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Paradise awoke to the soft kisses on her eyes, she woke slowly remembering that she was with “O”, He kissed her so sweet that she slowly turned to return his kisses. As the passion increased he moved his hand between her moist thighs and started licking around her lips she put her tongue out just enough for him to lick her tongue, She moved her hips in a slow rotating motion while his fingers fondled her clitoris. He climbed up on her in bed and striated her with his knees right under her arm pits He slowly raised up and placed his penis on her lips and he moved his penis across her lips and around her face. She knew then that he wanted her to kiss his penis, She kissed his penis with her tongue between her lips he moaned and slowly put his penis inside of her mouth, She just laid there with her mouth open as he thrust his penis in and out of her mouth until it was swollen and hard asa bat. He then went down to put his penis inside her vagina he pushed it in so hard that all she could do was scream. He did not stop until he jammed her with every inch of his swollen bat. He pushed in, he rose up and stood up inside of her all she could do was try to stop him by sq g on the bed he held her were she could not move. She heard his voice growl and he said in her ear this is my pussy say it this is my pussy, He continues to thrush until the bed rocked like she was on a boat. She said yes “O” this is yourrrrs Say it louder and he pounded harder YES “O” it’s yours he still didn’t stop, He took his leg and locked it around her leg where she could no longer squirm, He continued to walk up and down and in and out of her, He was so hard that she thought he must be on something. He took her legs and raised them up toward her head and grabbed her ass and pulled her down on him that all she could do was fly. He continued fucking her on his knees she couldn't resist but ty to make him come. He was still hard when he turned her over and spreaded her ass and romped down in her pussy she screamed and he went harder she begged and he still did not slow up a notch, She tried to talk to him as her head went up and down on the pillow, He whispered in her car “can fuck you for hours” she started squeezing her pussy together to help him wy to bust but it did not stop him he rode her like a horse. He was going to break her in tonight and she knew she was going to pass out. O slowed down just to fill her orgasm on his penis he slowly rolled his penis in her juices and he ill do not come. He laid down beside her with her back to him and her leg over his stomach and he just rocked he could still fill her running down his penis and she was sleep he still fucked her even sleep until he came. She never knew when he stopped fucking her she had passed out cold. He knew he had did his job he got up to see that she had bleed. He went to take a shower and got dress. He did not wake her he locked the door and went to the Casino. “O” was woke and getting dressed he put on his slacks with a button up shirt and grabbed a belt that looked like the navy blue gators he had on. Paradise wake up. Paradise get up. Paradise woke up looking surprised she never knew she had fell asleep and he was up and dressed the room was smelling good with the cologne he had just put on, “O” Ineed to get some clothes. All [have here are my jeans and boots. He kissed her and said that’s all you need come on get dressed. We have to make a couple of stops before we get to the airport. Paradise do you have your ID. Paradise: Yes I do have a drivers license “0”: That’s good. Do you have a passport. Paradise: No. “O” Okay we will have to get that when we get back. Paradise jump in the shower and get dressed okay. I am going to go down and put these bags in the car. I'm taking my Polar bear for good Juck I want you to hold on to this with your life okay. He smiled and kissed her on the neck with his hands full of the bearand 3 Louis Vinton bags. One for suits the other for cosmetics and the other one was empty they will be filled on he way back home. Paradise was woke now and running in the bathroom. She took a shower and was putting on lotion and deodorant as she looked in the mirror she thanked Penny for the hair do because itwas still holding good, She put on her clothes and was zipping the boots up when “O” walked in, You look so good to me Baby, He pulled her jeans back down unzipped his slacks and told her to just tum around. He pushed her jeans and panties around her ankles and unzipped his pants and had her just bend over the bed he found her vagina with his finger and put his penis inside of her he moved in and out holding her w ist and bringing her butt to his stomach he moaned and groaned she also moaned as she felt her orgasm coming down he moved harder until she could feel his penis getting harder