Analyze An Issue Task

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Analyze an issue task

Laws are a defined set of rules that everyone in a society is required to follow. They
clearly express the boundaries set to ensure that chaos is prevented. When people
choose to meander away from following laws and set their own regulations,
depending on what they feel is just, they also have to bear in mind the
consequences their actions might have. Such choices usually lead to state
intervention, and eventual prosecution of the accused. Therefore, one can disagree
with the statement.
At the turn of the century, automobiles have become an increasingly popular means
of transportation. A myriad of people input a significant amount of time to learn,
practice and master the art and techniques of driving a car. In addition to this, a
supplementary book, which states all the cities rules and regulations about driving,
is usually available. A good driver needs to understand the laws of driving to ensure
they are not a hazard to the people around them. Since the laws are clearly
presented, any form of deviation is subjected to punishment from the state.
Speeding, improper/illegal parking, and poor driving practices, are all examples
which can bear negative consequences for the accused, and are considered by the
state to be dangerous. The state also assumes that such practices are a direct result
of the choices the accused makes, and hence gives infraction tickets to rectify the
It can also be argued that laws encroach on freedom of expression, and thus some
can be overlooked. Some people outwardly believe in performing acts that are
against societal norms, depending on a variety of factors that affect their decisions.
For example, protests that involves public indecency take place around the world.
Usually, the motive behind these protests is the need for the government to address
a specific issue. There are strict laws in place, depending on the city, to the extent
to which the content of a protest is deemed socially acceptable, or lawful. In some
instances, the protests can turn violent, and require the attention of police. The
state views such acts as unlawful, and similar to conditions in the previous example,
and can easily subject the responsible parties to punishment, depending on the
severity of the crime.
Hence, it can be seen that laws are created to ensure an orderly society. It is
entirely the responsibly of the citizens to abide by them. Should they choose to defy
a set of rules, they must bear the consequences of their actions, and the state is in
its rights to suppress such individuals.

Argument Essay

The statement assumes that cleaning up the river is sufficient for an increase in
water-sport usage. We do not know that there have been numerous complaints that
are sufficient enough to warrant a cleanup.
Assumes that devoting a budget to the recreational facilities covers the cost of
Scope and validity of the survey:

Only covered residents by the river, and not the entire city.

The author fails to mention the scope and validity of the argument when they state
that experts are mistaken in determining the connection between high computer
use and poor physical fitness. It is a possibility that only a few people were surveyed
in a certain region and the results were exaggerated to reflect all the regions in
Corpora. Therefore, the author could mention some numerical statistics as opposed
to listing the assumption in the argument. The author also neglects to mention the
time each citizen uses a computer, as it plays a key factor in physical fitness.
Studies have shown that spending excessive amounts of time on a computer per
day can play a major role in developing life-threatening conditions, which counters
the authors argument that the experts are incorrect. Additionally, the author has
not accounted for how many people each household supports. While a few members
of the household may be physically fit, and use computers, there can be others who
do not follow the same regimen as their family members, thus becoming physically
Although certain citizens use fitness products to keep in shape, it is likely that some
people find them unnecessary. Therefore, the authors assumption that low
expenditures on fitness products is related to the declining economy is
unwarranted. The citizens of Corpora could possibly be using remedies from the
internet to keep in shape, which do not require spending any money. The author
also fails to provide the statistics for the year and the year they compared the
numbers with to reach the mentioned basis.

This could mean that some other years have seen even a greater decline, which

While there may be several reasons

Fifteen years ago, Omega University implemented a new procedure that

encouraged students to evaluate the teaching effectiveness of all their
professors. Since that time, Omega professors have begun to assign higher
grades in their classes, and overall student grade averages at Omega have
risen by 30 percent. Potential employers, looking at this dramatic rise in
grades, believe that grades at Omega are inflated and do not accurately
reflect student achievement; as a result, Omega graduates have not been as
successful at getting jobs as have graduates from nearby Alpha University. To
enable its graduates to secure better jobs, Omega University should terminate
student evaluation of professors.
The argument links the relation that student evaluations at Omega University play a
major role in the graduates not being employed. This conclusion lacks basis as the
authors findings seem unrelated to the stated problem.
Firstly, the argument implies that since the time the evaluations were instated, they were
the primary reason the professors have been assigning higher-than-average grades. It
does not consider that in the fifteen-year time frame, there could be a number of
possible reasons the averages are higher. For example, the students in the successive
years might be scoring tremendously higher than in previous years. Since Alpha
University is stated as a possible competitor when employers dive into the pool of new
graduates, this motivates the students to develop better study habits, and ultimately
score higher grades.
Additionally, it is also assumed that potential employers are deterred when they observe
the dramatic rise in grades. The fact that this rise is compared to the standards that
were set fifteen years ago, weakens the authors argument. As mentioned before,
increasing signs of competition for jobs raises current standards, and such a trend
should be foreseen by employers. When comparing these grades to perhaps the
previous year, the author might not have seen a major change in averages. Thus, the
reason provided by the author is not sufficient in explaining why some employers kept
away from hiring Omega graduates.
The author moves further and assumes that omega graduates are not as successful as
Alpha graduates because of the inflation in the evaluations. This statement is farfetched, as it does not consider the possibility that many students from Omega
university may not have applied in the same region for job opportunities. Conversely,
some students may have opted to continue their education, rather than pursue a job. As
a result, this affects the quantity of graduates applying for jobs. The author should
provide a statistic that compares new graduates from both universities.
As it can be seen, the authors connection between the increased grades, and hiring
practices is not adequately supported, as there can be a number of unrelated factors

affecting the two topics. Hence, the author should explore alternate explanations for the
anomalous statistics provided.

