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PARRAMATTA State Electoral Conference - SEC

Vice President Development:
Vice President Policy:

Andrew Bide
Arthur Inglis
Michael Beckwith
Charles Camenzuli

Delegates to State Council: Mathew Camenzuli, Zorica Kaye-Smith, John Hugh

Delegate to Womans Council: Lorraine Doyle, Samia-Marie Baysari


Thursday, Nov 3rd, 2016

6:30 pm for 7:00pm

Lachlan Room, Parramatta RSL, Cnr of O'Connell St & Macquarie St, Parramatta
Parking across the road available. Note Validate ticket at front desk before leaving the Club. All welcome.


Welcome to branch members and guests

Confirmation of the Agenda
In memory of Robert Burchill. RIP.
Minutes of last Meeting and Matters Arising.
Executive & Other Committee Reports.
a) President
b) VP Development
c) VP Policy
d) Treasurer
e) Womens Council Delegate
f) State Council Delegate
8) Branch Reports.
Burnside, Carlingford, Dundas, Parra Central, Parra North, Parra YLs.
9) Report State Member Dr Geoff Lee MP
10) Guest Speaker:
a) Brett Murray Safe Schools Programme.
b) MP for Castle Hill Damien Tudehope.
11) Dundas Branch Requisitioned Meeting Report by SEC President
12) Dundas Branch issues, member discussion. Foreshadowed motions pending outcome of discussion.
13) Motions Tabled
a) Condemnation of Organ Harvesting, Parramatta Central, Alice Wong.
b) Dundas Branch Freezing Report request. Dundas, Melissa McAulay.
c) The Cost of private investigations of members across the division. Dundas, Melissa McAulay
d) No Confidence motion against Mr John Chedid. Dundas, Les Liddle.
e) Censure motion against State Director. Dundas, Melissa McAulay.
f) Sympathy Motion to the Bide Family. Dundas, Melissa McAulay.
g) Stop all Immigration and Refugee Intakes. Carlingford, George Popowski
h) Stop Selling Off the Farm. Carlingford, George Popowski
14) Election of Treasurer.
15) Future SEC Meeting. Date 21/02/2017. TBC

16) General Business.

17) Closure of Meeting.
Apologies and general correspondence to be forwarded to Charles Camenzuli
On behalf of the Executive
Charles Camenzuli
Parramatta SEC Secretary


The persistent and credible reports of systematic, state-sanctioned organ harvesting from nonconsenting prisoners of
conscience in the Communist Peoples Republic of China is immoral and abhorrent to all decent human beings.
A decade after evidence emerged of one of the gravest and most extraordinary human rights violations to date, the United
States House of Representatives has added its voice to the chorus of censure. On June 13th, 2016, the House unanimously
passed legislation condemning Organ Harvesting in China, with the passage of H.Res.343. (House Resolution)
H.Res.343 Expressing concern regarding persistent and credible reports of systematic, state-sanctioned organ harvesting
from non-consenting prisoners of conscience in the People's Republic of China, including from large numbers of Falun Gong
practitioners and members of other religious and ethnic minority groups.
The main points of the House Resolution being:

1. Condemns the practice of state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting in China.

2. Calls on China and the Communist Party of China to end the practice of organ harvesting from prisoners of

3. Encourages the U.S. medical community to help raise awareness of unethical organ transplant practices in China.
4. Demands an end to the 17-year persecution of the Falun Gong spiritual practice and the release of all Falun Gong
practitioners and other prisoners of conscience.

5. Calls on China to allow an independent investigation into organ transplant abuses.
International reports by Matas and Kilgor, (2006 and 2016) have highlighted the atrocities within mainland China with the
conclusions recently pointing out:
a. Organ transplantation volume in China is far larger than official Chinese government statistics indicate;
b. The source for most of the massive volume of organs for transplants is the killing of innocents: Uyghurs, Tibetans, House
Christians and primarily, practitioners of the spiritually based set of exercises Falun Gong;
c. Organ pillaging in China is a crime in which the Communist Party, State institutions, the health system, hospitals and the
transplant profession are all complicit;
d. The global intergovernmental community should establish an institution-based, independent investigation into organ
transplant abuse in China;
e. The global transplant community should connect and collaborate with the Chinese transplant community only if and
when set criteria are met;
f. Organ tourism to China should not be shielded by medical confidentiality, but openly monitored;
g. No nation should allow their citizens to go to China for organs until China has allowed a full investigation into the organ
harvesting of prisoners of conscience, both past and present.
Of Bloody Harvest / The Slaughter Update.. -
MOTIONS: Moved Alice Wong

1. That Parramatta Central Branch condemns the practice of organ harvesting from non-consenting victims.
2. That the NSW Division of the Liberal Party, State Council consider the grievous and immoral nature of Organ
Harvesting and call upon our federal members of parliament to pass resolutions of similar effect in our Parliament
to that recently passed by the United States House of Representatives, in H.Res 343.
That the Australian Parliament:
a. Condemns the practice of state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting in China.

b. Calls on China and the Communist Party of China to end the practice of organ harvesting from prisoners
of conscience.

c. Encourages the Australian medical community to help raise awareness of unethical organ transplant
practices in China.

d. Demands an end to the 17-year persecution of the Falun Gong spiritual practice and the release of all
Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners of conscience.

e. Calls on China to allow an independent investigation into organ transplant abuses.

