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What is Reading?
Take a piece of paper and write down a brief definition of the term READING. Dont take more than five minutes on this.
(if you cant do it in English, do it in Spanish)

What have you been reading?

Take five minutes to list all the different kinds of things you have read in the week, in any language. Remember to
include things like these:

telephone directory
label on a medicine bottle
street map
traffic signs
instruction leaflet
application forms
social networking sites

Reading and the communication process

What makes a text difficult?

Here are four texts that you may find difficult to read. They are difficult in different ways; study each in turn and decide in each case
what makes the text difficult.

Unter Sprache versteht man die Menge, die als Elemente alle komplexen Systeme der Kommunikation beinhaltet. Der Term wird
meist verwendet, um anzuzeigen, dass konkrete Zeichensysteme Elemente dieser Menge sind (z. B. die deutsche Sprache, die
Programmiersprache Basic); umgekehrt, um anzuzeigen, dass diese konkreten Zeichensysteme den Eigenschaften einer Definition
des Begriffs Sprache gengen. Eine andere Definition ist: Sprachen sind die Systeme von Einheiten und Regeln, die den
Mitgliedern von Sprachgemeinschaften als Mittel der Verstndigung dienen. ( Deutsch- Wikipedia)

Profiling helps investigators examine evidence from crime scenes and victim and witness reports to develop an offender description.
The description can include psychological variables such as personality traits, psychopathologies and behavior patterns, as well as
demographic variables such as age, race or geographic location. Investigators might use profiling to narrow down a field of suspects
or figure out how to interrogate a suspect already in custody. (from Criminal profiling: the reality behind the myth by Lea

Our coverage of fine art painting centres on the medium of oil painting, but we also answer questions about the
earlier encaustic and tempera methods. Nineteenth century watercolours / gouache, and twentieth century acrylic paints are also
covered, as is figure painting and drawing from life. Our section on colour in painting traces exactly how the main colour pigments
evolved, and outlines the theory of colour, as well as the main colour palettes from Antiquity onwards.


We look at the history and development of oil paint as it expanded from damper areas of Northern Europe to Italy and Spain, and
also examine methods such as buon fresco and mezzo-fresco murals, and linear perspective. Painterly methods
like chiaroscuro,tenebrism, and impasto are also examined, as are automatic painting techniques like frottage and decalcomania.

II. Acepcin propia de la abstraccin

Todos convienen en afirmar que las cualidades o modos de las cosas no existen realmente aisladas por s mismas, separadas de todas
las dems, sino que se interfieren recprocamente y, en cierto modo, se renen en diferentes combinaciones en cada objeto. Y se
afirma que nuestra mente, gracias a la aptitud que posee de considerar cada cualidad por separado, con abstraccin de todas las
dems a las cuales va unida, elabora para un acervo interno las ideas abstractas. George Berkeley PRINCIPIOS DEL ENTENDIMIENTO

Inhibidores irreversibles
Los inhibidores irreversibles normalmente modifican una enzima covalentemente, con lo que la inhibicin no puede ser invertida.
Los inhibidores irreversibles suelen contener grupos funcionales reactivos como mostazas
nitrogenadas, aldehdos, haloalcanos oalquenos. Estos grupos electroflicos reaccionan con las cadenas de aminocidos para formar
uniones covalentes. Los residuos modificados son aquellos que contienen en sus cadenas laterales nuclefilos como por ejemplo
un grupo hidroxilo o un grupo sulfhidrilo. Esto incluye a los aminocidos serina (como en el DFP, a la
derecha), cistena, treonina o tirosina.


a) llueve a cntaros


b) echar lea al fuego


c) cuesta un ojo de la cara


d) un hombre de palabra



e) llueva o truene



f) dormir como un tronco



g) no me tomes el pelo

Why Is Reading Important?

1. Reading is fundamental to function in today's society. There are many adults who can not read well
enough to understand the instructions on a medicine bottle, the road or warning signs or even following
a map. Day-to-day activities that many people consider an easy task become a source of frustration, anger
and fear.
2. Reading is a vital skill in finding a good job. Many well-paying jobs require reading as a part of job
performance. There are reports and memos which have to be read and responded to. A person is limited in
what they can do without good reading and comprehension skills.
3. Reading is important because it develops the mind. The mind is a muscle. It needs exercise. Understanding
the written word is one way the mind grows in its ability. Reading helps people focus on what someone else is
4. Why is reading important? It is how we discover new things. Books, magazines and even the Internet are
great learning tools which require the ability to read and understand what is read. A person who knows how
to read can educate themselves in any area of life they are interested in.
5. Reading develops the imagination. With reading, a person can go anywhere in the world...or even out of
it! They can be a king, or an adventurer, or a princess, or... The possibilities are endless.
6. Reading is fundamental in developing a good self-image. Nonreaders or poor readers often have low
opinions of themselves and their abilities. Many times they can perform poorly in other subjects because they
cannot read and understand the material and so tend to "give up."
7. Reading also helps to expand the vocabulary. Reading new words puts them in their mind for later use.
Seeing how words are used in different contexts can give a better understanding of the word usage and
8. Ideas written down change the destiny of men and nations for better or worse. The flow of ideas cannot be
9. The power of written ideas communicated through reading is a reason why some governments oppose free
and honest communication. Illiterate people are easier to control and manipulate. They cannot do their own
research and thinking because they have to believe what they are told.
10. Finally, why is reading important? Reading is important because words are the building blocks of life.
What you become in the future will depend on the words you believe about yourself now. People, families,
relationships, and even nations are built from words. Think about it.
Adapted From:

4 efectos saludables de aprender idiomas

Aprender un segundo idioma no slo te resulta til
para acceder a un puesto de trabajo o viajar por el
extranjero. Adems tiene poderosos efectos sobre
el cerebro, segn demuestran recientes estudios
Plasticidad cerebral. Tras examinar a 105 personas
de las que 80 eran bilinges, cientficos del
University College de Londres (Reino Unido)
detectaron que conocer un segundo idioma
modifica de manera positiva la estructura del
cerebro, en concreto el rea que procesa
informacin. En particular, mejora la
llamada plasticidad cerebral, potenciando el
aprendizaje y la memoria.
Retrasa el Alzheimer. Ellen Bialystok, profesora de Psicologa de la Universidad de York en Toronto (Canad), realiz un
estudio con 450 pacientes con Alzheimer, la mitad de los cules haba hablado dos lenguas la mayor parte de su vida,
mientras el resto slo manejaba una. Bialystok encontr que las personas que hablaban ms de un idioma empezaron a
mostrar los sntomas de la enfermedad entre 4 y 5 aos ms tarde.
Ms concentrados. De acuerdo con una investigacin publicada el ao pasado en la revista Psychological Science, los
nios que aprenden ms de un idioma tienen ms capacidad de concentrarse y focalizar su atencin, ignorando las
interferencias que pueden distraerlos.
Gimnasia mental. Cuando una persona bilinge cambia de un idioma a otro est ejercitando su cerebro, segn ha
podido comprobar Judith Kroll, del Centro de Ciencia del Lenguaje de la Universidad Penn State (EE UU). Esta "gimnasia
cerebral" le permite manejarse mejor en situaciones de multitarea, es decir, trabajar en varios proyectos al mismo

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