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“All right,” she said, and slid off the piano to stand beside him. “Let's go home.” Nick looked at her, his forehead creased with concer, and she tried to smile up at him. “It’s all right. Let’s go. I was being dumb.” He leaned down and kissed her gently. “You’re never dumb,” he whispered against her cheek, and then he kissed her again. This time his mouth was hot and sweet, and his tongue tangled with hers, and she felt the heat rise in her again. Then he put his arms around her, and she felt him hesitate as he realized that she didn’t have a bra on. The hesitation was brief, then he moved his hands around to her breasts and she leaned into him, moaning a little as the pressure from his hands eased the ache there. “Oh, don’t,” she whispered to him. “I want you so much I can’t stand it.” He kissed her again, his mouth gentle against hers as he tasted her with his tongue. “I can’t stand it, either,” he whispered. “I'll never make it home.” He put his hands on her waist and boosted her back up onto the piano, catching her mouth with his again. “Nick?” she said when she came up for air, and he said, “Don’t change too much. I appreciate this week, but don’t change too much.” As her relief turned to lust, she pulled him to her, wrapping her legs around him and taking his hand to move it under her shirt. His hand was cool on her breast, and she closed her eyes at the pure ecstasy of his touch, and then he pushed her back and rolled onto the piano with her. She moved against his weight and let her head fall back as he pulled up her blouse and took her breast with his mouth. His mouth felt so good and she wanted him so much Oh, yes, she thought as the familiar dizzying heat flooded her. ‘Then he shoved her skirt above her hips and pulled her tight against him. She moaned and it was part laughter because it felt so good to be pressed against him after such a long, cold week, and because the cold, hard surface of the piano made the hot, hard weight of him even more exciting. Then his fingers were inside her, and she moved against his hand until she thought she'd die. She bit his shoulder through his jacket and clawed at him while he fumbled with the condom, and he muffled her moans with his. mouth, and then he was inside her, and she didn’t think at all anymore. They fell back into the rhythm they found each time, and she felt herself winding tighter under him, felt herself about to explode, and then he stopped moving and put his hand over her mouth. She blinked in confusion. “Mr. Jamieson?” Mrs. Tate called up the stairs for what was clearly the second time. Tess’s spurt of laughter was smothered under Nick’s hand. “Yes?” he called back, giving Tess a warming glare that dissolved into a grin. “Did you find the player piano?” “Yes,” Nick said, He was trying to keep his voice steady and Tess sympathized, she really did, but he was hard inside her and she couldn’t bear it. She began to move against him, and he closed his eyes. “Shall I come up and turn it on for you?” “No,” Nick said. “Thank you, no. I'll do it.” Tess peeled his hand from her mouth. “The switch is on the left side of the keyboard,” she breathed in his ear. “And then, if you don’t mind, please, I think I could come if you'd get a move on.” She rocked against him again and her voice broke. “I was really close before you stopped to chat.” “T have lost my mind,” Nick whispered in her ear. “And it’s your fault. But what the hell.” He reached his arm over the keyboard, fumbling for the switch, and she shuddered as he shifted inside her. Then the piano leapt to life playing the Minute Waltz and Tess laughed out loud and Nick rocked against her until everything came free inside her and all her worries went out into the universe with any other rational thought she might have had. “That was incredible,” she told him later, when they were curled up in bed together. “That was the best.” “I knew I should have told Christine to get me knee pads.” Nick winced as he stretched out his legs under the covers. “I’m too damn old for this.” seemed to last for days. Grace slanted bt head to mect him more fully. She slipped het hands around his neck so she could finger tha damp silk of Hl curls She relished the feling of Ml body reacting to him, Hl breasts aching and swelling, the nipples tightening almost painfully, especially when she rubbed them against his chest Her heart had found a new rythm that seemed to match his, quick and full. er body seemed to be melting, molding to his « it they were warm candle wax, She swore het womb contracted. Tee began to nuzzle her ear, and then her throat, sending sharp chills cascading through fet. She arched het neck to give him better purchase. He cupped ler breast in his hand, and her body instinctively lifted to meet him. ‘Oh, she thought, gasping for air at the exquisite sensations his fingers wove, this is what I've missed. This is what our lives would be if he returned my love was when she admitted it, finally. It had probably been inevitable from the moment she'd first tucked hers ia comer just to watch him. He fascinated her. He