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Bovine. Body regions. Figure 1 1, opal — bead 220,71 reas en allan) ‘low (ned {2 pene rs gio mucho) — dora cer cal region (nuchal region! ‘8 gion ara ~ lateral cervial region ‘4,65 20. rind cen gn lars? — ven tral cervieal region jugular region? 5 aie partir ~ parotid region 5. egindanyge = laryngeal egion 7.12 thes — thorax T)415, moe cnt — dave region TL eps ere Maret Gls doit) — thorace vertebral region Wdorsccostal eegion) 7. pln inrapalaris — nerscapularreglom 9.12 mein ps — pectoral region 9. meinsnpalers ~ scapular region 10. regione ~ costal elon 11. mgiapraerds = presternal region {2 mgintemots — sternal region 13514515, 165175 18, 12 abn 13, 141616", 16,17, 18,19 eagle aban ~ thom region 14. ere eel rial putin) — era ‘labial egion epigasiriaen) 118 epi lypuchendeice ~ bypochoodeine region cervical re 14 rece np — saphold vegton 15, reindndla— larnar tegin (of abe en 16, 16. 16", 17. ge bins wc eget rw) = mide abdominal region (mexogas- trig 16.16, 16". regis abdominals — lateral abe dominal region 167 fue poorbols — paralumbar fossa 16° secs poe laters Ces poe ger) — region ‘of hace fold 17. sia unica — umbitica region 111,19 regio comin ences hypogean) — eau al abslominal region Phypegastriaey! 1 regia inpuinals ~ inguinal region 19. regio publ ~ pubie region 20, polar (pe vent enli ide gio sentra ‘ofl — ventral fold of neck (ee 4. ventral cervical region) 21, min presapoloris ~ peeseapular region 222A, mgs rebel arch — regton of tho- racic appendage 28 rept artists Bumeri ~ segion of humeral articulation 23. pb rari! — brachial region 2, rept neptats — arcipital region. 24 rex cubits — cubital region 25, rece aaah — arncbrnchlleeplon 26, rpbeorpi — carpal eegion 27 repsmocorpi — metacarpal region 20, repent mans repo of i 29.54 gona poco — petec region 2. pein erie ~ region of uber ke 3. regions — sacral region ‘3, ree — ghateal region Ss gals — elma region 32. tp ler hie! — reqioe of Wehlase tu ber 88. gh comdat rp cnc) — cada cep (coxeygeat region? 3440. rele meet pod appendage 4 ge teins coe Cpe the) — region of coxal articulation trochanter region 35, epg tral — Intra gion of nee 26, mp — eral region 36°. regte peptuee — poplives! eegion 30, epi rd ~ aero S38 epbemeteond ~ metatarsal rglon 23. rephnesdponam pds — eeglonof cigien 40 vente foment — fermeral region region of pels 21, ox metacurede IM et BY — hie al foarte amis — tames of digits of tho 1Y— third and Fourth meta prs — bones of digits al pete Bovine. Superficial museles after removal of the cutaneous muscles. Figure 8 1. mk Geer rasasbiolis — levator masolabialis muscle {2m moor — malar muscle ‘Rm moet — manseter muscle ‘4 im pameidoourialar — parosideauricalar muscle 5. pam cern: taper — cervical part of tm peaius mueate 5, po throc a ope — thoracic part of ras peshus mosele 6,7. dvachixrphalics — brachiocephalic muscle 5m cleidoerpitt — cleido-oceipieal muscle 7. m cleidrmastdews — cleidoraastoid muscle 8. on omorauzenari —omotransverse mele 9 ut emma — terneraaedibalar muscle 10. pon axromials mt dtd — ncromial part of Seltoid muscle 1. pom empath’ — seaputar part of altoid masele 12, nti dart ~ latiabmous dors! muscle 13. caput Song mk trips rocks — lan head of triceps brachil muscle 1 capa deters oot tipi bach — lateral head of triceps brachii muscle 15, m drochifs — brachial muscle 16. i exter carpi ia — extensoe carpi radi lis muscle 17, me exter digitorum commen — common ex- tensor musele of digits 18. extol datas — lateral extensor smosele of digits 19, 1m extrtorcarp ubworis — extensor carpi una is sale 120. m flewr coop winaris — flexor carpl ulnais muscle 21, srs oral ras — caudal doesal ver vatus muscle {21 foci therwabals fi pare owed) — ‘thoracolumbar fascia (umbodorsal par) 22. m abdigens interns coming — Internal abd inal oblique evusele 23. im indeeals externor ~ external intercontal muscle 24. me oblique externas obcaminis = external able ‘minal oblique muscle 25, sc Jermtar rena thus — thoracic ventral serratus muscle ‘26. me. pectoral profs dm. petals aurea) deep pectoral muscle (ascending. pectora muscle) 2,2. BT, me deters rset 22, me lads superficis — superficlal gluteal rmusele 2. porto crantai mi cp femoris — cranial par ‘of biceps femoris muscle 227°. ports eoudas mk. Bits femoris — canal par ‘of biceps femoris musele 26. me dems facie low — vensor fascian lata muscle 20, fava at tm eats teri — faci lata lateral vastus muscle 30. m gluta madi — middie gluteal muscle {E, m semitedinons — semitendinosus muscle 13% fsa eres — crural Fascia 13, mera citrus — long eight extensor mole 4, m poronen feu — long peroneal muscle 155, ene mfr sora nyperficials — tends of superficial flexor muscle of digits 136, me fleror ditarum pnfundas — deep Menor nutele of digits ~ sluteabicep Bovine. Internal organs, left view. Superficial dissection, Figure 5 view, Deep dissection. Internal organs, left Bovine. Thoracic skeleton, left view. Figure 7 |. precraispons— spinous peosesses 2 ot i — gece it {erty coi IT thse otal cartilage 4 pracy trance! ~ transverse processes 5. cxpon verdana — vertebral bie. flere proce ghiici — tubsrosity of spl fos process 7. tater doe — tubercle of rit B. cap contar — head of rib 9. onto AX — ith ib 10, fornia ert lateralis — lateral vertebral foramina 1, focumina intervertebral — tntervertebral fora: 12 prcruns manaioes — mamitlary procestes 12, amare tea! — gaanubiaen of sterwum 14. cxcpa ern ~ body of sternum 15, cariag siphoideo ~ xipbotd carilage 16, sweat emta — costal arch 17, spate itera — interspinal spaces A, patie itera — intercostal spaces ovine, Dissection of trunk, left view. Deep dissection after removal of the left thoracic appendage. Figure 8 serpin emp nucle bain erm. Herries dd — longish- yas cerviels muscle, second thoracic nceve jrke olla Eis fos ypintroncerabl thoracolumbar fascia (spinowansrerse ant) - seeratern dasa canis — cranial dorsal serratus muscle ermtas Src emacs — exudal docsal xer- atus muscle nda tora — acle sr res omen voit — loreal part of alesis medius muscle Bm kins ical — dorsal sealers mutcle cr cevtraia sale et — ventral past of lens medius muscle sehen — Wace 2, 14, 35. plexes bracts et er ew — br hial plenus and neevesof pleas pectoral condalt ~ caudal pectoral neeve oar mndhowur — ulnar nerve and me iat — anillary artery and vein, thoracie