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Equipment list

During the filming and editing of our two minute opening sequence production
we will be using a different variety of equipment.
Tripod-The tripod will be used to hold the camera steadily to prevent shaking
when filming providing more accurate filming and still images that will be
captured. The tripod will also present the opportunity to film different and used

more creative camera shots.

Camera-We will be using the camera to film and capture different moving and
still images. We will also use the camera to film different perspectives of the

opening sequence.
SD Memory Card-The SD Card will be where we save and store the footage of
our opening sequence. The SD Card will also be used to upload the captured
footage on to the computer ready for editing.

USB-This item will be used to back up all of our written work in case of any
computer viruses or loss of specific documents. The USB will also be used to

transfer documents to different places.

Computer/Laptop-The computer or laptop will be where the editing will be

done and where all the post production wok will be completed.

Microsoft Word-This program will be used to produce most of our post
production written work which will then be uploaded to our group blog.

Blogger-This website will be used to upload our coursework. Our final opening
sequence will also be uploaded onto to this website available for viewing as well
as our preliminary tasks which are uploaded to our personal blogs.

Final cut pro-This is the program that will be used to edit the footage we have
filmed. The editor will use the programme to create the final production by
putting scenes together and adding effects.

Scribd-This program will be used to upload our Word and PowerPoint documents
onto to our group blog.

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