amused her He confounded her. fe was such a contradiction, hut at heart. he was « man who could see greamess inthe ungainly Gadzooks. He had seen Grace, and even though she knew she was the last person he would choose to make love to, he made love to her And he did it with passior and enthusiasm, He was a man she could love He was a man she did love ven as she flt his weight on het, she ached for its loss. She felt is lever hands unlacing he stays and thought she would do anything to insure their return, She felt her body warming, opening, hungering, and she ‘wanted to fee! that al the time. She wanted to have the right to fee it ‘She wanted Diecan to fee! it for ber Then he took in his mouth and she forgot about love. She could only focus on pleasure. “Oh, my." she gasped, grabbing his head and pulling him to her “that’s quite... lovely.” He smiled against her. "Glad you like iL aimat some chagrin that Ida’ realize your breasts were quite this Site Found herself looking down at hersef and realized that somchow he'd slipped hist dress downto er waist Kate's chef insisted I mowed to put on some weight.” she sa stupidly impatient at his absence. “Would you ike mother taste” He chucklod this ime, his ltenton onthe nipple he took between is fingers Pleasure sho through her an she arched against him, groaning, "Please, Diecan.” Somehow that stopped him. His har wes rumpled is eyes lmguorous, is expression thoughtful as he looked down at her. “No,” said, dropping a kiss on her forehead. “If we stay down here, I'm just going to take you again, and tha’ not far race hued, her boy already chilling ashe st up. “I dont think 1 complained" He climbed to fis feet and held out ahand.*You said you wanted everything. Now, come on * Sill lying on the flor, she glared up at him, *You're making me fed like a child you have to drag through the far. ils smile would have melted steel. “Oh, but I assure you you'll enjoy this fair as much as ‘And oh, she did. Accepting his assistance, she pot to her fest, where he kissed her again his hand against the back of her head to hold her close as he leisurely explored her mouth, his anm around her waist to keep her fom collapsing back to the flor. She insisted on undressing him, using the excuse to explore his sleek, toned body with fuer hands and eyes and mouth, She almost dropped to her knees to take his rd inher mouth again, but he laughed and hauled fer back into his arms where he kissed het some more; playfully, deeply, seductively, until she eould’t stand up. He pulled her so tightly against him she could barely breathe, and when he stepped back, somehow her clothing had joined his on the floor “see you've washed the dye ou,” he murmured She almost ed, He coulda't want to see al of ef. She tied to pull away, bute caught ie back to him again, “Am [going to have to tie you down” he asked *You don’t want to." He grinned, and she felt her knees tum to mush, And suddenly his neckoloth was in his hands and he was tying her hands together, just as he had with Minette “Thank heavens for neckelths.” she sapped, pulling tthe bonds, hr nakedness forgotten, “or your partners would keep geting away" ‘in was positively salacious. Spinning er away fro him, he pressed his body full length against her tod throbbing in between the globes of her bottom, his mouth right against her eat. “Ob, you don't want to eeavay” Tier bod are to fe with the barest whisper of his breath against the shell of et car, wih the remembered feel of him pressing sgainst BBE ‘This time, though, was batter, This time be cise to be bere: he surrounded Ht idea a te er nhasey sii “What now?" she whispered, breathless and unnerved. *You must tell me," he murmured. Lifting her small breasts into his hands, he began to neal the taut nipples with his thumbs until she wanted to wail with impatience. you what?” she asked, her voice thin. “Tm fed up here” His heed still just next to hers, he kissed her exquisitely sensitive eu, licking her shell and then blowing on it nti she couldn't breathe at all. Her entire body was on fire, freezing, chills chasing one after another all the way t het core, beyond to her legs, het feet, her toes. “Do you want me to be polite? he asked, his voice a deep rumble against her back, “or do you want to know hhow a mare feels in heat?” ‘Another flash, this of lightning, jagged and blinding, She didn't want polite She wanted to know he couldn't help himself. She wanted to make hum lose control again. “Take me,” she moaned, letting hier head fall back He {66K hold of Ht hands and ted them tothe bedpost He nesled right up against 8B, o she could fest the cate length of fil erection against Hf bottom. She was rembling now, pulling fair Hl gasps, BF entire body thrumming with anticipation ‘Then he did something she'd never expected. He wrapped a blindfold around her didn't do this before.” *Lknow, But aren't you feeling adventurous?” She felt as if she stood balanced on a sharp precipice. She was naked, vulnerable, submissive. He was behind het, not touching her, close enough, though, that she could fee! the heat radiate off his skin, She was thick with arousal, taut