iiacestal par airy ere igulne vein, sternocephalic muscle 16m servates centr thors — thoracie ventral serratus muscle 17, sx. senurthaac — straighe thoracic muscle 1 me intectan eernd — external lateccostal souacles 19, im doggusimat lemdoram — longissimus Iumbo> rum cwusele 20. me. saleoherps — glutcobiceps mutcle 21. mw ollgman nina adams — external ‘oblique abdominal muaele 22, m rmtin abdeminin — straight abdominal muscle 28, om wbdipaudatrenasobfoint) internal Dbtique abdaminal muscle A, apes ek ogee albumin — neurosis of iateenal oblique alder ‘muscle 25, m pleucmcas ~ ric gluteal muscle 20, mplueurccrmiras — accessory glvteal mutcle 27. me quodrieps femoris — quatlvleeps femoris mse 28, 73. rm dials wn shorciouner — dorsal branches of thera eves 28 rami catered mediata — medial cutaneous branches 12, raul ute Sterne — tateral eutancous beaches 30,92, vi vette am hear —X2E fm init of UN cate) — ve teal branches offs shou wlth ser costal ara of shiacenth (comabdomioal thoracic nerves 20, cnet Unter ternal — lateral CGutaneous branches of fercontal nerves 3, rn ees eat egal a 15 Uh roma ce crf jf — hater entancous branch of lcinguina tery same an second hiner nerve) band erp cicumflen lie arery and vein 32. ma culaaut Eras nein — ta ral cutaneous branch. of contoabdomina ere 33. samba rl — Seema bnercoial muscles DA ee NE — 35, m sredonli —thoracedoral nerve 3h ram seb yeti ate saletancous beach of Mohyporastic nerve 31, meters eer Uterals = ateral Fern 3. evphages — evaphone 230. tn need cers — costar vical trunk and eostocerveal vei 40, a ot spelt ~ doreal weapolar arte fyand vein veer is Bovine. Dissection of thorax with pleura removed revealing viscera, right view. Figure 9 1, cnt dike devas cophngmiati — right me dial crus of diaphragm 2 antrum endineum sdhpdrjmatis — central en don of diaphragm 1 pascal dephoogonetis — costal pat of dia pheage 4. 4s: pleieae cri — cranial phrenic veins. Shon mrdirtinals oud traneas raga sali ~ caudal mediastinal Iymph aden dorsal vagal erunk 6 ram bronchi, nme negol rena — tovon- chal branch, vencral vagal iuak, 7. rami. palmonati es: fobmmaka — branches of pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins mpc der, romohar Prachras — right phrenic nerve, wacheal bromzhus 9. eecow mesial cranial vena © 10. senso vmudals — eatdal vena cav 11, blur errarie pulmenia — accessory labe of lung 12 copliane: ~ esophagus 18 4 16, 6 arta, dtu leva, pro thwart tases Hap thie — aorta, thoracic duct, thoracic part of sympatheric trunk im fap edt = longus eal muscle ‘ct dakar ayprema — supreme intercon tal arsery and vein dat seta — vertebral artery and vein al 6 cettal profs — deep cervical aetery and vein posh lata (i, eresaanacen ran Incr eoserl— stellate ganglion (cervicathoracie), costocervical truth, engl ceriele medion aglion mibddle cervical ice ni, plrenct — roars of phtenic forges mere, jupurs era tent laryngeal nerve, internal jugular paler exterea — external jug race — trachea ‘oun sbelnio — ana subclavian nme vegesyrephis, eons omni — sagesyenpathetic teunk, common. carotid ar 1244 throcar ner — intceral thoracic ae- tery and wei 1m semacephalics — sternocephalic muscle anc rackineepbaleut — brachiocephalic trunk (9a solcocin dest — right subclavian arte ry and vein ts ere pero call antery and veia 12 4 thovoc sateme — external thoracte artery and vele emlicats deee conts he perkerdh — pevicardlem cute WP — sah ‘cargo cots Vd — sith coutal cartilage ‘eapeda of mi. wopolees — scapula and $00: pelar mmsclen rials IT ~ seventh cervical nerve posi: thusindavr ~ tele ahoracic wall fight sentricle of Bovine. Dissection of thorac with pleura removed revealing viscera, left view. Figure 10 2 10. i 2 traps (hm eri ep Brac) — tea petius muscle (cervical and thoracic part) tn thet donot ef m. uber ceria — thoracic thambold and cervical rhomboid snaseles 1m kngisinas thoroce — longissimus thoracis russe Brrr ‘entra srnct — cervical ventral serrata muscle (0 t= supatars donols — doreal seapular ar tery and vein ‘a wales dealin, exer fet suusle, accessory nerve eines perma, france sth fupreme intercostal artery and wei, cympa thee trunk corsa VEL, wel erecnis fafa — fighth cereal nerve, deep cervical artery and vein ‘a evils V2, «es eres veal nerve, verter ‘its flr igancon selina (i certhorriona) — snelate ‘anglion (same as cervicothoracie) frome baer cmbureeat. png ee dorsal scale- seventh cer- ery and vein ‘mon carotid artery, internal jaguar vein a 2, ot rubcacig, dicta thpadicut = ana slbclae via, chanaele duct 5. cata eral trons Mracdsepalcus, car dic thee — cranial vena cava, brachio- ‘cephalic trun, thoracic candiae nerve . arr thoraita — thoracic aorta done elt — longus col mate epg ~ esaphan 2 borgg euront sine, & ag sites — fete recurrent laryngeal nerve, left anygoe. repel tec = npc ices im fainenshs ~ paksvoanry eat ‘ronea frimencla mpl — polrionary ean phrcie nerve 123, aries site crda — left aiele of heart 2 enti tndter cots = left wertrcke of eat (fereandivm — perleardiam 225, a ets suefarta nara — fefcsubelavian artery and ape ica ~ external jupular vein 28.» eepholicn — cephalic vein 29. ac tarocin esters — external thoracic ariery and vein 30. ws thr ines — internal thorace tery aod vein ‘38. pars ean Leoni plod dene — bal part of cranial lobe of right hang 3. dla acest plmonls — necestory lobe 0 Jone 3%, cute 10) — seventh 8 A cra mete sna dpe: — belt dia eras of diapheagre 25. encrun since daphrapmars — central te fon of diaphragm 36. por nas enprapmadt = costal part of di phragm 22% ta eth 38, serum — sternum 39. lon siaals cael — eau medias lymph nodes “40. nf crac supericils ~ euperficial cer ccalareery and vein ‘as ceria pofendae — ach deep cervical artery and vein 42, i prota profandur ~ deep pectoral atc 43. 