Ventilacion Protectiva en El No Injuriado

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Sutherasan et al.

Critical Care 2014, 18:211


Protective mechanical ventilation in the

non-injured lung: review and meta-analysis
Yuda Sutherasan1, Maria Vargas2, Paolo Pelosi3*
This article is one of ten reviews selected from the Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2014 and co-published as a series
in Critical Care. Other articles in the series can be found online at Further information about the
Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine is available from

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is one of the
main causes of mortality in critically ill patients. Injured
lungs can be protected by optimum mechanical ventilator
settings, using low tidal volume (V T) values and higher
positive-end expiratory pressure (PEEP); the benets of
this protective strategy on outcomes have been conrmed in several prospective randomized controlled
trials (RCTs). The question is whether healthy lungs need
specic protective ventilatory settings when they are at
risk of injury. We performed a systematic review of the
scientic literature and a meta-analysis regarding the
rationale of applying protective ventilatory strategies in
patients at risk of ARDS in the perioperative period and
in the intensive care unit (ICU).
Mechanism of ventilator-induced lung injury in
healthy lungs
Several studies have reported the multiple hit theory as
the main cause of ARDS in previously healthy lungs
(transfusion, cardiopulmonary bypass [CPB], sepsis etc.).
Recently, many investigators have reported that, in
healthy lungs, mechanical ventilation can aggravate the
one hit ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), even when
using the least injurious settings.
The pathophysiologic principles of VILI are complex
and characterized by dierent overlapping interactions.
These interactions include: (a) high V T causing over
distension; (b) cyclic closing and opening of peripheral
airways during tidal breath resulting in damage of both
the bronchiolar epithelium and the parenchyma (lung
strain), mainly at the alveolar-bronchiolar junctions;
(c)lung stress by increased transpulmonary pressure (the
AOU IRCCS San Martino-IST, Department of Surgical Sciences and Integrated
Diagnostics, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
2010 BioMed Central Ltd

dierence between alveolar and pleural pressure); (d)low

lung volume associated with recruitment and de-recruitment of unstable lung units (atelectrauma); (e) inactivation of surfactant by large alveolar surface area oscillations associated with surfactant aggregate conversion,
which increases surface tension [1]; (f )local and systemic
release of lung-borne inammatory mediators, namely
biotrauma [2].
Recent experimental and clinical studies have
demonstrated two main mechanisms leading to VILI:
First, direct trauma to the cell promoting releasing of
cytokines to the alveolar space and the circulation;
second, the so-called mechanotransduction mechanism.
Cyclic stretch during mechanical ventilation stimulates
alveolar epithelial and vascular endothelial cells through
mechano-sensitive membrane-associated protein and ion
channels [3]. High V T ventilation led to an increase in
expression of intrapulmonary tumor necrosis factor
(TNF)- and macrophage inammatory protein-2 in
mice without previous lung injury [4] and recruited
leukocytes to endothelial cells [3]. Tissue deformation
activates nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-B) signaling
consequent to the production of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8,
IL-1 and TNF- [3]. The cellular necrosis is associated
with an inammatory response in surrounding lung
tissue [3].
Mechanotransduction is the conversion of mechanical
stimuli to a biochemical response when alveolar
epithelium or vascular endothelium is stretched during
mechanical ventilation. The stimulus causes expansion of
the plasma membrane and triggers cellular signaling via
various inammatory mediators inuencing pulmonary
and systemic cell dysfunction [3]. A high level of
mechanical stretch is associated with increased epithelial
cell necrosis, decreased apoptosis and increased IL-8
level [3]. Extracellular matrix (ECM), a three-dimensional
ber mesh, is composed of collagen, elastin, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and proteoglycans. The ECM represents

