIM isa eae rep tained ‘@pplications relevant tothe oll and gas industry, Applications featured in this training manual include Nodal Analysis, Gas Lit Design and Network Modeling, Prerequisites @ |i the PIPESIM course, you must have knowledge of the following: + English Proficiency ‘+ Basie Windows and practical computing skis Basic Microsoft Office skils * Basic Production and Reservoir Engineering Fundamentals «Basic Nodal Analysis (inflow and Outflow Performance) + Basic Actificial LIA Concopts Learning Objectives © In this module, you will successfully leam how to use PIPESIM by performing the following tutorials and case studios; ” "2 * Single Phase Introductory Tuonals * Weil Performance Case Studies «Anticial Lit Desion Case Studies * Single Branch Pipeline and Faciities Case Stuaies + Network Modeling Case Studies What You Will Need © In this training, you will need the following hardware and application sofware: * A personal computer with minimum 512 MB RAM + PIPESIM 2007 should be installed PIPESIM 2007-4 Fundamentals 1 + Training detasets What to Expect The training material is structured as follows: + Introduction to the module + Leeming Objectives + Tutorial and Exercises * Summary of the Module Summary ‘Atthe end of this training, you will be reasonably proficient with using PIPESIM to perform ‘a wid variety of production engineering tasks to evaluate and predict well perfornancs, PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals 2 Led fetd fa} you with the PIPESIM First. you will perform a sim Pipeline. You will then ‘Some senstivity studies on the Learning Objectives ® rcncase wil succesfully lear how ta perform the folowing procedi wtnin this Workflow: . mene = * Build the Physical Model * Create a Fluid Model ° Choose Fiow Correlations * Perform Operations * View and Analyze Results PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals 7 Introductory Pipeline Tutor berger Exercise 1 - Water Pipeline Tutorial Consider the case, illustrated below, of a pipeline transporting water: “The pressure change per distance L for single phase flow is given by ihe equation +) .(#) — .(#) \ da (#) .{ £ (A cts! \.l Jou NAEP pace sore ‘The accelerational term is normally negligible except for low pressure, high velocity gas flow, althouh PIPESIM will always calculate this term. Assuming the Sccelerational torm to be zero for cur hand calculation, the pressure gradient ‘equation becomes: dp . fo ee & LE (frictional) - jevational a oa nal) - pgsin @ (elevational) Where, p = fuid density (bmi) ‘9 = gravitational constant f= moody friction factor v= fist velocity (i's) = pipe inside deameter(M) FIPESiN 2007.1 Fundomerta i casqesss Roughness . Relative Roughness, et 0.0005 Fluid Osea Water viscosity be 12 © (8,060.4 byte) Water density pe 637 een? Source Temperature Tay OOF Inlet Pressure P, 1200 psia Water Flowrate Q, 6,000 BPD (=.39ft'/s) Constants Gravitational @ 822 fit 1. Caloulate the water velocty: si (ane: 7.9 a) . (ans: ~ 157,000) \s the flow laminar or turbulent? (see Fig. 1 below) fans: turbulent) PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals 5 Inoactary Pipeline Tutorials ‘Schlumberger Part 1: Hand Calculations. Using the data in Table 1 and assuming the flow is isothermal, calculate the final delivery - pressure of the pipeline using single-phase flow theory. Table 1: Data for Water Pipeline Example Ptestine Dots ‘Diameter a 3 Length £20,025 Elevation Change Zz 1000 x ', Introductory Pipetine Tutorials umberger 3. Determine the friction factor using the Colebrook: White equation for turbulent flow. Note: This equation is implicit for f and requires an iterative procedure (e.g., Goalseek function in Excel). Altematively, lookup the friction factor using the Maody Diagram given below in Fig. 1: 18.7 “| D> Re,/f )} fe fans = 0.0793) 8] Reece ta RE | ¥ HHI) one = JU ALI 5008 1000 aoc = t00005 «1,000,900 10,000,000 160 008,000, Figure 1: Moody Diegram PIPESIN 2007.1 Fundamentas 6 Introductory Pipeline Tutorials ‘Schlumberger 4. Evaluate the frictional pressure term, 22; 2ed * =) TS = @ pst /44-= psi For the given length of pipe, L, Pram = _____pa (ans = 662 psi) 5. Evaluate the elevational pressure term, psin # ($) pot 144 = psi For the given lenath of pipe. L. ome = pal (ans 442 ps) ‘8. Add the trictionall and elevational terms to determine the total pressure term: (2) = psth 144 = psu Lag Fer the given length of pipe. L. hae = pel {ans= 1106 ps) 7, Calculate the outlet pressure given the inlet preseure: Poss = Poxm UP sag ____ isin (ans = 94 psia) PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentais r Iniroductory Pipaiine Tutorials ‘Schlumberger Part 2: PIPESIM Calculations In this section, you wil leam how to build a water pipeline using PIPESIM. Getting Started 4. Star PIPESIM from the Start menu (Start > Program Files > Sehlumborger > PIPESING), 2. Choose .a New Single Branch Model trom the “Seloct a PIPESIM option” screen. Haat Meds | Cw] [EI OPEN Casing Watt. = | 3. From the Setup > Units menu, select the Eng{ineering) units. 4 From the Setup > Define Qutput tab, uncheck all report options except “Primary ‘Output’ and “Auxiliary Ouiput." Build the Physical Model (a Water Pipeline Model) Step 1 - Define the Physical Components of the Mode! ‘Tne PIPESIM single branch model toolbar contains the following physical components: B |S] | 4) "| saa) a> |te| sje} en |) PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals Iniroductory Pipeline Tutorials ‘Schlumberger 1. Select the Source button lt and pisos itn the window by clicking inside the single branch window. Select the Boundary Node button Ll andi piace it in the window as shown below. PIPE Sin 2007 1 r 8 Introductory Pipeline Tutorials 2. Select the Flowline button LEB] and ink Source_1 to the End Node S1 by clicking and dragging from Source_1 to the End Nede St Fle ER Seip Vow Tooke Dats Oparstans Aeshealum Reporte Expert woo Help SlsietGiaie) nie] 2isiel sinle| Ei@isinie 9) sin] Qu Note: The red outines on Source_1 and Flowine_1 indicate that essential input data is missing, 3. Double-click on Souree_1 and the source input data user form displays, Fillin the form as shown below: Prepertea | Genera | wan fF a] Presa: fat fon] 4 Glick OK to exit the user form. PIPESIM 2007 4 Fundamentals 10 BEeEEBEESBEEBEEBEEBE ESB SEES SB SE SB 2 Introcuctory Pipetine Tutors Schlumberger 5. Double-click on Flowline_1 and the input data user form will appear. Fillthe form as ‘shown below ensuring that the rate of undulations = 0 (no terrain effects). 6. Click.on the Heat Transfer tab and fil in tne form for an adiabatic process {Le., no heat gained or lost between the system and its environment) as shown below: © heute —C Canvate Ueebe [Ue OY let dc nn nowt | tanked © Coates © Bae J (inde HU vahae (© Colada separately and add io velae © Bare Wet | | Umm Seco’ | | [ame 7. Click OK to exit the user form, .. aecept the intemal energy (U value) defaurs, ESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals, Step 2 - Create the Fluid Model (Water) Introductory Prpetine Tutorial Schlumberg 1. Go to Setup > Black Oifto open the Black Oil Fluid menu. Fill in the Black Oil user form as shown below and click OK when finished: Back OW Fropesies | Vacosty Date (Optoma) | Advanced Cattraton Osta | aaa [Sack Teck Peper: Calibration Data a Bubble Pont) [wes if = a pier ee ese Se |e | ee een [Fd weese Fo 2 ee | ee Fae ea || nen foe 2. Goto File > SaveAs and save the Model as Excercise WaterPipe. bps. PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals Cortsrmarts Cetera] | Introctuctory Pipeline Tutorials Schlumberger Step 3 - Choose Flow Correlations From the Setup > Flow Correlations menu select the Moody single-phase flow correlation. | Factontacio [7 Holptocie [T | (7 Manian Pre ph} $$$ See Peo tBaRewed PIPESIAA 2007 1 Funsamantais 13 BEERS ESS RS RES SRB ERE RE ERE Intraductory Pipeline Tutorial ‘Schlumberger Step 4- Perform Operations 1. From the Operations menu select the Pressure/Temperature Profile operation and enter the known flowing conditions as shown below. © Outlet Presse: j z 2. Run the model by clicking on the Run Medel bution. The pressure calcul one using the Moody correlation (default single-phase correlation), Stop 5- View and Analyze the Results 1. Graphical Output EEE LENE SE ES SS eS ee SE eee Inroductory Pipeline Tutorials —_——eeee= ee __Seehtumbergor 2. Click on the Data tab to display a tabular output of the Pressure/Temperature Profile, Notice that the outlet pressure is 89 psia. 3 Note: Also, to copy this data into Excel, highlight the cells of interest, click Units ang pick tne preferred unit system) and rerun the simulation ‘The Primary Output contains. 16 columns: 1. Node number: node at which all the measures on the row have been recorded. (The nodes have been spaced by default with a 1000 ft interval) Horizontal Distance (cumulative horizontal component of lengty) Elevation (absolute) ‘Angle of inclination (from the horizontal) ‘Angle of inclination (from the vertical) Pressure Temperature Mean mixture velacity ). Elevational pressure drop: 10, Frictional pressure drop 14, Actual Liquid Flow rate at the P.T conditions of the node 412, Actual Free gas rate at the P,T conditions of the node 13, Actual Liquid density at the P,T conditions of the nede 14, Actual Free gas density at the P,T conditions of the node 18, Slug Number 16, Flow Pattem SMN Ree WN Notice that as the pressure decreases, the liquid density decreases, therefore the ‘velocity must increase to maintain a constant mass flow rate. 414, Liquid Volume Fraction 12, Liquid hold-up Fraction 19, Liquid Water cut 14. Fluid Enthalpy 18, Erosional Velocity 16. Erosion Rate (f applicable) 17. Corrosion Rate (if applicable) 18. Hydrate Temperature Subcooling (if applicable) 19, Number of Temperature erations 20. Number of Pressure Iterations Ss as SS S&S SS SESE SBE EERE RE REE EEE SE Introductory Pipeline Tutors Schlumberger ‘The values of the Reynolds number indicate that the flow ragime is turbulent (Nro > 2000) and are consistent with the results of the hand calculations. Exercise 2 - Water Pipeline Sensitivity Study Sarteuing wth fe peel you will now explore how our model respands to ‘Gifferent inlet temperatures, ‘Step 1 - Modify the P/T Profile operation user 1. From the Operations menu select the Pressure/Temperature Profile Operation. ‘Select Source_1 as the Object and Temperature as the Variable. Inthe PressurerTemperature Profle use fom cick. on to [Ee button, ‘An input form appears and must be filed as folows: su eu — sol — Ciick on the Apply button and close the Sat Range window. “The filed user form is:shown below. ho es 17.4 Fundament 9 Intrachuctory Pipeline Tutoriale Step 2 - Run the Model Click the Run Medel bution, The pressure calculation will be done using the Moody correlation (Default single phase correlation) Step 3 - Observe the PSPLOT Output Thay per pl at be nkan en pompano he cs a es ewes cerca is ane meme or As the viscosity decreases, therefore the Reynolds number (3: In the case of water, the effect of the temperature on the density is negigible as water is essentially an incompressible fluid. ‘Select the Data tab in the plot window to observe all the data for each temperature in a tabular format. PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals, Intsuctory Pipeline Tutorials ‘Schlumberger ‘Step 4 - Observe the Output File (.out) 1, The output fle can be opened by selecting the Output File button fram within the = Overatons(ressur/Tenpartin Profle) day or by gong whe Reports erm ‘and selecting Output File option. Note that the Output File contains, by default, the: information for the fist case only. (T= 20 deg F). To report all sensitivity cases, from the Setup manu, select the Define Output option and set the number of cases to print to4 x Primary Output Paget} Echo Engne Batch Language suniiay Dusput Pages) TT Segment DatainPimay Que F Wet info Pertomance Date (7 Het Tanster rps Data Syetem Prete (F Host Tranter Oups Data FF Echolrput Aud Properties TT Stag Owe Pager F imation Pegs: Log 1 Wac Pages) r NoCasesto Piet [7 “S} Petters [FP Reset Teclthink Goes to [Deseues 2] 2. Rerun the operation, (Note: if you do not change the Operation or alter any of the parameters within the: ‘Operations menu, you can run the simulation by pressing the Run button 3. Open the output report and you wil see the results ofthe seven sensitvty cases 4. Retum to the Setup > Define Output menu. Chack the Segment Data in Primary (Output option and re-run the operation. ean be apa ie anc chee a additional segments have bean nar os s H jaf 4 = “4 = Ht Ee ti Eis 5. PESM peterra he pesnihde exttin foreach of thoes additional Segments by default in order to obtain precise averaged values of properties such as liquid holdup or velocities at the main nodes. PIPESSIM 2007.4 Fundamentals, a Introductory Pipeline Tutorials ‘Schlumberger Exercise 3 — Gas Pipeline Sensitivity ‘Study Without changing any of the physical components of aur previous example, you will now investigate the flow of a single phase gas, Step 1 - Redefine the Fluid Model From Setup > Black Oli, madify the user form as shown below to represent 100 % gas (change GOR to LGR): Beck OF Psmses | costy Ota Oztona | Atvanced Caltraten Data Optra | Cortinats Cetera | | Fd Name Optenel Commer | ‘Sock Terk Popes Cation Btn a Bie Pee for frre 3] | = ee cuss fe a a Weesc fir sage [fesse =] | fo ap (ee PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals 2 Inwoductory Pipeline Tulrais Schiumberger ‘Step 2 - Modify the Pressure/Temperature Profile Operation and Run the Model 1. Madify the Pressure/Temperature Profile user form as shown below: > Caicted Vato | Dalat Phi | wittreme [TSO — [fms —=]_|| © Eavstonve rene | led | © vation ve Temperate © Obie Prerewe © Pressure ve Total Distance Comoe SIF frei =] a] | © TorewmearetedDiinee | [oma fom ——] | melts] Bam 2, Uncheck the box labeled “Segment Data in Primary Output" under the Setup > Define Output menu, Step 3 - Run the Model Click the Run model button. As for the case of a single-phase liquid, the pressure ‘aalculation will be done using the Moody correlation, PIPESIN 2007.1 Fundamentals 2 Introductory Pipeline Tutorials, a ‘Step 4 - Observe the Output Plot Recall hat nour previous example using water. he density remained constant as waters However, gas is a compressible fluid with a density described Where, Notice thatthe highest inlet temperatures yield the highest pressure drop. This is because wethe tomperature increases, the density decreases, therefore the Reynolds Numer Seorsases, Comespondingly, the fricson factor increases and thus, the frictional pressure gradient is higher. PAPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentas —— BReeReeEeERE ERE EREEREE EEE BEE EE ES Introductory Pipeline Tutorials Schlumberger in other words, Tl wer reel | eT» (2) +) ee aweance() (Pe lst erese dv a8 ean has an exponential effect on the frictional pressure term. This accounts for the increase in the frictional gradient along the flowline and the curvature in the pressure profile plot. ata: Tie ecoRhy Se ee ee ee however, this affect is small and does litle to offset he effects of decreasing der Thee Reta Cieniictepeits Hakalaiocae maaen wee {uid properties affect the pressure gradient. Because the fluid properties themselves are functions of pressure and temperature, itis necessary to evaluate average fuid properties over shorter length intervals to improve the accuracy of the overall solution. Exercise 4 - Calculate Gas Deliverability In the previous exercises, you calculated the outlet pressure given a known inlet pressure: and flow rate. You will now specify known inlet and oullel pressures and calculate the corresponding gas flow rate, For most of the operations in PIPESIM, the user must supply the inlet temperature and two known variables and specify a calculated variable. These variables inchxde: © inlet pressure + outlet pressure + flowrate PIPESIM always pertorms calculations in the direction of flow: Therefore, when the outiet pressure is calculated (as in the previous examples), the solution is non-iterative in that the outlet pressure is calculated during the frst and only pressure traverse calculation. However, when outiet pressure is specified and elther the inlet or the flow rates are calculated, the process becomes iterative. Successive estimates of the calculated Variable are supplied until the calculated outlet pressure agrees with the specified pressure. PIPESIM 2007.1 Fur irtroavetory Ageia Turia Schlumberger Step 1 - Modify the Pressure/Temperature Profile User Form ‘Specify 600 psia for the outlet pressure and clear the temperature sensitivity values as shown below (highiight cells and cick Cir+X). The simulation calculates the standard gas flow rate for a given pressure drop. Step 2 - Run the Model cick the LER eutt0n onthe user form. ‘The pressure calculation will again be calculated using the Moody correlation. PIPESIM 2007.1 Furcamentals 20 Intreductory Pipeline Tutoriais ‘Schlumberger Step 3 - Observe the PSPLOT output ‘Tha gas fh the 25s fa corenprang Specified pressure drop is shown in the legend PRPESIN 2007.1 Fundamentals zm Stop 4- Observe the Output Files (ut) sve teraton tn rts epeaon canbe acaninine upuFina wn DOM, Iteration routine SHuleh ee serate otf808888 Tero tereticn ceauee peemmures EEE PRIS Heeeetigt cuiet preemures HEE SL Falk Hieseet 5 Serisied Farsticn cating rere tues TA saergies farrier Sacro, cvviee precoures 115.381 PRIA gee a Srerreies SETENeS lelorrates (OEE eutine preamures 572 es fterstion eatiet aypenres_ s oneane vst Ber totatee bie valesstyyyaet “peta. euleh Teratgon Tar“ gBtzp.“qutiey preevorer srenne TE Frere ewer ale 79 10° ie Ugrseon 8, ZiSeast. noessero 3: Ficeret gataet pressures C02 0718 rola Met gk preseure- 600.0009 SLA | espemecnr Seve your file ea exer. bp: Exercise 5 — Multiphase Pipeline sre prevous exanes expres spose fon vate ang gue twa FO The prodous ona cela explore mohase fo trough 2 pln: Step 1 - Build the Physical Model 1. st Raport Toot icon EF ate begin and ond of te feng # Shown BAY B a oan! Fowine | M4 @—* Introductory Pipeline Tutorials Schlumberger x 2. Single-click on the flowline to highlight the object and drag the tip connected to the a“ ‘source to the first report icon as shown below a Frowing_1 z — 3, Release the mouse button when the arrow is on top of the Report Tool icon and the flowiine tums yellow as shawn Below: Fowine) 4, Repeat for the sacond Report Too! icon. Select the connector icon <= © and connect the first Report Too! to the Source icon, Select the Boundary Node and hit the delete key, Your model should now appear as shown below: PIPESIN 2007.1 Fundamentals 29 vositoy Pp Tuite imi & Double-dick on each ofthe Report Tool icons and enter the folowing data: Fropedies | Genes! | Flom Mao TF Phase Sol (compestionalnt ort) FF Sock Tank ud Properties: Pung Rud Propaces PF Cumistve Values 7 Mdtphose Fow Values 7 Scag Valen 1 Sohereqanerated Lid Voune vahes Meat Tarairrput woes Heat Tara ctput valor 1 Comeention Detade composteralio oir) TD Phase Enveicoe = ee Report toot options (same for both Report Toots} 6. Double-click on the Flowline and select the Heat Transfer tab. Chonse the typical Heat Transfer Coefficient value for bare pipe exposed to a. Introductory Pipeline Twonas Schlumberger Step 2 - Create a Black Oil Fluid Model ‘Select the black oil fuid properties from the Setup > Black Oil menu. ‘lack Of Properties | Vscaaty Osta (Cxtonal | Advanced Calbraten Oats fOssena) | Cortamnares Opteral | PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals 31 _ pes 007 Endameratt ——E-~@©§33§ 3 Inoductory Pipeline Tutoriale Step 4 - Perform a Pressure/Temperature Profile Operation From the Operations > Pressure Temperature Profie menu, enter the following: Detaut Pro Pct © Eleetce ve Passe © Elevation ve Temperate © Preenue ve Total Distance 7 Tempenanan vs Total Datanee Note: If the Inlet Pressure text box is lef empty, the value will be taken from the Source_1 user form. ‘The pressure drop will be calculated using the Moody correlation (default sit correlation) and the Beggs and Brill Revised Correlation. The Results from tthe Taitel- Dukler Flow Regime Map will be reported, though the pressure drop calculations will not be influenced by the flow regime predicted by the Taitel-Dukler map. cormelaton and fhe sosond part of he pipe once liquid condenses. (The holdup foreach ofthe segment may be seen inthe auxiliary output.) ‘The number in the fa ight lum isthe Erosional Veloity Ratio (EVR = actusl velociyiAPI “4e limit) and is displayed only when higher than 1 preesi 2007.3 Fungamentale se es Introductory Pipeline Tutorials Sel a ‘The spot reports output is shown below: ‘AFTEIS Fics Rime me oe enering ie Hw ie TT = rm bare (wees 4909 sade 29.64 ‘Note: To view the graphics and output in SI or Custom units, you wil fist need to specify ‘the units via the Setup > Units... option, and rerun the model. PIPESIN 2007.1 Fundamentals Be i Learning Objectives @ In this case study, you learn to analyze well performance as follows: + Estimate bottomhale flowing conditions + Perform Nodal Analysis «Calibrate PVT Data ‘= Perform Flow Correlation Matching # Perform IPR Matching © Conduct Water Cut Sensitivity Analysis + Evaluate Gas Lit Performance Getting Started +. Select File > New > Well Performance Analysis, 2. From Setup > Units, set engineering unis. PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals, O8Wee Performance Anais ‘Schlumbergor Exercise 1 — Define the Well Model Step 1 - Define the Physical Components of the Model ‘The PIPESIM single branch model toolbar is shown below: 2310 imi) 2) 6/ [6% \r¥a ica] moma) 41. Select the Vertical Completion bution ill and piace itin the single branch window. 