Super Screen movie company

The memo discusses the fact that although there was an increase in positive
reviews for movies produced by Super Screen Production Company, the
number of people attending the movies is miniscule. Before the suggestion
that the budget should be allocated to advertising is implemented, the
company should address some questions about a few flaws.
Firstly, the company must inquire about its intended audience. Since the
director stated that fewer people have attended movies produced by
company in the previous year, the company should organize a survey to
understand the preferences of certain individuals from a variety of age
groups. As opposed to casual movie-goers, the positive reviews could have
possibly been generated from professional critics. A possible reason to the
diminished viewership could be attributed to the fact that the company may
have produced movies that were favorable to the critics, as opposed to their
intended audience. Therefore, the company should focus on gathering
information about all genres that are most popular among the people.
Secondly, the director does not mention the number of positive reviews the
company received. Therefore, this number should be inquired upon. If the
increase was just a mere one to two percent, then the company should focus
on improving the quality of the movies, rather than advertising.
Finally, the director implies that the company should shift its focus towards
advertising. The questions that would then arise from this business decision
are as follows: How much money will advertising require? Who will provide
the money? Where will the advertisements be placed?

The memo expresses the statement that butter is replaced by margarine and the
Happy Pancake House restaurants can enjoy a cost-saving benefit arising from this
change. It is stated that there were only a few complaints from people receiving
margarine, as opposed to butter. The servers have also reported that there were no
complaints as a result of this change. Although it may appear to save money for the
company in the short-term, the manager should likely reconsider this decision and
ponder on a few questions that would likely improve the impact of the change.
Firstly, the manager mentioned that only 2 percent of customers complained. The
shortage of complaints could possibly be attributed to the fact that many people, if
they had noticed a change, did not report it to the staff. Therefore, the company can
ask itself about the various ways it can collect feedback. The company could
organize a survey to gather information about their customers preferences, instead
of waiting for complaints to arise. This way, there will be a more detailed set of data
available to them, which they can use to further improve their service.
Additionally, the company did not mention that it had informed its customers prior
to the change, which can be consequential. Modern margarines are formulated with
a plethora of chemicals that affect people differently. Some people may be more
prone to allergies from exposure to these chemicals, which would place the
company at fault. Thus, the manager should ask the company to discuss the list of
ingredients with the margarine manufacturer to ensure it is safe for the general
The manager should also request the company to set up additional surveys in the
northeast, as the demographics are not the same. People in different parts of the
country have different preferences to food, which can be adequately gathered. As a
result, the question of survey expenses, will arise. The business manager will need
to request the company to reevaluate its budget to include gathering required
information for this change.
Hence, the inclusion of input from its customers help determine whether the change
will be profitable in the long term. Having more detailed feedback, along with
keeping the customers aware in such business decisions will ultimately increase the
chains popularity and have a better outlook on its profitability.

The argument expresses the fact that there is a new requirement for all students to
take the drivers education course at Centerville High School since many parents
are unable to teach their children how to drive. The requirement was also instated
due to the number of accidents that have occurred around the city involving
teenage drivers. There are a few underlying assumptions the argument makes that
are unwarranted and require attention.
Firstly, the argument states that several accidents around the city involved teenage
drivers. This statement does not provide statistics to prove exactly how many
students were involved. Furthermore, it assumes that the students were solely
responsible for the accidents, as opposed to other factors, like road conditions,
weather, or other drivers on the road. Therefore, the
While some accidents were possibly caused by the teenage drivers, this claim could
Secondly, it is assumed that the drivers education course will rectify all the
problems with a particular students driving skills.
Thirdly, it is unstated as to who pays for the course.

Analyze an issue task

Scientific theories, which most people consider as fact, almost invariably

prove to
be inaccurate. Thus, one should look upon any information described as factual
with skepticism since it may well be proven false in the future.
Write an essay in which you take a position on the statement above. In
and supporting your viewpoint, consider ways in which the statement might or
might not hold true.

The fundamental principle of a good argument is the evidence that follows it. Be
it any field, whether there is a need to answer a question, or a theory needs
basis, it is evidence that provides the structure. Without evidence, ideas are
mere conjecture in the eyes of the judging party. Thus, it is only when the
evidence which supports the theory is plausible, can it be considered factual.
In order to find examples of factual theories, we do not have to look far. Almost
all historical and modern scientific theories follow this mantra. From medicine to
physics, once a topic is researched, it needs valid examples as support to be
considered factual. This was particularly a challenge for Copernicus. In a time
when the scientific community and the church went hand and in hand,
Copernicus contemporaries did not believe in his theory of the heliocentric
model. Their reluctance to believe that his data was accurate and his
conclusions were plausible, caused significant backlash within the community,
and eventually led to his imprisonment. It was not until later that Galileo used
telescopes to further prove Copernicus idea and convince the world that what
they had once considered as fact, was in fact, false. These iterations, when
Issac Newton proposed the laws of physics and gravity, he based it off of
Keplers planetary laws, improved it, and thereby ultimately changed the face of
modern physics.
In the contemporary world, what we classify as the scientific method
demonstrates the consistent need to modify a fact should it be weakened by
any circumstance. This is seen as an iterative process, since

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