with uncertainty. It vas her choice, Did she trust him? "Yes." she said, relaxing into her bonds. “I am ficeling adventurous” She jerked back. “You ‘Spread your legs She shook with excitement, She spread het legs and felt the air thought how easily she could hear the rasp of his breath, the side of “Bend over” She bent over. "Ak, beautiful," he murmured," ean see the the pink of your netherips, and they want this.” She found hes her wet core. She saw blackness and feet on the floor. already wet. Tell me ye if even more aroused by his words. More uncertain, More fragile. He hadn't even touched b and she felt as if she'd splinter into shards of glass. The air swirled genily around her. She could hear nothing no SCM breathing Mil cou beart Buc abcamellolin. hors pecand Gukj aight Seach ant eaidiocioa Suddenly she felt the pressure of one callused finger against her Tell me” She gasped, the touch burning ff, she arched, seeking a deeper touch, a sharper contact, Just that one, tiny 5 from i finger was igniting'a firestorm HO I want this,” she said, trying not to groan. "I want you.” He reached around with his other hand and caught her nipple. He rolled it, stretched it, and she moaned, “Now?” he murmured. "Do you want it now?” ict “Yea! se hago frcus wih wating. wih nt knowin Fora wend Bil hands dieapperred. She pulled sgsinat Wl bond ying 6 get toe, She eon even ear him, She eld her both, desperatly Seking pot of am inthe darkness God se was 0 lose 1s pring di fad weal so. Then she fet ld hands on ht ips, no more. She jumped when he ran fil tongue right there at the litle ‘dimple atthe bottom of her spine. She felt his breath cool the place he licked, and she shuddered. She heard the rub eekle Damm yon ake asd “Willyu jut ack me™ ‘And he did. Driving in so bard she gasped, unsure how she could take all of him, feeling impaled, invaded, pommeled He ic i wah soly bands and be ha no Halon caning Kid ware He sowed, pling Aime al hey ou wl ae bt Bip ker rom protean, then dove ean Tes sia iad nga, Tea she red oe cage ds Ga marked ber, as he destroyed her concept of who she was. Her body was consumed with sensation; sharp, hot, Swing lesue-pin she hal never even known eoukl exist Sept likes nner Se tae bk to meet him until they were pounding at each other, no sound in the room but the slick slide of his cock, the slap of skin against skin, their frenzied breathing. And then he found her nubbin, and le took it between his two fingers. twas the perk tha it the explosion Grace's body seized. Inside bi, light splintered into ieworks and waterfalls and eannon ie. She heard terse keening, a high, wild sound of exulation tat filled the room. She heard Dican’s breathless laughter and felt his sod pulse into et, his hands clenching her so igh she knew she'd be bruised in the moming. She Fel bi bene close over hcr. if he couldn't bear to scparat his skin from hers He was shaking. and she was onc again swept by the feling of pure power that she, Grave Fairchild, could bring Diccan Thiliard almost to his knces She came within inches of telling him that she loved him: that this would be a moment she would cherish for of her 1¢ almost betrayed an unbearable truth. That in that moment, she would do anything for the of having his agin But worse was to come, for afler such primal, explosive lovemaking, Dicean untied her, tossed away the blindfold and carried her to the lusurios Fourposter bed where he made thorough love to her again, ths time with gentleness and tenderness and a smile that could eaptre the heart of stone It captured hers, the bits that hadn't already succumbed. And when she fell asleep, still in his arms, she knew she had made a grave err She had wanted him too mach to protect her heart. She had pretended it dt matter that nly one of them had meant the love they’ shared ‘She could pretend no longer. Which was why, in the end, she would have to leave him. Exasperated with herself for being so anxious but unable to help herself because Dougald was so big, so feral looking, so ready for this and she was so new at what it meant to be a wife and a lover, Alana bumped her backside up against the high bed. Oh, aye, she'd seen Dougald naked already at the loch, but he'd been way down the hill. And she'd felt him prodding her with his rigid staff when she'd ridden with him, but they'd been fully clothed and nothing more would have come of it. This was entirely different. ‘He would be on top of hier, inside of her, and would she be urging him to go faster? Mayhap the woman would say such a thing because she wished him to get it over more quickly. Yet ‘Alana loved the way Dougald kissed HéF, and she didn't want shat toend. When he suggested they keep their clothes on, she had at first worried he was dissatisfied with the way she looked. or mayhap disappointed because she seemed so shy. The others he had been with probably had not behaved thusly. She worried that she had displeased him, that she was not being the kind of wife he would wish in his bed. ‘Then she saw the wicked gleam in his eye and believed the idea fascinated him, and she liked the plan very much indeed. At least