04 oA ern cit — external bligue aber muele Bovine. Thoracic part of vertebral column, left view. Figure 1 earermity of frst thoracic vertebra ‘ora erehrar = body of vertebra reer ype apinosts process Faereiias prcmene spin’ — cuserasty of spi haut process 5. pons rains — traneerse process eatemites crea ettoethonoccoe I= eran 10, foram nerve baie ‘6. procan mile — mamillary process 1 own cea clit — caval conta foves: fore etal crams ~ cranial costal fovea 9, fore eta maternal = aranaverse costal fovea Interverteleal fora: Bovine, Skeleton of the lumbar vertebrae, Dorsolateral view. Figure 12 11, foramen vertebrae aura — Lateral veri foramen 12, prema etl cranial cereiae tho 1 — cranial articular process of fit th += vertebra EA. pres aefielirts ext ertebror th AIT — caudal arsicalar process of thie thoracic vertebra 1, extroteromialveriebror tabs F extremity of feet lumbar vertebra 2. corpus sevtbrae hima IF — body of mbar vereebra 8. jroerot ina ~ spinous processes ‘4 proces amicatri eran cum proces wm ~ eral articular process with mar! fs ‘cranial articular surface of frst lambs tebea 7, proenurartearis coulis ceteoe fumb Pimcmudal articular process of sixth be vertebra ine. Sixth lumbar (above) and first lumbar (below) vertebrae. Caudolateral view. igure 13 1, cau eretone ~ howdy of vertebra 2 extra eundal — caudal extremity ‘3. reir weriebme — vertebral arch ‘4 procs nana — pln process prota keris — comal proces 18 prec orbs cranial com promi marniart (process mea reudns) — cranial articalar Process with mamitlary process (mamilloars calla process) 7. procrass erticubrs cmudalir — caudal articular proces 1% theause veredrats cout — caudal vertebral Incleure - Bovine. Sixth lumbar (above) and first lumbar (below) vertebrae, Cranial ventral view. Figure 14 1. corp vertowe — hdy of wertebra 1 extrmite cra sertrhr — cranial extremly of vertebra, eeu center — vertebeal arch, 4 prensa spies — spinous process 1h proeenacoreshe — concal process 16. frarsunaticnary eran um foment mening | praten murmlartinlor) — cranial articular | process with mamillary process fmaruilaarti- ‘cular process) Bovine, Deep musculature of the spinal column, left view. rata f— fast ob ‘a inert cen’ — external intercostal muscles Jrvie nde — nuchal funeutus (pun coolers Hig marbar — hood of cal puchal lamina acter ie — apn haeacin et eervieis escle nan — longissimus Beraba at nd ‘am muscle 8. an pllebies ~ gluteabiceps muscle 9 im mis ericie — emaifidus cervicis muscle 10, mm malin eis sche sunifide Fdeamy — eiials labo rmultifidus thoracis 13. eau APH — dhirveenth ib V4 me cata tana muscle meri asm ram mnele 13, me rrtmrtor eter — recractor musele of ei 1G. eet eps eral wage — major darsal straight muscle af bead 17, m rch eos dorsts mr — minor dorsal Straight mucele af bead thoracie.Miacostal iiocostas tum Figure 15 18, obliga epits eral uncle of head 19, im blige cops recs — cag oblique snc wf hea i np bo im egies elles musele 2, im. done tmonele 28, beatin a. gi’ empiti — insertion of Son gissimuscapitie muscle 2A, Kgs caps — longus ca a call = longus colt usec ‘ranlal oblique capita — longisinnus capitis 2. me inkatemaernaris esas ert cervical incrtranseerse muscles 2 der annme ~ tober conse 1 glean asi — anil glotenl mosele Bovine. View of floor of thorax. Figure 16 uments intent mteles rouse pa ed — Boa af tera iierle purer wlicbieks — tnsertion of pplewral medhastinirn B diphrego — diaphragm 2 a. et, tracker ink artery and vein 10, tov bless gents — vena intercoct tranches 1, cartilage ipods — xiphoid cartilage 12 fm. strain — sternal lymph nodes linernal thoracle Bovine. Cross section through thorax at level of second thoracie vertebra. View of caudal surface of section. Figure 17 1, eee shin cere voce Ht process of second thoracie vertebra ‘pom tarsiemt serine thorciee IF transcerse protess of second theracie vertebra rapt ccter ll — head af second rib Bi cxpea serirar thovrior Ht — body af second spinous Swope — scapula Namen — havens 7. cas fd — secon site 1 rotagy cule T= corcilage 1 i mache — naga ligaenent 1. me hens eros — rnuscle tapes racic hamboid pr thre muscle — thoracic part "spl sep oe vt ~ ph rualls et semispinalis thoracis et cervicis: ‘sete hk eres went ara serratus muscle raperius bet tharaete vera mt upuniprats — eupeaipinous museie 1m. engin Sere erie — forget sthetacis et ceevicis mile ae nr itera ders $6 mtn nae im, ace erect Intemas — = lafrxpivein — in ubicopidars — subscapular muscle alt dora ~ dorsal sealers muscle brocals — brachial miele ape lateral wi. epi Aras of triceps brachit manele 27. mitts — dehoid muscle BB. wucobachios — eavacolsrachial enusele su fertonlis paler Sermo? — deep ascending) pectoral muvcle 10. mir rahi ~ bicep brachil mnscle H1, a hachiwrphatins — brachioceg hale tusete 12, 3. pecan supe — superficial pee toral muscle 12m. pects dtr muscle tateral beat descending pectoral 3m pecan mera rmusele 34. eng el = Fong coll renscle 35. mega, ict theraciet — sxophagus, tho: rte duce 36. pan ero Ini cranial pli instr — ‘cranial part of cranial lobe of left hang 17 pun crams bi emails dexet — ea: ia part of cranial lobe of right hang Sb tochea m dpegeun rrcuren ser left recurrent Laryngeal nerve 30, rag ini, beads vidora — Lh vgs nerve. eft subilavian artery teanwverse pectoral rachea, 4 tras epspatic rm reuhfids thomas — mmultifidus thoracks rmuscle i ater — rotator muscle Frmesa Brochicerphaiens m rages deter — beachi- cephalic run, ight vagies nerve eave cram a. plane: denier — cranial ene eava, ight phrenie nerve pam pathtie tras us beathis — axillary ar tery, branches of brachial plexux alan, mart thors — axiany vein, right theracheroucle Bovine, Cross section through thorax at level of third thoracic vertebra. View of caudal surface of section. Figure 18, 1. ertng thar ff — third thoracic vertebra 2 che dd — thie ib ‘3. sepals ~ scapula 4. omens — humerus 5. cut dd — seed rile 6. carilgecutals I! — second costal cartilage 7. sienutn — sternum 8,9. iy nar — nuchal ligament 101 tapes — for thorertr ~ trapezius muscle = thoracic part 1, me rhorboideas thomas — chorale rhomboid rouscle 2 1% 4 16 0, is mali serpin Aerac et cers — alls ct. semispinalls thoracls et cervicis muscle ig. intenplale — inverspi. 