2014 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg and BioMed Central

Sutherasan et al. Critical Care 2014, 18:211

the biomechanical behavior of the lung and plays a role in

stabilizing lung matrix and uid content. Mechanotransduction causes the mechanical force on ECM that causes
the lung strain (the ratio between V T and functional
residual capacity [FRC]). High V T ventilation causes
ECM remodeling, inuenced by the airway pressure
gradient and the pleural pressure gradient [2], [5].
In animal models, VILI, dened by lung edema
formation, develops when lung strain is greater than 1.52
[6]. Cyclic mechanical stress causes release and activation
of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP). MMP plays an
important role in regulating ECM remodeling and VILI.
Lung strain also leads to modication of proteoglycan
and GAGs. The fragmentation of GAGs may aect the
development of the inammatory response by interacting
with various types of chemokine and acting as ligands for
Toll-like receptors [5], [7]. In addition, the ECM has been
demonstrated to be the signal of matrikines requiring
proteolytic breakdown. Mechanical strain induces ECM
breakdown [5].
During the perioperative period, general anesthesia
and deep sedation with or without muscle paralysis
markedly aect lung structure by reducing the tone of
respiratory muscles and altering diaphragmatic position
[8]. A direct eect of anesthetics on pulmonary
surfactant, as well as the weight of the heart and greater
intra-abdominal pressure in the supine position,
promotes collapse of dependent lung regions and partial
collapse of mid-pulmonary regions as a consequence of
the reduction in end-expiratory lung volume. These
alterations promote: (a) increase in lung elastance;
(b)increase in lung resistance; and (c)impairment in gas
exchange. The morphological alterations of the lungs are
sustained at least for the rst 2472 hours postoperatively, particularly in patients undergoing high-risk
surgery. In addition these alterations facilitate rapid
shallow breathing and increased work of breathing as
well as impaired gas-exchange [9] (Figure1).

Protective ventilation strategies

The previously mentioned mechanisms have encouraged
intensive care physicians and anesthesiologists to consider protective ventilation strategies in vulnerable noninjured lungs, which use physiologic low V T values,
moderate to high levels of PEEP and/or recruitment
Tidal volume, positive end-expiratory pressure and
recruitment maneuvers
In surgery

A recent large prospective cohort study conducted in

dierent types of surgery demonstrated that the incidence of in-hospital mortality was about as high as the
incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications

Page 2 of 12

which were associated with prolonged hospital stays [10].

Historically, use of large V T (1015ml/kg) was advocated
during the perioperative period to prevent impaired
oxygenation and re-open collapsed lung units [11].
Nowadays, lung protective ventilation has become the
standard of care in patients with ARDS. Secondary
analysis of the ARDS network trial database revealed that
the reduction in V T from 12 to 6 ml/kg predicted body
weight (PBW) yielded benet, regardless of the level of
plateau pressure [12]. Over the last few decades,
clinicians have tended to decrease V T from 8.8 ml/kg
actual body weight (ABW) to 6.9ml/kg ABW in critically
ill patients [13].
Applying a PEEP 8 cm H2O and using recruitment
maneuvers may increase end-expiratory lung volume
(EELV) beyond airway closure, certainly preventing
atelectasis. However, the adverse eect of PEEP and
recruitment maneuvers is a possible reduction in right
ventricular (RV) preload and an increase in RV afterload.
These consequences may lead to lower stroke volume and
potentially became problematic during surgery. Therefore, the role of low V T ventilation and moderate to high
PEEP levels with recruitment maneuvers in previously
non-injured lungs is still controversial during surgery.
In terms of lung mechanics and gas exchange, during
cardiac surgery protective ventilation with a V T of 6ml/
kg and PEEP 5cmH2O can improve lung mechanics and
prevent postoperative shunting compared to conventional or standard ventilation with V T of 12 ml/kg and
PEEP 5cmH2O [14].
In patients undergoing CPB surgery, Koner et al. found
no dierences in plasma levels of TNF- or IL-6 in
patients ventilated with V T of 6 ml/kg plus PEEP
5cmH2O, with V T 10ml/kg plus PEEP 5cmH2O or with
V T 10 ml/kg but zero end-expiratory pressure (ZEEP)
[15]. Wrigge et al. also reported that ventilation with VT
of 6 ml/kg or with 12 ml/kg for 6 hours did not aect
serum TNF-, IL-6, or IL-8 concentrations in CPB
surgery; only bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) uid TNF-
levels were signicantly higher in the higher V T group
[16]. In contrast, Zupancich et al. showed that serum and
BAL uid IL-6 and IL-8 levels were elevated in a conventional ventilation group compared to a protective
ventilation group after 6 hours of ventilation [17].
During major thoracic and abdominal surgery, there
was no dierence in the time course of tracheal aspirate
and plasma TNF-, IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, or IL-10 in
patients receiving conventional ventilation (V T 1215ml/
kg ideal body weight [IBW] and PEEP 0 cm H2O) and
those receiving protective ventilation (V T 6 ml/kg IBW
and PEEP 10 cm H2O) [18]. In abdominal surgery,
Wolthuis et al. demonstrated attenuation of pulmonary
IL-8, myeloperoxidase and elastase in a protective
ventilation group [19]. In terms of clinical outcomes,