2 ‘Select the End Node button lll and place it in the window: f=. Pirtsim Pecsinz| E)F ER Sep Wn Teh Date Ope DsisieB|a) ale} 2/= q BREE EBEEEBE EEE EEE SE EE PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals: 2 (Oil Well Performance Analysis: Schlumberger 3. Select the Tubing button lH] and link VertWell_1 to the End Node St by clicking and ‘dragging from VertvVell_1 completion to the End Node S1: Note: The red outlines on VertWell_1 and Tubing_1 indicate thal essential input data ismissing. 4. Enter the properties for the completion and tubing based on the data given in the tables below. Reservoir and Inflow Data | (Completion Model = Well PI ‘Select Use Vogel Below Bubble Paint PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals 2” Overall Heat Transfer Goefficient = 5 btwhriftZ/F (overnde default value). Tubing Data [Bottom mo (ft) —[ internal Diawter inches | 8800 3.958 [9000 16.184 Step 2 - Choose the Black Oil Model ‘Select Setup > Black Oil ang enter the fluid properties as shown below. Black Oil PVT Data Weter Cut 10 % ‘GOR 500 sci |Gesso__ fog ‘Water SG 1.05 OWL AP! 36 "APL ‘Stock Tank Properties Assume default PVT correlations and no calibration data. ‘Step 3 - Choose the Multiphase Flow Correlations 1. From the Setup > Flow Correlation menu, ensure that the default correlation for both Vertical and Horizontal Flow are selected (Hagedom Brown and Beggs-Brill Revised, respectively}. Later, we will choose the correlation that best matches our test data. 2. Save the Model as CaseStudyi_0i1 Well bps. je Flowing Conditions Well Model (vertical completion, tubing, and Exercise 2- Estimate Bottom-Hol Given the following basic data, consivuct a boundary node) and find the following: ¢ flawing bottom hole pressure «owing wellhead tompersture ‘« _ production rate for a given wellhead pressure: Steps 1 Construct the model and enter above data, 2 fun Operations > Pressure / Temperature Profile. 2. Emer Outet Turahess pressure — 860 ps8 (ale sid AA) b Tevet pressure Ema (eserca presse denen compiaton wi De used by default). Leave “Sersitvly Variable" emo 43, inepact plot and summary outputte determine answers, Results Wolthead Pressure aoe pee Production Rate WHT ves seein SSS EPOE_ "= 08 Well Perlormanoe Analysis ES seheberger Exercise 3 - Perform Nodal Analysis. Using te model from Exercise 1, add a Nodal Analysis point at the botiomhole. To do this insert 2 nodal analysis abject near the completion, singe lef-mouse clok on the tubing and drag the bottom tip ofthe tubing ever tothe nodal analysis pont. inser Connector to link the completion with the nodal analysis peint, operating po ane oars Seana reno doerne he @perating point (bottomhale pressure ar and the AOFP (absolute toe poletaah ot hema end ‘ open Steps |. Insert the Nadal Analysis point tween the competion and the tubing 2. Select Operations > Nodal Analysis, a. Enter given Outlet Pressure. b. Leave inflow Sensitivity and Outfow Sensitivity empty. Run the mode, 3. Inspect plot to determine the answers. | (Qutiet) Weithead Pressure 300 psia LOpecring Port Fowrae Tid PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals, at Exercise 4 — Calibrate PVT Data To precict weil performance more accurately, ite necessary to calibrate the PVT data This allows all of the fuid physical proparties to be estimated over the range of pressures i conditions. These physical properties are and temperatures experienced in operational subsequently used to determine the phases present, the flow regime, the pressure losses in single and mutighase flow regons, and the heat transferred to or from the ‘surroundings. “The following tables contain data from a laboratory analysis af our Fuld, 4. From Setup > Black Oil, solect the Viscosity Data (Optional) tab and enter the following calibration data: 8, Under “Dead 01 Viscosty” select “User Data’ as the correlation and enter the following measurements: Dead Oil Viscosity Measurements Property Temperature (F) | Valve Viscosty 200 | 15e9 60 b. For Live Oil Viscosity, ensure that the Chew and Connally correlation is selected. 6 For the Emulsion Viscosity Method, select the Brinkman correlation. d. For the Undersaturated Oil Viscosity, select the Bergman-Sutton correlation. 2. Select the Advanced Calibration Data tab and click the Single-Point Calibration button, Enter the measured data to calibrate the PVT model. PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentais —— Ol Well Performance Analysis lumberger 3. Ensure that the following PVT correlations are selected: 4. From the Advanced Calibration Data tab, select Plot PVT Data (Laboratory ‘Conditions GOR = GSAT) to generate a plot of the PVT properties for various pressures and temperatures, @ Select Series and change the y-axis to "Oil Formation Volume Factor”. Observe that the predicted values match the calibration points. PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals (2 Wet Performance Analyt ‘Schlumberger b. Repeat for Oil and Gas viscosity to ensure that the predicted values are correct. Note: Dead Oil Conditions are at 14.7 psia. 5 : ra eS ac Notice that the predicted oil viscosity value at a temperature of 60°F and 14.7 psia is 10.0¢P, consistent with the laboratory dead ail data. Note: You can find help on the definitions and valid ranges of these stock tank properties by clicking the Help button at the bottom of this dialog. 6. Now that the fuid model is calibrated, re-run the Pressure-Temporature Profile Determine the flowing bottomhole pressure, fowing wellhead temperature and producton rate for the given wellhead pressure. Compare your answers to the Uncalibrated model results fram Exercise 1. 6. Inspect plot and summary output to determine answers. Results Welthead Pressure 300 psia Production Rate He (Flowing WHT NOTE: The bubbiepoint calibration for saturation GOR is used to normalize (calibrate) te Solution GOR corelation. By specifying a higher stock tank GOR than a caliration saturation GOR, you are effectively increasing the bubblepoint (i.e.. a plot of Rowing solution GOR vs. pressure will intersect this calibration point, but the bubblepoint is no longer that with which the calibration saturation GOR is spectied). Conversely, the stock tank GOR is less than the calibration saturation GOR, then the slack tank GOR is used (takes precedence) with the calibration GOR ignored. PIPESIN 20071 Fundamentals. “4 Exercise 5 - Perform Flow Correlation Matching A Flowing Gradient Survey (FGS) survey is available for the well, You will use the ‘measured data to select the most appropriate vertical flow correlation. 1. Select Data > Load/Add Measured Data 2 Select New. 3. Enter the test data as shown below: Well Name: jobeelt Edt SuaveyDate: — for172007 [Frew /yppy) Save Charges Liquid Fate GOR ree fe — [ana] » |. Select Save Changes. Go to Operations > Flow Correlation Matching. 8. Speciy the given Outlet Pressure (Wellhead) and Liquid Rate, and select the Inlet Pressure as the calculated vanabie. , Select several vertical flow Correlations (e.g., Beggs and Bril Revised, Duns and Ros, Hagedam and Brown, TUFFP aka (Zhang) and run the madel c. Run the model 5. Inspect the resulting plat to determine which flow correlation agrees most closely with the measured data. 7. Select Setup > Flow Correlations and ensure that the best matching flow correlation 's Selected for future calculations. Exercise 6 - Perform IPR Matching selected the correct flew correlation chasen in Exercise 4. find the Pi (Productivity Index) that matches the test data from Exercise 4, given that the reservoir pressure is known to be 3600 psia. What is the AOFP of the weil with the new PI? ‘The Productivity Index is expected to be in the range from 6 to 10 stbid/psi. ‘There are two ways to go about determining the matching PI: Method A - System Analysis 1. Goto Operations > System Analysis a. Enter Outlet Pressure (calculate: Liquid tate). b. For X-axs variable, select the Vertical Completion as the Object and Liq. Pl as the Variable with values of 5, 6, 7,8, 9, and 10. ‘¢. Leave “Sensitivity Variable 1" empty. 2. Run model to generate a plot of calculated liquid rate vs. Pl. 3. inspect the plot to identify the PI, which gives match to the measured production rate, Method B — Nodal Analysis 1. Go to Operations > Nedai Analysis. a. Select Limits and increase the number of points on the outflow curve to 30, b. Enter Outlet Pressure. c. For Inflow Sensitivity, select the Vertical Completion as the Object and Liq. PI a8 ‘the Variable with values of §. 6, 7, and 8. @. Leave Quiflow Sensitvity empty. & Generate the Nodal Analysis plot. 2. Identify the PI, which gives the correct solution point. 3. Determine AOFP from the Inflow (Nodal Analysis) plot. Results [Wellhead Pressure | 300psia fa (PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals O11 Weil Pertormance Analysis Schlumberger —a—— Important! « Update the Pl for the completion with the matched value. Exercise 7 — Conduct Water Cut Sensitivity Analysis Given the current wellhead pressure and reservoir pressure, determine the highest possible water cut for which the well will produce Note: Make sure that you have changed the completion Pi in the well model after Exercise 5 ‘Again, there are two ways in which to solve this problem: Method A - System Analysis 1. Goto Operations > System Analysis. a Enter Outlet Pressure (calculate Liquid Rate). b. ForX-axis variable, select Fluid Data and enter water cut values of 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70%, c. Leave Sensitivity Variable 1 empty. 