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Name: Erika Gutierrez

1. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portman's. Each of them had a unique
and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this activity.
Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.
Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of
Characters Name: Owani Swently

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

His ability allows him to to turn object to their original form. For example, he can
turn wood into a tree.
How does your characters ability work?
If Owani is near an object that was originally something else, like a tree or rock, he
is able to revert the object into its original form.
Under what circumstances can it be activated?
He can only use this power when the object is within 30 feet of Owani.

2. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portman's. Each of them had a unique
and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this activity.
Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.
Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of
Characters Name: Avery Rin

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

Avery can transport herself and others to different places.
How does your characters ability work?
Avery only has to visualize the place she wants to go to and then she will be
transported there.
Under what circumstances can it be activated?
Avery can only transport to places that she has previously been to.

3. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portman's. Each of them had a
unique and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this
Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.
Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of
Characters Name: Rea Wisps

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

Rea can can control ice and snow. She can also freeze things.
How does your characters ability work?
Whenever Rea is around water, ice, or snow, she can somehow feel it and can
then manipulate it.
Under what circumstances can it be activated?
Reas powers are only activated when she is near water, ice, or snow. If she cant
see it, then she cant control it.

4. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portman's. Each of them had a
unique and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this
Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.
Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of

Characters Name: Bella Fair

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

Her abilities allow her to communicate with animals.
How does your characters ability work?
Using telepathy, she is able to speak to the animals, and the animals are able to
speak back to her.
Under what circumstances can it be activated?
Bella cant communicate with insects or fish. She can only communicate with
mammals, birds, and reptiles.

5. Creating your Characters Peculiarity

The children that Jacob meets were all friends of Grandpa Portman's. Each of them had a
unique and unusual ability a peculiarity. You will be creating your own peculiarity for this
Your characters unique ability must be different from any of the ones in the book.
Complete the organizer below to plan each of your characters peculiarity (should fill out five of

Characters Name: Mason Fair

Describe what your characters ability allows him/her to do:

His abilities allow him to control the weather.
How does your characters ability work?
Depending on his mood, he is able manipulate the weather to fit how he is
Under what circumstances can it be activated?
He can only change the weather to something that will fit his mood. If he is sad,
he wont be able to create a sunny day, it would have to be a rainy day instead.

The Seasonal Home for Peculiar Abilities

When a person turns 18 years old, they are able to choose a house. This isnt a house
where people live, but a type of group or category. There a 4 houses to choose from and each
house plays an important role in the city. There is the House of Seasons which manages the
seasons and protects nature, the House of Care which maintains people's health, the House of
Defense which protects the people, and the House of knowledge which educates the people.
Together, these houses form the Home. The Home is the name of the city they live in. Most
people choose their house based on how compatible their abilities are to the houses; however,
one does not have to be compatible with a house in order to join it.
Today was the day that Avery would finally choose her house. Since she was born in a
family from the House of Knowledge, she was naturally raised to be trained there. Although her
abilities were compatible with that house, she had the greatest reverence for the House of
Seasons. She had always admired its members abilities to manipulate the weather and
communicate with nature. Avery sat in an office, waiting for her name to be called. She had
already filled out all the necessary paperwork and just needed to be told where to go.
Avery Rin. said a lady in a white suite with a owl pin attached.
Yes. Avery replied.
We have gone over your papers and everything was complete. All you have to do know
is sign here.
The lady handed Avery a single sheet of paper and a pen. As soon as Avery signed the
paper, she was a given a small blue book with an ivy leaf on the cover.
Thank you Miss Rin. You are now officially a member of the House of Seasons. This
blue book contains some rules and general information about the house. You should now go to
the main building for the House of Seasons to be given a training schedule.
Thank you. Avery said.
She left the huge white edifice and walked toward the center of the Home. There she
would be able to see the main buildings for all of the houses. At the center of the Home, there
were colored flags, one for each house. A red flag with a white heart, a green flag with a small
shield, a white flag with an owl, and a blue flag with an ivy leaf. She looked towards the main
building with the blue flag, took a deep breath and walked in.
Hello Miss! Are you a new member? asked a middle aged man with a large red beard.
Umm yes. I was told to come here to receive my training schedule. Avery replied.
Oh yes! What is your name?
Avery Rin
Alright, let me just let me just look up your profile on the computer and I will be able to
print out your schedule.
Avery looked at the computer screen and saw her face and name flash up. Her
information was displayed on the screen but it was later changed. She heard the printer turn on
and saw that a sheet of paper was coming out of it.

