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Lesson 8

A Monomial is a number, a variable, or a product of a number and one or more


Not Monomials

25, x, 40x

x +4, 40x+120

To factor a number means to write it as a product of its factors.

A monomial can be factored using the same method you would use to factor a number.

The Greatest Common factor (GCF) of two monomials is the greatest monomial that is
a factor of both.

Example 1: Find the GFC of each pair of monomials

4x, 12x
* 4x = 2. 2. x
* 12= 2. 2. 3. x

Write the prime factorization of 4x and 12x

Circle the common factor

So, the GCF of 4x and 12x is 2 . 2 . X or 4x

Example 2:

Find the GCF of each pair of monomials

18a, 20ab
* 18a = 2. 3 . 3 . a
* 20ab= 2 . 2 . 5 . a . B
Answer: The GCF of 18a and 20ab is 2 . a or 2a
* 12cd = 2. 2 . 3 . c. d
* 36cd = 2 . 2. 3. 3 .c. d
Answer: The GCF of 12cd and 36cd is 2.2.3.c.d or 12cd

GOT IT ? Do these Problems

Find the GCF of each pair of monomials
a. 12, 28c
c. 42mn, 14mn

b. 25x, 15xy


You can use the distributive property and the work backward strategy to express a
linear expression as a product of its factors. A linear expression is in factored form
when it is expressed as the product of its factors.

8x + 4y = 2(2x) + 4(y)
= 4(2x+y)


Factor 3x + 9

3x = 3 . X

The GCF of 8x and 4x is 4.

Distributive property

Write the prime factorization of 3x and 9


Circle the common factor

The GCF of 3x and 9 is 3. Write each term as a product of the GCF and its remaining
3x + 9 = 3(x) + 3(3)
= 3(x+3)

Factor 12x +7y

Find the GCF of 12x and 7y

12x= 2 . 2 . 3. x
7y = 7 . Y
There are no common factors, so 12x + 7y cannot be factored.

GOT IT? Do These problems

Factor each expression. If the expression cannot be factored, write cannot be factored.

d. 4x 28
f. 4x + 35


Pg . 418 - 421

e. 3x + 33y

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