2. Run the model to generate a plot of calculated liquid rate vs. water cut, 3. interpolate to identity the water cut at which the calculated production rate drops to 2610. Note: You may need to rerun with finer sensitivity values for watercut Method B ~ Nodal Analysis. 1. Goto Operations > Nodal Analysis. 2. Enter Outlet Pressure, a, Leave “inflow Sensitivity” empty, b. For"Outfow Sensitivity’, enter water cut values of 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70%. 3. Run the model to generate the Nodal Analysis plot. 4. Identify the lowest water cut for which there is no solution paint. Note: You may need to rerun with finer sensitivity values for watercut. ‘Wellhead Pressure, 300 psia Water Cut PiPesiM 2007.1 a Ou well Performance Analysis: Schlumberger Exercise 8 — Evaluate Gas Lift Performance In ths exercise, we will examine how this well responds to Gas Lif by introducing a Gas Uf Injection point at 8000 ft MID in the tubing equipment. Tasks 1 Determine how the well responds to gas lit when the water euts 10% and 60%. 2. Determine the liquid production rates as a function of gas lit rate and water cut a Injection Gas. amp CF) 4 Steps 4. Add a Gas Lift Injection point to the tubing description. From the Downhole Equipment ib, selec! the Properties bution and enter a delau gas if rate of ‘Tmmsetic. 2. Goto Operations > Artificial Lift Performance. 3, Enter Outlet Pressure. a For Sensitivity Data, enter water cut values of 10% and 60% b For Gas Lif injection Rate, select Range and enter a start value of 1.0, anend value of 1010, and increments of 0.5. 4, Run the model to generate a plot of calculated kquid rate vs. gas lit rate for diferent water cuts 5. Inspect plot and summary output to determing answers. Results Lig. Prod. Rate IEE A al OU Well Performance Analysis Sct il Se _Schmbarger Exercise 9 - Multiple Completion Log Analysis shows that a shallower gas zone exists al a TVD of 7500 &. Asan atemative to gas Iitinjecton, we wil investigale the benef of pertorating ths Zone and “self iting” the well 1 Insert a second vertical completion below the nodal analysis point and connect fo the Original completion using a separate tubing model as shown beicw. PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals (OW Wel Performance Analysis ‘Schlumberger 2 voaty re uper bingeing extend ak 1 te apf uP: Perens rege re Devon Survey uch tat va ear eyo 7.200% TVO. 85 = b the Gecmerral Survey such atte bint Tempera at an MO of ). Modify 7,500. is 180°F & cae runing Gontguraons ab epact bat MD of7 S00 anda in 1D.0f 3.058 d. lathe Downhole Equipment ab, remove the a Ht valve, Oi Wet Pertormance Analysis ge 3. Define the lower tubing string, a. In the Deviation Survey tab, define the lower tubing string profile, as shown below. ta nee fe | b, In the Geothermal Survey tas, specify temperatures of 180° at 7,500 f. and 200°F at 9,000 ft ¢._ Inthe Tubing Configuration tab, specity a tubing id of 3.958'in. to @ depth of £8,600 ft MD and 6.14 in. to a depth of 9,000 #. 4. With no test data in hand, the reservoir performance of the upper zone will be modeled using the pseudo-steady state Darcy equation. Specity the upper completion with the following data. Use skin=0. a. Reservoir Properties Reservoir Properties - Upper Gas Zone Mode! Proudo-steady siaie [Use Pseudo-pressures? 6 Reservoir pressure 3000 pala Reservoir Temperature, 180 F Thickness Sf Permeabiity 20 md PAPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals a1 1 Wall Performance Analysis Schlumberger b. uss Model -usetoealy defined uid model wih an LGRof 1.0 STBinmact, art ran atcut of 100% (all gas). Specify a gas gravity oF0.67. Leave ei other properties and correlations ai their detauit settings. 5. ‘Te anaiye the efit of perfarating the upper zone (compared wit gas fester) 1a a veroen a Preseure/Temperatue Profle forthe 60% waterevt case, a From Setup > Black Oil set the watercut !o 60 %. Hote: This watereut only affects the lower zone since the lower zone uses ne are fuld model and the upper zone 8 defined with local fut model b Soloct Operations > Pressure/Temperature Profile. cs ‘Speaty te outet pressure as 300 psa and Liqué Fst asthe Caleéated Variable. ¢. Run the model. ‘8. Inspect the output file to determine the results. t= ‘Gas Rate (upper zone) £ Comparing the resis of gas Ii injection versus perforating the upper one. Dov cor read injection would ruil inthe sare iq rate acruevabie rough perforating the upper zone? Equivalent gas i injection male: Gas Well Performance Sch a Learning Objectives @ A.gas well has been dried. DST data is available as well as Fiuid Gradient Survey (FGS) data from well completed in the same zone. In this case study, the following procedures will be used to evaiuale the gas well pedformance: Build a Simple Weil Model Calibrate the Inflow Mode! Perform Nodal Analysis at Bottomhole Perform System Analysis Model Flowiine and Choke Performance Evaluate Higher Liquid Loading / Flow Correlation Matching Calculate Liquid Hold-up Fraction and Flow Regime Mapping Prossure/Temperature Path from Reservoir Pressure Drop due to increased Condensate Production Rigorous Flashing Exercise 1 — Build a Simple Well Model Construct the physical wel model using the data below: wr Vermeet.s Reservoir Data, [Sicha [sop | | Reservoir Temp. | 2e0°F __| Gas PI 4x10m Tubing Data [hig per Tv 171000 & [hie pert ic 11,000 “Ambient amp 30°F OTM 70.9508 “Tubing 10 3.476 in Casing 1D 8.681 in PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundementas bn ee Cn Propeties |Fiad Model | Genera (axnew A Felli, fer i) Fs] ||P” reco ve FOV Popa / fome | (mee a [7 Tatung Sechore (1 1equeed, others aston fi fF str Terese FromMO: ToMO: Ib fos] fet Barwa Pree of [rte] el Sauer joel wl fF al) | Convert ta Detain Medet| 4 pen the Composnional Fuld menu by selactng Satie > Composiions! a Select the Options tab and ensure that Muliash is selected (For Schlumberger employees, select SIS Fiash). bb. Select the Component Selection tsb. To ad brary com goiect the See the Compete om tha Est ond ck on Add >>. Spey the mote Facions. te a Butane 15 05, Hexane 0. © Todd te CTs pseudo-component solet the Petroleum Fractions, co Todd onert same and daa, alight fe ek number or he Peuse- ‘component, and select Add to Composition. | Peeudo-Component Stock Tank Propertios 24°F | 7 15 [evso 0 Roturn to the Component Selection Tab and specity a C7+ mol fraction of 6. a Determine the waler content at saturation at regervokr condivons. To determine th water content at saturation, follow these steps: i sda en atirary amount of water (8, 20 moles) tothe compostion, a ‘Select the Flash/Separation tab, cick the PT bution, enter the resenoe see aed tmperer (4600 pa, 280 °F), pram a ash. ae rade water content for the vapor fraction fram the screen. a ‘The hydrocarbon vapor components witb normalized io incise oe 108 The hytroctor Copyfpasia (Cut Cx! V) he water and encrm™akes tacreearbon composition back nto the compositonal eters man S75. EeeBEE BRE SE EERE SESE ESE SE SE ES laggggsasgsacrgngeonogggal eee el ee iv. Click on the Phase Envelope button to generate a phase envelope using tne water-saturated composition ¥. From the main Component Selection Tab, Select Export, name the compostion sat_gas, and save. €. Select Setup > Flow Correlations and choose Gray Modified for the vertical flow ‘correlation. {. Select File > Save As and save the mode! as caswel @. Select Operations > Pressure/Temperature Profile Operation. Select Gas Rate as the caloulated variable, specty an outlet pressure of 800 psia, and setect Run, The flow rate will appear below the plot. The bottomhole flowing pressure can be read off the plot. On the plot menu, select Series and change the y-axis to temperature. The botiomhole and wellnead temperatures can be read off the plot. PIE-SiM 2007 | Fundamentals 5 Exercise 2 — Calibrate the Inflow Model In this exercise, you wil use the Backpressure equation for inilow perommets ; relationshi as well producing at psoudo-steedy sate, The backpresaure equation is as follows: 4. Clpe — Por’ where, .. = gas rate (mmsclid) pa = average reservoir pressure (PSia) rie = flowing bottomhole pressure C= flow coficient n= non-Darcy exponent 1 Using the below Mufipaint Test aa. we wil now calcu the C ard nearer best fit the backpressure equation. “To do this, double-click an the completion icon, Dest eo Back Pressure Equaon from the droo-down menu. Clex on Calculate/Graph; then enter the test data given below. Huitigoint test data: ee : ee 1.9 2500 Tips: Right click-and-drag on a plot to position cata points. To 200m in, left click~and-drag a window across the data points towards: the-lower right. ‘To zoom out, left click-and-drag a window towards the upper-left 2. Determine the flow-rate, botiomhole flowing pressure, bottamhole flowi temperature, and wellhead Temperature ustig fe ree iniow nodal Rerun the Pressure/Temperature Profile operation. inspect the resulting plot and summary file to determine the results. Results ‘Schiur Exercise 3 - Perform Nodal Analysis at Bottom-Hole Nodal analysis can be used to determine the optimum tubing size. Tho available tubing sizes have IDs of 2.992", 3.958", 4.892", and 6.184". 1. Perform nodal analysis using the avaiable tubing sizes. a. Ensure that the mode! includes a Nodal Analysis object located between the tubing and the completion. b. Select Operations > Nodal Analysis. Enter 800 psia as the outet pressure, the tubing IDs as the Qutflow sensitivity and run the model. foo fou] fee Feral ———— |) [ame era | Object a Obet © [Tubnat zi | 2. Runa Pressure/Temperature profile using the tubing size as the sensitivity (remember, to actvale the sensitivity). From the profile plot. change the x-axis ta Erosionsl Velocty Ratio (EVR = actual velocity / API 44e limit) by selecting the Series option from the toolbar to determine the maximum erosional velocity rato. 3. Based on the results of the Nodal Analysis and EVR. calculations, which tubing size: would you select? 4. Record the results below for the selected tubing size. Specify this tubing size in the tubing object for all subsequent exercises. PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals, Gas We Performance Schlumberger Results P, = 800 psia eT BHT WHT Wellhead, Selected Tu ‘Max. Erosional velocty ratio Exercise 4 — Model Flow-Line and Choke Performance Add 3 horizontal fowine and a choke to the model using the data below. woes Fowire} Taiog 4 Verte 4 Note: Enter any choke size as it willbe overridden by the sensitivity variable. Task Using the mechanistic choke model, determine the choke bean size that results in a manifold pressure of 710 psia (manifold is at end of flow line) using the gas rate as calculated in Exercise 3, Task 3. Use'a tubing ID is 3.958", PAPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals et Steps 4, The System Analysis operation can be used for this task. Select choke size (@ good ceimete woukd be from to 3° in increments of 24") as the x-axis variable and oust pressure as the calculated variable. 