130 Lunch Learn Ideas

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2016 ezCater, Inc.

Creating a lunch and learn program at your office is one of the best
ways to engage your employees and provide opportunities for training and development.
If you go to the trouble of planning a lunch and learn event, you
want to make sure people actually show up. Providing incentives like
free lunch or an additional free hour at the end of the week can be
a great place to start. If you want to start a truly successful program
at your office, develop lunch and learn topics that actually excite
and engage your coworkers.
Not sure where to start? We put together a giant list of ideas to get
your creative juices flowing. Check them out below.

130 Lunch & Learn Session Ideas

Monthly Book Club. Invite everyone to read the same book for
a month, and then meet to discuss the books main message.
2. Managing Conflict at Work. This type of training is best delivered with an in-person trainer and a workbook to get staff involved
in the training.
3. Lunch with TED. TED Talks are a great idea for a lunch and
learn session. There are many TED talks that could be suitable for
using in your lunch and learn program, but here are some popular
examples: Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action; Dan Pink:
The Puzzle of Motivation; and Seth Godin: This is Broken.
4. Making A Good First Impression. Offer tips for making a good
first impression on new staff members, when meeting with upper
management, or interviewing for an internal position.
5. Managing Change and Transition at Work. If youre planning a
lot of internal changes, this is a great training to have a few weeks
before announcing any of these so that people are prepared.

2016 ezCater, Inc.

6. Cross-Training. Invite a staff member train another staff member on

his or her day-to-day job. This is ideal for people working the same department but in different roles.
7. Ways to Reduce Stress and Meet Your Deadline. Offer tips and
strategies on using stress to propel you forward and meet your deadline
without feeling pressured or overwhelmed.
8. How to Beat the Afternoon Slump. Tips and strategies on how to
boost energy levels in the afternoon by eating the right types of foods
and exercise during the day.
9. How to Create a Workspace That Enhances Creativity. Offer ideas
about how you can add color and positivity to your desk area to inspire
creativity and productivity at work.
10. Introduction to the Pomodoro Time Management Technique. How
to implement this technique at work for optimal productivity.
11. How to be an Unbiased Leader. Strategies for being fair and unbiased in the workplace, particularly for those in management roles.
12. Becoming a Team Player. Strategies for encouraging staff to work
as a team and how to help others within the team as needed.
13. Getting Clear on What You Want in Life. How to figure out what
you want out of life and what steps to take to achieve your goals.
14. How to Manage Your Personal Finances. Include budgeting tips
and how to start a savings plan for your retirement.
15. How to Create an Extra Hour Every Day. Time management strategies that allow you to get more out of life by making the most of the
time you have.

2016 ezCater, Inc.

Office Communication

Understanding Boundaries at Work


How to Network at Work


How to Avoid Sabotaging Success in the Workplace


Initiating Difficult Conversations

20. Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback


How to Address Grief in the Workplace

22. How to Improve Your Presentation Skills

23. Public Speaking Tips and Strategies
24. Tips for Providing Effective Meeting Icebreakers
25. Identifying Your Communication Style
26. Managing Anger in the Workplace
27. Tips for an Early-Career Employee
28. Tips for a Mid-Career Employee
29. How to Bring Out the Best in Others
30. How to Live With Change

How Your Attitude Can Impact Your Work and Life

32. Effective Business Writing Strategies

33. Creative an Effective PowerPoint Presentation

2016 ezCater, Inc.

34. How to Squash Gossip and Create a Supportive Work Environment

35. Understanding Body Language and What its Telling People
36. Cross-Cultural Communication
37. Email Etiquette. When to use reply all and when to use
BCC in the workplace.
38. Workplace Best Practices Series. A good way to refresh everyone on office policies. Could be run over a week or a month,
with one scheduled once a week.
39. Conflict Resolution Tools and How to Use Them

40. How to Improve Your Memory

How to Bounce Back From a Setback in Life

42. Self Defense Classes

43. How to Increase Your Self-Confidence
44. How to Overcome Obstacles
45. How to Overcome Fear
46. How to Be a Positive Person
47. Understanding Anxiety Disorder and How to Manage It
48. Problem Solving Basics
49. How to Network at a Meetup Event
2016 ezCater, Inc.

