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Last Saturday, the mother of one of six sophomore friends mentioned that
she had seen the girls History teacher, Mr.
Harthrob and English instructor, Ms. Luvlee, together at the movies. The
teenager immediately used her cell phone to call one of
her five friends, who then passed on the story to a third girl, etc., until the
sixth heard the news that the two teachers were going
around. Each of the six girls, including Erica, was doing something when the
cell phone conversation(s) took place, with one just
having finished a soccer practice at the high school.
Given the records below, can you solve the Logic Puzzle of the order in which
the girls heard it through the cell phone grapevine:
each friends full name and where she was when she passed on and / or
heard about the teachers?
1. Lisa called the South girl.
2. The girl who was at the Moonlight Skating Rink interrupted her lutzes and
spins long enough to pass the news to Miss Nokia.
3. While Alicia listened to her cell phone call about the news, she could hear
water splashing: the friend calling her was in the
bathtub at the time.
4. Cerise's grapevine call went to a girl who was trying on clothes at the
Express store at Summerset Mall.
5. Three of the six friends are the Alexander girl, the girl who was at Pizza
Hut, and the one who was riding through the Sparkle
Car Wash.
6. The cell phone call the Graham girl made didn't go to her friend Lisa.
7. Dawn relayed the tale of the teachers to Faith.
8. Miss Bell isn't the one who was having her car washed at the time she was
on the telephone.
9. Cerise and Miss South think Mr. Harthrob is the best teacher at Summerset
10. Alicia wasn't at either the Express store or the skating rink.
11. Faith didn't call Lisa during the series of conversations.
12. Dawn and the Nokia girl have Sprint PCS wireless service.
13. The girl who was at the Express store called the Graham girl from one of
the dressing rooms.
14. Lisa wasn't in the tub when she made her cell phone call.
15. Neither the Bell nor the Linesman girl is Alicia.
16. The Linesman girl didn't call from the car wash or the Pizza Hut.
Which of the following is true about the girl who received the third call?
A) She was at the Express store
B) She called Dawn Linesman
C) She called the girl who was in the bath tub
D) She received the call from the girl who was at the Sparkle Car Wash

Question No. : 44
Which of the following is true about the girl who received the third call?
A) She was at the Express store B) She called Dawn Linesman C) She called
the girl who was in the bath tub
D) She received the call from the girl who was at the Sparkle Car Wash
Question No. : 45
Which of the following is true?
A) Alicia Alexander was at the Moonlight Skating Rink
B) Faith Graham received the call from the girl who was in the bath tub
C) Cerise Nokia was at the Sparkle Car Wash
D) Erica South received the call from the girl who was at soccer practice
In the grading system, A, B, C, D, and F grades fetch 6, 4, 3, 2, and 0 grade
points respectively. The Grade Point Average (GPA) is the arithmetic mean of
the grade points obtained in the five subjects. For example Navdeep's GPA is
(6 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 0) / 5 = 3.6. Some additional facts are also known about the
students' grades. These are
(a) Vipul obtained the same grade in C Language as Amanpreet obtained in
Java and Analysis.
(b) Fazal obtained the same grade in Analysis as Utkarsh did in C Language.
(c) Tara received the same grade in exactly three courses.
12. What grade did Preeti obtain in Testing?
(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D
13. In Project Management, Tara could have received the same grade as
(1) Ismet (2) Hari (3) Jagdeep (4) Manab
14. In Analysis, Gowri's grade point was higher than that obtained by
(1) Fazal (2) Hari (3) Navdeep (4) Rahul
15. What grade did Utkarsh obtain in Java?
(1) B (2) C (3) D (4) F
Answer the questions based on following data.
A dealer deals only in colour TVs and VCRs. He wants to spend up to Rs.12
lakhs to buy 100 pieces.

He can purchase a colour TV at Rs.10,000 and a VCR at Rs.15,000. He can

sell a colour TV at Rs.12,000 and a VCR at Rs.17,500. His objective is to
maximize profits. Assume that he can sell all the items that he stocks.
16. For the maximum profit, the number of colour TVs and VCRs that he
should respectively stock are
(a) 80, 20
(b) 20, 80
(c) 60, 40
(d) None of these
17. If the dealer would have managed to get an additional space to stock 20
more items, then for maximizing profit, the ratio of number of VCRs and
number of TVs that he should stock is
(a) 7 : 3
(b) 0
(c) 1 : 2
(d) None of these
18. The maximum profit, in rupees lakh, the dealer can earn from his original
stock if he can sell a colour TV at Rs. 12200 and VCR at Rs.18300 is
(a) 2.64
(b) 2.49
(c) 2.72
(d) 2.87


Question No. : 35

In a State teacher selection process, the final rank of a candidate is decided on the basis of his/her
scores in each of the four stages Round 1, Round 2, Semi Final and Final - the weightages for the
stages being 20%, 40%. 20% and 20% respectively. The following are the scores and the ranks of ten
candidates who took part in the selection process. However, some of the information is missing from
the table.

