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Tanika Singh

The product we will be creating is the opening sequence to a thriller
film called They follow. The narrative is based on a girl (Emily
Wilson) who is being followed by a group of unknown people who
are hidden behind purge masks. The sequence starts with Emily
running through a forest whilst she keeps looking behind her to see
who is there. The audience will then see a group of 4, walking not
too far behind her with weapons in their hands. Emily keeps running,
even though she can no longer see the group following her. Emily is
distraught and terrified and terrified and so is not paying attention
to her surroundings. Emily runs into the road, not realising that a car
is coming. She stops and looks in shock and the audience sees
bright headlights shining on her face then the opening sequence
To promote our film before its release, we will display posters. We
have chosen this method of promotion due to our low budget.
Target audience
We have chosen the target audience 15-30. We chose this age
range as we found in our genre research that people between the
ages of 15 and 30 are more likely to be interested in the thriller
genre. People in this age group are also more likely to want a rush in
their adrenaline.
Our film is aimed towards a unisex audience. This is because
research doesnt show that the thriller genre doesnt appeal to any
specific genre. Both males and females have different reasons for
watching a thriller film. A man might go to see a thriller film for a
sense of fear and an adrenaline rush, however a woman may go to
follow the narrative.
Our chosen age group have an attitude that makes them more
inclined to want an adrenaline rush and want to experience new
things, making them more likely to watch our film. Our target
audience also generally have more free leisure time to be able to
watch our film.
The aim of our film is to create a sense of mystery in the audience,
while still having the thriller element. Our audience will also feel
curious and anxious as to what will happen next.
Our opening sequence will be set in a forest. This is because using a
forest as a location is a typical convention of a thriller, so they will

Tanika Singh
be able to identify that something bad will happen. The opening
sequence will be set in the evening, as there will be low lighting,
which is another convention of a thriller film. The main character
that is in trouble in our film is a vulnerable female; this is also a
convention of a thriller film.

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