G 5-1 - English 10b Syllabus

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SGI - English 10B

Dear Students,
Welcome to Common Core English 10B, part two of College Prep Sophomore English! I look forward
to working with all of you. It is my mission to help guide every single student in the class to success;
however, I cannot accomplish that goal alone. From now on, we need to work together as a team,
and support one another so that every student can say, I did it! I finished English 10B and learned!
Additionally, in order to succeed as a class, not only do we need to support one another, but also
follow some basic class rules. These rules are listed below. Please feel free to relay any questions
or concerns to me at appropriate times.
Sincerely, Natasha Szala
Basic Class Rules:

Be on time.
Be prepared with materials and assignments.
Be on task and educationally oriented.
Be respectful to all.
Unless indicated otherwise, no electronic devices in class i.e. cell phones, MP3 players,
-In case of an emergency, please call the front desk at (626) 961-3044.

1. Arrive on time. Please attend to your needs (bathroom, water, etc) prior to the start of class. You may
bring a water bottle to class if needed, and bathroom emergencies require an excuse from the teacher.
2. You are responsible for bringing all necessary materials with you. This includes your notebooks, pens,
pencils, books, etc.
3. Complete all assignments on time. If more time is needed, please communicate this to the teacher as
soon as possible.
4. Please ask questions at appropriate times and in appropriate manners.
5. When the teacher is talking, you should be quiet and attentive.
6. Plan to spend class time on class work. Please be on task for the entire class period. If you tend to
finish early, you may complete assignments for other courses.
7. Please do not leave your seat until you are dismissed.
8. If you fail to complete a unit within a week of its due date, you will receive a warning. If it is still not
completed within two weeks of its due date, you may receive a truancy for the month.
9. Take ownership of your learning. Excuses will not be accepted. You can stay after class, attend
makeup/tutoring hours at school, or seek outside tutoring.
10. Be respectful and courteous to your fellow classmates. We are a team.

Absence/Tardy Rules
1. You must call or email if you are going to be late. Students who are more than
15 minutes late get an unexcused absence.
- Four unexcused tardies/absences may result in withdrawal
from the program.
o Please keep in mind that missing an SGI class is the same as
missing an appointment with your regular teacher.
All missed classes/tardies need to be made up by appointments
Students with four unexcused absences will receive a truancy in the class.

Dear Parents and Students:

Common Core English 10B is a small group instructional class that focuses on developing students
analytical and writing skills. The course is based upon the new common core standards, and students will
upon its completion, receive a total of five core English credits towards their graduation. The class will
complete approximately one unit every two and a half weeks for approximately 13 to 15 weeks, so it is
imperative that students attend every class session to stay on pace. Please avoid scheduling doctor
appointments, vacations, or any other possible disruptions that would affect your students attendance
during this class period. Should the student become ill and miss class, it is their responsibility to arrange
seat time and work make up. I look forward to working with your student this school semester. Should
you have questions or concerns, please dont hesitate to contact me at (626) 961-3044 or by email at

Natasha Szala
SGI English Teacher

Parent/Guardian Student sign off sheet

I have read the procedures and class syllabus and will do my best to abide by them.
___________________________________________________ ___/___/___
Student signature
__________________________________________________ ___/___/___
Parents/Guardian signature

*Please return this signed sheet by __________________.

If you have any questions, please contact me at (626) 333-9838 and ask for Natasha or email me at
nszala@emsofl.com. Thank you.

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