Sutherasan et al. Critical Care 2014, 18:211

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Risk factors
Endothelial, epithelial, ECM injury
Cytokines to systemic circulation

Thoracic, vascular, abdominal surgery

General anesthesia
Restrictive lung
Brain injury

Physical injury

Mechanical ventilation

Protective ventilation
Fluid balance
Restrictive transfusion
Sepsis management

VT 6 ml/kg PBW
Pplateau < 20 cmH2O
PEEP 612 cmH2O
Recruitment maneuver

Pulmonary infection

Non-pulmonary organ failure

Small intestine, kidney
Figure 1. Pathophysiology of ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) in non-injured lungs and the lung-protective ventilatory approach.
V T: tidal volume; PBW: predicted body weight; PEEP: positive end-expiratory pressure; ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; ECM: extracellular

elderly patients undergoing major abdominal surgery

ventilated with 6 ml/kg PBW, 12 cm H2O PEEP and
receiving a recruitment maneuver by sequentially
increasing PEEP in 3 steps to 20 cm H2O had no
hemodynamic eects and achieved better intraoperative
PaO2 and dynamic lung compliance compared with
patients receiving conventional ventilation with V T
10 ml/kg without PEEP and recruitment maneuvers.
However, this study showed no dierences in IL-6 and
IL-8 levels [20].
In a prospective study of 3434 cardiac surgery patients,
only 21 % of patients received V T < 10 ml/kg PBW; V T
values of more than 10ml/kg PBW were an independent
risk factor for multiple organ failure [21]. Obesity, female
gender and short height are risk factors for receiving V T
of more than 10ml/kg [22].
Treschan et al. demonstrated that applying V T of 6ml/
kg PBW during major abdominal surgery did not
attenuate postoperative lung function impairment
compared to V T values of 12ml/kg PBW with the same
PEEP level of 5cmH2O [23]. However, Severgnini et al.
showed that compared to conventional ventilation (V T
9 ml/kg IBW without PEEP), application of protective
ventilation during abdominal surgery lasting more than
2 hours (V T 7 ml/kg IBW, PEEP 10 cm H2O, and

recruitment maneuver) improved pulmonary function

tests for up to 5 days, with reduced modied Clinical
Pulmonary Infection Scores (mCPIS), lower rates of
postoperative pulmonary complications, and better
oxygenation [24]. A study conducted by Futier et al.
(IMPROVE study) emphasizes the benets of low V T
with PEEP and recruitment maneuver. This large RCT
demonstrated that major pulmonary and extrapulmonary
complications within 7 days after major abdominal
surgery occurred in 21 patients (10.5%) in the protective
ventilation group (V T 68ml/kg PBW, PEEP 68cmH2O
and recruitment maneuver) compared with 55 patients
(27.5 %) in the conventional ventilation group (V T 10
12 ml/kg PBW without PEEP); furthermore, patients in
the protective ventilation group had shorter lengths of
hospital stay than those in the conventional group [25].
Higher V T ventilation seems to be an inammatory
stimulus for the lungs. However, as shown in the studies
mentioned earlier, in terms of resultant local and
systemic inammatory responses processes, results are
still debated [15], [16], [18], [26]. Application of lower V T
is challenging because it can possibly increase the risk of
atelectasis. Nevertheless, Cai et al. showed that applying
ventilation with V T of 6ml/kg alone was associated with
no dierence in the amount of atelectasis compared to

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Table 1. Characteristics and impact of protective ventilation in surgical patients

Protective ventilation
First author,
Year [Ref]






Better lung mechanics and less


Major thoracic
or abdominal

6ml/kg IBW


12 or 15ml/
kg IBW

No difference in BAL or plasma







No difference in plasma
cytokines, better oxygenation in
PEEP groups




6ml/kg IBW


12ml/kg IBW


No difference in BAL and plasma


2005 [17]








Decrease in BAL and plasma


2006 [27]






No difference in amount of
atelectasis or gas exchange

2008 [26]




6ml/kg IBW


12ml/kg IBW

No difference in BAL and plasma

of Clara cell protein, advanced
glycation end products and
surfactant proteins

2008 [19]




6ml/kg IBW


12ml/kg IBW

Attenuated the increase in BAL


2010 [20]



Age >65 years

6ml/kg PBWb


10ml/kg PBW

Better intraoperative
oxygenation, no difference in

2011 [22]




<8ml/kg PBW

>10 mL/kg

Obesity, female gender or short

height risk factors for receiving
large V T

2011 [28]



Cardiac surgery

6ml/kg PBW


10ml/kg PBW


Less postoperative reintubation

and intubated patients at 68
hours after surgery.