2 Enier the resulting choke size into the choke model and run a Pressure/Temperature Profie with to ensure that the calculated wellhead pressure is 00 psia. 3. Inspec the plot to determine the choke size that gives the correct outlet prossurw (710 psia). inspect the Output fle fo determine the individual pressure drops for the ‘reservoir, tubing, choke and flowline Results Exercise 5 — Predict Future Production Rates “The System Analysis Operation may be used to investigate the gas rate as a function of reservoir pressure. 4. Desetivate choke and flowiine (right click > active). 2. Select System Analysis from the Operations drap-down menu. Choase Gas Rate as the calculated variable. Uso a wollhead pressure of 800 psia. Use the Reservoir (Stati) Pressure as the x-axis variable wih values of 4,600, 4300, 3,800 and 3.400 sia 3. Run the model and view the resutant pot Exercise 6 — Evaluate Higher Liquid Loading/Flow Correlation Matching inthe future, itis expected that there will be a higher liquid loading because of increased: condensate production as the reservoir pressure decines to 4.300 psia. 4. Save the model with a new name. 2 Double-click on the complaon and specify a static reservoir pressure of 4.300 psla. (PABESIM 2007 1 Fundamentals 2 Gas Well Pertormance ene ——___ Schlumberger 3. Enter the heavier composition given in the table below. Determine the water content Galeton whee Geen essa by poring @ point flash Cakculation within the Compositional liaiog as done previously. Be sure to specity 4,300 as the pressure in the flash calculation, 75 S is 1 = 1 pe G 05 co 12 4 From te Data menu, select Load/Add Measured Data to add tho FGS data below, &. Select New and enter a well name and date. b. Enter the following tast data: &. The following test conditions were measured i Producing gas rate during FGS = 13.4 mmectid 4. Wellhead Pressure during FGS = 600 psia 5. Select Operations > Flow Correlation Matching. ‘Select inlet pressure as the Calculated variable and enter the test rato and wahead pressure given above, Choose trom Ansan, Duns and Ros. Hagedom and Brown, Gray Mositied, and TUFFP. Run the model and inspect the Bottom of the output feo fnd frermeen ‘arithmetic and absolute differences for the chasen correlation, ©. Select Setup > Flow Correlations and enter the best ft correlation, Results Pow 4,200 ppsia, T., = 280°F (Heeseme —T ——} PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals 83 | P. = 800 psia Bost Mean. difference | Mean absolute difference (% Exercise 7 ~ Pressure/Temperature Path from Reservoir To determine whether hydrates will occur, we will plot the PT path from the reservoir to the nd of the flow line on the phase diagram 1. Insert a Report Too! objec just upstream of the choke as shown below. Fowing 1 Nt 2, Double-click on the Report Tool and ensure that Phase Envelopes checked, 3. Run the Pressure/Temperature Profile and configure the resutting plot to display Pressure on the y-axis and Temperature on the x-avis. 4. From the generated plot. if the operating line crosses the hydrate formation line, hydrate formation may occur Results Module4 H rizontal Well Design In this Workshop, you will leam how to. use PIPESIM software to design and evaluate horizontal well performance. Learning Objectives 2) inthis module, yau wil use PIPESIM software to: + Optimize horizontal well length, ‘+ Perform horizontal well IPR / sensitivity. + Evaluate horizontal versus vertical well performance. + Mode! a horizontal well with muitiple perforated intervals Construct Well Model Construct the weil model shown below with the data in the following tables: ws ‘MoraWelt Tubing Data Wilbore Deviation Survey Data MD vO | | ty) 9 9 ‘7000 7000 [7700-7800 | 3400 8000 PIPESIM 2007 1 Fundamentats 6 Static Pressure | 4600 psia rature 20°F [Completion Model_[ Disputes pr | Model Distributed PI ee dips Fluid Model ‘Compositional - Enter the fallowing composition: Honzontal Well Design Schlumberger Flow Correlations ‘Select Beggs-Brill Revised for bath horizontal and vertical flow. Exercise 1 — Optimal Horizontal Well Length 4. Select Operations > Optimum Horizontal Weil Length 2. Foran outlet pressure of 200 psia, evaluate the optimal length of a horizontal well up to approximately 10,000 ft and the pressure loss from the toe to the heel of the horizontal well. Optimal horizontal wall length: Exercise 2 - Multiple Horizontal Perforated Intervals Additional geological information suggests that the reservoir consists of four sand intervals, oo 400, and 800 ft in width, with equally spaced impermeable intervais of 1. Specity separate horizontal completions for each interval with fiowline objects to connect the completion intervals as shown below. 2. Runa Pressure Temperature Profile with the Gas rate as the calculated variable and 200 psia as the outlet pressure. PIPESiM 2007.1 Fundamentals or Horizontal WeiDesign Schlumberger Results P, = 200 psia PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentais ‘Antincial Lin Design Schlumberger ESP Design Learning Objectives @ ‘This case study will demonstrate the following workfiow: + Analyze a well's requirement for artificia it. «Select an appropriate ESP pump. + Calculate the number of stages required for design conditions. «Evaluate the variable speed performance of the pump. ‘+ Evaluate the pump performance with varying well conditions Exercise 1 — Well Model/Nodal Analysis Given the following basic data, construct a weil madel anc perform a Nodal Analysis at bottomhole. Assume no pump in the well at this stage. us rant SIM 2007.1 Fundamentals PVT Calibration Data Range Property Value Pressure | Temperature (eaia) CA P=pb Sat. Gas 449 setts 2216 268 Peps OFVF. 133 2216 288 Pepe | Ue Ol Viscosity 0.54 op 2216 288 Wellbore Data Vertical Weil Perforation depth 9093 in 4° (3.989" ID) from surface to 200 ft tn” (.681" from 903%. * ate interest bean Surlace Ambient Temperature = 68 °F Reservoir and inflow Data ——————$ Vertical Completion [Pmssue | 3625 psig | Temperature: 208 °F Productivity index 124 stbisrpsi Task Using the Hagedorn and Brown vertical flow correlation, confirm that the well will not flow naturally Aviificial Lift Design Schlumberger Steps 1, Construct a Well Madel and enter the data above. Place the Nodal Analysis icon at bottomhole. 2. Run Operations > Nodal Analysis, a, Enter an Outlet Pressure of 1 atmosphere as a worst case scenario, b. PIPESIM will calculate rates up to the AOFP. ©. Leave Inflow Sensitivity and Outflow Sensitivity empty. d. Inspect the plot. Exercise 2 — Pump Selection/Design Task Given the design conditions below, you will select an appropriate ESP and determine the ‘number of stages and power required. ESP Design Conditions: Design Production Rate 10.060 sibie | Design Wellhead (Outlet) Pressure | 130 Pump seting depth £8200 f (within 8/8" (8.681 1D) casing) Design Frequet coe (fase Rt par esr, Ny conn Se wed a oh Steps 1. From the Artificial Lift menu select ESP » ESP Design. 2. Enter the Pump Design Data given above, 2. Click the Select Pump button. (This wil fiter the pump database for all the cumos that meet the design criteria). 4. Set Manufacturer to Reda. 5. Highlight and select the Reda HN13000 pump. Click OK. 6. Click on the Calculate bution in the Pump Parameters section. (This will calculate the Pump parameters). 7. Read the No. of Stages required. No. Stages = . Read the motor pump HP (i.e, Pump Power) required. Pump hP he 9. Glick on the Pump Performance Plot bution at the bottom of the Pump Parameters section, e PIPESIM 2007 4 F. n Actifcia! Lit Design Schlumberger 10. Read off the Sow rate at the intersection of the Weil System Curve and the 50 Hz and 70 Hz pump curves. 11, Read off the intersection of the pump suction pressure curve and the bubblepoint curve. Eebiiii eeGTGTGE ‘A= Pump operating point (flow rate and pump discharge pressure) at 50 Hz. B = Pump operating point (flow rate and pump discharge pressure) at 70 Hz. (C = Pump suction pressure falls below bubblepoint. No.of stages (HN#3000) Motor HP requir Flow rate for 50 — 70 Hz Flow rate for Psuction <= Phubblepoint PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals ‘Atficial Lift Design —___Settanberger_ Exercise 3 — Pump Performance with Varying Well ‘Conditions Install tho selected pump in your well model by clicking on the Install Pump button at the bottom of the Pump Parameters section. Task [Determine the flow rate of the well when the water cut increases to 95% (assuming tha ‘same number of stages and design speed). ‘Steps 1. Install the purnp in your well model by clicking on the Install Pump button at the: bottom of the section. 2. Go to Operations > System Analysis. 2. Enter Outlet Pressure (select calculated variable = Liquid Rate). 4, For "X-axis variable", enter water out values of 90 and 95%. ‘5. Leave Sensitivity Variatie 1 empty. 6. Generate a plot of calculated Stock Tank Liquid Rate ws. Water Gut. 7, Read off the oll production rate for water cut 95%. Results [Producten Rate (orweww on) Td) PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals, a Actin LR Design Schlumberger Gas Lift Design —- New Mandrel Spacing Learning Objectives © acne tel saerance ra trig vio ‘+ Perform Well Modal/Nodal Analysis to analyze a wel's requirement for artificial it © Evaluate the Gas Lift Response. + Performa Gas Lift Design (using the “IPO Surface Close” method). Exercise 1 — Well Model/Nodal Analysis 1. Given the following basic data, construct a wall model and perform a Nodal Analysis at botiomhole. Assume no gas ift valves in the well at this stage. oa 2. Confirm that the well will not flow naturally, assuming a wellhead pressure of 110 psig. PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentats Artificial Lit Sch Flaw Correlation Select the Hagedom and Brown vertical flow correlation. ‘Weilbore Data Tut Dimensions 278" (2441" ID) from surface to 7500 f 776.184" 7 7! Reservoir and inflow Data Reservoir Pressure 2800 psig Reservoir Temperature 15°F Productivity index 25 stbidipsi | Use Vogel below the bubblepoint. Steps 1. Construct a Well Model and enter the above data. Place the Nodal Analysis icon at bottomhole. 