for the first time. He lifted her onto the bed, then joined her. ‘The way he touched her made her fee! as though she didn't have anything on, the chemise so. soft as though it was transparent as his hands molded to her breasts, his body pressed against her cg, his mouth on hers. She'd never felt anything so wickedly heavenly and wanted so much more, His rough hands skated over her breasts, making her nipples sensitive beneath the light che! ise, so needy. He stoked a blazing hot fire deep within, and she arched up against him, making him pause and smile oh so wickedly at her. But then his mouth was on hers again, possessive, commandeering, taking charge. She loved the way he made her feel—wanted, desirable, adored. She wished to open up to him in every way possible, her lips parting to feel his wicked tongue between her teeth, to feel him stroking with the sensuous sweetened taste of it. She moved her thighs apart, wanting him to fill her with his rigid staff. His eyes had darkened to midnight as he lifted his head to look at her, his hand still on her breast, hi thumb kneading the taut nipple. She was wet between her legs, aching, desiring him to ‘enter her and show her why the lasses all wanted him to share their beds with him, But this—the way he touched her, caressed her, watched her to see how she was feeling, this she loved and couldn't believe it could get any better. If this was what making love was all about, she was glad he took her for his wife as she didn’t believe anyone could make her feel like he did now. "Lam ready,” she whispered, unsure why he was waiting. Was he afraid she would faint’? Or push him away? He only smiled, his wicked grin so devilish, she frowned at him and began to push him away. Her whole body heated with a wash of embarrassment. She was too new at this, not knowing what she should say or not say, or do or not do. But he was all solid Highland warrior, muscle, bone, and heated skin, and her efforts to push him aside only seemed to amuse him more. ‘The skin beneath his eyes crinkled and his mouth ‘curved just a hint, as she couldn't budge him in the le i he whispered against her ear, "Tis only the beginning, lass." And then his sweet warm and insistent mouth kissed her mouth again, but he slowly moved downward, caressing her jaw with his lips, her throat, and before she knew what he was up to, he had pulled her chemise down to expose both breasts. With a hand on one, he kissed the other, licked her nipple, teased it with his tongue, then wok her breast in his mouth and sucked. She cried out, swallowed up in a world beyond. Inside her, the storm had built into a roaring frenzy, and she shattered with the strength of it. He looked a little surprised, she thought, And at first she again felt mortified. She shouldn't have been so vocal, shouldn't have reacted the way she had to his touching her. It was too much. too soon. He grinned and kissed her mouth again. "You were made for me,” he said, his voice ragged with desire as his hand swept down, snagged her chemise and jerked it up. His large fingers, brushed up her naked thigh. moving higher, making her tense with anticipation. She thought she was ready for this, But she wasn't His hand was on her mound and she stifled a gasp, trying not to make any sound, afraid she'd displease him, barely breathing. She felt htheaded, concentrating on the way his wicked fingers moved against her womanly folds, pressing into her, and she gave a gasp this time, unable to stop herself. Decper, he pushed, and then he withdrew his fingers and stroked a part of her that she hadn't known could give her such tantalizing pleasure. She couldn't take it. "Hurry," she said, her voice high and hushed and begging, And he did, Stroked her, though that's not what she meant. She meant for him to plunge his staff inside her before she fainted from his powerful touch. But he didn't stop pleasuring her, ignoring his own needs until she'd felt the rush again of a firestorm spreading through her, taking her over the edge of the precipice. "Ob," she cried out, unable to silence the word, This time, he yanked up his plaid, pressed himself against her, and entered her woman's passage. She tensed and felt a pinch of pain as he breached her virginal barrier. He must have read her face, the way she winced, and he stopped. She loved him for it—loved how he was 50 aware of her feelings. He watched her, then leaned down to kiss her and gently brushed his lips against hers. When she was ready for him, she nodded and he moved slowly, waiting for her to adjust to his size, his ‘own body tense, He was so big she wasn't sure she could accommodate him as she closed her eyes and reveled in the wonder of their joining. ‘Wanting to explore him, she touched his waist, her hands sliding over his hard muscles, felt the strength and tightness, but he stopped. She opened her eyes and saw him observing her, his jaw rigid, his gaze filled with lust, Had he not wanted her to touch him? Did it make him lose his ‘concentration? “Love it when you stroke me like that, lass.” ‘Then she smiled and began to touch him again, sliding her hands over his