1 apempinahe — supraspinous muscle me sera eens tarars ~ thoracic wentral serrate sce ro donpisimur thor ot emai — longissimus. thoracls et cervicis muscle fm mmulifides thoracs — mvubifidus thoracis muscle rutatr — rotator gurele sm iimtts thar rousele ne infrspinate — bnfraspinoms muscle sx awdwajadars — subacapalar muscle ‘nm interosads — Intexeortal meseles ‘seni canals — dorsal cealents miele dele — deleoid muscle 1 ers mizor — teres minor muscle ‘dears — brachial muscle ‘apt ower i rips Bracii — Intern he of triceps brachid muscle ‘canola coracobrachial muscle ight thoracle muscle Ibicepe Benehil muscle i trachieephaliow — Wirachiocephalic muse st inleeial iniernas ineroarttaginea — int ‘nal intercostal mosele(ntercartilaginous) 1 pectoral acne pf) — ascend eep) pectoral muscle sm pevtralicdacendens — descending pector rouscle pte domsre muscle sm fromcens thaocti — tranaverte thorac soscle trameverse pector mils eri anes indi ‘ratial part af cranial fobe of left lung ‘mpage merges recrrmsinir — en0ph {on lef recurrent laryngeal nerve thea Bara ne, es Bch hala ~ thoracie duct, wagus nce, be Shiocephalic ean tre, ep dere — eachen, right vm 1 corm eranili m phen deer wena cava right phrenic nerve ‘tyra, pr ner — thymus, te phrenic nerve Ieduatinns cenak — cranial eins {pon erin be cat bon ty Sraniat part of cranial lobe af right hung rand le bachiaa ~ branches of brackl plexus ‘ils ~ alley avery and vein {et thru nena ~ kre thru tery anitvein Bovine. Cross section through thorax at level of fourth thoracic vertebra. View of caudal surface of section, Figure 19 1. pore ns eribras dhivricae — sp ‘ows process of third thoracic vertebra 2 erebm throes ~ fourths thoracic vertebra Ine of fourth vi erwin — trapeatue 1 — rhomboid muscle af falls et semispinalis shoe cle 13. me aerate sotrads shee — thoracke ventral serrate muncle 1A a mulifider tome — mulfidus thoracts ‘alt — longs colli muscle 20. mtr mejor ~— teres major muscle 21, m entenun amdbrachiols — omebrachial cuts 26, m. pectic prefumda fared) — dep (as ‘ecoding) pectoral muscle 227, ders derma Cidecrtleginewa! — i temmal intercostal mutele Cintereartlaginous miele) 28, por rami Ea ears aot snsted — rankal part of cranial lobe of eft hung fobe of right lung de dct tere cranial mediastinal Ivmaph nodes, thoracke doce 2 seaagns m raga deer — exoptgus, Hat 4a: — opening of exanial 2 34m daymgens cnn sine ~ ee eecmere nt laryngeal nerve 35, ans aor, x gu saktr — arse arch, left vaquenerve 36. mpi sndter — left phrenle nerve ‘omonals © axyga initar — puleon: Jefe arygos ven dere — right phrenic nerve £59, atrium sein cot — right atrium of heart 440, a commer devtrn futon) — right coronary a tery (opening) 41. curate sini, « cromarie sindira — lef au: lel lefecormnary artery A daca externa, a, fetes cals Fras wi Uradicental) — eaternal thatacle vein cau dal pectoral nerves (branekes of theracoven: 49, portion — perteaedioen 44, 2 1 dhmaciea interna — Ineernal chorace ar tery and vein 45, me frsresus theres — transverse thoracic muscle 46, rnc a, vcr ea pear? — racking brachiocephalic trunk, recess of pericantia avlty 447, ati clebentricdae xtra = ‘veruricular opening 4, syne dexter ~ sigh ventricle right atsto- Bovine. Gross section through thorax at level of fifth thoracic vertebra. View of caudal surface of section. Figure 20 thoracie venta thoracie ‘locos sprees — leat nucle tensor fasciae an ‘omobrachial cua secu muscle 24, cap Baar mo rpc — ong head of tricep muscle ‘oleeranoa phagus, thoracic ali padi cnt — eau dal part of cranial labe of left lng 1.2 fig machoe = nuchal ligament a wckor I — spi woracie vertebra eof hear ‘mbmpenine — ps thr cle o scapular cartilage, trapeainss muscle — the- asic part Beate P~ fifth eb 9 cate VJ — sixth vb Bavine. Cross section through thorax at level of sixth thoracic vertebra. View of caudal surface of section. Figure 21 1 Kcoment wuaher — hood of 2 pens sme crib tpn = acess of fifth thoracic vertebra 3m spina of empl toro terse — sp halls et semnispinalisthoracis et cersiis spinous muscle 4 pom shonin mi ropes — thoracic part of tra petius mutele Sot bide thors — thoracic rhomboid mnie dhoracit — longicsimus thoracis muscle 7. me mui thorcis — enubifidas thoracis imuncle 2. tfmpinarae — nrnspingus muccte 9. tere bevrica VI — snth thoracic vertebra 0. supe — scape 1. mera onal cranial — cranial dorsal se sexes ratte 2m Hiemttythori smoncle B. meaty ctor rane — levator muscle of tiband rotator murcle thoracle Macostal 4. sun daleesaices — intercostal muscles 5, sulupars 6. mits cs 7m eran: sn thoracic ventral ‘erranu mancte 8. me edomrat nck: Shri cen — cutee neous muscle of trunk, extera 9m fern fm eration) — i ternal intercostal muele Gntereartitagiasis muscle) Monte VP — sath 1. cea eta 2 semen — sere sth costal cartilage 1A se tater thas — transverse thoracke mde PA aes horace interne — ler thoracte ar tery and vein ES. m prin profs fncrdaa? exoding) pectoral muscle 26 paces Jobierendee pln iis — eau ‘al part of cranial lobe of felt lung, deep ase ‘ba mndaa patoalt ~ mide lobe of lung sl, cen sire — aorta eft azygos vei datas sharaies, eranea gels = tho- racic duet, doreal vagal (rank ‘epheacin, frome raged rent ventral vagal trunk 1 fotsoaly Branchusdevser ~ pulmonary vei, right lronchus pris nde, ay in phrenic nerve, left azygos vein csophagus, sete rari. pleeiew dink — canary ight phrenic nerve sinatra, carat gg ~ be-earoe any artery, great cardi ‘rt tts — bet at fois ciel sn cu — wall of tlt we tricle of heart sewineulus deer — eight ventricle Peveardisn — pevicaediien ‘sara cma — caudal vena cava Bouine. Cross section through thorax al level of seventh thoracie vertebra. View of caudal surface of section. Figure 22 1 oma, docu thar age stra — war thoracic duet, left azyges veia eophiggus frumaa sagels ventas — esophagus, ‘eniral vagal trunk a pulmonar vagal ra bbranch of pulmonary aetery phrenic nerve, atdal madlastinim 5. pl 1 fo eal er 6, hts eu deer, 7. baa medina, ba acento) ~ bung G. loft eauelal lobe, 6 right caudal tobe, 7 Imkldle lobe, 8. aceeseary lobe) 9 im Kaus el, ance matic rmwicke. sympathetic trunk 10. fig. seprcpionle ~ supraspinal ligament i emia longus coll 13, desis torts — bongissimut thor Le me tif a tmuldifidus thoraci tide owas ~ dhoracke showbosd 16. i be levator muscle of ri 17. seri canals rami ~ exanal dorsal sex evcautis enters — enteral ntercatal ol dire — tec ‘muscle tne ps pei ei Ai theroc: — thoracke liocostal “2 centrum tendinnam departs — ceamal don af daphsaga 2m. staphrapmasi: — ssernal past of Gaphragn 24, eantlige cents VU, tran costal cartilage le 25, me indeetln intr (mn twain) age neta Fo. he shal intercostal muscle muscle). eighth costal car racic artery and vein 36, mre cin mowuele Tm pects prfundaa Caen? — dee (ascending) pectoral muscle 2 ep om Eats dorsi musele 29. terre theuckea HL — seventh thorac vertebra 300 com VF seventh si 31, eens dete, pr Ce centri 6 wilt — right plheenle ner ema cava, caudal vena cava tr — left abe of Liver sah ie, internal the straight abdominal lovine. Lungs, right view. Drawn from