2012 [21]



Cardiac surgery



V T 10ml/kg independent
risk factor for organ failure and
prolonged ICU stay



2000 [14]




2004 [18]



2004 [15]


2005 [16]


Standard ventilation
PEEP Main outcome of
(cmH2O) protective ventilation

2012 [23]




6ml/kg PBW

12ml/kg PBW

Did not improve lung function

2013 [24]



Open abdominal

7ml/kg IBWb


9ml/kg IBW

Better pulmonary function test

and mCPIS score, fewer chest
X-ray findings.

2013 [25]



Major abdominal




Less postoperative pulmonary

and extra pulmonary

No: number of patients; CABG: coronary artery bypass surgery; BAL: bronchoalveolar lavage; IBW: ideal body weight; PBW: predicted body weight; RCT: randomized
control trial; ICU: intensive care unit; MV: mechanical ventilation; V T: tidal volume; mCPIS: modified Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score.
Level of PEEP set according to the sliding scale based on PaO2/FiO2 ladder.
With recruitment maneuver.

ventilation with V T of 10 ml/kg [27] and application of

PEEP may additionally counteract this eect [24]. Several
studies have shown that protective ventilation can

improve lung mechanics, gas exchange and decrease the

incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications
[24], [25], [28] (Table1).

Sutherasan et al. Critical Care 2014, 18:211

To better investigate the impact of protective ventilation itself involving low V T or PEEP and recruitment
maneuvers, a large RCT including 900 patients and
investigating the eect on postoperative pulmonary
complications of an open lung strategy with high PEEP
and recruitment maneuvers in short term mechanical
ventilation has recently been completed (PROVHILO)
[29]. Finally, the impact of current mechanical ventilatory
practice during general anesthesia on postoperative
pulmonary complications will be revealed by another
large prospective observational study (LAS VEGAS) [30].
In the intensive care unit

In a study comparing mechanical ventilation with V T of

6 ml/kg and 12 ml/kg but with the same level of PEEP
(5 cm H2O) in a surgical ICU, the low V T group had a
lower, but not signicantly, incidence of pulmonary
infections, duration of intubation, and duration of ICU
stay [31]. Pinheiro de Oliveira et al. demonstrated in
trauma and general ICU patients that protective
ventilation (V T 57 ml/kg PBW and PEEP 5 cm H2O)
attenuated pulmonary IL-8 and TNF- compared with
high V T ventilation (1012 ml/kg PBW and PEEP
5 cm H2O) after 12 hours of mechanical ventilation.
Nevertheless, there were no dierences in number of
days on mechanical ventilation, length of ICU stay or
mortality between the 2 groups [32]. Determann et al.
also reported that conventional ventilation with VT
10 ml/kg was associated with a signicantly lower
clearance rate of plasma IL-6 compared to protective
ventilation with a V T 6 ml/kg PBW [33]. This trial was
stopped early because more patients in the conventional
ventilation group developed acute lung injury (ALI, 10
patients [13.5%] vs. 2 patients [2.6%], p=0.01) [33].
Not only a high V T but also the time of exposure can
lead to the release of pro-inammatory mediators and an
increase in the wet-to-dry ratio in the lung [34]. In a large
retrospective cohort study in ICU patients who received
mechanical ventilation for > 48 hours, 24 % of 332
patients developed acute lung injury (ALI) within 5 days.
A V T>6ml/kg PBW (OR 1.3 for each ml above 6ml/kg
PBW, p<0.001), history of blood transfusion, acidemia,
and history of restrictive lung disease were independent
risk factors for development of ALI [35]. The incidence of
ARDS decreased from 28 % to 10 % when applying a
quality improvement intervention, namely setting V T at
68ml/kg PBW in patients at risk of ARDS plus using a
restrictive protocol for red blood cell (RBC) transfusion
[36]. Lower V T ventilation was also not associated with
dierences in sedative drug dosage [37].
Recent meta-analyses