and longer she screamed with pleasures and he kept moving her ass to the rim of his penis he just growled until he felt himself about to explode and he held her waist tight to his entire penis was inside and her ass was sitting on his stomach. He spit on top of her ass aud said Yeah Baby. He did not let her move until his penis became limp. He then rubbed his spit on her ass like lotion and helped her pull up her panties and pants. She tried to go to the bathroom but he wouldn't let her he pulled up his pants and grabbed the keys he put on the alarm and locked the door and got the elevator. On the elevator he was still kissing her lips when they hit the bottom floor. He turned around and said come on Baby we are parked over here under the shed. Paradise had no idea what car they were looking for: He hit the button to unlock the door and there was a beautiful Midnight blue and silver BMW 745. “O” opened the door and Paradise got in the car speechless. He said put your seat belt on baby. The car was absolutely beautiful with all the new navigator system. The car had créme coach leather seats and the new car smell was so fresh. He leaned back, started the car and drove through the gate using the key pad, It was so silent in the car it felt like they were on another planet, The noise from the outside was just that outside. “07: You okay baby. Paradise: Yeah I’m okay baby. “O”: How did you like my quickie, Paradise: I'm in another world with you"O”, “O" that’s right baby you sure are in my world. O hit the Lodge freeway headed to the Westside. He came up at Livernois shot down to Outer drive and took aleft he went to Rose lawn pulled into the driveway and said come on baby get out. Paradise was weak her knees seemed like she had to tell them move, he opened the door and they walked up the driveway and the door came open, Hi Mama he said this is my lady Paradise. Hello Paradise. Paradise this is my mother her name is Olivia. Paradise smiled and said nice to meet you. Paradise looked around the living room as she had to step down to the living room it was beautiful and the dining room was made for formal dining, He said this is my mom’s house. I grew up around here. I went to U of D High school Mama tied to keep her son in the best schools in Detroit and in the best areas, This area use to be homes to Marvin Gaye, Smokey Robinson and Barry Gordy owned this house too. Ms. Olivia asked Paradise would like a drink, I have wine, pop, juice, water Paradise: I think | will take some water: As the embrace lingered, she took in his scent. His cologne was faint, not overly musky. It had a pleasant quality about it, Digs held on to her like she was going to fly away, firm but not choking. It was more of a protective, enveloping hug, something she sensed he’d been desperate for. She wasn't sure she wasn’t as desperate. One minute they were enjoying the warmth of each other's bodies, the next, Digs was softly kissing her bare shoulder. Jennifer surprised herself by tilting her head to one side, allowing him access to the hollow between her neck and collarbone. His probing tongue elicited a slight moan from her now parted lips, and she slid her hand up his back to grab a shock of his hair. Digs’ hungry teeth traced a line up her jaw to her ear. Jennifer felt her skin gooseflesh into thousands of tiny pebbles. It had been so long since she'd been kissed like this. The sensations were overpowering. Digs’ hands roved, and she began to get caught up in his fervour. The last skeins of doubt and uncertainty sundered and she turned into the kiss, her lips ravaging his. Digs drew a sharp intake of breath, stunned by the fierceness of her passion. Closing his eyes again, he bent over Jennifer with renewed zeal, and began to disrobe her. Jennifer sucked his tongue into her mouth, bit it, pulling him to the floor. The world had begun to recede. There was only the two of them, damn everything else. Her yearning to make love threatened to overwhelm her. She didn't know how badly she'd missed it until now, Desperation crept into their foreplay. They couldn't get their clothes off fast enough. He had her blouse open, a trembling hand on her belly. It slipped up under her bra and cupped her right oreast. Jennifer arched her back, gritting her teeth and groaning louder. She let herself go completely, feeling feral, dangerous, violent. Lancing the nape of his neck with her nails, she was strangely elated to hear his yelp of pain. Twining her fingers into his hair, Jennifer drew their faces together in a clashing of teeth, drawing blood from both their lips. Caught up in her intensity, Digs attempted to tear her brassier off with a terrific wrench that snapped her head back. He grunted when the bra hadn't frayed into a million pieces, so he set his teeth to it. Abruptly, the door to Silverstein's office opened. Rick stepped out. He