a dry specimen. gure 23, | fetoe — tchen EK foci cei prs — costal “ atface of lunge Ee condos — caudal lobe 1 bu ds — middle lobe kPa cata ok canal — caudal fpr of cranial lobe Sper cruniats bb cranial — cranial par of cranial lobe Doier> donate fete) — dorsal mai- ipa (obtuse) Ih marge orntan — acute margin. Sipps renin — ventral margin | tei crdia — cardiac notch | fsa qphrarmaticn — diaphrag, feat surface [meee bole — basal margin Ear emia i cron ete feet ~ czanial part of cranial late of tefe lang b finer ners eam 1 fo Teer comin — cranial and cate Wal intertobar fissures ovine. Lungs, left view. Drawn from a dry specimen. fare 24 b feel ~ races E55 foci ete prion — costal sucface of lang bs coulis ~ caudal Lobe L jor nual Jt cmt — caval feat of cramia abe Ufa cri oh cana pt fr — cranial part of cranial lobo otele hang bp rae fa rpms 4 —eranial part of cranial Lobe of ich lung | sre dant foam) — dorsal ma in obnsce) 30. mr aut — acute maria page cents — ventral margin Limp ronda caine impres: sion | fe apogee — aap: ‘natic surface = ne Boal ~ anal margin | snr nro — intel Bovine. Left lung. View of mediastinal surface. Figure 25 12 boom pels sine — Uefe male ba 1. jury eras Boi canis — cranial part of 5 rouge cn vetrls — ventral acute margin éranlal lobe 5 feawariatrbdaris~ Interlobar lure chs 2 pam ends: hi combos — caudal part of 7. inci cniiona — cardiac notch 18, a pobmonatssnire — left pulmonary arte (rapial le pin dinphrgwtin — diaphragmatic surface paemale — pulmonary veins ton of 2, laut els — caudal lobe 9. tapers utter — aortic impression es ura ota — i icin Nob 10. imprrcnenpilags — atop ha geal Empression iastinal pleura impremioa of nzygos vein inprrsincardien — cardiac impres 4 merge daze uhtsa) — dora 1 wie) 1, fre ype . Right lung. View of mediastinal surface. ire 26 ‘pr cranial 46 eave eramiak par of 9, fnurn probs wal — coud tnterober ial lobe fissure pom coma i ernie — caudal pare af 10. inprsonmpage ~ esophageal impression Sana lie 11. impos eosar coniln — impression for ‘hs mas — mice abe svanial vena cava ‘eta ceudos — caudal lobe 12 inpernina ef: thc kena — impression bes attenarn ~ atcemsory lobe {or incroalthoracie artery and vei Sere dora (oonash — oreal margin (ob: 13, impurisconaen — eandlae hmpression 4 forte daphragmarin — diaphragmatic euetace ro era —ventralacuie margin 15, ‘aus ob ra. plore, ple ara of faa noes soins — ta Da cronialir devrt Brn oc — eae notch and craalatelobarfssute ibranch of right pulrmnnary artery of cranial lobe, pulmonary ¥eie. of sight eranial lobe tracheal bronchus 16. bramctan principals denier — right main bro n, huss rari pula dextroe — branches of right pulmonary artery 18, rs plnonode — pulmonary veins 1. a, nurto pleurae mediatinals— tssertion of ene- tinal pleura tale oe caals — sts or canal vena Bovine. Lungs. View of diaphragmatic surface. Figure 27, 1. taco — trachea por eerie Jo raiits_pan several tres brea — era ania par of cruntal lobe of left ng ccephalc trunk ©. par crea obi cr (6h crit pad Ht — ‘al pare of cranial lobe of lefelung ial part of cranial lobe at eight lang 10. ae nier — lef ead Babe ida foi eal dik death ~ ei 11, apc — apes of art ceuaialobe of sight ang 12. ium croniie ~ cranial mediastinsn % fat mins ~ mide Ibe 1K. pertendvm ~ pericardi 15. hb aoudals ever — right eau llbe 1, plea messed me coal — fed of 7, ha aremorhes — acoesery Fabs ‘caudal vena cava ts pir — cm 13, selntnan cnole — eauelal mediastinum 16, phrenic seater — right phrenic nerve 17. phemicnsiter — eft plene nerve 19, eophagen ‘veneal vagal trunk dan ital cen, trans spe dn ‘caudal mediastinal Iymph nodes, dors ‘vagal wank 21, wir — aorta wen reget ental — exp 20 Bovine. Heart, left view, Figure 28 1 te — ao 2 ince dockinephalicus —eactiovephalic ‘rank 3. tne pdms —ponon 4 ig are dia) — lig 3. rispulerain — pulmonary v8 Gabon initruns ~ tft ainiumn 2, trarygueinito — bee aaygos vein aren dent ~ vy He 12. carpet eden swhpievtnlr — whepicardlal adipose bedy Bovine, Heart, right view. Figure 29 1o i pulmonary enna vena ca Bovine. Cast of ventricular system of the heart, Left view. ‘igure 30 lets ausile e sits — tefeatriue nies else eldeeniredaris irae Cire tan) — evspr of lef atioventricular vah pressions For) ‘pit for subaurieutar papillary muscle brian its) 4 romemeels — caudal venaeava ‘comer siitra — left. conanary artery hs agne iin — Hefeazygos vein 18. acronis deste — rightsorenary a 16, rathur milomiies entoor worker npn) —— 19. relowbe smilamaresvolowe trun clewnaliy Cn ves of aortic ealve-Cimpression jresioes! ~ semallusar valves of valve of pul nik (impeesstons for) as Incaclioce pati Jefe venwtteulac Bavine. Cast of ventricular system of the heart. Right view. Figure 31 1, erie sintere — lef auriche 2 tt sinktrora — let arin A aap caf atcentaerisinitrae (pret fx) — cusps of left atvioventricular valve im pressions for) | centile ser — bet ven 5 teparaie ma papitata) — in pression for subats wsele(righd) 6. suleada amber inarvalve of aortic valve impression for) palesrs — pulonwaney veins 3. came comets — caudal vera caver 9. eae cil 10, mas comurint — coronary 11, ayer nite — bet arygos el ‘trachicertics ~ brachiocephalic tun ‘suri deta — right auricle 1 tes dextrame — righ 6 cup sentenli dater ight ventricle ines pts mugen (eri? — A [pression for great papillary muscle feanial 1 penal: dec tsi pulmonary artery rrr setreays dete right and te right sentricul arg contrilais sneer — left wentricul margin of trunk. Dorsal view. Bovine. Skeleton of trunk. Veniral view. Figure 35 Bovine. Abdominal wall, left view. Superficial dissection, Figure 34 1. po thor mémpec — thoracic part af tat (peeius muscle {2m fost dor — lanssimus darst muscle 4 ealancat rnd — cutancons muse of trunk: 4m pcre profundan acrid) — deep ascending) pectoral muscle 5. mi. wert dont cult — ewacal dorsal ver- rats muscle Gm intrceatas edemis — external intercostal smvscle 7m ehlignur evtermat abdimint — external oblique abdoeninal muscle 8. me plots mew ~ middle gluteal muscle 9. mx glut profindas ~ deep gluteal muscle 10, me tensor fine flr — tensor fasclae latwe rmucle LL fsa iat fers (etm cats daierls) — fe ‘oral fascia tata (and lateral vastus rmscle) 12. glaediceps — gloteabiceps muscle LA, HS 1-21 ret emt Morcicrer Eo fterouinis? — ventral branches of thoracse nerves intercostal nerves) mB 4 15, 16 nated ste eles ror