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Advo Lecture 17 Oct.

, 16
Witness Statement
1. The witness will have to sign at the right side at back of the WS.
2. The content of the WS will replace the oral statement given at
the witness box.
3. First, start with the witness background.
4. Then, describe the background of the case.
5. Then describe the relationship between the parties. (narrate the
story in such a way that the judge will appreciate)
6. Only pick the relevant facts.
7. Deal with a particular topic completely, dont jump topic.
8. In the event that witness orally adduced evidence in the court,
ask appropriate questions to adduce evidence to be put as


Do not add on facts.

Do not hear say-section 32 of the Evidence Act.
No scandalous word is allowed.
Do not be ambiguous.
5. No leading question is allowed (YES NO QUESTION) for EIC and
Reexamination. Allowed in cross examination.

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