2. Run Operations > Nodal Analysis, a. Enter the Given Outet Pressure (110 psig) b. Leave Inflow Sensitvty and Outflow Sensitivty empty. c. Select Run. 4d. Inspect the plot. Exercise 2 - Evaluate the Lift Gas Response 1 Using he Lift Gas Response operation, determine the gas it rate that wil be used or the design. ‘Steps 1 Selec the Lift Gas Response operation rom the Artical it > Gas Lift submene. 2. Enter gas it rate sensilvily values of 0 10 5 mmsctld in ineremonts of: a. 0.1 mmsctid up to 1.0 mmsctid b. 0.5 mmsefid up to 5.0 mmsctic 3. Enter senstivity values of 150 and 250 pai for the Minimum injecton gas aP- 44, Use an injection gas surface pressure of 1000 psig ang assume an injection gas surface temperature of BO°F. 5. Ensure that the gas injection depth is set as Optimum Depth of Injection. pibigigié “gustausecifistiigitt eochank Lig omen aie th [Ln Ges Post enact ee al Note: The deepestinjection point at the optimum rate is about 4,640 f. Ths willbe discussed ina later exercise. Arita! Lit ‘Seni Exercise 3 — Perform Gas Lift Design (Using the “IPO ‘Surface Close” method) ‘Given the design conditions below, datermine the required mandrel spacing to unload the ‘well and the test rack pressure of each of the unloading valves. Design Conditions PIPESIM 2007, 1 Fundamentals $$ 1, Goto Artificial Lift » Gas Lift > Gas Lift Design in the top menu: 2 Enter the Gas Lift Design Data given above. 3. Click on Perform Design. 4. Select Graph to plot the gas lift design response. fe. FisieecPedscen fan a Taser Rae TET 73 PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentais, ‘Actfica Lit Deslon Schlumberger mens seses s TTT eee eenss PAPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals re Aciicia Litt Gas Lift Design — Current Mandrel Spacing Learning Objective ® inthis case study you will learn how to design a gas lift system with @ current mandrel spacing Exercise 1 — Install a Gas Lift Valve System, Deepest Injection Point Operation \Using the model created during the previous case study. insert the following Gas lit valve ‘system into the tubing: +. Inthe Dewnhole Equipment tab (located in the detailed tubing dialog), select the GIL Valve System bution and check the “Edit Vaive Details” (used only for Gas Lift Diagnostics) box. ‘a, Select the frst row in the user form. click on the Add...{Valve Lookup] button. The Gas Lift Valve Selection user form displays, b. Select SLB (Camco) as the manufacturer, IPO as the type, 1" as the size, and BK-1 as the series. Select Refresh. ¢. Click on Add valve to add the required valve. ¢, Add the depth of the first valve in the gas lift vaive system user form. 2. Repeat the above steps for ail the valves. PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals a Artiicia! Lin Design Schlumberger 3, From the Artificial Lift > Gas Lift menu, perform a Deepest Injection Point operation as shown below. Use a lift gas rate of 125 mmscfid and an injection pressure or 1000psig. Then, click on the Calculate button. (<<< ee oP a ee! a a Soma | comut cena a | ‘The maximum depth of injection is ,4770 ft, therefore, you should be able to inject at the mandrel located at 4,700 f. The corresponding oil rate should be 1,882 STBD. This shows that a gas lit valve cannot be set below the DIP. PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals 8 ‘Arial Lit Design Schlumberger Exercise 2 — Generate the Gas Lift Response Curves Perform a Gas Lift Response operation to produce a graph of oil rate vs. lift gas rate (Use Minimum gas injection Deita P of 150 psi and 250 psi as the sensitivity and lift gas rates ranging from 0 to § mmsciid in increments of 0.5 mmscfid. Ensure that the Injection at valve depth only option is selected and run the operation. PIBESIN 2007.1 Fundamentals ‘Artificial UN Design Schlumberger Exercise 3 - Design the Gas Lift Valve System using the Current Mandrel Spacing ‘Given the design conditions (identical to the previous case study) and the current mandrel ‘spacing, perform the gas lift design. Select current spacing in the design control tab prior to performing the design. Use 1.25 mmsctid as the lift gas rate. Besar Cores | eng Panama | Sey Fete Benge Bat | Post Osta Dewees [oosurertem a Tye fa see =, | So fac 7 MPa inate 7 “Tope aes - im Pane © snare Last WOT toatece ees | Tr Warcebiae, (Oe Vahes [ores J PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals Its important to note that we are not injecting at the mandrel located at 4,700. but at the: mandrel located at 4,200 ft. The rate is not 1,671 stbid, but 1,706 sib/d. This is due to the fact that the Deepest Injection Point operation does not take into account the 15-psi pressure drop in casing pressure for each unloading valve. itis also important to notice that when designing for a current mandrel spacing, the depth between watves is fixed. itis the transfor pressure that is calculated at each vaive. When the transfer pressures lie to the left of the production pressure curve or the equilibrium ‘curve, it may not be possible to transfer to the next valve. Exercise 4 - Gas Lift Diagnostics Assuring fa ayers has been operon fora yA and the producing condons [pressure is now 100 psia and the measured gas lift have changed. The separator injection rate is 1.5 mmscfid. Perform a gas lit diagnosis to ensure that tho valves are operating under these conditions, Steps 1. Goto Artificlal Lift > Gas Lift > Gas Lift Diagnosis. PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals ‘ CO — Arphcial Lift Design ‘Schlumberger 2. Enterthe current producing conditions and run the diagnostics. 2 3, Open the Data Sheet to determine which vaives.are open, closed or throttling, and the gas rates observed across each valve. PIPESIM 2007.1 Fi Learning Objectives @ Jn this case study, a client plans on producing five condensate wolls into a subsoa manifold, through a subsea teback and up a riser to a platform. The ail and gas.are then to be separated, with the oll pumped to shore and the gas compressed to shore, The expected production rate is 14,000 STBD. The system will be designed to accommodate between 8,000 STBD (tumdown case) and 16,000 STBD, should the wells praduce more than expected ‘You will perform the following procedures to design a subsea tieback: + Develop a compositional madel of the hydrocarbon phases. «Size the subsea tieback line and riser. + Screen the results for severe slugging at the riser base. ‘© Determine the pipeline insulation requirements. © Size a siug catcher Exercise 1 — Develop a Compositional PVT Model Develop a Compositional PVT Model based on the following data: Pure Hydrocarbon Components ‘Component Molos 0 [Metnane 72 ———— Propane 3 Iscbutane i utana 1 lane a= = Pentane og Hexane, 05 Petroleum Fractions Point | Molecular = en | or | ee | ci 214 115 0683 12 PIBESIM 2007.1 Fundamentais Aqueous Component ——_—<—<$< <$< << Component Volume ratio( bb i"bt!) ‘Water 40 Steps 1, Qpen the Setup > Compositional menu to enter the pure components given above, Select the pure hydrocarbon components from the component database, Multiple selection is possible by hakfing down the contral key. When ail pure hydrocarbon components have been selected, press the Add>> bution, 2. Selectthe Petroleum Fractions tab and characterize the petroleum fraction C7+ by entering the petroleum fraction nama, the BP. MW, and SG in Row 1, Highlight the row by pressing on the Row 7 button and then click on the Add to composition>> button, 3, Retum to the Component Selection tab and enter the number of moles for C7+. 4. Select the Options tab and select Multi-fiash. Select the SRK equation of state and the Pedersen viscosity model. 5, Generate the hydrocarbon phase envelope by clicking on the Phase Envelope button, Exercise 2 — Size the Subsea Tieback Construct the model as shown below. Note: To enter the detailed heat transfer data in the flowline and riser, select the Heat ‘Transfer tab and cick on the Calculate U value bution, Also, ensure that your Riser ‘elevation survey matches that shown in the screenshot below, Separator Mamiclt subsea Ticback PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentais $$ ‘Subses Tieback Design ‘Schlumberger Manifold | Pressure _ 1.500 psia Temperature kd ny ‘Subsea Tioback Rate of undulations [or000 (notin) | Hori | Blevational citerence. '§ (norzonta) ‘Aataie 1's [10.11 Heat ‘Ambient errperahare wer them ad thermal 1s tnsulaton thicknesses avelable 0.25" + 0.25" increments [ambient tid 7 hui 1.5 fiisec ‘Burial depth 55" (not buried) Ground conductivity __| 1. Btwhef"F_] Riser (use detailed profile) Horizontal Distance: lo 16007 | avaliable D's | 9.40.44 in Heat Transfer | base 38° Ambient temperanae @ 1207 [42°F Ambient 800 °F ‘Aribirttemparature 400" 56°F “Amines temperature @ tepsies 68°F tormat Insuason ermal [0.15 sume Inguton thckresses avatabie 0.50" + 0.25" increments “Améiont fd wate “Amavent fad velocity 1.5 Risse PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals _ ‘The FIRST rode thet ix coves e \'Source 11° Determine the required ID for the subsea tieback such that the separator pressure for the maximum expected rate is na less than 400 psia. The riser must be the same ID as the tieback, In addition, ensure that the erosional velocity is nat exceeded Steps 1. From the Setup > Flow Correlations. menu, make the following selections: 2. Vertical Flow Corelation: Hagedom Brawn (Duns & Ros map) b. Horizontal Flow Carrelation: leggs-Bril Revised (Taitel-Duklor Map) 2. Perform a System Analysis with the minimum, maximum, and expected flow rates as the x-axis variable, and the available IDs for the flowline and risar as Change in Step ‘sensitivity variables, 3. Determine the minimum flowiine ID that satisfies the separator pressure requirertent (400 psia) for the maximum flow rate. 4. Change the y-axis to display "Erosional Velacity Ratio Maximum” and check to ensure that the selected flawiine ID does not exceed an erosional velocity ratio of 1.0 for expected flow rate. PIPE'SIM 2007.1 Fundamentals ———— subsea Te Se a Results ——— Property Value Riser erosional ratio for selected 1D Nin. Separator pressure for selected ID Max. separator pressure for selected |D- Exercise 3 - Check for Severe Slugging Task Based on the ID selected above, determine the likelihood of severe slugging occurring at the riser base. Severe riser sugging |s likely in a pipeline system followed by @ riser under the following conditions: «The presence of a long slightly downward incined pipeline prior to the riser. + Fluid flowing in the “stratifed" or “segregated” flow regime (2s opposed to the usual “slug” or “intermittent” flow regime). ‘+ Asslug number (PISS) of lower than 1.0 Steps 4 Configure the y-axis of the System Analysis plot to display the P!