3. That Parramatta Central Branch submits these motions to both the Parramatta SEC and FEC for ratification and for their
forwarding onto the NSW Division of the Liberal Party, State Council for similar ratification.

(B) Parramatta State Electoral Conference

Preamble: Dundas branch Freezing Report


The Dundas branch has been recently Frozen by the State Director on the grounds that the
Requisitioned Branch Meeting may not have been valid.
The state Director has not provided adequate reasons why the rights of the members should be
withheld on the singular grounds of a unsubstantiated complaint when more pressing matters are not
To this end the following motions are proposed:
Motion: Moved Melissa McAulay.




That the State Director provide weekly updates as to the progress of the investigation into the
That in the case that the investigation extends beyond the initially proposed 4 to 6 week period,
the State Director needs to provide justification as to why the investigation extends beyond the 4
to 6 week period.
That the State Director needs to justify why the investigation is unnecessarily dragged out and
hence prevents the operation and functioning of the branch and the loss of associated members
That the State Director needs to justify why the cost of members funds are being unnecessarily
wasted on bogus investigations.
That the State Director needs to justify why the number of people involved in the investigation
does not warrant an investigation period of this duration.
That the State Director provide the SEC Executive a copy of the original complaint made against
the Dundas Branch operation.
That the State Director Provide a list of the people proposed to be interviewed within the
That the State Director provide the SEC Executive a copy of the final investigation report within 5
working days of its submission to the State Director.
That the State Director provide the SEC Executive formal notification of the submission of the
investigation report to the State Executive meeting and that the outcome be notified to all
interested parties within 5 working days of that meeting.
That the State Director and Finance Officer (Simon McInness) formally apologise for the
misleading opinions, disguised as rulings, provided to the Dundas Branch in the lead up to the
requisitioned meeting.
That these motions so passed be forwarded to the State Director and the NSW Division of the
Liberal Party for actioning and also inclusion at the next State Council meeting agenda for
discussion and ratification.

(C). Parramatta State Electoral Conference

Preamble: The Cost of Private Investigators to be reported on.

The State Executive have authorised the use of a private investigator to investigate numerous
party matters. The actions of the investigator have been reported to the State Director as being
intimidating and harassing.

It is an imperative for the proper operation of the Division that the costs and complaints
received of such investigations be made available to State Council and all Conference
executives to better assess the suitability of such investigation of members of the NSW
To this end the following motions are proposed:
Motion: Moved Melissa McAulay.

That the SEC Conference requests the State Director to provide a comprehensive break down of
the cost of all investigations, listing all investigation carried out from 2010 to date.
That the SEC Conference requests the State Director to provide all correspondence in relation to
complaints in relation to these investigations, for all investigation carried out from 2010 to date.
That this information be provided to all SECs and forwarded to the NSW Division of the Liberal
Party for inclusion at the next State Council meeting agenda for discussion and ratification.

(D) Parramatta State Electoral Conference

Preamble: No Confidence Motion in Mr John Chedid

The Dundas Branch recently moved a motion of no confidence in Branch President- Mr John
Chedid, on the grounds of bad media coverage in local and national press, projecting poorly
and bringing the branch and by association, its members into disrepute and on the grounds
that he failed to call and attend regular branch meetings.
Accordingly, the branch will seek Mr Chedids resignation from the position of President.
To this end the following motions are proposed:

Motion: Moved Les Liddle.


That the SEC Conference requests the president of the Dundas Branch of the NSW Division of
the Liberal Party, Mr John Chedid, resign from executive positions within the branch.
That failing Mr Chedids failure to immediately resign, that the SEC support the branch providing
Mr Chedid 7 days notice that his position will be declared vacant at the next scheduled meeting
of the branch, as per Appendix 4 part three.(1).(5)
That these motions so passed be forwarded to the NSW Division of the Liberal Party for inclusion
at the next State Council meeting agenda for discussion and ratification.

(E) Parramatta State Electoral Conference

Preamble: Complaint about the behaviour of the State Director.

The State Director has been in contact with Melissa McAulay and she is so distraught that she
wishes that an official complaint be lodged against the State Director of the NSW Division of
the Liberal Party for his actions and conduct.

To this end the following motions are proposed:

Motion: Moved Melissa McAulay.

That the SEC Conference support an official complaint regarding the State Directors conduct and
the content of email correspondence that has been sent to Mrs McAulay.
That the SEC Conference request an official apology to Mrs McAulay, from the State Director, for
his actions.
That this information be forwarded to the NSW Division of the Liberal Party for inclusion at the
next State Council meeting agenda for discussion and ratification.

