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Club Ambition will only have two U15 teams. No additional teams will be added at this time.
Please be sure that your player is age eligible to play on the U15 team. If you have any
questions, please contact the Club Director, Kristina Shapona at (510) 381-2874.
Name of Player:_________________________________________________________________
NCVA Membership Number: ***REQUIRED*** _______________________________________
Age:__________ Date of Birth: __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __
School Attending: _____________________________ Grade: ____________________
Prior Volleyball Club(s): __________________________________________________________
Volleyball Positions of interest:____________________________________________________
Name of Parent/Guardian:________________________________________________________
Home Phone:__________________ Work Phone:__________________________
City:_________________________ Zip:__ __ __ __ __ State__ __
Email Address:__________________________________________________________________
This form must be signed and read before the participant takes part in any clinics, try-outs, testing, training or
competition. By signing this form, the parent or legal guardian of the participant, or the participant themselves,
affirms having read it and acknowledges having had sufficient opportunity to have this agreement reviewed by
participants counsel.
On my own behalf and on behalf of my heirs, successors and assigns, I hereby forever release and discharge and
agree to indemnify and hold harmless CLUB AMBITION, COACHES, and all its related properties (collectively CLUB
AMBITION) each of their officers, directors, employees, agents, members , partners, representatives and all
owners and operators of all sites at which CLUB AMBITION conduct try-outs, clinics, practices, or games, and their
respective affiliates, and all the representatives (collectively the released parties) from any and all liabilities,
claims, costs, demands or causes of action, whether known or unknown (claims) that I may now or hereafter have
for injuries or damages arising out of my participation or on behalf of the participant in CLUB AMBITION, and any
CLUB AMBITION related activity including without limitation clinics, tryouts, games and training sessions. I hereby
release and hold harmless CLUB AMBITION, and its principals, employees, agents, and representatives (hereafter
jointly and severally CLUB AMBITION), from any and all liability in connection with any injury or damages
sustained by my child or myself arising out of or relating in any way to the program stated herein, and any acts or
omissions associated with these activities, even if such injury or damage is caused by the sole negligence, whether
active or passive, on the part of CLUB AMBITION. I understand and affirm that I am solely responsible for medical
insurance coverage for any such injury or damage, whether to myself or my child.
I understand and acknowledge that dangers of personal injury are inherent in participating in volleyball clinics, tryouts, games or training sessions, and I expressly and voluntarily assume all risk of death or personal injury
sustained in the clinics, try-outs, games and training sessions, including but not limited to the risks incurred in all
these activities and those arising from hidden, latent or obvious defects in any facilities or equipment used. I
acknowledge the possibility that my successors or I may not fully know the number or magnitude of all claims, and
agree that this release is a full and final release of all claims. This release is intended to be binding on my heirs and
assigns. This release is being signed in consideration of the opportunity to play for CLUB AMBITION team. It is an
agreement made under seal and is governed by Ca. state law.

Parents or Guardians signature ________________________ Date: _ _/_ _/_ _ _

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