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1) Interviewer: What is the reason for conducting performance appraisal in your
organization? When is the performance appraisal conducted?
CEO : The reason for conducting performance appraisal includes all the factors such
as to identify motivating methods, to decide monetary benefits and identify barriers
for performance and the performance appraisal is conducted during working hours
2) Interviewer: How many times performance appraisal is conducted in your
Organization and are you informed the reason for conducting performance
appraisal programs?
Union president said : Employees have under gone performance appraisal program
once in a year and they are informed sometimes.
3) Interviewer : Is performance appraisal properly executed in your organization
and what is performance appraisal s benefits in your organization?
Middle manager in techtique said : Yes. Performance appraisal identify employee
potential for advancement.
4) Interviewer : Are you involved along with the manager in designing the
appraisal system at the organization?
Employee 1 said: I have never involved in designing the performance appraisal
system and I usually get the training to fill up the performance appraisal forms.

5) Interviewer: Who conducts performance appraisal and they were doing a very
good job of it ?
Employee 2 said: They are managers and supervisors. They do not provide clear
goals and directions. Performance expectations are not clearly defined. Moreover,
supervisors do not follow up on the review
6) Interviewer : State your satisfaction through the performance appraisal
program at the organization
Employee 3 said: I find that the companys system for evaluating performance is not
fair. Poor performance is tolerated too long. I do not see a relationship between good
work and rewards. I think that pay should reflect performance. I want more
recognition of my efforts . I believe their pay is not tied to performance.

7) .Interviewer : Do your superior provide you performance appraisal in formal

feedbacks for performance improvement?
Employee 4 said: Superiors provide informal feedbacks for performance
improvement occasionally and a formal feedbacks is vey frequently. In many cases,
formal feedbacks encourages me to put in more effort in reaching my goals but
sometimes, when my negative points are discussed, I feel very discouraged . I do not
like to contribute them.
8) .Interviewer : Do employees share their opinion and suggestions freely to the
managers during the appraisal program?
Manager in Human resource said : Yes, of course. Employees are always free to
share their opinion and suggestions during the performance appraisal.
9) Interviewer: Is the performance appraisal reviewed and updated frequently?
Manager in Human resource said : No. Performance appraisal system is reviewed
and updated occasionally
10) .Interviewer : On what criteria is employee performance rated?
Manager in sales and marketing said: Employee performance is based
on abilities and skills, management reference, superiority , employees contribution

Human resource management 13th Edition Gary Dessler
Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, and Wright, 2007

1. Interviewer : Who conducts performance appraisal and they are good at it?
Employee 1 said: They are managers and supervisors. They do not provide clear
goals and directions. They do it follow their emotion.
Quy trinh tuyen dung khong cong bang, gioi thieu nguoi quen biet vo cong ty lam
2. Interviewer : your job satisfaction through the compensation at the organization
Employee 2 said: I find that the companys system have no opportunity to promote,
and evaluating performance is not fair. I do not see a relationship between good work
and rewards. I think that pay should reflect performance. I have stayed here as a
planning position for 3 years. I want more recognition of my efforts
3. Interviewer: Does your manager recognize you when you do a good job?

Employee 3 said: My supervisors do not follow up on their job so sometime he

know I am good at my job.
4. Interviewer: Are you satisfied with you job?
Employee 4 said: We have a good condition to work together but I do not have
chance to open knowledge and promote, salary is not high and low. You know
Economic go down so find a good job not easy.

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