-SS number. This represents the maximum value of the PI-SS number along the flowtine. 2. View the Summary Report in Reports > Summary File, to determine the prevalent flow regime at the riser base for the different rates. Results £2000 stbd 14000 stbic 16000 stbid | PLSS number at riseribase I Flow pattem al rsor base ‘Subsea Tieback Design Schlumberger Exercise 4a - Select Tieback Insulation Thickness Task Using the teback/riser ID selected above, determine the thickness of the insulation required for both the flowine and the riser, such that the temperature of the fluid does not cross the hydrate curve for all possible flow rates, Steps 1. Start with an insulation thickness of 0.25". Ensure that ‘phase envelope’ is checked in the Report Too! (jocated upstream of separator) and perform a Pressure/Temperature Profile with Separator (outlel) pressure as the calculated variable and with flow rates as the sensitivity variables, 2. Use the Series menu on the resulting plot to change the x-axis to Temperature and the y-auis to Pressure to display the phase envelope. 3. Observe the production path on the phase envelope and its proximity to the hydrate curve, 4. Ifrequired, perform successive runs while increasing the thickness by 0.25" each time until sufficient, Property Req. Insulation thickness Exercise 4b — Methanol Requirement ‘Assume that the fowiine is under-insuiated with only 0.25" of insulation. Determine the required injection volume of methanol to ensure that hydrates do not form using a ‘compositional model with mutti-fash. Insert an injection toa! just after the manifold and define a local composition consisting of methanol only. Results PIPE'SIM 2007.1 Fundamentals Sources reset ay 2. Double-click cn the injector and select Edit Composition. Specify a composition ot 100% Methanol. 3. Select Setup > Engine Options. Ensure that the “Enable Hydrate Sub-Cooling Calculation’ is selected 4, Select Operations » System Analysis. a, Specify a liquid rate of 8,000 BPD, an Inlet pressure of 1,500 psia and calculate the outlet pressure. b, Forthe X-axis variable, select the Injector as the object and Rate as the Variable. Select “Range” and entera range of 50 to 500 STBD in increments of 50 BPD c. Uncheck the “active” status on all sensitivity variables with dafined values. d, Run the model and change the Y-axis to display “Maximum Hydrate Subcooling ‘Temperature’. €. From the plot, determine the required Methanol injection rate such that the flowing temperature is ahvays above the stable hydrate temperature. Note: ‘A Positive Hydrate Subcooting indicates that the fluid temperature is below the hydrate stabilty temperature Property Value Reg, Methanol Injection Valume (bid) Results PIPESIN 2007 | Pundomenils Subsea Tiebsck if Exercise 5 - Size Slug Catcher Task Determine the required size of the slug catcher based on the largest of the folowing criteria multipled by a sally factor of 1.2; ©The requirement to handle the largest slugs envisaged (chosen to be statistically the 11000 population slug size) ‘* The requirement to handle liquid swept in front of a pig © Rampup surge ‘Steps 1. Deactivate the Injector and reset the insulation thickness to that determined in Exercise 4a 2. Ensure that “slugging valves” and “sphere generated liquid volume" are selected in the report tool. 3. Under Setup > Define Output. select three cases to print. 4. Rerun pressure-temnperature profile open output report. This report provides the full ‘output of each sensitvity value with the Report Tool selections appended to the bottom of each sensitivity output, For each sensitivity value, scroll dawn to this section ‘and read the reported “1/1000 slug volume" and “Total Sphere Generated Liquid ‘Volume So Far’. 5, For the ramp-up case, perform a System Analysis with an iniet pressure of 7,500, ‘outlet pressure calculated and liquid rates from 8,000 to 14,000 BPD in increments of 1,000 BPD. Note the difference in total liquid holdup as this will be the surge volumé. (you will need to convert from ft3 > bbl; conversion factor is 5.615 f3/bbi). 6. inspect the Output file and observe the flow regimes along the profile for each case, 7. Select a stug catcher size that will be able to handle the largest slug volume for all conditions. Notes on SGLV Calculation given point”. Thus, the crucial value that determines Sphere Generated Liquid Volume (SGLV)# he Sip Rato(SR), wich the average sped lhe he ve he sped liquid. if the liquid and gas move at the same speed, the slip ratio will be 1 (i.e. there is ‘no slig” between the phases), In this situation, the sphere will not collect any liquid, so the SGLV will be zero. Normally, the liquid flows slower than the gas (e., the slip ratio is greater than 1), 80 "some" of the ‘iquid in the pipeline will collect in front of the sphere to form the PIPESING 2007.1 Fundamentals, 93 ‘Subse Tieba ck Design _—____—- Sitter SGLV. The only way that “all” of the iquid in the pipeline will collect to form the SGLY, is if the liquid velocity is zero (Le.. the sip ratio is infinite). This cannot happen in a steady-state reality, so the SGLV is always smaller than the total liquid holdup. Results Property 8000 std 14000 stbied 16000 stbid | | 111000 stug volume (oti) ‘Sphere generated liquid volume (bb!) Ramp-up volume (bbl) Design volume for sug catcher (boi) Water Injection NetworkLooped Gas Gathering Network Looped Gas Gathering Notwor Schlumberger Module 7 ring Network Learning Objectives © In this case study, a national oll and gas client is interested in establishing the elrverabiity of a production network. The network connects three producing gas walls in ‘@ looped gathering system and delivers commingled product to a single delivery point. ‘You will perform the following procedures of the network modeling workflow: © Build a model of the network. © Specify the network boundary condition. * Solve the network and establish the deliverability Getting Started In this section, you will leam how to build a looped gathering network. 1, Open PIPESIM and go to File > New > Network to create a new network model. 2. Goto File > Save As to save the model in your training directory (e.g. as fle TPA Build a Model of a Network You wil use the engineering data available at the end of this case study. You will perform the following steps explained in detail below: Enter the engineering data for the frst welt Copy the data to Wells 2 and 3. Modify the data for Well 3. ‘Specify the composition at each production wel. . Connect the network together, Define the engineering data for each branch. 1 2 a 4 5 6. PIPESIM 2007.1 Funcamentals ‘Step 1 - Enter the Engineering Data for the First Well 1. Use the production well bution to place Well 1 in the work area as shown below. g WB resueton wet buton production well 2. Deuble-click on Well 1 to reveal the components as shown below: 3. Double-click on the vertical completion to enter the inflow performance data. Enter a gas P| of 0.0004 mmisctid/psiz and the reservoir temperature, The reservoir pressure will be entered later when the network boundary conditions are specified. 4. Double-click on the tubing and select Simple Model as the preferred tubing model. Define: vertical tubing with a welthead datum MD of 0 ft and mid perforations TVD and MD of 4500 ft The ambient temperatures are 130"F at mid-perforations and 60°F at the wellhead, The tubing has an |,D. of 2.4" Note: Essential data fields are shown in red outline (if the fields are not outlined, then data entry in these fields is optional) 5. Close the view of Weill 1 by clicking at the right upper comer of the window or by selecting File > Close to retum to the network view. PIPESIM 2007 1 Fundamentals Gas G: Network Schlumber Step 2 - Copy the Data to Well 2 and Well 3 Select Well 1. Using the commands Edit » Copy and Edit > Paste, of ‘the well. By default, the names of the copied wells will be Well_2. and Well_3. Position the ew wells 8s shown below: 8g ¥ ‘You wil see that Wells 2 and 3 contain the same input data as Well 1. Step 3 - Modify the Data of Well 3 41. Double-click on and modify the completion and tubing data, For the vertical completion, enter a gas PI of 0.0005 mmsctid/psi2, 2. Define vertical tubing with a wellhead TVD of 0 and mid-perforations TVD and MD of 4,900 ft. The ambient temperatures are 140°F at the mid-perforation depth and 60°F at the surface. The tubing has an |.D. of 2.4". Close the view of Well 3to return to the network view. Step 4 - Specify the Composition of Each Production Well ‘The next step is to define the composttions at the production wells, Wells 1 and 2 are ‘producing from the same zone and thus, are assumed to have the same composition Well 3 has a different composition than that shown in the data section at the end of the cage study. The most efficent way to define the compositions is fo set the more prevalent ‘composition (.0.. that for Wells 1 and 2) as the global composition and then, to specify the compostion of Well 3 as a local variant, The composition of Wells 1 and 2 is the same as that forthe Subsea Tieback Design ‘Case Study in Part 4 of this manual. This composition can be imported to save time. Otherwise, refer to the end of this case study for the compositional data. 1. First save the current network model. Open the Subsea Tieback Case Study (2.9., c'training\tieback bps). Open the Setup > Compositional menu and select tne Export button to export the composition to a file called comp! . pv. Youmay now close the Subsea Tieback model. PRPESIM 2007.1 Funcementais o i —,, Gas Network Schlum 4 2. Inthe network model, go to Setup > Compositional and select Import to import ‘comp! pvt as the global composition. 