Here you go Miss Rin. This paper will tell you where to go and what dorm you will
currently be staying in. Since you were told to send your stuff here earlier, all your items should
be in your room. It also seems like your training will start in about 30 minutes, so you should
plan to head out there now. Your training will take place in the practice arena so you can use the
back door if you like. Its quicker to get there that way.
Thank you very much Avery said and walked toward the back door.
As soon as she was out, she could see the arena. It was only a couple blocks away. She
walked down the cobblestone streets, kicking the loose pebbles that were dispersed throughout it.
She was excited. She was finally going to start training at the House of Seasons, but one thing
worried her. Her abilities wouldnt be useful to the house in any way.
When she entered the arena, she was surprised. There were a few people in there
practicing their abilities. She saw a boy who turned a chair into a miniature tree and a girl who
froze some water that was being thrown towards her. It was apparent how much they practiced
their abilities.
Hello there. Are you new here? asked a boy with short curly hair.
Yes. I am not really sure what I should do. Avery replied.
Oh, well dont worry, the trainer will arrive here soon. Why dont I introduce you to
everyone while you wait. Besides us two, there are only 3 others who are practicing in this arena.
By the way, my name's Mason Fair.
Im Avery Rin.
They walked toward the small group of people and everyone seemed to stop practicing.
Hey, this is Avery Rin. It seems like she will be practicing with us from now on. said
The girl who froze the water stepped towards Avery and smiled wide.
Hello Avery! Im Rea Wisps. I look forward to practicing with you. she said.
The boy who turned the chair into a tree began to chuckle.
My names Owani and I will advise you to refrain from practicing with Rea unless you
would like to become a target. He said.
Rea punched his arm and exclaimed that she wouldnt do that.
Im Bella. Nice to meet you. said a girl that Avery didnt notice was there.
From across the arena, they could hear the sound of a pair of doors opening. A man with
a dark complexion appeared and he began to say something.
You must be the new trainee, Avery. I am Mr. Ferbin. I will be training you and the
group around you. I assume you have already met everyone here.
Yes sir. Avery said.
Alright. That is good. We are going to do something a bit different from what we
normally do. This will be a great experience for you all. Follow me please.
The people around Avery began to feel excited. Avery was still unsure about what she
should do, so she just followed everyone outside of the arena. They walked for a while and then
they stopped in front of a large forest.
This is the Seep Forest. Inside it I have hidden a green egg with an inscription on it. As a
group, you will travel into the forest and find that egg. The inscription on the egg will give you
tomorrows task. Before you go into the forest, I will tell you that the egg is hidden near the
Beaming Serpents Nest, so be careful. That is all I will say. Good Luck.
Mr. Ferbin walked away and the group stood there. They were confused.

Umm What do we do now? asked Rea.

Well, I guess we have to enter the forest and look for that egg. said Mason.
The group took its first steps into the forest. The forest wasnt as treacherous as the
group thought it would be. It was a very serene place. It was filled with exotic plants and
animals, so almost everyone was amazed its beauty. Bella seemed to be the only one who was
scared. She was shaking and stayed extremely close to the group. She became a bit paranoid
when Mr. Ferbin mentioned the Beaming Serpent. Although Bella did very well with animals,
she seemed to have a fear of reptiles.
So Does anyone know where the Serpents nest is supposed to be? asked Owani.
They like to build their nests near water, so we should probably look for a river or a
pond. Bella replied.
Everytime Rea was near some water, she could feel it. She told the group that they would
be able to find a river if they went over the tall hill. Mason was the first one to reach the top of
the hill and was glad when he saw the river; however, he felt a bit of fear when he saw a large
trail near a den. At that moment, the sky began to darken. The rest of the group reached the top
and felt the same fear Mason did.
It got dark all of a sudden. said Avery.
Sorry, this happens when I become scared sometimes. I think that the nest might be
inside that den. replied Mason
Mason pointed to the den near the river and the group began to go down the hill. They
reached the entrance to the den but nobody entered.
Is the egg really in there? It feels like it would be too dangerous to go in there. asked
Mr. Ferbin didnt say it was in its nest. He just said it was near it. replied Owani.
The group looked around the den. They hoped that the egg was hidden outside of the den
instead of inside it. After few minutes of searching, Mason noticed a shiny green egg on the
other side of the river.
Hey guys! I think the egg is on the other side! Mason yelled.
The group was relieved. They wouldnt have to face the serpent directly. In order to get
across the river, Rea froze part of it to make a bridge. They crossed it and retrieved the egg.
Before they could read the inscription on the egg, there was a loud hissing noise coming from the
den. A large serpent came out of the den and slithered toward the group. Everyone was frozen.
They didnt know what to do. Rea unfroze the river, hoping that the serpent would have no way
to reach them but it just dove into the water.
Maybe the serpent is friendly. Can you talk to it Bella? asked Owani.
I I can try.
Bella tried to speak to the serpent, asking it what it was doing. The snake responded that
it was going capture its lunch. It was woken up by some yelling and now it was hungry. Bella
I think it wants to eat us Bella said.
The group began to run away. They didnt know which direction to go in.
What do we do now? There is a large man-eating serpent chasing us and we cant cross
the river! yelled Rea.
Avery got an idea. She believed that she would be able to get the group out of the forest,
but they would have to trust her.

I think I know how to get us out of here but you guys are going to have to trust me.
Alright, what do we have to do? asked Mason.
Well, we have to stop running first. Then you guys will have to hold onto my arms and
close your eyes.
The group was a bit skeptical at first, but they did as they were told. Avery closed her
eyes and began to visualize the arena where they first met. They all felt a shiver run through their
bodies and they opened their eyes. They were back in the arena. Mason, Bella, Rea, and Owani,
were confused at first, but then realized what had happened. They had been transported back to
the arena by Avery. Before anyone could comment on what happened, Avery reminded them
about the egg and they read the inscription that would tell them their next task. That night when
Avery went to sleep in her room, she smiled and thought that she would be having a lot of fun
from now on.

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