warrior body. And then he moved into her all the Way. or at least it seemed he had done so. She realized then, he had a Tong way to go before he filled her completely. He slowly began to pull out of her, and she believed he was done, though she was surprised as she thought that a man pushed in more than once. And. .went faster. But still, she had loved the way he had made her feel, cherished and even now she felt lightheaded and in heaven. How Dougald loved the woman who had sat upon her horse, so boldly eyeing his nakedness at first, then challenging him to race after her in the heather. He'd wanted this of her, to fecl her beneath him, to burrow deep inside her soft willing flesh, to take her as a man takes a woman ever since he'd pulled her onto his horse and felt her arse pressed against him. And then again, when she'd been naked in the bed at the tavern when her ghostly brother had frightened her. She couldn't imagine how much seeing her buried underneath the furs and covers had tortured Douglad’s vivid imagination. When they'd touched over the meal, he couldn't help thinking what it would be like to join her in that bed, his staff tenting his plaid so much, he couldn't have moved quickly out of the room if he'd wanted to. But this was different, more so than he'd ever experienced with any other woman. To see the way she came for him when he'd only suckled on her breast. To feel her come again just from his pressing his fingers into her soft woman's core. To watch the emotions playing across her face— worried that she was doing everything right—she had nothing to concem herself there. He'd witnessed the joy in her expression, and he'd felt it, too, at seeing her delight in the pleasure of lovemaking, so oft faked by the women he'd known, He hadn't known why they had wanted to see him again, if he couldn't make them feel the pleasure in the act like he could. Except mayhap those lasses wished to say that he had been their conquest because no matter how many thought he bedded every lass he chanced to meet, he had not. He loved the way her fingers stroked his skin. Though her touch was tentative at first, he was certain as they grew to know each other better, she would trust her instincts more. He was having a devil of a time taking this slowly as much as he wanted to conquer and possess her, but he had to be careful so that she would enjoy the experience the first time and be all the more willing to want him again, because he knew one time would only lead to eraving her more. She looked startled when he began to pull out of her. He pushed into her again, feeling her tense. He kissed her mouth and that made her relax as she was caught up in kissing him back, her tongue swiping over his, dueling, turing him on, As if she was so glad he was not done with pleasuring her, she wanted to show just how much so, He began to pick up the pace, easing into her and out, and in again, until he was thrusting as if it would kill him if he didn’t ‘She wrapped her legs around his, her hands clasping his belt, and he swore the next time they made love, they'd both be naked. Although he couldn't deny seeing her breasts bared, the chemise inging to her waist, while the rest of her was naked, had him burning hot with desire, too. Clothed or not, the woman had his devout attention. ‘She smelled of lavender, mint, and sweet woman, her body soft and willing, her skin sweetly decadent. He thrust into her faster, so close to reaching the peak that when he came, he felt as though a bonfire had been lit inside him he was so hot. She moaned his name with such pleasure that he couldn't help but smile. He cherished his sweet wife. ‘When he finished, he rolled off her, got to his feet, and she looked alarmed that he was leaving her. But he quickly dispensed of his belt and plaid. Her gaze quickly shifted to that male part of him that even at her perusal had him beginning to harden again. He pulled her chemise down her hips and tossed it on the floor, Then he climbed onto the ‘mattress with her, yanked the fur covers over them and nestled with her. "L thought you were leaving," she said, kissing his ches, still sounding concerned. Had she thought he was such a rake that he'd leave his bride after lying with her and rut with some other wench? He sighed. He would have to prove he had no desire to do thus with some other woman "Tis my chamber, lass,” he said. "But T wouldna leave you for the world, Even if fighting broke out between my men and yours.” "The Cameron men are your people also, now.” she said, snuggling against him. "Aye." Though he did not feel the sentiment. It might take years before he could eam their camaraderie, Dougald had to admit that his believing in the lass’s ability to speak with those who had not quite departed this world and were ina state of limbo might relieve her uncle's mind somewhat, if he worried what a husband might do to her who believed she was possessed. The other matter of Dougald seeking another wench’s bed? Staying in Alana’s was the only way to prove to her uncle that Dougald wasn't about to stray.

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