tour otal st utr FY = Lateral ‘Gitannous tranches of seth intercottal nerve rua ers Urals aleve LF — la eral eotancesis branch af clewenth intercon: tal nerve remus ent dari rpg) Ch ated: 2 — lateral cutancous branch of to- ypopastsie aerve (Vise lumbar nerve) ron cute loterals nt. dings fw bw Goin M) — lateral cutaneous branch of illor Inguinal aerve Gecond lumbar nervel 18, sam dose merzone thorccarans = dorsal branches of thoracic nerves redial dana ‘ortancous beanches me ciao ces des — dorsal laeral co taneous branehes keine vont faery — tateral Ventral cutaneous beaaches rami cuturd crate — wenteal cutaneous branches ‘2, reed nkeeetsrachils — branes of in ostobrachial nerve 22, fu nbioras ~ subiliac lymph node {EL epignunn onal superficial. ue ‘deion) — superficial cxanial epigastric ve (oubeutancous abdoraiaal vein? 2A, rome canoe Ineo wk deri XPP Inceral cutaneous branch of twelfth Enteree tal nerve 125, sonnets fate nk enone Lteral eutaneous branch of covtoatdern reel cde vote eco dmb wyenteal cutaneous branches of tums nerves fist and sescad 21. Monae externa — enteral thoraete vein ‘2 ramus enter: Uterais ra! domatis thro iil — lateral cutaneaus branch of dor branch of thiewenth thoracic nerve 29 rams dots wi: bas Y— eaesal branch first furnbar nerve Bovine. Abdominal wall. Deep dissection. View of the inner surface with peritoneum removed. Figure 35 1, cons cea = verte cana 2 foramsina iuereerirberise — intervertebral fora- fg interpa —intes 4. fe snprepiael — vopreipial lgneneat 5 ore nals I~ gg lumbar vere 1, cede dats I — sat aba wera 7 a 1 tra cme | — frat enceygeal weet ext HF — tire rie orp aie ian ~ boy of i 11, ter isch — inca tuber 12. epmpbyc pation — pelubeyraphysis 113. m pasa minor — psoas minor muscle 4m docs fps ml) — lac muscte emile pard 15, i pan magbr — puoas major muscle 16, Hwa (pm deter) — iiag mack (la pact) 17, cartes — saris esc 20. pr dntnelie 18. ig scrondera tum — broad xacrotaberal gament 19. ex emeygeu — coceygeal musele ‘obra extern) — ines Pelvic part of external obsurator eucele 21, Dimi bain — wranaverse absorni- fal encche 22. pears mk Fnac obo — 1s of transverse abdominal muscle 28, eblguun sutras abrir — imtereal obli- ‘ve alder marsche 2. epomenrais rk dint intend obdieiets — ap: neurosis of Internal oblique alsdersinal muscle 25. sua nga oofis — deep inguinal ring 226. aren Supine garni ingaile ~ ingle larch Gnguinal ligamen Boom ene abc — straight abdominal snusele 2AL— 20; ane x eet bain (28 sre ser se) cena of straight abdoeninal usc G2 serabiculus tendinee) 29. ara pub me aon — ‘of sraightalsiominal mace 30. pcan wet abn — cas physloum of Adama muscle 3 im rar — gracilis muvee 32 dee pat rll ot me ctr Somplhyeal tendon of grails aad adduct rosctes 3%. super ules — suspensory ligamers st udder SH. pomckyma uberis parenchyma of wader 35, mm umrenryge dada — dort tacrococcy seal mutes ‘nan ener eis — enamal sacro‘or: fygeal melee 8, reli — neal 3 guint pep mar) ‘aia inguinal lymph fe mammary) crs pbc super Bovine. Skeletal topography revealing abdominal and pelvic organs. Dorsal view. Superficial dissection. Figure 36 cules denen — ascending part 40. weir deer — right wretce Bovine, Skeletal topography revealing abdominal and pelvic organs, Dorsal view. Deep dissection, Figure 37 1 empiages = esophagus 2 sao muda ~ caudal vena cava {Lom (in protons) — omasum (projected) 4. fn propetine) ~ spleen projected) 5. pom onl ipbrgmsnts — covtal part of dia phragm 6.6% cram diaphonpssrtit — diaphragmatic erura TE balck te Poicttede? — reiki (rete ted) 1. soxrwedermtis munis ~ dorsal saccof rumen 9, srr few tentedennt — enudodorsal hited we 10, depar — iver 11. ser eta — gallbladder 12, erm — cecum 13, dam fin rept! ~ deur (projected 6c acces — ascending colon 14,14 oe proninals cl pronimal ania of co: ton 1S, aa tel —alistalansa of colon 16 amaeshrolt cal ~ spiral ansa of colon 12, lin dovrndent — descending colon 1 por ewer dens — deseensting. part of under 18, pra ~ pancreas 220, kha — junc 1B, por semana decom! — ascending. part of duodenum 22. eam froncroun (in projatinur) — transverse ‘elon project 23. sore ur ear — right horn of ers 2A, corps ater — body af teens “25, bse acinorir — urinary bladder 96. nerd ~ eight areecr 27. mages — vagina 2B. wntira (in preci) — urethra projected? Bovine. Abdominal organs. Right new. Figure 38 |. tater amor ~ tuber coxae 2m plu mets ~ mille gluveal musele Am oats itromedian — Intermediate vastis rset 4 poten — pate 3 rum, faerie, — sntercomal musckes 6 rate XI — ehieteceh vite, 1. cata VEE — eighth ais carla ais VIF — eighth conal cartilage ena — abomasum 10, 1m conus forts ~ lateral vastus intel U1, pr eran: dent = exantal part of duode- ute 12. redeter — night kidney 13, Les fen ~ gallbladder LA bape ~ Hive 15. pon cote aphegmare — etal part of dia hragin 16. jou decent dundent — descending part of ‘duodenum 17. pom urn seen — ascending parr of dvedenum 18, jou — jejunum 19, ‘rams — sec 20, cecam ~ cecum 21, phe deals ~ Heocecal Fold 22, om proximatis eff — proximal ansa of colon 23, onda el ~ data arn of colon 24, an yroicell —apial ate of colon 25. pi apes sewn majors — superfieia layer of greater omentum 26, pa pinta tt mors — deep layer of Creeks i = Kia 28, po cnr ob cmd — right ange dat tte Bovine. Abdominal organs. Left view. Deep layer after removal of the rumen and one part of reticulum. ‘igure 39 superficial ira — thorasie aorta, fo ral — cau mediastinal BB flow deoumals — duodeno flewsre 1. jon jejorumn ‘omvaseabomasal imp nodes 20, centt NOM — ehicteceh rls ree nial JX — nth costal eatilage poms mer — pas major rurcle le gluteal seal ave HM at ahomawnrs 2. bbs acrssutas pubwown — arcessany lobe: of 12, pl roids si apr — deep layer af treater omeaton “pollo ~ patella Bovine. Cross section through abdominal cavity at level of eighth thoracic vertebra. Vie surface of section. of caudal Figure 40 15, wo ntrmatbs — knercostal muses 16. im cblpnen exerous skdominds — external ‘oblique atcorminal muscle 17, mx tramcenae aboninis — sranaverse abcde: soins nucle ight. atedominal 19, me. petals prof (ascending) pectoral foxendeat) — deep dari — caudal lobe of esophagus ‘ventral vagal trunk 25, cra wea dphragsoats — engl crural ‘dig 26, par eral gpl: — costal part of dh phragm cate combaln — canal veracava w— liver 5. lim — spleen 0, rin roms oun amin emi) — ara of