caught sight of them immediately, stood there blinking. Coming to her senses, Jennifer shoved Digs to one side and rolled to her knees. She got to her feet, buttoning her blouse as swiftly as she could, more than a little embarrassed and supremely frazzled. Straightening her suit, she went over and sat behind her desk. For the life of her, she didn't know how to react to being walked in on. Especially when the person discovering them was Rick. Keeping her eyes averted, she resumed her work, out of breath, hoping Rick would get the hint and scram. Digs’ disappointment was clear in his body language. Slouching on the floor, resting a wrist on his knee, he glowered at the newcomer. “Who let you in?” he asked. Rick gave him a most contemptuous expression. “The man who signs your paycheques did.” He turned to Jennifer. “Didn't you know Adam and | were in the other room?” The words to her response stuck in her throat. She cleared it by swallowing. “ Ah, no. | didn't.” “Count your blessings we were listening to the radio and didn’t hear you,” he continued. “Aren’t you glad it was me that came out and not him?” Damn him, he sounded so like her mother. He was right, of course. She could have lost her job. With all the days she'd been missing lately, she wasn’t sure that Silverstein would overlook an act of blatant debauchery in the middle of his place of business. “Rick, | get your point,” Jennifer said. “Please, not here.” Stone-faced, Rick nodded and headed for the door, glaring at Digs as he passed. “This is none of my business, Jen, but ask yourself one thing: who needs this job more, you or him?” With that, he left. “What a wanker.” Digs got up, zipping up his fly. “Don't call him that,” Jennifer shot back. “You don’t know anything about him.” “Anything you say, Jen.” He smoothed down his ruffled shirt and raked his hair back with his fingers. “You'd better go to the women’s room.” “Why? Do | look like I just had sex?” “Actually, yes.” Jennifer sat in the cafeteria eating lunch. She’d declined the company of both Silverstein and Digs when they'd asked. She needed to be alone for a while. What had happened that morning? That wasn’t like her. It was as if some entity or force had taken over her body and turned her into a sex-starved psychopath. Jennifer could scarcely believe what she’d almost done. She'd always wanted to be more spontaneous, but that was ridiculous. It was like blanking out, her mind receding into the background while her senses took over. That had never happened to her before. No. That wasn’t true. Once before. That dim evening at the nightclub. The stranger with the dark, dark eyes...But that had been a long time ago. She’d been young and inexperienced in these types of things. It was different now. Jennifer was a wiser woman. What could have prompted her to throw away all her inhibitions and dive into the fray like that? She popped a date into her mouth, chewing around the pit, shaking her head. Wow. That was some crazy-assed scene. It would have gone the distance, too, if it weren't for Rick. Thank God it'd been Rick and not Adam. Or that stuck-up fop Reich. She'd be looking for a new job for sure. There was an upside to the episode. Jennifer had been so caught up with how insanely careless she'd been that she had temporarily forgotten about the situation with lan. For the morning at least. Another thing occurred to her. Jennifer wondered what Rick had been doing in the offices at so early an hour. The man rarely got up before noon. Maybe it had been a late night. Maybe he figured he'd see Adam to work before he himself went home. Whatever the case, seeing him brought back a lot of warm feelings, regardless of the shameful circumstances. Jennifer needed to see him. Hopefully tonight. Rick was too good a friend to lose over something as stupid as her crush on him. Besides, she missed him. A lot. The rest of the day, Jennifer ignored all the clandestine leers that Digs shot at her. She wondered again what had made her so desirous to have sex with him. Looking past the fact that When “O” pulled up in front of the house he had a guy in the front seat who jumped in the back when I came out to get in the truck. “O” introduced me as his lady. And leaned over to kiss me on my lips, Twas surprised and glad to know that he was feeling me because I damn sure was feeling him. Where are you going to get your hair done? Over at my brothers friend shop on Grand River, O: Why don’t you drop me back off at Motor City and pick me back up when you are finished it’s all on the River. “O”: You do have a drivers license don’t you, Paradise: You trust ne with your tuck. O: You are my lady and I trust my lady with everything I have. Drop us off in front and call me on my cell when you are finish, Paradise: Sure Baby. O: Ineed to get some of my money back. O: talking to his friend Jack in the back seat “Lets go Man”. Paradise was so happy she got in the driver's seat adjusted the mirrors and said P'm rolling for real today. She drove away slow so he couldn’ tell that she was excited. When she pulled up in front of the shop. Penny opened the door and said: Okay Ms. Thang that don’t look like a DOT to me. Paradise just smiled and said Itsure don’t ride like a DOT cither. “My new man gaye me the keys He’s at Motor City Casino, Well let the Princess in. Go to the shampoo room and lets get this hair party started. When Penny finished with Paradise’s hair she looked like a new woman, Wait until © see me now she thought to herself. Penny: Whenever you need that touch up come on back. This one on me for my Asia. Girl be careful out there. Paradise: You too. She couldn't wait to climb up in the Escalade. She drove it careful and slow because she did’nt want to rush this ride, Then it hit her I better call Othello to see if he is ready to go. She dialed his number and he answered and said meet me in the front at valet I will be waiting. I have lost five hundred more dollars I need to get the hell out of here. Paradise started driving alittle faster down Grand River. When she pulled up he was standing outside talking on his phone. She was about to move over when he went to the Passenger’s side of the wuck. She was silent. He climbed in and was still talking on the phone as if she could read mind and knew where to take him, He said just keep straight. She was nervous and he didn’t even notice her new hairdo. He told her to drive to Jefferson and make a right. She was thinking were are we going. He was still on the phone talking about some business arrangement and how he needs to get that taken care of right away because he had a bad night at the Casino. He finally got off the phone and turned to her and said Damn Baby what did you do you look different and I like it. You are beautiful. 1am so happy to be here with you today Iwas glad you called your man today, Promise me you will be with me today, Don’t leave me today Paradise okay. Inced you to just chill with me. Paradise will stay with you today O. O: Leaning over to kiss her cheek, Thank You Baby. Paradise pulled over there and give him the gate key. They pulled into the Riverfront Tower apartments and Paradise handed the sceurity guard the gate key. The guard opened the gate and waved at them as they drove in, Pull over in the parking lot for Tower 2. Over here to the right. This is where we park the Caddy truck. Okay. Paradise: Okay. They got out and and O grabbed a duffle bag from the back of the uuck and (old Paradise this is where [lay my head and now this is where you will lay your head. Paradise could not say a word. Does this mean I’m moving in. They went to the 10th floor and when he opened the door her mouth opened wide. This is beautiful O. I hope you like it he said. I LOVE THIS. I can see Canada and I love your colors of deep chocolate and Royal Blue who decorated? The kitchen and Living room was located where you can see the Detroit River. The bedroom was White and chocolate. Othello told her to make herself at home, I need to take a shower baby. Paradise just looked around and said this is heaven, When *O” came out of the shower Paradise was in the kitchen in the refrigerator she saw some shrimp and fries, She was getting a plate to heat them up when *O” stepped out the shower and said that’s how Hike my lady in the kitchen. He had a white towel wrapped around his black waist and his hair was cut short and his deep brush down waves were neatly in place. The hair on his chest was wet and shiny from the water in his shower. When he came close to reach for a shrimp she could not resist to kiss his chest and her lips tasted his wetness. When he placed the shrimp in his mouth he led her toward the bedroom saying get the food. She saw a tray on the counter and got the tray and put the plate on the tray and followed him into the room, After they finished he said to her baby rub some oil on my back. He opened a draw near the bed and she saw a karma kit with oil and raspberry powder and a feather. He handed her the oil and closed the draw He turned on his stomach and said will you relax me with your hands baby. Paradise put the oil in the palm of her hand and rubbed them together and started at the top of his neck and went slowly down his back and around his shoulders and under his rib cage she slowly moved to his waist and he tumed over on his back and undid his towel so Urat she could see his body and all Paradise could said is WHOW you are beautiful. She rubbed more oil into his pubic hai He leaned over and removed her sweater and bra he unbuttoned her pants and took her shoes off and pull her pants down and threw them on the floor, He started kissing her lips and then he went to her breast and licked her nipple he moved down her ribcage