Serpa Neto et al. [38] performed a meta-analysis of 20

trials that compared higher and lower V T ventilation in

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critically ill patients and surgical patients who did not

meet the consensus criteria for ARDS. Patients who
received lower V T ventilation showed a decrease in the
development of ALI (risk ratio [RR] 0.33, 95% CI 0.23
0.47, number needed to treat [NNT] 11), pulmonary
infection (RR 0.45, 95 % CI 0.220.92, NNT 26),
atelectasis (RR 0.62, 95 % CI 0.410.95) and mortality
(RR 0.64, 95 % CI 0.460.86, NNT 23) [38]. However,
there are some limitations that need to be addressed in
the design of this meta-analysis. Some of the included
studies were small, ve studies were observational and
studies included various types of clinical settings, such as
sepsis in the ICU and one-lung ventilation in the
operating room [36], [39]. Therefore, the results of this
study cannot be considered as denitive.
To better specify the eect of protective ventilation in
cardiac and abdominal surgical patients, excluding ICU
patients, Hemmes et al. [40] performed a meta-analysis
focusing on the eects of protective ventilation on the
incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications and
included eight articles. These authors demonstrated that
applying protective ventilation decreased the incidence
of lung injury (RR 0.40, 95 % CI 0.220.70, NNT 37),
pulmonary infection (RR 0.64, 95 % CI 0.430.97, NNT
27) and atelectasis (RR 0.67, 95% CI 0.470.96, NNT 31).
When comparing lower PEEP and higher PEEP, higher
PEEP also attenuated postoperative lung injury (RR 0.29,
95 % CI 0.140.60, NNT 29), pulmonary infection (RR
0.62, 95 % CI 0.400.96, NNT 33) and atelectasis (RR
0.61, 95% CI 0.410.91, NNT 29).
The most recent systematic review was performed by
Fuller et al. [41]. These authors hypothesized that low V T
is associated with a decreased incidence in the progression to ARDS in patients without ARDS at the time
of initiation of mechanical ventilation. Thirteen studies
were included and only one was a RCT. The majority of
these studies showed that low V T could decrease the
progression of ARDS. However, a formal meta-analysis
was not conducted because of the marked heterogeneity
and variability of baseline ARDS among included patients
Meta-analysis including the most recent trials

From the results of two additional recently published

RCTs, which included overall more than 400 patients
[24], [25], we hypothesized that the use of a protective
ventilator strategy, dened as physiologically low V T with
moderately high PEEP with or without recruitment
maneuvers, could lead to a substantial decrease in
pulmonary complications in non-injured lungs and may
aect mortality. Therefore, we conducted a new metaanalysis restricted to RCTs in patients undergoing
surgery and critically ill patients, and excluding one-lung
ventilation. Studies were identied by two authors

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Table 2. Characteristics of the studies included in the meta-analysis

Protective ventilation

Standard ventilation

First author,
Year [Ref]

Number of

VT (ml/kg)

VT (ml/kg)



Lee 1990 [31]







Duration of MV

Chaney 2000 [14]







Lung mechanics

Wrigge 2004 [18]







Cytokines in BAL

Koner 2004 [15]







Cytokines in blood

Wrigge 2005 [16]







Cytokines in BAL

Primary outcome

Zupancich 2005 [17]







Cytokines in BAL

Michelet 2006 [43]






Cytokines in blood

Cai 2007 [27]






Wolthius 2008 [19]







Pulmonary Inflammation

Determan 2008 [26]







Cytokines in BAL

Weingarten 2010 [20]








Determann 2010 [33]







Cytokines in BAL

Pinheiro de Oliveira 2010 [32]







Cytokines in BAL

Sundar 2011 [28]







Duration of MV

Treschan 2012 [23]








Severgnini 2013 [24]






Change in mCPIS

Futier 2013 [25]








Pulmonary and

BAL: bronchoalveolar lavage; ICU: intensive care unit; MV: mechanical ventilation; Surg: surgical; V T: tidal volume; mCPIS: modified Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score.

