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From My

To Yours
By:Keon Scott

Table of Contents
From My Heart to Yours Pg. 1
Keep On Pushing Pg.2
Blow the Dust Off of Your Old Dreams Pg. 3
The Woman Pg.4
Word Play Pg. 5
Thou Shalt Love Thy Lady Pg. 6
God is Great Pg. 7
Politics 101 Pg. 8
If you can believe it, you can Achieve It Pg. 9
We Must Teach the Youth Pg. 10
Epilogue Pg. 11

From My Heart to Yours

Poetic lyrics explode on your eardrums,
Causing peace, love, respect, and prosperity
Sweet lullabies, caroling throughout the atmosphere,
Positive Energy translated within your soul
From my heart to yours,
When it rains it pours
Abundant showers of blessings,
To all who may learn lifes lessons?
So Much going on in the world,
A rough time to raise our boys and girls
Child Abuse Laws were meant to stop Excessive Abuse,
Nowadays, the parents need a hotline entitled, Parent Abuse!
War on every hand,
I wish I could tell you everything was grand
I wish I could tell you it was all love over the land
But, racism and hate fill the planet,
Innocent people getting Massacred, Hard to manage
We need a Word from The Almighty,
Sharp as a sword to cut deep into the hearts of Man
A Word as sweet as candy,
To help us regain our humanity
Just Positively Thinking
A world filled with Blacks, Whites, Asians, and all races
Loving and respecting each other; regardless of religion or color
We can disagree, but still love one another

Keep on Pushing
In the back of my mind Im reminded to keep pushing,
Yet, the storms of life and tribulations offer no cushion
Im supposed to quote scripture, and repeat the serenity prayer,
Somehow lately my only prayer is God carry me.
Because, I have reached my strengths capacity,
Oh Lord how I need thee
However, there remains a still small voice,
That repeats softly, Keep Pushing
Your almost there, Hang in there,
Your Breakthrough is right there!!!
Stay strong my Brothers and Sisters,
And keep on pushing!!!

Blow the Dust off of Your Old Dreams

When was the last time you saw your dreams?!...
Has it been that long?
Suffocated by the old 9 5 grind,
So on Friday you become the Weekend Warrior
Any pleasure giving event that could stimulate and repair,
All of the hurt and pain inflicted from working a job just for a check
We spend over 1/3 of our lives working,
So why not enjoy it?!!
Close your eyes and envision your old dream,
See it vividly as if you were doing it today
Didnt that feel great?!
Now get back to planning,
Where theres a will theres a way
Work by day yet, dream by night,
The vision is meant to be brought to the light

The Woman
Who could explain or gain the understanding of such a thing,
How a beautiful woman with a body and a brain, can drive a man insane
It takes skill to reveal a mystery so real that no man can feel,
Yet, only God can unseal
See God knows the man because He created him from sand,
And gave him his hands to control all of the land
But, all of the land and creatures plus, rivers that run deeper,
Could not compare to This Woman like Feature
I can imagine Adams thoughts as he questioned himself why?
As he met his new companion tears he began to cry
Tears of joy, as he touched her beautiful face,
Then suddenly his loneliness began to erase
The woman is a prize that should not be neglected,
Treated with much diligence, and always respected
Only if everyman can see as I see what the woman means to me;
He would take his woman more seriously, and treat her with the upmost dignity

Word Play
Temptations, tribulations, revelations, manifestations,
Desolations, Elations, Hesitation, relaxation, and determination
I could just toss up words of rhythm,
And have them serenade the Nations,
Yet, with the state of this world,
We need a Divine Revelation.
Something to bring consciousness to elevate the mind,
Then result in change in due time
Men and women of all races loving, respecting, and helping one another,
We dont have to always agree to treat each other as brothers and sisters
Besides if you wanted to reach them how could you by separation,
How will they see your light shining if youre never in their location?!

Thou Shalt Love thy Lady

When you first got her number you were filled with unbelievable joy,
Now youve been w/ her roughly two years, and you treat her like an old toy
You somehow forgot how much she needed love and affection,
Caught up in the Routine Grind; Striving to be the Provider
When you get home from work all you want to do is eat, shower, and rest,
But, shes dying on the inside, and you dont heed the signs
Statistics say most marriages only have sex once a week,
Not realizing sexual desires are stimulated everyday
You use to text her at work and ask how her day was going,
Now when you get home you kiss her on the forehead and say, Goodnight Honey
Brother ask God to renew the passion in your relationship,
A burning desire to love and cherish one another with urgency
Tell her you love her every day,
And surprise her with your creativity in every way
Remember one mans trash is another mans treasure,
To one man dissatisfaction yet, to another man pleasure

God is great
Where would I be without the Grace and Mercy of God?
When I was all alone, no money, no hope It was God
Dangling by a thread, on The Last String of Life,
Wanting to die, Lost Vision, Depression became my wife
Seeing the glass half empty instead of half full,
Surrounded by negative energy, fierce, and mad as a raging bull
Mad at the world, because I thought the world owed me,
But, God has given me everything needed, to be the best me
Im so thankful for Gods Redeeming Grace,
In the midst of your storm, His Peace will shine on your face
When I was broke and didnt have food,
He turned water into wine and stone into steaks
When I was too weak to walk you carried me,
Thank you God for your blessings showering on me!!!

Politics 101
Conversation rules the nation,
And Politicians master conversation
How authentic are the speeches written by a member in their cabinet,
And we scream with excitement, Speak the truth Mr. Politician!
Lobbyist legally fund millions of dollars to politicians,
To ensure laws are passed to put their companies in better positions
China is making threats, Russia, and North Korea in unity,
These three are allies is this the making of World War Three
The Nations are stocking Ammo and New Fighter Jets,
Im telling you people open your eyes this is as real as it gets!
Millions of people being killed in the name of justice,
Fighting over land, but GOD owns this!
Cold Blooded Murder by Cops right in front of our eyes on T.V.,
The People are enraged and demand Justice!
But, Justice will be served, we must all reap what we sow,
If we plant seeds of love then love will grow
And if love grew all over the world, there would be no need for war,
Because love breeds respect, and understanding
The politicians have been lying to the people on a race for popularity,
We need to govern our own communities, and create Community Prosperity

If you can believe it, you can achieve it

If you can close your eyes right now,
And at the drop of a dime see your vision
If you can smile from ear to ear,
And feel the dream as if its near
If when all hell breaks loose you can say, All things are working for my Good
For when you can push yourself until bad turns to good
If lying on your Death Bed with Cancer,
You can say, My prayers God will answer!
For when you see the glass as half full instead of half empty,
Everything in your life will change completely

We must teach the Youth

The Youth are the Future,
If so then we must teach them
Teach them sustainability,
Teach them responsibility
Teach them self respect,
Then others they will respect
Teach them Financial Literacy,
Teach them to steer away from the penitentiary
Teach them patience,
Teach them only bad comes from being anxious
Teach them manners and hospitality,
Teach them to love and respect humanity
Teach them self reliance, and not being co dependent,
Teach them entrepreneurship, and Money Management
Teach them awareness and vigilance,
Teach them hard work and diligence
Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it

Thanks for your support, for without God and you, this would not be possible.
Thank God for life, and everything that has shaped and molded me into the man I am.
Continue to take this journey with me as I strive to put out different forms of
Creative Writing. Thanks again, One Love
* For additional services I provide such as: Movie Scripts, Stage Plays, Songs,
Poetry, and Wedding Vows contact me.
Email: Phone: 770-837-1044

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