and on to her stomach he gently laid her back on his bed and licked the crotch of her panties until she moaned and groaned he could fill her panties getting soak and wet and then he laid on his stomach and gave her the oil for her to finish rubbing his back. She asked him to tum over and she rubbed the oil on his penis all. around his balls until he moaned. Aftershe rubbed his legs and feet Othello turned over and fell asleep. Paradise was so hot and excited all she could lo was watch him sleep. She got up and removed her panties washed them and hung them up to dry and turned on the shower. fier her shower she crawled next to Othello and went to sleep. They have no choice boo. No choice. said “O”. [ have the originals for us. [have about ten copies so mail them each a set the photographer had them put in a treasure chest already in a photo book with the cover of the Grand Canyons on the top. They will love it. Paradise went to Kiss “O” and climbed up on the bed walking on the mattress raising up her robe with not a stitch of panties on walked over to *O” and let him taste her wet pussy she then took off his jeans and licked his penis until it was swollen she climbed on top on him and rode him until they both came together. He rolled on his stomach and she went to get dressed as she put on her jeans and tank top she heard him snoring. She got the keys and walked to the elevator and out on the Las Vegas Strip. She decided today she would walk instead of getting a cab and headed to the mini post office down on the Sunset strip. She made sure that the addresses were correct and sent them in Priority packages to both his Parents and her beloved Grandma Ruth. She signed the outside of the packages Mr. and Mrs. Alexander. “Drink a little of this.” Kyra felt like everything was in slow motion as she drank it down. “Damn, I feel good.” She grinned at Marvin. “Don’t ask for no more, okay? I can’t have my baby girl strung out.” He kissed her on the forehead. “[’m grown, remember?” “You know I’m crazy about your wanna-be grown ass, don’t you?” “Crazy in what way? I thought we was just friends. Plus, you know I got a man,” Kyra teased. “Shit. He ain’t no fuckin’ man. I bet he never even made you come, did he?” “I’m not telling you our personal business.” “That's because he didn’t,” Marvin said as he reached over and started massaging her breast. Kyra just stared at him. He was making her feel higher than she already was. He leaned over and put his tongue in her mouth and circled it around. Kyra’s breathing was starting to get heavy as she kissed him back, enjoying the feel of his hands roaming over her body. He gently pushed her back so that she was lying down. As he pulled her shorts down he was giving the inside of her thighs gentle, soft kisses. Kyra felt like she was melting into the leather sofa. The “H” that she had just sniffed magnified every single thing that he did. He pulled off her shirt and un- snapped her bra. Her young, perky tits were a sight for sore eyes. “told you that ’'m crazy about you. How do you feel about me?” “I think you are a fine-ass nigga who is too old for me.” “Well, do you want me to stop?” He asked her as he started to gently bite her nipples. “Unh-uh, Don't stop,” she moaned. The more he bit her nipples and sucked on them, the hotter her pussy juices got and the wetter her panties became. Kyra wanted more. As if he heard her thoughts, Marvin slid her panties down and spread her legs wide so that he could admire her young pussy. Kyra could hardly contain herself. Tyler had * never, ever made her feel like this. He had never taken this much time with her. “Finger me like you did that time at my house,” she begged. “Oh, you liked that, didn’t you? I knew you did, ’cause your whole body was trembling. But I got somethin’ better than that, baby girl. He spread the lips of her pussy and ran his tongue over her clit. “Qooh! She moaned loudly. “That feels so good.” Marvin sucked on her clitoris and it got harder and harder. Kyra’s moaning got louder. She started circling her hips in a grinding motion, Marvin kept licking, and slipped a couple of fingers into her, working them in and out of her pussy. She felt as. if she were rising up out of her body. Then it felt like she was having spasms and her body started to shake uncontrollably. The more her body shook, the faster he licked and moved his fingers in and out. She came for what felt like an eternity and then she blacked out. Marvin stood up, looking down at Kyra lying there, and was proud of his handiwork. He didn’t even use his dick yet and she had already nutted and was knocked out. That's why he really liked the young girls. He could showcase his skills. Plus, he really liked Kyra. He’d been wanting to fuck her for a long time. Her pussy tasted real good. Just as he imagined it would. He got a towel and dried up the wetness