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Crystal Lee

Annotated Bibliography
(1)Getz, Donald. "Developing a research agenda for the event management field." Events beyond (2000):
10-21. (2) This workbook analyzes the framework for event planning in order to ensure that event
planning is successful and to understand the reason and impact on the community these events
can do. (3) Bullet points of key notes to charts of impact scale help the reader, (4) probably event
planners, really visualize the points necessary when planning a large scale event. (5) This is
similar in that it is important to know the impact a festival has on the community and how it affects
those in attendance. (6) The workbook is 248 pages long which could also be a (7) weakness
since it would be hard to read the whole workbook just for the research paper.
(1)Zubeck, Stella. "Not Fade Away: Enriching Music Festival Audience Experience." (2014).
(2)The psychology of music festivals and how they impact the minds and brain processes of
young adults. (3) Using charts, surveys, and different perspectives, this journal really captures the
ideas of the planning process. (4) The audience, most likely college students and event planners,
are able to really comprehend the definition of a music festival in more detail (5) which will help
me really understand the concept of reasoning in my planning (6) The amount of detail in charts
and visual imagery really help in making this journal unique and easier to read. (7) The weakness
would also be that half the journal has an ad for this app.
(1)Arcodia, Charles, and Alastair Robb. "A future for event management: a taxonomy of event
terms." Events beyond (2000): 154-160. (2) This workbook analyzes the strong demand for event
management and the stressful significant role they play in the making of an event. (3) Then they
go on to describe the different types and scales of events that can happen from congress to
exhibitions, (4) probably appealing to all types of event planners from high school students to
professional adults. (5) This is in aspect of my senior project because it can help me determine
the scale of my event and how to handle it based on that scale. (6) This workbook is 249 pages
long and has a number of different sections that can appeal in my senior project (7) but the
workbook is full of different aspects that are similar to my topic but do not really give me advice
on how to go through with the topic.
(1)Li, Xiang, and James F. Petrick. "A review of festival and event motivation studies." Event Management
9.4 (2006): 239-245. (2) Xiang and Petrick describe in an academic journal what the motives are
when going to a festival. (3)Through many references and tests, they determine the physiological
reasoning for the motives behind festivals and the want for social connections. (4)The audience,
most likely psychologists, are able to (5) read about the brain activity and reasonings of
excitement, socializing, and thrills of festivals in modern day society. (6) The several amounts of
references and citations really are good enough to (7) cover the fact that some of the language is
hard to read.
(1)Goldblatt, Joe. "A future for event management: the analysis of major trends impacting the emerging
profession." Events beyond 2000: Setting the Agenda (2000): 2. (2) This workbook is basically a
very detailed guideline of each aspect of putting on a large scale event (3) with tons of sections
with examples to past events. (4) The audience, probably professional or aspiring event planners,
is able to (5) gain a detailed description of each aspect to create a smart and organized festival,

which is what I plan to make do in my planning process. (6) The workbook is extremely detailed
and long with fill in guidelines, (7) but also has a weakness in that it does not specifically pertain
to music festivals but any large scale event in general.

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