through a computerized blind search of Pubmed using a

sensitive search strategy. Articles were selected for
inclusion in the systematic review if they evaluated two
types of ventilation in patients without ARDS or ALI at
the onset of mechanical ventilation in the operating room
or ICU. Protective ventilation was dened as low V T with
or without high PEEP, and standard ventilation was
dened as high V T with or without low PEEP. Articles not
reporting outcomes of interest were excluded. Data were
independently extracted from each report by two
investigators using a data recording form developed for
this purpose. We extracted data regarding study design,
patient characteristics, type of ventilation, and mean
change in arterial blood gases, lung injury development,
and ICU and hospital length of stay, overall survival, and
incidence of atelectasis. The longest follow-up period in
each trial up to hospital discharge was used in the
analysis. After extraction, the data were reviewed and
compared by a third investigator. Whenever needed, we
obtained additional information about a specic study by
directly questioning the principal investigator. We
assessed allocation concealment, the baseline similarity
of groups (with regard to age, severity of illness, and
severity of lung injury), and early treatment cessation.
The primary endpoint was the development of lung
injury in each study group. Secondary endpoints included
incidence of lung infection, atelectasis, length of ICU

stay, length of hospital stay and mortality. Continuous

outcome data were evaluated with a meta-analysis of risk
ratio performed with a xed-eects model according to
Mantel and Haenszel. When heterogeneity was > 25 %,
we performed a meta-analysis with mixed random eect
using the DerSimonian and Laird method. Results were
graphically represented using Forest plot graphs. The
homogeneity assumption was measured by the I2, which
describes the percentage of total variation across studies
that is due to heterogeneity rather than to chance; a value
of 0 % indicates no observed heterogeneity, and larger
values show increasing heterogeneity. Parametric variables are presented as mean and standard deviation, and
nonparametric variables as median and interquartile
range (IQR). All analyses were conducted with
OpenMetaAnalyst (version 6), Prism 6 (GraphPad
software) and SPSS version 20 (IBM SPSS). For all
analyses, 2-sided p values less than 0.05 were considered
signicant. To evaluate potential publication bias, a
weighted linear regression was used, with the natural log
of the OR as the dependent variable and the inverse of
the total sample size as the independent variable. This is a
modied Macaskills test, which gives more balanced
type I error rates in the tail probability areas in
comparison to other publication bias tests [42].
Seventeen articles were included in the meta-analysis
[14][20], [23][28], [31][33], [43]. Three studies were

Sutherasan et al. Critical Care 2014, 18:211

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Table 3. Demographic, ventilation and laboratory characteristics of the patients included in the different studies
Protective ventilation (n=682)

Standard ventilation (n=680)

Age, years

61 (8.4)

61 (7.7)


Weight, kg

77.5 (10.1)

77.2 (9.5)


Tidal volume, ml/kg

6.1 (0.63)

10.7 (1.2)


PEEP, cm H2O

7.6 (2.4)

2.5 (2.6)


Plateau pressure, cm H2O

17.2 (2.2)

19.9 (3.9)


Respiratory rate, breaths/min

16.7 (3.2)

10.1 (3.5)


331.6 (62.3)

332.5 (64.3)


PaCO2, mmHg


42.6 (5.5)

38.4 (4.8)



7.37 (0.3)

7.40 (0)


Results are shown as mean (SD). FiO2: fraction of inspired oxygen; PEEP: positive end-expiratory pressure.

Figure 2. Effect of protective ventilation on lung injury and infection in surgical and ICU patients.

conducted in critically ill patients and the others in

surgical patients. Six of the studies were in cardiac
surgery, 6 in major abdominal surgery, 1 in neurosurgery,
and 1 in thoracic surgery. A total of 1362 patients,
comprising 682 patients with protective ventilation and
680 patients with conventional ventilation, were
analyzed. Characteristics of the included RCTs are shown
in Table 2. Nine studies evaluated inammatory

mediators as their primary outcome. The development of

pulmonary complications was the primary outcome in
three studies. The average V T values in the protective
ventilation and conventional ventilation groups were
6.1ml/kg IBW and 10.7ml/kg, respectively. The average
plateau pressures were < 20 cm H2O in both groups,
signicantly lower in the protective ventilation group
than in the conventional ventilation group. The protective

Sutherasan et al. Critical Care 2014, 18:211

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Figure 3. Effect of protective ventilation on atelectasis and mortality in surgical and ICU patients.



Figure 4. Effect of protective ventilation on ICU and hospital lengths of stay in surgical and ICU patients.