50. How to Implement Active Reading. Advice on reading techniques and how to remember everything youve read.
51. Understanding Green Living and How to Live a Greener Lifestyle
52. How to be More Eco-Friendly at Work
53. How to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence
54. Tips on How to Be More Present at Work
55. How to Set Realistic Goals. A session on how to set goals and
how to measure them and break them down into mini-goals per
56. How to Boost Your Attention and Recall
57. How to Develop Better Listening Skills
58. How to Enhance Your Personal Brand.
59. Positive Assertiveness Techniques

Exercise & Health

60. Meditation/Mindfulness Training

Cooking Class with a Nutritionist

62. Desk Stretches Demo

63. Yoga Class
64. Personal Safety Workshop. Exercises and strategies covering
how to look after your personal space in the workplace.

2016 ezCater, Inc.

65. How to Improve Your Sleep

66. Heart Disease Prevention
67. How to Get the Most Out of Your Sleep Cycle
68. Chair Yoga. Watch a video or get an instructor in to show employees how to do yoga in their chairs.
69. Implementing a Healthy Lifestyle to Prevent Disease
70. How Food Affects Your Mood. Information on foods and how
they can affect your mood based on when you eat them and whether
they are raw or cooked.

Understanding Your Metabolic Rate

72. What Super Foods Can Do and Where You Can Find Them
73. How to Do a Sugar Detox. Provide more energy and stop sugar
cravings, and lose weight in the process.
74. Tips for Looking After Your Eyes at Work
75. Winter/Summer Office Olympics
76. At-Home Exercises
77. Making Healthy Homemade Versions of Popular Packaged Foods
78. Tips on How to Make Organic Shopping Affordable
79. Understanding Portion Control for Healthier Eating
80. Which Beverages Can Cause Weight Gain?
81. Exercises for Travelers. How to stay healthy while in the air and in
your hotel room.

2016 ezCater, Inc.

82. Low-Impact Exercises for Injured People

83. Integrating New Types of Exercise into Your Routine
84. Nutrition 101: How to Read and Understand Food Labels
85. Tips on How to Move More and Sit Less
86. Road Safety for Cyclists

Managing Stress
87. Understanding the Effects of Stress at Work
88. Stress-Busting Alternatives to Eating Junk Food
89. Chair Massage Facilitators. Hire a professional massage therapist
and hold 10-minute in-chair massage sessions where employees can
drop into your boardroom for a quick back massage.
90. Solutions to Neck, Shoulder and Back Pain

How to Relax at Work

92. Meditation 101. A guided workshop on meditation and strategies

on how to get started and when best to do it.
93. How To Manage Stress and Boost Immunity
94. Practical Ways to Unwind After Work
95. How to Reduce Muscle Tension

Time Management & Productivity

96. Overcoming Procrastination at Work
97. Tips for Holding Efficient Meetings
2016 ezCater, Inc.

98. Cutting Through the Clutter at Work

99. How to Achieve a Good Work/Life Balance
100. How to Create an Effective Morning Routine
101. How to Setup Your Evening Routine
102. How to Determine What Your Motivation Triggers Are. Learn how
to understand what motivates you and how to implement this into your
work and life.
103. How to Thrive and Succeed When Under Pressure
104. How to Reach Inbox Zero
105. How to Implement a Power Hour. How to get the most important stuff done when your brain is at its peak.
106. Productivity Tips for New Parents
107. How to Get Things Done and Still Have Fun
108. How to Batch Tasks Rather Than Multi-Task. Strategies to provide
focused time on similar tasks rather than multitasking and interrupting

Money Management & Personal Finance

109. Travel Tips for Saving Money on Your Next Vacation
110. How to Set Yourself Up for Retirement
111. Strategies for Improving Your Financial Situation
112. Understanding Investing and Which Opportunities to Take
113. How to Set up an Educational Savings Account for Your Kids

2016 ezCater, Inc.

114. How to Develop Your Creative Side
115. Create a Vision Board for Your Goals. Use scrapbooking or other
creative methods for mapping out your goals on a vision board.
116. Creative Writing Workshop
117. Quick Recipe Ideas for Work Lunches
118. How to Mind-Map Your Ideas
119. Cuisine-Themed Cooking Classes

Learning New Skills

120. How to Use Pinterest in Your Business
121. How to Manage a Facebook Group
122. iPhone Tips and Tricks
123. Customer Service Basics
124. Intro to Computer Programming
125. DIY Basics. Start a series on DIY projects like changing an oil filter,
fixing a leaky tap, etc.
126. Implementing Password Security. How to use programs like LastPass and OnePassword to manage passwords.
127. How to Update Your LinkedIn Profile
128. How to Create an Online Resume
129. Tips for Improving Your Resume
130. The Ins and Outs of Composting at Home
2016 ezCater, Inc.


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