rumen (cranial ruminal sa ' fran erehrer tare WI — spl. 1 hvac ~ lan gissiensethoraeis raf mad —ormnnal canal Ihthosacic verteliea see 38. eum sent nef ventricias row VI = boaly of eighth 9. i alfa vas — mld thoracki 34. tkuluan — veticuluin 35. as etl Wali of areal) — sulcus of ventriculus (reticular and omacum) 1, sata FU — ehh si 10. iMlocostal thoracic 4 VOM ~ eighth coutal cartilage 11 a arate dns rants rani do 6. bomen — abomasum 5 4X — ninth costal cartilage atas masse 17. ment ors — lester ements 6 hora a 12 dene cnet rater —levatormuscle af 8. wt m eplgmitcn crapial epigastric sand rotator muscle artery and vein 2, me pina ens ra at cerch — ple 18. Tatinsimus dove) mroscle 9. tu otra atrial Lymph nodes taalls et semispinalit thovacis et cervinis Mm rai thevsks — thaeacie veal reticular artery muscte serratus muscle 0, toc spats — sympathetic trunk Bovine. Cross section through abdominal cavity at level of tenth thoracic vertebra. View of caudal surface of section. Figure 41 loagissimas thoracts rabifidus thoracls levator munele af ribs t perse abeoml: 19. crus poke sini left me comayum dal crus of diaphag ‘omasoabomasal oi, me pecoen profes 20, ran medi dentro eephegens — sight me pigastric asicey andl dial eras of diaphrags and vein me — left ga Bovine, Crass section through abdominal cavity at level of caudal end of eleventh thoracic vertebra. View 0 caudal surface of section. epi, forme pen, ep hepatic vel, epiploi ‘emda yom cava eleventh rib, silat. oie X ni tenth rib comal par of dla 2p process of leventh horace vee 2 emt, dito rnp vein, syripmibedic trunk pts ral aa 4s alse deer hs ead) — right hare tea muscle and caudal der lobe) serratus muscle splenicvein ngs — les ers dn Bovine. Cross section through abdominal cavity at level of thirteenth thoracic vertebra. View of caudal surface of section. Figure 43 gene dt ~ anlistherce aoe . 2m mubiftie thoacs as tho matcle 4 cats idl, m. ecotr enter — thirteenth ib, levator muscle of rb eet these XI! — shrceenth thoracke 6 oct dts trains — 7. crue sin grants phragm 1 ture acre degphrgrans — sigh cra of dia phragm 9. Bex = aploen hero rerun natin thoracle duet eft crue af dia ve lecowal thoracic mmuncl, cor- 1%, sent rena rumfnt — ventral eurninal anc en ic recess of pleural cavity 20, panerat — paneveas 2, traneverse abdom 11, mm semates das coal cin AH — conde 21. bepar — liver le 22. ecw endl, foramen epson, pein 5 eblipuueexerau abd — external at. dorsal sceeats muse, twelfth ibs 12. pa setae siphragmonts — conta part of dix phragm inal oblique muscle lal vena cava, epiplase Foramen, bepathe i epipotrice cranial ape 1m ftinioue di ~ bts cle pornie portal vein 1s muscle of eran, superficial 14, nm interes — oe ccure desderapinomls — duodbenojejunal fle sive wim 15. pia longtabva sins naninis ~ loft login 2 fcals event! aprir — superficial " Laver of greater oment dal pillar of rumen $5, coke Ieesternen — inmevert 16. ulema dene minis — eh Longe ‘hon ermal davon! — exaniot part of duade- 3. pari poofindus amen maps — step layer of ‘um greater omentun reticular Fold 99, eico fll; cote AY — allbteddes, eleventh SM. jejunum ~ jefunu ref rumen nh 35. lamanun — abomasum Bovine. Cross section through abdominal cavity at level of first lumbar vertebra. View of caudal surface of section Figure 44 Bovine. Cross section through abdominal cavity at level of third luubar vertebra, View of caudal surface of section. Figure 45 Bovine. Cross section through abdominal cavity at level of sixth lumbar vertebra. View of caudal surface of section. Figure 46 Bovine. Divisions of forestomach and stomach, left view. Peritoneal attachments indicated by difference in color. Figure 47 1, st renin oat — dorsal sae of ramen 2. ona cond venl— ventral snc of samen 3 retaken ~ resculom 4 phar — esophagus 5. atom — abomasum sd ginal ner — Nt Toagtdion! low 1, ear coc sin — coda alow of rv mes ceinreulecs — sveninoretectar wile 9, ts eels minis = cranial sulcus of ru 10, rules corsarita dina — dorsal coronary sul 11. mas eamaariat sedis — ventral eneonary ssuleus 12. atian ruminal) F rainet (cranial rminal sac) 19. wera cenreronil rutin — ventracearial rim recess of rumen 14. sor crus eoudedenads — eaudostorsal blind 15. sors rcuremcbernimr — caudewentral blind Bovine. Divisions of forestomach and stomach, right view. Peritoneal attachments indicated by difference in color. gure 48 1, imine — ders ame of wane 2: sor ceil tll — ventral un of ramen 3. pines = coeuhams homian — shaman pdages ~ eophagi ‘er rominertalrh — rminoreicuar ea cu ‘Ari eins ct einen of romen Cranial ruminal sac} armors er — ight asenioy sls 10, alas tongs: deer ~ sgh logituinal raleus Lt, bel raat — runt ul [2 saw onan eiabielt — eaudodoral ind 13, sv et cents ~ caudoventrl blind aes 14, sls condos mani — caudal sulcus of rumen 1, seus comin dials — dorsal eorenary su: 6, takr exnsaries remit — ventral coromary sews 17, carota major obama! — greater eureatore of abomasum 1, cacti sins aes shomasum 19. pam pyro bomen! — pyloric par of abo- = lesser curvature af Bovine. Abdominal viscera, Ventral view with abdominal wall reflected. Figure 49 spf ‘abomasum ducen! cra superficial fea mpeefidais — aoe. sere ri ventral ac of ramen rmvnal insertion af superficial Layer 2, reat ruins ows — dorsal sae of amen 15 rt supesfel — ewrninal ee enaatale — enusldorsal bli A. pes greater omen ‘deep layer of 9 svar arte — blader 17 Bovine, Dissection of roof of abdominal cavity. Figure 50 Jefe suprarcnal Fett lateral right kidney Telt Kidney Bovine. Topographic anatomical relations of organs adjacent to the diaphragm. Figure 51 1. pum aor — pros major muscle 2 pores aeonine ~ abdominal wall 4 rar cpa es sob) — left rum of lapiragm (3 lateral 4 media Sa 5 mania deta, cot mine tr i ‘Hvagwots — right runs artery and vein, fight medial crus of diaphragm pm ent dpemots — comal part of in phragm z pen anal depeeapiats diaphragm ‘un etait —contal arch centration cephongrantis — cereal dia pragmatic tendon tn dester — right Kidney ‘mom. cate cows — aorta, eautdal vena cava mesentery cranial,» emai devtra — era mesenteric artery, right renal vein ‘actin — celle artery sernal part of 4, et deuola — splenic artery and vein 1S, ae gate sits — let gastric artery and 16, & pertae — portal vein 17, a antodindonals 4. sinetrico — gastredue- desal artery mesenteric vein MR a Keprice, dats