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Table 4. Characteristics and outcomes of three recent meta-analyses

Author, year [ref]

Serpa Neto et al. 2012 [38]

Hemmes et al. 2013 [40]

Our meta-analysis

Number of studies

20 articles

8 articles

17 articles

Number of RCTs

15 articles

6 articles

17 articles


ICU and surgical patients

Only surgical patients

ICU and surgical patients

Search strategy until (year)




Statistical analysis

Fixed effect + Mantel and Haenszel

Fixed effect + Mantel and Haenszel

Fixed effect + Mantel and Haenszel,

when I2>25% random effect plus
DerSimonian and Laird




Number of patients

PV group

CV group

PV group

CV group

PV group

CV group

V T (ml/kg)







PEEP (cm H2O)







Plateau pressure (cmH2O)







Main outcome

RR 0.33; 95%CI 0.230.47

RR 0.40; 95% CI 0.220.70

RR 0.27; 95% CI 0.120.59

Pulmonary infection

RR 0.52; 95%CI 0.330.82

RR 0.64; 95% CI 0.430.97

RR 0.35; 95% CI 0.250.63


RR 0.62; 95%CI 0.410.95

RR 0.67; 95% CI 0.470.96

RR 0.76; 95% CI 0.331.37


RR 0.64; 95%CI 0.460.86

No data

RR 1.03; 95% CI 0.671.58

ICU length of stay

No data

No data

WMD 0.40; 95%CI 1.02; 0.22

Hospital length of stay

No data

No data

WMD 0.13; 95%CI 0.73; 0.08

Homogeneity test

Found heterogeneity in pulmonary

infection outcome

Found heterogeneity in atelectasis


Found heterogeneity in atelectasis,

ICU length of stay and hospital
length of stay outcome

RCT: randomized control trial; V T: tidal volume; PEEP: positive end-expiratory pressure; PV: protective ventilation; CV: conventional ventilation; ICU: intensive care unit;
RR: risk ratio; 95% CI: 95% confidence interval. WMD: weighted mean difference.

ventilation groups had higher levels of PaCO2 and more

acidemia, although within the normal ranges (Table3).
The protective ventilation group had a lower incidence
of ALI (RR 0.27, 95 % CI 0.120.59) and lung infection
(RR 0.35, 95 % CI 0.250.63); however, application of
protective ventilation did not aect atelectasis (RR 0.76,
95% CI 0.331.37) or mortality (RR 1.03; 95% CI 0.67
1.58) compared with conventional ventilation (Figures 2
and 3). There were no dierences in length of ICU stay
(weighted mean dierence [WMD] 0.40, 95% CI 1.02;
0.22) or length of hospital stay (WMD 0.13, 95 %CI
0.73; 0.08) (Figure4) between the protective ventilation
and conventional ventilation groups. The I2 test revealed
no heterogeneity in the analysis of lung injury and
mortality, but there was heterogeneity in the analysis of
atelectasis and length of stay.
Our meta-analysis including the most recent trials
suggests that among surgical and critically ill patients
without lung injury, protective mechanical ventilation
with use of lower V T, with or without PEEP, is associated
with better clinical pulmonary outcomes in term of
ARDS incidence and pulmonary infection but does not
decrease atelectasis, mortality or length of stay. The
plateau pressure in the conventional group was less than

20cmH2O, indicating that ARDS can occur even below

the previously-believed safe plateau pressure level. The
meta-analysis by Serpa Neto et al. [38] demonstrated that
mortality was signicantly lower with protective ventilation than in our study. This nding can be explained by
the fact that we included only RCTs in our meta-analysis
and the two most recent RCTs were not analyzed in the
previous study. We summarize the characteristics of each
recent meta-analysis Table4.
In specific populations

A prospective multicenter study in brain death patients

reported that 45% of potential lung donors have a PaO2/
FiO2<300, making them ineligible for lung donation. The
authors suggest that mechanical ventilation management
should be changed to protective ventilation settings to
improve the supply of donor lungs [44]. Mascia et al.
compared a protective mechanical ventilation strategy,
including V T of 68ml/kg PBW, PEEP of 810cmH2O,
apnea tests performed by using continuous positive
airway pressure (CPAP), closed circuit for airway suction
and recruitment maneuver performed after each ventilator disconnection, with conventional ventilation,