3, Ta define the local composition for Well 3, select Setup > Fluid! Models and edit he local composition. You may wish to import the used for Wells 1 and 2 and modify the composition as given at the end of this case study. Step 5 - Connect the Network Together 4, Now insert a sink and some junction nades. Note that noiding down the Shit key lwhie placing junction nodes allows for multiple insertions, Be sure to release the Shift key before the final insertion. network should now nok like this; 2. Using the branch bution, connect J_1 to J_2. Te do this, click on the branch button, then, hold down the left mouse button aver J_1 and drag the mouse pointer to J_2 before releasing the left mouse button. Bh erancn ouson ‘branch connected 3. Double-click on the arrow in the center of B1 to enter data for that branch. Now ‘double-click on the flowiine to enter the following data: Rate 19/1000 Horizontal distance 30.000 ft Elevation ciflerence: on a a | Wall Thickness os 00%" | Te Or PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundameniais Gas G: Netw ‘Schiumber 4, Close the B1 window io netum to the network view. As the looped gathering lines are all identical, the data for branch B1 can be used ta define the other looped gathering lines, Select 81 by clicking on the arrow in the middie of the branch and using the Edit > Copy and Edlit> Paste commands, copy B1 to create 62, B3, and B4. 5. To connect a pasted branch, first click the arrow in the middle of the new branch. You ‘wil see that highlight boxes appear at either end of the branch. Move the mouse pointer over the right hand, highlight box and you will sae that the mouse pointer ‘changes to an “up arrow" shape (7), as shown below. This end of the branch can then be dragged and dropped anto a junction nede. ceort 6. Position the new branches as shown below: shown below & Enier the engineering data for each branch. PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentats — 9. Now enter the components and data for branch BS. Branch BS comprises a Fc ssoparator with an efficiency of 100%, a compressor with a pressure differential Paeaal of 400 psi and an efficiency of 70%, an alter-cooler (heat exchanger) with an outlet Nemporature of 120 °F and a delta P of 15 psi, and a flowine with the following properties: 11. Use the connector toot Halt join the equipment together. 12. You may now ciose the single branch window. Flow Correlations From the Setup > Flow Conelations mend. geie Benge Bt Revised asthe ba! vertical and horizontal muttiphase flow correlations. Corrosion Select Setup > Erosion and Corrosion Options. Choose the d Waard Corrosion model. In the Options Control tab,. ‘select use network options and click on Apply network options to all branches. Specify the Network Boundary Condition First, Jet us summarize the rules for specification of network boundary conditions. The network solver determines the fuid pressures, temperatures, and flow rates around @ network for @ user-specified set of boundary conditions. (PIPESIA 2007.1 Fundaments $00 —————————————tt—“‘O Network. ‘Schh The following definitions are used: Lone Node ‘A Jona node is a nede with only one branch connected, @ producton well, en injection well, source, OF & sink, Boundary conditons The ud pressure temperatre, and flow rte at each Jone node in the network. The following rules apply. Rule for Temperatures “The fut temperature at all sources and the static reservoir temperature at all roducSon eee oie specified by the user. The fud temperature at all the sinks and Injocton ‘wells is always calculated by the network module. Rules for Pressures and Flow Rates ‘Thece are two rules for specication of pressure and flow rate boundary concions: «To satsty the Degrees of Freedom. the total number of ow rates, Pressures, nt Pa curves specified must equal the Lotal number of lone nodes. . ‘Atleast one pressure must be specified at one of the lone nodes, . ‘il unspecttied pressures and flaw rates are calcuiatad by the network module, inthis case study, the above rules willbe satisfied by doing the following: 4. Specify ail the fluid inlet temperatures. 2. Specify all the fluid inlet pressures and the delivery pressure. 3 Go to Setup > Boundary Conalitons and speciy the folowing boundary condone: ee Well 1 7800 130°F Well 2 2900 430° 140°F ‘Well 100, ‘Skt 800, (calculated varabie) ‘Ai flow ratos willbe calculated by the network solver, Note: Any lerperatre/pressure specication defined the single branch mode must be respecified in the network model. Likewise. the boundary pressures specified in the Weswork view vel not change the pressures defined inthe single branch model for use 0 single branch operations. PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals 101 Solve the Network and Establish the Deliverability thie necessary to explain the network olerance. A network has converged wet tecesore Balance and mass balance at each node are wirin the spect tolerance ‘The calculated pressure at each branch entering and leaving a node is averaged, The tolerance of each pressure is calculated from the equation: Piol = (P - Pave.\/Pave. x 100% ital Pio values are wihin the spectied network tolerance then, that node nas pasted "ne pressure convergence test This is repeated for each node: “The total mass How rate into and the total mass flow rate outof a node are averaged. The tolerance is caleulated from the equation: Ftot = (Tot. mass flow rate in - Tot. mass flow rate avg.)/ Tot mass flow rate avg. x 100% fthe Fal valu is within the specified network tolerance then, that nade has passod she mass convergence test, This is repeated for each node. ‘Wnen all ofthe above conditions are satisfied, the network has converged. Steps 1 pen the Setup > Nerations mera to pot tha network eterna fo 1%. 2 save the mode! ond then, press the Run bution JEL 3. When the network has solved, you should get the message "pO! ~ Finished OK". Click on the OK button. 4 select he Report Too! turton HB. wat is tne ges production rate athe in trea (More comprenensiva reporing is availabe via the Summary File button 5. Holding the shift key down, select the flow route from Well_3, branch B3 and branch 85, Select the Profile Plot button! ‘The following pressure profile for these three: branches should be obtained. The effect of the compressor at J_4 on the system Prassure Profi trom Well 310 Sink_1 6. Select Series and change the y-axis to Corrosion tate to observe the calculated corrosion rate. Maximum Corrosion Rate in network = mmyear 7. Determine the field production rate in the event of a compressor shut down. Assume tye eer compre deactivate the compressor object, and Gas proc i ath Sr mmseid Note: Edit the legend and tite on PsPiot to improve the graphical presentation. PIPESIM 2007 1 Fundamentals 03, Looped Gas Network er Network Tutorial 1: Data Summary Completion and Tubing Data Walls 4 and 2 Wels [Gaspi | 010008 mesetictpsi® | 0.0008 mmsctid’psi® _| ‘Weltnead TVD o Q Mig Pertorations TVD 4500 ft | 4900 Mid Perforations MD. | 4900 ft Tubing LD. 24" 2a" ‘Welhead Ambient Temperature F 60F Mid Perforations Ambient Temperature | 130 F 140°F Pure Hydrocarbon Components (Wells 4 and 2) PIPESIM 2007.1 Fundamentals iod Schl Moles Petroleum Fraction (Wells 1 and 2) —— becad Pont | Molecularwreight | specitcGraviy | Moles | Te 14 1 2 Aqueous Component (Wells 1 and 2) [Ganon | — Vote a us Water 40 Pure Hydrocarbon Components (Well 3) Petroleum Fraction (Wells 3) Name | BollegPoet | molcuarweignt | SpeciicGravity | Moles Cte 214 115 0683 oy Aqueous Component (Weil 3) Water 3 PIPESIM 2007 1 Fundamentals Gat Data for Looped Gathering Lines (B1, 82, B3, and B4) 130°F Well 3 3100 40°F (Shik | s00peia calculated variable PIPES 2007 tude ts Water Injection Network Schlumberger ET ters ITs tion Network Features Illustrated + Injection network © Single phase (water) + ESP lifted production well Problem Outline water production well fees water into an injection system that consists of 6 injection points. The water is lifted fram the production well by an ESP. Figure 4 schematically resents the layout of the studied water injection system. A Global biack oil mode! with 100% water cut is used in this case study. Figure 4: Water Injection System General Data The fluid produced from the well (Producer) is a single phase black-oll with a water cut of 100%. The delivery pressures to each individual injocton paint are different. The ambient femperature for the entire network is 50°F. Use Begys-Bril Revised as the vertical and horizontal multiphase flow correlations. PIPESIN 2007-1 Fundamentals 407 9 Injaction Network ‘Schlumberger Water Production Well Data ‘The water production rate of the well is 15.000 stb/d and the temperature of the well is ‘200°F and reservoir pressure is 4,000 psia. The well has a liquid productivity index (P1) of 100 stbiaipsi ‘The ESP can be added into the production well by selecting the Simple Tubing model in the Production well and selecting the ESP option in Artificial Lit secton. ‘The ESP is located at a depth of 2,000 ft TVD and the water production well is at 6,000 ft ‘TVD, The total measured depth along the tubing is 6,000 f MD and the weil has a 7" ID. To specty the ESP parameters, cick on the Properties button on the Articial Lit section of the Tubing window. Set the ESP manufacturer and made! to Centrilift Madet: IB700. Set the number of stages to 30 and the speed to 3,600 rpm. Flowlines to Injection Wells ‘Select Setup > Flowline Properties and specify the following flowline propertes: 1 0 2 oO 3 10000 0 4 0 Al the flowlines are insulated (heat transfer coefficient = 0.2 BTUMheif2IF}) Delivery Sinks/Injection Wells ‘Al the delivery sinks are single injection wells with 1.095" ID tubing and properties as follows. PAPE'SIM 2007.1 F Water Injection Network Fluid Data The fluid produced from the production wall is a single-phase, black oll (with 100% water cut) flow. Select Fluid Models under Setup, highlight the production well, and select Edit to insert the Black oll data. Task ‘The adjective of the case study is to determine the fuid in an injection system from a single production well. Note: All other parameters should be left as the default. Run the Model and View the Results Select the Run Modet icon LP to stat the simulation Use the Report Tool to summarize the results of interest. ‘Click on the Report Too! icon (E) ‘Select Clear, (Click on the Producing well and each of the injectors, ‘water in this case) distrinution abe pe PIPESIM 2007-1 Fundamentals Water Ss Plat the prassure profiles for the fees nine by semcney StcRRg Re rERETS Note: Click on the Summary Table button on the Tubing dialog to increase the number of paints along the tubing strings, Rerun the model and plot the results. PIPESIM 2007 1 Fundamentals, 110

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