(F) Parramatta State Electoral Conference


Preamble: Sympathy Motion to the Bide Family.

Andrew Bide is a long standing Liberal Party member and the current President of the
Parramatta SEC. It is with regret that Andrew father has recently passed away from a longstanding illness. May he rest in peace.

To this end the following motions are proposed:

Motion: Moved Melissa McAulay.

That the SEC Conference offers its deepest sympathy and support to the Bide Family

(G) Parramatta State Electoral Conference

Preamble: Stop All Immigration and Refugee Intakes.
Reasons: We are bringing in over 200,000 every year, - note: EVERY YEAR! - when we have over 4 million unemployed:
Over 600,000 officially classed as unemployed, with over 800,000 on disability support (some with arms like a bulls
leg!) all the convicted jihadists were on benefits!
And some 800,000 single parents and carers who are better-off financially, than working! freebees everywhere.
And over 2 million on various training courses - and students (our universities and colleges have mushroomed into almost
cities! pouring out degrees in everything from child care (baby sitting), hospitality (pouring beers), event management
(birthday bashes), etc, etc. takes all day to read the university courses offered. And, these people are not unemployed
they just dont work, but get benefits!
Half of the total federal tax take is going on welfare and rising! We are broke, and going broker - with no solutions!
On the other hand, whilst the immigration department lists engineers, accountants and I.T.s as in short supply there
are virtually no jobs, at least not in Sydney!
There are engineers, accountants, I.T.s, scientists, etc. driving cabs, and serving petrol - all on work visas (which they
bought through immigration agents rorts galore!
These imm. agents are offering anything from $5000 to $20,000 to any employer wholl take on a worker! Do not even
have to see him, as long as he is signed on! I was offered $10,000 to $20,000 through a courier driver last year was pretty
tempting - just for a signature!
The last thing we need is foreign workers. Get the bastards who are here, off their back-sides! 80% of all new arrivals are on
benefits some for over 10 years!
Simple: compulsory work for the dole plus, prison for all the crooked quacks whove signed them up for the DSP!
Also in the cities, our schools and our hospitals and our roads are all busting at the seams! (The new arrivals ALL want to
live in the cities particularly, in Sydney. Hardly any in country towns.)
First build the infrastructure, and THEN bring them in like it was in the 50s!
Now, by the time we build all these tunnels and rails and connexes and hospitals and schools, etc. the population will
double, and well just be further behind! More money needed??
And weve sold almost everything the Opry and Harbour Bridge next?????
Then of course, security who wants criminals? As THE Donald said: We dont know who these people are! And we
dont! Today, when they can forge $100 notes, any documents can be bought.
Or qualifications - some universities in Russia, in Ukraine, in the Arab states, in North America, in South America, etc. are
on sale PHDs, no problem.
Man Monis (Lindl Cafe murderer) was a known criminal in his own country was screened by the best security system in
the world! - according to our Malcolm. Also, all the jihadists here!
Surely, this crap must stop! Shut the door NOW! Do we NEED these people??????

To this end the following motions are proposed:

Motion: Moved George Popowski.

1 That the Federal Government stop all Immigration and Refugee intakes until such times as
there is a transparent and open investigation as to the Risks and Benefits that Immigration and
Refugee intakes have on our country.

(H) Parramatta State Electoral Conference


Preamble: Stop Selling off the Farm

Reasons: These are not real commercial transactions (i.e. not for our profits) these are fire sales!
Due to these idiotic free trade agreements that our leaders have signed, our country is now bankrupt!
Our foreign debt is steadily pushing to a trillion, with no stopping in sight! So, everything is for sale!
Our industries cannot compete with Chinese slave wages yes! slave wages - the Chinese billionaires (Com. Party mafia)
force the workers to work for these wages, while they are making billions! And, there is no dole.
So, our industries shut the shop! No tax paid now! Country bankrupt!!!!
Weve sold Darwin Port, Melbourne also, now our dairy industry, tourist resorts South Molle island resort (this year, for
$25m) and Daydream Island (last year, for $30m) all to Chinese Communists!
And dont give me this lease crap! The Chinese will run these properties as they like! With their inherent corruption, with
their own workers, on their own conditions, etc., etc. they will OWN these properties for 50 or 99 years! and run them
for their own benefit! not for us, nor the Chinese people!
They are moving their billions off-shore! In fact, we are aiding them to screw their own people!
While our pollies are all squabbling about cutting pensions, super, medics, taxes, etc. nobody is pushing to increase the
number of tax-payers!
Yes! Bring in import duties like we had 40 years ago, and everyone was working!
Forget all this free trade spouted by academics, who never had a real job!

To this end the following motions are proposed:

Motion: Moved George Popowski.

1 That the Federal Government stop the selling of Australian Property to overseas interests until
such times as there is a transparent and open investigation as to the Risks and Benefits that the
sell offs have on our country.

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