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Behavior Contract

I understand that I have nobody else to blame for my behavior but myself. I will take responsibility for my actions
without blaming others or using distractions to avoid being held accountable. I will accept my consequences and
learn from my mistakes.
I will respect myself. I will be respectful to others by treating them the way that I would like to be treated. I will use
proper manners and speak appropriately to my teachers, fellow classmates, all students of OCS and every single
human. I will respect the privacy of others. I will respect feelings of others. I will respect the property of the school
and the property of others. I will not damage any property.
I will keep myself and others safe by avoiding behaviors that are aggressive, destructive, or dangerous. I will avoid
places and objects that are unsafe or dangerous. I will not dare my friends or others students. I will not give in to
peer pressure.
I will act responsibly by doing the things that are expected of me in a consistent and timely manners. I will do things
to the best of my ability and will avoid making excuses or procrastinating. I will respect deadlines and make sure
to submit homework, classwork, assignments, etc. on time. I will always be prepared for school. I will always bring
the required items, materials, textbooks, sheets, etc. to class. I will be on time for my class. I will do things to the
best of my ability to avoid being tardy.
I will listen to my teachers. Every teacher in OCS is my teacher. I will follow rules and instructions of OCS and my
teachers. I will follow classrooms, masjid, field, blacktop, restrooms, etc. rules to the best of my ability. I will avoid
non-compliant behaviors such as arguing, begging, complaining or whining.
I will not bring any electronics to school without the schools permission and my parents permission. I will not use
a cellphone at school at any time. I will not go on social media during school time at school.
I will be clean. I will clean after myself. I will practice good hygiene.
I do not accept bullying. I do not accept to be bullied. I do not accept bullying anyone. I will help eliminate bullying
at OCS. I will not bully anyone on campus, off campus, online or anywhere. I will not witness bullying or stand by
while someone is being bullied. If I witness bullying anywhere, I will tell a teacher, school administrator or an adult.
I will be patient, honest, fair, courageous, generous and courteous to others. And my example is Prophet Muhammad
peace be upon him. I will present a positive attitude instead of being naive, pessimistic, or rude.

Student Name
Student Signature


Parents Name


Parents Signature

If you would like to receive direct and personal update of your childs behavior, Please Initial ___
Please provide us with your cellphone number: __________________ / ___________________

I know


Peer Pressure
Social Media

- Record yourself reading the contract to your parents and signing the contract.
- Define the above words.
- Contract is due on Friday August 19th.
- Contract will be saved with the student record.

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