Fieldtrippermissionslip 2016

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Grade Three Urban Exploration Field Trip November 7-9, 2016

3JB, 3NM on Monday 7th

3AH, 3LE on Tuesday 8th

3AR, 3PB on Wednesday 9th
Grade Three has recently started their new unit on Urban Communities, which began with an
introduction and discussion about the characteristics of urban (city) and rural (outside of cities) communities. This unit
builds wonderfully from our previous one on migration, and the new central idea focuses on the premise that effective
city planning impacts society and the environment

. We will be inquiring into: How human made systems

accommodate the needs of a city (Function); The impact of population growth on planning decisions (Change); and
Environmental consequences of community planning (Causation).
We are fortunate to be living in one of the fastest growing cities in the world. With this tremendous growth comes the
need to plan and develop properly to meet the increased demands of an expanding population. This includes current
development and future consideration for things like road construction and public transportation, community services
and utilities, and even housing and leisure opportunities. We would like the students to be able to see first-hand some
of the developmental growth happening around us and be aware of some of the services and areas of our city. We
will first be focusing on the transportation needs of a city and students will be driving in buses, riding in the Metro,
walking through the souk, and experiencing a water taxi (Abra) across Dubai Creek. Most importantly, we will be
visiting the Dubai Museum to see how Dubai has changed over the years, and how it has developed to meet the needs
of its population. We will be eating our own packed lunches at the museum. Students will not be able to purchase
food or microwave.
We are very excited about this trip for many reasons. For one, it fits in with many things we want the students to
inquire into about city planning. Secondly, it gives the students an intimate opportunity to understand the city and
culture they live in. Finally, the trip will be the foundation for many other learning objectives that we will be pursuing
later in the unit. Whether or not your child has done these activities in the past, this trip will bring different insights to
our city, and is an essential part of our unit. It will be a great learning experience that each student will be expected to
All health and safety precautions will be taken, including bringing extra water and first aid equipment. We have also
arranged enough adult supervision to ensure small groups for optimal safety. All cost will be covered by GWA. We will
be leaving the school grounds around 8:45 am and returning by 2:00pm.

Students will need:

A packed lunch and snack
Full school uniforms
A hat

A water bottle



A small camera
Sun glasses

Video cameras

(Please detach and return the slip below to your teacher)

I give permission for my child, ______________________________, in class _______ to attend the Grade Three Inquiry
field trip on Day 2/Monday 7th
, Day 3/Tuesday 8th
, Day 4/Wednesday 9th
. I understand that the students will be leaving
the school grounds to visit Dubai Museum and will be travelling on a private hire bus, using the Dubai Metro, walking,
and experiencing a water taxi.
______________________ Parent/guardians name

_______________________________ Parent/guardians

Emergency contact numbers on trip day_______________________________ and _____________________________

My child has medical insurance: ___YES ___NO
Health concerns or issues that we should be made aware of for this trip:

I am interested in being a supervisor on this trip. (Check) ___yes

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