Round 1
Round 2 Semi Final Round
Final Round










The maximum possible score for each stage was 20 and the maximum score that any of these ten candidates
actually obtained in any stage was 19. If two or more candidates obtain the same total score, they are all awarded
the same rank.

Question At least how many of the given candidates scored less than Harish in the Semi Final Round?

Question No. : 36

If the score obtained by Niti in the Final is x, then how many of the following are possible values of x?

(i) 10
(ii) 12.0
(iii) 14
(iv) 19.2
(v) 11

A) 0
B) 1 C) 2
D) 3

Question No. : 37

How many candidates definitely scored more than Digvijay in the Final round?

A) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 7

Question No. : 38

What is the maximum possible total score of Sunita? (in numerical value)


The table below gives the information about 10 car models and their ratings given by car experts.

Score (S)


Car Model



Chevrolet Sail


Maruti Dzire

Tata Indigo

Honda Amaze

Honda City

Hyundai Verna

Ford Fiesta

Toyota Etios

Maruti Ciaz

Skoda Rapid


The car experts were asked to give ratings points from 1 100. It was later checked that no two cars have got
the same total points in all the five parameters put together. The car who got the maximum points was awarded
as the Best car of the Year

(BCOTY), the next car with less points was adjudged as 2


best car and so on.

From among the given cars, how many of the cars cannot make it to the list of securing the Best Car award?

A) 5 B) 6 C) 7 D) More than 7

What is the best possible rank (i.e. numerically the least rank) of Honda City?

A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) None of these

Question No. : 41

Given that the Sigma for all typists is an integer, for how many of mentioned typists it is not possible to calculate
the exact value of Sigma?

A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6


DIRECTIONS for the question: Answer the question on the basis of the information given below.

Production department of a multinational company houses seven typists where all of them are working on a
project. The given diagrams describe their performance over the four days of the project, one for each day. In each

diagram, the four squares reflect the percentage of total number of lines typed in that day by the top four typists
of the day whereas the middle circle denotes the number of lines typed by the remaining typists in that day. A
typist may not type even a single line on a given day. The management also computed two parameters for each
typist viz. Performance Variance (PV) and Sigma. PV of a typist is the positive number of lines typed across 4 days
and the sum of the number of lines typed on the remaining two days. The Sigma of a typist is the average of the
two middle quantities, if the numbers of lines typed by him across 4 days are arranged in a non-decreasing order.

Given that the Sigma for all typists is an integer, for how many of mentioned typists it is not possible to calculate
the exact value of Sigma?

A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6
Question No. : 42

For whom of Sanjay, Salim and Ammar, the value of PV can come out to be 0?

A) Salim B) Sanjay C) Ammar D) (1), (2) and (3)

Question No. : 43

Which of the following is the correct order of the girls who made the calls, from the first to the last?

Alicia Miss South the girl at the Sparkle Car Wash Faith the girl in the bath tub Miss Bell

Lisa the girl at the Moonlight Skating Rink Cerise the girl at the Express store Miss Graham
Miss Alexander

Miss Bell the girl at the Pizza Hut Miss South Dawn the girl in the bath tub the girl at soccer
the girl at the Sparkle Car Wash Erica Miss Linesman the girl at soccer practice Alicia Miss

If the criterion for ranking the students is followed by each center to rank the students enrolled there, then find the
difference between the overall rank and the center rank of Atul. (Overall rank is the rank when all the 16 students are
taken into consideration and center rank is the rank when only the students of that particular center is taken into

A) 6 B) 2 C) 5 D) 4

Find the number of female students who obtained more total marks than at most four female students and more total
marks than at least one male student.

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

From which center, the maximum possible number of students obtained a total of at least 40 marks and at most a total
of 54 marks?

A) Both I and II B) III C) II D) Both I and III


There are three types of fish in a pond Big, Medium and Small. Every day, each Big fish consumes 1 Medium fish and
each Medium fish consumes 2 Small fish. Each fish consumes another fish once that fish has consumed its food. There is
plenty of algae available as food for the Small fish. Every fish either consumes its full quota of food or dies of hunger in
case of insufficient food.A fish consumes another fish only when it is alive.

Every evening, after the fish have consumed their food, the number of each type of fish in the pond is counted and the

morning, 15 Big, 45 Medium and 120 Small fish are added to the pond. On January 1 , 2014, the pond is completely
cleaned and fish are added to the pond.

, 2014, due to a sudden heat wave, the Medium fish consumed only half their usual food. What was the
total number of fish in the pond at the end of January 2 , 2014?

On January 2

A) 75 B) 255 C) 105 D) 150

The Fundoo TV people had just been to a boys hostel, where they conducted a poll, and asked
questions related to the recently concluded India Australia Cricket Test Series, They also enquired
about the likes and dislikes of the boys regarding movies and food. The questions were as follows:-

Who deserved to win the second test match between India and Australia, India or Australia?