Sutherasan et al. Critical Care 2014, 18:211

namely V T of 1012 ml/kg PBW, PEEP 35 cm H2O,

apnea test performed by disconnecting the ventilator and
open circuit airway suctioning, in potential donors. The
authors clearly demonstrated that the number of lungs
that met lung donor eligibility criteria after the 6-hour
observation period and the number of lungs eligible to be
harvested were nearly two times higher with protective
ventilation compared to traditional mechanical ventilation [45]. The authors concluded that these strategies can
prevent the lungs from ARDS caused by brain injury and
can recruit atelectasis.
One-lung ventilation

Michelet et al. demonstrated that during one-lung ventilation, protective ventilation resulted in higher PaO2/FiO2
ratios and shortened duration of postoperative mechanical ventilation in patients undergoing esophagectomy
compared to conventional ventilation [43]. In patients
undergoing esophagectomy, protective ventilation during
one-lung ventilation causes lower serum levels of IL-1,
IL-6, and IL-8 [43], [46]. In lobectomy patients, during
one lung ventilation, Yang et al. reported that applying V T
of 6ml/kg PBW, PEEP 5cmH2O and FiO2 0.5 decreased
the incidence of pulmonary complications and improved
oxygenation indices compared to conventional
ventilation [47].

Obesity can aggravate atelectasis formation and is one of

the risk factors for receiving high V T values [21]. In
morbid obesity, the forced vital capacity, maximal voluntary ventilation and expiratory reserve volume are
markedly reduced. During anesthesia, an increase in
body mass index correlates well with decreasing lung
volume, lung compliance and oxygenation [48] but
increasing lung resistance. The decrease of FRC is linked
with atelectasis formation consequent to hypoxemia [49].
Ventilator management during anesthesia in obesity
should be set as follows: (a) low V T; (b) open lung
approach with PEEP and recruitment maneuvers; (c) low
FiO2, less than 0.8 [49]. Because of the eects of chest
wall and intra-abdominal pressure, we recommend
careful monitoring of airway plateau pressure, intrinsic
PEEP and transpulmonary pressure. Further studies are
warranted to dene protective ventilation settings in this
group and particularly during the perioperative period.

Although, mechanical ventilation is a supportive tool in
patients with respiratory failure and during the perioperative period, it has proved to be a double-edged
sword. Mechanisms of VILI are now better understood.
Implementation of protective ventilator strategies,
consisting of V T of 6 ml/kg, PEEP of 612 cm H2O and

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recruitment maneuvers can decrease the development of

ARDS, pulmonary infection and atelectasis but not
mortality in previously non-injured lungs in the perioperative period and the ICU.
List of abbreviations used
ABW: actual body weight; ALI: acute lung injury; ARDS: acute respiratory
distress syndrome; BAL: bronchoalveolar lavage; CABG: coronary artery
bypass surgery; CI: confidence interval; CPB: cardiopulmonary bypass; CV:
conventional ventilation; ECM: extracellular matrix; EELV: end-expiratory lung
volume; FRC: functional residual capacity; GAGs: glycosaminoglycans; IBW:
ideal body weight; ICU: intensive care unit; IL: interleukin; mCPIS: modified
Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score; MMP: matrix metalloproteinase; MV:
mechanical ventilation; NF-B: nuclear factor-kappa B; NNT: number needed
to treat; OR: odds ratio; PBW: predicted body weight; PEEP: positive-end
expiratory pressure; PV: protective ventilation; RBC: red blood cell; RCTs:
randomized controlled trials; RR: risk ratio; RV: right ventricular; TNF: tumor
necrosis factor; VILI@ ventilator-induced lung injury; V T: tidal volume; WMD:
weighted mean difference; ZEEP: zero end-expiratory pressure.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Publication of this article was funded by Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche
e Diagnostiche integrate (DISC), Section Anesthesiology, Universit degli Studi
di Genova (Professor Paolo Pelosi).
Author details
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Unit, Department of Medicine,
Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. 2Department
of Neuroscience and Reproductive and Odontostomatological Sciences,
University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy. 3AOU IRCCS San Martino-IST,
Department of Surgical Sciences and Integrated Diagnostics, University of
Genoa, Genoa, Italy.

Published: 18 March 2014

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Cite this article as: Sutherasan Y, et al.: Protective mechanical ventilation in
the non-injured lung: review and meta-analysis. Critical Care 2014, 18:211.

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