on his leather sofa. Then he took off all his clothes and took another sniff of “H.” Kyra was beginning to wake up. “You okay, baby girl?” He sat down beside her. Kyra gave a weak smile and he started giving her soft kisses on the lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and put her tongue in his mouth. Marvin’s dick was now good and hard. He inserted two fingers into her pussy and started to move them around, in and out. Kyra raised up both of her knees and started grinding on his fingers. “Oh, baby, that feels so good,” she moaned. “How good?” he teased. “Real good.” Her pussy was so wet the juices were pouring out. This is just the way I like it, he said to himself. He pulled his fingers out and told her to leave her knees up. He grabbed his dick and squeezed it at the base, causing it to look big and fat. When Kyra looked down at it, her eyes widened. “Marvin, where do you think you're putting that?” “Where it belongs. I'll be gentle.” He started easing it in nice and slow. Kyra moaned, but it was feeling so good. When he got it in as deep as it would go, she tensed up. “Relax, baby girl,” he whispered into her ear as he made slow, deep, rhythmic moves to stretch the tightness. He kissed her and told her how long he’d waited for this and how good it felt. Kyra was moaning, groaning, and holding on tight. She had never felt like this before. She wrapped her legs around his back, and he responded by moving faster and deeper. Kyra was now hollering and trembling. “See, baby girl. I told you, you ain’t have no man. A fine young sister like you is supposed to get fucked like this all the time. This is my pussy now, and I’m gonna take good care of it,” he whispered in her ear. Kyra was getting ready to come again. Damen, I should have put on a rubber; he thought. This is definitely jailbait. As much as he wanted to let loose inside her, he knew he couldn’t get her preg- nant. As she screamed in ecstasy, Marvin had to be still and bite his lip to keep from coming with her. When her young body stopped jerking, he quickly pulled out. Kyra was knocked out again. Marvin kissed her, got up and went to his stash. He took an- other snort and then went to take a shower. He dried off and came back into the living room where he’d left his Nike gear. Kyra was stirring. He leaned over and kissed her on the mouth. “There’s clean linen in the bathroom. Go shower so we can go out.” Kyra slowly got up, grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom. As she showered, she couldn’t believe what had just happened. She told herself, I just snorted some heroin, fucked a grown-ass man and now I’m in bis shower. I don’t even feel guilty. That shit felt good as hell. She smiled to herself. After she dried off and lotioned up, she put her clothes on and went out into the liv- ing room. “Where are we going?” “To Cadwalder Park. We look damn good in these Nike whites. It’s corny as hell to be dressed alike, but I don’t give a fuck. I want to show you off. Look at that ass in them shorts.” Kyra blushed. What Marvin didn’t tell her was that he needed to get to the park to sell some dope. He also wanted to hold onto her because he planned on fucking her again later on. Just the thought of hittin’ it again made his dick jump. “Come here,” he said. “Give me a kiss.” Kyra did as he said. He grabbed her and pulled her up close. She felt his hard dick against her and started moving up and down on. it real subtle. She was starting to get wet all over again. He pushed her back and said, “You know this pussy is mines, right?” Kyra nodded. She was breathing hard. She just wanted to get back on his dick again. “This means you can’t be fucking that little boy no more. You understand?” “Yeah, I understand.” “No more playing house with that little boy.” “I heard you!” she said as she kissed him and positioned her- self on that hard dick that she done fell in love with. He kissed her back and then slapped her on the butt. “If you keep that up I’m gonna have to get me some more of this pussy right now, but got to take care of some business. You want another hit before we go?” Disappointed that she couldn’t get her groove on, she mum- bled, “Might as well.” “Oh, don’t worry, baby girl. As soon as I finish handling my business, we’re coming back. I gots to get me some more of this.” Kyra smiled as he passed her the matchbook that held the white powder. She sniffed it, and just like the last hit, the water welled up in her eyes. She had to sit on the couch and rest her head back. She was riding on the seesaw again. Marvin went to the back to get his stash and let the terrier out. He started barking and ran straight to Kyra. “She’s cool, man.” Marvin said to his dog. Kyra paid the dog no attention. Marvin reached over and took her hand. “Come on, baby girl. Let’s go.”

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