Which movies do you like, Hindi or English?

Which food do you like, Vegetarian or Non-vegetarian?

After the 200 students were surveyed, they were categorized and the conclusions drawn were as

Amit and 64 other boys like the same type of movies and same type of food, and of these Amit and 19
others prefer the same team winning the match.

Bhushan and 49 others like the same type of movie as well prefer the same team to win, and of these
Bhushan and 14 others like the same type of food.

Chandan and 39 others like the same type of food and prefer the same team to win, and of these
Chandan and 34 others like the same type of movies.

Dhiren and 64 others who like the same type of movies and same type of food and of these Dhiren and
29 others prefer the same team to win.

Eshan and 49 others like the same type of movies and prefer the same team to win, and of these
Eshan and 44 others like the same type of food.

Faisal and 59 others prefer the same team to win and like the same type of food, and of these Faisal
and 39 others like the same type of movies.

Five boys prefer India, love vegetarian food and like English movies. All categories had a different

Among Amit, Bhushan, Chandan, Dhiren, Eshan and Faisal, how many like vegetarian food? (in
numerical value)

The total number of boys who preferred Australia winning is (in numerical value)

Which of the following is the food, movie, team preference for Dhiren?

A) Non-veg, Hindi, Australia B) Non-veg, English, India C) Veg, English, India D) Veg, Hindi, Australia

The letters N, O, P, Q, R, S and T are coded by taking seven consecutive integers between 1 and 10.
Also, the following information is known :

Q is three less than N , The number whose difference with the first number is same as that with the
last number is O , S is as much less than O as P is greater than Q , T is greater than S.

Which letter is such that the difference of its integer-code with the integer-code of T is the same as
that between the integer-codes of N and S?

1. R

2. Q

3. S

4. T

If N = 7, then the sum of R and T is (in numerical value)

The Indian Hockey Federation started the Indian Hockey League tournament to promote the sport in

country. Eight teams from eight different cities of the country participate in the tournament, which
comprises three stages. The first stage, called the group stage in which every team plays exactly two
matches against each of the other teams. If any match in this stage ends as a draw, both the teams
get one point each.

Otherwise, the winning team gets three points and the losing team gets no points. If, at the end of the
group stage, two or more teams end up with the same number of points, goal differences (goals scored
goals conceded) will be applied to determine their placing. Assume that no two teams end up with
the same goal difference. At the end of this stage, the top four teams, in terms of the points scored,
would advance to the second stage, i.e., the semifinals. The winners of the semifinals would advance
to the third stage, i.e., the finals. The winner of the finals is the champion of the tournament. It is
ensured that there are no draws in the second and the third stages.

At least how many points should be scored by a team in the group stage to advance to the semifinals?

8 B) 10 C) 11 D) 12

The number of points scored by a team which does not advance to the semifinals can be at most

A) 28 B) 33 C) 30 D) 32

At least how many points should be scored by a team to finish sixth in the group stage?

4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 1
Six intrepid explorers travelled to various parts of the world hoping to find new places and places that
time had forgotten,
unfortunately they all came to a rather fateful end, but not necessarily where and how you would
expect (one of them died of
starvation!). The explorers travelled for 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 12 months.
Fearless Dan went to Swampy Creek for 2 months longer than the explorer who died of a viral illness.
Whoever died from a high fall (after climbing a tree to rescue a sloth, this was not in the Rain Forest)
travelled for less time
than the person who died from Food Poisoning.
Valiant Jack travelled for 2 months less than the explorer eaten by a crocodile.
Adventuresome Sam travelled for 1 month less than the explorer who went to the Frozen Wasteland.
The explorer who went 'Sailing the Oceans' was away for the longest before succumbing to his fate.
The explorer who died after 3 months didn't travel to the Long Lost City. Barry Brave did not die of
Food Poisoning.
Courageous Fred travelled for 3 months more than Daring Derek.
The explorer who visited the Dirty Desert travelled for 6 months more than the person who died of
Hypothermia after they
tripped over a seal and plunged head first through thin ice.
Who died of hypothermia?
A) The explorer who went to Long Lost City B) The explorer who went to Frozen Wasteland
C) The explorer who went to Swampy Creek D) The explorer who went to Dirty Desert

Which of the following statements is not true?

A) Daring Derek was not eaten by a crocodile B) Courageous Fred did not die in a high fall
C) Brave Barry did not die of starvation D) Adventuresome Sam did not die of viral illness

Which of the following is the correct order of place visited and the time traveled?
Swampy Creek 1 month B) Dirty Desert 3 months C) Frozen Wasteland 4 months D) Long Lost City
7 months

The explorer who went on Sailing the Oceans died on account of ________.
A) viral illness B) starvation C) high fall D) food poisoning
The explorer who went to Frozen Wasteland

The explorer who went to Dirty Desert

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