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Exodus 4:1-9

Exodus 7: 8-12

Acts 8: 14-25

Acts 13: 4-12

Acts 19:11-20

Romans 12: 9-21

2 Timothy 1: 7

The Enemys Counterfeit

October 30-November 5

Father God,
Thank you for loving me and taking care of me. Bless my church, Pastor Ron and
his family. Bless my teachers for teaching me Your Word. I believe your love is
flowing through me to other people. Help me to obey my parents so things will go
well with me and I will live a long life on the earth. I will tell how great You are and
how much I love You. I thank You that by Jesus stripes I am healed in my body and
my soul.
In Jesus name, Amen

I am familiar with Satans evil schemes and he will not outsmart me.
2 Corinthians 2:11
I will trust God in times of danger.
I Corinthians 12:9
I am empowered to work miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit.
John 14:12

Even Christian children are being deceived into believing that something
like halloween is innocent fun and harmless. There is a power of
darkness at work in our world. It is evil and it is real. Dressing up like a
demon to scare someone may seem like fun, but there is always danger
when you play with the things of the devil.
Some things like devil worship and cursing God are obvious sins and
obviously evil. In other words, you know that it is wrong; there are
other things that are not as easy to figure out if they are right or wrong.
Evil knows how to put on a mask and trick people into doing things for
the devil. When we know something is connected to evil we should not
continue to play with it. Most kids would not play the death games that
have them learning witchcraft, blasphemy, and other satanic rituals to kill
people if they realized they are communicating with evil spirits of the
dead. God takes ghosts and goblins very seriously. In Bible days if a
person was a witch or a sorcerer (practicing magic) they would be
Fear is not a gift from God. But many kids watch horror movies just to
see if they can keep their eyes open and watch the whole scary thing.
Then they become too afraid to be alone and even scared to sleep in
their own bed.

Were living in a day when Satan is no longer undercover with his

message of magic, wizardry, spells, and witchcraft.

2 Corinthians 2:11, So that Satan will not outsmart us. For we are
very familiar with his evil schemes.

As Christians we have the Holy Spirit living inside us and He speaks to

us. We dont need crystal balls or magic potions. Angels appeared to
bring messages to people in the Bible and some people may see angels
today, but when people spend time playing with magic and spells they
start seeing dead people and ghosts. This is the power of the devil.Yes,
Satan does have power and that is where the ghosts and goblins and
magic get their power over people. Satans power is to bring fear and
harm to people. Lets keep our hearts pure and use Gods power so
His will can be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

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