coded — hepatic artery, ‘duets choledochs dec ction — cyte dct ‘sa flen ~ gallbladder fen ~ splecer 22 hyper ~ liver 25. mage perio line inserts ron — roar gin of peritoneum line of insertion ol rumen) 28 omentcn ina ig, hepatgstriaon?) — lesser ‘omentien (he patogasirie ligannce) 27 ig. trionguanesoiomon — left triangular liga 22 fig. rgulare dex 29. Dig. tos Bepoty — round Ligament of liver 50, 31. jam srasials cds — cranial part ol dusdenum 231, cua tgmaides — sigenaidl ania fight triangular lip Bovine. View of caudal section of abdominal cavity with organs in site. Figure $2 1m Begin drm rum mance 2m quads Ketorm — quacdratus tumboruin muscle 3m pcr major — proms major muscle 4m pon mir — puns miner muse aes aaa awadals— aorta, caudal vena cara, 6. ureker deter — right ureter 7. eer siniter — lle eter Ba ovoriem — ovatian artery 9, sarin — vary longissimus Mambo 10, infest eerie — inlundibishie of were tube 1H, a utaine — tering artery 12 tuo erina — eerie tl EL fig lao wert — road ligament of uterus 4 fig eran preprin — proper ligament of ovary 5, coma werd ~ horn of uterus 6 fig internmaale = intervoroua ligament 17, oeskawrinoia — urinary bladaler HE fig mama revene — miidlle Ligament of ladder 1m ret olen — straight. abdominal romcle 20 mu Imaserra aban — transverse abdosi: ral mosee nm ier sblonint — internat ab abdominal muscle BBpuas exer bebe — Ligue abdominal muscle 28, meoretion — mesoeecto™ 24 rectus — reetuen 25, aber — adder ral ab- Bovine, Liver. Right view of parietal surface. Figure 53 Bovine, Liver, View of visceral surface. Figure 54 wider — Heft hepatic Fabe 2 kaos yontute ~ quads lobe 11, ss: anges — ef ang ga ALE Klbetpate ates — right hep le ole 45 hdaneonits—cune lobe 12, ls Iptrae — nepinenaligacoent A prom fies — poplars pea [3 eemeroe miu ip pees pai preven tek — tren process ‘tile — later omentum ‘hepatognssi and @. imprenia ntesdovn — renicular process Acpatoduodenal ligemcrn Flap cs ~ ome inprcien 14. fate tr gh angular gn I open cle ~ sbomaalinprenion ent pepe dts — dora margin iS, i UG. os tn cats 1 Aepatin — hepatic artery fa ep he pati Lymph noes paste — patal shen epee — hepaticaduce dena chetohes ~ ductus ebotedohus data crticm cystic dct sn flew ~ gallblaer Foner Sig. tert Big. res Aptis — fs rota gan 25. gwen enplren tl ligarnctt of liver ‘eeephagral iespresston Bovine. Right side of kidneys in situ. Figure 55, 2 reset — let heey 2 tara cel ais — eatdoesal tlled seco easen A sen eth = tral blind sc ramen 5: prt find et mags — Seep layer af & foe En tens 1: tl dane = ape aot — ave 5. cw dha ro to ephrgach ~ Tighe aed let hapa cre eaudoven: eeolon 10, 4 cave exits — caudal vena cava, A aren decir renal deste — right wreter, right renal vein 1a at & mmol unites — fet renal artery ard 18, sel sine — left wreter 14. mecelan — mevocodon 15. expeadeacipoan reir — adipoce capaule of ki fey 16. dg date wert Feeds of ems) — broad ligament of uterus imesametriars sod mecovarlum) 17. ex ute — horns of uterus s Bovine, Intestinal tract, right view, Partially schematic. Figure 57 Cow, Intemal organs, right side. Eighth month of pregnancy, Abdominal wall and part of diaphragm removed, Figure 58 Cow, Position of uterus in eighth month of pregnancy. Intestines and mesentery removed. Outline of embry drawn in uterus from a fixed specimen. Figure 59 1 pleas mea — middle gluteal muscle 2. tule unoe — suber cone ‘3m hark (pm owomis) — dng muscle lateral 4. mt intermedi — interenediate vastus, muscle 5. patel — patella 6m juncr major = psoas ohafae muscle 17. om inecotaes — intereastal muscles nto XP — thirteenth ribs 9. cartilage cntais EX — nln costal eartlage 10, en der saphragras page 12. chant — ahomaciim 12. amen — cen 14. pom ernie cnt ~ canal part of dode- 15. Jann desemulens aed — descending part of Surdemim 16, cakes immer — teers cla 11. kn dra ~ denending colon right crus of dia 2. reenter sight hidney 24, lator ~ broad ligament of ters LES. expat) — body od wien 36 no extn er — right born of ters 7. comrsiontnam alet — left horn of eters Cow. Internal organs, left view, in eighth month of pregnancy. Abdominal wall and part of the diaphragm removed. Oulline of embryo drawn. Figure 60 1m fa pr — pas major rmusele aber ence ~ tee conse 3. sam: Grete — intercostal muscles 4. mie mec — idle gluteal asede 5, me iors foam daveal? — ise twice (lateral dadanalis — caulodonxal bind t) 6 su. cemtn intra smvacle 7 ato Nd — thiewceaah eit intermediate ws sre sae entcoventea sal annie — dorsal cumin ane Calf, two days old. Abdominal organs, left view. Figure 61 1, ete KE — eighth eb {scat eens — dorsal ruminal she 11, paris profnds sme] mais ~ deep part 2. ce AZM — chirecenth ib 7 ten etn — ventral minal sc [eater omentum cong esl: VII cighth costal cartilage ab — abomasum 12 pt ~ nbs 1 pale — lang 2 rir — tel Key 15. alr dace — desceeing colo 5. fon — spleen 10, pve opeficalis coat majors — evperficial 14. ier tertenis Sponges — tne of pragmatic reflection partol greater omentum Calf, two days old. Abdominal organs, right viet. Figure 62 1, cea AME ~ thirscenth cb 2 cats VIR eighth vibe 3 crtagy nts FZHT— eighth costal earilage 4 endnn drwvadeas — descending colon 5. malerter— right hidney 6. wean ~ cecum 7. procesuy eons hopes — caudate process of liver 8. dab Apt deer — right lobe of liver 1 alndenuns — duodenum 10, nas — jejmam |, ev wriwaia — urinary bladder 12) bp latrate eer, wrat — lateral ligamenta indder, urachas 1 ig rangle dentro — gh langues ligament 14, od enter ld enuci) — right laa: eae dal lobe) 1%, aber — abstr 16. suti mair — grease omentv 17. sat ins — lester omeetuin i kg, faafrme Brats ~ fearon tigarsent of liver 19. rumba — umblieat vein 20. umbieas desa ~ sight bla arery 2 lig. medion sew — anile ligament of blader Bovine, Kidneys and suprarenal glands. Ventral view. Figure 56 1 glam upranewalr dena — sight suprarcnal —B. utrter sinter — Je ureter sland 9. wel 2, orm derion — eight renal artery an 2. clandte niprarnats snitra — left supraresal ‘ sland 10, ete vnaliesuhioo — left remalartery ad vei 8, rendeater — right kidney 1 uiprormads cout rats dior — 4. rena — left idney cavilal soprareaal branch of right renal a 5, 1 ormsnundl — caudal vera cava very 6 wirte — norta 12, rut perenne snl treed — ight uretce caudal suprarenal branch of left renal arter

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