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Instructional Environment (A-2) Crystal Mo-Wong

DIRECTIONS: Thoughtful consideration of your instructional environment is important in meeting the needs of your
students. Indicate how you have addressed appropriate prevention and intervention for safety concerns. Include relevant
information regarding student placement, equipment, and instructional materials/technology, etc. Include the rationale for
your decisions. Draw or attach a layout of your instructional environment.
Instructional Environment Design:

Instructional Environment Rationale:

For safety concerns I made sure that there were clear isles to the entrance and exit doors as you can see in the back of the
classroom as black rectangles with red highlights.
I have my student desks arranged for two students to a desk so that they can see the front of the room easily for direct
instruction, and be in partner groups for the bulk of the week. For projects or other group work activity, the chairs can be
easily moved to make a group of four with the tables behind them.
Student Placement
As you can see from the layout that I have some other students highlighted on various student desks throughout the
classroom There is a student, Isaac, whom has a wheel chair upon entering the class, however, he parks it in the back of the
room and prefers to talk to his desk by himself. He does have and aid with him every day to help him with this. She met
with me at the beginning of the year and requested seating in the back of the classroom for this purpose.
Copyright Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education
Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) 2011
Context for Teaching and Learning Instructional Environment

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Adrian is in the front of the class because he has ADHD and an IEP with preferred seating and needs to be redirected often.
He is very close to me, which makes redirection easy.
The other student I highlighted was Nathan, who also has an IEP and is and is and Intermediate CELDT score EL. I recently
moved his seat closer to the front and on an isle seat because his aid requested easy access to help him during instruction
Gabby is also and IEP highlighted student seated close to the front of the room and to me. I sometimes have to redirect her
and having her this close to me makes it easy.
Finally the last to highlighted students are my potential GATE students. They excel in math, getting and A+ and are
interested in helping others. Currently Malena is sitting next to Mark, who needs the help as he is below proficient . Sarai, is
in the back of the room and sits in between to Yvette and Lino. She is closest to Yvette who is very shy. Lino can benefit the
most from Sarai, however has a behavior issue and cannot sit to close to her because of the temptation to be off task.

Copyright Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education

Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) 2011
Context for Teaching and Learning Instructional Environment

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